



2024新版(人教版)七年级英语下册单词带音标序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1fox/fɑːks/n.狐狸25carry/ˈkæri/v.拿;提2giraffe/dʒəˈrɑːf/n.长颈鹿26playful/ˈpleɪfl/adj.爱嬉戏的;爱玩的3eagle/ˈiːɡl/n.雕;鹰27swimmer/ˈswɪmər/n.游泳者4wolf/wʊlf/n.(pl.wolves)狼28one another互相5penguin/ˈpeŋɡwɪn/n.企鹅29look after照顾6care/ker/n.照顾;护理30culture/ˈkʌltʃər/n.文化;文明7care/ker/v.关心;在乎31however/haʊˈevər/adv.然而;不过8take care of照顾;处理32danger/ˈdeɪndʒər/n.危险9sandwich/ˈsænwɪtʃ/n.三明治33in danger处于危险之中10snake/sneɪk/n.蛇34forest/ˈfɔːrɪst/n.森林11scary/ˈskeəri/adj.吓人的;恐怖的35cut down砍伐;减少12neck/nek/n.脖子36too many太多13guess/ɡes/v.猜测;估计37kill/kɪl/v.杀死;弄死14shark/ʃɑːk/n.鲨鱼38made of由…制成的15whale/weɪl/n.鲸39ivory/ˈaɪvəri/n.象牙16huge/hjuːdʒ/adj.巨大的;极多的40friendly/ˈfrendli/adj.友好的17dangerous/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/adj.危险的;有危害的41quite/kwaɪt/adv.相当;完全18save/seɪv/v.救;储蓄;保存42quite a相当;非常19luck/lʌk/n.幸运;运气43not..at all一点也不;完全不20Thai/taɪ/adj.泰国的;泰国人的44fur/fɜːr/n.(动物浓厚的)软毛21Thai/taɪ/n.泰国人;秦语45blind/blaɪnd/adj.瞎的;失明的22trunk/trʌŋk/n.象鼻46hearing/ˈhɪərɪŋ/n.听力;听觉23pick/pɪk/v.捡;摘47Antarctica南极洲24pick up拿起;举起48Africa/ˈæfrɪkə/非洲49Malee/ˈmɑːliː/马莉74of course当然50Thailand/'taɪlənd/泰国75mobile/,mo'bil/adj.可移动的51rule/ruːl/n.规则;规章76mobile phone手机52order/ˈɔːrdər/n.秩序77turn off关掉(水、电或煤气)53order/ˈɔːrdər/v.点菜78queue/kjuː/n.队54follow/ˈfɑːloʊ/v.遵循;跟随79jump the queue插队55be late(for)迟到80wait for等待56arrive/əˈraɪv/v.到达81just/dʒʌst/adv.只是;正好57on time准时82leave/liːv/v.离开;留下58hallway/ˈhɔːlweɪ/n.走廊83absent/ˈæbsənt/adj.缺席的;不在的59uniform/ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm/n.校服;制服84be absent from缺席;不在60litter/ˈlɪtər/v.乱扔85shh(=sh)interj.嘘(用以让别人安静下来)61litter/ˈlɪtər/n.垃圾86quietly/ˈkwaɪətli/adv.轻声地;安静地62polite/pəˈlaɪt/adj.有礼貌的87belt/belt/n.安全带;腰带;皮带63treat/triːt/v.对待;招待;治疗88feed/fiːd/v.喂养;饲养64treat/triːt/n.款待89noise/nɔɪz/n.声音;噪声65respect/rɪˈspekt/n.&v.尊敬90unhappy/ʌnˈhæpi/adj.不快乐的66if/ɪf/conj.如果91Dr(=doctor)博士;医生67jacket/ˈdʒækɪt/n.夹克衫;短上衣92make sb's/the bed整理床铺;铺床68have to不得不93either/ˈiːðər,ˈaɪðər/adv.也(用于否定词组后)69everything/ˈevriθɪŋ/pron.每件事;一切94practise/ˈpræktɪs/v.训练;练习70lend/lend/v.借给;借出95hang/hæŋ/v.悬挂71sweet/swiːt/n.糖果96hang out闲逛;常去某处72sweet/swiːt/adj.甜的97weekday/ˈwiːkdeɪ/n.工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)73snack/snæk/n.点心;小吃98awful/ˈɔːfl/adj.槽糕的;讨厌的99become/bɪˈkʌm/v.变成;成为124hardly/ˈhɑːrdli/adv.几乎不:几乎没有100better/ˈbetə(r)/adj.较好125ever/ˈevər/adv.在任何时候;从来;曾经101better/ˈbetə(r)/adv.较好地126hardly ever几乎从不102person/ˈpɜːrsn/n.人127once/wʌns/adv.一次;曾经103focus/ˈfoʊkəs/v.集中(注意力、精力等);聚焦128twice/twaɪs/adv.两次;两倍104focus on集中(注意力、精力等)于129mine/maɪn/pron.我的(所有物)105build/bɪld/v.创建;建造130hers/hɜːz/pron.她的(所有物)106spirit/ˈspɪrɪt/n.精神;情绪131maybe/ˈmeɪbi/adv.也许;大概107think about思考132well-used adj.使用得多的108relax/rɪˈlæks/v.放松;休息133practice/ˈpræktɪs/n.练习;实践109advice/ədˈvaɪs/n.建议;意见134perfect/ˈpɜːrfɪkt/adj.完美的;极好的110understand/ˌʌndərˈstænd/v.理解;领会135seldom/ˈseldəm/adv.很少;不常111untidy/ʌnˈtaɪdi/adj.不整洁的136badminton/ˈbædmɪntən/n.羽毛球运动112Mary/ˈmæri/玛丽137double/ˈdʌbl/n.双打;两倍113Tony/ˈtəʊni/托尼138double/ˈdʌbl/adj.成双的;两倍的114Anne/æn/安妮139sometime/ˈsʌmtaɪm/adv.在某个时候115Eric/'erɪk/埃里克140volleyball/ˈvɒlɪbɔːl/n.排球(运动)116fit/fɪt/adj.健康的;健壮的141theirs/ðeəz/pron.他们的,她们的.它们的(所有物)117fit/fɪt/v.适合142jog/dʒɒɡ/v.慢跑118baseball/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/n.棒球(运动)143few/fjuː/adj.(表示否定的)很少的;几乎没有的119glove/ɡlʌv/n.(手指分开的)手套144 a few少数;几个120mat/mæt/n.(运动用的)垫子145excuse/ɪkˈskjuːs/v.原谅;宽恕121rope/roʊp/n.绳子;粗绳146excuse me劳驾;请原谅122jump rope跳绳用的绳子:跳绳(运动)147over there在那边123racket/ˈrækɪt/n.(网球、羽毛球等的)球拍148T-shirt n.T恤衫149belong/bɪˈlɒŋ/v.应在(某处)174mutton/ˈmʌtn/n.羊肉150belong to属于(某人)175cookie/ˈkʊki/n.曲奇饼151at the start开始;起初176onion/ˈʌnjən/n.洋葱;葱头152still/stɪl/adv.还;仍然177dumpling/ˈdʌmplɪŋ/n.饺子153sleepy/ˈsliːpi/adj.困倦的;想睡的178coffee/ˈkɒfi/n.咖啡154instead/ɪnˈsted/adv.反面;代替179bean/biːn/n.豆155group/ɡruːp/n.组180chip/tʃɪp/n.炸薯条156skateboard/ˈskeɪtbɔːd/n.