



AR43-5-C四柱举升机安装、操作和使用说明书出厂编号:______________出厂日期:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 路特利举升机(海门)有限公司 电话:(0513) 81261262 82100577地址:江苏省海门经济开发区服务热线:800-828-3302秀山东路1388号 传真:0513- 82109502AR43-5SMS-3 网址:Rev.A 2013.11.20特别说明☐装运过程中造成设备的损坏,须由购买者向承运单位索赔。













H 系列
~ 58.12
4H2 110 ~ 116.24
4H3 170 ~ 174.35
4H4 260 ~ 261.53

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无记号 空气 STM 行程监视窗
4 Precision Pump Products Guide
Air drive
B 系列 RV 型〈气动〉
●主要用途 用于碱性电池的凝胶状电解质的吐出 用于各种粘接剂、润滑脂及机油等润滑剂的吐出 用于番茄酱、奶酪、奶油、巧克力等食品材料的吐出 润肤膏及乳液等化妆品的定量吐出 安装在食品及化妆品机械上
MODEL (型号)
1BR 2 S 3S 3M 4M 5M 7M
4HR, 5HR Series 马达驱动
P9, 17 P13, 21
3 Precision Pump Products Guide
B 系列


3M ~ 0.23
4M ~ 0.40
5M ~ 0.63
7M ~ 1.23
10M ~ 2.51
PET 瓶的充填及封盖装置



A R F(A S F)型罗茨鼓风机A R F-V(A S F-V)型干式罗茨真空泵A R F-W(A S F-W)型湿式罗茨真空泵使用说明书长沙鼓风机厂有限责任公司欢迎您使用“长风”产品我们强烈建议您遵循下述说明:·您开箱验机时,请依据订货合同和装箱清单逐一清点并核实铭牌上的品名、性能参数等是否有误,检查可能因运输原因导致的缺损·在您调试风机前,请详细阅读使用说明书,您将在安装、运行、维护保养、维修违背此项要求时,人身或设备有可能遭受严重伤害或损坏。




·鼓风机安装时,其四周应有不窄于1.5-2 m的安全通道, 以便进行维护、保养和日常检修; 机组的混凝土基础应符合设备安装及机器基础有关资料的规定。








格940 - 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 示图. 22 SN..ER..U3,内置式轴承,2个轴密封
圈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 示图. 23 SN..ER..U2,内置式轴承,轴封填料 . . . . . . . 37 示图. 24 SN..ER..U4,内置式轴承,3个轴密封
650.0002 ZHS – 550 411
1 本说明书
本说明书 • 是泵的一部分 • 适用于所有提及的产品系列 • 描述在所有工作阶段安全正确的使用方法
置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 示图. 31 SN..ER..LB QW,外置式轴承,可添加润
滑油,冷却/加热轴密封圈,冷却(轴密封 圈) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 示图. 32 SN..ER..KA2,外置式轴承,不可添加润滑 油,轴封填料,推力轴承 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 示图. 33 SN..AR..D,外置式轴承,带压力端面密封, 无轴距,D14BS 适用于冷冻机油 . . . . . . . . . . 40 示图. 34 U8.23, SN..AR..U..BS,介质润滑的四点接触 球轴承,带压力端面密封,有轴距 . . . . . . . . . . 40 示图. 35 SN..ER..带有蒸汽加热盘/电热芯 . . . . . . . . . . 41

ARO 6661AX-X-C 1英寸隔膜泵 说明书

ARO 6661AX-X-C 1英寸隔膜泵 说明书

操作手册6661AX-X-C内容:操作、安装和维护保养发布日期: 9-11-89修订: 11-15-10(修订版本:V)1英寸隔膜泵1:1比例(非金属)在安装、操作或维修该设备之前,请仔细阅读本手册。



637118-C 用于空气段修理(参看第6页)。


隔膜泵数据型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看“型号说明表”中“-XXX”泵的类型 . . . . . . . . . . . . 非金属气动双隔膜泵 材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参看型号说明表重量 . . 6661A3-,1AF-,1AJ-,1AL- . . . 20.25 lbs(9.19 kgs) 6661AP-,1AR-,1AS-,1AT- . . 20.25 lbs(9.19 kgs) 6661A4-,1AG-,1AK-,1AN- . . 28.5 lbs(12.93 kgs) 6661B3-,1BF-,1BJ-,1BL- . . . . 28.8 lbs(13.06 kgs) 6661BP-,1BR-,1BS-,1BT- . . . 28.8 lbs(13.06 kgs) 6661B4-,1BG-,1BK-,1BN- . . . 37 lbs(16.78 kgs)最大进气压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 p.s.i.(8.3巴)最大进料压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 p.s.i.(0.69巴)最大出料压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 p.s.i.(8.3巴)最大流速(灌注进口). . . . . . . . . . 47g.p.m.(177.9 l.p.m)排量/循环 @ 100 p.s.i.g. . . . . . . . . . 0.17加仑(0.64升)最大粒径(半固体) . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8”直径(3.2 mm) 最大温度极限(隔膜/球/密封材料)乙丙橡胶/三元乙丙橡胶. . . . - 60° 至 280° F (-51° 至 138° C)热塑性聚酯弹性体® . . . . . . . - 20° 至 150° F (-29° 至 66° C)氯丁(二烯)橡胶 . . . . . . . . . . 0° 至 200° F (-18° 至 93° C)腈 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° 至 180° F (-12° 至 82° C)聚丙烯 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35° 至 175° F (2° 至 79° C)聚氨基甲酸乙酯 . . . . . . . . . 10° 至 150° F (-12° 至 66° C)聚偏氟乙稀(Kynar ®) . . . . . . . 10° 至 200° F (-12° 至 93° C)三道橡胶® . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° 至 225° F (-40° 至 107° C)聚四氟乙烯 . . . . . . . . . . . . 40° 至 225° F (4° 至 107° C)氟橡胶® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° 至 350° F (-40° 至 177° C)尺寸数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 参阅第8页噪声级 @ 70 p.s.i - 60 c.p.m ① . . . . . 64.5db(A)②① 用所安装的93110消声器测试。

