the American Civil War美国南北战争 PPT课件

Thank you !
two sides
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
the north of the United States of America
the southern confederate states of America
the American Civil War broke out (1861)
The American civil war was the second bourgeois( ['bʊəʒwɑː]) revolution in American history. Slavery was destroyed in the civil war. The war solved the problem of farmers' land, maintained the national unity. More than that, the war cleared the way for the accelerated development of American capitalism and laid the foundations for the US among the world
In the early period of the war, because the south had sufficient military readiness, the northern failed followed in military aspect.
When the north failed repeatedly in military, the radicals in Republican Party put forward the idea of emancipating([ɪ'mænsɪpeɪting]) and arming the black slaves. Lincoln was also aware of the necessity ([nɪ'sesɪtɪ])of emancipating black slaves.

为什么林肯当选总统成了南北战 争的导火线?
林肯作为代表北方资产阶级利 益、同情黑人奴隶、反对奴隶制度 的共和党人执政,意味着至少在四 年内,林肯政府必将行使权力,逐 步限制、废除黑人奴隶制,南方种 植园主把林肯的当选看做一场灾难。
从1863年1月1 日起,所有南部 叛乱各州的黑人 奴隶一律获得人 身自由。
上面两部法令颁布后,对战争局势 的发展起到怎样的作用?
4、结束 :1865年4月,南方投降。
美国独立战争 英国的殖民统治
南北战争; 奴隶制度
4、读材料,回答问题: 从1863年1月1日起,所有南部叛乱各州的 黑人奴隶一律获得人身自由。 (1)以上内容出自何时颁布的什么文件? 除该法令外,林肯政府还颁布了哪一著名 法令?
(2)该文件的发表有什么意义? 提高黑人革命热情,扭转战局。加速了北 方胜利的进程。
亚伯拉罕林肯出生在 一个农民家庭,自幼参加 劳动,做过雇工、乡村邮 递员、土地测量员等工作, 后来通过自学成为律师, 并先后担任州议员和国会 议员。林肯学习刻苦,品 德高尚,诚实守信,为人 善良,做事谨慎而又坚定。
“‘一幢裂开的房子是站立不住的。’我 相信这个政府不能永远维持半奴隶和半自 由的状态。我不期望联邦解散,我不期望 房子崩塌,但我的确希望它停止分裂。”

1862.5《宅地法》规定:凡美国公民只 要交纳10美元的登记费,就可以在西部国 有土地中领取一块不超过160英亩(约65公 顷)的土地,连续耕种5年之后,这块地即 成为他的私有财产)。
1862.9《解放黑人奴隶宣言》宣称: (在叛乱地区)“为人占有而做奴隶的人们 都应在那时(1863年元旦)及以后永远获得 自由”,“合众国政府行政部门,包括陆海 军当局,将承认并保障上述人等的自由。”
动 战争动形脑势:会怎样呢?北方州数23个人口2200万经济
南方 11个 900万 落后 非正义 反对 充分
3、转折:1862年林肯政府颁布 《宅地法》
• 2、关税
• 北方:保护性关税 • 南方:降低关税
• 3、西部领土处理
• 北方:以自由州加入联邦,资 产阶级力量加强
• 南方:以畜奴州加入联邦,奴 隶主阶级力量加强
南 北
• 1、《汤姆叔叔的小屋》:促进废奴运动的发展; • 2、“地下铁路”:帮助黑人逃往北方自由洲; • 3、约翰·布朗起义:把费奴运动推到顶点.
• 当时美国历史上流血最多的一 次战役。联邦军死伤和失踪 2.3万人,南军2.8万人。从此, 南军失去战略主动权,再也未 能向北进军,联邦军队转入进 攻。葛底斯堡战役的胜利,更 加坚定了美国人民夺取最后胜 利的信心。正象4个月后林肯 在葛底斯堡战场发表的那篇不 朽演说中所说的:“我们要从 这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多 的献身精神,来完成他们曾为 之竭尽全部忠诚的事业;我们 要在这里下定最大的决心,使 这些死者不致白白牺牲。”

