
54 Cosmetic inspection
55 Cover Tape
56 CP (capability index)
57 CP (Control Plan)
58 CPAR (Corrective and Preventive Action Request)
9 Adhesion force
10 Adhesive Dimension
11 Adhesive Oozing/Overflow
12 Adhesive thickness
13 Aging
14 Alcohol
15 AOD (Accept On Deviation)
16 AOI (Automatic optical inspection)
59 CPI (continuous Process Improvement)
60 CPK (capability process index)
61 CQE (Customer Quality Engineering)
62 CR (Critical)
63 CRI (Color Rendering Index)
147 MES (Manufacturing Execution System) 148 MFG (Manufacturing) 149 Mid-Power 150 MIN (Minor) 151 Mixing 152 MP (Mass Production) 153 MPM (Manufacturing Project Management) 154 MRP (Material Requirement Plan) 155 MSA (Measurement System Analysis) 156 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 157 No light 158 NPI (New Production Introduction) 159 OA (Office Automation) 160 OCAP (Out of Control Action Procedure) 161 ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) 162 OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness) 163 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 164 OP (Operator) 165 Open 166 Operation Instruction 167 Optical test 168 Optoelectronic 169 OQC (Outgoing Quality Control) 170 ORT (Outgoing reliability test) 171 Oxidation 172 Packing 173 Panel Light 174 Part Number 175 Particle 176 Parto 177 PCB (Printed Circuit Board) 178 PCT 179 PE (Process Engineering) 180 peeling 181 Peeling force 182 PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 183 phosphor 184 Physical de-cap/manual de-cap 185 Placement equipment 186 PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) 187 PM (Project Management) 188 PMC (Product Material control) 189 PME (Process and Manufacturing Engineering) 190 Po 191 PO (Purchase Order) 192 PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) 193 PPC (Production Plan Control) 194 PQC (passage quality control) 195 Pressure 196 Prevention 197 Probability density function 198 Procedure 199 Process 200 Process capability analysis 201 Process control and Process capability 202 Prohibit 203 Projection Lamp 204 Protective Film 205 QA (Quality Assurement) 206 QC (Quality Control) 207 QCC (Quality Control Circle) 208 QCP (Quality control plan) 209 QE (quality engineering) 210 QFN (Quad Flat No-lead) 211 QS (Quality System) 212 Quality/Reliability/Service 213 Random numbers 214 RD (Research&Develop) 215 Reel 216 Reflow 217 Reject 218 Repeatusility 219 Reproducibility 220 residual 221 Rework 222 RMA (Return Material Advice)

LED照明专业术语中英文对照1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 benchtop supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in perman ent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characte ristics section is not implied.超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。
25 Failling edge 下降沿26 figure of merit 品质因数27 float charge voltage 浮充电压28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级29 forward voltage drop 前向压降30 free-running 自由运行31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级35 gerber plot Gerber 图36 ground plane 接地层37 Henry 电感单位:亨利38 Human Body Model 人体模式39 Hysteresis 滞回40 inrush current 涌入电流41 Inverting 反相42 jittery 抖动43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅47 level-shift 电平移动48 Line regulation 电源调整率49 load regulation 负载调整率50 Lot Number 批号51 Low Dropout 低压差52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点54 Non-Inverting 非反相55 novel 新颖的56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压58 out drive stage 输出驱动级59 Out of Phase 异相60 Part Number 产品型号61 pass transistor pass transistor62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET63 Phase margin 相位裕度64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备66 power down 掉电67 Power Good 电源正常68 Power Groud 功率地69 Power Save Mode 节电模式70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管78 resistive divider 电阻分压器79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通85 stray inductances. 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,=Np / Ns。

中文 发光二极管; LED 固态照明 半导体照明 英文 light-emitting diode solid state lighting semiconductor lighting 定义 当被电流激发时通过传导电子和光子的再复合产生受激 辐射而发出非相干光的一种半导体二极管。 采用固体发光材料, 如发光二极管 (LED) 场致发光 、 (EL) 、 有机发光(OLED)等作为光源的照明方式。 采用 LED 作为光源的照明方式。 具有 PN 结结构、有独立正负电极、加电后可辐射发光的 分立半导体晶片。 由单个或多个发光二极管芯片和驱动电路、 控制电路封装 在一起、 带有连接接口并具有发光功能且不可拆卸的整体 单元。 由 LED 或 LED 模块和电子元器件组合在一起, 具有一定功 能并可维修或拆卸的组合单元。
发光效能; luminous efficacy 光源的光视效能 luminous efficacy of a source ηV 辐射的光视效能 luminous efficacy of radiation K 眩光 光轴 glare optical axis 光源发射的光通量ФV 与其消耗的电功率 P 的比值,单位 为 lm/W。 光源发射的光通量ФV 与其发射的辐射功率Фe 的比值,单 位为 lm/W。 由于光亮度的分布或范围不恰当,或对比度太强,而引起 不舒适感或分辨细节或物体的能力减弱的视觉条件。 关于主辐射能分布中心的一条直线。
中文 bond) 烧结 引线键合; 压焊 LED 封装 灌封 塑封 点胶封装 sinter
英文 应的位置上。
通过高温加热,使银胶固化。 为了形成欧姆接触用金属引线连接 LED 芯片电极与支架 (框架)的引出端。 将 LED 芯片和焊线包封起来,并提供电连接、出光和散热 通道、机械和环境保护及外形尺寸。 采用模条灌装成型的封装方式。 采用模压成型的封装方式。 采用点胶成型的封装方式,也称软包封。

15.色品坐标(x, y) (Chromaticity coordinate):一种三色刺激值中的每一值与与它们的总和 之比。在CIE标准色度系数中,色坐标用系数x、y、z表示。即颜色的坐标,色坐标精确 表示了颜色。 注:ST/T 11395-2009,定义3.7.6 16.相关色温Tc(K)(correlated color temperature): 黑体轨迹上,和某一光源的色品坐标相距最
8.最大正向直流电流(maximum forward DC current - IFM(mA)):允许通过LED的 最大的正向直流电流,超过此值可损坏二极管
9.最大正向脉冲电流(maximum forward pulse current - IFP(mA)):允许通过LED 的最大的正向脉冲电流
10.最大反向电流(maximum reverse current - IR(μA)):允许通过LED的最大的反 向直流电流
注:GB/T 5853-1986,定义3.31 17.显色指数Ra(color rendering Index):光源显色性的度量。以被测光源下物体的颜色和参照
光源下物体的颜色的相符合程度来表示。国际照明委员会CIE把太阳的显色指数定位100 注:ST/T 11395-2009,定义3.7.1 18.色饱和度(color saturation): 色饱和度也称为色纯度(Purity),是指彩色的纯洁性。在x-y
7.发光亮度L(cd/m2) (luminance):光源在某一方向上的亮度是光源在该方向上 的单位投影面积、单位立体角中发射的光通量。即:光源在某一方向上单位 面积所发出的光强度。单位:cd/m2 注1:1m2的面光源在其法线方向的光强为1cd,则光源在该方向的亮度为 1cd/m2 注2:在三安光电股份有限公司,芯片参数-发光亮度的英文代码为LOP 8.照度E(lx勒克斯)(illuminance):被照物体单位面积上所接受的光通量。单位: 勒克斯(lx) 注:1lm的光通量均匀地照射在1平方米的面积上的照度为1lx 9.峰波长(peak wavelength -λp (nm)):光谱辐射功率最大的波长。 注:在三安光电股份有限公司,芯片参数-峰波长的英文代码为WLP

