







大学外贸英语考试大纲Chapter 1 The Global Economic CrisisMany people believe the current global slowdown initiate in 2008, to a large extent, was of American making.Plunge in housing industry, reduced or delayed foreign direct investment, credit crunch in many a country, shrinkage of consumer spending, declining stock markets, sharp rises in unemployment rate, a much smaller number of international tourists, slowing down in countries’GDP growth are all illustrations of global economic crisis.GDP = Gross Domestic ProductMNE = Multinational EnterpriseSix tenets of international trade are taking advantage of trade agreements, protecting your brand at all costs, maintaining high ethical standards, staying secure in an insecure world, expecting the unexpected and remembering all global business is personal.G20 includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.•recession •housing start •budgetdeficit •capital flows •high yield •macroecono mic policy •liquidity •tradeprotection•tax heavens•privatesector•public sector•publicspending•balancesheet•securitiesChapter 2 American EconomyThe agricultural sector of American economy is also important, with highly mechanized farming methods and efficient pest-control techniques.Service industry in the U.S. has become more and more important, making up more than 60% of American economic activities.⏹retail sales ⏹corporate fleets⏹mini-depress ion⏹interbank rates⏹moneysupply⏹credit supply⏹junk bond⏹equity =shares/securities⏹estate agent⏹mortgagebrokers⏹job market⏹credit rating⏹labor costChapter 3 China’s EconomyDuring the early years after the People’s Republic of China was set up, the country followed the former Soviet Union’s model of economic planning and command.Mr. Edwards reckons that a decline in electricity output may mean that GDP is falling, no matter what the official figures say.Energy-guzzling heavy industries, such as steel and cement, bore the brunt of China’s downturn late in year 2008. Those who repeat the official mantra that China needs to grow by at least 8% a year to avoid social unrest has no sound economic basis.According to Chapter 3, China’s 4 trillion yuan ($ 585 billion) package of infrastructure spending, subsidies and tax cuts for businesses has been trashed by many commentators as another “Chinese fake”.Chris Wood, at CLSA, a brokerage, says the effectiveness of the stimulus hinges on the extent to which China is now a capitalist economy.Public investment will inevitably include some wasteful spending, and politically directed lending could add to excess capacity in some sectors and create new bad loans for banks. SOE State Owned EnterpriseHSBC = Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Company/Corporation OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentCPI = consumer price index⏹slump=depr ession⏹rebate = discount⏹command economy⏹planned economy⏹capitalism⏹Socialism⏹capitalisteconomy⏹bad loan⏹heavyindustry⏹economicstimulusplan⏹industrialproduction⏹trade surplus⏹letter ofcredit⏹infrastructure⏹competitiveness⏹emergingeconomiesChapter 4 Benefits of International TradeInternational trade is exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.The benefits of international trade include helping to raise the living standards of the people, to upgrade a country’s modernization, to solve a country’s shortage of capital, to solve unemployment problems, to promote mutualunderstanding and friendship between trading partners, to boost a country’s competitiveness in the world market and to accelerate its overall economic growth.GNP = Gross National ProductASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian NationsEU = European Union•deposit •foreign exchange •finance •modernizati on •industrialization•joint venture•after-salesservice•productivefactors•productivity•self-sufficiencyChapter 5 Modern Trade Theories (1)Mercantilism, representing the first stage in the development of modern trade theory, arose during the period 1500-1800 in Europe with the decline of feudalism and the rise of capitalism.Mercantilist holds that the wealth of a nation lies in gold and silver, international trade is a zero-sum game and the government’s function is to encourage export while limit import.Adam Smith’s masterpiece is An Inquiry into the Nature andCauses of the Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776. Adam Smith first described the principle of absolute advantage in the context of international trade, using labor as the only input.Adam Smith also stated that the wealth of nations depends upon the goods and services available to their citizens, rather than their gold reserves.Adam Smith was for international free trade and international division of labor.David Ricardo developed the trade principle of comparative advantage.PPF = Production Possibility Frontierabsolute advantage comparative advantage factor endowment productlife-cycle mercantilism capitalism mercantilisttradebalanceinternationaldivision oflaborneo-mercantilistconvertiblecurrencyopportunitycostfactor costsvolumeadvantageChapter 6 Modern Trade Theories (2)H-O theory was developed from comparative advantage theory.H-O theorists hold that differences in relative factor endowments and factor prices constitute the most important explanation of the basis for international trade.With trade the relative differences in resources prices between nations tend to be eliminated or to be equalized as a result of continuous specialization in the production of the commodity of a nation’s comparative advantage.H-O theory fails to turn enough attention to the increasing importance of the roles played by science and technology in the international division of labor and international trade.H-O theory fails to touch on the maximization of profit-seeking as one of the most fundamental reasons for capitalist countries to trade with other countries.Leontief is an economist who won the Nobel Prize in international economics in 1973.One of the influential theories attempting to explain Leontief paradox is the product life-cycle theory.The product life-cycle theory is primarily concerned with the role of technological innovation as key determinant of trade patterns in manufactured products.The stages that many manufactured goods go through include introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, decline stage and losing to foreign competitors stage. Boeing and McDonnel Douglas are examples of first-mover advantage.According to gravity model of trade, trade between two countries increases with their economic size, but decreases with the distance between them.Andrew Rose’s innovation was to add membership of a currency union as a possible influence on trade.●home market ●productionprocess●economies ofscale ●currency union●businessexecutives●monopoly●exportsourcing●productioncapabilityChapter 7 Arguments on Government Intervention in International TradeThe category of arguments on government intervention in international trade cover a range of issues including: protecting jobs and industries, national security, retaliation, protecting consumers, furthering foreign policy objectives and protecting human rights.CAP = Common Agricultural PolicyVERs = Voluntary Export RestraintsMFN = Most Favored NationGM food= genetically modified foodThere are two types of trade regimes in countries around the world, which are free trade and managed trade or fair trade. Government intervention arises in various forms, mainly are tariff, non-tariff trade barrier, quota and investment barriers. Developed countries including the United States also have their own human rights problems.The infant industry argument has been recognized as a legitimate reason for protectionism by the WTO.Hong Kong government put up most of the cash –$1.74 billion –to build Hong Kong Disneyland, which is an example of investment incentives.Three criteria have been especially popular among supporters of strategic trade policies. They are(1) industries are desirable if they have high value added per worker; (2) Industries are desirable if they pay high wages; and (3) Industries are desirable if they make use of high technology.•anti-dumpin g •importquotas•non-tarifftradebarriers•Big ThreeGeneralMotors, Ford, and Chrysler •subsidies •foot-mouth •mad cowdisease•tradesanction•infantindustry•consortium•chipChapter 8 International Trade PoliciesA country’s international trade policies include import and export commodity policies which are policies formulated on the basis of a country’s general foreign trade policies, economic structure and domestic market conditions.The most important goals or objectives of international trade policies of various countries are to protect a country’s domestic markets, to protect a country’s domestic industries, to expand a country’s export markets, to promote the improvement of a country’s industrial structure, to accumulate capital or funds, and to maintain a country’s economic and political relations with other nations. Government following free trade policy do not attempt to set up barriers whatsoever to import and export trade. Protective tariffs, voluntary exports restraints, import quotas, import licensing system are all important forms of protective trade policies.Tariffs are the oldest and simplest instrument of trade policies.Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. constitution.A specific tariff is expressed in terms of a fixed amount of money per physical unit of the imported product.An ad valorem tariff, much like a sales tax, is a fixed percentage of the value of the imported good as it enters the country.Subsidies in developed countries take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.A voluntary export restraint is a variant on import quota.As with tariffs and subsidies, both import quotas and VERs benefit domestic producers by limiting import competition. Both developing nations and developed nations have used local content requirements.As with all trade policies, local content regulators tend to benefit producers not consumers.In the context of international trade, dumping is variously defined as selling goods in a foreign market at below their cost of production or as selling goods in a foreign market at below their “fair”market value.The Japanese are masters of administrative policies.GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade•specific tariff •ad valorem tariff•protective tariff •punitive tariff •cash grants •tax break •import substitution •profit margin •customsinspector•industrialstructure•preferentialtreatment•tradesanction•patent law•copyrightpiracy•copyrightlaw•thethird-worldnation•think tank•Job OneChapter 9 Regional Economic IntegrationRegional economic integration form includes preferential trade arrangement, a free trade area, a customs union, a common market, an economic union and a political union. The EU has 27 member states now.The EU was created in 1993 from the European Community, which itself grew from the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, and the European Economic Community.Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Parliament and European Court of Justice are the four institutions that govern the EU.NAFTA helps to boost trade and reduce tariffs among Mexico,Canada and U.S..Some people have claimed that NAFTA has resulted in a mass exodus of jobs from the U.S. and Canada into Mexico as employers sought to profit from Mexico’s lower wages and less strict environmental and labor laws.NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement/Area APEC = Asia Pacific Economic CooperationCEPA = Closer Economic Partnership ArrangementHong Kong (SAR) = Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ECFA = Economic Cooperation Framework Agreementfiscal policy employment policy intermediate producttradevolumeindustrialpolicyCitigroupCommerceMinistryChapter 10 Exchange Rate and International TradeIf yuan rises against the dollar, China’s exports to the U.S. will become more costly, and this will slow down or even stop the export growth rate.Basically there are two types of exchange-rate system: the fixed exchange-rate system and the floating exchange-rate system.Under fixed exchange-rate system, the rate between onecurrency and another is fixed and maintained by the government.By floating or flexible exchange rates, we mean currency prices are determined by the market forces.BOP = Balance of Payments•exchange rate •foreign currency •fixed exchange-ra te •floating exchange-rate•foreignexchangemarket•centralbanks•financialmarket•currencyregime•budgetdeficit•propertymarket•rebate•mutual fund•insurancecompanyChapter 11 The Balance of PaymentsAn international transaction refers to the exchange of goods, services, and assets between one country and the rest of the world.The BOP of a country is often mainly composed of the current account and capital account.A credit transaction is one that results in a receipt of a payment from foreigners.A debit transaction is one that leads to a payment to foreigners.Double-entry bookkeeping means each international transaction is recorded twice in the BOP account, once as a credit and one as a debit of an equal amount.•accounting principle •economic policy •monetarypolicy•asset•currenttransfers•visible trade•officialreserveaccount•currencybandChapter 12 International Investment and Multinational EnterprisesThe main reasons for MNCs to operate abroad are to secure supplies of raw materials, to utilize cheap labor sources, to service local markets and to bypass protectionist barriers. International investment in terms of its form, is basically of two types: foreign indirect investment and foreign direct investment.Portfolio investors normally do not aim to obtain a managerial control of a corporation.Portfolio investments are therefore financial assets. Investments made by MNCs abroad in building factories,producing capital goods, in buying land and inventories are all examples of foreign direct investments.Direct investments are now the principal channel of international private capital flows.The most controversial of the alleged harmful effects of MNCs on the home nation is the loss of domestic jobs resulting from FDI.The second problem is that MNCs by making FDI reduce the home country’s tax revenue.Finally, due to the MNCs’active participation in the international capital markets, they can make it difficult for the home nation to control over the national economy.⏹multinationa l corporations ⏹stock ownership ⏹host country ⏹dividend⏹factor movement ⏹debtobligation⏹subsidiary⏹distributionnetwork⏹capitalgoods⏹inventory⏹oligopolisticmarket⏹tradeinvestment⏹humanresources⏹the WorldBankChapter 13 GATTGATT is the predecessor of the WTO.The GATT was not a formal international trade body but an international treaty or a multilateral agreement.In one word, the GATT was signed to liberalize world trade. The GATT rests on the following eight principles: non-discrimination, protection by tariff and tariff concession, general elimination of quantitative restriction, fair trade based on prohibition of dumping and restriction of export subsidies, exemption and emergency action principle, consultation and mediation principle, special preferential treatment to developing countries and transparency principle. The first three are essential.In a nutshell, the GATT had made the four contributions to the development of world trade, which are tariff reduction, preferential treatment to developing countries, general elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade in some sectors and setting-up of the WTO in 1994.Although the completion of the Uruguay Round was of itself a great achievement, only some of its aims were met and many trade problems remain.The first and most important problem of Uruguay Round is that many sectors were not included in the agreement. Without this GATT deal, the world might have slipped intoincreasingly dangerous trade wars.UR = Uruguay RoundWTO = World Trade OrganizationFOB = Free on Board离岸价格CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格most-favore d-nation provision preferential tariffexport license countervailin g duty primary productexemptionandemergencyactionconsultationandmediationresearch costsecurity firmcentrallyplannedeconomymarketeconomyDoha RoundNon-discriminationContractingpartiesChapter 14-16 WTOThe WTO as formally set up on January 1, 1995, which has wider and more permanent power than the GATT.The WTO is a formal international trade institution enjoying the full status of a legal person.The GATT only addressed issues concerning trade in goods while the WTO’s governance is extended to include theservice trade.The WTO has a new “dispute settlement understanding”, designed to reach judgement in much shorter time than GATT. The cardinal principles of WTO inherited from the GATT which serve as the foundation of a multilateral trading system are as follows: most-favored-nation treatment principle, national treatment principle, transparency principle, free trade principle and fair competition principle.Ministerial Conference is the highest decision-making body, which is composed of trade ministers of all the WTO members.Under the MC there is the General Council which is supposed to perform the responsibilities of the WTO when the MC is not in session.DSU = dispute settlement understandingGSP = generalized system of preferenceMC = Ministerial ConferenceGC = General CouncilNTBs = non-tariff barriersTAC = textiles and clothingGATS = General Agreement on Trade in ServiceTRIPS = Agreement On Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property RightDSB = Dispute Settlement Body GMO = Genetically Modified Organism•subject matter •certificate of origin •safeguard measure •export financing •budgetary estimate •final accounting of revenue andexpenditure•nationaltreatment•disputesettlementbody•customsclassification•designatedorgan•materialdamage•forced labor•grace period•supernational treatment•first-to-invent rule•healthcare•labelingsystem•investmentregulations•povertyalleviation•terror attack•vestedinterests。



