绯闻女孩经 Blair and Chuck经典台词




Gossip Girl (Season One)EPISODE 11. Blair: can I borrow you?当你要找的人正在忙别的事情或和他人谈话,你想打断的话,可以用这句话。

-2. Chuck:Any interest in some fresh air?想出去透透气吗?(邀请朋友出去走走的时候,终于不用总是老套的Shall we go outside for a walk了哈~~~)-3.Gossip Girl: Better lock it down with NateLock it down的意思是take full control of a particular situation,或者表示“让船开出水闸”。

这里是一个形象的说法,当B迫不及待要和N亲热的时候,Gossip Girl贱贱的的旁白被翻译成了“春宵一刻值千金哦”的好句子~~~-4. Blair: Always have, always will.我非常喜欢的一句话哈~表达爱恋至死不渝、从始至终都爱一个人的时候,这是极好的表达哈~效果绝对强于一个Forever哈~毕竟没有人能看见forever的样子,却可以在有生之年给予always 的承诺!-5. Lily: it clashed with my sofa. clash with的意思是“和…起冲突,不和调”。

-6. Blair: so I guess she’s back for good.For good的意思是“永久地”,因此这句的翻译是“我想她是不会走了”而不是“我想她…”呵呵,不知道该怎么说了。

-7.Lily:You’ve been gone, doing who knows what with god k nows who.你离家出走,杳无音信。

(这句说的很有意思~“做着谁也不知道的什么事,和一个上帝才知道的什么人”,形象的表达了“杳无音信”的状态哈~)-8. Dan: no offense一个很有用的表达,GG里出现多次,表示“不是有意冒犯”。



第三季06集:Enough about Eve-Gossip girl: Gossip Girl here... your one and only sourceinto the scandalous lives ofManhattan's elite.source: 来源 scandalous: 不体面的 elite:社会名流绯闻少女驾到…为您带来曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕。

-Jenny: You really like Olivia, though, right?你真的很喜欢Olivia 对吧?-Dan: Yeah. Yeah, I do.耶。


-Vanessa: Don't you think that dating a movie star is gonna be kind of hard?date: 约会 gonna=going to〈美〉将要你不觉得和电影明星约会很辛苦?-Blair: We're completely monogamous.Chuck plays the cheating bastard, and I play thescorned woman.completely: 完全地monogamous: 一夫一妻的 cheating: 欺骗的 bastard: 私生子,混蛋 scorned woman: 怨妇 scorn: 轻蔑我们完全是一夫一妻制。


-Serena: What happens when one day you don't get there in time,and he actually kissessomeone else?actually: 实际上要是有一天你没有及时赶到,而他真的亲了其他人怎么办?-Vanessa: My parents are artists. My sister's a musician.Just like going to Ivy is yourfamily's way, not going to college is mine.artist: 艺术家 musician: 音乐家 Ivy=Ivy League常春藤盟校,指的是美国东北部8所顶尖高等学府我父母是艺术家。

