













图1 海湾六国能源建设项目投资所占比例2011年9月至11月三个月期间,海湾地区能源承包建设项目资金达到75, 280亿美元。










1.1 目的意义.......................................................................................................................1 1.2 装备体系.......................................................................................................................1 1.3 适用范围.......................................................................................................................1 2 引用文件................................................................. 1 2.1 引用规则.......................................................................................................................1 2.2 引用列表.......................................................................................................................2 3 术语释义................................................................. 2 3.1 远动功能.........





























此外,Prince Muhammad Bin Abdul-Aziz 国际机场将由民航总局以 BOT 的方式实施终 端建设,将扩建到 3000 万人次的容量,扩建工程持续 30 年,分 3 期进行;此外,吉达的国
际机场将建立一个新的终端。 (四) 港口
1、 发展现状
沙特拥有 8 个主要港口,183 个停泊处,设计吞吐容量 2.52 亿吨。西海岸的五个港口 分别在吉达、吉赞、Dhiba、延布地区,其他三个在达曼和朱拜勒地区。2008 年八大港口的 吞吐量为 1.55 亿吨,同比增长 10%,其中集装箱吞吐量为 465.20 万吨,同比增长 11%。
2、 政府规划
八五计划将继续发展交通设施,建立高效的交通运输体系,增强城市之间、城市与乡村 之间的联系。下一步政府会发展城市内的公路网络建设。八五计划期间,用于道路建设的投 资达 400 亿美元。另外将吸引和加强私人投资者的作用。
沙特城市和事务部推出了“市政道路计划”,该计划包括建设柏油马路及支线,并提供 相关的设施服务。2009 财年,交通部门宣布投资 30 亿美元用于 8250 公里的公路建设上。
据沙特投资总署的报告预测,2020 年以前,沙特在重大项目上的总投资将达 6900 亿美 元,主要分布在下列领域:基础建设 1400 亿美元,石油天然气 1200 亿美元,石化 900 亿美 元,电力 900 亿美元,通信和信息产业 700 亿美元,旅游 500 亿美元,农业 300 亿美元。此 外,沙特 2007 年开始在 Tabuk 和东部地区兴建两大经济城,沙特投资总署计划的工程投资 达 800 亿美元。
固定电话用户 2007 年底接近 400 万,由于手机替代固定电话是全球趋势,因此近年来 固定电话用户发展较慢。然而,由于网民对上网需求的增加,固定电话线的需求也会有一定 的增长,固定电话领域内的竞争也会越来越激烈,沙特电信公司不再是唯一的服务提供商, 美国的威瑞森(Verizon)公司、巴林有线和无线通信公司(BATELCO)、香港电讯盈科都已经 获得了固定电话服务执照,与沙特电信公司展开了竞争。美国的威瑞森(Verizon)公司将配 置电缆网,巴林有线和无线通信公司(BATELCO)、香港电讯盈科则计划通过 WiMax 修建固定 无线网络。的公路建设发展迅速,截止到 2007 年底,沙特已经建成柏油公路 5.21 万公里,乡 村和农耕便道 12.68 万公里。2008 年沙特公路运输货物达 1.52 亿吨,是仅次于管道的运输 方式。

