捕蝇草 英文PPT




捕蝇草的英文单词单词:Venus Flytrap1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:捕蝇草,一种能捕食昆虫的食虫植物。

1.3英文释义:A carnivorous plant capable of trapping and digesting insects.1.4相关词汇:carnivorous plant(同义词,食肉植物)。

---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“Venus Flytrap”直接由植物的学名而来,其中“Venus”(维纳斯)是罗马神话中的爱与美之神,可能是因为捕蝇草的美丽外观而得名;“Flytrap”(捕蝇器)则描述了它捕捉苍蝇等昆虫的特性。


---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:Venus Flytrap care(捕蝇草养护)例句:Venus Flytrap care requires special attention to its soil and water conditions.翻译:捕蝇草的养护需要特别注意土壤和水分条件。

3.2短语:Venus Flytrap habitat(捕蝇草栖息地)例句:The Venus Flytrap habitat is mainly in wetland areas.翻译:捕蝇草的栖息地主要在湿地地区。

---4. 实用片段(1). "Look, there is a Venus Flytrap in this botanical garden. It's so cool how it can catch insects."翻译:“看,这个植物园里有捕蝇草。


”(2). "I want to buy a Venus Flytrap for my little garden. But I'm not sure if I can take good care of it."翻译:“我想给我的小花园买一株捕蝇草。



关于捕蝇草的英语作文英文回答:Venus Flytrap: A Carnivorous Masterpiece.The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a fascinating carnivorous plant native to the southeastern United States. Its ability to capture and digest insects has captivated scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.Physical Characteristics.The Venus flytrap has two hinged leaves that form a trap. Each leaf is lined with long, sensitive hairs called trigger hairs. When an insect touches these hairs, the trap snaps shut in a matter of milliseconds. The edges of the trap then interlock, sealing the insect inside.The inner surface of the trap is covered with digestive glands. These glands secrete enzymes that dissolve theinsect's body, releasing nutrients that the plant absorbs. The digestion process can take several days, after which the trap opens again to release any undigested material.Mechanism of Trapping.The rapid snap of the Venus flytrap is triggered by the touch of at least two trigger hairs. This ensures that the plant does not waste energy on false alarms, such as raindrops or wind.Once the trap is triggered, it closes with remarkable speed. The leaves are capable of folding almost completely together, creating a nearly airtight seal around the insect prey.Benefits of Carnivory.For Venus flytraps, carnivory provides several advantages:Nutrient supplementation: Insects provide the plantwith essential nutrients that are scarce in its boggy habitat.Protection from herbivores: The traps can deter animals from eating the plant's leaves.Enhanced pollination: Trap closure attracts insects, which can accidentally transfer pollen between flowers.Ecological Importance.Venus flytraps play a minor role in the ecosystem as both predators and prey. They help control insect populations and provide a food source for small animals. In turn, Venus flytraps are preyed upon by snails and caterpillars.Cultivation.Venus flytraps can be cultivated as houseplants. They require specific conditions, including acidic soil, strong sunlight, and high humidity. With proper care, they canlive for several years.Conservation.Venus flytraps are an endangered species due to habitat loss and over-collection. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their remaining populations.中文回答:捕蝇草,食虫植物的杰作。



