
Ansys 专业的流体力学分析软件:FLUENT 介绍想起CFD,人们总会想起FLUENT,丰富的物理模型使其应用广泛,从机翼空气流动到熔炉燃烧,从鼓泡塔到玻璃制造,从血液流动到半导体生产,从洁净室到污水处理工厂的设计,另外软件强大的模拟能力还扩展了在旋转机械,气动噪声,内燃机和多相流系统等领域的应用。
今天,全球数以千计的公司得益于FLUENT 的这一工程设计与分析软件,它在多物理场方面的模拟能力使其应用范围非常广泛,是目前功能最全的CFD 软件。
FLUENT 因其用户界面友好,算法健壮,新用户容易上手等优点一直在用户中有着良好的口碑。
长期以来,功能强大的模块,易用性和专业的技术支持所有这些因素使得FLUENT 受到企业的青睐。
网格技术,数值技术,并行计算计算网格是任何CFD 计算的核心,它通常把计算域划分为几千甚至几百万个单元,在单元上计算并存储求解变量,FLUENT 使用非结构化网格技术,这就意味着可以有各种各样的网格单元:二维的四边形和三角形单元,三维的四面体核心单元、六面体核心单元、棱柱和多面体单元。
这些网格可以使用FLUENT 的前处理软件GAMBIT 自动生成,也可以选择在ICEM CFD 工具中生成。
在目前的CFD 市场, FLUENT 以其在非结构网格的基础上提供丰富物理模型而著称,久经考验的数值算法和鲁棒性极好的求解器保证了计算结果的精度,新的NITA 算法大大减少了求解瞬态问题的所需时间,成熟的并行计算能力适用于NT,Linux 或Unix 平台,而且既适用单机的多处理器又适用网络联接的多台机器。
动态加载平衡功能自动监测并分析并行性能,通过调整各处理器间的网格分配平衡各CPU 的计算负载。
广州有道科技培训中心 h t t p ://w w w .020f e a .c o m湍流和噪声模型FLUENT 的湍流模型一直处于商业CFD 软件的前沿,它提供的丰富的湍流模型中有经常使用到的湍流模型、针对强旋流和各相异性流的雷诺应力模型等,随着计算机能力的显著提高,FLUENT 已经将大涡模拟(LES)纳入其标准模块,并且开发了更加高效的分离涡模型(DES),FLUENT 提供的壁面函数和加强壁面处理的方法可以很好地处理壁面附近的流动问题。

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T-2. FLOTRAN 分析的种类
层流中的速度场都是平滑而有序的,高粘性流体(如石油等)的低 速流动就通常是层流。
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T-2. FLOTRAN 分析的种类
紊流分析用于处理那些由于流速足够高和粘性足够低从而引起紊流 波动的流体流动情况,ANSYS中的二方程紊流模型可计及在平均 流动下的紊流速度波动的影响。 如果流体的密度在流动过程中保 持不变或者当流体压缩时只消耗很少的能量,该流体 就可认为是 不可压缩的,不可压缩流的温度方程将忽略流体动能的变化和粘 性耗散。
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FLOTRAN 计算流体动力 学(CFD)分析概述
Page 9
Module Objective
在完成本章学习后,我们应该对流体动力学分析的基本概念 有所了解,并知道它的基本分类。
Lesson Objectives
第一讲、FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念 第二讲、 FLOTRAN 分析的种类 第三讲、层流分析 第四讲、紊流分析 第五讲、热分析 第六讲、可压缩流分析 第七讲、非牛顿流分析 第八讲、多组份传输分析
六、 FLOTRAN分析过程中应处理的问题
Page 3
第三章 FLOTRAN设置命令
二、FLOTRAN执行及输出控制命令 稳态控制参数设置
三、FLOTRAN执行及输出控制命令 瞬态控制参数设置

在ANSYS Fluent中,最常用的方法是使用有限体积法进行计算。
在CFD 中,包含四个几何要素:节点、控制体积、界面和网格线。
ANSYS CFD管道流体分析经典算例 Fluid