后期月9日,李率残部29000人走投无路,在阿 波马托克斯被格兰特的122000大军围困。在阿波 马托克斯法院所在地,庄园主W.麦克莱安为躲避战 争,已在1861年第一战打响时逃离马纳萨斯的家里, 如今两位司令官恰巧在他的家中会面结束战争。有 28356人的北弗吉尼亚军团在下午3时45分投降。 事实上,战争结束了。 林肯总统遇刺 1865年4月14日,在内战即将结束之际,当林肯总 统在华盛顿的福特剧院观看喜剧时,遭演员约 翰· 威尔克斯· 布斯枪击,于第二天伤重不治去 世。 但这种暗杀行径已无法挽救南方的失败,战争以北 方的彻底胜利而告终。 1865年5月23日 ,战争到此彻底结束,战争中阵亡 人数超过独立战争、美墨战争、美西战争、第一次 世界大战、第二次世界大战、朝鲜战争、越南战争 等美国参加战争伤亡人数,其对世界军事、政治的 影响极大,并名副其实的成为“一个国家的诞生”。
炮击萨姆特要塞 1861年4月12日凌晨4时30分,联盟的 大炮向萨姆特要塞开火了,联邦运送给 养的远征队眼睁睁地看着而爱莫能助。 由于指挥的失误,它的最具威力的一艘 战舰掉转船头向皮肯斯要塞驶去了,远 在公海的其它军舰又来不及支援要塞。 经过34小时的炮轰,联邦军队终因寡不 敌众而投降,炮火摧毁了要塞的大部分。 尽管在这第一次交战中双方无一人伤亡, 但一场血腥的战争却由此开始了。联盟 降下了美国星条旗,将联盟星杠旗插上 了萨姆特要塞,它开始的方式正应了图 姆斯的预言。此刻,南北战争正式爆发。
在这一阶段,南方的军事战略也有了较大变化。罗伯 特· 李已清醒地认识到:尽管南方在前一段占了上风,但 人力损失很大。在双方力量如此悬殊的条件下,南方胜 利的可能性不大。因此,要尽力用军事压力迫使北方同 南方讲和。要以彻底的进攻战略取代“以攻为守”的战 略,南军要攻入马里兰,在北方的土地上击败北方军队。 同时,还可以在北方获得南方急需的后勤补给物资。必 要时还要进军费城、巴尔的摩或华盛顿等大城市。这样 做可以一举三得: 使西线的北军东援,从而减轻西线南军的压力。 彻底摧垮北方继续战争的意志。 争取欧洲国家的支持和承认。 为此,在这一阶段中,他指挥北弗吉尼亚军团不断主动 发起进攻。但他的战略有很大缺陷:一是过于重视东战 场,低估了西线对南方生存所具有的重要战略价值。北 军正是集中力量于西战场,才把南方逼入崩溃的绝境。 二是没有考虑到自己人力的限制和后勤供应的困难,结 果在进攻中耗尽了元气,铸成了败局。

• With his elegant language and strong leadership, Lincoln displaced Washington as the greatest American of all time, a position he still holds in yearly polls.
• casualty [ˈkæ ʒuəlti] n. someone injured or killed in an accident; • enroll [ɪn'rəʊl] register formally as a participant or member; • rifle [ˈra ɪfl] A rifle is a gun with a long barrel.
• The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.世人不会注 意,更不会长久记住我们此刻所说的话,但必将永远铭记 他们捐躯赴难的伟烈丰功。
• Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. • 今天,一场大的内战考验着我们,也考验这个国家,或任 何一个同样孕育于自由、奉行平等信条的国家,能否长久 传存下去。此刻,我们聚会在这场内战的一个伟大战场。 为了这个国家的生存,无数烈士献出了生命。我们特将这 片战场的一部分辟为圣地,作为英灵们的永久安息之所。 这是我们应为且合宜之事。

