







1. 衍射仪X射光路的屏蔽部件不可随意移去。

2. 当需要推开防护罩门进行操作时,应十分注意不要受到X射线的照射。



3. 当维修X射线发生器的高压部分时,必须切断电源并使高压电容完全放电。

前言 (6)第一章X射线发生器使用说明 (7)1. 概述 (7)1.1 用途与特点 (7)1.2 对使用环境的要求 (7)1.3 安装条件 (7)2. 主要技术指标 (8)2.1 直流高压发生器 (8)2.2 控制系统的X射线管工作高压、管工作电流调节与稳定电路 (8)2.3 保护电路 (8)2.4 高压电缆 (9)3. X射线管 (9)4. 控制系统的结构及工作原理 (9)4.1 结构特征 (9)4.2 工作原理 (10)5. 使用方法及操作说明 (14)5.1 安装前的准备工作 (14)5.2 安装 (16)5.3 操作顺序及简单调校 (16)5.4 X射线窗口开闭 (17)5.5 使用注意事项 (17)5.6 日常例行检查项目 (17)6. 故障排除与维修 (18)6.1 开机步骤和可能出现的故障 (18)6.2 故障的排除 (20)6.3 附图 (22)第二章单道脉冲幅度分析器 (36)1. 引言 (36)2. 使用环境 (36)3. 工作原理及其技术指标的性能 (36)3.1 直流低压电源: (36)3.2 高压电源 (37)3.3 放大–单道分析器 (37)3.4 定标计数单元 (38)4. 操作说明 (39)第三章直流高压发生器 (40)1. 安全 (40)1.1 和配套装置的联用 (40)1.2 发生器的空载试验 (40)1.3 发生器的检修 (40)2. 发生器的技术规格 (41)2.1 负载工作参数 (41)2.2 工作制式 (41)2.3 测量点特性 (41)3. 产品的维护 (41)3.1 高压插座和高压电缆的插头的维护 (41)3.2 检查辉光放电管 (42)3.3 检查注油孔上的密封塑料管套 (42)3.4 检查冷却水管的接头 (42)4. 发生器线路原理图 (43)第四章测角仪 (44)1. 概述 (44)2. 组成 (44)3. 主要技术特性 (44)4. 结构描述 (45)5. 安装 (45)6. 测角仪的校直(对零) (46)6.1 测角仪校正的具体要求 (46)6.2 测角仪校正的具体步骤 (47)6.3 测角仪的衍射角测量准确度和衍射角分辨率的检查 (47)7. 测角仪的维护保养及使用注意事项 (49)第五章操作与分析软件 (50)1. 概述 (50)2. PDP衍射分析系统的运行环境与硬件配置 (50)3. 软件安装 (50)4.版权信息 (50)5. 正确安装后的文件目录结构 (51)6. 关于系统参数设置文件PDP.INI (51)7. PDP程序的使用 (51)7.1 寻峰 (52)7.2 “求峰面积、峰高、重心、积分宽度”和“背景扣除” (56)7.3 减背景 (57)7.4 图谱对比 (57)7.5 关于Pdp应用软件所使用与支持的文件格式 (58)第六章石墨弯晶单色器 (59)1. 概述 (59)2. 技术数据 (60)3. 结构 (60)4. 调整 (61)5. 使用的工作条件选择 (61)6. 注意事项 (61)第七章XD-2/3多晶X射线衍射仪操作规程 (62)1. 衍射仪(XD-2/3)对环境的要求 (62)2. 开机过程 (62)3. 关机顺序 (63)前言首先,感谢您购买北京普析通用仪器有限责任公司的产品!为了您更好的使用本仪器,请在使用前详细阅读本说明书,按照操作规程使用仪器。


