Gossip Girl S03E20 中英台词剧本

Gossip Girl S03E20 中英台词剧本

Gossip Girl S03E20 中英台词剧本Gossip girl here... your one and only source|"绯闻少女"驾到... 为您带来- into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. - I raided Lily's medicine cabinet.|- 曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕- 我翻找了Lily的药柜- She sometimes gets headaches. - That's a hell of a headache.|- 她有时候会头痛- 这头痛可真要命- I think we need a second opinion. - Even if you do go with another doctor,|- 我认为我们需要听取他人的意见- 就算你由别的医生诊治- I'm gonna stick around. - Aren't you Blair Waldorf?|- 我也会一直呆在你身边- 你就是Blair Waldor吧?- We haven't read about you on "Gossip Girl" in forever. - Y ou read "Gossip Girl"?|- 我们好像再也没有在"绯闻少女"上看到你的消息- 你们也看"绯闻少女"?- Of course. Everyone at Columbia does. - I called your cell to explain everything.|- 当然哥伦比亚大学的人都看的- 我给你打过电话解释这一切- I even left a message with Jenny. - She's lying. I never talked to her.|- 我还叫Jenny捎口信- 她说谎我都没跟她说过话- Just get out. - There's only one spot|- 你走吧- 留给转校生的- for transfer students, and I didn't get it. - It was me. I got the spot.|- 只有一个名额我没有得到- 是我我获得名额了Why weren't you honest with me?|你为什么就不能跟我坦诚以待?What, like you were honest with me, going behind my back|难道你有跟我坦诚相待吗背着我to apply for the one thing I wanted more than anything?|去申请我最渴求的东西?The reason I couldn't talk to you earlier...|之前我无法告诉你的原因...It's not about my dad. It was about my mom.|不是关于我爸而关于我妈She's sick, and I don't know what's gonna happen.|她生病了我不知道会怎么样It's not working exactly as I'd hoped.|这收效跟我的期望有出入I need you to write Lily another prescription.|我希望你能给Lily再开一个处方I doubt the authorities|我猜那些权威们would be pleased to know what you've been doing.|应该很乐意想知道你的所作所为And who am I?|想知道我是谁?That's a secret I'll never tell.|这是个永恒的秘密Y ou know you love me.|你知道你爱我X.o.x.o., Gossip Girl.|X.O.X.O 绯闻少女It's said that we're all strapped to fortune's wheel...|有种说法是我们都深受命运之轮的摆布协调:暗之忆时间轴:MAXの依依Lovebeans 翻译:桃茜茜*叶* 煦煦justa 柠檬咔咔专采油菜花Flower一休校对:桃茜茜Nowhere is this truer|这一说法没有什么than the ever-changing landscape of love.|比瞬息万变的爱情更能体现# Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh #As one couple enjoys an upswing...|当一对情侣享受着热恋...# Looked to the ground, but the road was long ## And now I found... #Another is plunged downwards.|而另一对情侣则陷入困境# It's so new, the old one's young ## Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ## I've been waiting #But top or bottom, don't get too comfortable,|但无论是高潮或是低潮都要居安思危because the one thing you can rely on|因为你唯一能依靠的is that the wheel will keep on turning.|就是命运之轮总是不停地转动All right, I'm heading to my mom's for breakfast.|好了我要去我妈那儿吃早餐Hey, hey, hey. Y ou're coming in late and leaving early all week.|嘿你这一周总是早出晚归I'm starting to feel cheap.|我觉得自己很廉价Oh, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately.|抱歉最近都没怎么陪着你Just with everything going so well with my dad...|只是我和我爸之间相处得很好...Hey, Serena, no worries.|嘿Serena 别担心- Okay? - Mm.|- 好吗? - 嗯Look, I love being your crash pad,|我乐意充当你的抱枕but, you know, maybe you'd feel better if you moved back in|但是或许在你妈妈接受治疗的时候with your mom while she's getting her treatment.|你搬回家跟她同住会更好一点And have to see Jenny's lying face first thing in the morning?|然后每天清晨的第一眼就是先看到Jenny那撒谎的嘴脸?No, thank you.|不谢了That is not the same girl Chuck came home with last night.|那不是Chuck昨晚带回家的女孩子啊Has he, uh, come to talk to Lily yet?|他有去跟Lily谈过了吗?Do you want me to talk to him?|你要我跟他谈谈不?No, I already tried, but thank you.|不用我试过了谢谢你I'm gonna come to your lacrosse game after brunch.|早午餐过后我会去看你打曲棍球Judge away. Shame turns me on.|别评价我羞愧让我欲火焚身啊Hey, man, she's going to Lily's for brunch.|嘿她要去Lily那里吃早午餐Maybe a stack of waffles will help your hangover?|或许吃几个华夫饼能帮你解酒?I find the cause is the best cure.|我发现事业是最好的良药I gotta go. So I will see you later at the library,|我得走了一会儿我们在图书馆见吧and I'm sorry about before|还有之前Tisch项目的事情with the Tisch catalog.|我很抱歉It's fine.|没什么Dan, I don't know how to do this.|Dan 我不知道该怎么做We've been tiptoeing around each other for days.|这几天来我们都在回避着彼此Look, we're... we're two artists in a relationship,|听着我们是... 两个在恋爱当中的艺术家and sometimes we're gonna be competing for the same things,|有时候我们会为了某一件事情而共同竞争So, all right, we're... we're... we're smart people.|所以没什么的我们是... 我们是聪明人Let's come up with... some rules,|我们想一些... 约定吧a list of topics that are off-limits.|列出一些谈论禁区Isn't that what got us in trouble with Tisch?|不就是因为这个我们才因Tisch项目产生矛盾吗?No, no. This will be different,|不这下会变得不同了because we'll know... what we don't know.|因为我们会了解.. 我们所不了解的事Hey, listen to me. I'm quoting Donald Rumsfeld.|嘿听我说我可是在引用Donald Rumsfeld的话Okay, until the sting of Tisch has worn off,|好吧Tisch项目的事就让我们彼此折腾I... I don't think we should talk about classes.|我觉得.. 我们不应该再谈论课堂的事Like, if... if you're taking playwriting with Sam Shepard,|比如说... 如果是你和Sam Shepard(著名演员)一起创作剧本it may hurt my heart,|我会很受伤but if you take intro to mime, I need to know everything.|但如果你是以我为原型我需要知道一切细节I want to be with you when you buy your leotard and your beret.|当你去买紧身衣买帽子的时候我想跟你一起Playwriting competitions...|创作大赛...I think we can go out for the same ones,|我想我们可以共同竞争but we can't read each other's submissions.|但不允许阅读彼此的提交文信And looking forward, I guess it's the same thing|再延伸一下对于实习和工作with internships and jobs.|我们也应当如此So the only things we can talk about openly|那么我们唯一能公开谈论的事情are... are politics,|就是... 政治"Jersey Shore"...|还有"泽西海滩"(真人秀剧集)...And where we want to eat... which reminds me, I actually,|以及讨论去哪里吃饭... 这提醒我事实上um, I need to get ready.|呃我要去准备了I'm gonna be late for breakfast at my dad's.|我爸的早餐我都快迟到了Are you sure you don't want to come?|你确定你不跟着一起去吗?No, I'm sorry. I, uh, I have something.|不了抱歉我还有事Oh, oh, is it something related to our list?|这事跟我们的"禁区"列表有关不?Actually, yeah.|事实上是的Well, thank you for not sharing.|好的感谢你不与分享See? I can't believe how much easier that is.|看到没? 真不敢相信就这么简单Ooh! Another sext session with your new b.f.?|哦! 又跟你的新男友短信传情了?Okay, I'd hardly call Elliot a boyfriend.|拜托Elliot都称不上是我男友Between me spending all my time with my mom|我要整天陪着我妈and him being in every club in school,|而他学校的每个社团都参加we haven't even been on a first date.|我们连第一次约会都还没有过- Hey. Still using cooking as therapy? - Y eah.|- 嘿仍然进行食疗吗? - 是啊Ooh. Excuse me.|哦借过一下Sorry.|抱歉Good morning, everyone. Oh, look at all of this food.|大家早上好瞧瞧这些食物It's obscene.|真令人反胃Y ou okay? How are you feeling? Can I get you something?|你还好吗? 感觉怎么样? 喝点什么吗?Please, everyone, relax. What I need is|好了诸位放松我想要的是for the people who love me to treat me like they always do.|我爱的人能像原来那样对待我Has anybody heard From Chuck?|谁有Chuck的消息吗?Y eah, uh, he's... he's sorry He couldn't make it.|有嗯他...他很抱歉他来不了了Charles has the right idea.|Charles的想法很对If he were here, Then I'd really worry.|他如果来了那我就真的要担心了Anyway, one thing I'll say About William's treatment...|算了关于William的治疗我有一件事想说is that I have not lost my appetite. I want waffles.|就是我的食欲一点都没减我想要华夫饼干- Music to my ears. - Dad.|- 这话真动听- 爸- What's he doing here? - I invited him.|- 他来干什么? - 我请他来的Hmm.|嗯Looks great, Lil. Really great.|你看起来不错Lil 真的不错So I hope you'll all join me|所以我希望你们都能来参加for this Doctors without Borders Gala tomorrow at Columbia.|明天在哥伦比亚大学举办的无国界医生的晚宴I must admit, I feel a bit silly about the whole thing.|我得承认我觉得这事儿挺傻的Clearly, Columbia's run out of alumni to honor,|很明显哥伦比亚大学已经没有可嘉奖的校友了if the best they could come up with is... Me.|他们能想到最适合的人选是... 我False humility... check.|瞧... 假谦虚I'll be there.|我会去的I hope you don't mind. I invited Nate and Blair.|我希望你不介意我请了Nate和Blair- I really want them to get to know you. - Terrific. I'd be honored.|- 我真的希望他们能够了解你- 非常好是我的荣幸Well, Rufus and I would love to come.|Rufus和我非常乐意去Uh, why don't you grab a plate? Help yourself.|呃你去拿个盘子吧? 请自便What? He left when I was two.|什么? 他在我两岁的时候就离开了- The man's a total stranger to me. - Y ou have to at least give him a chance.|- 那男人对我来说完全是个陌生人- 你至少应该给他一次机会- No, I don't. - Okay, everyone. Let's sit down and enjoy this wonderful food.|- 不我不要- 好了我们坐下来好好享用美食吧Dad, here. Sit here. Rufus, scoot over, please.|爸坐在这里Rufus 麻烦你坐过去一点Please.|请Thank you.|谢谢[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网在线双语字幕-英语学习视频- Hey, Blair, what's up?|嘿Blair 有事吗?I thought I'd come and watch your lacrosse game.|我想我会去看你的曲棍球赛So if you could make sure that there's a seat for me in V.I.P.,|如果你能确定帮我留个VIP座位的话Preferably next to an injured cute player,|最好是能靠近受伤了的迷人球员的but not one on scholarship.|但别是一个得奖学金的Since when do you care about lacrosse?|你什么时候起会关注曲棍球赛了?Since I desperately needed to get away from N.Y.U.|从我迫切地要逃离纽约大学的时候起Everyone's planning their living arrangements for next year.|每个人都在计划他们明年的住宿安排It's so depressing.|这太让人沮丧了I thought your friends asked you to live with them.|我猜你的朋友会邀请你与她们同住In a postwar building,|住在一个战后的旧楼里on a street that's not even numbered. It's lettered.|坐落在一条甚至没有街号只有字母的街上And its big selling point is that it's above a falafel stand.|而最大的卖点就是楼下有一个卖沙拉三明治的小摊All right, well, listen, Hey, I gotta go.|好吧听着嘿我要走了There's no V.I.P. area,|那没有VIP席but there's a nice set of bleachers.|但有一排不错的长椅Blair? Y ou probably don't remember us,|Blair? 你可能不记得我们了But we met you at your mom's fashion show.|但是我们在你母亲的时尚秀碰过面Uh, yeah, of course.|哦是的当然Hair band girl. I never forget a good accessory.|发箍女孩我永远都不会忘了漂亮的配饰We're celebrating.|我们正在庆祝We just got the most amazing apartment ever.|我们刚刚找到了有史以来最棒的公寓Y ou would totally approve... Prewar, doorman,|你一定也会这么觉得... 修建于战前还有门卫and the best part... Fauchon is supposedly opening up next door.|最棒的是... 馥颂美食精品店应该就在旁边Can I ask you something?|我能问你点事情吗?What do you think about falafel?|你觉得沙拉三明治怎么样?Ew. Isn't that the kind of food paralegals eat?|嗯就是那种律师助手们吃的那种吗?I never thought I'd see Blair Waldorf|我从未想到会在上西区on the upper west side.|看到Blair WaldorfUnless... Oh, my god.|除非... 哦我的上帝- Are you transferring to Columbia? - I hope so.|- 你转学到哥伦比亚大学了吗? - 我希望如此N.Y.U. is so beneath you.|纽约大学太配不上你了I... it's true!|没... 没错!I'm a Columbia girl now.|我现在是一个哥伦比亚女孩了As you should be.|你本来就应该是Y ay!|是呀!Y ou know, The last time I was invited|上次我受邀去参加一个仪式to a ceremony in my honor, I had to slaughter a chicken.|接受嘉奖之时我啃掉了一只鸡Well, at least you've been honored.|好吧至少你曾经受过嘉奖I've... I've never been honored,|我... 我从来都没受过嘉奖I did win a contest once at boarding school,|我确实在寄宿学校的时候赢过一个比赛and I think there was a plaque,|我想应该还给了个荣誉奖牌- but I'm not sure that really counts. - What kind of contest?|- 但是我不确定那到底算不算- 什么样的比赛?It was for drinking hot chocolate|就是冬季市集的- at the winter fair. - I had a buddy that went to Exeter,|- 喝热巧克力的比赛- 我有个朋友去了埃克塞特and the stories he tells would make Keith Richards blush.|给我讲了个故事就连放荡如Keith Richards听到也会脸红(滚石吉他手)Y eah, well, um... I wasn't really into the party scene.|好吧嗯... 我不是太喜欢派对I was there more for the academics.|我更多的是去参加学术交流It sounds like you've made some great choices, Serena.|听起来你已经做了很棒的选择SerenaI'm glad. The bad ones have a way of... following you.|我很高兴给那些坏孩子... 立了个好榜样Y ou know, I've never heard that hot chocolate story.|我从来都没听说过那个热可可的故事Y eah, well, there are a lot of stories you haven't heard.|好吧还有好多故事你没听过呢True, but I did hear this one.|是的但是我确实听过这个My ex-boyfriend went to boarding school with Serena,|我的前男友和Serena一起上寄宿学校and he tells a great one about her and this teacher one night|他跟我讲了这么一件事一天晚上她和一个老师- at a bed-and-breakfast... - Jenny.|- 在一个旅馆里... - JennyAlthough I'm sure they were just studying.|但我确定他们只是在讨论功课Y ou know, like she says, She was all about the academics.|你们知道的就像她说的她只关注学业I have an announcement, Everyone.|我有件事情要宣布诸位I've decided I'm moving back in.|我决定搬回来了That way, I can be here with you, mom.