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斜轴式轴向柱塞定量液压泵 马达 F11 F12 系列说明书
/马达/pmde2Parker HannifinPump & Motor Division Europe Trollhättan, Sweden液压泵/马达F11/F12 系列样本 MSG30-8249/CN换算系数1 kg ..............................................................................2.20 lb 1 N .............................................................................0.225 lbf 1 Nm .....................................................................0.738 lbf ft 1 bar ..........................................................................14.5 psi 1 l .................................................................0.264 US gallon 1 cm 3 ...................................................................0.061 cu in 1 mm ..........................................................................0.039 in 1°C ..........................................................................5/9(°F-32)1 kW ............................................................................1.34 hp换算系数1 lb ............................................................................0.454 kg 1 lbf .............................................................................4.448 N 1 lbf ft .....................................................................1.356 Nm 1 psi ..................................................................0.068948 bar 1 US gallon .................................................................3.785 l 1 cu in .................................................................16.387 cm 31 in ............................................................................25.4 mm 1°F .........................................................................9/5°C + 321 hp ........................................................................0.7457 kW扭矩 (M)M =[Nm]液压马达基本公式流量 (q)q = [l/min]功率 (P) P = [kW]D x n1000 x ηv D x Δp x ηhm63q x Δp x ηt600D - 排量 [cm 3/rev] n - 轴转速 [rpm] ηv - 容积效率Δp - 进油口和出油口之间的压差 [bar] ηhm - 机械效率 ηt - 总效率(ηt = ηv x ηhm )扭矩 (M)M = [Nm]液压泵基本公式流量 (q)q = [l/min]功率 (P)P = [kW]D x n x ηv1000 D x Δp63 x ηhmq x Δp600 x ηtD - 排量 [cm 3/rev] n - 轴转速 [rpm] ηv - 容积效率Δp - 进油口和出油口之间的压差 [bar] ηhm - 机械效率 ηt - 总效率(ηt = ηv x ηhm )销售条件本样本中的各种产品均由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司和授权经销商销售。
伊顿EATON 公司液压柱塞泵马达液压原理彩图
第四部,伊顿EATON公司液压柱塞泵马达420系列变量柱塞泵420系列变量泵液压原理图M -系列变量柱塞泵工业用途压力补偿器控制-代号C 在预先调整的补偿器压力下,泵将提供连续调整的流量,满足变化的负载要求。
警告:压力补偿器可能调整得超出泵的额定压力,在调整压力限制器时,在出油压力表口上安装0-350BAR 的压力表,限制压力设定值在针对泵排量的连续额定压力。
压力补偿器控制-代号A 在预先调整的补偿器压力下,泵将提供连续调整的流量,满足变化的负载要求。
警告:压力补偿器可能调整得超出泵的额定压力,在调整压力限制器时,在出油压力表口上安装0-350BAR 的压力表,限制压力设定值在针对泵排量的连续额定压力。
PVH 柱塞泵压力补偿器控制-代号C 或CM在预先调整的补偿器压力下,泵将提供连续调整的流量,满足变化的负载要求。
压力补偿器有两个工作范围:在弹簧C 作用,压力在70-250BAR 范围内调整,弹簧CM 则在20-130BAR 范围内调整。
70160系列柱塞泵手动控制排量: 20,3 cm3/r23,6 cm3/r型号 70360系列柱塞泵70360单泵手动控制排量: 40,6 cm3/r 49,2 cm3/r70360串联泵72400系列变量柱塞泵单 泵双联泵的前泵双联泵的后泵标准泵伺服控制—排量,40,6 cm3/r 49,2 cm3/r重系列 2液压远程控制电磁控制,带斜盘反馈传感器;型号编法 SE,电气比例排量控制型号编法 EE,EG,EL正向-中位-反向控制 型号编法 FR 和 FS,重系列1变量柱塞泵带有微动阀的标准控制器带有中位定位装置的标准控制器带有中位互销的标准控制器内装式超压控制(IPOR)远程压力超载控制液压远程控制电子控制 (ESC)零行程控制手动控制行程阀控制液压远程控制/ 变量马达控制液压系统安装示意图。
Model Assy. #
Maximum Pressure _3000_ psi
Description of failure
Flow at 500 psi ________ gpm Flow at 1500 psi ________ gpm Flow at 1000 psi _______ gpm Flow at 2000 psi _______ gpm
WS2是NASA研 發的用作太空探 測飛船用的潤滑 材料(在高真空和 高溫下,常用的 潤滑劑都會失效)
不貼附 耐溫性 與液態氧的兼容 密度
泄油口 一般安裝 側面安裝 向下安裝
建議使用雙泄油孔,加強排氣功能 !!!
