一、激发兴趣,培养学习热情1. 创设生动有趣的课堂氛围兴趣是最好的老师。
2. 营造良好的师生关系教师要关心、爱护每一个学生,尊重他们的个性,善于发现他们的闪光点,激发他们的自信心。
3. 培养学生的自主学习能力在课堂上,教师要引导学生积极参与,鼓励他们提出问题、分享观点。
二、注重基础,夯实英语功底1. 加强语音、语调训练语音、语调是英语学习的基础。
2. 重视词汇积累词汇是英语学习的基石。
3. 提高语法水平语法是英语学习的灵魂。
三、注重实践,提高实际运用能力1. 开展丰富多彩的英语活动通过举办英语角、英语演讲比赛、英语戏剧表演等活动,让学生在实践中提高英语实际运用能力。
2. 加强听说训练在课堂上,教师要注重培养学生的听说能力,通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,让学生在互动中提高英语口语水平。
3. 鼓励学生参与英语角英语角是学生锻炼英语实际运用能力的好平台。
四、关注个体差异,实施分层教学1. 了解学生的英语水平教师要全面了解学生的英语水平,针对不同层次的学生制定相应的教学计划。
1、你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?A:a good lesson is based on the teacher’s fully prepared.B:I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player,pictures,word cards,TV,magazines,games ects in my lessons.C:I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles.2、你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?A:when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient.B:He/she has to use lots of songs,games,body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different.C:Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children.3、如何让小学生对英文感兴趣?How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English?/如何将你课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?A:I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories,poems,riddles,jokes songs are all good for little kids.B:I will have them practice English as a whole class,group work,pair work or independent work.Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success.4、Can you introduce yourself in English briefly?(简朴自我简介)A:good morning,my name is xx,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview,i hope i can make a good performance today.B:I'm XXX. I'm 24. I graduated from XXX.My major is XXX. After graduation,I have worked in XXX. My students are between 6 and 7 years old.I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time,I have broad interests. Such as reading,surfing the internet,listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active,innocent and pure. With them,I feel very relaxed,plesant and younger. Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging. Because children are always active,even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. The most important that I have learned from my teacing experence is that a teacher should have the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. If I have the chance,I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher.5. Can you name some ways to compliment or to praise your students?A:directly tell the child that you are good!B:tell the whole class that the child is very good,let us praise he/she by clap their handsC:send the child some small presents like decals,penciles etc.D:let the good child to be a little teacher,take the class to read6. In your class,if some students’ English is very good,but others is very poor,what will you do?A:find the reason why some students is good,some is poor.according to different reason,find out the solution.no matter how,a teacher should be patient to ervery students,not judge by their scores.B:if the reason is some students think the lesson is too difficult ,I think I should change the contents,set more basic exercises.C:if the reason is they don’t like English ,I should develop their interst.7. What are the good habits for kids to learn English?A:the good habits of listening.little children are good at imitate.B:the good habits of saying.C:the good habits of reading.D:the good habits of writing.8. In your opinion,what is a good teacher in English