



19 资本主义的收入分配一、课程教学要求1.教学学时与教学方法教学学时:2学时教学方法:以讲授为主,结合讨论2.教学目的与要求教学目的:本讲主要是要让学生掌握资本主义收入分配的一般理论,具体包括资本主义制度下收入分配的性质与特征、资本主义制度下收入分配的形式、资本主义制度下收入分配的调节、运用相关理论分析现实收入分配差距与经济结构的相关问题。


















第二章 习题答案1.假设教材《数理经济学》的需求集为:{}6000|),(2==q p q p D ,其中,q 为需求量(万册),p 为价格(元)。

如果价格从20元提高为21元,则需求量将作如何变动? 解:2220206000212160001513.61p q p q q q ======当时,,得;当时,,得 所以,价格从20元提高为21元,则需求量从15万册下降到13.61万册。

2.设某厂商的成本函数为323151500)(q q q q C +-+=,证明,其边际成本总是正的。

证明:因为边际成本函数,()()22C'156331120q q q q =-+=-+>所以,其边际成本总是正的。

3.设某厂商的成本函数为q q q q C +++=1201000)(,求边际成本函数。

解:边际成本函数为()C'20q =++4.设某一商品的需求函数为:18000)(2+==p p q q D,其中:q 为需求量,p 为价格。

若价格从9下降为8.50,问需求量将作如何变动? 解:2280008000997.568.5109.22918.51p q p q ======++当时,;当时, 所以,价格从9下降为8.5时,需求量将从97.56上升为109.22.5.若某人的效用函数取下述形式:322121)3()2(),(++=x x x x u ,其中:u 为总效用函数,1x ,2x 为所消费商品的数量,要求计算:(1)每一商品的边际效用函数;(2)当消费的每种商品均为3个单位时,第一种商品的边际效用值。

解:(1)商品1的边际效用函数:()()3112223MU x x =++商品2的边际效用函数:()()22212323MU x x =++(2)123x x ==当时,()()31232332160MU =++= 6.假定某厂商的生产函数为:αα-=1),(L AK L K Q ,其中:0>A 及10<<α。




C、工资、利润、地租三个范畴在分配理论中的相互关系D、劳动、资本、土地三种生产要素与其对应的分配范畴间的关系4、马克思称晚期重商主义为()A、重金主义B、重工主义C、重农主义D、重币主义5、在重商主义的代表人物中,托马斯⋅曼是()A、英国早期重商主义者B、法国早期重商主义者C、英国晚期重商主义者D、法国晚期重商主义者6、边际主义在美国的主要代表人物是()A、凡勃仑B、富兰克林C、亨利⋅乔治D、克拉克7、新古典经济学派的创始人是()A、威廉⋅配第B、亚当⋅⋅斯密C、马歇尔D、约翰⋅斯图亚特⋅穆勒8、马尔萨斯的“土地肥力(收益)递减规律”观点来自于()A、李嘉图B、威斯特C、安德森D、华莱士9、最先确立政治经济学“三分法”的经济学家是()A、亚当⋅斯密B、詹姆斯⋅穆勒C、萨伊D、西尼尔10、按照西方经济学家的一般划分,古典经济学时期是指从18世纪到()A、19世纪初期B、19世纪中期C、19世纪末期D、20世纪初期11、庞巴维克认为,价值起源于()A、物品的客观效用B、物品能支配的劳动C、物品的生产费用D、物品的主管效用12、亚里斯多德认为()A、以货币为媒介,以使用为目的的交易属于“货殖”而不属于“经济”B、以货币为媒介,以赚钱为目的的交易属于“货殖”而不属于“经济”C、不以货币为媒介,以使用为目的的交易属于“货殖”而不属于“经济”D、不以货币为媒介,以互惠为目的的交易属于“货殖”而不属于“经济”13、马歇尔认为,决定长期市场价格均衡的因素中()A、供给最重要B、需求最重要C、供给和需求同样重要D、供给和需求都不重要14、“劣币驱良币”现象的提出者是()A、约翰⋅洛克B、大卫⋅休谟C、威廉⋅配第D、托马斯⋅格莱辛15、罗雪尔1843年发表的、被人们称为“历史学派的宣言”的著作是()A、《德国国民经济学史》B、《历史方法观的政治经济学》C、《历史方法的国民经济学大纲》D、《十六、十七世纪英国国民经济思想史》16、在经济思想史上第一次提出利息取决于利润并是利润一部分的经济学家是()A、威廉⋅配第 B 、亚当⋅斯密C、约瑟夫⋅马西D、约翰⋅洛克17、以下学者中最早提出货币数量论观点的是()A、大卫⋅休谟B、范德林特C、大卫李嘉图D、威廉⋅配第18、德国新历史学派的方法论主要是()A、历史演绎法B、抽象演绎法C、经验归纳法D、历史归纳法19、奥地利学派认为,生产资料的价值取决于()A、生产资料的边际效用B、生产资料内含的劳动量C、用它生产出的最终产品的边际效用D、用它生产出的人和产品的边际效用20、李嘉图经济理论和哲学基础是()A、休谟的人性论B、边沁的功利主义C、笛卡尔的方法论D、培根的唯物主义二、简答题1、什么是“斯密教条”?它错在哪里?2、马尔萨斯和西斯蒙第都提出了经济危机理论,他们的立场有何不同?3、重商主义两个阶段在政策主张上有何异同?4、“萨伊定律”的内容要点什么?三、论述题1、李嘉图在阐述国际贸易理论时曾说:“如果两人都能制造鞋和帽,其中一个人在两种职业上都比另一个人强一些,不过制帽时只强1/5或20%,而制鞋时则强1/3或33%,那么这个较强的人专门制鞋,而那个较差的人专门制帽,岂不是对于双方都有利么?”他又说:“由此看来,一个在技术和机器方面占有极大优势因而能够用远少于邻国的劳动来制造商品的国家,即使土地较为肥沃,种植谷物所需的劳动也比输出国更少,也仍然可以输出这些商品以输入本国消费所需的一部分谷物。


















马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校经济学 - Economics马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校University of Massachusetts-Amherst综合排名:98学校类型:公立- 综合性大学所在地:美国马萨诸塞州安姆斯特录取率:65.60%SAT统计:1650-1930每年学费:18万(人民币)是否有奖学金:是在校生人数:28236开学时间:秋季,春季学校网址:院校介绍院校简介马塞诸塞大学安姆斯特分校是麻省大学系统中的旗舰院校,拥有140多年的发展历史,是美国“最佳公立大学”之一,享有很高的国际声誉。








