
Unit11.W e have a variety of ways to attain that goal.2.A fter playing the violin for ten years, Sophia moved on to the piano.3.W hatever the reason, many people prefer to come here to polish (up) their language skills.4.T he only solution I’ve come up with is to ask you to make room on the shelf for some more books.5.H e held out his car key, saying that I could use this car.6.M y idea is that we stay where we are and wait for help.7.W hat on earth are they looking at ?what is going on there?8.M any foreigners have an interest in the Chinese culture and some of them have come to china to learn Chinese.Unit21.S he studies until 11 o’clock everymorning, apart from the class sheattends at the weekend.2.W hen I graduated, I felt caughtbetween pursuing futureeducation and looking for a job. 3.T his week’s lecture will focus onhow to be happy in life.4.E veryone has the right to go afterhappiness.5.Y ou have to allocate your timewell in order to succeed.6.H earing the news, he left in arush.7.I t is so hot, I feel like goingswimming.8.H e has devoted all his energy tocaring for the homeless people.Unit31.W hen she saw me on the street, Patrick greeted me with a warm hug.2.P lease join me in washing the Smiths the best of luck in the future.3.I f I were a millionaire, I would travel round the world.4.A fter he moved to Australia , he soon adjusted to the way of life there.5.W e are busy (in) making preparations for the end-of-term exams.6.M ike is not old enough to have a driving permit.7.A fter the feast she spent a week dieting to keep her figure.8.H e retold his parents the story that he heard in class.Unit41.W e felt honored that the ambassador chose to visit our school.2.W e want to acquire knowledge not only from our textbooks, but also from the outside of them.3.A t Christmas, they decorated the hall with cheerful flags, papers and lights.4.T here were no flights available, so I was forced to take a train all the way from Shanghai to Lanzhou.5.I would not waste money, even if I were as rich as Bill Gates.6.T he picture of the young girl in the magazine reminded me of mycousin.7.S he is an outstanding/ a top student. Apart from her good grades, she is willing to help others.8.I f you want to earn a profit, you may adapt to the new situation.。
高中牛津英语模块六 汉译英

高中牛津英语模块六汉译英Unit 11.喜剧2.周刊;周报3.支持,维护4.单口喜剧5.阶段,时期6.取笑;揶揄;戏弄7.先前的,以往的8.(同一事物)不同种类;多种样式9.风格;方式;样式10.表现11.视觉的12.锤子,榔头13.绊,(使)绊倒14.r绊倒15.表演,演出;表现,业绩16.拿……表玩笑;取笑,嘲弄17.喜爱同,钟爱18.喜爱,钟爱19.演员;表演者20.研究院,学会;专科院校21.演出,表演;做,履行;工作,运转22.鲜为人知的23.想出;拿出24.技术的,技能的25.嘴唇26.无声电影27.大叫,嚎叫28.逗笑,逗乐29.格言,警句30.雪茄烟31.浴缸,浴盆32.去世,亡故33.衷悼,忧伤34.健康;适合35.增强;巩固36.参加,参与37.深呼吸的38.积极的,正面的39.赶走;驱赶40.保证;担保41.愚蠢42.外国人43.教授,传授44.接纳45.最初的,初始的46.(通常经过努力)获得;得到47.提高;修改;润色48.看不见的,无形的49.长凳,长椅50.为……腾出地方51.教科书;课本52.暖和舒适的,惬意的53.邀请54.在……旁边;与……一起55.拥挤的56.城堡;堡垒57.扶手椅58.叫喊,大喊59.摞;垛60.貌似官方的61.怒,怒火62.鞠躬;低头63.急奔,猛冲64.撕,扯65.猛冲,突然66.闯进;突然闯入67.空手;一无所获68.怒目而视69.对……怒目而视70.递出;拿出;伸出71.卫生纸,手纸Unit 21.围绕,环绕2.疼痛,痛苦;折磨3.电视观众;观看者4.友好;善意5.青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的6.分开,分离7.远离,和……不在一起;除了8.(体育运动用的)厚垫子9.专科医师;专家10.严重的;严厉的,严格的;艰巨的11.心情好12.感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估13.悲伤,悲痛14.完成,实现15.感激的,感谢的16.(使)适应;改编17.(无线电和电视的)节目制作和播放;广播18.拥护;劫持;提倡19.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的20.重建;改建21.无法忍受的22.追求;谋求23.含酒精的饮料;酒24.短暂的;暂时的25.最深处;深度;深厚26.灵魂27.滑雪28.陪伴,陪同;伴随;为……伴奏29.教练;导师30.独自,单独;独立的31.步骤,程序32.径直地;直接地33.朝……方向(地方)行时,前往34.服从,听从,顺从35.优秀的,杰出的,出色的36.天资,天赋;天才37.分配38.足够的;合乎需要的39.停止;放弃;离开40.无把握的,不确定的41.美好的;金色的;金的42.在那时;在那个阶段43.匆忙44.匆忙地,急切地45.娱乐活动;娱乐;招待,款待46.艰难,困苦47.疼痛48.清晰的,生动的,鲜明的49.预言,预告,预报50.工作日51.部分时间的(地);兼职的(地)52.易使用的;便利的53.帮助,协助54.自动的55.即食的,方便的;立刻的56.最多的,最大的57.最少的,最小的58.成熟的59.动力Unit 31.和某人批招呼(或问好)2.拥抱,抱紧3.中东,中东地区4.学期末5.婚礼6.公鸡7.保证,担保,确保8.向(某人)道贺,祝贺9.招待会;接待;接受10.新郎11.新娘12.允许,准许13.(尤指以法令)禁止14.自始至终;贯穿整个时间;各处,遍及15.冒犯;侮辱16.适应,习惯;调整,调节17.习惯于;惯常的18.相像,十分相似19.通晓;熟悉20.庆典;庆祝活动21.焰火,烟花22.热狗(香肠面包)23.芥末;芥末酱24.户外烧烤25.期望,盼望26.皇帝27.更不用说28.带某人参观、游览29.占据(时间或空间)30.宗教31.手势;姿势;示意动作32.问候;问候语33.轻微的34.名片35.少数民族;少数,少数人36.海豹37.鹿38.北极的,北极区的39.北极圈40.盛宴,宴会;节日41.描述,叙述42.勇敢43.面具44.雕刻45.爪,爪子46.狼47.统治;控制,支配48.音乐的49.乐器50.蒸,蒸发51.炉子,火炉52.北美印第安人53.平原54.控制,支配55.和平烟斗56.