Fluid #2: Velocity analysis of fluid flow in a channel USING FLOTRAN Introduction:In this example you will model fluid flow in a channelPhysical Problem:Compute and plot the velocity distribution within the elbow. Assume that the flow is uniform at both the inlet and the outlet sections and that the elbow has uniform depth.Problem Description:T he channel has dimensions as shown in the figureThe flow velocity as the inlet is 10 cm/sUse the continuity equation to compute the flow velocity at exitObjective:T o plot the velocity profile in the channelT o plot the velocity profile across the elbowYou are required to hand in print outs for the aboveFigure:IMPORTANT: Convert all dimensions and forces into SI unitsSTARTING ANSYSC lick on ANSYS 6.1in the programs menu.S elect Interactive.T he following menu comes up. Enter the working directory. All your files will be stored in this directory. Also under UseDefault Memory Model make sure the values 64 for Total Workspace, and 32 for Database are entered. To change these values unclick Use Default Memory ModelMODELING THE STRUCTUREG o to the ANSYS Utility Menu (the top bar)Click Workplane>W P Settings…The following window comes up:o Check the Cartesian and Grid Only buttonso Enter the values shown in the figure aboveGo to the ANSYS Main Menu (on the left hand side of the screen) and click Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Working PlaneCreate keypoints corresponding to the vertices in the figure. The keypoints look like below.Now create lines joining these key points.M odeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Straight lineT he model looks like the one below.Now create fillets between lines L4-L5 and L1-L2.C lick Modeling>Create>Lines>Line Fillet. A pop-up window will now appear. Select lines 4 and 5. Click OK. The following window will appear:T his window assigns the fillet radius. Set this value to 0.1 m.Repeat this process of filleting for Lines 1 and 2.The model should look like this now:N ow make an area enclosed by these lines.M odeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By LinesS elect all the lines and click OK. The model looks like the followingT he modeling of the problem is done.ELEMENT PROPERTIESSELECTING ELEMENT TYPE:Click Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete... In the 'Element Types' window that opens click on Add... The following window opens.∙Type 1 in the Element type reference number.∙Click on Flotran CFD and select 2D Flotran 141. Click OK. Close the Element types window.∙So now we have selected Element type 1 to be solved using Flotran, the computational fluid dynamics portion of ANSYS. This finishes the selection of element type.DEFINE THE FLUID PROPERTIES:∙Go to Preprocessor>Flotran Set Up>Fluid Properties.∙On the box, shown below, set the first two input fields as Air-SI, and then click on OK. Another box will appear. Accept the default values by clicking OK.∙Now we’re ready to define the Material PropertiesMATERIAL PROPERTIESW e will model the fluid flow problem as a thermal conduction problem. The flow corresponds to heat flux, pressurecorresponds to temperature difference and permeability corresponds to conductance.Go to the ANSYS Main MenuClick Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models. The following window will appearA s displayed, choose CFD>Density. The following window appears.F ill in 1.23 to set the density of Air. Click OK.Now choose CFD>Viscosity. The following window appears:N ow the Material 1 has the properties defined in the above table so the Material Models window may be closed.MESHING: DIVIDING THE CHANNEL INTO ELEMENTS:G o to Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>All Lines.I n the window that comes up type 0.01 in the field for 'Element edge length'.N ow Click OK.Now go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Free. Click the area and the OK. The mesh will look like thefollowing.BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTSG o to Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Velocity>On lines. Pick the left edge of theouter block and Click OK. The following window comes up.E nter 0.1 in the VX value field and click OK. The 0.1 corresponds to the velocity of 0.1 meter per second of air flowingfrom the left side.R epeat the above and set the Velocity to ZERO for the air along all of the edges of the pipe. (VX=VY=0 for all sides)O nce they have been applied, the pipe will look like this:∙Go to Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Pressure DOF>On Lines.∙Pick the outlet line. (The horizontal line at the top of the area) Click OK.∙Enter 0 for the Pressure value.∙Now the Modeling of the problem is done.SOLUTIONG o to ANSYS Main Menu>Solution>Flotran Set Up>Execution Ctrl.∙The following window appears. Change the first input field value to 300, as shown. No other changes are needed. Click OK.G o to Solution>Run FLOTRAN.W ait for ANSYS to solve the problem.C lick on OK and close the 'Information' window.POST-PROCESSINGP lotting the velocity distribution…Go to General Postproc>Read Results>Last Set.Then go to General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution. The following window appears:∙Select DOF Solution and Velocity VSUM and Click OK.∙This is what the solution should look like:∙Next, go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>Predefined.The following window will appear:∙Select OK to accept the defaults. This will display the vector plot to compare to the solution of the same tutorial solved using the Heat Flux analogy. Note: This analysis is FAR more precise as shown by the followingsolution:∙Go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes∙Pick points at the ends of the elbow as shown. We will graph the velocity distribution along the line joiningthese two points.∙The following window comes up.∙Enter the values as shown.∙Now go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path. The following window comes up.∙Now go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Items>On Graph.∙The following window comes up.∙Select VELOCITY and click OK.∙The graph will look as follows:。


