ME-S4008 8口100M工业以太网光纤交换机

机架式非网管工业以太网交换机ME-S4008 8口100M工业以太网光纤交换机■产品介绍:ME-S4008是一款可灵活配置光电数量的8口光纤交换机,定位于工业级产品,面向电力通信、工业控制,数据宽带网和光纤接入网,提供全面的IP宽带接入解决方案。
■功能特性:遵循IEEE802.3 10BASE-T以太网及IEEE802.3u 100BASE-TX/FX 快速以太网标准对所有的协议透明支持,如:TCP/IP、IPX、XNS、Appletalk、Vines、DECnet、ARP、DECLAT、Lansoft等8个高性能的网络端口,可以任意组合光口(100M,多模/单模)和电口(10/100Mbps)数量电口自动MDI/MDIX交叉所有端口无阻塞存储转发交换模式,自适应及全/半双工能力,即全双工流量控制/半双工背压式流量控制自动包转发/过滤速率:线速,每个端口148,800 pps(100Mbps)动态缓存区:1M MAC地址表:1K提供最大带宽至2Gbps 100%数据转发率广播风暴过滤线速过滤/转发MAC地址学习:自动学习、自动刷新网络标准:IEEE 802.310BASE-T;IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX 100BASE-FX;IEEE 802.1DSPD;IEEE 802.1p,Priority Queue;IEEE 802.3x■技术参数:■订货信息:本站索引引导词:工业以太网收发器、工业以太网交换机、卡轨式工业以太网交换机、自愈环以太网交换机、电力专用工业以太网交换机、工业直流交换机、全光口交换机、千兆交换机、光纤网卡、GBIC/SFP光纤模块;接口转换器、协议转换器、电话数据综合光端机、PCM综合接入复用设备、4U综合接入机箱;10M收发器、10/100M收发器、10/100/1000M光纤收发器、单纤光纤收发器、光纤模式转换器。

JetNet 2005f/2005f-w 5口小巧型工业以太网光纤交换机©©• 4个10/100 TX端口加1个多模或单模光口小巧型工业以太网交换机• 3.2Gbps交换矩阵,具备出色的数据交换能力•支持1.5KV Hi-Pot高压隔离保护•电源输入DC18~32V•支持继电器报警•铝合金外壳符合IP31工业防护标准•支持-10~60°C宽温工作环境,适用恶劣工业现场(JetNet 2005f-w -40~75°C, 宽温版可选)•另有JetNet 2005f-ST机种选配首页 > 产品信息 > JetNet > JetNet 2005f/2005f-w概述JetNet 2005f是配备4个10/100Base-TX端口和1个100Base-FX光口的小巧型工业以太网交换机。
使用光口上连,可将传输距离扩大到多模2KM(JetNet2005f-m)或单模30KM(JetNet 2005f-s)。
JetNet 2005f工业交换机采用小巧的机身结构设计解决了系统安装空间狭小的困扰。
为适应工业现场严酷的作业环境,JetNet 2005f工业交换机选用密闭式铝合金外壳,符合IP31工业防护标准。
JetNet 2005f工业交换机支持端口断线继电器报警输出功能,可通过前面板的Dip拨码开关启动和关闭报警系统。
另外,JetNet 2005f工业交换机还支持1.5KV Hi-Pot电压隔离保护,4-pin电源接线槽供电,电源供应范围:18~32VDC。
即插即用 & 高速数据传输JetNet 2005f工业交换机无需人工设定,仅需将电源接入,便能立即启动运行。
外型小巧 & 继电器报警输出窄型机身设计,是那些安装空间有限的网络环境的理想选择。
KORENIX JETNET 工业以太网交换机 产品应用手册

Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed SwitchGigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O ServerSerial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din RailPower Supply工业以太网交换机煤矿是一种有效的能源,许多电厂采用这种低成本,高效的燃料来发电。
一个位于波兰西里西亚地区的著名的煤矿,选用芯惠通JetNet 5010G 千兆网管型交换机用于数据传输,满足该项目可靠性和有效性要求。
JetNet 5010G 支持RSR(Rapid Super Ring)冗余网管功能,以及其它许多融合了尖端技术的软硬件功能,使其更加符合煤矿应用的严格要求。
最终确定选用JetNet 5010G 有多方面的原因,其一是它的灵活性。
JetNet 5010G 配备3个RJ-45/SFP combo 可选端口,可灵活的搭配不同的网络传输距离,支持从Cat-5线缆的100米到单模光口的70KM 。
JetNet 5010G 还支持RSR(Rapid Super Ring)快速冗余环网,自愈时间小于5ms ,以及千兆网络保障网络质量。
此外,他们还选用了Korenix 的串口设备联网服务器JetPort 5604i ,用于连接矿区各类串口设备(例如,传输带)。
使用Korenix 以太网产品搭建煤矿通讯网络,保障了煤矿开采操作的安全性和高效性。

Enterprise Networking Solution安装手册工业以太网交换机TL-SG2422F工业级声明Copyright © 2022 普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。
本手册采用了如下几种醒目标志来表示操作过程中应该注意的地方,这些标志的III阅读对象目录第1章 产品介绍 ———————————011.1 产品简介 (01)1.2 产品外观 (01)第2章 产品安装 ———————————042.1 物品清单 (04)2.2 安装注意事项 (04)2.3 安装工具准备 (06)2.4 产品安装 (06)第3章 硬件连接 ———————————093.1 连接至RJ45端口 (09)3.2 连接SFP端口 (09)3.3 连接电源线 (10)3.4 电源模块的安装与拆卸 (10)3.5 设备初始化 (11)3.6 安装后检查 (11)第4章 配置指南 ———————————124.1 本地WEB管理 (12)4.2 云管理 (12)附录A 常见故障处理 —————————13附录B 技术参数规格 —————————14附录C 连接光口补充说明 ———————16附录D 有毒有害物质含量声明—————17附录E 产品保修卡 ——————————18IV目录01产品介绍工业以太网交换机第1章 产品介绍1.1 产品简介TP-LINK工业以太网交换机专为在恶劣的工业环境下可靠稳定的运行而设计,并提供了一套经济有效的解决方案。
8 口百兆 PoE 交换机 使用说明书

8口百兆PoE 交换机使用说明书V1.0.0浙江大华技术股份有限公司法律声明版权声明© 2017 浙江大华技术股份有限公司。
●HDMI标识、HDMI和High-Definition Multimedia Interface 是HDMI LicensingLLC的商标或注册商标。
本产品已经获得HDMI Licensing LLC授权使用HDMI技术。