弓;蝴蝶结;琴弓57.箭;箭头标记58.复述,转述59.烤;烘焙Unit 41.缺乏2.自来水3.谈及,提到;与……相关,涉及;查阅,参考4.大使5.亲善大使6.描写(文字)形容,说明7.政治的;政府的8.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的9.受害者10.增加;添加11.除……以外(还),此外12.平等的;同等的13.志愿的;自愿的,主动的14.使(某人)察觉到15.捐献,捐赠,捐助;贡献;促成,导致16.购得;获得,得到17.扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强18.重要的;令人愉快的;值得花时间19.在……的保护下,在……的管理下20.紧急的,紧迫的21.饥饿;挨饿;饿死22.艾滋病23.沸腾,煮沸;烹煮24.地毯25.(羊等的)绒,毛26.售得,卖得(某价)27.出口产品,输出品;出口,输出28.可供替代的29.但愿30.偏远的,偏僻的31.个人财产;拥有,具有32.多山的33.手段,方法34.原始的35.(尤指经努力)获得;赢得36.供暖;供暖系统,暖气设备37.井,水井38.容器;集装箱39.出故障;抛锚40.麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的41.(通常指按周领的)工资42.承诺,保证;投入,奉献;不得不做的事43.混乱,杂乱,紊乱44.处于混乱状态45.同事46.助理,助手47.空着的,未被占用的48.得到,抓住49.多泥的,泥泞的50.潮湿的51.细菌52.住所,藏身之处53.人群54.提醒,使想起55.让某人想起……,提醒某人……56.全体员工57.障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物58.口译工作者,口译译员59.回想60.角度61.有作用(关系,影响)62.。

M6U1 Reading欣赏单口喜剧,促进身心健康!人们总是爱笑,幽默无时不在。

高中牛津英语模块6R e a d i n g中译英(总4页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Stand up for your health !喜剧让你健康!People have always enjoyed laughing ,and there has always been humour .人们总是喜欢笑,并且一直有幽默喜剧。
One favourite type of comedy is called stand-up. Stand-up is a kind of comedy that is done on a stage by a comedian talking straight to audience members .一个喜欢的类型被称为stand-up(单口喜剧). stand-up(单口喜剧)是一种舞台喜剧表演形式,由一个喜剧演员直接跟观众。
A stand-up comedian may tease an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes depending upon how the audience reacted to his or her previous jokes .单口喜剧演员逗观众,或者可以讲不同的笑话,取决于观众的反应他或她以前的笑话。
Types of stand-up喜剧类型There are a variety of different styles of stand-up comedy.有各种不同风格的单口相声。
Some comedians tell jokes about the way people behave or about daily life.一些喜剧演员告诉人们的行为方式或日常生活的笑话。
For example, they may talk about how people act when they queue up, or they may ask why it only rains when you forget your umbrella.比如,他们可能谈论人们在排队时如何采取行动,或他们可能会问,为什么只有下雨时,你忘了你的雨伞。


牛津高中英语模块六语言点Unit 1Laughter is good for you一、 Reading1.stand up for sth: 支持,维护⋯⋯We should strive to stand up for our right.2.stage: n. 舞台,阶段,时期be on the stage: 在舞台上;当演员,登台表演go on the stage: 上舞台,当演员on stage: 在舞台上at a early stage: 在早期①One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.②She wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 他从小就相当演员。
③We watched them from afar, and admired them only on screen and on stage.我们远远的注视他们,只能通过荧屏或舞台钦慕他们的风采。
④The babies develop quickly at an early stage.3. variety: n. (1) 变化,多样性[U] a life lacking variety.(2)种类,各种各样a variety of sth:各种各样的varieties of sth:①He left for a variety of reasons.②In the green grocers’ there are varieties of菜greens市场里.有各种各样的蔬菜。
③ The varieties of goods in this supermarket are rich.4.behave well / badly: 行为表现好∕坏behave oneself: 行为表现好①He behaves badly all the time.②Children, please behave yourself.5.tease sb / make fun of sb: 取笑,嘲弄Don ’ttake what he said seriously, she is just teasing you. 别拿他的话当真,他只是在取笑你。

牛津高中英语模块六语言点Unit 1Laughter is good for you一、 Reading1.stand up for sth: 支持,维护We should strive to stand up for our right.2.stage: n. 舞台,阶段,时期be on the stage: 在舞台上;当演员,登台表演go on the stage: 上舞台,当演员on stage: 在舞台上at a early stage: 在早期①One minute on the stage and ten years of practice off the stage.②She wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 他从小就相当演员。
③We watched them from afar, and admired them only on screen and on stage.我们远远的注视他们,只能通过荧屏或舞台钦慕他们的风采。
④The babies develop quickly at an early stage.3. variety: n. (1) 变化,多样性[U]a life lacking variety.(2)种类,各种各样a variety of sth:各种各样的varieties of sth:①He left for a variety of reasons.②In the green grocers’ there are varieties of菜greens市场里.有各种各样的蔬菜。
③ The varieties of goods in this supermarket are rich.4.behave well / badly: 行为表现好∕坏behave oneself: 行为表现好①He behaves badly all the time.②Children, please behave yourself.5.tease sb / make fun of sb: 取笑,嘲弄Don ’ttake what he said seriously, she is just teasing you. 别拿他的话当真,他只是在取笑你。

49. musical instrument 50. steam 51. stove 52. Native American Indian 53. plain 54. have power over 55. peace pipe 56. bow 57. arrow 58. retell 59. roast
20. academy
40. guarantee
第1 页
