



• (1) 1337—1360年。1346年春双方会战于克勒西。法 国投入的兵力是英军的三倍,却被英国的新型步兵打败了。 法军损失11个亲王、1200名骑兵和10000名士兵。英军有 弓箭手9000人,主要是招募来的自耕农。克勒西战役是 一次以少胜多的著名战役,它实际上结束了封建骑士在军 事上的重要作用。1356年,黑太子爱德华指挥的6000名 英军,与法王约翰二世(1350—1364年)指挥的20500 名法军在普瓦提埃发生激战。结果,法军大败,伤亡 4500人,国王约翰和许多法国贵簇被俘,英军损失很小。 1360年,法国被迫签订布勒丁尼和约:爱德华三世放弃 对法国王位的要求,交换条件是加莱和阿奎丹等地重归英 国。法国以50万镑巨款赎回国王,这个数目相当于英王5 年的收入。
Hundred Years' War (1337年-1453年)
• 百年战争(Hundred Years' War)是指英 国和法国,于1337年 - 1453年间的战争, 是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达 116年。 • 日期: 1337年-1453年 • 地点: 法国和低地国家 • 结果: 法国胜利 • 领土变更: 法国夺回被英格兰控制的领 地
贞德(Jeanned'Arc、JeannelaPucelle、JoanofArc)(1412年1月6日~1431年5月30日), 被称为“奥尔良的少女”和“圣女贞德”,法国民族英雄、军事家,天主教会的“圣女”。 英法百年战争(1337年~1453年)时她带领法国军队对抗英军的入侵,支持法查理七世加 冕,为法国胜利做出了巨大贡献。后为勃艮第公国所俘,宗教裁判所以“异端”和“女巫 罪”判处她火刑。


Crusades Trade Roman Catholic Church The Black Plague The Hundred Years War The Great Schism
Crusades 1095-1291
Allows for Exchange of ideas Increased Wealth = Increased Consumer goods/luxuries Crusades/Trade create unified Christendom Renaissance of the 13th Century?
Chartres, France
Competition to Build the Grandest Cathedral for the Glory of God
Scotland Cologne
Notre Dame, Paris
Theocracy of Europe
Popes, Cardinals anoint Kings Europe is united in Christianity Political and Religious hierarchy is similar Some diversity in practices and beliefs Church, Good Works, Sacraments, Key to Salvation Preoccupown (The Founding)
Towns begin to develop around Europe Centered around Churches and Markets Dominated by Guilds Non-Traditional Social Group (Artisan)

The Hundred Year's War 英法百年战争

The Hundred Year's War 英法百年战争

The results and influence
• disastrous (economy ) poverty.
• Two separate nations were born after the war. The war helped to develop English national identity as well as French national identity.
Jeanne d'Arc
• militarist(军事家)saint(圣女) a symbol of freedom. • When she was just 17 years old,she led the army to fight against the invaders.Under her lead,France recaptured most of territoris,settling the base of final victory. • On 30th May,1431,Jeanne d‘Arc was bound to the stake and burnt to death,when she was just 19 years old.
Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne was caught Before the punishment
The results and influence
(锁子甲) was replaced by
• Gunpowder (火药)and cannon(火炮)played significant roles as early as 1375. • The last battle of the war, was the first battle in European history in which artillery(大炮) was the deciding factor.



综合案例TermListTheHundredYearsWar百年战争(即是指英国和综合案例Term ListThe Hundred Years’ War百年战争(即是指英国和法国,以及后来加入的勃艮第,于1337年- 1453年间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达116年。

)Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争(即英国兰开斯特王朝(House of Lancaster)和约克王朝(House of York)的支持者之间为了争夺英格兰王位的断续内战。

)The “Babylonian Captivity”“巴比伦之囚”(即公元前597~前538年期间,两度被新巴比伦王国国王尼布甲尼撒二世征服的犹太王国,大批民众、工匠、祭司和王室成员被掳往巴比伦,这些人称为巴比伦之囚。

)The Great Schism大分裂(意大利人对教廷迁往亚威农之事,非常不悦,他们欲使罗马再度变成为教皇宝座所在地。







The Renaissance popes文艺复兴时期(文艺复兴是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。




