
Medium-voltage power distribution and control systems > Switchgear > Metal-enclosed switchgear— MVS medium-voltage38 kV load interrupter switchContentsGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-2MVS Load Interrupter Switchgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-2Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-6Switch Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-6Motor Operated MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-7Metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-8Automatic Transfer Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-9Surge Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-10System Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-11Layouts and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-13MVS Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-13Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-17Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .3-17MVS Load Interrupter SwitchgearEaton’s MVS Load Interrupter Switchgear is an integrated assembly of switches, bus and fuses that is constructed for medium-voltage circuit protection. All major components are manufac t ured by Eaton, establishing one source of responsibility for the equipment’s performance and ensuring high standards in quality, coordination, reliability and service.A complete line of Eaton switches and fuses is available:■■38 kV voltage class■■600 A continuous loadinterrupting ratings■■Non-fused or fused with current limiting or boric acid-type fuses■■Manual or motor operated■■Indoor or outdoor non-walk-in enclosures■■Single switches and transformer primary switches■■Duplex loadbreak switch arrange m ents for selection of alternate feeds■■Lineups with main bus■■Standard arrangements with auto m atic transfer control systems (two sources feeding one bus or two sources feeding two buses on a split bus with tie switch) Standard design configurations for:■■NEMA T pads for cable lugs■■Surge arresters■■Instrument transformers■■Control power transformers■■Power Xpert T and IQelectronic metering■■Other auxiliary equipmentOutdoor Duplex with Customer MeteringApplication DescriptionEaton’s Load Interrupter T ype MVSmetal-enclosed switchgear provides safe,reliable switching and fault protectionfor medium-voltage circuits rated to38 kV. T he MVS switch is ideal forapplications where high duty cycleoperation is not required.MVS switchgear has the advantage oflow initial cost inherent in switch designswhile offering the characteristics mostvital to safety and coordination.The MVS switch’s quick-make, quick-break mechanism provides full-loadcurrent interrupting capability whilefuses provide accurate, permanentlycalibrated short circuit detecting andinterrupting capabilities. Visibility ofactual blade position improves safetyby giving positive assurance of circuitde-energization.Standards and CertificationsEaton’s MVS load interrupter switchgearmeets or exceeds the requirements ofthe following industry standards:■■IEEE T Standard C37.20.3■■ANSI C37.57■■NEMA SG5■■Canadian Standard CAN/CSA RC22.2 No. 31Type MVS switches meet or exceedthe requirements of the followingindustry standards:■■IEEE Standard C37.20.4■■ANSI C37.58■■ANSI C37.22■■NEMA SG6■■Canadian Standards CAN/CSA C22.2No. 193 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 58Load interrupter switches should notbe used to interrupt load currents abovetheir interrupting rating of 600 A, asthey are not designed nor tested forinterrupting fault currents on electricalsystems . Optional fuses can be providedfor phase overcurrent protection .3838150150600–1200600–12004050.46581.92531.5Switch MechanismThe quick-make, quick-break mecha n ism uses a heavy-duty coil spring that provides powerful opening and closing action. T o close the switch, the handle is inserted into the spring charging cam, then rotated upward through an angle of 120 degrees. This action charges the operating spring, as the mechanism is forced past toggle. The stored energy of the spring is released and transferred to the main shaft that snaps the switch closed.As a result of the over-toggle action, the blades are moved independently of the operator. It is impossible to operate the switch into an intermediate position.To open the switch, the handle is inserted into the spring charging cam and rotated downward through 120 degrees resulting in charging of the operating spring,then releasing its stored energy in similar sequence.Quick-Break DE-ION Arc InterruptionWith the switch closed, both main andauxiliary (flicker) blades are closed, andall of the current flows through the mainblades. T he flicker blades are in the closedposition in the arc chutes, but are past thearcing contacts and thus carry no current.As the main blades open, current istransferred momentarily to the flickerblades, which are held in the arc chutesby high pressure contact fingers. T hereis no arcing at the main blades.When the main blades reach a pre-determined angle of opening, a stoppost on the main blades prevents furtherangular movement between the mainand flicker blades. T his starts the flickerblades out of the high pressure contactsin the arc chutes and as contacts arebroken, the flicker blades are snappedinto position by their torsion springs.The heat of the arc, meanwhile, releasesa blast of de-ionizing gas from thegas-generating material of the arc chute.This combination of quick-break andDE-ION action quickly extinguishes thearc and the circuit is safely de-energized.A non-fused switch has the ability to closeand latch four times when rated 40 kA,and one time when rated 61 kA, andcontinue to carry rated current thusadding a large margin of integrity tothe electrical system.Bus Insulation SystemAll bus runs are supported using a highstrength and high creep, finned supportproviding in excess of 24.00 inches(609.6 mm) for 38 kV, of creep distancebetween phases and ground. T he moldedhigh track-resistant fins are constructedas standard of Aramid nylon or optionalCycloaliphatic epoxy.■■Significantly superior bus bracingthan standoff type A20 insulators■■Significantly increased creep distancephase-to-phase and phase-to-ground■■Improved endurance fromfault incidents■■Minimizes bus system failures dueto tracking■■Eliminates additional groundplanes in the switchgear for bussupporting systemsBus SupportFigure 8.3-1. Switch OperationBoth Blades Disengaged Main, Flicker BladesEngagedMain Blades Disengaged,Flicker Blade EngagedDuplex Switch ConfigurationTwo MVS load interrupter switch sections can be used to provide cost- effective source selectivity with a common load side bus feeding one load (fused or nonfused). Key interlocks are a standard feature provided to per m it only one switch to be closed at a time and prevent opening any switch door unless both switches are open.Figure 8.3-2. Typical Duplex Switch Configuration with One K1 Key— Dimensions in Inches (mm)Loadbreak Switch with Grounding Jaw The loadbreak switch can be supplied with optional grounding jaws for auto-matic grounding of the load circuit. When the switch is opened, the switch main blades engage grounding jaws to ground the load circuit. This feature cannot be used in a duplex switch configuration . The ground jaw option is available at38 kV. It is meant for applying a static ground, and is not rated for carrying fault currents.Figure 8.3-3. Typical Feeder Switch with Optional Grounding Jaw (38 kV)Figure 8.3-4. Typical Section View of Feeder Switch with Optional Grounding Jaws— Dimensions in Inches (mm)ConstructionT ypical Switch with Front Door Opena Switch MechanismQuick-make, quick-break storedenergy operation.The opening and closing of the switch blades is done by the operating spring.An operator’s actions only charge and release the operating spring.The switch blades cannot be operatedin any intermediate positions. Duringthe closing operation, full clearancebetween blades and stationarycontacts is maintained until theswitch mechanism goes over toggle.The switch mechanism has onlymetal-to-metal linkage—no chainsor cables are used.Arc interruption takes place betweencopper-tungsten tipped auxiliary(flicker) blade and arcing contacts witha DE-ION T arc chute; no arcing takesplace between the main blades and the stationary contacts to prolong the lifeof the main blades.Blow-out forces cannot be transmit t ed to the operating handle.b■Provisions for Padlocking DoorHandle not visible in the photo.c■Inspection W indowA large 8.00-inch x 16.00-inch(203.2 x 406.4 mm) gasketed,rectangular, high impact viewingwindow permits full view of theposi t ion of all three switch bladesthrough the closed door.d■Full Height Main DoorThe door has a return flange and tworotary latch-type handles to providelatching members held in shear. Itcloses over a projecting frame.e■Foot-Operated Door Stopf■Grounded Metal Safety BarrierPrevents inadvertent contact with anylive part, yet allows full-view inspec-tion of the switch blade position.g■Door InterlockPrevents the door of the enclosurefrom being opened when the switchis closed.h■Switch InterlockPrevents inadvertent closure of theswitch if the door of the enclosureis open.l Provisions for Door and SwitchKey Interlocksm The Operating HandleIt is conveniently located behind asmall access door giving the structurea smooth homogeneous appearanceand discourages casual contact byunauthorized personnel.n Switchgear AssemblyRating NameplateSwitch Operating Compartment Door OpeneSwitch Technical DataTest DataEaton’s MVS switch ratings have been thoroughly tested in recognized high power laboratories with certified inspectors from both UL T and CSA organizations. T ests were performed to substantiate all published ratings in accordance with ANSI, IEEE, CSA and NEMA standards.The testing program included tests of:■■Basic impulse levels■■Momentary withstand■■Short-time withstand■■Fault closing■■Load interrupting at various loads, various power factors■■Mechanical life tests■■Temperature rise testThese tests verified not only the per-formance of the switch and integrated switch-fuse assembly, but also the suitability of the enclosure venting, rigidity and bus spacing.The mechanical life test subjected the MVS switch to a number of no load cycles greater than the requirements tabulated in ANSI C37.22 standards. T here were no moving or current carrying part failures as a result.The Fault Close and Load Interrupting test demonstrated significant improved performance above ANSI/IEEE standards. See T able 8 .3-3 and T able 8 .3-4 for results.38381501506006004050.46581.92531.5386005538384050.46581.91111a When RBA expulsion fuses are used, and two ratings appear, the lower rating applies when thelower-rated switch (15 kV, 40 kA fault close, 25 kA short-time current) versus the higher rating that applies when the higher-rated switch (15 kV, 61 kA fault close, 38 kA short-time) is used.Motor Operated MVSApplicationEaton’s MVS Pow-R-Drive E motor operator makes possible the safety and convenience inherent in remote switch operation.Motor Operated MVS Switch DescriptionA MVS Pow-R-Drive motor operatedswitch is a standard, manually operatedswitch in combination with a heavy-dutyelectric motor-driven linear actuator thatcharges the spring. T he linear actuator islocated in a separate isolated low-voltagecompartment. During electrical operation,it smoothly and quietly extends orretracts the proper distance to cause theswitch mechanism to operate.Standard motor operators are mounted inthe switch enclosure. T his eliminates theneed for a separate motor compartmentconserving floor space.Manual Operation OverrideManual OperationTo operate manually, loosen the holdingscrew that keeps the pin connecting thelinear actuator to the mechanism, andremove the pin. Remove the clevis pinon the support of the bottom of the linearactuator. Unplug the cord from thedisconnect i ng terminal block as theactuator is removed and set the actuatoraside. T he switch can now be operatedmanually with the removable handle.Lock Open Key InterlockA keyed lock is standard to lock the switchin the open position only.This lock not only locks the switch in theopen position, but also breaks theelectrical motor contacts integral to themotor control circuit and permits the keyto be removed. With the key, the operatorcan then open the lock on the switch door.This scheme gives positive assurance thatthe switch is open and cannot be closedwith the door open.MeteringElectronic Metering and Communications ApparatusMVS switchgear assemblies can be equipped with Eaton’s family of Power Xpert T and IQ digital meters to monitor a power circuit’s electrical quantities within the capabilities of each device. Eaton’s power management products provide hardware and softwaresolu t ions that allow customers to interface with their switchgear at varying levels of sophistication. Power Xpert and IQ Meters monitor common electrical parameters and communicate the data via standard industry protocols and optional web interfaces. Power Xpert Gateways consolidate devices into a single web browser interface and provide Ethernet connectivity. Eaton’s Foreseer web-based software system can display, analyze and store data from multiple devices across the facility to enable management of the customer’s power system.Electronic Metering Outdoor Enclosures Weatherproofing complying with the requirements of IEEE standard C37.20.3 is available for MVS switch g ear assemblies. The weatherproofing consists of sloped roof panels that are joined together with caps. Doors and rear covers are fully gasketed. Externally accessible louvered filtered covers, top and bottom, front and rear, are provided for ventilation. At least one 250 watt heater is provided in each vertical section. Power for the heaters may be supplied from an external source, or an optional integral control power transformer may be specified to provide power for the heaters.Outdoor EnclosurePower Xpert MeterPXM 4000/6000/8000IQ 130/140/150/250/260Automatic Transfer ControlT wo-Switch Automatic T ransferApplicationEaton’s MVS switchgear with an automatic transfer control system is an integrated assembly of motor operated MVS switches, sensing devices and control components. Available in 38 kV class.It is typically applied where the continuity of service for critical loads from two power sources in either a main/main or a main/ tie/main configuration is desired.MVS switchgear with an automatic transfer control system can meet most automatic throwover requirements as it has a wide variety of operational sequences embodied in one standard automatic transfer control system. Please note that the duty cycle of load interrupter switches is limited by ANSI Standard C37 .22 . Refer to T able 8 .3-3for maximum number of switching operations allowed . If the number of switching operations is expected to exceed the maximum allowed, then load interrupter switches should not be used . Use circuit breakers (refer to T ype MSB, MEB, MEF or V CP-W switchgear designs) . Also note that the operating times of Eaton’s motor operated load interrupter switches are much longer compared to circuit breakers, therefore, the switches are not suitable for closed-transition transfer applications . Use circuit breakers if closed-transition transfer is required . T ypical T wo-Switch AutomaticT ransfer Using ATC ControllerEaton’s ATC-900 controller continu o uslymonitors all three phases on both sourcesfor correct voltages. Should the voltageof the normal source be lost while thevoltage of the alternate source remainsnormal, the voltage sensing function inthe ATC controller will change statestarting the time delay function. If thevoltage of the normal source is notrestored by the end of the time delayinterval, the normal switch will open andthe alternate source switch will close,restoring power to the load.ATC ControllerEaton’s ATC controller is equipped todisplay history information via the frontpanel. ATC-900 controller stores 320 timestamped events. Oscillographic data forlast 10 events can be downloaded via theUSB port or displayed in the controller’sdisplay window. T he controller allowscommunications via RS-232 or Modbusthrough RS-485 port, Ethernet or viaUSB interface.ATC ControllerStandard Features■■Voltage sensing on both sources isprovided by the ATC controller■■Lights to indicate status of switches,sources, etc.■■Interlocking to prevent paralleling ofsources via software■■Control power for the automatictransfer control system is derived fromthe sensing voltage transformers■■Manual override operation■■Open transition on return to normal■■Programmable time delays on bothsources, “OFF DELA Y” and “ON DELA Y”■■Four programmable digital inputsand outputs■■Single-source responsibility; all basiccomponents are manufac t ured by Eaton■■Key interlocking of operating systemand doors where required to provideoperator safetyOptional Features■■Lockout on phase and/or groundovercurrents and/or internal bus faults■■Blown fuse overcurrent lockout■■Load current, power and PF meteringwith optional dcT module■■24 Vdc control power input■■Up to four additional I/O modules, eachwith four programmable digital inputsand digital outputsSurge ProtectionIEEE standard C62.11 for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters lists the maximum rated ambient temperature as 40 °C. T he ambient temperature inside an Eaton MVS switchgear vertical section may exceed this temperature, especially in outdoor applications where solar radiation may produce a significant contribution to the temperature. T able 8 .3-6 lists the recommended minimum duty cycle voltage rating for various system grounding methods. Surge arrester rating is based upon the ambient air temperature in the switchgear vertical section not exceeding 55 °C.33.0034.50 38.0027303022.0024.4024.403030—24.4024.40———————27303022.0024.4024.4036363629.0029.0029.004548—36.5039.00—Note: MCOV = Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage.System OptionsPartial Discharge Sensing and Monitoring for SwitchgearPartial Discharge in SwitchgearPartial discharge (PD) is a common name for various forms of electrical discharges such as corona, surface tracking, and discharges internal to the insulation. It partially bridges the insulation between the conductors. T hese high frequency discharges are essentially small arcs occurring in or on the surface of the insulation system when voltage stress exceeds a critical value. With time, airborne particles, contaminants and humidity lead to conditions that result in partial discharges. Partial discharges start at a low level and increase as the insulation becomes deteriorated. Examples of partial discharge inswitchgear are surface tracking across bus insulation, or discharges in the air gap between the bus and a support (such as where a bus passes through an insulating window between the sections of the switchgear). If partial discharge activity is not detected and corrected, it can develop into a full-scale insulation failure followed by an electrical fault. Most switchgear flashover and bus failures are a result of insulation degradation caused by various forms of partial discharges.Sensing and MonitoringEaton’s T ype MVS metal-enclosedswitchgear (2.4–27 kV) is corona-free by design. By making switchgear assemblies corona-free, Eaton has made its standard switchgear more reliable. However, as indicated above, with time, airborne particles, contaminants and humidity lead to conditions that cause partial discharges to develop in switchgear operating at voltages 4000 V and above. Type MVS switchgear can be equipped with factory-installed partial discharge sensors and a partial discharge sensing relay for continuous monitoring under normal operation. T imely detection ofinsulation degradation through increasing partial discharges can identify potential problems so corrective action can be planned and implemented long before permanent deterioration develops. Partial discharge detection can be the foundation of an effective predictive maintenance program. T rending of partial discharge data over time allows prediction of failures, which can be corrected before catastrophic failure occurs.The PD sensing and monitoring system consists of Eaton’s InsulGard T relay and PD sensors, specifically developed for application in the switchgear to work with the relay. T here are two types of PD sensors used in the switch g ear: the first sensor is a coupling capacitor type sensor developed for use with 5 kV, 15 kV and 27 kV switchgear.The coupling capacitor sensor detects partial discharges within the switchgear cubicle and/or adjacent cubicles, and is typically installed on the load side of the feeder switches or on the main bus. T he second sensor is a small donut type radio frequency current transformer (RFCT). It is designed for installation around the ground shields of incoming or outgoing power cables. It detects partial dis c harges in power cables and monitors for external electrical noise.Typically one set of coupling capacitor sensors is used at every two cubicles. One RFCT sensor is used for each incoming and outgoing power cable circuit.Output signals from sensors (coupling capacitor and RFCT) are wired out to terminal blocks for future or field use, or connected to the InsulGard relay. One InsulGard relay can monitor up to 15 input signals, as well as temperature and humidity. T he temperature andhumidity sensors are included with each InsulGard relay system. T he relaycontinuously monitors the switchgear primary system for partial discharges and provides an alarm signal (contact closure) when high PD level is detected. Also, data analysis and diagnostics by Eaton engineers can also be provided by remote communication with the InsulGard relay.The sensors and InsulGard relay are optional in MVS switchgear .Figure 8.3-5. InsulGard Relay SystemCoupling CapacitorT ype PD SensorRFCT SensorInsulGard Relay (PD Monitoring)Partial Discharge Sensors and Monitoring for SwitchgearFigure 8.3-6. How the Process Works—Sensing and Data CollectionFigure 8.3-7. Typical Partial Discharge Sensor Connections in MVS Switchgear (5–27 kV)Note: Use one set of PD sensing capacitors at every two vertical sections, or portion thereof. Use one RFCT at each incoming/outgoing cable circuit.PD SensorsCoupling Capacitor detects partial discharges internal to switchgear compartment.RFCT detects partial discharges in customer’s cables up to 100 ft from switchgear.MVS LayoutsTypical Arrangements—38 kVThe drawings in this section represent the most common arrangements. Layouts shown are for rear-accessible equipment . Front-accessible designs are available—refer to Eaton . Many other configurations and combinations are available. T wo voltage transformers for metering and one control transformer for auxiliary power can be mounted in the structures shown. For control power above 1 kVA, additional space is required. Depth of units will vary due to cable entrance and exit requirements, the addition of lightning arresters, instrument transformers, special cable terminators, etc. Cables are shown out top and bottom for layout only. T op or bottom must be selected for incoming and for outgoing cables. Cable sizing is based on two 500 kcmil XLP or EPR insulated cables per phase using preformed slip-on cable termination devices.Note: Width for Utility Metering Structures may vary.ATC = Automatic T ransfer Controller (see Page 8 .3-9)M = Motor OperatorPLC = Programmable Logic ControllerNote: Not to be used for construction purposes unless approved.Figure 8.3-9. Rear Access, Cable Exit—Top or BottomNote: Low height dimensions are for non-fused, manually operated switch only. For all motor operated switches and all fused switches, tall height dimensions apply.1 or 280.00 (2032.0)Figure 8.3-10. Rear Access, Cable Entry and Exit—Top or BottomNote: Low height dimensions are for non-fused, manually operated switch only. For all motor operated switches and all fused switches, tall height dimensions apply.1 or 280.00 (2032.0)a When high continuous current fusing or instrumentation is required, consult the Eaton factory for guidance.Note: A = Power Cable to Load. B = Power Cable from Source. See Figure 8 .3-8, Figure 8 .3-9 and Figure 8 .3-10 as applicable for dimension D on Page 8 .3-14 and Page 8 .3-14.Not to be used for construction purposes unless approved.Figure 8.3-12. Typical Anchor Plan—38 kV Outdoora Typical location for four (two front, two back) Eatonsupplied tie down clips for all 27–38 kV. Customer provided bolts for anchoring should be 0.50–13 min. SAE Grade 5 M12 x 1.75 min. CL 10.9 or stronger, and tightened to 75 ft-lb.b Door swing equals vertical section width at 90º.c Minimum clearance on side. Local jurisdictions may requirea larger clearance.d Minimum clearance in front is the width of the widestvertical section plus 1.00 inch (25.4 mm), but not less thanthat required by the NEC T. Local jurisdictions may requirea larger distance.e Minimum clearance in rear is 30.00 inches (762.0 mm).If rear doors are supplied, the minimum clearance is thewidth of the widest vertical section equipped with a reardoor plus 1.00 inch (25.4 mm). Local jurisdictions mayrequire a larger clearance.f Finished foundation’s surface shall be level within 0.06-inch(1.5 mm) in 36.00 inches (914.4 mm) left-to-right, front-to-backand diagonally, as measured by a laser level.g Locations for 0.50-inch (12.7 mm) anchor bolts.Figure 8.3-13. Typical Anchor Plan—38 kV IndoorWeightsNon-fused switch Fuses (3), add Indoor transition 2000 (908)300 (136)1100 (499)2400 (1090)300 (136)—Outdoor throat Motor operator adder —400 (182)1200 (545)400 (182)Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton .com© 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . CA022011EN / Z22791Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property。
No.D-※S-OMK0010-H 实体状自动开关说明书