41. foolishness 42. foreigner 43. instruct 44. take on 45. initial 46. attain 47. polish 48. bench 49. setting 50. make room for 51. textbook 52. cosy 53. invitation 54. alongside 55. crowded 56. castle Unit 2 1. surround 2. suffering 3. viewer 4. goodwill 5. junior
7. previous
27. howl
8. vastyle
29. saying
10. behave
30. cigar
11. visual
31. bathtub
12. hammer
32. pass away
13. trip
33. mourn
14. trip ove
34. fitness
6. apart 7. apart from 8. mat 9. specialist 10. severe
第2 页
11. in good spirits 12. appreciation 13. sorrow 14. accomplish 15. thankful 16. adapt 17. broadcasting 18. advocate 19. admirable 20. rebuild 21. unbearable 22. go after 23. alcohol 24. temporary 25. depth 26. soul 27. ski 28. accompany 29. instructor 30. on one ’ s own 31. procedure 32. directly

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】新牛津高中英语模块六第一单元知识点整理及单元练习M6 UNIT 1一、词汇大集合Page2-31. a popular form of comedy 一种流行的喜剧形式2. stand up for your health 对你的健康有益3. talk straight to audience members 直接与观众交流4. tease an audience member 开一个观众的玩笑5. depend upon 取决于6. react to 对……的反应7. a variety of 多种多样8. queue up 排队9. rely on 依赖于10. visual humour 视觉幽默11. be inspired by objects 被物体所激发12. make jokes about/make fun of/play jokes on 开……的玩笑13. play tennis 打网球14. lose weight 减轻体重15. trip over chairs 被椅子绊倒16. walk into doors 撞到房门17. fall down on stage 摔倒在舞台上18. absurd humour 荒唐的幽默19. do impressions 模仿20. have affection for 喜欢……21. only a few of 仅仅有一些22. later on in life 在之后的人生中23. one such person 一个这样的人24. go on to act in films 接着在电影中表演25. host the Academy Awards 主持奥斯卡颁奖仪式26. perform his stand up routine 按照他的惯例表演节目27. be broadcast live 广播直播28. one little-know fact 一个鲜为人知的事实29. be very quick thinking 有敏捷的思维30. come up with 想出31. a technical problem 一个技术问题32. make up a new joke 编出一个新笑话33. get his start in silent films 从无声电影起家34. howl with laughter 哄堂大笑35. be popular with 受……的欢迎36. all age groups 所有年龄段37. have the ability to amuse people all around the world 有让全世界人开心的能力40. hear a lot more 听更多41. make films 演电影42. follow in the footsteps 沿着他人的脚步43. live to be 100 years old 活到100岁44. keep working 坚持继续工作45. be good for your health 对健康有好处46. have effect on 对……有影响47. send chemicals around your body 给全身输送化学物质48. stay health 保持健康49. help you fight pain 帮助你战胜痛苦50. whatever the reason 无论是何原因51. in the end 最终52. after all 毕竟p51. pass away 去世2. mourn his death 为他的离世哀悼p71. to laugh one’s head off 大笑2.to smile on someone ……很幸运p91.work out 锻炼/好转2.first of all 首先3.improve your general fitness 增进你的整体健康情况4.strengthen the heart an the lungs 增强你的心肺功能5.relax your muscles 放松你的肌肉6.participate in 参与7.a deep-breathing exercise 有氧呼吸运动8.reduce pain 减轻疼痛9.drive away your negative feelings 消除负面情绪10.practice your routine 按照你的计划锻炼11.that’s for sure 那是肯定的12.guarantee 维持p111.unique art form 独一无二的艺术形式2.instruct students from……教导来自……的学生3.take on 接纳4.initial requirements 基本要求5.have an interest in 对……有兴趣6.traditional pieces of crosstalk 传统相声段落7.move on to doing sth. 继续做某事8.in pairs 成对9.attain enough skills 获得足够的技巧10.p olish their skills 完善他们的技巧11.b e popular among 在……中受到欢迎p14-151.act out a play 表演一出短剧2.walk to the other side of the stage 走到舞台的另一头3.sit on an invisible bench 坐在一张隐形长椅上4.move over 挪到一边5.as if to do sth. 就像在做什么6.make room for 给…腾点位子7.it’s rather nice here 这里相当惬意8.sit down alongside them 坐在他们旁边9.—Mind…?—Not at all. 不,完全不介意10.w ander over the middle of the stage 在舞台中央闲逛11.f all down 摔倒12.g ive a serious look at servant 用严肃的目光看着仆人13.t hrow… at 向…摔…14.i n anger 愤怒地15.d ash out 匆忙离去16.t ear the paper into two 将纸撕成两半17.r un after 追赶18.r un away 逃走19.i t is your duty to……是你的责任20.b urst in 冲入21.p oint to 指着22.p resent sth. to sb. 将…呈给…23.g lare at 瞪着24.h old out 拿出25.a roll of toilet paper 一卷厕纸26.r un off stage 冲下舞台27.r un into 撞到28.o n the way out 在出去的路上二、单元综合练习单元练习1I. Translate the phrases below. (16')1. 取笑9. be supposed to2. 对...做出反应10. makeappropriatecomments3. 主要因为11. a vital form ofentertainment 4. 对...有影响12. take on a new look5. 作演讲13. tear...in two6. 意味深长地看着14. from both home and abroad7. 一叠文件15. queue up for the bus8. 