Until this moment,Hundred Years Wars ended,and France got the final victory.
Jeanne whment
The victory of the war promoted the the unity of France and laid the foundation for the expansion in europe.at the same time ,the Nationalism of was built and imposed the policy of banlancing power on the European continent.then The Kingdom of England switched its focus to overseas and became the biggest empire in the world .
Thank you!
• Background
The source is in the region Flanders(法兰德斯).At that time,Flanders is a famous industry advanced area of Europe.The businessmen of Flanders wanted to escape from the control of the emperor of France.But they daren't to be rebels,so they thought out a good idea,they issued that the emperor of England is the feudal lord(领 主)of France.Because England had a part of French land,so they could say they were English people.And just because of Flemish(法兰德斯人 的)statement,England and France began the war that lasted for one hundred years.

The Hundred Years' War 英法百年战争

The Hundred Years' War 英法百年战争

The Hundred Years’ War between England andFranceIn 1328, the Capetian dynasty in France came to an end with the death of Charles IV, the son of Philip the Fair. An assembly of French barons gave the crown to Philip VI of Valois, the nephew of Philip the Fair.Causes of the Hundred Years WarEdward III, king of England, asserted that he in fact had a superior claimed to the throne because his mother was Philip the Fair's daughter. This, then, was one of the primary causes of the Hundred Years' War. Another cause of the Hundred Years' War was clearly economic conflict. The French monarchy tried to squeeze new taxes from towns in northern Europe which had grown wealthy as trade and cloth-making centers. Dependent as they were on English wool, these towns through their support behind English and Edward III.The Hundred Years War and the MercenariesTo make matters worse, war had become a more expensive proposition in the 14th century. Larger, healthier and better-trained armies were needed. Most governments began to rely on paid mercenaries to do their fighting for them. The problem with mercenaries is that they were expensive to obtain an even more expensive to retain. More often than not, the mercenary had no allegiance to anyone king and fought for the highest bidder. Furthermore, mercenaries were a competitive and quarrelsome lot. The Hundred Years War - the TaxesTo counteract the high price of war, European monarchs imposed even more taxes upon the people. The French were most adept at this: there were taxes on salt, bread, and wine as well as taxes on the rights to use wine presses, grindstones and mills. And of course, there was the poll tax.The Hundred Years War - the FactionsThe last cause of the Hundred Years' War was factional conflict. By the 14th century the European nobility had become diluted with men who had entered the nobility not because they had a claim by virtue of birth but because of their wealth. Meanwhile, the older nobility was losing income due to declining rents. Many older nobles joined forces with mercenaries in order to maintain their position and status. Other nobles married into wealthy families while still others tried to improve their situation by the buying and selling of royal offices. What all this boiled down to was conflict. Nobles tended to join factions united against other factions. These factions included a greatfamily, their knights, servants and even workers and peasants on the manorial estate. They had their own small armies, loyalties and even symbols of allegiance. The bottom line is that these factions were beginning to form small states within a state and contributed not only to the overall violence of the 14th century but also to the need of monarchs to keep their nobility under constant surveillance. This explains why Louis XIV, the Sun King, housed his nobility at Versailles -- it was so he could keep an eye on them.The Hundred Years War - AquitaineThe most pressing issue during the Hundred Years' War was the status of Aquitaine, a large province in south western France. According to feudal law, Edward III held Aquitaine as part of his fiefdom. Philip attacked this territory, claiming it was rightfully his. Edward's response was to join forces with the Flemish in 1337 and this was the principal cause of the war.The Hundred Years WarThe war, fought entirely on French soil, raged off and on for more than 100 years. English victories were followed by French victories, then a period of stalemate would ensue, until the conflicts again rose to the surface. During periods of truce, English and French soldiers -- most of whom were mercenaries -- would roam the French countryside killing and stealing. After the battle of Agincourt in 1415, won by the English under Henry V, the English controlled most of northern France. It appeared that England would shortly conquer France and unite the two countries under one crown. At this crucial moment in French history, a young and illiterate peasant girl, Joan of Arc (c.1412-1431), helped to rescue France.The One Hundred Years War and Joan of ArcAt the age of 13 Joan believed she had heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret bidding her to rescue the French people. Believing that God had commanded her to drive the English out of France, Joan rallied the demoralized French troops, leading them in battle. Clad in a suit of white armor and flying her own standard she liberated France from the English at the battle of Orleans. Ultimately captured and imprisoned by the English, Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and a witch and stood trial before the Inquisition in 1431. Joan was found guilty and was to be burnt at the stake but at the last moment she broke down and recanted everything. She eventually broke down again and faithful to her "voices," decided to become a martyr and was then burnt at the stake and became a national hero.。