院系设置工程学院土木与环境工程系土木化学工程学院社会与行为学学院传播学系园林建筑与区域管理系新闻学系经济学系经济系管理学院会计与信息系自然学学院环境保护学院计算机科学学院自然科学学院环境保护学院计算机科学学院专业介绍币) 工商管理 MBA2工商管理硕士每年秋季,春季管理学院$13857约合9万(人民币) 金融学 Finance1理学硕士每年秋季,春季管理学院$13857约合9万(人民币) 会计学 Accounting1理学硕士每年秋季,春季管理学院$13857约合9万(人民币) 环境与水资源工程Environmental & Water Resources Engineering 3理学硕士每年秋季,春季工程学院$13857约合9万(人民币)园林建筑学Landscape Architecture2理学硕士每年秋季,春季社会与行为学学院 园林建筑与区域管理系$13857 约合9万(人民币) 传播学Communication Science2文学硕士每年秋季,春季社会与行为学学院传播学系$13857 约合9万(人民币) 经济学 Economics2理学硕士每年秋季,春季社会与行为学学院经济学系$13857 约合9万(人民币) 区域规划Regional Planning2理学硕士每年秋季,春季社会与行为学学院 园林建筑与区域管理系$13857 约合9万(人民币)入学申请特别提示:一般情况下,中国学生实际申请国外大学时的录取要求会偏高于大学对外公布的最低录取要求或平均录取成绩,因此同学们准备成绩时需要注意此项! 语言要求雅思考试总分不低于6.5;托福不低于80分;学历要求高中毕业或同等学力申请材料申请表格,包括本校的附表;官方成绩单(需要包含高中整3年的成绩并有官方认证机构翻译);SAT或ACT成绩;银行证明;财产证明;建筑,艺术,舞蹈和音乐专业学生还需提供作品集或视频;申请费75申请方式在线申请:/CommonApp/default.aspx,通过Common Application 在线申请;申请时间春季入学:截止时间为10月1日语言要求雅思考试总分不低于6.5;托福不低于80分;学历要求本科毕业或同等学力;申请材料学历证明财产证明;个人陈述;官方成绩单(需经相关机构翻译并盖有学校公章);两封推荐信(非洲裔美国公民研究,建筑,传播学,有机与进化生物学,哲学,政治学,心理学,社会学要求3封);财产证明;申请费75申请方式在线申请:/psp/heproda/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/UM_SELF_SERVICE.UM_AD M_GRAD_LOGIN.GBL?FolderPath=PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT.UM_ADM_SELF_SERVI CE.UM_ADM_GRAD_LOGIN_GBL&IsFolder=false&IgnoreParamTempl=FolderPath%25 2cIsFolder申请时间夏/秋季截止日期为:2月1日春季截止日期为10月1日学费:$13857住宿费:$9940其他费用:$3000总费用:$26797。



《国际政治经济学》课程经典著作选念书目1.罗伯特·吉尔平:《世界政治中的战争与改革》,上海人民第一版社2007 年 1 月版.2.罗伯特·吉尔平:《国际关系政治经济学》,上海人民第一版社2006 年 10 月版.3.罗伯特·吉尔平:《全世界政治经济学:解读国际经济次序》,上海人民第一版社 2006 年 1 月版 .4.罗伯特·吉尔平:《全世界资本主义的挑战》,上海人民第一版社2001 年版 .5.罗伯特·吉尔平《:跨国企业与美国霸权》,东方第一版社, 2011 年版 .6.罗伯特·基欧汉、约瑟夫·奈《:权利与互相依靠:转变中的世界政治》,北京大学第一版社 2002 年 1 月版 .7.罗伯特·基欧汉:《霸权以后:世界政治经济中的合作与纷争》,上海人民第一版社 2006 年 1 月版 .8.罗伯特·基欧汉、米尔纳 :《国际化与国内政治》,北京大学第一版社2003 年 8 月版.9.约瑟夫·奈:《硬权利与软权利》,北京大学第一版社 2005 年 10 月版 .10.约瑟夫·奈:《理解国际矛盾:理论与历史》(第七版),上海人民第一版社 2009 年 7 月版.11.苏珊·斯特兰奇:《国家与市场:国际政治经济学导论》,上海人民第一版社 2006 年 10 月版 .12.苏珊·斯特兰奇:《权利流散:世界经济中的国家与非国家威望》,北京大学第一版社 2005 年 10 月版 .13.苏珊·斯特兰奇:《疯狂的金钱:当市场超出了政府的控制》,中国社会科学第一版社2000 年版 .14.汉斯·摩根索:《国家间政治:权利斗争与和平》,北京大学第一版社2006 年 11 月版 .15.科恩:《国际政治经济学:学科思想史》,上海人民第一版社 2010年6月版.16.考克斯:《生产权利和世界次序:社会力量在创造历史中的作用》,世界知识第一版社 2004 年 6 月版 .17.约瑟夫·M.格里科、 G.约翰·伊肯伯里:《国家权利与世界市场:国际政治经济学》,北京大学第一版社 2008 年 6 月版 .18.乔纳森·科什纳 :《钱币与强迫 :国际钱币权利的政治经济学》,上海人民第一版社 2013 年版 .19.布热津斯基:《大棋局 :美国的首要地位及其地缘战略》,上海人民第一版社 2007 年版 .20.特奥托尼奥·多斯桑托斯:《帝国主义与依赖》,社会科学文件第一版社 2009 年 1 月版.21.萨米尔·阿明:《不同等的发展:论外头资本主义的形态》,商务印书馆 1990 年版 .22.肯尼思 ?华尔兹:《人、国家与战争 :一种理论剖析》,上海人民第一版社 2013 年版23.斯科特 ?巴雷特:《合作的动力》,上海人民第一版社 2012 年版24.肯尼迪·奥耶:《无政府状态下的合作》,上海人民第一版社 2010 年版25.罗纳德 ?罗戈夫斯基:《商业与结盟 :贸易怎样影响国内政治结盟》,上海人民第一版社 2010 年版国际关系理论介绍教材1.倪世雄:《今世西方国际关系理论》,复旦大学第一版社, 2009 年8 月版 .2.王帆、曲博:《国际关系理论 :思想范式与命题》,世界知识第一版社,2013 年 9 月版.3.达里奥·巴蒂斯特拉(Dario Battistella): 《国际关系理论(第 3 版订正补充本)》,社会科学文件第一版社, 2010 年 11 月版 .4.王逸舟:《西方国际政治学 :历史与理论 (第 2 版)》,上海人民第一版社, 2006 版5.白云真,李开盛:《国际关系:理论派别概论》,浙江人民第一版社,2009 年 5 月版。





















16.平均消费倾向与平均储蓄倾向之和等于 1 ,边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和等于 1 。






Trial Advocacy
36 法学
37 法学
38 教育 课程和教育指导 学
Curriculum and instruction
39 教育 学
Education administration
40 教育 学
Education policy
41 教育 学
3 经济 学
4 经济 学
Development Economics
5 经济 学
6 经济 学
International Economics
7 经济 学
Labor Economics
8 经济 学
地址: государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова 119991 , Russia
序 专业 号 领域 1 哲学
专业名称 逻辑学
外文名称 Logic
学 硕 博 优势 排 士 士 士 专业 名
2 哲学
区域特点和地理位置:旧址在莫霍瓦街 11 号,1812 年焚毁,1817~1819 年重建。1953 年 9 月,在莫斯科西南的列宁山上建成新校舍。
著名校友:该校曾培养出不少杰出的人才,如教育家 K.D.乌申斯基,诗人 M.U.莱蒙托 夫,作家 I.S.屠格涅夫,A.I.赫尔岑,文学批评家 B.G.别林斯基等。许多科学家,如“俄 罗斯航空之父”N.E.茹科夫斯基、实验物理学奠基人 A.G.斯托列托夫等,都曾在该校从事 教学和科研活动。


汇率亦称“外汇行市或汇价 ”。一国货币兑换另一国货币的比率,是以一种
综合考虑在中国对外贸易、 外债(付息)、外商直接投资(分红)等外经贸活动




























F23 FH81 2001
Cost accounting :a managerial emphasis/10th ed./成本会计:管理的着重点
Tsinghua University Press/ c2001
清华会计学系列英文版教材。本书是由美国斯坦福大学Charles T. Horngren教授担纲编写的成本会计教材。Horngren教授著述丰厚,在美国全国性会计职业和学术组织中身兼数职,几乎获得过美国会计界所有最高奖项。
C936 FR63o
Organizational behavior/9th ed./组织行为学
Tsinghua University Press/ c2001
D971.222.9 FH21 2001
F270.7 FD24 2001
Strategic management :concepts & cases/8th ed./战略管理:概念与案例
Tsinghua University Press /c2001.
Tsinghua University Press /c2001
Tsnighua Universtiy Press/c2001
F270 FB84