teaching?A:teaching is an important thing to the children and the society.no matter what teacher ,you should like staying with the children. You should be outgoing and open-minded.B:as an english teacher ,only has the knowledge of english is not enough,you should have the mind that always wants to go on learning. To learn from the teachers have experience,to learn the teaching methods. To learn what the children really interst.C:you should be good at finding the advantage of every student,and use right way to praise them.D:to Raises the interest and good habits in studying.Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课。
初中英语学科答辩题1. 题目:请简述初中英语教学目标。
答案:初中英语教学目标主要包括以下几个方面:1. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能;2. 培养学生的英语思维能力和跨文化交际能力;3. 帮助学生掌握一定的英语词汇和语法知识;4. 激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯和自主学习能力;5. 提高学生的综合素质,为高中阶段的学习打下坚实基础。
2. 题目:请阐述如何在课堂上运用任务型教学法。
在初中英语课堂上,运用任务型教学法可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 设计任务:根据课程内容和学生实际情况,设计具有趣味性、挑战性和真实性的任务;2. 引入任务:向学生介绍任务,明确任务目标和评价标准;3. 执行任务:学生分组或个人完成任务,教师提供必要的支持和引导;4. 展示成果:学生展示任务完成情况,其他学生和教师进行评价;5. 总结反思:教师和学生共同总结任务完成过程中的优点和不足,以便改进教学方法。
3. 题目:请谈谈如何培养学生的英语阅读习惯。
答案:培养学生的英语阅读习惯可以从以下几个方面入手:1. 选择合适的阅读材料:根据学生的兴趣和英语水平,选择适合的阅读材料,如故事书、科普文章、新闻报道等;2. 创设良好的阅读环境:为学生提供安静、舒适的阅读空间,鼓励学生在课余时间阅读;3. 定期阅读:制定阅读计划,要求学生每天或每周阅读一定时间的英语文章;4. 引导学生主动阅读:教师通过问题引导、讨论等方式,激发学生的阅读兴趣和思考能力;5. 鼓励学生分享阅读心得:组织阅读分享会,让学生交流阅读体验和收获,提高阅读积极性。
4. 题目:请简述如何进行英语语音教学。
答案:英语语音教学主要从以下几个方面进行:1. 发音教学:教授音标和发音规则,让学生掌握正确的发音方法;2. 听力训练:通过听英语歌曲、观看英语电影等途径,提高学生的语音感知能力;3. 口语练习:组织口语角、角色扮演等活动,让学生在实际语境中练习语音;4. 语音模仿:让学生模仿标准英语发音,如跟着英语教材的录音读课文;5. 反馈与纠正:教师及时纠正学生的发音错误,给予鼓励和指导。
英语演讲比赛即兴演讲的解题思路即兴演讲题目范围和解题思路参考:1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.1、同意上大学好.(1)为未来工作进行准备(2)交更多的朋友,学习他们的思维方式(3)系统的学习知识2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2、同意父母是最好的老师(1)父母从小就和我们在一起,给我们很多的知识(2)父母和我们最为亲密,在任何时候,都会毫无保留地给我们知识(3)父母最了解我们,所以他们给我们的建议和意见都是最有针对性的3、(1)食品容易准备,节省了大量的时间,使人们可以做其他事情(2)食品容易准备,为人们提供了更多的花样。
(4)食品容易准备,为人们的健康带来了很多好处4. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?4、首先进行比较,然后说书是最重要的来源(1)读书能够节省很多时间(2)书是有系统性的,能够让人以很科学的方式迅速获得知识(3)读书相对比较便宜和容易,而在寻找经验则比较昂贵和困难5、先说明优势和劣势,让后说同意建一个工厂(1)工厂能够吸收附近很多人进行就业,对地方的经济有很大的贡献(2)建立工厂能够促使附近其他的商业发展,例如小商店,药店等等,这可以大大方便附近的居民(3)建造工厂,赢利后,就可以向当地政府贡献税收,政府可以利用这些钱改善社区的服务6. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.6、一个重要的改变就是改变环境,让它变的更好(1)环境好能改善人的身体健康,很多人因为环境而生病(2)环境好了,吸引更多的游客来旅游(3)环境好能够促进经济发展,吸引更多的商人来投资7. How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.7、电影和电视影响人的行为(1)电影和电视能够让人们迅速了解整个国家和世界,丰富人的知识,让人们更加乐观(2)电影和电视让人变的懒惰,不愿意和人接触(3)电影和电视让人变的violent8、电影和电视没有破坏朋友和家人的交流(1)电影和电视的很多内容正是朋友和家人聊天的重要内容。
答辩题目1. 请简要介绍一下您在大学英语教学方面的主要教学方法和教学理念。
2. 在您的教学过程中,如何有效地激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性?3. 针对不同水平的学生,您是如何调整您的教学策略和教学内容的?4. 在英语教学中,您是如何将文化元素融入到教学过程中的?5. 请谈谈您对当前大学英语教学现状的看法,以及您认为未来英语教学的发展趋势。
6. 请分享一下您在教学研究和学术发表方面的经验和成果。
7. 在您的教学生涯中,有哪些让您印象深刻的教学经历和学生反馈?回答1. 教学方法和教学理念:在大学英语教学中,我主要采用任务驱动法和交际法进行教学。
2. 激发学生学习兴趣和积极性:为了激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,我经常采用互动式教学,如小组讨论、角色扮演等。
3. 调整教学策略和教学内容:针对不同水平的学生,我会根据他们的实际需求和水平调整教学策略和内容。
4. 将文化元素融入到教学过程中:在英语教学中,我注重介绍和讨论中西方文化差异,让学生了解和理解不同文化背景下的语言使用。
5. 对当前大学英语教学现状的看法和未来发展趋势:当前大学英语教学过于注重应试教育,忽视了学生的实际语言运用能力的培养。
小学英语教师职称晋升答辩:精选11道题目1. 请谈谈你对小学英语教学的理解和认识。
2. 请谈谈你的教学特点和教学方法。
3. 请谈谈你在小学英语教学中的创新实践。
4. 请谈谈你对综合素质评价的看法,并结合小学英语教学实际谈谈你的评价方法。
5. 请谈谈你对小学英语教材的选择和使用的原则。
