



1. 乙方应按照甲方的安排和要求,为甲方提供法律咨询和服务,包括但不限于法律文件的起草、审查、翻译等工作。

2. 乙方应按时完成工作任务,并保证工作质量和效果符合甲方



1. 甲方应按照双方约定,及时支付乙方工作报酬。

2. 甲方应负责为乙方办理工作签证及相关手续,提供合理的食

3. 乙方享有法律规定的休假和福利待遇。



1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

2. 本合同的解释、效力、履行及争议解决均适用【国家法律】。







二、双方权利和义务1. 甲方的权利和义务:(1)甲方应如实向乙方陈述与代理事项相关的事实情况,提供必要的证据材料。





2. 乙方的权利和义务:(1)乙方应当依法履行职责,保护甲方合法权益。





三、律师费用及支付方式1. 律师费用:双方约定,甲方应支付乙方律师费用______元(大写:___________圆整)。


2. 支付方式:双方可选择一次性支付或分期支付。






外国律师聘用合同范本英文Foreign Lawyer Employment Contract TemplateThis Employment Contract ("Contract") is entered into on [Date], between [Employer Name], a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Employer"), and [Employee Name], a licensed attorney in [Country], with a principal place of business at [Address] ("Employee").1. Position and Dutiesa. Employee shall be employed as a Foreign Lawyer and shall perform legal services for Employer in accordance with the laws and regulations of [Country].b. Employee shall provide legal advice, draft legal documents, represent Employer in legal proceedings, and perform other legal duties as assigned Employer.2. Term of Employmenta. The term of employment shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until terminated either party in accordance with the terms of this Contract.b. Employee's employment may be terminated Employer for cause, including but not limited to, breach of Contract, misconduct, or inpetence.3. Compensationa. Employee shall be pd a monthly salary of [Amount] for the services rendered under this Contract.b. Employee shall be end to reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of duties under this Contract.4. Benefitsa. Employee shall be end to [List of Benefits, e.g. health insurance, vacation days, etc.] in accordance with Employer's policies and applicable laws.b. Employee shall be eligible to participate in any retirement, pension, or other benefit plans offered Employer.5. Confidentialitya. Employee shall mntn the confidentiality of all information, data, and documents relating to Employer's business, clients, and operations.b. Employee shall not disclose any confidential information to any third party without the prior written consent of Employer.6. NonCompetea. During the term of employment and for a period of [Number] years following the termination of employment, Employee shall not engage in any business or activity that petes with Employer's business.b. Employee shall not solicit or attempt to solicit any clients, customers, or employees of Employer for a period of [Number] years following the termination of employment.7. Terminationa. Either party may terminate this Contract with [Number] days' written notice to the other party.b. Upon termination, Employee shall return all property, documents, and materials belonging to Employer.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].9. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer Name]By: ____________________________Name: [Authorized Signatory]Title: [Title][Employee Name]By: ____________________________ Name: [Employee Name]。




该费用将分期支付如下:The initial retainer fee of [amount] shall be paid upon the n of this agreement.首次保证金[金额]应在签署本协议时支付。


and shall be billed to Party A on a monthly basis.额外费用将根据发生的情况每月支付,并将每月开具给甲方。

Party B shall not XXX Party A.乙方不得在未经甲方事先书面同意的情况下产生任何额外费用。

This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs。



successors and assigns.本协议对双方及其各自的继承人、执行人、管理人、继任者和受让人具有约束力和利益。



and agreements een them.本协议包含双方之间的全部理解,取代了他们之间的所有先前谈判、理解和协议。

This agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing XXX.本协议除非经双方签署的书面文件修改,否则不得修改或更改。

In the event of any XXX agreement。

XXX with the rules of the American n n.如果因本协议而产生任何争议,双方同意按照XXX的规定将争议提交到具有约束力的仲裁中。

XXX that the client (Party A) shall pay the attorney (Party B) a total fee of X yuan for the legal services provided。



