

操作手册 W2000.

操作手册 W2000.

操作手册 W2000序号:06.20.0902F003.0096出版日期:目录序列号:118406/0001[第二页]本操作手册只有同安全说明书一起使用才有效,序列号为:76779机器标示所有WIRTGEN的机器都用序列号来标示。


例如:06.20.0001=序列号06.20=序列号0001=机器号[0.00.01-1]1、概述1.00概述 1.00.01 介绍1.01 使用 1.01.01 使用范围1.02 规程 1.02.01 机器具体的安全规程1.02.02 噪音振动1.03 机器数据 1.03.01 标记牌1.03.02 安全设施1.04 技术数据 1.04.01 外型尺寸-重量介绍 1.04.02 吊装点 1.04.03 工作数据[0.00.01-2]2.操作2.00概述2.00.01控制-主控制面板 2.00.02 控制-辅助控制面板2.00.04 控制-找平机构-调整器 2.00.04 压力显示器2.01 机架2.01.01 发动机罩 2.01.02 安全盖2.02 机手座椅 2.02.01 机手站立位置 2.02.02 控制面板 2.02.03 机手座椅 2.02.04 安全护栏 2.02.05 防雨帐篷[0.00.01-3]2.03铣刨毂总成 2.03.01铣刨毂 2.03.02铣刨毂连接 2.03.03 铣刨毂前附件2.03.04 铣刨毂刮料板 2.03.05 侧板 2.03.06 切削工具分离器 2.03.07铣刨毂转动速度 2.03.08 材料阻尼器2.04发动机 2.04.01 起动前 2.04.02 起动 2.04.03 停机 2.04.04 燃料箱添加泵2.07 高度调整 2.07.01 升高-降低机器2.08 行走驱动 2.08.01行走驱动 2.08.02 控制负载 2.08.03 指针 2.08.04紧急拖动装置[0.00.01-4]2.08.05液压刹车释放2.09 转向系统 2.09.01 转向2.10 输送机2.10.01 卸料-主输送机 2.10.02 折叠卸料输送机2.11找平装置2.11.01 设置零位(手动) 2.11.02 调整铣刨深度 2.11.03 调整横坡 2.11.04 定位因素 2.11.05 机械式高度显示器2.11.04 调整铣刨深度 2.11.05 横坡调整 2.11.06 定位因素 2.11.07 安装调整器2.12 供水系统 2.12.01 喷水装置 2.12.02 添加水箱 2.12.03 高压力清洗器 2.12.04 水箱添加泵[0.00.01-5]2.30 可编程逻辑控制(CGC) 2.30.01 机手指南 2.30.02 设置语言 2.30.03 故障诊断 2.30.04 故障-出错信息 2.30.05 服务信息 2.30.06 符号2.31 可编程逻辑控制(找平装置)2.31.01 机手指南(V6.072) 2.31.02 传感器(V6.072) 2.30.03故障-出错信息2.50停机 2.50.01 关闭机器2.60运输 2.60.01 装车[0.00.01-6]3-维护保养3.0 概述3.00.01 维护保养图 3.00.02 提示 3.00.03 越冬保存 3.00.04 电器系统 3.00.05 焊接工作3.01 机架 3.01.01 灯光-报警装置3.02 机手座椅 3.02.01防滑表面3.03铣刨鼓 3.03.01 铣刨毂驱动 3.03.02 更换刀具 3.03.03 快速更换系统 3.03.04驱动皮带 3.03.05 铣刨毂冷却液 3.03.06 铣刨毂轴承[0.00.01-7]3.03.07 限位开关(刮料板)3.03.08 固定点3.04 发动机 3.04.01 燃油箱 3.04.02 发动机 3.04.03 利用搭线起动3.05 加注液压油 3.05.01 液压油箱 3.05.02 泵分离器齿轮箱3.05.03 滤清器 3.05.04 机油冷却器3.06 电力提供 3.06.01 电瓶3.08 行走驱动 3.08.01 行走驱动齿轮箱 3.08.02 履带板3.10 输送机 3.10.01 主/卸料输送机3.12 喷水系统 3.12.01 水箱 3.12.02 过滤器 3.12.03 喷嘴[0.00.01-8]3.12.04水箱添加泵(液压驱动)3.17 压缩空气系统 3.17.01 压缩空气箱 3.17.02 出霜装置3.70 润滑 3.70.01润滑点4 表格4.00燃油润滑油 4.00.01 系列容器加注量 4.00.02 润滑对照表4.01 拧紧扭矩 4.01.01 螺母和螺栓拧紧扭矩4.02 防冻保护 4.02.01 混合比[1.00.01-1]本操作手册是为了帮助用户能够安全正确地使用机器,并能够利用该机器所有的使用功能。



CWT-2000系列 GSM/GPRS/CDMA MODEM使用手册Version 2.Version© 深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司 版权所有深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司2005年 3月所有权申明本手册所有权由深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司(以下称本公司)独家拥有。



使用注意事项使用注意事项注意注意::更换SIM 卡之前请关闭电源卡之前请关闭电源 注意注意::请使用产品所带的原装配件请使用产品所带的原装配件注意注意::请尽量使用主机后置USB 接口并且避免带电拔插操作接口并且避免带电拔插操作 注意注意::请在使用过程中请在使用过程中防止静电和防止静电和防止静电和灰尘灰尘灰尘注意注意::请在使用过程中防水请在使用过程中防水,,不要将水不要将水、、汽油汽油、、酒精等液体倾倒在设备中酒精等液体倾倒在设备中 注意注意::请不要在雷雨天气使用本设备请不要在雷雨天气使用本设备 注意注意::部分产品具有GPRS 功能功能 注意注意::部分产品具有CDMA1X 功能功能目 录录一、产品简介 (4)二、技术指标 (5)三、主要功能 (6)四、产品外形 (7)五、产品安装 (8)5.1 CWT-2000S系列产品安装 (8)5.2 CWT-2000P系列产品安装 (9)5.2.1 安装步骤 (9)5.2.2 驱动安装 (9)5.3 CWT-2000U系列产品安装 (11)5.3.1 安装步骤 (11)5.3.2 驱动安装 (11)六、GPRS安装指南 (12)七、产品清单 (13)八、保修政策 (14)九、注意事项 (15)产品简介一、产品简介CWT-2000系列GSM/GPRS/CDMA MODEM是深圳市盈科互动科技有限公司最新开发的产品,它使用工业级无线模块设计,采用通用的COM/PCI/USB(视具体型号而定)型接口,是为数据、传真和短消息传输而专门设计的无线MODEM。