Cold light source illumination100 W halogenLE.5210H I G H L I G H T S• Multifunctional cold light source sources• For Life and Materials Science• Halogen 100 W version• Buit-in forced air cooling• Various accessories• Without fibre optic• 2 years warranty LE.5210 TEC HNI C A L S P E C IF IC AT I ON S• This popular multifunctional cold light source contains a 100 W halogen light source.• The intensity is adjustable and it has a built-in forced air cooling.• The LE.5210 light source requires a light fiber conductor like the single LE.5213, dual LE.5214, triple LE.5215 or the LE.5239 or LE.5240 ring light fiber conductors. • The LE.5213, LE.5214 and LE.5215 light conductors can be equipped with a lens holder (LE.5222) and a focusing lens (LE.5224).• Ideal for all kind of applications in Life- and Material Sciences, various industrial applications and for stereo microscopyMOD ELPower 100 W halogenColor temperature 3,000 Koperating voltage 100-240 V AC / 12 V DC (50/60 Hz)dimensions (h) 115 x (w) 320 x (d) 215 mmWeight 3.8 kgProduct Number LE.5210ACC E S S O RI E S A ND S PA RE PA R TSF I BE R L I GH T CO N D U C TO RGooseneck self-sustaining glass fibre light guides.Emission angle 65°, with black metal jacketle.5213 Single arm fiber light conductor, Gooseneck self-sustaining, 50 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5214 Dual arm fiber light conductor, Gooseneck self-sustaining, 50 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5215 Triple arm fiber light conductor, Gooseneck self-sustaining, 50 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5219 Dual arm fiber light conductor, Gooseneck self-sustaining, 70 cm long, Ø 4 mmFlexible glass fibre light guides with black PVC jacket. Emission angle 65°le.5216 Single arm flexible fiber light conductor, 100 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5235D ual arm flexible fiber light conductor, 100 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5235-3 Dual arm flexible fiber light conductor, 300 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5217T riple arm flexible fiber light conductor, 100 cm long, Ø 4 mmle.5218 Single arm flexible fiber light conductor, 100 cm long, Ø 8 mmle.5220 Single arm flexible fiber light conductor, 200 cm long, Ø 8 mmle.5239 Slit ring-shaped fiber light conductor 60 cm long, Ø 8 mmle.5240 Slit ring shaped fiber light conductor 100 cm long, Ø 8 mmle.5241 Flexible fiber light conductor, curved 90°, 60 cm long, Ø 4 mmEuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•F+31(0)263232833•****************•ACC E S S O RI E S A ND S PA RE PA R TSAccessories for glass fibre light guidesle.5222 Focusing head for focusing lens LE.5224, LE.5228 or filters LE.5223, LE.5229 and LE.523 (for fiber light conductors) le.5223 Set of 3 color filters (red, blue, green). Suitable for LE.5222 and LE.5228le.5224 Focusing lens. Requires LE.5222 or LE.5228 for mounting on LE.5213, LE.5214 and LE.5215le.5228 Focusing head with iris diaphragm (for fiber light conductors)le.5229 Polarization filter le.5231 Conversion KB12/80B filterA D A P T E R M O U N T SAe.5237 Ring adapter with 2 adjustable clamps for LE.5217 and LE.5235. (for Z series (except ZE.1659)Ae.5238 2 Adjustable clamps for LE.5217 and LE.5235. To be mounted on stereo head holders.Only available in combination with the purchase of a microscope Ae.5251 Adapter for light guide LE.5216 and LE.5217.To be used with ST.1715 and ST.1720 stands or with ST.1792, ST.1794 or ST.1798 stereo head holdersAe.5247 Adapter for LE.5239, LE.5240, LE.1970 and LE.1971. To be mounted on 1x/2x and 1x/3x stereo heads when no additional lenses are used.(When using additional lenses please contact Euromex)Ae.5248 Adapter for LE.5239, LE.5240, LE.1970 and LE.1971. To be mounted on 2x/4x stereo heads when no additional lenses are used.(When using additional lenses please contact Euromex)HA LOG EN B U L B S AN D F U S E Ssl.5208 Halogen 20 W 12 V bulb with reflector (3,000 hrs nominal), GU4 fits LE.5209sl.5219 Halogen 100 W 12 V bulb with reflector (50 hrs nominal), MR16 fits LE.5210sl.5230 Halogen 100 W 12 V ‘Long Life’ bulb (1,000 hrs nominal), MR16 fits LE.5210sl.5235 Halogen 150 W 15 V bulb (50 hrs nominal), MR16 fits LE.5211sl.5240 Halogen 150 W 15 V ‘Long Life’ bulb (500 hrs nominal), MR16 fits LE.5211Ae.5227 Spare fuses 1A/250 V, 10 pieces。

DS250 DS250TH

DS250 DS250TH

DS250/DS250TH光电烟雾探测器1.0 概述DS250和DS250TH为UL认证的露天式光电烟雾探测器,可与商业和住宅防火报警系统共同使用。












如果探测器在设定的干扰范围外,报警LED 则会以不同的频率闪烁,表明探测器的灵敏度太高或太低。








2.0 产品说明DS250探测器(需配底座)DS250TH配有135°F的热敏传感器的探测器(需配底座) DS250探测器,用于DS290系列管道烟室MB2W2线式底座MB2W-EXP2线式底座,直径为10cmMB2WL-E3902线式底座,直径为10cm(包括一个390欧姆的电阻)MB4W4线式底座MB4WA4线式底座,配“C”型辅助继电器MB4WE4线式底座,进行电源监察,EOL继电器,常开辅助继电器MB4WS带发声器的4线式底座ELO200用于4线系统的EOL监察模块RC3-10可更换烟室(10个一包)TP280直径为16.2cm的调整片•工作环境温度:0°—38°C;相对湿度为0—95%(无霜)•探测器的电源要求:待机电压:2线式为8.5~33.0VDC;4线式为10.0~30.0VDC。


• Gray epoxy painted light marine grade aluminum housing and door.
• The cover is fitted with a short safety chain. • Lampholder can be easily field-adjustable for either a narrow or
(Magnetic Ballast)
Options: T - Extra Terminals A - Asymmetrical
Optic C -25 °C (-13 °F) Ambient Temperature
T Rating (Gas) and Surface Temperature (Dust) Table
Bracket: B - Hinged Bracket Included
Lamp Type: H - Metal Halide L - High Pressure Sodium M - Mercury Vapor Z - Halogen
Voltage: XJ - 230/240 Vac, 50 Hz
number. • Terminal block with 2 more terminals for wiring with 3 phases
plus Neutral in 380/415 V (loop in/loop out wiring possible): add suffix -T at the end of the catalog number.
in to 0.57 in) sealing diameter. — One blanking plug. — Two M20 locknuts. • For use with either tubular or ellipsoidal shape lamps. See ordering information for details. • Choice of mounting with galvanized hinged bracket fixed mounting or tube/pole mounting with galvanized brackets. • Thermoshock and impact-resistant glass factory sealed into the cover frame. • Operates in wall-mounting or down lighting applications. • Reversible hinge allows for fixture access from either side. • E40 or H3 lampholders for the 2 x 70 W Vac/Vdc halogen version. • Internal symmetric reflector.