英国历史上的重大事件简介1、英法百年战争百年战争(Hundred Years' War)是指英国和法国,以及后来加入的勃艮第,于1337年- 1453年间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达116年。



2、蔷薇战争蔷薇战争(又称玫瑰战争;英语:Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年)是英王爱德华三世(1327年-1377年在位)的两支后裔:兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了争夺英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。



3、都铎王朝的建立都铎王朝(英语:Tudor dynasty;1485年-1603年),是在亨利七世1485年入主英格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰后,所开创的一个王朝,统治英格兰王国及其属土周围地区。









and they were against British.
Joan of Arc
French military leader and heroine. Inspired and directed by religious visions, she organized the French resistance that forced the English to end their siege of Orléans(1429). The same year she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and had the dauphin crowned Charles VII. Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians (1430), she was later tried for heresy and sorcery and was burned at the stake in Rouen. She was canonized in 1920.
The First Stage
the British Army won the Battle
of Crecy.
the British Army won the Battle of
Poitiers 1348
the British beat French in the Battle of Sluys.
French people beat British in the Battle of Orleans under the command of Joan of arc. That brought a bright future to French people.

Hundred Years' War ppt

Hundred Years' War ppt
undred Years' War)是指英国和法 国,以及后来加入的勃艮第,于1337年 - 1453年 间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长 达116年。

名称:Hundred Years' War 地点:法国和低地国家 时间:1337年-1453年 参战方:法国、苏格兰;英格兰、勃艮第 结果:法国胜利 主要指挥官:圣女贞德;亨利六世 影响:法国夺回被英格兰控制的领地 时间:持续116年

The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between the Kings of France and the Kings of England and their various allies for control of the French throne, which had become vacant upon the extinction of the senior Capetian line of French kings. The House of Valoiscontrolled France in the wake of the House of Capet; a Capetian cadet branch, the Valois claimed the throne under Salic Law. This was contested by the House of Plantagenet, the Angevin family that had ruled England since 1154, who claimed the throne of France through the 1308 marriage of Edward II of England and Isabella of France.