关于外贸的高考知识点高考知识点:关于外贸外贸(Foreign Trade)是指一个国家或地区与其他国家或地区进行的跨国贸易活动。





















外贸人,学外贸英语常用缩写:英语函电的语气-使语气自然的方法(1) 使用交谈式语言,尽量避免业务术语。

不用:Re your letter of the 21st inst. , in connection with our account, we are remitting our check herewith, as per your request, in the amount of $100.00.而用:As requested in your letter of the 21th June, we are enclosing our check for $100.00.(2) 在保持交谈式语句简明特点的同时,又要避免俚语或结构欠佳的语句。

不用:Hello,This is Charles Fonda. I'm writing about the contract. Mr. Wu asked us to explain the new clause.而用:We received a letter from Mr.Wu today asking us to explain the new clause in the contract.(3) 使用读者词汇量围以的词语。




a. In addition to the cash dividend, the Board of Directors of this Corporation has decided to award common shareholders a stock dividend. One hundred fifty thousand shares will be distributed pro rata. Since you own three hundred shares, you will receive three additional shares as your stock dividend.b. Each year we declare cash dividends. Cash dividends are sums of money which the Board of Directors of this Corporation distributes to every shareholder of common stock. This year, in addition to the cash dividend, the Board of Directors has decided to declare a stock dividend. A stock dividend is like a cash dividend except that payment is in shares instead of cash.c. In addition to the cash dividend, the Board of directors of this Corporation has decided to declare a stock dividend to holders of common stock. One hundred fifty thousand shares will be distributed pro rata. This means that each stockholder will receiveone additional share for each one hundred shares that he or she owns. Since you own three hundred shares, you will receive three additional shares as your stock dividend.英语函电的语气-恰当语气的特点一封商业函电的语气反映了笔者对待读者的态度。



