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Consulting Service Agreement

本咨询服务协议(以下简称“协议”)于________年__月__日, 在______由下列双方当事人签署:

This Consulting Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on [DATE] in ______by and between:

(以下简称“甲方”),一家依中华人民共和国法律正式设立和存续的有限责任公司,其法定住所为:_____________________________ ___________________________

_______________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”, a limited liability company duly established and existing under the law of the People’s Republic of China with its legal address at _____________________________ ___________________________

与 And


Star Farm Consulting & Co. Ltd. Hefei Branch (hereinafter referred to as the “Party B”, a limited liability company duly established and existing under the law of the People’s Republic of China with its legal address at Room 1912 Fortune Plaza, No.278 Suixi Rd., Hefei, Anhui Province, China


WHEREAS, this agreement stipulates the term and conditions for the consultancy service offered by Party B to Party A in order to provide Party A the agricultural production of safety, high quality and traceability. According to the standard of Global GAP and advanced management method, Party B shall assist Party A in the field of factory facilities, production process, package, logistic and market.

WHEREAS Party B desires to aid Party A by performing such services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) in the capacity of an independent contractor and not as an employee of Party B.


Service and Technical Instruction

1. 甲方义务:

Responsibilities of Party A

(1) 甲方应提供所有乙方建立和更新网站所需的真实信息给乙方(每批次产品的生长全

程控制资料,农户资料,所用农药及饲料状况,产品发货量及价格等)。具体信息可参考网站 。

Party A shall provide all its business and production information to Party B to be used in the Party B’s website. The information includes the complete growth control of the product; company’s register information; pesticide and feed;

delivery quantity and price, etc. The reference of the information can be obtained from .

(2) 产品在进入麦德龙市场,甲方须联合使用甲方" "品牌和乙方”麦咨

达”商标; 在同一销售市场, 只带有甲方商标的产品不得与带有甲乙方商标或标志的同类或相似产品同时出现.

Party A shall obligate himself to use the “Star Farm” trade mark and its own trade mark when supplying its products to METRO. Party A shall not sell any products same or similar to the products bearing the trade mark of “Star Farm” in the same market where the products under this Agreement are sold.

(3) 未经过麦咨达允许不能使用麦咨达商标和包装设计。

It is forbidden to use “Star F arm”trade mark and package design without authorization from Party B.

(4) 未经乙方同意,甲方不得在本协议规定的范围之外使用“麦咨达”标志的商品.

Party A shall not use the trade mark, i.e. “Star Farm”beyond the scope as provided under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Party B.

(5) 甲方应在与乙方合作的过程中任命一名专业人员为质量经理,质量经理应作为乙方


Party A shall designate one skilled person as the Quality Manager during the technical instruction. This Quality Manager will be the contact person for Party B, and carrying out the work advised by Party B; The Quality Manager of Party B shall help the Quality Manager of Party A to instruct their quality job.

(6) 乙方定期对甲方质量管理体系进行审核,并按照需要给与进一步的培训, 每年审核


Party B shall make the auditing of the quality management system of Party A two or three times a year. Party B shall give training to Party A according to the requirements.

(7) 甲方有义务提供乙方技术指导人员伙食和差旅费(包括飞机票,火车票,住宿)

Party A shall provide the Party B’s instructor ‘s food and accommodation and transportation ticket.


See attachment about the specific standard (the last page)


Party B’s instructors’ working time shall not be over 8 hours during working days, exclusive of weekend.

2. 乙方义务:

Responsibilities of Party B


Party B shall deliver to Party A the consulting service including product source, GAP production, process, packing, and logistic;

(2) 乙方依据Global GAP 标准对甲方进行安全、质量与可追溯方面的指导;

According to Global GAP standard, Party B shall guide Party A from product