英语教师演讲竞赛【篇一:英语教师基本功大赛演讲题目】英语教师基本功大赛演讲题目1. how to use our body language in the classroom to makeour class more lively and moreinteresting ?2. which is more important , english speaking or english writing? and why?3. do you feel the pressure of being a teacher? and what do you think are the more effectiveways to relieve the pressure of being a teacher?4. what do you think of being an english teacher ? and how to be a most popular one with yourstudents?5. how to make your students learn more cooperatively and more effectively in your class?6. what do you think of “teaching is learning ”? z7. which is is the best teacher , experience, practice or interest ? and why?【篇二:英语教师演讲稿】good morning , ladies and gentmen it is great honour tospeak here . i value this chance of sharing teachingexperience with distinguished teachers very much. to behonest i felt rather nervous. i canstill remember when i made my first speech in college. i ev en couldnt control my breath .. because i really didnt know what to say at thattime .well- today, being an english teacher for some years in zhongxin, i have a strongsense of responsibility, which always fills me with strength and confidence.after being an english teacher,i think, to be a good english teacher, you shouldknow your major well. your personality is as important asyour knowledge.a good english teacher must be enthusiastic. you must love your students and respect them. in addition, you must also respect yourself and take pridein your work. a good english teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and you should motivate yourstudents to seek knowledge.ill tell you a true story, last year, a boy named liulei came to our class,he looked so quiet, no age childrens lively and cheerful, he didnt dare toanswer the question loudly, when i asked him to do the dialogue in front, heeven had a big cry . and he didnt dare to see anyone ,whose voice low likea whisper, i am well aware that he lackedof confidence and necessaryencouragement . so, then i give the opportunity to him for each class , and i encouraged him to say: jake you have been done better than lasttime, and i also make the classmates to applaud him, i also told his motherto encourage him when seeing his progress, day by day , iam surprised tofind the child really progressed, now he can put up hands to answer a questionactivly ,whats more , he can take part in thegame, performance has been greatlyimproved. his mother was pleased to tell me herchild progressed . every time ,after school he always chatter without stopping told her that what he learnedin zhongxin , and the performance is greatlyimproved, as his teacher was reallyexcited for his progress, i realized the unprecedented :[?npresid?ntid)achievement! this sense of achievement is no substitute.in bible,it says : love is patient; loveis kind; . it does not insist on its ownway;it bears all things, hopes all things, endures allthings. lovenever ends.i hope these words always stay in my heart and use love to accompany themgrow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my lifevalue,that is what i want to do.if there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i won’t choose anything except being an english teacher. youforlistening!上午好女士们先生们我特别有幸站在这里,我珍惜此次和这么多优异老师一同分享教课经验的时机,说真话我仍是有点紧张,我记得我的第一次演讲仍是在大学的时候,我甚至没法控制我的呼吸,由于那时我不知道说些什么.今日,作为中信的一名多年的教师,我有种激烈的责任感,那使我充满了力量和信心。
第1篇一、自我认知类1. 请简要介绍一下自己。
2. 你为什么选择成为初中英语教师?解析:这道题目考察考生的职业规划和发展目标。
3. 请谈谈你的教育理念。
二、综合分析类1. 请分析初中英语教学中的重难点。
2. 请谈谈你对“教育信息化”的理解。
3. 请谈谈你对素质教育与应试教育的看法。
三、组织管理类1. 你如何组织一次英语角活动?解析:这道题目考察考生的活动组织能力。
2. 请谈谈你在班级管理中的经验。
3. 请谈谈你如何处理学生之间的矛盾?解析:这道题目考察考生的应急应变能力。
四、人际交往类1. 请谈谈你与同事之间如何相处?解析:这道题目考察考生的人际沟通能力。
2. 请谈谈你如何与学生家长进行沟通?解析:这道题目考察考生的家校沟通能力。
1. 你如何评估学生的英语水平?