科姆龙2000 变频器 参数表 说明书

科姆龙2000 变频器 参数表 说明书

-51-第六章 功能参数说明功能参数说明6.1功能参数简表6-1科姆龙KV KV22000系列通用变频器参数表系列通用变频器参数表功能功能 代码代码 名 称称设定范围设定范围最小最小 单位单位 出厂出厂 设定设定 类型类型 F00F0000 主速度频率设定 0.00Hz~650.00Hz 0.00Hz 50.00Hz R/W F001F001 加速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F00F0022 减速时间0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F003F003 FWD(X5)输入端子功能选择 0~99 0 73 FR/W F00F0044 REV(X6)输入端子功能选择 0~990 74 FR/W F00F0055 停机直流制动起始频率 0.50~650.00Hz 0.50Hz 5.00Hz R/W F00F0066 停机直流制动电压 0~30 % 0 5% R/W F00F0077 停机直流制动动作时间 0.0~25.0秒 0.0 1.0秒 R/W F00F0088 停机直流制动延迟时间 0.0~1.0秒 0.0 0.5秒 R/W F00F0099 转矩提升设定 0~30%3%FR/W F0F0101010 电机额定频率 0.50~650.00 Hz 0.50 Hz 50.00 Hz FR/W F0F0111111 电机额定电压30~100%30 %100 %FR/W F0F0121212 最大载波频率/载波频率转折点 2.0~16.9 KHz 2.0 KHz 机型设定 FR/W F0F0131313 Modbus 字串间隔时间 3~250ms 3ms 3ms FR/W F0F0141414 温度检测形式设定 0.0~999.9 0.0440.8FR/W F0F0151515 上限频率0.50~650.00 Hz0.50 Hz 50.00 HzFR/WF0F0161616 下限频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz FR/W F0F0171717 跳跃频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz R/W F0F0181818 跳跃频率范围 0.00~5.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz R/W F0F0191919 点动频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 10.00 Hz R/W F0F0202020 点动频率加减速时间 0.1~25.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F0F0212121 阶段1运行频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz R/W F0F0222222 阶段1加速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F023 阶段1减速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F023F024 阶段2运行频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz R/W F024F025 阶段2加速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F025F0F0262626 阶段2减速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F0F0272727 阶段3运行频率 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 0.00 Hz R/W F0F0282828 阶段3加速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F0F0292929 阶段3减速时间 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 10.0秒 R/W F0F0303030 停机方式 0~1 0 0 R/W F0F0313131 禁止反转 0~1 0 0 R/W F0F0323232 功率因数/滤波常数 50.00~99.99 50.00 85.20 FR/W F0F0333333 启动放电刹车回路 0~2 0 0 R/W F0F0343434 低(过)电压故障后再启动 0~1 0 0 R/W-52-F0F03535失速过流点 10~200 10 200 % R/W F0F0363636 暂时停止输出时间 0.1~5.0秒 0.1秒 0.5秒 R/W F0F0373737 模拟输出AM 0~17 0 0 R/W F0F0383838 模拟输出AM增益 0~255 0 255 R/W F0F0393939 运行控制方式选择 0.0~9.9 0.0 0.0 R/W F0F0440频率设定选择 0.00~99.99 0.00 8.08 R/W F0F0414141 X1输入端子功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F042 X2输入端子功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F042F043 X3输入端子功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F043F044 X4输入端子功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F044F0F0454545 开路集电极输出Y1功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F0F0464646 开路集电极输出Y2功能选择 0~99 0 0 R/W F0F0474747 继电器输出端子功能选择 0~99 0 4 R/W F0F0484848 输出电流检出水平 0~150% 0 100 % R/W F0F0494949 频率检出水平 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz 30.00 Hz R/W F0F0505050 频率检出允许范围 0.00~25.0 Hz 0.00 Hz 5.0 Hz R/W F0F0515151 电子热继电器动作时间 0~120秒 0 60秒 R/W F0F0525252 电机极数 2~12极 2极 4极 FR/W F0F0535353 齿轮比例 0~250% 0 100 % R/W-53-F0F05454监视模式选择 0~250 0 0 R/W F0F0555555 模拟转换器输入信号选择 0~250 0 0 R/W F0F0565656 模拟转换器输出资料 0~1023 0 M F0F0575757 输出频率(Hz) 0.00~650.00 Hz 0.00 Hz Hz M F0F0585858 输出转速(rpm) 0 rpm rpm/ Krpm M F0F0595959 直流母线电压 Vdc M F0F0606060 输出电压 Vrms M F061 电流及其他状态显示 M F061F062 散热器温度 0~100℃ ℃ M F062F063 数字输入端子状态 M F063F0F0646464 控制端子状态 0.0.~1.1 0.0. 0.0. M F0F0656565 数字输出端子状态 0.0.0~1.1.1 0.0.0 0.0.0 M F0F0666666 保留F0F0676767 运行模式选择 0~4 0 1 FR/W F0F0686868 无感矢量电压补偿 0~30 0 10 FR/W F0F0696969 滑差补偿系数F1/F2 0.0~99.99 0.0 50.50 % FR/W F0F0707070 模拟输入增益 0.0~100 0.0 50 % R/W F0F0717171 计时器(TIMER)动作时间 0.2~6553.0 0.2 5.0秒 R/W F0F0727272 简易PLC自动运行选择 0~6 0 0 R/W-54-F0F0737373 自动运行第一段时间设定 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 15.0秒 R/W F0F0747474 自动运行第二段时间设定 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 15.0秒 R/W F0F0757575 自动运行第三段时间设定 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 15.0秒 R/W F0F0767676 自动运行第四段时间设定 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 15.0秒 R/W F0F0777777 自动运行第五段时间设定 0.1~6553.0秒 0.1秒 15.0秒 R/W F0F0787878 电机额定容量 10~100 % 10 100 % FR/W F0F0797979 再启动方式选择 0~3 0 0 R/W F080 速度寻找动作水平 10~200 % 10 150 % R/W F080F081 速度寻找时减速时间 0.1~25.0秒 0.1秒 2.0秒 R/W F081F0F0828282 速度寻找时电压恢复时间 0.1~5.0秒 0.1 0.5秒 R/W F0F0838383 IGBT保护时间 2.0~25.0us 2.0us 3.0us FR/W F0F0848484 输入交流电压 40~1000 V 40 380V FR/W F0F0858585 变频器额定电流 0.5~3000.0 A 0.5 机型设定 FR/W F0F0868686 电流显示值的增益调整 70~140 70 100 FR/W F0F0878787 电压显示值的增益调整 70~140 70 100 FR/W F0F0888888 最大输出电压 30~100 30 100 % FR/W F0F0898989 V1端子输入最低值 0~1023 0 12 FR/W F0F0909090 V1端子输入最高值 0~1023 0 1012 FR/W F0F0919191 V2端子输入最低值 0~1023 0 12 FR/W-55--56-F0F09292 V2端子输入最高值 0~1023 0 780 FR/W F0F0939393 通讯格式/通讯地址 0.01~99.99 0.01 0.01 FR/W F0F0949494 数据初始化 0~250 0 0 R/W F0F0959595 参数写保护 0~2 0 0 R/W F0F0969696 开放特殊参数设定 0~1 0 0 R/W F0F0979797 软件版本机型设定 R F0F0989898 I 灯亮时欲监视的参数 0~99 0 61 R/W F099F099 Hz 灯亮时欲监视的参数0~9957R/W-57-6.2 参数功能详细说明F000 F000 主速度频率设定主速度频率设定主速度频率设定设定范围设定范围::0.00 0.00 ~~ 650.00Hz 650.00HzF000是存储器内的主要运行频率设定。

KW 系列用户手册说明书

KW 系列用户手册说明书

TD-000315-05-G*TD-000315-05*KW 系列用户手册KW122 – 75° 1000 W 有源 12" (300 mm) 双向扬声器系统KW152 – 60° 1000 W 有源 15" (380 mm) 双向扬声器系统KW153 – 75° 1000 W 有源 15" (380 mm) 三向扬声器系统KW181 – 18" (460 mm) 1000 W 亚低音扬声器系统重要的安全注意事项和符号说明警告!小心:为降低电击风险,请不要移除放大器盖板。





请遵照 QSC 产品说明在经认证的专业安装工程师的监督下进行安装。



1. 请阅读这些说明。

2. 请保存好这些说明。

3. 请谨记所有警告与小心提示。

4. 请遵守所有说明。

5. 警告!为避免火灾或电击,请勿将设备暴露于雨中或潮湿环境中。


6. 在清洁设备时只能用干布擦拭。

7. 小心:机罩背后至少要留出 6" (152 mm) 的空隙以便进行对流冷却。




8. 小心:不要将本产品安装在会产生热量的热源,如散热器、热调节装置、炉子或其他扬声器(包括放大器)附近。

9. 警告!为了保证你的安全,务必保证此扬声器的正确接地。




















产品规格1.额定工作电压: AC220V±15%;2.控制器额定功耗: <=AC 2W;3.开关输出信号: 继电器输出5A/ AC220V4.模拟输入信号: 1路,0-5V/1-5V电压信号6.模拟量输出信号: 1路,0-10V/0-5V电压信号7.控制器外形尺寸: 96mm×96mm×72mm8.控制柜面板开口尺寸:91mm×91mm,支座安装9.使用环境: 无水滴、蒸汽、腐蚀、易燃、灰尘及金属微粒的场所;温度:-20℃~50℃;.相对湿度:< 95%控制器面板示意图接线端子说明控制器端子接线图(图和实物一一对应,接线时需参照)接线端子说明:详细操作说明1、面板及按键说明:PV窗口为测量值显示窗口,SV窗口为设定值显示窗口。


