
万兽⼭副本BOSS的打法魔神争霸⼩蓬蓬该B O S S拥有着⽬前天机O L中最⾼的物理防御7300点,可以说是坚⽪硬⾻,百打不动。
野外的物理防御王者B O S S骷髅将军防御只有也2000,⾄于更厉害的野外B O S S妖鸟凤炎,请不必担⼼,因为它根本不是物理B O S S。
因此⼩蓬蓬的物理防御,只能⽤B T来形容。
攻略要点:⼀⽅⼠以魔法主攻,另两个⽅⼠补好主攻⽅⼠的⽣命和坚硬冰壳,战⼠和刺客⽤状态压制B O S S,在此B O S S战中,物理系的攻击职业只能混到个辅助的位置,等着拣东西吧。
棕盲勇者巨⼤的熊王,它站⼩蓬蓬所照镜⼦的另⼀端,棕盲勇者拥有所有魔法抗性100的全抗法术体质,所以在本次B O S S战中,⽅⼠们只要专⼼加⾎就好。
巨熊⽖:刺客稀有武器,限制等级25附加属性物理攻击+7,暴击⼏率+1%,可以说是刺客这个阶段的黄⾦装备,必要的话,队伍可以绕过⼩蓬蓬抄近路来打这个B O S S,万兽B O S S的追击范围都很⼩。
三彩巨兽只有⾎多优点的B O S S,唯⼀需要注意的是它冰霜护盾的技能,不过若是队伍伤害输出够⾼的话,可以将此技能忽略,因为攻击伤害够⾼,技能输出频率够快的话,会延迟B O S S使出技能的⼏率,综合来说这是万兽⼭四⼤B O S S中最好解决的⼀个。

根据原著-屠龙用的七兵器有几个主人? 6
风云专区的版主有几个? 3
在哪个网站下载的风云-决战天门是原版舆图? U9
通魔作坊简称是什么? CW
步惊云有几个名字? 3
聂风有几个名字? 2
聂风有几个孩子? 2
皇影临死前使用的最后一招是什么? 惊情七变
破军最高境地武功是什么? 杀破狼
步惊云:60级学习龙麟破日 天道无极
聂风:60级学习魔气纵横 天道无极
谁有两把神器? 破军
谁最受女孩子欢迎? 聂风
谁老婆最多,但是都死了? 步惊云
谁忍耐了铸心之痛? 怀空
哪位是日本人? 皇影
谁最卑鄙,阴险(也比拟帅)? 断浪
谁是云儿的亲生父亲? 剑晨
无名的三无天是谁? 碰到这题算你倒运,选哪个都是错的
怀空的炼铁手共有几层? 5
天儿是谁的儿子? 步惊云
易风是谁的儿子? 聂风

1. 无限资源秘籍。
2. 快速建造秘籍。
3. 无敌秘籍。
4. 快速获得经验秘籍。
5. 解锁所有关卡秘籍。

魔神争霸编译全过程作者:仓酷云注:本魔神教程是在魔神争霸源码及资源进行说明.一:准备工具1、Microsoft Visual Studio20082、IDE环境和编译器,开发必备工具3、3D Max9注意这里可以是3D Max9的版本也可以是3D Max2009版本.二:需要库1、3D Max SDK编译插件必备。
2、源码中已经包含了.3、Boost1.41– 1.44版本均可4、DirecrX9SDK5、Microsoft DirectX SDK(August2009)三:编译1、用VS2008打开魔神争霸.sln2、双击打开出现如下界面如果不一样调整一下^_^3、现在开始配置环境.点击工具->选项出现如下界面.1.添加DirecrX9SDK的Include目录比如我装在默认目录下就选择..C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK(August2009)\Include\如果不是默认路径请自行选择DirectX SDK下的Include目录.2.添加boost目录比如我的是D:\boost_1_41_0你们可以自己选择然后再在右上角下拉列表框中选择库文件把DirectX SDK下的Lib\x86文件夹添加进去再把Boost的库添加进去如果现在不知道如何编译boost可以暂时忽略^_^好了环境配置完了···可以生成了。
先设置一下生成的版本按照下图这么选就行了.完了点击菜单生成->全部重新生成就开始生成了.输出窗口会不停的提示编译到什么文件出现了什么错误..哦对了我记得好像会报一个什么编译错误.如果出来现了==========全部重新生成:成功32个,失败5个,跳过0个==========再按一下F7如果出现了1>------已启动生成:项目:gmtool,配置:Debug Any CPU------1>gmtool->I:\老魔神\tool\gmtool\bin\Debug\gmtool.exe==========生成:成功1个,失败0个,最新36个,跳过0个==========证明全部编译通过否则请跟帖告诉我提示··^_^这节就讲这么多,大家有什么问题跟帖问我。

