故障 6 其它故障 换装新电池(注意电池的正、负极性)
1. 打主机电池盖,装入两个电池;
2. 用听筒卷线连接听筒与主机;
3. 将电话线一端插在主机电话线插座内,另一端则插在墙的电话制上。
萤幕显示说明 01 NEW CALL 12 M 08D P 09:08 05 CALL
“01”— 表示新来电数目 “12 M 08D”— 表示当前日期为 12 月 8 日 “P 09:08”--- 表示当前时间为下午 9 点 08 分 “05 CALL”—表示来电总数 “PRIV”—表示主叫方限制送出自身号码 “ERR”— 表示因电话线路干扰导致电话机接收信息有误 “TOLL”— 表示因长途号码或其他因素没有提供来电信息 “REP”—表示未查询的相同来电信息已重复两次或两次以上 “NEW CALL”—当有新来电时,该字样在显示萤幕内闪烁
电话呼出: 1.拿起听筒或按 HF 键(IN USE 灯亮); 2.听到拨号音后开始拨号,拨号后 10 秒钟开始自动计时,液晶萤幕显示通话时间; 3.通话完后,将听筒放回原位或按 HF 键收线。 重拨最后一次所拨号码: 拿起听筒或按 HF 键(IN USE 灯亮),听到拨号音后按 REDIAL 键,本机会自动拨出您最后一次所拨打 的号码。
本机在 VIP 键内可存储 10 组电话号码。 1) 待机状态下,按 STORE 键; 2) 在 5 秒内,按 VIP 键作为您号码的存储位置; 3) 输入您需存储的号码; 4) 再按 STORE 键。
Vogo M6 GSM GPRS 数字移动电话 说明书
Vogo M6 用户手册
按键名称 按键功能介绍(待机时)
左软键 1. 进入主菜单; 2. 确定;
右软键 1. 进入电话簿列表; 2. 返回;
短按:1.返回待机;2.结束通 话或拒绝来电; 长按: 关机(关机状态时开
打开手机包装盒,请确认以下物品完好无 损。如有缺失,请与当地的经销商联系。 手机 耳机 电池 充电器 数据线 说明书 T-Flash
手机尺寸: 107.5[高]*51[宽]*17.8mm[厚]
手机重量(含电池): 约 118g 电池容量: 1000mAh 电池尺寸:
属面向下,平行插入 T-Flash 卡槽内; 3 当您需要取出 T-Flash 卡时,请先关
机,拿出电池后从卡槽中取出 T-Flash 卡即可。
Vogo M6 用户手册
间进行复制、移动文件等操作,也可以通过 电脑浏览手机上保存的照片、视频、声音等 文件。 1 将 USB 数据线的插头插入手机的 USB
息。 录音:对当前通话进行录音。 保持:保持当前通话。 通话记录:查看通话记录。
在选择语言种类后通过#切换,在文本输 入的界面下,按“*”键选择标点符号。
Vogo M6 用户手册
选择该输入法图标 ,您可以通过键盘使 用拼音输入汉字(“ü”在键盘和屏幕上对 应于“V”)。按照所需要字的拼音顺序,按 键盘中对应数字键上的字母,被输入的字母 或字母组合出现在拼音显示区。通过[左右 导航键]选择字母或字母组合,对应的汉字 出现在候选字区。按[OK]键确认选择的字 母或字母组合,此时焦点将切换至候选字 区,找到所需汉字后,按[OK]键确认选字, 该汉字将显示在输入栏中光标处。此时可按 [右软键]删除光标前的文字,或长按[右软键] 清除全部文字。当屏幕上没有可清除的文字 时按[右软键]退出编辑界面。
座机电话的使用方法和常用按键说明如今,电话已经成为我们日常生活中不可缺少的工具,当然即便手机再普及,座机电话还是家庭尤其是办公室必不可少的,座机电话除了打/接之外的一些功能想必很多人还没用过,下面就以“步步高HCD007(182)TSDL ”型号的座机电话为例,给大家介绍下座机电话的使用方法及常用按键说明,虽然座机电话的功能不一,布局也不同,但主要的功能都差不多,希望给读者一个参考。
您可在待机状态下按住(闪断/铃声,键大约2秒后,待显示屏显示“ring”或“song xx”字样时松开(“xx”为当前铃声种类,本机出厂时默认响普通铃声),再连续按(闪断/铃声)键循环选择您所喜爱的和弦音乐铃声。
步步高 V10 数码随身听 说明书
01...使用之前 01--注意事项 04--主机外观图介绍 05--连接耳机 06--充电介绍07...开/关机 07--开启电源 07--关闭电源08...主菜单介绍09...锁定功能10...与计算机连接 10--推荐计算机配置 11--安装驱动及固件升级软件 14--与计算机连接 15--安全退出连接16...电子移动硬盘18...下载软件介绍 18--启动程序 19-软件界面介绍 22--下载文件 22--上传文件 23--删除文件24...音乐播放 24--界面介绍 25--音乐设置介绍 26--播放、暂停、停止 26--音量调节 26--上一曲、下一曲选择 27--A-B段重复 28--目录浏览 29--收藏夹浏览 30--同声跟唱 31--8种音效模式选择 32--用户音效编辑 33--高低音 34--5种播放模式选择 35--10秒浏览 36--2种歌词显示方式选择37...收音功能 37--手动搜索电台 38--收音设置介绍 39--电台浏览 40--自动搜索电台 41--存储电台 43--选择频道 44--编码格式选择 45--采样频率选择 46--FM录音47...录音功能 47--录音播放 48--录音设置介绍 49--A-B段重复 50--目录浏览 51--编码格式选择 52--采样频率选择 53--MIC录音54...口语训练 54--口语播放 55--口语设置介绍 56--目录浏览 57--同声跟读 58--子音同步 59--A-B段复读 60--跟读对比61...听力训练 61--A-B段复读 63--列表浏览64...电子书65...背诵 65--列表介绍 66--单词发音 67--返回列表 68--添加生词 69--生词设置 70--单词查询 71--屏幕取词72...电子词典 72--列表介绍 73--单词发音 74--返回列表 75--添加生词 76--生词设置 77--单词查询 78--屏幕取词79... 系统设置 79--界面介绍 80--语言 81--屏保时间 81--定时关机 82--待机关机 83--开机画面 83--屏保画面 84--删除所有 85--恢复默认值 86--关于 86--退出87... 删除文件88... 格式化89... 疑难解答92... 技术规格93... 售后服务94... 功能菜单树OLED显示屏USB接口复位键耳机延长线 电池充满后本机OLED显示屏上电池电量进度条不滚动,且电池电量图标显示“ ”。
USER MANUALPlug & Play with built-in OGMsPermanent memories: no tape,no battery14 minutes memory capacityCuckoo new-messageaudio reminderOne-touch Do Not Disturb functionRecordable ringerBuilt-in selectable ringing melodiesDo Not Disturb Ringer Light IndicatorDigital Receiver Volume Control3 Direct Memories and 10 Indirectphone memoriesApproved useThis telephone is approved for connection to direct exchange lines of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and compatible PBXs (please ask your supplier for an up-to-date list) but not for connection in the following manner: • as an extension