英语泛读教程2 词汇

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requited- rewarded

prospects- chances of future success stationed- working

on the side- as a secondary occupation welled up- rose like water

veteran- experienced

wilted- less than fresh

limelight- full of daylight

exhilarating- delighting and exciting corroded- rusted


ethics- the study of moral issues assesses- evaluates

overlapping- covering in part conceiving- conceptualizing transcend- go beyong

undermines- weakens

sanctioning- approving

orchestrated- coodinated encompasses- includes

intensifying- incresing


diverted- sidetracked

stacked- piled

impacts- influences

insulate- protect

casual- chance

demolition- destruction

fad- fashion

discard- throw away

garbage- trash

viability- practicability

consistently- regularly

hold down- restrain


dilapidated- collapsing

reedy- shrill


genuinely- seriously

commenced- started

admonishing- advising

incongruous- inharmonious

infectious- contagious

festive- joyful

skeletal- skinny

combativeness- aggressiveness

insomina- sleeplessness


drought-lack of rain

downpour- heavy fall of rain

relinquished-gave up

bending- stooping

redundant- not needed

reconvert- change again

churning- agitated

suites- sets of rooms


crabby- irritable


wallowed- indulged himself

combat- fight

scoured- searched

hinged- depended

appreciate- understand

endeavoring- trying

abundance- profusion

sacrificing- giving up

salute- show my respect for

celebrities- famous people

demons- evils

encompass- include


chew out- speak angrily to

took shape- came to be formed

be held at bay- be kept away

ascribe to- attirbute to

wary of- cautious of

stray from- wander away from

meticulous- humorous

inclined to – attracted by

looked- upon- regarded

assign- give

impiles- suggests

obsessed with- preoccupied with

homophone- word pronounced like another word but with a different meaning or spelling

sprinkled- scattered


consequences- results

prone to- likely to suffer

tapped- pressed

perspective- view

synchronizes-causes…to occur at the same time sufficiently- adequately

apathetic- indifferent

mortality- death rate

impaired- weakened

optimally- best possibly

aptly- rightly


imitative- reproducing closely

pasteurized- purified

astronant- one engaged in space flight

antibiotic- antibacterial

linguists- those studying the science of language chortle- gleeful chuckle

knockdown- overwhelming


generate- produce

unleashed- set free

equilibrium- balance

scaled- up – enlarged

meter- measure

dogged- followed


saturated- wet

adherents- believers

repositiory- depository

reversal- about-turn


adores- likes very much

discreet- careful

materialized-became actual fact

frenzy- wild excitement

careered- raced at full speed

posted with- informed with

pursued- went after

not to let it go beyong us three- not to let others know 12.

recuperate- recover from sickness

a torment- an agony
