

英语“四位一体”教学法指出,上课时教师首先要检查上一堂课留下的软作业(soft homework)。
这是一种比warming up更高效的课前准备。
它遵循的是输入型教学模式,关注的是老师put in,take in之后,学生的input,intake效果如何。

1. T arget Language Input (目标语输入过程)2. E ngagement (学习投入过程)3. L earner’s Active Choices(学习者自主选择过程)4. Comprehensible O utput (可理解性输出过程)5. S elective Negative Input (选择性负面信息输入过程)我国师范英语教育专业的改革始于九五年,当时的目标是扭转我国师范英语教育专业长期滞后于国家外语教育发展的情况,改善我国基础教育教师“工作母机”的“产品质量”。

它们关注的问题主要有三个方而: 一是“网恋“的社会心理特征和社会心理过程:二是“网恋“过程中存在的认识误区;三是网络对人类婚姻恋爱方式所造成的影响,以及与传统的婚恋方式相比,“网恋“所存在的优势与不足。
在此基础上,有关研究探讨了通过“网恋”缔结婚姻的可能性和现实性,以及对“网恋” 进行引导和规范的建议和措施。
从方法上看,以往的研究几乎都只是对“网恋''进行左性描述, 在研究的规范性和科学性尚存在诸多不足。

* 本研究受留学基金委“2012年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”的资助。 ① 陈丽为本文通讯作者。
为了教授联通主义,乔治·西蒙斯和斯蒂 芬·唐斯认为应该让学习者尽可能地将自己沉浸在 联通主义的学习环境中[16]。在学习的过程中,不仅 内容是开放的,学习环境也是开放的,因此,每 一个学习者都不局限于某一固定的学习管理系统 或网络教学平台,而是在自己熟悉的环境中(例如 博客、微博、第二人生、论坛、Google小组等)开展 学习,在学习的过程中逐渐建立起这些学习环境之 间的连接。每个学习者都有自己独特的学习空间, 这些空间是他们网络身份构建并与外界互动和建立
2.第一个MOOC“联通主义和连接化知识”的 设计与运行
斯蒂芬·唐斯在其文章《e-Learning分代》[10] 中对第一个MOOC的创建和运行情况进行了介绍。 “联通主义和连接化知识”是马尼托巴大学成人 教育认证(CAE)中的一门课程,该课程与其它网上 课程的不同之处在于在课程设计之初就决定采用 联通主义的思想进行设计。但与此同时,这门课程 又要适应传统的教育机构的正式学习需求,即课程 有明确的开始时间和结束时间,且有较为固定的时 间表,让学生能够注册课程获得学分。当然要获得
因此,很多学习者抱怨内容太多,不知道如 何开始学习。其实这正是联通主义学习理论中强调 的学习者的模式识别能力和创新能力。即联通主义 学习是一种信息网络环境中的复杂学习,在这种学 习中学习者首先必须学会如何选择学习内容。学习 并不意味着记住或者重复内容,而是要求学习者投 入到创建和分享内容的过程中[15]。学习者要建立起 自己的知识背景、经验与学习内容之间的连接。因 为每一个参与者都有各自独特的视角,在课程学习 中,学习者通过与其他参与者之间持续互动而将这 些视角组合起来。

2017年成人高考专升本英语真题及答案第1卷(选择题,共125分)I.Phonetics(5points)Directions:Ineachofthefollowinggroupsofwords,therearefourunderlinedlettersorlettercombinationsma rkedA,B,paretheunderlinedpartsandiden-tifytheonethatisdifferentfromtheothersinpronun1.A.penaltyB.momentC.quarrelD.absentⅡC.wallksD.awalk7.Hepointedatthenewcarandasked,"___isit?Haveyoueverseenitbefore?"A.WhyB.WhereC.WhoD.Whose8.Myfatherasked__tohelpwithhiswork.A.IandTomB.TomandmeC.meandTomD.T omandI9.Nowadayslittleknowledge__tobeadangerousthing.A.seemB.seemedC.doesseemD.doseemckingB.losingC.missingD.dropping15.Notuntilthegamehadbegun__atthesportsground.A.shouldhehavearrivedB.wouldhehavearrivedC.didhearriveD.hadhearrived16.Moviegoersknowthatmanyspecialeffectsarecreatedbycomputers,theyoftendon'tknowisthatthesesc enesstillrequirealotofwork.A.ThatB.WhomC.WhatD.How17.Thepresidentistogiveaformal__attheopeningceremony..ⅢDirections:Foreachblankinthefollowingpassage,therearefourchoicesmarkedA,B0CandD.Choosetheonet hatismostsuitableandmarkyouranswerbyblackeningthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.Whatenablessomepeopletogetbigcreativebreakthroughswhileothersonlygetsmallandnon-creativeb reakdowns,blamingthemselvesandsociety?Aresomepeople"gifted"?Arethereotherfactors21work--fact orsthatwehavemorecontroloverthanwethink?Whilenobodycandenythe22thatsomepeopleseemtobeblessedwithparticularcreativity,researchshowsth atanyonecan23theirchancesofcomingupwithnewandoriginalideas24theywouldonlyengagethemselves moreintheprocessof25.It'stheoldThomasEdisonthingabout"discovery2699percentperspiration(汗水)and1percentinspiration."27,thestudiesprovethis:greatcreativebreakthroughsusuallyhappenonly28intenseperiodsofstruggle.Itiss革新者27.A.SoonerorlaterB.SomedayorotherC.EverynowandthenD.Timeandagain28.A.beyondB.afterC.aboveD.through29.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.as30.A.createB.produceC.inspireD.encourage31.A.tooB.onceC.againD.also32.A.goodB.difficultC.possibleD.stupid33.A.anywhereB.everywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere交流)withsomeoneelse'sopinion,ratherthanbrushtheiropinionaside." Debateskillsarealsoimportantinsellingaproduct,hesays.Inthatsituation,thejudgesarethecustomem."Soo nMonday,forexample,onecompanymaycomeinandpresenttheircasetothecustomerandthey"llmakeasstr ongaeaseastheycan.OnTuesday,thenextday,anothercompanywillcomeinandpresenttheireasetothecust uallythepartythatcanpresentthestrongestcasewins”Debatealsostrengthenscriticalthinking.Inotherwords,ithelpsstudentslearntoaskquestionsandtrytounde rstandsomeone'sreasonsandevidence.lift-.Lebeaupointsoutthatsuccessfuldebaterslearntolistencarefull ytowhatotherpeoplearesaying.Then,theylookfortheweakpointsinsomeoneelse'sopinionorargument.He saysdebateteachesasystematicwayofquestioning. Successfuldebatersalsolearntothinkfromsomeoneelse'spointofview.Mr.LebeausaysdebatecanhelpbroaA.TD.TA.Container.B.Evidence.C.Problem.D.Product.39.Whatcandebatersbenefitfrom"walkinginanotherperson'sshoes".9A.Becomingmorebroad-minded.B.Developingcriticalthinking.C.Findingothers'weakpoints.D.Tryingoutothers'methods.PassageTwoWeallloveahero,andrescuedogsaresomeofthebiggestheroesofall.Youwilloftenfindthemgoingaboveand beyonddutytosavesomeone,risking--andattimeslosing--theirlivesintheprocess. RescuedogsaregenerallyfoundintheSportingandHuntingGroups,orfromthetraditionalHerdingGroup.Th esetypesincludetheBloodhound,LabradorRetriever,Newfoundland,GermanShepherd,GoldenRetriever,a—Eachsearch-and-rescuefieldrequiresdifferenttypesoftraining.Rescuetraining,forinstance,includes"airsce nting"--wheredogsaretrainedtosmelltheairforthevictim'sscent(气味)andthenfollowthescenttotheperson.Thisabilityiscrucialtofindingvictimstrappedundercollapsedbuild ingsandsnowslide.40.Rescuedogsarechosenprobablybecause__A.theyareloyalB.theyarebraveC.theyhaveamazingappearancesD.theyhavegoodeyesight41.Whatdoes"faint-hearted"inParagraph5mean??A.Courageous.B.Cowardly.C.Energetic.D.Slow.49gofrawappleperday.Theremaining7,646wereclassedasnon-appleeaters.Whenbothgroupsansweredq uestionsontripstothedoctorandtripstothedrugstoreperyear,theappleeaterswerefoundtobe27%lesslikel ytovisitthedruggistfordrugs. Tripstothedoctorwerenotsignificantlyaffectedbyappleconsumption,though."Evidencedoesnotsupportt hatanappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway.However,thesmallnumberofUSadultswhoeatanappleadaydoesappeartousefewerprescriptionmedications,"thestudyconcludes. Appleeaterswerealsofoundtobelesslikelytosmokeandbemorelikelytohaveahighereducationalattainmen tthannon-appleeaters.Whileapplesdonotcompetewithoranges,theydocontainsomeimmune(免疫的)system-increasingvitaminC,whichmaybewhyapple-eatersvisitthedruggistless.Withover8mgofvitami nCpermedium-sizedfruit,anapplecanprovideroughly14%yourdailyrecommendedintake.糖尿病A.149.B.7,646.C.753.D.8,399.A.Applesarebetterthanoranges.B.ApplesdohavesomevitaminCtoincreasetheimmunesystem.C.Applescanhelpcurecertaindiseases.D.Applescanprovidepeoplewithsufficientdailyintakeofenergy.47.Whatcanbedescribedasthewritingstyleofthispassage?A.Objective.B.Creative.C.subjectiveD.persuasivePassageFour正直utintotheirwork--abigdifferencebetweentheteacherswholeftaf~thelastbellandthosewhoworkedintothe evening.Andwhenexpectationsareuncoasciorunspoken,itbecomesimpossibleforotherstoliveuptothem. Wealsomakeassumptionsabouttheintentionsbehindaperson'sbehavior.AsweallImam,assumptionsareof tenwrong.Forexample,parentsandteachersmythinktheprincipaltamlparticulardecisionbasedonhiscareer advancementratherthanhat"sbestforthestudeata.don'tfeelpsychologicallysafetoquestionourassumptionsande~aecmtiatm,trustitieaamthewindowandourrelationshipssuffer.48.AccordingtoParagraph1,whydoestheauthorscratchhishead?A.Becausehedoesn'tknowwhattodoonceschoolsareclosed.B.Becauseheisnotsureaboutthepracticabilityofthosenewtests.C.Becauseheisconcernedthatmanyteacherswilllosetheirjobs.B.Theyareoftenbold.C.Theyareoftenincorrect.D.Theyshouldbeencouraged.PassageFive AninterestingprojectcalledBlueZonesisrecordingthelifestylesecretsofthecommunitieswiththehighest,hestconcentrationsofcentenariansintheworld.ThepeopleinthefiveregionsinEurope,LatinAmerica,AsiaandtheUSthatlivetobe100havealotgoingforthe m.Genesprobablyplayasmallrole,butthesefolksalsohavestrongsocialties,tightly-knitfamiliesandlotsofop portunitiestoexercise.AswewereexaminingthedietarysecretsoftheBlueZones,asdescribedinauthorDanBuettner"slatestbook,T痴呆52.Whatdoestheunderlinedword"centenarians"inParagraph1referto?A.Peoplewhohavesecretlifestyles.B.Peoplewhoenjoyphysicalexercise.C.Peoplewhoareonehundredyearsoldorolder.D.Peoplewhocarrythegeneforbeingslim.53.AccordingtoParagraph3,whatistherecommendedtimeforteadrinking?A.Inthemorning.B.Anytimeofaday.C.Intheearlyevening.D.Intheafternoon.54.WhatmaytheteaIkariansdrinkdailyhelp?A.T oimprovemetabolism.B.T olowerbloodpressure.A.TⅤMan:59Woman:Okay.60Man:Thankyou.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共25分)Ⅵ.Writing(25points)Directions:Forthispart,youaresupposedtowriteanessayinEnglishin100-120wordsbasedonthefollowinginformation.Remembertowriteitclearly.61.你(LiYuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。