聘请合同(中英版)2024年版5篇篇1聘请合同Contract of Employment甲方(雇主):________________(雇主全称)Party A (Employer): ________________ (Full Name of the Employer)乙方(雇员):________________(雇员姓名)Party B (Employee): ________________ (Name of the Employee)鉴于甲方需要雇佣乙方从事特定的工作,双方经过友好协商,达成以下合同条款,以明确双方的权利和义务。


This Contract is made by and between Party A and Party B. Whereby Party A intends to employ Party B for certain work, both parties, through friendly consultation, agree to the following terms and conditions to define their rights andobligations. This Contract shall come into force on ________ and expire on ________ .一、工作内容与职责(Responsibilities)甲方聘请乙方从事____________岗位的工作,具体职责包括但不限于____________。


Party A employs Party B to work at the position of____________ with specific responsibilities including but not limited to _____________. Party B shall strictly observe the rules and regulations of Party A, obey its management, and complete the assigned tasks.二、工作时间与地点(Working Hours and Place)乙方的工作时间为每周____天,每天工作____小时。



In consideration of the legal services to be rendered by (hereinafter referred to as “Law Firm”) for any claim that (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) may have against the parties for default payment of a debt owed, the Client does employ said Law Firm to commence and prosecute such claim.考虑到律师事务所(下文称为“律师事务所”)愿为公司(下文称为“委托人”)提供诉讼法律服务以解决相关债务纠纷,委托人特此聘用该律师事务全权处理有关法律事务。

Client agrees to pay, and hereby assigns to Law Firm, a lien of 33% of all amounts recovered on behalf of Client by settlement before the filing of a lawsuit or other legal proceedings; 33% of all amounts recovered after the filing of a lawsuit or other legal proceedings but prior to trial; and 33% of all amounts recovered or awarded upon trial.不管在提起诉讼之前双方达成庭外和解,还是诉讼提起之后但在审判前双方达成和解,仰或是通过庭审判决得到赔偿,委托人同意向律师事务所支付获偿额的33%作为律师费。

All necessary costs and expenses in the prosecution of the case shall be the responsibility of the Client. If Law Firm advances funds on behalf of the Client for any costs or expenses, Client agrees to reimburse Law Firm for such advancements.在案件诉讼过程中的所有必要费用都应由委托人支付。



聘用律师合同中英文版聘用律师合同合同编号:[合同编号]甲方:[甲方名称]法定代表人:[甲方代表人姓名]住所地: [甲方住所地][甲方]电子邮箱:[甲方电子邮箱]乙方:[乙方名称]执业律师:[乙方执业律师姓名]住所地: [乙方住所地][乙方]电子邮箱:[乙方电子邮箱]经过甲乙双方的友好协商,就甲方委托乙方作为其法律事务的律师,并开展相关业务,达成以下合同。


第一章:委托范围1\1 甲方委托乙方为其提供法律咨询服务,包括但不限于以下事项:(1)为甲方提供法律意见和法律解释。






第二章:服务费用2\1 对于乙方提供的服务,甲方将向乙方支付服务费用。





2\2 甲方应按照乙方提供的明细发票进行支付,并在合同签订后的[具体天数]内支付全部费用。

第三章:保密义务3\1 乙方保证对甲方的全部信息及相关事务保密。


3\2 甲方同样应保密乙方的商业秘密或其他机密信息,在未经乙方书面同意的情况下,不得向任何第三方透露乙方的机密信息。

第四章:违约责任4\1 若一方违反本合同的任何约定,使得对方遭受损失的,违约方应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方的损失。