突然冲入16. especially incrosstalk showsII. Multiple choice. (20')1. I’m not familiar with this place. It’s the first time I ________here, you know.A. amB. wasC. have beenD. had been2. ________ about the storm, we all strengthened our houses.A. TellingB. ToldC. Have toldD. Having told3. We ________ very much to meeting you again.A. looking forwardB. expectC. exceptingD. are looking forward4. He won’t apologize to me unless his mother ________ him to.A. asksB. askedC. will askD. has been asking5. I’m pleased to say that all of you ______ greatly ______ our spoken English so far.A. had, improvedB. have, improvedC. /, improvedD. are, improving6. Don’t get off the bus until it ________.A. stopsB. stoppedC. has stoppedD. will stop7. By the time he ________ home, his father will have left for Paris on business.A. gotB. gettingC. getsD. has got8. No one is willing to make friends with those who _______ always _______ lies.A. is, tellingB. /, tellsC. /, tellD. are, telling9. The film is amazing. It’s better than any other film I _______ before.A. had seenB. have ever seenC. sawD. have never seen10. Writing is tough work, but I’m sure it ________.A. worthwhileB. worth itC. is worthD. is worth it11. A good friend should be kind and helpful. ________ is my mother.A. Such a friendB. Such one friendC. No such friendD. One such friend12. My cousin ______ me not to take weight-loss medicine, but I just won’t listen.A. is advisingB. advisedC. advisesD. has been advising13. Frightened by the snake, the girl ________ crying near the well.A. burst inB. burst uponC. burst intoD. burst out14. He ________ dead, for many people saw the truck hit him badly last night.A. must haveB. must have beenC. can’t beD. must be15. Indeed he found nothing ________ in my lesson, because he only had great _______ in computer games.A. amused, interestedB. amusing, interestedC. amused, interestD. amusing, interests16. He again made a mistake in solving the maths problem ________.A. somewhatB. somehowC. anyhowD. anyway17. ---John, I must _______ --- I have an important meeting at 8 o’clock.--- OK! Take care!A. runB. walkC. dashD. exit18. Mary wasn’t satisfied with the blue dress, so the shopkeeper ________ another dress for her to try on.A. held onB. held toC. held outD.held up19. As I pulled the sheet out of the typewriter, it ________.A. tearsB. is tornC. toreD. is tearing20. He ________ his hand and _________ to report his answers when asked to.A. rose, raisedB. raised, raisedC. raised, roseD. rose, roseIII. Fill in the blanks. (20')1. One __________(鲜为人知的) fact is that he was once a __________(备受喜爱的) comedian.2. Zhao Lirong was an ____________(热情的) ___________(女演员). She’ll live in our heart for ever.3. Bi Fujian’s ____________(受欢迎) with all age groups is due to his h__________ (幽默的)hosting style.4. He says sitting on an __________(看不见的) bench is very __________.(舒服的)5. The teacher looked __________(恼火的) when his student ___________(漫步) over to the courtyard instead of following him.6. Father often makes us burst into l__________ by telling us different j_________.7. D__________ is a person in c___________ of the performance ofa drama.8. He observes people’s b___________ in everyday life and acts out on s_________.9. Crystal’s a__________ to improvise leads to his s__________.10. C_________, a u__________ art form in China, has developed a lot of foreignersin recent years.IV. Complete the sentences. (8')1. When is your new book ________ on _________(上市)?2. He should have _________ _________(挪点地方) for the old man.3. _________ _________(后来), he got a job as a government official.4. She never goes out without __________ herself __________(化妆).5. Can you tell me what __________(影响) the incident had _________his family?6. He stopped driving, _________ _________(仿佛) to answer the mobile phone.7. Isn’t it everybody’s ___________ ___________(责任) protect our environment?8. He is also famous __________ ___________(因为主持) the Academy Awards.V. Cloze test. (20')Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words—though they mean 1 at the time to the people who say them—can have a great power.I recently heard a story from Malcolm Dalkoff, who has been a professional 2 for the last 24 years, mostly in advertising.As a boy, Dalkof was terribly shy and 3 . He had few friends and no self-confidence. Then one day, his high-school English teacher, Ruth Brauch, asked the class to write their own chapter that would 4 the last chapter of the novel since they had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it in. Today he cannot recall anything 5 about the chapter he wrote, or what 6 Mrs. Brauch gave him.7 , what he does remember is the four words in the paper: “This is good writing.”Four words. They 8 his life.