No.D-※S-OMK0010-HSolid State Auto SwitchD-M9#A#Safety Instructions 2 Model Indication and How to Order 8 Summary of Product parts 10 Definition and terminology 10 Mounting and Installation 11 Installation 11 Circuit diagram 12 Troubleshooting 13 Specification 17 Specifications 17 Dimensions 18Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.etc.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs theequipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility withspecific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides itsspecifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure whenconfiguring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety isconfirmed.1. The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures toprevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above areimplemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if theproduct is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a placeexposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring specialsafety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by usinga mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Safety InstructionsCaution1.The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchangespecifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements The product used is subject to the following "Limited warranty and Disclaimer" and "Compliance Requirements".Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product isdelivered, whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts.Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly ourresponsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any otherdamage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms anddisclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of thevacuum pad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed bythe relevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governingthat export are known and followed.■NOTE○Follow the instructions given below when designing, selecting and handling your Auto switch.•The instructions on design and selection (installation, wiring, environment of use, adjustment, operation, maintenance and etc.) described below must also be followed.•Do not place two or more actuators close together.When using more than two Auto switches mounted parallel with each other, keep 40 mm or more between actuator tubes to prevent influence (malfunction) due to magnetic interference. (Keep the allowable displacement for each Auto switch if specified)•Detection of a piston by Auto switch mounted in the middle part of a cylinder stroke depends on the speed of the piston. Satisfy the conditional equation below.Where the maximum detectable piston speed = V (mm/s)V (mm/s) =Travel of auto switch (mm)X1000 Change over time of load (ms)•Reserve a space for maintenance.Remember to leave space for maintenance when installing the product.•Product handling∗Installation•Follow the specified tightening torque. (0.05 to 0.10 N•m)Excessive tightening torque can break the mounting screws, mounting bracket or Auto switch.Insufficient tightening torque can displace the Auto switch from the original position.(Refer to the installation manual)•Connect frame-ground terminal (FG terminal) to the ground when using a switching power supply. •Do not drop, hit or apply excessive shock (larger than 1000 m/s2) to the Auto switch.Otherwise it can result in damage to the Auto switch causing failure or malfunction.∗Wiring•Do not pull the lead wires.Especially never lift actuator equipped with Auto switch by holding the lead wires.It can result in damage to inside of Auto switch causing malfunction.•Do not bend or apply tensile stress to lead wires repeatedly.Wiring with repetitive bending stress or tensile stress can cause peel of a sheath.If the lead wire can move, fix it near the body of the Auto switch.A bend radius of about 40 to 80 mm is recommended. Contact us for the details.•Connect wires and cables correctly.Miswiring can break the Auto switch depending on the miswired circuit.•Do not connect wires while the power is on.Otherwise it can break the circuit inside the Auto switch causing malfunction.•Do not lay wires or cables with power cable or high-voltage cable in the same wiring route.Lay the wires to the Auto switch to a wire duct or in a protective tube other than those for power cables orhigh-voltage cables to prevent contamination with noise or induced surge voltage from power lines or high-voltage lines.•Verify the insulation of wiring.Poor insulation (interference with other circuit, poor insulation between terminals and etc.) can introduce excess voltage or current to the Auto switch causing damage.•Keep wiring as short as possible to prevent contamination from noise and induced surge voltage.Do not use a cable longer than 100 m.∗Environment•Never use the product for a corrosive gas or liquid.It can cause failure or malfunction.•Do not use the product in a place where strong magnetic field exists.It can cause a malfunction of the Auto switch, or demagnetization of a magnet inside actuator.•Do not use the Auto switch in an environment where the Auto switch is always splashed with water drips.It can cause poor insulation or malfunction due to swelling of a resin filled inside the Auto switch.•Do not use the product in an atmosphere containing oils or chemicals.Use of the Auto switch in an atmosphere containing various oils or chemicals such as coolant or detergent can result in giving bad influence (poor insulation, malfunction die to swelling of a resin filled inside the Auto switch, or hardening of lead wires) even if in a short operating period.•Do not use the product in an atmosphere where steel dusts accumulate or magnetic bodies are gathered closely.When an amount of steel chips or steel dusts such as sputters of welding accumulate around an actuator equipped with Auto switch, or magnetic bodies (those attracted by magnet) are gathered closely to the actuator, they can weaken a magnet inside the actuator causing inoperativeness of the Auto switch.•Do not use the product in an environment where heat cycle exists.Heat cycles other than ordinary change of the temperature can affect the inside of Auto switch.•Do not use the Auto switch nearby a place where electric surges are generated.Internal circuit elements of Auto switch can deteriorate or break when equipment generating a large surge (electromagnetic lifter, high frequency induction furnace, motor, etc.) is located near the Auto switch. Provide surge preventives, and avoid interference.•Do not use a load generating surge voltage.Use Auto switch equipped with surge absorber when a surge-generating load such as a relay or solenoid valve is driven directly.•Do not use in environments subject to radiation stress.It is not designed to withstand radiation, which may cause damage to the internal circuit elements of the auto switch.∗Adjustment and Operation•Adjust an Auto switch in the middle of operating area and then fix it.Adjust the position of Auto switch in a way that a piston stops at about the middle of operating area (where switch is in ON status).Mounting the Auto switch close to the end of operating area can cause instability of operation.Air grippers and rotary actuators have their own setting method. Follow their instructions.•Turn the power on after connecting a load.Otherwise it can cause excess current causing instantaneous breakage of the Auto switch.∗Maintenance•Perform maintenance and check regularly.Otherwise safety is not assured due to an unexpected malfunction or incorrect operation.•Do not touch terminals or printed circuit board inside the switch while the power is on.Otherwise it can cause in malfunction or damage to AUTO switch.∗Others•Contact SMC for water-proof capability, endurance of wire bending or use at welding shop. •Contact SMC when there is a problem of switch’s ON/OFF positions (hysteresis).D-Output typeSymbol SpecificationN 3-wire, NPNP 3-wire, PNPB 2-wireElectric entrySymbol SpecificationNIL In lineV Perpendicular•D-M9BA/M9NA/M9PA•D-M9BAV/M9NAV/M9PAV■InstallationWhen mounting the Auto switch to actuator it should be done with clamp for actuator.“How to mount” depends on actuator type and tube I.D. Please refer the actuator catalogue.When the Auto switch is mounted newly, please prepare the clamp for actuator after confirms that the actuator built in magnet.•Proper tightening torqueUse a watchmaker driver whose grip diameter is 5 to 6 mm when tightening the mounting screw.M2.5 mount screw tightening torque range shall be 0.05 to 0.10 N•m (0.5 to 1.0 kgf•cm)•Setting the detecting positionSet the actuator at the stroke end. Set the switch in the area to where the auto switch red lamp light.(Detecting actuator end)Based on A and B dimensions in the actuator catalogue, set the switch.For actual installation works, perform adjustment with checking the operating conditions of the Auto switch.Air grippers and rotary actuators have their own setting method. Follow their instructions.■C ircuit diagram•D-M9NA(V) •D-M9PA(V)•D-M9BA(V) (Sink input mode) •D-M9BA(V) (Source input mode)∗: The number marked on each lead wire color shows the pin number of pre-wired connector.When the auto switch falls in operation failure, identify the trouble with the following flow chart.A failure of the auto switch might depend on operating environment (application etc.) and needs to be given a measure by contacting to us separately.ReferenceNo.Problem Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasure5 Output staysOFFDisplay staysOFFAbnormal powersourceCheck the source voltage.(Zero or very low)Set the source voltage to specified voltage.(Refer to "Specifications (power voltageand load voltage)" on page 17.) Wiring failureVoltage applied to switch(load voltage).Correct wiring.(Refer to "Circuit diagram" on page 12.) Incorrect setting(mounting)positionCheck if detection is made close to theoperation range limit.Correct the position.(Center of operation range) Set positiondisplacementLoose set bracket or set screw.Fix at the right position with right torque.Tightening torque: 0.05 to 0.10 N•m Stop positiondisplacement ofthe pistonCheck if the stroke stop position isInconsistent.Stabilize stop position.(Correction of displacement/cushion)Decrease ofDetectedmagnetic field(demagnetization)Presence of magnetic field generatingsource around the cylinder.(Electric welding machine conductor/Strong magnet)Use the shield between magnetic fieldgenerating source and cylinder.Influence of magnetic field of adjacentcylinder (20 mm or less).Keeps cylinder away (40 mm or more).Use magnetic shielding.Presence of magnetic material (chip) piledup on the cylinder.Remove piled up magnetic material.Lead wiredisconnectedPresence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius/Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)6 Output staysOFFDisplay isnormalNot match withload specification(2-wire type)Check if load specification satisfy theformula below.Load ON voltage< Load voltage –(Switch internal voltage drop x n)n: Number of switch connected in serialChange to 3-wire type or reed Autoswitch.Reduce the number of switch connectedin serial.Wiring failure(Output line)(3-wire type)Connect condition(connector contact pin / crimp terminal).Correct wiring.(Re-wiring the connecting part)Disconnection oflead wire (black)(3-wire type)Presence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius / Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)ReferenceNo.Problem Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasure7 Unstableoperation(Chattering)Incorrect setting(mounting)positionCheck if detection is made around the limitof operation range.Correct the position.(center of the operation range.) Set positiondisplacementLoose set bracket or set screw.Fix at the right position with right torque.Tightening torque: 0.05 to 0.10 N•m Wiring failureCondition of connecting part(connector contact pin/crimp terminal).Correct wiring.(Re-wiring of connecting part) Lead wiredisconnectionPresence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius/Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)Malfunction due toturbulencemagnetic fieldPresence of magnetic field generatingsource around the cylinder.(Cylinder, electric welding machineconductor, motor, magnet etc.)Use the shield between magnetic fieldgenerating source and cylinder.Keep the cylinder away from magneticfield generating source.Multiple pointoperationMalfunction due toturbulencemagnetic fieldInfluence of the magnetic field of adjacentcylinder.Use magnetic shield between Cylinders.Load does notoperateDetect theintermediateposition of thestrokeCheck if piston speed satisfy the formulabelow.Load operation time [s]< Switch operation time [mm]/piston speed [mm/s]Reduce the piston speed until the formulais satisfied■SpecificationsSwitch part no. D-M9NA D-M9NAV D-M9PA D-M9PAV D-M9BA D-M9BAV Lead wire orientation In linePerpendicularIn linePerpendicularIn linePerpendicular Wiring 3-wire2-wire Output NPNPNP-Applicable load IC circuit/Relay/PLC 24 VDC Relay/PLCPower supply voltage 5/12/24 VDC (4.5 to 28 VDC)- Current consumption 10 mA or less-Load voltage 28 VDC or less-24 VDC (10 to 28 VDC)Load current 40 mA or less2.5 to 40 mA Internal voltage drop 0.8 V or less at load current of 10 mA (2 V or less at load current of 40 mA)4 V or less Current leakage 100 µA or less at 24 VDC 0.8 mA or lessIndication light Operating position: The red LED lights up.Optimum operating position: The green LED lights up.StandardCE/UKCA marked•Oilproof heavy-duty lead wire specificationsSwitch part no. D-M9NA#D-M9NAV#D-M9PA#D-M9PAV#D-M9BA#D-M9BAV#S h e a t hOutside diameter (mm) 2.6I n s u l a t o r Wires3-wire (Brown, Blue, Black)2-wire (Brown, Blue)Outside diameter (mm) 0.88 C o n d u c t o rCross section (mm 2) 0.13 Wire diameter (mm)0.05Minimum bending radius (mm)(Reference value)17■Dimensions•D-M9BA/M9NA/M9PA•D-M9BAV/M9NAV/M9PAVA: Modify the contents.B: Limited warranty and Disclaimer are added.C: Contents revised in several places.[August 2016]D: Contents revised in several places.[August 2018]E: Contents revised in several places. [June 2019]F: Contents revised in several places. [April 2020]G: Modified errors in text. [October 2020]H: Contents are added. [July 2022]4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://。