2. 你会如何设计教学计划?
3. 你如何帮助学生克服英语研究中的难点?
4. 你使用过哪些有效的教学方法?
5. 你如何处理学生的研究问题?
1. 你对语法的了解有多少?
2. 你擅长哪些英语技能,如听、说、读、写?
3. 你了解哪些英文作家和作品?
4. 你能否在两分钟内解释三个英语语言术语的含义?
5. 你能否讲一下英语中不同的口音以及它们之间的差别?
1. 你对本校的教育理念和文化有什么了解?
2. 你有没有自己的教育理念?
3. 你觉得教育目标是什么?
4. 你如何帮助学生发展个人与团体性格?
5. 你如何帮助学生实现自我目标和职业目标?
1. 你为什么想要成为一名英语教师?
2. 你的职业规划和目标是什么?
3. 你的优点和缺点是什么?
4. 你如何自我评价你的英语水平?
5. 你如何处理和激励自己的情绪?
英语教师演讲比赛提问题目篇一:英语演讲比赛提问环节you like making friends?And how do you make new friends ?`s the most important thing in friendship?And what makes friendship break up?`s the most embarrassing thing you have experienced?you believe in love at the firstsight ?Can it be a lasting relationship?is your major?Why did you choose it ?something about your family .do you prefer :reading books or watching TV?why?city do you want to live in ?And why ?your family ,what person do you admire most ?do you prefer :our school staying in longzhou or moving to chongzuo ?you had one week to do anythingyou wanted ,what would you do ?you can go back in time and relive any time in your life ,what age do youwant to be ?you can have any pet youwanted ,what kind of pet would you have ?you can choose to study at any university inchina ,what university do you wantto study at ?do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?do you think of One-Child Policy in China?it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?will you do if you are ill abroad?will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation?you think computer has changed our life so much?do you do during the Spring Festival?do you get on well with your roommates?23. Someone says“to be a class leader will affect one’s studyresults”,what’s your opinions about it?out your ideas of smoking in public places.??you are faced with a difficult problem,how do you solve it?you think it is necessary to be unique?you are misunderstood by your parents , what will you dodo you make best use of your college lifemoney all powerful?is your weakness?篇二:英语演讲比赛即兴演讲题目英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲题目1. how do you think ant tribe should go to smaller cities?university student start their own business as soon as they graduatefrom universities?you agree or disagree with the following statement? married couples havea better life without children?5. what do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or topmarks at school?6. do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars?you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers.i couldn’t agree more with the statement. parents are the best teachers. takemy parents for example, they are not only my parents, but also my friends and teachers.i spent most of the time with my parents before i go to college, and i surely learna lot from my parents in everyday’s life. when i was a child, they teach me like how to walk, how to dress up, how to be a honest people and how to tell right fromwrong. as i grow older, they teach me how to manage my money, how to make friends,how to study, how to make decisions, and so on. i like to take my parents’adviceinto consideration. and it always works. overall, in my eyes, parents are the mostintimate people to us. they will teach us all they know when we need it. they willnot hide anything from us. what’s more, parents are the people who know us the most,therefore, advice and suggestions from our parents are the most pertinent andvaluable.people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. whichpoint of