|这样我就能陪在你身边了妈妈And it'll just be really great to be back in my old room again.|而且能够搬回我自己的房间实在太棒了Don't worry, Jenny. We'll... We'll find a place for you.|别担心Jenny 我们会... 再给你找个房间Well, that's great,|好吧这很好Because I'm moving in, too.|因为我也要搬进来了Downstairs. I was waiting to tell you|住在楼下我本想等到明天房屋管理委员会until the board approved my sublet tomorrow.|同意了我的转租申请时再告诉你们的But I'm very excited.|但是我真的高兴All my family together under one roof again.|我的家人再次住在同一屋檐下了Better watch out, Humphreys.|最好留心点HumphreysThey say love makes a family, but on the upper east side,|他们说爱能造就家庭但是在上东区everyone knows it's real estate.|每人都知道只有房地产才算数Hey, dad, I'm sorry I'm running so late.|嘿爸抱歉我晚了- Can you save me a waffle? - Always.|- 能给我留一个华夫饼干吗? - 一如既往I'll put one in the oven for you.|我放一个在炉子里给你- Uh, how's Lily? - She's great.|- 哦Lily怎么样了? - 她很好And you? How you holding up? I mean, it must be weird.|你呢? 你怎么样? 我是说这感觉一定很奇怪- Lily's ex-husband is now her doctor. - It was at first. But the fact is,|- Lily的前夫现在是她的医生- 刚开始是挺奇怪的但是事实是he's just her doctor now. I'm her husband.|他现在只是她的医生我是她的丈夫Uh, by the way, V anessa can't make it.|嗯另外V anessa来不了了- Said she had to be somewhere. - Oh, right. The, um, internship at CNN.|- 她说要去其它地方- 噢对嗯她要去CNN实习They called me as one of the references she listed.|他们打给我让我做她其中的一个推荐人Ah. Yeah, I... I wouldn't know. She and I are|啊嗯我... 我不知道我和她keeping our creative lives separate right now.|现在各有各的精彩生活Uh, you might wanna discuss this one,|啊你可能想聊聊这话题since it involves her going to Haiti for three months.|是关于她要去海地待三个月的事Y ou know what, dad?|爸爸啊?- I think I'm gonna have to cancel that waffle. - Okay.|- 那华夫饼不用留给我了- 好的All right. See you.|好的再见Hey.|嘿Um...|嗯...I know this gala tomorrow night seems boring,|我知道明晚举行的庆祝会可能会很无聊but I thought, uh, if there's a girl you like,|但我想啊如果你有喜欢的女孩- perhaps you'd like to invite her. - Actually, I'm gay.|- 你可以请她一起来- 其实我是同性恋So if I was going, which I'm not,|虽然我不会去但如果我参加的话then my date would be a guy named Elliot.|我的同伴会是一个叫Elliot的男孩That's cool. Uh...|很好啊啊...Bring Elliot. I'd love to meet him...|把Elliot带来我也想见见他...Please stop acting like|请不要表现得you and I have any kind of relationship.|好像我跟你有什么关系Y ou're right.|我明白Um...|嗯...I have a lot to make up for.|我有太多事需要弥补I'm sorry.|对不起The window for that|这个弥补的机会closed somewhere between my 12th birthday and, um...|在我12岁生日和我企图自杀的时候...my suicide attempt.|你就已经错过了Don't worry. I'm fine now.|别担心我现在没事了Going through all that without a father made me realize|没有父亲陪我一同面对这些事让我意识到that I don't need one.|我不需要父亲I understand that I've lost the right|我知道我已经没有权力to be a father to you, but...|做你的父亲但...if there's any way that we can get to know each other...|如果我们可以试着了解彼此...on your terms...|取决于你...Serena may want a relationship with you,|Serena可能想和你重建关系but I don't.|但我不想Serena, stop it! Y ou can't do that.|Serena 停下! 你不能这样The room was on loan, and I'm taking it back.|这个房间只是暂借我现在要把它拿回来And I don't care if I did leave it in the closet.|我不管我之前是不是把这件衣服放在衣柜里- Borrowing without asking is stealing, Jenny. - Dad, tell her to stop!|- 但不经允许就借用是偷窃Jenny - 爸爸让她停下!Uh, Serena, please. I think it's great|啊Serena 别这样你搬回来that you're moving back in, but this is Jenny's room now.|是件好事但现在这是Jenny的房间- All her things are here. Y ou can stay in Chuck's old room. - No way.|- 她所有东西都在这里你可以住Chuck以前住的房间- 不行That room is haunted by Chuck's depravity.|那个房间充满Chuck腐败的气息Jenny can take it. I'm sure it wouldn't bother you.|Jenny可以住那间房我相信你不会讨厌那种气息Okay, what... what's going on with you two?|好吧你们... 你们发生了什么事?Nothing.|没事Fine. Whatever. Serena can have her old room back.|好吧随便了Serena可以住回她自已的房All right, that's ridiculous.|这样是不行的Serena, I'll have Laryssa make up Chuck's bed for you.|Serena 我会让Laryssa帮你把Chuck的床重新铺好I'm confident that there's no depravity|我相信全新的E. Braun床单that brand-new E. Braun sheets can't erase.|能够扫除一切腐败的气息How many problems does Jenny have to cause|Jenny还要制造多少麻烦before you realize she's the problem?|才能让你意识到是她有问题?Hey.|嘿Hey. Thanks For meeting me here.|嘿谢谢你来这儿见我- The library started... - Did you apply for a documentary internship in Haiti?|- 图书馆开门... - 你申请了去海地做纪录片的实习?Y eah.|是的The producer just called. I... I got the job.|制作人打电话给我我... 我就接了这个工作When were you planning on telling me about this?|你打算什么时候告诉我这些?This morning,|今天早上and then you put internships on the "do not discuss" list,|你将实习列在"不予讨论"的清单里- and I panicked. - Why? Why? This is not about competing for something.|- 我就退缩了- 为什么? 为什么? 我们并不是在争什么This is... this is about our relationship.|这... 这关乎到我们的关系But both of those have been so tied up in each other,|但这些规矩已经变成我们的约束and this job is a huge deal for me, Dan.|而且这个工作对我很重要DanBut you can't pretend like you going away for three months|但你不能装得好像就算你离开三个月- is not gonna affect us. - I think I didn't wanna face that.|- 也不会影响我们的感情- 我猜我只是想逃避It was just so much easier when we were just friends|当我们只是朋友的时候一切都显得更轻松自在and we could talk about things.|我们可以谈很多事情All right, is... is that what you want, then?|好吧那... 那是你想要的吗?Y ou wanna go back to just friends?|你想回到朋友的关系?I don't know.|我不知道Anyway, uh, Serena might be a little upset.|总之啊Serena可能有点不高兴Well, you were right. She can stay in Charles' room.|嗯你是对的她可以住Charles的房间- It's getting crowded around here. - No kidding. Throw in your ex-husband,|- 这里人越来越多了- 不是开玩笑让你前夫搬进来and now we're a Nancy Meyers movie.|我们现在是上演"爱很复杂"这部电影了I hope you don't mind. I know it's awkward.|我希望你不要介意我知道这很尴尬Well, I mean, it is a little unusual, don't you think,|嗯我是说你不觉得一个医生for a doctor to move in to his patient's building?|搬进他的病人住的地方很奇怪吗?Well, not if he's the father of the patient's children.|嗯如果他是这个病人孩子的父亲那就不足为奇What are you getting at?|你在担心什么?Is it possible that...|会不会是...Will's also trying to get close to you?|Will也想要试图亲近你?Absolutely not.|肯定不是I'm the one that told William to stay away|是我跟William说如果他不能遵守if he couldn't make good|他对孩子们的承诺on the promises he made to the children.|那他就要离我们远点And I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you.|如果这让你觉得不舒服我很抱歉But if William wants to move in to be closer to the kids,|但如果William想要搬进来是为了和孩子们亲近I'm not gonna stand in his way.|那我不会阻拦着他Mmm.|嗯Holland? Hi, it's Rufus.|Holland吗? 嗨我是RufusUm...|嗯...I have a favor to ask.|我想让你帮个忙... and the social scene at NYU was criminal.|... 纽约大学的社交聚会是违法的Ten freshmen, a keg|十个新生一个小木桶and a tub of hummus on a card table isn't a party.|扑克牌桌上放一桶鹰嘴豆泥这是哪门子的派对It's a tragedy.|简直就是悲剧Hmm.|嗯Blair Waldorf just got a text.|Blair Waldorf收到短信了It's like watching Lady Gaga set fire to a piano!|这就像看到Lady Gaga放火烧了钢琴!Who's it from?|谁发来的?Serena.|是SerenaApparently, Jenny Humphrey is claiming squatter's rights|Jenny Humphrey想未经允许- on her old room. It's disgusting. - Oh, my god.|- 就强占她的房间太恶心了- 噢天啦Jenny can't do that to Serena V an Der Woodsen.|Jenny怎么能这样对Serena V an Der WoodsenSo what's the plan of attack?|有什么反攻计划吗?It's between Serena and Jenny.|这是Serena和Jenny之间的事Anyway, I've had some recent bad luck|总之我最近不幸getting involved in real estate disputes.|被卷入一些房屋纠纷中So I was thinking Warren-tricom mani/pedis?|所以我在想做下头发护理和修甲放松一下?I told you. It doesn't matter if she transfers.|我告诉过你她是否是转校生并不重要Blair Waldorf was over|在Blair Waldorf成为the minute she became a student at N.Y.U.|纽约大学的学生起她就完了Are you third personing me? I third person people, not you!|你居然用第三人称来称呼我? 只有我才能用第三人称去称呼别人!Exactly.|的确Y ou're Blair Waldorf... Fashion icon, queen B.|你可是Blair Waldorf...时尚偶像女王BAnd probably the future President of the united states.|你还有可能是未来的美国总统Or Chanel.|或是另一个香奈儿Jenny Humphrey just kicked Serena V an Der Woodsen|Jenny Humphrey 刚把Serena V an Der WoodsenOut of her room, and you're Not gonna do anything?|踢出她房间你不做点什么吗?I would. I just don't have any dirt on Jenny right now.|我会我只是现在没有Jenny的把柄我有|I do.Jenny and her boyfriend sold my boyfriend adderall|几个月前Jenny和她男友- a couple of months ago. - Lose the judge-face, Zoe.|- 卖兴奋剂给我男友- Zoe 别一副批判的表情He took a very heavy course load this semester.|那是因为他这学期学业负担很重Jenny Humphrey, drug dealer.|Jenny Hunphrey 毒贩子I can work with that.|我可以发这个We hear Blair Waldorf's Headed for a comeback.|我们听说Blair Waldorf已经准备回归But if she wants to keep her fans happy...|但是如果她想让她的粉丝高兴...- Send. - She better keep serving up the hits.|- 发送了- 她最好能一直保持点击率- Sleep well? - Don't even, serena.|- 睡的好吗? - 别过分serenaI can't believe Y ou posted on "gossip girl"|我不敢相信你居然发到"绯闻少女"上去- that I'm a drug dealer. - I didn't post anything.|- 说我是贩毒的- 我没有发任何东西Fine. Maybe you didn't send the actual e-mail,|算了也许你确实没有发邮件上去but everyone knows you have Blair do your dirty work.|但是每个人都知道你要Blair帮你做这鬼事I can't help what Blair does.|我不能阻止Blair做什么And you are the one who played Pablo Escobar|而且是你扮演国际毒枭- to underage preppy pill poppers. - My dad and I were finally in a good place|- 去贩卖那些药品- 我和我爸历经了这么多矛盾之后after a really, really bad patch.|终于和好了And if he finds this out, It'll destroy everything.|如果他发现这个这一切都要毁掉了Well, maybe Rufus should know|也许Rufus应该知道that his daughter is dealing drugs.|他女儿在交易毒品After all, you thought my father should know|毕竟你认为我爸应该知道all my adventures at boarding school.|我在寄宿学校的所有故事Fine. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything,|算了也许我不应该说任何话but maybe you shouldn't be lying to your dad.|但是也许你不应该对你爸说谎Are you really lecturing me about lying to a parent?|你不会是在对父母说谎的事情上跟我说教吧?My dad knows who I am,|我爸爸知道我是什么样的人but you're building a relationship with yours|但你正和你爸建立关系That's a complete lie.|那完全是个谎言I can't believe that you are willing to destroy|真不敢相信你这么想去毁掉my relationship with my father because you're too scared|我和爸爸的关系就是因为你太害怕that yours won't love you for who you really are.|你爸不会爱真实的你Y ou were right. We need to make these decisions together.|你说的对我们需要一起做决定But the truth is, consulting with someone else|但是事实是要和别人商量- doesn't come easily to me. - I get it. V anessa, I totally support you going.|- 对我来说不容易- 我明白的V anessa 我完全支持你去Thank you, but I'm not taking the internship.|谢谢你但是我不准备接实习工作I'd rather lose the job than lose you.|比起失去你我宁愿失去工作Y ou're not gonna lose me if you go to Haiti.|如果你去海地你也不会失去我We're... we're... we're gonna find a way to make this work.|我们... 我们会找到解决的方法的- All right? But you gotta go. - I don't want to, and we both know|- 好吗? 你还是去吧- 我不想去而且我们都知道it's better for our relationship if I stayed.|如果我留下来这对我们的感情会比较好I mean, three months is too long, and...|我的意思是三个月很长而且...I just wanna be with you.|我只想和你在一起Are you sure?|你确定?Y ou're... you're making this decision for you?|你... 你是为自己做的这个决定吗Not me? Not... not... not even us?|不是为我? 也... 不是为我们?Uh... okay.|嗯... 好的Let's find a way to celebrate Tonight, then... a fun way.|我们今晚找个方式庆祝下吧... 有趣点的We could, uh... Let's see. Y ou want to sneak 40s|我们可以嗯... 我们想想你想午夜偷偷溜进into the midnight showing of "The Lost Weekend"|电影论坛去看40年代的电影- at film forum? Y eah. - Actually, I'm supposed to have drinks|- "丢失的周末"吗? - 事实上我要去和with the woman from CNN, and I owe it to her|来自CNN的女士会面我答应她to tell her my decision face to face.|当面告诉她我的决定Okay. All right. Well, uh, morrow night, then.|好的那么就明晚吧Absolutely.|一定[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网在线双语字幕-英语学习视频- Need to sign lease on apt. 2days U in or out? Amalia|需要签公寓租约还有两天的时间你加入吗? AmaliaBlair. Hey.|Blair 嘿Y ou never made it to my lacrosse game yesterday.|你昨天没来我的长曲棍球比赛What are you doing?|你在干什么呢?I could ask you the same question.|我可以问你同样的问题Does serena know you're trying to pull off plaid?|Serena知道你脱掉格子衣吗?Seriously, Blair, I expected Chuck|说真的Blair 我想Chuck在to go back to his old habits after your breakup,|你们分手后从前的旧习惯都回来了- but I'd actually thought you'd grown up a little. - Whatever do you mean?|- 但是我真的认为。