1/3千兆二光八个百兆电工业光纤交换机产品概述TBC-GF2728-S20LCA/B 系列千兆非管理型冗余以太网交换机配有2个千兆以太网端口(SFP),方便构建千兆冗余环网。
支持冗余环网(自愈时间<20ms )、 RSTP 协议,增强了网络系统的可靠性和实用性。
特点和优势TBC-GF2728-S20LCA/B:8x10/100BaseTX端口+ 2x1000BaseFX支持命令行界面(CLI ),方便快速配置主要管理功能支持私有环协议(自愈时间<20ms )和 RSTP 以太网冗余IGMP Snooping用于过滤多播流量支持基于端口的VLAN 、 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN支持端口镜像支持多播、广播风暴控制支持 QoS 和 ToS/DiffServ ,增强网络稳定性支持链路聚合,优化带宽利用率支持带宽管理,确保网络稳定性支持基于 MAC 地址的端口锁定,防止非法入侵继电器输出,实现自动报警产品规格标准:IEEE 802.3IEEE 802.3uIEEE 802.3x 流量控制IEEE 802.1w Rapid STP2/3IEEE 802.1Q VLAN TaggingIEEE 802.1p CoSIEEE 802.3ad 链路聚合协议:IGMPv1/v2, GVRP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3, DHCP Client,TFTP, RMON, HTTP, Telnet, SNMP Inform,LLDP, SNTP Server/Client流量控制:IEEE 802.3x 流量控制,背压式流量控制交换属性:优先级队列: 4可用 VLAN的最大数量:256VLAN ID范围:VID1 ~4094IGMP 组: 256MAC 地址表大小:8K封包缓冲区大小: 1 Mbit接口:光纤端口:1000BaseX SFP 插槽RJ45 端口: 10/100BaseTX 自动协商Console 口: RS-232 ( RJ45 接头)报警输出:两路继电器输出,输出能力1A@24VDC电源要求:输入电压:24VDC ( 18 ~ 36VDC )输入电流:<0.5A@24VDC过电流保护:提供反接保护:提供连接器: 6 针接线端子机械特性:外壳:金属,IP40 防护等级尺寸: 60.2 x 115.5 x 138.5 mm重量: 750g安装方式:导轨安装、壁挂式安装工作环境:工作温度 :标准型: 0 ~ +60°C (32 ~ 140°F )3/3宽温型: -40 ~ +75 ° C (-40 ~ 167 ° F )储存温度:-40 ~ +85 ° C( -40 ~ 185 ° F )相对湿度: 5 ~ 95% (无凝露)标准和认证:安规: UL 60950-1EMI : FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A , EN 55022 Class AEMS :EN 61000-4-2 (ESD) 等级 3, EN 61000-4-3 (RS) 等级 3,EN 61000-4-4 (EFT) 等级 3, EN 61000-4-5 (Surge) 等级 3,EN 61000-4-6 (CS) 等级 3, EN 61000-4-8 等级 3冲击: IEC 60068-2-27自由下落:IEC 60068-2-32震动: IEC 60068-2-6保修期: 5 年。
毛斯产品说明书:EDS-205A 208A系列5 8端口工业级以太网交换机

The EDS-205A/208A series are 5 and 8-port industrial Ethernetswitches that support IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u/x with 10/100M full/half-duplex, MDI/MDI-X auto-sensing. The EDS-205A/208A switchesprovide 12/24/48 VDC (9.6 to 60 VDC), 18 to 30 VAC redundant powerinputs that can be connected simultaneously to live AC/DC powersources. These switches have been designed for harsh industrialenvironments, such as in maritime (DNV/GL/LR/ABS/NK), rail wayside,highway, or mobile applications(EN 50121-4/NEMA TS2/e-Mark), orhazardous locations (Class I Div. 2, ATEX Zone 2) that comply withIntroductionEDS-205A/208A SeriesSpecificationsFCC, UL, and CE standards.The EDS-205A/208A switches are available with a standard operatingtemperature range from -10 to 60°C, or with a wide operatingtemperature range from -40 to 75°C. All models are subjected toa 100% burn-in test to ensure that they fulfill the special needs ofindustrial automation control applications. In addition, theEDS-205A/208A switches have DIP switches for enabling or disablingbroadcast storm protection, providing another level of flexibility forindustrial applications.TechnologyStandards:IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) and 100BaseFXIEEE 802.3x for Flow ControlProcessing Type: Store and ForwardFlow Control: IEEE 802.3x flow control, back pressure flow controlSwitch PropertiesMAC Table Size: 1 KPacket Buffer Size: 512 KbitInterfaceFiber Ports: 100BaseFX ports (SC/ST connector, multi-mode,single-mode)RJ45 Ports: 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed, Full/Half duplexmode, and auto MDI/MDI-X connectionDIP Switches: Enable/Disable broadcast storm protectionLED Indicators: Power, 10/100M (TP port), 100M (fiber port)Power RequirementsInput Voltage: 12/24/48 VDC (9.6 to 60 VDC), 18 to 30 VAC (47 to 63Hz), redundant dual inputsInput Current:EDS-205A: 0.1 A @ 24 VEDS-205A-M/S: 0.11 A @ 24 VEDS-208A: 0.13 A @ 24 VEDS-208A-M: 0.17 A @ 24 VEDS-208A-MM/SS: 0.22 A @ 24 VOverload Current Protection: 1.1 AConnection: 1 removable 4-contact terminal blockReverse Polarity Protection: PresentPhysical CharacteristicsHousing: Aluminum, IP30 protectionDimensions:EDS-205A: 30 x 115 x 70 mm (1.18 x 4.52 x 2.76 in)EDS-208A: 50 x 115 x 70 mm (1.96 x 4.52 x 2.76 in)Weight:O rdering InformationOptional Accessories (can be purchased separately)DR-4524/75-24/120-24: 45/75/120 W DIN-Rail 24 VDC power suppliesMDR-40-24/60-24: 40/60 W DIN-Rail 24 VDC power supplies, -20 to 70°C operating temperatureWK-30: Wall mounting kit (EDS-205A series only)WK-46: Wall mounting kit (EDS-208A series only)RK-4U: 4U-high 19” rack mounting kitEMS:EN 61000-4-2 (ESD) Level 3, EN 61000-4-3 (RS) Level 3,EN 61000-4-4 (EFT) Level 3, EN 61000-4-5 (Surge) Level 3,EN 61000-4-6 (CS) Level 3, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Marine: DNV, GL, LR, ABS, NKWheeled Vehicles: e-Mark (E1) (EDS-208A only)Traffic Control: NEMA TS2Rail Traffic: EN 50121-4Shock: IEC 60068-2-27Freefall: IEC 60068-2-32Vibration: IEC 60068-2-6Note: Please check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status.MTBF (mean time between failures)Time:EDS-205A series: 3,040,784 hrsEDS-208A series: 2,428,212 hrsDatabase: Telcordia (Bellcore), GBWarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warranty。

