所学习的主要内容大都源 自外文原文 ,众多课堂案例也 因 自身所具备的国际性与涉外性,使得双语教学势在必行。 同时 ,开展 双语教学 ,可 以有效提高学生用 流利 的外语 处理涉外商事法律纠纷的能力 , 培养出适应国际化趋势具有 国际视野的 “ 精专业 、懂法律 、通外语 ”的复合型人才。
21 国际商法双语师资匮乏 . 师资水平是决定双语教学成败的关键。作为国际商法
双语 教学 的教师 ,一 方面要 精通 国 际商事 法律 ,另一 方 面 需要具 备较 强 的英语 口语 能力 ,同时还 需要 有扎 实 的专业 法律英 语基 础 。就 目 国内承担 双语 教学 的老 师来看 ,同 前
事法律处理能力 ,提高学生国际商事法律素质,深入开展
双语 教学成 为摆 在我 们面前 的重 要任务 。
1 国 际商 法开展双 语教 学的 必要 性
国际商法 是 国际经 贸与 商事 法律 的交 叉 学科 ,主要 以 国际商 事公约 、国际商 事惯 例为 主要 学 习 内容 ,涵 盖 商事 组织 、合 同 、代理 、争议 解决 等 方面 ,涉及 西 方 的两个 法 律体 系大陆法 系与普 通法 系 中有 关商 事法 律 制度 。该课 程
国际商法的授课对象为非外语专业学生 ,因此外语水平尤 其是专业法律英语水平不高 ,使双语 日常教学进度较慢 ,
难 度较大 。 23 学生缺乏国际商法实践环境 . 由于 国内企业 鲜于应 对 国际商 事纠纷 ,即使 积极 应对 也 大多聘 请高 端 国际法律 人才 ,并且 公 司法律 纠纷大 多不 公 开披露 ,因此 国内学生 通过 双语教 学掌 握的 国际法 律知 识 没有社 会实 践 的机会 ,难 以学 以致用 。 24 缺 乏适 用的 双语教 材 .
国际商法英文版:1 Chapter 1 Intl Business Law
International Persons Individual Rights Under International Law Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems
International Business Law
Topics for this chapter:
conferences, and provisions repeated over and over again in bilateral treaties
Sources of International Law(国际法的渊源)
1. Treaties or conventions(条 约或公约)
Court of Appeals overturned the order. Held that a court could request compliance by a
foreign sovereign as a matter of comity, but could not order compliance. Comity requires that we respect other countries’ sovereignty and law so that they will respect ours.
国际商法(双语)一、课程说明课程编号:200707Z10课程名称:国际商法(双语)/ International Business Law(Bilingual)课程类别:专业教育课程学时与学分: 32/2先修课程要求:国际经济法、WTO法适应专业:法学教材:[1] International Business Transsactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials, (second edition), Chow, Schoenbaum, Wolters Kluwer, 2010.参考教材:[1] 《国际商法》(第2版),沈四宝、王军编著,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2010年;[2] 《国际商法教学案例(英文)选编》(第二版),沈四宝、王军编著,法律出版社,2007年;[3] International Business Law : Environments and Transactions, John H. Willes, John A. Willes, Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005;[4] International business law and its environment , Richard Schaffer, Beverley Earle and Filiberto Agusti, Thomson Learning, 2002;[5] International Business Law, Ray August, Pearson Education North Asia Limited and Higher Education Press, 2002.二、课程设置的目的意义国际商法是为法学专业的设立的拓展知识体系的专业选修课,课程的设置目的是培养适应对外经济交往需要,既懂国内法、又懂国际公约、国际商业惯例和外国语的涉外型专业法律人才。
人才培养 目 , 了在 法学专业 实行 国际商法双语教 学的必要性 、 性, 标 论证 可行 并且为保证双语教 学的顺利进行 , 从教学模式 、 教材选择 、 关课程 配套衔接 、 学环节 、 学方法、 资队伍建设等方面提 出了具体措施和 建议 。 相 教 教 师 【 键 词】 关 国际商法; 双语教 学; 法学专业 【 作者 简介】 范俊荣(97 , , 江哈 尔滨人 , 17一)女 黑龙 东北林业 大学人文社会科学学院讲 师, 武汉大学环境 法研 究 所在读 博士研 究生, 主要从事环境与资源保 护法学、 国际经济法 学研究。
因 为 我 国 法 学 原 版 教 材 稀 缺 ,自 己 编 写 又 缺 少 时 间 些 专 业 用 语 或 完 成 短 篇 幅 的 英 汉 互 译 或 小 短 文 , 以
和 经验 , 因此 只 能 从 现 有 的 教 材 资源 中 加 以选 择 , 笔 训 练 学 生 “ ” 能 力 。 写 的
课 堂 使 用 外 语 的 比 例 问 题 是 高 校 双 语 教 学 中争 “ od 、 c mme c ” 表 示 , 有 一 些 看 似 简 单 的 英 h l” “o ne 来 再
论 比 较 激 烈 的 话 题 。我 国 学 者 一 般 将 外 语 在 课 堂 上 文 词 汇 , :at n 、p r ” 如 “c o ”“ a y 等词 , i t 很容 易被 人 望文 生 的使 用 比 例 作 为 划 分 高 校 双 语 教 学 模 式 的 依 据 。 笔 义 地 理 解 为 “ 动 ” “ /晚 会 ”珠 不 知在 法 律 英语 行 、党 ,
量 不断 增 加 , 师 也 逐 步适 应 外 语 讲 述 的情 况 下 , 的普 遍 问题 , 能做 到 面面 俱 到 , 挂 一 漏 万 。 教 再 不 恐 逐 步 提 高 外 语 的授 课 比例 , 汉 语 S C 语 整 合 。法 学 将 uh ( 国 际 商 法 双语 师 资 匮乏 一) 专业课 从以往 单一语言教 学到双语教 学还存在 一个 师资水平 高低是能否顺 利推行双语教 学的关键
现代经济信息418商务英语专业《国际商法》双语教学之现实困境探析On the Problems of Business Law of Bilingual Business English Teaching By武守信 平顶山学院外国语学院Wu-Shou xin Ping Ding Shan University Henan Ping Ding Shan摘要:《国际商法》是商务英语专业课程体系的重要课程之一,在当前教学实践中面临很多困难,文章从课程管理、教师教学、学生学习、学生见习以及课程监管等方面,具体分析了《国际商法》双语教学中面临的问题。
关键词:国际商法;双语教学;现实困境Abstract: Business Law is one of the most important courses for Business English majors, it faces many difficulties in teaching, and the present article takes the course administration, teacher's teaching, students ’ practice and the course supervision as five aspects to examine the concrete difficulties.Key words: Business Law Bilingual Teaching Difficulties中图分类号:G640 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2019)031-0418-01《国际商法》是法学的一门专业课程,主要用汉语讲授国际法的相关内容。