The American Revolution
The background of the war
The Seven Years’ War / the French and Indian War (1756 --- 1763)
·the culmination of a series of wars between France and Britain ·the British won the War
Peace treaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้y
Treaty of Versailles 凡尔赛
The treaty was signed in Paris in 1783. British recognized American independence. The peace treaty acknowledged the independence, freedom, and sovereignty of the 13 states.
Conflict between Britain and American colonists
·the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Act (1767), the Quartering Act (1765), the Townshend Act (1767) and the Tea Act (1773) ·resistance of the colonies: by 1770 all taxes were repealed except tax on tea
Turning point
Time Process In the spring of 1781 ★ Admiral de Grasse, made a attempt to secure control of the sea off the Chesapeake Bay (切萨皮克湾 ) ★ French and Americans mounted a formal siege(围攻) against Cornwallis (康沃利斯 )

美国历史上规模最大 的一场战斗。在葛底斯堡方 圆不到25平方英里,人口不 足2400人的小镇辖地,双 方集结了近17.2万兵力和 634门大炮。 战役扭转了战局,此 后南方同盟军转入了战略防 御,联邦军完全掌握了战争 主动权。
Arkey Works
“大家都知道,一个 一半人民是奴隶,一半 人民是主人的国家,绝 对不可能永久存在!我 们每一个有正义感的国 民,都应该拿出信心、 力量去做我们认为应该 做的事情。”这段直率 简洁的讲词,深深打动 了人民的心灵,林肯终 于击败所有对手当选为 美国第十六任总统。
Arkey Works
林肯的就任成为了内战的导火索,坚持奴隶制 的南方宣布独立,与北方开战。
Arkey Works
为什么林肯总统要颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》 Why should president Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
At the beginning of the war,the Union army suffered a lot of setbacks.Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.So he issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation.Thus England and France stood by the Union's side.And many black slaves joined the Union Army.
Civil War南北战争的英文介绍PPT课件

The American Civil War was fought in three important land areas, or "theaters". The Eastern Theater The Western theater The Trans-Mississippi Theater
Political reasons 3
North :
needed a central
government to build an infrastructure(公共建 设) of roads and
railways to protect its
feared that a strong central government might
established as an inkdinugstcroitatlosnociety. Labor was in need, but not slave labor.
South: reasons. North:
thought they had rejected this right to take their "right" because it property anywhere would violate the in the U.S. and not right of a free have it taken away— state to outlaw specifically slavery. slavery within its
Important events and battles

Union victory and aftermath
The war resulted in at least 1,030,000 casualties (3 percent of the population), including about 620,000 soldier deaths—two-thirds by disease, and 50,000 civilians. Binghamton University historian J. David Hacker believes the number of soldier deaths was approximately 750,000, 20 percent higher than traditionally estimated, and possibly as high as 850,000.The war accounted for more American deaths than in all other U.S. wars combined.
• 亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),共和党人,美国政治家、 思想家、战略家,黑人奴隶制的废除者。第16任美国总统,其任总统期间,美国爆发内战,史称南 北战争,林肯坚决反对国家分裂。他废除了叛乱各州的奴隶制度,颁布了《宅地法》、《解放黑人 奴隶宣言》。林肯击败了南方分离势力,维护了美利坚联邦及其领土上不分人种、人人生而平等的 权利。内战结束后不久,林肯遇刺身亡,是第一个遭遇刺杀的美国总统,也是首位共和党籍总统, 多次被评价为最伟大的总统。最新版5美元纸币正面是亚伯拉罕·林肯的照片。
• Slavery in the United States was the legal institution of human chattel enslavement, primarily of Africans and African Americans, that existed in the United States of America in the 18th and 19th centuries.
美国南北战争英文介绍 (课堂PPT)

2.Territorial crisis(领土危机)
Between 1803 and 1854, the United States achieved a vast expansion of territory through purchase, negotiation, and conquest. At first, the new states carved out of these territories entering the union were apportioned equally between slave and free states. It was over territories west of the Mississippi that the proslavery and antislavery forces collided.
奴隶制已经从早期在英国美国殖民时期(殖民时代),和当时在所有13个殖民地法律 在1776年的《独立宣言》。
It lasted in about half the states until 1865, when it was prohibited nationally by the Thirteenth Amendment.
• The war broke out in April 1861, when secessionist forces(反对势 力) attacked Fort Sumter(萨姆特 堡) in South Carolina, shortly after United States President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. The loyalists of the Union in the North proclaimed support for the Constitution(宪法). They faced secessionists of the Confederate States(同盟国) in the South, who advocated for states‘ rights to uphold slavery(奴隶制).