外贸常用知识点归纳总结总结好的,以下是外贸常用知识点的归纳总结,适合学生必修学习资料的整理:### 1. 国际贸易术语(Incoterms)- FOB (Free on Board):卖方负责将货物送到指定船上。

- CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight):卖方负责支付货物运输到目的港的费用,包括保险。

- DDP (Delivered Duty Paid):卖方负责将货物交付到买方指定地点,且承担所有费用和风险。

### 2. 贸易合同- 合同条款应明确货物描述、数量、价格、交货时间、付款条件等。

- 了解不同国家的合同法和国际贸易惯例。

### 3. 支付方式- 信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C):银行作为中介,保证卖方收到货款。

- 托收(Documents against Payment, D/P):卖方通过银行提交单据,买方付款后取单。

- 电汇(Telegraphic Transfer, T/T):直接银行转账。

### 4. 货物运输- 海运、空运、陆运和多式联运的基本知识。

- 了解不同运输方式的成本、时间以及风险。

### 5. 保险- 海运保险:通常包括货物损失或损坏的保险。

- 信用保险:保护卖方免受买方违约的风险。

### 6. 贸易壁垒- 关税、配额、许可证等贸易保护措施。

- 了解WTO规则和区域贸易协定。

### 7. 外汇管理- 汇率变动对贸易的影响。

- 外汇风险管理策略。

### 8. 贸易法规与合规- 了解出口国和目的国的贸易法规。

- 遵守反洗钱、反恐融资等国际合规要求。

### 9. 电子商务与数字贸易- 跨境电商平台的运作模式。

- 数字贸易的法律和税务问题。

### 10. 风险管理- 信用风险、市场风险、操作风险的识别与管理。

### 11. 文化差异与商务礼仪- 不同文化背景下的商务沟通技巧。

- 国际商务礼仪和习俗。

### 12. 国际市场营销- 了解目标市场的需求和偏好。



外贸英语基础词汇速记一、常见外贸行业词汇1.1 订单相关词汇•Order(订单)•Invoice(发票)•Proforma invoice(形式发票)•Purchase order(采购订单)•Sales order(销售订单)•Payment terms(支付条款)•Delivery terms(交货条款)1.2 运输和物流词汇•Shipment(装运)•Freight(货物运费)•Carrier(承运人/运输公司)•Customs clearance(海关清关)•Bill of lading (B/L) (提单)•Container (集装箱)1.3 贸易方式和合作方式•Exports(出口)•Imports (进口)•Trade (贸易)•Free trade (自由贸易)•International trade(国际贸易)•Joint venture (合资企业)二、短语和例句当处理外贸事务时,以下是一些常用的短语和例句。

2.1 订单确认短语a) 确认订单:Dear Sir/Madam,We are pleased to confirm the order for [产品名称] at the agreed price of [价格]. Please find attached the signed purchase order.Thank you for your business.Best regards, [你的名字]b) 确认发货:Dear Sir/Madam,We are pleased to inform you that your shipment of [产品名称] has been dispatched today. The estimated delivery time is [交货时间].Please find attached the shipping details, including the tracking number. Best regards, [你的名字]2.2 运输和物流短语a) 缺货通知:Dear Customer,We regret to inform you that item [产品名称] is currently out of stock. We are working diligently to replenish our inventory and expect to have it available in [预计时间].We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.Best regards, [你的名字]b) 收到货物确认:Hi [承运人/供应商姓名],I just wanted to let you know that we have received the shipment of [产品名称]. Thank you for ensuring its safe arrival.Best regards, [你的名字]三、常见外贸词汇学习技巧3.1 使用闪卡记忆法用一张纸条或卡片,将英文单词写在一侧,中文意思写在另一侧。



Chapter 5Licenses 许可证 Formalities 手续 Delivery 发货 Document 单证Duty=tariff 关税 Customs formalities 海关手续 Customs clearance 清关International chamber of commerce 国际商会EXW Ex Works (…named place)工厂交货 FCA Free Carrier 货交承运人(……指定地点)FAS --- Free Alongside Ship 船边交货(……指定装运港)FOB, Free on Board (…Named port of Shipment) 指定装运港船上交货FOB Liner terms 班轮条件 FOB under tackle 吊钩下交货 FOB stowed 并理舱 FOB trimmed 并平舱CFR (COST AND FREIGHT ,…NAMED PORT OF DESTINA TION)成本加运费(……指定目的港)CFR liner terms 班轮条件 CFR landed 岸上交货 CFR ex-ship ’s hold 船底交货 CIF (COST ,INSURANCE AND FREIGHT ,…NAMED PORT OF DESTINA TION)成本加保险费、运费(……指定目的港)CPT(carriage paid to (d place of destination)) 运费付至.(..指定目的地)CIP(carriage and insurance paid d of destination)运费和保险付至...指定目的地 Instant notice 及时通知Chapter 6Sales by Sample 凭样品买卖Representative samples 代表性样品 Sale by buyer ’s sample 凭买方样品买卖 Return sample 回样 Counter sample 对等样品 Sealed sample 密封的样品 Reference sample 参考样品 Sales by specification/grade/standard 凭规格/等级/标准买卖 Sales by brand or trademark 凭品牌买卖Sales by description, drawing or diagram 凭说明书或图表买卖 F.A.Q(fair average quality)良好平均品质G .M.Q(good ,merchantable quality)良好可销品质Metric system 公制 The British System 英制 The U.S System 美制 International Measurement Conference 国际度量衡协会 International System of Units(SI) 国际单位制By gross weight 按毛重计算 By net weight 按净重计算 By actual tare 按实际皮重 By average tare 按平均皮重 By customary tare 按习惯皮重 By computed tare 按约定皮重、 Gross for net 以毛作净 By conditioned weight 按公量计算 By theoretical weight 按理论计算 More or less clause 溢短装条约Chapter 7Conference line vessels 班轮工会船 Non- conference line vessels 非班轮工会船 Tramp ships 定期远洋货轮 V oyage charter 定程租船 Charter ships 租船 Dead freight 空舱费要背出来哦Lay days 装卸货时数Demurrage charter 滞期费Dispatch money 速遣费Time charter 定期租船Bare boat charter 光船租船Surcharge 附加运费Bill of lading 提单Chapter 8Insurer 保险人Perils of sea 海上风险The insured 被保险人insurance applicant 投保人Insurance broker 经纪人claimant 索赔者Coverage 险种percentage of addition 投保加成率Extraneous risks 外来风险Natural calamity 自然灾害Fortuitous accident 意外事故General Extraneous risks 一般外来风险Special Extraneous risks 特殊外来风险A verage 海损Total loss 全部损失Actual total loss 实际全损Constructive total loss 推定全损Partial loss 部分损失General average 共同海损Particular average 单独海损Sue and labor expenses 所谓施救费用Salvage charges 救助费用FPA(free from particular average)平安险WPA(with particular average)水渍险All risks 一切险、General additional risks 一般附加险Special additional risks 特殊附加险Additional coverage 附加险Premium 保险费Insurance policy 保单Insurance claim 索赔Insurance amount 保险金额Premium rate 保费率Chapter9Cost of production 生产成本selling and delivery costs 销售运送成本Domestic charges 国内费overseas freight 海运费Customs duties 关税commission 佣金Discount 折扣plain commission 明佣Secret commission 暗佣commission rate 佣金率Net price 净价c-included price 含佣价Unit price 单价total amount 总值Chapter 10Amount of payment 支付金额payment currency 支付货币Depreciate 贬值appreciate 增值Evaluation currency 估价货币convertible currency 可交换的货币Bill of exchange/draft/bill 汇票promissory note 本票Drawer 出票人drawee 受票人Payee 收款人drawing =to issue 出票Endorsement 背书blank endorsement 空白背书Special Endorsement 特别背书Restrictive Endorsement 限定性背书General Endorsement 一般背书finance under bills of exchange 汇票的融资Without recourse 无追索权prior party 前手Conditional endorsement 有条件的背书endorser 背书人Presentment 提示acceptance 承兑Dishonor 拒付recourse 追索Protest 据证书right of recourse 追索权Bona fide holder 合法持有人sight draft 即期汇票Time draft 远期汇票banker’s draft/bank draft 银行汇票Commercial bill/trader’s bill 商业票据documentary bill 跟单汇票Clean bill 光票汇票discounting 贴现Net proceeds 净收入forfeiting 罚金打款Commercial promissory note 商业本票banker’s promissory note 银行本票Checque 支票transfer check 转账支票Crossed check 划线支票remittance 汇付Collection 托付letter of credit 信用证Favorable exchange 顺付adverse exchange 逆付Bank guarantee 银行担保the remitting bank 汇出行The remitter 汇款人the paying bank 汇入行Beneficiary 受益行mail transfer M/T信汇Telegraphic transfer T/T电汇demand draft D/D票汇Open account 赊销payment in advance 预付货款Principal 委托人卖方remitting bank 托收行Collecting bank 代收行the presenting bank 提示行Customer’s representative in case of need 必要时的代理Documents against payment D/P付款交单D/P at sight 即期付款交单D/P at days after sight 见票后几天后付款trust receipt 信托收据Documents against acceptance D/A承兑交单applicant 开证申请人Issuing bank 开证行advising bank 通知银行Revocable documentary credit 可撤销的信用证the irrevocable documentary credit 不可撤销的信用证the confirmed irrevocable documentary credit 保兑不可撤销信用证the negotiation 议付SWIFT 环球同业银行金融电讯协会trade association 贸易联合会Cash check 现金支票notory public 公证机关贸易术语贸易术语主要运费风险转移界限出口报关责任费用谁负担进口报关...运费方式EXW 买方商品所在地(工厂)交货买方处置时买方买方任何方式FCA 买方出口国内地货交承运人处置时卖方买方任何方式FAS 买方装运港货交船边后卖方买方水上运输FOB 买方货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方水上运输CFR 卖方货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方水上运输CIF 卖方货物越过装运港船舷卖方买方水上运输非常重要CPT 卖方出口国内地,港口货交卖方承运处置时卖方买方任何方式CIP 卖方出口国内地,港口货交卖方承运处置时卖方买方任何方式1.EXW (Ex-works…named place——工厂交货……指定地)使用方式:各种运输方式该术语是指卖方在其所在处所(工厂或仓库等)将货物提供给买方时,即履行了交货义务。