龙源期刊网 《中国少年儿童英语学习现状及趋势调研白皮书》发布会在京召开作者:来源:《留学》2016年第10期2016年5月12日,由中国青少年研究会,北京市教育学会学科英语教育研究分会团中央未来网,瑞思学科英语联合发布的《中国少年儿童英语学习现状及趋势调研白皮书》在京举行。

中国卫生产业CHINA HEALTHINDUSTRY[基金项目]齐齐哈尔医学院教育科学研究项目(QYJY20190139);黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目(SJGY20170307)。
中药化学是一门结合传统中医药基本理论和临床DOI:10.16659/ki.1672-5654.2020.32.169BOPPPS 教学模式融入课程思政元素在中药化学课程教学中的探索与实践王文豹,郭丽娜,王晓丽,张金玲,董巍齐齐哈尔医学院药学院,黑龙江齐齐哈尔161006[摘要]党的十八大提出把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,明确指出了立德的重要性,因此,课程思政元素的融入与渗透成为新时代高校专业课程建设的根本任务。
BOPPPS 教学模式是一种注重学生全方位参与教学实践和及时获得反馈信息的教学设计模式,被我国各大高校广泛应用于各类课程的教学实践中。
在分析了中药化学课程特点的基础上,结合高校肩负着培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重大使命,提出了在中药化学教学中采用BOPPPS 教学模式融入课程思政元素的方式。
在BOPPPS 教学模式的基础上,将中药化学课程与思想政治教育更好地结合,旨在更有效地发挥该专业课程的育人功能,培养树信念、重责任、强使命的中药学专业人才,弘扬中医药传统文化。
[关键词]BOPPPS ;教学模式;课程思政;中药化学[中图分类号]G642[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-5654(2020)11(b)-0169-03The Exploration and Practice of BOPPPS Teaching Mode into the Curricu⁃lum Ideological and Political Elements in the Teaching of Chinese Medicine ChemistryWANG Wen-bao,GUO Li-na,WANG Xiao-li,ZHANG Jin-ling,DONG WeiSchool of Pharmacy,Qiqihar Medical College,Qiqihar,Heilongjiang Province,161006China[Abstract]The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the fundamental task of establishing morality as the fundamental task of education,and clearly pointed out the importance of morality.Therefore,the integration and penetration of curriculum ideological and political elements has become the fundamental task of professional curriculum construction in colleges and universities in the new era.The BOPPPS teaching mode is a teaching design mode that focuses on students'full participation in teaching practice and timely feedback information.It is widely used in the teaching practice of various courses in major universities in our country.Traditional Chinese Medicine Chemistry is not only an important professional course,but also an important professional basic course.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the Chi⁃nese medicine chemistry course,combined with the major mission of the colleges and universities to cultivate socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetic and labor,it is proposed to adopt BOPPPS teaching in the teaching of Chinese medicine chemistry.The way the model integrates the ideological and political elements of the curriculum on the basis of the BOPPPS teaching model,the Chinese medicine chemistry course is better integrated with ideological and political education,aiming to more effectively play the education function of this professional course,and cultivate Chinese medicine professionals who build beliefs,emphasize responsibility,and missions,promote the traditional culture of Chinese medicine.[Key words]BOPPPS;Teaching mode;Curriculum ideology;Chinese medicinal chemistry169HEALTH EDUCATION卫生教育用药经验,运用现代科学与先进技术,从化学的角度研究中药有效物质基础的学科[3-4],是中医药与现代科学结合的重要桥梁[5-6]。

