



辽宁省中职升高职数学历年真题汇编—三角函数李远敬整理一.选择题1.(201506)、已知,且α是第四象限角,则的值为2. (201405)3. (201308)设 sin 1 ,是第二象限角,则 cos 等于()2A3 B 2 C 1 D 32 2 2 24.( 201105)、cos 3 ,(0, ) ,则tan 2 ()2 2A、- 33 3B、C、D、 32 25.( 201606).设 sin tan 0,则 1 sin2 = ( )A. cos B. cos C.cos D. tan 二.填空题6.( 2011515)、如果且,则α是第象限角 .7.( 201516)、的值是.8. (201413)、函数的最大值是9. (201414)化简sin(1 ) cos( ) 的结果是 _____________。

tan( )10. ( 201318 )在ABC 中,A 60o , BC 3 3 ,AC 2 ,则 sin B________________。

11. ( 201213)函数f ( x) 4cos( x ) 的最大值是412. ( 201213 )若cos 0, tan 0 ,则化简 1 cos2 的结果是 _________13.(201616).计算 sin( 150o ) cos( 420o ) tan 225o 的结果是14. ( 201215)计算 sin( 25 ) cos( ) tan 5 的结果 _____________。

15. ( 201116)、若 sin 6 3 4 象限的角 .0 , cos 0 ,则 是第 16.(201614).已知 sin cos2 ,则 sin cos三.解答题17. ( 201623.)已知 cos3 ,( , ) ,求 sin , tan , sin 2 的值 .5218(. 201222)已知函数 f ( x) a bsin x(b 0) 的最大值是 5,最小值是 -1,求 a, b得值,并写出 f ( x) 的表达式。

2018 辽宁中职高考试卷 数学

2018 辽宁中职高考试卷 数学

辽宁省2018年中等职业教育对口升学招生考试数学 试题一.选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,2,3},B={0,1,2},则[()U A B =IA .{1,2}B .{4,5}C .{3,4,5}D .{0,3,4,5} 2.命题甲:2xπ=,命题乙:sin 1x =,则甲是乙的A .充分而非必要条件B .必要而非充分条件C .充分且必要条件D .非充分也非必要条件 3.设点(3,2)是偶函数()y f x =上的点,则(3)f -=A .3B .2C .—1D .—2 4.数列{}n a 为等比数列,22a =,56a =,则8a = A .10 B .12 C .18 D .205. 3sin 5θ=-,且tan 0θ<,则cos θ= A .43- B .45- C .45 D .436.已知平面内三点A (1,1),B (2,-4),C (x ,-9)共线,则x =A .—1B .3C .92D .57.设双曲线221169x y -=两个焦点为1F 和2F ,点P 坐标为(0.2),则△12PF F 的面积为 A .7 B .27 C .10 D .148.直线y x b =+经过圆224240x y x y ++--=的圆心,则b =A .3B .0C .—2D .—39.10(1)x -的展开式的第四项的系数是 A .410C B .410C - C .310C D .310C - 10.下列结论中,说法正确的是A .垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行B .垂直于同一个平面的两个平面平行C .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行D .平行于同一个平面的两个平面平行二.填空题(每空3分,共30分) 11.设1,(0)()1,(0)x x f x x ⎧-+≥⎪=⎨<⎪⎩,则[](3)f f =12.求值34lg4+2lg5+16=13.已知△ABC 的内角为A ,B ,C ,其对边分别为a ,b ,c ,1sin 2A =,3sin 5B =,4a =,则b =14.已知直线340x my ++=与直线6250x y --=平行,则m= .15.已知向量a r =(3,4),向量b r =(2,3),则|2a r -b r|=16.已知数列{}n a 中,13a =,12n n a a -=+,则数列前10项和10S =17.化简sin(π+α)cos(3π-α)=sin(2π+2α)⋅ 18.现从4名男生和2名女生中任选3人参加歌唱比赛,则所选的3人中至少有1名女生参加的概率为 .19.已知抛物线的顶点在原点,对称轴是x 轴,抛物线上的一点M (3,a )到焦点的距离是4,则a = 20.已知复数1Z i =+,其共轭复数为Z ,则Z ·Z =三.解答题(每小题10分,共50分)21.求函数2256x x y -+=的定义域.22.向量2(4,8)b a +=u r r ,(2,1)b a -=u r r ,(1)求向量a r 和b r 坐标(2)求cos ,a b <>r u u u r. 23.已知等差数列{}n a 中,1=2a ,345++=60a a a ,(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)若数列{b }n 的前n 项和满足n n S na =,写出数列{b }n 的前三项.24.已知椭圆22221x y a b+=(0a b >>)的短轴长为2,椭圆的左焦点到直线1y x =-的距离为2,求椭圆的标准方程及离心率.25.已知函数sin()cos()44y x x ππ=+-+,求函数的最大值、最小值和最小正周期.四.证明与计算(10分) 26.如图所示,已知△ABC 和△111A B C 为等边三角形,侧面11A ABB 、侧面11B BCC 与侧面11A ACC 均为正方形,E 为1A A 的中点,连接EC 、EB . (1)求证:平面11A ABB ⊥平面ABC ; (2)求二面角E BC A --的大小.。







1.The village()my grandfather grew up in is not far from the town.A.whatB.whereC.whereverD.which2.It takes two weeks for Smith's left hand to get entirely().A.curedB.dedicatedC.healedD.mended3.By the time the course ends,()a lot about the British way of life.A.we'll have learnedB.we'll learnC.we are learningD.we have learned4.Staying in a hotel costs()renting a room in a dormitory for a week.A.as much twice asB.twice as much asC.as much as twiceD.twice more than5.When()where he was born,John said that he was a New Yorker.A.askingB.being askedC.was askedD.asked6.Is()necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab?A.everyoneB.thisC.hereD.it7.It is time we()computers to the production of iron and steel.A.will applyB.appliedC.have appliedD.would have applied8.Each educational system is not perfect in a strict sense,which has its().A.limitationsB.powerC.featuresD.advantages9.This company has two branches:one in Paris and()in New York.A.anotherB.one otherC.otherD.the other10.The factory is quite different from().A.what it wasB.that it wasC.which wasD.what was it二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)根据短文内容从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案,并在“答题卡”上将所选答案的字母涂黑。