美国南北战争PPT英文内容The start of the American Civil WarThe Battle of Fort Sumter(萨姆特堡战役)This is Fort Sumter, where the shots that started the American Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.The first stage of the warThe North had developed industry and larger population than the South, but the South was much well prepared than the North. As a result, the North was defeated easily and suffered great losses in the eastern part of the theater, such as the Battle of Manassas and the Peninsula Campaign, though the North won several battles in the western theater.In the case of military failures of the North, Republican activists claimed emancipation and arming of blacks. Lincoln was also aware of the necessity of the emancipation of slaves.The second stage of the warIn 1862, the North attacked the South in the western part of the theater, and won several battles. In June, the North liberated the Kentucky and T ennessee.The Battle of Sharpsburg (also known as Battle of Antietam) erupted on September 17, 1862, which is the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. Losses for the day were heavy on both sides. The North had 12,401 casualties with 2,108 dead. The South had 10,318 casualties with 1,546 dead.The South was defeated but the war was still very though to the North.To win the war earlier, Lincoln's Government adopted a series of measures and policies.Homestead Act was issued in 1862,which helped the North to get solid financial support, and win the war in the end.The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Lincoln on September 22, 1862, which announced the liberation of slaves and allowed the black people to join the army of the North.This action helped the North to get more supports and attracted more and more black people to flee from and then attack the South.During 1862 and 1863, black people, who mainly fled from the South, were armed to fight against the South.On July 1, 1863, the two sides battled at Gettysburg, and the South was defeated finally. Both of the two sides suffered great losses, but the initiative on the battlefield turned into the hands of North and this battle became the turning point of the Ameriacn Civil War.Almost at the same time, the Confederate defense surrounded by the North since February,1863 at Vicksburg,which was vital to the control the Mississippi River and the railway networks of western America,finally surrendered on July 4. They had eaten up all what they could get, including cats, rats and snakes, before they gave in.In 1864, the North adopt to new strategy and started attacking the South in two directions at the same time. In the eastern part of the theater, wearing down the enemy forces was the main goal. And in the western part of the theater, the North tried to penetrate enemy hinterland and cut off the links of "Confederacy" between the Northeast and the Southwest.In September, the North captured Atlanta and two monthslater the famous "March to the sea" began, the March completely destroyed various military and civilian facilities of the enemy, so that the economies of the South came to a standstill. In the east part of the theater, the North drove the enemy to the rebel "capital" Richmond.In early 1865, the South's plantation economy was just near a crash, because most slaves had fled and the North imposed a naval blockade since 1861, which at last almost cut off the South's trade with Europe. The blockade was the Union Blockade, which was raised by Winfield Scott.Deserters of the South was growing rapidly. What's more, weapons, food and daily necessities were all scarce. Finally on April 9, 1865, the Confedrate army surrounded by the North gave in. The American Civil War came to the end.。

—— 林 肯
国的奴隶制问题,并希望通过和平 方式废除奴隶制。)
教学重点 林肯在南北战争期间 目 标
奴隶制的 存废问题
( 劳动力)
北方 资本主义工商业
南方 奴隶制种植园经济
结果 内战
输出棉花、 工业原料
1861年林肯 就任美国总 统。
1862年5月签署的《宅地法》规定:凡美国公民只要 交纳10美元的手续费,就可以在西部国有土地中领取一 块不超过160英亩(约65公顷)的土地,连续耕种五年以 后,即成为私有财产。
获得自由的奴隶对 林肯充满感激
黑人人数 榨取利润
1790年 1860年
4时间: 1861—1865年 5斗争焦点:奴隶制的废存问题
7主要任务:•维护祖国统一 8:9战转争折初(期措北施方)失:1败86原2年因林•败由肯于颁准布备《不解足放和黑缺人乏奴优隶秀宣将言领》,军事上失
美国南北战争PPT课件1 人教版

