
【关键字】学生AAA1. Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes.显然,很多人认为一个人花在工作上的时间越多,他完成的工作就越多。
2. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。
3. As is known to all, is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。
4. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。
5. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。
6. All things are difficult before they are easy.凡是总是由难而易。
7. After the new system has settled down, people in non-computer jobs are not always replaced when they leave, resulting in a decrease in the number of employees.在新的系统引进后,没有从事计算机相关工作的人员在离职后不再进行补充,从而导致员工人数下降。
8. At the end of the18th century, Britain became the world’s factory quickly.在18世纪末,英国正迅速成为世界的工厂9. Although there is not enough time for the tough task, we still tried out best to accomplish it.尽管任务重时间紧,我们仍然努力去完成。
电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 3

全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 3把下面的英语句子译成汉语, 把汉语句子译成英语,注意里面的关键词和关键句型的翻译:1. Upon departure, please switch off/turn off the air-conditioner.2. If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the manager.3. My idea is that we (should) give them a hand when they are in trouble.4. It is necessary that another computer center (should) be set up in our department.5. The old woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college.6. 是一连串的错误导致这种结果。
7. 游客们被这座“绿色城市”的美丽景色所吸引。
8. 他们将训练的时间由20天缩短为两个星期。
9. 毫无疑问地,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题。
10. 污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁。
【答案】1. 离开时请把空调关掉。
2. 如果还有其它要求,请与经理联系。
3. 我的想法是在他们的困难时候给他们以援助。
4. 我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心。
5. 老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学。
6. It was a chain of mistakes that led to this result.7. The tourists were attracted by the beautiful scenery of the “green city”.8. They reduced the training time from twenty days to two weeks.9. There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.10. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.资料来源:(31省市学位英语网,专业的成人学位英语网站)全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 。

1 阅读理解一1While plant and animal species are disappearing at a rapidly increasing rate throughout the world,scientists note some success stories. Fox example, the number of elephants killed illegally in Africa hasfallen sharply.89 Thousand were killed in 1983.46 thousand were killed one year later.This happened because African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants.Ivory is the hard white. Material that forms an elephant’s two long teeth, or tusks Countries that importivory are refusing to accept ivory shipments that do not have legal export documents.The Convention on Intentioned Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty signed by 91 nations led to theprogram for saving endangered elephants. In Africa, successful efforts also have been made in protectingAfrica’s endangered mountain gorillas. Almost 400 of the gorillas survive in a volcano area on the borderof Rwanda, Uganda and Zaire. The mountain gorillas have remained about the same for 15 years. This happenedpartly. Because Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas. Visitors.There can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals traditional home area.Another successful programs to take endangered animals olla of their natural homes. The animals areput into zoos or Dither protected areas where they can reproduce in safety The goal of many of these programsis to produce enough animals to put back into the wild.虽然植物和动物物种的消失率在世界各地迅速增加 科学家们指出了一些成功的故事。
电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 9

全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 电大成人本科学士学位英语考试翻译练习Test 9把下面的英语句子译成汉语, 把汉语句子译成英语,注意里面的关键词和关键句型的翻译:1. We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.2. Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?3. The police wanted to know what she looked like.4. Do you know what she was wearing?5. In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.6. 昨天讨论的问题十分重要。
7. 要是你处在我的位置,你就不会这样想了。
8. 一个十分引人注目的妇女在会上发表了激动人心的演说。
9. 在讨论未来的职业, 一个人不得不承认尽早决定未来的职业很重要。
10. 因此, 由上列的讨论我们可以明了毅力可以克服任何困难。
【答案】1. 我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节。