EDS-608Series8-port compact modular managed EthernetswitchesFeatures and Benefits•Modular design with4-port copper/fiber combinations•Hot-swappable media modules for continuous operation•Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain(recovery time<20ms@250switches),and STP/RSTP/MSTP for network redundancy•TACACS+,SNMPv3,IEEE802.1X,HTTPS,and SSH to enhance network security•Easy network management by web browser,CLI,Telnet/serial console, Windows utility,and ABC-01•Supports MXstudio for easy,visualized industrial network managementCertificationsIntroductionThe versatile modular design of the compact EDS-608Series allows users to combine fiber and copper modules to create switch solutions suitable for any automation network.The EDS-608’s modular design lets you install8Fast Ethernet ports,and the advanced Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time<20ms)technology,RSTP/STP,and MSTP help increase the reliability and availability of your industrial Ethernet network.Models with an extended operating temperature range of-40to75°C are also available.The EDS-608Series supports several reliable and intelligent functions,including EtherNet/IP,Modbus TCP,LLDP,DHCP Option82,SNMP Inform,QoS,IGMP snooping,VLAN,TACACS+,IEEE 802.1X,HTTPS,SSH,SNMPv3,and more,making the Ethernet switches suitable for any harsh industrial environment.Additional Features and Benefits•Command line interface(CLI)for quickly configuring majormanaged functions•SNMP Inform for ensuring reliable event management•LLDP for automated topology discovery•DHCP Option82for IP address assignment with different policies•EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP protocols for device managementand monitoring•Compatible with PROFINET protocol for transparent datatransmission•Automatic warning by exception through email and relay output•IGMP snooping and GMRP for filtering multicast traffic•Port-based VLAN,IEEE802.1Q VLAN,and GVRP to ease networkplanning•QoS(IEEE802.1p/1Q and TOS/DiffServ)to increase determinism•Port Trunking for optimum bandwidth utilization•SNMPv1/v2c/v3for different levels of network management•RMON for proactive and efficient network monitoring•Bandwidth management to prevent unpredictable network status•Lock port function for blocking unauthorized access based on MACaddress•Port mirroring for online debuggingSpecificationsInput/Output InterfaceDigital Inputs+13to+30V for state1-30to+3V for state0Max.input current:8mAAlarm Contact Channels Relay output with current carrying capacity of1A@24VDCEthernet InterfaceModule2slots for any combination of4-port interface modules,10/100BaseT(X)or100BaseFX Standards IEEE802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE802.1s for Multiple Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1X for authenticationIEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3ad for Port Trunk with LACPIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlEthernet Software FeaturesFilter GMRP,GVRP,IGMP v1/v2,Port-based VLANIndustrial Protocols EtherNet/IP,Modbus TCPManagement Back Pressure Flow Control,BOOTP,DHCP Option66/67/82,DHCP Server/Client,Flowcontrol,IPv4/IPv6,LLDP,Port Mirror,RARP,RMON,SMTP,SNMP Inform,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,Syslog,Telnet,TFTPMIB Bridge MIB,Ethernet-like MIB,MIB-II,P-BRIDGE MIB,Q-BRIDGE MIB,RMON MIBGroups1,2,3,9,RSTP MIBRedundancy Protocols Link Aggregation,MSTP,RSTP,STP,Turbo Chain,Turbo Ring v1/v2Security Broadcast storm protection,HTTPS/SSL,Port Lock,RADIUS,SSH,TACACS+Time Management NTP Server/Client,SNTPSwitch PropertiesIGMP Groups256MAC Table Size8KMax.No.of VLANs64Packet Buffer Size1MbitsPriority Queues4VLAN ID Range VID1to4094LED InterfaceLED Indicators PWR1,PWR2,FAULT,MSTR/HEAD,CPLR/TAILSerial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),8-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)DIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Turbo Ring,Master,Coupler,ReservePower ParametersConnection1removable6-contact terminal block(s)Input Voltage12/24/48VDC,Redundant dual inputsOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsIP Rating IP30Dimensions125x151x157.4mm(4.92x5.95x6.20in) Weight1,950g(4.30lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature EDS-608:0to60°C(32to140°F)EDS-608-T:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsFreefall IEC60068-2-32EMC EN55032/35,EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFHazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2Maritime ABS,DNV-GL,LR,NKRailway EN50121-4Safety EN62368-1,UL508Shock IEC60068-2-27Traffic Control NEMA TS2Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime596,219hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-608Series switchCable1x RJ45-to-DB9console cableDocumentation1x product certificates of quality inspection,Simplified Chinese1x product notice,Simplified Chinese1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardNote Modules from the CM-600Module Series need to be purchased separately for use withthis product.DimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name Layer Total No.of PortsModule10/100BaseT(X)and/or100BaseFXOperating Temp.EDS-608282slots for up to810/100BaseT(X)and/or100-BaseFX ports0to60°CEDS-608-T282slots for up to810/100BaseT(X)and/or100-BaseFX ports-40to75°CAccessories(sold separately)CM-600Module SeriesCM-600-4TX Fast Ethernet interface module with410/100BaseT(X)ports,RJ45connectors,-40to75°C operatingtemperatureCM-600-4MSC Fast Ethernet interface module with4100BaseFX multi-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°Coperating temperatureCM-600-4MST Fast Ethernet interface module with4100BaseFX multi-mode ports,ST connectors,-40to75°Coperating temperatureCM-600-4SSC Fast Ethernet interface module with4100BaseFX single-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°Coperating temperatureCM-600-3MSC/1TX Fast Ethernet interface module with110/100BaseT(X)port,RJ45connector,and3100BaseFX multi-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°C operating temperatureCM-600-3SSC/1TX Fast Ethernet interface module with110/100BaseT(X)port,RJ45connector,and3100BaseFX single-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°C operating temperatureCM-600-2MSC/2TX Fast Ethernet interface module with210/100BaseT(X)ports,RJ45connectors,and2100BaseFXmulti-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°C operating temperatureCM-600-2SSC/2TX Fast Ethernet interface module with210/100BaseT(X)ports,RJ45connectors,and2100BaseFXsingle-mode ports,SC connectors,-40to75°C operating temperatureStorage KitsABC-01Configuration backup and restoration tool for managed Ethernet switches and AWK Series wirelessAPs/bridges/clients,0to60°C operating temperaturePower SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureSoftwareMXview-50Industrial network management software with a license for50nodes(by IP address)MXview-100Industrial network management software with a license for100nodes(by IP address)MXview-250Industrial network management software with a license for250nodes(by IP address)MXview-500Industrial network management software with a license for500nodes(by IP address)MXview-1000Industrial network management software with a license for1000nodes(by IP address)MXview-2000Industrial network management software with a license for2000nodes(by IP address)MXview Upgrade-50License expansion of MXview industrial network management software by50nodes(by IP address) Wall-Mounting KitsWK-75Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,75x90x2.5mm©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jan11,2021.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
源拓光电 RS208 百兆系列 工业级以太网交换机使用说明书

详细的机型配置表如下:机型配置表1.2.产品特点主要端口:提供百兆光口和百兆电口,电口支持10/100Mbps自适应;电源特性:DC9-60V AC110-240V支持双电源输入,防反接保护功能;传输距离:电口0-100米;光口20km符合标准:IEEE802.3,IEEE802.3u标准;安防抗扰:出色的防雷、防静电和抗电磁干扰能力,支持1路继电器告警输出;外观结构:IP40等级防护,高强度铝壳和金属外壳,DIN卡轨式安装,无风扇,低功耗设计;1.3.典型应用1.4.设备面板图正面板背面板和侧面板1:冗余电源输入端子和一组继电器端子2:DIN卡轨安装位置1.5.规格参数1.6.LED指示灯第2章安装2.1.注意事项●在放置交换机时请注意稳定性,跌落将造成严重后果。
莫萨 EDS-208A 系列 8 口编程无管理以太网交换机产品介绍说明书

