15 固井与完井 well cementing and completion
钻井工程专业英语词汇绪论:钻井drilling 钻井方法drilling method顿钻钻井cable drilling 旋转钻井Rotary drilling动力系统(Power System) 旋转系统(Rotating System)提升系统(Hoisting System) 循环系统(Circulating System)井控系统(Well Control System) 直井straight hole深井deep well 超深井super deep well钻井设计well design 钻井质量drilling quality第一章:岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock岩石的弹性模量elastic modulus of rock岩石的泊松比rock Poisson’s ratio岩石的切变模量shear modulus of rock岩石的体积压缩系数coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral and rock岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock岩石的常规抗压缩强度compressive strength of rock岩石的抗剪切强度shear strength of rock脆性岩石brittle rock 塑性岩石plastic rock岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock地应力in situ stress 围压confining pressure有效应力effective stress 压持效应chip hold effect岩石的可钻性drill ability of rock 岩石的研磨性rock abrasiveness各种压力概念concept of pressure 静液压力hydrostatic pressure钻井液压力drilling fluid column pressure孔隙压力pore pressure (formation pressure)上覆岩层压力overburden pressure 颗粒压力grain to grain pressure压力梯度pressure gradient 压力监控pressure detection and control 异常压力及其形成abnormal pressure and it’s formation压力异常abnormal pressure 压实作用compaction欠压实imcompaction 不渗透围栅permeabillity barrier地层压力检测方法method of formation pressure detection地震资料法seismic data method 机械钻速法penetration rate methodd指数法d-exponent method dc 指数法dc-exponent method标准化钻速法normalized penetration rate页岩密度法shale density地层破裂压力formation fracture pressure地层破裂压力预报方法formation fracture pressure prediction漏失试验法leak-off test 胡伯特-威利斯法Hubbert and Willis approach 马修斯-凯利法method of Matthews and Kelly伊顿法method of Eaton 安德森法Anderson’s method艾克斯劳格法Exlog method 黄荣樽法Huang’s metho d第二章:钻具drilling tool 钻柱drill stem复合钻柱combination string 满眼钻具packed hole assembly钟摆钻具pendulum assembly 稳定器stabilizer钻柱弯曲buckling of drill string第三章:钻井液drilling fluids 水基钻井液water-base drilling fluids淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluids 低固相钻井液low solids fluids泡沫钻井液foam drilling fluids 滤失filtrationAPI滤失量API filtration 动滤失量dynamic filtration滤饼filter cake 含砂量sand content钻井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids钻井液流变性drilling fluids rheology 漏斗粘度funnel viscosity触变性thixotropic behavior 静切力gel strength初切力initial gel strength 终切力10-minuto gel strength盐水侵salt water contamination 钙侵calcium contamination砂侵sand contamination 水侵water contamination气侵gas contamination 钻井液处理剂mud additives降失水剂filtrate or reduction agents 增粘剂thickening agent降粘剂thinning agents 加重剂weighting agents堵漏剂lost circulation materials 固相控制solid control钻屑cutting 砂sand 泥silt 胶体颗粒colloidal solids第四章:钻进drilling 钻进技术drilling technology钻进技术参数drilling parameters 钻压weight on bit悬重和钻重string suspending weight and drilling weight转速rpm-revolution per minute 排量rate of flow零轴向点zero axial stress point 中性点neutral point开钻spud in 完钻finishing drilling 送钻bit feed方余和方入kelly-up and kelly-in 进尺footage机械钻速penetration rate 鳖钻bit bouncing 跳钻bit jumping起下钻trips 喷射jet-bit drilling 射流jet flow冲击射流impact jet flow 射流等速核potential core of jet 漫流cross flow射流喷速jet velocity射流冲击力jet impact force射流水功率jet hydraulic-power 喷射距离jet length 清洗井底bottom-hole cleaning钻头压降bit pressure-drop 钻头水功率bit hydraulic horse-power喷嘴nozzle 临界井深和极限井深critical well depth and limited well depth钻井泵的工作状态the working regime of drilling pump钻井泵的最大排工作状态(额定工作功率工作状态)the maximum flow rate regime of the drilling pump(the rated power regime of the drilling pump)钻进过程的数学模型mathematical model for drilling procedure钻速方程equation for drilling rate 五点法钻速试验“five spot” drill-off test第五章:{井眼轨迹基本概念(重点掌握)1、轨迹基本参数:3个2、轨迹计算参数:7个,特别注意水平投影长度、水平位移和视平移概念的区别3、轨迹的图视法.二、轨迹测量及计算1、测斜方法及测斜仪器简介2、测斜计算(重点掌握)三、直井防斜技术1、井斜原因分析2、静力学防斜:满眼钟摆(重点掌握)3、动力学防斜(了解)4、垂直钻井技术(了解)扭方位计算(重点掌握)}井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling涡轮钻井turbo-drilling 涡轮钻具turbo-drill定向井directional well 定向要素directional elements井斜角inclination 方位角azimuth井斜变化率rate of inclination change方位变化率rate of azimuth change井眼曲率hole curvature 垂深和测深vertical depth and measured水平投影长度hole deviation水平位移displacement or closure distance多底井multi-bore well 水平井horizontal well丛式井cluster well or multiple wells造斜deflecting or building angle增斜increasing hole angle or build-up hole angle降斜decreasing hole angle or build-off hole angle稳斜 maintain angle 井身垂直投影图vertical projection of borehole井身水平投影图horizontal projection of borehole正切法tangential method 平衡正切法balanced tangential method平均角法average angle method 曲率半径法radius of curvature method圆弧法arc method 最小曲率法minimum curvature method造斜率rate of over-all angle change井眼方位漂移walk of hole 装置角tool of rotation工具面角tool face azimuth 动力钻具反扭角reactive torque定向方位角tool face bearing or tool face setting磁偏角magnetic declination 随钻测量measurement while drill(MWD)单点测斜仪single shot instrument 多点测斜仪multi-shot instrument陀螺测斜仪gyroscopic instrument 定向orientation定向下钻orientation while going in hole第六章:地层井眼系统的压力平衡balance of formation-borehole system地层压力当量钻井液密度equivalent drilling fluid density钻井液当量循环密度equivalent circulating density波动压力(激动压力)surge pressure 抽汲压力swabbing pressure溢流overflow 井涌kick 井喷well blowout地下井喷underground blowout 井喷失控out of control for blowout压井killing well 关井closing well硬关井hard closing 软关井soft closing压井方法killing well method 工程师法(等待加重量法)engineer’s method 司钻法(二次循环法)driller’s method防喷设备和工具blowout prevention tools and equipments第七章:固井well cementing 套管程序casing program导管conductor表层套管surface casing技术套管intermediate casing strings生产套管production casing 套管柱casing string套管柱下部结构casing accessories 引鞋guiding shoe套管鞋casing shoe 套管扶正器centralizer套管的外载荷outside casing load 套管内压力burst套管外挤压力collapse pressure 套管轴向力axial load套管强度casing strength 套管抗挤强度collapse resistance套管抗拉强度tensile resistance 套管抗内压强度burst resistance下套管running casing 活动套管moving casing井口装置wellhead equipment 低密度水泥light weight connect水泥浆流动性mobility of slurry 水泥浆密度slurry density水泥浆滤失量slurry filtration 前置液ahead fluid尾随液tail fluid 注水泥方法cementing methods常规注水泥法typical primary cementing双级注水泥法two stage cementing 插入注水泥法inner pipe cementing 尾管固井drilling liner cementing 尾管悬挂器drilling liner hanger窜槽cement channeling 完井方法completion methods裸眼完井法open hole completion 射孔完井法perforation completion 先期裸眼完井法initial open hole completion后期裸眼完井法final open hole completion第八章:卡钻drill pipe sticking 砂桥卡钻sand bridging键槽卡钻key seating 压差卡钻differential sticking地层膨胀卡钻formation swelling sticking地层坍塌卡钻formation collapse sticking钻头泥包卡钻balling-up sticking 卡点sticking point。
石油行业常用英语词汇(全面)1. 石油勘探(Petroleum Exploration)Seismic survey:地震勘探Exploration well:探井Reservoir:储层Porosity:孔隙度Permeability:渗透率2. 钻井与完井(Drilling and Completion)Drilling rig:钻机Bit:钻头Drill pipe:钻杆Casing:套管Cementing:固井Completion:完井Fracking:水力压裂3. 采油与生产(Oil Production and Extraction)Production well:生产井Pumpjack:抽油机Artificial lift:人工举升Separator:分离器Flowline:输油管线Tank farm:储油罐区4. 石油加工(Petroleum Refining)Crude oil:原油Refinery:炼油厂Distillation:蒸馏Cracking:裂化Catalytic reforming:催化重整Asphalt:沥青Lube oil:润滑油5. 石油产品(Petroleum Products)Gasoline:汽油Diesel:柴油Jet fuel:航空煤油Fuel oil:燃料油Petrochemicals:石油化工产品6. 安全与环保(Safety and Environmental Protection)HSE(Health, Safety and Environment):健康、安全与环境 Spill:泄漏Emission:排放Waste treatment:废物处理Environmental impact assessment:环境影响评估7. 国际合作与市场(International Cooperation and Market)OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries):石油输出国组织Brent crude:布伦特原油NYMEX(New York Mercantile Exchange):纽约商品交易所Spot market:现货市场Futures contract:期货合约本文档为您提供了石油行业常用英语词汇的全面梳理,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。