照明基本的专业词汇ambipolar diffusion\[物]双极扩散arc discharge\电弧放电, 弧光放电avalanche\n.雪崩\v.雪崩buffer gas\缓冲气体candle\n.蜡烛vt.对着光检查cap\灯座charge neutrality\电中性区chromaticity diagram色度图coiled coil\卷曲螺旋colorimetry\色度学Columnar cell\柱状细胞compact fluorescent lamp\紧凑型荧光灯cone cell\视锥细胞, 圆锥细胞critical angle\n.[物][空]临界角carbon arc lamp\炭弧灯diffuse\v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合\adj.散开的, 弥漫的diffuse reflection\漫反射diffuse transmission\扩散透射\ 漫透射\ 扩散传输diffusion\n.扩散, 传播, 漫射double helix\二重螺旋线, 双螺旋线electroluminescent lamp\场致发光灯electrode\n.电极electroluminescence\n. [物]场致发光, 电致发光electromagnetic radiation\电磁辐射electromagnetic wave\n.[电磁]电磁波envelope\玻壳filament\n.细丝, 灯丝filter\n.滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选fluorescent lamp\n.荧光灯(管),日光灯(管)full radiator\完全辐射体fuse\n.保险丝, 熔丝\v.熔合gas incandescent lamp\充气白炽灯gas-filled lamp\充气灯getter\消气剂glass pinch\玻璃封接glow discharge\辉光放电high pressure mercury lamp\高压汞灯high pressure xenon lamp\高压氙灯homogeneous light\单色光illuminance\n.(=illumination)照明[度], 启发Incandescent lamp\白炽灯, 白热灯incidence\n.]入射incident angle\入射角inert gas\惰性气体infrared ray\adj.红外线的\n.红外线intensity\光强irradiation\辐照度lamp cap\灯(泡)头\ 管帽lead wire\导线light intensity\光强度low pressure discharge\低气压放电low pressure sodium vapour lamp\低气压钠灯luminance\[计] 亮度luminous flux\n.[物]光通量(其单位为流明lumen) luminous intensity\发光强度, 照度medium\n.媒体, 方法, 媒介\adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的mesopic vision\过渡视觉\ 黄昏黎明视觉metal halide lamp\金属卤化物灯metastable states\亚稳态monochromitry/monochromatic\单色neon arc lamp\氖(弧)灯, 氖光灯, 霓虹灯neon lamp\n.霓虹灯phosphor\荧光粉photogenerator\半导体发光器photometers\n.光度计, 曝光计photometry\n.光度测定, 测光法photopic vision\亮视觉, 白昼视觉photosynthesis\n.光合作用positive column\正柱区primary color\原色prismatic\adj.棱镜的propagation\n.动植物, 繁殖, (声波, 电磁辐射等)传播radial\ 射线radiance\辐亮度radiation flux\辐射通量radiation power\辐射功率radio wave\n.无线电波radiometry\n.辐射线测定reflect\v.反射,reflection angle\n.反射角refraction\折射retina\n. [解]视网膜saturated color\饱和色scattering\n.散射scotopic vision\暗[夜, 微光]视觉solid angle\n.[几]立体角, 多面角spectral luminous efficiency\光谱效率曲线spectrum\波谱spirality\n.螺旋形sputtering\ 溅射\ 阴极真空喷镀, 阴极溅镀thermal radiation\热辐射total internal reflection\[光]全内反射total reflection\全反射transmission\n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播trichromatic\adj.三色的, 三色版的, 三原色的tungsten halogen lamp\卤钨灯ultraviolet radiation\n.紫外线vacuum lamp\真空灯visible light\可见光wavelength\n.[物][无]波长常用照明术语光通量:符号Φ,单位流明Lm,说明发光体每秒种所发出的光量之总和,即光通量光强:符号I,单位坎德拉cd,说明发光体在特定方向单位立体角内所发射的光通量照度:符号E,单位勒克斯Lm/m2,说明发光体照射在被照物体单位面积上的光通量亮度:符号L,单位尼脱cd/m2,说明发光体在特定方向单位立体角单位面积内的光通量光效:单位每瓦流明Lm/w,说明电光源将电能转化为光的能力,以发出的光通量除以耗电量来表示平均寿命:单位小时,说明指一批灯泡至百分之五十的数量损坏时的小时数经济寿命:单位小时,说明在同时考虑灯泡的损坏以及光束输出衰减的状况下,其综合光束输出减至一特定的小时数。

