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班级:________ 姓名:__________ 得分:_______



( ) 1. A. kg B. ton C. cm

( ) 2. A. happy B. angry C. excited

( ) 3. A. shorter B. smaller C. bigger

( ) 4. A. 156 cm B. 165 cm C. 155 cm

( ) 5. A. fail B. fall C. feel



()1. A. I’m very angry. B. I’m five. C. I’m fine ()2. A. I’m tired. B. I feel sick. C. I’m happy.

()3. A. I’m 40kg. B. I’m 54 cm. C. I’m 12.

()4. A. She’s fine. B. He has a cold. C. He feels happy.

()5. A. 35 tons. B. 75 cm. C. 165 cm.


()1. Today is Sunday.

()2. Tom is at home.

()3.Tom is happy because he can go to Beijing.

()4.Tom’s grandpa is sick.

()5.Tom hopes grandpa will be better soon.


1. I feel __________.I have a __________.

2.—How are you, Amy??—You __________ __________ today.

3. Line up from __________ to __________.

4.—How __________ are you? —I’m __________ kg.

5. My __________ ___________.




()1. sh_ _ter A. or B. oe C. oa ()

()2. f_nn_er A. u,y B. i,u C.u.i ()

()3. w_ _ _ A. ear B. air C. are ()

()4. h_ _vier A. ae B. ea C. eo ()

()5. t_ _l A. ee B. ai C. ia ()

()6. matt_ _ A. ar B. or C. er ()

()7. thr_ _t A. ou B. au C. oa ()

()8. b_ _ed A. oo B. or C. er ()

()9. t_ _thache A. ee B. oo C. aa ()

()10.g_m_ A. a,e B. e,a C,a,r ()

A. 无聊的

B. 事情

C. 牙疼

D. 更矮的

E. 比赛

F. 更滑稽的

G. 喉咙

H. 穿

I. 更重的

J. 尾巴

()1. How ________ Tom feel?

A. does

B. do

C. is

()2. He has ________ cold. He can’t go to school taday.

A. the

B. /

C. a

()3. I am excited. I am going ________ a big trip.

A. on

B. in

C. to

()4. They are laughing ________ John’s funny goal.

A. to

B. for

C. at

()5.There ________ a football match between Class 1 and

Class 3.


B. have

C. are


1.—What’s the ________, Lily? (莉莉,你怎么了?)

—I ________ a toothache. (我牙疼。)

2. The black bear is ______ ______ the white one. (那只黑熊比


3. —How tall are you?

—I’m 155 ______ ______ . (我的身高是一米五五。)

4. I ________ the ________ test. (我数学不及格。)

5. If you are sick. ______ the ______. (如果不舒服就去看医生。)

1. I’m, than, thinner, you (.) ____________________________

2. me, 10cm, than, shorter, are, you (.) ________________

3. does, Mike, how, feel (?) ____________________________

4. sad, look, today, you (.) _____________________________

5. a, do, headache, you, have (?) ______________________


You may all know the names of the sportsmen. You may also know what sports they are good at. They are all good Chinese sportsmen. Let me tell you more about them.

Yao Ming is an excellent basketball player. Liu Xiang can run very fast. Wang Hao is good at playing ping-pong. Yao Ming is 226 cm tall. He is taller than Liu Xiang and Wang Hao. He is 140.6 kg. He looks stronger. Wang Hao is younger and stronger than Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is faster than them.

( ) 1. Yao Ming is a ________ player.

A. football

B. basketball

( ) 2. They are from ________.

A. Chinese

B. China

( ) 3. Who is the tallest(最高)?

A. Yao Ming.

B. Liu Xiang.

( ) 4. Yao Ming is ________ and ________ than the other two.

A. shorter; heavier

B. taller; heavier

( ) 5. Liu Xiang is ________ than Wang Hao, and runs ________ than him.

A. younger; faster

B. older; faster