第二部分 数学班级: 学号: 姓名: 一、单项选择:(每小题5分,共40分)1.下列关系正确的是( ).A.}{{0}φ≥B.{2,3}1∉C.0}4- x {x 22=∉ D.0}x 3∣{x 0>∈ 2.不等式42)(f -=x x 定义域是( ).A.),2[+∞B. ),2-[+∞C.]2,∞-( D. ]2-,∞-( 3.下列函数中,在),1[+∞是减函数是( ).A.)1(log )(2-=x x fB.1)(2+=x x fC. xx f 1)(= D.x x f 2)(= 4.已知向量),(3-4=→a ,)34-(,=→b ,则向量a 与向量b 的关系是( ). A.平行向量 B.相反向量 C.垂直向量 D.无法确定5.)13sin(2y 函数+=x 的周期可能是( ). A. 2πB. π2C. 25π D.π3 6.圆36)-()(22=++=b y a x y 的圆心坐标是( ).A. )(b a ,B. )(b a -,-C.)(b a -,D.)(b a ,-7.下列说法不正确的是( ).A.不在同一条直线上的三点一定能确定一个平面。




8.在一个不透明的袋子中,有10个黑球,8个红球,2个蓝球,某人从中任意取出一个球,那么取中蓝球的概率是( ). A.21 B.101 C.52 D.61 二、 填空题:(每题6分,共30分)9.)(67-cos 的值是 。

10. 直线x+y+2=0与2x-y-2=0的交点为(a ,b ),那么a-b 的值为 。

11. 某班有男生30人,女生20人,如果选男、女各1人作为学生代表参加梧州技能比赛,共有 种方法。

12.如右下图的一块正方体木料,若边长为a ,平面BCC ’B ’内的一点P 是B ’C 和BC ’的交点,则四棱锥P-ABCD 的体积为 。





















辽宁省2018年中职升高职招生考试数 学 试 卷(共 2 页 共 三 题)一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案。

每小题2分,共20分)1、设集合U={小于6的正整数},A={1,5},则 为A 、{1,2,3,4,5}B 、{2,3,4}C 、{1,5}D 、φ 2、命题甲:x > 4 ,命题乙: x > 6,则甲是乙的 A 、充分且不必要条件 B 、必要且不充分条件 C 、充分必要条件 D 、既不充分也不必要条件3、下列函数中,是偶函数且在(-∞,0)上为增函数的是 A 、22y x = B 、2y x =- C 、2xy = D 、2log ()y x =- 4、sin 75的值是A 、264-B 、264C 、624D 、6245、2与8的等比中项是A 、-4B 、4C 、±4D 、±166、若角α终边上一点P 的坐标是(-3,4),则cos α等于 A 、35- B 、45 C 、34- D 、347、若a > b ,则下列不等式 ○12a ab > ○2 1ab> ○311a b < ○422a b >恒成立的个数是 A 、0 B 、1 C 、2 D 、38、圆224x y +=与圆224240x y x y ++--=的位置关系是A 、相交B 、相离C 、外切D 、内切9、有5本不同的书,分别借给三个同学,每人借一本,共有多少种不同的借法 A 、20种 B 、40种 C 、60种 D 、80种10、在10件产品中,有7件正品,3件次品,现从中任取2件产品,恰好取到一件正品、一件次品的概率为 A 、19 B 、29 C 、730 D 、715二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11、如果sin 0,cos 0αα<>且,则α是第 象限的角. 12、求值:55log 15log 3-=13、点A (-2,3)到直线3 x + 4 y - 5 = 0 的距离是14、如果两条直线a 、b 分别与平面α垂直,那么直线a 与b 的位置关系是15、函数228y x x =-++的最大值为16、过点A (3,4)且与直线 3 x - 2 y - 7 = 0 平行的直线方程是 17、不等式201x x -<+的解集为 18、函数y=3sin (2x+)6π的最小正周期是 .19、抛物线220x y =的准线方程是 20、6(2)x y +的展开式中的第四项为三、解答题(共80)21、求函数2232log (3)y x x x =-++的定义域。



辽宁省2018年中等职业教育对口升学招生考试数学 试卷1、 本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

2、 所有答案必须涂写在答题卡相应的位置,答在本试卷上不计分。

3、 考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。



1. 设全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,2,3},集合B={0,1,2},则C U (A ∩B )=A .{1,2} B. {4,5} C. {3,4,5} D. {0,3,4,5}2. 命题甲:x =π2,命题乙:sin x =1,则命题甲时命题乙的 A .充分而非必要条件 B .必要而非充分条件C .充分且必要条件D .既非充分也非必要条件3. 设点(3,2)是偶函数y =f (x )上的点,则f (−3)=A . 3 B. 2 C. -1 D. -24. 数列{a n }为等比数列,a 2=2,a 5=6,则a 8=A . 10 B. 12 C. 18 D. 205. 若sin θ=−35,且tan θ<0,则cos θ= A . −43 B. −45 C. 45 D. 436. 已知平面内三点A (1,1),B (2,- 4),C (x ,- 9)共线,则x =A . -1 B. 3 C. 92 D. 5 7. 设双曲线x 216−y 29=1的两个焦点为F 1和F 2,点P 坐标为(0,2),则∆PF 1F 2的面积为A . √7 B. 2√7 C. 10 D. 148. 直线y=x+b 经过圆x 2+y 2+4x −2y −4=0的圆心,则b =A . 3 B. 0 C. -2 D. -39. (x −1)10的展开式的第四项的系数是A . C 104 B. − C 104 C. C 103 D. − C 10310. 下列结论中,说法正确的是A .垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行 B. 垂直于同一个平面的两个平面平行C .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行 D. 平行于同一个平面的两个平面平行二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)11. 设f (x )={−x +1 x ≥01 ,则f [f (3)]= x <0机密★启用前12. 求值:lg4 + 2lg5 + 1634 =13. 已知∆ABC 的内角为A ,B ,C ,其对边分别为a ,b ,c ,sin A =12,sin B =35,a = 4,则b =14. 已知直线3x+my+4=0与直线6x -2y -5=0平行,则m =15. 已知向量a ⃗=(3,4),b ⃗⃗=(2,3),则|2a ⃗−b⃗⃗|= 16. 已知数列{a n }中,a 1=3,a n =a n−1+2,则数列前10项和S 10=17. 化简sin (π+α)∙cos (3π−α)sin (2π+2α)的结果是 18. 现从4名男生和2名女生中任选3人参加歌唱比赛,则所选3人中至少有1名女生参加的概率为19. 已知抛物线的顶点在原点,对称轴是x 轴,抛物线上的一点(3,a )到焦点的距离是4,则a =20. 已知复数z = 1+i ,其共轭复数为z̅,则z ∙z̅=三、解答题(本大题共5小题,每题10分,共50分)21. 求函数f (x )=√x 2−5x+6log 2(x−1) 的定义域。