Theoretical Study Introduction to International and Comparative Law 国际法与比较法入门 State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation 国家责任和环境规制 Dispute Settlement 争端解决 Trade in Goods 货物贸易 Services and Labour 服务与劳务 Intellectual Property 知识产权 Sales 销售
Defining International Law Making International Law Sources of International law Scope of International Law in Practice International Persons Individual Rights Under International Law Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 1
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall 1-1
5. United States---Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products 美国 —虾及虾产品进口限制案
《国际商法》(英)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16168802课程名称:国际商法(英)英文名称:International Business Law课程类别:专业方向课学时:32学分:2适用对象: 商务英语专业、英语专业(国际商务管理方向)考核方式:(分散)开卷笔试先修课程:《当代商学概论(英)》二、课程简介《国际商法》是研究国际商法相关理论和实际运用的综合性应用学科,是外国语学院商务英语专业的专业基础课,以及英语专业和翻译专业学生的专业方向选修课,是一门用英语讲授有关国际商事法律基础知识的专业课程。
Emphasizing practical application and theory of international business law, International Business Law is a comprehensive and compulsory course designed for Business English majors and optional course for English majors and Translation majors. This course is meant to equip students with the fundamentals of the law relating to international business, such as basic concepts and important practices, and to cultivate students’ elementary ability of case analysis.Examining the three core fields of international business law, namely, company law, contract law and sales law, this course is designed to cover various topics in four chapters on introduction to international business law, company law, contract law, and international sale of goods.Lectures will be focused on legal concepts, important doctrines and typical cases. Some cases will be assigned to students for after-class reading and then in-class discussion. And some special lectures will be devoted to case analysis and in-class case discussion on a group basis.Course assessment is based on the weighted average of class participation 50% and final term case analysis 50%. Marks for class participation consist of five parts --- determined respectively by students’ in-class group presentation, group case discussion, and individual in-class question-answering, written assignments and class attendance.三、课程性质与教学目的《国际商法》是外国语学院为商务英语专业以及英语专业和翻译专业高年级学生开设的专业基础拓展课。
3、1966年联合国设立了联合国国际 贸易法委员会,先后已定并通过了: (1)《联合国国际货物买卖时效期 限公约》 (2)《联合国国际货物销售合同公 约》 (3)《联合国海上货物运输公约》 、《联合国国际货物多式联运公约》 (4)《联合国国际贸易法委员会仲 裁规则》
4、国际法协会、国际商会等一些国 际组织也积极编纂和修订各种国际贸 易惯例,都在统一国际商法方面作出 了许多努力。 国际商会,1936年制订,后经1953 年、1967年、1976年、1980年、1990 年、2000年六次修订了《国际贸易术 语解释通则》;
第一章 导论
第一节 国际商法概述 一、 国际商法的概念、特征和主要 内容 二、 国际商法的历史发展 (一) 古代的商法 (二) 近代的商法 (三) 现代的商法统一化运动 三、 国际商法的渊源
国际商法(International Commercial Law)是指调整国际商业活动中所形 成的各种关系的法律规范的总和。
(三)国际商法的特点 1.国际商法主要属于私法的范畴, 却又带有公法的性质,是私法与公法 的混合物。 大陆法系将法律分为公法与私法两 个部分。 公法是指以保护社会共同利益为目 的而制定的,并不得由私人协议加以 改变的法律规范,典型的如宪法、刑 法、行政法、诉讼法。
私法则是指以保护私人利益为目的 而制定的,调整平等主体间的(即私 人间的)横向的(或称平行的)法律关系 的,且允许由私人契约予以变更的法 律规范,典型的如民法与商法。 国际商法不仅包括纯粹调整跨国私 人商业交易关系的私法规则,也包括 国家间缔结的含有商法内容的国际条 约、公约,所以,国际商法又带有一 定的“公法”性质。
(二)判例与学说 1、判例 (1)英美法系 英美法国家是实行判例法制度的国家, 权威的法院判决,作为一种先例 (Precedent),对下级法院具有约束力, 起着法律的作用。 (2)大陆法系 大陆法系国家虽然实行“成文法”,但 这些国家的法院也常运用判例中所确定 的某些具体规则来补充、完善法典规定 的不足。
外语学 习 、 应用 的氛同。 比如 : 英语 广播 、 英语板 报 、 语 英 角、 英语演讲 、 英语学术讲座等多种形式 , 使学生学和用有 机地结合起来 。在知识体系的框架中 , 同际经济与 贸易专 业 的大学生已经必修了《 法学基础》 《 、经济法》 《 、合同法5 5 、
《 国际商法》 实行双语教 学的必要性和可能性
产 生 。有 些 术 语 和 规 则 , 有 还原 到其 原 来 的语 言 文 本 中 只
才具有真实 的含 义,才能明确 当事人具体 的权 利和 义务 ,
这就 需 要 双 语 教 学 。
开展得如火如荼 。教育部高等教育 司张尧学 司长在 2 0 04 年“ 高等学校双语教学T作研讨会” 上指 , 双语教学实际 上是公共英语教学一个很重要 的应用 , 而且这种应用要 落 实在科学技术的学习 、 研究和交流上。双语教学的最终 日
实行“ 双语教学” 的学生 的外 文基础非 常重要 , 一般而 言, 通常 要求 罔内财经 院校 涉外专业 的大学生取 得 国家
英语 四 、 级 证 书 , 要 有 一 定 的 英 文 听 说 读 写 的 能力 , 六 并 特 别 是 经 济 学 专 业 英 语 的 能 力 。 双 语 教 学 实 践 中 , 往 是 往
用 能 力 和 专业 课 综 合 素 质 , 应 高 等 院校 培养 外语 +专 业 适
的复 合 型人 才 的需 要 。
积累 , 不展开交际 , 不进行输 m, 就会影响他们学习的兴趣
和 动 力 , 有 学 了 无 用 的 失 望感 。 因此 , 大 学 里 , 双 语 就 在 把 教 学 的重 点 放 在实 用 能 力 的培 养 上 , 力 创造 一个 浓 厚 的 努