温暖:LV10的温暖可恢复1200⽣命,绝对是⽅⼠朋友们使⽤次数最多的⼀个技能,毫不客⽓地说,如果没有这个技能,那些超强的B O S S绝不可能被攻克。

望台右下角的半神赛纳留斯之角处领取第三个 任务,然后带领英雄到原本送信任务的上方,杀
带上溶魂草即可攻击淤泥怪右上方的龙魂 守护者,同时溶魂草消失,杀死龙魂守护者后,
长,输入此命令可能不显示隐藏英雄): 御魔者可以在 1 级的时候就升级一个“召唤 地狱兽(W)”的技能,但代价就是御魔者自身不 能攻击:
位,占用快捷键 F1,而且有一个包裹空间,开启 第二个包包,需要到 40 级。带领地狱兽攻击“神 秘了望台”右下角的恶魔之门,开始做送信任务:
此任务可以循环做,完成 10 次之后,得到 龙骨盾:攻击+1500,三围属性+330:
做送信任务的时候,召唤的地狱兽已经完成 第三波的怪的防守了,可以从神秘了望台处套装 了,如下图所示,每行四个物品可以合成一个装
英雄 50 级即可升级召唤恶魔塔程: 塔程技能魔法乱舞,每 4 秒即可召唤一个地 狱火,或者使用一次宁静,绝对的变态防守技能:
发送 hg 可以回城(用在送信或者刷钱刷木
头等房间),输入 cx 可以查询龙皇盾经验(说明 龙皇盾可以升级),按 Esc 键可以恢复镜头
选择人物的时候,可以输入上古神魔传的拼 音 shanggushenmozhuan,获取第 7 位英雄,即隐

魔神争霸攻略1. 简介魔神争霸是一款备受玩家喜爱的角色扮演游戏。
2. 角色选择在开始游戏之前,玩家需要选择自己的角色。
3. 升级和装备升级角色和装备是提高游戏实力的关键。
4. 战斗技巧在与魔神的战斗中,灵活运用技能和战术非常重要。

-sc 超级士兵模式 某些时候每方会各产生超级士兵跟随小兵进攻。最弱的是攻城傀儡,强一点的是恐怖怪鱼,最强的是远古九头蛇。
-st 超级塔模式 所有建筑会自动快速回血。
-fr 快速复活,假如死了,不会像以前等99秒,只要十几秒就好了
-im 开启IM模式(想玩IM版地图的必选模式,想玩DOTA IMBA必须开启的模式)。注:3.72版以后不需要输入-im,默认为im模式,直接输入正常的游戏模式(-ap,rd等)就行对战。
-cn 在该模式下AI英雄的技能不会IM化。
-sl 该模式下每个英雄所有技能,包括小技能,大招和黄点中的某一个将会丢失,不能再学习,施法及起到相应的作用。
-ay 此模式下近卫天灾所有玩家都是队友,共享视野并且是组队的。但是近卫玩家和天灾军团还是敌对的,天灾玩家和近卫军团也是敌对的。此模式主要用于挑战 BOSS。
-ox 可以挑战奥妮克希亚。建议在AY模式下挑战。
-hg 高得金AI,AI获得更多的金币。
-ne 普通经验AI,AI获得和玩家一样的经验值。
-ng 普通得金AI,AI获得和玩家一样的金币。
-(空格) 调出AI控制菜单
-fn 快速刷野。
-wtf 技能无消耗无冷却时间模式
-random 随机选择英雄 随机选择一个英雄,不消耗金钱。
-repick 重新选择英雄 花费一定钱,让你放弃已选择的英雄而重新选。只能使用一次,一般消耗150金钱,但在-ar中消耗400 。如果是随机英雄模式,新英雄也是随机的。在禁止重选模式下,不能使用这个命令。

5,说到钓鱼,如果你还是和以前一样手动的话,那就真的该打PP 了,自更新后,打架就可以使用自动钓鱼技能,不需要什么按键精灵辅助了,

WarpTen : 快速建造IocainePowder : 快速死亡WhosYourDaddy : 无敌KeyserSoze [100000] : 得到黄金[数字]LeafItToMe [amount] : 得到木头[数字]GreedIsGood [amount] : 得到黄金+木头PointBreak : 得到食物ThereIsNoSpoon : 得到魔力TheDudeAbides : cooldown(CD归零)StrengthAndHonor : nodefeatItVexesMe : novictoryWhoIsJohnGalt : 搜索ISeeDeadPeople : 显示地图Synergy : 科技树RiseAndShine : 黎明LightsOut : 黄昏DaylightSavings [hour] : 时间[数字]SharpAndShiny : 升级Motherland [race] [level] : 升级[人物] [级别]somebobysetupusthebomb : 击败敌人AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs : 完全胜利魔兽争霸超级密集:无限力量:thereisnospoon(魔法无限)somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级Synergy =科技全开WarpTen 快速建造WhosYourDaddy 无敌ThereIsNoSpoon 魔力无限ISeeDeadPeople 显示地图SharpAndShiny 升级SombodySetUpUsTheBomb 击败敌人在游戏中按下回车,输入以下密码后再按下回车即可:iseedeadpeople 地图全开allyourbasearebelongtous 立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb 立即失败thereisnospoon 无限魔法whosyourdaddy 无敌模式strengthandhonor 在胜利或者失败了之后继续玩warpten 快速建设keyseroze 增加500金钱iocainepowder 快速灭亡leafittome 增加500木材pointbreak 获得食物thedudeabides 安静下来itvexesme 拒绝胜利whoisjohngalt 研究synergy 科技树全开sharpandshiny 升级riseandshine 设置早上时间lightsout 设置晚上时间daylightsavings (hour) 设置一天的指定时刻daylightsavings 白昼连续开关motherland (race) (level) 选关。