电能公司电力表2000系列 Quick Start 指南说明书

电能公司电力表2000系列 Quick Start 指南说明书

ContentsDescription PageMechanical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Electrical Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Network Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Locating the Gateway Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Configuring the Meter’s Gateway Card for Network Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Configuring a Fixed IP Address for the Gateway Card using a local PC . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Verify the IP address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Network Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Restarting and Factory Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Restart the Gateway Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Power Xpert Meter 2000 SeriesCopyright © 2011 by Eaton Corporation . All rights reserved .Specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice .Power Xpert is a registered trademarks of Eaton Corporation .EATON CORPORATION - CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY NOTICE TO PERSONS RECEIVING THIS DOCUMENT AND/OR TECHNICAL INFORMATIONTHIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING THE DRAWING AND INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREON, IS CONFIDENTIAL AND IS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF EATON CORPORATION, AND IS MEREL YON LOAN AND SUBJECT TO RECALL BY EATON AT ANY TIME . BY TAKING POSSESSION OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THIS DOCUMENT CANNOTBE USED IN ANY MANNER ADVERSE TO THE INTERESTS OF EATON, AND THAT NO PORTION OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF EATON . IN THE CASE OF CONFLICTING CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS, THIS NOTICE SHALL GOVERN THE STATUS OF THIS DOCUMENT .DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Electrical Inc . and/or Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies . If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted .Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser .THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES . ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON . THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES . In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatso-ever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein .PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideMechanical InstallationIM02601002E 1Mechanical Installation 4” Diameter round mounting 92 mm Square Form ANSI Studs 4” Round Form Caution: Do not overtightennuts as this can damage the me-ter. The maximum installationtorque is 0.4 Newton-Meter.92 mm square formUnscrew ANSI studs for DIN InstallationPXM 2000 Quick Start GuideElectrical Wiring2 IM02601002EElectrical WiringNote: Other wiring configurations are available . See the Power Expert Meter 2000 Userand Installation Guide for additional informationWYE Direct 3 Phase, 4-wireWYE with PTs 3 Phase, 4-wirePXM 2000 Quick Start GuideElectrical Wiring IM02601002E 3DELTA Direct 3 Phase, 3-wireDELTA with PTs 3 Phase, 3-wirePXM 2000 Quick Start GuideNetwork Planning4 IM02601002ENetwork PlanningThe hardware for the Power Xpert Meter 2000 family is similar to other EATON IQ 250 and 260 meters except that these meters include an integrated, multi-function Ethernet network gateway card . The Power Xpert Meter 2000 Gateway Card provides many of the features found in the rest of the Power Xpert line of meters, including:• Local web server • Modbus/TCP communitations • SNMP communications • Power Xpert Software (PXS) communications • BACnet/IP communications The Network PC requires a web browser (Internet Explorer versions 7 or 8 are sup-ported) and an installed version 6 or later of the JAVA J2SE JRE (Java Runtime Environ-ment) . If Java is not already installed, you or the network administrator may download it from www .java .com and install it per Sun’s instructions . See the Power Expert Meter 2000 User and Installation Guide for additional information .An Ethernet connection is used for configuring the meter’s gateway card communica-tion settings via a web browser . Y ou may need to contact your network administrator for some network and configuration information . In preparation, you will need to decide if the meter will be manually assigned a fixed (static) IP address or will be automatically assigned a fixed IP address by a DHCP server somewhere on the network . With either method the assigned network address must not change once the meter has been de-ployed . Changing the IP address will cause loss of communication until the associated client PCs change the corresponding meter’s IP addresses .Discuss with your network administrator whether you should manually configure the meter with an assigned IP address or whether the DHCP server will assign one . For the DHCP server to provide a fixed IP address, your network administrator will need to know the MAC address assigned to the meter .H C aution Eaton strongly recommends using a fixed IP address if an Eaton PXS system will be ac-cessing the meter . Otherwise, should the IP address change (after a power outage, for example), PXS will no longer be able to access data from the meter .The MAC address is found on a small label that consists of 14 letters and numbers . It looks something like: 002080850047EF Locate the MAC address on your meter and record it here . MAC Address : ______________________________________________________________Is DHCP going to be used to assign the IP address to your meter? ___ Y es ___ No If Yes : Provide the MAC address to the network administrator and record the fixed IP address the network administrator will assign to your meter in the DHCP server here:IP Address: __________________________________________________________________PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideLocating the Gateway CardIM02601002E 5The card will be configured remotely . Skip to the section entitled Verify the IP addressIf No :Record the following information provided by the network administrator here:IP Address: _________________________________________________________________Subnet Mask: _______________________________________________________________Default Gateway: ____________________________________________________________Primary DNS Server IP Address _______________________________________________Secondary DNS Server IP Address _____________________________________________Locating the Gateway CardFirst, ensure power is applied to the meter .The Power Expert Meter 2000 Gateway Card is the blue card installed in the right-most option slot (slot 2) on the rear of the meter . The card is labeled: Power Xpert GatewayPXM Series 2000 .PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideConfiguring the Meter’s Gateway Card for Network Accessibility6 IM02601002ELocation of Gateway CardThere are four indicator LEDs on the Gateway Card labeled: Status , DHCP , Ident , andPower . When power is first applied all the lights should be off for a few seconds and then the Power light will illuminate . This indicates the card has power and is running .Configuring the Meter’s Gateway Card for Network Accessibility Configuring a Fixed IP Address for the Gateway Card using a local PCY our network administrator provided an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default gate-way (which you entered in the previous section) . This information must be entered into the Gateway Card using a local PC, such as a laptop .This method requires a PC with the following:• an Ethernet port• an Ethernet cable (either straight-through or cross-over)• A web browser such as Internet Explorer 7 or 8• an installed version 6 or later JAVA J2SE JRE (Java Runtime Environment) . If not already installed you may download it from www .java .com and install it . (If Java isn’t installed, you’ll be prompted to install it .)To configure the Gateway Card:1 . On the PC, launch the Java Control Panel screen (available through the WindowsPXM 2000 Quick Start Guide Configuring the Meter’s Gateway Card for Network Accessibility IM02601002E 7Control Panel ) .2 . On the General tab, click the Settings button under Temporary Internet Files .3 . Ensure the Keep T emporary Files on My Computer check box is cleared . 4 . Connect the PC to the Gateway Card through an Ethernet cable (either a straight though or cross-over CAT 5 cable) .There are two green lights (LEDs) located on the gateway card’s Ethernet port . If the Ethernet cable is connected to an active Ethernet port on the PC both lights should be illuminated (the light labeled Act may be flickering reflecting network activity) . 5 . The card’s default Ethernet IP address is 192 .168 .1 .1 . Set the PC’s address to an address on the same subnet, such as 192 .168 .1 .100 . To do this, use the following steps:a . Click Window’s Start . b . Choose either Settings > Control Panel (Windows 2000) or Control Panel (Windows XP) .c . In the Control Panel , click Network Connections and right-click Local Area Connection . Select Properties from the shortcut menu .d . Click the Properties button .e . In the Properties dialog box, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button .f . In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, select Use the follow-ing IP address and enter the following in the IP address field: . Click OK throughout the various dialog boxes .6 . Launch a web browser and navigate to the following IP address: an information screen appears stating the certificate cannot be verified and asking if you want to run anyway, select run.Loading Page Java will load and then the meter’s Home page will appear .PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideConfiguring the Meter’s Gateway Card for Network Accessibility8 IM02601002EMeter Home Page 7 . Click the Setup button . The Setup page will appear . (Y ou can also click the Setup Meter link at the bottom of the page to go directly to the Quick Setup folder .)8 . Locate and click the open icon to the left of the Quick Setup folder . The folder opens to show two subfolders: Meter and Network .Opening the Quick Setup Folder 9 . Click the Network folder . 10 . Click the Edit button .Edit Button (on the right of the page)A Login dialog box appears .11 . The default Username is admin and the default Password is admin . Log in using these credentials .PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideNetwork AccessIM02601002E 9Login dialog12 . I f you successfully logged in as admin you may now configure the card for the set-tings specified by your network administrator . Refer to the previously recorded net-work settings . Y ou can also enter such optional information as the meter’s location, who to contact in case of problems, etc .13 . W hen you’ve completed configuration, click the OK button .The new IP address will take effect shortly after clicking OK . The Gateway Card will redirect you to the new IP address and reload the Java applet . Y ou can continue to configure the meter after it is connected to your LAN .Refer to the PXM 2000 Meter User’s Guide (IM02601001E) for additional configura-tion details .14 . D isconnect the Ethernet cable to the PC and connect the meter to the LAN .Note: Remember to reconfigure the PC’s network settings for your LAN .This concludes network configuration . Y ou can now proceed to verify the IP address .Verify the IP addressTo check the IP address from the meter’s front panel:1 . If the meter has power, the display should be showing normal data, such as voltage, current, etc .2 . Push the menu button on the face of the meter . The main menu screen appears .3 . Push down repeatedly until IP blinks .4 . Push enter and the meter’s IP address appears, which should appear something like the following: this example the IP address is . This should match the ad-dress the network administrator provided for this meter .5 . Push menu to return to the main menu .Network AccessOnce the network IP address is known, most meter functions and configuration can be done via the network . Use a networked client PC running version 6 or later of the JAVA J2SE JRE and a web browser such as Internet Explorer 7 or 8 to navigate to the meter’s IP address . See the meter’s complete user’s manual for additional information .PXM 2000 Quick Start GuideRestarting and Factory Defaults10 IM02601002E Restarting and Factory DefaultsThe gateway card provides the ability to restart and to reset itself to the factory defaults . There is a momentary push-button switch accessed through a small hole in the face plate of the gateway card . Although it is not used in normal operations, this switch al-lows you to restart the gateway card in the meter .Restart the Gateway CardThe gateway card restart push-button switch is located behind the hole in the card face plate closest to the LED labelled DHCP . This switch is used to restart just the gateway card (not the meter) should it be necessary to recover from some abnormal condition .Momentarily press the switch by pushing a small device into the hole to activate the switch .Detailed information on applications and options can be found in the PXM 2000 Meter User’s Guide (IM02601001E) on the CD shipped with the meter . The guide can also be found at http://www .eaton .com/powerxpert .Eaton Corporation Electrical Group 1000 Cherrington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108United States 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)Eaton .com© 2011 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No . IM02601002E October 2011PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation . All other trademarks are property of their respective owners .。



