
2.A reprБайду номын сангаасsal action
• Binladin is USA training and prop up the "Crusader", is the backbone of America used againstthe Soviet union. • After the fall of the Soviet Union, Laden lost use value, after the Gulf War, America troops in Iraq, Laden think this is the occupation of the Islamic world, so public anti Americanism, a series of terrorist attacks are considered related to Laden.
Event introduction
A total of 911 rob 4 planes. Two of them hit the world trade center is located in New York Manhattan, an attack on the capital in Washington USA Department of defense (美国国防部) of The Pentagon(五角大楼). The fourth hijacked plane(被劫持的飞机) crashed in Pennsylvania(宾西法尼亚州), according to a survey after the crash before the passengers from the hands of the hijackers attempted to regain control of the plane. The hijacked plane target is unknown, but I believe that the hijackers impact targetis the United States Congress (美国国会)or the White House .

Thank you !
The process of 911 event
• 8.46 a.m. The first plane was kidnapped by some terrorists and then collided against the North tower of the World Trade Center • 9.03 a.m. The second plane was also kidnapped and then collided against the South tower of the World Trade Center • 9.37 a.m. The third plane was kidnapped as well and collided against the Pentagon • 10.03 a.m. The fourth plane kidnapped by some terrorists that plan to attack White House crashed
Thousands of lives fell down because of the terrorist attack. Enormous property which are worth billions of dollars were destroyed during the disaster.
911 memorial hall
17Βιβλιοθήκη 1819Victims of firefighters and equipment

America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly opportunity in the world. And no on behalf of the American people, I thank the many condemning these attacks. And one will keep that light from shining. world leaders whosaw evil, the very worst ofcondolences and assistance. Today, our nation have called to offer their human nature, and we responded with the
Including New York landmarks, including the 9.11 terrorist attacks in towers sixStates Eastern World Trade Center the United buildings were Time, September 11 morning (GMT September 11 night) completely destroyed, the other 23 high-rise occurred in the United States, through the civil aircraft buildings have been destroyed, the U.S. hijacked planes collide over the skyscrapers of Department the Pentagon headquarters in the Manhattan and of Defense in Washington, a suicide Pentagon were terrorist attacks. attacked.

美国政府在事件发生后 立即秘密拘留、逮捕、 盘问了至少1200人,大 多数是非美国公民的阿 拉伯或穆斯林男子。
After the incident, the U.S. government announced that it will launch attacks against terrorists and the protection of their country to launch a military retaliation.
美国政府在事件发生后宣布将会对发动袭 击的恐怖份子以及保护他们的国家发动军事 报复。
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
因为恐怖分子的袭击,成千上万人的生命无辜牺牲 了。价值数十亿美元的巨大的财产在灾难中被摧毁。 这惊人的事实是来提醒世界周围的人,恐怖主义是这 样一个致命因素,因而对这个星球是我们要采取严厉 的行动来对付它。每个国家都必须参加这筑世 界贸易中心双塔在内的6座建筑 被完全摧毁,其它23座高层建 筑遭到破坏,美国国防部总部 所在地五角大楼也遭到袭击。
Originally, the United States as a 911 emergency telephone number. September 11 terrorists have chosen the United States is clearly a provocation. 本来在美国911是作为报警电话号码 的,恐怖分子选择9月11号显然是对 美国的挑衅。
After the incident, the U.S. government announced that it will launch attacks against terrorists and the protection of their country to launch a military retaliation.
美国政府在事件发生后宣布将会对发动袭 击的恐怖份子以及保护他们的国家发动军事 报复。
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
因为恐怖分子的袭击,成千上万人的生命无辜牺牲 了。价值数十亿美元的巨大的财产在灾难中被摧毁。 这惊人的事实是来提醒世界周围的人,恐怖主义是这 样一个致命因素,因而对这个星球是我们要采取严厉 的行动来对付它。每个国家都必须参加这筑世 界贸易中心双塔在内的6座建筑 被完全摧毁,其它23座高层建 筑遭到破坏,美国国防部总部 所在地五角大楼也遭到袭击。
Originally, the United States as a 911 emergency telephone number. September 11 terrorists have chosen the United States is clearly a provocation. 本来在美国911是作为报警电话号码 的,恐怖分子选择9月11号显然是对 美国的挑衅。