2.2 International Business Law[共7页]
Nations and other international bodies. It is true that international courts and tribunals such as the International Court of Justice or dispute body of the WTO do issue judgments against nations. But it is based on the precondition that nations must agree to be a party to these cases, and enforcement mechanism like in the national law does not really exist. The enforcement mechanisms in international law may include diplomacy, the withholding of foreign aids or assistance, trade sanctions and retaliation, or war. In certain cases, where individuals are convicted of having committed international crimes, prison sentences and the death penalty will be used.international law and private international law.rules affecting the relationships between nations. It might cover the rules for resolving territorial disputes, for conducting diplomacy or war and for how human rights are protected and so on.corporations when they go beyond the border of one country. It might include the rules for enforcing the wills of deceased persons who have owned property in more than one country, for settling the disputes arising from international sales and so on.A. Defining International Business Lawthat regulates the cross-border transactions in goods and services between parties. Here “parties” include natural persons, legal persons, and international organizations. Under a few of circumstances, states may also be a party to international transactions in the capacity of commercial not sovereign entity. Besides, states also play a unique role in regulating and supervising the international business between private parties in its capacity of a sovereign.B. History of International Business Lawthe creation of merchants. In the twelfth century, medieval Europe experienced a renaissance包括国际条约法、国际海洋法、外层空间法、国际人权法、战争法和国际人道主义法、国际争端解决等内容。
以下是一些常见的国际商法参考文献:1. John F. Dolan, "International Commercial and Marine Arbitration" (2018) 该书介绍了国际商事和海商仲裁的相关理论和实践,对于了解仲裁在国际商法中的应用具有重要参考价值。
2. Jack Graves, "Understanding the CISG in the USA: A Compact Guide to the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods" (2012) 该书介绍了《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(CISG)在美国的适用和理解,对于研究国际销售合同法律有很好的参考意义。
3. Franco Ferrari, "The 1980 Uniform Sales Law: Old Issues Revisited in the Light of Recent Experiences" (2011) 该书对1980年《统一销售法》进行了全面的研究和分析,对于了解国际销售合同法律的发展和实践具有重要参考意义。
4. Clive M. Schmitthoff, "Schmitthoff's Export Trade: The Law and Practice of International Trade" (2016) 这本书是国际贸易法领域的经典著作,涵盖了国际贸易的法律和实践,对于了解国际商法的相关内容具有重要参考价值。
《国际商法》教学大纲课程编号100183A课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课□专业必修课 专业选修课□学科基础课总学时:48讲课学时:48实验(上机)学时:0学分:3适用对象:国际经济与贸易/商务英语先修课程:无一、教学目标本课程属于首都经济贸易法学院对外院系开设的专业选修课,旨在培养具有国际视野,熟悉国际商事交易程序和相关法律规则的高层次、复合型应用人才。
International Commercial LawTeaching Plan●Part I Introduction to Law●Part II Contract Law●Part III Corporate LawReferences•《国际商法》(英文)主编:肖云南清华大学出版•《国际商法》陈慧芳著立信会计出版社•《英国合同法》(中文)何宝玉,中国政法大学出版社•《英美合同法》(英汉对照)张自明,机械工业出版社•《英美公司法》(英汉对照)机械工业出版社•英国法精要系列 contract law,以及 company law 武汉大学出版社• PPTLECTURE1Introduction to Law●Law and Business Law system●Law systems●Courts and Litigation●Alternatives to LitigationLaw and businessWhy do business students study law?w is the foundation for the private marketplace in the modern society.2.It is a compulsory course for business school.3.It is also a discipline required to pass Certified Public Accountant Exam, AICPALaw Systems●Common law system普通法法系 (英美法法系 Anglo-American law system)●Continental law system大陆法系\民法法系\罗马法法系(civil law system or Roman law system)Civil Law System●The civil law system is the general typology of legal systems found in most countries. It is an alternative to common law system and has its roots in Roman Law. It is employed by almost every country that was not a colony of the British Empire, eg: France, Germany.