“9 I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or what I was going to be,” he said. “After reading her 10, I went home and wrote a short story, 11 I had always dreamed of doing but never 12 I could do.”13 the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to Mrs. Brauch for 14 . “She was encouraging, helpful and honest. She was just what I needed,” Dalkoff said.Later he was 15 as a co-editor of his high-school newspaper. His 16 grew; his knowledge broadened; he17 on a successful life withgreat achievements. Dalkoff 18 that none of this would have had happened if that woman had not written those four words.For his 30th high-school reunion, Dalkoff went back and visited Mrs. Brauch, who had retired. He told her what great 19 the four words had had upon his life and because she had given him the confidence to be a writer, he had been able to 20 that confidence on to the woman who would become his wife, who became a writer herself.1. A. much B. little C. well D. ill2. A. reporter B. designer C. writer D. teacher3. A. slow B. independent C. troublesome D. helpless4. A. follow B. change C. connect D. explain5. A. pleasant B. important C. different D. special6. A. help B. encouragement C. grade D. words7. A. Therefore B. However C. Meanwhile D. Besides8. A. improved B. developed C. changed D. enriched9. A. Until B. After C. Since D. While10. A. chapter B. novel C. note D. explanation11. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything12. A. meant B. doubted C. proved D. believed13. A. With B. Beyond C. Over D. From14. A. appreciation B. changing C. informationD. instruction15. A. chosen B. regarded C. considered D. treated16. A. excitement B. confidence C. determination D. experience17. A. kept up B. caught up C. started off D.showed off18. A. realized B. wished C. expected D. dreamed19. A. progress B. success C. courage D. effect20. A. hold B. bring C. pass D. carry VI.Reading comprehension. (16')AHave you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us, from earliest school days, have been told that daydreaming is a waste of time.“On the contrary,”says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology, “daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldn’t get done all the thinking it has to do during a normal day---. You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind. Instead, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states of mind have silent dialogues.”Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illness. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinges, a professor, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinges says, “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures---. Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.”Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. It’s easier to gain a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in your life and found out a possible way of dealing with them.Daydreams cannot be predicted: they move off in unexpected directions which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy.1. The writer of this passage considers daydreams __________.A. hard to understandB. important and helpfulC. harmful and unimportantD. the same as sleep dreams2. The writer quoted(引用) L. Giambra and Eric Klinges to ________.A. point out the wrong ideas of early expertsB. list out two different ideasC. support his own ideasD. report the latest research on daydreams3. What is the difference between daydreams and sleep dreams?A. People have daydreams and sleep dreams at different times.B. Daydreams are the result of unconscious mind while sleepdreams are that of conscious mind.C. Daydreams are easy to understand.D. Daydreams are more helpful in solving problems.4. Which of the following is true?A. An unconscious mind can work all the problems out.B. Daydreaming can give artists and scientists ideas for creations.C. Professor Eric Klinges has a better idea than L. Gimabra.D. Early experts didn’t understand what daydreams were.BPets in workplace please workers may reduce stress Many employees are in favor of having pets in their workplace and believe they help reduce stress and improve their health, a recent study suggests.