滑板181fish and chips炸鱼薯条157encourage/ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/v.鼓励;激励182salad/ˈsæləd/n.沙拉;色拉158trick/trɪk/n.技巧;戏法183porridge/ˈpɒrɪdʒ/n.粥;麦片粥159succeed/səkˈsiːd/v.成功;达到目标184waiter/ˈweɪtə(r)/n.(男)服务员160skateboarding/ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ/n.滑板运动185What about..?…怎么样?161goal/ɡoʊl/n.目标;目的186taste/teɪst/v.有…味道;尝162sit-up n.仰卧起坐187taste/teɪst/n.味道163work out锻炼188anything/ˈeniθɪŋ/pron.某事物;任何事物164app(=application)n.应用程序189dish/dɪʃ/n.一道菜;盘165progress/ˈprɑːɡres,ˈprɑːɡrəs/n.进步;进展190choice/tʃɔɪs/n.选择166match/mætʃ/n.比赛;竞赛191meal/miːl/n.一餐所吃的食物;早(午、晚)餐167team/tiːm/n.队;组192pork/pɔːrk/n.猪肉168ours/ˈaʊəz/pron.我们的(所有物)193strawberry/ˈstrɔːberi/n.草莓169lose/luːz/v.输掉;丢失194menu/ˈmenjuː/n.菜单170teenager/ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/n.青少年(13岁至19岁之间)195customer/ˈkʌstəmər/n.顾客171Steve/stiːv/史蒂夫196serve/sɜːrv/v.提供;服务172watermelon/ˈwɔːtəmelən/n.西瓜197waitress/ˈweɪtrəs/n.女服务员173cabbage/ˈkæbɪdʒ/n.卷心菜198sir/sɜː(r)/n.先生199go with搭配;相配224soft/sɔːft/adj.柔和的;柔软的200pear/per/n.梨225soft drink软饮料(不含酒精)201too much太多226thirsty/ˈθɜːsti/adj.渴的202sugar/ˈʃʊɡər/n.糖227Gongbao chicken宫保鸡丁203improve/ɪmˈpruːv/v.改进;改善228America/əˈmɛrɪkə/美国;美洲204habit/ˈhæbɪt/n.习惯229Dongpo pork东坡肉205fast food快餐230ride/raɪd/v.骑206salt/sɔːlt/n.盐231ride/raɪd/n.旅程207fat/fæt/n.脂肪232moment/ˈmoʊmənt/n.某个时刻;片刻;瞬间208fat/fæt/adj.肥胖的233at the moment现在;此刻209put on增加234work on做;从事210weight/weɪt/n.体重;重量235dragon/ˈdræɡən/n.龙211hamburger/ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)/n.汉堡包236festival/ˈfestɪvl/n.节日212cause/kɔːz/v.造成;导致237hold/hoʊld/v.拿着;抓住213heart/hɑːrt/n.心脏;中心238hold on别挂断电话;等一等214balanced/ˈbælənst/adj.均衡的;平衡的239voice/vɔɪs/n.噪音;声音215too...to太…以至于不能240race/reɪs/n.比赛;竞赛216energy/ˈenərdʒi/n.能量;精力241darling/ˈdɑːrlɪŋ/n.亲爱的217after all毕竟242somebody/ˈsʌmbədi/pron.某人;有人218away/əˈweɪ/adv.离开;在别处243could/kʊd;kəd/modal v.能;可以219poor/pʊr,pɔːr/adj.不好的;贫穷的;可怜的244message/ˈmesɪdʒ/n.消息;信息220result/rɪˈzʌlt/n.后果;结果245take a message捎令;口信221article/ˈɑːrtɪkl/n.文章;冠词246leave amessage留个口信222common/ˈkɑːmən/adj.共同的;常见的247call back回电话223among/əˈmʌŋ/prep.在……中;……之一248kick/kɪk/v.踢;端249wow/waʊ/interj.哇;呀273painting/ˈpeɪntɪŋ/n.绘画作品;绘画;油画250online/ˌɒnˈlaɪn/adj.在线的274market/ˈmɑːrkɪt/n.市场251shuttlecock/ˈʃʌtlkɒk/n.羽毛球275side/saɪd/n.边;侧252sight/saɪt/n.名胜;风景;视力276side by side并排;并行地253exam(=examination)n.考试277subway/ˈsʌbweɪ/n.地铁254hope/hoʊp/v.&n.希望278bright/braɪt/adj.鲜艳的;明亮的;聪明的255forward/ˈfɔːrwərd/adv.向前279drop/drɑːp/v.把……送至;落下256look forward to希望280drop/drɑːp/n.滴;下降257skate/skeɪt/v.滑冰281drop off(开车)把某人送到某处258happen/ˈhæpən/v.发生282passenger/ˈpæsɪndʒər/n.乘客259zone/zoʊn/n.地区;地带;区域283central/ˈsentrəl/adj.中心的;中央的260time zone时区284take part in参加261around the world世界各地285tour/tʊr/n.&v.旅行;旅游262right now现在;立刻286sunshine/ˈsʌnʃaɪn/n.阳光263rush/rʌʃ/v.&n.冲;奔287drive/draɪv/v.开车;驾驶264in a hurry匆忙288rush hour(上下班时的)交通高峰期265shine/ʃaɪn/v.发光;照耀289Adam/ˈædəm/亚当266shine/ʃaɪn/n.光亮290Dragon Boat Festival端午节267brightly/ˈbraɪtli/adv.明亮地291Beth贝丝268colourful/ˈkʌləf(ə)l/adj.色彩鲜艳的292Nairobi/ˌnaɪəˈrəʊbi/内罗毕(肯尼亚首都)269slowly/ˈsloʊli/adv.缓慢地293New York纽约270such/sʌtʃ/adj.这样的;那样的294Kenya/kenˈyə/肯尼亚271such/sʌtʃ/pron.这样(那样)的人或事物295USA/ˌjuː es ˈeɪ/美国272such as例如296Central Park中央公园2024新版(人教版)七年级英语下册单词带音标序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1rain or shine不论是雨或是晴;不管发生什么事25cloud/klaʊd/n.云;云彩2affect/əˈfekt/v.影响26feel like感觉像3dry/draɪ/adj.干的;干早的27magical/ˈmædʒɪkl/adj.魔法的;神奇的4lightning/ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/n.闪电28rock/rɑːk/n.岩石5stormy/ˈstɔːrmi/adj.有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的29rest/rest/n.休息;剩余部分6north/nɔːrθ/n.北部;北;北方30area/ˈeriə/n.场地;地区7west/west/n.西部;西;西方31rest area休息区8south/saʊθ/n.南部;南;南方32make progress取得进展9east/iːst/n.东部;东;东方33although/ɔːlˈðoʊ/conj.虽然;尽管10centre/ˈsentə(r)/n.中间;中心点34in high spirits情绪高涨;兴高采烈11stay in待在家里;没在外出35experience/ɪkˈspɪriəns/n.经历;经验12lucky/ˈlʌki/adj.