捕蝇草的外形英文作文Carnivorous plants are fascinating creatures that have evolved unique adaptations to survive in nutrient-poor environments. Among them, the Venus flytrap, or Dionaea muscipula, is perhaps the most famous. Its appearance is both intriguing and menacing, with its green leaves adorned with bright red traps.The traps of the Venus flytrap consist of two lobesthat are hinged together. Each lobe is covered in tiny trigger hairs that are highly sensitive to touch. When an unsuspecting insect lands on the trap and brushes against these hairs, the lobes snap shut within a fraction of a second, trapping the prey inside.Once the prey is captured, the Venus flytrap secretes digestive enzymes to break down the insect's tissues. This process can take several days, after which the trap reopens, ready to catch its next meal. It's a fascinating sight to see these traps in action, as they snap shut with lightningspeed, showcasing the plant's predatory nature.The overall shape of the Venus flytrap is reminiscent of a mouth, with its two lobes resembling jaws. This resemblance is not just coincidental; it is an adaptation that has evolved to lure in unsuspecting prey. The bright red color of the traps acts as a visual attractant, while the nectar secreted by the plant serves as a tasty treatfor insects. Once an insect lands on the trap, the plant's sensitive trigger hairs are activated, and the deadly jaws close in a matter of milliseconds.The Venus flytrap's unique appearance and predatory behavior have captivated the imaginations of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. Its ability to catch and consume insects sets it apart from other plants, making it a true marvel of nature. Whether you encounter one in the wild or choose to grow one at home, the Venus flytrap is sure to leave you in awe of its beauty and cunning hunting skills.In conclusion, the Venus flytrap's appearance is both captivating and intimidating. Its green leaves adorned withbright red traps give it a distinct and memorable look. The traps themselves, with their two lobes and sensitivetrigger hairs, showcase the plant's ability to capture and consume insects. Whether you see it as a fascinating example of nature's ingenuity or a fearsome predator, the Venus flytrap is undoubtedly a plant that commands attention.。



捕蠅草常用的繁殖法是葉插法,也就是將一段葉柄插到 土中,便能長出新的植株。將捕蠅草的捕蟲器連葉柄(像 葉片的部分),包含白色的葉柄基部一起剝下來,再將這 些葉柄基部放到栽培介質上,維持高溼度並給予明亮的 光照,過數個星期後便會冒出新芽了。等小植株長得夠 大,有完整的根後,再進行移植。
頭狀花序:捕蠅草在盛夏的時候,會由植株中央長出一 條長長的花莖,頂端會結生頭狀花序的花朵,並扮有托 葉,花朵為白色小花,也能結成種子,但國內的園藝場 一般都以分株法來進行栽培繁殖。
種子繁殖 每年的春季到夏季之間是捕蠅草的開花季節。捕蠅草需 要風或是昆蟲來幫助授粉,人工授粉可增加結果的機會。 捕蠅草可以進行自花或是授粉,將花粉沾到成熟的雌蕊 上,若授粉成功,約數個星期之後果實成熟。取出來的 種子可以立刻播種,或是冷藏起來。不過,捕蠅草的種 子比較不耐保存,因此最好在採收後儘早播種。
106 12 許景翔
毛顫苔科(Droseraceae)。 學名:Dionaea muscipula;捕蠅草的英文名稱 ‘Venus’s Flytrap’,將維納斯美的象徵與殘暴的捕捉動 物進食兩者合而為一,實在是令人有啼笑皆非的感覺, 捕蠅草原本生活在北美洲的卡羅來納州,但因為生態奇 特所以近年來被世界各地的園藝栽培者,廣泛的移植與 繁衍,因此在國內許多比較大型的園藝店中都可以買到 牠。
捕蠅草經常會長出側芽,只要側芽長得夠大,擁有完整 的根,便可將其自母

人教版高中英语选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants reading教学课件PPT(共27页)

人教版高中英语选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants reading教学课件PPT(共27页)
A. time B. place C.character
人教版高中英语选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants reading教学课件(共27张PPT)
人教版高中英语选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants reading教学课件(共27张PPT)
Inference (推断)
What do you think the author will talk about if he adds a paragraph to this passage?
A. Information about the Dove ton in the 20th century
The passage is about plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries.
To succeed
人教版高中英语选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants reading教学课件(共27张PPT)
Plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries
(Predict what the passage is about according to the title )
The author may tell us ______ in this passage.
3. conflict n. struggle;fight 4. endeavour n. effort
Explain the words in English.