序号中文英文西班牙文固井Well cementing1 水泥 cement lodo2 水泥促凝剂 cement accelerator3 水泥添加剂 cement additive4 胶结指数 cementation factor、cementation exponent5 水泥伞 cenent basket6 水泥搅拌器 cement blender7 水泥混合车 cement blender truck8 水泥胶结 cement bond9 水泥胶结测井 cement bond log10 水泥牌号 cement brand11 悬空水泥塞 cement cap12 水泥头 cement casing head corona para cementar tubo de revestimiento13 套管鞋 cement casing shoe14 水泥窜槽 cement channeling15 水泥熟料 cement clinker16 水泥浆液柱 cement column17 水泥混凝土 cement concrete18 水泥浆稠度 cement consistency19 水泥侵 cement contamination20 水泥侯凝时间 cement curing time tiempo coaqulante de cemento21 泥浆水泥侵 cement cut22 水泥浆脱水 cement dehydration23 水泥顶替 cement displacement24 井底倒浆筒 cement dump25 注水泥的 cemented26 封固的套管 cemented casing27 注完水泥 cemented up28 固井设备 cement equipment equipo(instalacion) de cementacion de pozos29 粘结剂 cementer30 固井评价测井 cement evaluation31 固井不合格 cement failure32 水泥系数 cement factor33 水泥滤液 cement filtrate34 可钻回压凡尔 cement float collar valvula flotante de cementacion35 可钻引鞋 cement float shoe36 水泥浆液流 cement flow37 水泥与地层交界面 cement-formation interface38 水泥速凝剂 cement hardener39 水泥头 cemen head、cementing head zapato de guia para cementacion40 水泥水化物 cement-hydrate41 粘结剂 cementing agent42 固井承包商 cementing contractor43 注水泥配方 cementing formulation44 固井作业 cementing jobs、cementing operation45 固井方法 cementing method metodo de cementacion46 注水泥设备 cementing outfit47 注水泥用塞 cementing plug48 封固段 cementing point49 固井施工 cementing practice50 固井泵 cementing pump51 撬装注水泥泵组 cementing pump skid52 胶结反应 cementing reaction53 胶结强度 cementing strength54 水泥罐 cementing tank55 全井封固 cementing througth56 固井工具 cementing tool57 水泥拖车 cementing trailer58 固井设备 cementing unit59 注水泥浆 cement injection60 水泥环 cement mantle61 水泥标号 cement mark62 水泥浆 cement milk pasta de cemento63 水泥厂 cement mill64 水泥搅拌器 cement mixer65 凝固强度检测计 cement needle66 水泥封隔器 cement packer67 水泥浆 cement paste68 水泥池 cement pit69 水泥灰浆 cement plaster70 水泥塞 cement plug taco de cemento71 水泥承留器 cement retainer72 缓凝剂 cement retarder73 水泥垢 cement scale74 水泥凝固 cement setting75 水泥壳 cement sheath76 水泥库 cement silo77 水泥浆 cement slurry78 水泥浆用量 cement slurry volume79 水泥隔层 cement spacer80 挤水泥作业 cement squeeze work81 注水泥插入管 cement stinger82 水泥环厚度 cement thickness83 水泥顶界 cement top84 水泥顶界定位器 cement top locator85 水泥引鞋 cement type guide shoe86 回压凡尔 cement valve87 水灰比 cement-water ratio。
一、天车crownblockcrownblock ,crown pulley天车crown’s nest, crown platform天车台crown sheaves , crown pulley天车滑轮cluster sheaves天车滑轮组crownblock beam天车梁crownblock protector ,crownblock saver防碰天车crown safety platform天车安全台二游动滑车—大钩Traveling block-----hooktraveling block,traveling sheave游动滑车hook大钩hook load大钩负荷hook load rating大钩额定负荷hook speed大钩提升速度hook weight大钩悬重hooklet小钩子hook up(on) 钩上,吊上hook height大钩悬挂高度过hook off卸钩二、钻盘与水龙头Table and Swivelrotary table, turntable, rotary转盘rotary speed, rotational velocity, revolution rate转速rotating turret转盘台rotary torque indicator转盘扭矩表ratio of revolution转数比revolution counter, tachometer转数表rotation direction转动方向torque constant转矩常数master bushing转盘大方瓦rotary speeds转盘排档rotary slips转盘卡瓦rotary support frame转盘大梁rotary transmission转盘变速器rotary drive guard转盘链护罩rotary speed indicator转盘转速指示器rotary base转盘底座rotay chain转盘传动链条rotary drive bushing方补心rotary moment转矩rotary motion转动swivel水龙头swivel bail水龙头吊环swivel body水龙头外壳swivel bumper水龙头吊环防碰器swivel gooseneck鹅颈管washpipe冲管swivel joint(sub)水龙头接头swivel stem 水龙头中心管wash pipe swivel冲管旋转接头三、钻机drawworksdrilling rig(machine),drawwork钻机driller’s console, driller control cabinet司钻操作台brake lever(crank, handle bar)刹把brake strap刹带brake valve刹车凡尔brake rim (drum)刹车鼓brake block 刹车片brake fluid 刹车液brake axle 刹车轴brake power 刹车功率brake cylinder刹车气缸brake pedal刹车踏板brake assembly刹车总成brake band刹带钢圈brake equalizer刹带平衡器hydraulic brake水刹车cat head猫头cat(head) line猫头绳cat hook猫头绳小钩cat line sheave猫头绳滑车cat shaft猫头轴drawworks绞车drawworks horsepower绞车功率drawworks sensor绞车上的进尺传感器四、传动箱(变速箱)tran smission gear boxgear box (case) 齿轮箱gear change 换挡gear down 换抵挡gear drive 齿轮传动gear grease 齿轮润滑油gear increaser 齿轮增速器gear input shaft 齿轮输入轴gear motor 齿轮传动马达gear oil 齿轮油gear output shaft 齿轮输出轴gear pump 齿轮泵gear rack 齿条gear ratio 传动比gear reduction unit 齿轮减速器gear shaft齿轮轴gear shifting 换挡gear teeth 齿轮牙gear up 增速gear wheel 大齿轮accelerator 加速器六、柴油机Enginesdiesel engine 柴油机diesel engine fuel ,diesel oil 柴油diesel-oil plug 柴油塞diesel consumption 柴油消耗量diesel index 柴油指数diesel knock 柴油机暴震diesel fuel additives , diesel-dope 柴油添加剂diesel electric set 柴油发电机组engine 引擎engine bed 柴油机底座engine body 柴油机本体engine and pump assembly柴油机泵组engine capacity 柴油机功率engine cylinder 柴油机气缸engine drive 柴油机驱动engine-antifreeze 柴油机防冻液engine failure柴油机故障engine fuel 发动机燃料engine house(shed) 发动机房engine piston 柴油机活塞engine primer 柴油机引擎engine pulley 柴油机皮带轮engine solar oil 粗柴油engine speed reducer 柴油机减速器engine support 柴油机支架engine compound 柴油机并车speed regulator ,governor 调速器thermosistor 调温器pressure-regulating valve 调压阀regulating slide valve 调节滑动阀adjusting nut 调节罗母adjusting bolt 调节罗栓adjusting(regulating) screw调节螺丝regulating solution调节液adjustment factor 调节系数leveling system 调平系统leveling cylinder 调平液缸governor lever调速杆adjusting range 调节范围trim cooler 调温冷却器bolwing fan, fan 风扇fan belt 风扇皮带hold-down screw ,retaining screw 固定螺丝fixed tube-sheet exchanger固定管板式换热器valve气门chamber气室head gasket 气缸垫cylinder head 气缸盖cylinder liner 气缸套cylinder block 气缸体carburetor 汽化器high-pressure pump高压泵high-quality gasoline 高级汽油high-speed engine 高速柴油机high-speed machine oil 高速机械油air filter 空气滤子diesel oil filter 柴油滤子lubricating oil filter 机油滤子lubricate cup ,oil bowl(cup) 油杯lubricating gun 黄油枪lubricating nipple 黄油嘴lubrication hole 加油孔lubricator 加油器oil pump 油泵dipstick 油尺oil blanket ,oil seal油封oilcan ,oiler ,oilpot 油壶oil ring ,scraper ring ,oil rim油环oil pan 油底壳oil motor 油马达air bleeding valve ,exhaust valve 排气阀air vent hole 排气孔exhaust stroke 排气冲程blow cock排气旋塞blast pipe ,exhaust pipe排气管七、泥浆泵mud pumpmud end of the pump泥浆泵液力短mud hog泥浆泵(口语)mud hose 泥浆软管mud house 泵房mud line 泥浆管线mud pump hose 泥浆泵软管mud pump mixer 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump pulse 泥浆泵压力波动mud pump shock pressure 泥浆泵震动压力mud pump trailer 泥浆泵拖车mud pump valve 泥浆泵凡尔mud relief valve泥浆泵安全凡尔mud suction hose 泥浆泵上水管mud pump rod 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump power end 泥浆泵动力端discharge end of pump 泥浆泵排出端suction end of pump 泥浆泵吸入端mud discharge hose 泥浆泵排水管线packing ring 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing box 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒valve seat 凡尔座valve body 凡尔体pump cylinder(liner) 缸套pistion 活塞rubber seal(ring) 密封圈cylinder cover(head,lid) 缸盖air chamber 空气包air balloon 空气包气囊pump body 泵体pump box 泵箱pump case 泵外壳pump check valve 泵动切力单流阀pump discharge (displacement)泵排量pump efficiency 泵效率pump foundation泵基础pump head 泵头pump lift (suction head) 泵吸入高度pump load泵负荷pump main 泵排出管线pump off 泵抽空pump strainer 泵过滤器pump stroke 泵冲程suction valve 上水凡尔suction seat puller 凡尔座取出器八、钻井液drilling fluidmud ,drilling fluid 泥浆mud baffle 泥浆挡板mud balance 泥浆比重秤mud bin 泥浆储存箱mud body 泥浆结构mud bridges 泥饼桥mud cake 泥饼mud cake correction 泥饼校正mud effect 泥饼效应mud cake resistivity 泥饼电阻率mud circulation gallons per minute每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud column 泥浆柱mud conditioner泥浆处理剂mud conductivity 泥浆电导率mud control泥浆性能控制mud cup 泥浆杯mud density 泥浆密度mud desander 除砂器mud ditch (flume) 泥浆槽mud fiber 泥浆防漏纤维mud filtrate 泥浆滤液mud flow 泥浆流mud gun 泥浆枪mud launder 泥浆净化槽mud line 泥浆管线mud lining 结泥饼mud log 泥浆录井图mud logging 泥浆录井mud loss泥浆漏失mud-loss instrument 井漏探测仪表mud making formation 造浆岩层mud mixer 泥浆搅拌器mud off 泥封mud pit 泥浆池mud plant 泥浆站mud pressure indicator 泥浆压力计mud program 泥浆设计mud reclamation 泥浆回收mud record 泥浆记录mud ring 泥饼圈mud sample 泥浆试样mud scale 泥浆比重计mud screen 泥浆筛mud separator 泥浆分离器mud settling sump 沉砂池mud shaker 振动筛mud socket 捞砂筒mud stability 泥浆稳定性mud stream 泥浆流mud tank 泥浆缸mud thickeners泥浆增稠剂mud thinner 泥浆减稠剂mud weight 泥浆比重mud weight balance 泥浆比重天平mud weight indicator 泥浆比重指示计mud viscosity 泥浆粘度water-base mud 水基泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud 水基混油泥浆water-in-oil emulsion 油包水乳化剂water loss 失水量water mud 淡水泥浆gel initial 初切力gel of mud(gel strength)静切力PH-value pH值PH-recorder PH值记录仪PH-meter pH值测定仪Salt content 含盐量Salt bearing 含盐的Water bearing 含水的Sand content 含砂量Salt mud 盐水泥浆Salt(y) water盐水Salt water base mud 盐水基泥浆Salty mud 含盐泥浆Salting-out 盐析Water-base drilling fluids水基钻井液Fresh-water drilling fluids淡水钻井液Low solids fluids低固相钻井液Low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids低固相不分散钻井液Inhibitive drilling flouids抑制性钻井液Salt-water drilling fiuids 盐水钻井液Saturated salt-water drilling filuids饱和盐水钻井液Calcium treated drilling fluids 钙处理钻井液Po tassium drilling fluids钾盐钻井液Oil-emulsion drilling fluids混油钻井液Biodegrability drilling fluids生物钻井液Oil base drilling fluids油基钻井液Invert-emulsion drilling fluids反相乳化钻井液Balance activity drilling fluids平衡活度钻井液Foam drilling