完美WORD 格式 专业整理知识分享Suggested an swers to questio ns and p roblems(in the textbook)Chap ter 2Disagree, at least as a general statement. One meaning of a current account surplus is that the country is exporting more goods and services than it isbe con sidered good the extra imp orts allow the country to con sume and in vest domestically more tha n thevalue of its curre nt production. Another meaning of a current account surplus is that the country is en gaging in foreig n finan cial inv estme nt it is buildi ng up its claimson foreig ners, and this adds to n ati onal wea 1th. This sounds good, but as no ted above it comes at thecost of forego ing curre nt domestic pu rchases of goods and services ・ A curre nt acco unt deficit is thecountry running dow n its claims on foreigners or increasing its indebtedness toforeigners ・ Thissounds bad, but it comeswith the ben efit of higher levels of curre nt domestic expen diture.Differe nt coun tries at differe nt times may weigh the bala nee of these costs and ben efitsdiffere ntly, so that we cannot simply say that a curre nt acco unt surplus is better tha n a curre nt account deficit.4. Disagree ・ If the country has a surplus (a p ositive value) for its official settleme nts bala nee, the n the valuefor its official reserves bala nee must be a negative value of the sameamount (so that the two add to zero)・A negative value for this asset item means that funds are flow ing out in order for the country to acquire moreof these kinds of assets ・ Thus, the country is in creas ing its hold ings of official reserve assets ・Item e is a tran sacti on in which foreig n official hold ings of U.S. assets in crease ・ This is a po sitive(credit) item for official reserve assets and a negative (debit) item for private capital flows as the U ・S ・bank acquires pound bank depo sits ・ The debit item con tributes to a U.S. deficit in the official settleme ntsbala nee (while the credit item is recorded "below the lin e, " p ermitti ng the official settleme nts bala neeto be in deficit)・ All other transactions involve debit and credit items both of which are includedin the official settleme nts bala nee, so that they do not directly con tribute to a deficit (or surpi us)in the official settleme nts bala nee ・8. a. Mercha ndise trade bala nee: $330 - 198 二 $132Goods and services bala nee: $330 - 198 + 196 - 204 = $1242.importing.Onemightgood the count ry isCurre nt account bala nee: $330 - 198 + 196 - 204 + 3 - 8 = $119Official settleme nts bala nee: $330 - 198 + 196 - 204 + 3 - 8 + 102 - 202 + 4 = $23b・ Change in official reserve assets (net) = - official settlements balanee =-$23.The country is in creas ing its net hold ings of official reserve assets.10. 8. In ternatio nal in vestme nt p ositio n (billio ns) : $30 + 20 + 15 一40 一25 二so.The country is n either an intern ati onal creditor nor a debtor・ Its hold ing of intern ati onal assets equals its liabilities to foreig ners.b. A curre nt acco unt surplus p ermits the country to add to its net claims on foreig ners・ For this reas onthe coun try,s intern atio nal inv estme nt po siti on will becomea p ositive value・ The flow in crease in net foreig n assets results in the stock of net foreig n assets beco ming po sitive.Chap ter 32. Exports of merchandise and services result in supply of foreign currency in the foreig n exchange market・ Domestic sellers ofte n want to be p aid using domestic curre ncy, while the foreig n buyers want to pay in their curre ncy・In the p rocess of paying for these exp orts, foreig n curre ncy is excha nged for domestic curre ncy, creat ing supply of foreig n curre ncy・Intern ati onalcap ital in flows result in a supply of foreig n curre ncy in the foreig n excha nge market・ I n maki ng inv estme nts in domestic finan cial assets, foreig ninvestors often start with foreign currency and must exchange it for domestic curre ncy before they can buy the domestic assets・The excha nge creates a supply of foreig n curre ncy. Sales of foreig n finan cial assets that the country's residents had previously acquired, and borrowing from foreignersby this coun try's reside nts are other forms of cap ital in flow that can create supply of foreig n curre ncy・4. The U. S. firm obta ins a quotatio n from its bank on the spot excha nge rate for buying yen with dollars・ If therate is acce ptable, the firm in struets its bank that it wants to use dollars from its dollar check ing acco unt to buy 1 millio n yen at this spot excha nge rate・ It also in struets its bank to send the yen to the bank acco unt of the Japan ese firm. To carry out thisinstruction, the U.S. bank instructs its correspondent bank in Japan to take1 milli on yen from its acco unt at the corres pondent bank and tran sfer the yen to the bank acco unt of theJapan ese firm. (The U.S. bank could also use yen at its own branch if it has a branch in Japan.)5 The trader would seek out the best quoted spot rate for buying euros with dollars, either throughdirect con tact with traders at other banks or by using the services of a foreign exchange broker・ The trader would use the best :rate to buy euro spot. Sometime in the n ext hour or so (or, typ ically at least by the end of the day), the trader will en ter the in terba nk market aga in, to obtain the best quoted spot rate for selling euros for dollars・The traderwill use the best spot rate to sell her p reviously acquired euros・ If the spot value of the euro has rise n duri ng this short time, the trader makes a p rofit・The cross rate betwee n the yen and the krone is too high (the yen value of the krone is too high) relative to the dollar-foreig n curre ncy excha nge rates・ Thus, in a p :rofitable tria ngular3 a arbitrage, you want to sell kroner at the high cross rate・ The arbitrage will be: Use dollars to buy kroner at$0. 20/kr one, use these kroner to buy yen at 25 yen/krone, and use the yen to buy dollars at $0. 01/ye n.For each dollar that you sell in itially, you can obta in 5 kroner, these 5 kroner can obta in 125 yen, and the 125 yen can obta in $1.25. The arbitrage p :rofit for each dollar is therefore 25 cen ts.Selli ng kroner to buy yen p uts dow nward p ressure on the cross rate (the yen price of krone)・The value of the cross :rate must fall to 20 (=0.20/0.01) yen/krone to elimi nate the opportunity for tria ngular arbitrage, assu ming that the dollar excha nge rates are un cha nged・b.The in crease in supply of Swiss francs puts dow nward p ressure on the excha nge~rate value ($/SFr) of the franc・The mon etary authorities must intervene to defend the fixed exchange :rate bybuying SFr and sellingb. The in crease in supply of francs puts dow nward p ressure on the excha nge-rate value ($/SFr) of10. 8・the franc・The mon etary authorities must intervene to defend the fixed exchange rate by buying SFr and sellingdollars・c.The in crease in supply of francs puts dow nward p ressure on the excha nge^rate value($/SFr) of the franc・ The mon etary authorities must intervene to defend the fixed exchange rate by buying SFr and sellingdollars・dollars.完美WORD 格式 专业整理知识分享d. The decrease in dema nd for francs puts dow nward p ressure on the excha nge-rate value ($/SFr) ofthe franc ・ The mon etary authorities must intervene to defend the fixed exchange rate by buyingSFr and sellingChap ter 4on bonds issued by the U ・ S ・ government that mature in one year, the interestrate (or yield) on bonds issued by the British government that maturein one year, the curre nt spot excha nge rate betwee n the dollar and pound, and the year forwardexchange rate between the dollar and pound. Do these :rates result in a covered4. a The U. S. firm has an asset p ositi on in yen 一 it has a long p ositi on in yen.To hedge its exp osure to excha nge rate risk, the firm should en ter into a forward excha nge con tract nowin which the firm commits to sell yen and receive dollars at the curre nt forward rate. The con tract amountsare to 1 millio n yen and receive $9,000, both in 60 sell days ・b. The stude nt has an asset po siti on in yen 一 a long p ositi on in yen. Tohedge the exp osure to excha nge rate risk, the stude nt should en ter into a forward excha nge con tractnow in which the stude nt commits to sell yen and receive dollars at the current forward rate ・ The con tract amounts are to 10 millio n yen and receive $90,000, both in 60 sell days.c. The U. S. firm has an liability position in yen 一 a short position in y en-To hedge its exp osure to excha nge rate risk, the firm should en ter into a forward exchange con tract now in which the firm commits to sell dollars receive yen at the curre nt an jforward rate ・ The con tract amounts are to sell $900,000 and receive 100 millio n yen, both in 60 days ・6. Relative to your exp ected spot value of the euro in 90 days ($1.22/euro), the current forward rate of the euro($1・ 18/euro) is low the forward value of the euro is relatively low ・ Using the principle of "buy low, sell high," you can sp eculate by en teri ng into a forward con tract now to buy euros at $1.18/euro. If you are be ableto immediately of $0. 