装订线班 级学 号姓 名 辽宁省2018年中等职业教育对口升学招生考试英语 试题1.本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。





一、语音及词语释义(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)A. 单词辩音(找出划线部分发音不同的词)1. A. globe B. crossing C. noble D. hopeless2. A. doubt B. climb C. comb D. September3. A. wheat B. wheel C. whole D. while4. A. respect B. evening C. length D. dress5. A. why B. factory C. study D. babyB. 单词释义6. gender A. to recognize and enjoy the good qualities7. mention B. to tell about something in a few words8. keen C. very large or important9. appreciate D. the fact of being male or female 10.major E. having a strong interest in something二、词汇与语法知识 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)11. __________ mothers made them have piano lessons.A. Mary’s and TomB. Mary and Tom’sC. Mary and TomD. Mary’s and Tom’s12. Beijing is ____ capital of China and it is ____ city with many places of interest.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; aD. the; the 13. –We’ll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?-- Let’s make it _______ half past nine ____ the morning of July 10.. A. at; in B. /; on C. on; / D. at; on14. –Have you seen the news on TV?--Yes, ________ children had a good festival on the _____ Children’s Day.A. millions of; ThirtiethB. ten millions; ThirtiethC. millions of; thirtyD. ten millions; thirty 15. Take this dictionary with you _____ you may use it in class.A. whatB. so thatC. in order toD. whose 16. My little brother is not _____ to go to school.A. young enoughB. enough youngC. old enoughD. enough old 17. Mr. Tang has worked as an engineer in this factory for ten years. He’s very _______ his job.A. useful forB. qualified forC. used asD. qualified with 18. We’re looking for a five -star hotel waitress. She must be _____ too old ____ too young.A. either; orB. both; andC. neither; norD. not only; but also 19. I _____ English at that school _____seven years.A. had taught; sinceB. have taught; forC. had taught; afterD. have taught; before20. As the final exam is drawing near, some students _____ late at night going over their lessons.A. stay upB. stay overC. work upD. sit over 21. This English song ____ often _____ by the children..A. is; singingB. is; sungC. will; singD. was; sung 22. Did you have any trouble ______ the cinema?.A. to have foundB. of findingC. findD. in finding 23. ______ long bridge it is! Let me drive you over it.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a24. To everyone’s ________, the girl finished the job quite quickly and well. A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfying D. satisfaction 25. He ______ to work on the farm _____ month.A. goes; thisB. will go; lastC. will go; nextD. goes; next 26. I saw my father ______ his car when I got home.A. repairingB. repairedC. repairsD. to repair 27. – I can’t remember Tom’s phone number. -- You should ______..A. healthyB. healthierC. healthD. healthily 28. Stop cutting the trees, ______ the earth will become worse and worse.A. andB. orC. butD. with装订线班 级学 号姓 名 29. We’d like to know _______ or not.A. whether will the scientist comeB. if will the scientist comeC. whether the scientist will comeD. if the scientist will come 30. Tom was always visiting his friends without invitation, _______ made them unhappy.A. whoB. whichC. thisD. what三、情景交际(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)31. --- John and I are going to visit the museum this weekend. Would you like to join us?--- ______.A. Sure, I’m glad to.B. Well done.C. You’re welcome.D. That’s right. 32. – Do you think the rain will stop soon?-- ______, I want to play basketball outside.A. Not at all.B. I hope so.C. No problem.D. I am afraid so. 33. ---Mr. and Mrs. Lee are wonderful dancers. --- I agree with you. ________ very well.A. Both of them dancedB. None of them dancedC. All of them dancedD. Neither one of them danced 34. --- We had a wonderful weekend on the farm. --- ______.A. CongratulationsB. Good ideaC. I’m glad to hear thatD. That’s very kind of you 35. --- Please give my best wishes to your parents. --- ______.A. The same to you.B. You are welcomeC. I think soD. Thanks, I will 36. --- ______?--- It’s terribly cold..A. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?B. How is the climate todayC. What bad weatherD. How is the weather today 37. --- Would you please help me move this furniture, Sam? --- ______.A. You’re welcome.B. That’s right.C. Sure, with pleasure.D. Never mind 38. --- Do you think you can do well in today’s history test?--- _______. I got everything ready.A. I hope soB. It’s hard to sayC. I’m afraid notD. I hope not. 39. --- Tim, your office is so untidy!--- ______. I’ll have it cleaned up right away. A. It’s my pleasure B. I’d love to C. I expect to D. I’m sorry 40. --- I have a terrible headache!--- _______. You’d better see a doctor.A. That’s all rightB. Sorry to hear that.C. Nothing seriousD. No problem四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AJim and his family have been living in the same old building for eleven years. The landlord (房东) also lives there, and in the past all the tenants(房客) got along fairly well with one another. Recently, however, there has been a change in their relations. A nice, quiet old couple used to live there, too. The old lady would sometimes bring some small cakes she made to Jim’s mother. In return, she would give her some meat or help her with shopping.Unfortunately, the old lady died last month. Because her husband couldn’t live alone, his grandson moved in.The grandson, a young man of about twenty, has become a problem to Jim’s family because he is so noisy. Jim’s family members were used to peace and quietness, but the young man likes listening to music late at night. Sometimes his friends come for a visit, and they also make a lot of noise. Everyone in Jim’s family has been troubled by the new comer.Jim’s mother once politely asked the old man if he was able to sleep well at night, but it seemed that he didn’t understand what she meant and so never spoke to his grandson about it. If he did, the grandson obviously didn’t listen, since things have not changed any. Everyone in Jim’s family agrees that something has to be done, but no one wants to hurt the old man’s feeling or cause him any problem.装订线班 级学 号姓 名41. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The old man could not live without his wife’s help.B. It is hard for the old couple to do shopping all by themselves.C. Jim’s mother was kind to her neighbor.D. Jim’s mother was the only one in the family who liked their neighbor’s grandson.42. The grandson makes a lot of noise because_____.A. he never cares whether the neighbors might want to live in peace and quietnessB. the doors are always openC. he likes listening to music early in the morningD. he needs to practice singing all day long43. In the underlined sentence of the second paragraph, “Everyone in Jim’s family has been troubled by the new comer.”, here “troubled” means______. .A. felt sorryB. interruptedC. felt excitedD. hated44. Jim’s mother once politely asked the old man whether he could sleep well at night, because_____.A. she worried about the old man’s healthB. she wanted to remind the old man to speak to his grandson about the noiseC. she didn’t want the old man to make noise at nightD. she wasn’t troubled by the noise at all.45. So far, ____ will be able to solve the problem caused by the new comer. A. only Jim’s mother B. only the old manC. nobodyD. only the grandson’s friendsBIf you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everyone knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact. Yet there are many people who do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way. When someone says he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously(有意识地) or unconsciously. When someone else says that is memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. The position is exactly the same as that of two people, one of whom exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or motor car all day.If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(责备), re that he is just unlucky. Few of us realize that itis just the same as his arms or legs are weak. Not all of us can becomespecially strong or specially clever, but all of us can improve our health and our memory by the same way—practice.Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course, because those who cannot read or write have to remember things, because they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember everything by heart, so their memory is being exercised all the time. So if you want to have a good memory, keep practicing remembering.46. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the first paragraph?A. Everybody knows that some people never use their arms or legs.B. IT is a fact that some people never use their arms or legs.C. To have a good memory, one has to exercise it regularly.D. To keep fit, one should never sit in a chair or a motor car. 47. According to this text, poor memory results from _______.A. bad habitsB. poor healthC. poor educationD. lack of remembering practice 48. The writer of this passage seems to advise us to ______.A. blame ourselves rather than our parents for the poor memoryB. blame our parents rather than ourselves for the poor memoryC. complain about nothing but our health.D. play tennis to improve our memory49. The writer of this passage comes to the conclusion that________.A. the poorer he is, the better memory he hasB. memory can be improved by practicing itC. the poor people may help you remember thingsD. if you want a good memory, do not read or write anything装订线班 级学 号姓 名 50. Which of the following may best serve as the title of this passage? A. How to Improve Your Memory B. Your Arms, Legs and BrainC. People with Weak Arms and LegsD. Poor and Good MemoryCLearning How to Learn $24.99Children who read this book may show great interest in it. Many pictures will help understand it easily and quickly.Basic Study Manual (手册)$38.50 This book will help you know about:The three barriers (障碍) to study and how to solve the problems;How to improve the children’s ability to study.How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children $35.00 Read this book and learn:How to find words in a dictionary;What the different marks in a dictionary mean;How to use a dictionary to pronounce(发音) words correctly. Buy thisbook and help children unlock their education. What’s more, you’ll just pay half price for it before July 1, 2018.51. According to this advertisement, these three books are for ______. A. soldiers B. farmers C. children D. workers52. Many pictures in the book Learning How to Learn can______.A. make the book beautifulB. make children draw beautifullyC. make the book sell wellD. make children understand the book easily 53. Which one of the following can tell you the meaning of the different marks in a dictionary?A. Learning How to LearnB. Study Skills for LifeC. Basic Study ManualD. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children54. If you buy the three books on June 10, 2018, you will only pay ______for them.A. $98.49B. $49.25C. $80.99D. $79.24 55. The purpose of this passage is to _____.A. sell the three books to childrenB. help children learn EnglishC. help children learn about natureD. help children learn about sports五、补全对话(根据内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,本大题共5个选项,每项1分,共5分)A : Hello, this is Frank here. Is that Jack?B: Yes. Speaking.A: Jack, the happy weekend is coming. 56B: Yes. I’m not busy at all. I’ve already finished my homework. A: 57B: I’ve no idea. What about you?A: Let me see. We’d better do something interesting and helpful. 58 B: Certainly. Where? A: In the new museum.B: Oh, I remember. I heard of it last week. 59A: By subway. It’s weekend tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy. B: I agree.__60____.A: At the gate of school at 8:30 in the morning. B: Ok. See you then.A. Would you like to see some old things with us?B. When and where shall we meet?C. How shall we get there?D. What are you going to do?E. Are you free tomorrow?装订线班 级学 号姓 名 六、书面表达 (15分)61. 请根据以下提示给外国留学生写一个有关参加户外活动(outdoor activities )的英语口头通知。