捕蝇草英文短句1.Carnivorous plant that catches flies2.Striking appearance with unique leaves3.Natural insect control in your home4.Fascinating plant that eats bugs5.Perfect solution for pesky flies6.Low maintenance and effective pest control7.Beautiful and functional addition to your garden8.A unique way to keep your home bug-free9.Attracts flies with its sweet nectar10.A must-have for every insect lover11.Surprisingly efficient at catching insects12.Adds a touch of nature to your space13.A natural alternative to chemical pesticides14.A conversation starter for any garden15.The perfect balance of beauty and function16.Brings the wonder of nature indoors17.Watch as it traps unsuspecting insects18.Care for it and it will care for you19.A symbol of nature's ingenuity20.The ultimate bug-catching plant21.The carnivorous plant that catches flies22.A natural insect control solution23.Tiny but mighty fly catcher24.The amazing world of Venus flytraps25.A plant with a unique hunting technique26.Nature's fly trap27.Fascinating fly-eating plant28.The plant that eats insects for breakfast29.A botanical wonder - the Venus flytrap30.The mesmerizing world of fly-capturing plants31.Insect-eating marvel of the plant kingdom32.Floral predator of the insect world33.An intriguing look at carnivorous plants34.The ultimate fly-catching machine35.Nature's own pest control system36.The carnivorous wonder of the garden37.A plant with a taste for flies38.The intriguing Venus flytrap plant39.A unique plant that devours insects40.The elegant yet deadly Venus flytrap41.The beauty of nature captured in a carnivorous plant42.A deadly trap for unsuspecting prey43.Nature's own fly catcher44.A vibrant addition to any garden45.Intriguing and mysterious in its design46.A symbol of nature's power and ingenuity47.A marvel of evolution in action48.A delicate yet deadly plant49.An unexpected beauty in the world of plants50.Nature's solution to pesky flies51.A plant that defies expectations52.A mesmerizing sight in the wild53.The epitome of a natural predator54.A fascinating topic for botanical study55.A plant that blurs the lines between beauty and danger56.The perfect balance of form and function57.A reminder of the wonders of the natural world58.A captivating presence in any garden59.A study in nature's efficiency60.An unexpected hero in the battle against flies61.In the garden, a delicate dance of predator and prey unfolds.62.A trap set by nature, capturing unsuspecting insects.63.Nature's own insect control, silently waiting for its next meal.64.A beautiful yet deadly plant, luring insects to their demise.65.A marvel of evolution, the perfect insect-eating machine.66.A fascinating plant that thrives on a diet of insects.67.Insects are no match for the carnivorous prowess of this plant.68.Nature's efficient solution to the problem of insect infestation.69.A botanical wonder that inspires awe and respect.70.The graceful beauty of a plant that takes matters into its own hands.71.A reminder of the intricate balance of nature.72.The silent killer in the world of insects.73.A master of deception in the plant kingdom.74.A testament to the adaptability and resilience of nature.75.An elegant solution to the problem of insect pests.76.A plant that produces its own insecticide.77.A deadly attraction for unsuspecting insects.78.An insect's worst nightmare come to life.79.A symbiotic relationship between plant and insect.80.A lesson in nature's creativity and resourcefulness.81.The beautiful trap that nature has created82.A carnivorous plant with a deadly attraction83.Catching flies one by one, silently84.Nature's solution to pesky flies85.The elegance of a Venus flytrap in action86.A plant that lures insects to their demise87.Nature's own fly-catching machine88.A natural insect control method89.The incredible mechanism of a flytrap plant90.A botanical wonder that catches our attention91.The wonder of a plant that catches its own food92.The art of trapping flies in a plant93.A plant that takes matters into its own hands94.The precision of a flytrap in action95.The miracle of a plant that eats flies96.A plant with a taste for insects97.The beauty of a Venus flytrap feeding98.A plant that feeds itself99.The ingenious design of a carnivorous plant100.A flytrap plant that never fails to intrigue101.The beauty of nature captured in a plant102.A natural insect trap that is both beautiful and functional 103.Unique and attractive, just like a carnivorous plant should be104.A stunning addition to any garden or indoor space105.Tiny yet mighty, the fly-catcher of the plant world106.Nature's answer to pesky flies and insects107.A plant with a bite, literally108.Majestic and deadly, the fly-trapping wonder109.A marvel of evolution, the carnivorous beauty110.The all-natural pest control solution111.Bringing a touch of the wild into your home112.A conversation starter and a fly stopper113.The elegant killer of the plant kingdom114.A reminder of the wonders of nature's design115.Graceful and lethal, the fly-eating marvel116.A plant that proves nature's creativity knows no bounds 117.Small in size, big in impact118.A living work of art that also keeps your space pest-free 119.The delicate yet deadly trap for unsuspecting insects 120.An eco-friendly way to deal with unwanted flies and bugs 121.Let the Venus flytrap do the dirty work for you.122.Fascinating and deadly, just like a Venus flytrap.123.Put your trust in the Venus flytrap's jaws.124.The perfect pest control solution: Venus flytrap.125.Nature's own insect trap: the Venus flytrap.126.Elegance meets efficiency with the Venus flytrap.127.Let the Venus flytrap be your natural insect repellent.128.Top choice for insect control: Venus flytrap.129.Nature's way of keeping pests at bay: Venus flytrap.130.Venus flytrap - the ultimate insect terminator.131.Step up your pest control game with Venus flytrap.132.Watch pests disappear with the Venus flytrap in action.133.Venus flytrap: making your home insect-free.134.Say goodbye to annoying insects with Venus flytrap.135.The ultimate bug catcher: Venus flytrap.136.Let the Venus flytrap be your insect warrior.137.Keep pesky bugs away with the Venus flytrap’s bite.138.A marvel of nature: the Venus flytrap in action.139.Venus flytrap: nature's solution to pest problems.140.Venus flytrap - your go-to for bug-free living.141.Admire the beauty of nature with the elegant Venus flytrap.142.Unleash the power of nature's greatest predator - the Venus flytrap.143.Let the Venus flytrap be your ally in the battle against pests.144.Discover the unique and fascinating world of the Venus flytrap.145.Bring a touch of elegance to your garden with the Venus flytrap.146.Embrace the wild side with the exotic Venus flytrap.147.Add a pop of color to your garden with the vibrant Venus flytrap.148.Watch in awe as the Venus flytrap snaps shut on its prey.149.Experience the thrill of watching the Venus flytrap in action.150.Step into the world of carnivorous plants with the Venus flytrap.151.Witness the beauty and power of the Venus flytrap firsthand.152.Let the Venus flytrap be your secret weapon against pesky insects.153.Discover the wonders of nature with the extraordinary Venus flytrap.154.Add a touch of mystery to your garden with the enigmatic Venus flytrap.155.The Venus flytrap: a natural pest control solution like no other.156.Uncover the hidden talents of the mysterious Venus flytrap.157.Invite the Venus flytrap into your garden and watch it work its magic.158.The Venus flytrap: a symbol of nature's ingenuity and beauty.159.Let the Venus flytrap inspire you with its elegance and grace.160.Experience the thrill of owning a piece of nature's wonders with the Venus flytrap.。