EDS-208A Series8-port compact unmanaged Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•10/100BaseT(X)(RJ45connector),100BaseFX(multi/single-mode,SC or STconnector)•Redundant dual12/24/48VDC power inputs•IP30aluminum housing•Rugged hardware design well suited for hazardous locations(Class1Div.2/ATEX Zone2),transportation(NEMA TS2/EN50121-4),and maritimeenvironments(DNV/LR/ABS/NK)•-40to75°C wide operating temperature range(-T models)CertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-208A Series8-port industrial Ethernet switches support IEEE802.3and IEEE802.3u/x with10/100M full/half-duplex,MDI/MDI-X auto-sensing.The EDS-208A Series has12/24/48VDC(9.6to60VDC)redundant power inputs that can be connected simultaneously to live DC power sources.These switches have been designed for harsh industrial environments,such as in maritime(DNV/LR/ABS/NK),rail wayside,highway,or mobile applications(EN50121-4/NEMA TS2/e-Mark),or hazardous locations(Class I Div.2,ATEX Zone2)that comply with FCC,UL,and CE standards.The EDS-208A switches are available with a standard operating temperature range from-10to60°C,or with a wide operating temperature range from-40to75°C.All models are subjected to a100%burn-in test to ensure that they fulfill the special needs of industrial automation control applications.In addition,the EDS-208A switches have DIP switches for enabling or disabling broadcast storm protection,providing another level of flexibility for industrial applications.SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)EDS-208A/208A-T Models:8EDS-208A-M-SC/M-ST/S-SC Models:7EDS-208A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC Models:6All Models Support:Auto negotiation speedFull/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode SC connector)EDS-208A-M-SC Models:1EDS-208A-MM-SC Models:2100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode ST connector)EDS-208A-M-ST Models:1EDS-208A-MM-ST Models:2100BaseFX Ports(single-mode SC connector)EDS-208A-S-SC Models:1EDS-208A-SS-SC Models:2Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlOptical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40kmWavelengthTypical(nm)13001310TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to1340 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)1229 Dispersion Penalty(dB)31Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).Switch PropertiesMAC Table Size2KPacket Buffer Size768kbitsProcessing Type Store and ForwardPower ParametersConnection1removable4-contact terminal block(s)Input Current EDS-208A/208A-T,EDS-208A-M-SC/M-ST/S-SC Models:0.11A@24VDCEDS-208A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC Models:0.15A@24VDCInput Voltage12/24/48VDCRedundant dual inputsOperating Voltage9.6to60VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedDIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Broadcast storm protectionPhysical CharacteristicsHousing AluminumIP Rating IP30Dimensions50x114x70mm(1.96x4.49x2.76in)Weight275g(0.61lb)Installation DIN-rail mountingWall mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFHazardous Locations ATEXClass I Division2Maritime ABSLRNKDNVRailway EN50121-4Safety UL508Shock IEC60068-2-27Traffic Control NEMA TS2Vibration IEC60068-2-6Freefall IEC60068-2-31MTBFTime2,701,531hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-208A Series switchDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name 10/100BaseT(X)PortsRJ45Connector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,SCConnector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,STConnector100BaseFX PortsSingle-Mode,SCConnectorOperating Temp.EDS-208A8–––-10to60°C EDS-208A-T8–––-40to75°C EDS-208A-M-SC71––-10to60°C EDS-208A-M-SC-T71––-40to75°C EDS-208A-M-ST7–1–-10to60°C EDS-208A-M-ST-T7–1–-40to75°C EDS-208A-MM-SC62––-10to60°C EDS-208A-MM-SC-T62––-40to75°C EDS-208A-MM-ST6–2–-10to60°C EDS-208A-MM-ST-T6–2–-40to75°C EDS-208A-S-SC7––1-10to60°C EDS-208A-S-SC-T7––1-40to75°C EDS-208A-SS-SC6––2-10to60°C EDS-208A-SS-SC-T6––2-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-46-01Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46x66.8x2mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Sep19,2023.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
MOXA EDS-408A 系列8口工业级Managed Ethernet交换机产品介绍说明书

EDS-408A Series8-port entry-level managed EthernetswitchesFeatures and Benefits•Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain(recovery time<20ms@250switches),and RSTP/STP for network redundancy•IGMP Snooping,QoS,IEEE802.1Q VLAN,and port-based VLAN supported •Easy network management by web browser,CLI,Telnet/serial console, Windows utility,and ABC-01•PROFINET or EtherNet/IP enabled by default(PN or EIP models)•Supports MXstudio for easy,visualized industrial network managementCertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-408A Series is designed especially for industrial applications.The switches support a variety of useful management functions,such as Turbo Ring,Turbo Chain,ring coupling,IGMP snooping,IEEE802.1Q VLAN,port-based VLAN,QoS,RMON,bandwidth management,port mirroring,and warning by email or relay.The ready-to-use Turbo Ring can be set up easily using the web-based management interface,or with the DIP switches located on the top panel of the EDS-408A switches.Additional Features and Benefits•DHCP Option82for IP address assignment with different policies•Supports EtherNet/IP,Modbus TCP and PROFINET1protocols fordevice management and monitoring•EtherNet/IP EDS(Electronic Data Sheet)file,custom AOI(Add-OnInstructions)and FactoryTalk®View faceplate available•PROFINET GSDML file and SIMATIC STEP7device icons available1•Port mirroring for online debugging•Port-based VLAN,IEEE802.1Q VLAN,and GVRP to ease networkplanning•QoS(IEEE802.1p and TOS/DiffServ)to increase determinism•RMON for proactive and efficient network monitoring•SNMPv1/v2c/v3for different levels of network management security•Bandwidth management to prevent unpredictable network status SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)EDS-408A/408A-T,EDS-408A-EIP/PN models:8EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC models:6EDS-408A-3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/3S-SC-48/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC models:5All models support:Auto negotiation speedFull/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode SC connector)EDS-408A-MM-SC/2M1S-SC models:2EDS-408A-3M-SC models:3EDS-408A-1M2S-SC models:1100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode ST connector)EDS-408A-MM-ST models:2EDS-408A-3M-ST models:3100BaseFX Ports(single-mode SC connector)EDS-408A-SS-SC/1M2S-SC models:2EDS-408A-2M1S-SC models:1EDS-408A-3S-SC/3S-SC-48models:31.EDS-408A-PN Series onlyStandards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlIEEE802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree ProtocolOptical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40kmWavelengthTypical(nm)13001310TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to1340 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)1229 Dispersion Penalty(dB)31Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).Ethernet Software FeaturesFilter802.1Q VLAN,GMRP,GVRP,IGMP v1/v2,Port-based VLANIndustrial Protocols EtherNet/IP,Modbus TCP,EDS-408A-PN models:PROFINET IO Device(Slave) Management Back Pressure Flow Control,BOOTP,DHCP Option66/67/82,DHCP Server/Client,Flowcontrol,IPv4/IPv6,LLDP,Port Mirror,RARP,RMON,SMTP,SNMP Inform,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,Syslog,Telnet,TFTPMIB Bridge MIB,Ethernet-like MIB,MIB-II,P-BRIDGE MIB,RMON MIB Groups1,2,3,9,RSTP MIBRedundancy Protocols RSTP,STP,Turbo Chain,Turbo Ring v1/v2Time Management NTP Server/Client,SNTPSwitch PropertiesIGMP Groups256MAC Table Size8KMax.No.of VLANs64Packet Buffer Size1MbitsPriority Queues4VLAN ID Range VID1to4094Serial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),10-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)DIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Turbo Ring,Master,Coupler,ReserveInput/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels Relay output with current carrying capacity of1A@24VDCPower ParametersConnection1removable6-contact terminal block(s)Input Voltage All models:Redundant dual inputsEDS-408A/408A-T,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC/3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC/EIP/PN models:12/24/48VDCEDS-408A-3S-SC-48/408A-3S-SC-48-T models:±24/±48VDCOperating Voltage EDS-408A/408A-T,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC/3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC/EIP/PN models:9.6to60VDCEDS-408A-3S-SC-48models:±19to±60VDC2Input Current EDS-408A,EDS-408A-EIP/PN/MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC models:0.61@12VDC0.3@24VDC0.16@48VDCEDS-408A-3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC models:0.73@12VDC0.35@24VDC0.18@48VDCEDS-408A-3S-SC-48models:0.33A@24VDC0.17A@48VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions53.6x135x105mm(2.11x5.31x4.13in)Weight EDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC/EIP/PN models:650g(1.44lb)EDS-408A-3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/3S-SC-48/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC models:890g(1.97lb) Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety All models:EN60950-1,UL508EDS-408A/408A-T,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC models,EDS-EIP/PN models:UL60950-1EMC EN55032/242.-60to-19VDC or19to60VDC.Do not mix power polarity systems.EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFHazardous Locations EDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC/EIP/PN models:ATEX,Class I Division2EDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC models:IECExMaritime EDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM/SS-SC models:NKEDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM/SS-SC/EIP/PN models:DNVRailway EN50121-4Traffic Control NEMA TS2Freefall IEC60068-2-31Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime EDS-408A,EDS-408A-EIP/PN models:1,339,439hrsEDS-408A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC/3M-SC/3M-ST/3S-SC/1M2S-SC/2M1S-SC models:1,253,072hrsEDS-408A-3S-SC-48models:989,940hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-408A Series switchCable1x RJ45-to-DB9console cableInstallation Kit4x cap,plastic,for RJ45portDocumentation1x product certificates of quality inspection,Simplified Chinese1x product notice,Simplified Chinese1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensions Ordering InformationModel Name Layer Total No.ofPorts10/100BaseT(X)PortsRJ45Connector100BaseFXPortsMulti-Mode,SCConnector100BaseFXPortsMulti-Mode,STConnector100BaseFXPortsSingle-Mode,SCConnectorOperating Temp.EDS-408A288–––-10to60°CEDS-408A-T288–––-40to75°C EDS-408A-MM-ST286–2–-10to60°C EDS-408A-MM-ST-T286–2–-40to75°C EDS-408A-MM-SC2862––-10to60°C EDS-408A-MM-SC-T2862––-40to75°C EDS-408A-SS-SC286––2-10to60°C EDS-408A-SS-SC-T286––2-40to75°C EDS-408A-3M-ST285–3–-10to60°C EDS-408A-3M-ST-T285–3–-40to75°C EDS-408A-3M-SC2853––-10to60°C EDS-408A-3M-SC-T2853––-40to75°C EDS-408A-3S-SC285––3-10to60°C EDS-408A-3S-SC-T285––3-40to75°C EDS-408A-3S-SC-48285––3-10to60°C EDS-408A-3S-SC-48-T285––3-40to75°C EDS-408A-1M2S-SC2851–2-10to60°CEDS-408A-1M2S-SC-T2851–2-40to75°C EDS-408A-2M1S-SC2852–1-10to60°CEDS-408A-2M1S-SC-T2852–1-40to75°CEDS-408A-EIP288–––-10to60°C EDS-408A-EIP-T288–––-40to75°C EDS-408A-PN288–––-10to60°C EDS-408A-PN-T288–––-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)Storage KitsABC-01Configuration backup and restoration tool for managed Ethernet switches and AWK Series wirelessAPs/bridges/clients,0to60°C operating temperaturePower SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureSoftwareMXview-50Industrial network management software with a license for50nodes(by IP address)MXview-100Industrial network management software with a license for100nodes(by IP address)MXview-250Industrial network management software with a license for250nodes(by IP address)MXview-500Industrial network management software with a license for500nodes(by IP address)MXview-1000Industrial network management software with a license for1000nodes(by IP address)MXview-2000Industrial network management software with a license for2000nodes(by IP address)MXview Upgrade-50License expansion of MXview industrial network management software by50nodes(by IP address) Wall-Mounting KitsWK-46-01Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46x66.8x2mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated May12,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