2. 你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?3. 警察想知道她长得什么样儿。
4. 你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?5. 在报告中他们问到银行里有几架安全摄像机。
6. The question discussed yesterday is of great importance.7. If you were in my place, you wouldn't think so.8. A very attractive woman made a dramatic speech at the meeting.9. In dealing with one’s future career, one cannot but admit that it is very important to decide one’s future career as early as possible.10. We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any difficulty.资料来源:(31省市学位英语网,专业的成人学位英语网站)全球价格最低,师资最强,课时最长,错过就是过错! 。

复习资料说明1.学位英语考试于3月14-15日举行,具体时间以准考证为准2.考试形式为机考3.为满足同学们复习备考需求,学校根据学位英语考试大纲编写了各题型练习题,但并非题库,请大家以巩固基础知识和答题技巧为主汉译英第一部分1. 玛丽把小孩委托给邻居照看,然后匆忙跑回电影院去找遗忘在那里的手提包。
2. 对于汤姆来说,金钱和权力并不重要。
3. 在面试开始前,我心中很有些忐忑不安。
4. 事故的原因主要在于司机的不小心。
5. 他靠给几家人做园丁谋生。
答案:1. Leaving her kid to the care of her neighbor, Mary hurried back to the cinema to look forher handbag she had left there.2. Both money and power mean nothing to Tom.3. Before the interview began, there were many butterflies in my stomach.4. The cause of the accident lies mainly in the driver’s carelessness.5. He lives on serving as the gardener of several families.1. ______________________________________________________________(为了帮助她,凡是我能想到的都做了), I don’t know what else to do.2. There are, _____________________________________________________(要是你不介意我这样说的话), several problems with this idea of yours.3. The driver admitted that ________________________________________________(他不但没有上保险), but he didn’t have a driving license either.4. ________________________________________________________________(这两个人中不管哪个偷了她的钱包), she was determined to find out.5. ________________________________________________________(你应该试试照我建议的那样做). I’m sure you’d find it much easier.答案:1. I’ve done everyth ing I can think of to help her, I don’t know what else to do.2. There are, if you don’t mind me saying so, several problems with this idea of yours.3. The driver admitted that not only was he not insured, but he didn’t have a driving licenseeither.4. Whichever of the two men had stolen her purse, she was determined to find out.5. You should try doing the way I suggested. I’m sure you’d find it much easier.第二部分1. 我已得知事故的详情。

电大会计学本科学位英语考试题库词汇语法精选大全1.After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided toapply for American citizenship. [ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp] 公民身份;公民权A. concentrate on[ˈkɔnsəntreit ɔn] 意思是集中精力于可直接接名词concentrate on sth 或concentrate on doing sth 或 concentrate one's effort on sth/doing sth英B. apply for 申请C. look out for 密切注意;提防;小心,留神D. appeal on呼吁;有吸引力;求助;诉请appeal for (v.+prep.) appeal to (v.+prep.)appeal to对。
感兴趣appeal for渴望得到。
2.Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per persontoday as they did in 1910题干意思为:美国人现在每天所吃的蔬菜是1910年的两倍多..A.more than twiceB.as twice as manyC.twice as many asD.more than twice as many答案Dmore than twice表示倍数,放在as…as结构前,意思是“是……的两倍多”。
more than twice并没有错,尽管我们通常见到twice more than,在这里是more than(超出)来修饰twice。
此题易错选择C,题于中today后已经有了一个as,如果选择C 则多出了一个as。
3.All I'm trying to do is to find out why your condition has notbeen improved. 我所要做的是找出为什么你的情况没有得到改善A.look for“寻找”,强度“找”的这个动作,后面直接跟名词;B.find out有“找出”的意思,更经常表示“发现、调查...”,后面也是直接跟名词或find sth. out(当sth.不是人称代词的时候)。

电大会计学本科学位英语考试题搜集经实际检验,词汇语法30分考题基本在里面1. After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship. [s t z n p] 公民身份;公民权A. concentrate on[ k ns ntreit n] 意思是集中精力于可直接接名词concentrate on sth 或concentrate on doing sth 或concentrate one's effort on sth/doing sth英B. apply for 申请C. look out for 密切注意;提防;小心,留神D. appeal on呼吁;有吸引力;求助;诉请appeal for (v.+prep.) appeal to (v.+prep.)appeal to对。
感兴趣appeal for渴望得到。
2. Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910题干意思为:美国人现在每天所吃的蔬菜是1910年的两倍多..A. more than twiceB. as twice as manyC. twice as many asD. more than twice as many答案Dmore than twice表示倍数,放在as as结构前,意思是“是的两倍多”。
more than twice并没有错,尽管我们通常见到twice more than,在这里是more than(超出)来修饰twice。
3. All I'm trying to do is to find out why your condition has not been improved. 我所要做的是找出为什么你的情况没有得到改善A. look for “寻找”,强度“找”的这个动作,后面直接跟名词;B. find out有“找出”的意思,更经常表示“发现、调查...”,后面也是直接跟名词或find sth. out(当sth.不是人称代词的时候)。

1. 我在专心致志地看书,没听见你叫我(absorb)。I was absorbed in a book and did not hear you call.