LED照明常用词汇中英文对照专业照明 illumination防爆灯 explosion-proof lamp/light室内灯 residential lamp台灯 table desk lamp/light壁灯 wall lamp/light落地灯 floor lamp/light吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light户外灯 outdoor lamp路灯 street lamp/light庭院灯 garden lamp/light草坪灯 lawn lamp/light防水灯 waterproof /under water lamp应急灯 emergency light工具灯 utility light浴室灯 bathroom light灯饰附件 lighting accessories灯饰配件 light fittings灯泡 bulb白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs开关 switch光源 light source节能灯 energy saving lamp荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp荧光灯管 linear fluorescent light tube 环形荧光灯fluorescent circular lamp 发光二级管LED三极管 audion/dynatron灯杯 lamp cup灯罩 lamp shade/cover灯头/灯座 lamp holder灯头/灯座 lamp base灯头型号base’s type灯盘 lamp house灯盘 lamp plate/metal pan灯柱 lamp pole压克力配件acrylic fitting塑胶配件 plastic fitting五金配件 hardware fitting玻璃配件 glass fitting压铸件 die-casting fitting电线 electric wire/power cored插头 Pin/plug插座 socket螺丝 screw螺母 nut十字螺丝philip’s head screw 扁头螺丝 flat head screw方螺帽 square nut螺栓杆 bolt bar螺栓盖 bolt cover金属面板 metal surface面板 bezel panel底板 back plane镇流器 ballast电子镇流器electronic ballast 感应镇流器inductive ballast 适配器 adapter变压器 transformer调节器 adjustment连接器 connector调光器 dimmer接线端子 terminal接线盒 connection box电池 battery光电池 photocell备用电池 emergency battery 保险丝 fuse调光器 dimmer传感器 sensor电线 electric wire电镀 plating抛光 finish/polish铬 chrome镍 nickel铁 iron钢 steel铝 aluminum银 silver黄铜 brass不锈钢 stainless steel古铜色 antique brass抛光铜色 polish brass图纸 drawing电路图 circuit diagram玻璃备品 glass spare part防水 waterproof防尘 dustproof落下测试 drop test电器测试 electric test老化测试 aging test壁盘 back plate / disk配件 component绝缘 insulation斑点 spots刮痕 scratch验货 inspection对接 butt joint对接焊接 butt weld光色 light color瓦特 watt电压(伏特数)voltage光强度 luminous intensity, I光强度单位:坎德拉 candela, cd 照度 Illuminance, E照度单位:勒克斯 Lux, lx辉度 Luminance, L光通量 Luminous flux, ф色温 color temperature(CCT)三基色 tri-phosphor三基色稀土荧光粉 tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder 三基色灯管 tri-phosphor tube light三基色发光二极管 tri-phosphor有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss功率因数:power-factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current母线bus变压器transformer升压变压器step-up transformer高压侧high side输电系统power transmission system输电线transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability功角稳定angle stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC装机容量installed capacity电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站transformer substation补偿度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿reactive power compensation故障fault调节regulation裕度margin三相故障three phase fault故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time切机generator triping高顶值high limited value强行励磁reinforced excitation线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)机端generator terminal静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制AVR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率)active power无功(功率)reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap下降率droop rate仿真分析simulation analysis传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive-side裕度margin同步synchronization失去同步loss of synchronization 阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitanceProduct power:产品功率Power factor :功率因数Luminous flux :光通量Light effect :发光效率Color temperature Base:色温基准工作环境温度:Working temperature工作电压:Supply voltage额定电源频率Rated power frequency额定功率Rated power 驱动电源效率Power supply efficiency 功率因数Power-factor(PF)LED发光效率LED luminous efficiency灯具初始光通量Luminous flux灯具出光效率 Lamp Flux色温Color temperature显色指数CRI: Ra防护等级IP rating:使用寿命 Working life /Life Span外壳材质Shell material character照明专业术语(英汉对照)ambipolar diffusion\[物]双极扩散arc discharge\电弧放电, 弧光放电avalanche\n.雪崩\v.雪崩buffer gas\缓冲气体candle\n.蜡烛vt.对着光检查cap\灯座charge neutrality\电中性区chromaticity diagram色度图coiled coil\卷曲螺旋colorimetry\色度学Columnar cell\柱状细胞compact fluorescent lamp\紧凑型荧光灯cone cell\视锥细胞, 圆锥细胞critical angle\n.[物][空]临界角carbon arc lamp\炭弧灯diffuse\v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合\adj.散开的, 弥漫的diffuse reflection\漫反射diffuse transmission\扩散透射\ 漫透射\ 扩散传输diffusion\n.扩散, 传播, 漫射double helix\二重螺旋线, 双螺旋线electroluminescent lamp\场致发光灯electrode\n.电极electroluminescence\n. [物]场致发光, 电致发光electromagnetic radiation\电磁辐射electromagnetic wave\n.[电磁]电磁波envelope\玻壳filament\n.细丝, 灯丝filter\n.滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选fluorescent lamp\n.荧光灯(管),日光灯(管) full radiator\完全辐射体fuse\n.保险丝, 熔丝\v.熔合gas incandescent lamp\充气白炽灯gas-filled lamp\充气灯getter\消气剂glass pinch\玻璃封接glow discharge\辉光放电high pressure mercury lamp\高压汞灯high pressure xenon lamp\高压氙灯homogeneous light\单色光illuminance\n.(=illumination)照明[度], 启发Incandescent lamp\白炽灯, 白热灯incidence\n.]入射incident angle\入射角inert gas\惰性气体infrared ray\adj.红外线的\n.红外线intensity\光强irradiation\辐照度lamp cap\灯(泡)头\ 管帽lead wire\导线light intensity\光强度low pressure discharge\低气压放电low pressure sodium vapour lamp\低气压钠灯luminance\[计] 亮度luminous flux\n.[物]光通量(其单位为流明lumen) luminous intensity\发光强度, 照度medium\n.媒体, 方法, 媒介\adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的mesopic vision\过渡视觉\ 黄昏黎明视觉metal halide lamp\金属卤化物灯metastable states\亚稳态monochromitry/monochromatic\单色neon arc lamp\氖(弧)灯, 氖光灯, 霓虹灯neon lamp\n.霓虹灯phosphor\荧光粉photogenerator\半导体发光器photometers\n.光度计, 曝光计photometry\n.光度测定, 测光法photopic vision\亮视觉, 白昼视觉photosynthesis\n.光合作用positive column\正柱区primary color\原色prismatic\adj.棱镜的propagation\n.动植物, 繁殖, (声波, 电磁辐射等)传播radial\ 射线radiance\辐亮度radiation flux\辐射通量radiation power\辐射功率radio wave\n.无线电波radiometry\n.辐射线测定reflect\v.反射,reflection angle\n.反射角refraction\折射retina\n. [解]视网膜saturated color\饱和色scattering\n.散射scotopic vision\暗[夜, 微光]视觉solid angle\n.[几]立体角, 多面角spectral luminous efficiency\光谱效率曲线spectrum\波谱spirality\n.螺旋形sputtering\ 溅射\ 阴极真空喷镀, 阴极溅镀thermal radiation\热辐射total internal reflection\[光]全内反射total reflection\全反射transmission\n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播trichromatic\adj.三色的, 三色版的, 三原色的tungsten halogen lamp\卤钨灯ultraviolet radiation\n.紫外线vacuum lamp\真空灯visible light\可见光wavelength\n.[物][无]波长accent lighting 重点照明accommodate 调节accuracy 准确度,精确度a.c. powered lamp 交流供电的灯acting-area(spot) lighting 舞台前台(聚光)照明activated electrode 激活电极activated phosphor 激活荧光粉actual life 有效寿命adapting luminance (视觉)亮适应性additional lighting 辅助照明additional exposure 辅助曝光adiabatic 绝热的adjustable spot lamp 可调聚光灯;车灯adjustment for illumination 照明调节;照度调整admissble burning position (灯的)允许燃点位置advanced ignition 预热启动advertising lighting 广告照明afterglow 余晖age 寿命;老化;灯老炼aged lamp 已老炼的灯aging 老炼;老化aging condition 老炼条件aging rack 老炼台aging rate 老化速率agreeable luminous enviroments 适宜的照明环境aiming of head lamps (汽车)前灯对焦airborne lighting 飞机照明airfield lighting 机场照明air-cooled lamp 风冷式的灯air discharge 空气放电albedo 反射率alight 发光的灯alignment 调整,对整alignment of headlights (汽车)前灯的对焦amalgam 汞齐amalgam fluorescent lamp 汞齐荧光灯analog circuit 等效电路,模拟电路angle lighting fitting 定向照明灯具angle of adjustment (聚光灯的)调整角度angle of approach light (机场)着陆指示灯anode-to-cathode distance 极间距离anti-aircraft fitting 防空灯具apparent brightness 表观亮度apparent current 视在电流apparent power 视在功率apparent resistance 视在电阻appraisal of glare 眩光评价apprasial of lighting 照明效果评价approach lighting 着陆照明aapproach lighting fitting 着陆照明灯具arc 电弧arc-back 逆弧arc distribution 电弧分布arc drop 电弧位降arc excitation 电弧激发arc failure 息弧arc formaion 电弧形成arc gap 弧隙arc hissing 电弧噪音arc ignition 电弧的触发arc instability 电弧的不稳定性arc lamp 弧光灯arc lamp carbon 碳弧灯arc length 电弧长度arc light 弧光,弧光灯arc luminance 电弧发光率arc migration 电弧移动arc noise 电弧噪音arc spectrum 电弧光谱architectural lighting 建筑照明area floodlighting 大面积泛光照明area of illumination 受照面arrangement of fitting 灯具配置artificial daylight 人造昼光artistic lighting 艺术照明assessment of glare 眩光评价asymmertrical intensity distribution 非对称光强分布asymmertric lighting fitting 非对称灯具automobile lighting 汽车照明auxiliary discharge 辅助放电egradation(地位的)下降,(阶级的)降低,降格,降位,降级,降职,免职,剥夺,罢免(祭司的)权利剥夺,革除圣职低落,下落;零落(状态),落魄;堕落,颓废;退化(地层、岩石等的)剥蚀[陵消]作用electric eye光电管,光电池萤光显示管,电子信号指示器eye(尤指野鸡的)窝,一窝小野鸡;一群野鸡虹彩,虹膜目光,看;(传递)眼色凝视,注视,注目;注意,警戒,监视iconoscope光电摄像管ike光电摄像管艾克艾克犹太人(男)image tube移像管,光电图像变换管,变像管magic eye魔眼,电眼光电管optoelectronics光电子学phot-表示「光」,「照相」,「光电」,「光化学」,「光子」photo-表示「光」表示「照相」,「照相的」表示「光电」表示「光子」photocathode(通过光等辐射能发出电子的)光电阴极photocell光电池photocurrent感光电流photodiode光电二极体,光敏二极体photoelectric光电的;光电效应的photoelectric cell光电池,光电管photoelectric current感光电流photoelectric effect光电效应photoelectric meter光电计photoelectricity光电光电现象photoelectrochemical cell 光电化学电池photoelectrode光电极photoelectron光电子photoemission光电发射photomultiplier光电倍增管photomultiplier tube光电倍增器,光电倍增管photonegative负光电导性的photopile太阳光电池photopositive正趋光性的,正光电导的phototransistor光电晶体phototube光电管photovoltaic光电伏打的photovoltaic cell 光电伏打电池photovoltaic effect 光电伏打效应selenium cell硒光电池,硒质光电管。