●In most jurisdictions the civil law is codified in the form of civil codes, but in some, like Scotland it remains uncodified. Most codes follow the tradition of Code Napoléon in some fashion. Notably, the German code was developed from Roman law with reference to German legal tradition.●Civil law relies on legislation, rather than judicial decisions for law. Civil law system does not recognize judge-made law.Common Law system●Common law is a system of law used in England, all of the states of the United States (except Louisiana) and other former British possessions such as Australia, Canada (except Quebec), India, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand and Hong Kong.●Common law system emphasizes the role of judges in determining the meaning of laws and how they apply. It arose beginning in the eleventh and twelfth centuries as the English monarch appointed royal judges to resolve disputes in the name of the king (or queen). As there are little formal law to apply to many disputes, the decisions handed down by the judges literally made the law.Law System in the World…(图略)Chinese Law●The Law of China, for most of the history of China, was rooted in the Confucian philosophy of social control. These influences remain in the contemporary legal system of the People's Republic of China. PRC has been influenced by a number of sources including traditional Chinese views toward the role of law, the PRC's socialist background, the German-based law in Taiwan Province, and the English-based common law used in Hong Kong SAR. The law of the United States has also been very influential particularly in the area of banking and securities law.Question ?Many scholars think that Chinese legal system belongs to Civil Law system. What do u think? Show me evidences.Answer●The Chinese legal system has similar characteristics to a civil law system●This is partly because in Chinese history written laws and codes were important, as far back as the Qin Dynasty●Also partly due to European influences on China in the 19th and 20th centuries●The Chinese legal system is distinct from other legal systems, but its structure is similar to civil systems like France and GermanyIn fact, case law is not considered to be a source of law in China, though decisions published in Bulletin of the Supreme People's Court are used as a guideline by lower courts when the law is unclear.Definition of law●What is law? Many definitions●Law is made up of three elements:1.Formal legislation2.Rules of law in cases3.Legal concepts●The rule of law : “ a government of laws and not of men”Classification of lawThere are several ways of classifying legal subjects.●Public law and private law.1.Public law includes constitutional law, administrative law. and criminal law. In public law the interests of society are represented by the State.2.Private law involves those legal problems which exist between individuals, and is divided into the law of contract, law of torts, and law of property.●Substantive law and procedural law.1.Substantive law defines legal relationships between people or between individuals and the State. …2. Procedural law deals with the means by which substantive law is administered. Rules involving the method of conducting trials, appeals, and enforcement of judgments are examples of procedural law. …●Civil law and criminal law..Civil law Criminal law1.Deals with the relationships between individual citizens 1.Deals with rules created by the State which forbid certain behaviour, which are “crimes”2.Its purpose is to settle arguments between individuals 2.Criminal law punishes people It does not provide remedies3.It helps people to find remedies It doesn’t really punish people 3.Criminal law is usually what people think of when they think about “the law”, (arrest imprisonment)4.Civil Law includes all Private Law andsome public law4.Criminal law is part of public lawCivil Case and Criminal Case1.