OUR BRAND我们的品牌全球最早实现序列化生产真空灭弧室研制出世界上第一台自由喷射式空气断路器1935奥博斯普瑞电站,德国第一个三相交流电站建成世界第一条高压直流输电系统,横跨非洲大陆perfekt in form und funktion—1895等AEG IN CHINA AEG在中国中压产品系列低压产品系列综保仪表产品系列CONTENT 目录中压产品系列Medium Voltage Product SERIES VL US 3.0-( //)扩展(母线连接器)类型L :左边扩展R :右边扩展LR:两边扩展空白:不可扩展额定电流630A,1250A开关柜类型(AM,A,APT采用空气绝缘)C:负荷开关柜F:负荷开关-熔断器组合柜CB:真空断路器柜D:有气箱电缆引入柜AM:计量柜I:母联柜A:无气箱电缆引入柜CPT:带开关压变柜APT:带开关压变柜ATS:双电源转换柜CI:负荷开关母联柜CBI:断路器母联柜额定电压12-12kV, 24 -24kV型号无产品型号F- 固定式 W- 手车式无- 中置式 B- 落地式额定短路开断电流(kA):25、31.5、40、50额定电流(A):630、1250、1600、2000、2500、3150、4000、5000主回路形式:A-绝缘筒装配 E-固封极柱额定电压(kV):12、24、40.5-弹操 M -永磁VX12630额定短路开断电流(kA)50熔断器额定电流(A)6.3、10 (355)A:组装绝缘柜,E:固封极柱额定电压 07:7.2kV,12:12kVWCH真空接触器熔断器保护方式M:电动机保护T :变压器保护无:无熔断器WCH 07M M 8050/M:机械保持,E:电保持,P:永磁保持 A F:固定式,无:手车式F----/产品型号额定短路开断电流(kA):20、25T 涌流保护器F 智能保护控制器V FTU智能保护控制器额定电流(A)额定电压(kV)无-不需隔离开关G-配一体化隔离开关低压产品系列LOW VOLTAGE PRODUCT SERIES ME09M 33W 50Mpro S06+附件产品分断能力 (415V)A-lcs=50kA, lcu=50kA,lcw=50kA D-lcs-65kA, lcu=70kA, lcw=65kA H1-lcs=80kA, lcu=80kA, lcw=65kA H2-lcs=80kA, lcu=80kA, lcw=80kA M-lcs=100kA,lcu=100kA,lcw=100kA(只有5000A,6400A适用)安装形式:F:固定式 W:抽出式极数:3 - 三极4 - 四极1-框架1 (A/D型 400A~2500A)2-框架2 (A/D型 3200A、4000A及H1/H2型)3-框架3 (M型 5000A至6400A)框架:MCS 169S 3160MM系列MC系列N:36kA(仅MM系类可以提供)S:50kA H:80kA X:100kA 3:三极4:四极MM169:7~160A MC169:25~160A MC259:125~250A MC409:250~400A MC639:400~630A MC809:630~800AL: (适用于MM169,MC169/259)标准型热磁保护S: (适用于MC169/259)选择型热磁保护M:(适用于MM169,MC169/259)单磁马达保护H: (适用于MC169/259)高性能带通讯电子式线路保护D: (适用于MC169/259)高性能带通讯电子式电动机保护A: (适用于409/639)标准型电子式线路保护B: (适用于409/639)标准型电子式电动机保护C: (适用于409/639)全功能电子式线路保护F: (适用于409/639)增强型电子保护169:160A 259:250A 409:400A 639:630A 809:800A极数:1-1P; 2-2P 3-3P; 4-4P 交直流通用型只提供1P/2PS: 10kA分断无: 6kA分断UC: 交直流通用 (10kA)无: 交流用B-B型脱扣,3~5 ln C-C型脱扣,5~10 ln D-D型脱扣,10~20 ln 0.5-0.5A ……16-16A ……63-63A N:极数为3P+N或1P+N,无:不带N极H:辅助接点S/H:故障接点SHT:分励脱扣器UVR:欠压脱扣器额定电流:脱扣特性:E91(S)(UC)B 16N +附件REC90紧凑型微型断路器极数: 1-1P 2-2P脱扣类型: B-B型脱扣,3-5ln C-C型脱扣,5-10ln20-2A 04-4A ……40-40A N: 级数为1P+NR: N级右置额定电流:EC91C 16N低压产品系列LOW VOLTAGE PRODUCT SERIES 电子式剩余电流保护断路顺E90D系列(1P+N)剩余电流类型: AC型脱扣特性: C-C型脱扣06-6A16-16A ……40-40A 剩余电流动作值:030-30mA G: 带过压保护无:不带过压保护H:辅助接点S/H:故障接点SHT:分励脱扣器UVR:欠压脱扣器额定电流:E9D C 16/030G +附件·电磁式剩余电流保护 断路器(1P+N)·HD90系列,剩余电流 动作类型:A型·D90系列,剩余电流动 作类型:AC型脱扣特性:C-C型脱扣额定电流:04-4A-06-06A 40-40A(B型脱扣器从6A开始)剩余电流动作值:030-30mA 300-300mA H:辅助接点S/H:故障接点SHT:分励脱扣器UVR:欠压脱扣器HD90C 04/030+附件ASR系列隔离开关极数: 10: 1P 20: 2P 30: 3P 40: 4P额定电流:40: 40A 63: 63A 100:100AASR 40100适用的微型断路器极数:2-2极4-4极(40A及以下)5-4极(32A以下2mod)适用的微型断路器电流等级:32-32A及以下63-32A至63A剩余电流动作值:030-30mA 300-300mA电磁式微型断路器漏电模块HD9系列,剩余电流动作类型:A型D9系列,剩余电流动作类型:AC型HD9232/030低压产品系列LOW VOLTAGE PRODUCT SERIESEB10系列终端配电箱3:左右开门4:上下开门08:8位 12:12位 15:15位18:18位 24:24位 36:36位T:透明面盖无:白色面盖注:EB103最大为36位,EB104最大为24位。