-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

邮编:239050 销售热线:
长寿命He-Ne激光管,工作波长6328 。


1、输出波长: nm










FURUNO CH-250 高清活动矩阵彩色LCD搜光潜水 Sonar说明书

FURUNO CH-250 高清活动矩阵彩色LCD搜光潜水 Sonar说明书

Model CH-250Catalogue No. E-381cSEARCHLIGHT SONARThe future today with FURUNO's electronics technology.FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya City, Japan Telephone: +81 (0)798 65-2111Telefax: +81 (0)798 65-4200, 66-4622, 66-4623TRADE MARK REGISTERED MARCA REGISTRADA●High definition active matrix color LCD ●Choice of frequency: 60, 88 or 150 kHz ●Blackbox system configuration allows use of optional CRT or LCD monitors●Target lock on a fish school or L/L position for a designated fishing area●Pulse length automatically switched with range to optimize performance on all ranges ● A specific color can be shown in white to enhance the echo level display ●Instant selection of eight different operational modes●Audible target detection freeing the operator from a continuous display watch ●Customized fishing menu10.4" COLOR LCD DISPLAYThe CH-250 is a revolutionary, high-performance searchlight sonar designed for a wide range of commercial fishing vessels. Fish and underwater objects are displayed on a compact color LCD screen. Target echoes are presented in 8 or 16 colors depending on the received echo strengths. The highest echo level is painted in red and next strongest echo in orange, and other colors follow with reducing echo levels. One of the echo strengths can be displayed in white to enhance the specific echo level. The background color may be customized for optimum viewing at day or night.An operating frequency can be selected from 60, 88 or 150 kHz.The CH-250 is provided with eight operational modes including half or full circle scan, zoom, vertical scan, vertical sounder, the combination of full or half circle with vertical scan, full circle with history, full circle with strata and full circle with VideoPlotter. The combination of full circle and vertical scan mode helps evaluate the distribution of fish school in horizontal and vertical planes simultaneously.The CH-250 has another unique mode "Cross Section Scan" to view the vertical plane. When you find a specific echo appropriate "CUSTOM MODE BUTTON" and then the cross section scan window appears.The CH-250 provides three modes to track a targeted echo: manual mode, target lock mode and L/L mode. The target lock mode permits automatic tracking of a target fish school within a predetermined search zone after it has been acquired in manual operation. In the L/L mode,the beam is locked to the position (such as a fish shelter or reef) specified by the target marker. This mode can be enhanced with DGPS position input. The compact display design allows a flexible and space-saving installation at your navigation station. With an optional interface unit, a conventional CRT or LCD monitor can be connected as a substitute, backup or remote display of the standard display unit. The low-profile hull unit requires only a limited space for installation. There is a choice of hull units, either 250 mm or 400 mm travel.Power search in eight modesfor fishing and other sonar applicationsSector/Full circle Scan Vertical ScanPress the"CUSTOM MODE BUTTON"degrees, the picture is thesame as a vertical sounder. It displays fish schools2.Display Unit 10.4" TFT color LCD (VGA: 640 x 480 pixels)3.Color 8 or 16 colors4.Display Mode(1) Full Circle scan (2) Zoom (x 1.5) (3) Vertical scan (4) Vertical Sounder (5) Full/Half Circle and Vertical scan (6) Full Circle and History (7) Full Circle and Strata (8) Full Circle and VideoPlotter 5.Audio monitor 1000 Hz 6.TX Output Power 0.8-1.2 kW 7.Beamwidth (at -3 dB)60 kHz:15°(H) x 12°(V)88 kHz:11.5°(H) x 9.5°(V)150 kHz: 6.5°(H) x 6.5°(V)8.Transducer ControlTilt 0°to -180°at 3°or 6°steps (in vertical scan)+5°to -90°at 1°steps (in full circle scan)Training sectorManual or automatic training at 6°or 12°steps in search sector 6°-360°Target Lock By L/L or Echo position 9.Interface NMEA 0183 Ver 1.5, 2.0 (IEC 61162-1)Input:DBS, DBT , DPT, GGA, GLL, HDG, HDM, MDA,MTW, RMA, RMC, VDR, VHW, VTGOutput:SSTLL nguage English, Spanish, Danish, Portuguese,French, Norwegian, Italian, Swedish, ThaiPower SupplyTransceiver unit 12-24/32 VDC, 55 W Hull unit12/24-32 VDC, 55 W(200 W while raising/lowering transducer)EMC AND ENVIRONMENT (Complies with IEC 60945)Display unit:-15°C to +55°CWater resistanceIEC IPX5, USCG CFR 46 (Display unit)EQUIPMENT LISTStandard1.Display Unit MU-100C 1 unit2.Control Unit CH-252 1 unit3.Hull Unit CH-254 (travel 400 mm) or CH-255 (travel 250 mm) 1 unit4.Transceiver unit CH-2535.Installation materials and spare parts 1 set6.Interface unit IF-8000 (Blackbox type only) 1 unit Option1.Remote controller CH-2562.Rectifier RU-1746B-23.External speaker SC-05WR4. 1 m tall steel tank (06-007-1570), 1.8 m tall steel tank (SHJ-0001),3.5 m tall steel tank (06-007-1571), 1 m tall FRP tank (SHJ-0022), 1.8 m tall FRP tank (06-007-1573), 1 m tall aluminum tank (OP10-5), 5.NMEA cableMJ-A6SPF0012-050 (5 m), MJ-A6SPF0011-050 (5 m),MJ-A6SPF0012-100 (10 m), MJ-A6SPF0011-100 (10 m), 6.Motion sensor MS-100 or Clinometer BS-7047.Interface unit IF-8000SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE0406XN Printed in JapanFURUNO U.S.A., INC.Camas, Washington, U.S.A.Phone: +1 360-834-9300 Telefax: +1 360-834-9400FURUNO (UK) LIMITEDDenmead, Hampshire, U.K.Phone: +44 2392-230303 Telefax: +44 2392-230101FURUNO FRANCE S.A.Bordeaux-Mérignac, FrancePhone: +33 5 56 13 48 00 Telefax: +33 5 56 13 48 01FURUNO ESPANA S.A.Madrid, SpainPhone: +34 91-725-90-88 Telefax: +34 91-725-98-97FURUNO DANMARK ASHvidovre, DenmarkPhone: +45 36 77 45 00 Telefax: +45 36 77 45 01FURUNO NORGE A/SÅlesund, NorwayPhone: +47 70 102950 Telefax: +47 70 127021FURUNO SVERIGE AB Västra Frölunda, SwedenPhone: +46 31-7098940 Telefax: +46 31-497093FURUNO SUOMI OYHelsinki, FinlandPhone: +358 9 341 7570 Telefax: +358 9 3417 5716RangeUnit16124593118710102801040600500300250200160120804020120200300200015001000800600500400MetersFeet Fathoms P/B2040608012016020025030040025001020406080120160200400250300400500141310003500500800700Time to train full circle (s)60777771012/1314/1616/2018/2422/3226/4030/4838/6446/81151001007001401406001.Range scales and PulselengthMax scale depends on the system frequency. 1600 m (60 kHz), 1200 m (88 kHz), 1000 m (150 kHz). Training speed is subject to the system frequency and range scales. Two speeds on long range scales.150 kHz。