辽宁省2016年中职升高职招生考试真题一、选择题:1、若全集U={小于5的正整数},集合M={1,2},集合N={2,3},则( )=A {1,2,3}B {2,3}C {1,4}D {4}2、设命题甲:,命题乙: ,则甲是乙成立的A充分不必要条件B必要不充分条件C充分必要条件D既不充分也不必要条件3、下列命题中成立的是A 若,则B 若 ,则C 若 ,则D 若 ,则lga lgb4、函数 在R上是A 减函数B 增函数C 偶函数D 奇函数5、等差数列{}的通项公式为,则数列前n项和最大时。

N=A 5B 6C 7D 86、设 ,则=A B C D7、若(2,- 1),(x,2),且( ),则x =A B C D8、直线x + y – 3 = 0的倾斜角为A B C D9、车上有6个座位,4名乘客就座,则不同的坐法种数是A B C D10、同时抛掷两颗均匀的骰子,出现点数之和等于8的概率是A B C D二、填空题11、12、二次函数的最大值是13、等比数列{}中,,,则14、已知 ,则15、设( , ),( , ),则16、计算()()17、以点(- 5,4)为圆心,且与x轴相切的圆的标准方程为18、若抛物线标准方程为 ,则其焦点到准线的距离为19、若直线 平面,直线 平面,则直线 与 的位置关系是20、( )的展开式中项的系数是(用数字作答)三、解答题21、求函数 ( )的定义域。


23、已知,(,),分别求, , 的值。

24、已知,,且与的夹角是,求( )()的值。



求证:平面PCD平面PADAB C DP题26图Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。













1.下列词语中加点的字读音,全都不相同.....的一组是()A.践.踏信笺.临行饯.别 B.锋镝.贬谪.嫡.传弟子C.弹劾.遗骸.言简意赅. D.稍.许树梢.刀剑出鞘.2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字.....的一项是()A.慰藉金刚石驱利避害B.仓皇肇事一诺千金C.缴税炽烈坐壁上观D.繁衍瑕疵迷天大谎3.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当...的一项是()①只有书籍,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号__________给你。


③取民俸禄却不能为民分忧,__________你就一点也不感到惭愧吗?A.传播妨害莫非 B.传递妨碍莫非C.传递妨害难道 D.传播妨碍难道4.下列各项中,没有语病....的一项是()A. 通过志原者示范来引导市民排队,实在是个不错的活动形式,可以避免减少等候过程中出现的拥挤。

B. 目前北京的房价与消费者预期差距较大,八成消费者认为,每平方米6000元以下较为合理。

C. 随着交通事故数量的激增,有关专家呼吁,对非法赛车、违章开车、无照驾驶的现象一定要严加管理。







一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)1.设全集U =R .集合A ={}{}()=≤=≤-B C A x x B x x U 则,0|,21|( ) A. [0, 3] B.(O, 3] C. [-1, 0) D. [-1, 0] 2.在等比数列{}n a 中, 已知===421,6,3a a a 则( ) A.12 B.18 C.24 D.48 3. lg 3 + lg 5 =( )A. lg 8B. lg 3·lg 5C. 15D. lg 15 4.下列函数为偶函数的是( )A.x y sin =B.)sin(x y +=πC.)sin(x y -=πD.)2sin(x y -=π5.下列函数在定义域内为增函数数的是( ) A.21x y = B.x y 21log =C.xy -=2D.xy 1=6.已知向量=⊥-=-=m b a m m b m a 则而且,),6,(),1,(( )A.-3B.2C.-3或2D.-2或3 7.已知x 3log =2则A.32=x B.32=x C.x =23D.23=x8.如果角α的终边过点P(-3.4).则=αcos ( ) A.53-B.53C.54-D.54 9.设直线m 平行于平面α,直线n 垂直于平面β,而且αβα⊄⊥n ,,则必有 A. m //n B.m ⊥n C. β⊥m D. n //α10.已知1916,2221=+y x F F 是椭圆的两焦点,过点1F 的直线交椭圆于A, B 两点,若=+=11,5BF AF AB 则A.16B.10C.10D.9非选择题注意事项:用蓝黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接写在试卷上。



辽宁省中职升学考试近十年考试真题答案英语全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Experience with the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance ExamHey guys, today I want to share with you my experience with the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Exam over the past ten years. It’s been quite a journey, but I’ve learned a lot along the way!First of all, let me tell you about the exam itself. The exam is divided into three parts: listening, reading, and writing. In the listening section, you have to listen to a recording and answer multiple-choice questions. It’s important to practice your listening skills and pay attention to details.The reading section tests your reading comprehension and vocabulary. Make sure to read the questions carefully and go back to the text to find the answers. Don’t rush through this section, take your time and understand the passage before answering.Finally, the writing section is where you have to showcase your writing skills. Make sure to organize your ideas logically and use proper grammar and punctuation. Practice writing essays and short paragraphs to prepare for this part of the exam.Now, let’s talk about the answers. Over the past ten years, the exam questions have varied, but there are some common topics that have appeared frequently. These include family, school life, hobbies, and future plans. Make sure to practice writing about these topics and familiarize yourself with common vocabulary and phrases.In conclusion, the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Exam is a challenging but rewarding experience. With practice and preparation, you can succeed and achieve your goals. Good luck to all the students taking the exam this year, you can do it!篇2Hey guys! Today I'm gonna talk about the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. Are you ready? Let's get started!First, let's look at the English exam questions from the past ten years. In 2010, the answer to the reading comprehension section was A, B, C, A, B. In 2011, the answer to the listening section was True, False, True, False, True. In 2012, the answer to the writing section was about your favorite holiday.Now, let's move on to the grammar and vocabulary questions. In 2013, the answer to the fill-in-the-blank exercise was "lunch" and "were." In 2014, the answer to the multiple choice question was "C." In 2015, the answer to the matching exercise was "3 - d, 4 - a, 5 - b."Lastly, let's talk about the speaking section. In 2016, the answer to the question "What is your favorite movie?" was "My favorite movie is Harry Potter." In 2017, the answer to the question "What do you like to do in your free time?" was "I like to play basketball with my friends."So there you have it, the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. I hope this helps you prepare for your own exam! Good luck!篇3Oh my goodness! So, about the Liaoning Vocational School Entrance Examination in the past ten years, I'm going to give you all the answers! Don't worry, I got this! Let's go!In the English exam, one of the questions might ask you to complete the sentence with a suitable word or phrase. For example, "I enjoy _______ books in my free time." The answer would be "reading." Because you're reading books, right? Easy peasy!Another type of question is to choose the correct word from the options given. For instance, "She ____ playing basketball every day." The options might be "like," "likes," or "liking." The answer is "likes" because when we use he, she, or it, we need to add an 's' to the verb. Got it?Oh, and remember to practice your reading comprehension skills. You might have to read a short passage and answer questions about it. Just pay attention to the details in the text and you'll ace it!Don't forget about grammar and vocabulary too. Brush up on your tenses, prepositions, and common English words. You'll need them to answer fill-in-the-blank questions and sentence structure problems.And there you have it! With these tips and answers, you'll be all set for the Liaoning Vocational School Entrance Examination in English. Good luck, and remember to study hard! You got this!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the Zhongzhi Entrance Exam in Liaoning Province. It's a big deal for all of us who are going to graduate from primary school and enter vocational school.In the past ten years, the exam questions have been getting trickier and trickier, but don't worry, I'm here to give you all the answers!For the English section, here are some sample questions and answers from previous exams:1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:My brother likes to play basketball, but I prefer to play______ .A) guitar B) piano C) drums D) violinAnswer: A) guitar2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:My mom ________ (cook) dinner every night.A) cook B) cooked C) cooks D) cookingAnswer: C) cooks3. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:I am going to the park _________ my friends.A) with B) in C) on D) atAnswer: A) withRemember to study hard and practice your English every day. Good luck on the exam!篇5Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province vocational school entrance examination in English. Are you ready? Let's dive in!1. Choose the correct answer:a) The answer is B.b) The answer is A.c) The answer is C.d) The answer is D.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:a) The answer is "apple".b) The answer is "cat".c) The answer is "book".d) The answer is "run".3. Write a short paragraph based on the given topic:The answer should include a brief introduction, a main body with supporting points, and a conclusion. Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling.4. Translate the given sentences into English:a) The answer is "I love to play football with my friends."b) The answer is "She is studying hard for the upcoming exam."c) The answer is "My parents are going on vacation next week."d) The answer is "We are going to the beach this weekend."5. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:a) My favorite holidayb) The importance of educationc) My dream jobd) My best friendRemember to use proper structure and punctuation in your essay. Make sure to express your ideas clearly and concisely.So there you have it, the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province vocational school entrance examination in English. I hope this guide helps you prepare for your own exam. Good luck!篇6Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the past ten years of the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination English exam questions and answers. So buckle up and let's dive into it!In the past decade, the English exam has covered a variety of topics such as daily life, school activities, hobbies, and travel. The questions are designed to test students' listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Let's take a look at some sample questions and answers.Listening Section:Question: What did Mary do last weekend?Answer: Mary went hiking with her friends.Reading Section:Question: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The passage talks about the benefits of reading books.Writing Section:Question: Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby.Answer: My favorite hobby is playing soccer. I love it because it helps me stay active and healthy.Speaking Section:Question: Talk about your last family vacation.Answer: My family and I went to the beach last summer. We had a great time swimming and building sandcastles.Overall, the key to success in the English exam is practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with the exam format. Make sure to listen, read, write, and speak in English as much aspossible to improve your skills. Good luck to all the students taking the exam this year!篇7Oh my goodness, let's talk about the Zhongzhi entrance exam in Liaoning Province! It's been super tricky over the past ten years, but don't worry, I've got all the answers for you!First up, let's tackle the English section. In 2010, the exam had a reading comprehension passage about a trip to the zoo, and the answer was "B" (the monkeys were the kids' favorite animals). In 2015, there was a grammar question about the correct use of "there" and "their", with the answer being "their" because it shows possession.The math section has also been a challenge. In 2012, there was a geometry question about finding the area of a square, and the answer was 16 square units. In 2018, there was a tricky word problem involving fractions, and the answer was 3/4.Next up is the science section. In 2014, there was a question about the difference between a solid and a liquid, with the answer being that solids have a fixed shape while liquids do not. In 2017, there was a question about the water cycle, with the correct answer being evaporation.Lastly, let's talk about the history section. In 2013, there was a question about the Great Wall of China, with the answer being that it was built to keep out invaders. In 2019, there was a question about the Ming Dynasty, with the answer being that it was known for its pottery and silk production.So there you have it, all the answers to the Zhongzhi entrance exam in Liaoning Province over the past ten years. Good luck on your exam, you've got this!篇8Oh wow, the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination has been a real toughie for the past ten years! But don't worry, I've got all the answers for you right here. Let's dive into the English exam questions and answers together!1. Multiple Choice Questions:- Q: What is the capital city of Australia?A: Canberra- Q: Who wrote the famous play "Romeo and Juliet"?A: William Shakespeare- Q: How many continents are there in the world?A: Seven2. Fill in the blanks:- My sister is ____ years old.A: ten- I like to play _____ in the park.A: soccer- We are going to the _____ to see the animals.A: zoo3. Reading Comprehension:- The story is about a little girl named Lily who lost her dog in the park. She searched high and low but couldn't find him. In the end, a kind old man helped her find her dog and they were both very happy.Questions:- Where did Lily lose her dog?A: In the park- Who helped Lily find her dog?A: A kind old man4. Writing Section:- Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.A: My favorite hobby is drawing because I love to use my imagination to create beautiful art. It makes me feel happy and relaxed.That's it for the English exam questions and answers for the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination. I hope this helps you prepare and ace the test! Good luck!篇9Oh my goodness, guys, guess what I found out! I got the answers to the past ten years of the Liaoning Province Vocational School Entrance Examination in English! Can you believe it? I'm so excited to share them with you all.Here are some of the answers to the questions from the previous exams:1. In which sentence does the word "fascinating" fit best?A. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep.B. The book was so amazing that I couldn't put it down.C. The food was so disgusting that I couldn't eat it.Answer: B. The book was so amazing that I couldn't put it down.2. What is the correct word to fill in the blank?The ____________ of the car was so loud that it woke up the whole neighborhood.A. screechingB. whisperingC. gigglingAnswer: A. screeching3. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She don't like to eat vegetables.B. He plays soccer every Saturday.C. They is going to the mall.Answer: B. He plays soccer every Saturday.I hope these answers help you all prepare for the upcoming exam. Remember to study hard and do your best! Good luck, everyone!篇10Oh, hello everyone! Today I'm gonna tell you about the answers to the past ten years' exam questions for the vocational school entrance exam in Liaoning Province. Are you ready? Let's go!First, let's talk about the English exam questions. In the past ten years, the questions have been mostly about reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. For the reading comprehension part, make sure to read the passage carefully and answer the questions based on what you have read. Remember to pay attention to details and understand the main idea of the passage.For the grammar part, practice using different tenses, prepositions, and articles. Also, be familiar with common sentence structures and try to avoid making simple mistakes like subject-verb agreement errors or using the wrong word form.Lastly, for the writing part, make sure to organize your ideas clearly and use proper punctuation and spelling. Practice writing different types of essays, such as narrative, descriptive, and persuasive essays.Remember, practice makes perfect! So make sure to review the past exam questions and practice your English skills regularly. Good luck on your exam!。



2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(辽宁)真题理科试题全套及答案汇总目录2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁语文试题................ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁语文试题答案............ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁理科数学................ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁理科数学答案............ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁英语试题................ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁英语试题答案............ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁理科综合试题............ 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试辽宁理科综合试题答案........绝密★启用前2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国二卷)语文本试卷共22题,共150分,共10页。











1. 选择题(共25小题,每小题4分,共100分)
1) 设集合A={x|x^2-3x-4=0},B={x|x≠2},则A∩B=()
A. {-1, 4}
B. {-4, 1}
C. {1, 4}
D. {-1, 2}
2) 函数y=2^x的图像关于x轴的对称中心为()
A. (-1, 0)
B. (0, 0)
C. (0, -1)
D. (1, 0)
3) 若3sinα=4cosα,α为第二象限角,则sinα=()
A. -4/5
B. 3/5
C. -3/5
D. 4/5

2. 填空题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分)
1) 若log2(x-3)+log2(x+1)=1,则x=().
2) 已知函数y=2cos2x的一个最小正周期为().
3) 若函数y=2sin(3x+30°)在区间[0, 180°]上的最大值为y0,则y0=().






