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Journal of Services Marketing International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of marketing
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Harvard business review
Journal of Health care marketing
Journal of marketing management
Quarterly Journal of Economics (经济学季刊杂志)101.4 119.6 1.5 Journal of Economic Literature (经济学文献杂志)80.6 88.6 2.7 American Economic Review(美国经济评论不包括美国经济评论会议论文)77.9 92.8 1.7
Journal of Political Economy(政治经济学杂志)68.6 74.8 1.0 Review of Economic Studies (经济研究评论)66.0 67.4 1.3
Journal of Monetary Economics(货币经济学杂志)47.3 59.9 1.8 Journal of Economic Theory (经济学理论杂志)35.3 27.1 0.7 Games and Economic Behavior (博弈与经济行为)33.4 26.0 1.1 Journal of Economics Perspectives (经济学展望杂志)31.8 34.6 0.9 上面是前10
Journal of Econometrics (计量经济学杂志)21.7 15.6 1.2
Rand Journal of Economics 20.6 16.4 0.8
Economic Theory 18.7 16.9 1.0
Journal of Labor Economics 17.8 17.5 0.8
Journal of Human Resources 17.4 16.2 0.8
Journal of Public Economics 16.7 16.8 1.0
Review of Economics and Statistics 16.7 17.1 0.9
Econometric Theory 16.5 10.1 0.7
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16.2 17.2 0.7
International Economic Review(国际经济学评论)16.0 15.3 0.9
Journal of Financial Economics 15.4 13.3 1.1
Journal of Business and Ec. Statistics 15.2 12.3 0.4
AER Papers and Proceedings (美国经济评论会议论文)14.0 14.9 0.4 Journal of Applied Econometrics 13.3 12.1 1.5
European Economic Review 13.3 14.2 1.0
International Journal of Game Theory 13.2 10.6 0.4
Social Choice and Welfare 12.8 7.7 1.0
J. of Environmental Ecs.and Management 12.5 9.9 0.7
Economic Journal 12.2 12.6 0.8
Journal of International Economics 11.7 18.2 1.5
Journal of Ec. Dynamics and Control 10.8 10.0 1.0
Journal of Mathematical Economics 10.3 6.2 0.8
Economic Inquiry 6.3 7.2 0.7
Journal of Ec. Behavior and Organization(经济行为与组织杂志)5.3 4.9 0.9
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 4.3 4.4 0.5
Economics Letters 3.2 2.8 0.5
Oxford Bulletin of Ecs.and Statistics 2.7 2.2 1.0
American Economic Review 美国经济评论美1 0002-8282 馆藏信息The Journal of Industrial Economics 工业经济学杂志美79 0022-1821 馆藏信息
The Economist 经济学家英2 0013-0613 馆藏信息
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 经济学季刊美5 0033-5533 馆藏信息
Journal of Economic Literature 经济文献杂志美6 0022-0515 Academy of management journal 管理学会杂志美7
Harvard Business Review
哈佛商业评论美9 0017-8012
Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志美21
Brookings papers on economic activity 布鲁金斯经济活动论文集美23
Journal of Marketing 市场营销杂志美12 0022-2429
The Journal of Economic Perspectives 经济展望杂志美15 0895-3309 The Review of Economic Studies 经济研究评论英16 0034-6527 Journal of Marketing Research 市场营销杂志研究美17 0022-2437 Journal of Business 商业杂志美27 0021-9398
International economic review 国际经济评论美49 馆藏信息European Economic Review 欧洲经济评论荷40 0014-2921 Industrial Relations 劳资关系美52 0019-8676
Business Week 商业周刊美56 0007-7135 馆藏信息
Journal of Labour Economics 劳动经济学杂志美58
Oxford Economic Papers 牛津经济论文集英78 0030-7653 馆藏信息Journal of Advertising Research 广告研究杂志美81 0021-8499 Games and Economic Behavior 对策与经济行为美93 0899-8256 Journal of Retailing 零售杂志美99 0022-4359
British Journal of Industrial Relations 英国劳资关系杂志英107 0007-1080
International Journal of Industry Organization 国际产业组织杂志荷117
International Journal of Game Theory 国际博弈论杂志德119 0020-7276
International Journal of Service Industry Management 国际服务行业管理杂志英142 0956-4233
Journal of environmental economics & management 环境经济学与环境管理杂志美44
Rand journal of economics 兰德经济学杂志美35 馆藏信息Journal of Regulatory Economics 管制经济学杂志美99 0922-680X 馆藏信息
Journal of Law and Economics 法律与经济学杂志美
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 法律、经济学与组织杂志美馆藏信息
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy) 经济学与管理策略杂志美馆藏信息
Review of Industrial Organization 产业组织学评论美馆藏信息
SSRN Industrial organization and Regulation Abstracts SSRN产业组织与规制文献美。