view do you agree with?it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save yourmoney for some time in the future? apart from the negative effects above, what about the positive side of saving money for future use? first, saving money for future use can help us earn more moneyby investing money into like stock market and fixed estate. secondly, saving moneyfor future use can ensure we have good lives after retirement. finally, saving moneycan probably help those in bad need for money.expression never, never give up means to keep trying and never stop workingfor your goals. do you agree or disagree with this statement? nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it. nothing is easy if you don’t try your best. when someone say never, never give up, he means that he will keeptrying and never stop working for his goal no matter how many times he fails. if wegive up too early, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for usto failin our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and shouldtry again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to developnew skills. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we havelearned is wasted. now i want to quote hillary clintons words to end my speech. shesays, always aim high , workhard ,and care deeply about what you believe in, andwhen you stumble ,keep faith, when youre knocked down, get right back up and neverlisten to anyone who says you cantor shouldnt go on and never, never give up.you agree or disagree with the following statement? a person should nevermake an important decision alone. of course a person should never make an important decision alone, important suggestions to help you make decision. because only yourself knowing exactly whatyou want.篇二:cctv杯英语演讲比赛即兴演讲的解题思路即兴演讲题目范围和解题思路参考1. people attend college or university for many different reasons . why do you think peopleattend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support youranswer.1、同意上大学好.(1)为未来工作进行准备(2)交更多的朋友,学习他们的思维方式(3)系统的学习知识2. do you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers. use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2、同意父母是最好的老师(1)父母从小就和我们在一起,给我们很多的知识(2)父母和我们最为亲密,在任何时候,都会毫无保留地给我们知识(3)父母最了解我们,所以他们给我们的建议和意见都是最有针对性的3、(1)食品容易准备,节省了大量的时间,使人们可以做其他事情(2)食品容易准备,为人们提供了更多的花样。
英语教师演讲比赛英语教师演讲比赛篇一:英语教师演讲稿 Good morning , Ladies and gentmen It is great honour to speak here . I value this hane of sharing teahing experiene ith distinguished teahers ver muh. To be honest I felt rather nervous. I an still remember hen I made m first speeh in ollege. I ev en ouldn't ontrol m breath . . Beause I reall didn't kno hat to sa at that time .Well- toda, being an English teaher for some ears in Zhongxin, I have a strong sense of responsibilit, hih alas fills me ith strength and onfidene. After being an English teaher, I think, to be a good English teaher, ou should kno our major ell. Your personalit is as important as our knoledge. A good English teaher must be enthusiasti. You must love our students and respet them. In addition, You must also respet ourself and take pride in our ork. A good English teaher should be kind, enouraging, and helpful and ou should motivate our students to seek knoledge. I'll tell ou a true stor, last ear, a bo named LiuLei ame to our lass, he looked so quiet, no age hildren's livel and heerful, he didn't dare to anser the question loudl, hen I asked him to do the dialogue in front, he even had a big r . And