龙源期刊网 《中国STEM教育白皮书》正式发布作者:来源:《中小学信息技术教育》2017年第07期2017年6月20日,“第一届中国STEM教育发展大会”在成都召开,来自全国各地的专家学者、教育部门领导、校长、老师及教育企事业代表千余人在“新战略、新课改、新高考背景下的STEM教育”主题下建言献策,共谋中国STEM教育发展的新方向、新模式,对中国STEM教育的发展环境、发展现状以及如何发展等问题做了全面的分析和深入的探讨。

2017年成人高等学校高起点英语真题及答案Dsubect, feel free to discuss it. Otherwise. irv not to look like you are interested only in things for your own good An employer will more readily hire someone interested in bettering themselves AND the company as a whole.36.An employer usually expects an employee to be .A. hungry for promotionB. satisfied with the vacationC. pleased with the position D curious about the workplace37.Asking to work from hom may your future boss think that .A. you want to stay away from your bossB. you work beter at homeC. you're unwilling to meet others D you're too lazy to come into the office38. When can you offer the subject of pay?A. Before you ask about teamworkB. After you get the jobC At the end of your interview. D.At the beginning of your interview.39. What might be the best title of this text?A Questions Not to Ask in a Job InterviewB How to Dress for a Job InterviewC.Clever Answers to Interview Questions D Proper Time for a Job InterviewBMaria Mitchell(1818-1889,the first woman astronomer(天文学家)in the United States, was born in Nantucket. Massachusetts. Her parents valued education and insisted on giving her the same quality of education that boys receivedHer father. William Mitchell, was an astronomer and teacher himself. When he built his own school, Maria became a student and also a teaching assistant to him. At home. Marias fathertaught her to watch the stars and other natural objects in space using his personal telescope(望远镜).Later she went to work at the library of the Nantucket Atheneum. Over the next tweny years. she further developed her interest in reading as many books as she could.She spent her nights watching the sky closely with her father.On October 1, 1847,Maria discovered a comet(彗星)by merely using a two-inch telescope. Some years before, King Frederick VI of Denmark had set up prizes to each discover of a"telescopic comet". The prize was to be given to the"first discoverer"of each such comet because comets were often discovered by more than one person.There was once a question of who should be the winner. As the story goes, francesco de Vico had discovered the same comet two days later, but had reported it to the European vor. She won the prize in 1848 and became a big name the world over. The comet was named“ Miss mitchell's Comet.”40. What ean be learnt about Marias parents according to the text?A. They came from low-income families.B. They gave Maria equal chance for educationC. They were both astronomersD. They were both teachers.41. Whe played the most important role in Maria's great achievement?A. King FrederickⅥ B Francesco de VicoC. Her fatherD. Her mother42. What problem did Maria meet with in winning the prize?A She named the comet on her ownB. She did not use the required telescope.C. She did not report her discovery in timeD. She discovered the comet with her father43. When did Franeeseo de Vico discover the comet?A.In1818B.In1889C.In1848D.In1847CMany schools have their art programs removed in an effort to improve test scores and money. However, some researchers believe that this is not correct. Students can master some basic skills in art class that they cannot find in a normal classroom.Allow me to share why you have to take art class.First and most important,it stimulates creativity(激发创造力) Art schools encourage you to think outside the box and be creative enough to create something artistic.It can be used not only in art but in life,too.Besides,it helps you make the right choice. In art class, you are usually free to do what you want. In every art class, you are required to make decisions that can determine what your painting will turn out to be.In addition, students can learn the art of critical(批判性的) thinking as a skill of observation(观察). For example, art students find ways to imagine, That is a skill they need to beome better readers and problem settlers,What is more,it is noted that the company's bosses are actively looking for employees who can think creatively. Creative thinking is one of the most important skills that students can learn in art courses.Finally, students who are trained in art class have interesting mental habits. They low to work on a task for a long time and how to continue to work even if they are discouraged. They are better for creating a link between the classroom and the outside world. In addition,children who do art work are able to look back on their work and make iudgments about themselves.44.Why are art programs removed from many schools?A. To make students have their own hobbiesB. To improve students'test scores and save money.C To help students master some job skillsD To give students more free time45. What is the most important quality students develop in art class?A. DeterminationB.CarefulnessC.CreativityD.Honesty46. What can we learn from the text?A. Art students are easily employed.B. Art programs may bring a lot of money.C. Art class can help students in many ways.D Art teachers should pay more attention to tests.DYou know what a hotel is, of course. And perhaps, you also know what a condo is-aresidntial(居住的)building divided into seprate uniots that are owned by differentpeople.What you may not know is that in someU.S. cities, the two have come together into somethingcalled a “condo hotel”.Some condo hotels can now be found in beach and mountain towns and a few small cities,However, none is more famous than the great 105-year-old Plaza Hotel in New York,on Fifth Avenue across from Central Park. The Plaza closed for repair in 2005. When it reopened two years later,more than half of it had been changed into one of these modern condo hotels.Here's how it works: You buy what equals to an apartment(公寓). If it's at'The Plaza,it will cost you between $1.5million and $9 mllion. So you own a part of the building. But there's some inconvinience. You may stay there no more than 120 days a year. hereion. The rest of the time,the hotel's workers can book guests into your place, just as they would in the regular hotel's rooms. So if you're lucky and rich,you can now live in really special quarters up to almost one thid of the year. While others pay off your mortgage(房贷)the rest of the year.So far,a great monry of the nation's condo hotel units have been purchased not by rich people but richer companiesm, including foreign ones. They want a nice place for their bosses to stay when they are in town or working late at the office.47.A condo is a place where people .A. liveB. workC. eatD. study48.How long can you stay in your own condo hotel unit a most each year?A.120 daysB. One monthC. Half a yearD. Three months.49. What does purchased in the last parngraph probably mean?A. Closed.B. Bought.C. Damaged.D. Repaired.50. What do we know about a condo hotel?A.It is designed by rich companies.B. It is built for foreign travellers.C. It is usually sold at a low price.D.It is owned by different people.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共45分)五、补全对话:共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分。

struggle in an impoverished wasteland.
A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a
wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their
dullness of a jobless future.
But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work
would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed
project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.
1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring
2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty
in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society
designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the
Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. The ethos welcomes anybody. There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there is about top talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dual aim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcomers.

英语课程标准(201 7年版)中华人民共和国教育部制目录第一部分前言 (3)一、课程性质 (3)二、课程基本理念 (3)三、课程设计思路 (4)第二部分课程目标 (5)一、总目标 (5)二、分级目标 (6)第三部分分级标准 (8)一、语言技能 (8)二、语言知识 (13)三、情感态度 (14)四、学习策略 (15)五、文化意识 (17)第四部分实施建议 (18)一、教学建议 (18)二、评价建议 (21)三、教材编写建议 (23)附录 (25)附录1 语音项目表 (25)附录2语法项目表 (26)附录3 词汇表 (27)第一部分前言当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。

英语流利说app产品分析报告目录英语流利说app产品分析报告 (1)一、市场分析 (3)1. 行业趋势 (3)2. 产品市场现状 (4)二、产品定位 (5)三、用户分析 (6)1. 用户画像 (6)2. 用户使用场景 (9)四、商业模式画布 (10)普通用户 (11)付费用户 (11)1. 高质量的AI技术; (12)2. 拥有庞大的中国人英语数据库; (12)3. 口语搜索引擎。
(12)五、内容分析 (13)1. 个性化定制 (14)(1)用户的英语层次 (14)(2)词汇的重要性 (15)(3)学习的趣味性 (15)2. 口语练习 (19)培养语感 (20)考试/考证 (20)生活口语 (21)技能类 (21)3. 模仿英语 (21)4. 学以致用 (23)六、核心功能分析 (25)1. 懂你英语 (25)七、总结与思考 (43)1. 产品特色 (43)2. 产品不足之处 (44)3. 建议与思考 (45)一、市场分析1. 行业趋势根据2017年10月9日,由知名第三方研究机构艾瑞咨询联合国内最大互联网学习平台沪江,对外发布的《2017年中国成人在线外语教育行业白皮书》可以得知:2017年中国在线教育行正处于初步成熟期过渡阶段。