04 for each euro this way, then massive(in creas ing the dema nddollars.2.You will need data on four market rates: The current interest rate (or yield)curre nt curre ntinter est differential that is very close correct inyour then in 90 days you will pocketing a profit that you bought完美WORD 格式 专业整理知识分享for euros forward) will t end to drive up the forward value of the euro, to ward a curre nt forward rate of $1.22/euro. The Swiss franc is at a forward prem ium. Its curre nt forward value($0・505/SFr) is greater than its current sp ot value (SO ・500/SFr)・ The covered in terest differe ntial "i n favor of Switzerla nd" is ((1 + 0.005) (0.505) / 0. 500) 一 (1+0. 01)二 0. 005・(Note that the interest rate used must match the time p eriod of the in vestme nt.) There is a covered interest differential of 0. 5% for 30 days (6 percent at an annual rate)・ The U ・S. investor can make a higher return, covered against exchange rate risk, by inv esti ng in SFr-de nomin ated bon ds, so p resumably the inv estor should makethis covered investment ・ Although the interest :rate on SFr-denominated bondsis lower tha n the in terest rate on dollar-de nomin ated bon ds, the forward p remium on the franc is larger tha n this differe nee, so that the covered inv estme nt is a good idea ・The lack of demandfor dollar-denominated bonds (or the supply of thesebonds as in vestors sell them in order to shift into SFr-de nomin ated bon ds) puts dow nward p ressure on the p rices of U ・ S ・ bon ds up ward p ressure on U ・ S ・ in terest rates ・ The extra dema nd for the franc in the spot excha nge market (as in vestors buy SFr in order to buy SFr~de nomin ated bon ds) puts up ward p ressure on the spot excha nge rate ・ The extra dema nd for SFr~de nomin ated bonds puts up ward p ressure on the p rices of Swiss bondsdow nward p ressureon Swiss in terest rates ・ The extra supply of francs in the forward market (as U ・ S ・ i nv estors cover their SFr in vestme nts back into dollars) p uts downwardpressure on the forward exchange rate. If the only :rate that changes is the forward exchange rate, this rate must fall to about $0. 5025/SFr ・ With this forward rate and the other in itial rates, the covered in terest differe ntial is close to zero.In test ing covered in terest p arity, all of the in terest rates and excha nge :rates that are n eeded to calculatethe covered in terest differe ntial are rates that can observed in the bond and foreign exchange markets ・ Determining whether the covered in terest differe ntial is about zero (covered in terest parity) is then straightforward (although somemore subtle issues regarding tim ing of tran sact ions may also n eed to be addressed)・ I n order to test uncovered interest parity, we need to know not only three rates two interest rates and the current spot exchange rate that can be observed in the market, but also one ratethe exp ected future spot exchange rate that is notobserved in any market ・ The tester the n n eeds a way to find out about inv estors , exp ectati ons ・ One way is to ask them, using a survey, but they may not say exactly what theyreally think ・ Ano ther way is to exam ine the actual un covered in terest differe ntial after we know whatthe future spot excha nge rate actually turns out to be, and see whether the statistical characteristics ofthe actual uncovered differential are consistentwith an expected uncovered differential of about zero (uncovered interest parity).8. a. 10.Cha pter 52. a. The euro is expected to appreciate at an annual rate of approximately ((1.005 一1・000)/1.000) (360/180)100 = 1%. The exp ected un covered in terestdifferential is approximately 3%+ 1%- 4%= 0, so uncovered interest parityholds (app roximately)・If the in terest rate on 180-day dollar-de nomin ated bonds decli nes tonow p ositive, 3% + 1% - 3% 二 1%, favori ng un covered inv estme nt in euro^de nomin ated bon The in creased dema ndfor euros in the spot excha nge market tends to app reciate the euro ・ If the euroin terest rate and the exp ected future spot excha nge rate rema in un cha nged, the n the curre nt spot :ratemust cha nge immediately to be $1.005/euro, to reestablish un covered interest parity ・ Whenthe current spotrate jumps to this value, the euro^ s excha nge rate value is not exp ected to cha nge in value subseque ntlyduri ng the next 180 days ・The dollar has depreciated immediately , and the uncovered differe ntial then again is zero (3% + 0% 一 3% 二0).4. a. For uncovered interest parity to hold, investors must expect that the rateof change in the spot exchange-rate value of the yen equals the interest rate differential, which is zero. Investorsmust expect that the future spot valueis the same as the curre nt spot value, $0.01/ye n.b ・ If inv estors exp ect that the excha nge rate will be $0. 0095/ye n, the nthey expect the yen to depreciate from its initial spot value during the next 90 days ・ Give n the other rates,i nv estors tend to shift their inv estme nts toward dollar-de nomin ated inv estme nts. The extra supply ofyen (and dema ndb.3%,spot excha nge rate is likely to in crease the euro will appreciate, the dollar depreciate. At the initial current spot exchange rate, the initial expected future spot exchange rate, and the initial euro interestected un covered in terest differe ntial shifts in favor of investing rate, thein is ds.app reciate) immediately in the curre nt spot market. 6. The law of one p rice will hold better for gold ・ Gold can be traded easilyso that any price differences would lead to arbitrage that would tend to push gold p rices (stated in a com moncurre ncy by converting p rices using market excha nge rates) back close to equality. Big Macs cannot be arbitraged・ If p rice differe nces exist, there is no arbitrage p ressure, so the p rice differences can persist ・ Theprices of Big Macs(stated in a commoncurrency)vary widely around the world ・8. According to PPP, the exchange rate value of the DM(relative to the dollar) has rise n since the early1970s because Germa ny has exp erie need less inflation than has the United States -------- the productprice level has risen less in Germa ny since the early 1970s tha n it has rise n in the Un ited States.According to the monetary approach, the Germanprice level has not risen as muchbecause the Germa nmoneys upply has in creased less tha n the has in creased in the Un ited States, relative to the growth rates of real domestic production case more in flati on growth in Brita in.in the two countries. The British pound is in Britain than in the United States, and10. a. Because the growth rate °fthe domestic moneysupply (M s ) is two percentage points higher tha n it was previously, the mon etary app roach in dicates that the excha nge rate value (e) of the foreig n curre ncy willbe higher tha n it otherwise would be that is, the excha nge rate value of the coun try ,scurre ncy will be lower ・ Sp ecifically, the foreig n curre ncy will app reciate by two percentage points moreper year, or depreciate by two percentage less ・ That is, the domestic currencypoints will depreciate by two percentage more per year, or app reciate by two p erce ntage pointspoints less.b. The faster growth of the coun try's money supply eve ntually leads to afaster rate of inflation of the domestic price level (P)・ Specifically, theinflation rate will be two percentage points higher than it otherwise be. Accord ing towould relative PPP, a faster rate of in crease in the domestic level (P) leads to a higher rate of price app reciation of the foreig n curre ncy ・12. a. For the Un ited States in 1975, 20,000 = kFor P ugelovia in 1975, 10, 000 = k 100 200, or k = 0. 5.b. For the Un ited States, the qua ntity theory of money with a con sta nt kfor dollars) in the spot exchange market resuIts in a decre ase value of (thedollathe yen dollar appreciate) sometime during the next 90 days tends to cause the (the dollar to moneys■ 100 800, or k = 0. 25.means that the quantity equa tion with k 二0. 25 should hold in 2002: 65, 000二0. 25 2601, 000. It does. Because the quantity equation holds for both years with the samek, the change in the price level from 1975 to 2002 is consistent with the quantity theory of moneywith a constant k・ Similarly, for Pugelovia, the quantity equation with k 二0. 5 should hold for 2002, and it does (58, 500 =0. 