hedidn't dare to see anone ,hose voie lo like a hisper,I am ell XXre that he lakedof onfidene and neessarenouragement . So, then I give the opportunit to him for eah lass , and I enouraged him to sa: Jake ou have been done better than last time, and Ialso make the lassmates to applaud him, I also told hismother to enourage him hen seeing his progress, da b da , I am surprised to find the hild reall progressed, no he anput up hands to anser a question ativl ,hat's more, hean take part in the game, performane has been greatl improved. His mother as pleased to tell me her hild progressed . ever time, after shool he alas hatter ithout stopping told her that hat he learned in Zhongxin , and the performane is greatlimproved, as his teaher as reall exited for his progress, I realized the unpreedented :[?n'presid?ntid)ahievement! This sense of ahievementis no substitute. In Bible,it sas:Love is patient; love is kind; . It does not insist onits on a; It bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love neverEnds. I hope these ords alas sta in mheart and use love to apan them gro up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve m life value,that is hat I ant to do. If there is another hane for me to hoose m oupation, I on’t hoose anthing exept being an English tea her.I enjo m job, and I love m life.that's all.Thank oufor listening! 上午好女士们先生们我非常荣幸站在这里,我珍惜这次和这么多优秀老师一起分享教学经验的机会,说实话我还是有点紧张,我记得我的第一次演讲还是在大学的时候,我甚至无法控制我的呼吸,因为那时我不知道说些什么. 今天,作为中信的一名多年的教师,我有种强烈的责任感,那使我充满了力量和信心。
小学英语教师晋升答辩必备题目11道1. 请介绍一下您的教育背景和教学经验。
2. 您是如何提高学生英语口语表达能力的?请简要解释您在提高学生英语口语表达能力方面采取的方法和策略。
3. 您是如何帮助学生建立英语研究兴趣的?请简要说明您在帮助学生建立英语研究兴趣方面的做法和效果。
4. 您如何进行英语听力训练?请简要描述您在英语听力训练方面的教学方法和实践。
5. 您在英语阅读教学中采用了哪些有效的策略?请简要介绍您在英语阅读教学中使用的有效策略,并说明其效果。
6. 您是如何评估学生英语能力的?请简要概括您在评估学生英语能力方面的方法和工具。
7. 您认为如何培养学生的写作能力?请简要解释您在培养学生写作能力方面的教学方法和经验。
8. 您如何在课堂上激发学生的积极参与和合作精神?请简要说明您在课堂上激发学生积极参与和合作精神方面所采取的措施和效果。
9. 您如何处理学生在研究英语过程中遇到的困难和障碍?请简要描述您在处理学生研究英语中遇到困难和障碍时所采取的方法和策略。
10. 您在教学中遇到的最大挑战是什么?您又是如何应对的?请简要说明您在教学中遇到的最大挑战,并解释您是如何应对和克服这些挑战的。
11. 请谈谈您对小学英语教师职业发展的规划和目标。
★关于人与自然的英语演讲比赛Harmony Betan Nature“人与自然之间和谐”演讲稿Harmony BetanBy Anita HuangGood afternoon ladies and gentlemen.Today I’m more than honored to stand here and share e of my thoughts about this topic: harmony betan and nature.First of all, I’d like you all to close your eyes. Imagine that you’re laying on the soft ground of a field. The sun is shining ly on you. Y ou can smell flo the ss smooth and peaceful. Actually, this is a typical scene for your parents and grandparents ost of us here today don’t have the opportunity to experience this charm ony ed Tippi. She agic. In the photos, Tippi ed Abu. Tippi didn’t feel afraid. She didn’t even realize ho.I think this just might be my opinion of harmony beten and nature. Tippi als. She just did it because of her human nature. Yes, the harmony betan and nature relies on the fact that human are a part of the nature, but not the king of nature. The problem ony noals, and feel happy about it. I noticed that many organizations are forming a po here is that people don’t feel from deep inside hoother, not our enemy.So all I other nature, and she ony.篇二:2010-2015高考英语满分作文(2014) 假定你是李华,计划暑假间去英国学习英语,为期六周。
1. 请列举一些能够提高学生英语口语能力的有效教
2. 在教学中,如何培养学生的英语听力技能?
3. 请谈谈你在教学中如何鼓励学生积极参与英语口
4. 请描述一次你成功帮助学生克服语言障碍并取得
5. 如何帮助学生提高英语写作能力?
6. 请谈谈你在教学中如何培养学生的英语阅读兴趣。
7. 在教学中,如何帮助学生掌握英语语法知识?
8. 谈谈你在教学中如何培养学生的英语词汇量。
9. 请描述一次你成功帮助学生克服研究困难并取得进步的经历。
10. 如何在教学中创造积极的研究氛围,使学生对英语研究感兴趣?
11. 在教学中,你如何评估学生的英语能力并给予适当的反馈?
