
英文证明信(精选多篇)公司名字letter of guaranteedear sir or madam:this letter is to gurantee that the persons are the staff of our company.they are:they are entitled to take an annual leave for several days. during their leave, they will spend time in xxx from september 23rd to october 8th. we guarantee these staff members will abide by the laws and regulations of xxx, and will resume their duty in our company upon they return.we will be grateful if their visas could be approved as soon as possible. we appreciate your kind attention to this matter.your sincerely,hr manageradd:tel:第二篇:英文证明信模版英文证明信翻译样本户口簿英文翻译样本i. r esidence booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s1/ 13identity status and mutual relations among family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authority to investigate and confirm his/her registered permanent residence. in so doing, the household owner or members of this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.ii. the household owner shall well keep the booklet, and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it. if loss arises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.iii. the registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other organization or individual shall not make any record on it.iv. if the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household, registration shall be declared to residence registration authority by holding the booklet.v. when the whole household moves out of residence jurisdictional area, the residence booklet shall be returned to residence registration authority for cancellation.no.type of household non-agricultural householdname of household ownerhousehold no.address2/ 13provincial-level public security authority’s seal special forresidence:public security bureau of beijing (seal)household registration body’s seal special for residence:stamp of handling person: xxxxxxx police substationissued on xxxxxxx房产证certificate of title to house propertypossessor : xxxxxxxlocation of the house : xxxxxxxxxxxxcharacter of the ownership : privateno. of the place :no.1 district , no.1 section 1772-19the structure of the building : mixno. of the building : 19no. of the house : 602the amount of the floors of the house : 6the room is at the 6th floorthe acreage of the house: 122m2the house is used for : residenceauthority :nanjing municipal real estate administration (seal)the date of issue: apr.15th , 20XX年3/ 13收入证明certificate of incomethis is to certify that mr.xx,male, aged xx, born in xx city ,china ,the sum of his income is about xxx rmb annually, including the salary and the subsidies. the personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.......tel: .......工作证明信xxx xxx co. ltd126 nanjing road, shanghai, pr chinajuly 11, 20XX年to whom it may concern:this is to certify that mr. wang has been working in our company as the project manager from june 1995 to july 20XX年, mr wang is a diligent and creative engineer,(请您继续关注好范文网) under his leadership, he successfully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent. mr. wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate.mr wang has been entitled to a monthly salary rmb 6000,4/ 13with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance. for further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +***-***** or 1380 332 333sincerely yours,xxxxx(company seal)chief executive officer出生证明信notarial certificate(20XX年)h.x.z.w.z.no.*****(english translation)this is to certify that wang yun, female, was born on july 12,1977 in shanghai. her father is wang guorong and her mother is yang lihong.shanghai xuhui district notary public officethe people’s republic of china(sealed)notary public:(sealed)dated: april 1,20XX年签证材料:工作和收入证明模板5/ 13certificate of employ and incomethis is to certify that ****(male, born on oct. 29,1975) was employed by ******from july 1998 to present. during this period mr. ****worked very hard and have done a good job.according to records of personal income kept by the financial department of ****the details of ****“s annual income during this period are listed as follows (unit: mb/yuan).annual salary11,820allowance for post11,000bonus10,000total32,820this is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.certifier (signature):tel:the personal section of *****dec. 31,20XX年工作证明模板industrial development bureau ministry of economic affairs july 11, 1986to whom it may concern,this is to certify that mr. shu duly passed the qualification6/ 13examination as a mechanical engineer and has been granted a certificate, taikong no. 6314 dated february 3, 1982 to this effect by the ministry of economic affairs.particulars of the certificate follow:name: shunative place: sichuan provincedate of birth: november, 1955classification : mechanical engineeringsincerely yours,k. a. wangdirector general经济担保书和工作证明的样式下面将经济担保书和工作证明的样式列出来,他们是没有固定样式的,请大家根据自己的实际情况改动,不要照搬,说明了下面里面的内容即可。

单位出具的英文工作证明信范文英文回答:Work Experience Certificate.This is to certify that [Your Name] has been employed by [Company Name] as a [Your Position] from [Start Date] to [End Date].During his/her employment, [Your Name] was responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:[List of duties and responsibilities][Your Name] consistently exceeded expectations inhis/her role, demonstrating a strong work ethic, exceptional problem-solving skills, and a commitment to providing excellent customer service. He/She is a valuable asset to our team and we are extremely grateful for his/her contributions.This certificate is issued upon [Your Name]'s request for evidence of employment. We wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavors.Issued by:[Your Manager's Name][Your Manager's Title][Company Name][Date]中文回答:工作证明信。

英文收入证明怎么写(精选17篇)英文收入证明怎么写篇1Statement of Employment and IncomeThis is to certify that Ms. Zhijin Liu, born on June 12, 19xx,is a staff member of our school. She is now in position of mathematic teacher. Her monthly income is RMB 3,600 yuan and annually income is RMB 43,200 yuan.No. 76 Middle School,Tangshan City,Hebei Province,China Date.Your,英文收入证明怎么写篇2This is to certify that Mr. has been working in the for 2 years from to present. Currently, works as the general director.Mr. 's personal income in recent 2 years are as followings:SALARY (MONTH) 30000RMBTOTAL (YEAR) 450000RMBYours,英文收入证明怎么写篇3To whom it may concern,We certify that Mr. and Ms. have their own business in . We also certify that their current yearly income is RMB . This letter has been only issued to assist their child for the application of Canada Student Visa.Yours sincerely,Trade and Industry Bureau英文收入证明怎么写篇4离职证明先生/女士/小姐(身份证号为 )自20xx年01月01日入职我公司担任人力资源部人力资源助理职务,至20xx年07月31日因个人原因申请离职,在职期间无不良表现,经协商一致,已办理离职手续。

证明英文(精选多篇)第一篇:证明的英文证明的英文医生证明书doctor’scertificatejune.18,20XXthisistocertifythatthepatient,mr.tomas,male,aged41,wasadmittedintoourhospitalonjune. 9,20XX,forsufferingfromacuteappendicitis.afterimmediateoperationandtendaysoftreat ment,hehasgotcompleterecoveryandwillbedischargedonjune.19,20XX.itissuggestedtha therestforoneweekathomebeforeresuminghiswork.jackhopkinssurgeon-in-charge医生证明书20XX年6月18日兹证明病人托马斯先生,男,41岁,因患急性阑尾炎,于20XX年6月9日住院。
主治医生:杰克·霍普金斯公证书certificate(90)luzi,no.1130thisistocertificatethatmr.zhaoqiangwenholdsadiplomaissuedtohiminjuly,1980byshando nguniversity(diplomano.064)andthatwehavecarefullycheckedthesealoftheuniversityan dthesignaturebypresidentzhouyongsen.jinannotarypublicofficeshangdongprovincethepeople’srepublicofchinanotary:wangfangmay2,20XX公证书(90鲁公证字第1130号)兹证明赵强文先生持有山东大学于1980年发给他的064号毕业文凭上的学校印签和校长周永森签字属实。