运气好的;带来好运的36experience/ɪkˈspɪriəns/v.经历13lucky you你真幸运37through/θruː/prep.穿过;凭借14sunbathe/ˈsʌnbeɪð/v.沐日光浴;晒太阳38glad/ɡlæd/adj.高兴的15some day将来;有朝一日39peak/piːk/n.山顶;顶点16temperature/ˈtemprətʃər,ˈtemprətʃʊr/n.温度40grey/ɡreɪ/adj.灰色的17snowman/ˈsnəʊmæn/n.雪人41because/bɪˈkəz,bɪˈkɔːz/of因为18heavily/ˈhevɪli/adv.大量地;沉重地42fog/fɑːɡ/n.雾19snowy/ˈsnoʊi/adj.下雪的;雪白的43ground/ɡraʊnd/n.地面20beach volleyball沙滩排球44wet/wet/adj.湿的21high/haɪ/adv.&adj.高45tiring/ˈtaɪərɪŋ/adj.令人疲倦的;累人的22freezing/ˈfriːzɪŋ/adj.极冷的;冰冻的46seem/siːm/v.似乎;好像23tourist/ˈtʊrɪst/n.旅行者;观光客47sunlight/ˈsʌnlaɪt/n.阳光,日光24mount/maʊnt/n.(在现代英语里仅用于地名)山;山峰48at the top在顶部;在顶端49thought/θɔːt/n.想法74waste/weɪst/n.废弃物50mountain/ˈmaʊntn/n.山;高山75waste/weɪst/v.浪费51end/end/n.末尾;结束76machine/məˈʃiːn/n.机器52at the end最后;在末尾77germ/dʒɜːrm/n.微生物;细菌53storm/stɔːrm/n.暴风雨;暴风雪78step/step/n.步骤;脚步54pour/pɔː(r)/v.倾倒;倒出79used to过去常常(做)55wind/wɪnd; waɪnd/n.风80realize/ˈriːəlaɪz/v.认识到;实现56shout/ʃaʊt/v.&n.喊叫;呼唤81inside/ˌɪnˈsaɪd/prep.在……里面57run after追逐82inside/ˌɪnˈsaɪd/adv.在里面58Anna/ˈʌnə/安娜83go on a trip去旅行59John/dʒɒn/约翰84process/proˈsɛs;(for n.)prɑsɛs/n.过程60Stockholm/ˈstɒkhəʊm/斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)85theatre/ˈθɪətə(r)/n.戏院;剧场;电影院61Mount Huangshan黄山86factory/ˈfæktri,ˈfæktəri/n.工厂62Bright Peak光明顶87actor/ˈæktər/n.演员63meet up碰头;相聚88gun/ɡʌn/n.枪64museum/mjuˈziːəm/n.博物馆89try on试穿65exhibition/ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/n.展览90along/əˈlɔːŋ/prep.沿着;顺着66direction/dəˈrekʃn,daɪˈrekʃn/n.方向91road/roʊd/n.道路67terrible/ˈterəbl/adj.糟糕的92create/kriˈeɪt/v.创造68trip/trɪp/n.旅行93record/ˈrekərd/v.记录69wastewater/ˈweɪstwɔːtə(r)/n.废水94record/ˈrekərd/n.记录70plant/plænt/n.工厂95skill/skɪl/n.技能71into/ˈɪntə,ˈɪntu,ˈɪntuː/prep.到……里面;进入96write down写下;记下72remove/rɪˈmuːv/v.移开;拿走97explore/ɪkˈsplɔːr/v.探索73piece/piːs/n.片;块98tent/tent/n.帐篷99cucumber/ˈkjuːkʌmbər/n.黄瓜124promise/ˈprɑːmɪs/n.承诺;诺言100from...to...从……到……125long ago很久以前101straight/streɪt/adv.直接;立即;笔直地126war/wɔːr/n.战争102straight/streɪt/adj.直的127neighbour/ˈneɪbə(r)/n.邻居103fill/fɪl/v.装满;盛满128wise/waɪz/adj.明智的;高明的104basket/ˈbæskɪt/n.篮子;筐129emperor/ˈempərər/n.皇帝105teach/tiːtʃ/v.教130lie/laɪ/v.撒谎106branch/bræntʃ/n.分支;树枝131lie/laɪ/n.谎言107leaf/liːf/n.树叶132pretend/prɪˈtend/v.假装;伪装108finally/ˈfaɪnəli/adj.终于133official/əˈfɪʃl/n.官员;高级职员109think of考虑;想起134silly/ˈsɪli/adj.愚套的;傻的110grain/ɡreɪn/n.谷物:谷粒135decide/dɪˈsaɪd/v.决资111fresh/freʃ/adj.新鲜的136praise/preɪz/v.&n.赞美;表扬112certainly/ˈsɜːt(ə)nli/adv.肯定地137afraid/əˈfreɪd/adj.害怕的;担心的113diary/ˈdaɪəri/n.日记;日记本138suddenly/ˈsʌdənli/adv.突然地;出乎意料地114entry/ˈentri/n.(日记的)一则;入口139at first起初;最初115agree/əˈɡriː/v.赞成;同意140truth/truːθ/n.真相;事实116agree with赞成;同意141tell the truth说实话117upon/əˈpɑːn/prep.在……上142make money赚钱118once upon a time从前;很久以前143true/truː/adj.符合事实的;真正的119bite/baɪt/v.咬;咬伤144hate/heɪt/v.不喜欢;厌恶;讨厌120bite through咬穿145get out逃脱;离开121net/net/n.网;网状物146king/kɪŋ/n.君主;国王122hunter/ˈhʌntər/n.猎人:搜寻者147artist/ˈɑːrtɪst/n.美术家;艺术家123promise/ˈprɑːmɪs/v.承诺;保证148quickly/ˈkwɪkli/adv.快速地;很快149smile/smaɪl/v.微笑168dislike/dɪsˈlaɪk/n.不喜欢(的事物);反感150smile/smaɪl/n.微笑;笑容169only if只有151all over到处;遍及170fisherman/ˈfɪʃərmən/n.渔夫152ugly/ˈʌɡli/adj.丑陋的;难看的171fishing/ˈfɪʃɪŋ/n.钓鱼;捕鱼153duckling/ˈdʌklɪŋ/n.小鸭子172come out出现;盛开154real/ˈriːəl/adj.真的;真正的173genie/ˈdʒiːni/妖怪;鬼155laugh at嘲笑174die/daɪ/v.死亡;消失156go away走开175make a promise许下诺言157search/sɜːrtʃ/v.寻找;搜寻176someone/ˈsʌmwʌn/pron.某人;有人158search for寻找177set/set/v.使处于某种状况;使开始159hen/hen/n.母鸡178set...free释放160hopefully/ˈhəʊpfəli/adv.有希望地179rich/rɪtʃ/adj.富有的;富含……的161purr/pɜː(r)/v.(猫愉快时)发出呜鸣声180powerful/ˈpaʊəf(ə)l/adj.强大的;有影响力的162lay/leɪ/v.下(蛋);放置;搁181anyone/ˈeniwʌn/pron.任何人;某个人163swan/swɒn/n.天鹅182instead of而不是;代替164feather/ˈfeðər/n.羽毛183succeed in doing sth成功做成某事165to sb's surprise出乎某人的意料184himself/hɪmˈself/pron.他自己;他本人166size/saɪz/n.大小尺寸185in the end最后;终究167dislike/dɪsˈlaɪk/v.不喜欢;厌恶186Hans Christian Andersen 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生。