医用内窥镜冷光源产品技术要求1. 产品型号/规格及其划分说明1.1 型号冷光源分两种型号:XD-250 XD-3501.2组成氙灯冷光源的结构形式为单灯台式结构,由主机、电源线组成。

1.3规格及基本参数表1规格说明2. 性能指标2.1 工作条件a)环境温度:5℃~40℃b)相对湿度:≤80%c)大气压力:86KPa~106 KPa2.2 光谱性能2.2.1显色指数应具有良好的显色性,显色指数应不小于90。



2.2.4 红外截止性能应符合YY1081-2011中4.2.5的规定。

2.3 参考窗口的光照性能2.3.1光照均匀性应符合YY1081-2011中4.3.1的规定,标称值见表1。



2.5 机械接口规格应符合YY1081-2011中4.6的规定,标称值见表1。

2.6 防故障的安全措施应符合YY1081-2011中4.7的规定。

2.7 外观2.7.1 整机外表面应平整、光洁,无机械损伤;2.7.2 面板上的文字和标志应清晰、准确;2.7.3 各操作和调节机构应灵活、可靠,紧固件无松动;2.8 电气安全应符合GB9706.1-2007及GB9706.19-2000的规定,电气安全特征见附录A。

2.9 电磁兼容性应符合YY0505-2012的规定。




FB-250 SPOT使用说明书FBLGUANZHOU JIAMING (DAMING) LIGHTING CO.,LTD 广州佳明(大明)灯光有限公司目录一、前言 (2)安全常识 (2)二、运输与安全 (3)三、关于灯泡 (3)MSR 250W/S灯泡 (3)更换与矫正灯泡 (4)四、交流电源 (4)保险丝 (4)电源连接 (4)五、DMX数据链路 (5)连接电脑灯要点 (5)安装支架 (5)六、控制面板 (6)菜单导航 (6)主要功能 (7)控制菜单 (7)七、效果 (8)八、清洁与保养 (8)九、DMX协议 (9)DMX 协议 (10)电路板接线图 (12)参数规格 (13)一、前言感谢您选择FB-250这款250瓦专业摇头灯。








注意事项1. 本灯具内部没有用户可维修的任何部件,请不要试图打开灯具。

2. 未装灯泡前请不要试图运行灯具。

3. 在开始操作灯具前,请检查所有的盖板(或外壳)是否已关闭,螺丝是否已上紧,禁止在盖板(或外壳)打开的情况下使用灯具。

4. 在初次使用时,灯泡周围的烤漆将会产生少量的烟雾或焦味,这是正常的现象。





多用于手术室内,与手术显微镜和手术内窥镜配合使用。输出电压稳定,故障率小。也可以制作双氙灯2600Βιβλιοθήκη 1100MINI氙灯











6、工作条件①光照箱应在A.C(220±22)V (50±1)Hz电源上工作。











2、主要技术参数(如表1)表1 主要技术参数注:①当不使用光照系统时,控温可控制在5℃-10℃范围内。










1.01 特点●多达128种焊接程序的存贮,使得在同一种电源下满足不同焊接要求。












1.02 控制面板及指示〔POWER/OFF 〕开关: 电源开关打到”POWER ”开启机器,打到”OFF ”关闭机器。

〔WELD/NO WELD 〕开关 :焊接/设置开关,将开关打到“WELD ”上时为焊接状态,可进行焊接放电操作;将开关打到“NO WELD ”上时为非焊接状态,在该状态下可进机头及焊针的对齐调整。

〔DATA 〕键组:用于能量的数值的输入及其他时间数值的输入:1、0~9数字键:用于数值的输入;2、ENTER 键:在程序编辑状态下,按下此键可放弃当前修改的参数进入运行状态;菜单选项确定键。

Strand Lighting 250ML控制台(控制台)商品说明书

Strand Lighting 250ML控制台(控制台)商品说明书

250ML Lighting Control Consoles
64351 250ML Lighting Control Console
All consoles include dust cover, integrated video (VGA) card, universal voltage power supply, USB key drive, LED desk lamp, and quick start guide. Monitor not included.
67528 95220
USB Key Drive 20-inch Flat Panel Monitor
Philips Strand Lighting
Dallas 10911 Petal Street Dallas, TX 75238 Tel: +1 (214) 647-7880 Fax: +1 (214) 647-8031
Europe European Service & Distribution Centre Rondweg zuid 85 Winterswijk 7102 JD the Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 543-542516
© Philips Group 2015 All rights reserved. The Company reserves the right to make any variation in design, construction or descriptions contained herein, of the equipment, at any time without prior notice. E&OE

FINE250 spot 说明书

FINE250 spot 说明书

目录..................................................................1 FINE250 SPOT 外形尺寸图....................................3 简介..................................................................4 安全信息............................................................4 附件.....................................................................5 灯泡 (5)OSRAM HSD250/78灯泡.......................................5 换灯泡............................................................6 换泡操作.........................................................6 调整灯泡.........................................................7 交流电源 (7)保险丝............................................................7 供电调整.........................................................7 电源连接.........................................................7 数据 (8)连接设备.........................................................8 数据资料连接...................................................8 安装 (9)设备固定到支架................................................9 控制面板 (10)DMX 地址及规程设置 .......................................10 FINE250SPOT 功能说明参照 (10)效果...................................................10 调光与频闪...................................................11 旋转图案轮...................................................11 固定图案轮...................................................12 颜色盘...................................................13 调焦...................................................14 水平、垂直......................................................14 速度控制 (14)控制通道 (14)DMX 通道......................................................16 菜单控制......................................................24 常规维护 (29)拆卸............................................................29 清洁............................................................30 FINE250 SPOT 通道示意图 (32)FINE 250 SPOT外形尺寸图简介感谢选择这款FINE250SPOT产品。