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
0 3500
பைடு நூலகம்Pump Pressure (psi)
Compensated Output of PVX XXXXX Pump ISO 32 Oil @ 120 °F
75 90
特殊調配油液 可採用多種特殊油液:
1)sub-sea preparations 2)耐燃性油 3)水乙二醇 4)轉化乳膠 5)高水基液壓油 (HWCF) 6)磷酸鹽酯 7)多元醇酯 8)合成油液
I in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.2105136/04Collettore aspirazione Manifold ___________________________________________Nr.14105127/04Testata di compressione Compression head __________________________________Nr.35105108/17Otturatore valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.36104582/33Sede valvola Valve seat _________________________________________Nr.37101217/36Molla Spring ____________________________________________Nr.38104215/04Guida valvola Valve guide ________________________________________Nr.39105132-05/04Cilindro pistone Piston Cylinder _____________________________________Nr.310105026/17Otturatore valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.311105020/33Sede valvola Valve seat _________________________________________Nr.312103053/36Molla Spring ____________________________________________Nr.319105128/07Piastra testata Head plate _________________________________________Nr.122105239/04Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.324103177/53Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.325105140-04/04Distanziere Spacer ____________________________________________Nr.326102898-08/40Pistone pompante Pumping piston _____________________________________Nr.332104216/04Guida valvola Valve guide ________________________________________Nr.334102902/39Rondella Washer ___________________________________________Nr.335105547/07Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.136MHF 004Manometro Pressure gauge _____________________________________Nr.139102333/42Prigioniero Stud ______________________________________________Nr.840105131/42Prigioniero Stud ______________________________________________Nr.441102900/07Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.342105058/39Attacco stelo pistone Piston rod adapter ___________________________________Nr.345103870/42Prigioniero Stud ______________________________________________Nr.2447101837/42Prigioniero Stud ______________________________________________Nr.12TESTATA DI COMPRESSIONECOMPRESSION HEAD A059105 a ELENCO PARTI A DISEGNOPART LIST Dis/Dwg.105126/00I in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.48105130/04T appo Plug ______________________________________________Nr.349105129/07Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.351105546 /04Collettore mandata Delivery Manifold ____________________________________Nr.152105137/04Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.158105135/42Prigioniero Stud ______________________________________________Nr.4TESTATA DI COMPRESSIONECOMPRESSION HEAD A059105 b ELENCO PARTI A DISEGNOPART LIST Dis/Dwg.105126/00I in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.ELENCO GUARNIZIONIGASKET LIST Dis/Dwg. 105126/00\3DUC 045Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.314DUD 012Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.317RII 065Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.123GSC 081N Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.327DUD 017Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.328103179/53Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.333DUC 013Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.150DUD 011Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.350GVR 027Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.3TESTATA DI COMPRESSIONECOMPRESSION HEAD A059105 cI in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.53DUC 020Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.11VGF 035Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.1220102215/07Spina Pin _______________________________________________Nr.621YAA 016Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.2429YAD 008Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.329103004/07Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.337YAA 020Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.438YAA 020Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.843MOR 006Chiusura Clamp ____________________________________________Nr.344VFF 075Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.346YAA 020Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.1254VGJ 045Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.455RIJ 065Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.156RIK 065Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.157YAA 020Dado Nut _______________________________________________Nr.4TESTATA DI COMPRESSIONECOMPRESSION HEAD A059105VITERIA E BULLONERIANUTS AND BOLTS Dis/Dwg.105126/00dI in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.1101581/12Corpo di trasmissione Drive unit __________________________________________Nr.12102847/11Albero a gomiti Crankshaft _________________________________________Nr.14105060/00Guida pistone+Stelo pistone Piston guide+Piston rod ______________________________Nr.310101588/12Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.117101587/12Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.121101836/14Coperchio corpo Crosshead cover ____________________________________Nr.126102857/14Flangia Flange ____________________________________________Nr.350104448/16Rondella Washer ___________________________________________Nr.63BIE 020Biella Connecting rod _____________________________________Nr.35SPI 020-069Spinotto di biella Connecting rod cylinder _______________________________Nr.37CUM 017Cuscinetto Bearing ___________________________________________Nr.114CUM 017Cuscinetto Bearing ___________________________________________Nr.116CUN 009Cuscinetto Bearing ___________________________________________Nr.231BRO 