工作证明英文格式范本(5篇)第一篇:工作证明英文格式范本工作证明英文格式范本To Whom It May Concern:This is to certify that Ms.xxx has been working in xxx from xxx till now.Her current title is xxx in xxx Department.Ms.xxx has been entitled to a monthly salary RMB xxx.With quarterly bonus and annual bonus, her annual income is no lethan RMB xxx.For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at xxx or xxx.Sincerely yours,xxx第二篇:工作证明英文范本以下是为您提供的工作证明英文范本,需要的朋友请您参考:proof of workIt is my unit(xiexiebang.com)(ID number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(seal)proof of workin 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.XXX computer cityIn two, x, x month x dayproof: XX, XX XX month XX day to Division I xx company, in the Division I Division XX, any XX post hereby certify!Company XX(official seal)XX XX month XX day第三篇:工作证明英文Income CertificateThis is hereby to certify XXX(ID No.320XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)(姓名,身份证号), she/he has been worked in our company since x, xxxx.(月份,年份)Her/His annual income is about RMB xxxxxx Yuan,(年薪)including basic salary, year-end bonus and subsidy.All the personal taxes have been deducted by the company.Minister: xxx(单位负责人)Phone No.:xxxx-xxxxxxxx(单位电话)Hereby certify!地址(盖章)日期第四篇:英文工作证明为您提供英文工作证明模板,请您参考:本文编辑:xiexiebang.comDear Sirs,Mr./ Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company.He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to Schengen Date of Birth passport-No.position Annual IncomeXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX注:1.如果出资方非您本人,还需提供出资方的出资证明及出资方所在公司的营业执照副本的清晰复印件(所在公司为企业单位)或组织机构代码证的清晰复印件(所在公司为事业单位)2.在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式3.凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中4.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中5.请不要将“附件1:在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中本文还为您提供:出国工作证明模板留学工作证明格式出国工作证明信第五篇:英文工作证明格式View the “work that format, work that model,” comments “work that format, work that model” Content Description: Staff work and proof of income is my ________ ________________: hereby certify that employees in the department office ________ ________ position.So far, over the past year total income of about __________ yuan.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company's employees in any situation in the security documentation.Stamp: Date :______ ___ years, ___ daily income certificate Mintz on proof of my company(XXXX company)employees XXX in my work of the Division XX years, serving XX departments XX Manager(position), total monthly income of XXXXX.00 yuan for the after-tax(or pre-tax)salary.XXXX's...Stamp:Date :______ ___ months ___ years, Japan 相关推荐:2013工作证明格式实习证明模板大全实习证明模板2013单位工作证明范本。

工作证明英文版模板English:This letter is to certify that [Employee Name] has been employed at [Company Name] as a [Job Title] since [Start Date]. During [Employee Name]'s employment, they have consistently demonstrated professionalism, dedication, and a strong work ethic. [Employee Name] has successfully completed all assigned tasks and projects in a timely and efficient manner, and has shown great initiative in taking on additional responsibilities. Their excellent communication skills, teamwork, and ability to problem-solve have been invaluable to our team. We are proud to have [Employee Name] as part of our workforce and are confident in their abilities to continue to excel in their role.中文翻译:这封信是为了证明[员工姓名]自[开始日期]以来一直在[公司名称]担任[职位名称]。
签证 工作证明范本(精选多篇)

签证工作证明范本(精选多篇)第一篇:签证工作证明模板为您带来签证工作证明模板,请您参考:work and income statement工作及收入证明established in 1997, xxxx co., ltd, with the registered capital of xxx million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. xxx is the juridical person of this company.ms. xx, born on xx/xx/xxx, has been working for xxxxxx co., ltd as the director of technology department since january 20XX.her income of the past three years is listed as followed:xxxxx有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设(更多请搜索)计及注塑加工。
xxxxxx有限公司法人代表为xxx 注册资金为人民币xxxxx万元。
haoword女士,出生于xxxx 年xxx月xxx日,于20xx年1月起至今在本公司任职,担任技术部主管工作。
其近三年的薪水收入(税后)情况如下:(单位:rmb 元)其个人所得况由公司统一代扣代缴。
特此说明!联系人(contact person):xxx有限公司人力资源部xxxxx co., ltd.,dept. of human resourcesxxx女士ms. xxxx联系电话(tel):xxxx出国工作证明格式单位工作证明模板单位工作证明格式第二篇:出国签证工作证明一份在职出国签证工作证明,需要的朋友请您对此进行参考:兹证明,出生日期xxxx年xx月xx日,姓别xx在公司部门任职务自年月日至今,迄今已满年。

__________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。
申请人单位:领导签字,公司公章:联系电话:日期:CERTIFICATETo: Visa Section of Consulate General in ShanghaiMr./Ms/Miss ________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________. Now Mr./Ms/Miss ________intends to travel to______ and other European Counties in _______. He/She will stay in _______and other European Counties for days. All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. We guarantee that he/she will come back on time and retain his/her position until he/she comes back.The salary of Mr./Ms/Miss ________is RMB _________ per month.Company:Signature,seal:Telephone:Date:在职证明中英文篇2Certificate of employmentDate: 时间To: Consulate-General of 国家This is to certify that the Mr/Ms 姓名 is 职位 in our company. He/She has been working here since 年月日.He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的日期 and 回国日期 to have a 旅游写trip商务请写business trip to 所申请的国家,total 天数days .We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time.All of the traveling expenses will be paid by 旅游签证一般为自付费用himself/herself商务签证通常为公司付款请写my company. We agree and will keep his/her position after he/she comes back to China.Name D.O.B Passport No. Position Monthly Salary姓名(拼音)出生日期护照号职位 RMB 月收入Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Your sincerelyManager Position: 英文职称需打印Manager Signature: Xing Ming(姓名拼音需打印不可手写)中文签名负责人手写签名公司盖章Company:公司英文名称Tel:(区号)公司电话Fax:(区号)公司传真Address:公司英文地址备注:1.所有红色字体请替换内容并删除,建议用公司正规抬头纸打印!2.如需爱旅行网工作人员审核内容,请发email至a#待爱旅行网客服审核确认后打印盖章。

证明是一份证实性的文体,是需要上交的文件,所以自己在写证明时要注意些什么呢?以下内容主题是“工作证明模板英文”,是栏目小编为您分享的,欢迎你参考,希望对你有所助益!工作证明模板英文【篇1】Dear sirs,Mr. / Ms. xxxx pany. he/she e other schengen countries from xx.xx.xxxx to xx.xx.xxxx. All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance pany after his/her visit to schengen countries.name date of birth passport-no. position annual incomexxxx xxxxxx gxxxxxx xxxx xxxxyour kind approval of this application pany’s stamp(公司盖章)tel: xxx-xxxxxxadd: xxxxxxcompany name: xxxxxx工作证明模板英文【篇2】x x , 20xxTo whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr.xxx (ID NO.xxx, paport number xxx) has been working in Fortune Securities for xx years.His position is xx.His annual income is xxxx CNY, and all tax is cleared.This is for certification.Company phone:Company fax:Company addre:Sincerely yours,Company seal工作证明模板英文【篇3】工作证明Work certificate兹证明XXX 同志,身份证号码XXXXXXXXThis is to certify that comrade XXX,id card number XXXXXXXX已在我公司工作X年,现任职X部门X职务。

中英文版实习证明中英文版实习证明精选3篇(一)Internship CertificateThis is to certify that [Intern's Full Name] has successfully completed an internship at [Company/Organization Name] from [Start Date] to [End Date].During the internship period, [Intern's Full Name] actively participated in various tasks and assignments assigned by the organization. [He/She] demonstrated a high level of dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm towards learning and contributing to the organization's objectives.The key responsibilities undertaken by [Intern's Full Name] during the internship include:- Assisting in [specific tasks or projects]- Conducting research and analysis on [relevant topics]- Supporting [department/team] with day-to-day operations- Collaborating with team members on [specific initiatives]- Contributing to [specific deliverables][Intern's Full Name] consistently displayed excellent communication and teamwork skills while working with colleagues. [He/She] showed a strong ability to adapt to new environments, handle pressure, and work independently to achieve desired outcomes.This internship has provided [Intern's Full Name] with valuable insights into [industry/field] and enhanced [his/her] knowledge in areas such as [specific skills or knowledge gained]. [He/She] exhibits great potential for future success in this field and has undoubtedly made a positive impact during [his/her] time at[Company/Organization Name].We express our sincere appreciation to [Intern's Full Name] for [his/her] contributions and dedication throughout the internship period. We wish [him/her] the very best in [his/her] future endeavors.[Company/Organization Name][Signature/Stamp][Date]中英文版实习证明精选3篇(二)[公司名称][公司地址][日期]致:[实习单位名称][单位地址]尊敬的实习单位负责人:兹证明[姓名]同学在本公司自[开始日期]至[结束日期]期间担任[职位]实习生/实习专员。

英文版工作证明范文As an employer, I am pleased to provide this work certification for [Employee Name]. [He/She] has been a valuable member of our team at [Company Name] for the past [X] years, demonstrating a strong work ethic, exceptional skills, and a commitment to our organization's success.[Employee Name] joined our company as a [Job Title] on [Date] and has consistently exceeded our expectations in this role. [His/Her] primary responsibilities have included [list key responsibilities], and [he/she] has consistently delivered high-quality work that has contributed significantly to our overall productivity and profitability.One of [Employee Name]'s greatest strengths is [his/her] ability to [detail specific skills or qualities, such as problem-solving, team collaboration, attention to detail, etc.]. [He/She] has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of our industry and the technologies we utilize, allowing [him/her] to provide valuable insights and solutions to complex challenges. [His/Her] attention to detail and commitment to accuracy have been instrumental inensuring the accuracy and reliability of our [relevant work processes or deliverables].In addition to [his/her] technical proficiency, [Employee Name] has also proven to be an excellent team player. [He/She] is skilled at collaborating with colleagues, fostering open communication, and contributing to a positive work environment. [His/Her] willingness to take on additional tasks and [his/her] flexibility in adapting to changing priorities have been invaluable to our organization.During [his/her] tenure with our company, [Employee Name] has consistently demonstrated a high level of[professionalism/dedication/initiative/etc.]. [He/She] is always punctual, reliable, and [detail other positive attributes]. [His/Her] work ethic and dedication to our company's success have earned [him/her] the respect and admiration of [his/her] colleagues and supervisors.In recognition of [his/her] outstanding contributions, [Employee Name] has received several [awards/promotions/recognition] over the years. [Provide specific examples of achievements, awards, or recognition, if applicable.]It is with great pleasure that I recommend [Employee Name] for any future employment opportunities. [He/She] is a highly capable,hardworking, and reliable individual who would be an asset to any organization. I am confident that [he/she] will continue to excel in [his/her] career and make valuable contributions to the success of whichever organization [he/she] chooses to join next.If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,[Your Name][Job Title][Company Name]。

英语作文工作证明范本Paragraph 1:I am writing to request a work certificate. I have been working at ABC Company for the past three years and am now seeking new job opportunities. In order to apply for these opportunities, I need a work certificate that outlines my job duties and responsibilities during my time at ABC Company.Paragraph 2:During my time at ABC Company, I held the position of Sales Manager. My main responsibilities included managing a team of sales representatives, developing sales strategies, and meeting sales targets. I also worked closely with other departments, such as marketing and finance, to ensure the success of our sales initiatives.Paragraph 3:In addition to my managerial duties, I also played an active role in training and mentoring new sales representatives. I developed training materials and conducted regular training sessions to ensure that our team was up-to-date with the latest sales techniques and product knowledge.Paragraph 4:During my time at ABC Company, I received several awards and recognitions for my contributions to the company's success. These included Employee of the Month and Salesperson of the Year. I am proud of my accomplishments at ABC Company and believe that they demonstrate my dedication and commitment to my work.Paragraph 5:I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with a work certificate that outlines my job duties and responsibilities during my time at ABC Company. Please letme know if there is any additional information that you require from me in order to complete this request. Thank you for your time and consideration.。

卜人入州八九几市潮王学校余干县2021届九年级物理上学期第一次大联考试卷一、填空题〔一共10小题,每一小题2分,总分值是20分〕1.进入刚装修完的房屋,我们常常会闻到一种刺鼻的气味,这气味主要来自装修材料中的甲醛,这种对人体有害的化学物质.这说明甲醛分子在运动,这种运动会随气温的升高而〔选填:“加剧〞或者“减缓〞〕.2.夏天,金山城沙滩上的沙子温度会升的很高,这是通过的方式改变其内能的,而海水的温度却不高,主要是由于海水的比热容较的缘故.海堤边到了四月春暖花香,这是由于分子在不停地做运动造成的.3.用凉水冷却滚烫的鸡蛋,鸡蛋内能是通过的方式改变的.假设水的质量是1kg,初温为20℃,鸡蛋取出时水温为30℃,水吸收的热量为J.[c水×l03J/〔kg•℃〕].4.用木炭烤鸡翅,鸡翅香味四溢说明;烤鸡翅是通过的方式改变鸡翅的内能.5.“钻木〞能“取火〞,说明可以改变物体的内能;“烤火〞能“取暖〞,说明可以改变物体的内能.6.四冲程内燃机的工作过程由“吸气〞、“压缩〞、“做功〞、“排气〞四个冲程组成,如图为内燃机冲程的工作示意图,该冲程进气门和排气门关闭,活塞向上运动,将机械能转为能.7.随着经济的开展,汽车已进入了普通百姓的家庭.在挑选汽车时,发动机〔汽油机〕效率的上下是区分汽车优劣的重要指标之一.有经历的司机可以通过闻尾气的气味做出初步的判断.输出功率一样时,汽油味越淡,汽车发动机效率越,原因是.×106J,这些能量相当于完全燃烧0.55kg的干木柴才能得到.那么干木柴的热值为J/Kg,假设用掉一半后,干木柴的热值将.〔选填“变大〞“变小〞或者“不变〞〕9.电熨斗通电后,热了起来,这里的“热〞是指;今天天气很热,这里的“热〞是指;物体吸热,温度升高,这里的“热〞是指.〔填“温度〞、“内能〞或者“热量〞〕10.汽油机和柴油机在构造上相比,汽油机顶部有一个,柴油机顶部有一个喷油嘴,汽油机和柴油机的点火方式〔选填“一样〞或者“不同〞〕.二、选择题〔一共6小题,每一小题3分,总分值是20分〕11.以下现象中不能用分子热运动观点解释的是〔〕A.酒香不怕巷子深B.把蔬菜用盐腌成咸菜C.衣橱里的樟脑丸逐渐变小D.沙尘暴时,尘土满天12.关于物体的内能,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.温度为0℃的物体的内能为零B.温度高的物体比温度低的物体内能多C.温度一样的两块铁,它们具有的内能一样D.温度和质量都一样的两杯水具有的内能一样13.HY福岛核电站由于地震引发核泄漏,对人和其他生物造成极大的危害.以下有关核能的说法中,正确的选项是〔〕A.核电站发电是将核能直接转化成电能B.核能和太阳能一样,属于清洁能源C.为理解决能源危机,虽然核辐射有危害性,但也要在全国大范围建造核电站D.在不可再生能源日趋珍贵时,适度开展核电是人类的一种选择14.关于能源和能量转化,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.我国的化石能源非常丰富,没有必要消耗那么多人力物力开发新能源B.风能和水能都是可再生资源C.能量在转移或者转化过程中是守恒的,我们没有必要节约能源D.给电动自行车充电是把机械能转化为电能15.中国的饮食文化源远流长,古代就有“酒香不怕巷子深〞的说法,随着舌尖上的中国Ⅱ的热播,各地的名吃吸引着众多的食客,特别是的腊肉、香肠受到人们的青睐,的火锅更是以麻、辣、鲜、香吸引着众多食客,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.在较远的地方就能闻到火锅味,说明温度越高分子运动越剧烈B.腌制腊肉需要一段时间是,说明固体之间的扩散没有气体之间的扩散快C.灌制好香肠后,要晾在通风的地方,是为了防止水分蒸发D.往火锅里参加食材,食材温度升高,这是通过热传递改变了食材的内能16.以下说法中正确的选项是〔〕A.一桶水的比热容比一杯水的比热容大B.同一种煤,没有完全燃烧和完全燃烧放出的热量不同,那么这两种情况下热值不一样C.甲和乙的质量和初温都一样,吸收了一样的热量后,比热容小的末温高D.内燃机的飞轮一分钟转600转,那么它1秒钟做功5次三、解答题〔一共4小题,总分值是20分〕×107J/m3〕〔1〕水吸收的热量;〔2〕这些热量相当于完全燃烧多少他所做出的热量.×103J的热量后,温度升高50℃,那么该金属球的比热容是多少?查表可知这种金属可能是什么物质?几种物质的比热容[J/〔kg•℃〕]砂石铝钢铁水银铜铅×103×103×103×103×103×103×103×107J/kg.求:〔1〕10台热水器装满水时,温度从15℃升高到65℃吸收了多少热量?〔2〕假设这些热量由完全燃烧的天然气提供,需要多少千克天然气?×107J/kg的汽油作燃料,发动机的效率为20%,油箱装油50kg,使用这些汽油可通过100km的路程,那么汽车的平均速度是多少?四、解答题〔一共5小题,总分值是40分〕21.如下列图,甲、乙、丙三图中的装置完全一样.燃料的质量都是10g,烧杯内的液体质量也一样.〔1〕比较不同燃料的热值,应选择两图进展实验;比较不同物质的比热容,应选择两图进展实验;×103J/〔kg•℃〕,读作它的物理含义是;×107J/kg,完全燃烧10g酒精放出的热量为J.22.为了比较水和煤油的吸热才能,小明设计了如下实验步骤:A.在两个同样的烧杯中,分别装入等体积的水和煤油;B.用两支温度计分别测出水和煤油的初温;C.在烧杯中,分别放人功率一样的电热器,加热时间是一样;D.用温度计分别测出水和煤油的末温.小聪认为:〔1〕步骤A存在的错误是:,应改为;〔2〕步骤C,加热时间是一样是为了使水和煤油.〔3〕步骤B和D是为了得出水和煤油的.23.小王同学学习了燃料的热值后,自己设计一个实验来探究煤油和蓖麻油的热值大小关系.他实验时组装了如下列图的装置,并每隔1min记录了烧杯中水的温度,两种燃料燃烧完后,甲杯中的水温由25℃升高到44℃,乙杯中水的温度从25℃升高到34℃.加热的时间是0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/min甲杯水温/℃25 27 29 32 34 36 38 40 42 44乙杯水温/℃25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 34〔1〕为了保证实验结论的可靠,这个同学在实验时应控制两套装置中一样的量.〔2〕通过上面记录的数据,你认为煤油和蓖麻油两种燃料中,热值较大的是.〔3〕这个同学实验前用天平测出了烧杯中水的质量,并记录的数据利用公式Q=cm△t计算出水吸收的热量.他想通过这些数据计算出煤油和蓖麻油的热值,你认为他的计算结果可靠吗?,为什么?.24.如图甲,在“探究不同物质吸热才能〞的实验中:〔1〕在两个一样的烧杯中参加初温一样、一样的水和食用油〔ρ水>ρ食用油〕.并选用一样电加热器加热,选用一样电加热器的目的是.〔2〕水和食用油温度随时间是变化的图象如图乙所示.①根据图甲可判断出a物质是〔选填“水〞或者“食用油〞〕.②根据图乙可判断出〔选填“水〞或者“食用油〞〕吸热才能强.〔3〕本实验采用的物理研究方法有〔写出一种〕法.25.为了探究物质吸收热量与哪些因素有关,某实验小组同学用一样的酒精灯分别加热质量和初温都一样的液体,实验过程及观察到的现象如下列图.设加热时液体每分钟吸收的热量相等.请根据实验现象及相关条件归纳得出初步结论.①分析比较图中〔a〕与〔b〕与〔c〕可得出的初步结论是:.②分析比较图中〔c〕与〔d〕可得出的初步结论是:.二零二零—二零二壹余干县九年级〔上〕第一次大联考物理试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空题〔一共10小题,每一小题2分,总分值是20分〕1.进入刚装修完的房屋,我们常常会闻到一种刺鼻的气味,这气味主要来自装修材料中的甲醛,这种对人体有害的化学物质.这说明甲醛分子在永不停息的做无规那么运动,这种运动会随气温的升高而加剧〔选填:“加剧〞或者“减缓〞〕.【考点】扩散现象.【分析】要解答此题需掌握:一切物质的分子都在永不停息的做无规那么运动,即扩散,温度越高,分子运动越剧烈.【解答】解:因为一切物质的分子都在永不停息的做无规那么运动,故进入刚装修的房间,就会闻到甲醒的气味,这种运动会随气温的升高而加剧,所以要选用环保材料装饰房间.故答案为:永不停息的做无规那么;加剧.2.夏天,金山城沙滩上的沙子温度会升的很高,这是通过热传递的方式改变其内能的,而海水的温度却不高,主要是由于海水的比热容较大的缘故.海堤边到了四月春暖花香,这是由于分子在不停地做无规那么运动造成的.【考点】热传递改变物体内能;水的比热容的特点及应用;扩散现象.【分析】〔1〕改变物体内能的方式有两种:做功和热传递;〔2〕单位质量的某种物质温度升高〔或者降低〕1℃吸收〔或者放出〕的热量为该物质的比热容,水的比热容大,一样质量的水和其它物质比较,升高或者降低一样的温度,水吸收或者放出的热量多;〔3〕扩散现象说明分子在永不停息地做无规那么运动.【解答】解:〔1〕沙滩在太阳光的照射下,温度升高、内能增大,这是通过热传递方式改变内能的;〔2〕海水和沙子同样吸热,由于水的比热容大,水的温度变化小,使得海水的温度不高;〔3〕由于花分子在空气中进展不停地无规那么运动,向外扩散,在远处闻到花香.故答案为:热传递;大;无规那么.3.用凉水冷却滚烫的鸡蛋,鸡蛋内能是通过热传递的方式改变的.假设水的质量是1kg,初温为20℃,鸡蛋取出时水温为30℃,水吸收的热量为×104J.[c水×l03J/〔kg•℃〕].【考点】热传递改变物体内能;热量的计算.【分析】〔1〕改变物体内能有两种方法,一是做功,二是热传递,做功是能量的转化,而热传递是能量的转移;〔2〕水的比热容、质量和升高的温度,可利用公式Q=cm△t计算水吸收的热量;【解答】解:〔1〕鸡蛋在水中放出热量,内能减少、温度降低,是通过热传递的方式改变内能的;〔2〕水吸收的热量:Q=cm△×l03J/〔kg•℃〕×1kg××104J;×104;4.用木炭烤鸡翅,鸡翅香味四溢说明分子永不停息地做无规那么运动;烤鸡翅是通过热传递的方式改变鸡翅的内能.【考点】分子动理论的根本观点.【分析】要解答此题需掌握:〔1〕一切物质的分子都在永不停息的做无规那么运动,这种现象是扩散现象.〔2〕改变物体内能的方式有两种:做功和热传递.【解答】解:用木炭烤鸡翅,鸡翅香味四溢,是分子永不停息地做无规那么运动的结果,属于扩散现象.烤鸡翅时是通过高温的木炭向低温的鸡翅直接传递内能,属于热传递;故答案为:分子永不停息地做无规那么运动;热传递.5.“钻木〞能“取火〞,说明做功可以改变物体的内能;“烤火〞能“取暖〞,说明热传递可以改变物体的内能.【考点】做功改变物体内能;热传递改变物体内能.【分析】改变物体内能有两种方式:做功和热传递.做功主要有摩擦生热和压缩气体做功,做功本质是能量的转化,热传递本质是内能从一个物体转移到另一个物体,或者者是从一个物体的高温局部传到低温局部,有传导、对流和辐射三种方式.【解答】解:钻木取火,是克制摩擦做功,使木头的内能增加、温度升高,到达木头的着火点而燃烧,属于做功改变物体的内能;“烤火〞能“取暖〞,是手从火吸收热量,使自己温度升高、内能增加,属于热传递改变物体的内能.故答案为:做功;热传递.6.四冲程内燃机的工作过程由“吸气〞、“压缩〞、“做功〞、“排气〞四个冲程组成,如图为内燃机压缩冲程的工作示意图,该冲程进气门和排气门关闭,活塞向上运动,将机械能转为内能.【考点】内燃机的四个冲程.【分析】〔1〕在内燃机的四个冲程中,进气门和排气门均关闭的只有压缩冲程和做功冲程,而在压缩冲程中活塞向上运动,做功冲程中活塞向下运动;一个气门翻开,另一个气门关闭的是吸气冲程和排气冲程,而在吸气冲程中活塞向下运动,排气冲程中活塞向上运动,据此分析判断;〔2〕四冲程内燃机工作时,内能转化为机械能的是做功冲程,机械能转化为内能的是压缩冲程.【解答】解:由图可知,气缸的两个气阀都关闭,活塞向上运动,是压缩冲程;四冲程内燃机工作时,内能转化为机械能的是做功冲程,机械能转化为内能的是压缩冲程.故答案为:压缩;内.7.随着经济的开展,汽车已进入了普通百姓的家庭.在挑选汽车时,发动机〔汽油机〕效率的上下是区分汽车优劣的重要指标之一.有经历的司机可以通过闻尾气的气味做出初步的判断.输出功率一样时,汽油味越淡,汽车发动机效率越高,原因是燃料燃烧充分、效率高.【考点】热机的效率.【分析】热机效率是指用来做有用功的能量与燃料完全燃烧放出的热量之比.汽油味越淡,说明燃烧的越充分,同样多的汽油〔总能量一样〕,燃烧放出的热量越多,转化成的有用功越多,根据效率公式分析判断.【解答】解:输出功率一样的汽车,燃烧一样的汽油〔消耗的总能量一样〕,汽油味越淡,说明燃烧的越充分,燃烧放出的热量越多,转化成的有用功越多,使得发动机的效率越高.故答案为:高,燃料燃烧充分、效率高.×106J,这些能量相当于完全燃烧0.55kg的干木柴才能得到.那么干木柴的热值为×107J/Kg,假设用掉一半后,干木柴的热值将不变.〔选填“变大〞“变小〞或者“不变〞〕【考点】燃料的热值.【分析】〔1〕因为干木柴完全燃烧放出的热量等于身体消耗的能量,知道完全燃烧干木柴的质量,可以利用公式Q放=mq求干木柴的热值;〔2〕热值是燃料的特性,其大小与燃料的种类有关,而与燃料的质量无关.【解答】解:〔1〕由Q放=mq可得,q==×107J/kg;×107J/kg.×107;不变.9.电熨斗通电后,热了起来,这里的“热〞是指温度;今天天气很热,这里的“热〞是指温度;物体吸热,温度升高,这里的“热〞是指热量.〔填“温度〞、“内能〞或者“热量〞〕【考点】温度、热量与内能的关系.【分析】根据内能、温度、热量的概念填写上.内能是指物体内部所有分子做无规那么运动所具有的动能和分子势能的总和;温度指物体的冷热程度;热量是指在热传递或者做功的过程中,内能改变的多少.【解答】解:电熨斗通电后,热了起来和今天天气很热,反映了物体的冷热程度,所以这个“热〞指温度;物体吸热,温度升高,是指在热传递过程中吸收的热量,故“热〞指热量.故答案为:温度;温度;热量.10.汽油机和柴油机在构造上相比,汽油机顶部有一个火花塞,柴油机顶部有一个喷油嘴,汽油机和柴油机的点火方式不同〔选填“一样〞或者“不同〞〕.【考点】热机.【分析】汽油机和柴油机的异同点:①汽油机和柴油机构造不同之一:汽油机有火花塞,柴油机有喷油嘴;②汽油机采用点燃式,柴油机采用压燃式;③柴油机比汽油机的效率高,但不如汽油机轻便;④工作过程中,汽油机吸入的是空气和汽油的混合物,柴油机吸入的是空气.【解答】解:汽油机和柴油机在构造上相比,汽油机的气缸顶部是火花塞,柴油机的气缸顶部是一个喷油嘴,汽油机采用点燃式,柴油机采用压燃式.故答案为:火花塞;不同.二、选择题〔一共6小题,每一小题3分,总分值是20分〕11.以下现象中不能用分子热运动观点解释的是〔〕A.酒香不怕巷子深B.把蔬菜用盐腌成咸菜C.衣橱里的樟脑丸逐渐变小D.沙尘暴时,尘土满天【考点】分子动理论的根本观点.【分析】分子动理论包括以下方面的内容:1、分子之间存在空隙.2、分子在永不停息地做无规那么运动.3、分子之间存在引力和斥力.【解答】解:A、因为酒分子的运动使香气四溢,在较远处也能闻到,故可以由分子的无规那么运动解释,故A不符合题意;B、把蔬菜用盐腌成咸菜是因为盐分子扩散造成的,可用分子动理论解释,故B不符合题意;C、樟脑球由于分子的运动,外层分子渐渐扩散到空中那么使体积减小,故可以由分子的无规那么运动解释,故C不符合题意;D、尘士虽小,但仍是由很多分子组成的固体小颗粒,故无法用分子动理论解释,故D符合题意;应选D.12.关于物体的内能,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.温度为0℃的物体的内能为零B.温度高的物体比温度低的物体内能多C.温度一样的两块铁,它们具有的内能一样D.温度和质量都一样的两杯水具有的内能一样【考点】温度、热量与内能的关系.【分析】内能是物体内部所有分子由于热运动而具有的动能和分子之间势能的总和,它是能量中的一种形式.内能与物体的质量、温度和状态有关.【解答】解:A、一切物体都有内能,温度为0℃的物体的内能也不为零,故A错误.B、内能的大小不仅与温度有关,还与质量和状态有关,所以温度高的物体不一定比温度低的物体内能多,故B错误.C、温度一样的两块铁,由于质量未知,所以它们具有的内能不一定一样,故C错误;D、内能与物体的质量、温度和状态有关,温度和质量都一样的两杯水具有的内能一样,故D正确.应选D.13.HY福岛核电站由于地震引发核泄漏,对人和其他生物造成极大的危害.以下有关核能的说法中,正确的选项是〔〕A.核电站发电是将核能直接转化成电能B.核能和太阳能一样,属于清洁能源C.为理解决能源危机,虽然核辐射有危害性,但也要在全国大范围建造核电站D.在不可再生能源日趋珍贵时,适度开展核电是人类的一种选择【考点】核能.【分析】①清洁能源是不排放污染物的能源,包括核能和可再生能源,可再生能源是指原材料可以再生的能源,如水力发电、风力发电、太阳能、生物能〔沼气〕、海潮能等.②核能虽然属于清洁能源,但消耗铀燃料,不是可再生能源,HY较高,而且几乎所有的国家,包括技术和管理最先进的国家,都不能保证核电站的绝对平安.③核能发电是利用铀原子核裂变时放出的核能来加热水,用产生的高温、高压蒸汽作为动力,推动蒸汽涡轮机转动,从而带动发电机发电的.【解答】解:A、核能发电的能量传递和转化过程是:核能→水和蒸汽的内能→发电机转子的机械能→电能.故A错误.B、清洁能源是不排放污染物的能源,包括核能和可再生能源,太阳能是可再生能源,所以核能和太阳能都是清洁能源.故B正确;C、几乎所有的国家,包括技术和管理最先进的国家,都不能保证核电站的绝对平安,时刻预防核泄漏事故的发生.故C错误.D、在不可再生能源日趋珍贵时,适度开展核电可以解决能源危机,是人类的一种选择,故D正确.应选:BD.14.关于能源和能量转化,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.我国的化石能源非常丰富,没有必要消耗那么多人力物力开发新能源B.风能和水能都是可再生资源C.能量在转移或者转化过程中是守恒的,我们没有必要节约能源D.给电动自行车充电是把机械能转化为电能【考点】能源与人类生存和社会开展的关系;能量的转化和转移;能源的分类.【分析】〔1〕要学会节约能源;〔2〕可以短时间是内从自然界得到补充的是可再生能源;〔3〕在能量的转化或者转称过程中,能量的总量是守恒的.〔4〕电动自行车的电池充电是电能转化为化学能.【解答】解:A、我国的化石能源非常丰富,但也有用完的时候,所以平时应节约能源,故A错误;B、太阳能、风能、水能可以从自然界源源不断的得到补充,因此是可再生能源,故B正确;C、能量的转化过程中是守恒的,但有些能源不能被人们所利用,因此能源并不是“取之不尽,用之不竭〞的,故C错误;D、给电动自行车的电池充电是电能转化为化学能,故D错误.应选:B.15.中国的饮食文化源远流长,古代就有“酒香不怕巷子深〞的说法,随着舌尖上的中国Ⅱ的热播,各地的名吃吸引着众多的食客,特别是的腊肉、香肠受到人们的青睐,的火锅更是以麻、辣、鲜、香吸引着众多食客,以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.在较远的地方就能闻到火锅味,说明温度越高分子运动越剧烈B.腌制腊肉需要一段时间是,说明固体之间的扩散没有气体之间的扩散快C.灌制好香肠后,要晾在通风的地方,是为了防止水分蒸发D.往火锅里参加食材,食材温度升高,这是通过热传递改变了食材的内能【考点】分子的热运动;影响蒸发快慢的因素;热传递改变物体内能.【分析】〔1〕根据分子的性质进展分析,分子在不断的运动;温度升高,分子运动速度加快,所以分子动能会变大,同一物体,温度越高,内能越大;温度越低,内能越小;〔2〕物质由液态变为气态叫汽化;汽化分蒸发和沸腾两种形式;影响蒸发快慢的因素有:液体温度、外表积、液体外表的空气流动快慢.【解答】解:A、在较远的地方就能闻到火锅味,说明分子在不断的做无规那么运动,故A错误;B、在腌制腊肉需要一段时间是,说明固体之间的扩散没有气体之间的扩散快,故B正确;C、灌制好香肠后,要晾在通风的地方,是为了加快水分的蒸发,故C错误;D、往火锅里参加食材,食材温度升高,内能会增加,故D正确.应选:BD.16.以下说法中正确的选项是〔〕A.一桶水的比热容比一杯水的比热容大B.同一种煤,没有完全燃烧和完全燃烧放出的热量不同,那么这两种情况下热值不一样C.甲和乙的质量和初温都一样,吸收了一样的热量后,比热容小的末温高D.内燃机的飞轮一分钟转600转,那么它1秒钟做功5次【考点】比热容的概念;燃料的热值;内燃机的四个冲程.【分析】〔1〕比热容是物质的一种属性,同一物质的比热容相等,不同物质的比热容不同;〔2〕热值是物质本身的一种属性;〔3〕根据公式Q=cm△t分析;〔4〕汽油机一个工作循环飞轮转2圈,对外做功一次.【解答】解:A、比热容是物质的一种属性,与质量无关,一桶水的比热容比一杯水的比热容一样,故A错误;B、热值的大小与燃料的燃烧情况无关,故B错误;C、由公式Q=cm△t可知:甲和乙的质量和初温都一样,吸收了一样的热量后,末温越高的,比热容越小,故C正确;D、飞轮每分钟转600转,那么这台汽油机每秒钟内飞轮转动10圈,对外做功5次,故D正确.应选:CD.三、解答题〔一共4小题,总分值是20分〕×107J/m3〕〔1〕水吸收的热量;〔2〕这些热量相当于完全燃烧多少他所做出的热量.【考点】太阳能热水器中的热量计算.。

工作证明格式范文英语English Answer:Proof of Work.Proof of Work (PoW) is a distributed consensus mechanism that is used to verify transactions on a blockchain network. It requires miners to solve complex mathematical problems in order to add new blocks to the blockchain. The first miner to solve the problem receives a block reward, which is a payment in the form of cryptocurrency.PoW is a very energy-intensive process, and it has been criticized for its environmental impact. However, it is also a very secure mechanism, and it is considered to be one of the most reliable ways to verify transactions on a blockchain network.How does Proof of Work work?PoW works by requiring miners to solve a cryptographic puzzle. The puzzle is designed to be difficult to solve, but it is not impossible. Miners use specialized hardware to solve the puzzle, and the first miner to solve it receives a block reward.The block reward is a payment in the form of cryptocurrency. The amount of the block reward varies depending on the blockchain network.Once a miner has solved the puzzle, they add a new block to the blockchain. The block contains a list of all the transactions that have been verified by the miner.The blockchain is a distributed ledger that records all of the transactions that have been made on a blockchain network. The blockchain is constantly growing, and it is very difficult to alter or tamper with.Why is Proof of Work important?PoW is important because it is a secure and reliable way to verify transactions on a blockchain network. PoW also helps to decentralize the blockchain network, which makes it more resistant to censorship and fraud.What are the advantages of Proof of Work?Security: PoW is a very secure mechanism. It is very difficult for an attacker to alter or tamper with the blockchain.Decentralization: PoW helps to decentralize the blockchain network. This makes the network more resistant to censorship and fraud.Reliability: PoW is a very reliable mechanism. It is considered to be one of the most reliable ways to verify transactions on a blockchain network.What are the disadvantages of Proof of Work?Energy consumption: PoW is a very energy-intensiveprocess. This has led to criticism of PoW's environmental impact.Cost: PoW can be expensive to implement. Miners need to purchase specialized hardware in order to solve the cryptographic puzzle.Scalability: PoW is not very scalable. This means that it can be difficult to process a large number of transactions on a PoW-based blockchain network.Conclusion.PoW is a secure and reliable mechanism for verifying transactions on a blockchain network. However, PoW is also energy-intensive and expensive to implement. As a result, there is a growing interest in alternative consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Stake (PoS).中文回答:工作证明。

在职证明中英文对照模板范文Working in a company requires employees to provide a document verifying their employment status. This document, known as an employment verification letter, is an official correspondence from the employer that confirms the employee's current job status, salary details, and employment history. The purpose of this letter is to help the employee demonstrate their credibility and reliability to a third party, such as a potential landlord, lender, or government agency. A well-written employment verification letter can serve as proof of income and employment, which can be crucial in various situations. 在一个公司工作需要员工提供一个证明他们在职状态的文件。
An employment verification letter typically includes the employee's personal information, the company's contact details, and a description of the employee's job responsibilities. It may also include details such as the employee's job title, the date of hire, the salary orhourly wage, and any bonuses or benefits. The letter should be written on company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company, such as the HR manager or the CEO. It is important for the letter to be accurate, concise, and professional in tone to ensure its credibility and effectiveness. 一封就业证明信通常包含员工的个人信息、公司的联系方式和员工的工作职责描述。

在职证明样本(精选多篇)第一篇:在职证明样本附件1:在职证明参考样本to: visa sectiondear sirs,mr. / ms. xxx (申请人姓名) works in our company from xx.xx.xxxx (现单位入职时间某年某月某日).he/she will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other schengen countries i(请帮助宣传好范文网)n xx.xxxx (出国时间某年某月). all the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and healthinsurance will be covered by himself / herself. he/she will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to schengen countries.namedate of birthpassport-no.positionannual income xxxxxxxxxxgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhome address:your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. best regards,name of the leader(领导人姓名)position of the leader(领导人职位)signature (领导的签名)company’s stamp(公司盖章)tel: xxx-xxxxxxadd: xxxxxxcompany name: xxxxxx注:1. 在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式2. 凡样本中xx的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留xx 在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件1:在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官xxx 先生/女士自x年x月x日(现单位入职时间某年某月某日)在我们公司工作。

70年代工作证明范文英文回答:In the 1970s, obtaining a work permit was crucial for finding employment. It was a time when job opportunities were limited and competition was fierce. To secure a job, one needed to provide a work permit as proof of eligibility. This document was obtained through a formal application process, involving various paperwork and interviews.Back then, the process of obtaining a work permit was quite different from what it is today. Firstly, one had to fill out an application form, providing personal details such as name, address, and contact information. Additionally, one had to provide information about their educational background, work experience, and skills. This was crucial in determining the eligibility for the desired job position.After submitting the application form, the next stepwas an interview. The interview was conducted by a panel of experts who assessed the candidate's suitability for the job. They asked questions about the candidate's qualifications, experience, and their motivation for wanting the job. It was important to showcase one's skills and convince the panel that they were the right fit for the position.Once the interview was successfully completed, the candidate had to wait for the work permit to be issued. This process could take several weeks, during which the candidate had to remain patient and hopeful. Upon receiving the work permit, the candidate could then start applyingfor jobs, confident in their eligibility.中文回答:在70年代,获得工作证明对于找到工作至关重要。
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工作证明英文(精选多篇)第一篇:工作证明英文范本以下是为您提供的工作证明英文范本,需要的朋友请您参考:proof of workit is my unit ( haoword.com) ( id number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify that.name of institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _day period: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( seal)proof of workin 200x years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.xxx computer cityin two, x, x month x dayproof: xx, xx xx month xx day to division i xx company, in the division i division xx, any xx post hereby certify! company xx ( official seal ) xx xx month xx day第二篇:工作证明英文模板working certificatedate: 3/03/2014to: spain embassy, beijing chinawhom it may concernxxx国内公司名称was founded in 2014 with the registered capital of rmb1, 000, 000. we mainly deal with imports & exports of cargo, technology, sales for construction materials (especially marble materials). mr.(ms.) xxxx has been working in our company since 2014. he is the import manager. his yearly salary is rmb 150,000 and his personal income tax has been deducted and paid by our company.for better development in domestic market, mr.(ms.) xxx decided to go to spain to discuss further co-operation with xxx国外公司名称. he will go to spain in march. and the duration will be about 10 days. within the duration, he will visit the quarries and select better quality materials for importing to china. then he will come back to china as the schedule.our company will pay for his trip and costs of living during his stay in spain.please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information! hereby certified!general manager:li si李四(法人代表或总经理名称)xxx国内公司名称.第三篇:工作证明英文模板income certificatethis is hereby to certify xxx (id no.320xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)(姓名,身份证号), she/he has been worked in our company since x, xxxx. (月份,年份)her/his annual income is about rmb xxxxxx yuan,(年薪) including basic salary, year-end bonus and subsidy. all the personal taxes have been deducted by the company.minister: xxx(单位负责人)phone no.:xxxx-xxxxxxxx(单位电话)hereby certify!地址(盖章)日期第四篇:工作证明及英文翻译工作证明兹证明**,男,出生于1964年6月7日,**先生从2014年至今一直在****贸易有限公司工作,担任公司法人代表以及总经理职务。
特此证明单位:签字:职位:电话:日期:statement of workinghere is to certify that **, male,born on jun.7,1964, has been working in **** co.,ltd from 1999 till now as the legal representative and general manager of the company.founded in 1999, **** co.,ltd is a foreign trade company with importingand exporting management right. mainly, the company wholesales clothing,clothing materials, accessories and(本站向你推荐) textile. there is a group of professional marketing competent staff who are proficient in foreign trade business with abundant experience and have the spirit of making innovations; the company has a scientific management system and upgoing enterprise culture. till now, the customers of our company cover more than fifty states and nations, formed a strong marketing net, fine service system and stable trade relations. the company abides by the constitution,laws,regulations and relevant policy, it pursues the tenet of people foremost,managing with integrity, meets the needs of clients rapidly and effectively.during its managing process, it values the formation of social general mood and morality, and was highly praised by its counterparts.the main duty of mr. ** is :being in charge of the management of the company’s production and operation, an organizing the implementation of shareholders’committee; organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company; preparing the plan for the structure of the company’s internal management; preparing the basic management scheme of the company.formulating detailed company rules;recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy general manager and the officer in charge of finance;appointing and removing officers of the company other than those to be appointed orremoved by the shareholders’committee; other powers granted by the articles of association of the company and the shareholders’committee. at work, mr. ** is conscientious and does his best, fulfill his duties, has initiative thoughts and has a sense of responsibility. during the period he works as the general manager of the company, mr. **’s leadership talent has revealed, he is serious at work, he always gives methodical and patient guidance. he analyzes the market supply and demand finely, adjusts relevant strategy, was dedicated in the long-term development of the company and made great contribution to the development of the company.the income of mr. ** when in-service is,his individual income tax has been withheld by the company.unit:**** co.,ltdsignature:post:tel:address:date:第五篇:会计工作证明英文会计工作证明英文如果是国有企业做会计的话,大多不太注重英语证书,只要你有上岗证就ok了。