△!面板说明1、电源开关(POWER):l 表示打开,O 表示关闭,电源开关打开时,电源指示灯亮,表示电源已接通。













MINI CITY--250 说明书

MINI CITY--250 说明书

MINI CITY--250说明书MINI CITY-250使用说明书--技术规格:灯泡: MSD-250/2灯泡使用时间:2000小时色温:8500K马达: 马达速度可调颜色系统:CMY无极换色CMY组合:36种基本色可选光束角度:11度—14度/20度---28度调光:0---100%线性调光复位:可通过控台复位控制系统:接受国际DMX512信号数据输出/输入:3芯/5芯XLR座控制方式:单机控制或主从模式(内置25种程序)显示系统:数子LED全英文显示面板,可正反向显示IP等级:IP66电源供应:采用开关电源(AC96V----AC265V 50HZ/60HZ)整机电源功率:350V A整机电源电流:1.6A整流器:传统整流器:210V/230V/245V/50HZ ,208V/230V/60HZ 电子整流器:100V/120V/230V/250V 50HZ/60HZ尺寸(WxDxH)mm:L419xD270xH570mm重量:19.5KGS标准:符合CE标准/GB700015--2000标准DMX控制通道:8CH/7CH可选DMX控制8通道排列如下:CH1=MOTOR SPEED(马达调速)CH2=CYAN(蓝绿色)CH3=MAGENTA(洋红色)CH4=YELLOW(黄色)CH5=DIMMER(调光)CH6=BEAM ANGLE(光角度)CH7=CMY MARCO(CMY组合)CH8=RESET(复位)DMX控制7通道排列如下:CH1=MOTOR SPEED(马达调速)CH2=CYAN(蓝绿色)CH3=MAGENTA(洋红色)CH4=YELLOW(黄色)CH5=DIMMER(调光)CH6=BEAM ANGLE(光角度)CH7=CMY MARCO(CMY组合)--菜单说明:ADDR---地址码设置(A001---A512); ,按MENU选中ADDR,按ENTER进入,利用UP/DOWN选择地址码, 选择好后按ENTER确认;MODE---DMX控制/主从机控制选择; 按MENU选中MODE, 按ENTER进入,内有ON/SL/PR1—PR25; 选择ON表示选择DMX控制, 选择SL表示选择从机, 选择PR1—PR25任何一种表示选择主机;选择好后按ENTER确认; 注:(选择主从机控制模式时,只能选择一个主机,其余均要设定为从机SL,并且切断DMX控制连线);LHRS---灯泡工作时间; 按MENU选中LHRS, 按ENTER进入,即可查看灯泡使用时间;FHRS---灯具作时间, 按MENU选中FHRS, 按ENTER进入,即可查看灯具使用时间;NCHN---通道切换,有8CH/7CH可选; 按MENU选中NCHN, 按ENTER 进入, 利用按ENTER进入UP/DOWN选择8CH/7CH;选择好后按ENTER确认;FOCUS---光角度控制(在主从机控制模式时使用); 按MENU选中FOCUS, 按ENTER进入, 利用UP/DOWN可在0—255选择;选择好后按ENTER确认;TEST---内置测试程序; 按MENU选中TEST, 按ENTER进入, 利用UP/DOWN选择ON/OFF,选择ON,表示演示内置测试程序,选择OFF表示关闭内置测试程序; 选择好后按ENTER确认;FLIP---显示面板正反向显示选择; 按MENU选中FLIP, 利用UP/DOWN 选择ON/OFF, 选择ON, 表示倒置显示,选择OFF,表示正向显示;选择好后按ENTER确认;REST---手动按键复位; 按MENU选中REST,利用UP/DOWN选择ON,按ENTER确认,延时几秒灯具开始复位;USER’S MANUAL。

Leviton CD250 DALI组和场景编程技术应用指南说明书

Leviton CD250 DALI组和场景编程技术应用指南说明书

Lighting Control DivisionCD250 DALI Group and Scene ProgrammingApplication NoteFor CD250Leviton Lighting Control Division59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362-2591Using CD250 Controllers to program up to 4 groups of lights and to recall 1-8 lighting scenes on a DALI loopStep 2: Quickly press (2 seconds) and release the programming button to place Group Controller inProgramming Mode A . This mode is confirmed when the 8 LED’s are lit or flashing.Step 3: While in Programming Mode A , verify that LED 7is lit indicating Group Mode. If LED 7 is flashing, press the button next to LED 7 to change the status from blinking to lit. Also verify that LED’s 4, 5 and 6 are flashing. If these LED’s aren’t flashing, press the button next to the LED’s to change the status from lit to flashing. The CD250Controller’s starting group defaults to #1 (LED’s 1-4 flash).Note:If setting up the starting group as other than #1,please refer to the instructions included with the controller to set the switches on the left side to indicate the correct beginning group. Exit Programming Mode A by quickly pressing and releasing the programming/reset buttonMapping Ballasts to “Groups” on a CD250 Group ControllerStep 1:Press the “Program/Reset” button for 5 seconds to enter Programming Mode B . The LED’s flash in a repetitive top-to-bottom sequence and then switch to a side-to-side flashing sequence. Entering this mode causes the light level of all connected fixtures on a DALI loop to dim except those connected to a single ballast which remain at full brightness. This process can take up to one minute, so please wait for this to happen before proceeding. At this point, the Controller’s software is waiting for this single ballast to be assigned (mapped) to one of four group buttons. (The side figure shows an example of the mapping of the selected ballast to group 1)Note:This ballast must be included in one of the four groups. To include it in a group, press the left button for that group. Then press the right button of the remaining three groups to exclude it from those groups. Once the ballast has been successfully mapped (included in one group and excluded from the other three), the program automatically moves to the next ballast in the DALI loop. The lights controlled by the next selected ballast will be at full brightness, while lights controlled by the other ballasts will be dim. Proceed to map this ballast, and then the program will in turn automatically move you to the next one. The unit automatically exits the programming mode when the last ballast on the DALI loop has been assigned to your chosen group. Note: Group assignments are stored in the ballasts. For multi-point Group control, simply add additional CD250 Controllers to the DALI loop and set them up as Group Controllers. Mapping ballasts to groups is not required.Step 2:Replace the CD250 Group Controller’s faceplate and verify ballast mapping – via each ballast’s connectedlight fixtures – by pressing the associated group ON/OFF buttons and the DIM/BRIGHT arrows.Leviton Lighting Control Division59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362-2591Setting Up A Second CD250 As A Scene ControllerLocating the programming button:Removing the Scene Controller faceplate of the CD250 provides access to the “Program/Reset” button. When a programming procedure calls for setting a programming mode or performing a reset, insert a small object to press the contact located beneath the plastic surface.Step 1:Remove the eight-scene-position faceplate of the second CD250 Controller. Do not perform the “Reset” function (holding in the “Program/Reset” button for 15 seconds) at this time!Doing so will clear all current ballast group assignments previously assigned with the CD250 Group ControllerStep 2: Quickly press (2 seconds) and release the “Program/Reset” button to place the Controller in Programming Mode A. This mode is confirmed when all LED’s are lit or flashing.Step 3:While in Programming Mode A, we Array want to be in Scene Broadcast Mode. Verifythat LED 6 is lit, indicating Scene BroadcastMode. If the LED is flashing, press the buttonnext to the LED to change the status fromblinking to lit. Also verify that LED 4 is flashingand that LED’s 5 and 7 are lit. If the status ofany of these LED’s is incorrect, press thebutton next to the LED in question to changeto the needed lit or flashing status. ExitProgramming Mode A by quickly pressingand releasing the programming/reset buttonProgramming of ScenesStep 1:Using the CD250 Group Controllerpreviously programmed, manually set the lightlevels in the room by using the group buttonsand the DIM/BRIGHT arrows on the faceplateto set each group’s light level. Once a desiredblend of light levels for the four groups oflights that’s appropriate to an application ischosen, proceed to step 2.Step 2:On the CD250 Scene Controller, press the “Program/Reset” button for 5 seconds. The LED’s will flash in a side-to-side flashing sequence. The Scene Controller’s software is waiting for one of the scene buttons to be pressed. Pressing a button (scene buttons 1-7 and OFF= Scene 8) on the Scene Controller assigns the current blend of group light levels to that button and automatically ends programming mode. Scene levels are actually stored in the ballasts and the Scene Controller recalls the ballast scenes when the button is pressed. For multi-point scene control, simply add additional CD250 Controllers to the DALI loop and set them up as Scene Controllers. (Warning:When installing extra CD250 Controllers, do not exceed current capacity of DALI power supply.) Programming of Scene buttons is not required. Important:The OFF scene button label on the Scene Controller is offered as a convenience. This button must be programmed to be an OFF scene. To do so, all groups need to be turned OFF and then stored as Scene 8.Step 3:Repeat steps 1 and 2 until scene buttons 1-7 and the OFF scene button are assigned.Step 4:Replace the CD250 Scene Controller faceplate and verify scene settings. Using the DIM/BRIGHT arrows,any preset scene’s level of illumination can be adjusted up or down.Leviton Lighting Control Division59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362-2591。

Xitanium dim 250W 1.05A 1-10V 230V LED驱动器说明书

Xitanium dim 250W 1.05A 1-10V 230V LED驱动器说明书

Xitanium Outdoor LED Drivers Dimmable (1-10V)Xitanium Dim 250W 1.05A 1-10V 230V QLED-based light sources are an excellent solution for outdoor environment. They are long-lasting and require low maintenance. However, to get the best out of the LEDs, these light sources require highly reliable and efficient LED Drivers. Philips Xitanium Dimmable (1-10V) LED Outdoor Drivers are specifically designed to deliver reliable performance and protection while meeting the strict performance, approbation and application requirements.BenefitsReliability•Robust design; capable of withstanding harsh outdoor conditions.•Long lifetime and high survival rate.•Superior Surge protection suitable for much more rigorous outdoor application.•Backed by 5 year warranty from a company you can trust. Affordable•Component integration in advanced IC enables cost effective design.•Proven robustness & reliability secure the lowest luminaire maintenance over time.Easy to use•Extreme compact size. fitting with varied luminaires.•Easy to design-in based on the good thermal management and extra EMI margin Features•Proven robustness and reliable electronic driver design.•Achieving highest efficiencies based on advance technology.•Long lifetime; 50k hrs @Tc max.•Surge protection; 6kV line-line, 6kV line-earth •Suitable for Class I isolated luminaires.•Authorized certificate: ENEC, CB, CE and CCC. Applications•Road and street lighting•Area and flood lighting•Tunnel lighting•High-bay lightingAugust 2021Electrical Input DataSpecification item Value Unit ConditionNominal Input Voltage 220…240 Vac Input Voltage AC 198…264 Vac Performance range Operation Voltage AC 85…305 Vac Safety operation range Nominal Input Frequency 50…60 Hz Input Frequency AC 47…63 Hz Maximum permissible range Nominal Input Current 0.9…1.2 A 220V…240V at full load Maximum Input Current 1.35 A At 198VNominal Input Power 265 WAt 230V at full load Power Factor≥0.95 At 230V at full load Total Harmonic Distortion ≤10 % At 230V at full loadEfficiency93% Electrical Output DataSpecification item ValueUnitConditionRegulation Method Constant Current Output Voltage 118…238 V dc Output Voltage Max 400 V dc Peak voltage at open circuit Output Current1050 mA Performance voltage range Output Current Tolerance ±5 % At max. output current Output Current Ripple LF 5 %Ripple = peak / average, at<1kHz Output Power 250 W At full load Galvanic IsolationYesBasic; 2U+1000VElectrical Data Control InputSpecification item Value Unit ConditionControl Method 1-10VDigital Interface N/A According 2.0 specifications Mains ControlN/A Can be configured via MultiOne Time-based Integrated Control N/A Can be configured via MultiOne Dimming Range10-100%Wiring & ConnectionsSpecification item Value Unit ConditionInput Wire Size 0.75 mm² 2-wire; 600V/105o C ratingOutput Wire Size0.75 mm² 2-wire; 600V/105oC ratingInput & Output Wire Length 270 ± 30 mm Out of enclosureControl Wire Size 0.75 mm² 2-wire; 600V/105oC ratingControl Wire Length270 ± 30mmOut of enclosure@ratedoutputpower@**************************≤ 0.01≤ 0.07Output PstLM Output SVM In entire operating window In entire operating windowCE IsolationBasicIsolation: 2U+1000 V Input Wires Output Wires ChassisInput Wires N/A Basic BasicOutput Wires Basic N/A BasicChassis Basic Basic N/AOperational Temperature and HumiditySpecification item Value Unit ConditionAmbient Temperature -40…+55°CTcase Maximum 90 °C Measured at Tc-pointTcase Life 80 °C Measured at Tc-pointTcase Cut-Off 100 °C Power to LEDs is reduced Storage Temperature and HumiditySpecification item Value Unit ConditionAmbient Temperature -40…+55°CLifetimeSpecification item Value Unit ConditionLifetime 100,000 Hours At T case Life; Survival rate = 90%Programmable FeaturesSpecification itemValue RemarkCondition Adjustable Output Current (AOC) N/A See Design-In GuideLED Module Temperature Derating (MTP) N/A Constant Lumen Output (CLO) N/A DC Emergency Dimming (DCEmDIM) N/A Corridor Mode N/A Energy Metering N/A DiagnosticsN/AInrush currentSpecification item Value Unit Condition Inrush Current Ipeak 38.3 A At 230VacInrush Current Twidth 625 μs At 230Vac, measured at 50% IpeakDrivers per MCB 16A Type B6pcsCertificates and StandardsSpecification item ValueApproval Marks CE / CCC / ENEC / CB Ingress Protection RatingN /AIpeakT (@ 50% of Ipeak)FeaturesSpecification itemValue Remark Condition Over Temperature Protection Yes Dim DownAutomatic Recovery Open Circuit Protection Yes Automatic Recovery Short Circuit Protection Yes Automatic RecoveryOver Power Protection Yes Hot WiringN/A Suitable for fixtures with Protection Class Class I Input over-voltageYes320Vac@48hrs 350Vac@2hrsEarth Leakage CurrentSpecification item Value Unit ConditionTypical Leakage Current ≤0.7 mApk Meets IEC60598; LED module not included Surge CapabilitySpecification item Value Unit ConditionMains Surge Capability Differential Mode 6 KV L-N, 2OhmMains Surge Capability Common Mode 6 KV L/N-GND, 12OhmDimensionsSpecification item Value Unit ConditionLength overall 240.5 mmWidth overall 89.4 mmHeight overall 42 mmMounting Holes Distance 226.2 mmMounting Holes Width 43 mmMounting Holes Size 4 mm For M4 with max head diameter of 10mm Weight 1300 gLogistical DataSpecification item ValueProduct Name Xitanium Dim 250W 1.05A 1-10V 230V QLogistics Code 12NC 9290 014 04280Pieces per Box 9GraphsOperating windowPower factor versus output powerEfficiency versus output power2602202401201401601801008020000.10.2Output Current (A)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V ) T case = 70°C )969492908886848280100200150050250300Output Power (W)E f f i c i e n c y (%)230 Vac 202 Vac 254 Vac230 Vac 202 Vac 254 Vac( T case = 70°C )10.950.900.850.800.75100500150200250Output Power (W)P o w e r F a c t o r300Total Harmonic Distortion (Tcase = 70°C)Lifetime vs Tcase252051015050200150100250Output Power (W)T H D ( % )30012010080604020010203050TcL i f e ti me (K h r s )6070908040230 Vac202 Vac 254 Vac•Failure rate information based upon MTTF modeling: 90% survival at end of life @ Tcase<=90°C •Failure rate information based upon field call rate data: <0.01% per 1K hour @ Tcase<=90°C1-10V dimming Curve1009080706050403020100015Vdim (V)I o u t (%)121376891011324100908070605040302010090105165Vin (V)285305195180210225240255270135120150250W Vin vs PoutO u t p u t P o w e r (%)©2021 Signify Holding, IBRS 10461, 5600 VB, NL. All rights reserved.The information provided herein is subject to change without notice. Signify does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy orcompleteness of the information included herein and shall not be liable for any action in reliance thereon. The information presented in this document is not intended as any commercial offer and does not form part of any quotation or contract, unless otherwise agreed by Signify.Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. All other trademarks are owned by Signify Holding or their respective owners.Date of release: August 10, 2021。

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① 关闭电源开关,将电源连接线从电源插座上拔下。 ② 用工具将熔断器座打开,将损坏的熔断器取出。 ③ 把相同规格的熔断器放入熔断器座内,并安装好熔断器 座即可。 七 日常维护与保养 1. 定期对产品表面及面板进行清洁(清洁时请使用软布及中性 清洁剂) 2. 保持良好的通风散热,及时清理周围的遮挡物。 3. 使用中,如出现异常声响或异味,应立即关机,由专业技术 人员检查防止意外伤害 八 环境保护 本产品使用中不产生有毒废物和污染物, 消耗品中不含有毒物质 和污染物。注意:更换的灯泡及报废的产品请勿随意丢弃,由设备管 理部门统一处理。 九 运输与贮存 1. 产品搬运时应注意轻拿轻放; 2. 长途运输时,应将产品置于有泡沫塑料衬垫的纸箱内; 3. 产品贮存应在环境温度-40℃~+55℃。相对湿度不超过 85 %,无腐蚀性气体、通风良好的室内。 十 售后服务 1. 产品自交付用户起,负责保修期限为壹年。 2. 产品使用中,对用户提出的有关产品的使用、维修、保养的
故障排除 ① 重新连接好电源线 ② 更换熔断器 ① 更换主电路板 ② 更换灯泡 ③ 更换触发器 ① 更换调光电路 ② 固定好调光片 ① 检查仪器周围是否有 遮挡物影响散热进行 清理 ② 检查环境温度是否过 高
3 4
2、灯泡更换方法 ① 更换须采用相同外形尺寸及参数的灯泡。 ② 更换灯泡须关断电源,拔掉电源连接线。 ③ 打开机箱,然后打开灯室、盖板,将氙灯灯泡的阳极、 阴 极导线拧下,拆下灯泡,固定法兰盘上的三个固定锣丝, 将灯泡取下。 ④ 将新灯泡按原位置换上,拧紧固定锣丝,将阳极、阴极导 线连接紧固。 注意: 1、 更换灯泡时请匆用手接触灯泡球形部位, 避免造成亮度下 降和影响灯泡寿命。 2、灯泡的阳极和阴极导线不得与机箱、金属部分相接触, 并 保持一定安全距离,避免造成高压短路。 3、熔断器更换方法
4Leabharlann 50HZ五、使用说明 1、面板示意图
1) 2) 3) 4) :
:电源开关 :亮度调节旋钮 :光输出孔 :计时器(达到 500 小时建议更换灯泡)
2、操作说明 ①将电源线与光源可靠连接,导光束插入光输出口。 ②打开冷光源电源开关,灯泡随即点亮,光源开始工作。 ③按亮度调节按钮,调节输出亮度大小到合适的工作状态。 ④使用结束后,关闭电源开关。 光源启动后,短时间内输出光可能会有闪动,属正常现象。 六 一般故障判断与排除 1、 警示:此项工作应由专业技术人员或厂方维护人员进行
名 称:北京凡星光电医疗设备有限公司 地 址:北京市海淀区四季青镇北辛庄路双新办公区 8 号楼 101 室 电 话:010-62730498 传 真:62730520 邮编:100093
10 …………………………………………………………… 售后服务
一、产品综述 1.产品简介 XD-250 型医用内窥镜冷光源是一种为医用内窥镜临床使用提供 辅助照明的医用电子设备。它采用短弧氙灯作为发光器件,内部电路 采用高效开关恒流电源,强制风冷散热,光输出强度连续可调。具有 光亮度高、光色温高,工作稳定,安全可靠等特点。 2.产品组成 冷光源产品为单灯台式结构,由主机、电源线组成。 3.适用范围 该产品供内窥镜临床使用,作照明光源用。 4.禁忌症 暂未发现。 5.产品装箱清单 1) XD-250 主机 2) 电源线 3) 产品使用说明书 4) 产品合格证 二、注意事项 1、 冷光源需放置于良好的通风散热环境中,散热孔周围距遮挡
产品综述 注意事项
产品技术指标 工作环境
………………………………………………………………使用说明 …………………………………………………一般故障判断与排除 …………………………………………………… 日常维护与保养 …………………………………………………………… 环境保护 ………………………………………………………… 运输与贮存
序号 1
故障现象 原因 电源指示灯不亮, 光 ① 电源线未连接或不牢靠 源不工作 ② 熔断器损坏 光源工作, 但无光输 ① 主电板损坏 出 ② 氙灯灯泡损坏 ③ 触发器损坏 光 输 出 亮 度 无 法 调 ① 调光电路失效 节 ② 调光片松动或脱落 长 时 间 工 作 或 环 境 温度过高,热断路器动作 较高时灯光熄灭
一台 一根 一份 一份
物应在 15CM 以上。 2、 冷光源机箱上请勿放置其它物品。 3、 冷光源应避免剧烈震动,移动时轻拿轻放。 4、 冷光源工作时,请勿直视导光束发光口及光源输出孔,避免 强光对眼睛造成伤害。 5、 非专业维修人员请勿自行打开机箱,以免触电。 三、产品技术指标 1)安全类型:I 类 B 型 2)工作电源:a.c.220V 3)输入功率: 400VA; 4)输出总光通量: 420 lm; 5)机械接口规格:10±0.1mm10±0.1mm; 6)光照均匀性:0.3; 7)相关色温:5600K~7000K; 8)红绿蓝光的辐通比: er/eg0:.3;eb/eg:0.8; 9)熔断器规格:5A Φ5×20; 10)灯泡规格:XHA 250 球形短弧氙灯。 四、工作环境 1)环境温度:5℃~40℃ 2)相对湿度:≤80% 3)大气压力:86KPa~106 KPa
问题给予免费咨询和帮助。 3. 对于厂家允许的可由用户进行维修或更换的产品部件,厂家 可向专业维修人员提供相应的图纸、元器件清单、校正方法 等相关技术资料。 4. 产品使用中,人为因素造成的产品损坏和正常使用的消耗品 (如灯泡)不在保修范围内。 5. 产品售后服务单位:北京凡星光电医疗设备有限公司 售后服务电话:010-62730498
为了防止触电,请勿自行拆卸螺丝及外壳。本产品各仪器内部没有用 户可以维修调整的部件,应由专业人员进行维修或与厂商联系。

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生产许可证号:京药监械生产许 20000194 号 执行标准:YZB/京 1222-2013 产品注册号:京药监械(准)字 2014 第 2220158 号
XD-250 型医用内窥镜冷光源
使 用 说 明 书
本产品操作使用前,请仔细阅读使用说明书,并随产品妥善保管, 以 备随时查用,如有丢失或损坏请及时向厂商索取。