⼯业以太⽹交换机Carat1008TXCarat5008EFC2卓越品质Carat1008TX 8⼝10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC 7⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC-20 7⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC2 6⼝10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC2-20 6⼝10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC) 注1:85~265V AC/DC型号列表价格⽐相应的18~36VDC型号多150元。
Carat1006ETX 6⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDC Carat1007EFC6⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1007EFC-20 6⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1008EFC26⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1008EFC2-206⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010ETX10⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC9⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC-20 9⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC28⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC2-20 8⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC9⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝1000Base-SX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC-20 9⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC28⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝1000Base-SX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC2-20 8⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018ETX18⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC,冗余电源IP40防护等级Carat1018EFC17⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC-20 17⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC216⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC2-20 16⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC17⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝1000Base-SX(多模,0.5公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC-20 17⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC216⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝1000Base-SX(多模,0.5公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC2-20 16⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDC 注1:单模光⼝传输距离可选40~120KM。
网管型工业以太网交换机 JetNet 4010 4010-w 说明书

JetNet 4010/4010-w 10口Web 网管型工业以太网交换机• 7个10/100 TX 电口和3个RJ-45/SFP Combo 可选端口(10/100Base-TX, 100Base-FX )• 支持Korenix Multiple Super Ring (Rapid Dual Homing, MultiRing TM , TrunkRing TM , RSR, SR)和RSTP支持VLAN, GVRP, QoS, IGMP Snooping V1/V2/V3, Rate Control, Port Trunking, LACP, 在线多端口监控• 32Gbps 交换性能, 8K MAC 地址列表• 支持CLI , Web, HTTPS, SSH 和JetView 管理工具• 高级安全管理功能包括,IP Security, Port Security, DHCP Server, IP 和MAC 绑定,802.1x访问控制• 支持E-mail 事件报警, Syslog, Digital Input 和继电器报警• 铝合金外壳符合IP31工业防护标准,拥有良好的散热性能• 冗余DC 12~48V 电源输入 (-48V 可选)• 支持-20~70°C 宽温工作环境,适用恶劣工业现场(JetNet 4010G-w:-40~70°C) 首页 > 产品信息 > JetNet > JetNet 4010/4010-w概述JetNet 4010是一款网管型工业以太网交换机, 配备7个10/100TX 电口和3个10/100TX RJ-45 / 100FX SFP combo 可选端口。
3个combo 可选端口可灵活便捷的增加光口连接,仅需要插入不同类型的100M SFP 模块,可选范围从2KM 多模到120KM 单模光口模块。
Combo 可选端口的设计,提供了更加灵活的端口组合方式,例如可以是8 RJ-45 端口加2个光口,或9个RJ-45 端口加1个光口。

交换机、网桥 各种接口,集线器,
除此之外,工业以太网常使用的协议还有:Profinet,Ethernet/IP,EPA,EtherCAT,Powerlink,VNET/IP,TCnet, Modbus-IDA等。
交换机也叫交换式集线器,它将接收的信息经内部处理后转发至指定端口,具备自动寻址能力和交换作用。由于交换机根 据所传递信息包的目的地址,将每一信息包独立地从源端口送至目的端口,避免了和其他端口发生碰撞。同时交换机的每个端 口都支持缓存功能,允许所有的输入端口同时接收和传送帧,它们可以并行地、全双工地工作,解决了工业以太网中不断增长 的流量负荷问题,这是单信道CSMA/CD不能做到的。
PPP Point to Point Protocol 点到点协议 • 在点对点的链路上封装多协议数据包 • 实现在点到点连接之间的IP 通信 • 能在任何DTE/DCE之间实现通信 • 无速率限制
应用层 表示层 会话层 传输层 网络层 数据链路层 物理层
IES31 系列
IES41 系列
IES1000 系列 PC
PLC IES21 系列
W-Ring IES31 系列
IES10 系列
双绞线 光纤 千兆光纤
科曼 JetNet 3705 工业 PoE 网络交换机 使用指南说明书