fluids泡沫钻井液Sealing fluids密闭液Completion fluids完井液Packer fluids封隔液Stuck freeing spotting fluids解卡液Properties of drilling fluids钻井液性能API filtrationAPI失水High temperature and high pressure filterationHTHP失水Dynamic filteration动失水Filter cake泥饼Sand content含砂量Solids content in drilling fluids固相含量Methylene blue test亚甲兰实验Lime cotent estimation石灰含量Alkalinity碱度Emuls on-breaking voltage破乳电压Drilling fluids rheologe钻井液流变性Funnal viscosity漏斗粘度Thixotropic behavior触变性Gel strength静切Initial gel strength初切10-minute gel strength终切shear-thinning behavior剪切稀释特性contamination of drilling fluids钻井液受污染clat(salt,saltwater,calcium,sand,water,gas)co ntanination粘土侵filtrate of reduction agents降失水剂thickening agent增粘剂thinning agents稀释剂weighting agents加重剂agents of increasing bentoniet坂土增效剂lost circulation materials堵漏材料water-sensitive shale水敏性地层pre-hydrated bentonite坂土预水化colloidal solids胶体颗粒九、循环与固控系统circulating and solids control system mud pump 泥浆泵manifold valve 组装闸门high pressure line 高压管线stand pipe valve立管闸门stand pipe 立管stand pipe gooseneck 立管鹅颈管gooseneck of the swivel 水龙头鹅径管swivel 水龙头Kelly 方钻杆Drill pipe 钻杆Drill collar 钻鋌Drill bit 钻头Annular 环空Well head 井口Flow line 架空槽Gas buster 泥浆-气体分离器Shale shaker 振动筛Desander 除砂器Desilter 除泥器Degasser除气器Mud cleaner 清洁器Centrifuge 离心机Agitator 搅拌机Sand pump 砂泵Peanut 旋流漏斗嘴子十、固井well cementingcement 水泥cement accelerator 水泥促凝剂cement additive 水泥添加剂cementation factor (exponent) 胶结指数cement basket 水泥伞cement blender truck 水泥混合车cement blender 水泥搅拌器cement bond 水泥胶结cement bond log 水泥胶结测井cement brand 水泥牌号cement cap 悬空水泥塞cement casing head 水泥头cement casing shoe 套管鞋cement channeling 水泥窜槽cement clinker 水泥熟料cement column 水泥浆柱cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement consistency 水泥浆稠度cement contamination 水泥侵cement curing time 水泥候凝时间cement cut 泥浆水泥侵cement dehydration 水泥浆脱水cement displacement 水泥顶替cement dump井底倒浆筒cemented 注水泥的cemented casing 封固的套管cemented up 注完水泥cement equipment 固井设备cement evaluation log 水泥评价测井cement failure 固井不合格cement factor 水泥系数cement filtrate 水泥滤液cement float collar 可钻回压凡尔cement float shoe 可钻引鞋cement flow水泥浆液流cement-formation interface 水泥-地层胶结面cement hardener 水泥速凝剂cement(ing) head 水泥头cement-hydrate 水泥水化物cementing agent ,cementer粘结剂cementing contractor 固井承包商cementing formulation 注水泥配方cementing jobs(operation) 固井作业cementing method 固井方法cementing outfit 注水泥设备cementing plug 注水泥用塞cementing point 封固段cementing practice 固井施工cementing pump 固井泵cementing pump skid 撬装注水泥泵组cementing reaction 胶结反应cementing strength 水泥强度cementing tank 水泥罐cementing through 全井封固cementing tool 固井工具cementing trailer 水泥拖车cementing unit 固井设备cement injection 注水泥浆cement mantle 水泥环cement mark 水泥标号cement milk(paste )水泥浆cement mill 水泥厂cement mixer 水泥搅拌器cement needle 凝固强度检测针cement packer 水泥封隔器cement paste 水泥浆cement pit 水泥池cement plaster 水泥浆灰cement plug 水泥塞cement retainer 水泥承留器cement retarder 缓凝剂cement scale 水泥垢cement setting 水泥凝固cement sheath 水泥壳cement silo 水泥库cement slurry 水泥浆cement slurry volume 水泥浆用量cement spacer 水泥隔层cement squeeze work 挤水泥作业cement stinger 注水泥插入管cement thickness 水泥环厚度cement top 水泥顶界cement top locator 水泥顶界定位器cement type guide shoe 水泥引鞋cement valve 回压凡尔cement-water ratio 水灰比十一、套管casingcasing accessories套管附件cased borehole 下套管的井cased hole completion 下套管完井cased through well 全部下套管的井case in 下套管casing adapter 套管异径接头casing anchor 套管猫casing annulus 套管环空casing appliances 下套管工具casing-bearing formation 下套管的地层casing bowl 套管打捞筒casing bridge plug 套管桥塞casing buckling 套管弯曲casing centralizer 扶正器casing check valve 回压凡尔casing clamps 套管卡子casing collapse 套管挤坏casing collar 套管接箍casing collar location 套管接箍测定器casing collar log 测套管接箍casing connection 套管连接casing corrosion monitoring 套管腐蚀检测casing coupling 套管联接器casing cutter 套管割刀casing cutter jar套管割刀震击器casing cutter sinker 套管割刀加力器casing damage 套管损伤casing deformation 套管变形casing depth 套管深度casing dog 套管打捞猫casing drift swage 套管整形器casing drive head 砸套管护帽casing drive shoe 砸击套管鞋casing elevator 套管吊卡casing failure 套管损坏casing fitting 套管配件casing float(collar) 回压凡尔casing float shoe 套管鞋casing gauge 套管丝扣规casing grade 套管钢级casing guide shoe 引鞋casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing hardware 套管附件casinghead 套管头casinghead bowl 套管头内卡瓦casinghead pressure 套管头压力cassinghead spool 套管头四通casinghead squeeze 套管头挤水泥casing-hole annulus 套管与井壁环空casing hook 套管大钩casing imperfection套管缺陷casing inspection 套管探伤casing inspection log检查套管测井casing installation(casing running)下套管作业casing jack 套管千斤顶casing job 下套管作业casing joint 一节套管casing knife 套管割刀casing landing 联顶节casing leak 套管漏casingless completion 裸眼完井casing mandrel 胀管器casing mill 套管铣鞋casing milling tool 套管磨铣工具casing nipple 套管短接casing packer 套管封隔器casing patch 套管修补casing patch tool 套管补孔器casing perforator 套管射孔器casing point 套管鞋深度casing pole 套管紧扣杆casing pressure 套压casing pressure test 套管试压casing programme 套管程序casing protector 套管护箍casing scraper 刮管器casing screw head 套管母扣护丝casing screw protector 套管公扣护丝casing seal 套管密封件casing section mill 套管割刀casing setting depth 套管下入深度casing severing 割套管casing side tracking 套管侧钻casing size 套管尺寸casing slip 套管卡瓦casing spear 套管捞矛casing spider 套管卡盘式吊卡casing split 套管裂纹casing splitter 套管割刀casing starter 入井第一节套管casing sticking 套管粘卡casing string 套管柱casing string design 套管柱设计casing sub 套管异径接头casing suspender 套管悬挂器casing swage 胀管器casing swivel 套管旋转头casing tap 捞套管公锥casing tester 套管测试器casing threads 套管螺文casing-to-hole annulus 套管井壁环空casing volume 套管容积casing wall 管壁casing wear 套管磨损casing whipstock 套管造斜器casing withdrawal 拔套管casing wt(weight)套管重量十二、钻头bitsbit (rock bit) 钻头bit adapter 钻头配合接头bit balling 钻头泥包bit bouncing 蹩钻bit breakage 钻头损坏bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit break-in procedure 磨合钻头bit burnt out 干烧钻头bit change 换钻头bit clearance 井壁与钻头的间隙bit cone 钻头牙轮bit constant 钻头常数bit consumption 钻头消耗量bit contour 钻头外型bit cost 钻头成本bit course 钻头轨迹bit crown 金刚石取心钻头冠部bit cutting angle 钻头切削角bit deflection 钻头偏斜bit die 金刚石钻头制造压模bit dresser 钻头修整器bit dressing 修整钻头bit drive shaft 钻头驱动轴bit edge 钻头刃bit face 钻头与井底接触端面bit factor 钻头因素bit feed 送钻bit footage 钻头进尺数bit frame 钻头体bit freezing 卡钻bit gauge 钻头规bit grading 钻头磨损等级bit guide 钻头导向器bit HHP钻头水马力bit holder 钻头打捞钩bit hustler 废钻头收集者bit hydraulic calculator 钻头水力计算器bit hydraulic horsepower钻头水马力bit hydraulics 钻头水力参数bit inclination钻头倾斜bit inclination force 钻头偏向力bit jumping 跳钻bit leg钻头巴掌bit life 钻头寿命bit load 钻压bit matrix 金刚石钻头基体bit nozzle 钻头喷嘴bit offset 钻头移轴量bit penetration 钻头进尺速度bit performance 钻头工作情况bit pressure 钻头压力bit pressure drop 钻头压力降bit program 钻头设计方案bit prong 钻头牙轮齿bit protector 钻头保护器bit puller 钻头拧卸器bit rams 钻头整形锤bit reaction force 钻头反作用力bit records 钻头记录bit recovering tap 打捞钻头的公锥bit ring 钻头规bit run 钻头行程bit shank 钻头丝扣部分bit side force 钻头侧向力bit size 钻头尺寸bit skew 钻头牙轮动切力偏转量bit speed 钻进速度bit sub 钻头短接bit teeth 钻头齿bit thrust 钻压bit tilt 钻头倾斜bit-tooth dullness 钻头牙齿磨钝程度bit track (trajectory)钻头轨迹bit trajectory behavior 钻头轨迹特性bit tirps 为换钻头起下钻bit type selection 钻头选型十三、取心coringcore 取心core analysis 岩心分析core-analysis data岩心分析数据core axis 岩心轴core bag 岩心袋core barrel 岩心筒core barrel catcher 岩心抓取器core barrel head 取心筒上盖core barrel ring 取心筒垫圈core barrel with rubber container 橡胶套岩心筒core basket 岩心爪core-bit tap 打捞金刚石取心钻头的公锥core box 取心盒core boring 取心钻进core breaker 岩心割断器core breaking 割断岩心core breaking by hydraulic pressure 投球液压割心core breaking by mechanical 机械加压割心core catcher 岩心爪core-catcher case 岩心爪外套core chamber 岩心室core cone bit 牙轮取心钻头core container 内岩心筒core cross section 岩心横截面core cutter 岩心切片机core data 岩心分析数据core-description graph 岩心描述图core footage 取心进尺core diameter 岩心直径cored intervals 取心井段core distillation apparatus 岩心蒸馏仪core drill 取心钻具core drilling 取心钻进core drilling bit 取心钻头core drilling rig 取心钻机core-drying oven 岩心烘箱cored-up mould 岩心造型core factor 取心系数cored well 取过岩心的井core fisher 井底岩心打捞器core gamma 岩心自然伽码core grabber 岩心打捞器core graph 岩心图core grinding 岩心磨削core gripper 岩心爪core-gripper case 岩心爪外套core-gripper with slip 卡箍式岩心爪core gripper with slipspring 卡簧式岩心爪core grouting 岩心被卡coregun 井壁取心器core hole 取心井core house 岩心储存室core interpreting device 岩心方向鉴定器corelab 岩心分析实验室core library (repository)岩心库core log 岩心记录core oil saturation 岩心含油饱和度core orientation 岩心定向core inlet face 岩心进口面core outlet face 岩心出口面core permeability 岩心渗透率core