4\2 若一方因不可抗力或其他不可预见的原因无法履行本合同的约定,双方应及时通知对方,并互相协商解决办法。




1. 雇主聘用律师作为其外国法律顾问,提供法律服务和建议。

2. 律师应根据雇主的要求,及时提供法律咨询和意见,并承担

3. 律师有权拒绝任何违反法律道德规范或违反职业操守的要求。

4. 律师应保证提供的法律服务和建议真实、准确、合法。

5. 律师在提供法律服务时应遵循中华人民共和国的法律法规。

1. 雇主将按照双方协商确定的薪酬标准支付律师的报酬。

2. 薪酬支付方式为(支付方式),支付周期为(支付周期)。

1. 律师应对雇主的商业和法律事务保密。

2. 律师不得将雇主的商业和法律事务提供给第三方,除非获得

1. 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。

2. 如发生任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,

1. 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效。

2. 本合同一式两份,雇主和律师各持一份,在合同生效后交付。

签字:_________________ 日期:_________________ (律师)
签字:_________________ 日期:_________________。





合同内容1. 合同目的甲方(雇主)和乙方(律师)在保护甲方合法权益、处理法律事务等方面达成协议,订立本合同。


2. 服务范围乙方应根据甲方的委托,提供相关的法律咨询、代理诉讼、起草法律文件等法律服务。

3. 服务期限本合同的服务期限为自【开始日期】起至【终止日期】止。


4. 服务费用甲方应根据本合同约定支付乙方相应的服务费用。


5. 保密条款双方应对在履行合同过程中了解到的对方商业秘密及相关信息予以保密,未经对方书面许可不得向第三方披露。

6. 违约责任任何一方未能履行本合同项下的义务,应承担违约责任。


7. 争议解决双方在履行合同过程中如发生争议,应协商解决。


8. 合同终止本合同终止的情形包括:服务期限届满,未经双方同意续约;乙方提供的服务不符合甲方的要求,经协商后无法达成一致意见;甲方任意解除合同或乙方严重违反合同约定。

9. 其他约定本合同的任何修改、补充、解释及争议解决,均须以书面形式进行;本合同自双方盖章(或签字)之日起生效;本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

10. 合同生效本合同经甲方和乙方代表签字盖章后生效,并于【开始日期】起实施。

合同签署甲方(雇主):______________ 乙方(律师):______________签字日期:______________ 签字日期:______________。



聘用律师合同中英文版甲方(委托方):_____________________乙方(受托方):_____________________鉴于甲方需要法律服务,乙方为具有相应资质的律师事务所,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就甲方聘用乙方提供法律服务事宜达成如下合同条款:1. 服务内容甲方聘请乙方为其提供以下法律服务:1.1 法律咨询;1.2 法律文书起草;1.3 参与谈判;1.4 代理诉讼或仲裁;1.5 其他甲方要求的法律服务。

2. 服务期限本合同服务期限自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。

3. 服务费用3.1 乙方按照以下标准向甲方收取服务费:3.1.1 法律咨询:按小时计费,每小时____元;3.1.2 法律文书起草:按件计费,每件____元;3.1.3 参与谈判:按次计费,每次____元;3.1.4 代理诉讼或仲裁:按案件计费,每案____元;3.1.5 其他服务:根据实际情况另行协商确定。

3.2 甲方应在每次服务完成后____个工作日内支付相应服务费。

4. 保密义务乙方对甲方提供的任何信息负有保密义务,未经甲方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露。

5. 违约责任5.1 如甲方未按期支付服务费,应向乙方支付逾期付款的违约金,违约金按未付金额的____%计算。

5.2 如乙方未能提供合同约定的服务,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金按已收服务费的____%计算。

6. 合同变更和解除双方经协商一致,可以书面形式变更或解除本合同。

7. 争议解决本合同在履行过程中发生争议,双方应首先通过协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