语法部分第一讲虚拟语气I. 考点分析:虚拟语气是动词的特殊形式,用来表达说话人的意愿、建议、请求、意图、惊奇、设想等未能或不可能成为事实的情况,以及在说话人看来实现的可能性很小的情况。



虚拟语气的考查要点有:1. 虚拟语气的形式:分清虚拟时间和主从句的动词形式十分重要,因此我们把所有虚拟语气的不同类型列例如:If I were invited, I would come.If she were not ill, she could do a lot of things.3. if条件句中如谓语动词是were, had, should, could时,可以省略if, 把它们前置。

例如:Had my father a lot of money, he would send me abroad.Could I do it, I would surely do it.Should the Black Death reappear, what should we do?(万一黑死病再次出现,我们该怎么办?)4. 错综时间的条件句是难点,如99年1月第60题: If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you wouldn’t be smiling now.(从句用过去完成时,主句用现在进行时)又如:If I were you, I would have gone to the film last night.(从句虚拟现在,主句虚拟过去);If we hadn’t got everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow.(从句虚拟过去,主句虚拟将来);If the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better.(从句虚拟过去,主句虚拟现在)5. 虚拟句的另一难点是省略if条件句的含蓄条件句,如:I would have written the paper before, but I have beenill.(=If I had not been ill, I would have written the paper before.);A true friend would have acted differently. (=A friend, if he had been true, would have acted differently.)6. 注意介词短语without, but for, in the absence等表示虚拟条件。



国际贸易英语知识点总结一、国际贸易术语(Incoterms)1. FOB (Free on Board)- 含义:卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。


- 示例:We offer the goods FOB Shanghai.(我们提供上海港船上交货价的货物。

)- 相关费用:卖方负责将货物运至装运港船上之前的一切费用,包括国内运输、装卸等费用;买方负责从装运港到目的港的运费、保险费等。

2. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责支付货物成本、保险费和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。

- 示例:The price is quoted CIF New York.(价格报的是纽约港到岸价。

)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物到达目的港之前的成本、保险费和运费;买方负责卸货后的费用,如进口关税等。


3. CFR (Cost and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责货物成本和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。


- 示例:We can supply the goods CFR London.(我们可以供应伦敦港成本加运费价的货物。

)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物运至目的港的成本和运费,买方负责保险费及卸货后的费用。



1. 信头(Letterhead)- 包含公司名称、地址、联系方式(电话、传真、电子邮箱等)。

- 例如:ABC Company.123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001.Tel: +1 - 212 - 1234567.Fax: +1 - 212 - 1234568.Email:*******************.2. 称呼(Salutation)- 如果知道对方姓名,用“Dear Mr./Ms. + 姓氏”,如“Dear Mr. Smith”;如果不知道具体姓名,可用“Dear Sir/Madam”或者“To Whom It May Concern”。