七下册英语书单词表Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1. guitar [gɪˈtɑː(r)] n. 吉他。

2. sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱歌。

3. swim [swɪm] v. 游泳。

4. dance [dɑːns] v. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈。

5. draw [drɔː] v. 画。

6. chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋。

7. play chess 下国际象棋。

8. speak [spiːk] v. 说(某种语言);说话。

9. speak English 说英语。

10. join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加;加入。

11. club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;社团。

12. be good at…擅长于……13. tell [tel] v. 讲述;告诉。

14. story [ˈstɔːri] n. 故事;小说。

15. write [raɪt] v. 写作;写字。

16. show [ʃəʊ] n. 演出;节目;v. 给……看;展示。

17. or [ɔː(r)] conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句)18. talk [tɔːk] v. & n. 说话;交谈。

19. talk to…跟……说。

20. kung fu [ˌkʌŋˈfuː] n.(中国)功夫。

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. up [ʌp] adv. 向上。

2. get up 起床;站起。

3. dress [dres] v. 穿衣服;n. 连衣裙。

4. get dressed 穿上衣服。

5. brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷;刷净;n. 刷子。

6. tooth [tuːθ] n. (pl. teeth [tiːθ]) 牙齿。

7. brush one's teeth 刷牙。

8. shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)] n. & v. 淋浴;n. 淋浴器(间)9. take a shower 洗淋浴。