“The response was positive,”Dr. Meredith Wells told Reuters health. “People thought pets reduced stress, and improved job satisfaction.”Other studies have found that pets can reduce stress and blood pressure levels for children, old adults, and sick patients, “but few studies have examined the effect of pets in the workplace,”Wells said.Employees reported that pets in workplace are good for business.Not everyone was entirely enthusiastic. Some drawbacks reported were noise from barking, hair on the floor. There was also some concern that customers may be afraid of the animal.However, these responses were in the minority(少数). “When we asked what were the drawbacks, the most common response was,“There aren’t any,” Wells said.Wells said she would encourage companies to experiment with a pet police. “I would cautiously recommend it to people, saying they would give it a try,” she said. “However, it may not be very good for every company.”5. It seemed that ______ were in favor of having pets in their workplace.A. all of the employeesB. quite a few of the employeesC. very few of the employeesD. only a few of the employees6. It is wrong to say that pets will help __________.A. to reduce job satisfactionB. to improve one’s healthC. to reduce blood pressureD. to reduce one’s stress7. Not everyone was entirely enthusiastic. That means ________.A. some people didn’t like the ideaB. not everyone fully understood the ideaC. many people were not in favor of the ideaD. very few people liked the idea8. Which of the following word has the same meaning as “drawback”?A. mistakeB. wrongC. faultD. problemVII.书面表达(满分20分)假设你是李华,暑假期间准备和家人去香港迪斯尼乐园游玩。

模块六unit 1 useful expressions1.make fun of 取笑2.in/make response to 对…做出反应3.make jokes about 开玩笑4.queue up/line up/stand in line 排队5.soon after 不久以后,很快6.it’s worthwhile to do sth./doing sth. 值得做某事7.take on 雇佣,呈现,承担,担任8.move on 接下去,继续9.in pairs 结对,两人一组10.for a while 一会儿11.go on 发生,进行12.burst in 突然冲入13.glare at 对…怒目而视14.hold out 拿出;维持,保持;抵抗,抵御15.a roll of 一卷16.trip over 绊倒17.be broadcast live 被现场直播18.follow in the footsteps of sb./follow in sb’s footsteps 照…样子干,仿效某人19.pretend to do sth. 假装做某事ugh one’s head off 大笑21.reaction to sth. 对…的反应22.fall down 跌倒,倒塌,失败23.think of 考虑,思考,想出24.master a foreign language 掌握/精通一门外语25.be skilled at sth./doing sth. 善于做某事26.have an interest in 对…有兴趣27.be crowded with 挤满了…28.tear the paper in two 把纸撕成两半29.point to 指向ter on后来,过些时候31.one such person/such a person 这样一个人32.make comments on 对…做出评论33.make a list of 列出清单34.throw sth. at sb. 把某物扔向某人35.bump into 撞到36.join sb. in doing sth. 加入某人一起做某事37.silent film 无声电影模块六unit 11.发生,进行2.被现场直播3.善于做某事4.突然冲入5.对…怒目而视6.取笑7.对…做出反应8.开玩笑9.bump into10.加入某人一起做某事11.hold out12.一卷13.绊倒14.把纸撕成两半15.指向16.排队17.不久以后,很快ter on19.这样一个人20.对…做出评论21.接下去,继续22.结对,两人一组23.一会儿24.把某物扔向某人25.假装做某事ugh one’s head off27.照…样子干,仿效某人28.值得做某事29.take on30.对…有兴趣31.挤满了…32.对…的反应33.跌倒,倒塌,失败34.think of35.掌握/精通一门外语模块六Unit 2 useful expressions1.meet a goal 实现一个目标2.struggle with a physical disability 与身体上的残疾做斗争3.in difficult/ancient/modern times 在困难时期/在古代/在现代4.be badly/seriously injured and in hospital 受伤严重住院5.in case 假如/以防万一in no case 决不in this/that case 在这样/那样的情况下6. a little bit 有点,少许 a bit less 少一点7.describe… as…把…描述为…/认为…8.devote/dedicate oneself to doing / be devoted/dedicated to doing sth.奉献于…/致力于做…9.be rushed to 被急送至…10.severe injuries 重伤/严重的伤势11.in good/high spirits 情绪好in poor/low spirits 情绪低落12.the secret/key to sth./doing sth. …的秘诀/关键是…13.adapt /adjust oneself to sth./doing / be adapted /adjusted to sth./doing sth.(使)适应…14.disabled people/the disabled 残疾人15.stay/keep optimistic 保持乐观16.remain cheerful 保持开心/愉快17.at the cost of 以…为代价18.cost her the ability to walk 使她失去了行走的能力/使她付出了行走能力的代价19.be due to do sth. 