外贸英语学习资料⼤全为了帮助⼤家学习到更多外贸英语知识,⽅便⼤家的⼯作和⽣活,下⾯⼩编给⼤家带来外贸英语学习资料⼤全,更多讯息请关注店铺!外贸英语学习资料:建⽴贸易关系Unit 1:Establishing trade relation.建⽴贸易关系 The following conversation is between Mr.Gatty, an importer from Britain, and Mr.Dong,a director of Liming Foodstuffs factory. Mr Gatty is visiting the sample room of the factory and Mr Dong is accompanying with him.Mr Dong: Here is our sample room.Mr Gatty: You certainly have got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here.Mr Dong: Yes. We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries. And the demand is getting greater and greater.Mr Gatty: So it is. Though we havent done business with you, as you know, your exports of foodstuffs to our country have considerably increased during the last few years. It appears that Chinese foodstuffs are very attractive.D:You said it .The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs .By the way ,which items are you interested in ?G:Canned goods are of special interest to me ,particularly the canned fruit and meat.As your canned fruit is among the most popular ones in our market,I'm going to place an order in a day or two .D:Good .How about our canned meat?G:I think it will also find a good marketing in our country.Will you show me some samples?D:Yes.This way ,please! Our canned meat is in various weighs .The largest one weighs three and a half pounds net,the smallest seven ounces net.G: The small sizes are more saleable in our market than the large ones .I've brought with me a sample of canned meat Which is only six ounces .The smallest size of yours is even bigger than that of mine .I wonder if your canned meat tastes better.D:Your are welcome to have a try .Here it is .Ours is of prime quality .G:Oh, It's delicious.Mm...I'm not sure about the pesticide residues in your foodstuffs ,though I'm sure,you must have given much thought to the matter.But you know ,our governmental restrictions have been getting more and more tight,so we are not allowed to import any polluted goods.D:You can rest assured .Our foodstuffs are guaranteed to conform to WHO standards.G:Good.I'd like to order meat of this kind in seven ounce tins if the price is competitive.D:What about other canned goods ,such as canned mushrooms and vegetables?G:They are not as saleable as canned fruit ,I suppose .D:Mm , no .I really do not think that is so .They are also among our major exports and have found a favourable reception in many other countries.G:Then ,may I have a look at the samples first ?D:Certainly .Here you are .G:Ah ,very nice indeed .But I am not sure whether they are to the taste of our people .What would you say to my taking some samples home before I make a decision?D:That's all right.G:Well ,I have an appointment at 4:00.shall we talk about over tomorrow moning ?D:Ok ,See you tomorrow .D:Doodbye!!Dialogue 1:A:Would you like to have a see at our showroom,Ms Olive?B:I Love to.A:This way,please.B:Thanks you.How beautiful.A:Where shall we start?B:It will take hours if I really look a look at everything.A:You may be interests in our some items.Let's look at those.B:Good idea.I can just have plans and a rest.A:By the way,Ms Olive.How long have you been in this business?B:I have been this for more than 20years,but the company it this business since 1935.A:No wonder you are so experienced.B:That 's our business have becoming difficult since competition growA:That's true.B:Do you have a catalogue or something tells me about your company?A:Yes,I will get you some later.B:Thanks.When can we work for a deal?A:Would tomorrow be convenient?B:Yes,I will be fine.Dialogue 2:A:Excuse me,could you tell me where I can order electronical planes?B:This line will be glad to take your order.Here's my card.A:Thanks.Here's my card.I'm Adison from ABC trading company limited.We've imports electronics and chain systems.B:We've have a look at our samples.A:Your development of electronical products have been remarkable.B:Yes,our research has had a good results.A:Do you produce middle tape recorders?What's that?Is it television sets?B:No,that's television phone.It is still experimental.A:What's the problem?B:We have to solve the problem of using agricutural focusing waves and around 1000 hz..I've forgotten to ask you what products you are interested in.A:I think I have already seen some items we'd like to order.But allow us to study them a little further.B:Okay,go ahead.A:I will probably let you know by tomorrow.B:I will be expecting you tomorrow morning,saying am I.A:Tomorrow am I.Prefect.商务英语学习资料:外贸出差A: Excuse me, is this the office of the Textile Corporation?A:对不起,请问这是纺织公司的办公室吗?B: Yes, What can I do for you?B:是的,有什么事能帮你吗?A: I'm from CTC Trade Company. Here is my card.A:我来⾃CTC 贸易公司,这是我的名⽚。

外贸英语 知识点

外贸英语 知识点

1. 外贸基础知识:了解国际贸易的基本概念、国际贸易的形式和模式、进出口的基本流程和步骤等。

2. 贸易方式和交易方式:了解不同贸易方式(如进出口贸易、代理贸易、合资合作等)和交易方式(如FOB、CIF、DDP 等),熟悉各种交易方式的特点和适用范围。

3. 外贸操作流程:包括询盘、报价、谈判、签约、装运、结算等各个环节的具体操作,了解每个环节的重要事项和注意事项。

4. 国际贸易术语:熟悉国际贸易常用的英文术语,如INCOTERMS、L/C、T/T、B/L等,了解这些术语的含义和使

5. 贸易文件和证书:了解常见的贸易文件和出口证书,如发票、装箱单、产地证书、检验证书等,知道如何填写和使用这些文件和证书。

6. 国际贸易的风险管理:了解不同的贸易风险,如信用风险、汇率风险、物流风险等,学会如何进行风险评估和管理,以减少贸易风险带来的损失。

7. 外贸谈判和沟通技巧:掌握外贸谈判和沟通的基本技巧,了解不同文化背景下的交流方式和礼仪,学会如何与国外客户建

8. 国际贸易政策和法规:了解国际贸易的相关法律法规和政策,如关税规定、进口限制、贸易协定等,以便在外贸业务中合规经营。





模具行业英语词汇大全dowel pin 定位梢draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆drive bearing 传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套ejector valve 顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板flanged pin 带凸缘销flash gate 毛边形浇口flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头gate 浇口gate land 浇口面gib 凹形拉紧楔goose neck 鹅颈管guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板guide rail 导轨head punch 顶头冲孔headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器injection ram 压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套inner plunger 内柱塞inner punch 内冲头insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢皮革行业英语词汇artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革FOB和CIF相关具体费用分别有哪些这里关键是FOB价格如何计算,如果算出FOB价格了,就可以计算其它价格了。





一、贸易方式1. 出口贸易:指将本国产品卖给国外,为本国创汇。

2. 进口贸易:指购买国外产品进口到本国,为国外创汇。

二、贸易术语1. EXW(Ex Works):工厂交货价,卖方只需将货物交到买方指定地点即可。

2. FOB(Free on Board):离岸价,卖方负责将货物交到指定装运港口,并负担货物的装卸费用。

3. CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight):成本加保险加运费,卖方负责将货物送到目的港口,并负担货物的保险费用和运费。

4. DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):完税后交货,卖方负责将货物送到买方指定地点,并负担所有费用和税款。

三、支付方式1. 预付款:在货物发运前,买方先付款给卖方。

2. 信用证:由买方向银行发出指示,要求该银行按卖方的要求向其付款。

3. 托收:卖方将交单委托银行代为向买方收款。

四、运输方式1. 海运:适用于远距离、大批量的货物运输。

2. 空运:适用于急需货物和高价值货物的运输。

3. 陆运:适用于同城或者距离较近的货物运输。

4. 铁路运输:适用于国内跨省或跨国货物运输。

五、关税与非关税壁垒1. 关税:进口或出口货物需要缴纳的税费。

2. 非关税壁垒:包括配额限制、质量标准、进口许可证、技术壁垒等,限制着特定产品的进口和流通。

六、贸易风险管理1. 信用风险:买方无力或不愿意支付货款。

2. 汇率风险:因外币兑换率波动导致汇款金额变化。

3. 运输风险:货物在运输途中受损、丢失或延误。

4. 政治风险:发生战争、动乱等不稳定情况影响贸易。

5. 法律风险:出口入境的法律法规、合同约定等问题。

七、贸易政策1. 关税优惠政策:政府根据特定国家或地区之间的双边或多边协议,减少或免除关税。

2. 出口退税政策:国家为鼓励出口,返还一定比例的出口商品的进口环节税款。






1. 国际贸易术语十三种-------------------------------------------------------- 22. 外贸单证常用词汇200句-------------------------------------------------- 6外贸单证词汇 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 63. 专业外贸术语的英文表达------------------------------------------------ 18 3.1.支付条件(T ERMS OF PAYMENT) ------------------------------------- 18 3.2.催开信用证(P RESSING FOR L/C) -------------------------------------- 203.3.修改信用证(A MENDMENT TO L/C) ---------------------------------- 214. 国际结算常用英语词汇 ----------------------------------------------- 225. 外贸英语口语:打造金牌销售------------------------------------------ 246. 外贸常用语——商品检验------------------------------------------------ 277. 不可不知的国际贸易英语------------------------------------------------ 358. 企业外贸业务用语大全--------------------------------------------------- 379. 采购员必须掌握的英语词汇--------------------------------------------- 4310. 疯狂商务英语30句------------------------------------------------------ 4411. 6种英文邀请信范文------------------------------------------------------ 4712. 交际英语:美式待客之道 ---------------------------------------------- 5814. 钱在英语中的二十六种使用方法 ------------------------------------- 6515. 几种外贸出口单据的制作 ---------------------------------------------- 671. 国际贸易术语十三种《1990年国际贸易术语解释通则》共列出十三种贸易术语,其要点如下:(一)工厂交货( EXW)本术语英文为"EX Works(... named place)",即"工厂交货(......指定地点)"。



