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Let's play cards ____b____ watching TV, shall we?

A. instead

B. instead of

C. in spite of

D. despite

When the pilot saw the target, he immediately _____b___ the headquarters.

A. radioed

B. radioed to

C. informed of

D. announced

T h e p h o n e w a s r i n g i n g b u t_____c_____s h e g o t i n d o o r s,i t h a d


A. at the time

B. for a time

C. by the time

D. within the time Holding a picture, t h e mother went _____d_____ asking

if anyone had seen the child in it.

A. from door t o the d o o r

B. f r o m the d o o r to d o o r

C. f r o m the d o o r to the door

D. from door to door

Asia is the largest _____d_____ both in size and population.

A. country

B. nation

C. station

D. continent

The brothers sat ___a_______ each other over the tops of moneybags.


B. to eye

C. eye

D. eyed

Through his own hard work, he made himself rich and


A. humorous

B. courageous

C. spacious

D. famous

Some students finds it difficult to _____a_____ the w o r d "thorough".

A. pronounce

B. talk

C. make

D. voice

You might not _____d_____ such a serious mistake if you had

followed his advice.

A. be made

B. made

C. having made

D. have made

T h e b o y_____a_____t o h i s t e a c h e r f o r c o m i n g t o s c h o o l l a t e.

A. apologized

B. pardoned

C. forgave

D. excused


I'm s o r r y I a m l a t e.I w a s h e l d u p i n a t r a f f i c___a b d_______.

Choose the incorrect ones.

A. block

B. crush

C. jam

D. block

The weather in Guilin _____cd_____ that in San Francisco.

A. is likely

B. just likes

C. is similar to

D. is quite like

T h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r w a s____a c______b y f i v e o r s i x a t t e n d a n t s

when he got off the plane.

A. followed

B. directed

C. picked up

D. commanded

As so many English words sound similar, misunderstandings

among ad

A. are not

B. are very

C. are quite

D. are not at all

Don't ____ab____ that you can succeed without hard work.

A. entend

B. expect

C. suppose

D. seek

Having sold the house, she had a large sum o f m o n e y


A. at a loss

B. in a sense

C. at her disposal

D. in hand

After living in London for twenty years, he returned to the

small town ____ac______

A. where

B. which

C. in which

D. when

_____cd_____ the poem a second time, the meaning of it will

become clearer to you.

A.Y o u r h a v i n g r e a d

B.I f r e a d i n g

C.W h e n y o u r e a d

D.I f y o u r e a d

While she was reading the newspaper, Granny ____abd______. Choose the incorrect ones.

A. falling

B. fell

C. had fallen

D. falls

H e a s k e d h e r s o m a n y t i m e s t o d o i t t h a t___b c d_______s h e d i d it.

A. on end

B. in the end

C. at last

D. finally


(根据U n i t O n e T e x t A的内容而出)The passenger didn't tell the

bus driver that a bum was hiding in the restroom. n

(根据U n i t O n e T e x t A的内容而出)T h e r a r e o t h e r t w o e x a m p l e s o f misunderstanding caused by similar-sounding English w o r d s in t h e text. y

(根据U n i t O n e T e x t C的内容而出)While reading, it is possible

to know the meaning of a word from notes given by the writer. n

(根据Unit One Text C的内容而出)By associate new words with people or places,the writer believes that one can remember the meaning of those words. y

(根据Unit One Text C的内容而出)If you cannot figure outthe meaning of a w o r d in a book,the best way is to w r i t e to the writer for help. n

(根据Unit Two 的Text B的内容而出)The woman who entered the s tor e t he other night was ve ry yo ung, rich a n d nicely-dr e ss ed. n

(根据Unit Two 的Text B的内容而出)The writer gave away

something for f ree to th e w om an beca us e s he didn't b rin g money wi th her. n

(根据Unit Two 的T e x t C的内容而出)W h e n t h e c a b d r i v e r s t a r t e d

the conversation, the writer replied warmly. n

(根据Unit Two 的Text C的内容而出)The cab-driver's profession is a part-time closet salesman. n

(根据Unit Two 的Text C的内容而出)The writer gave the cab driver his business card mainly because h e wanted

t h e cab driver to j o i n his company. y