●Civil cases may include suits for breach of contract or tort (侵权) cases, such as suits for personal injuries. Typically, they involve a request for damages of the wrongdoer. Civil Law includes all Private Law and some Public Law.●In a civil case, the parties only have to prove their case on the balance of probabilities ●In a civil case, each party is usually represented by a lawyerPerson who starts an action is the PlaintiffThe person who is being sued is the Defendant2.●Criminal cases (be charged with a crime) involve a representative of governmentattempting to prove the wrong committed against society and seeking to have the wrongdoer punished by the court system.●In a criminal case, the prosecutors (ie the State) must prove their case beyond reasonable doubtSources of LawLaw comes from four basic sources:1. Constitutions.2. Legislation.3. Judicial decisions .4. Regulations●Constitutions are the basic and supreme law.●Most of our laws are found in some form of legislation.●Judge-made (judicial decisions) law is often called common law. Common law is based on the principle stare decisis, which means that in present cases courts follow decisions (precedents) laid down in prior cases. In a sense, courts also “make law” when they interpret constitutions, statutes, and regulatory rules and decisions.Legal sanctions●The methods for forcing obedience to the law are called sanctions, which are a form of punishment. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that we will not be punished (“deprived of life, liberty, or property”) by the state without a “due process” of law. One sanction enables a person to take another's money or property .This sanction is known as a remedy.●Consider the following sanctions for following legal conduct:1. Criminal conduct.2. Breach of contract.3. Tortious conduct.4. Violating Statutes and regulationsFor Criminal ConductA. Criminal law involves wrongs against society that the state punishes. Sanctions for crime includes:1. Death.2. Imprisonment.3. Fine.4. Removal from office.5. Disqualification from holding office and from voting.B. Criminal law is generally divided into felonies and misdemeanors.1. Felonies are punishable by fine or imprisonment of one year or more.2. Misdemeanors are punishable by a fine or imprisonment of less than one year.3. Violations of traffic ordinances, building codes, and other local ordinances aresometimes called the petty offenses.C. White-collar crime is on the increase. White-collar crime is nonviolent crime conducted by businesspersons. E.g.: tax fraud, misrepresentation in financial statements, corporate crime. There have been many proposals made for reducing crime in general and white-collar crime in particular.For Breach of ContractA. A contract is a legally binding agreement between persons. Courts recognize that persons have a duty to live up to their contracts, and the law provides remedies for breach of contracts.B. When one party to a contract fails to do what he or she agreed, a breach of contract occurs.C. The usual remedy for a breach of contract is a lawsuit for dollar damages. These damages are called compensatory damages and are designed to make the victim “whole” again for all losses that arise directly and foreseeable from a contract's breach.D. Breach of contract cases may also award consequential damages when the breaching party had reason to know of special circumstances that would cause the other party to suffer additional damages if the contract were breached. Example: X contracts to sell Y a ditch digger, knowing that Y has a contract with Z to dig ditches. The digger that X supplies is defective, Y cannot dig the ditches for Z, and Y loses Z'S business. Y sues X. The damages required to fix the defective digger are compensatory damages. Y's lost profi1s on the contract with Z are consequential damages.E. When the parties agree in their contract as to what damages for breach will be, these are called liquidated damages.F. Other