小 结
南北两种经济制度的矛盾 导致了美国内战的爆发。北方 的胜利,为美国资本主义的发 展扫除了又一障碍。
奴隶制的存废问题 1、南北矛盾的焦点是_______________ 宅地法 》 2、1962年林肯政府颁布了《_________ 解放黑人奴隶宣言 》,逐步扭转了 和《_________________ (1809-1865)
The American Civil War
19世纪初 20世纪
1803年从法购得 最初的十三个州
1810-1819取自 西班牙
1842-1846取 自英国 1848年从墨西哥夺取 1845吞并 1853年从墨西哥购得
1、人生并不在于获取,更在于放得下。放下一粒种子,收获一棵大树;放下一处烦恼,收获一个惊喜;放下一种偏见,收获一种幸福;放下一种执着,收获一种自在。放下既是一种理 性抉择,也是一种豁达美。只要看得开、放得下,何愁没有快乐的春莺在啼鸣,何愁没有快乐的泉溪在歌唱,何愁没有快乐的鲜花绽放!2、若不是看遍了千山万水,谁会相信平平淡淡 才是真?若不是拥有过绝代风华,谁又真的能视红粉如骷髅?不观千娇百媚亿万花开,又何能洗尽尘世铅华?唯有经历,才能懂得。唯有痛过,方能明了。人生是自己的,你才是唯一 的掌舵人,师长的经验固然重要,但决不能代替你对人生的思考与摸索。3、最使人疲惫,的往往不是道路的遥远,而是你心中的郁闷;最使人颓废的往往不是前途的坎坷,而是你自信 的丧失; 最使人痛苦的往往不是生活的不幸,而是你希望的破灭; 最使人绝望的往往不是挫折的打击,而是你心灵的死亡; 凡事看淡一些,心放开一点,一切都会慢慢变好。4、爱情 很简单,因为每个人都会说:“我爱你,会为你付出一切!”,爱情很难,因为没有多少人做到了他的承诺。如果真心爱一个人,不承诺也会去爱;如果不爱一个人,曾经承诺也会背 叛。5、外表简单,内涵会更丰富;需求简单,心灵会更丰富;流程简单,质感会更丰富;言语简单,沟通会丰富;学习简单,知识会更丰富;私心简单,友情会更丰富;挫折简单,经 验会丰富;情绪简单,人生会丰富;效率简单,成果会更丰富;行销简单,业绩会丰富;环境简单,空间会更丰富;爱情简单,幸福会更丰富。6、【年轻的我们应该懂得】成功不是赢 在起点而是赢在转折点;人生没有如果只有后果和结果;人生就八个字,喜怒哀乐忧愁烦恼,喜和乐只占两个;少年的时光就是晃用大把时间彷徨,只用几个瞬间来成长;蓝天下便是 阳光;艰苦后便是甘甜;失败了就当经验;成功时便是灿烂!7、每个人心里都有一只野兽,同时又有一只兔子。有时是兔子走出来,有时是野兽。我们既希望自己强大,也希望自己一 次又一次回到弱小的童年。没有野兽,也就没有兔子。 爱便是意味着同时接纳自己和对方的兔子与野兽。 8、人生是一列单向行驶的火车,中途会有许多大大小小的站点停靠,但是永 远不售返程车票。在这列火车上,有些事情可以做,有些事情必须做,有些事情可做可不做,有些事情坚决不能做——做与不做的选择,决定了人生的方向;做多做少的差别,决定了 人生的高度;做好做坏的结果,决定了人生的质量。9、欣赏别人,就是善于寻找并发现别人身上的优点:欣赏别人的谈吐,会提高我们的口才;欣赏别人的大度,会开阔我们的心胸; 欣赏别人的善举,会净化我们的心灵。欣赏别其实是少一点挑剔,多一点信任;多一点热情,少一点冷漠;多一点仰视,少一点鄙视。学会欣赏别人,才会充实你的人生!10、人生是 一种选择,亦是一种放弃。可惜,有时我们的选择,只有等待,没有结果,只能黯然离开;有时我们的放弃,迫于无奈,含泪转身,走远了依旧频频地回望。所以,有些过去,关于幸 福或伤痛,只能深埋心底;有些希冀,关于现在或将来,只能慢慢遗忘。人生的路,有平坦,有坎坷;有笔直,有曲折。如果你不能一路欢乐一路高歌,也不要抱怨;不要退缩;而要 义无反顾地前行。相信人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数!生活繁杂,谁没有烦恼?谁没有痛苦?谁又能躲得过大事小事的打扰?为了心中美好的希望,为了崇高的理想;为了幸福的 生活;每个人都在起早贪黑地奋斗,都在含泪做生活的强者! 每个人都肩负着生活的重担,所以只能在艰辛与困苦中挥汗如雨;在深一脚浅一脚中苦苦地跋涉;在忙忙碌碌中如同机 器人一样;与时间争分夺秒地赛跑,不得不全身心地投入,机械地旋转和运动。在紧张的工作中,也许还要被疯涨的诱惑;强烈的欲望;攀比的心理;折磨得心力憔悴;以至于忘记了 初心的美丽。遗憾的是,却没有时间停下匆忙的脚步;诉说无奈的情绪;释放内心的压力。或许人生就是要吃尽苦中苦,方能人上人。即使一路风雨兼程,也要微笑撑伞前行。心若向 阳,安暖如常;心若忧伤,必生凄凉。苦而不言是一种智慧,痛而不语是一种修养!人生没有趟不过的河,趟过去就会风平浪静;没有翻不过的山,翻过去就会一马平川;没有跨不过 的坎,跨过去就会一帆风顺;没有吃不尽的苦,吃过去就会苦尽甘来。相信车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。