Power Xpert® Meter 2000 GatewayCard KitT able of ContentsRemove the Meter From Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Disconnect Power Connections, CTs, andModbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Remove Meter from Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Locate the Meter on the Bench. . . . . . . . . . . . .2Install the Gateway Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Check Meter Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Connect to the Meter for Firmware Upgrade . .4Upgrade the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Configure the Gateway Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Check Gateway Card Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Configure Network Access for the Gateway Card using a Local PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Verify the IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Network Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7If Y ou Need to Restart The Gateway Card . . . . .7Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Reinstall the Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION Remove the Meter From ServiceTurn power off at the breaker feeding the meter . There may be more than one breaker . Use local safety procedures such as “Lock out/ Tag out” to ensure the breaker(s) is not inadvertently energized . Ensure the high power connections on the meter are de-energized .•Current sensing wires may be connected directly to the load by simply passing the current carrying conductors (load or Current Transformers) directly through the meter . There is no physical connection to the meter .•Current sensing wires may be connected directly to the meter by attaching the current carrying conductors to “current gills” or quick connect terminals on the meter .Then remove or disconnect the current sensing wires from the meter .H WARNING!USE CAUTION TO ENSURE THE CURRENT THROUGH THE CTS IS OFF OR SUIT-ABLE PROTECTION IS IN PLACE TO PREVENT CONTACT WITH THE LEADS FROM THE CT.ENSURE THE CONTROL OR LOGIC POWER TO THE METER IS DE-ENERGIZED. THE VOLTAGE AT THESE TERMINALS IS THE LOCAL AC VOLTAGE.Disconnect Power Connections, CTs, and Modbus1 . Remove the large 13 position connector on the back of the meter .2 . If the installation is being done on an operational meter, this connector must be removed before installing the Gateway Card . Removing this connector will remove power to the meter . The Gateway Card is not designed to be hot-pluggable (installed with power on) .3 . If an extra 13 position connector is not available, make note of where the wires are connected to the 13 pin connector . Y ou will need this information when re-connecting the wires . Then remove the wires from the 13 position connector and replace the connector into the meter .Figure 1. 13 and 6 position connectors13 position GND L(+) 6 position Remove Meter from PanelWhen removing the meter keep the mounting hardware (screws, washers, etc .) in a safe place for use when re-installing the meter .For ANSI installations remove the four nuts and washers .Figure 2. Removing the four nuts and washersFor DIN installations remove the two screws and mounting brackets .Figure 3. Removing the DIN mounting bracketsFor DIN rail installations pull down on the mounting clips to release the meter .Figure 4. T ransducer version of meter mounted on DIN railLocate the Meter on the BenchThe installation procedure requires local power and an activeEthernet connection . To provide power to the meter, it may be usefulFour mounting nuts and lock washersMounting brackets and screws3Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION to build an Aux cable to GND, L(+) and N(-) using a 13 position con-nector . This is particularly useful if installing many Gateway Cards .The Gateway Card must be installed in slot 2. If slot 2 is occu-pied, remove the card in slot 2 and place it into slot 1 . Otherwise,remove the option card cover over slot 2 . Retain the screws .Install the Gateway CardI C AUTION!USE LOCAL ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE PROTECTION OR TOUCH A SUITABLY GROUNDED METAL SURFACE TO DISCHARGE ANY STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARGE. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE GATEWAY CARD.1 . Remove the Gateway Card from the protective wrap .2 . Locate the MAC address printed on the card . Record it here . MAC Address:_________________________________________The MAC address is on a small label and consists of 14 letters and numbers . It looks something like: 0020808500EF3 . Another MAC address label is included in that kit and should be applied to the flat area on top of the meter (above the meter’s infor-mation label) .Figure 5. Area for MAC address label4 . Verify the switch settings on the card . All switches should be in the off position .Figure 6. Card Switches Shown in the Off Position5 . Insert the Gateway Card into meter slot 2 using the meter’s built-in card guides (see the following figure) . Use care to correctly locate the card in the guides . Slide the card carefully into the meter until it stops . Gently push on the card until it “clicks” into place .Figure 7. Install Gateway Card into slot 26 . Secure the card by replacing the screws removed while removing the cover .7 . If available, connect the building Ethernet cable to the jack on the Gateway Card . Otherwise use a local Ethernet equipped PC and the seven-foot Ethernet cable shipped with this kit .8 . If available, connect the Modbus connector (6 position connector) that is attached to the Modbus network .9 . Attach the power cord . If an AUX power cord was assembled then insert the connector into the socket . Otherwise connect GND, L(+) and N(-) to the 13 position connector as indicated in the figure on page 2 .10 . A pply power to the power cord .11 . There are four indicator LEDs on the Gateway Card labeled:Status , DHCP , Ident , and Power . When power is first applied all the lights should be off for a few seconds and then the Power light will illuminate . This indicates the card has power and is running .12 . T here are two lights (LEDs) located on the Ethernet cable jack . If the Ethernet cable has an active Ethernet connection the light labeled Act may be flickering . The light labeled 100 will be lit if the Ethernet connection is active at 100 Mbps .Put MAC address I/O Card Guide Track4Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION Figure 8. Location of LEDsCheck Meter FirmwareIf the meter firmware is lower than version 14, you must upgrade the firmware . Y ou can check the firmware version of a powered meter from the front panel .1 . Press menu .2 . Press the down button until Info is flashing (line A) .3 . Press enter .4 . An initial three-line display of values appears . After a few sec-onds, a second set of values appears . The firmware version number is in the middle line .5 . If the meter firmware version is 14 or greater, you do not needto upgrade the firmware and can proceed to Configure the Gateway Card on page 5 .6 . If you must upgrade the firmware, continue on with this proce-dure .7 . Press menu .8 . Press the down button until CfG is flashing (line A) .9 . Press enter .10 . P ress the down button until POrt is flashing (line A) .11 . Press enter .12 . T he Adr (address) screen appears . Record the address:13 . A ddress___________14 . P ress enter . The bAUD screen appears . Record the baud rate:15 . B aud rate:_________16 . P ress menu twice .Connect to the Meter for Firmware UpgradeThis procedure requires an RS-232 to RS-485 serial adapter, as you must connect to the meter through the RS-485 port .1 . Place the CD that accompanied your upgrade kit into the PC’s CD/DVD drive .2 . Install the Eaton Meter Configuration Software (double-click EatonMCSSetup .exe in the root folder of the Eaton Meter Configuration Software CD) .3 . After installation, launch the Configuration Software .4 . Click the Connect icon on the title bar or Connection > Quick Connect .5 . Make sure the Serial Port radio button is selected .6 . Enter the Device Address you previously recorded .7 . Select Baud Rate you previously recorded from the pull-down menu .8 . Select the port you are using from the pull-down menu . The Available Ports/All Ports radio buttons determine which port selec-tions the menu displays .9 . Select Modbus RTU from the Protocol pull-down menu .10 . S elect Flow Control: None .11 . Select Echo Mode: No Echo .Figure 9. Connection screen12 . C lick the Connect button . Y ou will see the Device Status screen .Figure 10. Device Status ScreenUpgrade the Firmware1 . At the Eaton Meter Configuration screen, select Tools > FlashMe. Y ou will see the following screen .Power LEDStatus LED5Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION Figure 11. Firmware Update Dialog Box2 . Click Browse to locate the firmware update file on the CD .3 . Click Flash to update the firmware .4 . When the update is complete, click Exit to close the screen .otee:N If Flash Update fails, you will see a message to that effect . CheckDevice Status to see if your meter is in Boot Mode .•If the meter is in Boot Mode, clear the Starting from Run Mode box in the Flash Me screen and try flash updating the firmware again .•If the meter’s status is not displayed in the Device Status screen, the meter may be stuck in Boot Mode . If you are certain the com-munication settings are correct for the meter, try connecting to the meter using the following defaults:Address 001Baud Rate 9600ProtocolModbus RTUOnce you connect to the meter, you can try flash upgrading again .This concludes the firmware update . Y ou can now proceed to con-figure the Gateway Card .Configure the Gateway CardAn Ethernet connection is used for configuring the meter’s Gateway Card communication settings via a web browser . Y ou may need to contact your network administrator for some network and configura-tion information . In preparation, you will need to decide if the meter will be manually assigned a fixed (static) IP address or will be auto-matically assigned a fixed IP address by a DHCP server somewhere on the network . With either method the assigned network address must not change once the meter has been deployed . Changing the IP address will cause loss of communication until the associated cli-ent PCs change the corresponding meter’s IP addresses .Discuss with your network administrator whether you should manu-ally configure the meter with a static IP address (the dafault) or whether the DHCP server will assign one . For the DHCP server to provide a fixed IP address, your network administrator will need to know the MAC address assigned to the meter .H CAUTIONEATON STRONGLY RECOMMENDS USING A FIXED IP ADDRESS (THE DEFAULT) IF AN EATON PXS SYSTEM WILL BE ACCESSING THE METER. OTHERWISE,SHOULD THE IP ADDRESS CHANGE (AFTER A POWER OUTAGE, FOR EXAMPLE), PXS WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO ACCESS DATA FROM THE METER.Is DHCP going to be used to assign the IP address to your meter? ___ Y es ___ NoIf Yes :Provide the MAC address (previously noted on page 3) to the net-work administrator and record the fixed IP address the network administrator will assign to your meter in the DHCP server here:IP Address:The card will be configured remotely . Skip to the section entitled Verify the IP addressIf No :Record the following information provided by the network adminis-trator here:IP Address: _______________________________________________ Subnet Mask:______________________________________________ Default Gateway:___________________________________________ Primary DNS Server IP Address______________________________Secondary DNS Server IP Address____________________________Check Gateway Card IndicatorsFirst, ensure power is applied to the meter .There are four indicator LEDs on the Gateway Card labeled: Status , DHCP , Ident , and Power . When power is first applied all the lights should be off for a few seconds and then the Power light will illumi-nate . This indicates the card has power and is running .Configure Network Access for the Gateway Card using a Local PCY our network administrator either provided an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default gateway (which you entered in the previous sec-tion) or has decided to assign an address via DHCP . This information must be entered into the Gateway Card using a local PC, such as a laptop .This method requires a PC with the following:• an Ethernet port• an Ethernet cable (a seven-foot cable is provided in the kit) •a Java-enabled web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, or 9 .•an installed version 6 or greater JAVA J2SE JRE (Java Runtime Environment) . If not already installed, when you connect to the meter you’ll be given the option to navigate to the Sun Java web-site and download the JRE .1 . On the PC, launch the Java Control Panel screen (available through the Windows Control Panel ) .2 . On the General tab, click the Settings button under Temporary Internet Files .6Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION Figure 12. Settings Button3 . Ensure the Keep Temporary Files on My Computer check box is cleared .Figure 13. Keep Temporary Files on My Computer check box4 . Connect the PC to the Gateway Card through the seven-foot Ethernet cable shipped with the kit .There are two green lights (LEDs) located on the Gateway Card’s Ethernet port . If the Ethernet cable is connected to an activeEthernet port on the PC both lights should be illuminated (the light labeled Act may be flickering reflecting network activity) .5 . The card’s default Ethernet IP address is 192 .168 .1 .1 . Set the PC’s address to an address on the same subnet, such as 192 .168 .1 .100 .To do this, use the following steps:1 . Click Window’s Start .2 . Choose either Settings > Control Panel (Windows 2000) or Control Panel (Windows XP) .3 . In the Control Panel , click Network Connections and right-click Local Area Connection . Select Properties from the shortcut menu .4 . Click the Properties button .5 . In the Properties dialog box, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button .6 . In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, select Use the following IP address and enter the following in the IP address field: . Click OK throughout the various dialog boxes .6 . Launch your Java-enabled web browser and navigate to the fol-lowing IP address: an information screen appears stating the certificate cannot be verified and asking if you want to run anyway, select run.Java will load and then the meter’s Home page will appear .Figure 8. Loading Page7 . Click the Setup button or the Setup Meter link . The Setup page will appear .7Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEATON CORPORATION Figure 9. Meter Home Page8 . Locate and click the open icon to the left of the Quick Setup fold-er . The folder opens to show two subfolders: Meter and Network .Figure 10. Opening the Quick Setup Folder9 . Click the Network folder . 10 . C lick the Edit button .Figure 11. Edit Button (on the right of the page)11 . A Login dialog box appears .12 . T he default Username is admin and the default Password is admin . Log in using these credentials .Figure 12. Login dialog13 . Configure the card for the settings specified by your network administrator . Y ou can also enter such optional information as the meter’s location, who to contact in case of problems, etc .14 . W hen you’ve completed configuration, click the OK button .15 . T he new IP address will take effect shortly after clicking OK . Communication with the PC will then be lost . Y ou can continue to configure the meter after it is connected to your LAN .16 . R efer to the PXM 2000 Meter User and Installation Guide (IM02601001E) for additional configuration details .17 . Disconnect the Ethernet cable to the PC and connect the meter to the LAN .otee:N Remember to reconfigure the PC’s network settings for your LAN .Verify the IP Address1 . If the meter has power the display should be showing normal data, such as voltage, current, etc .2 . Push the menu button on the face of the meter . The main menu screen appears .3 . Push down repeatedly until IP blinks .4 . Push enter and the meter’s IP address appears, which should appear something like the following:010.2 22.05 1.066In this example the IP address is . This should match the address the network administrator provided for this meter . 5 . Push menu to return to the main menu .Network AccessOnce the network IP address is known, most meter functions and configuration can be done via the network . Use a networked client PC running version 6 or greater of the JAVA J2SE JRE and a Java enabled browser such as Internet Explorer version 7, 8, or 9 to navi-gate to the meter’s IP address . See the meter’s complete user’s manual for additional information .If You Need to Restart The Gateway CardY ou can restart the Gateway Card through a momentary push-button switch accessed through a small hole in the face plate of the Gateway Card . Although this is not used in normal operations, this switch allows you to restart the Gateway Card in the meter . The Gateway Card restart push-button switch is located behind the hole in the card face plate closest to the LED labelled DHCP . This switch is used to restart just the Gateway Card (not the meter) should it be necessary to recover from some abnormal condition .Momentarily press the switch by pushing a small device into the hole to activate the switch .Notee: It may take around five minutes before the meter pages begin to display values .Quick Start Guide IL02601011EEffective December 2011Power Xpert® Meter 2000 Gateway Card KitEaton CorporationElectrical Group1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon Township, PA 15108United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2011 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. IL02601011E December 2011PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.PXM 2000 Meter User and Installation Guide (IM02601001E) on theThe guide can also be found at http://Reinstall the MeterRefer to the meter documentation for a more detailed description of installing and wiring the meter . The following is merely an overview of the steps you’ll need to perform .1 . Turn power off to the 13 position connector . If an AUX cable was used then remove the 13 position connector . Else, disconnect the GND, L(+), and L(-) wires from the 13 position connector . See the figure on page2 .2 . If a Modbus network was connected remove the six position net-work connector .3 . Return the meter to the mounting panel using any hardware removed in previous steps . See the figures on page 2 .4 . Reconnect the current sensing (CT or direct connections) wires .5 . If an AUX cable was not used, reconnect the wires to the 13 position connector . Otherwise plug the wired connector into the meter .6 . Reconnect the Modbus network using the six position Modbus connector .7 . Insert the Ethernet cable into the socket on the new Gateway Card . Be sure to route the cable away from any high voltage wires . Secure the cable in compliance with local electrical codes .8 . Take any necessary safety precautions in preparation for restoring power .9 . Turn the power on at the breaker(s) .10 . W atch the LEDs on the back of the Gateway Card . They should all turn off for a few seconds and then the right (Status) and the left (Power) lights should be illuminated to indicate the card has power and has started correctly . See the figure on page 4 for the location of the LEDs .。