The Unique Charm of the Venus Flytrap: AnEnglish EssayAmid the rich biodiversity of nature, the Venus flytrap stands out as a botanical curiosity. With its distinctive trapping mechanism and fascinating adaptation to prey capture, it captivates the imagination of scientists and laymen alike. This essay explores the unique features of the Venus flytrap, its ecological significance, and the fascinating world of carnivorous plants.The Venus flytrap, scientifically known as Dionaea muscipula, belongs to the genus Dionaea, which comprises only two species of carnivorous plants. Native to the boggy regions of the eastern United States, this plant has adapted a unique strategy to survive in its nutrient-poor environment. Instead of relying solely on photosynthesisfor nourishment, the Venus flytrap supplements its diet with insect protein, caught using its trap-like leaves.The trapping mechanism of the Venus flytrap is remarkable. The plant's leaves are modified into traps, each with three lobes and covered in bright red glands that secrete a sweet nectar. When an insect is attracted to thenectar and touches the sensitive trigger hairs inside the trap, a rapid series of events is triggered. The lobes of the trap close rapidly, trapping the insect within. Digestive enzymes are then secreted, breaking down the insect's soft tissues, which are then absorbed by the plant for nourishment.The Venus flytrap's trapping ability is not just a survival strategy; it is also an evolutionary masterpiece. The plant must carefully balance the energy expended in trap production with the energy gained from prey capture. This delicate balance ensures that the plant does not waste resources on traps that are not needed, while also ensuring that it can effectively capture prey when the opportunity arises.The ecological significance of the Venus flytrap is also noteworthy. In its native habitat, the plant helps control the population of small insects that might otherwise become pests. By trapping and digesting these insects, the Venus flytrap contributes to the overall health and diversity of the bog ecosystem.Beyond its ecological role, the Venus flytrap also fascinates with its uniqueness. Its trapping mechanism, which is a rare adaptation among plants, makes it a popular subject of scientific research and popular culture. Theplant's ability to capture prey using only its leaves, without the need for roots or other organs, demonstratesthe remarkable adaptability and resilience of nature.In conclusion, the Venus flytrap is a remarkable botanical specimen that embodies the unique charm of nature. Its trapping mechanism, ecological significance, and fascinating adaptation to prey capture make it afascinating subject of study. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the natural world, the Venus flytrap remindsus of the boundless possibilities and wonders that liewithin the vast tapestry of life.**捕蝇草的独特魅力:一篇英语作文**在自然界丰富的生物多样性中,捕蝇草以其独特的捕食机制和引人入胜的捕食习性脱颖而出。