51OverviewFour 10/100 TX Power Over Ethernet ports and one 10/100 TX uplink port30KM for Single-Mode / 2KM for Multi-Mode Fiber Uplink Port 15.4W Full Power Delivery per PoE Port Relay Alarm for Port FailureTerminal Block Power Input for Industrial Application. DC Jack Power Input for External Power Adapter End-Point PoE Architecture Easy Configuration by DIP SwitchDIN-Rail/ Wall-mounting and Desktop Installation-20~70oC operating temperature for hazardous environment application (JetNet 3705-w -40~70oC)JetNet 3705, the winner of Best Choice of Computex Taipei 2007 Award, is an I ndustrial PoE switch delivers powers over UTP/STP cable not only yield a cost-effective and space-saving network, but also improve power utilization and centralize power management. The JetNet 3705 is equipped with 4 PoE injector switch ports, delivers up to 15.4 watts in each port, and one 10/100Base TX Up-link port forwarding data to the remote end. The JetNet 3705 conforms to I EEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard. The Power over Ethernet technology can power up PoE enabled powered devices in full capability, e.g. IP surveillance camera, wireless Access Point,VoI P phone set, POS system, industrial sensors, controllers and security card reader. By connecting an external DC 48V power supply, JetNet 3705 is able to perform power and data transmission to send/receive over the same UTP/STP cable in each of the four PoE ports.To meet the requirements of operating under harsh environment, JetNet 3705 uses a robust aluminum case, offers IP31 protection, and supports alarm relay output. The JetNet 3705 provides standard industrial terminal block for the power and alarm relay contact output to alarm any port malfunction or power failure. For the user's convenience, it also provides a DC jack for the traditional AC/DC power adapter.Korenix JetNet 3705 is an I ndustrial 4-port PoE injector Switch with one 10/100TX Up-link port. The PoE port provides 10/100Mbps Ethernet speed and is conformed to IEEE802.3af PSE standard with 15.4W full power forwarding ability.To meet requirements of Industrial application, JetNet 3705 equipped 2 power inputs and provides real-time relay alarm mechanism for the power or port eventalert. To operate correctly in a harsh environment, JetNet 3705 adopts aluminum case with excellent heat radiation, and the self-diagnostic LED display including power, port link and PoE power status on the top of the switch for real time monitoring.The JetNet 3705 is compliant with I EEE802.3af standard plus over current and short current protections to avoid damaging other powered device.Industrial 5-port Unmanaged PoE SwitchJetNet 3705 / 3705-w48V Power Over Ethernet SystemRoHSIndustrial PoE SwitchIndustrial PoE SwitchIP67/68 Ethernet Switch RackmountManaged Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking ComputerCommunication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter MultiportSerial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power Supply52High Layer SwitchMonitor & Control CenterData & DC48VPoE IP Camera Wireless APCeiling Type PoE IP CameraIP Surveillance AppicationOutdoor2 x DC48V InputAlarm Relay OutputJetNet 3705Dimensions (Unit –mm)ApplicationSpecificationOrdering InformationJetNet 3705 Industrial 5-port Unmanaged PoE Switch Includes:JetNet 3705Wall mount panel kitsQuick Installation GuideCD User manual Power RequirementsSystem PowerInput Voltage:48VDC or -48VDC, dual power inputs in terminal block connectionAC /DC Power Adapter DC 48V/1.6A (option)One DC jack for AC/DC power adapterReverse Polarity Protection: PresentPower Consumption:6.5Watts without PD loading70Watts with PD full loadingMechanicalInstallation: DIN-Rail mount or Wall MountCase: IP-31 grade aluminum metal caseDimension:33.8 mm (H) x 164.8 mm(W) x 108 mm (D) EnvironmentalOperating Temperature: -20 ~70C(JetNet 3705-w -40~70C)Operating Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing) Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 80 CStorage Humidity: 0%~ 95%, (non-condensing) Regulatory ApprovalsHi-Pot : 1.2KV testing passed on port to powerEMI: FCC Class A, CE/EN55022 Class AEMS:EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11Safety: CE/EN60950Shock: IEC60068-2-27Vibration: IEC60068-2-6Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32MTBF: 517,810 Hours, MIL-HDBK-217F GB standard Warranty: 5 yearsTechnologyStandard:IEEE802.3 10Base-TIEEE802.3u 100Base-TXIEEE802.3af Power over EthernetIEEE802.3x flow controlSwitch Technology: Store and forward technology andwith 3.2Gbps internal switch fabric.Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49MppsMAC Address: 1K MAC address TablePacket Buffer: 512KbitsPower over Ethernet port:Port 1~4, with 15.4w full power forwarding abilityRJ-45 pin assignment: TX (3,6), RX (1,2), V+ (4,5), V-(7,8)PoE output voltage: DC 44~57VInterfaceNumber of Ports: 4 x 10/100 Base-TX with Power overEthernet injector ,Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation1 x 10/100 Base-TX uplink portConnectors:10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45Power/Relay: 6-Pin Terminal BlockDC-JackCables:10Base-T: 4-pair UTP/STP Cat. 3, 4, 5 cable,EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm(100m)100Base-TX: 4-pair UTP/STP Cat. 5 cable,EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm(100m)Port Alarm DIP Switch:DIP 1~5: Enable (On) or disable (Off) port link downalarm from port 1 to port 5.DIP 6: Enable (On) or disable (Off) power alarm.Diagnostic LED:Power x 3 (Green), Fault x 1(Red)PoE x 4(Green),Link/Activity x 5 (Green on/GreenBlinking)@100Mbps, (Yellow on/Yellow Blinking)@10MbpsOptional AccessoriesDC 48V Din-Rail Power: DR-75-48DC 48V Din-Rail Power: MDR-100-4853。
莫加 EDS-2008-EL 系列 8 口工业级无管理 Ethernet 交换机产品介绍说明书

EDS-2008-EL Series8-port entry-level unmanaged Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•10/100BaseT(X)(RJ45connector)•Compact size for easy installation•QoS supported to process critical data in heavy traffic•IP40-rated metal housing•-40to75°C wide operating temperature range(-T models)CertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-2008-EL series of industrial Ethernet switches have up to eight10/100M copper ports,which are ideal for applications that require simple industrial Ethernet connections.To provide greater versatility for use with applications from different industries,the EDS-2008-EL Series also allows users to enable or disable the Quality of Service(QoS)function,and broadcast storm protection(BSP)with DIP switches on the outer panel. In addition,the EDS-2008-EL Series has a rugged metal housing to ensure suitability for use in industrial environments and fiber connections (Multi-mode SC or ST)can also be selected.The EDS-2008-EL Series has a12/24/48VDC single power input,DIN-rail mounting,and high-level EMI/EMC capability.In addition to its compact size,the EDS-2008-EL Series has passed a100%burn-in test to ensure it will function reliably after it has been deployed.The EDS-2008-EL Series has a standard operating temperature range of-10to60°C with wide-temperature(-40to75°C)models also available.SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)EDS-2008-EL:8EDS-2008-EL-M-ST:7EDS-2008-EL-M-SC:7Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connectionAuto negotiation speed100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode SC connector)EDS-2008-EL-M-SC:1100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode ST connector)EDS-2008-EL-M-ST:1Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceSwitch PropertiesProcessing Type Store and ForwardMAC Table Size8KPacket Buffer Size4MbitsDIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Quality of Service(QoS),Broadcast Storm Protection(BSP)Power ParametersConnection1removable2-contact terminal block(s)Input Current EDS-2008-EL:0.067A@24VDCEDS-2008-EL-M-ST/EDS-2008-EL-M-SC:0.105A@24VDCInput Voltage12/24/48VDCOperating Voltage9.6to60VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsInstallation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Weight163g(0.36lb)Housing MetalDimensions EDS-2008-EL:36x81x65mm(1.4x3.19x2.56in)EDS-2008-EL-M-ST:36x81x70.9mm(1.4x3.19x2.79in)EDS-2008-EL-M-SC:36x81x67.9mm(1.4x3.19x2.67in)Environmental LimitsAmbient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Operating Temperature EDS-2008-EL/EDS-2008-EL-M-SC/EDS-2008-EL-M-ST:-10to60°C(14to140°F)EDS-2008-EL-T/EDS-2008-EL-M-SC-T/EDS-2008-EL-M-ST-T:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Standards and CertificationsSafety UL61010-2-201,EN62368-1(LVD)EMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR22,32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFShock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6Freefall IEC60068-2-32MTBFTime3,472,660hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-2008Series switch Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty card DimensionsEDS-2008-ELEDS-2008-EL-M-SCEDS-2008-EL-STOrdering InformationModel Name 10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)10/100BaseFX Ports(Multi-mode SC)10/100BaseFX Ports(Multi-mode ST)Housing Operating TemperatureEDS-2008-EL8--Metal-10to60°CEDS-2008-EL-M-SC71-Metal-10to60°CEDS-2008-EL-M-ST7-1Metal-10to60°CEDS-2008-EL-T8--Metal-40to75°CEDS-2008-EL-M-SC-T71-Metal-40to75°CEDS-2008-EL-M-ST-T7-1Metal-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°C operating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-18Wall-mounting kit,1plate,18x120x8.5mm©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb07,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
JetNet 3008f 工业级 8 口快速以太网光纤交换机说明书