这是gossil girl的经典语录。




清醒时的生活是如此的美好,为什么要把宝贵的时间浪费在做梦上呢!英文:gossip girl:I bet you're wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early.Truth is,I never went to bed.Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better.2.绯闻少女:我们都很清楚,一个国家不能有两个女王。

英文:gossip girl:We all know one nation can't have two queens3.绯闻少女:爬得越快,跌的越狠。

英文:gossip girl:The faster you rise,the harder you fall.4.布莱尔:不得有任何借口。






英文:Blair:No more excuses.Serena must have the hottest date ever.If he's got plans,he'll change them.If he's a girlfriend,he'll dump her.If he's out town,he'll charter a G5 and fly home.Make it happen.5.绯闻少女:说我们陈腐也无所谓,但是有时候,童话的结局是需要骑士亲自下马给马上鞍的。

英文:gossip girl:Call us old schools,but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.6.绯闻少女:我们是怎么说表象的来着?对了,表象是不可信的。

【推荐下载】绯闻女孩gossip girl 经典对白(一)

【推荐下载】绯闻女孩gossip girl 经典对白(一)
I told Chuck I loved him, again,我再次告诉Chuck我爱他,
and he didn't say it back again.他没有同样回应我。
Blair, I'm not gonna tell people that.Blair我不会告诉人们这件事。
绯闻女孩gossip girl经典对白(一)
故事背景:第二季25集,Blair对Jenny Humphrey的忠告。
You didn't get to use your gossip.你那条八卦没用上。
Well, here's something new...现在有些新消息...
and look what it almost made me do.看看差点把我变成什么样子。
That	s thething...这就是关键...
You need to be cold to be queen.你需要冷酷一点才会成为女皇。
Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart,Anne Boleyn就是感情用事,
and she got her head chopped off,才会掉脑袋。
She married her country.她嫁给她的祖国,
Forget boys.忘了帅哥吧。








例如,人物Blair常用“OMG”和“I can't even”,即“Oh m y god”和“I am so shocked that I can't even form a complete sentence”来表达惊讶和兴奋等情感。

另外,人物Chuck经常使用“Let’s get out of here”和“That’s what I’m talking about”等口头禅来表达决断和肯定。












Did S. think she could waltz home? S是否认为她可以凯旋而归?
She lost 15 pounds, got an eye lift.她减了15磅,还做了双眼皮。
They should have made their wedding b.y.o.b.
他们应该开个自带啤酒的婚礼。b.y.o.b.是bring your own beer的缩写(美国人真省啊)
- He’s a lord, and I love him.
- Okay, I’m gonna take your word for it, but, Blair, love?
- And not just because Tom Hanks gave him a Kleenex at Lady Di’s funeral.
——没有冒犯的意思。 ——我不介意。
Chuck: Move, plz. 请让一下。贵族式的傲慢。 ”excuse me”和“outta my way”
Blair: Done and done. 成交! “Deal”
Blair:Nighty-night. 晚安。
Nate: You set me up. 你陷害了我。或者,你设计了我。
- Oh, suddenly it’s all so clear.
go south means things are turning bad. 这个说法来源于地图"上北下南"的规定,所以go south可以用来代表任何下降、变坏的趋势。可以用来形容和某人的关系,经济走势,或者物品的变坏。
commoner: 普通人,凡人。另外,这里B用了罗马假日来做比喻,把自己比作记者,Marcus则是那位公主,非常可爱的比喻。




Blair: Just because you're dressed poorly doesn't mean you're not Chuck Bass. Chuck: Why would I want to be him?Blair: You should've told me you got shot.Chuck: I'm surprised you didn't shoot me youself. 我很惊讶你没有亲自开枪打我。

Blair: I have,many times,in my dreams. The good ones. But if you were really hurt,I would want to know.Chuck: When I woke up,my ID was gone.Nobody knew who I was.Nobody was coming to look for me.I realized I might be alive,but Chuck Bass didn't have to be. 我意识到虽然我活下来了,但恰克·拜斯却没有必要存在。

Blair: Changing your name doesn't mean change who you are. 名字虽改,你心依旧Chuck: It's a good start. A change to live simple,earn people's respect,maybe become a person someone could love. 赢得别人的爱的机会。

Blair: Someone d id love you. And...you owe it to her,and everyone else you're leaving behind. Not run away,which is what you're doing.欠每一个被你抛弃的人,不要再这样逃避了。



Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan’s elites. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。




* 翻译出来怪怪的。

Ep1. PilotGossip girl: Spotted, lonely boy can’t believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was.目击——寂寞男孩不敢相信他一生挚爱回来了,只是如果她知道他的存在的话。

* Gossip的经典转折..哈哈..Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald, always have, always will.我爱你,N,一直是,永远会。

* 出现两次,相似的第三次是C说的。

Serena: I didn’t come back for you.我又不是为你回来的。

* 自作多情的N。

Gossip girl: There’s nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.在这世界上绯闻少女最喜欢的莫过于女人之间的战争,而这个将是个十分经典的战役。

* 女人之间的战役一般都用cat fight,因为女人打架都像猫一样又叫又抓。

Chuck: But happiness does not seem on the menu, so smoke up, and seal the deal with Blair.幸福并不在你的选项之内,你还是先搞定B吧。



美剧绯闻女孩的经典台词《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)是一部由塞西莉·冯·齐格萨所作同名流行小说改编而成的美国TA电视剧。




































第三季06集:Enough about Eve-Gossip girl: Gossip Girl here... your one and only sourceinto the scandalous lives ofManhattan's elite.source: 来源 scandalous: 不体面的 elite:社会名流绯闻少女驾到…为您带来曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕。

-Jenny: Y ou really like Olivia, though, right?你真的很喜欢Olivia 对吧?-Dan: Y eah. Y eah, I do.耶。