◆体验PC与online game和街机的多重快感,打的热◆简单的操作模式,变化多段的战术,战斗艺术的升华◆国产玄幻MMO+RPG,来自中国神话故事的传承,打造出非常具有中国特色的魔神争霸◆全3D无缝拼接大地图,无限延展,真正纵横驰骋,让敌人无所遁形◆魔族联盟VS光明联盟的激烈战斗架构◆流畅的动作模式,战斗的精彩,面向都可以用来改变战斗的优势战役首要体现在呼唤、咒骂、操控方面,进犯上以电与毒元素为主,物理进犯较弱。
魔神争霸 防沉迷技术文档

Accout_server 是接受玩家数据。
3.从数据库查找玩家消息通过a cooutserver.4. 玩家是否大于18岁的判断:本地机器的时间用SYSTEMTIME这个windows API来获取玩家生日信息由平台那边提供我们做的只是从数据库获取通过accoutserver得到相应玩家生日信息其格式如2009-11-28格式是由自己提供。

1. 金钱和资源秘籍。
"greedisgood xxx",通过输入这个秘籍,可以获得指定数量的金钱和木材,例如输入"greedisgood 10000"可以获得10000金钱和木材。
2. 建筑和科技秘籍。
3. 单位和英雄秘籍。
4. 其他有趣的秘籍。

很幸运、言归正传,市面上所有的资源要么失效,要么是骗人的,还有就是下载下来一大堆东西,不知道怎么 ...魔神争霸魔神争霸单机|魔神争霸开发二:魔神争霸:超强内置GM管理员工具魔神争霸:超强内置GM管理员工具:这一讲详细讲解内置GM工具代码的编写!魔神争霸:超强内置GM管理员工具:魔神脚本采用的“RPG4U脚本语法”语法手册见附件!//GM工具proc_start 1 var $ask $ask = ask 目前 ...魔神争霸魔神争霸单机|魔神争霸开发三:魔神争霸:上线送物品修改之送GM专用物品修改相关文件:D://mszb/Script/CreatePlayer.s修改过程:1.解压覆盖(记得先把“CreatePlayer.s”先倍份好,呆会要还原的。
)2.启动服务端3.登陆客户端进游戏后新建人物进游戏后包裹里就会有GM 专用GM物品,我在 ...魔神争霸魔神争霸单机|魔神争霸开发四:魔神争霸:副本怪物设置/怪物爆率设置一:魔神争霸:怪物爆率设置:不多说,见图文。
二:魔神争霸:怪物爆率设置:副本怪物制作:----------------------------------------------------------副本怪物一般在副本文件夹的*.xml文件里面例:Stage ...魔神争霸魔神争霸单机|魔神争霸开发五:魔神争霸:封顶等级设置/注册新建背包大小设置魔神争霸:封顶等级设置封顶等级设置相关文件:服务端:game_server.ini复制代码封顶等级设置相关修改://等级上限LevelLimt=92复制代码注册新建背包大小设置://新建角色的背包大小CreatCharBag ...魔神争霸魔神争霸单机|魔神争霸开发六:魔神争霸:5职业猎人单机版【服务端+视频教程】魔神争霸:5职业猎人单机版【服务端+视频教程】本帖子教大家如何搭建魔神争霸单机版,并附带最新魔神5职业版本服务端,请大家不要用于商业用途,只做技术交流。


无敌并一击必杀: whosyourdaddy
无限能量: thereisnospoon
任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor
地图全开: iseedeadpeople
立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous
立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb
禁止任务默认的胜利条件: itvexesme
加黄金: keysersoze(空格键)[黄金数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加木材: leafittome(空格键)[木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加黄金和木材: greedisgood(空格键)[数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
快速建造: warpten
无人口上限: pointbreak
快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt
快速升级: sharpandshiny
解除科技树限制: synergy
将时间直接设定到白昼: riseandshine
将时间直接设定到夜晚: lightsout
设定具体时间: daylightsavings(空格键)[小时数]
让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings

KeyserSoze # = 黄金加#多(以下的"#"均代表数值)LeafItToMe # = 木材加#多GreedisGood = 黄金木材各加500GreedisGood 1000000 = 黄金和木材各加1000000 (以上秘籍增加的黄金和木材上限都为一百万,如果太贪心,超过一亿,你的黄金则会变成0,如果输入一千万的话给予金钱仍是一百万。
)PointBreak = 取消人口因当前上限值不足而无法生产的情况,达到最大值仍然无法生产。
Whosyourdaddy = 神化模式[不受任何物理以及魔法伤害,但会受到溅射(如龙类喷吐),毒类攻击(如小鹿)和自我损耗(如凤凰)以及我方单位攻击(攻击力不放大)伤害,攻击力为原来的最大值*100或者是最小值*100,并不是一击必杀,开此秘籍施放技能伤害则放大一千倍,若是恢复技能,仍然不变。
]Iseedeadpeople = 地图全开Thereisnospoon = 法力无限(英雄和魔法兵的魔法永远不会减少并且施放技能时不需要魔法限制,即使魔法没有到技能所需也能施放,并且不消耗魔法。
)WhoisJohnGalt = 取消单位等级限制(英雄和兵学技能不受级别影响)WarpTen = 快速建造,快速研究,快速训练,快速升本SharpAndShiny = 升级攻防,法师单位等级,建筑和单位的部分被动技能(输入一次只能提升一级)Synergy = 科技树全开(取消科技限制)RiseAndShine = 直接到白天LightsOut = 直接到夜晚DaylightSavings = 停住时间DaylightSavings [时间] = 调整时间IocainePowder = 尸体迅速消失(只能让输入秘籍后的尸体迅速消失,输入秘籍之前存在的尸体不会迅速消失)TheDudeAbides = 技能和物品cooldown清零(输入一次只能免去CD一次,再次使用前需要先输入一次取消秘籍,才可再次输入)还有一个不算是秘籍,但也需要敲回车,然后输入,但是成功后并不会出现启动秘籍字样。
魔兽地图 鬼泣秘籍(Warcraft map DMC cheats)