Unit 1 Can you play theguitar?guitar [ɡɪ'tɑ:(r)] n. 吉他sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱;唱歌swim [swɪm] v. & n. 游泳dance [dɑːns], [dæns] v.跳舞n. 舞蹈draw [drɔː] v. 画chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋play chess 下国际象棋speak [spiːk] v. 说(某种语言);说话speak English 说英语join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加;加入club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;社团be good at… 擅长于……tell [ tel ] v. 讲述;告诉story ['stɔːrɪ] n. 故事;小说write [raɪt] v. 写作;写字show [ʃəʊ] n. 演出;节目v. 给……看;展示;or [ɔː(r)] conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句)talk [tɔːk] v. & n. 说话;交谈talk to… 跟……说kungfu [,kʌŋ’fuː]n.(中国)功夫drum [drʌm] n. 鼓play the drums 敲鼓piano [pɪ'ænəʊ] n. 钢琴play the piano 弹钢琴violin [,vaɪə'lɪn] n. 小提琴play the violin 拉小提琴also ['ɔːlsəʊ] adv.也;而且people ['piːpl] n. 人;人们home [həʊm] n. 家;活动本部adv.到家;在家be good with… 善于应付……的;对……有办法make [meɪk] v. 使成为;制造make friends 结交朋友today [tə'deɪ] adv.在今天help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人)center ['sentə(r)] n.(=centre)中心;中央weekend [,wiːk'end], [ 'wiː kend] n. 周末on the weekend (在)周末teach [tiːtʃ ] v教;讲授musician [mjuː'zɪʃn] n. 音乐家Lisa ['li:zə] 莉萨(女名)Jill [dʒɪl] 吉尔(女名)Peter ['piːtə(r)] 彼得(男名)Unit 2 What time do you go toschool?up [ʌp] adv. 向上get up 起床;站起dress [dres] v. 穿衣服n. 连衣裙get dressed 穿上衣服brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷刷净n.刷子tooth [tuːθ] n. (pl. teeth [tiːθ] ) 牙齿shower ['ʃaʊə] n. & v. 淋浴n. 淋浴器(间)take a shower 洗淋浴usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv. 通常地;一般地forty ['fɔ:(r)ti] num. 四十wow [waʊ] interj.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀never ['nevə(r)] adv. 从不;绝不early ['ɜːlɪ] adv. & adj.早(的)fifty ['fɪftɪ] num. 五十job [dʒɒb], [dʒɑːb] n.工作;职业work [wɜːk] v. & n. 工作station ['steɪʃn] n. 电(视)台;车站radio station 广播电台o'clock [ə'klɒk], [ə'klɑ:k] adv.(表示整点)……点钟night [naɪt] n. 晚上;夜晚funny ['fʌnɪ] adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v. & n. 锻炼;练习on weekends (在)周末best [best] adj.最好的adv. 最好地;最group [gruːp] n. 组;群half [hɑːf], [hæf] n. & pron. 一半;半数past [pɑːst], [pæst] prep. 晚于;过(时间)adj. 过去的quarter ['kwɔː(r)tə(r)] n.一刻钟;四分之一homework ['həʊmwɜː(r)k] n. 家庭作业do (one’s) homework 做作业run [rʌn] v. 跑;奔clean [kliːn] v. 打扫;弄干净adj. 干净的walk [wɔːk] n. & v. 行走;步行take a walk 散步;走一走quickly ['kwɪkli] adv. 很快地either ['aɪðə(r)], [ 'iː ðə(r) ]adv. 或者;也(用在否定词组后)either…or … 要么……要么……;或者……或者……lot [lɒt], [lɑ:t] pron. 大量;许多lots of 大量;许多sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] adv. 有时taste [teɪst] v. 有……的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味life [laɪf] n. 生活;生命Rick [rɪk] 里克(男名)Jim [dʒɪm] 吉姆(男名)Scott [skɒt], [skɑ:t] 斯科特(男名)Tony ['təʊnɪ] 托尼(男名)Unit3 How do you get to school?train [treɪn] n. 火车bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车;公交车subway ['sʌbweɪ] n. 地铁take the subway 乘地铁ride [raɪd] v. 骑n. 旅程bike [baɪ k] n. 自行车ride a bike 骑自行车sixty ['sɪkstɪ] num. 六十seventy ['sevntɪ] num. 七十eighty ['eɪtɪ] num. 八十ninety ['naɪntɪ] num. 九十hundred ['hʌndrəd] num. 一百minute ['mɪnɪt] n. 分钟far [fɑː] adv. & adj. 远;远的kilometer ['kɪlə,mitə(r)] n. 公里new [njuː] adj. 新的;刚出现的every ['evrɪ] adj. 每一;每个every day 每天by [baɪ] prep. (表示方式)乘(交通工具)by bike 骑自行车drive [draɪv] v. 开车car [kɑː] n. 小汽车;轿车live [lɪv] v. 居住;生活stop [stɑ:p] [stɒp] n. 车站;v. 停止think of 认为cross [krɒs] v. 横过;越过river ['rɪvə] n. 河;江many ['menɪ] adj. & pron. 许多village ['vɪlɪdʒ] n. 村庄;村镇between [bɪ'twiːn] prep. 介于…之间between… and… 在……和……之间bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥boat [bəʊt] n. 小船ropeway ['rəʊpweɪ] n. 索道year [jɪə] [ jɜː] n. 年;岁afraid [ə'freɪd] adj. 害怕;惧怕like [laɪk] prep. 像;leave [liːv] v. 离开dream [driːm] n. 梦想;睡梦v. 做梦true [truː] adj. 真的;符合事实的come true 实现;成为现实Dave [deiv] 戴夫(男名)Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.rule [ruːl] n. 规则;规章arrive [ə'raɪv] v. 到达(be) ontime 准时hallway ['hɔːlweɪ] n. 走廊;过道hall [hɔːl] n. 大厅;礼堂dining hall 餐厅listen ['lɪs(ə)n] v. 听;倾听listen to… 听……fight [faɪt] v. & n. 打架;战斗sorry ['sɒrɪ] adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的outside [aʊt'saɪd; 'aʊtsaɪd] adv.在外面adj. 外面的wear [weə] v. 穿;戴important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] adj. 重要的bring [brɪŋ] v. 带来;取来uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm] n. 校服;制服quiet ['kwaɪət] adj. 安静的out [aʊt] adv. 外出go out 外出(娱乐)practice ['præktɪs] v. & n.练习dish [dɪʃ] n. 碟;盘do the dishes 清洗餐具before [bɪ'fɔː] prep. & conj.在… 以前adv. 以前make (one’s) bed 铺床dirty ['dɜːtɪ] adj. 脏的kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房more [mɔː] adj. & pron.更多的noisy ['nɒɪzɪ] adj. 吵闹的relax [rɪ'læks] v. 放松;休息read [riːd] v. 读;阅读terrible ['terɪb(ə)l] adj. 非常讨厌的;可怕的feel [fiːl] v. 感受;觉的strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;严厉的be strict (with sb) (对某人)要求严格remember [rɪ'membə] v. 记住;记起follow ['fɒləʊ] v. 遵循;跟随follow the rules 遵守规则luck [lʌk] n. 幸运;运气keep [kiːp] v. 保持;保留hair [heə] n. 头发;毛发learn [lɜːn] v. 学习;学会Clark [kla:k] 克拉克(姓;男名)Amy [eɪmɪ] 埃米(女名)Molly ['mɒlɪ]莫莉(女名)New York [nju: jɔ:k] 纽约Unit 5 What do you like pandas?panda n. 熊猫zoo n.动物园tiger n.老虎elephant n.大象koala n. 树袋熊lion n.狮子giraffe n. 长颈鹿animal n .动物cute adj.可爱的;机灵的lazy adj.懒散的;懒惰的smart adj 聪明的beautiful adj 美丽的;美好的scary adj吓人的;恐怖的kind n 种类kind of 稍微;有点儿Australia n. 