定时功能 *
ON延迟、 OFF延迟、单触发延迟、开关转换式、 定时器时间:0.1~5s(可变)(仅限E3JM-□□□4T)
受光面照度 白炽灯:3,000lx以下
入光时ON/遮光时ON 开关转换式
(继电器输出) 电气
5,000万次以上(开闭频率18,000次/小时) 10万次以上(开闭频率1,800次/小时)
继电器输出 DC无触点输出
(E3JM-□□M4(T))动作·复位: 各30ms以下 (E3JM-□□S4(T))动作·复位: 各5ms以下
DC12~240V±10% 脉动(p-p)10%以下、 AC24~240V±10% 50/60Hz
DC 消耗 电流
3W以下(投光器1.5W以下、 受光器1.5W以下)
3W以下(投光器1.5W以下、 受光器1.5W以下)
2W以下 2W以下
继电器输出: 1ch接点 AC250V 3A (cosφ=1) 以下、DC5V 10mA以上
Ӵᛳ఼ ᣛफ
ᬒ఼ ߚ行ൟ
ᬒ఼ ݙ㕂ൟ
⬉⑤ ݙ㕂ൟ
连接 方式
对射型 (投光器+ 受光器)
Festo VUVS-L30-M52-MD-G38-F8-1B2 电压式自动控制流量环回压差流量控制

Material de la corredera Material de los tornillos
según estándar industrial (11 mm) Sobre regleta de bornes con taladro pasante a elegir: sin escape común M5 G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 G3/8 Conforme con RoHS HNBR NBR Fundición inyectada de aluminio pintado Aleación forjable de aluminio Acero niquelado
electroválvula VUVS-L30-M52-MD-G38-F8-1B2
Número de artículo: 575606
Hoja de datos
Característica Función de las válvulas Tipo de accionamiento Tamaño de las válvulas Caudal nominal normal Presión de funcionamiento Mpa Presión de funcionamiento Construcción Tipo de reposición Homologación Clasificación marítima Certificado entidad que lo expide Tipo de protección
08/11/2023 – Reservado el derecho de modificación – Festo SE & Co. KG

- -
- - 3RU51 46-4JB1 3RU51 46-4KB1
3RU51 46-4LB1 3RU51 46-4MB1
4) 最大的熔断器规格。
SIRIUS(国产)3RU6 / 3RU5 热过载继电器
与 保
3RU5 热过载继电器
螺钉接线端子,与接触器插接 1)或独立安装,CLASS 10
功能和结构: • 过载和缺相保护 • 辅助触点 1 NO + 1 NC • 手动/自动复位
• 开关位置指示 • 测试功能 • 停止按钮
3RU61 16-0AB0 3RU61 16-0BB0 3RU61 16-0CB0 3RU61 16-0DB0
3RU61 16-0EB0 3RU61 16-0FB0 3RU61 16-0GB0 3RU61 16-0HB0
3RU61 16-0JB0 3RU61 16-0KB0 3RU61 16-1AB0 3RU61 16-1BB0
电动机保护断路器 接触器和接触器组合 中间继电器 过载继电器 软起动器
SIRIUS(国产)3RU6/3RU5 热过载继电器 4/2 介绍 4/3 通用数据 3RU6/3RU5 热过载继电器 4/4 选型和订货信息 3UA6 热过载继电器 4/6 选型和订货信息 4/7 附件 4/7 选型和订货信息
至 +80 ºC 的温度范围,上限设定值必须按下表中给定的修
图:3RU61 26 热过载继电器
与接触器连接的插接件: 与接触器进行完美的电气和机械连接。通过这些插接件, 过载继电器可以直接与接触器进行插接。也可选择独立安 装支座实现独立安装。

Eaton KES3250LSIGB22Eaton molded case circuit breaker accessory trip unit, KES 310+ Electronic, 250 A, Three-pole, 310+ Electronic LSIG, Ground fault alarm, Frame J-K, Series CGeneral specificationsEaton molded case circuit breaker accessory trip unitKES3250LSIGB2278668576129911 in 5.7 in5.5 in 4.4 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.Contact Manufacturer IEC RatedProduct NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertificationsFrame J-KSeries CKES 310+ Electronic Ground fault alarm 250 A310+ electronic LSIG Three-pole UL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersApplication of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit Breakers Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsMulti-wire lugs product aidMotor protection circuit breakers product aidCurrent limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aid Circuit breaker motor operators product aidStrandAble terminals product aidPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aid310+ MCCB product family pocket folderBreaker service centersK-Frame 310+ Molded-case circuit breakersMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionInstruction Leaflet for the KT 310+ Electronic Trip UnitInstruction Leaflet for the KES 310+ Electronic Trip Unit Installation Instructions for DK, KDB, KD, HKD, KDC, KW, HKW, KWC, CKD, CHKD Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesFlex shaft handle installation tutorialEaton Specification Sheet - KES3250LSIGB22Series C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersMOEM MCCB product selection guideFrame size SeriesTypeAlarm lockout Amperage Rating Trip Type Number of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsInstallation instructionsMultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

AC 208 … 240 V / DC 220 … 250 V
AC 380 … 415 V
with undervoltage release (UVR-t),
DC 48 V
adjustable 0.2 s and 3.2 s
DC 60 V
AC 110 … 127 V / DC 110 … 125 V
AC 208 … 240 V / DC 220 … 250 V
2nd auxiliary
without 2nd auxiliary release
with shunt trip (ST), for continuous duty
DC 24 … 30 V
(100 % OP)
DC 48 … 60 V
AC 208 … 240 V / DC 220 … 250 V
AC 380 … 415 V
1st auxiliary
without 1st auxiliary release
with shunt trip (ST/ST-COM),
DC 24 … 30 V
for continuous duty (100 % OP)
alarm reset coil (CC/CC-COM),
reset coil
DC 48 … 60 V
(RR) 1)
for continuous duty (100 % OP)
AC 110 … 127 V / DC 110 … 125 V
Festo VUVS-L30-M52-AD-G38-F8-1C1+G 电磁电压控制5 2单位稳定阀说

5/2 monoestable eléctrico 31 mm 2.300 l/min 0,25 ... 1 MPa 2,5 ... 10 bar Corredera muelle neumático c UL us - Recognized (OL) IP65 con conector tipo zócalo según IEC 60529 9,4 mm Estrangulable blando indistinto con enclavamiento mediante pulsador prepilotado interno no reversible Superposición positiva 0,4 9,9 l/sbar 49 ms 24 ms 100 % 2.000 µs 3.600 µs 24 V DC: 3,3 W +/- 10 % Aire comprimido según ISO 8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] Opción de funcionamiento con lubricación (necesaria en otro modo de funcionamiento)
2 - riesgo de corrosión moderado -10 ... 60 °C Aire comprimido según ISO 8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] -10 ... 60 °C 510 g Esquema de conexiones forma C, según EN 175301-803 según EN 175301-803 Sobre regleta de bornes
Material de la carcasa
Material de la corredera Material de los tornillos

按一下SET键数码管字符开始闪动,表示仪表进入设定状态,按△键设定值增加,按▽键设定值减小,长按△键或▽键数据会快速变动,再一次按SET 键仪表回到正常工作状态温度设定完毕。

