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1.Not until Unit One of College English on learning strategies the importance of distinguishing active vocabulary from passive ones in vocabulary accumulation.

A.did he learn… he realized B.he learned… did he realize

C.h ad he learned… did he realize D.he learned… didn’t he realize

2.Not only _______ about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

A.were the customer complained B.when the customer complained

C.did the customer complain D.the customer did complain

3.When asked about that horrible experience, Sue told me that so ______ in the darkness at that time that she didn't dare to move an inch.

A.she was scared B.was she scared C.scared she was D.scared was she 4.As is shown in the movie, under no circumstances __________ faith and confidence. A.you should lose B.shouldn’t you have

C.should you lose D.you shouldn’t lose

5.Between the two streets _______ a modem building where you can see many famous brands of clothes.

A.have B.has C.stand D.stands

6.o the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seems like a little bit crazy.

A.Accustomed as are most of us B.Accustomed as most of us are

C.So accustomed are most of us D.So accustomed most of us are

7.As the French writer Frantz Fanon put it, to speak a language is to take on a world, a culture. Since the world changes every day, _____.

A.and so does our language B.so does our language

C.and so our language will D.so will our language

8.Not only _____ effective in reducing fever and helping stop pain. but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.

A.aspirin has proved B.aspirin proved C.has aspirin proved D.did aspirin prove 9.______ the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctica Circle, ______he never saw land.

A.Until, while B.Since, and C.Not until, but D.Although, yet 10.By no means ________ when we try to create a global brand.

A.the cultural factor is to neglect

B.is the cultural factor to neglect

C.the cultural factor is to be neglected

D.is the cultural factor to be neglected

11.He went to the cinema yesterday and ______.

A.so did his sister B.so his sister did C.so was his sister D.so his sister was 12.Never again ______ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.

A.Alfred E. Smith seriously sought B.did Alfred E. Smith seriously sought

C.when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek D.did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek 13.So that the boat almost .

A.tough the sea became… turned down B.rough did the sea becom e… turned over C.rough the sea became… turned over D.tough did the sea become… turned down 14.Only when he left his home _________ to know how important the family was for him. A.he began B.did he begin C.had he begun D.he had begun 15.Out of suffering _________.

A.have emerged the strongest souls B.emerged the strongest souls have C.have the strongest souls emerged D.the strongest souls have emerged

16._____ on smart phones for communication, relaxation and information that people play phones while walking and eating.

A.Such is the dependence B.Such dependence does

C.So they are dependent D.So did they depend

17.The tourists were excited, for no sooner ______ the hotel ________ it snowed heavily. A.they had returned; than B.had they returned; than

C.they had returned; when D.after they returned; as

18.______ the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai was President Xi, where he announced new measures to further expand opening-up, A.Attending B.Attended C.To attend D.Having attended 19.________ in a tiny cabinet were four Mother’s Day poems I’d written for her in the 1960s. A.Hidden B.Hiding C.Being hidden D.To be hidden 20.Only if a teacher gives permission _________ to enter the room.

A.a student is allowed B.is a student allowed

C.does a student allow D.a student allowed

21.So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape.

A.did the attack B.the attack did

C.was the attack D.the attack was

22.Try ________ she might, Sue couldn't get the door open.(2011·全国Ⅰ)

A.if B.when C.sine D.as

23.Only after his death _______ considered correct.

A.his theory was B.was his theory C.did his theory D.had his theory 24.Only when you become a parent, ___________understand your mother.

A.you will B.will you C.you can D.are you 25.—How can I live my dreams in a short time?

—Be practical. Between you and your dreams ________ a lot of hard work.

A.stand B.stands

C.is standing D.are standing