8.我们就牛奶的供应与农场主计价还价。We bargain with the farmer about the supply of the milk.
9.我恳求他们不要在她面前提起我的名字。I beg them not to mention my name before her.
10. 无论卡门(Carmen)带领人们参观多少次,她似乎从不厌烦谈论她的城市。
4.到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。We had been waiting for him for two hours by the time he came.
A spaceship entering the earth's atmosphere at full speed would burn up completely and disappear
5.她想知道是否下午5点后打电话更会省钱。She wonders if it is cheaper to make a telephone call after 5 pm.
6.她被迫等了一个多小时(make)。She was made to wait for more than an hour.
4.尽管任务非常艰巨,我们仍然努力去完成。Although the task is very tough, we still try our best to finish it.

All I'm trying to do is to _______ why your condition has not been improved.我试图做的是 B)find out B)找出
30 A _______,为什么你的病情没有得到改善。
23 _ 90 percent. _________,最终可能在建筑工地所需的劳动量减少了90%。
robots A)所以聪明的建设机器人
______ has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. ______上面已经说了,语法是一家 A)As A)作为
-Do you mind if I open the window?-______ I feel a bit cold.你不介意我打开窗户吗?______我 B)I'd rather you didn't. B)我宁愿
7 - 觉得有点冷。
- You were out when I dropped in at your house.- Oh, I _______ for a friend from England A)was waiting A)在等待
雪?“是的,我希望这种痛苦会_______。 _______ many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money from
14 _ them at night. _______众多的客户白天上班,比利晚上来收集他们的钱。
All the employees_______ to work online at home except the manager.所有在线工作在家除了经 D)are encouraged D)的鼓励

词汇表(Vocabulary)A abandon 放弃,抛弃ability 能力,智能,才能aboard 在船(飞机,车)上absence 缺席,不在场absolute 绝对的,完全的absolutely 绝对地,极其,完全地absorb 吸收abuse 虐待academic 学院的,学术的accelerate 加速,促进accent 腔调,口音,重音accept 接受,认可acceptance 接受,接纳,承认accident 事故,意外的事accompany 陪伴,伴随accomplish 完成accordance 一致account 账,账目,说明,解释accumulate 积累,积聚accurate 准确的,精确的accuse 谴责,指控,告发accustomed 惯常的,习惯的ache 疼痛,酸痛achieve 完成,达到,获得achievement 完成,成绩,成就acid 酸,酸性物质,酸的acquaintance 熟人,相识acquire 取得,获得acre 英亩across 横越,在…那边act 行为,动作,表演action 行动,动作active 活动的,活跃的,积极的activity 活动actor 男演员actress 女演员actual 实际的,现实的actually 实际上A.D. 公元addition 加法,增加additional 附加的,另外的adequate 足够的,恰当的adjective 形容词adjust 调节,调整administration 管理,经营,行政机关,政府admire 羡慕,赞赏,钦佩admit 允许进入,接纳,承认adopt 收养,采取,通过adult 成人advance 推进,促进,前进advanced 前进的,先进的advantage 优点,有利条件adventure 冒险,惊险活动adverb 副词advertisement 广告advice 忠告,意见advise 忠告,劝告,通知affair 事,事情,事件affect 影响affection 爱,感情afford 担负得起,买得起afraid 担心的,害怕的Africa 非洲African 非洲人,非洲的after 在…之后against 对(着),反对,靠agent 代理人,代表agreement 同意,一致,协定aggressive 挑衅的,放肆的agriculture 农业aid 援助,救援aim 志在,旨在,目标aircraft 飞机,飞行器airline 航空公司,(飞机)航线airport 航空站,机场awkward 尴尬的alarm 惊恐,忧虑,报警alcohol 酒精,乙醇alike 相同的,相像的alive 活着的,活跃的allow 允许,承认almost 几乎,差不多along 向前,沿着aloud 出声地,大声地alphabet 字母表alter 改变,变更although 