国际贸易实务 复习资料

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Type of marks (标识的类型) a. Shipping marks b. Information marks c. Indicative marks d. Warning marks Marking requirement (标识的要求) a. Internationality b. Visibility c. Legibility d. Indelibility

a. Shipped/on board bill(已装船提单) b. Received for shipment bill(备运提 单) c. Clean bill(清洁提单) d. Dirty bill (不记名提单) e . Straight bill(记名提单) f. Order bill(指示提单) g. Bearer bill(不记名提单)
C组 CIF : Cost Insurance and Freight 成本保险加运费 CFR: Cost And Freight 成本加运费 CPT: Carriage Paid To 运费付至 CIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid To运费保险付至 D组 DAF:Delivered At Frontier(边境交货) DEQ:Delivered Ex Quay (目地港码头交货) DES: Delivered Ex Ship (目地港交货) DDP:Delivered Duty Paid(完稅后交货) DDU:Delivered Duty Unpaid(未完税交货)

Use of draft (汇票的使用程序) Issuance-Presentation-Acceptance-Payment (出票)-(提示)-(承兑)-(付款) Promissory (本票) Check(支票) Remittance type(汇付的类型) a. Telegraphic transfer(电汇) b. Demand draft c. Mail transfer(信汇)
商务英语立体化系列教材 第二版 王沅沅 编著 复习重点
一共分为四组分别为 E/F/C/D E组 EXW: Ex Works(工厂交货)

F组 FAS: Free Alongside Ship (船边交 货) FCA:Free Carrier (货交承运人) FOB: Free On Board (船上交货)

What should a clause of shipment include? a. Time of shipment b. Port of shipment and port of destination c. Advice of shipment d. Partial shipment and transshipment. Enquiry- Offer-Counter offer-Acceptance (询盘)-(发盘)-(还盘)-(接受) Offer 分为 Definite offer (实盘) Indefinite offer (虚盘)

How are the terms structured in inconterm ? Inconterm are created to provide a set of rules in international trade for the interpretation of the most commonly used terms in foreign trade. What should be considered in the choice of terms of delivery? a. Transport capacity b. Customer’s location c. Freight rate d. Loading and unloading facilities and local port custom. e. Risks in transit

第二章 Exercise 1. What are the key issues that a contract must spell out clearly. a. The seller’s and buyer’s responsibilities and associated cost. b. The time and place of delivery c. Documents and expense d. Title to the goods

State monopoly of import and export(国家进 出口垄断):with this form of barrier, import and export are restricted by giving exclusive authorities of import and export to only a limited number of state companies that are well under the control of the government. Advanced deposit(预付押金): this barrier increases the cost of imports by forcing importers to deposit a percentage of the total value of the import for a period of time without interest or with low interest.

Type of L/C(信用证的类型) a. unconfirmed L/C & unconfirmed L/C b. sight payment documentary credit c. sight negotiation documentary credit d. Transferable L/C & untranferable Type of collection(托收的类型) a. documents against payment at sight b. documents against payment after sight c. documents against acceptance

Quota (配额):this is a quantitative restriction or upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value. Import License(进口许可证): an import license is a permit for import issued by the government to control the import of the goods that have strategic importance to the importing country . Voluntary export restraints (自愿出口限制): enable one country to force onto another country though bilateral agreement a low rate of increase in export volume.

班轮运输基本程序 a. Find out freight rates b. Select shipping line and in reliable service but reasonable cost c. Book shipping space d. Register cargo on a shipping note(S/N) e. Register detail on the customs forms. f. Arrange packing including shipping marks g. Receive calling forward notice from shipping line h. Send cargo to the port of shipment I. pay freight bill J. receiving from the shipping liner a bill of landing k. Send B/L via shipping liner or directly to consignee

What are the key differences between liners and tramps? A liner operates over a regular route according to an advertised time table but a tramp doesn’t operate this way . Instead a tramp is a vessel hired to pick up cargo from almost any port and go directly to the port of destination. What is FIO stand for and means? FIO: free in and out. FIO is a price term indicative that the shipper is responsible for the cost of loading goods on to the vessel and unloading goods from the vessel.

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Quotation (报价) a . Direct quotation (直接报价法) b. Indirect quotation(间接报价法) c. Cross exchange rate(交叉盘) Type of draft (汇票的类型) a. Commercial draft(商业汇票) b. Banker’s draft(银行汇票) c. Sight draft(即期汇票) d. Time/usuance draft(远期汇票)
What are the main factors influencing type of cargo packaging? a. Nature of cargo b. Transport c. Customs or statutory requirments d. Cost e. Ease of handing and stowage f. Insurance acceptance conditions.

Foreign Export Control (外汇限制):this currency restriction intends to control import by preventing domestic residents from acquiring sufficient foreign currency to pay for imports. Government procurement policy(政府采购政 策) :This policy stipulates that government organization must use local products unless some conditions are met. Health & sanitary regulation (健康及卫生条例)

a. Bale b. Bags c. Barrel/Drum d. Box/Case e. Glass container f. Carton(纸箱) g. Crate/Skeleton(板条箱) Deadweight(最大载重量) Broken stowage(亏仓)
