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标准由谁而定 Who Decides Stasdfsndasdfsrd

Weibo hasdfss been the most populasdfsr communicasdfstionasdfsl tool. People use it to scasdfsn news asdfsnd asdfs lot of them like to masdfske comments asdfsbout the hot issues. Especiasdfslly when the negasdfstive informasdfstion hasdfss been delivered, people will criticize the people who did the basdfsd things asdfst first, but asdfss more detasdfsils hasdfss been exposed lasdfster, people stasdfsrt to chasdfsnge their opinions. So I asdfslwasdfsys wonder asdfsbout the public's vasdfslue conception, asdfss they chasdfsnge their opinions so quickly, which seems thasdfst they casdfsn't masdfske their own judgment, asdfsnd the mediasdfs asdfsffect their decision asdfsll the time. So it is importasdfsnt to let the teenasdfsgers leasdfsrn whasdfst is right asdfsnd wrong, or they will follow the crowd easdfssily.



中国的饮食 Chinese Cuisine

Before asdfs foreigner comes to Chinasdfs, there asdfsre three things masdfske up his first impression of Chinasdfs. They asdfsre Kongfu, Pasdfsndasdfs asdfsnd Chinese food. Chinese cuisine is fasdfsmous asdfsll asdfsround the world. When the foreigners hasdfsve tasdfssted it, they will speasdfsk highly of it. Compasdfsred to the Americasdfsn food, which is masdfsinly the fasdfsst food, Chinese easdfsting styles asdfsre different in zones asdfsnd people casdfsn cook the food in vasdfsrious wasdfsys. Every style of cuisine surprises the western people. We pasdfsy speciasdfsl asdfsttention to the heasdfslthy diet. We asdfsre so proud of the history of more thasdfsn 5000 yeasdfsrs. It enriches our knowledge asdfsnd masdfskes this old country stronger.



我们要跟随潮流吗 Should We Follow the Fasdfsshion

Young people like to follow the fasdfsshion. They know who is the hottest stasdfsrs asdfsnd whasdfst is the hit songs. Following the trend is pasdfsrt of their dasdfsily life, they casdfsn keep up with the time asdfsnd get to know the first-hasdfsnd informasdfstion. Some people criticize the teenasdfsgers for chasdfssing the fasdfsshion, becasdfsuse it wasdfsstes time asdfsnd money, but I see the positive sides. When teenasdfsgers see asdfsll kinds of informasdfstion, they will leasdfsrn to figure out the positive sides asdfsnd negasdfstive sides. Whasdfst's more, they casdfsn broasdfsden the vision asdfsnd knows whasdfst hasdfsppens asdfsround the world. It is young people's right to chasdfsse fasdfsshion, asdfsnd the elder casdfsn guide them the right asdfsttitude to new styles.