澳大利亚south adj 南方的n 南;南方Africa n.非洲South Africa 南非pet n. 宠物leg n. 腿cat n. 猫sleep n睡觉friendly adj .友好的shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的save v .救;救助symbol n.象征flag n. 旗;旗帜forget v.忘记;遗忘get lost 迷路place n .地点;位置water n.水danger n. 危险be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中cut v .砍;切down adv.(坐、躺、倒)下prep.向下;沿着cut down 砍倒tree n. 树kill v.杀死;弄死ivory n.象牙over prep .超过;多于;在… 上方(be) made of 由……制成的Julie 朱莉(女名)Becky 贝姬(女名)Thailand n.泰国Thai n.泰国(人的);泰语(的)Unit 6 I’m watching TV.newspaper n .报纸read a newspaper 看报纸use v.使用;运用Soup n.汤make soup 做汤wash v.洗movie n.电影go to movies 看电影just adv .只是;恰好eat out 出去吃饭house n.房子drink v..喝n.饮料tea n.茶;茶叶drink tea 喝茶tomorrow adv在明天n.明天;未来pool n.游泳池;水池shop v. 购物n.商店supermarket n. 超市man n男人;人race n.竞赛host n.主人;东道主study v. n学习;研究state n 洲the United States 美国;美利坚合众国American adj美国的;美洲的n美国人;美洲人dragon n.龙Dragon Boat Festival 端午节any adj.任何的.任一的pron.任何;任一other adj另外的;其他的pron.另外的人(或物)young adj幼小的,年轻的children n 儿童miss v.怀念. 思念wish v 希望delicious adj. 可口的.美味的still .adv. 还.仍然living room 客厅Steve 史蒂夫(男名)Laura 劳拉(女名)Unit 7 It's raining!rain v.下雨n.雨水windy adj.多风的cloudy adj多云的sunny adj晴朗的snow v.下雪;雪Snowweather n.天气cook v.做饭bad adj坏的;糟的park n.公园message n.信息;消息take a message捎个口信;传话him pron.他(he的宾格)could v.能;可以back adj.回来;回原处call(sb)back回电话problem n.困难;难题again adj.再一次;又一次dry adj.干燥的cold adj寒冷的;冷的hot adj热的warm adj温暖的visit v.拜访;参观Canada n.加拿大summer n.夏天;夏季sit v.坐juice n.果汁;饮料soon adv.不久;很快vacation n.假期on(a)vacation度假hard adv.努力地;困难的Europe n.欧洲mountain n.高山country n.国;国家skate v.滑冰snowy adj.下雪的winter n.冬天;冬季Russian adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语snowman n.雪人rainy adj.阴雨的;多雨的Joe乔(男名)Jeff杰夫(男名)Moscow莫斯科Toronto多伦多Boston波士顿Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? post n.邮政office n. 办公室post office 邮局police n.警察police station警察局hotel n.旅店;酒店restaurant n.餐馆bank n.银行hospital n.医院street n.大街pay v.付费pay phone付费电话near prep.在……附近across adv.过;穿过across from在……对面front n.前面in front of在……前面behind prep.在……后面town n.镇;市镇around adv.&prep.到处;大约north n.北;北方adj.北方的along prep.沿着go along沿着(这条街)走turn v.转向;翻right adv.向右边;n.右边left adv.向左边n.左边turn right |/left向右、左转crossing n.十字路口neighborhood n.街区;街坊spend v.花(时间、钱等)spend time花时间climb v.爬road n.路often adv.时常;常常air n.空气sunshine n.阳光free adj免费的enjoy v.享受;喜爱enjoy reading喜欢阅读easily adv.容易地money n.钱Unit 9 What does he look like? curly adj.卷曲的straight adj.直的tall adj.高的medium adj. 中等的height n.身高;高度of medium height中等身高thin adj.瘦的heavy adj.重的build n.身材of medium build中等身材tonight adv. & n.今夜little adj.小的a little 一点,少量cinema n.电影院glasses n.眼镜later adj.以后handsome adj.英俊的actor n.演员actress n.女演员person n.人nose n.鼻子blonde adj.金黄色的mouth n.嘴round adj.圆形的face n.脸eye n.眼睛singer n.歌手artist n.艺术家crime n.犯罪活动criminal n.罪犯put v.放each adj.& pron.每个,各自way n.方式,路线describe v.描述differently adv.不同地another adj.& pron.另一,又一end n.结尾,尽头in the end最后real adj..真正的;真实的jeans n.牛仔裤Johnny约翰尼(男名)Dean迪安(姓)Tina蒂娜(女名)Jackson杰克逊(姓)Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. noodle n. 面条mutton n. 羊肉beef n. 牛肉cabbage n. 卷心菜;洋白菜potato n. 土豆;马铃薯special n. 特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的would v.(表示意愿)愿意would like愿意;喜欢yet adv.(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然1large adj. 大号的;大的1order n. & v. 点菜;命令take one's order点菜size n. 大小;尺码bowl n. 碗one(large)bowl of一(大)碗tofu n. 豆腐meat n.(可食用的)肉dumpling n. 饺子porridge n. 粥;面糊onion n. 洋葱fish n. 鱼;鱼肉pancake n. 烙饼;薄饼world n. 世界around the world世界各地answer n. 答案v. 回答different adj. 不同的cake n. 蛋糕candle n. 蜡烛age n. 年龄make a wish 许愿blow v. 吹blow out 吹灭if conj. 如果will v. 会the UK n. 英国candy n. 糖果lucky adj. 幸运的popular adj. 受欢迎的;普遍的get popular受欢迎;流行cut up切碎idea n. 想法;主意bring good luck to…给……带来好运Unit 11How was your school trip?milk v. 挤奶cow n. 奶牛milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶horse n. 马ride a horse 骑马feed v. 喂养;饲养feed chickens 喂鸡farmer n. 农民;农场主quite adv. 相当;安全quite a lot(of…) 许多anything pron.(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物grow v. 种植;生长;发育farm n. 农场;务农;种田pick v. 采;摘excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的countryside n. 乡村;农村in the countryside 在乡下;在农村yesterday n. 昨天flower n. 花worry v. 担心;担忧luckily adv. 幸运地;好运地sun n. 太阳museum n. 博物馆fire n. 火灾fire station 消防站painting n. 油画;绘画exciting adj. 使人兴奋的;令人激动的lovely adj. 可爱的expensive adj. 昂贵的cheap adj. 廉价的;便宜的slow adj. 缓慢的;迟缓的fast adv. & adj. 快地(的)robot n. 机器人guide n. 导游;向导gift n. 礼物;赠品all in all 总的说来everything pron. 一切;所有事物interested adj. 感兴趣的be interested in 对……感兴趣dark adj. 黑暗的;昏暗的hear(heard)v. 听到;听见Carol卡罗尔(女名)Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? camp v. 扎营;扎帐篷lake n. 湖,湖泊beach n. 海滩,沙滩badminton n. 羽毛球运动sheep n. 羊,绵羊as adv. & pron. 作为,当做natural pron. 自然的butterfly n. 蝴蝶visitor n. 游客;访问者tired adj. 疲倦的stay v. 停留stay up late 熬夜;睡得很晚away adv. 离开run away 跑开mouse n. 老鼠baby n. 幼小的shout v. 呼叫,喊叫shout at…冲……大声叫嚷woof interj.(狗叫声)汪汪language n. 语言fly v. 飞kite n. 风筝fly a kite 放风筝high adj. & adv. 高的(地)high school中学ago adv. 以前India n. 印度tent n. 帐篷put up 搭起,举起moon n. 月亮surprise n. & v. 惊奇,惊讶get a surprise 吃惊snake n. 蛇scared adj. 惊慌的move v. 移动shout to…对……大声喊叫start v. 开始,着手jump v. 跳跃up and down上上下下wake v. 弄醒,醒into prep. 到……里面forest n. 森林ear n. 耳朵。