使用ANSYS 进行CFD 流体力学计算的一些技巧关于计算流体力学主要有以下几个主要问题大家比较关心:(原稿:金泰木,四方机车车辆厂客车产品开发部)1.关于瞬态计算的问题2.关于建模的问题3.关于网格化的问题4.关于动画显示的问题5.关于交变载荷的问题一、关于第一个问题的解答:计算瞬态设置参数与稳态不同,主要设置的参数为:1.FLDATA1,SOLU,TRAN,1 设置为瞬态模式2.FLDATA4,TIME,STEP,0.02, 自定义时间步时间间隔0.02秒3.FLDATA4,TIME,TEND,0.1, 设置结束时间0。
1秒4.FLDATA4,TIME,GLOB,10, 设置每个时间步多少次运算5.fldata4a,time,appe,0.02 设置记录时间间隔6.SET,LIST,2 查看结果7.SET,LAST 设为最后一步8.ANDATA,0.5, ,2,1,6,1,0,1 动态显示结果以上为瞬态和稳态不同部分的设置和操作,特别是第五步。
ansys18 cfd算例

ansys18 cfd算例ANSYS18 CFD算例是一项广泛应用于流体力学领域的计算机辅助工程技术,通过计算机模拟流体运动的数学模型,可以对流体流动进行方便、快速的数值模拟,以达到流体流动现象的优化设计和改进。
下面就为大家详细阐述ANSYS18 CFD算例的具体步骤。
五、运行ANSYS18 CFD求解器当设定好流体模型的参数、CFD求解器、初值和边界条件之后,就可以运行ANSYS18来求解流体流动方程了。
综上所述,ANSYS18 CFD算例是一项广泛应用于工程领域的重要技术,通过建立流体模型和设定流体参数,设置CFD求解器、初始和边界条件,运行ANSYS18 CFD求解器,进行数据分析和结果呈现,可以实现流体流动现象的优化设计和改进。

“工作流程很重要”——说说ANSYS CFD的仿真分析步骤

文章来源:安世亚太官方订阅号(搜索:peraglobal)计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics简称CFD)是利用数值方法通过计算机求解描述流体运动的数学方程,揭示流体运动的物理规律,研究定常流体运动的空间物理特性和非定常流体运动的时空物理特征的学科。
CFD 也可以称之为流体仿真,是从属于CAE(计算机辅助工程)的一个重要组成部分,从这个角度来讲,CFD 的本质仍旧是工程,所以必须要遵循通常意义上工程的一些原则。
ANSYS CFD 的基本工作流程可以认为分成三个主要的部分:⚫提出问题⚫化简问题⚫解决问题(一)提出问题提出问题,就是要明确仿真目的;这一点其实是最为重要的,但是对于一些仿真工程师来讲却是最容易被忽略的。

ansys-cfd流体分析实例Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD 5.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.Lin23Two Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions: 1. 2 dimensional problems 2. Steady state condition 3. The uniform flow velocity 4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon , afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEMCFD.InOut5DCylinde WallFluid5D20WallOpen File>New Project…:45Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry: A. PointsClick button “Create Point” and then click button “Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system(X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)A BThe same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.567B. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name of each point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve ”Click button “Create Curve”Note: the left corner of the black screen: Select locationswith left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:8Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done” (B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget. The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07, POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetA B910Draw the cylinderClick button “Circle or arc from Center point a nd 2 points on plane”.Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively (A).A BDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points name Use button to fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body”Choose button “Material Point”and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and useselect POINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geometry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.A BWe will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}{X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1,0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}Now begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET”and secondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.The same way we draw other block lines. From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse) We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3 And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09 to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)After block.See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can see Zoom the block regions (A).A B CSelect the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set it OK, and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABDCSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge toCurve”buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O grid CBAClick button “Split Block”Click “Ogird Block”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen the VORFN (A)AUsing button to selectin or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).B CD EUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)F GClick the “Reset”(G) Mesh the edgesClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB”with number 250.Click button “Pre-Mesh Params”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept”Method 2A BPut the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B) Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP”And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplyCSo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)DBox ZoomE FClick button “Shaded Full Display”(E)(F) Check the quality of the extrude meshSee the tree widget:Close top “TOP” (B) Close “FLUID” (C) A BSet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the “CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET, SIDEA and SIDEB boundary conditions. INLETThe Whole Boundary Conditions CA BSee the tree widget:A Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)B Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)CSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name “cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”CBFEDAClick button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1 The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file namewith “cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”Open Mesh>Definition>Mesh Format:From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:Click button “Define the Simulation Type”button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time.Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D”Then click “Apply” buttonFluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>Option:Keep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Click button “Create a Boundary Condition”Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OK。