套5 台 28 台3 个 36
62 10208033 直流电源\S-145-24
63 10932219 双电源开关\ZQ1-63/3\IP65
64 10201924 拉绳开关\Kg9001A-D
65 11201190 自愈式低压并联电容器\BCMJ KY 0.69-40-3TK\40kvar 三位选择开关
\IP66 控制按钮\LA39-11 AC220V 10A 绿 5 11024628 \IP55 控制按钮\XB2-BC31C AC220V 6A 绿 6 11246080 色\IP40
7 11553825 急停按钮\CE4T-10R-02\IP66
个 95 个 87 个 144 个 17 个9
8 11949233 点动按钮\LAY5-BA31 绿\IP66
111 11113671 控制按钮触点\ZB2-BE102C
个3 个 95 个 33 个 33 个 17 件 47
112 10135676 旋钮开关\LA39-10XF/R\IP62 113 10128907 万能转换开关\LW5D-
16/3\500V\16A\IP66 转换开关\KDH114 10441087 200A\380V\200A\IP20 115 11135087 转换开关\LW39B-16D 303/3\660V\16A\IP20 电流互感器\LMZJ1116 11821622 0.5\500V\300/5\0.5级\5VA 117 10947175 组合开关\3LB3 ZBZ-10ml\IP54 控制变压器\BK118 10402293 2000\2kVA\720V\AC220V 119 11391590 微动开关\Z-15GDA55-B5V\IP67