020Bronzina biella Connecting rod bearing _______________________________Nr.333BRP 020Bronzina occhio di biella Connecting rod eye bearing____________________________Nr.335LFK 160Linguetta Gear key __________________________________________Nr.2e CORPO ORGANI DI TRASMISSIONEDRIEV UNIT D036201ELENCO PARTI A DISEGNOPART LIST Dis/Dwg.105143/00I in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.8GVG 126Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.19DUE 016Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.115DUE 016Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.120GUX 013Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Mt.1,6523DUD 018Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.324GVL 150Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.325GSD 026Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Nr.336GUX 013Guarnizione Gasket ____________________________________________Mt.0,4440GSF 019Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.3102033/50Tubo Pipe ______________________________________________Nr.3VITERIA E BULLONERIANUTS AND BOLTS 6AEI 040Anello Seeger snap ring ____________________________________Nr.611WCD 010Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.413WAG 030Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.618WAG 030Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.622WGF 030Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.827VGF 030Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.1230101683/07Spina Pin _______________________________________________Nr.232TCA 011Tappo Plug ______________________________________________Nr.1CORPO CON ORGANI DI TRASMISSIONEDRIVE UNIT D036201ELENCO GUARNIZIONIGASKET LIST Dis/Dwg.105143/00fI in qualsiasi forma o mezzo a terzi, senza nostra autorizzazione scritta, è un'azione perseguibile legalmente.Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty The texts and content of this manual is Bertoli's property. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or communicate it to third parties without written consent, any illegal action will be pursued according tolaws in force.70RBD 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.171RBC 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.172RBN 014Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.173RBM 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.174RBN 009Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.175RBJ 023Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.176RBJ 011Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.177RBF 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.178RBM 011Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.179RBC 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.180RBC 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.181RBB 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.182RBI 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.183RBF 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.184RBF 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.185RBG 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.186RBB 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.187RBC 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.188RBC 017Raccordo Pipe connection _____________________________________Nr.1CORPO CON ORGANI DI TRASMISSIONEDRIVE UNIT D043201VITERIA E BULLONERIAGASKET LIST Dis/Dwg.105143/00gPos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Descriptionu.mm.u Q.tàQty1FIA 005Filtro Filter _____________________________________________Nr.12EAG 009Elettrovalvola Solenoid valve ______________________________________Nr.12EBB 030Bobina magnetica Magnetizing coil _____________________________________Nr.13VES 005Valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.14VES 013Valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.15CEA 025Centrale idraulica Hydraulic power unit _________________________________Nr.16POA 012Pompa olio Oil pump __________________________________________Nr.17MED 305Motore Motor _____________________________________________Nr.18VER 005Valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.19SCA 016Scambiatore Heat exchanger _____________________________________Nr.110EFG 025Filtro Filter _____________________________________________Nr.1ECD 025Cartuccia filtro olo Oil filter cartridge ____________________________________Nr.111PRM 020Pressostato Pressure switch _____________________________________Nr.112MHC 004Manometro Pressure gauge _____________________________________Nr.113VEX 010Valvola Valve _____________________________________________Nr.1KIT 004Kit Set of pipes ________________________________________Nr.1IMPIANTO IDRAULICO HYDRAULIC SYSTEM L056502Dis/Dwg.103069/00hPos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.m m.u Q.tàQty1EAZ 031Sensore 1UEE 325Motore Motor _____________________________________________Nr:11PUM 010Puleggia Pulley _____________________________________________Nr.12BAF 111Bussola Conical grip________________________________________Nr.13CIG 019Cinghia Belt ______________________________________________Nr.54PUM 020Puleggia Pulley _____________________________________________Nr.14BAF116Bussola Conical grip ________________________________________Nr.15RMC 008Riduttore Gear reducer _______________________________________Nr.17BOC 003Boccola Silent block ________________________________________Nr.2MED 005Motore Gear______________________________________________Nr.1VEQ 010Ventilatore Fan ______________________________________________Nr.1MOTORIZZAZIONE DRIVING GEAR E039501i Dis/Dwg.104435/00Pos.Pos.Nostro codice Our code Descrizione Description u.mm.u Q.tàQty1105333/17Sede sfera Ball seat ___________________________________________Nr.15 105336/04 Corpo valvola Valve body _________________________________________Nr.16105335/39Stelo