有时 有…的味道;品尝;味道;滋味
七下 Unit 3 train bus
subway take the subway
ride bike ride a bike
n. n. n.
v.&n. n.
火车 公共汽车
地铁 乘地铁 骑;旅程 自行车 骑自行车
sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred minute
吉他 唱;唱歌
游泳 跳舞;舞蹈
画 国际象棋 下国际象棋 说(某种语言);说话
说英语 参加;加入 俱乐部;社团 擅长于… 讲述;告诉 故事;小说 写作;写字 演出;节目;给…看;展示 或者;也不(用于否定句) 说话;交谈 跟……说 (中国)功夫
鼓 敲鼓 钢琴 弹钢琴 小提琴 拉小提琴 也;而且 人;人们 家;活动本部;到家;在家 善于应付……的;对……有办法
v.&n. n.
prep.&adv .
adj. n.
离开 梦想;睡梦;做梦 真的;符合事实的 实现;成为现实
规则;规章 到达 准时
走廊;过道 大厅;礼堂
餐厅 听;倾听 听…… 打架;战斗 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的 在外面;外面的
穿;戴 重要的 带来;取来 校服;制服 安静的
外出 外出(娱乐)
练习 碟;盘 清洗餐具 在……以前;以前 铺床 脏的 厨房
num. num. num. num. num.
n. adv.&adj.
n. adj. adj.
v. n. v. n.
v. n. adj.&pron . n. prep.
n. n. n. n. adj. prep. n.