无论日子过得有多难,都要快乐地昂首挺胸,大步朝前走;都要满怀希 望地向前看,相信最美的风景就在路上。若不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹?若非一番寒彻苦,哪有梅花吐芳香?生活不能等待别人来安排,要自己去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲, 但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。有了这样的认识,你就会珍重生活,而不会玩世不恭;同时,也会给人自身注入一种强大的内在力量只要去奋斗,就会有成功的希望。 当机会来临时,你要好好地把握。因为机不可失,失不再来。也许谨慎是好事,但是过分地犹豫也会误事。如果不亲自去尝试,你永远不知道自己有多强大?即使失败了,那也是一笔 宝贵的财富!如果有一天,你功成名就时,千万不要让金钱名利控制你的行动,而忽视了对家人的关爱。因为家是温暖的港湾,有你所爱、有你所想、有你所念的亲人;有一家人其乐 融融的笑声;而陪伴才是最长情的告白!苦乐人生,谁都不易。无论遇见谁都是命中注定的,即使有不喜欢的人,有看不惯的事,也不要为难他人。而要多一份尊重,宽容相待;多一 份友善,坦诚相见;“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。善待他人,就是善待自己!其实,善待别人,并不是失去你的人格和尊严,委屈自己的内心,去迎合别人。“不用去追一批马,用追马 的时间种草,待到春暖花开时,就会有一批骏马任你挑选。”与其讨好别人,不如取悦自己!走在容颜渐老的路上,有欢乐,有忧伤;有希望,有失望。因为不是所有的付出,都有回 报;不是所有的憧憬,都能实现;不是所有的失去,都会重来;所以要学会释然。“不乱于心,不困于情;不念过往,不惧将来。如此,安好。”人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。面对 无法改变的残酷现实,就要学会改变自己的心态;然后心平气和地接受。最后微笑着告诉自己:没事儿的,一切都会变好的。你的坚持,终将美好!走过春夏秋冬,走过风霜雪雨;走 过坎坷不平;相信你一定会遇见鲜花和掌声;遇见温暖和感动;遇见更加优秀的自己。因为风雨人生路,每一步都算数!每天开心快乐的生活是我们每个人追求的目标,有人孜孜不倦, 苦苦追寻,仍找不到快乐的影踪。有人默默不语,静静守候,快乐总是如期而至,伴其左右。一名记者到一个集市上采访,他看到一个年迈的老太太在一个角落里卖柠檬,“柠檬!柠 檬!五毛钱一个!”老人有气无力地喊着,老太太的生意显然不太好,一上午也没卖几个。记者动了恻隐之心,打算把老太太的柠檬全部买下来,以使她能“高高兴兴地早些回家”。 当他把自己的想法告诉老太太时,老太太的回答让他大吃一惊:“我现在都卖给你了,那我下午卖什么”。快乐对于这位老太太来说,就是踏踏实实的生活,体会身边发生的点滴事情。 我们的眼睛有时会欺骗我们,我们认为该烦恼的人其实是快乐的,而我们以为会快乐的人却充满了烦恼。真实的生活,往往会给人们带来无穷乐,只要你懂得去感受,你一定会收获快 乐有一位为了金钱忙得焦头烂额而且并不快乐的爸爸问女儿:“你快乐吗?”女儿高兴地回答说:“快乐”。迷惑不解的爸爸说:“那什么是快乐呢?”女儿天真地回答说:”比如现 在,我们都吃完了晚饭,你陪我在楼顶看星星,我感觉很快乐。”迷惑的爸爸一下子就清楚了自己不快乐的原因了。女孩的快乐如此简单,却是来自内心最真实的快乐。仔细体会,身 边的一草一木,一花一叶,都能带给我们最纯真的快乐。心中平静喜悦,无论是仰望星空,还是低头赏花,是临水观鱼,还是听风赏雨,都是其乐无穷。释迦牟尼佛有一次在一个风景 优美的地方,感慨地说:“风景这么优美的地方,如果盖一座佛堂就好了”。天帝随手摘了一株草插在地上,说:“世尊,佛堂盖好了”,佛陀开心地说:“善哉,善哉”。在佛陀的 心里,每一个好的地方,好的心情,好的希望,都是佛堂。我们也应该时时不忘建造自己心中的佛堂。有些人终其一生都在追求功成名就,荣华富贵,以为拥有至高无上的权力和无穷 无尽的财富,自己才能获得快乐,才能给别人带来快乐。他们会对心爱的人信誓旦旦地说:“待我君临天下,许你四海为家。待我功成名达,许你花前月下。待我名满华厦,许你放歌 纵马。待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞。待我富贵荣华,许你十里桃花”。金榜题名时,洞房花烛夜,他乡遇故知,久旱逢甘雨,被称为人生四大喜事,但它们带给我们的快乐,在漫长 的人生中也显得很短暂,也只能带给我们一时的快乐。我们只有在自己的内心才能找到永恒的快乐。在世上,我们每一个人都像一朵花,有的人花朵凋谢以后,会结出丰硕的果实,名 利俱收,收获颇丰。有的人只会开花不会结果,一辈子没有做出什么惊天动地的大事,只是平平淡淡的走完一生。大多数人都是在过着平淡的生活。即使如此,我们也要努力绽放,盛 开出最美的姿态,散发醉人的芳香,芬芳自己,芬芳他人,芬芳世界。