5 390 300).14・ a. The tighte ning typ ically leads to an immediate in crease in the coun try'sin terest rates・ In additi on, the tighte ning p robably also results ininvestors" expecting that the exchange-rate value of the country,s currencyis likely to be higher in the future・ The higher expected exchange-rate value for the currency is based on the expectation that the country,s price level will be lower in the future, and PPP in dicates that the curre ncy will the n be stro nger・ For both of these reas ons, intern ati onal inv estors will shift toward inv est ing in this coun try's bon ds. The in crease in dema nd for the coun try"s curre ncy in the spot excha nge market causes the curre ntexcha nge-rate value of the curre ncy to in crease・The curre ncy maya pp reciate a lot because thecurrent exchange rate must "overshoot" its expected future spot value・Un covered in terest p arityis reestablished with a higher in terest rate and a subseque nt exp ected dep reciati on of the curre ncy.b・If everyth ing else is rather steady, the excha nge rate (the domesticcurrency price of foreign currency) is likely to decrease quickly by a large amount・ After this jump, the excha nge rate maythe n in crease gradually toward its long-run value the value con siste nt with PPP in the long run.Chap ter 62. Weoften use the term pegged exchange rate to refer to a fixed exchange rate, because fixed ratesgen erally are not fixed forever・ An adjustable peg isan exchange rate policy in which the "fixed" exchange rate value of a currency can be cha nged from time to time, but usually it is cha nged rather seldom(for in sta nee, not mote tha n once every several years)・ A crawli ng peg isan exchange rate policy in which the "fixed" exchange rate value of a currency is cha nged ofte n(for in sta nee, weekly or mon thly), sometimes accordi ng to in dicators such as the differe nee inin flati on :rates.4. Disagree・ If a country is expected to impose exchange controls, which usuallymake it more difficult to move funds out of the country in the future,investors are likely to try to shift funds out of the country now before the con trols are imp osed. The in crease in supply of domestic curre ncy into the foreig n excha nge market (or in crease in dema nd for foreig n curre ncy) p utsdownward pressure on the exchange rate value of the country's currency the curre ncy tends to dep reciate.6. a. The market is atte mpting to dep reciate the pn ut (app reciate the dollar) toward a value of 3. 5 pnuts per dollar,which is outside of the top of the allowable band (3・06 pnuts per dollar). In order to defend the pegged exchange rate, the Pu gelovia n mon etary authorities could use official in terve ntio nto buy pnuts (in exchange for dollars)・ Buying pnuts prevents the pnut ' svalue from declining (selling dollars prevents the dollar , s value fromrisin g)・ The in terve nti on satisfies the excess p rivate dema nd for dollarsat the curre nt p egged excha nge rate・b. In order to defend the pegged exchange rate, the Pugelovian governmentcould impose excha nge con trols in which some p rivate in dividuals who want to sell pnuts and buy dollars are told that they cannot legally do this (or cannot do this without gover nment p ermissi on, and not all requests are approved by the government)・ By artificially restricting the supply of pnuts (and the dema nd for dollars), the Pu gelovia n gover nment can force the remai ning p rivate supply and dema nd to ''clear'7within the allowable band.The exchange controls attempt to stifle the excess private demandfor dollars at the curre nt p egged excha nge rate・c・In order to defend the pegged exchange rate, the Pugelovian governmentcould in crease domestic in terest rates (p erha ps by a lot)・ The higher domestic interest rates shift the incentives for international capital flows toward inv estme nts in Pu gelovia n bon ds. The in creased flow of intern ati onal finan cial cap ital into Pu gelovia in creases the dema nd for pnuts on the foreig n excha nge market・(Also, the decreased flow of intern ati onal financial capital out of Pugelovia reduces the supply of pnuts on the foreignexcha nge market・)By in creas ing the dema nd for pnuts (and decreas ing the suppl y), the Pu gelovia n gover nment can in duce the p rivate market to clear within the allowable band・ The in creased domestic in terestrates attem pt to shift the private supply and demandcurves so that there is no excess private dema nd for dollars at the curre nt p egged excha nge rate value・8. a. The gold sta ndard was a fixed rate system. The gover nment of each countryp artici pati ng in the system agreed to buy or sell gold in excha nge for itsown currency at a fixed price of gold (in terms of its own currency)・Because eachcurrency was fixed to gold, the exchange rates between currencies also ten ded to be fixed, because in dividuals could arbitrage betwee n gold and curre ncies if the curre ncy excha nge rates deviated from those imp lied by the fixed gold p rices・Britai n was central to the system, because the British economy was the leader in in dustrializatio n and world trade, and because Brita in was con sidered finan cially secure and p rude nt. Brita in was b. able and willi ng to run p ayme nts deficits that p ermitted many other coun tries to run p ayme nts surpi uses. The other coun tries used their surpi uses to build up their holdi ngs of gold reserves (and of intern ati onal reserves in the form of sterling-denominated assets). These other countries were satisfied with therate of growth of their holdings of liquid reserve assets, and most countries were able to avoid the crisis of running low on intern ati onal reserves.Duri ng the height of the gold stan dard, from about 1870 to 1914, theeconomic shocks to the system were mild・ A major shock World War I caused many coun tries to sus pend the gold sta ndard・C・Sp ecula ti on was gen erally stabiliz ing, both for the excha nge rates bet ween the currencies of countries that were adhering to the gold standard, and for the excha nge rates of coun tries that temp orarily allowed their curre ncies to float・d.10. a. The Brett on Woods system was an adjustable p egged excha nge rate system.Coun tries comm it ted to set and defe nd fixed excha nge rat es, financing temporary p ayme nts imbala nces out of their official reserve holdi ngs・ If a "fun dame ntal disequilibrium "in a coun try's intern ati onal p ayme ntsdeveloped, the country could change the value of its fixed exchange rate to a new value・b. The Un ited States was cen tral to the system・ As the Brett on Woodssystemevolved, it became esse ntially a gold-excha nge sta ndard・ The mon etaryauthorities of other countries committed to peg the exchange rate values of their curre ncies to theU. S. dollar・ The U. S・ mon etary authority committedto buy and sell gold in exchange for dollars with other countries' monetaryauthorities at a fixed dollar p rice of gold・c・To a large extent speculation was stabilizing, both for the fixed ratesfollowed by most countries, and for the exchange rate value of the Canadian dollar, which floated duri ng 1950-62・ However, the p egged excha nge rateobligations denominated in foreign currency, because it cannot print foreignmon ey.The debt crisis in 1982 was precip itated by (a) in creased cost of servici ng4.debt, because of a rise in in terest :rates in the Un ited States and other devel oped coun tries astighter mon etary p olicies were used to fight in flati on, (b) decreased export earnings in the debtor coun tries, because of decreased dema nd and lower commodity p rices as the tighter mon etary p olicies resulted in a world recessi on, and (c) an inv estor shift to curtaili ng new lending and trying to get old loa ns rep aid quickly, once it became clear that (a) and (b) would lead to some defaults・With free in ternatio nal le nding Japan lends 1, 800 (二6, 000 - 4, 200) to America, at point T・If Japan and America专业整理知识分享完美WORD格式each impose a 2 p erce nt tax on intern atio nal le nding, the total tax is 4 p erce nt. The gap WZ restores equilibrium, and the amount lent in ternatio nally decli nes to 600 (= 6, 000 -65, 400)・ The in terest rate in Japan (and the one received net of taxes by Japan s international lenders) is3 percent and the interest(and the one paid including taxes by AmeFca,s international 7 p erce nt. (The differe nee is the 4 p erce nt of taxes・)Japan collects intern ati on al-le nding tax reve nues equal to area r, but this is . .rate in America effectively p aid by Japan ese len ders who see their earnings on the 600 ofborrowers) is foreign lending that continues decline by this amount. The net effect on Japan ,s government is a loss of area n because the taxes p reve nt some p reviously p :rofitablelending from occurring・ America ' s government collects tax revenues equal to area k, but this is effectively p aid by America n borrowers who must pay a higher interest rate on their foreign borrowing・ The net effect on America is a loss of area j because of the decli ne in intern atio nal borrow ing・8. a. The in crease in the in terest :rate rotates the li ne show ing the debt service due, which is also the ben efitfrom not repaying, up ward to (1 + i ')D from(1 + i)D・ The threshold amount of debt beyond which the country , s government should defaultCapital = Wealth。