图六中蓝色区域为修改 W2000 串口服务器参数区域,可以更改 IP 地址和网关地址。修改结 束后点 Alter 保存参数。 注意:参数保存完毕,需要从新查询设备。 当查询到获得新 IP 地址的 W2000 串口服务器,双击 IP 地址出现以下 WEB 页(图七)。输 入用户名及密码,用户名及密码小写的“admin”。输入后进入串口参数及通信模式等选择页 (图八)。
此功能可让使用者进行系统设定数据备份及还原、备份文件经过特殊加密处理、以确保 数据安全性。
2.0 硬件定义及初始设定
2.1 硬件定义
2.11 RS-232接口定义:(DB9公头)
序号 (DB9公头)
2.12 RS-422/485引脚定义:(六位接线端子)
34ຫໍສະໝຸດ 5RS-422 T+
RS-485 485+ 485-
2.13 10/100M以太网的连接: W-2000以太网口连接交换机或HUB采用直连线如图1
图一 如“图一”所示双击“vsport.exe”出现下图。
图二 图二为对 W2000 串口服务器进行设置及虚拟串口定义界面。



KW-2000电话拨号器说明书提醒:若需市话启动IP ,请加设**271*,以防断线。

感谢您使用凯旺牌智能通信系列产品!KW-2000B 电话拨号器是为了您使用电信、网通、联通等电信公司的IP 业务和各种电话卡时,用来简化拨号过程,节省时间,提高效率的一种全自动智能拨号装置。

通用型电话拨号器(KW-2000B )主要功能:■方便:无需拨卡号、密码,直拨即通;■快捷:静音同步抢拨技术,最快时间内接通;■自动:自动切换,可根据开通区域自动选择相对应的 IP 卡;■兼容:可输入九组卡,兼容IP 卡、市话卡、200卡、300卡及其它网卡; ■多用途:适用于公用、家庭、公司电话,交换机中继线及分机使用; ■大容量:储存九组60位IP 卡号码,并可存储600组开通区域,; ■远程维护:具备远程编程功能。


一、 I P 卡的设置本拨号器每设置完一步程序后,会有语音提示,一声“嘟”表示正确,两声“嘟嘟”表示错误。


1、 复位:**9**(恢复出厂状态)2、 IP 卡的输入:*9*****例:把上海电信卡输入在第一组(流程:17908-1-卡号#-密码#-电话号码#) *9*1**17908*1*卡号#*密码#**3、 IP 主叫的输入:*9*****A 、 上海电信17908主叫设置如下(主叫号后有语言类型): **9***9*1**17908* #**(#表示延时)B 、 网通17931主叫设置如下(主叫号后直接拨号码类型) **9***9*1**17931***7*17931**(见功能一) *6*17931* (见功能五) 4、 市话功能设置:注:市话功能的设卡程序,必须设置在第八组或第九组内(1)启动市话功能:**221*取消市话功能:**220* (2)开通市话或农话字头:开通第八组市话字头:**5字头*字头*字头*……** 开通第九组市话字头:**6字头*字头*字头*……**二、 拨打IP 电话1、 直线:直接拨打对方号码。

K 系列产品 说明书

K 系列产品 说明书

目 录
第一章 产品介绍 .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 产品概述............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 产品主要功能 ..................................................................................................................................... 5 第二章 开箱检查和线缆连接 ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 开箱检查............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 硬盘安装.......................................



W2000串口服务器说明书北京万维盈创科技发展有限公司目录1.0 W-2000 概述 (3)1.1 介绍 (3)1.2 主要功能 (3)2.0 硬件定义及初始设定 (3)2.1 硬件定义 (3)2.2 LED 状态说明 (4)2.3 W-2000初始设定值 (5)3.0 W2000设置说明 (5)3.1串行端口操作模式说明 (10)3.2 RS-232/422/485接口的设定 (11)3.3动态域名系统(Dynamic DNS) (12)4.0 W-2000 系统管理设定 (13)4.1 系统管理者设定 (14)4.2 系统状态 (15)4.3 备份及还原 (15)4.4 软件升级 (16)4.5 Ping (16)5.0虚拟串口软件设置 (17)6.0 W2000连网拓扑图 (18)1.0 W-2000 概述1.1 介绍W-2000是为TCP/IP到RS-232/422/485之间完成数据转换的通讯接口转换器,广泛应用于工业控制、门禁系统、考勤系统、售饭系统、POS系统、楼宇自控系统、电力系统、监控及数据采集系统、自助银行系统等。

其内建的RTOS(实时操作系统)及完整的TCP/IP通讯协议可使W-2000不只提供可靠稳定的操作平台,更可使原有系统简便且快速的经由Internet 进行远程管理。

1.2 主要功能下列为W-2000支持的主要功能说明► TCP/UDP server/clientW-2000提供4种联机方式: TCP server, UDP server, TCP client 和UDP client, 使用者可任选一种方式以配合其设备使用。

► DHCP DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Client此功能可使W-2000经由DHCP server(Gateway)取得其IP Address,透过内部网络server分配IP地址以避免IP地址冲突情形。