LED显示屏专业术语SMT车间(SMT workshop)印刷机printer锡膏solder paste单元板PCB(printed circuit board)元器件component电容capacitance电阻resistance集成电路IC(integrated circuit)过炉wilding回流焊reflow welding表贴三合一SMD 3in1表贴三并一SMD 1in1亚表贴plug-lamp real pixel交流电AC(Alternating current)直流电DC(Direct current)箱体(cabinet)像素点pixel点间距pitch模组module网线进口the entrance of the network cable 航空头connector定位柱located beam排气扇radiator fan提手handle箱体锁lock of the cabinet进气孔air inlet箱体尺寸cabinet dimension密封箱体sealed cabinet简易箱体simple cabinet面罩mask 网卡lAN card排阵pin底座base plate装箱体assemble cabinets灌胶gluing电源power supply亮度brightness/luminanceLED 显示屏操作系统(LED display control system)播放系统display system远程控制电脑remote control PC主要控制电脑main control PC磁带录音机video tape recorder调制解调器Moderm网卡net card视频卡video card扫描仪scan machine功率放大器power amplifier激光影碟laser disc插件(DIP)切灯角cut lamp leg后焊check soldering电缆线cable wire电源线power wire接线头connector护线套covered connector排线flat cable光纤fiber cable传输transmit信号signalO型护线套O-type covered connectorU型护线套U-type covered connector显示屏相关参数(LED display’s parameter)同步synchronization异步asynchronization实像素real pixel虚拟像素virtual pixel一致性uniformity净重net weight毛重gross weight相关单位(Units)毫米mm millimeter厘米cm centimeter英寸inch英尺feet长*高length by height铝aluminum铁iron钢steel集装箱container防水测试waterproof test防震测试vibrating testLED显示屏安装方式摆臂式swing arm type吊挂式hang type活动式movable type墙挂式wall-mounted type侧挂式side mounting type坐立式sit type支撑式support type图片类文字翻译1 室内全彩屏P7.62三合一: 10平方米/天P7.62 Indoor SMD 3in1 Display: 10m2 /day2 室外全彩屏P20: 15平方米/天P20 Outdoor Full Color Display:15m2 /day3 贴片机产能示例The SMT machine example of daily output3 回流焊机Reflow Soldering Machine3 制造中心Manufacturing Center4 制程能力Manufacturing Ability4 高速贴片机High Speed SMT Machine5 波峰焊机Wave-peak Soldering Machine6 防静电车间Antistatic Workshop7 模组装配车间Modules Assembling Workshop9 品质保证Quality Assurance10整屏老化架Whole Screen Aging Structure 11 单灯老化试验Aging Test for Single LED Lamp12光强测试仪Light Intensity Tester13 防水测试Waterproof Test14 模组老化Modules Aging15 振动测试仪Vibration Tester 16 冷热冲击测试Thermal Shock Tester17 高低温交变湿热试验箱High-Low Temper ature&Humidity Test Chest18 盐雾实验仪Salt Spraying Tester20 包装运输Packing and Transportation21 环保纸箱Eco-friendly Carton22 航空箱Flight Case23 免熏蒸木箱Fumigation-free Wooden Case24 紫外线潮湿测试仪Accelerated Weather Tester25 自动灌胶机Automatic Dispenser Machine26 全自动插件机Automatic Insert Machine27 高温烤箱High-temperature Oven28 锡膏印刷机Paste Printing Press29 贴片机SMT Machine30 全自动编带机Tape-speed Automatic Molding Machine31 高低温测试仪Temp&Humi Programmable Chamber。
led封装方式 英文术语