捕蝇草英语作文100字英文回答:Carnivorous plants are fascinating species that have evolved to capture and digest insects and other small organisms as a source of nutrients. One of the most well-known carnivorous plants is the Venus flytrap, or in scientific terms, Dionaea muscipula.The Venus flytrap has unique leaves that are modified into traps. These traps have two lobes with sensitive trigger hairs on their inner surface. When an insect touches these hairs, the trap snaps shut, trapping the insect inside. The insect then gets digested by enzymes secreted by the plant, providing it with essentialnutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.Another interesting carnivorous plant is the pitcher plant, or Nepenthes. This plant has specialized leaves that form a pitcher-shaped structure. The pitcher contains apool of digestive enzymes and fluids that attract insects. Once an insect falls into the pitcher, it is unable to escape and gets digested by the enzymes.Carnivorous plants have evolved these uniqueadaptations because they grow in nutrient-poor environments such as bogs and swamps. By capturing and digesting insects, they are able to obtain the necessary nutrients to survive.中文回答:捕蝇草是一种非常有趣的植物,它们进化出了捕捉和消化昆虫和其他小生物作为营养来源的能力。



捕蝇草-食虫植物捕蝇草—食虫植物捕蝇草叶,上有敏感的感觉毛保护状况易危(IUCN 2.3)[1]科学分类界: 植物界 Plantae门: 被子植物门 Magnoliophyta纲: 双子叶植物纲 Magnoliopsida目: 石竹目 Caryophyllales 科: 茅膏菜科 Droseraceae 属: 捕蝇草属Dionaea种: 捕蝇草 D. muscipula二名法Dionaea muscipulaSoland ex J.Ellis (1768)分布状态整株捕蝇草,可清楚看见叶柄与叶子捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea muscipula)[2]是原产于北美洲的一种多年生草本植物。

据说因为叶片边缘会有规则状的刺毛,那种感觉就像维纳斯的睫毛一般[3],所以英文名称为Venus Flytrap,意思是“维纳斯的捕蝇陷阱”。



目录[隐藏]1 型态1.1 根与茎1.2 叶1.3 花2 捕食昆虫2.1 捕虫方式2.2 消化与吸收2.3 奥妙的自然神秘2.4 原生地3 环境与栽培3.1 生长环境3.2 种植4 参考来源4.1 书籍文献5 外部链接型态[编辑]捕蝇草属于维管植物,拥有完整的根、茎、叶以及花朵和种子。