-V anessa: Don't you think that dating a movie star is gonna be kind of hard?date: 约会 gonna=going to〈美〉将要你不觉得和电影明星约会很辛苦?-Blair: We're completely monogamous.Chuck plays the cheating bastard, and I play thescorned woman.completely: 完全地monogamous: 一夫一妻的 cheating: 欺骗的 bastard: 私生子,混蛋 scorned woman: 怨妇 scorn:轻蔑我们完全是一夫一妻制。


-Serena: What happens when one day you don't get there in time,and he actually kissessomeone else?actually: 实际上要是有一天你没有及时赶到,而他真的亲了其他人怎么办?-V anessa: My parents are artists. My sister's a musician.Just like going to Ivy is yourfamily's way, not going to college is mine.artist: 艺术家 musician: 音乐家 Ivy=Ivy League常春藤盟校,指的是美国东北部8所顶尖高等学府我父母是艺术家。

gossip girl第三季第九集 部分台词

gossip girl第三季第九集  部分台词

Gossip girlJenny: So what’s step two?Chuck: get him drunk .Take advantage of him. Do women just not get this?Jenny: chuck, he’s not gonna go drinking with me. He made me call my dad when I slept over. Chuck: Be here, 6:00 sharp. And look like someone who doesn’t even have a father.Blair: You twisted, manipulative, psychopath. How could you?Chuck: You’re going to have to be a tad more specific.It’s been a busy few days.Blair: My party.Chuck: Right. I heard about your little rebound reception.Good for you, moving on.Blair: So you’re just gonna pretend like you have nothing to do with the fact that no one showed up? Thatyou didn’t put a dating fatwa on me? We’re over,chuck. Unclench.Chuck: To set the record straight, I didn’t put a fatwa on you. The reason no one showed up today isbecause no one could ever measure up to what wehad , and I’m obviously not the only guy whoknows that.Blair: Fine , if you won’t move on, I will. There are plenty of guys outside the upper east side , and bythis time tomorrow , everyone in the fiveboroughs will know that chuck bass’ threats meannothing.Chuck: Art party. Brooklyn. She wasn’t kidding.$500 it is. I know an r.A. can use the money. Well, youlook like you could use a drink. What’s yourproblem?Nate: You know what you did to Blair.Chuck: And I’m paying for it.Nate: yeah, seems like you’re having the time of your life.Chuck: After all these years, you can’t see through one of my smoke screens? I’m not asking forforgiveness, Nathaniel. I did what I did. But wehave been best friends since before I canremember, and I thought…I know Serena wentwith carter, and I know she’s back. I just thoughtyou could use a drink. Maybe get out of thecity… Even if it’s with me.Nate: Yeah. Getting out of the city sounds like a good idea. What do you have in mind?Chuck: Brooklyn, actually. And I invited along a local guide.Jenny: You guys ready?I’ll get some drinks.Nate: I don’t know why you invited jenny.Chuck: What, I thought you two were as thick as wiis. Nate: Yeah, but not for a night out drinking. I mean, she’s still just a kid.Chuck: She’s a junior, older than serena when the two of you Christened the Campbell apartment. Andhonestly, does she look like a kid to you? Blair:So…Columbia? I’m impressed. This doesn’t really seem like an ivy league party. What are youdoing here?Columbia boy: Ah, I’m friends with the guy who owns the loft.Blair: oh, god. Is that an Aaron Rose?Columbia boy: uh, pretty sure that’s ikea.Blair: Not bad, Columbia.Columbia boy: name’s Cameron.Blair: Blair.Is it suddenly unbearably hot in here?Columbia boy: oh, are you okay?Blair: I’m better now. Thank you.Chuck: I haven’t read any posts on “gossip girl”yet. I guess my ban works in the provinces.Blair: I knew it. I knew you’d fatwa’d me.Chuck: And I knew you couldn’t break it.Blair: You’re wrong. I could have.Chuck: Then why didn’t you?Blair: Because…I suddenly realized it. The way to get over you isn’t by hooking up with some randomguy, or pretending like we didn’t happen. Youand I loved each other. And then you broke myheart. I’ve been doing everything possible not toface that fact. I’m gonna kiss somebodysomeday, and when I do, it’ll be for me.Good-bye, chuck, I’m going home.。