矛 劳动力(原料\市场) 焦点 盾
南部奴隶制 种植园经济
黑 奴 制 的 存 废 问 题
“一幢裂开的房子是站立不 住的。我相信这个政府不能 永远维持半奴隶和半自由的 状态。我不期望联邦解散, 我不希望房子崩塌,但我的 确希望它停止分裂。联邦必 须而且将会得到保留。”
1、美国独立战争开始的标志、转 折性的战役、结束的标志是什么? 1775年4月,来克星顿的枪声。
美国独立战争结束了英国的殖民统 治,实现了国家的独立,确立了比较民 主的资产阶级政治体制,有利于美国资 本主义的发展,对以后欧洲和拉丁美洲 的革命也起了推动作用。
植园经济和古代奴隶社会的奴隶制度的不同,前者是与市场相联 系的,从英国引进便宜的英国商品,更愿意把棉花和其他原料卖 到国外,获得更多的收益)
材料二:北方资产阶级希望提高关税,保护本土工业,南方 种植园奴隶主主张自由贸易,使其得到廉价进口货。
材料三:南方种植园奴隶主采用奴隶制生产方式占有大量 劳动力;北方资本主义经济发展需要大量廉价自由劳动力。
自学课本P111内容,回答: 1、美国独立后存在着哪两 种不同的经济制度? 2、随着北方经济的发展, 南北双方在哪些方面矛盾 尖锐?南北矛盾的焦点是 什么 ?
1783年独立初期 的美国领土 ( 205 万 平 方 公 里 )