8. 其他8.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

8.2 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

甲方(盖章):_____________________授权代表签字:_____________________日期:____年____月____日乙方(盖章):_____________________授权代表签字:_____________________日期:____年____月____日Employment Contract for LawyerParty A (Client): _____________________Party B (Law Firm): _____________________In consideration of Party A's need for legal services and Party B's status as a law firm with the appropriate qualifications, both parties, on the basis of equality, voluntariness, and good faith, have reached the following contract terms regarding Party A's employment of Party B to provide legal services:1. Scope of ServicesParty A hereby engages Party B to provide the following legal services:1.1 Legal consultation;1.2 Drafting of legal documents;1.3 Participation in negotiations;1.4 Representation in litigation or arbitration;1.5 Other legal services required by Party A.2. Term of ServiceThe term of service under this contract shall commence on____ and terminate on ____.3. Service Fees3.1 Party B shall charge Party A for services at thefollowing rates:3.1.1 Legal consultation: billed hourly at a rate of ____ per hour;3.1.2 Drafting of legal documents: billed per document at a rate of ____ per document;3.1.3 Participation in negotiations: billed per session at arate of ____ per session;3.1.4 Representation in litigation or arbitration: billed per case at a rate of ____ per case;3.1.5 Other services: to be determined by mutual agreement based on actual circumstances.3.2 Party A shall pay the corresponding service fees within ____ working days after each service is completed.4. ConfidentialityParty B shall maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by Party A and shall not disclose it to any third party without the written consent of Party A.5. Liability for Breach5.1 If Party A fails to pay the service fees on time, itshall pay Party B a late payment penalty calculated at ____% of the unpaid amount.5.2 If Party B fails to provide the services agreed upon in the contract, it shall pay Party A a penalty calculated at____% of the service fees already received.6. Modification and TerminationThe parties may modify or terminate this contract by mutual written agreement.7. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of a dispute arising during the performance of this contract, the parties shall first attempt to resolve it through negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the People's Court at the location of Party A.8. Miscellaneous8.1 This contract is in two copies, one for each party, and both。



聘用律师合同中英文版------------------------------------------------------Peng入律师聘用合同本合同(下称“合同”)由以下双方就聘用律师的事宜进行约定:________甲方(委托人):________名称/个人姓名:________地质:________邮编:________方式:________法定代表人(仅适用于公司):________签署日期:________乙方(律师事务所/律师):________名称:________地质:________邮编:________方式:________执业证号:________法定代表人(仅适用于公司):________签署日期:________第一章委托事项1. 甲方聘用乙方作为其律师处理以下法律事务:________a)b)c)2. 乙方同意接受上述委托,并承诺按照最高专业标准和诚信原则履行其职责。

第二章履行地点1. 乙方将根据需要,在适当的地点和时间履行其职责,包括但不限于在法庭、办公室和其他相关场所。

2. 如需在其他地点履行职责,乙方须提前征得甲方的书面同意。

第三章酬金和支付方式1. 甲方同意支付乙方相应的酬金,作为委托事项的报酬。

具体的酬金数额和支付方式如下:________酬金:________支付方式:________支付日期/周期:________2. 乙方可根据实际工作情况向甲方提交费用明细,并经甲方审核后进行付款。

3. 在以下情况下,甲方须支付额外的费用:________a) 特殊法律程序或诉讼活动所需费用。

b) 在与委托事项相关的案件中,涉及第三方的请求或其他成本。

第四章保密义务1. 乙方同意对在委托事项的处理过程中涉及到的甲方信息和相关文件负有保密义务。

2. 乙方承诺合理采取适当的措施,以保护甲方信息的安全。

第五章终止合同1. 任何一方可在书面通知对方后立即终止本合同。

2. 终止合同后,双方应根据实际执行情况清算费用,并进行相应的结算。

美国聘用律师合同 (中英文)

美国聘用律师合同 (中英文)

美国聘用律师合同(中英文)Retaining Agreement of AttorneyThe State of()(州名)County of()(县名)Know all men by these presents:特此为证:That I,() have employed () as my attorney to present me to prosecute through settlement or judge certain claims I have and hold against () and /or any all other persons,firms and corporations for or arising out of personal injuries to () as well as damages to property caused by or growing out of a certain accident which occurred on or about the () day () of () .我,╳╳╳,特聘请╳╳为我的律师,以代表我提起诉讼并通过调解或审判方式,就我在╳╳年╳月╳日所发生的事故中所遭受的人身伤害及财产损失向╳╳、和/或其他任何和所有个人、商号和公司提出索赔。