APV R”系列旋转泵商品说明说明书

APV R”系列旋转泵商品说明说明书

APV R” Series Rotary Pumps Reliable Performance”APV R” Series Rotary Pumps are known all over the world for their rugged, long lasting design and efficient performance. Backed by a worldwide sales, engineering and service organization, R” Series Rotary Pumps are designed and built in a modern manufacturing facility using the latest programmable automated machine tools. Each component must meet rigid quality control standards. APV offers an exceptional range of capacities, rotor types, mounting configurations and options. The exclusive resilient rotors form a continuous flexible seal between suction and discharge. Product flow is positive, continuous, nonagitating and completely controlled at all times.Sanitary, Positive Displacement Rotary PumpsAPV Rotary Pumps Feature:H igh quality stainless steel, sanitary construction • Mounting flexibility to meet the most demanding • installationE asy disassembly and cleanup •M inimum maintenance and down time •I nterchangeable components •””Body and Mounting ConfigurationsSide Inlet/Outlet is the basicstandard design for all size APVRotary Pumps used for pumpinglight to medium viscosity products.Round connections are available inall popular fitting types. Four tappedmounting holes are provided inbottom of gear case.Top Feed is designed for use withround bottom outlet tanks or hoppers.Includes removable pedestal support.Available in all size Rotary Pumps andall popular connection types.Top Feed-Rectangular Inlet is a similarconfiguration to the top feed design but with alarge rectangular inlet replacing the standardround connection. The larger inletaccommodates heavy viscousproducts, or products with largeparticulates or chunks. Used withhoppers or holding tanks fittedwith a mating companion flangeoutlet. Includes removable pedestalsupport. Available in pump sizes 2RI through 700 RI.Side Feed-Rectangular Inlet isdesigned to adapt to discharge ofauger feed hopper, grinders, blenders,or special hopper. Available in pumpsizes 4 RI through 700 RI.Front CoversStandard flat cover for applications upto 100 psig (6.8 bar) discharge pressure.Optional Front Cover and BodyDesign with O-ring Gasket provides areusable front cover gasket alternative tothe standard single use, flat gasket.Heavy Duty cover contains outboardbearing support to accommodateextended pump shafts for applicationswith discharge pressure higher than 100psig (6.8 bar).Vented cover is available in manualor pneumatic control. Limits maximumdischarge pressure at a predeterminedsetting. Not available on size 0 or heavyduty pumps.Degassing/Deaerating coverincorporates relief grooves and manifoldto relieve trapped gas/air in viscousproducts. Available with or without frontoutlet feature on both standard or heavyduty pumps. Not available on sizes 0, 1,or 2.Front Outlet cover replaces bottomoutlet normally provided on RI pumps.Allows pump to be used under lowheight hopper and reduces dischargepiping components.Options AvailableRotor Exchange Program:APV offers a generous exchange program for all APVstyle stainless steel hub rotors, regardless of originalmanufacturer! In the exchange program, new rubberis molded around a used hub, offering users of APVR-Series pumps a fast, reliable, cost-effective method ofreplacing stainless steel hub rotors. By reusing otherwisediscarded materials, users also help the environment.Exchange Program Benefits Include:Genuine replacement rotors protect your pump•warrantyFast turnaround direct from stock inventory•Savings up to 30% on each reusable rotor•Savings of 10% on a new rotor if the returned rotor is•unusable100% factory inspection of all returned rotors•Y our local contact:APV, An SPX Brand Phone: (888) 278-4321Email:******************For more information about our worldwide locations, approvals, certifications, and local representatives, please visit .SPX Corporation reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing.Issued: 08/2008 7003-01-08-2008-US Copyright © 2008 SPX CorporationPrecision molded and machined rotors have been the heartof the APV R” Series Rotary Pump for more than 50 years.They are performance proven and are available in a variety of designs to meet specific application requirements. All APV rotors meet all FDA requirements.ConfigurationsStandard 5-Lobe with recessed faces is provided on all pump sizes No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 700. These exclusive APV formulated resilient covered rotors are recommended for most applications. Normal size up to 135°F (57°C), undersize up to 250°F (121°C).Flush Face is the same specification as standard 5-lobe except the faces are smooth (flush), not recessed. Available for pump sizes No. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 700. Usedwith abrasive or clinging products that mightclog recessed face. Also used in degassing/deaerating pumps with front outlet covers.Normal size up to 135°F (57°C), undersizeup to 250°F (121°C).Single Lobe with recessed faces are available for pump sizes No. 6 and 700, same displacement as 5-lobe. Used with delicate or fragile products and large particulates or chunks. Normal size up to 135°F (57°C), undersize up to 250°F (121°C).Recommended operating limitations; 200 rpm maximum, 100 psig (6.8 bar maximum).MaterialsMetal non-galling and precision machined with 5-lobe profile. Available for pump sizes No. 3, 4, 6 and 700. Includes rotor face wear rings. Used with abrasive products containing hard particulates such as bone chips, seeds, etc. For up to 220°F (104°C).Solid Epoxy is available for pump sizes No. 3, 4, 6 and 700. Recessed faces. 5-lobe design. Used with certain acids, alkalis or other corrosive products. Best suited for viscous liquids. For up to 220°F (104°C). Recommended operating limitation: 100 psig (6.8 bar) maximum.Celcon qualities offer excellent abrasion resistance, toughness and a very low coefficient of friction against metals. They are available for pump sizes No. 1, 2 and 3 in flush face configuration. Normal size rotors are supplied up to 135°F (57°C) service and 0510 undersized for high temperature (up to 180°F/82°C) applications. Available with stainless steel hub.Seal-Shape Pressure-Vacuum is the standard seal shape provided with Rotary Pumps. Seals effectively against pressure and vacuum.Seal-MaterialsAPV offers four different seal options for the R” Seriespump. All seals have color coded dots for easy recognition: Red (Nitrile)• (2) Orange (EPDM)• Blue (Viton) • Green (Neoprene)•Rotor Options””。




根据使用条件,泵的过流部件材料分为三类,详见下表:The series centrifugal oil pump of type AY may be used in petroleum reinling, chemical industry,chemicalindustry, and transport petroleum that not contain solid grain and other mediums like liquefied petroleum gas and so on. According to using condition,thematerial of flowing parts are divided into 3 konds,please see the folowing table for derrails:材料类别grade of materials ⅠⅡⅢ使用温度Applied temperature -20℃~+150℃-20℃~+150℃-20℃~+150℃零件名称Parts泵体泵盖pump casing/cover HT250 ZG230-450 ZGICr13Ni 叶轮ioeller HT250 ZG230-450 ZGICr13Ni轴shaft 45 35CrMo 3Cr13 泵体密封环casing seel ring HT250 HT250 3Cr13叶轮密封环impeller seel ring QT50-5 QT250 3r13填料轴套packing shaft sleeve HT250 45 3Cr13机械密封轴套mechanical seel sheft sleeve 25 25 3Cr13或1Cr13 除以上三类材质外,用户还可选用其他材料也可按GB3215-82炼厂化工及石油化工流程用离心泵,通过技术条件,选择泵的个部件材料或其他特殊材料,但需与我厂洽商。