TheHundredYearsWar英法百年战争The Hundred Years’ War between England andFranceIn 1328, the Capetian dynasty in France came to an end with the death of Charles IV, the son of Philip the Fair. An assembly of French barons gave the crown to Philip VI of Valois, the nephew of Philip the Fair.Causes of the Hundred Years WarEdward III, king of England, asserted that he in fact had a superior claimed to the throne because his mother was Philip the Fair's daughter. This, then, was one of the primary causes of the Hundred Years' War. Another cause of the Hundred Years' War was clearly economic conflict. The French monarchy tried to squeeze new taxes from towns in northern Europe which had grown wealthy as trade and cloth-making centers. Dependent as they were on English wool, these towns through their support behind English and Edward III.The Hundred Years War and the MercenariesTo make matters worse, war had become a more expensive proposition in the 14th century. Larger, healthier and better-trained armies were needed. Most governments began to rely on paid mercenaries to do their fighting for them. The problem with mercenaries is that they were expensive to obtain an even more expensive to retain. More often than not, the mercenary had no allegiance to anyone king and fought for the highest bidder. Furthermore, mercenaries were a competitive and quarrelsome lot. The Hundred Years War - the TaxesTo counteract the high price of war, European monarchs imposed even more taxes upon the people. The French weremost adept at this: there were taxes on salt, bread, and wine as well as taxes on the rights to use wine presses, grindstones and mills. And of course, there was the poll tax.The Hundred Years War - the FactionsThe last cause of the Hundred Years' War was factional conflict. By the 14th century the European nobility had become diluted with men who had entered the nobility not because they had a claim by virtue of birth but because of their wealth. Meanwhile, the older nobility was losing income due to declining rents. Many older nobles joined forces with mercenaries in order to maintain their position and status. Other nobles married into wealthy families while still others tried to improve their situation by the buying and selling of royal offices. What all this boiled down to was conflict. Nobles tended to join factions united against other factions. These factions included a great family, their knights, servants and even workers and peasants on the manorial estate. They had their own small armies, loyalties and even symbols of allegiance. The bottom line is that these factions were beginning to form small states within a state and contributed not only to the overall violence of the 14th century but also to the need of monarchs to keep their nobility under constant surveillance. This explains why Louis XIV, the Sun King, housed his nobility at Versailles -- it was so he could keep an eye on them.The Hundred Years War - AquitaineThe most pressing issue during the Hundred Years' War was the status of Aquitaine, a large province in south western France. According to feudal law, Edward III held Aquitaine as part of his fiefdom. Philip attacked this territory, claiming it was rightfully his. Edward's response was to join forces with the Flemish in 1337and this was the principal cause of the war.The Hundred Years WarThe war, fought entirely on French soil, raged off and on for more than 100 years. English victories were followed by French victories, then a period of stalemate would ensue, until the conflicts again rose to the surface. During periods of truce, English and French soldiers -- most of whom were mercenaries -- would roam the French countryside killing and stealing. After the battle of Agincourt in 1415, won by the English under Henry V, the English controlled most of northern France. It appeared that England would shortly conquer France and unite the two countries under one crown. At this crucial moment in French history, a young and illiterate peasant girl, Joan of Arc (c.1412-1431), helped to rescue France.The One Hundred Years War and Joan of ArcAt the age of 13 Joan believed she had heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret bidding her to rescue the French people. Believing that God had commanded her to drive the English out of France, Joan rallied the demoralized French troops, leading them in battle. Clad in a suit of white armor and flying her own standard she liberated France from the English at the battle of Orleans. Ultimately captured and imprisoned by the English, Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and a witch and stood trial before the Inquisition in 1431. Joan was found guilty and was to be burnt at the stake but at the last moment she broke down and recanted everything. She eventually broke down again and faithful to her "voices," decided to become a martyr and was then burnt at the stake and became a national hero.。



Wars in British HistoryThe history of Britain is rich and diverse, filled with numerous wars and conflicts that have shaped its identity and influenced the course of world history. From ancient battles to modern wars, these conflicts have left indelible marks on the nation's landscape, culture, and politics.One of the earliest recorded wars in British history is the Roman invasion of Britain, which began in 43 AD. Led by Emperor Claudius, the Romans sought to expand their empire and bring civilization to the barbaric tribes of Britain. After a series of battles, the Romans eventually established a province called Britannia, introducing Roman law, culture, and religion to the island.Centuries later, the Viking raids on Britain began in the late 8th and early 9th centuries. These raids, carried out by Norse warriors from Scandinavia, targeted coastal settlements and monasteries, causing widespread destruction and terror. The Vikings' influence on British history and culture is still felt today, particularly in the Norse legacy of place names and language.The Hundred Years' War between England and France, which spanned from 1337 to 1453, was a pivotal era in British military history. This conflict was primarily a struggle for territorial control in France, with England seeking to expand its influence and wealth throughterritorial conquests. The war saw some of the most famous battles in British history, including the Battle of Crécy and the Battle of Agincourt, both of which were significant victories for the English.The Tudor period marked a new era in British history, with the rise of powerful monarchs like Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. During this time, England was involved in several conflicts, including the War of the Roses, which was a civil war fought between rival noble families for control of the throne. The Tudor monarchs also faced external threats, such as the Spanish Armada, a fleet of ships sent by the Spanish king to invade England and overthrow the Protestant queen Elizabeth I.The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in British society and economy, but it also led to new conflicts. The Napoleonic Wars, fought between 1803 and1815, were a global conflict that saw Britain aligned with several European powers against the French Empire. These wars were significant for Britain's military and naval power, as well as its role in shaping the political landscape of Europe.The First and Second World Wars were two of the most devastating conflicts in British history. The First World War, fought from 1914 to 1918, saw Britain aligned with France and other nations against the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. The war was devastating for Britain, causing significant casualties and economic strain. The Second World War, which began in 1939 and ended in 1945, was a global conflict that saw Britain, along with its allies, fight against the Axis powers led by Germany, Japan, and Italy. The war was a test of Britain's resilience and strength, and it ultimately led to the defeat of fascismand the establishment of a new global order.The wars and conflicts in British history have left a lasting impact on the nation's identity and place in the world. From the Roman invasion to the World Wars, these conflicts have shaped British culture, politics, andmilitary power. They have also demonstrated the resilience and courage of the British people in the face of adversity. As we look to the future, it is important to remember these wars and the lessons they have taught us about the importance of peace, cooperation, and the need to constantly strive for progress and improvement.**英国历史上的战争**英国的历史丰富多彩,充满了无数的战争与冲突,这些战争与冲突塑造了英国的身份,并影响了世界历史的进程。

Hundred Year's War 英法百年战争

Hundred Year's War 英法百年战争

(1429年 - 145各方纷纷反抗,游击队经常 捉拿英格兰的征税者,牵制英军部队,帮助法军很大。
• 1428年10月,英军和勃艮地派包围了奥尔良,法军严重不利。 此时法国出现一位传颂后世的救星圣女贞德,指挥法军于1429年5月 败英格兰,奥尔良解围,赢得重大胜利,扭转了整个战局。 才19岁的圣女贞德不久便被英军捉住,1431年以女巫罪处死。这激起 国的民族义愤,助使法军作出大反攻。1437年,法军光复首都巴黎。 • • • 1441年,收复香槟地区。 1450年,解放曼恩和诺曼底。 1453年,夺回吉耶讷。
• 然而,英法的亨利五世和查理六世却于1422年同年去逝。 两方新王亨利六世和查理七世为争夺法国王位,再度交火。 百年战争进入第四阶段。
Battle of Agincourt
• 英军一个月前刚刚经过哈福娄围攻战,伤亡达4000人。英王亨利五世不得不率领剩下 的5000长弓手和900骑兵撤退。法军起先避免与英军接触,但当英军吃光了随军带的1 星期的干粮而不得不靠劫掠和野果来充饥时,法国人大概认为时机有利,无数大大小 小的法国贵族都带着一支队伍加入法军想捡个便宜。这使法军拥有数量上的绝对优势 而缺乏有效的最高指挥。法军在阿金库尔堵住了英军北撤之路,英王亨利五世前一天 的求和被拒绝,只有靠一战来冲出一条路了。 亨利命令英军向前推进,两翼紧靠树林,英军整齐地缓缓推进到距法军250米(长弓有 效射程)的距离上停下,每个长弓手都将准备好的两头削尖的木桩插入脚下的泥沼地 中,让另一尖端斜向着法军方向。随着亨利一声令下,英国长弓手发出了第一次齐射, 天空立即被密密麻麻的箭簇所覆盖而法国人遭到了一阵箭雨的袭击。如梦初醒般,法 军第一线开始向英军冲击。法军两翼的重骑兵本应迂回攻击英军的侧翼,但因为两侧 的树林不得不正面冲击英军两翼的长弓阵地。法军骑兵遭到了很大损失,少数冲到英 军阵前也无力突破拒马,不得不在退却中承受更多的穿甲箭攻击。失去了主人的受伤 或受惊的战马在战场上乱跑,冲乱了随后冲上来的法军一线步兵。尽管法军第一波冲 击使英军少许后退,但英军很快重新拉直了队伍与法军搏斗。混乱得法军更像是集体 冲向一场大屠杀,无数法国贵族就此倒下或被俘。法军弓弩和火炮由于两军交错而无 法射击,很多人实际上整场战役一箭未发。法军尸体堆积如山,二三线的法军见此情 景都被吓得逃出了战场,以至当法军第三线骑兵开始冲锋时仅剩下了600人。半小时英 军就取得了决定性的胜利。亨利下了一道不寻常的命令结束了这场战役,英军处死了 所有的法军俘虏。此战法军损失过万,仅大大小小的贵族就战死了5000多。英军最大 的损失是战死的约克公爵,其他损失不过是十余名骑士和100余长弓手。


1421年,博热之战爆发。法军与巴肯伯爵约翰·斯图亚特率领的苏格兰援军联手,对英军取得胜利。他们杀 死了亨利五世的弟弟,王位继承人克拉伦斯公爵。
使法兰西反败为胜的圣女贞德1429年4月27日,王太子授予贞德以“战争总指挥”的头衔。她全身甲胄,腰 悬宝剑,捧着一面大旗,上面绣着“耶稣马利亚”字样,跨上战马,率领3000—4000人,向奥尔良进发。奥尔良 已被英军包围达半年之久。贞德先从英军围城的薄弱环节发动猛烈进攻,英军难以抵挡,四散逃窜。4月29日晚8 时,贞德骑着一匹白马,在锦旗的前导下进入了奥尔良,全城军民燃着火炬来欢迎她。贞德率领士气高昂的法军, 迅速攻克了圣罗普要塞、奥古斯丁要塞、托里斯要塞。5月8日,被英军包围209天的奥尔良终于解了围。
按理说,法王王冠应该落在腓力的外孙头上,因为其母是腓力的女儿伊莎贝拉;不巧的是这位外孙是英王爱 德华三世(Edward III)。法兰西贵族一致反对将法王王冠授予英格兰国王,为此他们专门推举腓力的侄子、瓦 卢瓦王朝领袖为新法王。
1328年,腓力的侄子加冕,称腓力六世(Philip VI)。爱德华很不情愿地接受了这个结果。
然而,佛兰德斯伯爵却是一位法兰西王侯,佛兰德斯贵族也认同自己为法王一脉。对他们来说,法兰西王侯 自然希望独享佛兰德斯的财富,同时也可以一举两得地损害他们的老对手英格兰人的经济利益。
英格兰金雀花王朝(Plantagenet)早在12世纪便在法兰西拥有大量土地和财产。由于金雀花家族在法兰西 拥有土地,他们据此自认为属法王诸侯,但法王则并不信任他们的这些英格兰表兄弟。相反他们认为英格兰人的 存在使他们无法获得英格兰人所占领的土地,进而无法进行领土扩张以及有效地进行中央集权统治。



百年战争引言Hundred Years' War是指英国和法国,以及后来加入的勃艮地,于1337年至1453年间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达116年。







The Hundred Years' War refers to the war Between Britain and France that lasted intermittently from 1337 to 1453, is the world's longest war. In 14th Century, in order to unify the French, the French tried to put the British out of southwestern France. The British certainly do not want to quit, and tried to regain their ancestral lands, such as Normandy, Anjou, Maine. At that time, Britain and France because of the relationship between trade interests, were made for Flanders, the conflict between them deepened. At that time, because of the relationship between trade interests, Britain and France were competing for Flanders, this makes the conflict between them deepened. War fuse is mainly the throne inheritance problem. In 1328, Charles IV died, the French capetian JueSi, branch African valois of Philip vi succession, whose king Charles IV to his nephew's qualifications, and Philip VI for the throne, triggering war. In accordance with changes in the situation, the hundred years' war can be roughly divided into four stages.1、第一阶段(1337年—1360年)是双方对佛兰德斯和基恩的争夺战。

hundred years war名词解释

hundred years war名词解释

hundred years war名词解释







1. The English kings owned a great many Frence territory(领土). 2. Most officers(官员) in England were Frence.
1360——1400 Four periods 1415——1429 1429——1453

The whole France revolted(反抗) England. In 1428 Battle of Orleans(奥尔良) go 1437——1441——1450——1453 In 1558,France captured(攻陷)Calais(加莱), the Hundred Years’ War was over.
Charlie-Fifth defeated British troops.
In 1380 England signed truce agreement(停 战协定)with France.
In 1415 Battle of Agincourt(阿金库尔战役)
France was looted(洗劫)by England.
go In 1340 Battle of Sluys(斯鲁伊斯海战) go In 1346 Battle of Crecy(克雷西会战) In 1348 The spread of the Black Death (黑死病) In 1360 The Buller Tennyson Treaty (布勒丁尼条约) Backຫໍສະໝຸດ gogogo
To both sides: It is a disaster To France: Awaken national consciousness. The whole France became united. Population reduction. To England: England gained nothing but lost almost all the territory of France.
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