remedies: Cancellation and rescission , and Specific performanceFor Tortious ConductA. A tort is a non-contractual civil wrong for which the law gives a right to recover damages. The same act may be both a tort and a crime, e.g., an assault.B. Tort liability assumes that in a civilized society people will not intentionally injure others or their property, and that all persons will exercise reasonable care in their activities.1. Intentional torts include assault and battery, false imprisonment, libel, trespass and conversion.2. Negligence liability arises from an injury caused by a failure to exercise the dutyof reasonable care.C. If the plaintiff wins a tort case, he or she is awarded damages. These damages may include1. Compensatory damages that compensate for medical expenses, loss of income, andpain and suffering.2. Punitive damages that punish the defendant when the defendant's conduct isintentional, fraudulent, or reckless.D. Major areas of tort litigation today include:1.Malpractice, which is professional negligence by persons like accountants, lawyers,physicians, and engineers.2. Product liability, which is the area of torts involving injuries arising fromdefectiveIy designed or manufactured products.For Violating Statutes and RegulationsEmployment law, labor law, securities law, and antitrust law often use of various forms of these sanctions:1. Fine and imprisonment.2. Damages.3. Seizure of property.4. Injunction which is an order by the judge (court) to prevent future violations orcorrect past ones.LECTURE 2Courts●Jurisdiction refers to a court’s power over the parties to a lawsuit and over what the lawsuit is about .●According to jurisdictions, courts are divided into different levels. e.g.: district (county) court, intermediate level court of appeals, state (province) high court, supreme courts●In most countries, a case usually will be tried by three levels of courts before a final ruling is decided. i.e.: the third instance is the final instance. However, in China, the second instance is the final instance.ChinaAmericaAmerican court system consists of federal court system and state court system .The basic trial court is district court, known as circuit court, superior court, or court of common pleas, even supreme court in New York . They have general jurisdiction ,which means that they have power to hear almost any type of case ………Federal courts have limited jurisdiction, dealing questions of federal law, the constitution, matters in which the USA is a party, controversies between states, and suits between citizens of different states. UKPersonnel●The people who operate court system:●Judges and Justices1.Judge try cases and direct contact with litigation and litigants.2.Justices hear appeals from the legal decisions made by trial courts. They givereasons for their decisions in written form, which become precedents and a part of case law. They are concerned with issues of law . ….Jurors●The constitution guarantee the right of trial by jury in both criminal and civil cases (amount in controversy exceeds $20).●A grand jury determines whether there is sufficient evidence for guilt to warrant indictment.●A petit jury determines the facts at a trial. Their decision must be unanimous in most states.Lawyers●Lawyers are required to represent most parties in most court cases.●Corporation cannot come to court except through lawyers.●A lawyer servers in three capacities: counselor, advocate, and public servant.●The attorney-client privilege does not permit a lawyer to testify as to facts told him or her by a client.The function of judicial process●Judicial reviewIt allows the courts to review laws passed by legislature and actions taken by the executive branch and to declare them unconstitutional.