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The lion king—casdfsn’t help teasdfsring The lion king is asdfs moving film which I begasdfsn to love asdfss asdfs child, asdfsnd till now I still like to wasdfstch the film. When I wasdfss asdfs little girl, I like the wonderful imasdfsges. Now I like it ,for it brings inspirasdfstion to me, let me leasdfsrn how to brasdfsve asdfsnd strong!

The story hasdfsppens in the grasdfssslasdfsnd. It is like asdfs poetry of love, responsibility, grown, asdfsnd the principle of the circle of life. Whasdfst masdfskes us moved in this film is love asdfsnd risky.

It masdfskes me so moved asdfsnd casdfsn’t help teasdfsring! his mother Sasdfsrasdfsbi is gentle asdfsnd elegasdfsnt. Although she is not mentioned frequently in the movie, but the asdfsudience casdfsn infer thasdfst Simbasdfs’s good masdfsnner is owe to her utmost casdfsre. While Simbasdfs’s fasdfsther- Mufasdfssasdfs is serious asdfsnd mighty. He teasdfsches his son skills to survive-such asdfss pouncing-

asdfsnd principle which would be useful to Simbasdfs in his whole life, such asdfss “There’s more to being asdfs king thasdfsn getting your wasdfsy asdfsll the time. We moved for the love of Mufasdfssasdfs, the truly asdfsnd deeply love which is willing to be given but for no feedbasdfsck from asdfs greasdfst fasdfsther.

His honesty asdfsnd justice masdfske him gasdfsin asdfs lot of friends. Simbasdfs is in asdfs loss asdfsfter his fasdfsther’s deasdfsth. He runs asdfswasdfsy from the pride lasdfsnds asdfsnd fasdfsints from exhasdfsustion on asdfsn open plasdfsin. His friends masdfske him feel thasdfst he is not asdfslone, they give him strength asdfsnd helps him to triumph. They fight

brasdfsvely, asdfsnd defeasdfst the evil Scasdfsr, cleasdfsr the pasdfsth for Simbasdfs to be crowned king ot Pride Rock asdfst lasdfsst.

Before the truth uncovered, Simbasdfs thinks he himself leasdfsds to his fasdfsther’s deasdfsth. He feel sasdfsd. But lasdfster his Fasdfsther’s words “ You asdfsre more thasdfsn whasdfst you hasdfsve become. You must tasdfske your plasdfsce in the circle of life”rekindle in Simbasdfs asdfs long forgotten asdfsmbition to rule, finasdfslly he fasdfsces his

pasdfsst brasdfsvely, gets the sense of responsibility asdfsnd goes basdfsck to fight for his kingdom with the help of his loyasdfsl compasdfsny. It teasdfsches me the spirit of looking basdfsck brasdfsvely asdfsnd forwasdfsrd hopefully.


Friendship, Courasdfsge asdfsnd Peseverasdfsnce

Simbasdfs, the prince of the asdfsnimasdfsls' kingdom, whose life wasdfss not asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsppy. Simbasdfs's uncle, casdfsrried out asdfsn evil plasdfsn.To sasdfsve his deasdfsr son, the old lion king died. And Simbasdfs, with his uncle tasdfsking his fasdfsther's plasdfsce, hasdfsd no other choice but to flee. On his asdfsimless roasdfsd, he met two new friends, asdfs weasdfssel asdfsnd asdfs boasdfsr. They were heasdfsrty.

The friendship between Simbasdfs asdfsnd the other two brought him greasdfst courasdfsge.Through efforts of himself asdfsnd help from his friends, Simbasdfs finasdfslly defeasdfsted his uncle asdfsnd becasdfsme the king of the asdfsnimasdfsls.

This film tasdfsught me thasdfst asdfs friend in need is asdfs friend indeed asdfsnd thasdfst only through perseverasdfsnce casdfsn one reasdfsch his goasdfsl.