外贸交易知识点总结英文International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It is an important aspect of the global economy and can have a significant impact on a country's economic growth and development. Here are some key points to consider when engaging in international trade:1. Trade Agreements and Tariffs- Trade agreements are formal agreements between two or more countries to facilitate and promote trade and economic cooperation. These agreements may include provisions for reducing or eliminating tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers.- Tariffs are taxes or duties imposed on imported goods and are used to protect domestic industries and generate revenue for the government. Tariffs can have a significant impact on the cost and availability of goods in the importing country.2. Exporting and Importing- Exporting is the sale of goods and services to foreign markets, while importing is the purchase of goods and services from foreign markets. Both exporting and importing can provide opportunities for businesses to expand their customer base and increase revenue.- Exporting and importing require careful consideration of regulations, documentation, and logistics. It is important for businesses to understand the legal and logistical requirements for international trade in order to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure smooth transactions.3. Currency Exchange and Exchange Rates- Currency exchange is the conversion of one currency into another for the purpose of trade or investment. Exchange rates represent the value of one currency relative to another and can fluctuate based on a variety of factors, including economic conditions and geopolitical events.- Fluctuations in exchange rates can have a significant impact on the cost and profitability of international trade. Businesses engaged in international trade should monitor exchange rates and consider strategies to manage currency risk, such as hedging and forward contracts.4. Trade Finance- Trade finance refers to the financial instruments and products that facilitate international trade, such as letters of credit, trade finance loans, and export credit insurance. These financial tools can help businesses mitigate the risks associated with international trade and access the capital needed to support their trade activities.- Trade finance can be complex and requires a thorough understanding of international trade regulations and financial practices. Businesses should work with experienced financial and legal professionals to navigate the complexities of trade finance and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.5. Trade Compliance and Documentation- International trade is subject to a variety of regulations and documentation requirements, including customs declarations, import and export licenses, and compliance with trade sanctions and embargoes. Non-compliance with these requirements can result in significant penalties and legal consequences.- Businesses engaged in international trade should have robust compliance programs in place to ensure adherence to applicable laws and regulations. This may include engaging with customs brokers, legal counsel, and trade compliance experts to navigate the complexities of international trade regulations and documentation.6. Market Research and Cultural Considerations- Before entering a new international market, businesses should conduct thorough market research to understand the local demand, competitive landscape, and cultural considerations. Cultural differences can have a significant impact on business practices, communication, and consumer behavior.- Businesses should be mindful of cultural nuances and adapt their marketing and business strategies accordingly to effectively engage with customers in international markets. This may include tailoring product offerings, marketing messaging, and business practices to align with local customs and preferences.7. Risk Management and Insurance- International trade involves various risks, including political, economic, and commercial risks. Businesses should consider strategies to mitigate these risks, such as obtaining trade credit insurance, political risk insurance, and commercial risk insurance.- Effective risk management is critical to the success of international trade operations. Businesses should assess and quantify their risk exposure and implement strategies to mitigate and transfer risk. This may include working with insurance providers, legal counsel, and risk management experts to develop a comprehensive risk management strategy.8. Intellectual Property Protection- Intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, are essential for protecting innovation and creativity in international trade. Businesses should understand the importance of intellectual property protection and take steps to safeguard their intellectual assets in international markets.- Intellectual property infringement is a significant risk in international trade, particularly in regions with weak intellectual property enforcement. Businesses should take proactive measures to protect their intellectual property, including obtaining patents and trademarks, enforcing their rights through legal channels, and working with local counsel to navigate intellectual property regulations in foreign markets.9. Ethical and Social Responsibility- Businesses engaged in international trade should uphold ethical and social responsibility standards throughout their operations. This may include adhering to fair labor practices, sustainability initiatives, and responsible sourcing and manufacturing practices.- Ethical and social responsibility considerations are increasingly important in international trade, as consumers and stakeholders demand transparency and accountability from businesses. Companies should implement ethical and socially responsible practices in their international operations and communicate these efforts to their stakeholders.In conclusion, international trade presents significant opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and access new markets. However, navigating the complexities of international trade requires careful consideration of trade regulations, financial practices, risk management, and ethical considerations. Businesses should work with experienced professionals and stakeholders to develop a comprehensive international trade strategy and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. By approaching international trade with a thorough understanding of its complexities and risks, businesses can maximize the benefits of global trade and position themselves for success in the international marketplace.。



中国外贸英语知识点总结1. Business EtiquetteIn Chinese culture, business etiquette plays an important role in building and maintaining relationships. Therefore, understanding the proper way to address and greet business partners is crucial. In FTE, it is common to use titles such as Mr., Mrs., or Miss, followed by the person's last name. For example, Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Li, or Miss Wang. When addressing a group of people, it is polite to use the collective term "Ladies and Gentlemen" or "Gentlemen" for males and "Ladies" for females.In addition, knowing the appropriate way to exchange business cards is essential. When giving and receiving business cards, it is customary to use both hands as a sign of respect. The card should be presented with the Chinese side facing upwards, and it is polite to take a moment to look at the card before putting it away.2. NegotiationNegotiation is a crucial part of international trade, and understanding the cultural nuances and communication style of the Chinese can greatly facilitate successful business deals. In China, the concept of "guanxi," or building personal relationships, is important in business negotiations. It is common for Chinese businesspeople to spend time getting to know their counterparts before discussing business matters. Therefore, patience and building trust are essential during negotiations.In FTE, it is important to use polite language and show respect to the other party. Phrases such as "I understand your point of view" and "I appreciate your perspective" can help to maintain a positive atmosphere during negotiations. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, as these can convey respect and understanding.3. Shipping and LogisticsWhen dealing with shipping and logistics in international trade, it is important to have a good understanding of the terminology and processes involved. In FTE, knowledge of shipping terms, such as FOB (Free on Board), CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight), and LCL (Less than Container Load), is essential for communicating with Chinese suppliers and shipping companies.For example, when discussing the terms of delivery, it is important to clarify whether the shipment will be FOB or CIF. If the shipment is FOB, the buyer is responsible for the transportation costs and assumes the risk once the goods are loaded onto the vessel. If the shipment is CIF, the seller is responsible for the transportation costs and insurance until the goods reach the port of destination.4. Payment Terms and FinanceUnderstanding the various payment terms used in international trade is crucial for conducting business with Chinese companies. In FTE, terms such as L/C (Letter of Credit), T/T (Telegraphic Transfer), and D/P (Documentary Payment) are commonly used. It is important to clarify the payment terms with the supplier before placing an order to avoid any misunderstandings.For example, when discussing payment terms, it is important to confirm the method of payment, currency, and the timing of payments. In FTE, it is common to use phrases such as "We propose to open an L/C at sight for the total amount," or "We will make a 30% deposit and the balance will be paid upon receipt of the goods."5. Quality Control and InspectionMaintaining product quality and ensuring compliance with international standards is essential in international trade. In FTE, it is important to communicate the quality requirements and inspection processes with Chinese suppliers to avoid any discrepancies.For example, when discussing quality control, it is important to use precise and clear language to convey the requirements. Phrases such as "We require the goods to meet the ASTM standards," or "We will conduct an inspection before the goods are shipped," can help to ensure that the supplier understands the expectations.6. Legal and Regulatory ComplianceUnderstanding the legal and regulatory requirements for international trade is crucial for ensuring compliance and avoiding potential issues. In FTE, it is important to be familiar with terms related to import-export regulations, customs clearance, and trade agreements. For example, when discussing regulatory compliance, it is important to use phrases such as "We need to ensure that the goods meet the import regulations of our country," or "The customs clearance process will be handled by our appointed agent."Conclusion:In summary, China Foreign Trade English is a specialized form of English used in international trade and commerce involving Chinese companies. Understanding the key knowledge points of FTE, such as business etiquette, negotiation, shipping and logistics, payment terms, quality control, and legal compliance, is essential for professionals working in trade-related fields. By mastering FTE and understanding the cultural nuances of conducting business with Chinese companies, professionals can effectively communicate with their Chinese counterparts and facilitate successful business deals.。