• GCDF的中国官方网站 GCDF的中国官方网站 ( )
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GCDF在中国的历程 GCDF在中国的历程
2004年 2004年2月:CCE将GCDF大中华区的培训认证工作授权于北森公 CCE将GCDF大中华区的培训认证工作授权于北森公 司独家操作; 司独家操作; 2004年 中美双方专家共同设计课程并完成本土化; 2004年:中美双方专家共同设计课程并完成本土化; 2005年 GCDF(中国)第一期班正式开班; 2005年1月:GCDF(中国)第一期班正式开班; 2006年 美国咨询师认证管理委员会(NBCC)总裁Tom Tom到 2006年 6月:美国咨询师认证管理委员会(NBCC )总裁 Tom 到 访并设立培训种子基金; 访并设立培训种子基金; 2007年11月 2007年11月:中国首届全球生涯发展高峰论坛 2008年11月 2008年11月:第二届中国全球生涯发展高峰论坛 2010年10月 2010年10月:第三届中国全球生涯发展高峰论坛 2011年 21-24日 2011年7月21-24日:将举办金树人樊富珉生涯工作坊 2012年 2012年:将举办第四届中国全球生涯发展高峰论坛
Slide 22 of 58
我清楚的知道:作为一个合格的GCDF, 我清楚的知道:作为一个合格的GCDF,需要 GCDF 遵从GCDF道德规范要求 GCDF道德规范要求。 遵从GCDF道德规范要求。 我愿意接受来访者、公众及媒体对我的 我愿意接受来访者、 服务及道德/法律遵从情况进行监督。 服务及道德/法律遵从情况进行监督。 如果因违反道德规范、法律等而被投诉, 如果因违反道德规范、法律等而被投诉, 我会在第一时间以书面形式告知CCE CCE中 我会在第一时间以书面形式告知CCE中 国。

教育培训行业发展回顾 教育培训行业用户洞察
用户画像 家长篇 成人篇
1 2
教育培训贯穿人的一生,学前、K12、大学、工作等阶段都有相应的产品和服务提供。由于体制内教育资源总量不足、分 配不均,人往往通过额外的教育培训来投资自己和家人,希望未来能获得更好的学习、工作和生活。用户对美好明天的强 烈期盼引发了教培行业的繁荣,也反映了社会阶层上升渠道仍相对畅通,大多数人对未来怀有希望。
商务 英语
日 语
旅游 外语
素质教育 分数素质两不 误
钢 琴
绘 画 围 棋 武 术 编 程 游 学
中高 级口 译
少儿 英语
考 专八 学 IT
考 六级
教育培训行业历经30年的发展,为社会贡献了重大的人才价值。20世纪末,互联网进入中国,经历十年左右的快速酝酿, 已对各行各业都进行了渗透和升级,近年来,在线教育的浪潮更是激动人心。2015年,教育创投汹涌泛滥,平均每1.45天 就 出现一起融资,不管是创业者还是投资人都眼花缭乱。虽然2016年,教育投资逐渐趋于保守,平均每5.1天才出现一起 融资 ,但在过去不久的2017年上半年,平均每1.6天就诞生一起融资,行业吸纳资金和人才的速度似乎又回到了2015年的 盛况; 与此同时,在过去两年内,巨额融资事件不断爆出,尤其是K12领域,单从2017年上半年来看,流入K12领域的投 资金额就 高达14.9亿元;行业双巨头新东方、好未来也积极投资布局,一争高下;瑞思、红黄蓝等企业相继上市赴美上市, 其他各 大企业纷纷提交IPO申请……行业热潮一波一波,精彩纷呈,而从业者已能冷静看待潮起潮落,不像2015年那般狂 热。 瞬息之间,风云突变。转型大业走到这里,横亘在各位教育培训行业同仁面前的,一面是浪潮滚滚的在线化进程,一面是 空前激烈的市场竞争。哪些理念正在悄然转变,哪些深层逻辑古今一辙,如何确立自己的独特定位,如何打磨产品, 如何 招贤纳士,如何找到最佳的推广桥梁,如何更好地为不同的用户提供运营服务,如何屹立不倒,如何弯道超车,如何浪里 弄潮,等等等等,太多的现象和思维等待我们去梳理,行业的发展亟待各位有识之士进行认知开源。 以生活梦想、科技承载为理念,致力于通过数据洞察和产业研究,助推中国互联网新经济的发展。腾讯数据实验 室以中国 最大的互联网公司之一腾讯为起点,致力于通过丰厚的数据沉淀和先进的数据技术,提升思维,引领决策。经过数据实验 室的共同努力,此份《2017年中国教育培训行业白皮书》出世。我们衷心希望能以此份《白皮书》为 蓝本,与各位同仁 探讨规律,共谋发展。 《白皮书》梳理了教育培训行业30年发展简史,总结了各企业进行互联网营销、互联网运营的思路及手法,并以用户研究 为重点兼基准,探讨行业未来的发展趋势。行业快速演化下,从业者和投资者是容易误入歧途的,但用户始终保持着理 性 ,通过洞察用户,理解需求,在这个瞬息万变的时代,至少我们还有锚可以定。 愿在线教育走向理性,愿教育培训行业越来越好。 理性从来不是冷冰冰,而是止损,赋能,迎接巨变。