to a payphone• on a shared service line or 1 + 1 carrier system.This apparatus has been approved for the use of the following facilities:• Call screening/intercept • Memo recording• Audible and visual indication of messages • Power/message indicator • Remote accessAny other usage will invalidate the approval of the apparatus if as a result it then ceases to conform to the standards against which the approval was granted. It cannot be guaranteed that this apparatus will operate correctly under all possible conditions of connection to compatible PBXs. Any cases of difficulty should be referred in the first instance to your supplier. This apparatus is suitable for connection to PBXs that return secondary proceed indication.Please note that when connection is made to any PBX, the last number redial facility must not be used.While listening to the message playback, you can do the following:Press [7] to repeat a messagePress [8] to play/stop message playback Press [9] to skip forward to next message Press [7] [7] to play previous messagePress [0] to erase the message being played Press [1] to select Mailbox 1Press [2] to select Mailbox 2Press [3] to select Mailbox 3Press [4] to select Mailbox 4Press [5] to exit from a MailboxPress [6] to access for OTHER COMMANDS Press [] to listen to menu functionsThe Other CommandsPress [1] to switch to Answer Record mode.Press [2] to switch to Answer Only.Press [3] to switch the Answer off.Press [4] to record a new Answer Record message or to stop recording Press [5] to record a new Answer Only message or to stop recording Press [6] to activate the room monitoring function.Press [7] to change the PIN Code.Press [8] to stop/playback messages or to return to first set of commands.Press [] to listen Help Commands.Press [#] to exit the remote control functions.Note:Please use the power adaptor and telephone line cord provided in this package.Technical SpecificationPower Requirement:9V AC, 400mA Length of messages:Outgoing messages Incoming messages MemoNumber of messages:Memory Capacity (total recording time):14 minutes (approximately)minimum maximum 3 seconds-- 3 minutes 3 minutesmemory capacity60 (max.)Dear Customer,Thank you for purchasing this Philips product which has been designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards.If, unfortunately, something should go wrong with this product Philips guarantees free of charge labour and replacement parts irrespective of the country where it is repaired during a period of 12 months from date of purchase. This international Philips guarantee complements the existing national guarantee obligations to you of dealers and Philips in the country of purchase and does not affect your statutory rights as a customer.The Philips guarantee applies provided the product is handled properly for its intended use, in accordance with its operating instructions and upon presentation of the original invoice or cash receipt, indicating the date of purchase, dealer's name and model and production number of the product.The Philips guarantee may not apply if:•the documents have been altered in any way or made illegible;•the model or production number on the product has been altered, deleted,removed or made illegible;•repairs or product modifications and alterations have been executed by unauthorised service organisations or persons;•damage is caused by accidents including but not