valvola Valve rod __________________________________________Nr.111105334/07Spintore molla Pusher ____________________________________________Nr.113105331/07Coperchio Cover _____________________________________________Nr.118SFI 047Sfera Sphere ____________________________________________Nr.120105422/38Protezione vite registro Protection register screw________________________________Nr.121105423/53Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.122105488/53Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.123105488/53Anello Ring ______________________________________________Nr.1VALVOLA DI SOVRAPPRESSIONE OVER PRESSURE VALVE J060301m ELENCO GUARNIZIONI PART LIST Dis/Dwg.105525-1Pos. Pos.Nostro codiceOur codeDescrizione Descriptionu.mm.uQ.tàQtyVALVOLA DI SOVRAPPRESSIONE OVER PRESSURE VALVE J060301 mELENCO GUARNIZIONI PART LIST Dis/Dwg.105525-12GUH 010Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 3GUG 023Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 8GUH 018Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 10GUH 018Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 15GUH 018Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 19GUF 040Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1VITI E BULLONERIA NUTS AND BOLTS7MOL 006Molla Spring____________________________________________Nr.1 9RZL 005Raccordo Pipe connection_____________________________________Nr.8 12VGF 025Vite Screw_____________________________________________Nr.8 14YAA 112Dado Nut_______________________________________________Nr.2 15GUH 018Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.1 19GUF 040Guarnizione Gasket____________________________________________Nr.116RZL 005Raccordo Pipe connection_____________________________________Nr.1 17RZL 005Raccordo Pipe connection_____________________________________Nr.1。
Product Overview 2019 Innovative Vacuum Pumps, Systems and Components for Diverse ApplicationsTable of contents:PageLeybold - Consulting, Sales and Service (4)Forevacuum pumps Oil sealed vacuum pumps:Rotary vane pumps SOGEVAC B/BI/D/DI (4)Rotary vane pumps SOGEVAC NEO D (5)Rotary vane pumps TRI VAC B, E and T (5)Dry compressing vacuum pumps:Scroll pumps SCROLLVAC SC 30, SC 60 and SCROLLVAC plus (6)Multiple stage roots pumps ECODRY plus (6)Claw pumps CLAWVAC (6)Screw pumps VARODRY (7)Screw pumps and systems LEYVAC (7)Screw pumps and systems DRYVAC (8)Power saving unit for DRYVAC screw pumps (8)Screw pumps and systems SCREWLINE (9)Roots pumps:RUVAC WA(U)/WS(U) (9)RUVAC WH(U) (10)High vacuum pumps Fluid entrainment pumps:Oil booster pumps OB (10)Oil diffusion pumps DIP, DIJ and LEYBOJET (11)Energy-efficiency control for diffusion pumps and OB pumps (11)Turbomolecular pumps:TURBOVAC i/iX with Hybrid bearing system (12)Magnetically levitated MAGintegra (12)Cryogenic pumps and refrigerator cold heads:Refrigerator cryo pumps COOLVAC (13)Refrigerator cold heads COOLPOWER (13)Ion pumps, accessories and controller:TiTan™ Ion pumps (14)2 Table of contentsTable of contents:Page Vacuum measurement and control Vacuum gauges and pressure gauges, vacuum controller GRAPHIX (15)Leak detectors Leak detectors PHOENIX 4 (16)Mass spectrometers Residual gas analyzers LEYSPEC (16)Pump systems Vacuum Systems / Engineering (17)Multistage forevacuum systems (RUTA) (17)Central vacuum systems CVS with oil-sealed SOGEVAC pumps (18)Central vacuum systems VACUBE with oil-sealed screw pumps (18)High vacuum pump systems TURBOLAB (19)Experimentation and coating systems UNIVEX (19)Calibration systems CS (20)Innovative pump and system management (20)Valves LEYCON valves (21)Components Flange systems, connecting elements and components (21)Oils, greases and pump fluids LEYBONOL vacuum oils, pump fluids and special lubricants (22)Academy, Seminars Leybold Academy (22)Maintenance and Repair Spare parts, wear parts and repair materials (23)Services After Sales Support (23)Online Shop (23)Table of contents 3Product Overview 2019Global SupportOil Sealed Vacuum Pumps4 Leybold worldwide consulting and sales, forevacuum pumps SOGEVAC B/BI/D/DI Single-stage rotary vane pumpsEffective investment, long service life. No oil loss, low power consumption.Your Expectations:- Industrial rough vacuum generator- Favorable price-to-performance ratio- High reliability- ATEX explosion protection, optionallyOur Solution:- Pumping speed 10 to 1,200 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 5 · 10-2 mbar- O 2-compatible versions - Separate standard product line for the food and packaging applications - Flexible pump design- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EULeybold Consulting, sales and serviceYour partner for vacuum engineering. Benefit from our worldwide support.Your Expectations:- First-class consulting- Excellent product quality at optimized price-to-performance ratio Our Solution:- Worldwide sales and service network- Highly qualified and committed staff- Comprehensive consulting services- Customer specific application support- Highly reliable, top quality solutions- Competitive pricing- Certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001/9002- After sales, application and production supportForevacuum pumps 5SOGEVAC NEO D Medium vacuum rotary vane pumpsNo oil loss thanks to integrated exhaust filter. Effective investment. Maintenance free, up to 3 years in clean applications.Your Expectations:- Low cost medium vacuum pumps- No oil loss at exhaust- Longest possible maintenance intervals- Monitoring possibilities- Broad portfolio, also for special demands (e.g. O 2, ATEX)Our Solution:- P umping speed 16 to 76 m 3/h,all sizes available for single or 3 phase power supply - Ultimate pressure ≤ 8 x 10-3 mbar- Integrated exhaust filtration. Patented and best in class. - Use of long lifetime oils and dynamic shaft seals- O 2-compatible versions - Certified according to ATEX 2014/34/EU versions Cat 2 or 3- Flexible pump design for accessories retrofit or dedicated customer variantsTRIVAC B, E and T Dual-stage rotary vane pumpsA well-proven vacuum pump for long-term operation lasting for years. Broad range of accessories.Your Expectations:- Rugged vacuum generator- High reliability- ATEX explosion protection, optionalOur Solution:- Pumping speedTRIVAC B: 4 to 65 m 3/hTRIVAC E: 2.5 m 3/hTRIVAC T: 4 to 30 m 3/h- Ultimate pressureTRIVAC B: 10-4 mbarTRIVAC E: 2 x 10-3 mbarTRIVAC T: 5 x 10-3 mbar- For medium and high vacuum applications- Economic OEM product range (TRIVAC T)- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU (TRIVAC B)6 - Lowest noise level in class- Air-cooled pump- Oil and particle-free operationSCROLLVAC SC / plusOil-free scroll pumpsDry, universal solution, low operating costs.Your Expectations:- Oil-free vacuum pump- Quiet, low vibration operation- Long maintenance intervalsOur Solution:- Pumping speed 5 to 60 m3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Robust, low-maintenance design- High pumping speed even at 1000 mbarCLAWVACOil free claw pumpsCompact rough vacuum pump for demanding industrial applications includinghandling of particle and vapor contaminated gases. Trouble-free and cost-saving.Your Expectations:- Robust, oil-free vacuum pump for clean vacuum generation- Long maintenance intervalsOur Solution:- Pumping speed 65 to 300 m3/h- No oil migration into process, no oil contamination to the environment- Extremely efficient air cooling, low heat emission. No cooling water required.- Corrosion resistant stainless steel clawsForevacuum pumps 7- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Hermetically sealed pump- Direct connection of RUVAC Roots pumps via adapterVARODRY Dry compressing screw pumpsCompact, rugged oil-free vacuum pumps for general industrial applications. Your Expectations:- Industrial vacuum generator- Low investment and operating costs- High reliability and long system uptimesOur Solution:- Pumping speed 65 and 100 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Fully air-cooled design, no need for water cooling- Minimum maintenance demands- Most robust pump design8 Forevacuum pumps DRYVACDry compressing screw pumps and systemsRugged, compact vacuum solutions with smart monitoring and control system for coating, photovoltaic and process industry applications.Your Expectations:- Maximum system availability- Low cost of ownership- Minimum footprint- Self protection of the pump and easy communication Our Solution:DRYVAC Energy Saver Power saving unit for DV 450 / DV 650 and DS systemsForevacuum pumps 9Roots Vacuum Pumps RUVAC WA(U)/WS(U)Roots blowers Long-lasting and reliable. Easy connection to any forevacuum pump.Your Expectations:- Pumping speed increase at low pressures- Simple to use- Oil-free pumping of the gas- ATEX explosion protectionOur Solution:- Pumping speed range from 250 to 4,000 m 3/h- Reliable and robust- Available with flanged motor or with hermetically sealed drive motor - Suitable for 100% O 2 applications - Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EUSCREWLINE Dry compressing screw pumpsExtremely robust for harshest industrial applications, simple on-site maintenance.Your Expectations:- High pumping speed- Easy to clean- Air cooled- ATEX explosion protection (Cat. 2i)Our Solution:- Pumping speed 250 and 630 m 3/h- Ultimate pressure ≤ 1 · 10-2 mbar- Expandable to pump systems by adding Roots pumps - Monitoring system- Easy to disassemble pump chamber for rapid cleaning - Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU10 Forevacuum pumps, oil diffusion pumpsFluid Entrainment Pumps Oil Booster OBOil vapor jet pumps Long maintenance intervals, wear-free. High safety standard.Your Expectations:- High vacuum- Very high critical backing pressure capability- High pumping speed- Safe and economic- CE compliant electronics power supplyOur Solution:- Pumping speed: 6,000 to 18,000 l/s- Operating range: < 10-1 to 10-4 mbar- Stable pumping speed in low pressure ranges- No wear by revolving parts- Small footprint- Simple operationRUVAC WH(U)Roots blowers An innovative product line, efficient and cost-effective for use in modern Process Industry applications.Your Expectations:- Flexible pumping speed through frequency converter operation - Rapid pumpdown times- Compact design- Oil-free pumping of gases- System compatibility- Low current consumptionOur Solution:- Pumping speed from 720 to 9,800 m 3/h (with frequency converter)- Excellent performance and consumption specifications - Hermetically sealed drive motor- Small footprint- Innovative bypass valve- Certified according to ATEX RL 2014/34/EU, partially also according to ATEX Cat 2i- Direct connection of large forevacuum pumps via adapterOil diffusion pumps, controller for diffusion pumps 11Product Overview 2019Fluid Entrainment Pumps Controller for Fluid Entrainment PumpsPower Efficiency Control Control unit for oil diffusion pumps and OB pumpsDIP / DIJ / LEYBOJET Oil diffusion pumpsLong maintenance intervals, wear-free, high safety standards.Your Expectations:- Stable high vacuum- High critical backing pressure capability- High pumping speed- Safe and economic- CE compliant electronics power supply- Pumping speed:DIP: 3,000 to 50,000 l/sDIJ: 2,800 to 28,000 l/sLEYBOJET: 12,000 l/s- Operating range:DIP: < 10-2 to 10-7 mbarDIJ: < 10-2 to 10-7 mbarLEYBOJET: < 10-2 to 10-5 mbar- Optimum pumping speed in the pressure range < 10-4 mbar (DIP, DIJ) and 10-2 to 10-3 mbar (LEYBOJET)- No wear by revolving parts- Simple operation- Suited for application in sputtering processes (LEYBOJET)- Innovative power efficiency controller (ROI < 2 years)Product Overview 2019Turbomolecular Pumps 12High vacuum pumpsTURBOVAC MAGiNTEGRA Turbomolecular pumps, magnetically