picker 洛井岩心打捞器core plug 岩心栓core plunger 岩心推取杆core porosity 岩心孔隙度core pusher 岩心推取塞core recovery 取心收获率core run 取心进尺core sample 岩样core sampler岩心取样器core sample taker 井壁取心器core section 岩心截面core shack(shanty)岩心储存室core shell 金刚石取心钻具岩心筒core shoe 压力式取心筒鞋core size 岩心尺寸core slicer 岩心切断器core snatcher 岩心爪子core splitter 岩心切断器core spring 岩心卡簧core storage 岩心库core test 取心探井core testing pump岩心试验泵core tray 岩心盒core wafer 岩心薄片core wash 岩心冲蚀率corgun 冲击式井壁取心器core bit 取心钻头coring crown 金刚石取心钻头coring depth 取心深度coring equipment 取心设备coring footage 取心进尺coring formation 取心地层coring gun 取岩心枪coring operation 取心作业coring type turbodrill 取心涡轮钻具coring weight 取心钻压十四、钻柱drilling stringcross-over sub 配合接头bumpers (shock absorber) 减震器drilling junk basket 随钻打捞杯monel drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 钻铤stabilizer 稳定器spiral drill collar 螺旋钻铤drilling jar 随钻震击器flex joint 柔性短接heavy wall drill pipe (HWDP) 加重钻杆drill pipe 钻杆back pressure valve 回压凡尔Kelly sub(saver sub) 方保接头Kelly 方钻杆Kelly-in(Kelly-down) 方入Kelly-up 方余Right hand thread 正扣Left hand thread 反扣Tool joint box 母接头Tool joint pin 公接头Single 单根Double 双根Stand(thrible) 立柱十五、井口工具well head tools Kelly bushings 方补心Elevator bushings 垫叉Roller type Kelly buahings 滚子方补心Slip 卡瓦Safety slips 安全卡瓦Elevator 吊卡Tongs 吊钳Hydraulic tong 液压大钳Spinner 旋扣器Spinner 旋绳器Spinning chain 旋链Spinning rope(line) 旋绳Chain tongs (wrench) 链钳Pipe tongs(spanner) 管钳Bushing(tool) hook 方瓦钩子Drill pipe hooklet 钻杆钩子十六、手工具hand tools combination pliers 手钳wrench ,(spanner) 扳手screwdriver 螺丝刀file 锉刀flat chisel 扁铲hacksaw 钢锯club hammer(sledge hammer) 鎯头scraper 刮刀hatchets 手斧box spanner 套筒扳手twist drill 麻花钻gimlet 手木钻glass cutter 玻璃刀ball-peen hammer 圆顶锤claw hammer 羊角锤Phillips screwdriver 十字螺丝刀Pick 丁子镐Ring spanner 套环(梅花)扳手Scissors 剪刀Electrical screwdrivers 试电笔螺丝刀Open-ended spanner 开口扳手Torque wrench 扭矩扳手十七、规具与量具gauge and measuring toolscrew calipers 螺旋卡尺internal callipers内卡尺(钳)external callipers 外卡尺(钳)internal £external callipers 内外两用卡尺compass 圆规dividers分规depth gauge 测深规feeler gauge 测隙规(塞尺)dial gauge 千分表micrometer screw gauge 千分卡尺proportional dividers 比例规protractor 量角器folding rule 折尺(木工尺)screw pitch gauge 螺距规set square 三角板vacuum gauge 真空计vernier caliper gauge 游标卡尺steel rule 钢板尺template 仿形板drawing board 绘图板十八、打捞工具fishing tools overshot(bell socket) 卡瓦打捞筒reverse circulating basket 反循环打捞蓝drilling junk basket随钻打捞杯fishing tap 公锥box tap 母锥(milling)taper 铣鞋mill(milling) shoe(rotary shoe) 铣锥trip spear (bulldog) 打捞猫drill pipe cutter 钻杆外割刀casing cutter 套管内割刀safety sub(joint) 安全接头impression block 铅印mill shoe 磨鞋catchall (junk catcher) 一把抓fishing magnet 强磁打捞猫scraper 刮管器keyseat wiper 键槽清除器sticking point instrument 测卡仪wall hook 壁钩guide shoe 引鞋wireline spear 电缆捞猫washover pipe 套铣筒bent sub 弯接头hydraulically-operating bent sub液压弯接头keyseat reamer 键槽扩大器washover shoe 套铣鞋bend drill pipe 弯钻杆bibcock 弯嘴旋塞stabbing guide 对扣引鞋十九、复杂情况与事故trouble and accidentsrough drilling (bouncing of drilling tool )跳钻bit bouncing 蹩钻drilling string not well braked 溜钻percussion drill 顿钻reverse rotation(running) 打倒车hole deviation(inclination) 井斜correct drift 纠斜plug-back 填井cementing plug 打水泥塞sidetracking侧钻lost circulation 井漏slough(cave-in) 井塌kick 井涌blowout 井喷stuck(sticking) 卡钻differential sticking(wall sticking) 粘卡key-seating sticking 键桥卡钻sand bridge sticking 砂桥卡钻sand settling sticking 沉砂卡钻touchdown(touching resistance) 遇阻touch sticking 遇卡make-up(stab) 对扣thread making 造扣back-off 倒扣pulling a piston 拔活塞fishing 打捞releasing stuck agent ,pipe lax ,black magic 解卡剂to soak with black magic 泡解卡剂breakouting pack of dynamite 爆破松扣chemical cutter 化学切割器bit balling (balling up of a bit) 钻头泥包free point 卡点to twist-off 扭断squeeze cementing 挤水泥unfreezing 解卡二十、钻井人员drilling personnel president 总裁general manager总经理drilling supervisor 钻井监理drilling engineer 钻井工程师mud engineer 泥浆工程师directional engineer 定向井工程师electric engineer 电器工程师mechanical engineer 机械工程师toolpusher 钻井队长drilling technician 钻井技术员foreman 工长principal engineman 司机长driller 司钻engine(motor) man 司机assistant motorman 司组generator keeper 发电工derrickman 井架工floorman(roughneck) 内外钳工roustabout 场地工mudman(mudboy) 泥浆工geo-sampler(geo-supervisor) 地质工cook 炊事员attendant 服务员vice president 副总裁deputy manager副经理assistant driller 副司钻driver 汽车司机storekeeper 库房保管员security official安全员cost accountant 成本会计员materialman 材料员accountant 会计员operator 话务员interpreter 翻译chief engineer总工程师principal engineer 主任工程师general accountant 总会计师chief geologist 总地质师chief designer 总设计师chairman 主席二十二、定向井directional well directional accuracy 方向性精确度directional angle 方位角directional bit 定向钻头directional bit side force component钻头变方位侧向分力directional characteristic 方向特性directional clinograph 方位测斜仪directional control 方位控制directional counter 方向记数器directional coupler 定向偶合器directional data 方位数据directional depth migration定向深度偏移directional derivative 方向倒数directional diagram 方位图directional drilling 定向钻井directional dirlling contractor定向井承包商directional drilling crossing method 定向钻穿越法directional drill tool 定向钻井工具directional effect 方位效应directional elements 定向要素directional filter 定向滤波器directional frequency diagram定向频率图directional gain 方向性增益directional gyro 陀螺方向仪directional gyroscope reference方向陀螺基准directional hole 定向井directionality 方向性directional light 方位灯directional line 方向线directional MWD(magament wail drilling) 定向随钻测量directional orientation tool 定向工具directional presentation 方位显示directional pressure 定向压力directional radio 定向无线电directional ray 方位线directional reading 方位角读数directional reception 定向接收directional scanning 定向扫描directional selectivity 定向选择性directional shooting 定向爆炸directional sub 定向接头directional structure 定向结构directional surveillance 方位监测directional survey 定向测量directional tool(=steering tool)定向测量工具directional-survey tool 定向测量工具directional tendency 方向趋势directional turbodrill 定向涡轮钻具directional-type tricone bit 定向三牙轮钻头directional well 定向井directional change 方向变化direction coefficient 方向系数direction component 方向分量direction cosine 方向余弦direction finder 测向仪direction-finding chart 测向图direction-finding system 测向系统direction instrument 方向仪direction of deflection 井斜方位direction of magnetization 磁北方向direction of strata 地层走向direction of tilt 倾斜方向direction parameter 方向参数direction-range measurement system 测向-测距系统direction sensor 方向传感器directivity curve 方向曲线directivity factor 方向因数directivity graph 方向特性图pendulums(plumb bob) 测锤magnetic compass 磁罗盘inclinometer 测斜仪continuous inclinometer 连续测斜仪single shot inclinometer 单点测斜仪siphon inclinometer虹吸测斜仪gyroscope 陀螺仪gyroscope multiple shot directional well survey 多点陀螺测斜deflecting tool 造斜工具point of tangency 切点whipstock 变向器angle build up 增斜angle drop off 降斜azimuth 方向角二十三、井场设备equipments on wellsitecrown 天车mast (derrick) 井架catline boom 井架摇臂racking platform (monkey-board) 二层台drilling line 大绳traveling block 游车hook 大钩swivel 水龙头rotary hose 水龙带standpipe 立管drawworks 绞车driller’console 司钻操作台pipe slacking block 钻杆盒drillfloor 钻台rotary table 转盘substructure 井架底座blowout preventer stack 封井器总成dog house 钻台偏房choke manifold 节流管汇gas flare 放喷管线点火头mud gas separator 泥气分离器shale shaker 振动筛degasser 除气器desander 除砂器mud cleaner 清洁器centrifuge 离心机mud guns(bottom type) 潜底式泥浆枪mud agitators 泥浆搅拌器mud tanks 泥浆缸mud sack storage泥浆药品储备罐mud mixing hopper 泥浆混合漏斗mud mixing pumps 配浆泵mud pumps 泥浆泵pulsation dampeners 空气包shock hoses泥浆泵排水软管(短水龙头)mud discharge lines 高压管线brake water tank 刹车水管trip tank 起钻灌泥浆小罐mud lab 泥浆实验室mud return line 架空管(槽)drilling water tank 钻井水罐S.C.R.House 可控硅房Cable tray电缆排Cable elevator 电缆架Engines and generators 柴油机与发电机Engines and air compressors柴油机与压风机Parts storage 配件房B.O.P.closing unit 封井器控制台Work shop 钳工房Pump parts storage 泵配件房Fuel tank 燃料罐Personnel elevator 乘人电梯Wire line stand 大绳架Catwalks 大门前跑道Pipe racks 钻杆架二十四、常用钻井词汇useful words of drillingdrill(make hole) 钻井drillability 可钻性drillable 可钻碎的drillable liner可钻式尾管悬挂器drillable packer 可钻式封隔器drillable permanent packer可钻式永久封隔器drill ahead 继续钻井drill assembly钻柱组合drill bit 钻头drill bit run 钻头行程drill cable 钻井钢丝绳drill collar 钻铤drill collar annulus 钻铤环空drill collar bore 钻铤水眼drill collar curvature 钻铤弯曲率drill collar groove 钻铤应力减轻槽drill collar lifting nipple 钻铤提升短节drill collar stabilizer 钻铤扶正器drill collar stiffness 钻铤刚度drill core sample hole 取心井drill(ing) crew钻井队drill