魔兽地图鬼泣秘籍(Warcraft map DMC cheats)Press the Enter key name dialog box in the game after the input cheatIf the input is correct, the word "Cheat enabled" appearsGreedisgood = 500 units per unit of gold timberKeyserSoze = plus goldLeafItToMe = add woodPointBreak = mouth ceilingWhosyourdaddy = unbeatable and one hitIseedeadpeople = show all mapsAllyourbasearebelongtous = win immediatelySomebodysetupusthebomb = immediately defeatedItVexesMe = not to be judged victoriousStrengthAndHonor = will not be judged defeatedThereisnospoon = infinite ManaWhoIsJohnGalt = R & D accelerationWarpTen = fast architectureSharpAndShiny = building upgradeSynergy = Tech OpenRiseAndShine = dawnLightsOut = duskDaylightSavings = adjustment timeMotherland = jump off (e.g., human 04)IocainePowder =fastdeathTheDudeAbides =cooldown-apWow.2., the wings are playing or close, and if yes, a few wings, respectively, what combination, say where the material hit.Satisfaction score. M: 2 m /zt connected connected answer to solve popularity: 2255 time: 2009-04-01 23:38 Report地图各类数据: 普通怪物掉宝率15% 一般融合成功率70% 祝福宝石升级成功率:100% 灵魂宝石升级成功率:80% 魔兽掉宝率20%: 魔兽名称掉落专署材料掉落宝物三头魔龙 [魔龙之骨] [红魂晶石] 极冰兽 [玄冰石] [冰影弓-等级0] 玛雅圣兽 [七彩石] [创造宝石]嗜血狂 [罪恶之灵] [红莲甲-等级0] 炎熔兽 [灼炎石] [炎炼枪-等级0] 耀光兽 [耀光石] [天罚剑-等级0] 伪天使 [天使羽毛] [洛克之羽] 苍狼 [苍狼血牙] [圣角杖-等级0] 冥王 [冥王甲碎片] [魔炎铠-等级0] 雷兽 [奔雷] [风雷锤-等级0] 石巨人 [玄武坚石] [魔法铠-等级0] 蚩尤魔 [蚩尤之心] [阎魔刀-等级0] 可升级武器各等级所需经验: Level 0: 1001: 2002: 4003: 6004: 8005: 1000 armor upgrade each grade required experience: 0: 2001: 4002: 8003: 12004: 16005: 2000: 1. task nightmare prologue introduction: death industry launched the first attack. Although the force is not much, but can also cause harm, so now to protect the member of the commune, not let them die. Failure condition: none. Victory condition: kill aggressors. Bounty: 1000 of the remaining members per person. 2. endless defense introduction: the previous battle angered death, it decided to destroy the whole commune, concentrated most of the forces ready to attack... Failure condition: the commune headquarters was destroyed. Victory condition: hold death, attack 30 times. Bonus: 3000 times the number of attacks per attack. The 3. lost mark: the face of death sector by doing Tactical Attack, is not a good method to break the deadlock to attack, the task is to find the gods left the human world glorious imprint and October mark, open door can wear, attack the death world. Failure condition: none. Victory condition: in the deep ruins of the square and in the dark forest, retrieve the glorious mark and the moon shining mark. Bounty: 30 timber per person. 4. Road: blood inflammatory soul puts on the door is open, the task now is to break through, in front of the block, where to find death. Failure conditions: after the time not destroy with the soul. Victory conditions: destroy Demonsoul inflammation. Bounty: 50 timber per person. 5. sea fairy tears: the portal tract inflammation is death by soul magic seal, want to seal againstdeath, it is necessary to find a sea monster Medusa, her tears can untie seal. Failure condition: none. Victory condition: get the tears of the sea demon, pass the door of devil.Bounty: 50 pieces of wood. The 6. lost soul of the temple: the war finally came to the middle of the fifth soul temple, the soul of the house a total of 10 layers, each layer has 4 channels, to find the right channel can smoothly through the layer, and in the wrong conditions: no failure will... Through the soul of the temple of victory conditions. Bounty: 50 timber per person. 7. introduction: the seal of soul over fallen Black Knight, he was the soul of the temple with the soul of the seal, not to seal can not move forward, to seal way is to find the four animal soul stone, into the corresponding call animal sacrifice India can untie. Failure condition: none. Victory condition: untie the seal. Bounty: 30 timber per person. 8. the final battle to the death of the temple: the road has been opened, please beat the death before death puts on the gate open, otherwise death puts on the gate opened, the commune is unable to resist death and deadly attack... Failure conditions: within the stipulated time of death without death. Victory condition: defeat death. Bounty: 100 timber per person. 9., survival or death of the fight: the battle between the strong, only one person can survive, and survive, will be the strongest in the world, survival or death fight! You choose. Victory condition: all teammates died. Reward: none. 10. hidden end (kill difficulty visible): not to open the...[Rock feather]+[red armor - 5]+[]+[soul spar is a jewel creation angel wings]&[demon wings]&[dark wings] [Rock feather]+[red soul spar wing of the]+[]+[demon wings]+[wingsof dark]+[created gems is corrupt magic wings]&[king magic wings]&[phantom magic wings] light feather]+[dark feather fall]+[magic wings]+[king magic wings]+[phantom magic wings]+[create gem is????] - other basic success rate of 70% [Rock Rock Rock]+[]+[feather feather featherfeather]+[]+[Rock Rock]+[feather light feather]&[create gem is dark feather]Three head magic dragon [dragon dragon's bone] [red soul spar]Polar ice beast [stone] [xuanbing ice shadow bow - 0]The Mayan Sacred [stone] [gem] create colorfulThe evil spirit of bloodthirsty crazy [] [a lotus - 0]Inflammation melting animal [burning stone] [temper gun - rank 0]Glitter glitter [stone] [from the beast sword - grade 0]False angels [Angel feathers] [feathers of Rock]Wolf [blood shadow] [holy Wand - rank 0][a] [Pluto Pluto debris armor - 0] inflammationUltralisks [] [ponley thunder hammer - grade 0]The stone giant stone [Xuanwu] [magic armor - 0]Chi You [Chi You] [magic heart Yamato - 0]"Devil May Cry 1.2" agency synthesis formulaMo Jianshi -]+[matchless blessing bone]+[gem DMC]+[soul gem]+[Yamato - grade 5]+[magic dragon jewel creation is????]Dwarf Warrior -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[thunder hammer - grade 5]+[Chi heart]+[create gem is????]Berserker -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[Yamato - grade 5]+[evil spirit]+[create gem is????]The Black Knight peerless]+[blessing gem]+[- our soul gem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[armor pieces]+[Pluto create gem is????]Flame MAGE -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[qicaishi]+[create gem is????]Archer -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[ice shadow bow - grade 5]+[xuanbing stone]+[create gem is????]Hell striker -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[ice shadow bow - grade 5]+[scorching stone]+[create gem is????]Thunder MAGE -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[inflammation grade 5]+[]+[ponley refining gun created gems is????]Light - medium gods blessing gem]+[warriors]+[DMC soul gem]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[angel feather]+[create gem is????]Gundam - matchless blessing gem]+[]+[DMC soul gem]+[thunder hammer - grade 5]+[Xuanwu stone]+[create gem is????]Shadow Assassin -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[refining gun 5]+[grade inflammation wolfbloodfang]+[create gem is????]Paladin -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[stone]+[glitter create gem is????]Demon Hunter -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[arthritis gun - grade 5]+[refining]+[created gems is a Spartan sword????]The death -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[mask our soulgem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[virtual]+[create gem is????]The sun god - matchless blessing gem]+[medium DMC soul gem]+[]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[Yan Yang]+[sunspot create gem is????]Huoyanhei was published at 21:07 2009-3-28Back to demons, great simple difficulty, detailed walkthrough[s:224] gave money Oh, I post - experienceMap: cry 1 versionStrategy:[b] [/b] story: the story happened in a few centuries, human civilization found in the human body with the magic, and gradually mastered the control magic skills, along with the human understanding of the world of magic, also found that three of the world, the gods, dead gods and human civilization of the human world, three has been maintained a balance of regularity, only human beings in continuous innovation and development, in the human to magic technology develops, the death industry invasion, death and death brought disaster to the human world, human magic technology can not match, the survival number gradually decreased, only a small part of the hero with down their skilled combat skills to survive, and together now, select their love hero, join the battle. The devil may cry!Figure [/b]: input: [b] hidden - Dante leaves / devil may cry --- A Myth --- spiritual support / demon[b] task introduction [/b]:The first [/color] 1.[color=#00FFFF] nightmareIntroduction: the death industry launched the first attack, although the force is not much, but can also cause harm, so now to protect the member of the commune, not let them die.Failure condition: none.Victory condition: kill aggressors.Bounty: 1000 of the remaining members per person.[b] Raiders [/b]: not of this task, [b][color=#FF0000] choose characters directly after birth in the transfer matrix in the top 2 brush strange room upgrade [/color][/b], first wave monster kills people will hang directly, you can rise to 5 to 6 [s:162] in the room, to buy medicine.2.[color=#00FFFF] endless defense, [/color]Introduction: the last battle angered death, it decided to destroy the whole commune, concentrating most of the forces ready to attack...Defeat Condition: commune headquarters destroyed.Victory condition: hold death, attack 30 times.Bonus: 3000 times the number of attacks per attack.[b] introduction [/b]: simple difficulty, you can give yourself more brush strange time, each wave as far as possible to stay a few, and then to send the matrix to the ruins of the forest brush strange, RP good always fall suits, woodEvery few waves of BOSS base for the first BOSS to Jack Bauer, before he came out to rise to 35 a big move is very difficult, you can do the task with the wolf whistle scorpion tail top skills (suggested a 20 halo Bauer wooden clothes armed), if thechain out of Phoenix before that the better, antimagic potion can put his thorn, it is not our president and [s:224]PS: in front of the base, there is a transfer array at the brush, sending it to the village, crossing the bridge, a few NPC in front, and going over there to have a task prompt. The tasks are: [b] pick flowers [/b][s:214], in the upper right corner of the map, the church has a garden on the right, and flowers are brushed out every few seconds;[b] [/b]: scorpion tail in the village on the left, there is a scorpion transmission below, there is a hole on the mountain there lived a scorpion, one of the four sacred, Xuanwu [s:223];[b]: [/b] on the map on the right side of robbers under the bandit [s:162]; [b] wolf [/b]: the map on the right side, there are wolves in the robbers near the iceberg live one of the four sacred - Qinglong; [b] [/b] NPC: the task is to catch fish with panda [s:214] under the trees beside the river, the river fish, it directly A. Mission rewards --------[[b][color=#66FFCC] gloves]+[cloak]+[]+[whistle Necklace][/color][/b]-------[color=#FF0000] love [/color][color=#FF0000][/color] package can be synthesized (and create GEM)Can refer to the large [url]/read.phptid=2122329&fpage=2[/url]Attached list of packages:[color=#FF0000][gloves]+[cloak]+[whistle]+[Necklace]+[creat e gem is a suit of love][T- shirt]+[slippers]+[cigarette]+[sunglasses]+[create gem is casual suit]Rosefinch Feather Necklace []+[Xuanwu Gauntlets]+[tiger claw thorn]+[Qinglong teeth ring]+[is a sacred jewel creation suite][]+[Amethyst Necklace]+[Maya Maya Maya Maya ring]+[mask]+[gem is set to create Maya]Superman superman mask]+[boots]+[Supermancape]+[Superman]+[created gems is a superman suit gloves][paraselene]+[badge]+[Sakura Bracers angel God necklace ring]+[create gem is]+[sword honor suit][/color](attributes can be referenced to nameless great[url]/read.php =tid=2128295&fpage=2[/url])Other BOSS playing when the proposal with antimagic potion, to prevent sleep (9 small tail abuse [s:224]) home was [s:216], about BOSS will play BOSS queen queen avatar, as her halo + range of skills to beat her when I had 1 sets of sacred (split), 1 sets of leisure (vertigo) in 1, with a cigarette; BOSS group, the sleep would be dizzy first destroyed as soon as possible, put 1 nine tail hit base all right ([b], has risen to the top) with wood to book attribute of high invincible [/b][color=#FF3300] is the most important tool to synthesize [/color]:[color=#FF0000] fusion magic [/color], right at thebase of mysterious people there to receive the task - to give him 5 chicken, in the village of NPC, next to a lot of chicken [s:216] chicken, [color=#FF33CC] after the completion of the task to obtain fusion magic can build, click the 1 magic fusion stove, you need the articles inside synthesis on the line [/color], when you have to blend magic when you need to buy a light spring, at the base of the pharmacy, into the village church (female NPC side), into the fate of corridors, there shall not be way to Dafa, his fusion of magic to sell, and Rock feather, blessing debris, soul fragments, suit accessories, do not go the way the scope or it will fall back to the starting point will often take the blood [s:234] cooked, pay attention to in the corner A little bit of walking, especially on the way up (as if the hills were good and probably short), [s:173][color=#FF6600]'s most dazzling wings [/color]: great, difficult, ultimate, [s:216]![Rock feather]+[red armor - 5]+[]+[soul spar is a jewel creation angel wings]&[demon wings]&[dark wing[Rock]+[red feather angel wings soul spar]+[]+[demon wings]+[wings of dark]+[created gems is corrupt magic wings]&[king magic wings]&[phantom magic wings]Light feather]+[dark feather fall]+[magic wings]+[king magic wings]+[phantom magic wings]+[create gem]=[Rock Rock Rock]+[]+[feather feather featherfeather]+[]+[Rock Rock]+[feather light feather]&[created gems is a dark plume.([color=#FF0000] red spirit spar is Daguai and BOSS drops [/color])[color=#FF0000] character 100 skills to wear exclusive weapons to use [/color],The synthesis of exclusive weapons to have exclusive materials: (challenge BOSS at the base of the upper left corner) drop rate 20%:Mo Jianshi -]+[matchless blessing bone]+[gem DMC]+[soul gem]+[Yamato - grade 5]+[magic dragon gems]--------- three dragon head create magic dragon bone []Dwarf Warrior -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[thunder hammer - grade 5]+[Chi heart]+[create Gem - Chi Chi magic [heart]Berserker -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[Yamato - grade 5]+[evil spirit]+[create gem]--------- [evil] bloodthirsty crazy spiritThe Black Knight peerless]+[blessing gem]+[- our soul gem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[armor pieces]+[Pluto create gem]------ Pluto Pluto [pieces] aFlame MAGE -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[qicaishi]+[]--------- Mayan Sacred Stones to create colorful stone []Archer -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[ice shadow bow - grade 5]+[xuanbing stone]+[]------------ create gem polar ice beast [stone] xuanbingHell striker -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[ice shadow bow - grade 5]+[scorching stone]+[create gem]--------- molten beast [scorching inflammation stone]Thunder MAGE -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[inflammation grade 5]+[]+[ponley refininggun]------------ Ultralisks ponley [] created gemsLight - medium gods blessing gem]+[warriors]+[DMC soul gem]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[angel]+[created gems]------ pseudo angel angel feather []Gundam - matchless blessing gem]+[]+[DMC soul gem]+[thunder hammer - grade 5]+[Xuanwu stone]+[create]------ gem stone giant Xuanwu stone []Shadow Assassin -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[refining gun 5]+[grade inflammation wolfbloodfang]+[]--------- create gem wolf wolf tooth [blood]Paladin -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[stone]+[create gem]------------ glitter glitter glitter beast [stone]Demon Hunter -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soulgem]+[arthritis