捕蝇草是否一定要休眠尚无定论。在其他的相关 资料中并没有强烈要求捕蝇草必须休眠。我从未 强迫捕蝇草进入休眠, 但至今仍未有捕蝇草因此 而死亡, 而且在春季时也能正常开花。或许我的 栽培地点(台湾北部)在冬季已够冷, 只要有一点 休眠的迹象便足够。
捕蝇草的捕虫过程大概是所有食虫植物之中最为 奇特, 捕虫机制最为复杂。捕蝇草的捕食构造是 由一左一右对称的叶片所形成的夹子, 这个夹子 状的构造是由叶子特化而来的, 至于连接捕虫器 叶片状的构造是叶柄。捕虫夹上的外缘排列着刺 状的毛, 乍看之下很锐利, 会刺人, 但其实这些毛 很软。这些毛的功能是用来防止被捕的昆虫逃脱。
捕蝇草属于维管植物, 拥有完整的根、茎、叶以 及花朵和种子。最主要而且明显的部份就是其叶 片, 不但拥有捕食昆虫的功能, 外观明显的刺毛以 及红色的无柄腺部位, 看起来就像是长著利牙的 血盆大口。
捕蝇草的根比较短并且不发达, 主要的功能是吸 取水份。它的茎也比正常的一般植物小, 连接叶 柄并不明显, 不过在生长过程之中地下会发育出 鳞茎, 鳞茎属于演化过的一种变态茎。
捕蝇草常用的繁殖法是叶插法, 也就是将一段叶 柄插到土中, 便能长出新的植株。在春末到夏初, 捕蝇草生长旺盛的季节, 将捕蝇草从土中挖出来 后, 我们就可以见到其埋藏在土中白色瓣状的叶 柄。将捕蝇草的捕虫夹连叶柄(像叶片的部分), 连同白色的叶柄基部一起剥下, 再将这些叶柄放 到栽培介质上, 维持高湿度并给予明亮的光照, 过 数个星期后便会冒出新芽了。
新芽形成的过程很慢, 要有耐心去等。只要叶柄基部没有变黑、 腐烂, 便要一直等下去。由于这一阶段的叶柄已经没有根了, 因 此湿度的保持便很重要, 要让潮湿的栽培介质能附着在叶柄上才 能提供水分;此时的光照强度也很重要, 需要明亮的光线, 但不 能让阳光直接照射, 否则叶柄会太热、乾掉。叶柄的年纪对于繁 殖的成功率也有关, 通常正值壮年的叶柄比较肥大, 产生幼苗的 机会最大;老叶和幼叶比较不会产生新芽。因此, 在繁殖时, 我 们可以将捕蝇草外围的一圈叶柄拿来使用, 剩下的中心处还可以 种回去;如果叶柄能带有根, 那成功的机会会更高。 为了减少叶柄的折损, 使用干净的栽培介质比较不会让叶柄腐烂, 因此建议使用水苔作为叶插时的栽培介质, 等到小苗长出来再考 虑移植到别的地方。



捕蝇草的样子和特点作文英文回答:The Venus flytrap, also known as Dionaea muscipula, is a unique and fascinating plant that captures and consumes insects for nutrients. Its appearance and characteristics make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts and collectors.The Venus flytrap has a distinctive and eye-catching appearance. Its leaves are modified into traps, which are green with red markings on the inside. These traps are hinged and can snap shut when triggered by an insect. The plant also produces small white flowers on long stalks, adding to its aesthetic appeal.One of the most intriguing features of the Venus flytrap is its ability to move and react to stimuli. When an insect lands on the trigger hairs inside the trap, it causes the trap to close rapidly, capturing the prey. Thismovement is a result of changes in the water pressurewithin the cells of the plant. The trap then secretes digestive enzymes to break down the insect and absorb the nutrients.Another interesting characteristic of the Venus flytrap is its adaptability to different environments. It is native to the wetlands of North and South Carolina in the United States, where it thrives in acidic, nutrient-poor soil. However, it can also be cultivated in other regions with similar conditions. This adaptability has made it a popular choice for indoor gardens and terrariums.In addition to its unique appearance and movement, the Venus flytrap has become a symbol of nature's ingenuity and complexity. It is often used as an example of how plantscan evolve and adapt to survive in challenging environments. The plant's ability to capture and consume insects for nutrients is a remarkable adaptation that sets it apartfrom other plants.中文回答:捕蝇草,也被称为食虫植物,是一种独特而迷人的植物,能够捕捉和消化昆虫以获取养分。