第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力超音速喷管中的流场弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布研究管路系统中热的层化及分离使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:层流或紊流传热或绝热可压缩或不可压缩牛顿流或非牛顿流多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
ANSYS CFD管道流体分析算例Fluid11

Fluid #3: Analyzing Flow in a System of Pipes USING FLOTRANIntroduction: In this example you will model a system of pipes filled with water.Physical Problem: Compute and plot the velocity distribution in the pipe system shown in the figure. Problem Description:∙The shape of the pipe grid is shown in the figure. (Each point is spaced evenly at 0.33m)O bjective:T o plot the velocity profile within the pipe.T o graph the variation of velocity out the bottom pipe.Y ou are required to hand in print outs for the above.F igure:STARTING ANSYS∙Click on ANSYS in the programs menu.∙Select Interactive.∙The following menu that comes up. Enter the working directory. All your files will be stored in this directory. Also enter 64 for Total Workspace and 32 for Database.∙Click on Run.MODELING THE STRUCTUREG o to the ANSYS Utility MenuClick Workplane>WP SettingsThe following window comes up∙Check the Cartesian and Grid Only buttons∙Enter the values shown in the figure above.∙Go to the ANSYS Main Menu∙In this problem we will model the pipe grid and then apply fluid flow to it.∙Click Preprocessor>-Modeling-> and create the pipe grid as shown below.∙Hint: You can use key points and then create the areaThe modeling of the problem is done.ELEMENT PROPERTIESSELECTING ELEMENT TYPE:∙Click Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete... In the 'Element Types' window that opens click on Add...The following window opens:∙Type 1 in the Element type reference number.∙Click on Flotran CFD and select 2D Flotran 141. Click OK. Close the 'Element types' window.∙So now we have selected Element type 1 to be a Flotran element. The component will now be modeled using the principles of fluid dynamics. This finishes the selection of element type.DEFINE THE FLUID PROPERTIES:∙Go to Preprocessor>Flotran Set Up>Fluid Properties.∙On the box, shown below, make sure the first two input fields read Constant, and then click on OK. Another box will appear. Fill in the values as shown below, then click OK.∙Now we’re ready to de fine the Material PropertiesMATERIAL PROPERTIES∙Go to the ANSYS Main Menu∙Click Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models. The following window will appear∙As displayed, choose CFD>Density. The following window appears.∙Fill in 1000 to set the density of Water. Click OK.∙Now choose CFD>Viscosity. The following window appears:∙Fill in 1 to set the viscosity of Water. Click OK∙Now the Material 1 has the properties defined in the above table so the Material Models window may be closed. MESHING:DIVIDING THE CHANNEL INTO ELEMENTS:∙Go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global>Size. In the window that comes up type0.025 in the field for 'Element edge length'.∙Click on OK. Now when you mesh the figure ANSYS will automatically create a mesh, whose elements have a edge length of 0.025 m.∙Now go to Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Free. Click Pick All. The mesh will look like the following.BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS∙Go to Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Velocity>On lines. Pick the left edge of the block and Click OK. The following window comes up.∙Enter 0.5 in the VX value field and click OK. The 0.5 corresponds to the velocity of 0.5 meters per second of air flowing into the pipe grid.∙Repeat the above and set the velocity into the upper pipe as -1 meter/second. This is because theflow is traveling to the left, or the negative direction.∙Then, set the Velocity to ZERO along all of the edges of the pipes. This is because of the “No Slip Condition”(VX=VY=0 for all sides)∙Go to Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid CFD>Pressure DOF>On Lines. Pick the bottom pipe outlet and click OK.∙Once all the Boundary Conditions have been applied, the pipe grid will look like this:∙Now the Modeling of the problem is done.SOLUTION∙Go to ANSYS Main Menu>Solution>Flotran Set Up>Execution Ctrl.∙The following window appears. Change the first input field value to 50, as shown. No other changes are needed. Click OK.∙Go to Solution>Run FLOTRAN.∙Wait for ANSYS to solve the problem.∙Click on OK and close the 'Information' window.POST-PROCESSING∙Plotting the velocity distribution…∙Go to General Postproc>Read Results>Last Set.∙Then go to General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution. The following window appears:∙Select DOF Solution and Velocity VSUM and Click OK.∙This is what the solution should look like:∙Next, go to Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>Predefined.The following window will appear:Select OK to accept the defaults. This will display the vector plot of the velocity gradient.。