接输入220V交流电(不管机器通电或断电),电压去掉后,机器照样正常工作。 1.1.2 本机配有专用二次开关电源和48V电瓶接口,市电断电后由电瓶供电,市电和电瓶 之间自动切换,交换机内部参数及话单掉电后均自动保存。 1.1.3 与电脑连接,实现完整的电话管理体系—话务管理、话单管理、号码管理、参数设 置等。先进的中文WINDOWS操作系统,界面友好,显示直观,操作极为简单方便。 1.1.4 本机具有话费预存款功能,更适合宾馆和一些企事业单位的话费管理,减少不必要的 经济损失。 1.1.5 交换机本身具有完善的电话计费系统,因此可以脱离电脑单独工作。机内能储存话 单、所有分机话费、国际国内区号费率等。内部计费时采用中文方式打印。 1.1.6 机内设有语音信箱,所有分机用户可查到:内线回电号码、外线回电号码、恶意电 话号码、单次电话费、总电话费、分机电话号码、分机优先级别、日期、时间、叫醒时间、 音乐等各种实用的回答。 1.1.7 全弹性编码方案,所有分机电话号码在三位、四位或五位中可任意编排,不受任何数 字限制,与其它半弹性编码(例如首位固定为8)机型相比,更适应于宾馆或某些电话号码与房 间号码相一致的场所。另外本机还提供六到九位编码方案。 1.1.8 本机接口丰富,具务数字用户环路2B+D,2.048M/S数字中继,载波中继,E/M 中继等我种接口,组网能力强,具有局机汇接功能,能方便完成环路中继、 四线载波中继及数字 中继之间的汇接。 1.1.9 环路中继二次拨号直拨内线分机,不需总机转接。中继接口可多类别、多局向、我 路由、多方式选择。内线出局可拨局号出局,也可不听二次拨号音,免拨局号等位也局。内线 线脉冲、双音频兼容。积木结构,便于用户增容。 1.1.10 本机功能齐全,可靠性高。机内设有自诊断系统及上界强电干扰自动复原等保护 装置,具有较强的环适应能力。而且具有自检功能,检查电话网络故障,所有参数断电保护。 1.2 容量简介 1.2.1 内线容量 16门(端口) —1024门(端口)以8门或4端口为单位。 1.2.2外线容量 8—128线(端口)以8(4)端口为单位递增。 1.3 接口类型 1.3.1 普通用户接口:A、B线48V馈电,以8门(端口)为单位递增(可先配来电显示模 块) 。 1.3.2 数字用户接口:2B+D接口S/T或U结构,每端口同时开放两个B信道,最多可以 接入8部数字话机或数字终端设备,以4端口为单位递增。 1.3.3 环路中继:呼入铃流,呼出直流脉冲或双音频。以8线(端口)为单位递增(可选配来 电显示模块) 。 1.3.4 载波(E&M)中继:二线或四线载波(E&M),DTMF或MFC方式,以4端口为单 位递增。 1.3.5 数字中继:30/32时隙,标称比特率2.048Mb/s,代码HDB3,75欧不平衡 输出或120欧平衡输出。 1.3.6 ISDN中继:2B+D接口U结构。 1.3.7 语音信箱:1—8个 每128门增加一个 1.4 接口配置 1.4.1 电脑串行口二个(一般为一个),同时与两台安装WINDOWS 95以上操作系 统的电脑连接(电脑副口也可做为话务台或其他智能平台连接使用) 。



ATW-2000 系列UHF 频段分集式无线系统指导手册ATW-2110 ATW-2120UniPak™ 盒式发射机无线系统手持动圈话筒无线系统安装及操作UHF 频段分集式无线系统安装及操作ATW-2110接收机:ATW-R2100 - 1 台发射机:ATW-T210 (盒式发射机) - 1 个电源适配器:12V DC 1A - 1 个天线:1 對机架安装装件:1 套ATW-2120接收机:ATW-R2100 - 1 台发射机:ATW-T220 (手持发射机) - 1 支电源适配器:12V DC 1A - 1 个天线:1 對机架安装装件:1 套欢迎您选择一套由 Audio-Technica (日本鐵三角)生产的无线通讯设备,同时欢迎您加入了我们数以万计的用户队伍。


Audio-Technica 的无线话筒是以多年来成功的经验设计及生产。



由于一些无线频率接近或位于UHF 电视频段内,在特定的地区只有特定的频率可用,并且,只有某些频率可以与其它UHF 仪器靠在一起工作。

安装:1. 为使设备运行达到最佳状态及减少反射,接收机距离地面的高度要高于1米,距离墙壁或金属表面至少1米。

2. 保持天线远离噪声源,例如:数字设备、电视机、汽车和霓虹灯,同时也要远离大面积金属物体。

3. 接收机放置的地方至发射机常用的地点之间,应尽可能减少障碍物。


4. 当两个发射机同时使用的时候,发射机与接收机的间距要至少2米。

连接:1. 接收机背板上设有两类音频输出端子,分别为平衡方式(12.5mV )及非平衡方式(25mV )。



KJ 恒温控制 风机电机
空调机组智能恒温变风变水量控制系 KJ 恒温变风变

KJ 恒压控制 风机电机
空调机组智能恒压恒温恒湿控制系统 KJ 恒压恒温恒 风 机 电 机 、 水 系 统 调 节
以 K2000-0015T3B 为例,产品外形及结构 部件如图 1-3 所示。壳体表面采用哑光工艺、 丝网印刷,光泽柔和、悦目。
金属外壳采用先进的 表面喷粉喷塑工艺,色泽考究、外观优美。
以 K2000-0220T3C 为例,产品外形及结构 部件如图 1-4 所示。 前面板采用可拆卸单边门轴结构,接线和维护 十分方便。
三、操作与显示 ····································································································15
3.1 液晶控制器······················································································· 15 3.2 功能参数设置 ··················································································· 17
自动循环运转 用户根据工艺要求编程输出频率模式
频率设定 起/停控制
外部模拟信号(0~20mA)PI 控制 液晶控制盒控制、无源触点控制

HMW-2000S 快速操作手册说明书

HMW-2000S 快速操作手册说明书

三、拨码开关设置快速操作手册一、外观结构示意图OFFONOFFON说明12345671234567DC12V电源输入IP 接口Line in接口 (3.5mm插孔音频输入)3G-SDI视频输出RS232/RS422控制端口USB2.0 (用于固件升级)USB2.0视频输出二、摄像机RS232、RS422接口定义8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1RS232/Rs422RS232接口定义12345678白橙橙白绿白蓝白棕蓝绿棕--GNDTXRX---RX-RX+GND---TX-TX+白橙橙白绿白蓝白棕蓝绿棕12345678RS422接口定义SW112345678ONOFF1-3:VISCA 地址4:RGB ONYUV OFF5:Empty6:7-8:2400Bps OFF OFF4800Bps ON OFF9600Bps OFF ON38400Bps ON ONOFFSW2Empty1080p50EmptyEmptyEmpty720p50视频格式OFFOFFOFFOFFOFFB1B7B2B3B4OFFONOFFB8红外地址OFFOFFON12312345678ONOFFRS-232 OFFOFFOFFONONONONOFFOFFOFFOFFONONONONOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONEmpty720p30720p25720p601080p601080p30RS-422 ONONONONON OFF OFFEmptyON OFF ONEmptyON ON OFFEmpty底部拨码开关SW1:1-3: 代表VISCA协议地址设置,默认地址为1。