I hereby full authorized and empower my said attorney at law and also in my name, place and stead to bring suit on said claims or any of them, if necessary, and to prosecute the same to final judgement and to compromise and settle said claims or any of them with or without suit in any way or manner that he may deem beat or advisable, giving and granting also unto my said attorney full power to substitute one or more attorneys at law in his place or stead as my attorney in or concerning the premises or any part thereof or in the performance of any or all of the professional services hereunder whether in the trial or appellate court, such other attorneys of attorney to be paid by my above named attorney with no additional expense to me by way of attorneys‘ fees other than hereinafter set out.在此,我正式授权我所指定的律师,以我的名义、地位和为维护我的利益,在必要时就上述所有或任何一项权利要求起诉;并委托他以他认为最恰当的方式,通过或不通过诉讼。



聘用律师合同中英文版EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTThis Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between [Employer's Name], located at [Employer's Address], and [Lawyer's Name], located at [Lawyer's Address], effective as of [Effective Date].WHEREAS, the Employer desires to engage the services of the Lawyer, and the Lawyer desires to be engaged by the Employer, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.1. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT1.1 The Lawyer shall be employed by the Employer for a period of [Term of Employment, e.g. one year], commencing on [Start Date] and terminating on [End Date], unless earlier terminated as provided in this Agreement.1.2 The Employer may, at its sole discretion, extend the Term of Employment by providing written notice to the Lawyer at least [Notice Period, e.g. 30 days] prior to the expiration of the initial term.2. POSITION AND DUTIES2.1 The Lawyer shall serve as [Position/Title] and shall perform the duties and functions customary to such position, including but not limited to [Description of Duties].2.2 The Lawyer shall devote their full professional time, attention, and best efforts to the performance of their duties for the Employer. The Lawyershall not engage in any other business, profession, or occupation during the Term of Employment, without the prior written consent of the Employer.3. COMPENSATION3.1 The Employer shall pay the Lawyer a base salary of [Base Salary] per [Salary Period, e.g. month], payable in [Payment Method, e.g. check or direct deposit].3.2 In addition to the base salary, the Lawyer shall be eligible to receive [Additional Compensation, e.g. performance-based bonuses or commissions] as determined by the Employer in its sole discretion.3.3 The Lawyer shall be entitled to participate in any employee benefit plans or programs provided by the Employer to its employees, subject to the terms and conditions of such plans and programs.4. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETITION4.1 The Lawyer shall maintain the confidentiality of all information, trade secrets, and proprietary materials disclosed or entrusted to them by the Employer during the Term of Employment and thereafter.4.2 During the Term of Employment and for a period of [Non-Competition Period, e.g. one year] following the termination of employment, the Lawyer shall not directly or indirectly engage in any business or activity that competes with the Employer's business within the [Non-Competition Territory, e.g. 50-mile radius].5. TERMINATION5.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by providing [Notice Period, e.g. 30 days] written notice to the other party.5.2 The Employer may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect for cause, including but not limited to the Lawyer's material breach of this Agreement, gross negligence, or misconduct.5.3 In the event of termination, the Lawyer shall be entitled to receive any accrued but unpaid salary, benefits, and reimbursements as of the effective date of termination.6. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law, e.g. the People's Republic of China].6.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution, e.g. the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)], and the arbitral award shall be final and binding upon the parties.7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT7.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written.7.2 No modification, amendment, or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Employment Agreement as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name][Employer's Representative/Title][Lawyer's Name][Lawyer's Signature/Title][Date]。




第一条服务内容1.1 乙方将为甲方提供以下法律服务:- 法律咨询;- 合同审查;- 法律文件起草;- 参与商务谈判;- 法律事务代理;- 其他甲方需要的法律服务。