pulse-free, the pump provides smooth and gentle operation,making it an excellent choice for handling sensitive products.Two-in-one operation provides easy handling of process media of varying viscosities as well as CIP fluids. This simplifies piping and pump control, cutting costs and minimizing contamination risks.Superior suction performance with excellent lift capability and low NPSHr provides installation flexibility and increases product recovery.The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is available in twelve models based on four frame sizes. Each frame size is available with three different screw profiles for varying pressure, flow and solids-handling capabilities.Benefits•Greater process flexibility.•Ease of service, increased process uptime.•Robust reliable design, reducing cost of ownership andincreasing process uptime.•Improved product quality.•Exceptional hygiene and cleanability.Standard designAll media contacting steel components, like pump casing, front cover and feed screws are in W. 1.4404 (AISI 316L). Furthermore, the pump casing is diffusion hardened. A stainless steel gearbox, end cover and foot ensure increased life and assist in washdown.The gearbox is designed with the timing gears located between the bearing sets, rather than external to them. This allows the bearing location to be optimized in order to provide maximum support to the shaft assembly, thereby providing a robust rigid design. The internal gearcase design optimizes oil circulation to both sets of bearings and the timing gears with an oil sump design. This improves the lubrication effect on both bearings and timing gears, minimizing the energy produced due to friction and thereby reducing heat generation within the pump gearbox.The front-loading, self-setting cartridge design makes it easy to replace the shaft seal while the pump is in place. Single, single flush and double mechanical cartridge seals are available. All options are fully front-loading and interchangeable.The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump can be supplied either as a bare shaft pump or mounted on a base plate complete with coupling, guard, shroud and a direct coupled motor or a gear motor for easy, plug-and-play installation.Working principleThe Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is a positive displacement pump. As the pump rotates, the intermeshing of the two contra-rotating screws, along with the pump casing, form volumetric chambers. These chambers fill with the pumped fluid and move the fluid axially from the suction side of the pump to the higher pressure discharge side.TECHNICAL DATAScrews, front cover, seal housing:W. 1.4404 (316L)Inside surface finish:Mech Ra ≤ 0.8Gear box:Stainless steel Base plate:Stainless steel Coupling guard:Stainless steel Product wetted elastomers:EPDM Other elastomers:FPMShaft seal:Single flush Rotary seal face:Silicon Carbide Stationary seal face:Silicon CarbideMax. flush pressure, single flush:0.5 bar Max. flush pressure, double mechanical:16 bar (max. 6 bar over product pressure)Water consumption, single flush and double mechanical:0.5 l/min.Flush connections, OS12-36:G 1/4" or NPT 1/4"Flush connections, OS42-46:G 1/2" or NPT 1/2"Max. discharge pressure:16 barMax. CIP/SIP temperature:150ºCOperating dataOS1410.4122800330011OS1616.082800330017OS2218.2162500330012OS2424.3122500330016OS2636.582500330024OS3234.8162200300016OS3446.6122200300021OS3669.982200300032OS4266.8161800280021OS4489.5121800280029OS46134.381800280043Dimension (mm)PUMP SHOWN WITH TRI-CLAMP, SUCTION AND DISCHARGE CONNECTIONSØA170180718509040640510110125101451551359188,528OS14401½OS16502OS22401½222,522092054,511240650512,5117,516512,51902001751121633OS24502OS26652½OS32652½280260113062132408625151452001523024021013262,543OS34OS36803OS428033603501545871807014790201802502029032028017,534658OS44OS4610041Dimension 'V'is with flush plugs installed - NPT adaptors will increase this dimension by ~10mmOS145027877.2576.7576.8OS1665 2.58683.1583.183.15OS225029089.388.7588.8OS2465 2.59895.1595.1095.15OS26803105.5101.45101.45101.5OS32803111.5107.45107.45107.5OS34OS361004121119.8119.7119.8OS421004148.5147.3147.2147.3OS44OS461506173.5-171.93-Options •Single mechanical shaft seal.•Double mechanical shaft seal.•Silicon Carbide/Carbon seal faces•Product wetted elastomers in FPM or FFPM.•Diffusion hardened screws.•Heating jacket.•Rectangular inlet.•Hydrostatic testing with certificate.•Reversed flow.•Bottom inlet or outlet.•Stainless steel shroud covering coupling and motor.•Baseplate fitted with adjustable stainless steel ball feet.•ATEX approval.Pump sizingIn order to correctly size a twin screw pump some essential information is required. Provision of this information listed below enables our Technical Support personnel to obtain the optimum pump selection. Specific CIP data are important as well. Product/Fluid Data:•Fluid to be pumped.•Viscosity.•Pumping temperature, minimum, normal and maximum.•Cleaning in Place temperature(s), minimum, normal and maximum.Performance Data:•Flow rate, minimum, normal and maximum.•Discharge head/pressure (closest to pump outlet).•Suction condition.Note!For further details, see also 100000817.This product has EHEDG certificate.This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.200006106-1-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate AB How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。



目录第一章英可尔热泵简介 (2)第二章设备安装 (2)第三章风管系统和送风机……………………………………………………………………………2-4第四章地下液体循环管道……………………………………………………………………………4-7 第一节闭环系统第二节开环系统1) 开环系统防冻保护开关2) 水盘管的维护a. 冷冻清洗b. 氯清洗c. 酸浆清洗第五章冷凝水排水管…………………………………………………………………………………7-8第六章设备选型………………………………………………………………………………………8-9 第一节地下环路的配置和设计水温第二节建筑物的热量损失和热量采集第七章电源 (9)第八章24伏特控制线路……………………………………………………………………………9-11 第一节变压器第二节温控器第三节控制器1) 送风机工作2) 启动地下环路泵3) 压缩机的工作4) 控制四通阀5) 关闭压缩机6) 压缩机防止频繁启动7) 系统诊断8) 过流检测第九章系统机组的启动……………………………………………………………………………11-12 第十章维护保养…………………………………………………………………………….………12-13 第一节过滤器第二节关闭指示灯第三节季节使用前的检查第十一章温控器的操作 (13)第十二章设备操作故障查找指南………………………………………………………………...14-15第十三章机组关闭状态故障查找指南……………………………………………………………15-16 第十四章设备电路图和参考数据………………………………………………………………...16-18第十五章减温器(选配)………………………………………………………………………….…19-201第一章英可尔(ECONAR)热泵简介英可尔(ECONAR)能源系统公司位于美国明尼苏达州,专业生产地源热泵已逾十五年之久。