虽然,即使altogether 完全,总之amaze 使惊愕,使惊叹ambition 雄心,野心ambulance 救护车America 美洲,美国American 美国人,美国人的amount 数量,数额,合计amuse 经…以消遣,给…以娱乐analysis 分析,解析analyze/analyse 分析,分解ancestor 祖宗,祖先anchor 锚,抛锚,停泊ancient 古代的,古老的anger 愤怒,气愤angle 角,角度,观点ankle 踝announce 宣布,通告annoy 使烦恼,使生气,打搅annual 每年的,每年度的anticipate 预料,期望anxiety 焦虑,挂虑,渴望anxious 担心的,焦虑的,渴望的anyhow 无论如何,不管怎样apart 分离,隔开,相距apartment 一套公寓房间apologize/-ise 道歉,认错apology 道歉,歉意apparent 明显的appear 出现,出场,仿佛appearance 出现,露面,外表appetite 食欲,胃口application 申请,申请书,应用apply 申请,运用,应用appoint 任命,委派,约定appointment 约会,约见,任命approach 接近,途径,方法appropriate 适合的,恰当approve 赞成,同意,批准approximately 似地,约April 四月area 面积,地区,范围arbitrary 随心所欲的,专断的architecture 建筑学,建筑术,建筑风格argue 辩论,争论,主张argument 辩论,论点,论据arise 出现,发生,起源于arithmetic 算术arouse 引起,激起,唤起,唤醒arrange 整理,布置,安排arrangement 安排,准备工作arrest 逮捕,扣留arrow 箭,箭状物article 文章,东西,冠词artificial 人工的artist 艺术家,美术家ash 灰ashamed 惭愧的,害臊的aside 一旁,一边assemble 集合,集会,装配assembly 集会,会议,装配assignment 任务,作业,分配assist 帮助,协助assistance 帮助,援助assistant 助手,助教,助理的assume 假装,假定,设想,承担,采取assure 保证,使确信astonish 使吃惊,使惊讶astronaut 宇航员Atlantic 大西洋的,大西洋atmosphere 空气,大气,气氛atom 原子attach 贴上,系上,使依附attack 攻击,进攻,抨击attain 获得,达到attempt 试图,努力attend 出席,照顾,注意,留意,专心于attention 注意,注意力,立正attitude 态度,看法,姿势attract 吸引,招引,引诱attraction 吸引,吸引力,具有吸引力的事物(或人)attractive 有吸引力的audience 听众,观众,读者August 八月aunt 伯母,婶母,舅母,姨母,姑母author 作者automatic 自动的automobile/auto 汽车autumn 秋available 可利用的,可得到的avenue 林荫路,大街,途径average 平均,平均数,通常的avoid 避免,逃避awake 醒着的,唤醒,醒来award 奖,奖品,授予aware 知道的,意识到的awful 使人畏惧的,可怕的ax(e) 斧子Bbackground 背景,经历backward 倒,倒行的,落后的badly 坏,差,严重的,非常badminton 羽毛球baggage 行李bake 烤,烘,焙balance 称,平衡,均衡,差额ball 舞会balloon 气球band 乐队,军乐队,一群,条,带,绑扎bank 岸,堤barber 理发师bare 赤裸的,光秃的,空的,仅有的,勉强的bargain 讨价还价,便宜货,契约barn 谷仓,仓库barrel 枪管,炮管,桶barrier 障碍,屏障base 基础,基地,根据地basic 基本的,基础的basin 盆,脸盘,盆地basis 根据,基础basket 篮子,篓bat 蝙蝠bathe 洗澡,游泳,浸,冲洗bathroom 浴室,盥洗室battle 战斗,战役,斗争bay 海湾,港湾B.C. 公元前beach 海滨,海滩bean 豆,菜豆bear 忍受,容忍,负担,结果实,生孩子beard 胡子beast 兽,牲畜,凶残的人beat 打败,战胜,节拍,跳动,打,敲beauty 美丽,美人,美丽的东西beginning 开端,开始behalf 利益behave 举动,举止,运转behavio(u)r 行为,举止behind 在…后面,落后belief 信仰,信条bell 钟,铃belong 属,附属,隶属below 在…下面belt 带,腰带bench 长凳,条凳,工作台bend 弯曲,曲折处,折弯beneath 在…下方beneficial 有益的benefit 利益,恩惠beside 在…旁边,和…相比besides 而且,还有,除…之外bet 赌,打赌,赌注beyond 在…那边,在远处Bible 圣经bill 账单,单子,招牌billion 十亿bind 捆绑,捆扎biology 生物学birth 出生,出身biscuit 饼干bit 一片,一点,一些bite 咬,叮,一口bitter 苦的,痛苦的blame 责备,怨,责任,过失blank 空白表格,无表情的,空着的,茫然的,blanket 毛毯,毯子blind 瞎的,盲目的,使失明block 阻塞,封锁,木块,块料,一排房屋,街段blood 血液,血统,气质bloom 开花,花blow 吹,打气,爆炸,欧打blue 蓝色,青色board 板,木板,纸板,上船(飞机,车),委员会boast 夸口,夸耀,大话boat 船,小船boil 沸腾,煮沸bold 大胆的,冒失的bolt 螺栓,插销,闩门,关窗,拴住bomb 炸弹,轰炸bond 联结,结合,约束,契约bone 骨骼,骨boot 靴子border 边缘,边界,与…毗邻bore 钻洞,打眼,钻探born 天生的,生来的bother 打扰,麻烦bottle 