Industrial Ethernet Switch164Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power SupplyIndustrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber SwitchJetNet 3008f6 10/100TX Ports with Auto MDI/MDI-X2 100FX, Multi-mode/Single-modeCompact size with full power redundancy2.0Gbps Switch FabricQoS for packet forwarding precedenceBroadcast storm packet filteringPort and power event alarmIP-31 aluminum alloy caseDIN-Rail mountDual power input DC12~48VAC 1.5KV Hi-pot isolation protectionThe JetNet 3008f is a new generation of the 8-port compact Fast Ethernet switch equipped with 2.0Gbps Packet Switch engine as particular packet forwarding and filtering mechanism to fulfill industrial communications on the filed sites. It provides the graceful packet forwarding ability to handle 64~1552 packet size into 2 priority queues which comply with quality of service for the best data forwarding performance. In addition, for the best network performance both of broadcast storm filtering and flow control functions can ensure your data traffic deliver to destination without traffic congestion. To avoid interferences as well as to extend the network coverage, JetNet 3008fimplements 2 100Mbps fiber ports with multi-mode 2KM or single-mode 30KM transceiver in order to achieve stable and long-distant transmissions.To survive under hazard environments, it is equipped with 2 redundant power inputs, as the wide range input avoiding any power interruption and also operating between -25~70o C temperature range. For the purpose of easy maintenance, JetNet 3008f has one alarm-relay for port link events and power events via alarm to assist engineers with notifications on the filed sites. With the JetNet 3008f, users enjoy the superiority and the reliable performance on the filed site applications.OverviewThe JetNet 3008f has dual DC24V inputs, and can also operate on 12V~48V. Dual power inputs and built-in reverse power polarity protection are designed as the redundant power system to ensure power continuity. With the 1.5KV Hi-Pot isolation protection, CE/FCC regulatory approvals, and 5-year global warranty, the JetNet is the reliable choice for hazardous applications.Redundant Power Inputs & True ReliabilityRoHS165JetNet 3008f require no user setup and immediatelystart operating as soon as you power them up. Excellent data transmission performance is Plug-and-Play Switch & High-Speed Transmission provided for you. No traffic will be delayed with the transmission rate up to 2.0Gbps.Dimensions (Unit –mm)Industrial Ethernet Switch166Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power SupplyMin Tx Power:-20dBm Max Tx Power:-14dBm Min Rx Sensitivity:0dBm Max Rx Sensitivity:-31dBm Link budget:11dBm JetNet 3008f-s Link Distance: 30KM (Max.)Wave-length:1310nm Min Tx Power:-15dBm Max Tx Power:-8dBm Min Rx Sensitivity:0dBm Max Rx Sensitivity:-34dBm Link budget:19dBm Diagnostic LED:Per system: Power (Green) x210/100TX port: 10/100TX port: Link (Green on) / Activity (Green blinking)100Mbps Link (Yellow on)/ 10Mbps Link (Yellow off)100Mbps Fiber: Link (Green on)/Activity (Green blinking)Alarm: Port /Power Event (Red on)Power Requirements System Power: 2 Power inputs with redundancy and polarity reverse protection Voltage: DC 24V (12~48V) Power Consumption: 12 Watts @ DC 24V Mechanical Installation: DIN-Rail mount Case: IP-31 grade aluminum metal case Dimension:120mm(H) x 55mm (W) x 108mm (D) ( without DIN rail clip)Weight:0.97kg with package 0.54kg without package Environmental Operating Temperature: -25 ~70C Operating Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing)Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 85 C Storage Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing)Regulatory Approvals EMI: FCC class A, CE/EN55022 class A EMS: EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11Shock: IEC60068-2-27 Vibration: IEC60068-2-6 Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32MTBF: 400,000hours *MIL-HDBK-217F GB(MILITARY HANDBOOK) standard Warranty: 5 years SpecificationTechnology Standard:IEEE802.3 10Base-T IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX, 100Base-FX IEEE802.3x Flow Control IEEE802.1p Class of Service IEEE802.1Q Quality of Service Switch Technology:Store and forward technology with 2.0Gbps Switch Fabric System Performance Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49Mpps MAC Address: 2K MAC Packet Buffer: 448Kbits Transfer Packet Size: 148,80pps for Ethernet 10Base-T 148810pps for Fast Ethernet Packet size from 64~1552 Bytes ( Long Packet forwarding ability)Broadcast storm control: Default enabled.Broadcast Traffic threshold: 200 packets/ Sec.@100Mbps; 20 packets/Sec. @ 10Mbps Class of Service: Provides 2 packet forwarding Queues: High Queue (4~7), Low Queue (0~3)Quality of Service: Default Enabled. Supports VLAN tag priority and IPv4 packet precedence Event alarm relay: Provides port and power event alarm; Enabled by 9-PIN Dipswitch Interface Number of Ports:6 x 10/100 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation function 2 100Mbps Fiber in multi-mode (JetNet 3008f-m) or single-mode (JetNet 3008f-s)Connectors: 10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45100Mbps Fiber: SC Power: Terminal Block Alarm relay: Terminal block connector with 1A @DC24V carry ability Cables: CAT-3, CAT-4, CAT-5 or CAT-5e unshielded twisted pair or shielded twisted pair cable. The Link distance is 100 meters in maximum.JetNet 3008f-m: multi-mode optical fiber, 50~62.5/125um, 2KM JetNet 3008f-s: single-mode optical fiber, 8~10/125um, 30KM Fiber Transceiver: JetNet 3008f-m Link Distance: 2KM (Max.)Wave-length: 1310nm Ordering InformationJetNet 3008f-m !Industrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch, 2 SC/Multi-mode, 2KM JetNet 3008f-s !Industrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch, 2 SC/Single-mode, 30KM Includes:JetNet 3008f-m / JetNet 3008f-sQuick Installation GuideCD User manual。
Korenix JetNet 5216G-4C4F 工业以太网交换机产品说明书