levitatedTURBOVAC i/iX Turbomolecular pumps with hybrid bearing technologyInnovative and flexible product range with outstanding performance data and integrated electronics.Your Expectations:- Clean high and ultrahigh vacuum generation- Long service life- Ease of installation and operation- Reliable usage under the most varied applications and operation conditions Our Solution:High and ultra-high vacuum components 13Product Overview 2019Cryo Pumps, Cold Heads COOLVACRefrigerator cryo pumpsHigh water vapor pumping capability, long maintenance intervals, installation in any orientation.Your Expectations:- Hydrocarbon-free vacuum- High and ultrahigh vacuum generationOur Solution:- P umping speed up to 60,000 l/sec- D N ISO, CF and ANSI flange versions- T wo cryo pump versions for manual and for fully automatic system control and regeneration available- P ump controller mounted on pump for fully automatically controlled iCLOur Solution:- Ultimate temperatures:two-stage models down to 8 Ksingle-stage models down to 25 K- High refrigerating capacity from the smallest volume:up to 18 W @ 20 K and up to 110 W @ 80 K for double stage coolers up to 250 W @ 80 K for single stage coolers possible - Resistant to particles and deposits- Simple operation by key-press- No need for liquid helium and liquid nitrogen14High and ultra-high vacuum componentsTiTan ™ Ion pumpsA full range of vibration-free and maintenance-free ion pumps, Titan sublimation pumps and NEG getter pumps to achieve best final pressures in the ultra-high vacuum.Your Expectations:- High pumping speed at excellent final pressure- Hydrocarbon-free vacuum- Long operating timeOur Solution:Product Overview 2019Ion PumpsTiTan™ and DIGITEL™are registered trademarks ofGAMMA VACUUM, USAProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Gauges,Vacuum ControllersMeasuring InstrumentsVacuum gauges and pressure gaugesReliable monitoring and control for all vacuum processes.Your Expectations:- Gauge systems for every application- Precise pressure measurement of gases and vapors- Reproducibility across a wide pressure rangeOur Solution:-Measurement with active and passive sensors in a pressure range from 10-12 toVacuum controllerVacuum gauges, vacuum controller 15Product Overview 2019Leak Detectors Residual Gas Analyzers PHOENIX 4Leak detectors The PHOENIX 4 product range sets new standards in Helium leak detection. Our product portfolio provides the perfect matching unit for every application.Your Expectations:- Non-destructive components testing for quality assurance - Reliable technology- Highest measurement reliability and accuracy- Professional consulting and support16 Leak detection systems and leak detectors, mass spectrometersResidual gas analyzers selectable gases, degassing function after start or venting- Compact in size and mountable in any orientation for enhanced flexibility - Bake out temperatures of up to 300°C for gas analysis in harsh environmentsProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Solutions / EngineeringVacuum solutions / engineering 17Vacuum SystemsEngineering Vacuum solutions and systems of all kinds from the leading worldwide supplier. Benefit from our 168 years of experience.Your Expectations:- Comprehensive consulting service- Customer specific application support - Design and manufacturing of custom vacuum solutions - High flexibility and reliability- Efficient solutionsMultistage forevacuum systems18 Central vacuum systemsProduct Overview 2019Central Vacuum SystemsCVS Central vacuum stationsModular systems for improved operational reliability in frequent varying vacuum consumptions. Delivery of turnkey ready-to-operate and tested units.Your Expectations:- Industrial grade vacuum generator- For covering demands of numerous small vacuum consumers individually and simultaneously- Excellent vacuum performance data- Modular design for customizing to customer specific processes - Plug and play system set up- Long maintenance intervalsHigh vacuum systems 19Product Overview 2019High Vacuum Pump SystemsUNIVEX Experimentation and coating systemsEasy operation and accessibility of vacuum chambers. Manual or automatic process control and documentation.Your Expectations:- Flexible laboratory systems for vacuum coating- Systems for university and industrial research- Results transferable to large scale systems or serial production - High reproducibility degreeOur Solution:- Multipurpose systems for the production of functional layers - Modular system configuration, wide range of accessories - Customized system solutions- Variable chamber sizesTURBOLAB High vacuum pump systemsPlug-and-play high vacuum pump systems based on well-proven components. Different configurations available cover individual vacuum demands.Your Expectations:- High vacuum pump systems for industry and research- Oil-sealed or dry compressing forevacuum pumps for a hydro-carbon-free vacuum possible- Compact and user-friendly solutionOur Solution:- Pumping speed 78 - 400 l/s provided by the TURBOVAC i pump range - Ultimate vacuum down to 10-10 mbar- Completely preassembled units with turbomolecular pump, TPU display power unit, frequency converter and forevacuum pump - Easy to relocate pumps out and away from the frame - Backlight display in the innovative TPU power unit- Covering a wide range of applications with a full range of high vacuum and dry or wet forevacuum pumps- Integrated data logger and webserver for system control, monitoring and configuration- Connection of up to six accessories and two gauges - Benchmark design, reliability and functionalityProduct Overview 2019Calibration Systems Controllers for Vacuum Systems 20Calibration systems, vacuum systems control solutions Calibration Systems CS Custom vacuum calibration systemsProcess reliability by regular checks, adjustments and recalibration of vacuum gauges and sensors.Your Expectations:- Checking the characteristics of vacuum gauges- Precise calibration of vacuum gauges in accordance with DAkkS (national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany)- Ensure reproducible parametersOur Solution:- Universal calibration systems with a special vacuum chamber, turbo- molecular pump system, vacuum gauges and additional components depending on the calibration pressure (heating jacket, separate pump system for admitting gas, et al.)