cierre con reborde de larga duración.DATOS TÉCNICOSPiezas de acero bañadas por producto:W.1.4404(316L).Otras piezas de acero:...........Acero inoxidable.Cierres bañados por producto:.....EPDMOtras juntas tóricas:............EPDM Acabado:...................Chorro estándar Conexiones para cierre axial con enjuague:tubo6mm/Rp de1/8".MotorMotor de pie acoplado de conformidad con la normativa métricaestándar IEC,2polos=3000/3600r.p.m.a50/60Hz.IP55(con orificio de drenaje con tapón de laberinto),aislamiento de clase F. Tipos de motores:Presión de entrada0-10bar:..............Motor estándar con cojinete de bola fijo enel lado transmisor.Presión de entrada10-16bar..............Motor estándar con cojinete de bola decontacto angular fijo en el lado transmisor. Tamaños de motores50Hz:.............................1,5-30,0kW 60Hz:.............................1,75-35,0kW DATOS DE FUNCIONAMIENTOPresiónPresión de entrada máx.:.........1600kPa(16bar).Presión del agua:..............Por lo general atmosférica. (máx.1bar).TemperaturaEscala de temperatura:..........De-10°C a+140°C(EPDM). Consumo de aguaConsumo de agua:0,25-0,5l/min.(Cierre con enjuague)RuidoNivel de ruido(a1m):...........60-80dB(A).Nivel de ruido(a3pies):..........60-80dB(A).Dimensiones (mm)Medidas específicas de la bomba Modelo de bomba LKHI-10LKHI-15LKHI-20LKHI-25LKHI-35LKHI-40LKHI-45LKHI-50LKHI-60A 142166180193193212212205261B 876688106119126126118102C 234327322328283562D 247247253303303329329329329E5187636954646477106Medidas específicas del motor Motor IEC IEC90IEC100IEC112IEC132IEC160IEC180IEC200Motor (kW) 1.5/2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5/7.511/15/18.52230F (máx.)*262282285304332352372G 157185198196262286399H 288325359383485533670I434516497597791842980*Se puede reducir el tamaño F en un mínimo de 59mm para todos los modelos de bomba.En el caso de modelos más pequeños,se puede reducir el tamaño F aún más.Descripción general del motor Modelo de bombaLKHI-10LKHI-15LKHI-20LKHI-25LKHI-35LKHI-40LKHI-45LKHI-50LKHI-60Rango de motor (IEC)IEC90-IEC112IEC100-IEC132IEC90-IEC132IEC132-IEC160IEC112-IEC160IEC132-IEC180IEC112-IEC160IEC132-IEC180IEC132-IEC200Los datos de las medidas se basan en motores ABB de dos polos.Conexiones LKHI-10LKHI-15LKHI-25LKHI-40LKHI-60LKHI-20LKHI-45Modelo de bombaLKHI-35LKHI-50ISO 2037Abrazadera M12121212121M22121211221Unión ISO(IDF)M12121212121M22121212121Unión DIN/ISO M12530303030M22230252730Unión SMS M12435242435M22024242435Unión (BS)RJT M12732272732M22727272232Unión DS M12424242424M22024242124J1*63.5/2.5"101.6/4"76.1/3"76.1/3"101.6/4"J2*51/2"76.1/3"63.5/2.5"63.5/2.5"101.6/4"*Existen otras medidas disponibles bajo demanda.ESE00268/9OpcionesPedidosA.Impulsor con diámetro reducido.B.Tornillo de impulsor.C.Motor para otro voltaje o frecuencia.D.1500r.p.m.motor.E.Motor con maquinaria de mayor seguridad/a prueba de llamas.F.Cierre axial con enjuague.G.Cierres en nitrilo (NBR)o caucho fluorado (FPM).H.Aspereza de superficie,piezas bañadas por producto:R a ≤0.8µm.I.Caras de los cierres en SIC/SIC (carburo de silicio).Le rogamos indique los datos siguientes cuando realice su pedido:-Tamaño de la bomba.-Presión.-Conexiones-Diámetro del impulsor.-Tamaño del motor.-Cierre axial sencillo o con enjuague.-Extras opcionales.Nota:-Las curvas de LKHI son las mismas que en LKH.-Para obtener más detalles,consulte también el manual de instrucciones ESE00700.ESE00268ES1512La información incluida en el presente documento es correcta en el momentode su publicación,no obstante puede estar sujeta a modificaciones sinprevio aviso.ALFA LAVAL es una marca registrada de Alfa Laval CorporateAB(Suecia).©Alfa LavalCómo ponerse en contacto con Alfa Laval Cómo ponerse en contacto con Alfa Laval nosotros en cada país,se actualiza constan-temente en nuestra página web.Visite para acceder a esta. información.。



目录一.AR60系列车辆集中润滑系统结构组成二.技术参数三.各部分工作原理及安装尺寸四.安装设计及安装注意事项五.系统调试.六.油箱注油七.系统维护八.故障判定及排除九.常用维修附件. Ar60系列车辆集中润滑系统结构组成AR60系列包括AR60(标准型)、AR60H(高泵送型)和AR60D(电动型)。






三.各部分工作原理及安装尺寸1.供脂泵站 一般固定在车身侧面的工艺门内。

(翻译图片中的文字)AR60H车辆集中润滑系统工作电压:D C 12V 功 率:20W 油箱容积:2.8L 工作压力:3.8M P a 工作介质:N L G I -0#,00#,000#郑州奥特车辆科技有限公司结构组成:AR60系列车辆集中润滑系统的供脂泵站系由12/24V 直流电机、齿轮泵、溢流阀、卸荷阀及透明油箱组成的一个泵源系统。