."#"$ 学分银行
' "规划提 国务院印 发 ) 国家教育事业发展$ 十 三 五% 规划+ 国发/ ! " # ,年#月# "日! ! " # ,0 H 号( $ " 学分银 出 *$ 制定国家资历框架 ! 建立个人学习账号和学分累计制度 % 建立学分银行和信息化平台 % 国家继续教育学习成 行制度前期研究和试点探索积极 推 进 " 教 育 部 先 后 委 托 国 家 开 放 大 学 开 展 的 $ ' # $ 果认证 # 积累与转换制度的研究与实践项目 % 继续 教 育 学 习 成 果 认 证# 积累与转换试点工 ! " # ! 年( ' # $ ' 作% 高等职业教育学习成果积累与转换试点工作 % 等取得明显进展 " ! " # H 年( ! " # D 年(
, -. 781234$%&'(56 ! # !
会, 形成更加适应全民学习 # 终身学习的现代教育体系 ! 继续教育参 与率 明显 提升 ! 学习 型社 会建设迈 ! 上新台阶 , 要积极 发展 $ 互联 网 K 教 育 % 鼓励高等学校 基于 互联 网开 展学 历与 非学 历继 续教 育 , 要大 力发展继续教育 ! 加快构建终身教 育 制 度 ! 加 强 继 续 教 育 平 台 建 设! 统 筹 扩 大 继 续 教 育 服 务, 设立$ 建 立学分银行和信息化平台 % 和$ 发展继续教育 % 两大工程 " 党的十九大报告提出了优先发展教育事业 ! 建设教育强国 ! 加快教育现代化 ! ! " # ,年# "月# F日! 办好人民满意的教育的新使命 # 新目标 # 新部署 # 新要求 ! 并明确提 出要 $ 办好 继续 教育 ! 加 快建 设学习 型社会 ! 大力提高国民素质 % 新任务 # 新途径 # 新要求 " ," #" $" # 教育部有关政策 在! 高等学历继续教育专业设置管理办法 + 的基础上 ! 教育部印发 ) 教育部办 " # D 年印发 ) ! " # ,年! 公厅关于启用全国高等学历继续教 育 专 业 管 理 和 公 共 信 息 服 务 平 台 并 做 好 ! " # ,年拟招生专业申报 ' 0 # ) 工作的通知 + 教职成厅 / 教育部办公厅关 于做 好 高 等 学 历 继 续 教 育 ! ! " # , # 号( " # ,年拟招生专业 ' 0 # ) 报送有关事宜的补充通知 + 教职成厅函 / 教育部关于公布 ! ! " # , ! F 号( " # , 年高等学历继续教育拟 ' 0 ! 招生专业备案结果的通知 + 教职成函 / 正式启用全国高等学历继续教育专业管理和 公共 ! " # , # " 号( 信息服务平台 ! 全面加强全 国 高 等 学 历 继 续 教 育 专 业 管 理 ! 促 进 高 等 学 历 继 续 教 育 健 康# 有 序# 协调 发展 " ," #" $" % 地方政策举例 全国各地根据党中央 # 国务院及教育部有关规划部署 ! 围绕学历继续教育 # 非学历继续教 ! " # ,年! 育# 开放大学 # 社区教育 # 老年教育等方面出台了许多地方政策和文件 " 例如 ! 安徽 ! " # ,年# #月F日! ' 安徽省教育厅关于推 进 高 等 学 历 继 续 教 育 学 分 认 定 和 转 换 工 作 的 实 施 意 见 + 皖教高 省教育厅印发 ) / 0 " 意见提出 *要促进优质教育资源开放与共享 ! 服务全民学习 # 终 身学 习的 学习 型社会建 ! " # , M 号( 设! 要依托安徽继续教育网络园区 ! 推 动 高 校 学 历 继 续 教 育 课 程 共 建 共 享! 不断丰富在线学习课程资 源 " 鼓励高校建设优质课程通过园区 平 台 在 线 共 享 ! 将能够体现本校特色的其他专业课程推送至共 " 超市 % 享课程 $ 福建省教育厅印发 ) 福建省教育厅关于印发完善继续教育体系提升继续 教育 ! " # ,年# "月! H日! ' 0 " 通知提出 *加快推进继续教 育信 息化 建设 ! 质量若干意见的通知 + 闽教职成 / 提 高信息 ! " # , D E 号( ! 化建设与应用水平 ! 推进数字化资源开放共享 ! 加快建设福建开放 大学 ! 积 极搭 建终 身学 习 $ 立 交桥 % 建立宽进严出的学习制度 ! 积极推进 $ 学分银行 % 建设 " 北京市教育委员会印发 ) 北京市 教 育 委 员 会 关 于 加 快 北 京 开 放 大 学 建 设 与 发 ! " # ,年,月! E日! ' 0 " 意 见 提 出 *加 快 构 建 智 慧 学 习 环 境 " 加 强 开 放 大 学 信 息 化 基 础 展的意见 + 京教职成 / ! " # , # F 号( 设施建设 ! 建立终身学习云服务平台 " 利用云计算 # 移动互联网 # 大 数据 等技 术 ! 建 立以 教育 云为基础 的智能学习空间 " 积极推动学习平 台 # 资 源 平 台 及 管 理 平 台 协 同 运 转! 加 快 智 慧 校 园 建 设! 实现课程 学习 # 教学服务 # 科学研究 # 校园安全 # 后 勤 保 障 的 全 面 信 息 化! 有效提升现代信息技术支撑的教育服 务能力和水平 " ' 河北省政府办公厅印发 ) 河北省专业技术人员继续教育规定 + 河北省人民政 ! " # ,年# "月' "日! 0 " 规定提出 *鼓励施教机构利用慕课 # 府令 / 第' 号( 微课 # 信息技术和全息技术等现代化的授课 ! " # , 模式和技术手段 ! 开展远程继续教 育 " 建 设 河 北 继 续 教 育 网 络 大 学 ! 整 合 继 续 教 育 资 源! 建立继续教