1. Chip-On-Board (COB)COB是LED最常见的封装方式。
COB封装方式广泛应用于高功率LED 灯、指示灯、车灯以及车内灯等领域。
2. Surface Mount Device (SMD)SMD是一种基于表面贴装技术的LED封装方式。
与COB不同,SMD 使用更为先进的贴片技术,将LED芯片粘贴在PCB板上。
SMD封装方式的主要好处是尺寸小,可以在需要更小的空间内使用LED,可用于LED 显示屏、背光源、路灯、广告牌等应用领域。
3. Dual In-line Package (DIP)与SMD和COB不同,DIP是一种早期的LED封装方式,也是较少使用的封装方式。
DIP封装方式通常应用于电动工具、家用电器、DVD 机、电子玩具等领域。
4. High Power LED Package (HPL)高功率LED封装方式(HPL)是一种最新的LED封装方式,旨在消除COB和SMD封装方式之间的差距。

以下是经常使用的相关术语表:背板 backplane机架chassis自举Bootstrap滞回 Hysteresis反相Inverting抖动 jittery结点 Junction批号 Lot Number密勒 Miller节点node无铅 Lead Free掉电 power down异相 Out of Phase上电Power up下拉 pull down上拉 pull up过冲 overshoot斜降ramp down斜升 ramp up振铃 ringing基板substrate电信 Telecom閾值Threshold压差dropout voltage缩放 scaling带隙电压参考 Band gap voltage reference 工作台电源 benchtop supply方块图Block Diagram波特图Bode Plot桶形电容bucket capcitor恒流源 constant current source铁芯饱和 Core Sataration交叉频率crossover frequency纹波电流current ripple逐週期Cycle by Cycle週期跳步 cycle skipping死区时间 Dead Time核心温度 DIE Temperature非使能,无效,禁用,关断Disable主极点 dominant pole使能,有效,啟用Enable额定值 ESD Rating ESD评估板Evaluation Board下降沿 Failling edge品质因数 figure of merit浮充电压float charge voltage反驰式功率级flyback power stage前向压降forward voltage drop自由运行 free-running续流二极体 Freewheel diode满负载 Full load栅极驱动gate drive栅极驱动级gate drive stage接地层 ground plane电感单位:亨利 Henry人体模式Human Body Model涌入电流 inrush current开尔文连接 Kelvin connection引脚框架Lead Frame电平移动 level-shift电源调整率Line regulation负载调整率 load regulation低压差 Low Dropout非反相 Non-Inverting新颖的novel关断状态off state电源工作电压 Operating supply voltage 输出驱动级 out drive stage产品型号 Part Number沟道MOSFETP-channel MOSFET P相位裕度 Phase margin开关节点 Phase Node可擕式电子设备 portable electronics电源正常 Power Good功率地Power Groud节电模式 Power Save Mode逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse) Pulse by Pulse 冗餘二极体 redundant diode电阻分压器 resistive divider纹波电流 ripple current上升沿 rising edge检测电阻 sense resistor序列电源 Sequenced Power Supplys直通,同时导通 shoot-through杂散电感 stray inductances.子电路sub-circuit热性能资讯 Thermal Information散热片 thermal slug振盪电阻timing resistor线路,走线,引线Trace传递函数 Transfer function跳变点 Trip Point匝数比,=Np / Ns。

LED 行业专业术语中英文1 backplane 背板“☣☭❂☪➹☃❦❧ஐ❁❃❃❀✿❉❈✲2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 benchtop supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET 8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容 9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense 11 constant current source 恒流源 12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和 13 crossover frequency 交叉频率 14 current ripple 纹波电流 15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期 16 cycle skipping 周期跳步 17 Dead Time 死区时间 18 DIE Temperature 核心温度 19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断 20 dominant pole 主极点 21 Enable 使能,有效,启用 22 ESD Rating ESD 额定值 23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in perman ent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characte ristics section is not implied.超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。
25 Failling edge 下降沿 26 figure of merit 品质因数 27 float charge voltage 浮充电压 28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级 29 forward voltage drop 前向压降 30 free-running 自由运行 31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载 33 gate drive 栅极驱动 34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级 35 gerber plot Gerber 图 36 ground plane 接地层 37 Henry 电感单位:亨利 38 Human Body Model 人体模式 39 Hysteresis 滞回 40 inrush current 涌入电流 41 Inverting 反相 42 jittery 抖动 43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接 45 Lead Frame 引脚框架 46 Lead Free 无铅 47 level-shift 电平移动 48 Line regulation 电源调整率 49 load regulation 负载调整率 50 Lot Number 批号 51 Low Dropout 低压差 52 Miller 密勒 53 node 节点 54 Non-Inverting 非反相 55 novel 新颖的 56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压 58 out drive stage 输出驱动级 59 Out of Phase 异相 60 Part Number 产品型号 61 pass transistor pass transistor 62 P-channel MOSFET P 沟道MOSFET 63 Phase margin 相位裕度 64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备 66 power down 掉电 67 Power Good 电源正常 68 Power Groud 功率地 69 Power Save Mode 节电模式70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管78 resistive divider 电阻分压器79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通85 stray inductances. 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,=Np / Ns。
LED 常用英语词汇对照

LED 常用英语词汇对照光源系列专业词汇、专业术语白炽灯(incandescent lamp)荧光灯(fluorescent lamp)节能灯(energy-saving lamp)卤素灯(halogen lamp)钠灯(sodium lamp)氖灯(neon lamp)--霓虹灯高强放电灯(High-intensity discharge)石英灯(quartz lamp)发光二极管(LED)霓虹灯(neon light)汽车灯(auto lamp)背光灯(back light)碘钨灯(iodine-tungsten lamp),汞灯(mercury lamp)单端灯(single end lamp)低压灯(low voltage lamp)杀菌灯(sterilizing lamps)灭蚊灯(mosquito-killing lamp)日光灯(daylight lamp)脉冲灯(impulse lamp)紫外线灯(ultraviolet lamp)车间灯(workshop lamp)光源配件(lamp fittings)PAR灯(Parabolic aluminized reflectors)溴钨灯(bromine-tungsten lamp)放电管(discharge tube)植物生长灯(Lamps for plant growing)特种灯泡(special type bulb)灯饰灯具系列专业词汇、专业术语:仿水晶灯(Imitated Crystal lamp)石艺灯(stone art lamp)镜画灯(mirror lamp)导轨灯(track lamp)水晶灯(crystal lamp)天花灯(ceiling lamp)吊灯(pendant lamp)吸顶灯(ceiling mount lamp)工艺灯(craftwork lamp)舞台灯(stage lamp)吊线灯(hanging light)应急灯(emergency lamp)台灯(table lamp)壁灯(wall lamp)花/节日灯(flower/holiday lamp)落地灯(floor lamp)镜前灯(mirror-front lamp)水珠灯(bead lamp)夹灯(clip lamp)格栅灯(Grille Lamp)--Grid Lamp走线灯(halogen wire lights)云石灯(marble lamp)玻璃灯(glass lamp)火炉灯(stove lamp)纱灯(tiffany lamp)铁艺灯(iron art lamp)羊皮灯(parchment lamp)烛灯(candle lamp)壁画灯(fresco lamp)护眼灯(eye-protection lamp)音乐灯(music lamp)半吊灯(half-pendant lamp)木灯(wooden lamp)宫灯(palace lamp)窗帘灯(curtain lamp)嵌灯(recessed lamp)投光灯(projection lamp)筒灯(down lamp)射灯(reflector lamp)户外照明系列专业词汇、专业术语:景观灯(landscape lamp)户外灯(outdoor lamp)草坪灯(lawn lamp)工程灯(engineering lamp)高杆灯(high-pole lamp)指示灯(indicator light)埋地灯(underground lamp)工厂灯(factory lamp)庭院灯(yard lamp)广场灯(square lamp)防潮灯(moisture-proof lamp)椰树灯(coconut lamp)不锈钢灯(stainless steel lamp)探明灯(search lamp)隧道灯(tunnel lamp)烟花灯(firework lamp)壁灯(wall lamp)桥梁灯(bridge lamp)路灯(street lamp)柱头灯(pillar lamp)水底灯(underwater lamp)网灯(net lamp)线灯(line lamp)造型灯(sculpt lamp)门牌灯(doorplate lamp)彩虹灯(rainbow lamp)泛光灯(floodlight)墙角灯(corner lamp)灯饰配件系列专业词汇、专业术语:灯罩(lampshade)灯柱(lamp pole)水晶配件(crystal fittings)灯座(lamp holder)灯头(lamp cap)开关(switch)插头(plug)插座(socket)电线(electrical wire)稳压器(regulator)变压器(transformer)整流器(rectifier)压铸配件(die-casting fittings)陶瓷配件(ceramic fittings)五金配件(hardware fittings)电容器(capacitor)电子元件(electron component)木制配件(wooden fittings)灯丝(filament)特殊灯管(special lamp tube)塑胶配件(plastic fittings)压克力配件(acryl fittings)电子镇流器(electric ballast)电感镇流器(inductance ballast)灯箱(light box)适配器(adapter)传感器(sensor)启辉器(starter)调光器(dimmer)遥控(remote control)云石配件(marble fittings)铜件配件(copper fittings)玻璃配件(glass fittings)太阳能配件(solar energy fittings)。

LED显示屏专业术语中英对照- LED Display: LED显示屏- Pixel Pitch: 像素间距- Resolution: 分辨率- Brightness: 亮度- Contrast Ratio: 对比度- Refresh Rate: 刷新率- Viewing Angle: 视角- Gray Scale: 灰度等级- Module: 模块- Cabinet: 柜体- LED Chip: LED芯片- Driver IC: 驱动芯片- Power Supply: 电源- Input Voltage: 输入电压- Viewing Distance: 观看距离- Video Wall: 视频墙- Frame Rate: 帧率- Application: 应用- Remote Control: 远程控制- Control System: 控制系统- Calibration: 校准- LED Panel: LED面板- Front Service: 前维修- Rear Service: 后维修- Pixel Density: 像素密度- Color Temperature: 色温- Color Gamut: 色域- Aspect Ratio: 宽高比- IP Rating: 防护等级- Module Size: 模块尺寸- Cabinets Quantity: 柜体数量- Power Consumption: 功耗- Signal Input: 信号输入- Signal Output: 信号输出- Frame Rate: 帧率- Uniformity: 均匀性- Diagonal Size: 对角线尺寸- Installation: 安装。

Alum-oxidized reflector 铝氧化反光杯Arm post 丫叉Arm 灯臂(平行于地面者)Balance block 底座配重Balance steel 平衡线Ball Jointer 波接头Barrier 隔离罩(美)(防止灯具的破碎部份射出用,例如石英灯的玻璃片/罩)Base bottom 底座底Base top 底座面Base 底座Battery cover 电池盖Bracket 支架Cast iron 铸铁Clamp 螺栓夹(夹紧力由螺栓提供,力度较大)Clip 弹簧夹(夹紧力由弹簧提供,力度较小)Connect plate 连接片Ceiling ['siːlɪŋ]天花板Decorative ['dek(ə)rətiv]part 装饰件Decorative ring 装饰环Enclosure 罩壳(指包容及保护带电体之类的外壳)Eyeball 牛眼Eyelet 鸡眼Filter 滤光镜(例如,过滤紫外光的镜片为UV filter)Finial 尖顶形装饰,有时兼具螺母的功能Flexible stem 软喉(欧)Front shade 前罩Gooseneck ['ɡuːsnek] 软喉(美)Grid guard 防护网Guard 防护罩(防止人手接触灯具的某部份用,例如:Torchiere的铁丝钢罩)Handle 手柄(反光杯很汤,有时装有手柄作调整握持用,有时兼作防上灯具头接触可燃物的间隔(spacer)用。
Heat resisting sheet 隔热片Heat sink 散热片Housing 灯罩(指内置式灯具包容灯泡的罩壳)Jointer 接头L bracket L形支架Lamp head 灯具头(一般包括灯泡,灯头,类罩……)Lamp stand 灯座(一般指底座加灯杆,例如烛台形灯座)Lamphouse 灯罩,同housingLampshade 灯罩(指遮住灯泡的发光部份者,有时称为前罩)Lens 透明镜片(可兼具guard,baffle,filter之功能)Locking knob [nɒb]止动旋钮Mounting bracket 安装支架Mounting crossbar 安装横条Neck post 夹柱Nut 螺母Oval bracket 蛋形托架Plastic gooseneck 胶软喉Rear shade 后罩Reflecter 反光灯/罩Rivet 铆钉Sandbase 灌沙底座Screw shell 指Edison 灯泡头的螺纹形外壳,一般为金属制成。

LED显示屏专业术语1.SMT车间-SMTworkshop2.印刷机—printer3.锡膏—solder paste4.单元板—PCB(printed circuit board)5.元器件—component6.电熔—capaditance7.电阻—resistance8.集成电路—IC (integrated circuit)9.过炉—wilding10.回流焊—reflow welding11.表贴三合一SMD 3 in 112.表贴三并一SMD 1 in 113.亚表贴—plug lamp real pixel14.交流电—AC(aiternating current )15.直流电—DC (direct current )16.箱体—cabinet17.像素点—pixel18.点间距—pixel pitch19.模组—module20.网线进口—the entrance of network cable21.航空头—connector22.定位柱—located bean23.排气扇—radiator fan24.提手—handle25.箱体锁—lock of the cabinet26.透气孔—air inlet27.箱体尺寸—cabinet dimension28.密封箱体—sealed cabinet29.简易箱体—simple cabinet30.面罩—mask31.网卡—LAN card32.排针—pin33.底座—base plate34.装箱体—assemble cabinet35.灌胶—gluing36.电源—power supply37.亮度—brightness38.插件—DIP39.切灯角—cut lamp leg40.后焊—after welding41.电缆线—cable wire42.电源线—power wire43.接线头—connecting plug44.护线套—Line protecting sleeve45.排线—flat cable46.光纤—fiber cable47.传输—transmit48.信号—signal49.同步—synchronization50.异步—asynchronous51.实像素—real pixel52.一致性—uniformity53.净重—net weight54.毛重—gross weight55.单位—unit56.Led显示屏操作系统—led display control system57.播放系统—dsiplay system58.远程控制电脑—remote control PC59.主要控制电脑—main control PC60.磁带录音机—video tapy recorder61.调制解调器—modulator demodulator62.网卡—net card63.视频卡—video card64.扫描仪—scan machine65.功率放大器—power amplifer66.显示屏相关参数—led display ‘s parameter67.O型护线套—O tpye covered connector68.U型护线套—U tpye covered connector69.毫米—millimeter70.厘米—certimeter71.英寸—inch72.英尺—feet73.长乘高—length by height74.铝箱—aluminum box75.铁箱—iron box76.钢—steel77.集装箱—container78.防水测试—water proof test79.防震测试—vibrating test80.制造中心—manufacturing center81.制造能力—manufacturing ability82.高速贴片机—high speed SMT machine83.波峰焊机—wave peak soldering machine84.回流焊—reflow soldering machine85.防静电车间—antistatic workshop86.模组装配车间—modules assembling workshop87.品质保证—quality accurance88.质保期guarantee time89.整屏老化架—whole screen aging sturcture90.单灯老化实验室—aging test for single led lamp91.光枪测试仪—light intenslty tester92.模组老化—module aging93.震动测试仪—vlbration tester94.冷热冲击测试—thermal shock tester95.高低温交变湿热试验箱—high-low temper humidity test chest96.包装运输—packing and transportation97.环保纸箱—Environmental carton98.航空箱—flight case99.胶合板箱—plywood case100.免熏蒸木箱—Fumlgation free wooden case101.紫外线潮湿测试仪—Accelerated weather tester102.自动灌胶机—Automatic dlspenser machine103.自动插件机—Automatic insert machine104.高温烤箱—high-temperature oven105.锡膏印刷机—paste printinng press106.自动编带机—T ape-speed automatic molding machine 107.高低温测试仪—Temp/huml programmable chamber108.显示屏屏体—screen body109.接收卡—receiving card110.发送卡—senting card111.软件—software112.显卡—display card113.系统—control system114.航插—air plug115.显示屏分辨率—display resolution116.模组分辨率—module resolution117.箱体分辨率—cabinet resolution118.外围设备—Ancillary equipment119.多功能卡—Multi function card120.视频处理器—Video processor121.密度—density122.灰度等级—gray scale123.视距—view distance124.视角—view angle125.平均功耗—average power consumpiton126.最大功耗—max power consumpiton127.刷新频率—refresh frequency128.换帧频率—frame frequency129.寿命—life span130.驱动方式—driving method131.像素组成—pixel configuration132.封装—pixel encapsulation133.最佳观看视距—optimum view distance 134.平均温度—operating temperature135.工作湿度—operating humidity136.防水等级—waterproof grade137.配电柜—distribution box138.视频处理器—video processor139.显示屏连接—display connection140.配置文件—configuration file141.包边—frame bordure142.钢结构—steel structure143.弧度—radian144.直径—diameter145.弧形屏—arc shape screen146.对比度—contrast radio147.纵横比—aspect ratio148.吊梁—hanging bar149.桁架—truss150.日照时间—duration of sunshine151.空调—air conditioner152.传导式散热—nature heat dissipation 153.铝合金—aluminum alloy154.弹簧锁扣—spring lock155.偏差—deviation156.高精确度—high precision157.超薄箱体—ultrathin cabinet158.安装地点—installation area/installation site 159.采购订单—purchase order, P/O160.立柱式安装—pillar installation161.壁挂式安装—wall installation。
LED 产品相关英语

(一) 产品技术术语(e)Other LED products 其它LED 产品traffic light 交通灯(a) 3 in 1 full screen time count light 三合一满屏倒计时(b) red fork green arrow 红叉绿箭头® LED Vivid walking light 动感人行灯(d) LED motor full screen light 机动满屏灯LED decoration light 护栏管(a) 114 dot light 114粒灯(b) LED decorating light accessorie 护栏管配件(控制器)s(controller)III. LED soft light 灯带(a) LED flat 5 light 扁五线(b) flat 5 light fitting 扁五线配件(c) LED big two light LED大二线(d) big two light fitting 大二线配件(h) 同步全彩显示控制系统相关的英文单词及词组描述视频功能的英文单词及词组video frequency function(二)商务文件中的常用语选港费由买方负担optional charges to be borne by the Buyers / optionalcharges for Buyers’ account一月份装船shipment during January / January shipment一月底装船shipment not later than Jan.31st. / shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份装船shipment during Jan./Feb.或Jan./Feb. shipment在…(时间)分两批装船shipment during...in two lots在…(时间)平均分两批装船shipment during...in two equal lots分三个月装运in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运in three equal monthly shipments立即装运immediate shipments即期装运prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable付款方式:terms of payment。

十字准线偏移量 光标 空转 进给/步进 低线弧 手动模式 矩阵 丢失焊球的检测器 多个芯片 预热 待机 步进和重复 交换 工作台
焊线尾线长度 视频引脚定位器 焊线夹钳
工件夹具 进线 焊线组 焊线路径 焊线松弛 焊针 安装 抓料器 料盒 打火杆高度 焊线使用 设定参数 更换
37 rails 38 lighting 39 rail calibration 40 wire diameter 41 free air ball(FAB) 42 “M" loop
一个机器模式,允许操作人员以手动方式焊接焊线的。 以纵列和横列排列的芯片,器件或者器件组的一个阵列。
尾线长度是在二焊完成之后,挂在焊针下的焊线“尾线”。该参数将影响有EFO形成的焊球 大小。
从线轴到焊针的焊线的特定路线。 指的是其线弧不知不觉地下垂的焊线。
No. 英文名词 1 BITS(Bond Integrity Test System) 2 Bond Force 3 Bond Height
中文名词 焊接完整性测试系统 焊接压力 焊接高度
4 Bond Off
5 Bond 7 crosshair offset 8 Cursor 9 Dry Cycle 10 indexing 11 low looping 12 manual mode 13 Matrix 14 MBD(Missing Ball Detector) 15 Multi-Chip 16 Preheat 17 standby 18 step and repeat 19 swap 20 table
21 tail length 22 video lead locator 23 wire clamp

LED显示屏专业术语SMT车间(SMT worksh op)印刷机printe r锡膏solder paste单元板PCB(printe d circui t board)元器件component电容capaci t ance电阻resist ance集成电路IC(integr atedcircuit)过炉wildin g回流焊reflow weldin g表贴三合一SMD 3in1表贴三并一SMD 1in1亚表贴plug-lamp real pixel交流电AC(Altern ating curren t)直流电DC(Direct curren t)箱体(cabine t)像素点pixel点间距pitch模组module网线进口the entran ce of the networ k cable航空头connec tor定位柱locate d beam排气扇radiator fan提手handle箱体锁lock of the cabine t进气孔air inlet箱体尺寸cabine t dimension密封箱体sealed cabine t简易箱体simple c abine t面罩mask 网卡lAN card排阵pin底座base plate装箱体assemb le cabine ts灌胶gluing电源powersupply亮度brightness/lumina nceLED 显示屏操作系统(LED displa y control system)播放系统displa y system远程控制电脑remote contro l PC主要控制电脑main contro l PC磁带录音机 videotape record er调制解调器 M oderm网卡net card视频卡videocard扫描仪scan machin e功率放大器 power amplif ier激光影碟laserdisc插件(DIP)切灯角cut lamp leg后焊checksolder ing电缆线cablewire电源线powerwire接线头connec tor护线套covere d connec tor排线flat cable光纤fibercable传输transm it信号signalO型护线套 O-type covere d connec torU型护线套 U-type covere d connec tor显示屏相关参数(LED displa y’s parame ter)同步synchr oniza tion异步asynch roniz a tion实像素real pixel虚拟像素virtua l pixel一致性unifor mity净重net weight毛重grossweight相关单位(Units)毫米mm millim e ter厘米cm centim eter英寸inch英尺feet长*高length by height铝alumin um铁iron钢steel集装箱container防水测试waterp roof test防震测试vibrat ing testLED显示屏安装方式摆臂式swingarm type吊挂式hang type活动式movable type墙挂式wall-mounted type侧挂式side mounting type坐立式sit type支撑式suppor t type图片类文字翻译1 室内全彩屏P7.62三合一:10平方米/天P7.62 Indoor SMD 3in1 Displa y: 10m2 /day2 室外全彩屏P20: 15平方米/天P20 Outdoo r Full ColorDispla y:15m2 /day3 贴片机产能示例The SMT machin e example of dailyoutput3 回流焊机Re flowSolder ing Machin e3 制造中心Manufacturin g Center4 制程能力Manufacturing Abilit y4 高速贴片机H igh SpeedSMT Machin e5 波峰焊机Wave-peak Solder ing Machin e6 防静电车间A n tist aticW orksh op7 模组装配车间M odules Assemb lingW orkshop9 品质保证Qu ality Assuran ce10整屏老化架WholeScreen AgingStruct ure 11 单灯老化试验AgingTest for Single LED Lamp12光强测试仪Light Intensity Tester13 防水测试Waterp roof T est14 模组老化Module s Aging15 振动测试仪 V ibrat ion Tester 16 冷热冲击测试Thermal ShockT ester17 高低温交变湿热试验箱 H igh-Low Temper ature&Humidity Test Chest18 盐雾实验仪S alt Spraying Tester20 包装运输Packin g and Transp ortat ion21 环保纸箱Eco-friend ly Carton22 航空箱Flight Case23 免熏蒸木箱 F umigation-free Wooden Case24 紫外线潮湿测试仪Accele rated Weathe r Tester25 自动灌胶机A utoma tic Dispen ser Machin e26 全自动插件机 Automa tic Insert Machin e27 高温烤箱High-temper ature Oven28 锡膏印刷机P astePrinti ng Press29 贴片机SMT Machin e30 全自动编带机Tape-speedAutoma tic Moldin g Machin e31 高低温测试仪 Temp&Humi Progra mmabl e Chambe r。
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英文 PowerSupply/ Driver/Transformer LED Flood Light
LED Panel Light
34 长度
35 暖白 36 冷白
英文 Length Warm White Cool White
LED High Bay
37 隔离的
序号 中文 1 电源 2 泛光灯 3 面板灯 4 工矿灯 5 灯管 6 线性HB灯 7 线条灯 8 UFO工矿灯 9 筒灯 10 鞋盒灯 11 外墙灯 12 油站灯 13 车库灯 14 球泡灯 15 吸顶灯 16 路灯 17 灯板 18 边框 19 导光板 20 后盖板
21 欧规
22 澳规 23 美规 24 感应款 25 常规款 26 应急款 27 红光 28 绿光 29 蓝光 30 黄光 31 定制标签 32 可调光 33 不可调光
53 散热器 54 静电释放 55 华浩德电源
Electro-Static discharge(ESD)
USA Standard
56 丰森电源
Sensor Version Standard Version
57 明纬 58 莱福德
MeanWell(MW) LiFud
Emergency Version
59 老化
Red Light
60 品质
Green Light
61 输入电压
Input Voltage
Blue Light Yellow Liห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ht
62 输出电压 63 输出电流
Output Voltage Output Current
Customized Label
64 低压
47 调光器
Ceiling Lamp Street Lamp
48 变压器 49 开关
Transformer Switch
50 感应开关
Inductive Switch
51 灯珠
Light Guide Plate(LGP)
52 芯片
Back Plate Europe Standard Australia Standard
LED Tube Light Linear High Bay Light
38 非隔离的 39 流明
Non-Isolated Lumens(Lm)
Strip light/Low Bay
40 色温
UFO High Bay Light
41 显指
LED Down Light
42 光效
Luminous Efficiency
Shoebox Light Wall Pack
43 色容差 44 功率因素
SDCM power-factor(PF)
Gas Station Canopy
45 电子镇流器 Electronic Ballast
Garage Canopy
46 感应器
LED Bulb
Low Voltage
65 高压
High Voltage
66 防水等级
Waterproof Grade