Example on using commercial software“ICEM CFD 5.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m height. The diameter of cylinder is 1m .Assumption and Boundary Conditions:1. 2 dimensional problems2. Steady state condition3. The uniform flow velocity4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFD” to perform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC’s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFDDouble Click the “ICEM CFD” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the ICEM CFD.Open File>New Project…:Set the name with “cylinder_2d”, and Click “Save”2. Creating Geometry:A.PointsClick button “Create Point”and then click button“Explicit Coordinates”Set the points in Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z) with ( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click “Apply” button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)The same method creates other points:X=0; Y=0.5, -0.5 X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5 Y=0; X=0.5,-0.5ABB. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, open Model>Geometry>Points by right buttonSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name ofeach point like the figure showed.Now you can create curvesClick button “Create/Modify Curve”Click button “Create Curve”with left button, middle=done, right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of the Part with “INLET”:Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button “done”(B) and the INLET part is created in the tree widget.The same steps draw the curves named “OUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB” with the POINTS.07and POINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07,POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetDraw the cylinderClick button“Circle or arc from Center point and 2Set the Part with name “CYLINDER”Click button and select points “POINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03” with left button respectively(A).Draw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:Close Points nameUse buttonto fit the window.Set the body and material.Click button “Create Body ”Choose button “Material Point” and select “Selected surfaces” in the “By Topology” menu. Change the name of the part with “FLUID”; open the Show Point Name of the tree widget and use selectPOINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER” and select POINTS.01 and POINTS.02. Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Open the bodies and you can seeAt last, open the File>Geom etry>Save Geometry As…Give it the name with “cylinder_2d”. Click “save”.Now we begin to block the model.Click button “Create Block”See the first one , choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set the Initialize Blocks type with “2D Planar”Click “Apply” button.We will see that the colors of figure are changed. From (A) to (B)See the tree widget: Model>BlockingThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint ”{Y=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45} {X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45}A BNow begin to block the regionClick button “Split Block”Then select button “Split Block”See the split method, select “Prescribed point”Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET” andsecondly select the Point “POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of theINLET.Zoom the fiure.From the “POINTS.01 to POINTS.04”See the tree widgetSelect the “Blocking” and select “Index Control”Model>Blocking: Index Control (using right button of the mouse)We can see at the right corner of the screenBy using button and we set I min=2 and see the figureThe same way we set I max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3And the screen shown thatThe same way block again from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09to POINTS.44”:(A)(B)(C)See the tree widget: Model>Parts>VORFN :using the right button select “Add to Part”. Click button “Blocking Material”, Add Blocks to PartUsing select blocking regions and we can seeZoom the block regions (A).Select the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C).Using the middle button to set itOK , and you can see blow (D).Click button “Associate”ABD CSelect the associate edge to curve “Associate Edge to Curve” buttonUsing the choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Set O gridCB AClick button “Split Block”Click“Ogird Block ”buttonSelect theSee the tree widget: Open Model>Parts>VORFNOpen theVORFN (A)Using buttonto selectin or attached the cylinder(B)(C)(D).AB CUsing middle button to click “Apply” (E)Close “VORFN” from the tree widget (F)DClick the “Reset”(G)Mesh the edgesFClick button “Set Curve Mesh Size”Using button to select Curve(s):Choose Method with “Element count”Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close the Model>Geometry>points, and the Model>Blocking>edgesUsing right button to select Model>Geometry>Curves:Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the “INLET” and “OUTLET” with number 100, the “SIDEA” and “SIDEB” with number 250.Click button “Pre-MeshParams”Choose Blocking >Pre-Mesh ParamsClick button “Update Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree open Model>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces(by using right button)And we will see a menuClick Yes.Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points and curves, and Blocking>Edges.Then open File>Mesh>Load from BlockingOpen File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…: and set the name with “cylinder_2d”Open File>Blocking>Save Blocking As…: Save block with the name “cylinder_2d”Check the quality of the meshClick button “Display Mesh Quality”Click ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshClick button “Extrude Mesh”Use to select Elements:Method 1Click button “Select items in a part”and a menu appears:Click “All” and “Accept ”Method 2Put the left button and drag it to select all the regions (A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B)Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D”, new side part name “SIDE”, new top par name “TOP” And set the Spacing type>spacing with “0.1”, then ApplySo the mesh change a height 0.1 in the Z direction (D)ABCBox ZoomClick button “Shaded Full Display ”(E)(F)Check the quality of the extrude meshDSee the tree widget:Close top“TOP ” (B)Close “FLUID ” (C)ASet the new boundary conditionsSee the tree widget:Model>Parts: Create Part (by using the right button)Click “Create Part by Selection” button From the pull down menu of the Part: select the“CYLINDER” Using and left button drag the regionUsing middle button accepts it, so a new CYLINDER boundary condition has been set (C).CBACThe same way set the INLET, OUTLET,SIDEA and SIDEBboundary conditions.INLETThe Whole Boundary ConditionsSee the tree widget:Open Model>Parts>FLUID(B)Open Model>Parts>TOP(C)BSix kinds of patternsClick File>Mesh>Save Mesh As…And save the new mesh with name“cylinder_2d_extrude”. Output the mesh file to CFXClick button “Select solver”and choose “CFX-5”Click “Okay”Click button “Write input”Keep default and click “Done”Then the Domain selection appearsKeep the Selected domains with “cylinder_2d_extrude.uns” and click “Done”.Now we will see the created files in working directions:From these files, we must note that only the file named “cfx5” can be inputted into CFX5.7.1The mesh is finished.Other examples:Example on using commercial software“CFX 5.7.1”Flow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderAfter established the geometry model, we begin to use CFX to solve this two dimensional case. Processing with CFX-5.7.11.Open CFXDouble click the “CFX” Icon, afterwards, you can see the interface of the CFX.There are three kinds of functions of the CFX:1.CFX-Pre 5.7.1 (set the relevant parameters).2.CFX-Solver 5.7.1 (solve the case by using established physical model)3.CFX-Post 5.7.1 (get the data and figures which we need)CFX-Pre step:1.Import the mesh file from ICEM CFD2.Simulation type3.Domain4.BC’s (boundary conditions)5.Initial conditions6.Solver control7.Output file and monitor points8.Write “.def” file and simulationClick button “CFX-Pre 5.7.1”and run it.Establish a new simulationOpen File>New Simulation…:Select button “General”and give the file name with“cylinder_2d”. Click “Save”Now we can see the interface of the CFX-PreImport mesh fileSee the middle position of the screen, Click button “Import mesh”From the pull down menu select “ICEM CFD”, (see figure below)Definition>File: Click button “Browse”Find the working direction and select the file named “cfx5”,Then click “Open” button. And “OK”Note: no other files can be inputted in CFX5.7.1 Then the mesh file has been inputted into the CFX-PreAnd the left window appears.All of these names were already defined by us in “ICEM CFD”Set the relevant parameters1. Define the simulation type:button.Note: the blue color note suggest we should set a domain. Then the simulation type appearsBasic Settings>Option: Select “Transient”Basic Settings>Time Duration>Option: From the pull down menu select Total Time. Basic Settings>Time Duration>Total Time: Set with 42000s.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Option: From the pull down menu select Timesteps.Basic Settings>Time Steps>Timesteps: Set with 1s.Initial Time>Option: From the pull down menu select Autorratic.Then click Apply and Ok2. Create a domain:Click button “Create a Domain”.Set the name with “ cylinder2d” and click OkSee figure below: the color of the domain changed into green, and the window “Edit Domain”appears.General Options>Basic Settings>Location: From the pull down menu select “FLUID2D ” Then click “Apply ” buttonKeep by default.Fluid Models>Heat Transfer Model>FluidTemperature: Set the temperature with 25c.Fluid Models>Turbulence Model>Option: Setit with “None(Laminar).Click OK3. Set boundary condtions:Set INLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “INLET” and click OKBasic Settings>Boundary Type: From the pull down menu select INLET. Boundary Details>Flow Regime>Option: Select Subsonic.Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Option: Select Normal Speed. Boundary Details>Mass And Momentum>Normal Speed: Set it with 0.003 m/s Click OkThe right figure shows us that the INLET boundary condition has been set.Set OUTLET boundary conditionSet the Name with “OUTLET” and click OK。