预计/预期做某事20.have a good attitude towards/to sth./doing sth. 对…有良好的态度21.be content/satisfied with 对…感到满意22.be jealous of 嫉妒…23.look back on 回顾/回忆24.arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事25.quit doing 停止/放弃做某事26.have a good/better understanding of 对…有好的/更好的了解27.assist sb. with/in sth. 帮助某人某事assist sb. in doing/to do sth. 帮助某人做某事28.for instance/for example 举例29.instantly/as soon as/immediately 一…就…30.keep sb. company 陪伴某人in company with sb. 和某人一起31.reach/achieve a conclusion/decision/goal 得出结论/做出决定/实现目标32.a rush on/for sth. 急需…33.devote time/energy to sth./doing sth. 花费时间/精力做某事/在某事上34.much to one’s disappointment 让某人很失望的是35.be junior/senior to 比…年幼/比…年长36.apart from 远离,除…之外37.across the world 在全世界38.be tired of 对…感到厌倦39.believe in 信任,信仰40.ahead of 在…的前面41.at that point 在那时42.in a rush 匆忙地,急切地43.go for 参加,想要取得或得到44.hot under the collar 愤怒的,尴尬的45.over the moon 非常快乐,狂喜46.down in the dumps 沮丧,闷闷不乐47.on cloud nine 很快乐48.feel blue 忧郁49.fly off the handle 狂怒50.a series of 一系列51.cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来52.overcome her disappointment 克服/战胜她的失落53.be under sb’s guidance 在某人的指导下54.be independent of 独立于/不依赖于55.be under guarantee 在保修期内56.make one’s own decision 作出某人自己的决定57.give sb. the motivation to do 给某人做某事的动力模块六Unit 2 useful expressions1.预计/预期做某事2.情绪好情绪低落3.被急送至…4.对…感到满意5.回顾/回忆6.fly off the handle7.(使)适应…8.残疾人9.对…有良好的态度10.停止/放弃做某事11.down in the dumps12.保持开心/愉快13.安排某人做某事14.hot under the collar15.以…为代价16.on cloud nine17.使她失去了行走的能力/使她付出了行走能力的代价18.一… 就…19.一系列20.对…有好的/更好的了解21.帮助某人某事帮助某人做某事22.奉献于…/致力于做…23.重伤/严重的伤势24.让某人很失望的是25.apart from26.在某人的指导下27.over the moon28.保持乐观29.举例30.作出某人自己的决定31.at that point32.给某人做某事的动力33.花费时间/精力做某事/在某事上34.独立于/不依赖于35.陪伴某人和某人一起36.reach/achieve a conclusion/decision/goal37.对…感到厌倦38.在保修期内39.go for40.受伤严重住院41.把…描述为…/认为…42.a rush on/for sth.。

译林牛津模块6Unit1--4翻译练习和词义配对(译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)翻译1 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.2 你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。
You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after all , he is over seventy.3 我脑子一下子记不住这麽多信息.My brain can't hold so much information at one time.4她把食物分成相同的四份She divided the food into four equal shares.5 让我们讨论一下吧。
Now let's move on to the next item.6 房间里挤满了客人。
The room was crowded with guests.7 他献给她一束花。
He presented her with a bunch of flowers.8 我们的供应品能维持多久, 我们就能在这里呆多久.We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.9他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。
They were supposed to be here an hour ago.Comedy A dramatic work that is light and often humorous Response A reply or an answer.Queue up To get in line:Routine a standard procedureOutstanding Superior to others of its kind; distinguished.Appropriate Suitable forHowl To express or utter with a howl.Vital Necessary to continued existence or effectiveness; essential:Super Excellent; first-rate:Initial Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first:Skilled Having or showing skill; expert.Wander To move about without a definite destination or purpose.Entire Having no part excluded or left out; whole:Meaningless Having no meaningBow To bend downwardGlare To stare fixedly and angrily.Unit 11 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.2 你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。


Unit1SchoolLife20 年月日A4打印/ 可编辑Unit 1 School Life Project A New School ClubTeaching PlanTeacher: Haby 顾旻12英语师范Teaching Plan(牛津高中英语模块一第1单元Project)1.Teaching Material Analysis: Starting A New School Club2.Teaching Hours: Forty-five Minutes3.Period: The First Period4.Students: Students of Grade Seven5.Teaching AimsStudents should be able to:1.Master the words and phrases used in the articles.2.Conclude the contents and retell the details.3.Design a poster by themselves.4.Teaching Difficulties1.How to use students’ own words to conclude and retell.2.How to design a poster.3.Teaching Focus1.How to master the words and the phrases.2.How to understand the articles and what a poster should consist of.3.Teaching Aids1.The Blackboard2.The