gun - grade 5]+[refining]+[jewel Creation -- Sparta sword demon hunter DANTE agency material is in the beatenroad after the demon soul inflammation appeared in the door when the door channel end phlogistic soul, is inaccessible, covered with fire, and our DANTE as long as the demon gate 3 times in a row, a material - Spartan swordThe death -]+[matchless blessing gem]+[mask our soulgem]+[nemesis sword - grade 5]+[virtual]+[create gem]------ Ichigo's exclusive material is found in the village and beat invisible forest virtual (invisible, not back, mysterious people buy flags see invisible units), and then they can continue to keep wait until the end of 30 wave guard headquarters, and defeat the Warcraft team after the emergence of a large empty, beat it could obtain the agency material -- virtual maskThe sun god - dielectric material agency]+[matchless blessing gem]+[DMC soul gem]+[St. angle staff - grade 5]+[Yan Yang]+[- Sun gods sunspot jewel creation myth is not he mediated inflammation in the blood and soul work, make the task time, you just remember one thing can, in time then the sun god medium moves to the next position of the icon, and then time to get the material, flame - sunspot([b][color=#FF0000] is a unique [/color][/b] devil may cry strange fall)The name of the agency material drop drop WarcraftThree head magic dragon [dragon dragon's bone] [red soul spar]Polar ice beast [stone] [xuanbing ice shadow bow - 0]The Mayan Sacred [stone] [gem] create colorfulThe evil spirit of bloodthirsty crazy [] [a lotus - 0]Inflammation melting animal [burning stone] [temper gun - rank 0]Glitter glitter [stone] [from the beast sword - grade 0] False angels [Angel feathers] [feathers of Rock]Wolf [blood shadow] [holy Wand - rank 0][a] [Pluto Pluto debris armor - 0] inflammationUltralisks [] [ponley thunder hammer - grade 0]The stone giant stone [Xuanwu] [magic armor - 0]Chi You [Chi You] [magic heart Yamato - 0][color=#66FF00] (with a big weapon: synthesis of own heroes more than 100 after the challenge to the nine head of the dragon, if good luck, will soon get the bone material, the Agency [dragons get material, to ignore it.2, if you have [the Yamato], will rise to 5, which is the top. If not, go to play exclusively off Yamato Warcraft, [Chi You] to play magic, knife, knife and then rose to 5.3, find a "blessing gem" and a "soul gem", these two gems can be forest and the back of the square to hit.4, find [] this peerless devil may cry, more trouble, because it was all luck, no special drop method, only to see RP....5, find [gem] created, this gem is still relatively easy, usually also may have to brush, brush not to hit the four animal, just hit a beast soul stone can go to the village smithy to gem.6, go buy a [fusion magic device], this is only a question of money, not to mention...7. click [] and then put the magic fusion, [[] [] blessing bone matchless devil may cry [] [] soul gem gem Yamato 5][grade magic dragon gems are created] lost in, don't take it easy, fusion of magic will not disappear, lost inside, the greatest moment comes, you tremble hand, drag the mouse aging, refers to the magic skills of "integration" position, trembling, click the left button, after several seconds, you will find that it is in front of you, cool to go!!) [/color]3.[color=#00FFFF] lost imprint, [/color]Introduction: in the face of death sector by doing Tactical Attack, is not a good method to break the deadlock to attack, the task is to find the gods left the human world glorious imprint and October mark, open door can wear, attack the death industry.Failure condition: none.Victory condition: in the deep ruins of the square and in the dark forest, retrieve the glorious mark and the moon shining mark.Bounty: 30 timber per person.[b] [/b]: Raiders square deep in the ruins and the twilight forest to find glorious imprint and October mark, on the ruins of the box to the right light ruins, the body of the[color=#FF0000] is the best weapon set off, otherwise it will break [/color], and then into the lower right corner transfer matrix, BOSS obtained glorious imprint; the middle of the forest lightning leads to the lower right corner of heap at split heap open transmission, playing BOSS October mark.4.[color=#00FFFF] blood inflammatory [/color] soulIntroduction: the gate has been opened, and now the task is to break through the obstacles ahead and find the seat of death.Failure conditions: after the time not destroy with the soul.Victory conditions: destroy Demonsoul inflammation.Bounty: 50 timber per person.[b] Raiders [/b]: Guo Yan soul Road, as long as the front of the blame hit forward, on the line, strange, will never stop Resurrection5.[color=#00FFFF] sea monster tears [/color]Introduction: the portal tract inflammation is death by soul magic seal, want to seal against death, it is necessary to find a sea monster Medusa, her tears can untie seal.Failure condition: none.Victory condition: get the tears of the sea demon, pass the door of devil.Bounty: 50 pieces of wood.[b] introduction [/b]:. sea demon tears, the task is in the village of Zhuanghe, there is a transmission under the panda, turn over the bubble that6.