公司主要经营产品:日本YUKEN油研柱塞泵,油研变量泵,油研叶片泵,油研油泵.日本YUKEN油研变量柱塞泵系列:AR 、A 系列。

AR系列YUKEN变量柱塞泵:AR16、AR22AR22-FR01C-20AR16-FR01B-20AR22-FR01B-20AR16-FR01C-20A系列变量柱塞泵:A10、A16、A22、A37、A40、A45、A56、A70、A80、A90、A125、A145A系列油研变量柱塞泵型号参数详解:A 16-F-R-01-B-S-K-32A----A系列变量柱塞泵16------泵尺寸10,16,22,37,45,56,70,90,100,145F------安装方式L脚座式F法兰式R------顺时针方向转标准01------控制方式B-----压力调节范围 1.2-7MPAS--接品位置:侧面接品,无标记是轴向接口K----平键轴32----设计号12,20,32,60以下为隆兴小编整理日本油研变量柱塞泵A系列部分型号A10-F-R-01-C-K-10A10-F-R-01-B-K-10A10-F-R-01-H-K-10A10-L-R-01-C-K-10A10-L-R-01-B-K-10A10-L-R-01-H-K-10A16-F-R-01-C-K-32A16-F-R-01-B-K-32A16-F-R-01-H-K-32A16-L-R-01-C-K-32A16-L-R-01-B-K-32A16-L-R-01-H-K-32A16-F-R-01-C-S-K-32A16-F-R-01-B-S-K-32A16-F-R-01-H-S-K-32A16-L-R-01-C-S-K-32A16-L-R-01-B-S-K-32A16-L-R-01-H-S-K-32A22-F-R-01-C-K-32A22-F-R-01-B-K-32A22-F-R-01-H-K-32Daikin大金V*A系列变量柱塞泵【产品详情】隆兴液压专业销售日本大金DAIKIN的油泵、柱塞泵、叶片泵液压泵及配件V、VR、VZ、HV。