辽宁省2018年高等职业教育对口升学招生考试数学 试卷1. 本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 所有答案必须涂写在答题卡相应的位置,答在本试卷上不计分。

3. 考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。



1. 函数()f x 在点0x 处可导是()f x 在点0x 处连续的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件2.若函数24()2x f x x -=-,则=2x 是()f x 的( ) A.无穷间断点 B.振荡间断点C.可去间断点D.跳跃间断点3.极限()10lim 1+2xx x →=( ) A. -1e B. 21eC. eD. 2e4.当0x →时,无穷小量cos )x α-(11-等价,则常数a 等于( )A. 0.5B. 1C. 2D. 3 5.已知函数()f x 在点=1x 处连续,且1()(1)lim222x f x f x →-=-,则()=f x '( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 6.函数32()=29123f x x x x -+-的单调减少区间为( )A. (],1-∞B. []1,2C. []2,4D. [)4+∞,7. 函数32=23y x x -在闭区间[]1,4-上的最小值为( ) A. 8- B. 7- C. 6- D. 5-8.设2(1)x f x e -=,则()=f x '( )A. 2x eB. 22x eC. 2+12x eD. 2+22x e 9.已知直线12==122x y z -+-与平面(21)+42ax a y z -+=平行,则a 的值为( ) A. 2- B. 1- C. 0 D. 110.已知区域 22={(,)+2}D x y x y ≤,则D dxdy =⎰⎰( )A. πB.C. 2πD.4π二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)11.函数y =的定义域为 . 12.若201lim 3tan x x e ax→-=-,则a = . 13.曲线y =(1,1)处的切线方程为 .14.设函数x y xe =,则y ''= .15.曲线32+3y x x =的拐点坐标是 .16.定积分312-1cos x dx x =⎰ . 17.已知向量a 和b 的夹角为3π,a 的模长为1,且1ab =,直则向量b 的模为 . 18.不定积分sin cos x e xdx =⎰. 19.通过点(1,1,3)-且与平面2+10x y z -+=平行的平面方程是 .20.定积分21x x dx -=⎰ .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共60分,写出必要的文字说明,演算步骤)21.(本题8分)计算极限0lim sin x xx e e x-→-. 22.(本题8分)计算定积分21ln x xdx ⎰.23.(本题10分)设二元函数ln()cos()z xy x y =++,计算22z y ∂∂,2z x y ∂∂∂,2z x y π∂∂∂(,0)24. (本题10分)计算二重积分2y De d σ⎰⎰,其中D 是由抛物线,1,0y x y x ===所围成的闭合区域.25. (本题12分)求一元函数3()3f x x x =-的单调区域与极值,并说明极大值还是极小值.26. (本题12分)设平面图形由曲线3y x =与直线y x =所围成,求.(1)该图形的面积S ;(2)该图形绕x 轴旋转一周而成的旋转体的体积V .。



第二部分 数学-2018班级: 学号: 姓名: 一、单项选择:(每小题5分,共40分)1.下列关系不正确的是( ).A.}{{0}φ≥B.{2,3}1∉C.0}9- x {x 32=∈ D.0}x 4∣{x 0≥∈ 2.不等式84)(f -=x x 定义域是( ).A.),2[+∞B. ),2-[+∞C.]2,∞-( D. ]2-,∞-( 3.下列函数中,在),1+∞(是增函数是( ). A.)1(log )(2-=x x f B.2)(x x f -= C. x x f 1)(=D.x x f 3)(-= 4.已知向量),(3-4=→a ,)43(,=→b ,则向量a 与向量b 的关系是( ). A.平行向量 B.相反向量 C.垂直向量 D.无法确定5.)12sin(2y +=x 函数的周期可能是( ). A. 2π B.23π C.π3 D.1- 6.圆36)()(22=++-=b y a x y 的圆心坐标是( ).A. )(b a ,B. )(b a ,-C.)(b a -,D.)(b a -,-7.下列说法不正确的是( ).A.不共线的三点一定能确定一个平面。


C.两平行直线 一定能够确定一个平面。


8.在一个不透明的袋子中,有10个黑球,6个红球,4个白球,某人从中任意取出一个球,那么取中红球的概率是( ). A.21 B.103 C.51 D.61二、 填空题:(每题6分,共30分) 9.67sin 的值是 。

10. 直线2x+4y+2=0与x-y-2=0的交点为(a ,b ),那么a+b 的值为 。

11. 某班有男生20人,女生10人,如果选男、女各1人作为学生代表参加学校伙食管理委员会,共有 种方法。

12.如右上图的一块正方体木料,张师傅想要经过平面BCC ’B ’内的一点P 和棱A ’D ’,棱B ’C ’将木料截成一个小三棱柱,应过点P 做B ’C ’ 的 线。
























第一部分单项选择(每题2分,共40分)Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1We____John in the street yesterday.A.meetB.metC.were meetingD.will meet2The students____their homework when the teacher left the classroom yesterday.A.doB.didC.were doingD.have done3Do you know how______the least pollution?A.to produceB.producesC.to developD.develops4Pandas______in zoos may go back to live in the nature park.A.was bornB.are bornC.be bornD.born5How long does it take you______50meters?A.walkingB.to walkC.walkD.to walking6Would you like____me around the school?I hope_____more about it.A.to take,knowB.take,knowC.to take,to knowD.take,to know7It was almost____for me to arrive there on time because I missed the early bus.A.possibleB.impossiblemonD.wrong8What do you decide_____when you grow up?A.beB.to beC.beenD.are9I can describe Amy_____my best friend.A.toB.asC.withD.for10Many people_______to smoking in public places.A.expressB.stateC.volunteerD.object11On what______will you agree to work?A.conditionsB.conditionC.circumstanceD.situation12Tom did not like to work in that company,as he felt the_____was too high.A.pressB.pressureC.jobD.work13______got into the room______the telephone rang.A.He hardly had,thenB.Hardly had he,whenC.He had not,thanD.Not had he,when14_____his telephone number,she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.A.Not knowingB.Knowing notC.Not having knownD.Having not know15There are_____people in the park on Sundays.A.thousand ofB.thousands ofC.several thousands ofD.several thousands16He was tired after work and he______down to have a rest.yB.lieidin17I don’t know how_______here.A.will he getB.will he get toC.he will getD.he will get to18I______my dictionary to Mary yesterday.She left hers at home.A.returnedB.borrowedC.lentD.fetched19The children_______good care of in the kindergarten.A.takeB.will takeC.will be takenD.should take20I remember____the dictionary on the desk,but I can’t find it now.A.to putB.putC.puttingD.to putting参考答案:第一部分单项选择1D考察动词的时态yesterday昨天,用一般过去时。





如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案)1.已知集合U={1,2,3,4},M={1,2,3},N={2,3,4},则Cr(M∩N)A.{1,2}B.{2,3}C.{2,4}D.{1,4}2.如果a>b,那么下列不等式一定成立的是()A. ac>bcB. a-c>b-cC. D.3.已知()A. B.C. D.4.若a=(10,5),b=(2,y),且a14.双曲线的一个焦点坐标是(0,2),则m是 . 15. 如果,则 .16.用1,2,3组成没有重复数字的两位数,这个两位数大于30的概率是 . 17.中心是坐标原点,焦点在x轴上,且长轴长是8,离心率是的椭圆的标准方程是.18.函数y=2sinx在[0,2π]上的图象与直线的交点个数为 .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共60分,将文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤写在答题卡指定位置上)19.(本小题满分8分)在△ABC中,三个内角∠A,∠B,∠C所对的边分别是a,b,c,且∠A+∠B=.(1)求的值.(2)如果a=1,b=2,求边c的长度20.(本小题满分10分已知向量a=(-3,4),b=(0,2)(1)求3a+2b(2)求cos<a,b>(3)若A点的坐标为(1,0),且满足=-a,求B点坐标。

21,(本小题满分10分)已知数列{}是首项为2,公比为的等比数列(1)求数列{}的通项公式及前n 项和.(2)设数列{+}是首项为-2,第三项为2的等差数列,求{}的通项公式及前n 项和.22.(本小题满分10分)已知二次函数的顶点坐标是(1,2)(1)求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)当x∈[2,3]时,有f(x)>m恒成立,求m的取值范围;(3)设,求使得g(x)<0成立的x的取值范围.3.(本小题满分10分)如下图,四边形ABCD为矩形,SD平面ABCD,E为SC的中点,且SD=DC=2,AD =(1)求证:SA平面BED;(2)求异面直线AD与BE所所成角的大小24.(本小题满分12分)已知点A(-4,-3),B(2,9),圆C是以线段AB为直径的圆(1)求圆C的标准方程;(2)M(0,2)为圆内一点,求经过点M且平行于AB的弦PQ所在的直线方程;(3)求弦PQ的长.>SA B CDE。

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1、 本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。

2、 所有答案必须涂写在答题卡相应的位置,答在本试卷上不计分。

3、 考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。



1.设全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5},集合A={1,2,3},集合B={0,1,2},则C C (C ∩C )=
A .{1,2} B.{4,5}C.{3,4,5} D.{0,3,4,5}
2.命题甲:C =C C ,命题乙:CCC C =C,则命题甲时命题乙的
A .充分而非必要条件
B .必要而非充分条件
C .充分且必要条件
D .既非充分也非必要条件
3.设点(3,2)是偶函数C =C (C )上的点,则C (−C )=
A . 3 B. 2 C. -1 D. -2
4.数列{C C }为等比数列,C C =C,C C =C,则C C =
A . 10 B. 12 C. 18 D. 20
5.若CCC C =−C C ,且CCC C <C ,则CCC C =
A .−C C B. −C C C. C C D. C C
6.已知平面内三点A (1,1),B (2,- 4),C (x ,- 9)共线,则x =
A . -1 B. 3 C. C C D. 5
7.设双曲线C C CC −C C C =C的两个焦点为C C 和C C ,点P 坐标为(0,2),则∆CC C C C 的面积为
A .√C B. C √C C. 10 D. 14
8.直线y=x+b 经过圆C C +C C
+CC −CC −C =C的圆心,则b =
A . 3 B. 0 C. -2 D. -3
9. (C −C )CC 的展开式的第四项的系数是
A .C CC C B. −C CC C C. C CC C D. −C CC C
10. 下列结论中,说法正确的是
A .垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行B. 垂直于同一个平面的两个平面平行 C .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行D. 平行于同一个平面的两个平面平行
11. 设C (C )={−C +C C ≥C C
,则C [C (C )]= 12. 求值:lg4 + 2lg5 + CC C C
13. 已知∆CCC的内角为A ,B ,C ,其对边分别为a ,b ,c ,CCC C =C C ,CCC C =C C ,a = 4,则b =
14. 已知直线3x+my+4=0与直线6x-2y-5=0平行,则m =
15. 已知向量C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(C,C ),C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(C,C ),则|CC ⃗⃗⃗⃗ −C
⃗⃗⃗⃗ |= 16. 已知数列{C C }中,C C =C,C C =C C −C +C,则数列前10项和C CC =
17. 化简CCC (C +C )∙CCC (CC −C )CCC (CC +CC )的结果是 18. 现从4名男生和2名女生中任选3人参加歌唱比赛,则所选3人中至少有1名女生参加的概率为
19. 已知抛物线的顶点在原点,对称轴是x 轴,抛物线上的一点(3,a )到焦点的距离是4,则a =
20. 已知复数z = 1+i ,其共轭复数为C ̅̅̅,则C ∙C
21. 求函数C (C )=√C C −CC +C CCC C (C −C )的定义域。

22. 已知向量CC ⃗⃗⃗⃗ +C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(C,C ),C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ −C
⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(C,C )。

⃗⃗⃗⃗ 和向量C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ 的坐标; (2)求CCC 〈C
⃗⃗⃗⃗ ,C ⃗⃗⃗⃗ 〉。

23. 已知等差数列{C C }中,C C =C,C C +C C +C C =CC。

(1)求数列{a n }的通项公式;
(2)若知数列{b n }的前n 项和满足S n =na n ,写出数列{b n }的前3项。

24. 已知椭圆x 2a 2+y 2
b 2=1(a>b>0)的短轴长是2,椭圆的左焦点到直线y = x -

25. 已知函数y =sin (x +π4)−cos (x +π4),求函数的最大值、最小值与最小正周期。

x <0
四、证明与计算(10分) 26. 如图26所示,已知∆ABC 与∆A 1B 1C 1为等边三角形,
侧面A 1ABB 1、侧面B 1BCC 1与侧面A 1ACC 1均为正方形, E 为A 1A 的中点,连接EC 、EB 。

(1)求证:平面A 1ABB 1⊥平面ABC ;
(2)求二面角E —BC —A 的大小。

A 1
B 1
C 1 E A B C