limited to lightning, water or fire,misuse or neglect.Please note that the product is not defectiveunder this guarantee in the case where modifications become necessary in order for the product to comply with local or national technical standards which apply in countries for which the product was not originally designed and/or manufactured.Therefore always check whether a product can be used in a specific country.In case your Philips product is not working correctly or is defective, please contact your Philips dealer. In the event you require service whilst in another country a dealer address can be given to you by the Philips Consumer Help Desk in that country, the telephone and fax number of which can be found in the relevant part of this booklet.In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you to read the operating instructions carefully before contacting your dealer. If you have questions which your dealer cannot answer or any related question please write or call:Philips Consumer Help DeskUnit 4, Elmwood, Chineham Business Park,Crockford Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshier RG24 8WG, United Kingdom.Phone : 0645 282828Fax : 01256 707335Philips Electronics Ireland Ltd Newstead Clonskeagh Dublin 14IRELANDPhone : (01)-7640000Fax : (01)-7640175U K & IRELANDyour international guaranteeOperating the remote-control featureYou can give commands to your answering machine from another telephone by entering the 4-digit remote code.1.Dial the telephone number.2.The answer machine will answer after the number of set rings. (If it is set in Answer-Off mode, it will answer after 9 rings).3.Press to activate the remote functions.4.Enter your personal remote pin code then the messages will start to playback.5.Once all the messages have been played, the voice prompt will say “No more messages ”.6.Press to listen to the Help commands.Note :If an incorrect PIN code is entered, the voice prompt will say “Incorrectcode, please try again ”. Please enter your remote code again.-There is only three attempts to enter your PIN code.-If silence is maintained for 7 seconds, the voice prompt will say “press the for help ”.-Accessing your remote control, the display will show “00”.Listening to Incoming messages from the mailboxesThere are 4 mailboxes.To listen to messages from mailbox:1.Press the , then the display will show “01”.2.If there are any new messages, the mailbox symbol will flash.3.After 2 seconds, the display will change to show a flashing number of new messages in the mailbox.4.Play the messages.5.Press the Button to skip back to the previous message or press the next button to forward to next message.To listen to messages from other mailboxes:1.To listen to messages from mailbox 2, press the again.2.The display will show the mailbox symbol and the number 2.3.Please follow the same procedure as stated above for all mailboxes.To exit from the mailboxes and return to main store:After listening to last message in mailbox 4, press the and you ’ll return to main store.Note:During the time-out after the playback of messages in a mailbox, if you donot press any keys for 30 seconds, the answering machine will return to main store.Erasing the messagesTo erase old and listened messages:1.Press the erase key for 2 seconds while no messages are playing.Note: No new messages will be erased in order to prevent accidental erase.To erase