4: 代表视频输出/视频颜色空间设置。

5: 保留。

6: 。

7-8: 代表RS-232/RS-422波特率选择。



Table of Contents1Introduction (2)2Configuring your Unit via the Serial Port (3)Step 1 - Identify the Components (3)Step 2 - Connect the Leads (3)Step 3 - Power up & check the Unit (4)Step 4A - Install Drivers (Windows 95 / 98) (4)Step 4B - Install Drivers (Windows 2000) (5)Step 5A - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 95 / 98) (9)Step 5B - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 2000) (13)Step 6 - Connect to the Web Server (16)3Hints (17)4Support (17)Sarian and Routerplexer are trademarks of Sarian Systems Lt d. Microsoft, Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are acknowledged.Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated into later editions of this publication.Comments on the content or style of this document are gratefully received, please e-mail*****************.ukPleasenotethatthise-mailaddresscannotbeusedforsupportquerieswhich should be made via the contact details on the support section of our website at © 2002 Sarian Systems Ltd. All rights reserved, including those to reproduce any or all parts of this publication in any form without permission in writing from Sarian Systems Ltd.1 IntroductionThank you for purchasing a Sarian Systems 2000 Series Communications device.This “Getting Started” guide will help you to make initial contact with your unit in order to set the configurable options. The vast majority of applications, however, will need very little configuration to operate correctly.Your unit has a wide range of advanced features ranging from remote management, protocol conversion and diagnostics to in-built protocol analyzers.To understand how to use these features, you should carefully read the attached documentation which is supplied either on CD-ROM or paper. The CD-ROM contains a full User Guide in Adobe™ Acrobat™ format and we recommend that you read this thoroughly in order to get the best out of your unit.IMPORTANT : Throughout this guide we will use the IR2140 Router as an example, however the instructions apply equally to any Terminal Adaptor, Multiplexer or other specialist device in the Sarian 2000 series.There are four ways you can send configuration commands to your unit :• Using a Web Browser to access pages on the built in Web Server• Command line sessions via Telnet• Sending a specific configuration file using FTP• By sending ‘AT’ type commands to the serial portUsing a web browser such as Netscape Navigator™ or Internet Explorer™ is simplest and easiest to understand method and is the one explained in this booklet. The other methods are described in full in the User Guide on the CD-ROM.To configure your unit via the built in web server, you will first need to establish a PPP serial connection between your unit and a local computer via the supplied serial cable, then use a web browser to access the configuration pages where you can make the necessary configuration changes.Note that steps 4 and 5 are different depending on your operating system.2 Configuring your unitStep 1 - Identify the ComponentsIn the packaging you should find the following items :• One System Unit• Serial Modem cable for configuration• One ISDN patch lead (ISDN capable units only)• One Plug Top Power supply• Serial adapter leads (RJ45 to 9 or 25 Way D Type) (optional)• One CD-ROM containing full documentation• This “Getting Started Guide”Step 2 - Connect the LeadsUsing the supplied serial cable connect a PC or laptop to the 25 way socket marked ‘PORT 0’. Next, connect one end of the ISDN patch lead into the Router socket marked ISDN BRI and the other end into the ISDN network socket installed by your network provider. Be careful not to accidentally plug the ISDN circuit into a serial port !Finally, plug the connector of the power supply into the socket marked 12V DC and plug the adapter into a convenient mains power outlet.The above picture is the rear panel of an IR2140 Router. Other types of unit, such as theIR2110 and GR2130 routers may have slightly different back panel layouts, however, ISDN BRI, 12V DC and PORT 0 will still be clearly marked as above.The serial ports equipped with an RJ45 socket (PORT 2 & 3 in the photo above) require adaptor leads to connect them to your serial devices. These may optionally be supplied with your unit or you can make them up yourself according to the wiring diagram shown in the full User Guide on the CD-ROM.Step 3 - Power up & check the UnitWhen power is applied, the red ‘ON’ indicator will light on the front panel and the unit will self-test.All green lights on the front panel will flash rapidly and then go out. The ‘B2’ light will then flash alternately red and green to indicate self test in progress, then ex tinguish.If you have connected the unit to an ISDN line in Step 2, it will then try to establish a connection to the local exchange via the D Channel. If it succeeds, the ‘D’ indicator will come on and remain lit.If any other lights except the ‘ON’ and ‘D’ indicators remain on, the unit has a detected a fault and you should consult the full documentation for further guidance. DO NOT TRY TO ACCESS THE UNIT UNTIL THE SELF TEST IS COMPLETE.Now proceed to Step 4A for Windows 95/98 or Step 4B for Windows 2000.Step 4A - Install Drivers (Windows 95 / 98)Switch on your PC and from the Start Menu select START > SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL> MODEMS and click on the Add button.Windows will advise that it will try to detect your modem. Since we are making a manual installation, ensure that the ‘Don’t detect my modem, I will select it from a list’ is checked and click Next >.You will be presented with a list of devices. Ignore these and click on Have Disk…You will now need to place the supplied CD-ROM in the drive. Browse to it until you locate the .inf file for your unit as below which is located in the /drivers/win95-98/ folder, then click on OK and then OK again. You will then be presented with a list of available drivers and you should select the appropriate Sarian 2000 Series variant to match your unit.You will then be asked to confirm which communications port you have connected the serial lead to as below :You should click Next > and the driver should install. You will then see a confirmation that the configuration is complete and you can click Finish.Now proceed to Step 5A – Configure Dial up Networking (Windows 95/ 98).Step 4B - Install Drivers (Windows 2000)From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel then click on the Phone And Modem Options icon. Click on Modem Tab. The following dialogue will appear :Click Add.. then check “Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list” as shown below, then click Next>You will see the following dialogue asking you to select the appropriate device. Click Have Disk…You will now need to insert the CD-ROM which came with your unit and browse to the folder /drivers/win2000 then select Sarian .inf file there. The following dialogue will appear :Select the appropriate modem (e.g. Sarian Systems IR2140 ISDN Router), then click Next>. Either select the individual communications port you wish to connect your Sarian unit to or select All PortsClick Next>.Answer Yes to the “digital signature not found” dialog box and then click Finish.Now proceed to Step 5B – Configure Dial up Networking (Windows 2000).Step 5A - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 95 / 98)From the windows desktop, double click on the ‘My Computer’ icon.. Click on ‘Dial-Up Networking then ‘M ake New Connection’.Type in ‘M y Sarian’or some other meaningful phrase and select‘Sarian Systems Series 2000’ so that the screen looks like the one below :Next, click on CONFIGURE… and ensure that the correct COM port (i.e. the one c onnected to PORT 0 of your unit) for your PC is selected on the General tab and that the maximum speed is selected as 115200. You screen will look as below :Now selec t the Connections tab and set the data format to 8 data bits, NO Parity and 1 stop bits like this :Click on OK to return to the Make New Connection dialogue and press Next>. Now type in 123 as the Telephone number and ensure the Area Code is blank, like this :When you have done this, click Next>.The next dialogue screen will confirm the completed connection. Press Finish to complete the configuration.Before attempting to connect, check the Dial-Up networking properties by right clicking the newly created connection and selecting Properties. On the General tab, make sure that‘Use area code and Dialing Properties’ is not checked.Now select the ‘Server Types’ tab and ensure that that all the boxes are unticked EXCEPT for TCP/IP as below :Finally, click OK to close the dialogue box. You have now configured the Dial Up Networking and now will use the connection you just made to dial up the unit through the serial cable. Click on the Dial Up Networking Connection you have just created and enter the User Name as ‘username’ and the Password as ‘password’ as shown belowClick the Connect button. You will see a series of status dialogues from Dialing … through Verifying User Name and Password … to Logging on to Network … then you should see the modem lights in the system tray (next to the clock):You now have a connection between your PC and the Sarian unit, you now need to connect to the web based user interface to configure the unit.Now proceed to Step 6– Connect to the Web Server.Step 5B - Configure Dial Up Networking (Windows 2000)From the Windows menu, select Settings then click on the Network and Dial-up Connections icon, then on Make New Connection. Click Next> to start the Network Connection Wizard.Select "Dial-up to private network" and click Next>. Then select ‘Modem - Sarian Systems (your com port)’ and click Next>. You will see the following dialogue :E nter 123 as the phone number and ensure that "Use dialing rules" is NOT checked. Click Next>.Decide whether to create this connection for all users of your PC or just yourself and click Next>.Give the connection a suitable name (e.g. “Sarian IR2140”) and then click Finish to create the new connection.Next, click on properties, and select the networking tab. You should have a dialogue like this:Ensure that the only component checked in the list is Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click the settings button and ensure that all of the PPP settings are un-checked. Now click the General tab. Select the “Sarian Multiplexer” and click Configure.Ensure the “Maximum speed (bps)” is set to 115200, ensure that the only check box on this page ticked is that for the “Enable Hardware flow control”. Click OK and click OK again. You will now be asked to dial the connection you just made. Enter "username" in the user name field. Enter "password" in the password field (case sensitive !). Check the “Save Password” box and click Dial.Your PC should now connect to the Sarian router and you should see the modem lights icon appear in the system tray, like this :Now proceed to Step 6 – Connect to the Web Server.Step 6 - Connect to the Web ServerStart a web browser on your PC (Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater). Point your web browser at You will see a login prompt from the unit’s built in web server.Type in the default username which is ‘username’ and the default password which is‘password’, then click on Login.If everything is connected up properly, you will see the following configuration page :You can now go on to set the individual settings for your Sarian unit using the web based interface. Most of the settings are straightforward, but if you are in any doubt, check the full documentation which came with your unit or contact Sarian Systems at the address below.3 HintsThe above instructions assume that you already have Dial-Up Networking and TCP/IP installed on your computer. If you do not you should consult your Windows documentation on how to do this.If your unit has a LAN port, you can bypass the instructions in Section 2 about installing drivers and connect directly to the web server on the default IP address Make sure that your PC is on the same sub-net.If you do not yet have a network installed, you can use a 10BaseT CROSSOVER cable to effect a one to one connection between your PC and the unit. Note that 2000 series units with a hub can use either a crossover cable or a standard LAN patch lead and the unit will autodetect the type.Remote connection. If you wish to connect to a remote Sarian 2000 unit, follow the installation guidelines given above, but substitute your own local ISDN Terminal Adaptor details. When asked for the number to dial, instead of ‘123’ type the full ISDN telephone number including the area code.4 SupportTips and guidance on the installation and use of your unit can be found on the Sarian Systems website at under the support section. New versions of the firmware for you unit may also be available for download from the website.If, despite reading the user documentation you still cannot get your unit to operate either :Call Sarian Systems Support Helpline on 01943 605055orSubmit an e-support request via orContact Sarian Systems atSarian Systems Ltd.Beacon HouseRiverside Business ParkLeeds RoadIlkleyW. YorksLS29 8JZFax : 01943 605056。



WKKL-2000发电机励磁调节器技术说明书中国电力科学研究院南京励磁系统工程有限公司2005.2目录第一章前言 (1)第二章装置特点及适用范围 (2)2.1 装置特点 (2)2.2 适用范围 (4)2.3 使用条件 (6)第三章主要功能及技术指标 (7)3.1 主要功能 (7)3.1.1 调节及控制功能 (7)3.1.2 限制及保护功能 (7)3.1.3 其它辅助功能 (8)3.2 主要技术参数 (9)3.2.1 模拟量输入参数 (9)3.2.2开关量输入参数 (10)3.2.3输出参数 (10)3.2.4电源参数 (10)3.2.5 指标参数 (10)3.2.6工作方式 (10)第四章系统配置 (12)4.1 电气配置 (12)4.1.1系统框图 (12)输入输出接口 (12)4.1.2硬件配置 (13) 软件组成 (13)结构配置 (13)4.2机柜构成 (13)分层介绍 (14)第五章基本原理 (20)基本原理 (20)5.1单板原理 (21)5.25.3 软件说明 (24)第六章键盘与显示 (32)第一章 前言WKKL-2000 微机励磁调节器为中国电力科学研究院和南京励磁系统工程有限公司共同研制、开发并生产的第二代微机励磁调节器。

它继承了第一代WKKL系列微机励磁调节器的全部调节、控制及限制保护功能,并结合了WKKL 系列微机励磁调节器300余台套的现场运行经验的基础上开发研制的升级换代产品。

WKKL-2000 微机励磁调节器在计算速度、抗电磁干扰,可靠性以及使用的方便性上都有了很大的提高。


WKKL-2000 发电机励磁调节器采用美国TI公司最新的高速32位DSP作为核心,配以大规模的可编程逻辑器件CPLD作为辅助元件,将控制系统基本缩小为一个片上系统,大大提高了系统的可靠性。