cuttings(solids)岩屑drilled area 已钻区drilled cement 水泥碎屑drilled dry 干钻drilled footage 已钻进尺drill edge 钻头切削刀drilled in 已钻通的drilled pile 钻入桩脚drilled reserves 钻探储量drilled show 钻进显示drilled well 完钻井driller 司钻driller-month 钻机台月driller’s console 司钻控制台driller’s control cabinet 司钻小型控制台driller’s method司钻压井法driller’s l og司钻记录driller’s monitor 司钻监视器driller station 司钻台driller’s tour report 钻井班报表drill extractor 钻头打捞器drill floor 钻台drill fluid 钻井液drill footage 钻井进尺drill free 钻头离开井底空转drill gauge 钻头规drill hole 井眼drill-hole returns 井口返出泥浆drill-hole spacing 井距drill-hole survey 测井距drill-in 打开生产层drilling ahead 下套管后再钻井drilling analytica l work 钻井分析drilling bit 钻头drilling block 钻探井租地drilling break 钻进中放空drilling capacity 钻机能力drilling centralizer 钻井扶正器drilling clay 钻井用粘土completion operation 完井作业completion program 完井方案drilling condition 钻井条件drilling contract 钻井合同drilling cost 钻井成本drilling coupling 钻杆接箍drilling crew 钻井队drilling cuttings 岩屑drilling cycle 钻井周期drilling damage zone 钻井污染区drilling data base 钻井数据库drilling effort 钻井工作量drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling engineering 钻井工程(学)drilling engineering data logging unit 钻井工程录井仪drilling equipment 钻井设备drilling expenditure 钻井开支drilling experience 钻井经验drilling expert 钻井专家circulating system 循环系统cleaning system 净化系统drilling footage 进尺drilling foreman 钻井队长drilling hose 水龙带drilling implementer 钻井人员drilling-in-balance 压力平衡钻进drilling instrument 钻井仪表drilling interval 钻进井段drilling invasion zone 钻井漏层drilling jar 随钻震击器drilling journey 钻井记录表drilling line 钻井大绳drilling liner 尾管drilling liner cementing 尾管固井drilling line reel 大绳滚筒drilling liner hanger 尾管悬挂器drilling load 钻压drilling log 钻进录井drilling mast 双腿井架drilling model 钻速方程drilling monitor system 钻井监控系统drilling mud 泥浆drilling operator 钻井经营者drilling optimization 优化钻井drilling out 钻水泥塞drilling outfit 钻井设备drilling parameter 钻井参数drilling parameter optimization钻井优选参数drilling pattern 井位布置drilling people 钻井人员drilling permit 钻井许可权drilling phase 钻井阶段drilling platform 钻井平台drilling practice 钻井实践(作业)drilling prediction 钻井预报drilling pressure 钻井泵压drilling program 钻井程序drilling progress 钻井进度drilling R and D 钻井研究开发部drilling rate 钻速drilling rate logger 钻速记录仪drilling rate model 钻速方程。
1. Sand grains that make up sandstone beds and fragments of carbonate materials that make up limestone beds usually never fit together perfectly even though overburden rock pressure on these beds may be quite great形成砂岩层的砂粒和形成灰岩层的碳酸盐片状物质,即使作用到这些岩层上的上覆岩层压力很大的情况下,通常也绝不会完全结合在一起2.One method of classifying reservoir rocks ,therefore ,is based on whether pore spaces in which the oil and gas is found originated when the formation was laid down or whether they were formed through subsequent earth stresses or ground water action因此,给储集层分类的一种方法就以含油气的孔隙是起源于地层被沉积时还是通过后来地应力或地下水的作用而形成为基础的3.The rock is more or less permeable depending upon whether the rock will let fluid pass through it with greater or less ease岩石的渗透性是好还是差,取决于流体从中通过的难易程度4.A sandstone having 1 darcy of permeability is defined as one that 1 cubic centimeter of fluid of 1centipoise viscosity would flow each second through a portion of the sand 1centimeter in length and having 1 square centimeter of area through which to move if the pressure drop across the sand is 14.7 pounds per square inch渗透率为1达西的砂岩被定义为如下的一种:如果砂岩上的压降为14.7磅/平方英寸,粘度为1厘泊的1立方厘米的流体每秒钟内会流经长度为1厘米,流动面积为1平方厘米的一段砂岩5.Diamonds used in oilfield bits are of natural origin and range from as small as 15 stones per carat to seven carats per stone in special applications石油钻头所用的金刚石源于天然,其尺寸范围从小至每克拉含15粒到特殊情况下使用的每粒重7克拉6.Not to be overlooked are indirect savings accumulated by eliminating rig wear and tear caused by extra round trips to change roller bits因更换牙轮钻头而增加起下钻次数所造成的钻机损耗消除了,这些间接节省的费用累计起来是不可忽略的7.In some areas the size of the diamond drill bit used is 1/32 to 1/16 less in diameter than the nominal size of the roller bit and the undersized diamond may be used in the same hole when it is understood that the usual manufacturing tolerance on roller bit is plus and on diamond bits is minus在一些地区的金刚石钻头的尺寸用在1/32到1/16英寸的直径,比标准尺寸的钻头和金刚石的可能被用在同一个井口,通常是有制造公差,牙轮钻头是正的,金刚石钻头是负的8.Spudding in usually begins in a medium or deep well with drilling a large diameter but shallow hole called the conductor hole在中深井或深井,开钻以钻一个较浅的大直径导管井眼为标志9.Once the filter cake has formed ,the sides of the well are stabilized and subsurface fluids can not enter the well一旦形成泥饼就会稳定住井壁,地下流体无法进入井眼10.The rotary system of drilling requires the circulation of a drilling fluid in order to remove the drilled cuttings from the bottom of the hole and thus keep the bit and the bottom of the hole clean 旋转钻井系统要求循环钻井液以将井底岩屑运出井眼,保持钻头和井底清洁1.While shales are usually more easily drilled than other geological formations ,they are less stable when exposed in the bore hole页岩比其他岩性地层可钻性好,但一旦被钻开,页岩地层也不稳定binations of two fluid streams ,each with separate pumps or compressors , are used in some drilling operations有些钻井施工中还使用分别用泵货压缩机驱动合成的两相流体3.If hole angle or the distance the bottom of the hole is away from the surface location becomes too great ,changes are made in drilling equipment or conditions to bring the hole back to the desired path如果井斜和井底移位变得太大,就需要对钻井工具及钻井条件进行调整,以使得井眼回到预定的轨迹4.Most offshore wells , the largest application of directional drilling , are of high enough productive capacity that equipment such as rod pumps is not needed大多数海上钻的井具备较高的产油能力,不需要采用像杆式泵这样的设备5.Almost any situation in which it is impossible or impractical to place the drilling rig directly above the desired location of the bottom of the well is a potential application for directional drilling几乎对于不可能或不现实的直接把钻机安置与所期望的井底正上方位置的任何情形都是定向钻井的潜在应用6.Intermediate casing is cemented in order to seal off abnormal pressure formations effectively ,isolate incompetent formations which would cause excessive sloughing unless supported by casing and cement , and shut off zones of lost circulation in order to allow drilling to further技套固井是为了有效封隔异常压力地层,隔绝严重的易塌地层和封隔易漏失层,以便下一钻井顺利进行7.The basic objective in cementing casing is the placing of an uncontaminated cement slurry at the proper position in the annular space between the casing and the hole in such a manner that an effective , impermeable seal is obtained between the formation and casing固井的基本目标是把没污染的水泥浆设法替至套管和井眼环空间合适的位置,使地层和套管间形成一个有效的不渗透的密封8.Gas ,because it often enters the hole in large volumes and because it is compressible ,can be one of the most difficult flows to handle由于气体往往以很大的量进入井眼中,并且可以压缩,是最难对付的井涌之一9.If the gas is allowed to move to the surface through the drilling mud , it will expand in volume as it moves up the hole because the pressure exerted by the mud decreases as the depth decreases 如果让气体在泥浆中沿井眼上升,其体积将逐渐增大,这是由于深度减小,施加在气体上的液柱压力减小10.Flows of salt water and oil into the well bore can be difficult to control , but a flow of gas is one of the most critical well control situations盐水和油侵入井眼难控制,但是侵入的是气体就更难办了11. Like most fishermen , curiosity and ingenuity led to the development of new baits像多数渔民一样,好奇和独创发展出了新的鱼饵12. On modern drilling rigs , fishing has become the art and science of removing broken or stuckequipment or small , non drillable materials from the well core现代钻井中,打捞是一种艺术,是一门科学,它是将井眼中断裂或卡住的设备,或不可钻掉的小落物捞出的技术13. There are many different methods to use with the various types of fishing jobs对付各种各样的打捞有很多方法14. The conductor pipe prevents the hole from caving in at the surface and endangering the drilling rig foundation导管防止地面地层塌入井中,危及钻机基础15. Intermediate casing may be needed if troublesome zones are encountered below the surface casing and above the final depth of the well技术套管是为了封住表层套管和完钻深度之间的问题多发井段16. Liners are really just like casing that is , they serve the same purpose ,but they do not extend all the way to the surface尾管实际上就像套管,作用相同,但并不伸到地面1.岩石内的空隙为其提供了吸收和保存流体的特有能力Pore space , or porosity , in rock gives the rock its characteristic ability to absorb and hold fluids 2.如果溶解作用大于沉积作用,晶粒间就会形成空隙If solution is greater than deposition in any zone ,porosity will be developed between the crystal grains3.当考虑岩石的渗透率时,我们一定会马上想到使流体流经岩石的力When considering the permeability of rock , we immediately must think in terms of the force which makes fluid flow through the rock4.