Multi-media3.Teaching ProceduresStep One: Lead-in1.What’s your school life like?2.How can you make your high school life more interesting?Step Two: Fast-reading1.Read the first article quickly and answer the questions.1.When was the radio club started?2.Who started the radio club?3.Why was the radio club started?4.Read the second article quickly and answer the questions.1.What is the name of the school club?2.Who started it?3.When do the members of the school club meet?Step Three: Detail-reading1.Read the two articles again and fill in the blanks.2.Without looking at the articles, finish the following task.1.Multiple Choice2.True or False3.Teacher analyzes the language points.4.Conclude what the poster should consist of.5.Homework1.Read after the tape at least two times and review the words and the phrases thatwe have learnt in class.2.Work in groups (2-4 students) to design a poster of your club and tell the classwhy they should join.3.Blackboard Designing4.Teaching Reflection。

L8. a variety of“不同种类的,各种各样” 不同种类的, 不同种类的 各种各样”
Newspapers offer information, and they also cover a variety of topics. The island has a wide variety of wildlife. There are various ways to answer your question. 注意谓语动词
e up with 想出,拿出 想出,
He could not come up with a proper answer. Come about 发生,产生 e.g. How did it come about? Come across 偶然遇见 Come on 快点;来吧,加油;得了 Come out 出版;出现;发芽 Come up 走进;被提及; Come to 涉及,谈及;苏醒;总设计;突然被某人 想起
L10. act
vi 举止,行为,充当,起作用 vt 扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色) He acted Hamlet very well in the play. Act as 担当,起作用 Act out 把…..演出来 John acted as chairman in his absence. The children started to acted out the whole incident.
Hale Waihona Puke L4. Teasevt 取笑;戏弄 Stop teasing the cat. 别再招惹那只小猫 Tease sb. about sth. 取笑某人某事 Tease sth. out of sb. 哄骗某人说出某事 I finally managed to tease the truth out of her. 我终于哄她说出了真相。
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1.We have a variety of ways to attain that goal.
2.After playing the violin for ten years, Sophia moved on to the piano.
3.Whatever the reason, many people prefer to come here to polish (up) their language skills.
4.The only solution I’ve come up with is to ask you to make room on the shelf for some more books.
5.He held out his car key, saying that I could use this car.
6.My idea is that we stay where we are and wait for help.
7.What on earth are they looking at ?
what is going on there?
8.Many foreigners have an interest in the Chinese culture and some of them have come to china to learn Chinese.
1.S he studies until 11 o’clock every
morning, apart from the class she
attends at the weekend.
2.When I graduated, I felt caught
between pursuing future
education and looking for a job. 3.This week’s lecture will focus on
how to be happy in life.
4.E veryone has the right to go after
5.Y ou have to allocate your time
well in order to succeed.
6.Hearing the news, he left in a
7.It is so hot, I feel like going
8.He has devoted all his energy to
caring for the homeless people.
1.When she saw me on the street, Patrick greeted me with a warm hug.
2.Please join me in washing the Smiths the best of luck in the future.
3.If I were a millionaire, I would travel round the world.
4.After he moved to Australia , he soon adjusted to the way of life there.
5.We are busy (in) making preparations for the end-of-term exams.
6.Mike is not old enough to have a driving permit.
7.After the feast she spent a week dieting to keep her figure.
8.He retold his parents the story that he heard in class.
1.We felt honored that the ambassador chose to visit our school.
2.We want to acquire knowledge not only from our textbooks, but also from the outside of them.
3.At Christmas, they decorated the hall with cheerful flags, papers and lights.
4.There were no flights available, so I was forced to take a train all the way from Shanghai to Lanzhou.
5.I would not waste money, even if I were as rich as Bill Gates.
6.The picture of the young girl in the magazine reminded me of my
7.S he is an outstanding/ a top student. Apart from her good grades, she is willing to help others.
8.If you want to earn a profit, you may adapt to the new situation.。