德国施迈赛(SCHMERSAL)⼯业开关安全门开关AZ15、AZ16、AZ17、AZ335、TZG、AZ415系列AZ15zvk、AZ15zvrkAZ16zvk,、AZ16zvrk 、AZ16-02zvk、AZ16-02zvrk 、AZ16-12zvk、AZ16-12zvrkAZ16-03zvk、AZ16-03zvrkAZ17-11zk,AZ17-11zrk, AZ17-02zk,AZ17-02zrkAZ335-11zk, AZ335-11zuk, AZ335-02zk, AZ335-12zk, AZ335-11zrk, AZ335-12zuk, AZ335-03zk, AZ335-03zrkTZG01.103,TZG01.110,TZGP01AZ415-22zpk,AZ415-20/02zpk安全锁开关AZM161、AZM170、AZM190、TZM、TZF、AZM415 AZM161SK-24rka,AZM161CC-24rkA,AZM161SK-33rka,AZM161CC-33rkaAZ17/170-B1,AZ17/1,170-B1-2245,AZ17/170-B5,AZM170-B6AZM190-B1,AZM190-B5,AZM190-B3/15,AZM190-B3/2x15TZF115,TAF230,TZF.CHI,TZFS,TZF.NN.TZFW,TZFWSAZM415-22zpk,azm415-22zpkE, AZM415-22zpkF, AZM415-22zpkRS, AZM415-22zpkNS, AZM415-22zpkT, AZM415-22zpka安全铰链开关(T.C235/236、ES95SB、TV.S335、TVS400、TV8S521系列)安全边沿开关SE40,SE70SE-AL10-1250,SE-AL10-2500,SE-AL12-1250,SE-AL12-2500,SE-AL22-1250,SE-AL22-2500SE-P40-1250, SE-P40-2500, SE-P40-5000, SE-P40-10000,SE-P70-1250, SE-P70-2500, SE-P70-5000, SE-P70-10000,安全地毯开关SMS3SMS3-25-50, SMS3-50-50, SMS3-75-100, SMS3-50-100,SMS3-100-100, SMS3-100-150,标准限位开关(Z/T235、Z/T 236 、Z/T 256 、Z/T 335 、Z/T 336 、Z332、Z/T 355 系列)Z/T235系列限位开关AZ235-11z,ZR235-11z,TS235-11z,TR235-11z,TS235-20z,TR235-20z,TS 235-02z,TR235-02z,Z4S235-11z,Z4R235-11z,ZK235-11z,T4S235-11z,T4R235-11z,TK235-15-02z,ZV12H235-11Z,ZV14H235-11Z,TV12H235-11Z,TV14H235-11Z,TV12H235-20Z,TV14H235-20Z,TV12H 235-02Z,TV14H235-02Z,ZV10H235-11Z,Z3K235-11Z,TV10H235-11Z,T3K235-11Z, TV10H235-20Z,T3K235-20Z,TV10H235-02Z,T3K235-02Z,Z4K235-11Z,ZK4235-11Z,T4K235-11Z,TK 4235-11Z,T4K235-20Z,TK4235-20Z, T4K235-02Z,TK4235-02ZZ/T236系列限位开关ZS236-11Z,ZR236-11Z,TS236-11Z,TR236-11Z,TS236-20Z,TR236-20Z, TS236-02Z,TR236-02Z,Z4R236-11Z,ZK236-11Z,T4R236-11Z,TK236-11Z,T4R236-20Z,TK236-2 0Z,T4R236-02Z,ZK236-02Z,ZV1H236-11Z,Z1R236-11Z,TV1H236-11Z,T1R236-11Z, TV1H236-20Z,T1R236-20Z, TV1H236-02Z,T1R236-02Z, ZV10H236-11Z,Z3K236-11Z,TV10H236-11Z,T3K236-11Z,TV10H236-20z,T3K236-20z,TV10H236-02Z,T3K236-02Z,Z4K236-11Z, ZK4236-11Z,T4K236-11z,TK4236-11z,T4K236-20z,TK4236-20z,T4K236-02z,TK4236-02zZ/T256系列限位开关ZS256-11z,ZR256-11z,TS256-11z,TR256-11z,TS256-20z,TR256-20z, TS256-02z,TR256-02z,Z4S256-11z,Z4R256-11z,ZK256-11z,T4S256-11z,T4R256-11z,TK256-16-02z,Z3K256-11z,Z4K256-11z,T3K256-11z,T4K256-11z,T3K256-20z,T 4K256-20z,T3K256-02z,T4K256-02z,ZK4256-11z,ZV1H256-11z,ZV7H2 56-11z, TK4256-11z,TV1H256-11z,TV7H256-11z, TK4256-20z,TV1H256-20z,TV7H256-20z TK4256-02z,TV1H256-02z,TV7H256-02z,ZV10H256-11z,TV10H256-11z, TV10H256-20z, TV10H256-02z,Z/T335系列限位开关ZS335-11z,ZR335-11z, ZS335-02z,ZR335-02z, TS335-11z,TR335-11z, TS335-11zu,TR335-11zu,TS335-20z,TR335-20z,TS335-11zh,TR335-11zh,TS335-02z,TR335-02z, TS335-02zh,TR335-02zh,Z4VH335-11z,Z4V7H335-11z,Z4V10H335-1 1z,Z4VH335-02z,Z4V7H335-02z,Z4V10H335-02z,T4VH335-11z,T4V7 H335-11z,T4V10H335-11z,T4VH335-11zu,T4V7H335-11zu,T4V10H33 5-11zu,T4VH335-20z,T4V7H335-20z,T4V10H335-20z,T4VH335-20zh, T4V7H335-20zh,T4V10H335-20zh,T4VH335-02z,T4V7H335-02z,T4V1 0H335-02z,T4VH335-02zh,T4V7H335-02zh,T4V10H335-02zh,TVH335 -01/01z,Z1K335-11z,Z3K-335-11z,Z1K335-02z,Z3K-335-02z,T1K335-11z,T3K-335-11z,T1K335-11zu,T3K-335-11zu,T1K335-20z,T3K-335-20z ,T1K335-20zh,T3K-335-20zh,T1K335-02z,T3K-335-02z,T1K335-02zh,T 3K-335-02zhZ/T336系列限位开关ZS336-11z,ZR336-11z, ZS336-02z,ZR336-02z, TS336-11z,TR336-11z, TS336-11zu,TR336-11zu,TS336-20z,TR336-20z,TS336-11zh,TR336-11zh,TS336-02z,TR336-02z, TS336-02zh,TR336-02zh,Z4VH336-11z,Z4V7H336-11z,Z4V10H336-1 1z,Z4VH336-02z,Z4V7H336-02z,Z4V10H336-02z,T4VH336-11z,T4V7 H336-11z,T4V10H336-11z,T4VH336-11zu,T4V7H336-11zu,T4V10H33 6-11zu,T4VH336-20z,T4V7H336-20z,T4V10H336-20z,T4VH336-20zh, T4V7H336-20zh,T4V10H336-20zh,T4VH336-02z,T4V7H336-02z,T4V1 0H336-02z,T4VH336-02zh,T4V7H336-02zh,T4V10H336-02zh,TVH336 -01/01z,Z1K336-11z,Z3K-336-11z,Z1K336-02z,Z3K-336-02z,T1K336-11z,T3K-336-11z,T1K336-11zu,T3K-336-11zu,T1K336-20z,T3K-336-20z ,T1K336-20zh,T3K-336-20zh,T1K336-02z,T3K-336-02z,T1K336-02zh,T 3K-336-02zhZS332系列限位开关ZS332-11y,ZR332-11y,Z4VH332-11y,Z4V10H332-11y,Z4V7H332-11y Z/T355系列限位开关ZS355-11z,ZR355-11z,ZS335-02z,ZR335-02z,TS355-11z,TR355-11z,TS 355-11zu,TR355-11zu,TS355-20z,TR355-20z,TS355-20zh,TR355-20zh,TS355-02z,TR355-02z, TS355-02zh,TR355-02zh,Z1K355-11z,Z3K355-11z,Z1K355-02z,Z3K35 5-02z,T1K355-11z,T3K355-11z,T1K355-11zu,T3K355-11zu,T1K355-20 z,T3K355-20z,T1K355-20zh,T3K355-20zh,T1K355-02z,T3K355-02zT1K355-02zh,T3K355-02zh,Z4VH355-11z,Z4V10H355-11z,Z4V7H355 -11z,Z4VH355-02z,Z4V10H355-02z,Z4V7H355-02z,T4VH355-11z,T4V 10H355-11z,T4V7H355-11z,T4VH355-11zu,T4V10H355-11zu,T4V7H3 55-11zu,T4VH355-20z,T4V10H355-20z,T4V7H355-20z,T4VH355-20z h,T4V10H355-20zh,T4V7H355-20zh,T4VH355-02z,T4V10H355-02z,T 4V7H355-02z,T4VH355-02zh,T4V10H355-02zh,T4V7H355-02zh,TVH 355-01-01zM330系列限位开关MS330-11y,MR330-11y,MV10H330-11y,MV7H330-11y,M3V4D330-1 1Y MS 330-11Y-1366S0系列限位开关TS015-11y,T2S015-11Y,MS015-11Y,M2S015-11Y,TS015-20Y,T2S015-2 0Y,TS015-02Y,T2S015-02Y,TS016-21Y,T2S015-21Y,TS016-12Y,T2S016-1 2Y,TS016-30Y,T2S016-30Y,TS016-03Y,T2S016-03Y,TS017-22Y,T2S017-2 2Y,MS017-22Y,M2S017-22Y,TS017-31Y,T2S017-31Y,TS017-13Y,T2S017 -13Y,TK015-11Y,T2K015-11Y,MK015-11Y,M2K015-11Y,TK015-20Y,T2K 015-20Y,TK015-02Y,T2K015-02Y,TK016-21Y,T2K016-21Y,TK016-12Y,T2 K016-12Y,TK016-30Y,T2K016-30Y,TK016-03Y,T2K016-03Y,TK017-22Y,T 2K017-22Y,MK017-22Y,M2K017-22Y,TK017-31Y,T2K017-31Y,TK017-1 3Y,T2K017-13YT3K015-11Y,TVH015-11Y,M3K015-11Y,MVH015-11Y,T 3K015-20Y,TVH015-20Y,T3K015-02Y,TVH015-02Y,T3K016-21Y,TVH016 -21Y,T3K016-12Y,TVH016-12Y,T3K016-30Y,TVH016-30Y,T3K016-03Y,TVH016-03Y,T3K017-22Y,TVH017-22Y,M3K017-22Y,MVH017-22Y,T3K0 17-31Y,TVH017-31Y,T3K017-13Y,TVH017-13Y S1系列限位开关TS422-10Y,T2S422-10Y,TS422-01Y,T2S422-01Y,TS411-11Y,T2S411-11Y MS411-11Y,M2S411-11YTS452-20Y,T2S452-20Y,TS452-02Y,T2S452-0 2Y,TS452-21Y,T2S452-21Y,TS452-12Y,T2S452-12Y,TS461-30Y,T2S461-3 0Y,TS461-03Y,T2S461-03Y,TS461-22Y,T2S461-22Y,MS461-22Y,M2S461 -22Y,TS461-31Y,T2S461-31Y,TS461-13Y,T2S461-13YTS470-33Y,T2S470 -33Y,TK422-10Y,TK422-01Y,TK441-11Y,MK441-11Y,TK452-20Y,TK452-0 2Y,TK452-21Y,TK452-12Y,TK461-30Y,TK461-03Y,TK461-22Y,MK461-22Y ,TK461-31YTK461-13Y,TK470-33Y,TR422-10Y,TR422-01Y,TR441-11Y,M R441-11Y,TR452-20Y,TR452-02Y,TR452-21Y,TR452-12Y,TR461-30Y,TR4 61-03Y,TR461-22Y,MR461-22Y,TR461-31Y,TR461-13Y,TR470-33Y,TJ42 2-10Y,T222-10Y,TJ422-01Y,T222-01Y,TJ441-11Y,T241-11Y,MJ441-11Y, M241-11Y,TJ452-20Y,T252-20Y,TJ452-02Y,T252-02Y,TJ452-21Y,T252-2 1Y,TJ452-12Y,T252-12Y,TJ461-30Y,T261-30Y,TJ461-03Y,T261-03Y,TJ461 -22Y,T261-22Y,MJ461-22Y,M261-22Y,TJ461-31Y,T261-31Y,TJ461-13Y,T 261-13Y,TJ470-33Y,T270-33Y,TL422-10Y,TD422-10Y,TL422-01Y,TD422-01Y,TL441-11Y,TD441-11Y,ML441-11Y,M441-11Y,TL452-20Y,TD452-20 Y,TL452-02Y,TD452-02Y,TL452-21Y,TD452-21Y,TL452-12Y,TD452-12Y,T L461-30Y,TD461-30Y,TL461-03Y,TD461-03Y,TL461-22Y,TD461-22Y,ML461-22Y,MD461-11Y,TL461-31Y,TD461-31Y,TL461-13Y,TD461-13Y. T.064系列限位开关TS064-21Y,TJ064-21Y,TX064-21Y,TS064-12Y,TJ064-12Y,TS064-12Y,TS06 4-30Y,TJ064-30Y,TX064-30Y,TS064-03Y,TJ064-03Y,TS064-03Y,TS064-22 Y,TJ064-22Y,TX064-22Y,TS064-31Y,TJ064-31Y,TX064-31Y,TS064-13Y,TJ0 64-13Y,TX064-13Y,TS064-40Y,TJ064-40Y,TX064-40Y,TS064-04Y,TJ064-0 4Y,TX064-04Y,TA064-21Y,TL064-21Y,TZ064-21Y,TA064-12Y,TL064-12Y,T Z064-12Y,TA064-30Y,TL064-30Y,TZ064-30Y,TA064-03Y,TL064-03Y,TZ06 4-03Y,TA064-20/10Y,TL064-20/10Y,TZ064-20/10Y,TA064-10/20Y,TL06 4-10/20Y,TZ064-10/20Y,TA064-02/01Y,TL064-02/01Y,TZ064-02/01Y,T A064-01/02Y,TL064-01/02Y,TZ064-01/02Y,M.064系列限位开关MS064-21Y,J064-21Y,MS064-21Y,MS064-12Y,J064-12Y,MS064-12Y,M S064-30Y,J064-30Y,MS064-30Y,MS064-03Y,J064-03Y,MS064-03Y,MS0 64-22Y,J064-22Y,MS064-22Y,MS064-31Y,J064-31Y,MS064-31Y,MS064 -13Y,J064-13Y,MS064-13Y,MS064-40Y,J064-40Y,MS064-40Y,MS064-0 4Y,J064-04Y,MS064-04Y,MA064-21Y,ML064-21Y,MA064-12Y,ML064-12Y,MA064-30Y,ML064-30Y,MA064-22Y,ML064-22Y,MA064-31Y,ML0 64-31Y,MA064-40Y,ML064-40Y,T.067系列限位开关T2A067-11Y,TL067-11Y,TZ067-11Y,T2A067-20Y,TL067-20Y,TZ067-20Y, T2A067-02Y,TL067-02Y,TZ067-02Y,T2A067-10/10Y,TL067-10/10Y,TZ067-10/10Y,T2A067-01/01Y,TL067-01/01Y,TZ067-01/01Y T.471系列限位开关TA471-20/20Y,TL471-20/20Y,TZ471-20/20Y,TA471-02/02Y,TL471-02/02Y,TZ471-02/02Y,TA471-21/21Y,TL471-21/21Y,TZ471-21/21Y,TA471-12/12Y,TL471-12/12Y,TZ471-12/12Y,TA471-30/30Y,TL471-30/30Y,TZ471-30/30Y,TA471-03/03Y,TL471-03/03Y,TZ471-03/03Y,M.471系列限位开关MA471-21Y,ML471-21Y,MA471-12Y,ML471-12Y,MA471-22Y,ML471-22Y,MA471-33Y,ML471-33Y,MA471-20/20Y,ML471-20/20Y,MZ471-20/20Y,MA471-02/02Y,ML471-02/02Y,MZ471-02/02Y,MA471-21/21Y,ML471-21/21Y,MZ471-21/21Y,MA471-12/12Y,ML471-12/12Y,MZ471-12/12Y,MA471-03/03Y,ML471-Y03/03,MZ471-03/03Y,T.130,T.240系列限位开关TA130-33Y,TL130-33Y,TZ130-33Y,TA240-55Y,TL240-55Y,TZ240-55YT.136,T.246系列限位开关TA136-30Y,TZ136-30Y,TA136-03Y,TZ136-03Y,TA246-30/30Y,TZ246-30/30Y,TA246-03/03Y,TZ246-03/03YHLU110-1⾄HLU110-10通⽤控制开关HLU110-1,HLU110-2,HLU110-3,HLU110-4,HLU110-5,HLU110-6,HLU110-7,HLU110-8,HLU110-9,HLU110-10,HLU110-11,HLU110-12,HLU110-13,HLU110-14,HLU110-15,HLU110-16,HLU110-17, HLU110-18, HLU110-19 ,HLU110-20,035精确限位开关T2L035-11Z,M2L035-11Z,T2L035-20Z,T2L035-02ZMSP452凸轮控制开关MSP452-11/11YG50/150转换开关G50-050-M11/11Y G50-050-M22/22Y G50-050-M33/33Y G50-050-M44/44YG150-150-T11/11Y G50-050-T11/11Y G50-050-T22/22Y G50-050-Z11/11Y / G150-150-M11/11YG150-150-M22/22Y G150-15德国施迈赛(SCHMERSAL)⼯业开关安全门开关AZ15、AZ16、AZ17、AZ335、TZG、AZ415系列AZ15zvk、AZ15zvrkAZ16zvk,、AZ16zvrk 、AZ16-02zvk、AZ16-02zvrk 、AZ16-12zvk、AZ16-12zvrkAZ16-03zvk、AZ16-03zvrkAZ17-11zk,AZ17-11zrk, AZ17-02zk,AZ17-02zrkAZ335-11zk, AZ335-11zuk, AZ335-02zk, AZ335-12zk, AZ335-11zrk, AZ335-12zuk, AZ335-03zk, AZ335-03zrkTZG01.103,TZG01.110,TZGP01AZ415-22zpk,AZ415-20/02zpk安全锁开关AZM161、AZM170、AZM190、TZM、TZF、AZM415 AZM161SK-24rka,AZM161CC-24rkA,AZM161SK-33rka,AZM161CC-3 3rkaAZ17/170-B1,AZ17/1,170-B1-2245,AZ17/170-B5,AZM170-B6AZM190-B1,AZM190-B5,AZM190-B3/15,AZM190-B3/2x15TZF115,TAF230,TZF.CHI,TZFS,TZF.NN.TZFW,TZFWSAZM415-22zpk,azm415-22zpkE, AZM415-22zpkF, AZM415-22zpkRS, AZM415-22zpkNS, AZM415-22zpkT, AZM415-22zpka安全铰链开关(T.C235/236、ES95SB、TV.S335、TVS400、TV8S521系列)安全边沿开关SE40,SE70SE-AL10-1250,SE-AL10-2500,SE-AL12-1250,SE-AL12-2500,SE-AL22-1250,SE-AL22-2500SE-P40-1250, SE-P40-2500, SE-P40-5000, SE-P40-10000,SE-P70-1250, SE-P70-2500, SE-P70-5000, SE-P70-10000,安全地毯开关SMS3SMS3-25-50, SMS3-50-50, SMS3-75-100, SMS3-50-100,SMS3-100-100, SMS3-100-150,标准限位开关(Z/T235、Z/T 236 、Z/T 256 、Z/T 335 、Z/T 336 、Z332、Z/T 355 系列)Z/T235系列限位开关AZ235-11z,ZR235-11z,TS235-11z,TR235-11z,TS235-20z,TR235-20z,TS 235-02z,TR235-02z,Z4S235-11z,Z4R235-11z,ZK235-11z,T4S235-11z,T4R235-11z,TK235-1 1z,T4S235-20z,T4R235-20z,TK235-20z,T4S235-02z,T4R235-02z,TK23 5-02z,ZV12H235-11Z,ZV14H235-11Z,TV12H235-11Z,TV14H235-11Z,TV12H235-20Z,TV14H235-20Z,TV12H 235-02Z,TV14H235-02Z,ZV10H235-11Z,Z3K235-11Z,TV10H235-11Z,T3K235-11Z, TV10H235-20Z,T3K235-20Z,TV10H235-02Z,T3K235-02Z,Z4K235-11Z,ZK4235-11Z,T4K235-11Z,TK 4235-11Z,T4K235-20Z,TK4235-20Z, T4K235-02Z,TK4235-02ZZ/T236系列限位开关ZS236-11Z,ZR236-11Z,TS236-11Z,TR236-11Z,TS236-20Z,TR236-20Z, TS236-02Z,TR236-02Z,Z4R236-11Z,ZK236-11Z,T4R236-11Z,TK236-11Z,T4R236-20Z,TK236-2 0Z,T4R236-02Z,ZK236-02Z,ZV1H236-11Z,Z1R236-11Z,TV1H236-11Z,T1R236-11Z, TV1H236-20Z,T1R236-20Z,TV1H236-02Z,T1R236-02Z, ZV10H236-11Z,Z3K236-11Z, TV10H236-11Z,T3K236-11Z,TV10H236-20z,T3K236-20z,TV10H236-02Z,T3K236-02Z,Z4K236-11Z, ZK4236-11Z,T4K236-11z,TK4236-11z,T4K236-20z,TK4236-20z,T4K236-02z,TK4236-02zZ/T256系列限位开关ZS256-11z,ZR256-11z,TS256-11z,TR256-11z,TS256-20z,TR256-20z, TS256-02z,TR256-02z,Z4S256-11z,Z4R256-11z,ZK256-11z,T4S256-11z,T4R256-11z,TK256-1 1z,T4S256-20z,T4R256-20z,TK256-20z,T4S256-02z,T4R256-02z,TK25 6-02z,Z3K256-11z,Z4K256-11z,T3K256-11z,T4K256-11z,T3K256-20z,T 4K256-20z,T3K256-02z,T4K256-02z,ZK4256-11z,ZV1H256-11z,ZV7H2 56-11z, TK4256-11z,TV1H256-11z,TV7H256-11z, TK4256-20z,TV1H256-20z,TV7H256-20zTK4256-02z,TV1H256-02z,TV7H256-02z,ZV10H256-11z,TV10H256-11z, TV10H256-20z, TV10H256-02z,Z/T335系列限位开关ZS335-11z,ZR335-11z, ZS335-02z,ZR335-02z, TS335-11z,TR335-11z, TS335-11zu,TR335-11zu,TS335-20z,TR335-20z,TS335-11zh,TR335-11zh,TS335-02z,TR335-02z, TS335-02zh,TR335-02zh,Z4VH335-11z,Z4V7H335-11z,Z4V10H335-1 1z,Z4VH335-02z,Z4V7H335-02z,Z4V10H335-02z,T4VH335-11z,T4V7H335-11z,T4V10H335-11z,T4VH335-11zu,T4V7H335-11zu,T4V10H33 5-11zu,T4VH335-20z,T4V7H335-20z,T4V10H335-20z,T4VH335-20zh, T4V7H335-20zh,T4V10H335-20zh,T4VH335-02z,T4V7H335-02z,T4V1 0H335-02z,T4VH335-02zh,T4V7H335-02zh,T4V10H335-02zh,TVH335 -01/01z,Z1K335-11z,Z3K-335-11z,Z1K335-02z,Z3K-335-02z,T1K335-11z,T3K-335-11z,T1K335-11zu,T3K-335-11zu,T1K335-20z,T3K-335-20z ,T1K335-20zh,T3K-335-20zh,T1K335-02z,T3K-335-02z,T1K335-02zh,T 3K-335-02zhZ/T336系列限位开关ZS336-11z,ZR336-11z, ZS336-02z,ZR336-02z, TS336-11z,TR336-11z, TS336-11zu,TR336-11zu,TS336-20z,TR336-20z,TS336-11zh,TR336-11zh,TS336-02z,TR336-02z, TS336-02zh,TR336-02zh,Z4VH336-11z,Z4V7H336-11z,Z4V10H336-1 1z,Z4VH336-02z,Z4V7H336-02z,Z4V10H336-02z,T4VH336-11z,T4V7 H336-11z,T4V10H336-11z,T4VH336-11zu,T4V7H336-11zu,T4V10H33 6-11zu,T4VH336-20z,T4V7H336-20z,T4V10H336-20z,T4VH336-20zh, T4V7H336-20zh,T4V10H336-20zh,T4VH336-02z,T4V7H336-02z,T4V1 0H336-02z,T4VH336-02zh,T4V7H336-02zh,T4V10H336-02zh,TVH336 -01/01z,Z1K336-11z,Z3K-336-11z,Z1K336-02z,Z3K-336-02z,T1K336-11z,T3K-336-11z,T1K336-11zu,T3K-336-11zu,T1K336-20z,T3K-336-20z ,T1K336-20zh,T3K-336-20zh,T1K336-02z,T3K-336-02z,T1K336-02zh,T 3K-336-02zhZS332系列限位开关ZS332-11y,ZR332-11y,Z4VH332-11y,Z4V10H332-11y,Z4V7H332-11y Z/T355系列限位开关ZS355-11z,ZR355-11z,ZS335-02z,ZR335-02z,TS355-11z,TR355-11z,TS 355-11zu,TR355-11zu,TS355-20z,TR355-20z,TS355-20zh,TR355-20zh,TS355-02z,TR355-02z, TS355-02zh,TR355-02zh,Z1K355-11z,Z3K355-11z,Z1K355-02z,Z3K35 5-02z,T1K355-11z,T3K355-11z,T1K355-11zu,T3K355-11zu,T1K355-20 z,T3K355-20z,T1K355-20zh,T3K355-20zh,T1K355-02z,T3K355-02zT1K355-02zh,T3K355-02zh,Z4VH355-11z,Z4V10H355-11z,Z4V7H355 -11z,Z4VH355-02z,Z4V10H355-02z,Z4V7H355-02z,T4VH355-11z,T4V 10H355-11z,T4V7H355-11z,T4VH355-11zu,T4V10H355-11zu,T4V7H3 55-11zu,T4VH355-20z,T4V10H355-20z,T4V7H355-20z,T4VH355-20z h,T4V10H355-20zh,T4V7H355-20zh,T4VH355-02z,T4V10H355-02z,T 4V7H355-02z,T4VH355-02zh,T4V10H355-02zh,T4V7H355-02zh,TVH 355-01-01zM330系列限位开关MS330-11y,MR330-11y,MV10H330-11y,MV7H330-11y,M3V4D330-1 1Y MS 330-11Y-1366S0系列限位开关TS015-11y,T2S015-11Y,MS015-11Y,M2S015-11Y,TS015-20Y,T2S015-2 0Y,TS015-02Y,T2S015-02Y,TS016-21Y,T2S015-21Y,TS016-12Y,T2S016-12Y,TS016-30Y,T2S016-30Y,TS016-03Y,T2S016-03Y,TS017-22Y,T2S017-2 2Y,MS017-22Y,M2S017-22Y,TS017-31Y,T2S017-31Y,TS017-13Y,T2S017 -13Y,TK015-11Y,T2K015-11Y,MK015-11Y,M2K015-11Y,TK015-20Y,T2K 015-20Y,TK015-02Y,T2K015-02Y,TK016-21Y,T2K016-21Y,TK016-12Y,T2 K016-12Y,TK016-30Y,T2K016-30Y,TK016-03Y,T2K016-03Y,TK017-22Y,T 2K017-22Y,MK017-22Y,M2K017-22Y,TK017-31Y,T2K017-31Y,TK017-1 3Y,T2K017-13YT3K015-11Y,TVH015-11Y,M3K015-11Y,MVH015-11Y,T 3K015-20Y,TVH015-20Y,T3K015-02Y,TVH015-02Y,T3K016-21Y,TVH016 -21Y,T3K016-12Y,TVH016-12Y,T3K016-30Y,TVH016-30Y,T3K016-03Y,T VH016-03Y,T3K017-22Y,TVH017-22Y,M3K017-22Y,MVH017-22Y,T3K0 17-31Y,TVH017-31Y,T3K017-13Y,TVH017-13YS1系列限位开关TS422-10Y,T2S422-10Y,TS422-01Y,T2S422-01Y,TS411-11Y,T2S411-11Y MS411-11Y,M2S411-11YTS452-20Y,T2S452-20Y,TS452-02Y,T2S452-0 2Y,TS452-21Y,T2S452-21Y,TS452-12Y,T2S452-12Y,TS461-30Y,T2S461-3 0Y,TS461-03Y,T2S461-03Y,TS461-22Y,T2S461-22Y,MS461-22Y,M2S461 -22Y,TS461-31Y,T2S461-31Y,TS461-13Y,T2S461-13YTS470-33Y,T2S470 -33Y,TK422-10Y,TK422-01Y,TK441-11Y,MK441-11Y,TK452-20Y,TK452-0 2Y,TK452-21Y,TK452-12Y,TK461-30Y,TK461-03Y,TK461-22Y,MK461-22Y ,TK461-31YTK461-13Y,TK470-33Y,TR422-10Y,TR422-01Y,TR441-11Y,M R441-11Y,TR452-20Y,TR452-02Y,TR452-21Y,TR452-12Y,TR461-30Y,TR461-03Y,TR461-22Y,MR461-22Y,TR461-31Y,TR461-13Y,TR470-33Y,TJ42 2-10Y,T222-10Y,TJ422-01Y,T222-01Y,TJ441-11Y,T241-11Y,MJ441-11Y, M241-11Y,TJ452-20Y,T252-20Y,TJ452-02Y,T252-02Y,TJ452-21Y,T252-2 1Y,TJ452-12Y,T252-12Y,TJ461-30Y,T261-30Y,TJ461-03Y,T261-03Y,TJ461 -22Y,T261-22Y,MJ461-22Y,M261-22Y,TJ461-31Y,T261-31Y,TJ461-13Y,T 261-13Y,TJ470-33Y,T270-33Y,TL422-10Y,TD422-10Y,TL422-01Y,TD422-01Y,TL441-11Y,TD441-11Y,ML441-11Y,M441-11Y,TL452-20Y,TD452-20 Y,TL452-02Y,TD452-02Y,TL452-21Y,TD452-21Y,TL452-12Y,TD452-12Y,T L461-30Y,TD461-30Y,TL461-03Y,TD461-03Y,TL461-22Y,TD461-22Y,ML 461-22Y,MD461-11Y,TL461-31Y,TD461-31Y,TL461-13Y,TD461-13Y. T.064系列限位开关TS064-21Y,TJ064-21Y,TX064-21Y,TS064-12Y,TJ064-12Y,TS064-12Y,TS06 4-30Y,TJ064-30Y,TX064-30Y,TS064-03Y,TJ064-03Y,TS064-03Y,TS064-22 Y,TJ064-22Y,TX064-22Y,TS064-31Y,TJ064-31Y,TX064-31Y,TS064-13Y,TJ0 64-13Y,TX064-13Y,TS064-40Y,TJ064-40Y,TX064-40Y,TS064-04Y,TJ064-0 4Y,TX064-04Y,TA064-21Y,TL064-21Y,TZ064-21Y,TA064-12Y,TL064-12Y,T Z064-12Y,TA064-30Y,TL064-30Y,TZ064-30Y,TA064-03Y,TL064-03Y,TZ06 4-03Y,TA064-20/10Y,TL064-20/10Y,TZ064-20/10Y,TA064-10/20Y,TL06 4-10/20Y,TZ064-10/20Y,TA064-02/01Y,TL064-02/01Y,TZ064-02/01Y,T A064-01/02Y,TL064-01/02Y,TZ064-01/02Y,M.064系列限位开关MS064-21Y,J064-21Y,MS064-21Y,MS064-12Y,J064-12Y,MS064-12Y,MS064-30Y,J064-30Y,MS064-30Y,MS064-03Y,J064-03Y,MS064-03Y,MS0 64-22Y,J064-22Y,MS064-22Y,MS064-31Y,J064-31Y,MS064-31Y,MS064 -13Y,J064-13Y,MS064-13Y,MS064-40Y,J064-40Y,MS064-40Y,MS064-0 4Y,J064-04Y,MS064-04Y,MA064-21Y,ML064-21Y,MA064-12Y,ML064-12Y,MA064-30Y,ML064-30Y,MA064-22Y,ML064-22Y,MA064-31Y,ML0 64-31Y,MA064-40Y,ML064-40Y,T.067系列限位开关T2A067-11Y,TL067-11Y,TZ067-11Y,T2A067-20Y,TL067-20Y,TZ067-20Y, T2A067-02Y,TL067-02Y,TZ067-02Y,T2A067-10/10Y,TL067-10/10Y,TZ06 7-10/10Y,T2A067-01/01Y,TL067-01/01Y,TZ067-01/01YT.471系列限位开关TA471-20/20Y,TL471-20/20Y,TZ471-20/20Y,TA471-02/02Y,TL471-02/02Y,TZ471-02/02Y,TA471-21/21Y,TL471-21/21Y,TZ471-21/21Y,TA471-12/12Y,TL471-12/12Y,TZ471-12/12Y,TA471-30/30Y,TL471-30/30Y,TZ471-30/30Y,TA471-03/03Y,TL471-03/03Y,TZ471-03/03Y,M.471系列限位开关MA471-21Y,ML471-21Y,MA471-12Y,ML471-12Y,MA471-22Y,ML471-22Y,MA471-33Y,ML471-33Y,MA471-20/20Y,ML471-20/20Y,MZ471-20/20Y,MA471-02/02Y,ML471-02/02Y,MZ471-02/02Y,MA471-21/21Y,ML471-21/21Y,MZ471-21/21Y,MA471-12/12Y,ML471-12/12Y,MZ471-12/12Y,MA471-03/03Y,ML471-Y03/03,MZ471-03/03Y,T.130,T.240系列限位开关TA130-33Y,TL130-33Y,TZ130-33Y,TA240-55Y,TL240-55Y,TZ240-55YT.136,T.246系列限位开关TA136-30Y,TZ136-30Y,TA136-03Y,TZ136-03Y,TA246-30/30Y,TZ246-30/30Y,TA246-03/03Y,TZ246-03/03YHLU110-1⾄HLU110-10通⽤控制开关HLU110-1,HLU110-2,HLU110-3,HLU110-4,HLU110-5,HLU110-6,HLU110-7,HLU110-8,HLU110-9,HLU110-10,HLU110-11,HLU110-12,HLU110-13,HLU110-14,HLU110-15, HLU110-16,HLU110-17, HLU110-18, HLU110-19 ,HLU110-20, 035精确限位开关T2L035-11Z,M2L035-11Z,T2L035-20Z,T2L035-02ZMSP452凸轮控制开关MSP452-11/11Y。