TTLM I/O Installation, Calibration & Operator’s ManualRevision E, Oct. 2009TTLMTable of ContentsLimited Warranty (2)Features Overview (3)Specifications (4)Mounting the TTLM (5)Connecting Sensors to the TTLM (6)Supplying AC Power to the TTLM (8)Supplying DC Power to the TTLM (9)TTLM Cam Switch Wiring Connections (10)Wiring a Triggering Device Into the TTLM (11)The Analog Output Connector (12)Calibrating the TTLM (13)Setup the TTLM with Pre-calibrated Load Cells (16)Operating the TTLM (17)Definition of Terms (18)Table of Figures1 Mounting Hole Arrangement (5)2 Strip the Cable Panel (6)2a Cable through the Lug (6)2b Side View (6)2c Color Codes (6)3 Channel Connections (7)4a A.C. Power Connections (8)4b D.C. Power Connections (9)5 Probe Interface Connections (10)6 Probe Timing (11)7 Analog Output Connections (12)8 Calibration Controls.......................................................................................................................................13-17 AppendixA Sensor Placement & Installation (20)B Replacing a T400 Sensor (28)TTLMLimited WarrantyThis unit is warranted by the manufacturer, Toledo Transducers, Inc., to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for one year from date of manufacturer’sshipment. This warranty is limited to repairing or replacing products whichmanufacturer’s investigation shows were defective at the time of shipment by themanufacturer.All products subject to this warranty must be returned for examination, repair orreplacementF.O.B. to: Toledo Transducers, Inc.ValleyDriveSpring683443528OhioHolland,The express warranty set forth herein is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchant-ability orfitness for a particular purpose. All such warranties are hereby disclaimed andexcluded by the manufacturer.Repair or replacement of defective products as provided above is the sole andexclusive remedy provided thereunder. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any further loss, damages, or expenses, including incidental or consequential damages, directly or indirectly arising from the sale or use of this product.Any unauthorized repair voids this warranty.There are no warranties that extend beyond those expressly set forth herein.Features OverviewTTLM I/O Load Module.The new TTLM I/O Load Module has been designed with user friendliness in mind. The unit incorporates the use of Phoenix Connectors on the sensor inputs as well as the analog output for easier wire installation. The TTLM was designed to condition the output from most 350 Ohm bridge sensors such as Toledo Transducers, Inc. T400 Load Sensors or load cells. It provides an analog output in the range of +/-9 VDC for use by many standard A/D conversion products. Several useful functions such as auto-zeroing and peak hold circuits have been incorporated to make the TTLM a versatile signal conditioner.Note: The TTLM is a signal conditioner which can be used as an input to a PLC or a PC with the appropriate software to convert the TTLM’s analog signal into auseable digital tonnage reading. The software should also have a routine that allows for tonnage calibration in order to achieve accurate readings. If you have questions concerning the software or hardware needed to convert the analog signal to a tonnage reading contact:Toledo Transducers, Inc. 6834 Spring Valley Drive Holland, Ohio 43528 Phone: 419-867-4170• Signal conditioning module for strain gage sensors and load cells • Four independent channels for accommodating up to eight sensors • For use with full bridge sensors from 120 Ohms to 1,000 Ohms • Plug-in connectors are used for sensor inputs• High/low sensitivity span ranges selected with front panel switch • Automatic zero balance circuits assure accurate measurements • Power input/output are plug-in connectors • Built-in automatic peak load memory circuits• Peak measurements are made with an external trigger device • Built-in power supply for stable operation and noise rejection • Compact size to fit almost any location• Steel enclosure for maximum protection and noise rejectionSpecificationsTransducers Full Bridge, 120 OHMS to1000 OHMS.versionchannelavailable.FourOnetoMaximum of two 350 Ohm sensors, paralleledconnection, per channel.Dimensions 2.00” x 3.10” x 8.95”Balance Range +/- 1mV/V of offsetGain - Two Ranges Low gain = 100 to 1,100 adjustableHigh gain = 1000 to 11,000 adjustable Output Range +/-9 VDC @ 12 VDC excitationCircuit Accuracy Maximum inaccuracy of +/- 1% of full scaleCircuit Linearity Maximum non-linearity +/- 0.1% of full scaleAuto Zero Time Constant 10 SecondsFrequency Response Flat DC to 1 KHz.Peak Decay Less than 1% of full scale in 10 minutesCalibration Shunts 1 Meg OHM, 0.1%Input Power 90 to 240 VAC 50-60 Hz.DC option: 24 VDCFused at 0.25 Amp Type: 3AG SLO-BLOexcited at +12 VDC, .30 Amps maximum SensorExcitation InternallySensor Input Connections Four pin 5.08 mm centers (.2”) Phoenix connectorPeak Output Connections Six pin 5.08 mm centers (.2”) Phoenix connectorProximity Probe 12 VDC internally supplied to drive NPN or PNPprobes, 50mA max. Input also supports drycontacts.relayMounting the TTLMThe dimensions and the recommended mounting hole arrangement for the TTLM.Use #10 screws to securely mount the TTLM in an enclosure suited to the environment.Figure 1 4) Analog Output5) Mode Selection Switches6) Probe Input7) Voltage Input(See appendix A for sensor placement & installation) Sensor Connection Guidelines1). Strip the sensor cable as shown in Figure 2.Be sure not to nick any of the signal conductors or strip the shield completely away. At least ½ inch ofFigure 22). Insert the cable through the lug as shown in Figure 2a.Make sure the cable shield is aligned with the portion of the wire lug which will be crimped.3). Next, crimp the lug on to the cable shield, do not crimp too tight and risk smashing the wires . Thiscould cause them to short to ground. Figure 2b shows a side view of the completed operation after crimping.Figure 2b4). Attach the wire lug to a ground terminal on the front of the TTLM. Use a 6-32 x ¼’ screw for thegrounding lug connection. If you have a Toledo Transducers sensor, attach the signal wires to the channel connector following the color codes in Figure 2c.Note: If your sensor is not double shielded with both foil and a braid, electrical noise may affect your output readings.Figure 2cNote: Some brands of sensors use a different color code than the red/white/green/black colors. It is important to check the spec sheet of the sensor. The spec sheet will indicate the excitationand signal.The TTLM Load Module accepts the signals from Toledo Transducers T400 sensors as well as other strain gages. Figure 3 illustrates the sensor connections available on the TTLMT400 Sensor T400 SensorFigure 3 - TTLM Channel Connections (2 through 4 are optional).Tension ForceCompression ForceNote: If TTLM has DC option see next page.¾The TTLM can use an input range of 90-240 VAC.¾ Input power is connected by means of the front panel “A.C. IN” connector and fused with a 250mA slo-blo fuse.Figure 4a - Front Panel A.C. Power Connections.A.C. Power Connection FuseSupplying DC power to the TTLM (DC option only)¾The DC TTLM uses an input of 24VDC.¾ Input power is connected by means of the front panel “D.C. IN” connector and fused with a 250mA slo-blo fuse.Figure 4b - Front Panel D.C. Power Connections.TTLM Cam Switch Wiring Connections¾ The probe supply voltage is provided by the TTLM via the +12VDC output connection on the PROBE interface connector. (This is different from first generation module which required an external supply.) ¾ The diagram below illustrates the wiring for both the PNP and NPN probe types.¾ Either a normally open or normally closed probe may be used.¾ The LED directly above the probe input connector (PROBE SENSE) indicates the actual state of the probe.¾ This LED should turn on at 140° and turn off at 240°. If it is working just the opposite, simply flip the N.C. -N.O. Dip Switch to invert the logic of the probe signal in the TTLM.TTLM Probe Interface ConnectionsWiring a Triggering Device Into the TTLMThe TTLM remains in the auto-zeroing mode of operation until an external probe is applied.The auto zero feature is important for accurate readings. Over time the press frame will slightly change in its structure. This may be due to temperature or press frame tension. The TTLM will compensate for the slight change. It will readjust the zero base line. This zero base line is the no-load value of the press. With a consistent zero value, the tonnage output readings should remain accurate.When the probe turns on, the TTLM opens the window to read a load signal. In peak mode the load level rises to the highest value.When the probe turns off, the peak level is reset and the auto-zeroing function is resumed. (Notice the dotted line below).The timing of the probe should be such that it turns on just before the machine begins generating a load (140°) and remains on until the load is removed (240°) and the TTLM outputs have been read.Figure 6The recommended timing of the probe vs. the loading on the machine.Probe Probe ClosedProbe OpenLoadThe Analog Output ConnectorThe analog outputs are provided on a 6 pin Phoenix connector for easy access. The voltage level at these outputs ranges from 0 V at no load, up to +/-9 V at maximum.This output voltage level is directly related to the gain setting of each channel.Figure 7The analog output connections provided for interfacing to other peripherals.Analog Voltage Output Connector Pin 1 = Ch 1 out Pin 2 = Common Pin 3 = Ch 2 out Pin 4 = Ch 3 out Pin 5 = Common Pin 6 = Ch 4 outCalibrating the TTLM Load Module*If you have a Maximizer Load Monitor (Allen Bradley based system), please refer to thatmanual for proper calibration of the TTLM.Figure 8 highlights the switches and controls used to calibrate the TTLM Load Module.Step 1) With the sensors placed in the best possible location, (see appendix A), torque all of the sensors down to 150 in/lbs on the sensor bolts. Do not put the sensor enclosure covers on yet. You will need to test each sensor location.Step 2) Toggle the mode select switches to CAL, ZERO, TRACK:Step 3) On your output plug, connect your volt meter to channel one and common. Now adjust the zero pot so your voltage is adjusted to 0.00 VDC. After completing channel one, do the same for the rest of the channels.Step 4) Again connect your volt meter to the output plug on channel one and common. Have someone put pressure on channel one’s sensor with their thumb. It should slightly change as pressure isapplied. This will verify your sensor location. Normally we locate our sensors:Ch1 = Left RearCh2 = Right RearCh3 = Left FrontCh4 = Right FrontStep 5) Coat the sensors with silicone if you are calibrating a forging press. This will help prevent waterand carbon contamination that might damage the sensors over time. Put covers on all sensor enclosures.Step 6) Without load cells in the press, cycle the press and stop it at bottom dead center. Measurebetween the ram and the bed to determine the size of the spacers you will need. Be careful to allow around a 1/8 in. gap between the ram and the load cells.