微观第八章习题一、名词解释引致需求 联合需求 边际产品价值 边际收益产品 边际要素成本 完全竞争要素市场 买方垄断 卖方垄断二、选择题1、下列各项中不属于生产要素的是( D )A .企业管理者的管理才能 B. 农民拥有的土地C .用于生产的机器厂房 D. 在柜台上销售的服装2、完全竞争厂商对生产要素的需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因在于( )A.要素的边际成本递减B.要素的边际产量递减C.要素生产的产品的边际效用递减D.要素参加生产的规模报酬递减3、在产品X 市场和要素K 、L 的市场都是完全竞争市场的厂商,利润最大化的条件是( D )A .X X X P MC MC =,且上升B .L K L KMP MP P P = C .1L K L K X MP MP P P MC == D .11L K L K X XMP MP P P MC P ===4、对于一个垄断企业(其所处要素市场是完全竞争的),投入品M 的价格为20元,边际产量为5,产品价格是4元,则这个企业的产量( )A.未达到利润最大化,应减少产量B.未达到利润最大化,应扩大产量C.生产出利润最大化,但是成本未达到最小化D.在成本最小条件下实现利润最大化产量5、市场中单个厂商对某种生产要素的需求曲线同全体厂商对该种生产要素的需求曲线之间的关系表现为( )A.两者是重合在一起的B.前者较后者平坦C.前者较后者陡峭D.无法确定6、在一个完全竞争的市场中,追求利润最大化的厂商的产品价格上升时,将引起劳动的边际产品价值( ),从而导致劳动的需求曲线( )A.降低,右移B.增加,左移C.增加,右移D.降低,左移7、完全竞争产品市场与不完全竞争产品市场两种情况下的生产要素的需求曲线相比( )A. 前者比后者陡峭B. 前者与后者重合C. 后者比前者平坦D. 均有可能8、假定生产要素A 、B 、C 的边际产量分别是20、16、8,它们的价格分别是10、8、4,那么这一生产要素的组合( C )A .不是最小成本的组合B .是最小成本的组合C .是否为最小成本组合,视不同的要素市场而定D .是否为最小成本组合,视不同的产品市场和要素市场而定9、假定两种生产要素X 和Y 的价格为30元,18元,产品的边际收益是3元,那么当这两种要素的边际产量为( B )时,该生产商才能获得最大利润。