OPERATOR’S MANUAL PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXXINCLUDING: OPERATION, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCERELEASED: 3-7-13REVISED: 5-13-16(REV: H)1/4" DIAPHRAGM PUMPINGERSOLL RAND COMPANY LTD209 NORTH MAIN STREET – BRYAN, OHIO 43506✆ (800) 495-0276 • FAX (800) 892-6276 © 2016CCN 80448053PUMP DATAModels . . . . . . see Model Description Chart on page 2 for “-XXX” optionsPump Type . . Non-Metallic Air Operated Double Diaphragm Material . . . . . see Model Description ChartWeight . . . . . . Polypropylene . . . . . . . . 2 .86 lbs (1 .30 kgs) PVDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .88 lbs (1 .76 kgs) Acetal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .52 lbs (1 .60 kgs)Maximum Air Inlet Pressure . . . . . . . . 125 psig (8 .6 bar)Minimum Air Inlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . 10 psig (0 .69 bar)Maximum Outlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . . 125 psig (8 .6 bar)Maximum Flow Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .3 gpm (20 lpm)Maximum Material Inlet Pressure . . . . 10 psig (0 .69 bar)Displacement / Cycle @ 125 psig . . . . 0 .019 gal / 0 .072 ltrs Maximum Particle Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/16” dia . (1 .6 mm)Maximum Temperature Limits (diaphragm / ball / seat material)Acetal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 180° F (-12° to 82° C)E .P .R . / EPDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -60° to 280° F (-51° to 138° C)Kynar® PVDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 200° F (-12° to 93° C)Hytrel® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20° to 150° F (-29° to 66° C)Neoprene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0° to 200° F (-18° to 93° C)Nitrile® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10° to 180° F (-12° to 82° C)Polypropylene . . . . . . . . . . . . 35° to 175° F (2° to 79° C)Viton® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° to 350° F (-40° to 177° C)Santoprene® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° to 225° F (-40° to 107° C)PTFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40° to 225° F (4° to 107° C)Dimensional Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see page 10Noise Level @ 70 psig, 60 cpm . . . . . . . . 62 .3 dB(A)①① The pump sound pressure levels published here have been updated to an Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (LA eq ) to meet the intent of ANSI S1 .13-2005, CAGI-PNEUROP S5 .1 .Mounting Adapter Plate Optional Accessory Kit (24123879) available . Please contact your nearest ARO / Ingersoll Rand customer service or distributor for details .Model PD01XModel PE01XFigure 1Page 2 of 12 PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)MODEL DESCRIPTION CHARTModel Code ExplanationExample:PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXXModel SeriesPD01-Standard Pump PE01-Electronic Interface Center Body Material P -Polypropylene E-Groundable Polypropylene ConnectionH-Hybrid 1/4” NPT / BSP Fluid Caps / Manifold Material D-Groundable AcetalE-Groundable Acetal (Multiple port)K-Kynar PVDFL-P-Kynar PVDF (Multiple port)PolypropyleneHardware Material S-Stainless SteelSeat / Spacer MaterialD-AcetalK-Kynar PVDF P-Polypropylene0-Polypropylene (Flex Check Spacer)1-Acetal (Flex Check Spacer)2-PVDF (Flex Check Spacer)Check MaterialA-Santropene C-Hytrel G-NitrileT-PTFE J-Nitrile ( ex check only)K-EPR ( ex check only)N-Neoprene ( ex check only)L-Viton ( ex check only)Diaphragm / O-Ring MaterialA-Santoprene C-Hytrel G-Nitrile T-PTFE RevisionA-RevisionSpecialty Code 1 (Blank if no Speciality Code)B-Solenoid 12VDC, 24VAC and 22VAC D-Solenoid 24VDC, 48VAC and 44VAC A-Solenoid 120VAC,110VAC AND 60VDC C-Solenoid 240VAC, 220VAC AND 120VDC G-Solenoid 12VDC ATEX / IECex H-Solenoid 24VDC ATEX / IECex K-Solenoid 220VAC ATEX / IECex N-Solenoid with no Coil0-Standard Valve Block (No Solenoid)Specialty Code 2 (Blank if no Speciality Code)NOTICE: All possible options are shown in the chart, however, certain combinations may not be recommended. Consult a representative or the factory if you have questions concerning availability.G-End of Stroke ATEX / IECex / NEC / CECF-End of Stroke feedback / cycle sensing ( with M12 Circular Connector)R-End of Stroke NECE-End of Stroke feedback / cycle sensing (with M12 Circular Connector) + Leak Detection T-End of Stroke NEC / Leak Detection NEC 0-No optionSpecial TestingFor Special Testing options, please contact your nearest Ingersoll Rand Customer Service Representative or Distributor.R-Polypropylene (Multiple port) H-End of Stroke + Leak Detection ATEX / IECex / NEC / CEC L-Leak DetectionM-Leak Detection ATEX / IECex / NEC / CEC E-Solenoid 12VDC NEC / CEC F-Solenoid 24VDC NEC / CEC J-Solenoid 120VAC NEC / CECEXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURESTATIC SPARKWARNING EXCESSIVE AIR PRESSURE. Can cause per- sonal injury, pump damage or property damage.y Do not exceed the maximum inlet air pressure as stated on the pump model plate.y Be sure material hoses and other components are able to withstand fluid pressures developed by this pump. Check all hoses for damage or wear. Be certain dispens-ing device is clean and in proper working condition. WARNING STATIC SPARK. Can cause explosion resulting in severe injury or death. Ground pump and pumping system.y PX01X-HDS-XXX are Groundable Acetal pumps: Use the pump ground lug provided. Connect to a 12 ga. (minimum) wire (kit 66885-1 is included) to a good earth ground source.y Sparks can ignite flammable material and vapors.y The pumping system and object being sprayed must be grounded when it is pumping, flushing, recirculating or spraying flammable materials such as paints, solvents, lacquers, etc. or used in a location where surrounding atmosphere is conducive to spontaneous combustion. Ground the dispensing valve or device, containers, hos-es and any object to which material is being pumped. y Secure pump, connections and all contact points to avoid vibration and generation of contact or static spark.y Consult local building codes and electrical codes for specific grounding requirements.y After grounding, periodically verify continuity of electrical path to ground. Test with an ohmmeter from each component (e.g., hoses, pump, clamps, con-tainer, spray gun, etc.) to ground to insure continuity. Ohmmeter should show 0.1 ohms or less.y Submerse the outlet hose end, dispensing valve or device in the material being dispensed if possible. (Avoid free streaming of material being dispensed.) y Use hoses incorporating a static wire.y Use proper ventilation.y Keep inflammables away from heat, open flames and sparks. y Keep containers closed when not in use. WARNING Pump exhaust may contain contaminants. Can cause severe injury. Pipe exhaust away from work area and personnel.y In the event of a diaphragm rupture, material can be forced out of the air exhaust muffler.y Pipe the exhaust to a safe remote location when pumping hazardous or inflammable materials.y Use a grounded 1/4” minimum i.d. hose between the pump and the muffler.WARNING HAZARDOUS PRESSURE. Can result in serious injury or property damage. Do not serviceor clean pump, hoses or dispensing valve while the system is pressurized.y Disconnect air supply line and relieve pressure from the system by opening dispensing valve or device and / or carefully and slowly loosening and removing outlet hose or piping from pump.WARNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Can cause serious injury or property damage. Do not attempt to returna pump to the factory or service center that contains hazardous material. Safe handling practices must comply with local and national laws and safety code requirements.y Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets on all materials from the supplier for proper handling instructions.CAUTIONpump wetted parts and the substance being pumped, flushed or recirculated. Chemical compatibility may change with temperature and concentration of the chemical(s) within the substances being pumped, flushed or circulated. For specific fluid compatibility, consult the chemical manufacturer.CAUTIONon mechanical stress only. Certain chemicals will significantly reduce maximum safe operating temperature. Consult the chemical manufacturer for chemical compatibility and temperature limits. Refer to PUMP DATA on page 1 of this manual.CAUTIONhave been trained for safe working practices, understand it’s limitations, and wear safety goggles / equipment when required.CAUTIONsupport of the piping system. Be certain the system components are properly supported to prevent stress on the pump parts.y Suction and discharge connections should be flexible connections (such as hose), not rigid piped, and should be compatible with the substance being pumped.CAUTIONpump. Do not allow pump to operate when out of material for long periods of time.y Disconnect air line from pump when system sits idle for long periods of time.CAUTION Use only genuine ARO ® replacement parts to assure compatible pressure rating and longest service life. NOTICENOTICE RE-TORQUE ALL FASTENERS BEFORE cause fasteners to loosen. Re-torque all fasteners to insureRupture” pn \ 93122WARNINGCAUTIONOPERATING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONSREAD, UNDERSTAND, AND FOLLOW THIS INFORMATION TO AVOID INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGEPX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en) Page 3 of 12Page 4 of 12 PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)y Kynar® is a registered trademark of the Arkema Inc . y Loctite® and 242 are registered trademarks of the Henkel Loctite Corporation yy ARO® is a registered trademark of Ingersoll-Rand Company y Santoprene® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L .P . yy Lubriplate® is a registered trademark of Lubriplate Division (Fiske Brothers Refining Company) yGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ARO diaphragm pump offers high volume delivery even at low air pressures, easy self priming and the ability to pump various viscosity materials . The pump is designed to corre-spond to the needs of the user by offering a variety of wetted parts configurations to handle almost any application .Air operated double diaphragm pumps utilize a pressure differential in the air chambers to alternately create suction and positive fluid pressure in the fluid chambers . Flat checks insure a positive flow of fluid .Pump cycling will begin as air pressure is applied and it will continue to pump and keep up with the demand . It will build and maintain line pressure and will stop cycling once maxi-mum line pressure is reached (dispensing device closed) and will resume pumping as needed .The Acetal material used in this pump contains stainless steel fibers . It’s conductivity allows it to be connected to a suitable ground . A ground screw is provided for this .AIR AND LUBE REQUIREMENTSWARNING y A filter capable of filtering out particles larger than 50 microns should be used on the air supply . In most ap-plications there is no lubrication required other than the “O” ring lubricant which is applied during assembly or repair . y The pump, when fitted with flex checks, can be rotated 360° to suit the application . It may be mounted upside down or on the wall with no effect on suction lift or op-erating efficiency . The filter and regulator need to be ori-ented in a normal vertical direction to function properly . y If lubricated air is present, make sure that it is compatible with the “O” rings and seals in the air motor section of the pump .INSTALLATIONy Apply PTFE tape or pipe sealant to threads upon assem-bly to prevent leakage .y Secure the diaphragm pump legs to a suitable surface to insure against damage by vibration .y When the diaphragm pump is used in a forced-feed (flooded inlet) situation, it is recommended that a “Check Valve” be installed at the air inlet .OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSy Always flush the pump with a solvent compatible withthe material being pumped if the material being pumped is subject to “setting up” when not in use for a period of time .y Disconnect the air supply from the pump if it is to be in-active for a few hours .y The outlet material volume is governed not only by the air supply, but also by the material supply available at the inlet . The material supply tubing should not be too small or restrictive . Be sure not to use hose which might col-lapse .MAINTENANCEy This product is not intended to be repairable . However, some service items are available .y Provide a clean work surface to protect sensitive internal moving parts from contamination from dirt and foreign matter during service disassembly and reassembly .y Keep good records of service activity and include the pump in preventive maintenance program .y At the end of its service life, please dispose of pump and contents properly .PE01X PUMP OPERATIONy Solenoid control allows the cycle rate of the pump to becontrolled electronically .With Solenoid control, when the solenoid is energized, the pump strokes and dispenses the fluid in one cham-ber . When the solenoid is de-energized, the pump strokes in the opposite direction, dispensing the fluid in the other chamber .By providing continuous ON - OFF signals to the solenoid, the fluid transfer rate may be increased or decreased re-motely .y End of stroke feedback can be used in conjunction with the solenoid valve to cycle the pump based upon com-pletion of each stroke .y The leak detection option incorporates an optical fluid sensor in each air chamber to provide a signal when a diaphragm has failed and fluid is leaking through the pump .PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)Page 5 of 12Note: Item (19) O-ring is not used with Flex Check Options.MATERIAL CODE[B] = Nitrile [Co] = Copper [D] = Acetal[E] = E .P .R . / EPDM [G] = Nitrile[GP] = Groundable Polypropylene [H] = Hytrel[K] = Kynar PVDF [N] = Neoprene [P] = Polypropylene [Sp] = Santoprene [SS] = Stainless Steel [T] = PTFE[U] = Polyurethane [V] = VitonPage 6 of 12 PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)6112219266010164 (P T F E m o d e l s o n l y )26212167772643656415726(f o r e x c h e c k m o d e l s , 4 p l a c e s )42☞ TORQUE REQUIREMENTS ☜NOTE: DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN FASTENERS.① (26) Screws 51-55 in. lbs (5.8 - 6.2 Nm).② (6) Diaphragm Screw / Washer 60-70 in. lbs (6.8 - 7.9 Nm).LUBRICATION / SEALANTS③ Apply Lubriplate FML-2 grease (94276) to all “O” rings, “U” cups and mating parts.④ Apply Loctite® 242® to threads.PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en) Page 7 of 12Page 8 of 12 PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)PD01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX - Air Section1012612917313213510726 137 111 33311167PE01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX - Air Section42111111071374204192610126 12928313513231334144174034164154184134291673173☞ TORQUE REQUIREMENTS ☜NOTE: DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN FASTENERS.① (26) Screws 25-28 in.lbs (2.8 - 3.2 Nm)LUBRICATION / SEALANTS③ Apply Lubriplate FML-2 grease (94276) to all “O” rings, “U” cups and mating parts.④ Apply Loctite® 242® to threads.PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en) Page 9 of 12Solenoid Wiring DiagramEnd of Stroke / Cycle Sensor Pinout, M12 ConnectorEnd of Stroke / Cycle Sensor Pinout Wiring Diagram (No Connector)1 BROWN PNP Output L L -+10 TO +30 VDC 0VDCLoad 200 mA MAX 4 BLACK3 BLUEDiaphragm Failure Detector Wiring DiagramTURCK (PICOFAST) CONNECTOR PSW 3M -2/90143BNPIN 1SCHEMATICSENSOR SCHEMATICBLK PIN 4LOAD 40 mA MAX-+BU PIN 324.0 + 10%VDCPINOUT FUNCTION 1 (BN)+ 24 VDC 3 (BU)0 VDC 4 (BLK)SIGNALPage 10 of 12 PX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en)Pumps that will operate in environments defined as “hazardous locations” must only be installed, connected and set-up by qualified personnel with knowledge and understanding of protection classes, regulations and provisions for apparatus in haz-ardous areas, for the region where the pump will operate, because these regulations and provisions, along with the definition of what constitutes hazardous areas vary by location .Make sure the pump and its accessories comply with the specific requirements of the area it will be installed in . ARO Electronic interface Pumps (PE series) and its components are available with the following certifications:y United Statesy Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D, T4 y Class II, Division 1, Groups E-G, T135°C y Class I, Zone 1, Group IIC, T4 y Zone 20, Group IIIC, T135°C y Canaday Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D, T4 y Class II, Division 1, Groups E-G, T135°C y Class I, Zone 1, Group IIC, T4 y Zone 20, Group IIIC, T135°C y ATEX (Europe)y ATEX Category 2 y Zone 1, Group IIC, T4y Zone 21, Group IIIC, T135°C y IECy IEC Category 2y Zone 1, Group IIC, T4y Zone 21, Group IIIC, T135°CINSTALLATION OF ELECTRONIC INTERFACE COMPONENTS FOR HAZARDOUS DUTYAPPLICATIONSPX01X-XXX-XXX-AXXX (en) Page 11 of 12DIMENSIONAL DATADimensions shown are for reference only, they are displayed in inches and millimeters (mm) .DIMENSIONSA - 7 .2” (182 mm)H- 1 .9” (48 .6 mm)Q - 1/4 - 18 PTF SAE Short Z - 1/4 - 18 PTF SAE ShortB - 3 .9” (100 .0 mm)J - 2 .4” (61 mm)R- 3/4-14 NPTFC - 4 .6” (117 .0 mm)K - 3 .9” (99 mm)S - 1/4 NPTF / BSPT HybridD- 6 .8” (173 .0 mm)L - 2 .1” (53 mm)T - 1/4 NPTF / BSPT HybridE- 0 .3” (8 .8 mm)M - 3 .2” (81 mm)U- 3/4-14 NPTFF- 6 .1 ” (156 mm)N - 7 .2” (184 mm)X - 1/4-18 NPTF / BSPT HybridG- 0 .8” (20 .7 mm)P - 6 .0” (153 mm)Y - 1/4 NPTF / BSPT HybridMultiport Options Discharge Manifold has (2) and Inlet Manifold has (3) .。