D. capensis
迷你毛毡苔 D. pulchella
毛毡苔 落地金錢 D.burmannii
U. reticulata
U. subulata
U. praelonga
食虫植物能减少家中的蚊虫吗? 食虫植物的捕虫能力并沒有想像中的 強,而且为了营造出适合食虫植物的环境, 反而会引来更多的昆虫。
主动式 被动式
捕兽夹式 捕鼠笼式 陷阱式 捕蝦笼式 黏蝇纸式
图1 图2 图3 图4 图5、6、7
图 1 捕蝇草的5捕虫器
图2 狸藻的捕虫器
图 3 猪笼草和整瓶理p子pt草的捕虫器
图 4. 螺旋狸藻的捕虫器
图 6.彩虹草的捕虫器
含羞草 整理ppt
含羞草为豆科多年生草 本或亚灌木,原产于南 美热带地区,喜温暖湿 润气候。
花为头状花序长圆形,2~3个生于叶腋。 淡红色,花萼钟状,形似绒球。 叶为羽状复叶互生,呈掌状排列。 荚果,扁圆形。 株高20~60cm,多分枝,遍整理生ppt 倒刺毛和锐刺。 25
食 虫 植 物
一、定义 食虫植物(Insectivorous Plants or Carnivorous Plants )
是一种会捕获并消化动物而获得营养(非能量)的自养型植 物。









捕蝇草—食虫植物整株捕蝇草,可清楚看见叶柄与叶子捕蝇草(学名:Dionaea muscipula)[2]是原产于北美洲的一种多年生草本植物。

据说因为叶片边缘会有规则状的刺毛,那种感觉就像维纳斯的睫毛一般[3],所以英文名称为Venus Flytrap,意思是“维纳斯的捕蝇陷阱”。













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Here are the strange food:
Watermelon, cigarettes, chicken, scones(烤饼) ... or even mustard(芥末). ① Watermelon
② Mustard
③ Sushi
④ Corn
⑤ Chicken
⑥ Biscuits
What happens next ? The plant takes in nutrients from the food just as your body does. When this happens, the leaf turns red as shown in the picture.
The Venus flytrap does not use the animal ’ s hard body parts. After about 10 days, the leaf opens. Then the hard leftover parts of the insect fall off.
⑧ chewing gum
Wear dentures(假牙)
have a smoke
Play a Santa Claus on Christmas Day
Special hairs
Most plants get all the food they need from the soil. But the Venus flytrap does not.
The Venus flytrap gets nutrients in other ways. It gives off a smell that attracts insects and other tiny animals. Each of its leaves has special hairs. When an insect touches the hairs, the leaf snaps shut(猛然关上).
The trap is set again. The Venus flytrap is ready for its next meal !
But some people feed the venus flytrap as a pet.
There is a famous flytrap on Youtube, its owner named it Charlie, and he feed it lots of strange things every day.
An Interesting Plant —— Venus Flytrap
Name:XXX Major:Plant Protection
These flies are annoying me!
Venus Flytrap, a perennial( 多 年 生 ) herb native to North America, is a very interesting insectivorous plant(食虫植物) that has a short stalk(茎) and an insect trap which like a "shell" on the top of the leaf.
Because the edge of the leaves have spinous(刺状 的) part, like Venus’eyelashes(睫毛), which means “Venus’fly trap(陷阱).” Venus Flytrap also have a nickname ——“hell(地狱) of flies” in Chinese and Japanese.