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英语教师演讲比赛提问题目篇一:英语演讲比赛提问环节you like making friends?And how do you make new friends ?`s the most important thing in friendship?And what makes friendship break up?`s the most embarrassing thing you have experienced?you believe in love at the first sight ?Can it be a lasting relationship?is your major?Why did you choose it ?something about your family .do you prefer :reading books or watching TV?why?city do you want to live in ?And why ?your family ,what person do youadmire most ?do you prefer :our school staying in longzhou or moving to chongzuo ?you had one week to do anything you wanted ,what would you do ?you can go back in time and relive any time in your life ,what age do you want to be ?you can have any pet you wanted ,what kind of pet would you have ?you can choose to study at any university inchina ,what university do you want to study at ?do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?do you think of One-Child Policy in China?it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?will you do if you are ill abroad?will you do if you cannot find a jobafter graduation?you think computer has changed our life so much?do you do during the Spring Festival?do you get on well with your roommates?23. Someone says“to be a class leader will affect one’s study results”,what’s your opinions about it?out your ideas of smoking in public places.??you are faced with a difficult problem,how do you solve it?you think it is necessary to be unique?you are misunderstood by your parents , what will you do???do you make best use of your college life???money all powerful?is your weakness?篇二:英语演讲比赛即兴演讲题目英语演讲比赛中即兴演讲题目1. how do you think ant tribe should go to smaller cities?university student start their own business as soon as they graduatefrom universities?you agree or disagree with the following statement? married couples havea better life without children?5. what do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or topmarks at school?6. do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars?you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers.i couldn’t agree more with the statement. parents are the best teachers. takemy parents for example, they are notonly my parents, but also my friends and teachers.i spent most of the time with my parents before i go to college, and i surely learna lot from my parents in everyday’s life. when i was a child, they teach me like how to walk, how to dress up, how to be a honest people and how to tell right fromwrong. as i grow older, they teach me how to manage my money, how to make friends,how to study, how to make decisions, and so on. i like to take my parents’adviceinto consideration. and it always works. overall, in my eyes, parents are the mostintimate people to us. they will teach us all they know when we need it. they willnot hide anything from us. what’s more, parents are the people who know us the most,therefore, advice and suggestions from our parents are the most pertinent and valuable.people believe that university students should be required to attendclasses. others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. whichpoint of view do you agree with?it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save yourmoney for some time in the future? apart from the negative effects above, what about the positive side of savingmoney for future use? first, saving money for future use can help us earn more moneyby investing money into like stock market and fixed estate. secondly, savingmoneyfor future use can ensure we have good lives after retirement. finally, saving moneycan probably help those in bad need for money.expression never, never give up means to keep trying and never stop workingfor your goals. do you agree or disagree with this statement? nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it. nothing is easy if you don’t try your best. when someone say never, never give up, he means that he will keeptrying and never stop working for his goal no matter how many times he fails. if wegive up too early, we will rarely achieve anything. it is not unusual for us to failin our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and shouldtry again. besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to developnew skills. another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. if we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. now i want to quote hillary clintons words to end my speech. shesays, always aim high , work hard ,and care deeply about what you believe in, andwhen you stumble ,keep faith, when youre knocked down, get right back up and neverlisten to anyone who says you cant or shouldnt go on and never, never give up.you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? a person should nevermake an important decision alone. of course a person should never make an important decision alone, important suggestions to help you make decision. because only yourself knowing exactly whatyou want.篇二:cctv杯英语演讲比赛即兴演讲的解题思路即兴演讲题目范围和解题思路参考1. people attend college or university for many different reasons . why do you think peopleattend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support youranswer.1、同意上大学好.(1)为未来工作进行准备(2)交更多的朋友,学习他们的思维方式(3)系统的学习知识2. do you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers. use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2、同意父母是最好的老师(1)父母从小就和我们在一起,给我们很多的知识(2)父母和我们最为亲密,在任何时候,都会毫无保留地给我们知识(3)父母最了解我们,所以他们给我们的建议和意见都是最有针对性的3、(1)食品容易准备,节省了大量的时间,使人们可以做其他事情(2)食品容易准备,为人们提供了更多的花样。