AR100-水业物联网专用变频控制器 技术手册说明书

AR100-水业物联网专用变频控制器 技术手册说明书

智能式调试便捷式装配快速联机AR100-水业物联专用变频控制器技术手册同步异步双驱动Synchronous asynchronous dual-drive宽电压110V~660VWide voltagerange110V~660V宽功率500w~500kwWide power range 500w~500kw零水锤控制技术Zero water hammer零疲劳控制技术Zero fatigueZZ无线联机Wireless cascadeoperation4G远程监控4G remote monitorWiFi居家智联WiFi householdonline蓝牙手机智联Bluetooth autoonline内置缺水Built-in no water protector断电记忆Power off memory智能休眠Intelligent sleep16泵联动16pumpscascade operation便携式装机Portable installation智能式试调Simple pressuresetting控制模式CONTROL MODE性能功能PERFORMANCE FEATURES恒压Constant pressure恒流Constant current恒速Constant speed恒温Constant TemperatureW I F I居W I F I A二、扫描产品智联二维码,或点右上角“+”添加设备水厂增压二次增压农业灌溉串联增压中途增压农业提灌预制泵站暖通循环应用场景APPLICATION SCENARIOS安全注意事项安全注意事项安全声明1.在安装、操作、维护产品时,请先阅读并遵守本安全注意事项。