* Damage to the press could occur if the ram locks up the load cells due to an improper measurement.Step 7) Cycle the press so the ram goes to the top. Insert the load cells and spacers. Keep the load cellssymmetrical with each other in the bed of the press. Record their placement on a calibration sheet.Step 8) Cycle the press over and over. Each time lower the adjustment until you reach the tonnage ratingof the press.* The load will increase approximately 1 ton for every 1/1000 inch as you begin to lower the adjustment.Step 9) Make sure to evenly distribute the load on all load cells using shims if needed. You are nowready to adjust the gain of the TTLM.Note: If your PLC does not have the ability to digitally adjust tonnage values proceed to Step 13.Step 10) For PLC readout devices that have tonnage adjustment capabilities, set the mode select switchesto CAL, GAIN SET, TRACK: Step 11) Adjust each channel’s gain pot to 2.5 VDC. (Some systems may use a slightly higher voltagelevel)Step 12) Toggle the switches to RUN, ZERO, PEAK and adjust the PLC’s tonnage readings to equal thoseof the load cells. Proceed to Step 15.Step 13) For PLC’s that do not have the ability to digitally adjust tonnage, you must manually adjust thegain of the TTLM.Note: Make sure your analog card input has a rating of 0 to 5VDC for each channel’s input.Set the mode switches to select RUN, ZERO, PEAK:N.C.N.C.N.C.Step 14) Adjust the gain pot after each press cycle until the readings on your PLC display match theStep 15) After the TTLM is calibrated to match the load cells at press capacity, record on your Cal sheetthe tonnage value of each TTLM channel and of each load cell.Now check press linearity at lower tonnage by collecting tonnage data at 75%, 50% and 25% of press capacity. Do this by increasing the slide adjust or by removing shim material from the load cells. Do not adjust PLC tonnage or TTLM gain in order to match the load cell tonnage at these points, this is for documentation purposes only. Record all tonnage values on your Cal sheet.Step 16) Record the Calibration Numbers.A) If you programmed the tonnage values with your PLC obtain the calibration numbers(sometimes referred to as points) from your PLC and record them on your Cal sheet. You are now finished.B)If you manually adjusted the gain of the TTLM to obtain correct tonnage readings, toggle themode switch to select CAL, ZERO, TRACK and rebalance each sensor to 0VDC (refer to Steps 2 and 3).Set the mode switch to CAL, GAIN SET, TRACK and measure the voltage of each channel. These voltages will be your calibration numbers that need to be recorded on your Cal sheet.C)Important; Make sure the mode switch is returned to RUN, ZERO, PEAK beforeputting the press back in service.* To see a track output on your scope, you must put the unit into TRACK mode. When in TRACK mode, most PLC units will not record correct tonnage values .N.C.N.C.N.C.Setup the TTLM with Pre-calibrated Load CellsStep 1) Locate the following information from the load cell calibration data sheet : Cal. No. mV/V ________________________Shunt Resistance ______________________Output at Rated Capacity _______________Step 2) Calculate the Adjusted (Cal. No. mV/V) for the standard TTLM with a 1Meg shunt resistor bycompleting the following formula. Do this step only if the Shunt Resistor on your load cellcalibration data sheet is different from the shunt resistor inside the TTLM, otherwise skip to step number 4. (The TTLM shunt resistor value is printed on the identification label and is part of the model number, i.e. TTLM-4-1M. The 1M means 1,000,000 ohms)(.000001) x (Shunt Resistance ) x (Cal No. mV/V ) = Adjusted (Cal. No. mV/V)Step 3) Determine the Full Scale Output for the TTLM. Suggested voltage is as follows: 5VDC FullScale Output when the pressing machine produces 100% of Rated Capacity on the load cell. Other less common Full Scale Output voltage is 2.5 VDC when the pressing machine produces 100% of Rated Capacity on the load cell.Step 4) Calculate the Cal. No. Voltage setting . This number represents the gain factor of the internalTTLM amplifiers.Full Scale Output x Adjusted (Cal. No. mV/V) / Output at Rated Capacity = Cal. No. VoltageExample #1 for a 350 ohm bridge load cell: 5VDC x 0.08848 mV/V / 1.05623 mV/V = 0.4188 VDC Example #2 for a 700 ohm bridge load cell: 5VDC x 0.17696 mV/V / 1.05623 mV/V = 0.8377 VDCStep 5)Adjust each balance pot to so that each channel output will read 0.000 VDC.Step 6) Switch the TTLM to CAL, GAIN SET, TRACK;Adjust the gain pot until the channel Output Voltage is equal to the Cal. No. Voltage from Step 4. Repeat steps 5 and 6 at least two times.Step 7)Switch the TTLM back to RUN, ZERO, PEAK;N.C.N.C.N.C.Operating the TTLMOnce the TTLM has been calibrated it is ready for continuous use. To ready the TTLM for load conversions, follow these four steps: ( Figure 8)Step 1) Make sure that the RUN/CAL switch is set to RUN.Step 2) Make sure that the GAIN SET/ZERO switch is set to ZERO.Step 3) Insure that the external probe signal is turned on before the load is generated and turned off after the operation is complete. If the logic of the probe is reversed, use the N.C./N.O. switch to invert the probe signal logic or adjust the probe accordingly.Step 4) Set the TRACK/PEAK switch to the desired mode. While in TRACK mode each channel's output will follow the loading on the sensor as the load on the machine increases and decreases. InPEAK mode, the output will increase to the highest load level and remain at that voltage until the probe is released.Definition of TermsAlarm A reading that is out of the high or low limit range causing the relay to de-energize.Once alarmed, the relay opens to stop the press/machine.Balance The balance adjustment electronically zeros the sensors under a no load condition. CalibrationNumberA gain reference value that is adjusted to obtain accurate tonnage readings.Calibration The process in which the TTLM unit is adjusted to read the same tonnage as the reference load cells.Triggering Device (Probe) A switching input to the unit allowing tonnage to be read at a certain position in the stroke. It is usually obtained from a rotary cam switch, programmable limit switch or a proximity switch. (Only 24 VDC devices.)Compression The force measured by the sensor or load cell by compression. The sensor location to measure compression is usually found in the rear of a C-Frame press or on a Pitmanarm.Gain / Span Gain, also called Span, is the amount of amplification applied to the sensor output.The gain is adjusted during calibration.Reverse Load The “snap through” or damaging negative forces occurring in the machine. Typically, the snap through rating is 10% of the capacity of the press.Shut Height The distance from the top of the bed of the press to the bottom of the ram when on BDC.Track Mode When using the track mode, the output will cycle between 0 and 9VDC during the press stroke. The value goes back to 0V when there is no load.Peak Mode When using the Peak Mode the output will hold the highest force seen during the time the probe switch is on.Tension The force measured by the sensor when the press frame stretchesAppendix A SENSORS PLACEMENT & INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION FIXTURE KIT No. 1977-749 DRILL AND TAP METHOD FOR MOUNTING SENSORSINSTALLATION FIXTURE KIT No. 1977-749 WELD PAD METHOD FOR MOUNTING SENSORSAppendix B Replacing a T400 SensorReplacing a T400 SensorTo replace a T400 Sensor locate the correct channel for that sensor. In most cases they are installed as: Left Rear – Channel 1Right Rear – Channel 2Left Front – Channel 3Right Front – Channel 4Step 1) After pulling the new sensor through, make sure it is tightened down to 150 in/lbs or 12.5ft/lbs. If you don’t do this, your new tonnage readings may end up being lower.Step 2) Refer to steps 1 through 3 of Connecting Sensors to the TTLM on page 6 for stripping and crimping the cable.Step 3) Make sure your cable is terminated correctly at the TTLM side. The wire colors should be the same as the replaced sensor.Step 4) Toggle the mode select switches to CAL, ZERO, TRACK:N.C.Step 5) Locate the analog output pins from figure 8 on page 13. These will be from 0-10vdc. Locate the channel which the sensor was replaced. Now locate the balance pot for that channel. Adjust thebalance pot for that channel until your voltmeter reads 0.00vdc. Do not adjust the gain pot or your readings will not be accurate. (Your unit will go out of calibration if the gain is adjusted.)Step 6) Toggle the switches to RUN, ZERO, PEAK and wait for three minutes before cycling the press.N.C.。