金刚石钻头通常由金刚石,胎体和接头三部分组成A diamond bit is usually composed of three parts : diamonds , matrix and shank5.金刚石的低抗拉强度降低了其承受冲击载荷的能力The low tensile strength of the diamond reduces its ability to withstand impact loads6.使金刚石钻头的原因是为了降低成本,更安全的钻进The reason for using diamond bits is to drill less expensive and safer wells7.如果井很浅,整套设备装在一辆卡车或拖车上,就是车装钻机或叫轻便式钻机If the well is very shallow , the entire equipment comes on the back of a truck or a trailer . This is a truck mounted or portable rig8. 钻进30英尺后,必须提起方钻杆,在它下面在接一个单根After drilling 30 feet , the kelly must be raised and another joint of pipe added below the kelly 9. 振动筛用来把钻屑从钻井泥浆中分离出来The shale shaker is designed to separate the cuttings from the drilling mud10. 泥浆有润滑钻柱和井壁的作用The mud usually offers some degree of lubrication between the drill pipe and the wall of the hole 11. 泥浆的基本功能之一是维持住以钻井眼One of the primary functions of a drilling mud is the maintenance and preservation of the hole already drilled1. 冷却和保持钻头的清洁的流体叫泥浆Cleaning and cooling the drill bit fluid is drill mud2. 固井是钻井和完井施工中的关键环节之一Cementing is one of the most critical operations performed during the drilling and completion ofa well3. 油管柱的近地面部分装有安全阀Another device frequently installed in the tubing string near the surface is a subsurface safety valve4. 完井管柱包括: 导管,表层套管,技术套管,油层套管,油管等Well completion string of conductor pipe , surface casing , intermediate casing , production casing and tubing5.落鱼就是掉在井里的设备零部件The fish in the well equipment spare parts6. 打捞矛可以抓住管子的内壁The inner wall of spear can catch the tube7. 他知道怎样使用这个打捞工具吗He knows how to use this fishing tool8.侵入井眼中的流体包括油,水和气体Fluid invading well bore including oil , water and gas9.井涌很难控制,尤其是气侵Well kick is difficult to control ,especially the gas invasion10. 泥浆池液面升高意味着井涌The pit level rise means well kick11.在固技术套管时,常常必须得知道水泥在环空中的返高位置Intermediate casing , often must know cement in high position return annulus12. 要想保证有较好的固井质量,必须有准确的固井设计,无误的现场施工In order to ensure cementing quality good , there must be a cementing design accurate , site construction and correct13. 如果操作不当,在钻井过程中很容易发生井斜If the improper operation , it is easy to occur during drilling deviation14. 钻救援井是控制井喷的有效措施Drilling the relief well is an effective measure to control the well blowoutBOP 防喷器blowout preventer WOC 侯凝waiting on cementC.C. 立方厘米cubic centimeter OD 外径outside diameterLR 长半径long radius BHA 底部钻具组合bottom hole assembly MR 中半径medium radius ROP 机械钻速rate of penetrationSR 短半径short radius MWD 随钻测量measurement while drillingID 内经inside diameter PDM 容积式马达positive displacement motor KOP 造斜点kick off point HWDP 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe。
附件中国石油天然气集团公司井下作业工程术语(试行)目录1 井下作业内容 (4)1.1 试油 (4)1.2 井下作业 (4)2 基本概念 (5)2.1 井的概念 (5)2.2 井的分类 (7)2.3 地质构造 (11)2.4 油气藏 (12)2.5 岩石物性 (17)2.6 地层流体 (19)3 作业准备 (23)3.1 装备 (23)3.2 设备安装 (33)3.3 入井液 (33)3.4 安全防护 (40)3.5 基础资料 (41)4 管材及工具 (45)4.1 常用管材 (45)4.2 修井工具 (48)4.3 井口工具 (54)4.4 试井工具 (56)4.5 连续管工具 (57)4.6 压裂酸化工具 (57)4.7 DST测试工具 (58)4.8 抽油泵 (58)4.9 封隔器 (60)4.10 其它工具 (61)5 工艺技术 (62)5.1 试油修井 (62)5.2 压裂 (81)5.3 酸化 (85)5.4 测试 (87)5.5 试井 (88)6 工序参数 (90)6.1 基本数据 (90)6.2 井口参数 (93)6.3 管柱作业参数 (94)6.4 射孔参数 (99)6.5 压裂酸化参数 (100)6.6 测试参数 (104)6.7 其它参数 (108)6.8 泵注程序 (112)6.9 注入方式 (112)7 井控 (112)7.1 井控装备 (112)7.2 井控技术 (117)8 常见事故 (118)8.1 单吊环 (118)8.2 顿钻 (119)8.3 溜钻 (119)8.4 井下落物 (119)8.5 插旗杆 (119)8.6 灌香肠 (119)8.7 顶天车 (119)9 统计指标 (119)9.1 工作量 (119)9.2 试油技术经济指标 (120)9.3 井下作业技术经济指标 (122)9.4 经济效果指标 (123)9.5 安全环保指标 (124)井下作业工程术语(试行)1 井下作业内容1.1 试油Well testing是指钻井过程中和完井后,为取得油气储层压力、产量、温度、流体性质等所有特性参数,满足储量计算和提交要求的整套资料录取及分析处理解释的全部工作过程。
十一、岗位 position
英文 中文 Company man 公司代表/甲方 Operator/company 业主 Contractor 承包商 Service company 服务方 Cementing engineer [,endʒi'niə] 固井工程师 Lab engineer 化验工程师 Operator 操作手 Helper 助手 Cementer 固井工 Drilling supervisor [,sju:pə'vaizə] 钻井监督 Drilling superintendent [,sju:prin'tendənt] 钻井总监 Rig manager 平台经理 Toolpusher 带班队长 Driller 司钻 Assistant [ə'sistənt] driller 副司钻 Floorman 钻工 Mud engineer 泥浆工程师 Mud boy/mud man 泥浆工 Mechanical [mi'kænikəl] engineer 机械工程师 Electrical [i'lektrikəl] engineer 电器工程师 Consulter [kən'sʌltə] 顾问 Geologist [dʒi'ɔlədʒist] 地质师 Field manager 基地经理 General manager 总经理 Camp boss 营房经理 Logistic [ləu'dʒistik] manager 后勤经理 十二、井场车辆及油品 Vehicles and fuel 英文 序号 中文 Crane 1 吊车 Forklift ['fɔ:klift] 2 叉车 Tractor ['træktə] 3 拖拉机 Dozer 4 推土机 Trucker 5 卡车 Petrol 6 原油 Oil 7 机油 Engine oil/motor oil 8 发动机油 Diesel ['di:zəl] 9 柴油 Gasoline ['gæsəli:n] 10 汽油
简单来说,钻井作业以后的所有作业都是完井和修井作业(remedial operations),包括修井(workover)、电缆作业(wireline)、提下管住(stripping)、强行提下钻(snubbing),完井(completion)、射孔(perforating)等等,目的在与恢复产层能量,提高油气井产量,更换或修理井下设备和工具。
常规完井方法( common completions)裸眼完井(open hole or barefoot completion)套管射孔完井(case hole completion)单封隔器完井(single packer completion)多管完井(multiple completion)人工举升完井(artificial lift completion)气举完井(gas lift completion)裸眼完井(open hole or barefoot completion)裸眼完井包括先期裸眼完井、后期裸眼完井、筛管完井和筛管砾石填充完井。
砾石填充完井(gravel packing completion)是油层部位的井眼下入筛管,在筛管与井眼环形空间填入砾石,最后封隔筛管以上的环形空间,油层油流通过砾石和筛管流入井内。
套管射孔完井(case hole completion)这是使用最广泛的完井方法。
单封隔器完井(single packer completion)单管完井法是套管射孔完井法的一种,是最常见的一种完井方法。
Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇。
senion mud engineer高级泥浆工程师。
Stop Drilling停钻。
Spud in开钻。
Drill a well打一口井。
Had Drilled About 300Msdeep已经钻了约300米。
Be Drilling正在钻进。
Drilling out of.. 停钻。
Finish drill钻完。
In charge of.. …负责人,is responsible to 某人向谁负责。
responsible for?..负责什么。
get every thing ready for 做…准备。
DRILLER'S Month钻机月。
DRILLER'S console司钻控制台。
DRILLER'S log司钻记录。
DRILLER'S method司钻法。
DRILLER'S station 平台。
DRILLER'S tour report钻井班报表。
DRILLER'S monitor司钻监视器。
DRILL extractor 打捞器。
DRILL floor钻台。
DRILL fluid钻井液。
DRILL footage进尺。
DRILL gauge钻头规。
DRILL hole井眼。
DRILL hole returns井口返浆。
DRILL hole survey测斜。
DRILL in打开生产层。
drill ability可钻性。
drill able liner可钻尾挂器。
drill able packer可钻封隔器。
DRILL free空转。
DRILLING engineer工程师。
DRILLING supervisor监督。
DRILLING superntendent总监。
提高原油采收率(enhanced oil recovery):一般指三次采油技术,即通过改变油藏中的原油特性提高原油采收率。
固定式钻井平台(fixed-platform rig):通过打桩固定在海底的钻井装置。
自喷井式井(flow test):一口井按一定的产液速度敞喷期间,通过测量井段的总压降和每单位压降确定井的生产能力。
降滤失剂(fluid loss additive):水泥中混合的添加剂,用以减小渗滤速度,防止注水泥作业时流体漏失。
泡沫钻井/雾沫钻井(foam/mist drilling):采用低密度泡沫流体作为钻井液的钻井方法。
包进尺合同(footage/footage-rate contract):一种钻井合同,其规定根据钻井进尺计酬支付给钻井工作者。
地层损害(formation damage):井眼附近因地层条件而阻碍生产的情况。
地层评价(formation evaluation):利用包括钻井液和岩屑分析录井、取心及岩心分析、电缆测井、井壁取心、电缆式地层测试和中途测试等各项技术评估地层的产油气潜力及其容量。
压裂处理(frac/fracturing treatment):使地层破裂产生裂缝提高地层渗透率的地层处理技术措施。
游离气(free gas):在储层中,密度大于自身的储层流体(如原油)、呈游离状态的天然气。
摩擦损失(friction loss):由于机械运动部件之间摩擦而引起的机械能量损失。
减阻剂(friction reducing additive):促进水泥浆在低速泵入条件下进入紊流状态的水泥添加剂。
自然伽马测井(gamma ray log/logging):记录地层天然放射性强度的测量值,用以识别地层岩性的测井方法。
第六章 固井
![第六章 固井](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a62c6383f242336c1eb95ef1.png)
H n 1,i Hn
通过数字计算或作图法找到与ρpper相等的地层 压力梯度所对应的井深,该井深即为尾管下入深
1、定中间套管最大下入 深度假定点。
确定井身结构尺寸一般由内向外依次进行,首先确定 生产套管尺寸,再确定下入生产套管的井眼尺寸,然 后确定中间套管尺寸等,依此类推,直到表层套管的 井眼尺寸,最后确定导管尺寸。
第六章 固 井 (Cementing)
第六章 固 井
第一节 井身结构设计 第二节 套管及套管柱强度设计
第三节 油井水泥
第四节 注水泥
1、固井工程的概念 为了加固井壁,保证继续钻进,封隔油、气和水层,保证勘探期间的
分层试油及在整个开采中合理的油气生产,为此下入优质钢管,并在井筒 与钢管环空充填好水泥的作业,称为固井工程。
➢ 候凝时间通常为24小时或48小时,也有72小时或几小时的 ,候凝时间的长短视水泥浆凝固及强度增长的快慢而定。 候凝期满后。
图7-2 注水泥工艺流程示意图
(a)循环钻井液 (b)注隔离液和水泥浆 (c)替浆 (d)替浆 (e)碰压
石油工程井控压井专业中英文词汇解释(1)造斜工具deflection tool:用于改变和控制井斜和方位的井下工具。
(1)压井well killing 控制井内压力,使之处于安全范围内。
(2)关井shut in:关闭防喷器和节流管汇的作业。
硬关井hard shut in:一旦发现溢流或井涌,立即关闭防喷器的操作程序。
软关井soft shut in:发现溢流关井时,先打开节流阀,再关防喷器,最后关闭节流阀的操作程序。
(3)钻井事故及处理drilling accidents and treatments(4)钻具事故drilling stem accident:指钻杆、钻铤、各种工具接头及辅助工具在井下发生的断脱事故。
(5)固井与完井well cementing and completion(6)油井水泥性能oil well cement properties:指油井水泥的化学性能和物理性能。
(7)稠化时间thickening time 固井水泥浆变稠所需要的时间,变稠是指水泥浆有一定的强度和硬度。
(8)水泥石强度cement strength:指水泥浆凝固成水泥石后可以承受各种外载荷能力的总称。
(9)固井工艺cementing techniques:利用不同的固井设备、工具和工艺技术完成的固井作业。
(10)双(多)级注水泥法two(multiple) stage cementing:分两级或多级进行连续或不连续注水泥作业,它是借助于在套管预定位置装有分接箍来实现的,这种方法常用于长封固段固井。
(11)挤水泥squeeze cementing:将水泥浆挤入环空,在套管和地层之间形成密封的补救性注水泥作业。
(12)套管扶正器casing centralizer:装在套管柱上使井内套管柱居中的装置。