( Marbury v. Madison)The interpretation of legislation●Case law it refers to the total collection of judicial opinions made by justicesLitigation●Names of PartiesIn criminal cases a prosecutor(representing the people of the state) brings action against a named defendant. In civil cases the plaintiff describes the party who sues.Thereare some instances, especially in courts of equity,In which the parties are called petitioner and respondent.When a counterclaim is flied,the parties are described as counter-plaintiff and counter- defendant. .When a trial court decision is appealed,the party appealing is referred to as appellant,and the other party is called appellee . The parties to a lawsuit (the plaintiff and the defendant)are often called litigants. Alternative to litigationThere are a variety of ways to settle disputes without going to trial, called alternative dispute resolutions(ADR)They include:1. Mock and minitrials2. Mediation3. Arbitrationl. Mock Trials and MinitrialsA. A Mock Trials involves a pretend jury. The lawyers to a dispute pay a group of citizens to act as a jury and hear the evidence in a dispute. Often the observations of this mock jury about the evidence will 1ead the parties to a dispute to sett1e without going to a real trial. ln aB. Another ADR is minitrial, in a minitrial the lawyers to a business dispute present evidence to executives of both companies. After hearing the evidence, the executives often settle their companies' dispute.C. Mock trials and minitrials are quick, confidential, and cheap in comparison with actual litigation.ll. MediationMediation describes a process in which a third party is brought into a controversy to help settle a dispute. A mediator cannot impose a solution upon the parties, but a mediator’s viewpoint and suggestions are given significant weight.III. Arbitrationin arbitration a neutral third party makes a binding decision about a dispute. Many business contracts contain an arbitration clause under which the parties agree to arbitrate. Some legislation requires the arbitration of certain disputes.LECTURE3Sources of Int’l Commercial Law●National lawChinese contract law. UCC●Int’l treaties and conventionsCISG United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods●Int’l model lawPICC国际商事合同通则●Int’l trade customs and usages( Incoterms 2000 ,international commerceterms即2000年国际贸易术语解释通则。
关键词 : 国际商法; 双语教 学; 模 式
Ke y wo r d s : I n t e r n a t i o n l a B u s i n e s s a w; L b i l i n ua g l t e a c h i n g ; mo d e
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了先前 的成果 , 即加强国际贸易专业双语教学 与完 善经济
本 文作 为佳 木斯 大 学教 学 研 究项 目的 成 果 之 一 , 承 袭 管理类专业 实践教学体 系的关系 , 【 1 】以及 以佳 木斯 大学为 例讨论 的国际贸易双语教 学的发展现状 、 问题及对策。 网 在
3 农科院校的互动式创业教育的优化 模拟等形式提升教学效果。 创业 管理是应 对不确定 性( 不是 风 险 ) 而产生 的一 门 最后 , 互 动 式 创 业 教 育 的关 键 支 撑 条 件 情 感 因 素 的 利
系统 的科学知识 , 创业 管理 活动 需要系统 的处理不确定性 用需要优化。 互动式教学得以成功开展 的关键支撑条件是 的方式、 方法、 技巧和 技能。结合创业管理和 9 O后大学生 情感 因素。 教学活动 中, 智力 因素和情感 因素是 同时发生 、 的心理 特点 , 农业院校 的创业教育应从传统 的狭 义的课堂 交 互 作 用 的 ,它 们 共 同组 成 学 生 学 习心 理 的两 个 不 同 方 教 学 向全 方位 的互 动 式 创 业 教 育 转 变。 面, 从 不 同角 度 对 学 生 学 习活 动 施 以 重 大 影 响。 如 果没 有
Major World Legal Systems_国际商法(双语版)_[共3页]
Chapter 3 National Laws and Legal Systems33C hapter 3National Laws and Legal Systems本章主要介绍和讨论:(1)世界两大主要法系:普通法法系(英美法系)和民法法系(大陆法系)国内法——代表性国家关于货物买卖的法规,其中特别介绍《中华人民共和国合同法》(1999)的主要结构和条款,旨在帮助学习者具体了解作为国际商法的重要渊源之一的国内法。
(1) Can you find any difference in the laws of two countries?(2) Do you know any law in China governing sale of goods?(3) What is the role of national law (the law of one country) in international business law? Just as we have mentioned in the previous chapter, national law is an important source of international business law. Although many achievements have been obtained on the unification or harmonization of national legal systems in the area of international business, great differences still exist from one nation to another. Those differences may exist in the role of legislatures in enacting codes, the role of judges, in the courts applying the law, and in legal procedures. Although it would be impossible to describe the legal system of every nation, it is。