卢卡斯批评“卢卡斯批评”(Lucas’ critique)的要点及其对现代西方经济学发展的影响答:(1)卢卡斯批判是指:卢卡斯是根据理性预期的货币理论的朴素原理(当被预测变量发生变化时,预期的形成方式也会发生变化)对计量经济政策评估的批判。


















Durham University
University Office
Old Elvet,
杜伦大学成立于 1832 年。杜伦大学是一所由 12 个学院和 2 个社团组成的联合大学。是 英格兰最早创立的第三所大学(1832 年创建)。该大学在杜伦拥有 14 个校园(考林伍德学 院、格瑞学院、海菲尔德学院、圣-爱丹学院、圣-查德学院、圣-卡斯勃特社团、圣-圣尔德 和圣-贝德大学、圣-约翰学院、圣-玛丽学院、采维利安学院、大学学院、万米尔德特学院、 斯托克顿学院),各校园之间相距仅有数步之遥。
该校除了 24 小时计算机全天服务外,还提供校联网,以及供学生锻炼基本电脑技能的 电脑培训项目。
杜伦市内建有良好的购物设施以及多家银行,杜伦距离纽卡斯尔森德兰两地均很近,在 这两座城市内不仅各式一流的商店、餐馆鳞次栉比,而且文化名胜不胜枚举。
院校设置:杜伦大学有三大学院:艺术与人文学院,科学学院及社会科学学院,大约 25 个系 200 多个专业,提供从学士到博士学位的学习。该校在自然科学、技术、艺术、语 言和社会科学等方面都有杰出的世界级的科研成果,享有卓越的声誉。在该校的模块教学体 系中有 80 多个独立的专业,300 多个联合专业可供选择;该校为大多数学生提供至少 2 年的 在校住宿;男女生比率平衡;该校的本科生中有 10%的成人学生,并且为残疾生和需要特殊医 疗的学生提供特殊服务;该校在自然科学、技术、艺术、语言和社会科学等方面都有杰出的 世界级的科研成果。艺术学院、科学与社会科学院开设有本科课程、硕士及博士课程。

53 管理

54 艺术 学



Back-door listing 借壳上市Back-end load 撤离费;后收费用Back office 后勤办公室Back to back FX agreement 背靠背外汇协议Balance of payments 国际收支平衡;收支结余Balance of trade 贸易平衡Balance sheet 资产负债表Balance sheet date 年结日Balloon maturity 到期大额偿还Balloon payment 期末大额偿还Bank, Banker, Banking 银行;银行家;银行业国际结算银行Bank forInternational Settlements(BIS)Bankruptcy 破产Base day 基准日Base rate 基准利率Basel Capital Accord 巴塞尔资本协议Basis Point (BP) 基点;点子一个基点等如一个百分点(%)的百分之一。

举例:25个基点=0.25%Basis swap 基准掉期Basket of currencies 一揽子货币Basket warrant 一揽子备兑证Bear market 熊市;股市行情看淡Bear position 空仓;空头Bear raid 疯狂抛售Bearer 持票人Bearer stock 不记名股票Behind-the-scene 未开拓市场Below par 低于平值Benchmark 比较基准Benchmark mortgage pool 按揭贷款基准组合Beneficiary 受益人Bermudan option 百慕大期权百慕大期权介乎美式与欧式之间,持有人有权在到期日前的一个或多个日期执行期权。

Best practice 最佳做法;典范做法Beta (Market beta) 贝他(系数);市场风险指数Bid 出价;投标价;买盘指由买方报出表示愿意按此水平买入的一个价格。



课堂教学设计表课程名称英语设计者牟安琪倪芳芳单位(学校)温州大学授课班级使用 PEP义务教育课程标准实验教科书的学生倪珍珍邵婧版英语(新目标)章节名称PEP 英语九年级 unit2 section B & self-check学时 11.依据纽南 (David Nunan)所提出的任务型及合作式教学原则,使学生在小组学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息,激发学生用所学语言进行交际的愿望和自信心 ,促进合作精神和文化意识的发展。