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP) tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost-per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved-gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas-lift valve 气举阀gas-liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive-displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo-steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curre 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water-sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well-killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油 crude oil天然气 natural gas方钻杆 kelly钻杆 drillpipe泥浆泵 mud pump转盘 rotary table封隔器 packer旋转钻井 rotary drilling固井 cementing裸眼完井 openhole completion井口 well head扶正器 centralizer三次采油 tertiary recovery射孔 perforating油管 tubing油井流入动态 inflow performance relationship 井底流压 bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数 productivity index增产增注措施 stimulation近井地带 near-well bore region含水率 water cut最终采收率 ultimate recovery剩余油 remaining oil提高采收率 IOR水驱 water flooding原始地质储量 OOPI(original oil in place)流度比 mobility ratio有效渗透率 effective permeability孔隙体积 pore volume上冲程 upstroke下冲程 downstroke润湿性 wettability聚合物驱 polymer flooding。
石油钻井名词解释(中英文版)第一篇:石油钻井名词解释(中英文版)石油钻井名词解释(中英文版)(1)缩径 tight hole:井眼因井壁岩石膨胀等而使井径变小。
(2)钻头行程 bit run:一只钻头从下入井内到起出为一行程。
(3)井史 well history:是指一口井的档案资料,包括钻井、地质、完井等施工作业数据和资料。
(4)磨料射流 abrasive jet:带有某种细小的、耐磨的固体颗粒的射流。
(5)钻头水力参数 bit hydraulic: 指钻头压降Bit pressure drop 和钻头水功率Bit hydraulic horse-power水功率。
(6)循环压耗 circulating pressure loss:钻井液在循环系统中流动所造成的压力损耗。
)(7)塞流 plug flow: 当流体通过管子时,如果质点的流动象塞状物,就叫塞流。
管流pipe flow:流体在边壁处处受到水流压力作用的管道内流动称为管流。
(8)岩屑上返速度 cutting rising velocity:岩屑随钻井液上升的绝对速度。
(9)向壁效应wall effect:指岩屑下沉时,由于岩屑与井壁相碰撞而使滑落速度降低的作用。
(10)优化钻井技术optimized drilling 选取合适的钻井参数,利用钻进快速、高效进行。
(11)门限钻压threshold bit weight:钻压与转速的典型关系曲线中,把钻速与钻压关系线性化后的截距。
第二篇:石油钻井水力学名词(中英文)石油钻井水力学名词(中英文)(1)in situ stress 地应力。
(2)drilling string assembly 钻具组合,具体包括各种钻具工具和连接处。
钻井(Drilling )1. Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业。
2. Prepare bell nipple. 准备‘喇叭口’。
3. Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆。
4. Break out this connection. 卸开该接头。
5. Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底。
6. Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管配制高粘度泥浆。
7. Make up bottom hole assembly (BHA). 组合下部钻具。
8. Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车方碰装置。
9. Number stands on trip out and in. 起下钻给立柱编号。
10. Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底。
11. Pick up stands. 接立柱。
12. Don ’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15 分钟1 个立柱。
13. Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪。
14. Fish TOTCO with overshot . 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪。
15. Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总井深。
16. Circulate 15 minutes. 循环15 分钟。
17. Run in hole. 下钻。
18. Put out of hole. 起钻。
19. Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单。
石油工程专业英语单词Aabnormal pressure 异常高压absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷流量absolute permeability 绝对渗透率acetic acids 乙酸acid-fracturing treatment 酸化压裂处理acidize 酸化acidizing 酸化additives 添加剂Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer(ASP)tertiary combination flooding 三元复合驱anhydrite 无水石膏annular space 环形空间appraisal well 估计井,评价井aquifer 含水层areal sweep efficiency 面积波及系数artificial lift methods 人工举升方法Bbeam pumps 游梁式抽油机bitumen 沥青blast joint 耐磨钻头block and tackle 滑轮组blowout preventes 防喷器blowout 井喷bone strength 胶结强度borehole 井筒,井眼bottomhole/wellhead pressure 井底/井口压力bottorm water 底水breakthrough 突破,穿透bubble point 泡点bubble point pressure 泡点压力Ccable tool drilling 顿钻钻井capillary action 毛细管作用carbonate reservoirs 碳酸盐储层casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing head 套管头casing collapse 套管损坏casing corrosion 套管腐蚀casing leak 套管漏失casing pressure 套管压力casing string 套管柱casing 套管casing-tubing configuration 套管组合casing-tubing configuration 油套管井身结构caustic flooding 碱水驱油cavings 坍塌cement additive 水泥浆添加剂cement job 固井作业cement plug 水泥塞cement slurry 水泥浆cementation 固井,胶结cementing practices 注水泥施工centralizer 扶正器chemical flooding 化学驱油chock 节流器choke 油嘴,阀门christmas tree 采油树combustion engines 内燃机compatibility 兼容性compatibility 兼容性,配伍性completion interval 完井层段compressibility 压缩系数compression coefficient 压缩系数compressive strength 抗压强度cone bit 牙轮钻头connate water 共生水,原生水continuous gas lift 连续气举core sample 岩心样品cost-per-day basis 每天成本基价cost-per-foot basis 每英尺成本基价crank 曲柄crown block 天车crude oil 原油cumulative production 累计产量Ddamage well/zone 污染井/带darcy 达西darcy‘s law 达西定律dead line 死绳dehydration 脱水deposit 沉积,贮存n,矿床,蕴藏量derrick 井架derrick 钻塔,井架development well 开发井development well 生产井dewpoint 露点diesel fuel 柴油discovery well 资料井displacement efficiency 驱油效率displacement efficiency 驱替效率displacement rate 驱替效率displacing fluid 驱替液displacing medium 驱替介质dissolved-gas drive reservoir溶解气驱油藏downhole assembly 井下装置downhole equipment 井下装置downhole 井底,井下downsroke 下行冲程drainage areas/radius 泄油面积/半径drill collar 钻铤drill collars 钻铤drill 钻井driller 司钻,钻工drilling floor 钻台drilling line 大绳drilling slot 井槽drilling contract 钻井合同drilling fluid 钻井液drilling location 井位drilling rate 钻速drillpipe 钻杆drillship 钻井船drillsite 井场drillstring 钻柱dry forward combustion 干式正向燃烧Eeffective displacement 有效驱替effective permeability 有效渗透率effective wellbore vadius 有效井筒半径electric submersible centrifugal pumps 电泵embrittlement 脆裂emulsion 乳化剂encroachment 水侵enhanced oil recover(EOR)提高采收率ethane 乙烷Ffault 断层fishing tool 打捞工具flow efficiency 完善系数flow regime 流动类型/方式flowing tubing pressure 井口流压flowing well 自喷井fluid loss agent 降滤失剂fluid loss control 防液体漏失foam flooding 泡沫驱油、foam-type drilling fluid 泡沫钻井液formation volume factor 地层体积系数formic acids 甲酸fractional flow 分相流动fracture acidizing 酸化压裂fracture fluid 压裂液fracture pressure 破裂压力fracture 裂缝,断裂free gas 游离气Ggas cap 气顶gas condensate reservoir 凝析气藏gas lift 气举gas-lift valve 气举阀gas-liquid ratio 气液比gas-oil ratio 汽油比gasoline 汽油gear reducer 齿轮减速器geothermal gradient 地温梯度gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity segregation 重力分离gum bed 地蜡gusher 自喷井,喷油井Hheavy oil 重油heterogeneous reservoir 非均质储层heterogeneous 非均质的high gravity 高API度,轻质的hole angle 井斜角horizontal well 水平井hreaded coupling 螺纹接口huff and puff 蒸汽吞吐hydraulic fracture 水力压裂hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢hydrostatic head 静水压头hydrostatic pressure 静液压力Iindividual well 单井inhibitor 抑制剂initial completion 初次完井injection rate 注入速度/量interfacial tension 表面张力intermediate casing string 技术套管intermediate casing 中间套管intermittent gas lift 间歇气举Jjackknife derrick 折叠式井架jelly 胶状物,凝胶物joints 根数junction box 接线匣Kkelly 方钻杆kerosene 煤油kick 井涌kill corrosion 压力液kill line 压井管线kill the well 关井Llanding nipple 坐放短节leading edge 前缘leakoff rate 漏失速率load-bearing capacity 承重能力logger 测试仪器logging 测井lost circulation 漏失lost circulation additive 堵漏剂lubricant 润滑油Mmaking a trip 起下钻making a connection 接单根massive hydraulic fracturing 大型水力压裂material balance calculations 物质平衡方程matrix acidizing 基质酸化mechanical efficiency 机械效率methane 甲烷microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物强化采油microemulsion flooding 微乳液驱油mobility rate 流度比mobility 流度,流动性mud pump 泥浆泵mud thinner 降粘剂mud 泥浆mud/section pit 泥浆池multipay reservoir 多油层油田Nnatural fissure 天然裂缝nature gas 天然气net thickness 有效厚度net thickness 有效厚度nogo nipple 不过端短节nozzle 喷油嘴numerical simulation 数值模拟Ooffset well 补偿井oil formation volume factor 原油地层体积系数oil saturation 残余油饱和度oil seeps 油苗oil spill 油漏open-hole completion 裸眼完井organic acids 有机酸overburden 地层表土overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力overload protection 过载保护Ppacker 封隔器pad fluid 前置液paraffin 石蜡,链烷烃paraffin base 石蜡基pay zone 生产层,产油层pay sand 产油层,生产层peak load 最大载荷,峰值负值penetration rate 进尺速度penetration rate 渗入速度,机械钻速percussion 顿钻perforating job 射孔作业performance velationship 动态关系permeability 渗透率permeability anisotropy 渗透率各向异性petroleum 石油petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏phase diagram 相态图piston stroke 活塞冲程pitman 联杆泵plate tectonics 板块构造理论plunger lift 活塞气举polished rod 光杆polymer flooding 聚合物驱油pore volume 有限孔隙体积porosity 孔隙度porous medium 多孔介质porous rock 多孔岩石positive-displacement position 容积式驱替活塞power fluid 传动液preflush 前置液preflush fluid 前置液,冲洗液pressure build up test 