Gossip Girl S03E15 中英台词剧本

Gossip Girl S03E15 中英台词剧本

Gossip Girl S03E15 中英台词剧本Gossip girl here,|流言蜚女驾到your one and only source Into the scandalous life of manhattan's ellite.|你了解曼哈顿上流社会丑闻的唯一途径I spent 18 years accepting the fact my mother was dead.|我用了18年来接受我妈妈已死的事实I want to know my son.|我想了解我的儿子Jack bass, chucks uncle.|Jack Bass Chuck的叔叔Jack is the last person i would call for help.|Jack是我最不想寻求帮助的人I have feelings for you. I don't want to ruin our friendship.|我对你有感觉我不想毁掉咱们的友谊Is that rufus' scarf?|是Rufus的围巾?Miss holland say Rufus left this at her apartment.|Holland女士说Rufus把这个落在了她家Please. Is there any way That damien can have visitation rights?|能不能至少给Damien个探访权呢?I can't have you spending time with someone mixed up with drugs.|我不能让你和毒贩子混在一起Banished to Brooklyn|流放布鲁克林and who am i?|我又是谁呢?that's a secret i'll never tell.|这个秘密我永远不会说的you know you love me.|你们都爱我的x.o.x.o.,|亲亲抱抱Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 15|流言蜚女第三季第15集gossip girl.|流言蜚女From the day he brings his newborn girl home,|自从女儿降生那天起A father lives in fear...|父亲便生活在恐惧中...that someday she'll get hurt...|害怕某天她会受伤...how about some breakfast?|来点早餐啊?Waffles. Shocker.|还吃华夫饼No, i'm good. Thanks. I'll eat at school.|算了我不饿我去学校吃I'll see you at 4:15, on the dot.|4:50接你要准时School, home, school, home. I get it. Thanks.|学校和家两点一线明白了谢谢啊That someday she'll hate him...|又害怕某天她会恨他...Hi. Um, i need a car.|嗨我需要辆车Y eah, from d.U.M.B.O. To the smyth hotel.|曼哈顿大桥下到Smyth酒店Okay, thanks. Bye.|谢谢拜And worst of all,|最糟的是That someday she'll grow up.|总有一天她会长大Chuck had an emergency meeting with his lawyer,|Chuck在和他的律师开紧急会议But he hoped we could all meet up for some shopping later.|但他希望我们一会能一起去购物That sounds lovely.|太好了This has been a wonderful week.|这一周太棒了Chuck thinks so, too.|Chuck也是这么想的He mentioned what a great squash player you were.|他还说你的壁球打的非常棒And he likes a woman who knows her way around a haberdashery.|他喜欢对男装有见解的女人Actually...|实际上...i think there's something he wants to ask you.|他貌似有些事想问你Of course.|当然Call when you're in the lobby.|到了大厅给我打电话Are you okay?|你还好吧?Several female employees at the empire are suing me...|企业里的几名女员工要告我...for sexual harassment.|性骚扰What?|什么?Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace,|显然酒店里的房间服务有问题But that was my father's hotel. I was a kid.|但那是我父亲的酒店那时我还是孩子I would never do that now, not in my hotel, not to you.|现在我绝不会那么做不会在我的酒店更不背叛你No. Of course not.|你当然不会They're scheming harlots Trying to get you to pay them off.|这群贱婊子只想要你赔钱We have proo that two of those girl Weren't even in town on one of the alleged nights.|已经证明有两个女孩在事发当晚根本没在城里So we'll fight it.|那我们就奋力抗争We have innocence, good breeding and doug jarrett,|真理在我们这一边我们有高贵血统还有Doug JarrettOne of the best lawyers in new york, on our side. It's a slam dunk.|纽约最好的律师无懈可击A court case would be a p.R. Nightmare.|法庭事件对公关业来说是个噩梦We have to settle.|我们息事宁人吧Y ou'll take care of it?|你来打理吧?Settlements are for the guilty-|有罪的人才会用息事宁人的招数Celebrities who run people over, the catholic church.It's not fair.|是不把别人当回事的社会名流和天主教的专利这对你来说不公平The historical society is honoring my father tonight.|历史协会今晚要授予我父亲荣誉I can't have this overshadowing the evening Or anything else.|我不能让它毁了今晚的事或是其他This way, the case will be sealed.|这样这件事就会结束了The press won't know. No one will.|媒体不会知道没人知道Elizabeth wouldn't have believed it, chuck.|Elizabeth不会相信的Chuck- That's not why i'm doing this. - But if it was, i'd understand.|- 那不是我的初衷- 如果是我也能理解Y ou like her.|你喜欢她Y ou want the first time She meets lily and the rest of your family to be perfect.|她第一次和Lily 以及家里人见面你希望一切尽善尽美What is the point of having elizabeth in your life|如果你不对Elizabeth敞开心扉If you're not going to let her in?|她走进你的生活又有什么意义?Not everyone's willing to wait 18 years for an "i love you."|并不是每个人都能为那句"我爱你"等上18年Lily, what are you doing here?|Lily 你来这儿干嘛?I'm just checking in.|来看看How are things going with jenny?|和Jenny怎么样了?Oh, we have an understanding-|我们达成了共识She goes to school, she comes home... mm.|她上学回家....She does not date boys with bags of pills.|不再和搞毒品的小子约会了Oh, i'm sure she's furious.|她一定很狂躁The hulk was furious. There's no word for what jenny is.|绿巨人才会狂暴根本找不到确切的词来形容Jenny的状态Rufus, i need to ask you something.|Rufus 我要问你点事One sec, lil.|等下LilHeadmistress queller, hi.|Queller校长嗨I see. Thank you for calling.|好的谢谢你Jenny didn't go to school this morning.|Jenny今早没去上学Apparently, she's been cutting classes all week.|她已经逃了一周的课[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网在线双语字幕-英语学习视频- Who needs coffee after a wake-Up like that?|这样的早晨谁还需要咖啡提神?Who's texting this early?|谁这么早发短信?Rufus.|RufusHe's freaking out. He can't find jenny.|他抓狂了他找不到JennyHe thinks she's with damien.|他认为她和Damien在一起This is not good.|这可不妙Who, prince damien from the state dinner?|谁晚宴上的王子Damien?I thought you thought he was dreamy.|你不认为他很迷人吗?Well, that was before he tried to kiss me After i told him not to.|那是在我拒绝了他他又强吻我之前Um, what? And now that creep's with Jenny?|啥? 现在这个变态缠上Jenny了?Y eah. Y ou know what's most attractive about a bad boy?|你知道坏男孩哪点最吸引人?No, i really don't.|我真不知道Y our parents refusing to let you see him.|父母阻止你们两人见面Rufus is driving jenny right into damien's creepy arms.|Rufus正把Jenny逼向Damien的怀抱I'm not gonna let that happen.|我不会袖手旁观的Y our dad has called, like, five times.|你爸爸打5遍电话了He's obviously looking for you.|他肯定想找你I know. I'm just not sure i want to explain where i've been.|我知道我就不知道该怎么解释我在哪里We agreed if this is gonna work,|咱俩不是说好了嘛We gotta- We gotta keep it casual.|随意一点If my dad knows, then it's suddenly gonna feel serious,|让我爸知道一切就会变得很认真And you know how bad i am at lying to him.|你也知道我多不擅长对他说谎- Y ou can't avoid him forever. - all right.|- 你又不能躲他一辈子- 好吧Hey, dad.|爸What?|什么?Oh, um, it's-It's 9:30.I have latin.|都都9:30了我有拉丁语课It's a dead language. It's not going anywhere.|那语言就快灭绝了没发展Why don't you just ditch it and stay here with me?|你就不能翘课陪陪我?I can't. I have a quiz.|不行今天有小考Come on, jenny.|拜托JennyDon't you think it's a little coincidental The last time we got to this exact same spot-|上次也是这个时候你找借口这是巧合吗?Y ou know, the place right underneath your kilt-|一碰你裙子底下That you had to go dissecfetal pig?|你说你要去解剖猪?I did.|的确是啊Come on, damien. Y ou know i want to be here.|拜托Damien 你知道我想留下来Jenny.|JennyWhy don't we just talk about it?|咱们谈谈吧?What's there to talk about?|有什么好谈的?I think you're an amazing girl.|我觉得你是个非常棒的女孩I love spending time with you.But|我喜欢跟你在一起但是when i date someone, sex is usually part of the equation,|我在谈恋爱的时候通常来说自然会包括亲热这一部分And if you're not cool with that,|而如果你介意这个的话it's fine,But you need to say something.|也没什么的但你要挑明啊Y ou can't just shut me down every time we're alone together|你总不能每次我们单独在一起的时候就这样拒我于千里之外啊I'm not. I... it's just not a good day.|我没有我...只是今天不太合适啦I mean, i have a quiz, and then i have that other class.|我是说我要小考然后还有另外一门课要上Y ou're younger than me. I get it.|我很清楚你比我小Could it be that you've never...|会不会是你从来没有...No. Damien.|不DamienIt's not like that.|不是这样的Look, i just don't like the first time with someone To be rushed.|你看我只是不希望跟某人的第一次会变成仓促了事And I have school.|另外我还要上学Okay.|好吧Well, how about tonight?|那么今晚如何?After your father goes to sleep, we can sneak out.|等你爸睡了我们可以溜出去No rush, okay?|绝不仓促好吗?Nice and slow.|好好地...慢慢来...Y eah. Perfect.|好很好Um, it's on, dalgaard.I will see you tonight.|嗯就这么定了晚上见There's always a moment A father can't even let himself fear-|然而有一个时刻是当父亲的想都不敢想的...The day his little j. Decides to lose her big v.|那就是他的小J决定要献出自己初夜的时刻I can't believe the fuss they made over you At turnbull & asser.|我真不敢相信刚在Turnbull&Asser 他们把你奉为上宾搞出那么大阵仗来(Turnbull&Asser百年英国服装定制店)I should hope so. Prince william and i|我想也是这样Practically put the manager's daughter through college.|我跟威廉王子几乎是一路保着经理的女儿读完了大学Well, i had a lovely time.|嗯我过得很愉快Actually, there's something That chuck has been meaning to ask you.|实际上Chuck有些事情想问您The historical society is Dedicating a gallery to bart tonight.|历史协会今晚将用一次画展来纪念BartI understand it might be awkward for you to go to an event|我明白要让您去出席一个Where my father's being honored.|纪念我父亲的活动会很尴尬- Lily would be there and - I'd love to come.|- Lily会去而... - 我乐意去Charles, This is why i'm here.|Charles 这就是我留在这的初衷I want to be s much a part of your life as you'll let me.|只要你愿意我想要尽可能多地融入你的生活Mr. Bass!|Bass先生!Mr. Bass, did you pay off women you sexually harassed?|Bass先生对骚扰过的女性你真的以钱封口吗?Did you receive sex in exchange for promotions?Is it true?|你曾以升职为条件要求发生性关系是真的吗?Look, this is a lie. I'll explain later.|这不是真的我稍后会解释Somebody must have leaked the story.|一定有人故意把此事透给了媒体Let's just go. Let's go.|我们走吧我们走Jack Bass|Jack BassI should have guessed.|我早该猜到的- Naughty nephew. - Uncle jack.|- 淘气侄儿- Jack叔叔Y ou won't believe what i just heard.I'm shocked.|我是不会相信我刚听到的消息的我很震惊Y eah, i'm sure you are.|是啊我肯定你是很震惊She's a teenage girl.|她还是个十几岁的小妮子Cutting school to be with her boyfriend Isn't exactly criminal behavior.|翘课去跟男友腻在一起又不是什么犯法的事情I guess i'm still holding out hope|我想我是还在固执地期望...That somewhere underneath that|掩盖在那头金发下面的某处mop of blond hair Is my little girl.|仍然是我那宝贝闺女I know.|我理解Thanks for being here.|谢谢你能在这陪我Oh, i'm glad i could be.|哦我很高兴你能让我来这And i'm willing to put the past in the past if you are.|还有如果你同意的话我愿意让过去的事情就这么过去既往不咎Rufus, we just need to talk.|Rufus 我们只是需要好好谈谈Now?|现在?Well, the new york historicl society Is|纽约历史协会今天晚上dedicating a room to bart tonight.|用一间画廊来纪念BartI was hoping you could join me.|我希望你能跟我一起出席Lil, i think this morning Has been a step in the right direction.|Lil 我觉得今早上我们的确向着对的方向迈出了一步But i'm not quite in the mood to celebrate Any of your former husbands right now.|但我现在没什么心情为你随便哪个前夫举杯庆贺I'm gonna go try to get ahold of serena again.|我还是再试着找找Serena看看Hey, serena.|嘿SerenaHave you heard from her yet?|你跟她联系上了吗?Thanks for texting me.|谢谢你一直给我发短信Of course. Parents can be such a pain.|应该的父母是很麻烦的See, if he wasn't so controlling and judgmental,|看吧要是他不这么独断专行Then i wouldn't have to be sneaking around like this.|那我就用不着这样偷偷溜出去了No, i-I get it. Y ou're 16.Y ou should be able to date who you want.|是啊我...我明白你16岁了有跟自己喜欢的人约会的自由Exactly.|一点没错So how are things with damien?|那...你跟Damien相处得怎么样?They're great.|非常好Um, he listens to me,|嗯他会倾听我的想法And he-He treats me like an adult And really likes me.|还有他...他把我当大人看待而且真的很喜欢我- I've never felt this way before. - So it-It's serious then?|- 我以前从没有过这种感受- 这么说这...这是认真的咯?Well, it's about to be.|嗯大概是吧He's, uh, stayin at the smyth hotel,|他...住在Smyth饭店- And i was thinking that tonight - Tonight?|- 而我在考虑今晚- 今晚?Wow.Uh, i'd say that is serious then.|那我看这是认真的了呀Y our first time- Tat's-That's monumental.|你的第一次...这...这太重要了It is your first time, right?|这是你的第一次对吧?Are you nervous?|你紧张吗?Y eah, i guess a littl.|嗯我想有一点吧Y ou know Jenny,|你知道的Jennythe thing about your virginity Is that you can never get it back.|你的童贞的珍贵就在于一旦失去就再也找不回来了Y ou know, i...|我...i always kinda wish I- I would've waited|我一直都很希望我...我能For somebody that would have stood up for me And fought for me,|把他留给能为我挺身而出为我遮风挡雨的那个人Y ou know, like patrick swayze in "dirty dancing."|你知道的就像"辣身舞"(87年音乐片) 里的帕特里克-斯威兹(片中男主角Johnny)"Dirty dancing"?|"辣身舞"?It's great. Y ou should download it.|很好看的你该去下载来看All right.