Electro-Harmonix Cntl Knob 双静态表达拨号器说明说明书

Electro-Harmonix Cntl Knob 双静态表达拨号器说明说明书

CNTL KNOBDual Static Expression KnobsCongratulations on your purchase of the Electro-Harmonix Cntl Knob! The Cntl Knob is a compact, easy-to-use utility pedal providing remote, static knob control for devices with expression control jacks. With the Cntl Knob, the user can set two preset values, representing two positions of a traditional expression pedal. Use the Cntl Knob’s onboard footswitch to toggle between the two knob settings.It works great with any device featuring an expression pedal input, including the Electro-Harmonix Grand Canyon® Delay and Looper, Oceans 12™ Dual Stereo Reverb, Superego+™ Synth Engine, Super Pulsar™ Tremolo and many other pedals and devices made by Electro-Harmonix and other manufacturers.-USING THE CNTL KNOB-Connect the supplied Tip-Ring-Sleeve (TRS) cable to the Cntl Knob’s jack and to the expression jack on the device you want to control. We recommend the device be powered down while making the connection. Connect an optional 9VDC, center-negative power supply to the 9V power jack at the top of the Cntl Knob for LED indication. 9V power only lights the Cntl Knob’s LEDs. Power is not required to use the expression knobs.The Cntl Knob has 2 Expression knobs, 1 footswitch and one pushbutton for TRS polarity. They work as follows:EXP 1 Knob –The position of this knob determines the first expression setting. The fully counter-clockwise position corresponds to the heel position on a standard expression pedal while the fully clockwise position corresponds to the toe position.•The EXP 1 knob setting is active on the EXP OUT jack when the LED located below the EXP 1 knob is lit.EXP 2 Knob –The position of this knob determines the second expression setting. The fully counter-clockwise position corresponds to the heel position on a standard expression pedal while the fully clockwise position corresponds to the toe position.•The EXP 2 knob setting is active on the EXP OUT jack when the LED located below the EXP 2 knob is lit.EXP OUT Jack –This jack outputs the expression value set by the currently active knob. A TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) cable is required for this jack. Please do not connect a TS (tip-sleeve) cable to the EXP OUT jack; it will not work and may cause damage to your equipment.TRS +/- Button –When this button is in the inward position, the polarity of the EXP OUT jack is Ring-to-Wiper. When this button is in the outward position, the polarity of EXP OUT is Tip-to-Wiper.•This button must be set to comply with the expression polarity of the device that is being controlled. Please check the user manualof the device for the required expression polarity.•For all EHX products, such as the Deluxe Big Muff Pi®, Deluxe Memory Boy™ Analog D elay and Pitchfork® Pitch Shifter, thistoggle should be in the outward position (Tip-to-Wiper polarity).Footswitch & LEDs –A press on the footswitch toggles the active expression setting on EXP OUT between EXP 1 and EXP 2. If power is applied, the LEDs below each knob light to indicate the currently active knob.9V Power Jack – An optional 9VDC, center-negative power supply can be inserted to provide power to the LEDs at this jack. The current draw is 5mA. The maximum acceptable DC voltage for this power supply is18VDC. The Cntl Knob does not take batteries.Please note: the exact function of the Cntl Knob expression setting depends on the device to which it is connected. Please refer to the device’s user manual for more information on the functions assigned to the expression input.- WARRANTY INFORMATION -Please register online at /product-registration orcomplete and return the enclosed warranty card within 10 days of purchase. Electro-Harmonix will repair or replace, at its discretion, aproduct that fails to operate due to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase. This applies only to original purchasers who have bought their product from an authorized Electro-Harmonix retailer. Repaired or replaced units will then be warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty term.If you should need to return your unit for service within the warranty period, please contact the appropriate office listed below. Customers outside the regions listed below, please contact EHX Customer Service ***********************************************+1-718-937-8300. USA and Canadian customers: please obtain a Return Authorization Number (RA#) from EHX Customer Service before returning your product. Include ̶with your returned unit ̶a written description of the problem as well as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, RA# and a copy of your receipt clearly showing the purchase date.United States & Canada EuropeEHX CUSTOMER SERVICE JOHN WILLIAMSELECTRO-HARMONIX ELECTRO-HARMONIXUKc/o NEW SENSOR CORP. 13 CWMDONKIN TERRACE47-50 33RD STREET SWANSEASA2 0RQLONG ISLAND CITY, NY11101 UNITED KINGDOMTel: 718-937-8300 Tel: +44 179 247 3258Email: ************Email:*********************************To hear demos of all EHX pedals visit us on the web at Email us at ************。



使用WP-2000型集团电话简要操作说明一. 拨打外线:格式:直拨外线者--------提机听到外线拨号音后即可拨打外线;非直拨外线者-------- (1).提机五秒内输入"9",听到外线拨号音后即可拨打外线;(2).提机五秒内不输入任何号码,五秒后系统自动接入外线,听到外线拨号音即可拨号;二. 拨打内线:格式: 直拨外线者--------提机先输入"#",听到内线拨号音后输入分机号即可;非直拨外线者--------提机听到内线拨号音后直拨分机号即可;三. 选择外线打出:格式: 直拨外线者-------- # # + 外线号非直拨外线者-------- # + 外线号四. 征询转接和代拨外线:格式: 拍叉簧后输入欲转分机号码分机与外线建立通话后,分机拍一下电话机上叉簧,听到拨号音后输入欲转分机号,此时可听到回铃音,被叫响铃,外线听音乐;五. 三方通话:格式: 拍叉簧后先输入"#",再拨欲转分机号码三方通话是指当被转分机提机后,主转方、被转方和外线三人将可同时交谈,即外线不听等待音乐;六. 代接来电:格式:直拨外线者-------- # # 7非直拨外线者-------- # 7外线打入未响铃或非被转接的分机希望接入来电时,便可采用此指令把来电代接过来;七. 强插和监听:格式: 直拨外线者-------- # # 9 n ("n"为第几条外线)非直拨外线者-------- # 9 n总机(801分机)可在任何时候对各外线进行监控,以使重要人物的对外联络不受影响;八. 自报分机号格式: 直拨外线者-------- # # 8 1非直拨外线者-------- # 8 1各分机可利用此指令方便地查出各自的分机号码,以方便安装或调试.其自报方式是采用"嘟"--"嘟"声提示;九. 并接来电显示器或电脑等终端:在有些特殊场合或有临时需要时,用户可将来电显示器或电脑等直接并接至集团电话的5、6外线口的"OUT"插口中,以实现特殊联接,而集团电话各功能不受影响;十. 远端编程和维护:为方便广大用户,我公司可对本集团电话进行远端的编程和维护,若用户有对功能设置有不明之处或在系统有异常现象时,均可联系我公司售后服务部,我们将给您最快、最好、最直接的服务;十一. 来电显示:本系统采用美国最新支持"DTMF/FSK"等制式的"数模转换"模块,从而使用户的来电显示功能不受影响;第一章集团电话简介WP-2000 系列集团电话1.1 集团电话之定义集团电话又名程控电话交换机(PBX),可以接入一条或多条外线和若干分机,将单位内部若干分机与电信局联成一个紧密、高效、方便的现代化通讯网络,当然也可以不联接外线而单独组成一个内部通讯系统。

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提醒:若需市话启动IP ,请加设**271*,以防断线。

感谢您使用凯旺牌智能通信系列产品!KW-2000B 电话拨号器是为了您使用电信、网通、联通等电信公司的IP 业务和各种电话卡时,用来简化拨号过程,节省时间,提高效率的一种全自动智能拨号装置。

通用型电话拨号器(KW-2000B )主要功能:
■自动:自动切换,可根据开通区域自动选择相对应的 IP 卡;
■兼容:可输入九组卡,兼容IP 卡、市话卡、200卡、300卡及其它网卡; ■多用途:适用于公用、家庭、公司电话,交换机中继线及分机使用; ■大容量:储存九组60位IP 卡号码,并可存储600组开通区域,; ■远程维护:具备远程编程功能。


一、 I P 卡的设置


1、 复位:**9**(恢复出厂状态)
2、 IP 卡的输入:
例:把上海电信卡输入在第一组(流程:17908-1-卡号#-密码#-电话号码#) *9*1**17908*1*卡号#*密码#**
3、 IP 主叫的输入:
A 、 上海电信17908主叫设置如下(主叫号后有语言类型): **9**
*9*1**17908* #**
B 、 网通17931主叫设置如下(主叫号后直接拨号码类型) **9**
*7*17931**(见功能一) *6*17931* (见功能五) 4、 市话功能设置:
取消市话功能:**220* (2)开通市话或农话字头:
开通第八组市话字头:**5字头*字头*字头*……** 开通第九组市话字头:**6字头*字头*字头*……**
二、 拨打IP 电话
1、 直线:直接拨打对方号码。

2、 在分机上使用,须先拨出局号,听到拨号音后再拨打长途。

3、 不使用IP 卡直接拨打:摘机,拨#+长途号码
三、 余额查询
0#N 听语音,按语音提示查询余额。

四、 优先使用IP 卡
优先使用某IP 卡: *4*组号**(嘟)挂机。

一、设置/删除某IP 卡为全部开通区域
设置:摘机,拨*7 *接入号* *

四、 延时设置:
(1)有些IP 网关的语音提示强,可能拨不通,需做延时设置:

五、 结束码设置:
IP 卡一般以#做结束码,用户可自行设置: *6*切入号# 为拨完号后不加结束码。

*6*切入号* 为拨完号后结束码为#。

六、 不识别语音拨号(设置后可加快拨号速度)
打电话时不检测语音而直接拨卡号密码和电话号码: *6#切入号# 退出:*6#切入号*
七、 拨号限制功能:
**26N*拨完号码后,通话后,禁止再拨号码,最多再拨N 位 (N=1-9 0为无限制,出厂为0) 八、追拨功能:(指:多组卡时当前网关打不通,即跳转下一网关) **23N*(N=1时为开 N=0时为关 出厂默认为关)。