瓶子,装瓶bottom 底,底部bound 跳,必定boundary 界线,边界bow 鞠躬,点头,弓bowl 碗,钵brain 大脑,骨髓,智能brake 刹车,闸branch 枝,树枝,分部brand 商标,打烙印于brass 黄铜,铜器brave 勇敢的break off 中止,中断breadth 宽度,幅break 打破,折断,违反,破坏,打断,中止,(课间或工间)休息时间breath 胸脯,乳房breath 呼吸,气息breathe 吸入,呼吸breed 饲养breeze 微风,轻风brick 砖,砖状物bride 新娘brief 向…作简要的介绍,简短的,简洁的bright 明亮的,聪明的,伶俐的,快活的,美好的brilliant 辉煌的,灿烂的,杰出的,有才华的Britain 不列颠,英国broadcast 广播,播音brow 眉毛,眉brown 棕色,烟色bubble 泡,吹泡,起泡bucket 吊桶,水桶build 修筑,建造,建立building 建筑物,大楼bulb 球状物,灯泡bulk 体积,容积,主体bullet 子弹,枪弹bunch 束,捆,串bundle 捆,包,束burden 担子,负担bureau 署,局burn 燃烧,烧毁,灼伤burst 破裂,爆炸,突然发作bury 埋,安葬bush 灌木,灌木丛business 生意,事务,职责butter 黄油,奶油,抹黄油button 扣子,按钮,扣紧Ccabbage 洋白菜,卷心菜cabinet 橱柜,内阁cable 电报café咖啡馆,小餐厅cage 笼,鸟笼calculate 计算calendar 日历,月历calm 平静的,镇静的,平静camel 骆驼camera 照相机,摄影机camp 野营,营地,宿营campaign 战役,运动campus (大学)校园canal 运河,渠cancel 取消,撤消cancer 癌candidate 候选人,报考者candle 蜡烛,帆布,画布capable 有本领的,有能力的capital 首都,大写,资金,主要的,基本的captain 首领,队长,船长,上校capture 捕获,捉拿,夺得carbon 碳care 注意,小心,关心,喜欢career 生涯,经历,专业careless 粗心的,草率的cargo 船货,货物carpenter 木工,木匠carpet 地毯carriage 马车,客车,车厢carry 搬运,运送,携带cart 大车,手推车case 事实,情况,案件,盒子cassette 盒式录音带cast 投,掷,抛castle 城堡casual 偶然的,碰巧的,随便的catch 捕,捉,赶上,感染传法染病cattle 牛cause 原因,缘故,事业cave 山洞,洞穴cease 停止ceiling 天花板celebrate 庆祝cell 牢房,蜂房,细胞cent 分,分币central 中心的,中央的centre/center 中心,中央,集中ceremony 仪式,典礼,礼节certain 确实的,可靠的,某一,某些,一定,必然的certainly 一定,必定,无疑,当然,行certificate 证书,证明书chain 链,链条,一连串,拴住chairman 主席,议长,会长chalk 白垩,粉笔challenge 挑战champion 冠军,捍卫者channel 海峡,水道,沟渠chapter 章,回character 性格,品质,特性characteristic 特有的,独特的,特征charge 指控chart 图表chase 追求,追逐cheat 欺骗,骗取,行骗check 制止,控制,检查cheer 喝彩,欢呼,使高兴cheerful 快乐的,高兴的cheese 干酪,乳酪chemical 化学的,化学药品chemist 化学家,药剂师chemistry 化学cheque 支票cherry 樱桃,樱桃树chess 棋chest 柜子,橱,胸脯chew 咀嚼chief 主要的,首要的,首领child 孩子,儿童,儿女childhood 幼年,童年chimney 烟囱,烟筒chin 下巴China 中国Chinese 中国人,中文,中国人的china 瓷器chocolate 巧克力choice 选择,选择机会choose 选择,挑拣,甘愿Christmas 圣诞节church 教堂,教会cigarette 香烟,纸烟cinema 电影院circle 圆,圈,圆周,集团,环绕,盘旋,周期,循环circumstance 情形,环境citizen 公民,市民,居民civil 公民的,平民的,国内的,文明的,有教养的civilize 使文明,开化claim 声称,主张,对…提出要求,索取clap 鼓掌class 种类,等级,阶级,班,课classical 经典的,古典的classify 分类,分等classmate 同班同学classroom 教室claw 爪,脚爪clay 粘土clear 晴朗的,清澈的,明亮的,清晰,明白,澄清clerk 办事员,职员,店员cliff 悬崖,崖climate 气候,风气,社会思潮clothe 给…穿衣clue 线索,提示coal 煤,煤块coarse 粗的,粗糙,粗劣的,粗俗的,粗鲁的coast 海岸,海滨collar 衣领colleague 同事,同僚collect 收集,收(税等),领走collection 收藏,收集,收藏品collective 集体的,共同的,团体colonel (陆军)上校colony 殖民地column 柱,柱状物,专栏comb 梳子,梳理combination 结合,联合combine 结合,联合,化合comfort 慰问,安慰,安逸comfortable 舒适的,舒服的,自在的command 命令,指挥,掌握commander 指挥员,司令comment 解说,评论,意见commerce 商业commercial 商业的,商务的commit 犯,干(错事)committee 委员会,全体委员common 普通的,通常的,公共的communicate 通讯,交流,交际communism 共产主义communist 共产党员,共产主义的community 社区,社会companion 同伴,伴侣companionship 伴侣关系,友谊,一群伙伴company 公司,商号,陪伴,客人comparative 比较的,相当的compare 比较,相比compass 罗盘,指南针compel 强迫,逼迫competent 有能力的,胜任的competition 比赛,竞争complain 抱怨complete 完成的,完全的,完成complex 复杂的,复合的complicate 错综复杂的,麻烦的compose 写作,作曲,由…组成compound 复合的,混合物,化合物comprehension 理解(力),领悟compromise 妥协computer 计算机comrade 同志,朋友,同事conceal 隐藏,隐瞒concentrate 集中,聚集,浓缩concept 概念concern 关心,挂念,涉及concerning 关于concert 音乐会,演奏会conclude 结束,下结论,缔结conclusion 结束,终结,结论concrete 混凝土,具体的,实质性的condense 压缩,浓缩,精简condition 状况,状态,条件conduct 行为,品行conductor 领队,乐队指挥,售票员,列车员,导体conference 会议,讨论会confess 承认,坦白,忏悔confident 确信的,有自信的confine 限制,局限于,禁闭confirm 证实,肯定,批准conflict 战斗,斗争,抵触confuse 混淆,搞乱。
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13岁以下的儿童应做在后座.Children under the age of 13 should sit in the back seats. ANE为自己的城市自豪,当她当游客参观时从不感到厌烦。
Jane was so proud of her city that she was never bored of guiding the tourists to look around.沉甸甸的果实压弯了树枝。
The fruits were so heavy that they bent the branches.除非他做错事,否则不会受到批评 Unless he does something wrong, or he will not be criticized.除英语你最好在学一门外语。
You’d better learn another foreign language besides English.从他的语音说明他是外国人。
His accent tells that he’s a foreigner.村里的每个人都喜欢他因为他对人很友好.Everyone in the village likes him because he is very friendly.当你在学校附近,尽管周围没有小孩,你也必须减慢你的速度。
When you are near the school, you must slow down, even though there is no child around.当他工作时,没有什么事件能打扰他。
Nothing can interrupt him when he is working.到18世纪末,英国正迅速成为世界的工厂。
By the end of the eighteenth century England was fast becoming the workshop of the world. Britain quickly became the world’sfactory at the end of the 18 century.到了明年7月,我在这里读书将已三年了。
By July of next year I shall have studied herefor three years.到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。
We have been waiting for two hours when he arrived.对不起我忘了吧你要的书带来了。
Sorry I have forgotten to bring the book you want.对于年轻人来说独立思考问题的能力很重要。
As for the young the ability to think on their own is important.父母没有预料到孩子的问题这样难回答。
The parents did not expect that their child’s question was too hard to give a reply.孩子的性格受家庭环境影响很大。
The Personalities of children are greatly influenced by their family.毫无疑问,所有的电视节目都应该是有教育意义的。
There is no doubt that all television programs should be educational假如你昨天到达,你就能见到她。
You would have seen her if you arrived yesterday.简而言之每个人都应该为自己的行为负责。
In short everybody should take responsibility for his behavior.她被迫等了一个多小时(make)。
She was made to wait for more than an hour.她的工作是照看这些老人.Her job is to look after these old people.她很想获得颁奖 She is eager to be awarded prizes.她认为她的成功是努力的结果 She think her success is the result of efforts.她想知道是否下午5点后打电话更会省钱。
She wonders if it is cheaper to make a telephone call after 5 pm.今年他们建造的房子跟去年一样多。