individual messages:1.Press the erase key while the message is playing or at the end of the message before the next message starts.Operating the Cuckoo FunctionThe “Cuckoo ” function is an audio reminder that will ring every 10 minutes to remind you that there is a new message.1.Press the to turn this function “On ”, then the LED light up.2.Press theagain if you wish to turn off this function.Operating the Do Not Disturb FunctionDo not disturb function offers privacy and convenience.This function switches off all audio functions from the answering machine ringer and “cuckoo ” function.1.Press the “Do Not Disturb ” button, to turn on this function, then the LED will light up.2.If you wish to turn off this function and reactivate the other functions, press “Do Not Disturb ” button.Note:When the Do Not Disturb function is “On ”, thefunction is automaticallydeactivated, and the LED is switched off.Volume ControlIf you wish to change the volume, just push the slider up or down to the desired level.Recording a MemoYou are able to leave a message for your household members through this feature.During recording, the telephone line must be inactive and the machine must be in Answer Off mode.1.Press Answer Mode Button to Answer Off mode and the Answer Off Indicator is light up.2.Press Record button.3.After the beep and the displays shows “uc ”, speak your memo.4.Press Play/Stop or Record button to stop recording.5.After the rotating “uc ” stops, the memo will playback.6.Press Answer Mode Button once or twice to restore to previous setting.LowHighSetting the Remote CodeWhen using the answering machine for the first time, the remote code is “0000”.For the sake of security, please record and use your own 4-digits Remote Code.1.Press and the VoiceHelp will say “ PIN Code is...” and the display will show “PC ”2.Press or to change each number in your code, then once the digit you desire is displayed, press to confirm. Repeat this step for all 4 digits.3.After the fourth digit is selected, press to confirm.4.Then the VoiceHelp will repeat the selected 4-digits New Remote assess code.5.The system will exit the Menu setting mode and return to stand-by mode.Note:During the setting, system will exit the Menu mode in case of:no subsequence commend for more than 30 seconds, or pressing the PLAY / STOP key, or there is an incoming call.Return to the Menu settings, press .Answer/Record mode:If you want the machine to answer as well as record the incoming calls:1.Press once or twice, then LED - ANS/REC will light up.2.After 2 seconds, the OGM will be played.Note: During playback, the display shows “A1”Answer Only:If you want the machine announce the outgoing message to the incoming calls without recording.1.Press MODE once or twice until the LED - ANS ONLY is light up.2.After 2 seconds, the OGM will be played.Note : During playback, the display shows “A2”Answer Off:To turn off the Answering Machine:1.Press once or twice until the LED - ANS OFF is light up.2.The display shows “- -”3.VoiceHelp will announce:“Answer Off mode, to record your memo, please press , to stop recording,press STOP.”4. In case of no further command within 30 seconds, the display will show the number of messages in the machine.ANS/RECANS ONLYThank you for calling, you are connected to an answering machine, please leave your message after the beep.Thank you for calling, you are connected to an answering