[color=#00FFFF] lost the soul of the temple of [/color]Introduction: finally came to the middle of the fifth soul temple, the soul of the house a total of 10 layers, each layer has 4 channels, to find the right channel can smoothly through the layer, will go into the wrong...Failure condition: none.Through the soul of the temple of victory conditions.Bounty: 50 timber per person[b] Raiders [/b]: four directions to choose 1 on the line, pickthe wrong will be strange, killing directly on the 1 floor - I did not guess 1 times, [s:226]7.[color=#00FFFF] the seal of the soul, [/color]Introduction: over the fall of the Black Knight, he was the soul of the temple with the soul of the seal, not to seal can not move forward, to seal way is to find the four animal soul stone, into the corresponding call animal sacrifice India can untie.Failure condition: none.Victory condition: untie the seal.Bounty: 30 timber per person.[b] [/b]:: fallen knight good settle, four sacred hole in the village were left on the hill scorpion (Xuanwu), left Deer Valley (Bai Hu), a hole in the red lava highlands (Phoenix), the wolf gathered on iceberg (Dragon), they fall out of the four stone is seventh story soul the seal of the task activities8.[color=#00FFFF] the last battle, [/color]Introduction: the road to the dead temple has been opened, please heroes in death before the door opened to beat death, otherwise, after the death of the door opened, the commune can not withstand the deadly attack of death...Failure condition: death within the specified time is not dead.Victory condition: defeat death.Bounty: 100 timber per person.[b] [/b]: death is the beginning of the Raiders and invincible, to knock down in front of the base, death will recruit mobs mobs, makes you dizzy, hit the death of a push people skills, pay attention to identify the location of continuous use of avatar, stun skill, put some medicine plus blood pig9. single mode, after playing out the plot, to base outside continue to play death, (I'm immortal, ha ha ha ha ha!)!! [s:162]) good evil.When dying, the story seal - seal death, or press the four keys, or death will not stop, roar [s:162]More than 10. people, living or deathmatch modeIntroduction: the battle between the strong, only one person can survive, and survive, will be the strongest in the world, survival or death fight! You choose!!Failure condition: one's own death.Victory condition: all teammates died.Reward: none.11. hide the end: the goddess draws death - more evil [s:224][b][color=#FF0000] [/color][/b]:1. often see there what Dafa good stuff to sell on [color=#FFCC00] really did not hit the wood, put money into 20 wood to buy clothes, then upgrade the clothes in the sell early wood [/color]2. out of 35 strokes, who have a few suit accessories will be able to challenge BOSS, rich wood, stones [s:223]3.[color=#FF9900] creates gems that can challenge BOSS, ruins, forests, and regular mobs to get [/color]4. Daguai out [color=#FF0000] [/color] and [color=#FF0000] [/color]. Our cornucopia is good, you can choose the blessing of the magic matchless devil may cry ~ ~ ~ ~ although I don't know the big magic blessing is how to calculate the release probability, but just RP good times - even put 5 pieces of brush strange5., on the small game, do more, have money, there are trees, playing out the devil garden, go in, hit those birds get wood, it is best to wear Superman shoes Oh!6.[color=#FF9900][b] equipment can be upgraded to 5 by Daguai, weapons up to 3, it is through the soul gem points to 5, [/b][/color]7. because the devil do things greatly map, especially BOSS burst when a screen full of things, it is recommended that you usually pay attention to the game player on the base of all things grouped [s:191], there can be a pig medicine -- single mode!8.[color=#FF0000] best to see the devil's big story, very funny to say, do not see, may lead to the task can not do Oh, [/color][b][color=#FF0000] deficiency, please greatly add[/color][/b][color=#00FFFF] attached to the forum a number of large single video [/color] (video path must be correct, the path is wrong, you can follow the prompt copy of the map, Warcraft Version is also)[b]starryair[/b]:[url]/read.php?Tid=2140851[/url] (Thunder MAGE - difficulty)[b] [/ b] 8999199 - 9: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2002675 [/ url] (狂剑士 ----- 简单)[b] starryair [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2138724 [/ url] (魔剑士 - - - - 弑神)[b] liushuai21 [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2138431 & fpage = 2 [/ url] (2人通)[b] ginseng [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2136503 & fpage = 3 [/ url] (3人弑神)[b] oldren [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2133174 & fpage = 3 [/ url] (3人通)[b] syncmasteryy [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php?tid = 2132863 & fpage = 4 [/ url] (地域弓 - - - - 弑神)[b] naruto _ 888 [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2131222 & fpage = 4 [/ url] (但丁单通)[b] heshen2001 [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2132079 & fpage = 5 [/ url] (一护单通)[b] dehou123 [/ b]: [url] http: / / / read.php? tid = 2127911 & fpage = 5 [/ url] (一护 - - - - 弑神)[s: 163] [s: 163] [s: 163]。
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加木材: leafittome(空格键)[木材数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
加黄金和木材: greedisgood(空格键)[数量](如果未指定数量默认增加500)
让时间永远停留在白昼: daylightsavings whosyourdaddy
无限能量: thereisnospoon
任务模式里即使失败也继续游戏: strengthandhonor
地图全开: iseedeadpeople
立即胜利: allyourbasearebelongtous
立即失败: somebodysetusupthebomb
快速建造: warpten
无人口上限: pointbreak
快速研究技能: whoisjohngalt
快速升级: sharpandshiny
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