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Freshmen education is the starting point of the school education. For the college students themselves, school education stage is their new starting line in life, who can adapt to college life earlier and establish their goal, who can be on the way to success success achieved. For school, the new students education will largely affect the success or failure of school study style and school spirit, thus affect the school's educational environment as a whole. So, to do a good job of freshmen entrance education, is significant.

1 入学教育的内容

1 the content of the entrance education


Entrance education for new students as the main body of education school of the education of a planned and purposeful activities, mainly is to help the freshmen to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible, guides them to learn to learn, learning life and getting along with people, to establish goals, set up scientific values and outlook on life, paving the way for university study and life. Practice shows that the successful entrance education can benefit students lifetime and lifetime. So, the choice of the entrance education content is important, should according to the priorities of the education content, reasonable arrangement of time and form of the entrance education and help them as soon as possible into the role, to adapt to college life.

1.1 校史校情和学校文化。

1.1 history school and school culture.


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In the freshmen entrance education must first arrange school history education. A school of history and traditional spiritual culture, academic and distinguished alumni, for freshmen entering university will immeasurable influence. Freshman just finished high school life in a new environment, in the heart is full of infinite vision for the future, looking forward to get a satisfactory answer, school history can provide a good reference for them, to give full play to school history education guidance function, training new identity to the school. In school education, school history the most outstanding characteristic is visibility is strong, easy to stimulate students' emotion, easily accepted by students. Reinforce the history of school education, can make the students understand the school development planning, earnestly implementing the school each rules and regulations, maintain the good image of the school, to form a good style of study and school spirit.


The status of school culture education in school education is very important. Minister of culture sun jiazheng said: "the culture like water, moist all things, silent." A school of school culture is through long-term accumulation and evolution to form, to members of the school especially student's influence is bigger, it standardize and guide the student's thought and behavior. It is generally believed that includes four levels: the content of the school culture is the material culture, system culture, spirit culture, behavior culture. School culture affect the value choice of college students through subtle way, way of thinking, moral emotion, behavior, habits, etc. That is in the new starting point for the students personality characteristics tend to be stable, school culture more profound influence on their personality cultivation.

1.2 安全教育与文明礼仪教育。

1.2 safety education and civilization etiquette education.