INDUSTRIAL ETHERNET SWITCHIndustrial Managed SwitchJetNet5216G-4C4FJetNet5216G series is designed for operating reliably under harshenvironments,it supports one alarm relay to indicate faultconditions when any link or power failure happens,as a result,userscan quickly handle the emergency and shorten the failover time.With IEC61000-6-2/61000-6-4Heavy Industrial EMC and Tracksidecertification design,including robust enclosure and-40~75o C wideoperating temperature range,JetNet5216G series ensures highperformance under traffic control systems and other Networkapplications.Overview④8 10/100/1000 Base TX ports + 4G RJ45/SFP Combo + 4 Gigabit SFP④Network Redundancy –MSR (Multiple Super Ring), RSTP, MSTP④Fully Device Management –SNMP v1/v2c/v3, RMON, Web UI, Telnet and Local Console④Friendly Device and Network Topology recovery utility –Korenix View④Layer 2 Network Performance –IEEE802.1Q VLAN, Private VLAN, Trunk, Packet Filtering, DHCP Server/Client,Traffic Prioritize, Rate Control④Advanced Security system by Port Security, Access IP list, SSH, TACACS+④Event Notification through SNMP trap and SysLog④IEEE 802.1AB LLDP software for auto-topology and group management④Cisco-Like CLI, Web, SNMP/RMON for network management④Multiple event relay output for enhanced device alarm control④Hi-Pot Isolation Protection for ports and power④Railway Track Side EN50121-4 Certification④-40~75°C Wide Operating TemperatureDimension:SpecificationTechnologyIEEE Standards IEEE 802.3 10 Base-T EthernetIEEE 802.3u 100 Base-TX Fast EthernetIEEE 802.3u 100 Base-FX Fast Ethernet FiberIEEE 802.3ab 1000 Base-TIEEE 802.3z Gigabit FiberIEEE 802.3x Flow Control and Back-pressureIEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)IEEE 802.1p Class of Service (CoS)IEEE 802.1Q VLAN and GVRPIEEE 802.1 QinQIEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)IEEE 802.1x Port Based Network Access ProtocolIEEE802.3af/at/bt Power over EthernetSpecificationPerformanceSwitch Technology Store and Forward Technology with Non-Blocking 16 Gbps Switch FabricSystem Throughput Wire Speed 29.7Mega packet per secondCPU performance MIPS-4KEc CPU running at 500 MHzSystem Memory32M Bytes flash ROM, 256M Bytes DDR3 SDRAMTransfer packet size64 bytes to 10K bytes Jumbo FrameMAC Address8K MAC address tablePacket Buffer 4.1Mbit SRAM packet memoryForwarding14,880 pps for Ethernet and 148,800 pps for Fast Ethernet, 1488,100 pps for Gigabit Ethernet performanceInterfaceEnclosure Port•10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet port:–12 x RJ-45 (JetNet5216G-4C4F)•100Mbps / 1000Mbps Fiber port :–8 x SFP (JetNet5216G-4C4F)Socket for SFP fiber transceiver with Hot-swappable and D.D.M. functions•RS-232Console port : 1 x RJ-45 for system configuration•Digital Input / Relay Output port: 4-Pin removable terminal block connector•Power input port: 4-Pin removable terminal block connectorEthernet Cable100 Base-TX: 2-pair UTP/STP Cat. 6 cable, EIA/TIA-568B 100-ohm (100m)1000 Base-TX: 4-pair UTP/STP Cat. 6 cable, EIA/TIA-568B 100-ohm (100m)Digital Input Digital Input (Hi): DC 11V~30VDigital Input (Low): DC 0V~10VSupports sink type signal input with photo-coupler isolationRelay Output Dry Relay output: 1A / DC 24VSupports Multiple Events Binding trigger function.Diagnostic Indicators•RJ-45 port: Link /Activity (Green on, Green Blinking),1000Mbps (Yellow)•SFP port: Link/Activity (Green on, Green Blinking)•Power: System Power ready (Green on)•Sys: System Ready (Green on), System Updating (Green Blinking)•DO (Alarm): Alarm Relay Active (Red On)•R.S.: Green on (Ring normal)/Blinking (wrong ring port connective), Amber on (Ringabnormal) / Blinking (device’s ring port failed)ManagementTelnet & Local Console Supports command line interface with Cisco-like commands and maximum 4 sessions; thetelnet interface also supports SSHSNMP Support IPv4/IPv6, v1, v2c, v3 with SNMP trap function, trap station up to 4 and can bemanually configured the trap server IP address.SNMP MIB MIBII, Bridge MIB, Ethernet-like MIB, VLAN MIB, IGMP MIBKorenix Utility Korenix ViewNetwork Time Protocol Supports NTP protocol with daylight saving function and localized time sync function. Management IP Security IP address security to prevent unauthorized accessSystem Log Supports remote Server with authenticationQuality of Service Support Quality of ServiceIEEE 802.1x Port based network access control, RADIUS,MABNetwork RedundancyMultiple Super Ring (MSR TM)New generation Korenix Ring Redundancy Technology, Includes Rapid Super Ring, RapidDual Homing, SuperChain TM and backward compatible with legacy Super Ring TM.Rapid Dual Homing (RDH TM)Multiple uplink paths to one or multiple upper switchSuperChain TM It is new ring technology with flexible and scalability, compatibility, and easyconfigurable. The ring includes 2 types of node Switch –Border Switch and Member Switch Rapid Spanning Tree IEEE802.1D-2004 Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. Compatible with Legacy Spanning Treeand IEEE 802.1w multiple spanning treeNetwork PerformancePort Configuration Port link Speed, Link mode, current status and enable/disablePort Trunk IEEE 802.3ad port aggregation and static port trunk; trunk member up to 8 ports andmaximum 8 trunk groupsVLAN IEEE 802.1Q Tag VLAN with 256 VLAN Entries and provides 2K GVRP entries3 VLAN link modes-Trunk, Hybrid and Link accessIEEE802.1 QinQ Supports Double VLAN Tag function for implementing Metro Network topologiesClass of Service IEEE 802.1p class of service; per port 4 priority queues.Traffic Prioritize Supports 4 physical queues, weighted fair queuing (W.R.R.) and Strict Priority scheme,which follows 802.1p CoS tag and IPv4 ToS/ DiffServ information to prioritize the traffic ofyour industrial networkIGMP Snooping IGMP Snooping v1/v2/v3 for multicast filtering and IGMP Query mode; also supportunknown multicasting process forwarding policies-drop, flooding and forward to routerportRate Control Ingress/Egress filtering for Broadcast, Multicast, Unknown DA or All packetsPort Mirroring Online traffic monitoring on multiple selected portsPort Security Port security to assign authorized MAC to specific portDHCP DHCP Client, DHCP Server with IP & MAC Address binding, port based DHCP serverMechanicalInstallation DIN-Rail mountingCase Steel metal with Aluminum heat-dissipate panel housingIngress Protection IP31Dimension (mm)74(W) x 132(D) x 189(H) –w/o DIN Rail ClipInstallation DIN-rail mountingWeight 1.0 KgPower RequirementSystem power2x DC power input with polarity reverse protectionInput Range DC 10-60V (JetNet 5216G-4C4F)Power Consumption17.1W@48VDCEnvironmentalOperating Temperature-40 ~75o COperating Humidity0% ~ 95%, non-condensingStorage Temperature-40 ~ 85o C, 0% ~90% HumidityHi-Pot AC 1.5KV for Ethernet port and powerRegulatory ApprovalsEMC IEC/EN61000-6-2, IEC/EN61000-6-4 Heavy Industrial EMCEMI:FCC Class A, CE/ Class AEMS:IEC/EN61000-4-2, IEC/EN61000-4-3, IEC/EN61000-4-4, IEC/EN61000-4-5,IEC/EN61000-4-6, IEC/EN61000-4-8Railway Application EN50121-4Shock Compliance with IEC 60068-2-27Vibration Compliance with IEC 60068-2-6Free Fall Compliance with IEC 60068-2-32MTBF1,252,145 hrsWarranty 5 yearsOrdering InformationModel Name DescriptionJetNet 5216G-4C4F Industrial 8G RJ45 + 4G Combo + 4G SFP Managed Ethernet Switch, -40~75o C Package Includes:•JetNet 5216G Series•DIN-Rail kit•Quick Installation GuideNote: Please download User Manual from Korenix website。

需要注意如果需要粘贴配置,需要配置行延时和字符延时(点击文件属性设置 ASCII码设置行延时填写100毫秒字符延时20毫秒)。
第一步:将交换机的Console口和计算机的串口连接起来;第二步: 打开超级终端,新建一个连结,随便取一个名字,例如aaa然后按确定,然后选择COM口,按确定,端口设置选择为还原为默认值,再确定第二步:此时就可以以看到登录提示信息:Username(1-32 chars):第三步:输入正确的用户名,按回车,在提示下再输入相应密码。
第四步:成功登录交换机后,系统显示如下信息:TiNet>第五步:输入enable回车,系统显示如下信息:TiNet# 说明:特权模式第六步:输入configure terminal回车,系统显示如下信息:TiNet(config)# 说明:配置模式,请在此模式下进行配置TiNet(config)#ipaddress 说明:配置交换机IP地址这样通过IP地址,我们可能在WEB页面配置交换机了,但我们不建议在配置开始就用IP地址去配置,出于安全、稳定性的考虑,交换机的WEB页面并没把全部命令都加进去,还有不少的配置与调试信息都在命令行里。
另外,为了安全考虑,本地交换机的各端口默认VLAN 都不在管理VLAN里,这样,直接用网线接交换机会无法访问。