|好吧But, see, the thing is, serena,That|但你看Serena 事实是damien really is the right guy.|Damien真的就是我的真命天子Okay, well, that's your decision, and i'll support you.|好吧既然你这么决定我会支持你的Uh, you know what?Obviously, you're not going to school today,|显然你今天是不打算去学校了And you should-Should commemorate today, so...|你该...该为今天好好庆祝一下... 所以...i have to get readyfor chuck's,But nate will take you to lunch.|我得准备出席Chuck的活动但Nate可以带你去吃午餐Y eah. I, um, what are you in the mood for?|是啊我...呃...你想吃点什么?There he is.|找到你了I would have been here sooner,|我本来能早点到的But i got distracted reading some of those protestors' signs.|但我看了看外面那些抗议标语I never realized how many sex puns you could make Out of the name "chuck bass."|我从来没意识到用"Chuck Bass"这个名字能写出这么多跟性有关的"俏皮话"Don't worry.It'll blow over in a couple weeks.|别担心这事几个礼拜之内就会慢慢冷却下来的Y ou expect me to believe it's just coincidence|你指望我会相信Y ou show up te same time this lawsuit does?|你跟这官司同时出现是个巧合?I came back to protect you.|我是回来保护你的See, i heard a rumor-|你看啊我听到了个传闻...- Evelyn bass rose from the dead. - Oh, she wasn't dead.|- Evelyn Bass死而复生了- 哦她没死No, it seems my father|不看来这么些年是我父亲paid her To stay away from me all these years.|出钱让她不要接近我的Y eah. I get why you'd fall for all this,|是我明白你为什么轻信于此What, with your mommy issues,|怎么说呢你那点母亲情结All those abnormal attachments to your babysitters.|以及对你保姆的那些个不正常情愫Didn't help that i was nailing 'em, huh?|压根都没妨碍到我搞定他们嘛?But, chuck, i saw evelyn's body in the casket At the funeral home.|但Chuck 我在殡仪馆的棺材里亲眼见过了Evelyn的尸体And why should i believe anything you say?|我又为什么要信你的一面之词呢?I tell you what. Have her come by the party tonight.|那这样好了让她来今晚的派对The old evelyn and i never got along.|以前的Evelyn跟我向来不和Maybe now we'll hit it off.|或许这下我们能相处融洽It might be fun.|这可能会很有意思哦I've never see a ghost before.|我还从来没见过鬼呢Well, hello, gorgeous.|啊你好啊美人And now it all makes sense.|现在一切都能说得通了Y ou're the blood-Sucking reptile behind this lawsuit.|你是这起诉讼案里的吸血虫Wow. Harsh words.|噢好伤人的话But i'm innocent.|但我是无辜的Whoever did this is more brilliant than i am.|不管是谁干的他都比我聪明My sources tell me reservations are already down 20%.|我的线人告诉我预定的房间减少了20%Y ou're a lying ooze.|你是滩会说谎的烂泥巴Little nephew is going to have to step down From his beloved empire.|小侄子将不得不退出他至爱的帝国酒店And what?Y ou think you'll somehow get it?|然后你以为你就能得到它吗?Please. That'll never happen.|别想了那是不可能的Blair.|BlairI've already had everything of chuck's worth having.|Chuck值得拥有的东西我都已经得到了And as always,The pleasure is yours.|和往常一样你高兴就好Trust me. I have a plan.|相信我我都计划好了Telling jenny that damien is bad for her|告诉Jenny Damien不适合她Will only make her want him more. We have to show her.|只会让她更想和他在一起我们得证明给她看And how-How are we gonna do that?|该怎么做?I called him and invited him over for lunch.|我打电话给他了邀请他共进午餐What, are you crazy?|什么你疯了吗Y ou said the last time you were alone with that guy, He tried to rip your clothes off.|你说最后一次你和他在一块时他试图扯掉你的衣服And he'll try to again,|而且他还会这么做的but this time, you and jenny Are gonna walk in rigt in time to catch him.|但是这次你和Jenny 要把他逮个正着This-This sounds absurd.|这听起来太荒唐了Blar and chuck do it all the time. Nate, i know it's not ideal,|Blair和Chuck总这么干Nate 我知道这不是最理想的办法but jenny's gonna have sex With him tonight if we don't stop this.|但是如果我们不阻止的话Jenny就要和他发生关系了We should just call Rufus.|我们还是打电话给Rufus吧What, so he can ground her again?|然后呢让她再被罚禁足?Nate, this is gonna work.|Nate 这能行的It's 1:00 now. Give me 45 minutes exactly.|现在是一点钟给我45分钟Bye.|再见I'm so glad you called.|你打给我我很高兴Y ou know what, dad? I think every girl Goes through a forbidden guy phase.It's...|知道吗爸爸我觉得每个女孩都会经历偷食禁果这个阶段的you know, it explains why vampires are So popular right now.|这正是为什么如今吸血鬼这么受欢迎Well, if he were a vampire, i could slip|好吧如果他真的是个吸血鬼garlic In her waffles, not that she'd eat them.|我就直接往华夫饼里放大蒜估计她也不会吃的Hey, distract me. I have, uh, noticed|嘿快转移我的注意力我注意到Y ou've been sleeping out quite a bit this week.|这周好几次你都没在家里过夜Y eah, yeah. Just at vanessa's, you know.|是的在V anessa那里I fall asleep on the extra bed sometimes,|有时我在空床上睡着了studying late. It's no big deal.|学习到很晚没什么大不了的Y ou always were a bad liar.|你永远不会撒谎Obviously, you're seeing someone.|很显然你在约会Okay. All right, you got me.|好吧是的被你发现了Um, it's actually, uh,|呃事实上V anessa.|V anessaThank you so much for coming by.|多谢你过来Mm. Ah. I know i'm overreacting,|我知道我反应过度了But i just need family by my side,|但我只是想让家人在身边And i know you're practically jenny's sister.|你也算是Jenny的姐姐No, vanessa's not family. She's not a sister.|不V anessa不是家人她也不是姐姐She's a-Sh's a friend. She's a classmate, really, you know.|她是她是个朋友是个同学真的Hello|你好Hello.|好啊Hey. What's-What's going on? What are you doing?|怎么回事? 你在干吗?Rufus is in the other room.|Rufus在隔壁房间All right, you know what? I think we need To set some guielines.|好吧你知道吗我们要立下些规矩- Guidelines? - Well, you know, zones.|- 规矩? - 好吧是区域界线Zones where we're friends only,Zones where we're friends with benefits.|何时我们只是普通朋友何时又是"需求互补"的朋友And here, where-Where my dad treats you like his own daughter|在这儿我的爸爸把你当自己女儿看待And we've prepared thanksgiving dinner while watching "The sound of music,"|我们一边准备感恩节晚餐一边看"音乐之声"that's gotta be-I think that's gotta be a friend-Only zone.|这就是我想这里就是普通朋友区域Okay. I see your point.|好吧我明白了And lily's, you know, the upper east side in general,|Lily家那边也可以概括为整个上东区Actually, that's a friends-Onl zone, too.|实际上那里也是个普通朋友区域Uh, but downtown,Y ou know, around school,|呃但是市区学校周边地区that's friends-With-Benefits zone.|就是"需求互补"的区域I'll draw you a map. That's what i'll do.|我给你画张地图我会的It'll be much easier.|那理解起来要容易得多Sorry to drag you guys all the way over here,|很抱歉把大家拉到这里But i-I think I have it handled. See you later.|但是我已经解决了晚点见I am gonna go back to school.|我要回学校了Okay, you know, i'll come with you. We can talk about what zone the subway is.|好的我和你一起去我们可以讨论一下地铁属于什么区域How about the subway is A no-Talking-About-Zone-Rules zone, okay?|地铁是"禁止谈论区域划分"的区域好吗?Better yet, classmate,|更好的是同学A sitting-On-Opposite-Ends- Of-The-Car zone.|是个"分坐在车厢两头"区域All right. Still drawing a map.|好吧还是画张地图吧Y ou know, i've almost called you a million times.|知道吗我都打了无数次电话了Really? And why is that?|真的? 为什么?To apologize.|道歉The state dinner- My behavior was-|在洲际晚宴上我的行为...Y eah, well, um, i actually wanted to apologize, too.|是啊好吧我也想道歉呢Uh, i used you,And-And that was wrong.|我利用了你那是不对的But, um, nate and i are over.|但是Nate和我已经结束了Uh, i have absolutely no feelings for him anymore.|我对他一点感觉都没有了Oh. Um,Serena, i'm dating jenny,|Serena 我和Jenny在一起了And i actually really like her,|我真的很喜欢她So i can't do this.|所以我不能这么做What?|什么?Great lunch. Sorry about nate.|午餐很愉快Nate的事很遗憾Me, too.|我也是SerenaCalling IgnoredNate, what's going on?We've had coffee and two entire desserts.|Nate 怎么了? 我们喝了咖啡吃了两道甜品Can we go now?|我们现在能走了吗Uh-Oh. Looks like this virgin queen's next accessory|看起来处子女王的下一件首饰May be a chastity belt.|可能会是贞操带Y ou're gonna dream of the days you were just grounded.|你会希望能回到刚被禁足的时候的From now, on i will escort you to and from school,|从现在开始我会送你来回学校Queller will assign someone to walk you from class to class,|Queller会叫一个人陪你换教室And you will have lunch in her office.|你在她的办公室吃午餐Dad, i ditched class to be with my boyfriend.So what?|爸爸我逃课去见我的男友了那又怎样?It's not like it's affecting my grades.|我的学习成绩没有被影响啊Y ou can't keep treating me like a child.|你不能永远把我当成小孩子看待Well, you certainly are acting like one.|你做起事来就像个小孩子If you think this guy-The one that brought drugs into the house-|如果你认为这个人这个把毒品带进家的男人Is right for you, you're a child.|适合你的话你就是个孩子Y eah, and if you would listen to him,|是的如果你愿意听他解释的话Then you'd know that they weren't his pills.|你就会知道那些药丸不是他的But you didn't. Y ou just jumped to conclusions,Like you always do. Dad.|但是你没有你马上下了结论这就是你一贯的作风爸爸Y ou know, it's no wonder That you're marriage is going down the toilet.|难怪你的婚姻要结束了Hi.|嗨I bought you a little something to wear tonight.|我送来一件今晚你可以戴的东西Oh, thank you.|噢谢谢Oh, it's beautiful.|很漂亮Blair helped me pick it out.|Blair帮我选的As i recall, purple was your father's favorite color, too.|我记得你爸爸最喜欢的颜色也是紫色Actually, i only wear purple Because my father loathed it.|事实上我穿紫色只是因为爸爸不喜欢Oh.|噢Or maybe that's what he wanted you to think.|或者他只是想让你这样认为Bart was playing with people's heads all the time.|Bart总是玩弄别人Are you all right?|你还好吗?Is it the lawsuit?|是因为诉讼案吗?Not the lawsuit,But, uh,|不是因为诉讼案而是who may be behind it.|诉讼案背后的人My uncle jack just arrived in town.|我的叔叔Jack刚来城里Sounds like jack.|像是Jack的作风Will he be going to the party tonight?|他今晚会去宴会吗?Uh, he's not invited, but|我没邀请他he is a cockroach,And they tend to slip in through the cracks.|但他就像打不死的小强一样无处不在Charles, um...|Charles 呃...your uncle and i...|你叔叔和我...we have history.It's ugly history.|我们曾经在一起过是一段见不得人的故事Look, i'm not going to let jack Determine who can and can't come to my party.|听着我不会让Jack来决定谁能来我的宴会I'm sorry, charles. I don't know if i have the strength To deal with him|抱歉Charles 我不确定自己有勇气来同时and meet your family at the same time|面对他和你的家人I hope you understand.|希望你能理解我I understand perfectly.|我完全理解你But since i can't spend the evening with you,|既然我晚上不能和你在一起Stay for a while. Have a drink.|那你就在这多待一会喝一杯吧Of course.|当然I can see he's starting to doubt himself.|我能看出来他开始怀疑自己的能力了Why wouldn't he, with the bad press, the protestors?|有那么多负面的压力和反对他的人他能不那样吗?The "daily intel" says he's thinking of stepping down.|"Daily Intel"上说他在考虑卸职的事Chuck's not stepping anywhere.|Chuck可不会卸职的Ooh, can i borrow that?|我能借用一下吗?- Y eah. - Oh, and|- 好的- 哦speaking of things we've shared...|说到我们都曾经拥有过的...nate, serena doesn't want to talk to you right now.|Nate Serena现在不想和你说话Well, did she tell you about her little plan|她有没有和你说过她那to seduce damien And have jenny walk in on it?|勾引Damien然后让Jenny撞见的小计划?Well, it sounds perfectly reasonable to me.|在我听来这计划很合理啊Y eah, because it's a blair-Waldorf-Nut-Job plan.|是因为这正是Blair Waldorf的疯人计划I'll ignore that.|那话就当我没听到Nate, serena and i are getting ready for the party.|Nate Serena和我在为宴会做准备Now why don't you just apologize so we can all move past this|为什么你就不能道个歉? 那样就没事了And be supportive for chuck on his big night?|然后我们今晚就能好好支持Chuck了No, i'm not going to apologize.|不我不会道歉的I did the right thing, okay? Serena may not get it,|我没错好吗? Serena可能不懂But losing her virginity is a huge deal For a girl like jenny.|但对一个像Jenny一样的女孩来说贞洁是很重要的东西Oh, and it wasn't for me? Why is that, nate?|哦那它对我来说就不重要吗? 你凭什么这么说Nate?Because i was a huge slut when i was jenny's age?|因为我在Jenny这么大的时候很放荡吗?Look, i didn't realize i was on speakerphone, okay?|我没想到你们用了免提- I didn't mean to say that. - That's exactly what you meant.|- 我不是故意要那么说的- 那就是你想说的[英学网] - 电影天堂-双语电影网在线双语字幕-英语学习视频- "Dirty dancing"?|"辣身舞"吗?Y eah, it's corny, but it's kinda good.|是虽然很无聊但也还不错Come on. It's totally good.|拜托根本是非常好看Y eah, baby's dad's an even bigge jerk than you.|对孩子的爸爸比你还混蛋Look, i have to go to this historical society thing To talk to lil.|听着我要去历史协会举办的活动现场找Lil谈谈Obviously, i can't let you out of my sight,|当然我也不能让你脱离我的视线So that means you're coming, too.|所以就意味着你要跟我一起去But i will be watching you all night.|但我整晚上都会看着你的Great.|太棒了Boycott! Boycott! Boycott!|抵制! 抵制! 抵制!Shame on you! Chuck Bass| 你真可耻! Chuck BassPathetic!|太可悲了!Suburban moralists in mom jeans.|一群穿着高腰仔裤的乡巴佬道德家。



