America territorial expansion
Political situation before the Civil War
Cause 1:
The abolition of slavery
North——capitalist industrial economy
South——plantation economy
Cause 2:
The contradiction between the north and south of two economic systems
blasting fuse:
the election of abraham lincoln The loss of political discourse to the south
American Civil War
From France,1803
From Britain
From Mexico,1845-1848
From Spain
Westward Movement and territorial expansion
A split of the house is untenable. I believe this government can not forever maintain the half-slave and half free status.
Number of states Population Economy Property Preperation
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The Battle of Fort Sumter(萨姆特堡战役)
This is Fort Suhat started the American Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.
Homestead Act was issued in 1862,which helped the North to get solid financial support, and win the war in the end.
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Lincoln on September 22, 1862, which announced the liberation of slaves and allowed the black people to join the army of the North.This action helped the North to get more supports and attracted more and more black people to flee from and then attack the South.
In early 1865, the South's plantation economy was just near a crash, because most slaves had fled and the North imposed a naval blockade since 1861, which at last almost cut off the South's trade with Europe. The blockade was the Union Blockade, which was raised by Winfield Scott.
Almost at the same time, the Confederate defense surrounded by the North since February,1863 at Vicksburg,which was vital to the control the Mississippi River and the railway networks of western America,finally surrendered on July 4. They had eaten up all what they could get, including cats, rats and snakes, before they gave in.
The Battle of Sharpsburg (also known as Battle of Antietam) erupted on September 17, 1862, which is the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. Losses for the day were heavy on both sides. The North had 12,401 casualties with 2,108 dead. The South had 10,318 casualties with 1,546 dead.
In the case of military failures of the North, Republican activists claimed emancipation and arming of blacks. Lincoln was also aware of the necessity of the emancipation of slaves.
The South was defeated but the war was still very though to the North.To win the war earlier, Lincoln's Government adopted a series of measures and policies.
The second stage of the war
In 1862, the North attacked the South in the western part of the theater, and won several battles. In June, the North liberated the Kentucky and Tennessee.
In 1864, the North adopt to new strategy and started attacking the South in two directions at the same time. In the eastern part of the theater, wearing down the enemy forces was the main goal. And in the western part of the theater, the North tried to penetrate enemy hinterland and cut off the links of "Confederacy" between the Northeast and the Southwest.
The first stage of the war
The North had developed industry and larger population than the South, but the South was much well prepared than the North. As a result, the North was defeated easily and suffered great losses in the eastern part of the theater, such as the Battle of Manassas and the Peninsula Campaign, though the North won several battles in the western theater.
During 1862 and 1863, black people, who mainly fled from the South, were armed to fight against the South.
On July 1, 1863, the two sides battled at Gettysburg, and the South was defeated finally. Both of the two sides suffered great losses, but the initiative on the battlefield turned into the hands of North and this battle became the turning point of the Ameriacn Civil War.
In September, the North captured Atlanta and two months later the famous "March to the sea" began, the March completely destroyed various military and civilian facilities of the enemy, so that the economies of the South came to a standstill. In the east part of the theater, the North drove the enemy to the rebel "capital" Richmond.
Deserters of the South was growing rapidly. What's more, weapons, food and daily necessities were all scarce. Finally on April 9, 1865, the Confedrate army surrounded by the North gave in. The American Civil War came to the end.