BERO接近开关概要BERO Proximity Switches Summary摘要BERO接近开关为无接触式电子开关,根据物理原理的不同可分为超声波传感器、光电接近开关、电感式接近开关和电容式接近开关四种。
关键词BERO 接近开关Key WordsBERO Proximity switchesA&D Service & Support Page 2-27目 录BERO接近开关概要 (1)一、3RG7 系列 Opto-BERO 光电开关 (5)1.1、光电开关工作原理 (5)1.2、安装 (6)1.3、传感器系列与订货信息 (8)二、3RG6 系列 BERO 超声波式接近开关 (10)2.1、工作原理 (10)2.2、应用 (11)2.3、SONPROG (11)2.4、同步: (12)2.5、分类: (12)2.6、防爆保护 (14)2.7、安装 (14)2.8、传感器系列与订货信息 (15)三、BERO-3RG4 系列电感式接近开关 (17)3.1、工作原理与应用 (17)3.2、产品特点 (17)3.3、电缆: (18)3.4、最小安装间隙: (18)3.5、种类 (18)四、BERO 3RG16 电容式接近开关 (21)4.1、应用 (21)4.2、工作原理 (21)4.3、3RG16 开关特点: (22)4.4、电气连接 (22)五、IQ Sense (22)5.1、IQ-Sense 的突出特点 (22)5.2、设置与编程 (23)5.3、EMC (23)5.4、IQ-Sense类型 (24)5.5、IQ Sense模板 (26)附录-推荐网址 (27)A&D Service & Support Page 3-27BERO接近开关概要产品样本下载路径:/download/自动化系统\工厂自动化传感器自动化控制系统,产品生产线,需要对位置、距离、高度等进行检测,丰富的 BERO 传感器系列总能够为您提供合适的解决案而不管您的具体应用如何。
SENTRON 3WL1225-3FG35-4GS4 可拔式电流保护器说明书