1.2 乙方应根据甲方的指示和要求,及时、准确地提供上述服务。

第二条服务期限2.1 本合同自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。

第三条费用及支付3.1 甲方应向乙方支付的律师费为____元/小时或____元/案件。

3.2 甲方应在每个服务周期结束后的____个工作日内支付相应费用。

3.3 如乙方提供的服务超出了双方约定的范围,双方应协商确定额外服务的费用。

第四条保密义务4.1 乙方应对甲方提供的任何信息和资料保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得向第三方披露。

第五条违约责任5.1 如一方违反合同约定,应向对方支付违约金,违约金的数额为违约行为所涉及的服务费用的____%。

第六条合同变更与解除6.1 双方协商一致,可以变更或解除本合同。

6.2 如一方要求解除合同,应提前____天书面通知对方。

第七条争议解决7.1 本合同在履行过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。

第八条其他8.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议。

8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。




交通事故聘请律师合同(中英文实用版)Title: Automobile Accident Lawyer Engagement Contract中文标题:交通事故聘请律师合同---Paragraph 1:This contract is entered into between the undersigned client ("Client") and the firm of XYZ Legal Services ("Law Firm") for the purpose of engaging the legal services of John Doe ("Attorney") in connection with the Client"s claim for personal injuries sustained in an automobile accident that occurred on March 15, 2023.第一段:本合同由签署方客户(“客户”)与XYZ法律服务公司(“律所”)签订,旨在聘请John Doe(“律师”)为其提供法律服务,涉及客户于2023年3月15日发生的交通事故中遭受的人身伤害索赔。

---Paragraph 2:The Client agrees to pay the Law Firm a contingency fee of forty percent (40%) of any recovery obtained by the Attorney on the Client"s behalf, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.The Client further agrees to reimburse the Law Firm for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution ofthe Client"s claim.第二段:客户同意支付律所为其代理获得的任何赔偿金的40%作为佣金,具体条款和条件见本协议。

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Retainer Agreement
Know all men by these presents:
(he reinafter “Party A”) hereby ha s agreed to exclusively retain (hereinafter “Party B”) as its attorney to prosecute through settlement or judge certain claims against for or arising out of dispute.

Party A hereby full authorizes and empowers Party B and also in its name and stead to bring the lawsuit on the said claim, if necessary, and to prosecute the same to final judgment and to compromise and settle the said claim with or without lawsuit in any way or manner that Party B may deem beat or advisable.

In consideration of the services to be rendered to Party A by Party B, Party A hereby pays Party B as the attorney fees. The foresaid Fee shall be paid in the following installments:
a) An initial amount of shall be paid within 5 working days from the executing of this Retaining Agreement, and if the case can be settled peacefully, the rest of the Fee shall not be paid;
b) If the case cannot be settled peacefully through above item a), the rest of the attorney fees shall be paid within 5 working days from the day of registering the case to the court with competent jurisdiction in China.

The foresaid Fee shall not include the following cost incurred by any third party:
litigation cost, fees paid to any administrative bureaus, cost incurred for employing professionals and traveling fees (e.g.: plane tickets, hotel expenses, etc) incurred during the trip to other places outside Shanghai by my said attorney for the legal issues entrusted to her hereby.


Party B shall make reasonable efforts of due diligence while rendering the service to Party A and not to disclose any information of Party A to any other parties without the prior consent of Party A. In the case of any real loss or damage occurred to Party A due to Party B’s intentional behavior or negligence, Party B shall be liable to make compensation to Party A within the scope of the Lawyer Practice Insurance Compensation insured by the related insurance company in Shanghai.


Party A undertakes that all the information provided by Party A to Party B are true, accurate and integral. Where Party A should be found fabricating fact, Party B is free to terminate this agreement and payment already collected hereunder shall be retained.


No compromise of the said claimed of Party A may be made by B without the prior written consent of Party A.

WITNESS my hand the day of 。


Party A:
Party B:
