



HA改进提示:●线路图已经改变● 增加了压缩机减压阀。

● 自动空调控制器已经改变。

(中东车型)● 取消了自动空调的前温控放大器。

(中东车型)● 取消了后部温控放大器和后部电磁阀继电器。

(中东车型除外)●对于装备 V6 压缩机的后冷风(后部单独的控制模块除外),(中东车型)目录手动和自动注意事项和准备工作......................................2 辅助约束系统(SRS )“气囊”和“安全带预张紧器”.....................2 说明 (3)制冷循环 (3)手动故障诊断........................................................4 线路图 – A/C ,M --/TB45E 发动机........4 电磁离合器. (6)自动说明 (11)控制操作 ...............................................11 故障诊断 (13)电路图 -- A/C,A --/TB48 发动机...........13 线路图 -- A/C,A --/TB48 发动机.. (14)自诊断(中东车型).............................18 运行检查(中东车型).........................25 空调系统(中东车型).........................28 模式风门马达(中东车型)..................29 空气混合风门马达(中东车型)...........30 进风风门马达(中东车型)..................31 鼓风机马达(中东车型)......................32 电磁离合器(中东车型)......................33 冷风不足(中东车型).........................37 暖风不足(中东车型).........................38 自诊断(中东车型).............................39 存储功能.. (40)后冷风故障诊断 (41)线路图 -- R/COOL --/带前自动空调......................................................41 线路图 -- R/COOL --/带前手动空调的 TB45E 发动机车型 (43)预防措施和准备工作辅助约束系统(SRS)“气囊”和“安全带预张紧器”“气囊”和“安全带预张紧器”等辅助约束系统与前安全带一起使用时,有助于降低驾驶员和前排乘客在受到碰撞时受伤的风险或严重性。

最新TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

最新TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
配气机构的组成: •气缸盖 •气门组 •气门传动组件
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
凸轮轴正时齿轮: •进气凸轮轴(16) 和排气凸轮轴(17)装有更轻的皮带轮 •皮带张紧力由新设计的动态张紧轮进行调整
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
机油质量等级 :
•矿物机油 •半合成机油 •合成机油
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
机油的选用 :
维修尺寸 1
曲柄连杆机构的主要组成: •曲轴(4) •飞轮 •活塞(8) •连杆(10)
曲柄连杆机构的作用: •将活塞的往复运动转变为曲轴的旋转运动 •将作用于活塞上的力转变为曲轴对外输出的转矩
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
排气 5.98 24.5 104.4 90
22002200/1/111/5/5 |培训分部|
制造商的不同气门弹簧可能有3种颜色 (黄色 - 白色或兰色) ,不能将不同颜色标记的弹簧混装
直径A ± 0.020
3.2 mm
23.35 mm
H1 (mm) 对于/ F1 ( daN) ± 1.1

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍1:引言TU5JP4 EC5发动机是一款先进的汽车发动机,采用了最新的技术和设计理念,具有优异的性能和可靠性。


2:技术参数TU5JP4 EC5发动机的技术参数如下:- 排量:1598cc- 最大功率:120马力- 最大扭矩:160牛·米- 燃油类型:汽油- 燃油供给方式:多点电喷- 气缸数:4- 汽缸径:78.5mm- 行程:82mm- 压缩比:10:8.1- 常规机械增压系统:无3:工作原理TU5JP4 EC5发动机采用四冲程循环工作原理,由气缸、活塞、曲轴、气门等部件组成。


4:零部件构造TU5JP4 EC5发动机包括以下主要零部件:- 汽缸和活塞组件- 曲轴和连杆组件- 气门和气门机构- 燃油系统- 点火系统- 冷却系统- 润滑系统- 排气系统5:维护保养为了保证TU5JP4 EC5发动机的正常运行和延长其使用寿命,需要进行定期的维护保养工作。

包括以下方面:- 换机油和机滤- 清洗空气滤清器- 检查和调整火花塞- 检查和调整气门间隙- 检查冷却液- 检查和更换皮带- 清洗和调整喷油器6:附件本文档涉及的附件包括:- TU5JP4 EC5发动机技术参数表- TU5JP4 EC5发动机零部件图纸- TU5JP4 EC5发动机维修手册7:法律名词及注释在本文中涉及的法律名词及其注释如下:- 汽油:指一种燃料,用于内燃机中产生爆燃,推动活塞运动。

- 多点电喷:一种燃油供给方式,通过多个喷油嘴向各缸喷油,以提高燃烧效率。

- 行程:活塞在气缸内上下运动的距离。


5MT/4AT(附OD Drive)

豪华双色车身(2 tone)
106.6/6400(146 DIN)












潍杰Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo 产品说明书

潍杰Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo 产品说明书

Individual optionsTechnical dataStandard optionsVehicle picturesVehicle information S-GO 132EP o r s c h e T a y c a n T u r b o S S p o r t T u r i s m oI m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o nA l t h o u g h t h i s i m a g e i s i n t e n d e d t o r e f l e c t y o u r a c t u a l v e h i c l e c o n f i g u r a t i o n,t h e r e m a y b e s o m e v a r i a t i o n b e t w e e n t h i s p i c t u r e a n d t h e a c t u a l v e h i c l e.S o m e i t e m s s h o w n a r e E u r o p e a n s p e c i f i c a t i o n s.T e c h n i c a l d a t a S i n g l e-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e F r o n t A x l e,2-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e R e a r A x l eP o w e r u n i tM a x i m u m p o w e r(k W)460 kWM a x i m u m p o w e r(P S)626 PSO v e r b o o s t m a x i m u m p o w e r w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l(k W)560 kWO v e r b o o s t m a x i m u m p o w e r w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l(P S)762 PSM a x i m u m t o r q u e w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l1,050 NmM a x.w h e e l t o r q u e w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l13,050 NmE m i s s i o n s(N E D C E q u i v a l e n t)C O2e m i s s i o n s*c o m b i n e d0 g/kmC o n s u m p t i o n(W L T P)E l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d22.9 kWh/100 kmC O2-e m i s s i o n s c o m b i n e d0 g/kmC O2e m i s s i o n s c o m b i n e d*(m o d e l r a n g e)0 - 0 g/kmE l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n c o m b i n e d(m o d e l r a n g e)24.0 - 22.5 kWh/100 kmE l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n C i t y18.4 kWh/100 kmE l e c t r i c a l c o n s u m p t i o n C i t y(m o d e l r a n g e)19.4 - 17.8 kWh/100 kmR a n g eR a n g e c o m b i n e d279 mileR a n g e c o m b i n e d(m o d e l r a n g e)267 - 285 milesC h a r g i n gB a t t e r y c a p a c i t y(g r o s s)93.4 kWhB a t t e r y c a p a c i t y(n e t u s e a b l e)83.7 kWhM a x i m u m c h a r g i n g p o w e r w i t h d i r e c t c u r r e n t(D C)270 kWC h a r g i n g t i m e(A C)a t9.6k W(0t o u p t o100%)10.5 hC h a r g i n g t i m e(A C)a t22k W(0-100%) 5.0 hB o d y d i m e n s i o n s a n d w e i g h t sL e n g t h4,963 mmW i d t h(w i t h m i r r o r s f o l d e d)1,966 mmW i d t h(w i t h o u t m i r r o r s f o l d e d)2,144 mmW h e e l b a s e2,900 mmU n l a d e n w e i g h t(D I N)2,325 kgP e r m i s s i b l e g r o s s w e i g h t2,870 kgT e c h n i c a l d a t a(c o n t i n u e d)S i n g l e-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e F r o n t A x l e,2-S p e e d T r a n s m i s s i o n o n t h e R e a r A x l eM a x i m u m p e r m i s s i b l e r o o f l o a d75 kgC a p a c i t i e sL u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e(f r o n t)84 litresL u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e405 litresL u g g a g e c o m p a r t m e n t v o l u m e(w i t h s e a t s f o l d e d)1,171 litresP e r f o r m a n c eT o p s p e e d162 mphA c c e l e r a t i o n0-62m p h(0-100k m/h)w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l 2.8 sA c c e l e r a t i o n0-124m p h(0-200k m/h)w i t h L a u n c h C o n t r o l9.6 sA c c e l e r a t i o n49-74m p h(80-120k m/h) 1.7 sT e r r a i n f e a t u r e sR a m p b r e a k o v e r a n g l e(s t e e l s u s p e n s i o n)12.3 °M a x.g r o u n d c l e a r a n c e(a i r s u s p e n s i o n,n o r m a l l e v e l)126 mmS e r v i c e a n d W a r r a n t yW a r r a n t y p e r i o d 3 yearsM a i n s e r v i c e i n t e r v a l 2 years / 20,000 milesH i g h-v o l t a g e b a t t e r y w a r r a n t y p e r i o d8 years / 100,000 milesS t a n d a r d o p t i o n sE x t e r i o r• Fully galvanised steel / aluminium hybrid lightweight bodyshell• Bonnet, tailgate, doors, side sections and front wings in aluminium• Roof in aluminium, contoured design with dynamic recess profile• Full surface aerodynamic underbody panelling• Upper valance with vertical air intakes (air curtain)• Lower valance, side skirts and rear diffuser with inlays in carbon• Auto-deploying door handles• Side window trims in black (high-gloss)• Exterior mirror lower trims painted in exterior colour including mirror base in black (high-gloss)• Porsche Active Aerodynamics (PAA) with active air intake flaps• 'PORSCHE' logo in glass look integrated into rear light strip• Model designation on tailgate painted in black (high-gloss)• Active bonnet system• Doors with integrated side impact protection• Bumpers comprising high-strength cross members and two deformation elements each with two threaded fixture points for towing eye contained in the on-board tool kit• Luggage compartment at front and rear• Power tailgate• Thermally insulated glass all round• Roof spoiler painted in exterior colour• Emergency tyre sealant and pump kitD r i v e t r a i n a n d C h a s s i s• Permanent magnet Synchronous Motors (PSM) on the front and rear axles.• 2-speed automatic transmission• Porsche Recuperation Management (PRM)• Sport Mode for the activation of dynamic performance settings including Launch Control• Range Mode for the activation of efficiency-orientated settings• Porsche Intelligent Range Manager• Performance Battery Plus with 93.4 kWh capacity (gross)• Single-speed transmission on the front axle• Aluminium double wishbone front axle• Aluminium multi-link rear axle• Porsche Stability Management (PSM) vehicle stability system with ABS and extended brake functions• Integrated Porsche 4D chassis control• Adaptive air suspension with Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM)• Rear-axle steering including Power Steering Plus• Brake calipers painted in yellow• 10-piston aluminium monobloc fixed brake calipers at front• 4-piston aluminium monobloc fixed brake calipers at rear• Anti-lock braking system (ABS)• Electric parking brake• Brake pad wear indicator• Auto hold functionS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)• Multi-collision brake• Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB). Internally vented brake discs with 420 mm at front and 410 mm at rear • 21-inch Mission E Design wheels with silver rim edge• Wheel centres with full-colour Porsche Crest• Tyre pressure monitoring (TPM)• Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus)• Sport Chrono Package including GT Multi-function Sports steering wheel and mode switch• Porsche Electric Sport SoundL i g h t s a n d v i s i o n• Matrix LED headlights including Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (PDLS Plus)• 4-point LED daytime running lights• Automatic headlight activation including 'Welcome Home' lighting• Light strip• Third brake light• LED interior lighting concept: Switch-off delay, front interior lighting with reading spot lights, reading lights in rear left and right, front footwell illumination, luggage compartment lights front and rear, glove compartment light• Illuminated vanity mirrors for driver and front passenger• Electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, aspherical on driver's side• Windscreen wiper system including rain sensor and washer jets• Heated rear screen with auto-off function• Automatically dimming interior and exterior mirrorsC o m f o r t a n d a s s i s t a n c e s y s t e m s• Lane Keeping Assist including Traffic Sign Recognition• Cruise control including adaptive speed limiter• Collision and brake assist• ParkAssist (front and rear) with visual and audible warning• Keyless start• Driver personalisation for ergonomic, comfort, infotainment and lighting functions as well as assistance and display systems• Rear view cameraI n t e r i o r• Advanced climate control (2-zone) with separate temperature settings and air volume control for driver and front passenger, extended footwell temperature control, automatic air recirculation mode including air quality sensor as well as comfortable control of air flow vis PCM• Parking Pre-climatisation including pre-conditioning of the battery• Thermally insulated glass all round• Active carbon fine dust filter keeps particles, pollen and odours away and thoroughly filters fine dust from outside air before it can enter the interior• Heat pump• Integrated front headrestsS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)• Rear seats with 2 seats in single-seat look, fold out centre armrest and split folding backrests (60:40)• Full-size airbags for driver and front passenger• Knee airbags for driver and front passenger• Side airbags in front• Curtain airbags along entire roof frame and side windows from A-pillar to C-pillar• Roll-over detection for activation of curtain airbags and seat belt pre-tensioners• 3-point automatic seat belts with pre-tentioners (front and outer rear seats) and force limiters (front)• Manual adjustment of seat belt height for driver and front passenger seats• Seat belt warning system for driver, front passenger and rear seat system• Immobiliser with remote central locking, alarm system with radar-based interior surveillance• ISOFIX mounting system for child seats on outer rear seats• Porsche Vehicle Tracking System Plus (PVTS Plus). Subscription required, please speak to your centre for more information on services and inclusive periods• 16.8-inch Curved Display: Contains up to five different and freely configurable views, depending on equipment. Includes external touchscreen control panels for controlling the light and chassis functions• Centre Console with Direct Touch Control: climate settings, opening and closing of the charge port doors, battery level indicator, handwriting panel• Storage compartments: Glove compartment, front centre console, tray below centre console, between outer rear seats and on tunnel in front of rear seats, doors front and rear, sides of rear luggage compartment and luggage compartment recess, net and straps in luggage compartment, bag hooks in rear luggage compartment.• 12V electrical socket in the centre console storage compartment• 12V electrical socket in rear luggage compartment• Clothes hook on B-pillars on driver's and passenger's sides• Partial leather interior• 'Taycan' badge on the centre console• Floor mats• Roof lining in Race-Tex• Front centre console armrest with integrated storage compartment• Sun visors for driver and front passenger• Two integrated cupholders, front and rear• GT multi-function sports steering wheel in Race-Tex• Accent package in dark silver• Door sill guards in matt Carbon (including stainless steel loading edge protection)• Adaptive Sports seats in front (18-way electric) with memory package including steering wheel height and fore/aft adjustment• Seat heating (front and rear)• Two-tone leather-free interior• Fabric roof lining• 'turbo S' logo on the front and rear headrests• Pedal pad edges in stainless steel• Interior trim package in matt Carbon• Storage package• Folding luggage compartment coverS t a n d a r d o p t i o n s(c o n t i n u e d)A u d i o a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n• Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including online navigation, mobile phone preparation, audio interfaces and voice control• Porsche Connect with Apple® CarPlay (including wireless CarPlay). Connect services subject to subscription after initial period.• 2 USB-C connectivity and charge ports in the centre console storage compartment• Wireless phone charging in centre console storage compartment• 2 USB-C charge ports in the rear• BOSE® Surround Sound System with 14 speakers including subwoofer and a total output of 710 Watts• Digital radioE-P e r f o r m a n c e• Charge port on driver (AC Type 2) and front passenger sides (AC/DC Type 2 CCS Combo)• 11kW AC on-board charger• 50kW DC on-board charger for use of public charging stations with a voltage of 400V• DC charging at public charging stations with voltage of 800V• Supply cable for domestic electrical socket• Supply cable for industrial electrical outlet (230V, 32A)• Mobile Charger with 4.5m vehicle side cable• Electric charging cover on driver and front passenger side• Public charging cableIndividual optionsOrder no.Model year VehicleY1CFH12023Taycan Turbo S Sport TurismoIndividualisationCategory Order no.Individual equipmentExterior Colour G7Ice Grey MetallicInterior Colour QW Two-Tone Leather Interior, Smooth-Finish Leather, Black/Crayon SeatsQ1J Adaptive Sports Seats Plus (18-Way,electric) with memory package 5KA 4+1 SeatsExterior2D4SportDesign Front Apron Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur6XV Electric folding Exterior Mirrors6FU Exterior Mirrors painted in Exterior Colour Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur NG1Preparation for rear bike carrier8M2Rear Screen Wiper Trim painted in Black (high-gloss) Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur Drivetrain and chassisG1XSingle-Speed Transmission on the Front Axle, 2-Speed Transmission on the Rear AxleWheelsF4421-Inch Mission E Design WheelsPainted Wheels 1NV Wheels painted in Black (high-gloss)Porsche Exclusive ManufakturLighting and vision8IV Tinted LED Matrix Main Headlightsincluding Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (PDLS Plus) Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur8SP Light Strip with 'PORSCHE' Logo Black Porsche Exclusive ManufakturVW6Acoustically insulated laminated privacy glass3FPPanoramic Roof with Variable Light ControlComfort and assistance systemsKA6ParkAssist including Surround View P4R Remote ParkAssist with Lane Change Assist9R1Night Vision AssistP4S Porsche InnoDrive + Active Lane Keeping and Intersection Assist 4F2Comfort Access Interior2V4IoniserQQ1Ambient Lighting4D3Seat Ventilation (front)Wheel Accessories1G8Tyre sealing compound and electric aircompressorIndividualisation (continued)CategoryOrder no.Individual equipmentKH5Advanced Climate Control (4-Zone)4X4Side Airbags in Rear CompartmentInterior Leather6E3Model Logo on Centre Console Storage Compartment Lid Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur5ZFPorsche Crest on Headrests (Front and Outer Rear Seats) Porsche Exclusive ManufakturALS Seat Consoles Leather (front) Porsche Exclusive ManufakturAFT Floor Mats with Leather Edging (deep-pile) Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur 5XH Sun Visors Leather Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur5HB Dashboard End Trims Leather Porsche Exclusive ManufakturAPV Door Trim Package Leather Porsche Exclusive ManufakturAPWCentre Console Trim Package Leather Porsche Exclusive ManufakturInterior Race-Tex1XFSteering Wheel Rim Race-Tex including Steering Wheel Heating (i.c.w. Sport Chrono Package and Leather Interior)Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur Audio and communicationJH1Passenger Display9VJ Burmester® 3D High-End Surround Sound System9WUPreparation for Porsche Rear Seat Entertainment Porsche Exclusive ManufakturAHXPorsche Rear Seat Entertainment Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur E-PerformanceKB422kW On-board AC charger Your Porsche Code /PPQ3WMZ89M3QW5NW2Heat PumpPorsche Intelligent Range Manager Mobile Charger Connect 76HLadekabel (Mode 3)I m p o r t a n t i n f o r m a t i o nF o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n a v a i l a b i l i t y a n d e x a c t e q u i p m e n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s,p l e a s e c o n s u l t y o u r P o r s c h e C e n t r e.A l l p r i c e s a r e r e c o m m e n d e d r e t a i l i n c l u d i n g V A T a r e e f f e c t i v e f r o m t h e1s t J a n u a r y2015.P o r s c h e r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o a l t e rs p e c i f i c a t i o n,d e l i v e r y p a c k a g e,l e a d t i m e s,p r i c i n g a n d o t h e r p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e.C o l o u r s a n dm a t e r i a l s m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h o s e s h o w n.E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d.Porsche Cars Great Britain Limited and its group companies* (or via its agents) may use the information you provide and other information we have about you to contact you, including by mail, phone, SMS, fax or email, with offers or information. Tick this box if you do not want offers or information from us [ ] or from our carefully selected partners [ ]. By taking this form you consent to our processing any sensitive data (such as health data) for the above purposes, to our keeping your information for a reasonable time and transferring it to countries which do not provide the same level of data protection as the UK (if necessary) for the above purposes.*Group companies include Porsche Retail Group Limited, Porsche Financial Services GmbH, Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG。



老款四档桑塔纳参数款式名称桑塔纳LX-1.8-MT普通型(化) 出厂时间 1995车型年款 198509排放标准化油器车体形式三厢长/宽/高(mm)4546/1710/1427前/后轮距(mm) 1414/1422前/后悬长度(mm)945/1053轴距(mm) 2548 风阻系数(cd)整备质量(kg) 1040 最大总质量(kg)1490油箱容积(l) 60行李箱容积(l) 422最大行李箱容积(l)车门数(含后车门) 4乘员数(含驾驶员)5接近角(°) 18 离去角(°) 17 发动机重要技术发动机描述水冷直列4缸4冲程发动机型号 JV 发动机生产厂家上海大众汽车有限公司升功率(kw/l) 37.06综合油耗(L/100km)7.9压缩比 9 缸径(mm) 81行程(mm) 86.4 缸盖材料铝合金每缸气门数 2 缸体材料铸铁最大功率(kw(ps)/rpm ) 66(90)/520最大扭矩(n.m/rpm)145/3300燃料类型标号无铅汽油90#燃油供给方式化油器排气量(ml) 1781 气缸数 4发动机放置方向直列发动机放置位置前置进气方式自然进气冷却系统水冷变速器形式 4档手动排档方式地排驱动方式前驱转向系统动力转向前悬架麦弗逊式独立悬架后悬架抗扭式非独立悬架前制动盘式后制动毂式变速器名称整车平台前轮胎规格 185/70 R13 后轮胎规格 185/70 R13 备胎规格 185/70 R13 备胎轮毂材料钢制前轮毂材料钢制后轮毂材料钢制驱动轮胎宽度(mm) 185驱动轮胎扁平比(%)70驱动轮胎负荷指数驱动轮胎速度级别驱动轮毂直径(英寸)13 1 1最高车速(km/h) 161 0-100km/h加速时间(s)137最大爬坡度(%) 安全气囊保修期 2年/6万公里100km/h-0制动距离(m)车身长度(mm) 4546 宽度(mm) 1710 高度(mm) 1427 车重(Kg) 1100 轴距(mm) 2548 前轮距(mm) 1414 后轮距(mm) 1422 最小离地间隙(mm) 138 车身结构三厢车车门数(个) 4 座位数(个) 5 油箱容积(L) 60 行李箱容积(L) 442 发动机排量(cc) 1781 排量(L) 1.8 工作方式自然吸气气缸排列型式 L 汽缸数(个) 4 每缸气门数(个) 2 压缩比 9 缸径 81 冲程 86.4 马力(hp) 95 最大功率(kW) 70 最大功率转速(rpm) 5200 最大扭矩(N·m) 145 最大扭矩转速(rpm) 3000 燃油汽油燃油标号 90号供油方式化油器变速箱 4挡手动底盘转向驱动方式前置前驱前悬挂类型麦弗逊式独立悬架后悬挂类型纵臂扭转梁式非独立悬架助力类型机械式车轮制动前制动器类型碟式后制动器类型鼓式前轮胎规格 195/60R14 后轮胎规格 195/60R14 前轮辋规格 6JX14 后轮辋规格6JX14一般一般.........全国第三...呵呵....。



第一章............................................................................................................................. 11

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍章节一:概述TU5JP4 EC5发动机是一款由某汽车制造公司研发的四缸、自然吸气式发动机。



章节二:技术特点⒈引入先进技术:TU5JP4 EC5发动机采用了先进的燃烧室设计,使燃烧更加充分,提升了燃烧效率,降低了燃油消耗和排放物的产生。


⒊高效能低排放:TU5JP4 EC5发动机通过先进的燃油喷射系统和排放控制技术,实现了低排放和高效能的特点,符合现代环保标准。












日产发动机型号代码含义字母含义(英文)含义(中文)D DOHC 双置顶式凸轮轴V Variable Valve Event and Lift 连续可变气门升程控制技术S Carburetor 化油器i Throttle Body Fuel Injection 节气门体燃油喷射E Electronic Port Fuel Injection 电子燃油喷射D Direct Cylinder Fuel Injection 缸内燃油直喷R Supercharged 机械增压T Turbocharged 涡轮增压Ti Turbocharged and intercooled 涡轮增压及中冷器TT Twin-Turbocharged 双涡轮增压HR High Response and High Revolution 高性能版本●HR系列发动机HR系列是日产和雷诺共同研发的一系列小排量发动机,在雷诺的体系中称为H系列发动机。

主要在产的日产HR系列发动机有直列三缸和直列四缸两种布局,主要有1.2L/1.5L/1.6L 几个排量。


在国内,HR 系列发动机也非常常见。





详细参数请见下表:发动机型号HR12DE HR12DDR HR15DE最大功率59kW(80PS)/6000rpm 72kW(98PS)/5600rmp 79kW(107PS)/6000rpm峰值扭矩110Nm/4000rpm 142Nm/4200rpm 138Nm/4800rpmHR12DDR可以说是一款非常适应欧洲市场的产品,以很低的排量达成相对优秀的性能,增压技术必不可少。

SSP467_途锐V8 TDI 发动机

SSP467_途锐V8 TDI 发动机

4.2 l 共轨燃油喷射系统 V8 TDI 发动机

● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Bosch 共轨燃油喷射系统、压电式喷油器 最高喷油压力可达 2000 bar 柴油微粒过滤器 / 氧化催化转换器 带转速传感器的涡轮增压器 创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 低温废气再循环系统 容积可控式机油泵 按需求控制的燃油输送装置 利用超声波测量的机油油位 / 温度传感器
发动机代码 类型 排量 缸径 冲程 每缸气门数 压缩比 最大输出功率 kW 最大扭矩 发动机管理系统 燃油 排气净化系统 CKDA 8- 缸 V 型发动机 4134 cm3 83.0 mm 95.5 mm 16.4 : 1 250 kW/4000 rpm 800 Nm/1750 rpm 2750 rpm Bosch EDC 17 符合 DIN EN590 标准的柴油 废气再循环装置 氧催化转换器 柴油微粒过滤器 EURO 5 239 g/km 扭矩 (Nm) 发动机转速 (rpm) S467_026 4 扭矩 (Nm) 功率和扭矩图
创新的热管理系统 (ITM) 首次用于新 VW Touareg。该系统可在发动机、变速箱和车厢之间合理分配发动机产生 的热量。为了以一种理想的方式分配热量,根据车厢、发动机和变速箱的热需求量及优先权开发了新的软件。 核心部件是发动机控制单元中的热管理装置。确保车厢有舒适的温度,优化热量利用率,将发动机摩擦降至最小 程度。空调与变速箱控制单元通过 CAN 数据总线将热需求量信号传到发动机控制单元,发动机控制单元对空调、 变速箱和发动机热需求量进行加权计算,然后,再根据需要激活各个不同 ITM 部件。 4.2 l V8 TDI 发动机的 ITM 由以下部件组成:




2.更换B58468时,必须注意防静电措施,且不能使芯片中心部位过热,最好使用专பைடு நூலகம்焊接工具进行焊接。

Volvo Diesel Engine Specifications说明书

Volvo Diesel Engine Specifications说明书

Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress50100150200250300350400kWHoja de datosTipo de freno motor EBR-VEBFreno motor – Volvo Engine BrakeEl sistema de freno motor de Volvo (Volvo Engine Brake, VEB)integra el sistema de freno por compresión (Volvo CompressionBrake) y el regulador de presión de gases de escape (ExhaustPressure Governor) en su desarrollo de régimen de motor, lo cualresulta en una excepcional potencia de frenado.El dispositivo de frenado por compresión de Volvo (Volvo Com-pression Brake, VCB) está integrado en el sistema de válvulas.Se trata de un dispositivo exclusivo y de diseño patentado. Laestructura especial del árbol de levas y del balancín de válvula deescape hace posible el llenado y vaciado de gas de los cilindros.Ello pe rmite la re gulación de la pre sión e n e l inte rior de los cilindrosasí como de la potencia de frenado aplicada sobre los pistones.El regulador de presión de gases de escape está situado enla salida de gases de escape del turbocompresor. Al activar elmecanismo de frenado de gases de escape, la válvula se cierracasi completamente, lo cual resulta en una elevada presión dere acción sobre los pistone s e n su carre ra asce nde nte y e n laconsiguiente desaceleración del motor y el vehículo.Hoja de datosTipo de freno motor EBR-VEBPalanca de control multifunciónLa palanca de control para los frenos auxiliares tiene tres o cinco posiciones, en función del tipo de caja de cambios que tenga instalada en el camión.A Modo automático. La frenada combinada permanece activa si el programador de velocidad está inactivo. Cuando se pisa el pedal del freno, la fuerza de frenado combina los frenos normales con los frenos auxiliares.O Todos los frenos auxiliares desactivados.1-3 Ajustes de nivel de frenado. Ofrece ajustes entre el 20 y el 100%. El par de frenado total depende de los frenos auxiliares instalados e n e l ve hículo, de la condición de la carga y de la te mpe ratura de l rale ntizador. El fre no auxiliar se activa cuando se suelta el pedal del acelerador. Con la palanca de control en el ajuste 1, solo ofrece un efecto de frenado completo desde el regulador de presión de gases de escape.B Modo de programa de frenado. En los vehículos con I-Shift o Powertronic, también existe un “botón B” que se utiliza para activar el “programa de frenado”. Esta función permite reducir demarcha con mayor rapidez durante el frenado.Símbolo de freno de remolque. Cuando el camión está equipado con un freno de remolque, esta función también se controla con la palanca de control del freno auxiliar.Símbolo de freno auxiliar.。

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍

TU5JP4 EC5发动机介绍
动力性能:强劲有力加速快爬坡能力强 燃油经济性:油耗低节省燃油成本 舒适性:噪音低振动小乘坐舒适 耐用性:使用寿命长故障率低维护成本低 客户满意度:普遍认为EC5发动机性能优异性价比高值得推荐
问题:燃油消耗高 解决方案:优化发动机燃烧效率提高燃油经济性
发展趋势:随着 环保意识的提高 和节能减排政策 的实施EC5发动 机在市场上的地 位将更加稳固。
差异化竞争优势:独特的缸内 直喷技术提高燃烧效率和降低 排放
技术创新:采用先进的可变气 门正时技术提高动力输出和燃
技术创新:采用先进的涡轮增 压技术提高动力输出和燃油经 济性
船舶行业:应用于游艇、渔船、货船等船舶设 备
工程机械行业:应用于挖掘机、装载机、推土 机等工程机械设备
发电行业:应用于发电机组、备用电源等发电 设备
农业机械行业:应用于拖拉机、收割机、播种 机等农业机械设备方便具有较高的性价比。
智能化趋势:随着汽车智能化的发展EC5发动机也将更加智能化实现更好的人机交互和驾 驶体验
技术:采用先进技术提高发 动机效率
性能:动力强劲燃油经济性 好
环保:符合环保标准降低排 放


E150EV 2013 目录
2.11 冷却系统 ........................ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.............................................................................................. 77 2.12 其它部分 ........................................................................................................................ 80
5 组合仪表 ....................................... 17
5.1 概述 ................................................................................................................................. 17 5.2 接口定义 ......................................................................................................................... 18 5.3 拆装 ................................................................................................................................. 19 5.4 组合仪表上的指示灯 ..................................................................................................... 21 5.5 保养周期显示:复位 ..................................................................................................... 22

蔚蓝汽车 Renault Twingo 技术参数说明书

蔚蓝汽车 Renault Twingo 技术参数说明书

RENAULT TWINGO SCe 54kW (75CV)TCe 68kW (95CV)TCe 68kW (95CV) EDC Carburante Nivel de anticontaminación Tipo de motor/ inyección Atmosférico / Inyección indirecta multipunto Turbo / Inyección indirecta multipunto Turbo / Inyección indirectamultipunto Cilindrada (cm 3)998898898Número de cilindros / válvulasPotencia máx.kW CEE (cv) al régimen de (r.p.m.)54kW (75CV) a 6 250 r.p.m.68kW (93CV) a 5500 r.p.m.68kW (93CV) a 5500 r.p.m.Par máx. Nm CEE (m.kg)95Nm a 4000 r.p.m.134,7Nm a 2 500 r.p.m.134,7Nm a 2 500 r.p.m.Stop & Start SíSíSíTipo de caja de velocidad Manual 5 velocidades Manual 5 velocidades EDC de doble embrague6 velocidadesDirección Diámetro de giro entra aceras / paredes (m)Número de giros de volante Neumáticos de referencia 38 cm (15")Delantero : 165/65 R15Trasero : 185/60 R15Delantero : 165/65 R15Trasero: 185/60 R15Delantero : 165/65 R15Trasero : 185/60 R15Neumáticos de referencia 41 cm (16")Delantero : 185/50 R16Trasero : 205/45 R16Delantero : 185/50 R16Trasero : 205/45 R16Velocidad máx. (km/h)1631651650 - 100 km/h (s)14,713,112,1CO 2 (g/km)99106-107114Ciclo urbano (l/100 km)5,45,96,0Ciclo extra-urbano (l/100 km)3,73,9-4,04,4Ciclo mixto (l/100 km)4,44,6-4,75,0CO 2 (g/km)119-126119-126129Ciclo mixto (l/100 km)5,3-5,85,3-5,65,7Protocolo de homologación WLTP WLTP WLTPDepósito de carburante (l)353535Masa en vacío en orden de marcha máx (M.V.O.D.M.)98110151043Masa en vacío en orden de marcha máx (M.V.O.D.M.) parte delantera 454462464Masa en vacío en orden de marcha máx (M.V.O.D.M.) parte trasera 527553579Masa máx. autorizado en carga (M.M.A.C.)133113651393Masa total circulando autorizado (M.T.R.)133113651393Carga útil (CU) 350/417350/408350/394CONSUMO Y EMISIONES (Consumo y emisiones homologadas según reglamentación WLTP)CAPACIDADMASAS (kg)**Desde septiembre de 2018, todos los vehículos nuevos están homologados según el protocolo WLTP - Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles new Test Procedure. Para facilitar la transición, está previsto que los valores de emisiones y de consumos homologados según el protocolo WLTP sean interpretados según el antiguo protocolo NEDC (NEDC correlacionado) durante unperiodo que variará según los países. Para más información consultar en www.renault.es.Dirección asistida eléctrica8,753,93RUEDAS Y NEUMÁTICOSPRESTACIONESCONSUMO Y EMISIONES (Consumo y emisiones homologadas según la reglamentación en vigor)**MOTORIZACIONESGasolinaEuro 6 D TempCAJA DE VELOCIDADESDIRECCIÓNConfidential C。

Perkins T4.236 超压燃料电动发动机 Diesel 型号说明书

Perkins T4.236 超压燃料电动发动机 Diesel 型号说明书

APPLICATION: Telehandlers: MF 25T (LJ31191);Wheel Tractors: MF 60HX (LJ31231);QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 974184 In-Frame Kit I1 975184 Out-of-Frame Kit O1 976184 Major Kit M1 977184 Premium Kit (979142 Valve Train Kit Included) P4 4 4 4 4 4 171125 171227 171274 171131 171361 171468 Sleeve & Piston Asb (Piston Stamped "KS") (1) Piston Asb, Thru U424723U (Piston Stamped "KS") (1) (2)Piston Asb, After U424723U (Piston Stamped "ML") (1) (3)Liner (Finished / No Fire Dam / 4.103" OD) (4)Liner (Semi-Finished / No Fire Dam / 4.105" OD) (5)005 Liner ShimP M O I4 171272 Piston Ring Set (1-1/8K 1-3/32 1-3/16)4 4 4 4 271261 271262 271263 271264 STD Rod Bearing .010 Rod Bearing.020 Rod Bearing.030 Rod BearingP M O I1 1 1 1 271161 271162 271163 271164 STD Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers .010 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers.020 Main Set, wo/Thrust Washers.030 Main Set, wo/Thrust WashersP M O I1 1 1 271119 271125 271126 STD Thrust Washer Set .007 Thrust Washer Set.010 Thrust Washer SetP M O I1 1 1 8 8 4 371321 371132 371117 371143 371192 371318 Head Gasket Set Head GasketValve Cover GasketValve Seal (Umbrella)Valve Seal (O-Ring)Nozzle Dust Seal Kit "Not In Sets Or Kits"P M O I1 1 1 1 1 371292 371149 371235 371167 371282 Lower Gasket Set wo/Seals Timing Cover Gasket Fuel Line Seal Kit (23 Seals & Washers) "Not In Gkt Sets" Pan Gasket Set, Cast Pan (Includes 6 Oil Flange Gaskets) Pan Gasket, Steel Pan P P M M O OII1 1 1 371146 371145 771159 Front Crank Seal (Viton Lip Type) (7) Rear Crank Seal (Viton Lip Type) (8) Rear Block Bridge PieceP P M M O O4 1 4 271135 271127 771171 Pin Bushing (1.500" Pin) Cam Bearing (Finished ID) Balancer Weight BushingsP P M M8 8 1 771151 771148 771293 Connecting Rod Bolt Connecting Rod Nut Head Bolt Kit (Ribbed Blocks / .500" CB)P P MM(1)ML&KS pistons are different weights, replace in sets, DO NOT MIX (2)Untopped KS Piston-171415 (3)Untopped ML Piston-171416APPLICATION: Telehandlers: MF 25T (LJ31191);Wheel Tractors: MF 60HX (LJ31231);QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION LETTERED ITEMSINCLUDED IN KIT1 979521 Camshaft Kit C1 979142 Valve Train Kit V1 1 8 571134 271249 571123 Camshaft "Cam Bolt Lock Plate - 571162" Camshaft Thrust Washer (1.750 X 2.873 X .217) (10) Tappet CC4 4 471123 471135 STD Exhaust Valve (45º / Bi-Metal / Chromed Stem) STD Intake Valve (30º / Alloy / Chromed Stem) V V4 471132 Exhaust Guide V4 471131 Intake Guide V8 471134 Outer Valve Spring (8 Coils / 2.5" Free Length) V8 471133 Inner Valve Spring (9 Coils / 2.0" Free Length) V8 471229 Spring Seat (Stepped/.640" ID)8 471222 Spring Retainer16 471146 Keeper (Half) V4 471111 Exhaust Seat (1.248 x 1.681 x .374 Stepped Top)4 471224 LH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (11)4 471225 RH Rocker Arm (Adj Screw & Lock Nut Not Included) (11)1 471227 Rocker Arm Shaft (12) "Includes 471176 Plugs"1 571171 Cam Gear (Steel / 56 Teeth)1 571113 Crank Gear (28 Teeth) 1 571163 Idler Gear (Steel / 63 Teeth) (13)1 571145 Idler Gear Hub8 571117 Push Rod1 671142 Oil Pump Kit (Gears,Shaft,Plate,Valve,Spring,Cap,Gkts)1 671143 Oil Pump Body, w/LH Oil Filter (Cast Gear Housing)1 671146 Oil Pump Inlet Strainer4 671157 Piston Cooling Jet4 671158 Piston Cooling Check Valve1 671149 Oil Cooler1 771181 Crank Kit (Spline Nose / Lip Seal)4 771194 Connecting Rod (1.500" Pin)1 771317 Cylinder Head Assembly (Includes Valves & Springs)1 771164 Balancer Assembly, Engines w/LH Oil Filter (Incls Oil Pump)1 771165 Balancer Kit (3-Shafts 2-Gears 2-Keys 4-Brgs)2 771197 Balancer Gear (3 Bolt / 1.375 ID / 30T)1 771286 Expansion Plug Kit: Thru U280718S (19 Head&Block Plugs)1 771294 Expansion Plug Kit: After U280718S (20 Head&Block Plugs)1 871138 Thermostat (2.125" / Bypass)1 871229 Water Pump wo/Pulley1 871228 Block Heater (1.250")1 871182 Manifold Heater Plug (Blade Terminal)1 871226 Fuel Pump (4 Bolt / One Port Toward Block)(10)U729165B-U732690B Uses 271239 (1.750 X 2.873 X .243 Recessed Face) (11)Adj Screw - 471226 / Lock Nut - 571139。



Nov. 1, 2021 Mitsubishi Fuso launches a new manual transmission model of the 1.5-ton payload class light-duty Canter truckKawasaki, Japan - Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (MFTBC), one of Asia’s leading commercial vehicle manufacturers, is pleased to announce that it will add a new manual transmission (MT) model to its light-duty Canter truck. The MT model will be added to Canter trucks with a payload of 1.5 tons. The Canter MT model will be available through MFTBC sales companies and regional sales units across Japan starting from November 2021.MFTBC has newly added the MT model to its 1.5-ton payload class of Canter trucks after 10 years, in response to ongoing needs in the market. Through the automatic transmission (AMT) models that provide a smooth driving experience with the "DUONIC 2.0” 6-speed dual clutch transmission and a 5-speed MT vehicle that provides powerful and flexible maneuvering, the FUSO Canter is able to respond to various requirements on the road.The Canter also now comes with the "Back Eye Camera System” safety feature as an optional setting.* As with the latest Canter models, MFTBC will continue to pursue a safe and comfortable driving experience for customers through continuous product advancements.*The Back Eye Camera System is an optional setting for all models from MFTBC. Please note that the installation requirements will differ depending on the body. For more details, please contact your nearest FUSO sales location.The Canter’s 1.5 tons loading class model (Special vehicle for photo shooting purposes only)Vehicle Specifications and Selling Price in the Tokyo District (including 10% consumption tax) MFTBC at a Glance Based in Kawasaki, Japan, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (MFTBC) is one of Asia's leading commercial vehicle manufacturers, with 89.29% of its shares owned by Daimler Truck AG and10.71% by various Mitsubishi group companies. An icon in the Japanese commercial vehicle industry with a longstanding history of more than 85 years with its Fuso brand, MFTBC manufactures a range of commercial vehicles including light, medium, and heavy-duty trucks and buses, and industrial engines for over 170 markets worldwide. In 2017, MFTBC introduced the eCanter, the first all-electric light-duty truck in series-production and in 2019, the Super Great – Japan’s first heavy -duty truck fitted with Level 2 Automated Driving Support Technology, a benchmark in the Japanese commercial vehicle market. MFTBC operates under the umbrella of Daimler Trucks Asia, together with its partner organization Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) in India. This strategic unit allows the entities to collaborate on areas such as product development, parts sourcing and production to provide the best value to customers.Follow us on social media:https:///FusoOfficialhttps:///company/10210240/https:///fusoofficial/https:///FusoOfficialhttps:///user/FusoofficialModel Engine Transmission Main Specifications Selling Price in theTokyo District(in ‘000 yen,including 10%consumption tax)2TG-FBA00 4P10 96kW(130PS) 5 speed MT standard single cab 2WD 1.5 tons loading class standard length all low floor standard flat body made of wood3,980. 900。







TB45E是1997年伴随Y61一同面世的引擎,这台引擎最大功率200 PS (147 kW),最大扭矩达到348 N·m。




这也使得TB48DE的最大功率达到280 PS (206 kW),最大扭矩400 N·m。



这款柴油机于1999年推出,最早搭载在terrano这款车上,当时很多国外的人都称这款发动机为“小手雷”,因为其仅凭3.0升的排量便压榨出170PS功率,360 N·m的扭力,性能全面超越了4.2升的TD42T。



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