Tender specifications /specifications
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withdrawable circuit breaker without guide frame 3-pole, size II, IEC In=2500A to 690V, AC50/60Hz Icu=80kA at 500V rear connection horizontal Overcurrent release ETU 45 LSING protection adjustable 0.4-1 in with display and cubicle bus with ground fault protection Opt.: Comm./measuring func./ZSS Motorized/manual operating mechanism with spring charging motor AC 50/60 Hz 208-240 V or 220250 V DC Activation AC 50/60 Hz 230 V, 220 V DC With 1st auxiliary release Shunt release "F", F1 50/60 Hz 230 V AC/220 V DC, 100% on-load factor With 2nd auxiliary release "RC", F4 Undervoltage, Delay 0.2-3.2s 208-240 V AC, 220-250 V DC, 100% ED 4NO+4NC
柏林-福斯 产品说明书:CJ10-30GM-E2-3G-3D 容量传感器

12R e l e a s e d a t e :2 0 1 6 -1 1 -0 7 0 9 : 5 5 D a t e o f i s s u e : 2 0 1 6 -1 1 -0 7 1 23 9 5 2 _ e n g . x m lInstallation Conditions L+ L-3R e l e a s e d a t e : 2016-11-07 09:55D a t e o f i s s u e : 2016-11-07123952_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 3G (nA)CE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 3G Ex nA IIC T6 XStandards EN 60079-0:2006, EN 60079-15:2005 Ignition protection category "n"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsG eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction! The special conditions must be observed!Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.MaintenanceNo changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsMaximum operating current I L The maximum permissible load current must be restricted to the values given in the fol-lowing list. High load currents and load short-circuits are not permitted.Maximum operating voltage U BmaxThe maximum permissible operating voltage UB max is restricted to the values in the following list. T olerances are not permissible.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T Umax dependant of the load current I L and the max. operating voltage U Bmax Information can be taken from the following list. at U Bmax =60 V , I L =200 mA 50 °C (122 °F) at U Bmax =60 V , I L =100 mA 53 °C (127.4 °F) at U Bmax =30 V , I L =200 mA54 °C (129.2 °F)Protection from mechanical danger The sensor must not be exposed to ANY FORM of mechanical danger.Protection from UV lightThe sensor and the connection cable must be protected from damaging UV-radiation. This can be achieved when the sensor is used in internal areas.Protection of the connection cable The connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and torsional loading.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dan-gerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.4Releasedate:216-11-79:55Dateofissue:216-11-7123952_eng.xml Note This instruction is only valid for products according to EN50281-1-1, valid until 30-September-2008Note the ex-marking on the sensor or on the enclosed adhesive labelInstruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 3DCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 3D IP67 T 90 °C (194 °F) XStandards EN50281-1-1Protection via housingUse is restricted to the following stated conditionsG eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction! The special conditions must be adhered to! Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsMaximum operating voltage U Bmax The maximum permissible operating voltage UBmax must be restricted to the values given in the following list. T olerances arenot permitted.Maximum operating current I L The maximum permissible load current must be restricted to the values given in the following list.High load currents and load short-circuits are not permitted.Maximum heating (T emperature rise) dependant of the load current I L and the max. operating voltage U BmaxInformation can be taken from the following list. The maximum surface temperature at maximum ambient temperature is givenin the Ex identification of the apparatus.at U Bmax=60 V, I L=200 mA 20 Kat U Bmax=60 V, I L=100 mA 17 Kat U Bmax=30 V, I L=200 mA 15 KProtection from mechanical danger The sensor must not be mechanically damaged.Protection of the connection cable The connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and torsional loading.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on themechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.5R e l e a s e d a t e : 2016-11-07 09:55D a t e o f i s s u e : 2016-11-07123952_e n g .x m lNote This instruction is only valid for products according to EN 61241-0:2006 and EN 61241-1:2004 Note the ex-marking on the sensor or on the enclosed adhesive label InstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 3DCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 3D Ex tD A22 IP67 T80°C X Standards EN 61241-0:2006, EN 61241-1:2004 Protection via housing "tD"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsG eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The maximum surface temperature has been determined in accordance with method A without a dust layer on the equipment.The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction!The special conditions must be adhered to!Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.MaintenanceNo changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsMaximum operating current I L The maximum permissible load current must be restricted to the values given in the following list.High load currents and load short-circuits are not permitted.Maximum operating voltage U Bmax The maximum permissible operating voltage UBmax must be restricted to the values given in the following list. T olerances are not permitted.Maximum permissible ambient tempera-ture T Umaxdependant of the load current I L and the max. operating voltage U Bmax Information can be taken from the following list. at U Bmax =60 V , I L =200 mA 50 °C (122 °F) at U Bmax =60 V , I L =100 mA 53 °C (127.4 °F) at U Bmax =30 V , I L =200 mA54 °C (129.2 °F)Protection from mechanical danger The sensor must not be exposed to ANY FORM of mechanical danger.Protection from UV lightThe sensor and the connection cable must be protected from damaging UV-radiation. This can be achieved when the sensor is used in internal areas.Protection of the connection cable The connection cable must be prevented from being subjected to tension and torsional loading.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.。

3612 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M0600L05
3613 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M0600L10
3614 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M06031
3615 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M06031H61
3606 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M040319H7
3607 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M040319L05
3608 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M040319L10
3609 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M0600
3610 SCHNEIDER 光电开关 XUL-M0600H7
3562 Schneider 光电开关 XUK5ARCNL10
斯泰能 360-3 红外壁控器 说明书

whiteEAN 4007841 006532infrared sensor360°max. 12 m max. 2000 W IP54 2 - 1000 lux 5 sec - 15 min Ideal 2 m energy savingmanufacture's warrantysteinel.de/garantieCEFunction descriptionThe multi-talent for indoors and outdoors. Infrared wall sensor IS 360-3, ideal for mounting under soffits, in carports, on large building facades and driveways, 3 pyro sensors for a 360° angle of coverage, reach can be set up to 12 m, selectable time and twilight threshold, detection zone can be customised with shrouds.Technical specificationsTypeMotion detectors Dimensions (Ø x H)121 x 57 mmMains power supply 220 – 240 V / 50 – 60 Hz Sensor Technology passive infrared Application, place Outdoors, IndoorsApplication, place, room outdoors, all round the building,Indoors Installation site ceiling Installation Surface wiring Switching zones 972 switching zones Electronic scalability No Mechanical scalability NoMounting height2,50 – 6,00 m Optimum mounting height 2,8 m Detection angle 360 °Angle of aperture 90 °Sneak-by guardYesCapability of masking out individualsegments YesReach, radialØ 12 m (113 m²)Twilight setting TEACH No Twilight setting 2 – 1000 lx Time setting5 s – 15 Min.Switching output 1, resistive2000 WSwitching output 1, number of LEDs/ fluorescent lamps 8 pcs.Constant-lighting control No Basic light level function NoSettings via Potentiometers With remote control No Interconnection Yes IP-rating IP54MaterialPlastic Ambient temperature -20 – 50 °C Colour white Colour, RAL9010Manufacturer's Warranty 3 years Version whitePU1, EAN4007841006532whiteEAN 4007841 006532Detection Zone Dimension DrawingLight without neutral conductor Light with neutral conductorConnection using two-circuit switch for manual and automatic operation Connection via a two-way switch for manual override and automatic operation。
汉德尔 HCK-S 系列开关状态模拟指示仪使用说明书

二、主要技术特性性指标参数数值性指标参数数值工作电源AC/DC:85V-265V输出接点容量加热、风扇、高压闭锁接点输出AC250V/5A 工作温度-10℃-50℃绝缘电阻100N相对湿度≤95%无凝露场合工频耐压2000V/50HZ,1Min最大功耗<15W重量600g精度等级温度±3℃:湿度±5%RH外形:199*139*55mm长*宽*厚度mm三.产品外形、安装尺寸及后面板典型接线方式先在中门上开119×179mm矩形孔,将其装入,再在门内反面装上防爆罩,然后用四个螺钉紧固即可,插拔式侧面引出线可用金属罩封闭或用尼龙套管隔离。
1)外形尺寸图2)后面板典型接线方式2.1模拟指示部分接线图2.2高压带电显示及闭锁34温度1(白色)环境监控L 装置电源AC220V 1035湿度1(黄色)N1130-(黑色)共用模拟显示工作位置131+(红色)试验位置236温度2(白色)断路器分闸337湿度2(黄色)断路器合闸423负载电源AC220V L 储能524N接地位置629负载公共端公共端725负载1备用26负载2通讯RS485A 2113A 高压带电传感器高压带电显示RS485B 2214B 备用15C 闭锁输出(无源接点)1716N18四、使用方法及注意事项1.按端子的配线功能接好线,并校对准确后通电;2.动态模拟指示部分将各开关量输入端与公共端短路一下,观察对应功能的指示是否正常发光或熄灭。