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function varargout = jiemian(varargin) %返回从函数jiemian.m中得到的参数中变量的数目;传递一个参数中变量的数目给函数jiemian.m。

% JIEMIAN Application M-file for jiemian.fig

% FIG = JIEMIAN launch jiemian GUI.

% JIEMIAN('callback_name', ...) invoke the named callback.

% Last Modified by shijiawei v2.5 24-May-2014 02:45:18

if nargin == 0 % LAUNCH GUI %nargin 显示输入变量

fig = openfig(mfilename,'reuse'); %打开包含在FIG文件filename.fig中的图形,确保它是可见的并且完全定位在屏幕上。

% Generate a structure of handles to pass to callbacks, and store it.

handles = guihandles(fig); %返回一个结构,它包含图像中对象的句柄

guidata(fig, handles); %将变量handles存储到fig文件中

if nargout > 0 %如果输出变量大于0

varargout{1} = fig; %返回fig


elseif ischar(varargin{1}) % INVOKE NAMED SUBFUNCTION OR CALLBACK %如果varargin{1}是一个字符数组则返回逻辑真(1),否则返回逻辑假(0)。


if (nargout) %显示用户提供的输出变量的个数

[varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:}); % FEVAL switchyard %varargout传递参数中的变量数目else

feval(varargin{:}); % FEVAL switchyard %**feval函数的求值


catch %如果出错开始执行catch块

disp(lasterr); %%%% lasterr函数查询出错原因。如果函数lasterr的运行结果为一个空串,则表明组命令1被成功执行了

%%%% disp 显示矩阵和文字内容




%| GUIDE automatically appends subfunction prototypes to this file, and

%| sets objects' callback properties to call them through the FEVAL

%| switchyard above. This comment describes that mechanism.


%| Each callback subfunction declaration has the following form:



%| The subfunction name is composed using the object's Tag and the

%| callback type separated by '_', e.g. 'slider2_Callback',

%| 'figure1_CloseRequestFcn', 'axis1_ButtondownFcn'.


%| H is the callback object's handle (obtained using GCBO).


%| EVENTDATA is empty, but reserved for future use.


%| HANDLES is a structure containing handles of components in GUI using

%| tags as fieldnames, e.g. handles.figure1, handles.slider2. This

%| structure is created at GUI startup using GUIHANDLES and stored in

%| the figure's application data using GUIDATA. A copy of the structure

%| is passed to each callback. You can store additional information in

%| this structure at GUI startup, and you can change the structure

%| during callbacks. Call guidata(h, handles) after changing your

%| copy to replace the stored original so that subsequent callbacks see

%| the updates. Type "help guihandles" and "help guidata" for more

%| information.


%| VARARGIN contains any extra arguments you have passed to the

%| callback. Specify the extra arguments by editing the callback

%| property in the inspector. By default, GUIDE sets the property to:

%| ('', gcbo, [], guidata(gcbo))

%| Add any extra arguments after the last argument, before the final

%| closing parenthesis.

% --------------------------------------------------------------------

function varargout = LoadPush_Callback(h, eventdata, handles, varargin)%回调函数%返回从函数()中得到的参数中变量的数目。

global im_original im_noised im_filtered%global:定义全局变量%原始图像,噪声图像,去噪图像

[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.bmp;*.pgm;*.tif;*.jpg;*.*', 'Load input image');%读取文件

if isequal(filename,0) | isequal(pathname,0) %确定数组是否数值相等,如果输入数组具有相同的维数、相同的类型并且具有相同的内容则返回逻辑真(1),否则返回逻辑假(0)。

disp('User pressed cancel')%disp:显示


disp(['User selected ', fullfile(pathname, filename)]) %显示用户选项,显示路径名称和文件文件end

im_original=imread(filename); %从图形文件中读取图像。


set(handles.Out_image,'HandleVisibility','OFF'); %注释掉影响不大


set(handles.Or_image,'HandleVisibility','ON'); %注释掉影响不大axes(handles.Or_image); %设置现有轴handles.Or_image为当前轴。

imshow(im_original); %显示原始图像

colormap(gray(256)); %将当前的颜色图设置为256灰度

axis equal;%让图像的大小与框架吻合

axis tight;%同上

axis off;%把数轴关掉