沙特阿美工程规程SAEP-341 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure

沙特阿美工程规程SAEP-341 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure

Previous Issue: 26 July 2009 Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017Page 1 of 14 Primary contact: Odan, Nabeel Mohammad on 966-3-8809506Engineering ProcedureSAEP-34120 October 2012 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure Document Responsibility: Pumps, Seals & Mixers Standards CommitteeSaudi Aramco DeskTop StandardsTable of Contents1 Scope (2)2 Applicable Equipment Typesand Required LCC Data (2)3 Applicable Documents (3)4 Instructions (4)Appendix A – Calculation Methodsfor Life Cycle Cost Analysis (9)Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure1 ScopeThis procedure provides instructions for economically evaluating major equipmentpurchases with regards to their estimated total ownership cost (Life Cycle Cost) toSaudi Aramco over a twenty (20) years period. These costs include procurement andoperation cost (energy cost and quantifiable periodic maintenance) of the equipment.This procedure details the requirements for determining Life Cycle Costs (LCC) forpurchases of major equipment identified in Section 2. The applicable LCC analysisSpreadsheets provide a practical vehicle for performing the required calculations.2 Applicable Equipment Types and Required LCC DataNext Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure 3 Applicable Documents3.1 Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications14-SAMSS-531Power Transformers17-SAMSS-502Induction Motors17-SAMSS-510Brushless Synchronous Generator17-SAMSS-520Synchronous Motors31-SAMSS-001Centrifugal Compressors31-SAMSS-004Centrifugal Pumps31-SAMSS-006Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor32-SAMSS-021Manufacture of Industrial Boilers32-SAMSS-029Manufacture of Fired Heaters3.2 Saudi Aramco Engineering StandardsSAES-F-001Design Criteria of Fired HeatersSAES-G-005Centrifugal PumpsSAES-K-402Centrifugal CompressorsSAES-P-113Large Electrical MotorsSAES-P-121Power Transformers3.3 Saudi Aramco Standards Data Sheet2741-ENG & Centrifugal Pump Data Sheet for2741-M-ENG Horizontal Pumps and Vertical In-line Pumps2748-ENG & Centrifugal Pump Data Sheet for2748-M-ENG Vertical Line Shaft Pumps8150-ENG & Packaged Integrally Geared Centrifugal8150-M-ENG Air Compressor Data SheetForm 9550-ENG Watertube Boiler Data Sheets (herein referred to asData Sheet)175-323700Manufacture of Fired Heaters3.4 Life Cycle Cost SpreadsheetsThe following spreadsheets are to be used in the analysis and are available in theForms section of the Engineering Standards website:LCC-001Centrifugal Pumps (31-SAMSS-004) *Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost ProcedureLCC-002Centrifugal Pump-Motor Trains (31-SAMSS-004)LCC-005Centrifugal Compressors (31-SAMSS-001) *LCC-006Centrifugal Compressor-Motor Trains(31-SAMSS-001)LCC-010Integrally Geared Centrifugal Compressor-MotorTrains (31-SAMSS-006)LCC-019Induction Motors (17-SAMSS-502) *LCC-020Synchronous Motors (17-SAMSS-520) *LCC-023Power Transformers (14-SAMSS-531)LCC-024Boilers (32-SAMSS-029)LCC-024A Dual Fuel Boilers (32-SAMSS-021)LCC-025Fired Heaters (32-SAMSS-029)LCC-025A Dual Fuel Fired Heaters (32-SAMSS-029)* These spreadsheets are to be used when buying stand-alone pumps,compressors, or motors. For equipment trains (i.e., motor driven pump train,etc.), the train work sheets are to be used.4 Instructions4.1 SAPMT Submittal of Project Equipment ListsSaudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT) shall prepare and includethe following items in the project proposal documents:4.1.1 A list of the Project's equipment items that are covered by the aboveSAMSS.4.1.2 A list of equipment items subject to LCC analysis. This list is to beincluded in schedule G of the contract. A copy is to be sent toEstimating Services Division (ESD/PMOD) so that they includeadditional allowances in the ER estimate to cover the differential inequipment cost due to LCC analysis.4.1.3 A list of equipment items with long lead-time delivery that may requireexpedited SAPMT bid development.4.1.4 A list of the latest applicable energy costs obtained from FPD.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure4.2 Equipment Requiring SAPMT Bid DevelopmentFor equipment requiring SAPMT bid development prior to contract award (longlead equipment), the following steps shall be implemented:4.2.1 Upon receipt of the equipment bids, SAPMT's technical evaluation shallensure that the bids contain the required data needed to perform LCCanalysis.4.2.2 SAPMT shall submit the bids technical data to CSD for review and shallhighlight the technical LCC data (i.e., power, efficiency, operatingfactor) that will be used in the LCC analysis.4.2.3 CSD shall review the technical bid data along with the LCC data elementsand provide comments, if any, to SAPMT within 10 working days.4.2.4 SAPMT shall perform the LCC analysis by utilizing the applicable LCCSpreadsheet (s) to determine the Life Cycle Cost for each acceptablevendor. Other quantifiable cost factors that may significantly impact theeconomic analysis (such as delivery dates) may be included in the LCCanalysis. Inclusions of supplementary cost factors require the priorapproval of the project manager and CSD's concurrence.4.2.5 SAPMT shall calculate the savings (S LCC) in life cycle cost according tothe following equation:S LCC = LCC LIB– LCC LV (1)where:LCC LV is the equipment life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowestoverall LCCLCC LIB is the life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowest initial bid4.2.6 Purchase Order (P/O) shall be placed with the vendor having the lowestLCC (LCC LV) if S LCC is equal to $25000 or 5% of the LIB whichever ishigher.4.2.7 After P/O placement, SAPMT shall submit a copy of the final LCCSpreadsheet(s) to Estimating Services Division (ESD/PMOD) forarchiving and to CSD for information.4.2.8 If Project Management awards to a vendor, a purchase order with apotential performance liability based on the provisions of the applicableSAMSS (penalty clause), and the purchase order is to be transferred(“novated”) to the successful LSTK contractor on the project, ProjectNext Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure Management and/or Purchasing must include provisions in the NovationAgreement that specifically describe the liability being assumed by thecontractor.4.2.9 The equipment shall be tested at the vendor facility for guaranteedefficiency if required by the applicable Saudi Aramco Materials SystemSpecification (SAMSS) and/or the Project Contract. If the equipmentdoes not meet the specified efficiency, and cannot be corrected withinthe test tolerance as specified in the SAMSS, a penalty shall be imposedon the supplier as defined in the SAMSS and the Purchase order.4.3 Equipment Not Requiring SAPMT Bid DevelopmentFor Contractor procured equipment (all non-long-lead time equipment) thefollowing steps shall be implemented:4.3.1 After evaluating the vendor submittals, the Contractor shall provide thebid technical data, required commercial data per schedule G, and theequipment site delivery date for each vendor to SAPMT for review.4.3.2 SAPMT shall review the information to determine if it contains all of therequired data needed to complete the LCC analysis and shall require theContractor to provide any missing or unacceptable data.4.3.3 SAPMT shall provide a copy of the bid technical data including the LCCdata elements (operating factor, efficiency at normal load point, etc.), toCSD for review.4.3.4 CSD shall review the technical bid data along with the LCC dataelements and provide comments to SAPMT within 10 working days.4.3.5 SAPMT shall perform the LCC analysis by utilizing the applicable LCCSpreadsheet(s) to determine the Life Cycle Cost for each acceptablevendor. Other quantifiable cost factors that may significantly impact theeconomic analysis (such as savings due to early delivery) may beconsidered for inclusion in the LCC analysis. Inclusions ofsupplementary cost factors require the prior approval of the projectmanager and CSD's concurrence.4.3.6 SAPMT shall calculate the savings (S LCC) in life cycle cost according tothe following equation:S LCC = LCC LIB– LCC LV(2)Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure where:LCC LV is the equipment life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowestoverall LCCLCC LIB is the life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowest initial bid4.3.7 SAPMT shall direct the contractor to place the Purchase Order (P/O)with the vendor having the lowest LCC (LCC LV) if S LCC is equal to105% or higher of the compensation to the LSTK Contractor (refer toparagraph 4.3.8).4.3.8 If the COMPANY directs the CONTRACTOR to purchase theequipment from any manufacturer technically qualified by theCONTRACTOR other than the CONTRACTOR's proposed source ofsupply, the COMPANY shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for anydifference between the total delivered equipment cost ofCONTRACTOR's proposed source of supply and that of the COMPANYdirected manufacturer.4.3.9 After P/O placement, SAPMT shall provide a copy of the final LCCSpreadsheet(s) to the Estimating Services Division (ESD/PMOD) forarchiving and to CSD for information.4.3.10 The equipment shall be tested at the vendor facility for guaranteedefficiency if required by the applicable Saudi Aramco Materials SystemSpecification (SAMSS) and/or the Project Contract. If the equipmentdoes not meet the specified efficiency, and cannot be corrected withinthe test tolerance as specified in the SAMSS, a penalty shall be imposedon the contractor as defined in the SAMSS and the Project Contract.4.4 All Direct Charge Purchases Requiring LCC AnalysisFor Direct Charge (D/C) procurement of equipment, the following steps shall beimplemented:4.4.1 The Proponent Requisition Originator shall develop the PurchaseRequisition (PR) or the Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the subjectequipment and forward it to Purchasing for bid development. If therequested equipment requires LCC analysis as specified in the applicableSAMSS, the Requisition shall clearly indicate the required LCC datawhich the bidders need to provide.4.4.2 Upon receipt of the PR or the RFQ, the Purchasing Buyer shall reviewthe indicated line items and specifications to determine if any of theNext Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure items require LCC analysis.4.4.3 Upon receipt of bids, the Buyer shall request the Proponent RequisitionOriginator to perform the technical evaluation.4.4.4 The Buyer shall obtain the latest applicable energy costs from FPD foruse in the LCC analysis.4.4.5 The Buyer shall perform the LCC analysis by utilizing the applicableLCC Spreadsheet(s) to determine the Life Cycle Cost for all technicallyand commercially acceptable vendors.4.4.6 The buyer shall calculate the savings (S LCC) in life cycle cost according tothe following equation:S LCC = LCC LIB– LCC LV(3)where:LCC LV is the equipment life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowestoverall LCC costLCC LIB is the life cycle cost of the vendor with the lowest initial bid4.4.7 Purchase Order (P/O) placement shall be with the vendor having thelowest LCC (LCC LV) if S LCC is equal to $25000 or 5% of the LIBwhichever is higher.4.4.8 If the equipment cost for the selected equipment is higher than the PR'sauthorized limit, the Requisition Originator (Proponent) shall initiate aChange Requisition to authorize these additional funds.4.4.9 After P/O placement, Buyer shall submit a copy of the final LCCSpreadsheet to Estimating Services Division (ESD/PMOD) for archivingand a copy to CSD for information.The equipment shall be tested at the vendor facility for guaranteedefficiency if required by the applicable Saudi Aramco MaterialsSpecification (SAMSS) and/or the Project Contract. If the equipmentdoes not meet the guaranteed efficiency, and cannot be corrected withinthe test tolerances allowed, a penalty shall be imposed upon the supplierin accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the applicablePurchase Order.Revision Summary13 October 2012 Major revision.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost ProcedureAppendix A – Calculation Methods for Life Cycle Cost AnalysisThis section is included in this SAEP for clarification purpose only. The logic is already included in the Life Cycle Cost Spreadsheets.A.1 Centrifugal Pumps and Centrifugal CompressorsUnless otherwise approved by the Coordinator, Rotating Equipment Division,Consulting Services Department, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the centrifugalpumps and centrifugal compressors is determined from the following formula:LCC = IC + OC (4)where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all equipment being bought)OC = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= P * EF * No. of units being boughtP = Equipment Power in kW, at normal flow rate for actual fluid.EF = Evaluation Factor ($/kW) will be shown on the data sheet and/or inthe quotation request= 11.56 * EC * AHEC = Energy Cost in $/kWhAH = Annual operating Hours= OF * 8760OF = Operating Factor= Number of Operating Units divided by the number of units beingbought.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost ProcedureA.2 Electrical Motor Driven Centrifugal Pump, Electrical Motor Driven CentrifugalCompressor and Electrical Motor Driven Integrally Geared Compressor TrainsUnless otherwise approved by the Coordinator, Rotating Equipment Division,Consulting Services Department, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the electricalmotor driven trains is determined from the following formula:LCC = IC + OC (5)where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all trains being bought)OC = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= P/(Em*EG) * EF * No. of trains being boughtP = Driven equipment Power in kW, at normal flow rate for actualfluid.Em = Motor Efficiency at normal operating load (decimal)EG = Gear Efficiency at normal operating load (decimal). If there is nogear, EG = 1EF = Evaluation Factor ($/kW) will be shown on the data sheet and/or inthe quotation request= 11.56 * EC * AHEC = Energy Cost in $/kWhAH = Annual operating Hours= OF * 8760OF = Operating Factor= Number of operating trains divided by the number of trains beingbought.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost ProcedureA.3 Electrical MotorsUnless otherwise approved by the Coordinator, Electrical Systems MechanicalDivision, Consulting Services Department, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of theelectrical motors is determined from the following formula:LCC = IC + OC (6)where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all motors being bought)OC = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= RP * EF * No. of motors being boughtRP = Required Power in kW= P/EmP = Motor load in kW, at normal operating conditions.Em = Motor vendor's Guaranteed Efficiency at normal operating load(decimal)EF = Evaluation Factor ($/kW) will be shown on the data sheet and/or inthe quotation request= 11.56 * EC * AHEC = Energy Cost in $/kWhAH = Annual operating Hours= OF * 8760OF = Operating Factor= Number of operating motors divided by the number of motorsbeing bought.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost ProcedureA.4 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation for Boilers and Fired HeatersUnless otherwise approved by the Coordinator, Mechanical & Civil EngineeringDivision, Consulting Services Department, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of theboilers and fired heaters is determined from the following formula:Single Fuel Services:LCC = IC + OC (7)where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all units being bought)OC = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= CF * EF * No. of units being boughtCF = Consumed Fuel (Heat Release) in MMBTU/hr= L/EFFL = Unit load (Duty) at normal condition (MMBTU/hr) provided in thedata sheet by the buyer.EFF = Unit Efficiency (decimal) at normal condition provided by vendor.EF = Evaluation Factor ($-hr / MMBTU) will be shown on the data sheetand/or in the quotation request= 11.56 * EC * AHEC = Energy Cost in $/MMBTUAH = Annual operating Hours= OF * 8760OF = Operating Factor= Number of operating units divided by the number of units beingbought. OF = 1 for process heaters since there is no standbyprocess heaters.Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure Dual Fuel Services:LCC = IC + OCx + OCy (8)where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all units being bought)OCx = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= CFx * EFx * No. of units being boughtOCy = Present value of Operating power Cost, $, for operating period of20 years= CFy * EFy * No. of units being boughtCFx = Consumed Fuel (Heat Release) in MMBTU/hr= Lx/EFFCFy = Consumed Fuel (Heat Release) in MMBTU/hr= Ly/EFFEFx = Evaluation Factor for fuel type x ($-hr / MMBTU) will be shownon the data sheet and/or in the quotation request= 11.56 * ECx * Tx / AHEFy = Evaluation Factor for fuel type y ($-hr / MMBTU) will be shownon the data sheet and/or in the quotation request= 11.56 * ECy * Ty / AHL = Unit load (Duty) at normal condition (MMBTU/hr) provided in thedata sheet by the buyer.EFF = Unit Efficiency (decimal) at normal condition provided by vendor.EC = Energy Cost in $/MMBTUAH = Annual operating Hours= OF * 8760Next Planned Update: 20 October 2017 Equipment Life Cycle Cost Procedure OF = Operating Factor= Number of Operating units divided by the number of units beingbought. OF = 1 for process heaters since there is no standbyprocess heatersNote:x & y are the types if fuel that will be provided in the data sheets by buyer.A.5 Power TransformersUnless otherwise approved by the Coordinator, Electrical Systems Division,Consulting Services Department, the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the powertransformers is determined from the following formula:LCC = IC + [No. of transformers being bought * (A*Li+B*Lc)] (9) where:IC = Initial Cost, $ (Purchase order cost of all transformers beingbought)A*Li = Present value of no-load loss cost in $, for operating period of20 yearsB*Lc =Present value of load loss cost in $, for operating period of 20 yearsA = No Load Loss Constant, $/kW= 11.56* E1*T1E1 = Energy Cost, $/kWhT1 = Annual operating Hours, 8760 hrLi = Manufacturer guaranteed no-load loss, kWB = Load Loss Constant, $/kW= 0.49 * ALc = Manufacturer guaranteed load loss, kWCommentary Note:The constant 11.56 is a present value factor based the formulaPV=[(1+i)n-1]/[i(1+i)n], where i is the discount rate (5.9%) expressed as adecimal number and n is the life of the motor (20 years).。






二、委内瑞拉电力管理体系概述1. 电力管理机构委内瑞拉电力管理体系主要由以下机构组成:(1)委内瑞拉国家电力公司(Corpoelec):负责国家电力行业的规划、建设、运营和管理。




2. 电力管理体制委内瑞拉电力管理体制采用垂直管理方式,即国家电力公司作为电力行业的主体,负责电力行业的全链条管理。


三、委内瑞拉电力管理规定1. 电力规划与建设(1)电力规划:国家电力公司负责编制电力发展规划,包括电力需求预测、电源建设、电网建设等方面。


2. 电力运营与调度(1)电力运营:国家电力公司负责电力生产、输电、配电、售电等环节的运营。


3. 电力市场(1)电力市场建设:国家能源委员会负责电力市场的建设,包括电力批发市场、零售市场等。


4. 电力监管(1)电力监管机构负责电力市场的监管,包括电力价格、电力质量、电力安全等方面。


5. 电力安全(1)电力设施安全:国家电力公司负责电力设施的安全管理,确保电力设施安全可靠。










3.3 投标者/承包商/生产厂家/卖方有责任了解相关输电材料标准规范所列的最新工业准则和标准的要求并且引起公司的关注,引用的工业准则和标准的最新修改或修订会影响到输电材料标准规范的技术要求。

3.4 如果投标者/承包商/生产厂家/卖方使用等效的准则和标准,在投标提议时获得TBU认可前应清楚的提出来。


3.5 如果投标者/承包商/生产厂家/卖方自身有与ISO14000一致的环境管理系统,在投标提议的同时应清楚提出并且提供证书/文件证明一致性便于TBU复查和验收。

3.6 应注意的是,对投标者/承包商/生产厂家/卖方,本规范的TBU的解释与相关输电材料标准规范是合在一起的。

3.7 如果要求中有任何明显的冲突,以先前的为要:3.7.1 TBU 订购书或合同表3.7.2 输电材料标准规范所提的设备/材料3.7.3 本规范3.7.4 应用的TBU工程标准3.7.5应用的TBU建设标准3.7.6 应用的其它工业准则和标准3.8 输电材料标准规范中使用的首字母缩写词4.0 系统参数除非在TMSS相关数据表中另有规定,在典型的系统参数下设备及材料应该适合于操作,如表1 所示,并且应该满足给出的条款4.2和4.3的最低要求。



Previous Issue: 15 October 2008 Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right marginPage 1 of 5 Primary contact: Ghulam, Ziad Mohammad Jamil on 966-3-8745670Engineering ProcedureSAEP-134 4 March 2009 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering ProceduresDocument Responsibility: Standards CoordinatorSaudi Aramco DeskTop StandardsTable of Contents1 Scope (2)2 Applicable Documents (2)3 Instructions (2)4 Responsibilities (4)Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures1 ScopeSaudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEPs) establish instructions andresponsibilities associated with various engineering activities. This document contains the instructions to initiate, format, prepare, revise, coordinate and obtain approvals forall SAEPs.SAEPs are procedures, approved by Saudi Aramco Management, that establishminimum requirements for dealing with their associated subject material. They aremandatory and apply on a Company-wide basis.2 Applicable DocumentsThe requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in this procedure:Saudi Aramco Engineering ProceduresSAEP-301 Instructions for Establishing and MaintainingMandatory Saudi Aramco EngineeringRequirementsSAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a MandatorySaudi Aramco Engineering Requirement3 Instructions3.1 PurposeThe purpose of a SAEP is to establish and approve a systematic method orprocess of accomplishing an engineering related activity.3.2 Organization and Contents3.2.1 The content of each SAEP is to be divided and the material organizedinto a minimum of four mandatory sections:∙Scope: This section of the procedure is normally used to describe thesubject matter of the document, including the extent of itsapplication. It can also make an overall general statementencompassing the content or functional intent of the SAEP.∙Applicable Documents: This section lists all documents that arereferenced within the procedure. Do not list documents that are notreferred to.Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures ∙Instructions: This section provides the procedure's instructions orguidelines to be followed.∙Responsibilities: This section establishes the responsibilities,authority and approvals associated with carrying out the procedure'sinstructions.3.2.2 Additional sections may be included as necessary, depending upon thesubject matter involved. Add more sections only when it is necessary toinclude material that does not logically fit within one of the mandatorysections.3.2.3 Appendices may be included to provide information in support of themain text of the SAEP. This may include tables, charts, graphs,examples, etc. Do not include Saudi Aramco forms in the procedure.Instead, make reference to them by their form number.Identify appendices as Appendix A, B, etc., on consecutively numberedpages. Locate appendices after the last page of the last SAEP sectionand list each appendix in the Table of Contents.3.3 Deviation from Procedure RequirementsApproval to deviate from the requirements given in a SAEP shall be obtained byfollowing the waiver instructions of SAEP-302.3.4 Cancellation of SAEPCancel existing SAEPs by obtaining the signature of the procedure's ApprovalAuthority.3.5 Document NumberingDocument numbers will be assigned to SAEPs based on the following:∙Two digit numbers: Approval by Senior Vice President∙Three digit numbers: Approval by Vice President or Chief Engineer∙Four digit numbers: Approval by Department ManagerThe mechanism of determining the document number of an engineeringprocedure will be based on the safety, cost, and maintenance and operationsimpact of the procedure. It will be supported and based on the followingfundamental nature:a) If the procedure will be utilized solely by the Saudi Aramco ResponsibleNext Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering ProceduresOrganization (who develops the procedure), a four digit number will beassigned and approval shall be by the Department Manager.b) If the procedure will be utilized by other department(s) within the sameadmin. area aside from the SARO, a three digit number will be assignedand the approval shall be by the Vice President or Chief Engineer.c) If the document will be utilized by other department(s) belonging to otherbusiness line(s), a two digit number will be assigned and the approval shallbe by the Sr. Vice President of the proponent organization.Commentary Note:The Saudi Aramco Responsible Organization (SARO) should evaluate the costimplication as a result of developing a two-digit procedure.4 Responsibilities4.1 Saudi Aramco Responsible Organization (SARO)The SARO is the department responsible for the procedure. All SAEPs musthave an assigned SARO. Specific responsibilities of the SARO include:∙Determine the need for new SAEPs, and review existing SAEPs, at least once every five (5) years per SAEP-301, to determine if they are still valid.Where required, revise procedures to achieve broadest company-wideapplication, maintain overall cost-effectiveness, ensure technical adequacy,and generally keep them up-to-date.∙Determine the approval authority for the procedure.∙Determine if company-wide input is needed for procedures containing major revisions or new SAEPs.∙Forward draft documents to the Standards Coordinator to either route for BOE review or for the completion of approval, publication, and distributionprocesses per SAEP-301 paragraph 4.7(g).∙Forward all original approval copies of procedures to the StandardsCoordinator for historical filing. Include other documents judged importantenough to be kept with the document file.4.2 Board of Engineers (BOE)∙Review SAEPs as required by paragraph 4.1, ensuring they are acceptable from the technical, safety, economic and implementation standpoint.Next Planned Update: 15 October 2013 Preparation of Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures ∙Recommend to the Approval Authority, appropriate changes to achieve an optimum balance of technical, safety, economic and implementation factors.4.3 Approval AuthorityThe Approval Authority, determined by the SARO for each procedure, shallreview each procedure to ensure that the final procedure should be approved foruse. For documents reviewed by the BOE, ensure that all major comments havebeen resolved.4.4 Standards CoordinatorThe Standards Coordinator is responsible for the administration of all SAEPs.Specific responsibilities include:∙Maintain accurate records of all approved SAEPs, including issue dates and next planned revisions. Keep historical files and copies of all SAEPs,including original document approval signatures.∙Assign document numbers to new SAEPs.∙Establish document format and content requirements. Review all SAEPs prior to final approval for conformance to these requirements.∙Forward draft SAEPs to the BOE for review, and final revised SAEPs to the document's Approval Authority.∙Approve minor editorial changes to the procedure for such things astypographical errors, organization name and title changes approved byManagement, and reference document name changes.∙Disseminate the information of all approved SAEPs per SAEP-301paragraph 4.7(g).∙Notify SARO representatives of approaching planned revision dates insufficient time to allow an orderly review and rewrite of the procedure, ifrequired.Revision Summary15 October 2008 Revised the "Next Planned Update." Reaffirmed the contents of the document, andreissued with editorial changes.4 March 2009 Editorial revision to clarify Section 3.5 (Document Numbering).。





















































这并非中国电力企业首次走向沙 特,早 在 2009 年 7 月 10 日,中 国 电 建 就曾联 合其他公司以 18 亿 美 元签 署沙 特 拉 比 格 2×660MW 燃 油电 站 项目,打 破了发 达国家公司独占沙 特 勘 探 市 场 十几 年 的局面。此 后,中国 电建还以 24 亿美元承建沙特扎瓦尔 3041MW 联合循环电站项目,以 3.25 亿美元承建沙巴哈联合循环改造电站 项目等。
中国电力行业严重过剩使得电力 企 业 扩 张 的 脚 步放 缓。而 此 时 沙 特 向 中 国 抛 出 橄 榄 枝,不仅 解 决 当 地 工 业 城 电 力 供 应 的 燃 眉 之 急,也 为 中 国 电 力企业创造了新的市场空间。但 对于 这 些电 建 企 业 和 电 力 装 备 企 业,完 全 走进沙特市场,还有很长的路要走。
有业内人士测算,每座 工业城造 成的电力缺口约为 1000MW,这一规 模总量为 5 万兆瓦。这无疑给中国电 力企 业带来了巨大诱惑。在电力产能 过 剩 的 时代,沙 特 工 业 城 让 中 国 电 力 企 业寻 找 到了 释 放 产能 过 剩 的 新 途 径。
目 前,中 国 电 力 企 业 参 与 的 工 业 城 有 Jeddah,Alhassa,Salwa, Ragbh 四 座。 沙 特 工 业 产 权 局 (Modon) 规 划 为 这 4 座 工 业 城 投 资 197 亿 美 元,4 个在 建 工 业 城 总 共 产
Jeddah 位于沙特西海岸,毗邻红 海,这 里是沙 特 最 大的集 装箱港,亦 是沙特 Jeddah 工业城所在地。
2006 年,沙特实行改革开放政策, 开始在全国兴建工业城,以带 动自身 薄 弱 的 工 业 基 础 的 发 展。工 业 城 极 大 的 刺 激了沙 特 的 电 力 需 求,沙 特 工 业 城 管委 会主 席 萨 利赫 表 示:“沙 特未 来 十 年 都 是 大 力 发 展 电 厂 的 时 候,目 前已建成 工 业城 达 到 34 个,2018 年 总共将建成 50 座工业城。”
















3.1 调节孔盖 ................................................................................................................................9 3.2 可触及部分 ............................................................................................................................9 3.3 附件 ........................................................................................................................................9 3.4 随机文件 ..............................................................................................................................10 3.5 电气间隙 ..............................................................................................................................10 3.6 设备连接装置 .......................................................................................................

SG30_33_36_40_50CX-P2-CN-UCN-Ver15-202205 用户手册 光伏并

SG30_33_36_40_50CX-P2-CN-UCN-Ver15-202205 用户手册 光伏并
1 安全说明 ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 拆包检查....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 安装安全....................................................................................................... 1 1.3 电气连接安全 ................................................................................................ 2 1.4 运行安全....................................................................................................... 3 1.5 维护安全....................................................................................................... 3 1.6 报废安全....................................................................................................... 4



世界各地电网参数[电压、频率]亚洲地区电压列表国家/地区电压/ 频率大溪地(Tahiti) 127V/60Hz中国(China) 220V/50Hz巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea[ ☺ ]) 240V/50Hz,大洋洲巴林(Bahrain) 10V/60Hz; 230V/50Hz日本(Japan) 220V/60Hz北韩(North Korea) 220V/60Hz卡达(Qatar) 240V/50Hz台湾(Taiwan) 110V/60Hz沙巴(Saba) 240V/50Hz尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua) 127V/50Hz; 220V/60Hz危地马拉(Guatemala) 115V/60Hz沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia) 127V/50Hz; 220V/60Hz沙特阿拉伯:阿布达比(Abu Dhabi) 240V/50Hz沙特阿拉伯:有127v和220v,频率都为60hz沙特各城市都采用较低电压,分为127伏和220伏(利雅德为235伏)两种,皆为60赫兹;文莱(Brunei) 240V/50Hz孟加拉国共和国(Bangladesh) 230V/50Hz所罗门(Solomon Islands) 240V/50Hz阿曼(Oman) 240V/50Hz阿富汗(Afghanistan) 220V/50Hz南韩(South Korea) 110V/60Hz柬埔寨(Cambodia) 120V/50Hz; 208V/50Hz科威特(Kuwait) 240V/50Hz埃及(Egypt) 220V/50Hz马来西亚(Malaysia) 240V/50Hz斐济群岛(Fiji Islands) 240V/50Hz斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka) 230V/50Hz菲律宾(Philippines) 110V/60Hz越南(Vietnam) 120V/50Hz塞普路斯(Cyprus) 240V/50Hz模里西斯(Mauritius) 230V/50Hz缅甸(Burma) 230V/50Hz黎巴嫩(Lebanon) 110, 220V/50Hz苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(USSR:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) 127V/50Hz; 220V/50Hz美洲地区电压列表国家电压/ 频率千里达& 托贝哥(Trinidad & Tobago) 120V/60Hz 厄瓜多尔(Ecuador) 110-120V/60Hz巴西(Brazil) 110-220V/60Hz巴贝多(Barbados) 115V/50Hz巴拉圭(Paraguay) 220V/50Hz巴哈马(Bahamas) 115V/60Hz牙买加(Jamaica) 110V/50Hz加拿大(Canada) 120V/60Hz古巴(Cuba) 120V/60Hz尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua) 120V/60Hz瓜地马拉(Guatemala) 115V/60Hz多米尼加共和国(Dominican Rep.) 110V/60Hz安地卡(Antigua) 220V/50Hz安圭拉岛(Anguilla) 220V/50Hz百慕达(Bermuda) 115V/60Hz洪都拉斯(Honduras) 110V/60Hz贝里斯(Belize) 110V/60Hz委内瑞拉(Venezuela) 120V/60Hz波多黎各(Puerto Rico) 120V/60Hz法属圭亚那(French Guiana) 220V/50Hz阿根廷(Argentina) 220V/50Hz玻利维亚(Bolivia) 110V/50Hz美国(America) 120V/60Hz哥伦比亚(Colombia) 110-120V/60Hz哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica) 120V/60Hz格瑞那达(Guadeloupe) 220V/50Hz格瑞那達(Grenada) 220V/50Hz海地(Haiti) 110V/60Hz乌拉圭(Uruguay) 220V/50Hz秘鲁(Peru) 220V/60Hz马丁尼克(Martinique) 220V/50Hz荷属安第列斯群岛(Neth. Antilles) 120V/50Hz处女岛(Virgin Islands) 120V/60Hz智利(Chile) 220V/50Hz圣文森市(St. Vincent) 220V/50Hz圣露西亚(St. Lucia) 240V/50Hz福克兰群岛(Falkland Islands) 230V/50Hz蒙特色纳岛(Monteserrat) 220V/60Hz盖亚那(Guyana) 110V/60Hz;240V/50Hz墨西哥(Mexico) 120V/60Hz萨尔瓦多(El Salvador) 115V/60Hz关岛(Guam) 120V/60Hz苏利南(Surinam) 110V/60Hz沙巴岛(Saba) 240V/50Hz玻利维亚(Bolivia) 115V/50Hz开曼群岛(Cayman Island) 120V/60Hz欧洲地区电压列表国家电压/ 频率丹麦(Denmark) 220V/50Hz比利时(Belgium) 220V/50Hz北爱尔兰(Ireland Northern) 220V/50Hz冰岛(Iceland) 220V/50Hz匈牙利(Hungary) 220V/50Hz西班牙(Spain) 127V/50Hz; 220V/50Hz希腊(Greece) 220V/50Hz波兰(Poland) 220V/50Hz法国(France) 220V/50Hz直布罗陀(Gibraltar) 240V/50Hz芬兰(Finland) 220V/50Hz保加利亚(Bulgaria) 220V/50Hz南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia) 220V/50Hz英国(United Kingdom) 240V/50Hz挪威(Norway) 230V/50Hz马尔他(Malta) 240V/50Hz捷克共和国(Czech Republic) 220V/50Hz荷兰(Netherlands) 220V/50Hz斯洛伐克(Slovakia) 220V/50Hz奥地利(Austria) 220V/50Hz爱尔兰共和国(Ireland of Rep.) 220V/50Hz意大利(Italy) 220V/50Hz葡萄牙(Portugal) 220V/50Hz斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka) 220V/50Hz德国(Germany) 230V/50Hz摩纳哥(Monaco) 127V/50Hz; 220V/50Hz卢森堡(Luxembourg) 220V/50Hz罗马尼亚(Romania) 220V/50Hz澳洲地区电压列表国家电压/ 频率澳洲((Australia) 240, 250V/50Hz纽西兰(New Zealand) 230~240V/50Hz非洲地区电压列表国家电压/ 频率史瓦济兰(Swaziland) 230V/50Hz哪崛(Niger) 220V/50Hz多哥(Togo) 220V/50Hz安哥拉(Angola) 220V/50Hz埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia) 220V/50Hz利比亚(Libya) 115V/50Hz坦尚尼亚(Tanzania) 230V/50Hz奈及利亚(Nigeria) 220~230V/50Hz尚比亚(Zambia) 230V/50Hz波扎那(Botswana) 220V/50Hz肯亚(Kenya) 240V/50Hz阿尔及利亚?/FONT>(Algeria) 220V/50Hz南非(South Africa) 220V/50Hz查德Chad) 220V/50Hz突尼西亚(Tunisia) 220V/50Hz迦纳(Ghana) 40V/50Hz乌干达(Uganda) 240V/50Hz索马里V/Hz马利(Mali) 127V/50Hz; 220V/50Hz马拉加共和国(Malagassy Rep.) 127V/50Hz; 220V/50Hz马拉威(Malawi) 230V/50Hz喀麦隆(Cameroon) 220V/50Hz象牙海岸(Ivory Coast) 220V/50Hz塞内加尔(Senegal) 110V/50Hz塞席尔群岛(Seychelles) 240V/50Hz狮子山国(Sierra Leone) 230V/50Hz达荷美共和国(Dahomey) 220V/50Hz摩洛哥(Morocco) 230V/50Hz卢旺达(Rwanda) 220V/50Hz赖比瑞亚(Liberia) 120V/60Hz莱索托(Lesotho) 220V/50Hz萨伊(Zaire) 220V/50Hz罗德西亚(Rhodesia) 225V/50Hz苏丹(Sudan) 240V/50Hz世界各国的用电电压和频率阿根廷:电压:220V (单相) ,380V (三相),频率:50Hz巴西:电压:110/220V(单相) ,380/460V(三相),频率:60Hz加拿大:电压:120/240V (单相) ,208/240V (三相);频率:60Hz墨西哥:电压:127/220V (单相) ,220V (三相);频率:60Hz美国:电压:120/240V (单相) ,208/240V (三相);频率:60Hz澳大利亚 / 新西兰:电压:240/415V (单相) ,415V (三相);频率:50Hz 香港:电压:120/220V (单相) ,220V (三相);频率:50Hz印度:电压:230V;频率:50Hz印尼:电压:230V (单相) ,380V (三相) ;频率:50Hz日本:电压:100/200V (單相) ,200V (三相);频率:50Hz韩国:电压:220 (单相) ,380 (三相);频率:60Hz马来西亚:电压:220-240V;频率:50Hz菲律宾:电压:220V 频率:60Hz新加坡:电压:230V (单相) 400V (三相) 频率:50Hz台湾:电压:110/220V (单相) 220V (三相)频率:60Hz泰国:电压:220V (单相) 380V (三相)频率:50Hz越南:电压:120/220V (单相) 220V (三相)频率:50Hz丹麦:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz芬兰:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz德国:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz匈牙利:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz立陶宛:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz波兰:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz斯洛伐克共和国:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz斯洛文尼亚:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz瑞典:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz捷克共和国:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz克罗地亚:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz挪威:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz瑞士:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz乌克兰:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz俄罗斯:电压:230V (单相) 380V (三相) 频率:50Hz世界各各国电压概况100V :日本、北韩110~130V:台湾、美国、加拿大、巴拿马、古巴、黎巴嫩、墨西哥220~230V :英国、德国、法国、中国、新加坡、香港(200V)、义大利、西班牙、希腊、奥地利、荷兰、菲律、泰国、挪威、新加坡、印度、纽西兰、澳洲注1:采用220~230V电压的国家里,亦有视地区需要并用110~130V电压等情形,如瑞典、俄罗斯。






标签:IGCC;工艺流程;炼油厂;发电模块0 前言此IGCC整个项目除了为炼油厂,气化提供电力及蒸汽外,还规划向沙特电力提供2400MW的电力。




1 IGC-04电力包工艺流程综述1.1 IGCC工艺描述IGCC即整体气化联合循环发电系统,是将气化技术和高效的联合循环相结合的先进动力系统。




1.2 IGC-04发电机组工艺描述发电机组作为一个电岛是JIGCC的一部分,由5个联合循环机组,分别命名为联合循环机组#1~#5组成,每个机组由两台,两台余热锅炉,一台汽轮发电机和一台凝汽器,以二拖一的方式布置。







Basic design condition基本设计条件a、Your requirement for the project (function, scale, etc.).(profile 1 forexample)甲方对项目的要求(功能、规模等)。

(附件1为例)b、Your requirement for the design content of the project.(Profile 1 for example)甲方要求的设计内容。

(附件1为例)Saudi Arabia Structure design condition沙特阿拉伯国家结构专业设计条件1. Seismic protection aspect; How much is the Wind load抗震设防方面;风荷载的大小;2. Site, foundation and foundation footing:场地,地基和基础方面:1) Building site. Located in a plain or a hillside, etc, whether it is likely to slip;建筑物场地,是位于平原还是山坡等,有无滑坡的可能;2) Under the building site. Whether there is the disadvantageous circumstance of perforations, holes or abandoned mine, etc.;建筑物场地下,有无孔洞或废弃的矿洞等不利的情况;3) Under the building site. Whether there are faults, and how about their stability. Whether it is likely to take place unfavorable geological hazard.建筑物场地下,有无断层及断层的稳定情况,有无发生不良地质灾害的可能;4) Foundation bearing capacity and specific geological survey report.地基承载力及详勘资料;5) The local general ways of building foundation, whether there are any special problems should be considered for the design.基础在当地的一般性做法,设计时有无需要特殊考虑的问题3. Building:建筑物的情况:1) The structure of the building;建筑物的结构形式;2) The strength of the building;建筑物的强度;3) Whether there is the possibility or necessary of rebuild or expand(from two aspects of economy and technology);建筑物有无改扩建的可能和必要性(经济性和技术性两方面);4. Building materials:建筑材料方面:1) Whether you are going to use the local building materials , if so, what are their strength and specification;当地有无建筑材料,如果有其强度和规格是多少;2) For the strength and specification of the local materials, how to do the unit conversion between Saudi Arabia and China.当地建筑材料,其强度和规格与我国的如何换算;5. Local construction circumstance:当地施工状况1) For the building we are going to design, tell us the local analogous building structure and regular practice.当地与我们将要进行设计的建筑,类似的建筑的结构类型和习惯做法;2) Whether there are construction water source on site, and whether it is unfavorable to the building materials. ( eg: corrosivity, etc. )当地有无施工水源,水源对建筑材料有无不利的影响(如腐蚀性等);3) How to check the building materials during the construction;当地施工时建材如何检测;6. Local regular practice当地习惯做法Saudi Arabia hydrology design condition沙特国家水专业设计条件1. Local city planning:市政部分:1) Water supply: the pipe diameter, location and hydraulic pressure of cityplanning; whether the water quality of city planning is accord with the drinking water demand; the tubular product and specification of the local city planning service pipe.给水:市政所能提供给水管径、位置及水压;市政供水水质是否符合饮用水要求;市政给水管管材及规格。

























沙特阿拉伯的电力配电标准由沙特阿拉伯王国电力与水务部(Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources)制定和管理。

1. SE (Saudi Electricity Company) 标准:SE是沙特阿拉伯主要的电力供应公司,他们发布了一系列的技术标准,包括配电设备、绝缘材料、保护装置、继电器等。

2. NEC (National Electric Code) 标准:沙特阿拉伯在一些方面采用美国国家电气标准(National Electrical Code)的要求作为参考,用于指导电气工程的设计和实施。

3. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 标准:沙特阿拉伯也参考国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)的标准,特别是在一些电气设备和安全方面。

4. SASO (Saudi Arabian Standards Organization) 标准:沙特阿拉伯标准化组织(Saudi Arabian Standards



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2.0规范与标准2.1投标的设备与材料,应完全符合或超过本《规范》里规定的最小要求以及上述设备/材料的SDMSs 的要求。








2.6如果这些要求中,有明显的冲突,则优先次序如下:2.6.1沙特电力公司采购单或合同明细表(如有)2.6.2上述设备/材料的SDMSs2.6.3其他适用的行业规范和标准2.7用于各个SDMSs里所采用的下列缩写词:SDMS :沙特电力公司配电站材料规范SASO :沙特阿拉伯标准化组织EU :欧洲标准ACI :美国混凝土学会AISC :美国钢结构学会ANSI :美国国家标准学会API :美国石油组织ASCE :美国土木工程师协会ASME :美国机械工程师协会ASTM :美国材料实验协会AWPA :美国木材防腐协会AWS :美国焊接学会BS :英国标准协会EIA :电子工业联合会ICEA :绝缘电缆工程师协会IEC :国际电工委员会IEEE :电气和电子工程师协会NEC :国家电气规范NEMA :国家电气制造商协会NESC :国家电力安全规范OSHA :职业安全与卫生条理管理局(美国)UL :美国工业安全实验室UPC :统一管子规范3.0 除非在SDMSs中另有规定,设备/材料应适用于在下列表格中的典型系统参数之下运行:3.1 正常系统的电压与特别系统的电压,列表如下:正常系统的电压特别系统的电压公称系统电压最高运行电压公称系统电压最高运行电压33KV 36KV 34.5KV 38KV13. 8KV 15.2KV 11KV 38KV220/380V 231/400 V 277/480 V 291/504 V127/220 V 133/231 V注:设备额定应为最高电压值。



3. 3 漏电距离:3.3.1 户外安装所有户外母线/绝缘体根据公称电压,线对线,应具有如下最小漏电距离:a. 干燥地区(内陆),为25毫米/KVb. 潮湿地区(沿海),为40毫米/KV3.2.2 室内安装3.3 绝缘水平:注:干燥/潮湿功频耐压值:干燥1分钟与潮湿10秒钟。


外绝缘进一步分类为两类:i. 很容易受天气辐射,污染,潮湿,沙尘和其他此类的奇异天气影响的室外绝缘;ii. 安装在建筑物内或建筑物外面,但安装在封闭箱内,如电缆盒,接线盒等,不受户外极端天气影响的室内绝缘;iii. IP xx,保护指数应按照本《规范》的有关材料规格。


3.4短路水平:除非在SDMSs中另有规定,最小短路水平如下:33/34.5KV :25KA11/13.8 :21KA380V :20KA220V :25KA3.5中性点安排除非在SDMSs中另有规定,对于系统低电压,应牢固接地;对于中等系统电压,应该牢固接地或低电阻。

4.服务条件除非在SDMSs中另有规定,在通常的服务条件下,在沙特别阿拉伯的内陆,沙漠或沿海地区,设备/材料应适用于在下列标准额定值运行:4.1平均海拔纬度以上(MSL):1000米内(通常)4.2周围环境温度(户外)最小:-5摄氏度最大:55摄氏度最热月份的月平均值:40摄氏度年平均:30摄氏度4.3 周围环境温度(室内):带空调的建筑物:25摄氏度没有空调的建筑物:40摄氏度4.4 周边地面温度:40摄氏度4.5 最大相对湿度:100%4.6 由于太阳辐射而外露表面的温度:75摄氏度4.7 土壤抗热性1米和1米以下: 2.00C.m/W4.8 最大地震频率/严重程度:2区(美国建筑规范)4.9 土壤条件-总则:腐蚀;扩散盐沉积4.10 地表水台面水平:随着深处到接近地面而变化4.11 土壤PH值:7.0-8.54.12 盐浓度(典型):硫酸盐(SO3),按重量:0-10%氯化物(NaCI),按重量:0-5%4.13 污染水平:在任意6个期间相等的盐沉淀密度(ESDD):0.3至0.5mg/cm2大气中的平均硫化氢:40 Mg/cm3土壤盐份0到140 g/cm3(0到100000ppm)4.14 年平均降雨量:150mm4.15 最大风速:150km/h4.16 夏季月份大致的最高密度太阳辐射平均值: 1.00kW/ m24.17 天气雷雨水平:(平均/最大/1000米以上):10/15/50风暴天数/年4.18 除非在SDMSs中另有规定,所有设备/材料与附件的设计,根据上述(室内或室外或地面)服务条件应能达到满意运行/性能。

4.19 所有户外设备套盒/材料,应为防水型,所有金属部件,应为防锈蚀与耐磨损并且保护程度,根据(国际电工委员会)IEC529或同等的(国际电气制造业协会)NEMA标准,应为IP54。




5.1镀锌除非在SDMS中或有关标准图纸中另有规定,热蘸镀锌应符合下列标准:5.1.1ASTM(美国材料实验协会)A 123 -“钢结构”。


5.1.2ASTM(美国材料实验协会)A 123 -“五金构件,绝缘帽顶与紧固件(螺栓,螺母和垫圈)”。


螺栓,螺母和垫圈镀锌层的最小平均厚度为:a. 对于直径大于9.52毫米的紧固件,为0.053毫米(381克/平方米)。

b. 对于直径等于与小于9.52毫米的紧固件,为0.043毫米(305克/平方米)。



5.2.2对于用于配电站或配电网络,颜色应采用水泥灰色Munsell 第5.0 BG 7.0/0.4 或者RAL7033,应分别符合BS (英国标准)381C/2600 或ASTM(美国材料实验协会)D 1535的要求。



a. 喷漆层应能够维持到设备/材料的整个使用寿命期间或至少10年期限。

b. 喷漆层应能够在其安装位置上抵御紫外线或阳光直接辐射,并且颜色不发生变化。

c. 在喷漆后的设备/材料进行磨损实验时,不出现喷漆层穿透到底层现象。

d. 在喷漆后的设备/材料进行冲击实验时,不得出现喷漆层的破裂现象或出现从基底的脱裂。

e. 在喷漆后的设备/材料按照ASTM(美国材料实验协会)B-117,进行喷盐1000小时的实验时,不得出现喷漆层的热泡,软化或脱裂。

不出现超过1.0毫米的划痕锈蚀,按照ASTM(美国材料实验协会)D 1654表1的标准,相当于8级品级。








镀锌层厚度,为按照ASTM (美国材料实验协会)123的标准厚度;油漆厚度,按照制造商的建议,并得到沙特电力公司的同意。