外贸人应该必会的英语知识(2)茶话会 Tea party包餐/点餐Table d’htel/a la carte上菜 Serve a courst您的位置在这里。

Here is your seat.请入席! Please have a seat.欢聚一堂 Enjoy this happy get-together请随便! Please yourself at home. /Please enjoy yourself.请各位随意用餐。

Help yourself please.您喝点什么? What would you like to drink?现在我提议,为了…和…之间的合作,为了…参议员的健康,干杯! At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between … And … , to the health of Senator…, cheers!最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯! Lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, I propose a toast to …请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast for the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯! Here's to you!祝你健康! To your health!我要为此干杯! I'll drink to that!随量! Whatever you like!我失陪一会儿! Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵! Hope you enjoy yourself.女士们先生们,欢送各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。

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大学外贸英语考试大纲Chapter 1 The Global Economic CrisisMany people believe the current global slowdown initiate in 2008, to a large extent, was of American making.Plunge in housing industry, reduced or delayed foreign direct investment, credit crunch in many a country, shrinkage of consumer spending, declining stock markets, sharp rises in unemployment rate, a much smaller number of international tourists, slowing down in countries’GDP growth are all illustrations of global economic crisis.GDP = Gross Domestic ProductMNE = Multinational EnterpriseSix tenets of international trade are taking advantage of trade agreements, protecting your brand at all costs, maintaining high ethical standards, staying secure in an insecure world, expecting the unexpected and remembering all global business is personal.G20 includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America.•recession •housing start •budgetdeficit •capital flows •high yield •macroecono mic policy •liquidity •tradeprotection•tax heavens•privatesector•public sector•publicspending•balancesheet•securitiesChapter 2 American EconomyThe agricultural sector of American economy is also important, with highly mechanized farming methods and efficient pest-control techniques.Service industry in the U.S. has become more and more important, making up more than 60% of American economic activities.⏹retail sales ⏹corporate fleets⏹mini-depress ion⏹interbank rates⏹moneysupply⏹credit supply⏹junk bond⏹equity =shares/securities⏹estate agent⏹mortgagebrokers⏹job market⏹credit rating⏹labor costChapter 3 China’s EconomyDuring the early years after the People’s Republic of China was set up, the country followed the former Soviet Union’s model of economic planning and command.Mr. Edwards reckons that a decline in electricity output may mean that GDP is falling, no matter what the official figures say.Energy-guzzling heavy industries, such as steel and cement, bore the brunt of China’s downturn late in year 2008. Those who repeat the official mantra that China needs to grow by at least 8% a year to avoid social unrest has no sound economic basis.According to Chapter 3, China’s 4 trillion yuan ($ 585 billion) package of infrastructure spending, subsidies and tax cuts for businesses has been trashed by many commentators as another “Chinese fake”.Chris Wood, at CLSA, a brokerage, says the effectiveness of the stimulus hinges on the extent to which China is now a capitalist economy.Public investment will inevitably include some wasteful spending, and politically directed lending could add to excess capacity in some sectors and create new bad loans for banks. SOE State Owned EnterpriseHSBC = Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Company/Corporation OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentCPI = consumer price index⏹slump=depr ession⏹rebate = discount⏹command economy⏹planned economy⏹capitalism⏹Socialism⏹capitalisteconomy⏹bad loan⏹heavyindustry⏹economicstimulusplan⏹industrialproduction⏹trade surplus⏹letter ofcredit⏹infrastructure⏹competitiveness⏹emergingeconomiesChapter 4 Benefits of International TradeInternational trade is exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories.The benefits of international trade include helping to raise the living standards of the people, to upgrade a country’s modernization, to solve a country’s shortage of capital, to solve unemployment problems, to promote mutualunderstanding and friendship between trading partners, to boost a country’s competitiveness in the world market and to accelerate its overall economic growth.GNP = Gross National ProductASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian NationsEU = European Union•deposit •foreign exchange •finance •modernizati on •industrialization•joint venture•after-salesservice•productivefactors•productivity•self-sufficiencyChapter 5 Modern Trade Theories (1)Mercantilism, representing the first stage in the development of modern trade theory, arose during the period 1500-1800 in Europe with the decline of feudalism and the rise of capitalism.Mercantilist holds that the wealth of a nation lies in gold and silver, international trade is a zero-sum game and the government’s function is to encourage export while limit import.Adam Smith’s masterpiece is An Inquiry into the Nature andCauses of the Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776. Adam Smith first described the principle of absolute advantage in the context of international trade, using labor as the only input.Adam Smith also stated that the wealth of nations depends upon the goods and services available to their citizens, rather than their gold reserves.Adam Smith was for international free trade and international division of labor.David Ricardo developed the trade principle of comparative advantage.PPF = Production Possibility Frontierabsolute advantage comparative advantage factor endowment productlife-cycle mercantilism capitalism mercantilisttradebalanceinternationaldivision oflaborneo-mercantilistconvertiblecurrencyopportunitycostfactor costsvolumeadvantageChapter 6 Modern Trade Theories (2)H-O theory was developed from comparative advantage theory.H-O theorists hold that differences in relative factor endowments and factor prices constitute the most important explanation of the basis for international trade.With trade the relative differences in resources prices between nations tend to be eliminated or to be equalized as a result of continuous specialization in the production of the commodity of a nation’s comparative advantage.H-O theory fails to turn enough attention to the increasing importance of the roles played by science and technology in the international division of labor and international trade.H-O theory fails to touch on the maximization of profit-seeking as one of the most fundamental reasons for capitalist countries to trade with other countries.Leontief is an economist who won the Nobel Prize in international economics in 1973.One of the influential theories attempting to explain Leontief paradox is the product life-cycle theory.The product life-cycle theory is primarily concerned with the role of technological innovation as key determinant of trade patterns in manufactured products.The stages that many manufactured goods go through include introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, decline stage and losing to foreign competitors stage. Boeing and McDonnel Douglas are examples of first-mover advantage.According to gravity model of trade, trade between two countries increases with their economic size, but decreases with the distance between them.Andrew Rose’s innovation was to add membership of a currency union as a possible influence on trade.●home market ●productionprocess●economies ofscale ●currency union●businessexecutives●monopoly●exportsourcing●productioncapabilityChapter 7 Arguments on Government Intervention in International TradeThe category of arguments on government intervention in international trade cover a range of issues including: protecting jobs and industries, national security, retaliation, protecting consumers, furthering foreign policy objectives and protecting human rights.CAP = Common Agricultural PolicyVERs = Voluntary Export RestraintsMFN = Most Favored NationGM food= genetically modified foodThere are two types of trade regimes in countries around the world, which are free trade and managed trade or fair trade. Government intervention arises in various forms, mainly are tariff, non-tariff trade barrier, quota and investment barriers. Developed countries including the United States also have their own human rights problems.The infant industry argument has been recognized as a legitimate reason for protectionism by the WTO.Hong Kong government put up most of the cash –$1.74 billion –to build Hong Kong Disneyland, which is an example of investment incentives.Three criteria have been especially popular among supporters of strategic trade policies. They are(1) industries are desirable if they have high value added per worker; (2) Industries are desirable if they pay high wages; and (3) Industries are desirable if they make use of high technology.