machine, please call later.Select your answering modeELEGANCE 99 is defaulted to answer and record the incoming calls, Answer/Record mode. To hear the default Outgoing Message (OGM), press the MODE key until the display shows “A1” and the Answer/Record Indicator is light up.ANS/REC ANS ONLY ANS OFFHow to record your outgoing message:Before recording an outgoing message, please select an corresponding mode either “Answer/Record ” mode or “Answer Only ” mode:To record Answer Record message:1.Press once then Answer/Record indicator will light up2.Press during playback or within 30 seconds of completion.3.After the beep, speak your message. You will have maximum 3 minutes for your announcement.4.Press to stop recording.5.You will hear the recorded outgoing message playback.6.To record again, press and repeat step (2) to (4).7.To confirm, press and return to stand by mode.8.To erase, press during playback. Then the pre-recorded outgoing announcement will be resumed and playback.To record Answer Only:1.Press twice to select Answer Only, then Answer Only indicator will light up and you ’ll hear the current outgoing message.2.Press during playback or within 30 seconds of completion.3.After the beep, speak your message. You will have maximum 3 minutes for your announcement.4.Press to stop recording.5.You will hear the recorded outgoing message playback.6.To record again, press and repeat step (2) to (4).7.To confirm, press and return to stand by mode.Note:When the memory is full, the machine will automatically switch from AnswerRecord to Answer Only.To erase your recorded outgoing message, press during playback.Listening to incoming messagesThe display will flash, indicating the number of new messages in main store.1.Press to listen the new messages. The messages will playback from first one recorded to the last one recorded.2. If you wish to repeat the message, press to repeat the message.3. If you wish to skip the message, press .4. If you wish to erase the message, press the button while the message is playing or before the next message.Note:If there are new messages in both main store and mailboxes, the 2 digit LEDwill only signaled.- If there are no new messages in the main store but in the mailboxes, a mail box symbol will flash in the display.-If there are no new messages either in the main store or the mailbox,then the display will show the number of old messages in the main store but it will not flash.-If there are no new or old messages at all, the display will show “0”motionless.To record Incoming message in Mailboxes4 Mailboxes are providedNot only to leave message in main store, the caller can choose to leave a message in a particular mail box by pressing the mailbox key.1.The OGM message will be played after the set number of rings.2.Press the mailbox key after the OGM e.g. press (1) for Mailbox 1, press (2) for Mailbox 2. It is the same for Mailbox 3 & 4.3.The machine will start recording incoming calls in particular mailbox.or。
二、产品特点1. 高音质通话:语音电话机采用先进的声音处理技术,能够提供清晰、稳定的通话质量,让您享受畅快的通话体验。
2. 方便操作:语音电话机的按钮布局合理,操作简单直观,方便用户进行通话、调整音量等操作。
3. 多功能:语音电话机具备拨号、接听、挂断等基本通话功能。
4. 双向语音传输:语音电话机可实现双向语音传输,让通话更加顺畅,有如面对面交流般的效果。
5. 多线路支持:语音电话机支持多线路接入,可以连接固定电话线路、VoIP网络等多种网络方式,提供更多通话选择。
三、使用方法1. 连接电源:将语音电话机的电源适配器插头插入设备的电源接口,将另一端插入电源插座,确保正常供电。
2. 连接电话线:将电话线插头插入语音电话机的电话线接口,并将另一端插入电话墙孔或电话转接器。
3. 开机启动:按下语音电话机的电源开关按钮,等待设备启动完成。
4. 拨号接听:按下语音电话机上的数字按键,输入要拨打的电话号码,然后按下通话按钮,即可开始拨号。