教材关联:本课为PEP 英语九年级 unit2 sectionB & self-check,为第二课时。


内容分析: 1.之前学生已经初步认识过句型“I/He/You usedto”,本课运用阐述学生的变化这一形式可引导学生进入主要句型的学习,从而掌握学习内容,通过对比进一步了解自身。

2.本课时主要学习 section B & self-check,完成听力练习。

课程标准:PEP 版英语(新目标)义务教育课程标准实验教科书:九年级基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。






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Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania宾州大学沃顿商学院金融专业课程设置1、Corporate Finance(公司财务)2、Monetary Economics(货币经济学)3、Business Economics(商业经济学)4、Advanced Corporate Finance(高级公司财务)5、Investment Management(投资管理)6、Speculative Markets(投机市场)7、Security Analysis(证券分析)8、Multinational Corporate Finance(跨国公司财务)9、Real Estate Investment: Analysis and Financing(房地产投资:分析和融资)10、Urban Real Estate Economics (城市房地产经济学)11、International Finance(国际金融)12、International Banking (国际银行业)13、Urban Fiscal Policy (城市财政政策)14、Fixed Income Securities (固定收益证券)15、International Housing Comparisons (国际住房供给比较)16、Funding Investments (基金投资)17、Behavioral Finance (行为金融)18、Venture Capital and Private Equity (风险资本与私人权益)19、Supervised Study in Finance (指导下的金融研究工作)20、Financial Analysis (财务分析)21、Macroeconomic Analysis and Public Policy (宏观经济分析和公共政策)22、Speculative Markets (投机市场)23、International Finance( 国际金融)24、Investment Management (投资管理)25、Real Estate Investment: Analysis and Financing (房地产投资:分析和融资)26、Urban Real Estate Economics (城市房地产经济学)27、Fixed Income Securities (固定收益证券)28、Advanced Corporate Finance (高级公司财务)29、Security Analysis (证券分析)30、Urban Fiscal Policy (城市财政政策)31、Multinational Corporate Finance (跨国公司财务)32、International Banking (国际银行业)33、Funding Investments (基金投资)34、Behavioral Finance (行为金融)35、Venture Capital and Private Equity(风险资本与私人权益)36、Advanced Study Project in Finance(金融中的高级研究项目)37、Independent Study Project in Finance(金融独立研究项目)38、Financial Economics(金融经济学)39、Financial Institutions(金融机构)(金融学中的实证方法介绍)Financein Methods Empirical to Introduction 、40.41、Continuous-Time Financial Economics(持续期金融经济学)42、Intertemporal Macroeconomics and Finance(跨期宏观经济学和金融学)43、Corporate Finance (公司财务)44、International Finance (国际金融)45、Empirical Research in Finance (金融领域的实证研究)46、Behavior Finance(行为金融)School of Management of the Boston University波斯顿大学管理学院金融学专业1、Money, Financial Markets, and Economic Activity (货币,金融市场,与经济活动)2、Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (投资分析与投资组合管理)3、Corporate Financial Management (公司财务管理)4、International Finance(国际金融)5、Futures, Options, and Financial Risk Management(期货,期权,和金融风险管理)School of Business of the Florida University美国佛罗里达大学工商管理学院财务管理专业1.Prin. of Macroeconomics (宏观经济学原理)2.Prin. of Microeconomics (微观经济学原理)3.Composition(写作)4.Calculus(微积分)5.Humanities(人类学)6.Intro. to Financial Accounting(财务会计入门)7.Intro. to Statistics(统计学入门)8.Physical/Biological Sciences(物理学/生物学)9.Intro. to Managerial Accounting(管理会计入门)10.Intro.to Computer Programming and Software Pkgs(计算机编程与软件入门)11.Prin. of Management(管理学原理)12.Statistics for Business Decision s(商务决策统计)13.Business Finance(企业财务)14.Prin. of Marketing(市场学原理)15.Debt and Money Markets(债务与货币市场)16.Equity and Capital Markets(股本投资与资本市场)17.Managerial Economics(管理经济学)18.Operations Management(经营管理学)19.Legal Environment of Business(商务法律环境)20.Financial Management(财务管理)School of Business of the Florida University美国佛罗里达大学工商管理学院保险学专业(人类学)Humanities.1.2.Physical Sciences(物理学)3.Prin、Macroeconomics(宏观经济学原理)4.Biological Sciences(生物学)5.Composition(写作)6.Prin、Microeconomics(微观经济学原理)7.Calculus(微积分)8.Intro to Financial Accounting(财务会计入门)9.Intro to Statistics(统计学入门)10.Intro to Managerial Accounting(管理会计入门)11.Intro to Computer Programming and Software Pkgs(计算机编程与软件入门)12.Principles of Management(管理学原理)13.Statistics for Business Decisions(商务决策统计)14.Business Finance(企业财务)15.Principles of Marketing(市场学原理)16.Legal Environment of Business(商务法律环境)17.Operations Management(经营管理学)18.Equity and Capital Markets(股本投资与资本市场)19.Risk and Insurance(风险与保险)20.Managerial Economics(管理经济学)21.Risk Management(风险管理)22.Debt and Money Markets(债务与货币市场)Business School of Columbia University哥伦比亚大学商学院金融与管理专业1、The global economic environment (全球经济环境)2、Managerial economics (管理经济学)3、Corporate finance (公司财务)4、Capital markets and investments (资本市场与投资)5、International business (国际商务)6、Economics of strategic behavior(战略行为经济学)7、Media and information management (媒体与信息管理)8、Cost-benefit analysis (成本利润分析)9、Taxes and business strategy (税收与商业战略)10、Economics of health care and pharmaceuticals(医疗和制药经济学)11、Management of information, communications and media resources (信息、通讯和媒体资源管理)12、Media economics (媒体经济学)13、Business strategies for emerging markets (新兴市场的商业战略)14、Economic analysis of media industries (媒体产业的经济分析)15、Strategic management of media (媒体战略管理)16、Advanced corporate finance (高级公司财务)17、Debt markets (债务市场)18、Options markets (期权市场)(高级衍生产品)derivatives Advanced 、19.20、Security analysis(证券分析)21、Real estate finance (房地产金融)22、Investment banking (投资银行)23、Financial markets and the economy (金融市场与经济)24、Money markets: domestic and international (国内与国际货币市场)25、International banking(国际银行业)26、Emerging financial markets (新兴金融市场)27、Real estate capital markets (房地产资本市场)28、Environmental finance (环境金融)29、Institutional fund management (基金公司管理)30、Financial risks in emerging markets (新兴市场的金融风险)31、Customer financial management (消费者金融管理)32、Internet financial management (网络金融管理)33、Behavioral finance (行为金融学)34、Corporate governance (公司控制)35、International finance (国际金融)36、Emerging markets and the multinational enterprise (新兴市场与跨国企业)37、European financial markets (欧洲金融市场)38、Global capital markets and currencies (国际资本市场与通货)39、International real estate investment (国际房地产投资)40、Growth, productivity and technology(增长、产出与技术)Harvard University美国哈佛大学文理学院经济专业1.Microeconomics(微观经济学)2.Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)3.Development Economics(发展经济学)4.Public Economics(公共经济学)5.Econometrics(计量经济学)6.International Monetary Economics(国际货币经济学)7.Managerial Economics(管理经济学)8.International Trade and Finance(国际贸易与金融)9.Financial Market(金融市场)10.Public Finance(财政学)11.Capital Market(资本市场)12.Corporate Finance(公司财务)13.International Trade and Investment(国际贸易与投资)14.International Trade Policy(国际贸易政策)15.International Finance(国际金融)16.Financial Institutions and Markets(金融机构与市场)17.Financial Economics(金融经济学)18.International Financial and Macroeconomic Policy(国际金融与宏观经济政策)(经济增长)GrowthEconomic .19.20.Political Economics(政治经济学)21.International Corporate Finance(国际公司财务)22.International Economics(国际经济学)Economics Department of UCLA美国加州大学洛杉矶分校经济学专业1、Principles of Economics (经济学原理)2、Microeconomic Theory (微观经济学理论)3、Macroeconomic Theory (宏观经济学理论)4、Introduction to Econometrics (计量经济学入门)5、Pricing and Strategy (定价与战略)6、History of Economic Theory (经济理论史7、Theories of Economic Growth and Development (经济增长与发展理论)8、Public Finance (公共金融)9、Mathematical Finance (数理金融)10、Labor Economics (劳动经济学11、Trade Unions and Professional Associations (交易单位与专业协会)12、Money and Banking (货币与银行)13、Monopoly and Competition (垄断与竞争)14、Economic Analysis of Laws and Legal Institutions(法律与合法机构的经济分析15、Organization of the Firm (企业组织)16、International Trade Theory (国际贸易理论)17、International Finance (国际金融)18、Mathematical Methods in Economics (经济学的数学方法)19、Microeconomics: Theory of the Firm and Consumer (微观经济学:企业与消费者理论)20、Macroeconomics: Dynamics and Growth Theory (宏观经济学:动态与增长理论)21、Probability and Statistics for Econometrics (概率与统计)22、Economics of Uncertainty, Information, and Games (不确定经济学、信息经济学、博弈论)23、Monetary Economics (货币经济学)24、Topics in Monetary Economics (货币经济学专题)25、Econometrics: Single Equation Models (计量经济学:单一方程式模型)26、Economic History of the U.S.(美国经济史)27、Economic History of Western Europe (西欧经济史)28、Labor Economics (劳动经济学)29、Industrial Organization, Price Policies, and Regulation (产业组织、价格政策与管制)30、Workshop: Business Organization (商业组织研讨会)31、Topics in International Economics (国际经济学专题)(总均衡与金融)Finance and Equilibrium General 、32.Davis Branch, the University of California美国加州大学戴维斯分校经济学专业1.Microeconomics(微观经济学)2.Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)3.Intermediate Microeconomics(中级微观经济学)4.Intermediate Macroeconomics(中级宏观经济学)5.Analysis of Economic Data(经济数据分析)6.Economics History(经济学史)7.Economic Development(经济发展)8.Comparative Economic Systems(比较经济制度)9.Public Economics(公共经济学)10.Financial Economics(金融经济学)11.Monetary Economics(货币经济学)12.Econometrics(计量经济学)13.International Economics(国际经济学)14.Managerial Economics(管理经济学)15.Futures and Options Markets(期货与期权市场)16.Financial Management of the Firm(企业财务管理)17.Personal Finance(个人理财)18.Investments(投资学)19.Business Law(商事法)20.Fundamentals of Business Organization(商业组织原理)21.Fundamentals of Marketing Management(市场管理原理)22.Real Estate Economics(房地产经济学)Economics Department Of Yale University耶鲁大学经济学专业1、An Introduction To Economic Analysis(经济分析入门)2、Introductory Economics(经济学入门)3、The Theory Of Resource Allocation And Its Applications(资源配置理论及其应用)4、Microeconomic Theory(微观经济学原理)5、Macroeconomic Theory(宏观经济学原理)6、Theory Of Income Determination And Monetary And Fiscal Policy(收入决定与货币、财政政策理论)7、Mathematical Economics: General Equilibrium Theory(数理经济学:总均衡理论)8、Mathematical Economics: Game Theory数理经济学:博弈论)9、Macroeconomic History And Policy(宏观经济史与政策)10、Game Theory(博弈论)11、Econometrics And Data Analysis(经济学与数据分析).12、Introduction To Probability And Statistics(概率与统计入门)13、Econometrics(计量经济学)14、Applied Econometrics(应用经济学)(欧洲经济史)HistoryEconomic European 、15.16、American Economic History(美国经济史)17、Economic History Of Latin America(拉丁美洲经济史)18、Economics And Psychology(经济学与心理学)19、Industrial Organization(产业组织)20、Labor Economics(劳动经济学)21、Financial Theory(金融理论)22、Financial Markets(金融市场)23、Public Finance(公共财政)24、International Trade Theory And Policy(国际贸易理论与政策)25、International Monetary Theory And Policy(国际货币理论与政策)26、Economics Of Developing Countries(发展中国家经济学)27、Economic Development In Africa(非洲经济发展)28、Economics Of Natural Resources(自然资源经济学)29、Economic Development Of Japan.(日本经济发展)30、Investment Analysis(投资分析)31、The Theory And History Of Money And Financial Institutions(货币、金融机构理论与历史)32、The Economics Of Corporate Control.(公司控制经济学)33、Antitrust Law And Economics(反托拉斯法与经济学)34、Corporate Finance(公司财务)35、Economics Of Population(人口经济学)36、Economic Problems Of Latin America(拉丁美洲经济问题)37、Economics Of Aging(年龄经济学)38、Economic Problems Of Africa(非洲经济问题)39、Topics In American Economic History(美国经济史专题)40、Topics In International Economics(国际经济学专题)41、Auction Markets And Incentive Regulation(拍卖市场与激励管制)42、Economic Development Of India And South Asia(印度及南亚的经济发展)43、Economics Of Technology(技术经济学)44、Empirical Topics In Macroeconomics And Finance(宏观经济学与金融学的实证专题)45、Urban Economics(城市经济学)46、The United States Banking System(美国银行体系)47、Topics In Economic Policy(经济政策专题)48、Directed Reading(阅读)49、General Economic Theory: Microeconomics(微观经济学)50、General Economic Theory: Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)51、Advanced Microeconomic Theory(高级微观经济理论)52、Topics In Game Theory(博弈论专题)53、Advanced Macroeconomics(高级宏观经济学)54、Mathematical Economics I(数理经济学i)55、Mathematical Economics Ii(数理经济学ii)(微观经济理论研讨会)WorkshopTheory Microeconomic 、56.57、Student Workshop In Macroeconomics(微观经济学学生研讨)58、Macroeconomics Workshop(宏观经济学研讨会)59、Economic Analysis(经济分析)60、Econometrics I(计量经济学i)61、Econometrics Ii(计量经济学ii)62、Econometrics Iii(计量经济学iii)63、Econometrics Iv: Time Series Econometrics(计量经济学iv:时间序列计量经济学)64、Econometrics V(计量经济学v)65、Applied Econometrics Ii: Microeconomics(计量经济学应用:微观经济学)66、Statistics And Econometrics(统计学与计量经济学)67、Econometrics Workshop(计量经济学研讨会)68、General Economic History: Western Europe(西欧经济史)69、Economic Development Of Japan(日本经济发展)70、Economic Policies In Latin America(拉丁美洲经济政策)71、General Economic History: United States(美国经济史)72、Topics In Economic History(经济史专题)73、Workshop In Economic History(经济史研讨会)74、Industrial Organization (产业组织)75、Labor Economics(劳动经济学)76、Financial Economics (金融经济学)77、Public Finance (公共财政)78、International Economics(国际经济学)79、International Economic Analysis(国际经济分析)80、International Trade(国际贸易)81、International Finance(国际金融)82、Economic Development(经济发展)83、Economics Of Agriculture(农业经济学)84、Economics Of Technology(技术经济学)85、Economics Of Natural Resources(自然资源经济学)86、Workshop On Environment And Natural Resources(环境与自然资源研讨会)87、Trade And Development Workshop(贸易与发展研讨会)88、The Economics Of Population(人口经济学)89、International Political Economy(国际政治经济)90、Political Economy(政治经济)(独立阅读与研究)ResearchAnd Reading Independent 、91.。