第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:∙作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力∙超音速喷管中的流场∙弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:∙计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布∙研究管路系统中热的层化及分离∙使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性∙用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能∙对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:∙层流或紊流∙传热或绝热∙可压缩或不可压缩∙牛顿流或非牛顿流∙多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
ansys cfd入门指南计算流体力学基础与应用

ansys cfd入门指南计算流体力学基础与应用1. 引言计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,简称CFD)是一种利用数值方法解决流动问题的工程学科。
而ANSYS CFD则是CFD领域中一种常用的软件工具,它提供了广泛的功能和强大的计算能力,使工程师能够更好地理解和优化流体问题。
2. 概述ANSYS CFDANSYS CFD是由ANSYS公司开发的一套用于CFD分析的软件。
ANSYS CFD具有较高的准确性和可靠性,可以用于解决各种复杂的流体力学问题。
3. CFD基础知识为了更好地理解ANSYS CFD的工作原理,我们需要了解一些CFD的基础知识。
4. ANSYS CFD的功能ANSYS CFD提供了丰富的功能,可以满足不同应用场景的需求。
ANSYS CFD还提供了不同的数值方法和求解器,以提高计算效率和准确性。
5. ANSYS CFD的应用领域ANSYS CFD可以应用于各种领域的流体问题研究和优化。
ANSYS CFD还可以应用于能源领域的风力发电和涡轮机械的设计与分析。
6. ANSYS CFD的优势和局限性虽然ANSYS CFD具有强大的功能和广泛的应用领域,但它也存在一些局限性。
ANSYS CFD需要较高的计算资源和时间,对计算机的性能要求较高。
ANSYS CFD在某些复杂流动问题中可能存在数值稳定性和收敛性的挑战。
ANSYS CFD 入门指南 计算流体力学基础及应用

ANSYS CFD 入门指南计算流体力学基础及应用简介计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)是一种应用数值方法来求解流体动力学方程的方法,通过数值模拟流体运动、热传导和传质过程,可以获取流场各个位置的速度、压力、温度等物理量的数值解,从而分析和预测流体中的流动行为。
ANSYS CFD 是一套强大的计算流体力学软件,它提供了丰富的分析工具和解算器,用于模拟各种复杂流动和换热问题。
本文档将介绍 ANSYS CFD 的基础知识和应用实例,帮助读者掌握使用 ANSYS CFD 进行计算流体力学分析的方法。
第一章 ANSYS CFD 概述1.1 ANSYS CFD 软件简介ANSYS CFD 是美国 ANSYS 公司开发的一款流体力学分析软件。
1.2 ANSYS CFD 的功能特点•提供多种模型和物理现象的建模与仿真功能;•支持多种求解器和网格生成工具;•提供丰富的后处理功能,可用于流场可视化和数据分析;•具备良好的可扩展性和并行计算能力。
第二章计算流体力学基础2.1 流体力学基本方程CFD 的基础是流体力学的方程组,包括质量守恒方程、动量方程和能量方程。
2.2 数值离散化方法为了求解流体力学方程组,需要将其离散化为代数方程组。
2.3 网格生成网格是进行 CFD 计算的基础,合适的网格能够提高计算效果。
第三章 ANSYS CFD 基本操作3.1 ANSYS CFD 的界面介绍本节将介绍ANSYS CFD 的主要界面,包括菜单栏、工具栏、工作区等,帮助读者熟悉软件的操作界面。
3.2 模型建立与几何处理在进行 CFD 分析之前,需要建立相应的几何模型,并进行几何处理,例如加工、修复和简化模型。
ansys cfd 入门指南 计算流体力学基础及应用

ansys cfd 入门指南计算流体力学基础及应用【ansys cfd 入门指南计算流体力学基础及应用】1. 介绍计算流体力学(CFD)是一种利用计算机对流体流动和传热过程进行数值模拟和分析的技术。
本文将详细介绍ansys cfd入门指南,帮助大家了解流体力学的基础知识和ansys cfd的应用。
2. 流体力学基础流体力学是研究流体运动的科学,它包括流体的基本性质、流体运动的基本规律和流体力学方程等内容。
在ansys cfd入门指南中,我们首先要了解流体的基本性质,如密度、粘度和压力等概念;其次是流体流动的基本规律,如连续性方程、动量方程和能量方程;最后是流体力学方程,如纳维-斯托克斯方程和能量方程的数学形式。
3. ansys cfd简介ansys cfd是一款强大的计算流体力学软件,它能够对流体流动、传热和传质等问题进行数值模拟和分析。
ansys cfd具有友好的用户界面和丰富的后处理功能,可以满足工程实际应用的需求。
在ansys cfd入门指南中,我们将学习如何使用ansys cfd进行流体力学仿真分析,包括建模、网格划分、求解和后处理等步骤。
4. ansys cfd的应用ansys cfd在工程领域有着广泛的应用,如风力发电机组的气动设计、汽车发动机的冷却系统优化、船舶的流体力学性能分析等。
在ansys cfd入门指南中,我们将结合实际案例,介绍如何使用ansys cfd解决实际工程问题,包括模型建立、边界条件设置、求解过程和结果分析等内容。
5. 个人观点和总结我认为ansys cfd入门指南对于学习流体力学和应用ansys cfd的人来说是非常有价值的。
通过系统学习流体力学的基础知识和ansys cfd 的使用方法,可以更好地理解流体力学的原理和应用。
ansys cfd作为一款先进的计算流体力学软件,可以为工程领域的问题提供可靠的数值模拟和分析方法,为工程设计和优化提供有力的支持。