5. 功能设置:通过按下设备上的菜单按钮,可以进入语音电话机的功能设置界面。
6. 其他功能使用:根据需要,用户可以根据本说明书中的详细说明,对语音电话机的多种功能进行使用和设置。
四、常见问题解答1. 为什么通话质量不清晰?答:请检查电话线是否连接牢固,是否有线路干扰。
2. 电话机无法开机怎么办?答:请检查电源适配器和电源插头是否正常连接,电源插座是否通电。
步步高 BBK V305 说明书
3,*4lEe,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 38 Vn:v=sKN3gv=siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MR 4Rv}iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MS *2j*ne,mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3; ,Reiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MU 4KqKK.niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NL uXuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NP 8aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NR =_,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NS EUZ_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NT i*KU.1/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NU **KUtdKYYbi{iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OL kiY.niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OM \Urhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 53 ;b>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 53 {nq\UR2iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 56 v/=fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 63
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座机电话的使用方法和常用按键说明如今,电话已经成为我们日常生活中不可缺少的工具,当然即便手机再普及,座机电话还是家庭尤其是办公室必不可少的,座机电话除了打/接之外的一些功能想必很多人还没用过,下面就以“步步高HCD007(182)TSDL ”型号的座机电话为例,给大家介绍下座机电话的使用方法及常用按键说明,虽然座机电话的功能不一,布局也不同,但主要的功能都差不多,希望给读者一个参考。
您可在待机状态下按住(闪断/铃声,键大约2秒后,待显示屏显示“ring”或“song xx”字样时松开(“xx”为当前铃声种类,本机出厂时默认响普通铃声),再连续按(闪断/铃声)键循环选择您所喜爱的和弦音乐铃声。
2、话机设置:在挂机状态按〈设置〉键启动主菜单,LCD显示“SET 1 DA TE”,设置过程中按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉可修改参数,修改完后按<设置>键确认可进入下一项设置。
时间设置:在挂机状态下按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 1 D ATE”,按〈设置〉键确认,LC D上显示的年闪烁,此时可按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可将当前闪烁位修改,完成后按〈设置〉键确认,然后按同样的方法设置月、日、时、分,完成后按〈设置〉确认。
区码设置:在时间设置完后按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 2 CO DE”,此时按〈设置〉键确认,可进入区码设置,L CD显示“0 – - – -”,并在第一位闪烁,此时按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可将当前闪烁位修改为“0~9或-”,按〈设置〉键确认并移向下一位,设完后按〈设置〉键可完成区码的设置及进入下一项设置。
如本地码已设为“0752”,当地交换机所送的号码为“ 07522288888”时,液晶屏显示“ 07522288888”,回拨时,只将2288888拨出。
LCD亮度设置:在设置完出局码后按〈设置〉键,LCD显示“SET 4LCD”,按〈设置〉键进入亮度设置屏幕显示“LC D 3”,(上电默认为第3级,共8级),按〈上翻〉或〈下翻〉键可修改。
1 接断电话不考虑来电显示:听到电话铃声,拿起手柄或按【免提】键,即可与对方通话,此时显示屏灯亮。
2 拨打电靖拿起手柄或按【免提】键,显示屏灯亮,听到拨号音,即可拨号。
3 手柄通话与免提通话间的转换由手柄转为免提通话时,只需按一下【免提】键,放回手柄,即可转为免提通话。
4 铃声大小开关转换本机后部设有铃声大小转换开关,可根据需要选择铃声大小。
5 预置拨号按【0】至【9】数字键,如果输入号码错误,可按【删除/退出】键删除错误号码,重新输入正确号码。
6 重拨键拨出电话号码,听到忙音时,可以收线后再摘机,听到拨号音后,再按【重拨/回拨】键;或无须收线,直接按【重拔/回拨】键,本机就会自动拨出您前次输入的号码。
7 暂停键在本机作为内线分机使用时,该键可以配合您拨打外线时识别外线是否繁忙。
8 r键在与对方通话过程中,当需要把电话转接给另外一方接听时,可按【r键】键,再拨需转接的号码,即可实现电话转接或三方通话。
如何看在线视频可通过内置的第三方奇艺影视,优酷,如内置影视汇-> 优酷/奇艺影视或通过网上下载第三方在线播放器还可以直接通过浏览器登录网站,直接播放在线视频。
杂音 检查各连续线路是否有松动或脱皮等现象;与电话外线接头是否接触不良。
无响铃 接线盒处接触不良或电话线断;收线开关没有压下;机内响铃部分故障或蜂鸣器
坏。 来电只响一声铃声
检查电话线路是否正常,具体请联系当地电信局进行检修。 免提无法受话 机内免提部分故障:如稳压管击穿、喇叭开路等;没有插上电源;环境噪声太大 (>90dB(A))
家家 e #
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短信息 #
②在输入提示状态下,按“*” 或“#”键可左右移动光标。
本电话机提供单字词联想输入方式。在中文输入时会自动启用联想输入,并在提 示页中列出当前光标前一个汉字的常用组词,选择需要的字符后按“确认”键即可输入 阻抗,按“退出”键可逐层退出编辑状态。
在名片编辑状态下,长按“切换/输入法”键进入提示音选择时,再按“▲”、“▼”、 “*”、“#”键改变铃声序号以选择不同的个性化铃声,共有 50 组不同的个性化铃声。 设置完毕再长按“切换/输入法”键将光标移至其它栏目进行编辑或修改,或按“菜单” 键进入输入法菜单中选择“完成”或“重新编辑”。
当有电话打入,拿起手柄或按“免提”键,即可与对方通话,这时“使用中” 指