一、政治法律环境(politica) 3.党的十七大明确提出要“发展远程教育和继续教育, 建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会” 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020
年)》 指出,民办培训教育是国家教育事业发展的重要增
长点和促进教育改革的重要力量。 “积极培育培训等消费热点”被明确列为政府在 “十二五”期间的重点工作之一。
百分点,第三产业占GDP比重达到了46.1%。据中国经济网 记者统计,2013年中国第三产业增加值首次超过第二产业。
二、经济环境( economic) 2.经济发展水平:上文提到在2013年,当年中国GDP 为568845亿元,这一年全国居民人均可支配收入为18311 元,比上年增长10.9%,而2014年我国经济增长速度将维 持在7.3%左右。经济的发展必然会带动人才市场的旺盛, 资料显示,2012年我国整个教育培训市场规模达9600亿元,
小组成员: 赵雪31 程广远32 赵奎永
李彤52 玄立健34 仲全军 45
一、政治法律环境(politica) 1.我国现阶段政局稳定,综合国力逐渐增长,国际地 位逐步提高,这对我国教育培训企业的进一步发展提供了 先决条件。
2.中国政府实行“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面 向未来”的教育方针,先后实施了科教兴国,人才强国战 略,重视人才培养。
三、社会文化环境( social) 3.调查表明,目前全国有73%的中小学生,选择用课 外辅导的方式来弥补学校教育的不足。调查显示,1/3的 家长愿意拿出上万元为孩子进行课外辅导,中小学课外辅
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用户学习需求 用户消费能力 用户消费习惯
来源:艾瑞研究院自主研究绘制。 ©2017.9 iResearch Inc
大学生人群 •多为目的性强的中短期需求 •多以升学考试和考分考级为目标
•有一定消费决策空间 •随着校园金融的规范和普及,消费能力提升
人工智能+教育作为重点任务被写入《规划》 当中,提出“将加快推动新型教育体系、智 能校园建设以及开发智能教育助理。利用智 能技术加快推动人才培养模式、教学方法改 革,构建包含智能学习、交互式学习的新型 教育体系……建立以学习者为中心的教育环 境,提供精准推送的教育服务……” 引导并 支持人工智能在教育领域的研发与应用。
➢ 发展趋势:人工智能+教育有望推进个性化、定制化学习的进一步的突破;头部企业在教研产品、技术研发、学习服 务、品牌打造和渠道拓展等多方布局,推动在线语言教育生态的逐步形成和完善。
细分 赛道
➢ 工具类:用户基数大但付费转化率低;企业多以广告收费为主,会员(个人会员和企业会员)收费等服务形式的新 型收费模式开始出现。
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艾瑞咨询数据显示,2017年在线语言教育的用户将达到2644.2万人,预计未来几年在线语言教育人群将进一步渗透至各 个领域,用户规模将持续攀升。 艾瑞分析认为,在线语言教育的用户规模不断增长主要原因如下:1、与线下语言培训相比,在线语言教育性价比高,而 且不受地域限制;2、在线教育实现优质教育资源共享,能够有效缩小不同地区的教育资源配置差距;3、在多种新兴技术 的加持下,与外教直播交流、符合用户学习习惯等产品的场景属性和个性化属性更强;4、移动端入口不断普及,用户触 达在线教育的门槛降低。
ABC 英语学习
あいう 小语种学习
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互联网与教育的融合能够实现教育资源互通互享,降低传统教育领域重资产运行的软硬件成本,所以在线教育的出现是教 育产业发展过程中必然的结果。随着互联网技术的进步以及中国网络用户庞大体量的形成,中国在线教育行业度过最初的 萌芽期和生存期,经过近几年的快速成长后,在技术带动和内容升级的基础上形成了更加多样化、规范化、创新化的在线 教学服务体系,逐渐迈进初步成熟期;业内典型企业在各自的主战场中发挥优势,沉淀形成B2C在线课程付费等愈加成熟 稳定的盈利模式 。
社 • 中国国际化水平提升
会 外 需
• 外资企业逐年增多 • 外语人才优势显著
用 • 个人素质提高需求 户 • 外语学习需求 内 • 外语教育质量要求 需 • 个性化学习需求
育 瓶 颈
• 教育资源壁垒仍在
• 优质教学内容稀缺 • 优质师资力量不足 • 多语种人才量少 • 个性化教育缺失
• 互联网、移动互联网技术的发展带 动在线教育的技术升级
• B2C录播付费课程的商业化运作模 式开始被资本市场所认可
• 教育服务模式多样化,直播课出现 • 业内企业数量飞涨,差异化竞争
• 市场格局初步形成,进入初步成熟 期,平稳发展
• 资源整合、技术进步和服务升级带 动服务模式创新
• 资本运作加速,如51Talk美股 IPO、新东方在线登陆新三板等
•与前沿技术的发展结合紧密,人工智能技术的引入融合是研发热点 •市场格局稳定,头部企业显现,品牌优势明显
•B2C课程付费模式已相对稳定成熟,更多的盈利模式仍待探索 •市场准入红利逐渐降低,切入点渐少
• “三分屏” 网络视频课件出现 • 国家批准68所高校为全国现代远
程教育试点院点 • 弘成101上线运行
• 视频课件渐成主流 • 线上外语学习用户快速培养与积累期 • 企业盈利模式处于摸索过程中 • 新东方、沪江等网校上线运行
职场人群 •多为目的性强的短期需求 •多以职业需要达成为目标
•有独立消费决策权 •消费能力更强
•课程标准化程度较高 •以考试类课程为主
•课程个性化定制化明显,标准化程度低 •以技能提升类课程为主
中国成人在线外语教育行业 白皮书
行业 现状
➢ 发展阶段:2017年中国在线教育行业正处于初步成熟期过渡阶段。 ➢ 市场规模:2017年中国在线语言教育市场规模预计将达到375.6亿元,用户规模突破2600万,未来在线语言教育市
➢ 市场特征:成人在线外语教育行业市场格局相对集中,头部企业具有认知度高、重视教学教研等特点;资本在成人 在线外语领域开始回归理性,更重视商业模式成熟的企业,故市场准入红利持续降低。
对未来一段时间的中国教育信息化发展做 出了全面的部署。提出要“发展在线教育 与远程教育,推动各类优质教育资源开放 共享,向全社会提供服务”。 为加速在线教育的发展注入政策的动力。
随着“一带一路”建设的有序推进,中国和 沿线国家在各领域的交流合作更加广泛深入, 一带一路国际合作高峰论坛中达成5大类、 76大项、270项国际合作成果清单。但多语 种人才稀缺已成为困扰“一带一路”倡议实 施的现实课题,相关经贸往来等国际深入合 作带动多语种人才需求的集中上升,市场空 间巨大,高校和教育企业纷纷布局发力。
“一带一路” 国家顶层战略
➢ 课程类:分直播课和录播课两类,企业多以B2C模式为主,主要是以课程收费为主,广告及增值服务收费为辅。 ➢ 社区类:产品社交属性强,易将一群有共同爱好的人聚集在一起,一般与工具或课程协同使用,多发挥用户引流、
用户 洞察
➢ 大学生的主要诉求为升学考试和考分考级,强调标准化课程;职场用户多以工作需求和提升素质为动机,对个性化 学习需求旺盛。方便、丰富和自主是他们选择在线学习的主要原因。
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语音图像识别-大数据--人工智能,互联网前沿科技的发展推动在线外语教育行业的解构升级:一方面均衡教育资源,降低 投入成本;另一方面,优化教学过程,提升学习效能,用互联网模式实现个性化学习。而现阶段,人工智能与教育的深度 融合已经开启,从数据采集积累到智能化的学习方案形成,为在线教育市场的产品服务创新带来更广阔的想象空间。
进入多媒体时代 2000年
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整体来看,成人的在线外语教育用户学习目的十分明确,消费需求持续旺盛,并且对教学效果有较高要求,线上学习的质 量和成果对用户的消费意愿影响较大。其中,大学生人群多以升学考试和考分考级为Байду номын сангаас要学习目的,课程标准化程度相对 较高,而职场人群多以职业需要为主要学习目的,课程的个性化定制化倾向明显。目前成人在线外语教育行业已形成较稳 定的市场格局,头部企业品牌优势明显,市场准入红利逐渐降低。
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