- Control and data acquisition of system parameters via digital I/O interfaces or bus systems, Ethernet, Profibus, RS 232, WiFi, GSM, for example - Implementation of custom software programming- Simple digital display via touch panel up to visualization on mobile devices (via apps)Product Overview 2019ValvesFittings Valves, fittings 21- ISO-K flanges in sizes DN 63 to DN 630- CF flanges in sizes DN 16 to DN 250LEYCON Valves in different design types and driving modesReliable valve technology, widely used in a broad range of applications.Your Expectations:- Reliable leak tightness- High number of actuations- Simple to fit and remove- Delivery from a single sourceOur Solution:- Manually actuated valves- Valves with electromagnetic/electropneumatic drive - Gate valves- All-metal valves for UHV systemsProduct Overview 2019Vacuum Oils and Pump FluidsLeybold Academy 22 Vacuum oils and pump fluids, vacuum training center- Advanced seminars- Leak detection seminars- Personnel qualification seminars according DIN EN ISO 9712 for NDT methode leak detection level LT1 and LT 2- Practical seminars- Customized seminars, tailored to your individual needsLEYBONOL Vacuum oil, pump fluids and special lubricantsBroad product portfolio for every application in practical container sizes.Guaranteed, constant quality for a long pump lifetime.Your Expectations:- High quality lubricant with long lifetime- Excellent vacuum performance- Reliable pump fluids for diffusion pumpsOur Solution:- Special vacuum oil for highest demands, qualifiedaccording to proven standards- Mineral, Ester, PAO special synthetic and PFPE oils for exchange intervals up to 3 years in clean applicationsProduct Overview 2019Spare Parts After Sales Support, Online ShopAfter Sales Support life cycle- Tailor-made service concepts and contracts- Maintenance and repair, on-site or at a Leybold Service Center - Commissioning and training- Exchange and backup pool- Calibration of measurement systemsSpare Parts Genuine wear parts and consumablesOriginal spare parts for long and trouble-free operation.Your Expectations:- Guaranteed availability- Highest manufacturer quality- Short delivery timesOur Solution:- Range for all commonly requested spare and wearing parts, widely available in practice-oriented parts kits- Spare parts are subject to the same rigorous quality requirements which apply to our pumpsOnline Shop Leybold Services. Easy, competent, reliable.Your contact – wherever you are。
• 宽性能、可扩展性设计 • 经济、紧凑和可靠性设计 • 符合 API675 标准的一致性设计
压力 Bar
• 油气田开采 :井口药剂投加,如注醇、抑制剂、缓蚀剂等 • 天然气处理 :天然气加臭,如注硫醇、THT 等 • 炼油过程 :油品改善,如投加添加剂、催化剂等 • 水处理 :各种水处理药剂投加 • 造纸 :如纸浆着色,投加颜料 • 化工 :投加溴、酸及有机溶剂等
S. 指定填料密封 D. 双级填料密封 R. 有水封环的单级填料密封
填料形式 . 0 V 型氟橡胶 . 3 锥型 PTFE . 4 PTFE + 纤维 . 5 混合 Y4 + Y7 + 中间环 . 7 PTFE = 标准
C DC ( 指定电压 ) U AC ( 指定电压 ) S 本安型 ( 指定电压 )
TS 加载单阀球 ( 出口)
进口单球 / 出口双球 + 弹簧
DS 单阀球
DD 双阀球
AS 单阀球
AD 双阀球
316 SS
H2SO4 高粘性 聚合 ( 高分子) 电解质 防虹吸 除锈 / 钝化 食品卫生级
..1f Rp 内螺纹 ( 英制 ) ..1m R 外螺纹 ( 英制 )
上海富万国际贸易有限公司代理销售意大利OBL泵、OBL计量泵、OBL柱塞计量泵、OBL 液压隔膜泵、OBL机械隔膜式计量泵等等。
1 柱塞式计量泵
A. 弹簧式复位-针对非连续性应用场合
B. 强制式复位(符合API675 STD标准)-针对需要连续工作的应用场合.
2 液压隔膜式计量泵
液压隔膜式计量泵泵头具有内置安全阀空气泄压阀和机械致动的续油机构( ’’智能’’隔膜).
A. 弹簧复位机构(流量高达105L/H,最大压力达到20bar)
B. 强制复位机构(符合API675 STD标准),针对连续式工作和对运行安全有极高要求的场合(隔膜泵头无泄漏).。
Teledyne ISCO D 系列高精度柱塞泵说明书
Teledyne ISCOD系列高精度柱塞泵型号30D 65D 100DX 260D 500D 1000D■岩心驱替■反应物添加■超临界流体■精确流体计量■精密压力控制■高效/超高效液相色谱Performance meets versatilityTeledyne Isco D系列高精度柱塞泵可在广泛的操作范围内提供精密的流速和压力控制,不存在其它泵所固有的脉冲或流速异常等情况。
Teledyne Isco泵采用数字位置伺服控制电路,直流电机驱动,使得在任何压力条件下可保证低流速的精确性和高流速的平稳性。
此外,缸体、活塞和顶盖采用的标准材料Nitronic 50是高强度、耐腐蚀的奥氏体不锈钢。
一、 型号说明 Ordering Code
O 28 DR /
31 R
C 62 N00
油口型式 : Port for service lines
11-- 后面 SAE, 公制螺纹 SAE flage rear, fixing thread metric 61SAE,UNC SAE flage rear, fixing thread UNC 12-- 两侧 SAE, 公制螺纹 SAE flage on opposite side,fixing thread metric 62SAEUNC SAE flage on opposite side,fixing thread UNC
工作粘度范围 Operating viscosity range 为了得到最佳的效率和寿命,我们推荐把油液的工作粘度(在 相应的工作温度下)选择在以下范围内 : In order to obtain optimum efficiency and service life ,we recommend that the operating viscosity(at operating temperature) be selected from within the range. Vopt= 最佳工作粘度 opt. operating viscosity
HA10VSO10-18(shaft S or R) HA10VSO28(shaft S or R) HA10VSO45(shaft S or R) HA10VSO71(shaft S or R) HA10VSO100(shaft S) HA10VSO140(shaft S) HA10VSO10-18(shaft U),1PF2G2,PGF2 HA10VSO10-18(shaft S or R) 1PF2G3 HA10VSO28(shaft S or R),PGF3 HA10VSO45(shaft S or R),PGH4 HA10VSO71(shaft S or R) HA10VSO100(shaft S ),PGH5 HA10VSO140(shaft S )