This year they have built as many houses as they did last year.今天早上他起床晚了所以没有赶上火车。
He overslept and got up too late this morning and that was why he missed the train.尽管任务重时间紧,我们仍然努力去完成Although there is not enough time for the tough task, we still tried out best to accomplish it.尽管有许多困难我们仍然决心执行我们的计划。
Although there are a lot of difficulties we are still determined to carry out our plan.开会的时间到了咱们把收音机关了吧。
It is time for meeting. Let’s turn off the radio.看起来这封信是在匆忙中写成的。
It seemed that this letter was written in a hurry.老师布置读多少章节作为家庭作业(assign)Teacher assigned the number of chapters read as homework老师布置了要读多少章节的作业?How many chapters should be read for homework according to the teacher?每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。
Each time they visit this city they can notice that it is taking on a new look.每当听到这首歌时我就会想起你.Every time hearing this song I will think of you.每个人都世道学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。
It is known to everyone that study is essential to one’s growth.每个人都喜欢瘦表扬而不是批评。
Everyone likes to be praised rather than be criticized.你离开教师时别忘了关灯。
When you leave the classroom you shouldn’t forget to turn off the light.你们应该从分利用每个机会说英语。
We should make use of every opportunity to speak English.你们昨天的会议得出什么结论了吗What conclusions did you reach yesterday’smeeting/What was the outcome of your meeting yesterday你弄到这些足球票费了好大劲吧? Did you make great effort to get these football tickets?你知道会议开始的确切时间吗Do you know the exact time when the meeting will be held您能说话大点声好让每个人都听得见吗Can you speak louder so that everybody can hear you 喷气式飞机直到第二次世界大战才被使用。
Jet hadn't been used until the Second World War.全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式。
Globalization is also changing the way people live.全速进入大气层的飞船会彻底烧毁而消灭。
A spaceship entering the earth's atmosphere at full speed would burn up completely and disappear.然而在那个国家还有成千上万的年轻人却很难找到工作。
However there are still thousands of young people who are hard to find a job in that country.人们抱怨当地政府在处理污染问题上力度不够.People complain that the local government didn’t try its best to deal with the issue of pollution.任务虽然艰巨,但我们一定要把它完成Alough the works are hard,we must finish them.如果 我见到她 我会叫她等一下If I see her, I will ask her to wait a moment.如果到处都太拥挤旅行会令人很不愉快。
If it is too crowded every where the trip will become quite unpleasant.如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命If there is no air,the earth would not produce any life如果你那是没有及时离开我无法想想会发生什么情况。
If you hadn’t left in time then I couldn’t image what would have happened.如果我是他我就会尽最大的努力按时完成任务。
If I were he I would try my best to accomplish the task on time.使我感到惊奇的是他的英语说的如此的好。