第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维与三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:•作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力•超音速喷管中的流场•弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:•计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力与温度分布•研究管路系统中热的层化与别离•使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性•用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能•对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进展研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:•层流或紊流•传热或绝热•可压缩或不可压缩•牛顿流或非牛顿流•多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
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第一章 FLOTRAN 计算流体动力学(CFD)分析概述FLOTRAN CFD 分析的概念ANSYS程序中的FLOTRAN CFD分析功能是一个用于分析二维及三维流体流动场的先进的工具,使用ANSYS中用于FLOTRAN CFD分析的FLUID 141和FLUID 142 单元,可解决如下问题:∙作用于气动翼(叶)型上的升力和阻力∙超音速喷管中的流场∙弯管中流体的复杂的三维流动同时,FLOTRAN还具有如下功能:∙计算发动机排气系统中气体的压力及温度分布∙研究管路系统中热的层化及分离∙使用混合流研究来估计热冲击的可能性∙用自然对流分析来估计电子封装芯片的热性能∙对含有多种流体的(由固体隔开)热交换器进行研究FLOTRAN 分析的种类FLOTRAN可执行如下分析:∙层流或紊流∙传热或绝热∙可压缩或不可压缩∙牛顿流或非牛顿流∙多组份传输这些分析类型并不相互排斥,例如,一个层流分析可以是传热的或者是绝热的,一个紊流分析可以是可压缩的或者是不可压缩的。
第二章 FLOTRAN分析基础FLOTRAN单元的特点ANSYS中的FLOTRAN单元,即FLUID141和FLUID142,用于解算单相粘性流体的二维和三维流动、压力和温度分布。
FLUID141单元FLUID141单元具有下列特征:维数:二维形状:四节点四边形或三节点三角形自由度:速度、压力、温度、紊流动能、紊流能量耗散、多达六种流体的各自质量所占的份额FLUID142单元FLUID142单元具有下列特征:维数:三维形状:四节点四面体或八节点六面体自由度:速度、压力、温度、紊流动能、紊流能量耗散、多达六种流体的各自质量所占的份额FLUID141单元 FLUID142单元FLUID单元的其他特征FLUID单元的其他特征包括:∙用于模拟紊流的二方程紊流模式∙有很多推导结果,诸如:流场分析中的马赫数、压力系数、总压、剪应力、壁面处的y-plus、以及流线函数;热分析中的热流、热交换(膜)系数等。
使用FLOTRAN单元的一些限制及注意事项FLOTRAN单元的一些局限性:∙在同一次分析中不能改变求解的区域∙单元不支持自由流面边界条件∙ANSYS程序的某些特征不能同FLOTRAN单元一起使用∙使用FLOTRAN单元时不能使用某些命令或菜单∙当使用ANSYS的图形用户界面时,程序将只能显示那些在菜单和对话框中的 FLOTRAN SetUp部分要求了的特征和选项。
使用FLOTRAN单元要注意如下几点(下面所列命令相应的菜单路径请参见ANSYS命令手册或联机帮助中的“Commands and Their Location in the GUI”∙FLOTRAN单元不能和其他单元联合使用。
∙CP命令通过对自由度进行耦合来形成周期边界条件,ANSYS命令手册对CP 命令的描述是可以只对某些自由度进行耦合,但作FLOTRAN分析时,周期边界的所有自由度都将被耦合。
FLOTRAN分析的主要步骤一个典型的FLOTRAN分析有如下七个主要步骤:1. 确定问题的区域。
2. 确定流体的状态。
3. 生成有限元网格。
4. 施加边界条件。
5. 设置FLOTRAN分析参数。
6. 求解。
7. 检查结果。
为了得到精确的结果,应使用映射网格划分,因其能在边界上更好地保持恒定的网格特性,映射网格划分可由命令MSHKEY,1或其相应的菜单Main Menu>Preproce ssor > -Meshing-Mesh>-entity-Mapped来实现。