2.为保障人身和设备安全,在安装、操作和维护产品时,请遵循产品上标识及手册中说明 的所有安全注意事项。

3.手册中的“注意”、“警告”和“危险”事项,并不代表所应遵守的所有安全事项,只 作为所有安全注意事项的补充。



10 启动键
11 停止键
12 启动键
13 停止键
14 两泵运行指示灯
15 二主一备指示灯 16 一主二备指示灯 17 2 号泵 18 1 号泵 19 高水位指示灯
按下 按下 按下
功能说明 显示电压测量数值、界面序号 显示水泵 1 的 A 相电流或三相平均电流 显示水泵 2 的 A 相电流或三相平均电流 退出菜单或返回主菜单 查看事件记录或数字量减或移位 查看显示数据或数字量增
47 界面 15 按下“ ” 泵 I 电流 泵 II 本次运行时间(单位:h)
泵 II 电流 泵 II 本次停止时间(单位:h)
50 界面 16 按下“ ” 泵 I 电流 泵 II 总运行时间(单位:h)
电动机功率 (kW)
注:控制器测量允许 8 倍过载,即 100A 规格最大可以测量电流为 800A,电流输入信号为
中水位指示灯 低水位指示灯 自动指示灯 手动指示灯 报警指示灯 脱扣指示灯
ARDP 水泵控制器


AQUA-MATE 全子mersible 电动水抽水泵 型号:72说明书

AQUA-MATE 全子mersible 电动水抽水泵 型号:72说明书

SECTION: 2.20.025FM17221108Supersedes0404ALL MODELS ARECOMPLETELY SUB M ERS I BLE HERMETICALLY SEALEDWatertight - dust tight.COMPARE THESE FEA T URES• 115V single phase/60 Hz, .3 HP , 3.1 Amps, 3400 RPM.• Thermal overload protection.• Non-corrosive engineered plastic motor hous i ng, pump housing and base.• No steel sheet metal parts to rust or corrode.• All stainless steel screws, switch arm, and lower motor housing.• Oil-free.• 2-pole fl oat operated mechanical switch.• Solid buoyant polypropylene fl oat.• Engineered plastic impeller.• UL Listed 9’ cord with 3-prong plug.• Maximum temperature for dewatering. 110°F (43°C).• Passes 3/8” inch spherical solids.• 1½” NPT discharge.• Non-clogging vortex impeller. • On point— 7-3/8” • Off point— 3-5/8”.• Major width - 9-1/16” • Height - 11-13/16”.Manufacturers of . . .Product information presented here re fl ects con d i t ions at time of publication. Consult factory re g ard i ng dis c rep a n c ies or in c on s is t en c ies.MAIL TO: P .O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211-1961(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP • FAX (502) 774-3624visit our web site:AUTOMATICMODELSELECTION GUIDE1. I ntegral fl oat operated mechanical switch, no external control required.2. S ingle piggyback variable level fl oat switch or double pig g y b ack variable level fl oat switch. Refer to FM0477.• V ariable level Float Switches available. • Variable level long cycle systems available.• Alarm systems available.• Duplex systems available.CONSULT FACTORY FOR SPECIAL AP P LI C A T IONSRESERVE POWERED DESIGNFor unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is en g i n eered into the design of every Zoeller pump.All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by a quali-fi ed licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be followed including the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog on PiggybackVariable Level Float Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, FM0486; Me-chanical Al t er n a t or, FM0495; Sump/Sewage Basins, FM0487; and Single Phase Simplex Pump Control/Alarm Systems, FM0732.M E T E R ST O T A L D Y N A M I C H E A D24640301020FLOW PER MINUTELITERSGALLONS 0801051520PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVEF E E TMODEL 72012051A Single Seal Control Selection Model Volts - Ph Mode Amps S im p lex M72 115 1 Auto 3.1 1 N72 115 1 NonAuto 3.1 2 BN72 115 1 Auto 3.1 **Single piggyback switch included.SK1924OPTIONAL PUMP STAND P/N 10-2213• Reduces potential clogging by debris.• Replaces rocks or bricks under the pump.• Made of durable, noncorrosive ABS.• Raises pump 2" off bottom of basin.• Provides the ability to raise intake by adding sections of 1½" or 2" PVC piping.• Attaches securely to pump.• Accommodates sump, dewatering and ef fl uent applications.NOTE: Make sure fl oat is free from obstruction."Easy assembly"(pump & discharge pipenot included.)。



只可使用原装附件和原装零部件。 格兰富对于因使用 其它部件造成的任何结果不承担任何责任。
1.4 计量泵发生故障时系统的安全
计量泵的设计采用最新技术并经过精心的制造和测试。 如果是计量泵以外的故障,必须确保整个系统的安全。 为此,采用相关的监控及控制功能。
确保泵释放的化学品或管道破损不会对系统 部件和建筑物造成危害。 建议安装泄漏监控装置和集液盘。
1 x 100-240 V 2.4 1.0 240
3.3 输入/输出数据
该泵提供了各种输入和输出选项,取决于控制变量。 信号输入 (+) 液位传感器输入电压 [VDC] 脉冲输入电压 [VDC] 最小脉冲重复周期 [ms] 0/4-20 mA模拟输入时的阻抗 [Ω] 模拟输入需要从机架分离出的信号。 最小机架电阻 50 kΩ 脉冲信号电路中的最大环路电阻 [Ω] 液位信号电路中的最大环路电阻 [Ω] 信号输出 (+) 报警继电器输出的最大负载,电阻负载 [A]。 最大电压,报警继电器输出[V] 2 42 5 5 3.3 250 250 250
为避免隔膜破损造成任何危险,请注意以下事项: • 定期维护。 见章节 8.1 定期维护。 • 排水口堵塞或脏污时不得操作水泵。 – 如果排水口堵塞或脏污,继续按照章节 8.3.2 拆 下隔膜和阀门 所述进行操作。 • 不得将软管连接到排水口。 如果将软管连接到排水 口,则不可能识别泄露的计量液体。 • 采取合适的预防措施,避免因计量液体泄漏造成健 康危害和财产损害。 • 泵头螺丝损坏或松动时不得操作泵。
警告 不执行这些安全须知可能会引起人身伤害。
5. 功能 5.1 控制面板 5.2 泵的启动/停止次数 5.3 泵抽吸/排气 5.4 电平调节 5.5 隔膜泄漏传感器 5.6 报警输出和指示灯 5.7 现场总线通信 5.8 菜单 5.9 运行模式 5.10 手动 5.11 脉冲 5.12 模拟 5.13 定时器 5.14 批量 5.15 防气蚀 5.16 计量能力限制 5.17 计数器 5.18 复位 5.19 返回 5.20 语言 5.21 输入设置 5.22 空桶(报警) 5.23 测量单位 5.24 计量监测 5.25 控制面板锁 2
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