•anti-dumpin g •importquotas•non-tarifftradebarriers•Big ThreeGeneralMotors, Ford, and Chrysler •subsidies •foot-mouth •mad cowdisease•tradesanction•infantindustry•consortium•chipChapter 8 International Trade PoliciesA country’s international trade policies include import and export commodity policies which are policies formulated on the basis of a country’s general foreign trade policies, economic structure and domestic market conditions.The most important goals or objectives of international trade policies of various countries are to protect a country’s domestic markets, to protect a country’s domestic industries, to expand a country’s export markets, to promote the improvement of a country’s industrial structure, to accumulate capital or funds, and to maintain a country’s economic and political relations with other nations. Government following free trade policy do not attempt to set up barriers whatsoever to import and export trade. Protective tariffs, voluntary exports restraints, import quotas, import licensing system are all important forms of protective trade policies.Tariffs are the oldest and simplest instrument of trade policies.Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. constitution.A specific tariff is expressed in terms of a fixed amount of money per physical unit of the imported product.An ad valorem tariff, much like a sales tax, is a fixed percentage of the value of the imported good as it enters the country.Subsidies in developed countries take many forms including cash grants, low-interest loans, tax breaks, and government equity participation in domestic firms.A voluntary export restraint is a variant on import quota.As with tariffs and subsidies, both import quotas and VERs benefit domestic producers by limiting import competition. Both developing nations and developed nations have used local content requirements.As with all trade policies, local content regulators tend to benefit producers not consumers.In the context of international trade, dumping is variously defined as selling goods in a foreign market at below their cost of production or as selling goods in a foreign market at below their “fair”market value.The Japanese are masters of administrative policies.GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade•specific tariff •ad valorem tariff•protective tariff •punitive tariff •cash grants •tax break •import substitution •profit margin •customsinspector•industrialstructure•preferentialtreatment•tradesanction•patent law•copyrightpiracy•copyrightlaw•thethird-worldnation•think tank•Job OneChapter 9 Regional Economic IntegrationRegional economic integration form includes preferential trade arrangement, a free trade area, a customs union, a common market, an economic union and a political union. The EU has 27 member states now.The EU was created in 1993 from the European Community, which itself grew from the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, and the European Economic Community.Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Parliament and European Court of Justice are the four institutions that govern the EU.NAFTA helps to boost trade and reduce tariffs among Mexico,Canada and U.S..Some people have claimed that NAFTA has resulted in a mass exodus of jobs from the U.S. and Canada into Mexico as employers sought to profit from Mexico’s lower wages and less strict environmental and labor laws.NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement/Area APEC = Asia Pacific Economic CooperationCEPA = Closer Economic Partnership ArrangementHong Kong (SAR) = Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ECFA = Economic Cooperation Framework Agreementfiscal policy employment policy intermediate producttradevolumeindustrialpolicyCitigroupCommerceMinistryChapter 10 Exchange Rate and International TradeIf yuan rises against the dollar, China’s exports to the U.S. will become more costly, and this will slow down or even stop the export growth rate.Basically there are two types of exchange-rate system: the fixed exchange-rate system and the floating exchange-rate system.Under fixed exchange-rate system, the rate between onecurrency and another is fixed and maintained by the government.By floating or flexible exchange rates, we mean currency prices are determined by the market forces.BOP = Balance of Payments•exchange rate •foreign currency •fixed exchange-ra te •floating exchange-rate•foreignexchangemarket•centralbanks•financialmarket•currencyregime•budgetdeficit•propertymarket•rebate•mutual fund•insurancecompanyChapter 11 The Balance of PaymentsAn international transaction refers to the exchange of goods, services, and assets between one country and the rest of the world.The BOP of a country is often mainly composed of the current account and capital account.A credit transaction is one that results in a receipt of a payment from foreigners.A debit transaction is one that leads to a payment to foreigners.Double-entry bookkeeping means each international transaction is recorded twice in the BOP account, once as a credit and one as a debit of an equal amount.•accounting principle •economic policy •monetarypolicy•asset•currenttransfers•visible trade•officialreserveaccount•currencybandChapter 12 International Investment and Multinational EnterprisesThe main reasons for MNCs to operate abroad are to secure supplies of raw materials, to utilize cheap labor sources, to service local markets and to bypass protectionist barriers. International investment in terms of its form, is basically of two types: foreign indirect investment and foreign direct investment.Portfolio investors normally do not aim to obtain a managerial control of a corporation.Portfolio investments are therefore financial assets. Investments made by MNCs abroad in building factories,producing capital goods, in buying land and inventories are all examples of foreign direct investments.Direct investments are now the principal channel of international private capital flows.The most controversial of the alleged harmful effects of MNCs on the home nation is the loss of domestic jobs resulting from FDI.The second problem is that MNCs by making FDI reduce the home country’s tax revenue.Finally, due to the MNCs’active participation in the international capital markets, they can make it difficult for the home nation to control over the national economy.⏹multinationa l corporations ⏹stock ownership ⏹host country ⏹dividend⏹factor movement ⏹debtobligation⏹subsidiary⏹distributionnetwork⏹capitalgoods⏹inventory⏹oligopolisticmarket⏹tradeinvestment⏹humanresources⏹the WorldBankChapter 13 GATTGATT is the predecessor of the WTO.The GATT was not a formal international trade body but an international treaty or a multilateral agreement.In one word, the GATT was signed to liberalize world trade. The GATT rests on the following eight principles: non-discrimination, protection by tariff and tariff concession, general elimination of quantitative restriction, fair trade based on prohibition of dumping and restriction of export subsidies, exemption and emergency action principle, consultation and mediation principle, special preferential treatment to developing countries and transparency principle. The first three are essential.In a nutshell, the GATT had made the four contributions to the development of world trade, which are tariff reduction, preferential treatment to developing countries, general elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade in some sectors and setting-up of the WTO in 1994.Although the completion of the Uruguay Round was of itself a great achievement, only some of its aims were met and many trade problems remain.The first and most important problem of Uruguay Round is that many sectors were not included in the agreement. Without this GATT deal, the world might have slipped intoincreasingly dangerous trade wars.UR = Uruguay RoundWTO = World Trade OrganizationFOB = Free on Board离岸价格CIF = Cost Insurance and Freight 到岸价格most-favore d-nation provision preferential tariffexport license countervailin g duty primary productexemptionandemergencyactionconsultationandmediationresearch costsecurity firmcentrallyplannedeconomymarketeconomyDoha RoundNon-discriminationContractingpartiesChapter 14-16 WTOThe WTO as formally set up on January 1, 1995, which has wider and more permanent power than the GATT.The WTO is a formal international trade institution enjoying the full status of a legal person.The GATT only addressed issues concerning trade in goods while the WTO’s governance is extended to include theservice trade.The WTO has a new “dispute settlement understanding”, designed to reach judgement in much shorter time than GATT. The cardinal principles of WTO inherited from the GATT which serve as the foundation of a multilateral trading system are as follows: most-favored-nation treatment principle, national treatment principle, transparency principle, free trade principle and fair competition principle.Ministerial Conference is the highest decision-making body, which is composed of trade ministers of all the WTO members.Under the MC there is the General Council which is supposed to perform the responsibilities of the WTO when the MC is not in session.DSU = dispute settlement understandingGSP = generalized system of preferenceMC = Ministerial ConferenceGC = General CouncilNTBs = non-tariff barriersTAC = textiles and clothingGATS = General Agreement on Trade in ServiceTRIPS = Agreement On Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property RightDSB = Dispute Settlement Body GMO = Genetically Modified Organism•subject matter •certificate of origin •safeguard measure •export financing •budgetary estimate •final accounting of revenue andexpenditure•nationaltreatment•disputesettlementbody•customsclassification•designatedorgan•materialdamage•forced labor•grace period•supernational treatment•first-to-invent rule•healthcare•labelingsystem•investmentregulations•povertyalleviation•terror attack•vestedinterests。