《绯闻女孩》第一季第15-17集经典对白(英语学习)第十五集1. Serena: If I go down, you go down with me.如果我会被毁灭,你会和我一起被毁灭。

* G,表太得意噢~第十六集2. Blair: Hey, hey, we’re sisters. You’re my family, what is you is me. There’s nothing you could ever say to let me go. I love you.喂,我们是好姐妹阿,你是我的家人,你的事情就是我的事情,你说什么都不能把我赶走的。


* 感动阿~闺蜜~第十七集3. Nate: She’s right Serena, none of us are saints.S,她是对的。


Blair: Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.对,我和他在豪华轿车的后座发生过关系。

Chuck: several times.don’t judge. We’re the non-judging breakfast club.We are your best friends; anything you do is sth we did too.你什么都可以告诉我们的,我们不会妄加论断的。



Chuck: What has got into youBlair: what if I told you where Georgina sparks was right nowChuck: I’d say, let’s get the bitch.——你在想什么?——如果我告诉你G现在在哪里你会怎样?——我会说,那婊子死定了。

* 帅~以上两段话只能用GG下面这句话来点评,有这样的朋友,谁还要什么军队?4. Gossip: Spotted, Blair and chuck reunited to defend Serena’s honor. With friends like this, who needs an army有这样的朋友,谁还需要什么军队呢。

Gossip Girl中总结的地道口语V

Gossip Girl中总结的地道口语V

Gossip Girl中总结的地道口语VEp12Chuck: She’s been crystal about that since we got back.她对此表现得很明显。

* 喜欢这里的用词,crystal.Ep13Dan: Thank you, even if I did have to drag it out of yourself.谢谢,虽然这是我逼你说出来的。

Blair: I can’t be held responsible for her mood swings.她心情不好不关我的事。

Serena: Since you and your reputation don’t need me and my low-rent taste, you and Warldof name can weather the storm alone.既然你和你的名声不需要我和我低下的品味,你和W的名声就独自面对(这一切,指B面对的危机)吧。

* 两个点,一个是low-rent taste,一个是weather thestorm.Ep14Blair: We met briefly on Thanksgiving.我们在感恩节时见过一面。

* 用的是briefly~这里要小注意小注意下噢~之前我是不知道这个用法哒。

Blair: She’s running herself ragged.她在努力。

* run oneself ragged.之前不知道这个说法,可以记一下。

Ep17Chuck: I’d say, let’s get the bitch.我会说,那*死定了。

* 这句话的直译是,让我们搞定/整死那*。

相似的用法在《Freaky Friday》(辣妈辣妹,非常经典拉,Linz的一部很有名的校园喜剧)里也有出现,Anna说,he always tries to get me(他总是想尽办法整我),所以,同鞋们记住这个神奇的get~用法超多的~采集者退散Ep18Blair: Before you landed on my bed, we actually landed on a good idea.在你爬上我的床以前我们已经想到了一个好主意。

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What are we,Chuck?
C:I want you to be happy.
B:Tell me if what you feel for me is real or if it is just a game.If it’s real,We will
ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything.
B:You say that but i know you,you are chuck bass.
C:I am not chuck bass without you.
Blair: I'm prepared to settle.
Chuck: Maybe I'm not.
Blair: Chuck Bass, I...will never say those words to you.
Blair: I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that.
B:I can’t answer N’question while I’m waiting for you to answer mine.
love you so much it consumes me. I love you and I know you love me too. Tell me you love me
and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for
You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of
pseudo-intellectual,homesick malcontents?
You'd really insult me like this.
Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore.
Chuck: You were right. I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught
Eight letters. Say it...and I'm yours.
Chuck: I... I ...
Blair: Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.
Chuck: The reason we can't say those three words to each other, isn't because they aren't
Chuck: Look i'd rather wait. Maybe in the future...
Chuck: You can believe me this time.
Blair: Oh. That's it?
Chuck: I love you too.
Blair: But can you say it twice? No i'm serious, say it twice!
Chuck: I love you, I love you, that's three, four, I love you.
C:I want you to be happy.(暗示做的所有事都是为了她。)However that's achieved.
Blair: You don’t belong with anyone.
C:Please don't leave with him.
C: 请不要和他走。
Blair: Why? Give me a reason and "I'm Chuck Bass" doesn't count.
can't you tell me?
Blair: You can't run, you have to stay here and here it this time. Chuck Bass, I love you. I
something. Tell me it was for something.
figure it out.But if it’s not...Then please,Chuck.Just let me go.
C:It’s just a game.
绯闻女孩经 Blair and Chuck经典台词 是那么有爱。
Blair: Do you like me?
Chuck: Define “like”.
Chuck: You don’t belong with Nate, never have, never will.
B:whatever you're going through,I want to be there for you.
C:you are not my girlfriend.
C: 你不是我的女朋友。
B: but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck. The worst thing you've
C: why would you do that?
B:because I love you.
C:well,that's too bad.
Chuck: Not quite. Eight letters. Three syllables. Say them and I'm yours.
S:Chuck,why did you do that?
C:{大大的深呼吸}Because I love her.And I can’t make her happy.
Blair: I know you told Serena you love me.
Chuck: Serena heard wrong.
Blair: Last year you told Nate, this year you told Serena. You tell everyone but me, why
B: That's not how it is.
C: It's exactly how it is.
So the next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf,
Blair: That's not enough.
Chuck: What else is there?