ITT flygt飞力泵ITT goulds泵ITT Lowara罗瓦拉泵ITT Bell &Gossett泵ITT Robot罗伯特泵SEEPEX西派克泵ALLDOS安度实泵Silverson高剪切混合器Ebara荏原泵Grundfos格兰富泵弗尔德VERDER 泵ABEL 泵易威奇iwaki(イワキ) 泵GSD川源泵WANNER万纳尔Hydra—cell多柱塞高压隔膜泵DAB德宝泵WILO威乐泵CALPEDA科沛达泵CA T高压泵ESPA亚士霸泵TSURUMI鹤见泵walrus华乐士泵Wilden威尔顿泵ARO英格索兰泵Ingersoll—Rand 英格索兰空气压缩机Giant巨人泵胜达因MASO SINE泵米顿罗milton roy泵胜达因sundyne 泵普罗名特Prominent泵seko计量泵普旭BUSCH真空泵固瑞克Graco HUSKY气动隔膜泵马拉松Marathon气动隔膜泵马拉松Marathon气动隔膜泵胜佰德Sandpiper泵日机装NIKKISO 泵德国Lutz插桶泵斯坦德STANDARD桶泵博格BORGER凸轮泵威马Versa-Matic气动隔膜泵阿法拉伐Toftejorg BLABO罐清洗系统帕斯菲达Pulsafeeder计量泵威肯Viking齿轮泵华伦力Warren Rupp气动隔膜泵Johnson凸轮泵可肯Corken滑片泵,压缩机Bladgon气动隔膜泵LC流量计Magnus齿轮泵Wright圆周柱塞泵BLOV AC ClEANER气动真空吸尘器莫依诺MOYNO泵和顺hoelschertechnic粉碎机LITTLE-GIANT小巨人泵lewa里瓦泵OBL计量泵Masoneilan梅索尼兰调节阀Burkert宝帝阀Nash纳士真空泵压缩机里其乐托玛斯Rietschle Thomassmith-blair管路连接系统瓦诺Vano泵爱德华EDW ARDS 泵莱克勒Lechler喷嘴ALCO 阀门SPECK泵CASHCO阀SOR索尔压力开关HOKE仪表阀门及管件Orbit球阀TESCOM阀门AUTOCLA VE阀门Apollo球阀Circle Seal Controls阀O’BRIEN伴热管线CIRCOR阀门COOPER CAMERON V ALVES(CCV)阀门Goodwin双板止回阀GRAYLOC管道系统装置贝克BECKER真空泵费亚泰克Friatec阀门泵FELUWA软管隔膜柱塞泵CCI THERMAL西西阿尔电加热费戈斯ferguson泵Bornemann鲍诺曼泵福力德Fluid-o-Tech泵磨锐ensival—moret泵NETZSCH耐驰NEMO奈莫螺杆泵凯士比KSB泵阀福斯flowserve泵阀Richter磁力泵ROTAN内啮合齿轮泵泵泰克尼姆tecnium泵艾格尔argal化工泵DOSEURO道茨计量泵Sulzer苏尔寿工业泵SA VINO BARBERA泵埃理奥特ELLIOTT压缩机威顿vanton泵Durameter计量泵金子KANEKO电磁阀ASCO通用电磁阀罗斯蒙特ROSEMOUNT测量仪表SAAB雷达液位计凯泰克K-TEK测量仪表阿牛巴Annubar流量计阿特拉斯·科普柯ATLAS COPCO压缩机JOHNSON泵马格maag泵斯可金格SCHERZINGER泵ALLWEILER阿尔维勒泵houttuin泵IMO泵warren泵ZENITH泵ZENITH泵Tushaco泵约翰克兰johncrane密封海密梯克hermetic屏蔽泵豪顿howden压缩机BAND—IT紧固产品美卓自动化metsoautomation阀门阿法拉伐Alfa Laval春鼎TRUNDEAN机械弗鲁克FLUKO实验室搅拌机|高剪切分散乳化机|分散机|乳化机|均质机|粉碎机|混合机|捷流分散混合机|固液混合系统莱宝LEYBOLD真空泵埃杜尔edur溶气泵莫诺MONO泵HIHCHINE气液混合泵|气浮泵|溶气泵|混气泵|加气泵|臭氧添加泵|曝气泵威仕VSE流量计百利beinlich齿轮泵/柱塞泵多尔DST永磁联轴器系统罗迪ROTELMANN罗德曼球阀沃森马洛—布雷德尔watson marlow—bredel泵布朗卢比BRAN+LUEBBE泵NOV国民油井Mission砂泵莱宁LIGHTNIN搅拌机DUCHTING浆液泵CERA SYSTEM陶瓷阀PLENTY泵COPES-VULCAN阀威普克液压WEPUKO HYDRAULIK航特阀门HUNT V ALVE千世KEMPION计量泵哈莫尔曼HAMMELMANN泵特夫洛tapflo泵凯恩孚KNF泵福禄flow帝国teikoku屏蔽泵百马blackmer泵WOMA沃马高压柱塞泵Mahr测量仪器海捷hijet真空压缩系统kmt-mccartney 泵科尔庭koerting喷射泵PCM泵frymakoruma弗科玛研磨设备|在线均质机|脱气机刮片式热交换机|连续型生产设备wangen王恩泵克隆巴赫KROMBACH阀门伯马Boehmer球阀Dresser Wayne阀门VPS干式螺杆真空泵法尔珂FAK阀门柏勒夫Bellofram阀门盖米GEMUE阀门日立HITACHI泵寿力sullair压缩机爱发科ULV AC真空泵Yoshitake耀希达凯蒸汽减压阀、气体减压阀、水用减压阀、安全阀、过滤器、疏水阀、汽水分离器、背压阀、排空气阀、电磁阀、电动阀格林韦德glynwed管道系统甲南电机konan气动液压诺亚NOACH电动执行机构德恩杰Z&J阀门伯纳德bernard电动执行器松河sonho电机Chemquip泵阀克瑞crane阀门dickow泵femyers泵gormanrupp戈尔曼.鲁普泵gusher泵haywardgordon泵工装koso常压控制阀ruthmann泵smith泵summit泵塔海尔tuthill泰悉尔真空|风机|泵pomac泵康普艾compair压缩机龙铁longtech鼓风机阿尔泰克Alltech计量泵PROCON高压旋转叶片泵神钢kobelco压缩机super塑宝泵MALHATY 丸八泵albany泵斯普瑞SPRAY喷雾奥丽文OLIVER阀门DKLOK阀门SAFELOK阀门STAUBLI快速接头TECSIS仪器仪表TECO—Westinghouse东元西屋电机积水sekisui塑胶管材HACH哈希水质分析仪KAMAT泵OSAW A大泽气动吸尘器RUHRPUMPEN鲁尔泵依爱EXAIRPROTEGO保特高TODO-GAS干式快速接头美国penguin(企鹅泵)KNOLL科诺尔泵Brinkmann泵barmag巴马格泵EV A艾瓦泵SEIM赛姆泵TECOFI阀。
DIGITAL PRESSURE GAUGEMEASURING RANGE FROM -14 to 500 psig (-1 to 35 bar)ߜLarge 13 mm (1⁄2") High LCDߜProvided with 9-Volt Alkaline BatteryߜAC Power Adaptor for Operation Anywhere ߜAccuracy of ±1% and Resolution of 1 psiThe OMEGA ®DPG500 digital pressure gauge combines the features of a general purpose pressure transducer and a digital meter, offering an attractivealternative to conventional Bourdon tube gauges. The large, 13 mm (1⁄2")LCD is exceptionally easy to read, eliminating the parallax error that often occurs when using dial gauges. The unit has a broad range of -14 to 500 psi (-1 to 35 bar),making it ideal formotor oil at room temperature.Comes with complete operator’s manual. Ordering Example: PS-4E, 1⁄4x 1⁄4NPTsnubber for use with water and light oils, $10.DPG500, $159,shown smaller than actual size.DPG500$159PRESSURE SNUBBERSThese are for dampening and filtering. The snubber has a porous metal disk available in 3 standard grades of porosity. Owing to the large filter surface, the snubber has less tendency to clog than do orifice type devices. The housing is 303 SS and the filter disk is 316 SS with a maximum psi rating of 10,000 (690 bar) at 25°C (77°F). [PS-8 Series 5000 psi (690 bar).]DISCONTINUED DISCONTINUEDDISCONTINUEDmany applications. A 9 V alkaline battery and AC power adaptor are included, enabling both portable and stationary use.SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:±1% full scaleOperating Temperature Range:0 to 49°C (32 to 120°F)Display: 13 mm (1⁄2") LCDDiaphragm/Port Material:Brass Pressure Port:1⁄8MNPTPower: 9 V alkaline battery or 120 Vac with adaptor includedDimensions:83 H x 83 W x 38 mm D (3.25 x 3.25 x 150")Weight:228 g (8 oz)Proof Pressure: 2x full scaleEach DPG500 includes:ߜ1⁄8 NPT to 1⁄4 flare brass adaptor fitting ߜAC power adaptor with 1.5 m (5') cordߜCalibration screwdriver ߜ9 V alkaline batteryCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
1. 进油阶段:液压油从进油口进入泵体,充满柱塞孔和柱塞的边缘。
2. 排油阶段:柱塞快速推向圆盘,将柱塞孔封闭,液压油被迫进入柱塞孔内。
1. AXIAL-PAISTON PUMP (轴向柱塞泵):采用轴向入口,适用于高流量和高压力的应用,如油田和挖掘机等。
2. RADIAL-PISTON PUMP (径向柱塞泵):采用径向入口,适用于中低流量和中低压力的应用,如汽车和船舶等。
3. BENT AXIS PUMP (弯轴柱塞泵):采用弯轴设计,能提供高功率和高效率,适用于工程机械和农业机械等。
世界知名泵业比较Grandview 赵锋博美国FLOWSERVE,美国Flowserve公司成立于1997年,在收购了世界著名的美国英格索·德莱赛泵公司之后,成为世界泵业第二大巨头,该公司泵年销售额约10亿美元。
瑞典ITT Flygt公司目前主要生产以下三大类产品,包括潜水泵、污水泵和大型泵。
2005年11月1日,格兰富(Grundfos)集团接管南非水泵制造商Brisan Turbo (Pty) Ltd,Brisan,其在南非市场份额大约为35%。
压力最高可达到200Mpa以上,流量为高压水射流所需的适中流量,压力80-2950BAR 流量13-283L/MIN ,一款高性能,高压力,大流量柱塞泵。
TAM 系列耐高温耐腐蚀高压柱塞泵:型号压力流量功率转速耐温TAM1215 100BAR 12.2L/MIN 2.3KW 1450RPM 85℃TAM1515 100BAR 15.2L/MIN 3.0KW 1450RPM 85℃TAM1715 100BAR 17.2L/MIN 3.3KW 1450RPM 85℃TAM2015 100BAR 20.2L/MIN 3.9KW 1450RPM 85℃适用于特种清洗行业、化工清洗、高温清洗等等KA系列大流量柱塞泵KA2815 100BAR 28.8L/MIN 5.7KW 1450RPM 74℃KA3815 100BAR 38.1L/MIN 7.5KW 1450RPM 74℃KA4215 100BAR 42.1L/MIN 8.3KW 1450RPM 74℃KA4815 100BAR 48.1L/MIN 9.4KW 1450RPM 74℃意大利原产500公斤超高压柱塞泵:型号压力流量功率转速耐温RA5024 500BAR 24L/MIN 23.4KW 1450RPM 74℃不锈钢高压泵头,不锈钢单向阀门全铜件连杆精密高强度陶瓷柱塞精密不锈钢活塞适用于超高压清洗设备,超高压清洗机,热交换器清洗,冷凝器管路清洗,过滤器清洗,发电厂炉灰清洗,船厂除漆除锈,建筑水泥打毛拉毛等等领域。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告鲁尔泵(常州)柱塞泵科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:鲁尔泵(常州)柱塞泵科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分鲁尔泵(常州)柱塞泵科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:进出口代理;货物进出口;技术进出口(依法1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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80-2950BAR 流量13-283L/MIN ,一款高性能,高压力,大流量柱塞泵。
TAM 系列耐高温耐腐蚀高压柱塞泵:
TAM1215 100BAR 12.2L/MIN 2.3KW 1450RPM 85℃
TAM1515 100BAR 15.2L/MIN 3.0KW 1450RPM 85℃
TAM1715 100BAR 17.2L/MIN 3.3KW 1450RPM 85℃
TAM2015 100BAR 20.2L/MIN 3.9KW 1450RPM 85℃
KA2815 100BAR 28.8L/MIN 5.7KW 1450RPM 74℃
KA3815 100BAR 38.1L/MIN 7.5KW 1450RPM 74℃
KA4215 100BAR 42.1L/MIN 8.3KW 1450RPM 74℃
KA4815 100BAR 48.1L/MIN 9.4KW 1450RPM 74℃
RA5024 500BAR 24L/MIN 23.4KW 1450RPM 74℃
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