压力恢复试井pressure differential 压差pressure drawdown 压降,压差pressure gradient 压力梯度primary recovery 一次开采primary cementing 固井,初次注水泥primary porosity 原生孔隙度prime mover 原动机produced fluid 产出液producing rate 开采速度producting formation 生产层production technology 采油技术production casing 生产套管production platform 采油平台production string 生产(油层)套管productivity 生产率productivity index 生产指数proposed well 资料井proppant 支撑剂pseudo-steady-state flow 拟稳定流动put back on production 恢复生产Rradial area 径向面积radical flow 径向流recoverable reserve 可采储量recovery rates 回采收率,开采速度relative permeability 相对渗透率remaining oil 剩余油remedial work 修井作业reservoir drive mechanism 油藏驱油机理reservoir heterogeneous 储层非均质性reservoir 储层,储集层,油层residual oil saturation 残余油饱和度resistivity curve 电阻率曲线reverse combustion 反向燃烧rig 钻机riser 隔水管rodless pumping system 无杆泵系统roller bit 牙轮钻头rotary drilling 旋转钻井rotary hose 水龙带rotary system 旋转钻井系统rotary table 转盘rotary table 转盘rotary 旋转钻井Ssafety valve 安全阀salinity 矿化度salinity 矿化度sand control 含沙量控制sand production 油井出砂sandstore 砂岩secondary recovery 二次开采secondary porosity 次生孔隙度seep 漏出,渗出n,(油气)苗seepage n,渗出,流出seismic interpretation 地震解释separator 分离器setting time 凝固时间shale 页岩,泥岩shear rate 剪贴速率shut-in well pressure 关井压力skin effect 表皮效应slotted liner 割裂衬管sloughing 坍塌性的slurry density 水泥浆密度slurry viscosity 水泥浆粘度sonic bond log 声波测井spontaneous potential(SP)自然电位stabilizer 稳定器standpipe 立管stands 立管static reservoir pressure 油层静压steam flooding 蒸汽驱油stimulation 增产措施stricking problem 卡钻stripper well 低产井stroke length 冲程长度stuffing box 填料盒submersible rig 坐底式钻井平台substructure 井架底座subsurfance unit 地下单位subsurfance pump 井下泵sucker rod 抽油杆sulfide embrittlement 硫化氢脆裂sulfur 硫磺superficial velocity 表观粘度surface casing 表层套管surface flow line 地面流动管线surface tesion 表面张力surface unit 抽油机,地面装置surfactant flooding 表面积活性剂驱油switchboard 配电盒swivel 旋转钻头Ttensile strength 抗拉强度thickening time 稠化时间tool pusher 钻井队长torque rating 扭矩测定transformer 变压器,转换器transient flow 瞬变流动tubing string 油管柱turbulent flow 紊流Uunswept zone 未波及区upstroke 上行冲程Vvalve 阀门,阀vertical flow 垂直流vertical sweep efficiency 纵向波及系数vertical well 垂直井vibrating screens 振动筛viscosity 粘度void space 孔隙volume factor 体积系数volumetic sweep efficiency 体积波及系数volumetric efficiency 容量效率vug 孔洞,溶洞Wwait on cement(WOC)侯水泥凝固water flood recovery 注水采油water flooding 水驱water injection 注水量water-oil ratio 油水比water-sensitive 水敏性的wax 石蜡well bore 井眼well completion 完井well deliverability equation 油井产能方程well intake pressure 井口注入压力well-killing fluid 压裂液wet combustion 湿式燃烧wettability 润湿性wildcat well 预探井wildcatter 勘探者withdrawal 产出,采出workover 油井维修汉译英原油crude oil天然气natural gas方钻杆k elly钻杆drillpipe泥浆泵mud pump转盘rotary table封隔器packer旋转钻井rotary drilling固井cementing裸眼完井openhole completion井口well head扶正器centralizer三次采油tertiary recovery射孔perforating油管tubing油井流入动态inflow performance relationship 井底流压bottom hole flowing pressure采油指数productivity index增产增注措施stimulation近井地带near-well bore region含水率water cut最终采收率ultimate recovery剩余油remaining oil提高采收率IOR水驱water flooding原始地质储量OOPI(original oil in place)流度比mobility ratio有效渗透率effective permeability孔隙体积pore volume上冲程upstroke下冲程downstroke润湿性wettability聚合物驱polymer flooding。
(ρ d max − ρ p min) × Dp min × g ≤ Δp N ( ΔpA ) 防井涌 防压差卡钻 防井漏 ≤ ρ fc1 防关井井漏
ρ d max + S g + S f ≤ ρ f min ρ d max + S f + S k ×
Dp max Dc1
第七章 固井和完井
Chapter 7 Well Cementing and completion
固井:下套管+注水泥 井身结构设计; 套管柱设计; 注水泥技术; 固井质量的核心问题就是套管柱的强度和环形 空间的密封及胶结质量问题。 完井 钻开生产层; 完井井底结构; 完井井口装置。
第一节 井身结构设计
冲洗液+隔离液+下胶塞+水泥浆+ 上胶塞+顶替液
碰 压 27
油井水泥是一种硅酸盐水泥。 对油井水泥的基本要求: (1)水泥能配成流动性良好的水泥浆,且在规定的时间 内,能始终保持这种流动性。 (2)水泥浆在井下的温度及压力条件下保持性能稳定; (3)水泥浆应在规定的时间内凝固并达到一定的强度; (4)水泥浆应能和外加剂相配合,可调节各种性能; (5)形成的水泥石应有很低的渗透性能等。
(1)硅酸三钙3CaO·SiO2(简称C3S) 水泥的主要成份,一般的含量为 40%~65%。对水 泥的强度,尤其是早期强度有较大的影响。 (2)硅酸二钙2CaO·SiO2(简称C2S) 含量一般在24%~30%之间;水化反应缓慢,强度增 长慢;对水泥的最终强度有影响。 (3)铝酸三钙3CaO·Al2O3(简称C3A) 促进水泥快速水化;是决定水泥初凝和稠化时间的主 要因素;对于有较高早期强度的水泥,其含量可达15%。 (4)铁铝酸四钙4CaO2·Al2O3·Fe2O3(简称C4AF) 早期强度增长较快,含量为8%~12%。 除了以上四种主要成份之外,还有石膏、碱金属的氧化物等。
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15 固井与完井well cementing and completion15.1 油井水泥oil-well cement:适用于油气井或水井固井的水泥或水泥与其他材料的任何混合物。
15.1.1 硅酸盐水泥(波特兰水泥) portland cement:以硅酸钙为主要成分的水泥总称。
是指不加外掺料,只在熟料中加适量石膏共同磨细而成的一种强度较高的水泥。 API水泥API cement:美国石油协会(API)把用于油井的水泥称API水泥。
且制定了标准。 API水泥分级API cement classification:美国石油协会把油井水泥分为A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J九个等级。 基本水泥basic cement:指API油井水泥系列中的G,H级水泥。
加入外加剂后使用更大的范围。 抗硫酸盐水泥sulfate resistant cement:具有较高抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能的水泥,即C3A矿物受到限制的水泥。
按GB10238规定:C3A<8%者为中抗硫酸盐型(MSR);C3A <3%,C4AF+2C3A<24%者为高抗硫酸盐型水泥(HSR)。 净水泥neat cement:没有外加剂或外掺料的水泥。 水硬性水泥hydraulic cement:在水环境中不被稀释而加速硬化或凝固的水泥。
15.1.2 火山灰水泥pozzolanic cement:由火山灰、烧粘土、粉煤灰等硅质物质与石灰或奎酸盐水泥混合,具有抗高温、高强度、抗腐蚀的水泥。
15.1.3 高铝水泥high alumina cement:铝矾土与石灰石混合,经烧结,磨细而制成耐火度在1650度以上的一种铝酸盐水泥。
15.1.4 改性水泥modified cement:通过外加剂改变化学或物理性能的水泥。 早强水泥high early strength cement(high initial strength cement):提高水泥石早期强度的水泥。 促凝水泥accelerated cement(quick set cement):加有促凝剂,缩短稠化时间的油井水泥。 石膏水泥gypsum cement:加有拌水石膏,以提高早期强度的水泥。 缓凝水泥slow set cement:硅酸盐水泥中由于减少C3S含量和增加C2S的含量或在基本水泥中加入化学缓凝剂,而延长其稠化时间的水泥。 膨胀水泥expansive cement:加有膨胀剂,在凝固过程中具有适量膨胀的水泥。 高寒水泥permafrost cement(freaze protecting cement):用石膏与水泥或高铝水泥混合,在永久冻土区使用的不融化冻土区层的快凝、低水化热水泥。 高温水泥high temperature cement:加入石英砂,以提高水泥石强度,可用于井温大于110度以上的水泥。 高密度水泥(加重水泥) weighted cement:均匀掺入高密度惰性材料的水泥。 低密度水泥light weight cement(low density cement):均匀掺入轻质材料制成的水泥。 填充水泥filler cement:掺混有填充材料的水泥。 飞灰水泥fly ash cement:由飞灰与油井水泥混配而成的低密度水泥。 胶质水泥(膨润土水泥) gel cement:掺入膨润土而改性的水泥。 微珠水泥micro-spheres cement:加有硅质空心微珠的低密度水泥。 泡沫水泥浆foamed slurry:通过泡沫发生器,混以氮气或空气与表面活性剂配制成的超低密度水泥浆。 触变水泥thixo-tropic cement:加有触变剂,增强触变性,用于漏失井固井或堵漏的水泥。 纤维水泥fiber cement:在干水泥或水泥浆中加有纤维物质,以提高堵漏性能的水泥。 树脂水泥resin cement(plastic cement):加有水溶性树脂,适用于选择性堵漏的水泥。 柴油水泥浆diesel oil cement:由柴油或煤油与表面活性剂配制的水泥浆。 抗盐水泥salt resisting cement:加有抗盐剂,适用于含盐地层固井的特种水泥。 饱和盐水水泥浆salt saturated slurry:用饱和盐水配成使用于岩盐层固井的水泥浆。 胶乳水泥(浆) latex cement:由胶乳、表面活性剂和水混合配制而成的水泥浆。 小颗粒水泥small particle size cement:指颗粒尺寸比G(100~150μm)级水泥小许多倍的水泥。
可解决在微裂缝或窜槽通道中进行挤水泥补救作业及封堵炮眼等问题。 微硅粉水泥micro-silica flour cement:加有超微细硅粉类材料,提高控制气窜能力,降低水泥石渗透率的特种水泥。 发气水泥compressible(gas containing)cement:加有产生气体材料的水泥。
用来补偿水泥浆在凝固过程中有效压力的降低。 非渗透性水泥impermeable cement:加有水泥浆在凝固过程中阻止降低颗粒孔隙间流体运移的特殊外加剂,以提高防气窜能力的水泥。 酸溶性水泥acid soluble cement:加有碳酸盐岩粉,以提高酸溶性的水泥。 放射性水泥radio-active cement:含有放射性元素的配浆水配制的水泥浆。
用于检查固井质量。 导电水泥conductive cement:加有导电性能的外掺料,使水泥石具有导电性能的水泥。
15.2 油井水泥性能oil well cement properties:指油井水泥的化学性能和物理性能。
15.2.1 氧化物oxides:油井水泥的氧化物包括:SiO2、CaO、Fe2O3、Al2O3、MgO、SO3、K2O及烧失量。
15.2.2 水泥熟料的化合物compounds of cement clinker:水泥熟料含有基本的化合物有:C3Si、C2Si、C3A、C4AF。
15.2.3 水灰比(W/C) water cement ratio:水泥浆中水对水泥重量的比值。
15.2.4 安定性soundness:反映水泥硬化后体积变化均匀性的物理性质。
15.2.5 细度fineness:水泥熟料被磨细的程度,以比表面积表示,单位:cm2/g。
15.2.6 游离水free water:水泥浆在静止过程中析出的水。
15.2.7 水泥浆密度slurry density:指单位体积水泥浆的质量。
15.2.8 抗压强度compressive strength:水泥石在压力作用下达到破坏前单位面积上所能承受的最大力。
15.2.9 胶结强度bond strength:是指水泥与套管或地层胶结的牢靠程度。
15.2.10 初凝initial set:当水泥凝结时间测定仪(维卡仪)的试针沉入水泥浆中距底板0.5~1.0mm时,则认为水泥浆达到初凝。
15.2.11 初凝时间initial setting time:水泥从加水开始,直至水泥初凝的时间。
15.2.12 终凝final set:当水泥凝结时间测定仪(维卡仪)的试针沉入水泥浆中不超过1mm时,则被认为水泥浆达到终凝。
15.2.13 终凝时间final setting time:水泥浆从初凝至终凝的时间。
15.2.14 凝结时间setting time:初凝和终凝的总时间。
15.2.15 假凝false set:水泥用水调和几分钟后发生的一种不正常的类似快凝现象。
15.2.16 瞬凝(闪凝) flash set:水泥合水后立即发生一种不正常的快凝现象。
15.2.17 水化热hydration heat:水泥与水混合后,因水化反应所释放的热量。
15.2.18 水化水hydrated water:与水泥以化学形式结合,形成一种晶体化合物需要的水。
15.2.19 最大用水量maximum water:水泥浆在常压稠度仪中搅拌20min后,其游离水量少于1.5%的用水量。
15.2.20 最小用水量minimum water:水泥浆在20min的常压稠度值为30ABc的用水量。
15.2.21 正常用水量normal water:水泥浆在20min的常压稠度值为11ABc的用水量。
15.2.22 配浆率slurry yield:指每袋水泥能够配制的水泥浆容积。
15.2.23 养护curing:为水硬性材料(包括硅酸盐水泥)创造适当的稳度、湿度条件,以利其水化硬化的工序。 常压养护cured at atmospheric pressure:在大气压下,在给定的温度和湿度条件下使水泥试样水化硬化的养护。 加压养护pressure curing:高于常压的水中,在给定的温度条件下,对水泥试样的养护。
15.2.24 初始稠度initial viscosity:在水泥的稠化时间试验中,从试验开始的15~30min 间测量到的最大稠度称为初始稠度(Bc)。
15.2.25 稠化时间thickening time:用加压稠度仪模拟现场条件,从水泥浆加温加压时起至水泥稠度达到100Bc(稠度单位)时所需要的时间称为水泥浆稠化时间。
15.2.26 直角稠化曲线rectangular thickening curve(right angle set(RAS) curve):在水泥浆稠化时间试验中,水泥浆始终保持在较低的稠度发展,到达某一时刻后,稠度急剧突增到100Bc,稠化曲线形成近似直角状态。
15.2.27 水泥石强度cement strength:指水泥浆凝固成水泥石后可以承受各种外载荷能力的总称。
15.2.28 水泥石渗透性permeability of cement stone:油、气、水透过水泥石的能力。