七年级下册英语单词篇1Module 1*meet v.认识,遇见*first adj.第一*English n.英语lesson n.(一节)课class n.班级*student n.学生Miss n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve num.十二year n. …岁thirteen num.十三*too adv.也*from prep.从……来*close v.关闭open v.打开match v.相称;匹配*write v.写*city n.城市*England n.英国;英格兰*English adj.英国的fourteen num.十四eleven num.十一blackboard n.黑板twenty-nine num.二十九fifty num.五十Module 2*parent n.父;母(pl.parents父母)can v.aux.能够*basketball n.篮球piano n.钢琴tennis n.网球*table tennis 乒乓球*ride v.骑;开(车)horse n.马*welcome v.欢迎*international adj. 国际的*factory n.工厂hotel n.饭店;宾馆university n.大学hospital n.医院office n.办公室*doctor n.医生*worker n.工人manager n.经理secretary n.秘书向,朝*photo n.照片*family n.家庭*her pron.她的Module 3there pron.(用于引导句子) forty-six num.四十六*dictionary n.字典,词典*library n.图书馆*picture n.图片;照片*right adj.正确的fifteen num.十五sixteen num.十六seventeen num.十七eighteen num.十八nineteen num.十九thirty num.三十sixty num.六十seventy num.七十eighty num.八十ninety num.九十dining hall 饭厅;饭堂gym (=gymnasium). n.体育馆*science n.科学;科学课lab(=laboratory) n实验室in front of 在……前面next prep.在……旁边behind prep.在……后面*some adj.一些*any pron.任何(一个)*one n.一个物;一个人building n.建筑物Module 4many adj.许多*people n.人们;人aunt n. 姨;伯母;婶母;舅母;姑母grandfather n.祖父;外祖父grandmother n祖母;外祖母*grandparent n.(外)祖父;(外) 祖母uncle n.叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨夫*sister n.姐;妹*have v.有have got 拥有*grandma n.奶奶;姥姥*grandpa n.爷爷;姥爷*email n.电子邮件him pron.他(宾格)*make v.做,制造Module 5healthy adj.健康的*orange n.橘子drink n.饮料v.喝*fruit n.水果*vegetable n.蔬菜beef n.牛肉carrot n.胡萝卜*chicken n.鸡肉*juice n.果汁melon n.甜瓜*milk n.牛奶onion n.洋葱pork n.猪肉potato n.土豆*tomato n.西红柿*favourite adj.最喜欢的*noodle n.面条candy n.糖果Coke n.可口可乐*hamburger n汉堡包*ice ream 冰激凌unhealthy adj.不健康的fridge (=refrigerator) n.冰箱Revision module A*party n.晚会;聚会*birthday n.生日*last adj.刚刚过去的;最近的table n.桌子*them pron他/她/它们(宾格) *young adj.年轻的*live v.生活;住.*chocolate n巧克力Module 6invitation n.邀请cinema n.电影院would v.aux.愿意*film n.电影stadium n.体育馆match n.比赛star n.明星*team n.队伍*evening n.晚上Friday n.周五Monday n.周一Saturday n.周六Sunday n.周日Thursday n.周四Tuesday n.周二Wednesday n.周三*with prep.和……一起*great adj.好极的;*idea n.想法;主意*let v.让*let’s=let us 让我们……when adv.什么时候,何时invite v.邀请on adj.进行;上演ask v.询问;问magic n.魔术show n.表演day n.日子;白天*place n.地点price n.价格*theatre n.剧院*swimming n.游泳*come v.来*today adv.今天plan n.计划*playground n.操场stay v.停留*game n.游戏Module 7*talk v.谈论*about prep.关于What about…? (询问其他人的情况)……怎么样? *time n.时间*o'clock n.……点钟*half n.一半*past prep.超过……art n.美术;艺术*chemistry n.化学*history n.历史*at prep.在(某时间或时刻) *start v.开始get up 起床have v.吃*breakfast n.早饭*house n.房子;住宅*break n.(课间)休息*lunch n.午饭or conj.或者go home 回家*dinner n.晚饭;正餐*finish v.结束;完成*park n.公园*housework n.家务劳动Module 8*different adj.不同的*always adv.总是;一直*card n.卡片*present n.礼物*usually adv.通常often adv.经常never adv.从不get v.得到*send v.发送*OK int. 好的(表同意)*ticket n.票pair n.双;对a pair of 一双;一对trainer n. 软运动鞋jeans n. (复)牛仔裤*T-shirt n.T恤concert n.音乐会*box n.盒子silk n.丝绸shirt n.衬衫*magazine n. 杂志novel n.小说*CD (=compact disk) n. 光盘choose v.选择,挑选*lot n.大量;许多lots of 大量;许多a lot of 大量;许多*clothes n.衣服(总称)*music n.音乐singer n.歌手on prep.通过,以……方式on television通过电视;在电视上its pron.它的*think v.想,认为think of 想出Module 9.trip n.旅行ZOO n.动物园*tiger n.老虎camel n.骆驼*elephant n. 大象*lion n.狮子*giraffe n.长颈鹿kangaroo n.袋鼠*monkey n.猴子*panda n.熊猫*snake n.蛇wolf n.狼polar bear 北极熊guide n.导游thousand num. 千*visit v.参观;访问.n. 参观;访问*every adj.每一个/只*animal n.动物zebra n.斑马more adj.更多Australia n. 澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳大利亚的Arctic n.北极 (非黑体单词) Europe n.欧洲*European adj. 欧洲的*Asia n.亚洲Asian adj.亚洲的*here adv.在这里*bamboo n. 竹子Africa n. 非洲African adj.非洲的America n. 美洲;美国American adj.美洲的;美国的;美国人的Oceania n. 大洋洲Oceanian adj.大洋洲的desert n. 沙漠forest n. 森林jungle n. 丛林*grass n. 草grassland n. 草原India n. 印度leaf n. 叶子(pl. leaves)world n. 世界Module 10*keyboard n. 键盘*monitor n. 显示器*mouse n.鼠标;老鼠print v. 打印*printer n. 打印机connect v. 连接*switch v. 用开关把……开启(或关掉) finally adv. 最后*first adv. 首先document n. 文件use v. 使用*click v. 点击*next adv. 然后;其次save v. 保存;挽救box n. 方框*then adv. 然后again adv. 再一次;又online adv. & adj. 在线*travel v. 旅行download v. 下载Internet n. 网络grandchild n. (外)孙女;(外)孙子*sometimes adv. 有时候;不时check v. 检查*train n. 火车timetable n. 时刻表laptop n. 笔记本电脑*weekend n. 周末website n. 网站London n. 伦敦*information n. 信息kind n. 种类七年级下册英语单词篇2Module 1*buy v.买call v.打电话drive v.开车enjoy v. 享受lie v. 躺下*shop v.逛商店;购物*take v.获得;拿;抓take photos 拍照*tell v.讲;告诉*wait v.等*for prep.为;为了*wait for 等待;等候*postcard n. 明信片the Great Wall 长城*really adv. (表语气)真的吗a good time 美好时光a lot 非常anyway adv. (转换话题、结束谈话时说)无论如何,反正car n. 小汽车put on 穿上*thing n.事情;东西leave v. 离开work n.&v. 工作at home 在家pub n.洒馆*restaurant n. 饭馆opera n.歌剧ballet n.芭蕾舞sleep n&v. 睡觉*wash v.洗;洗涤dress v.穿衣服*start n&v. 开始midday n. 正午*hot dog 热狗coffee n.咖啡see v.探望;看见greeting n.问候;致意at the moment 现在,此时look at 看……*soon adv.立刻;不久*love n.&v. 爱;热爱See you later 再见。



人教版初一下册英语单词表人教版初一下册英语单词表1-4单元Unit1 Can you play the guitar1、 guitar [gɪ'tɑː] n..吉他2、 join [dʒɒɪn] v.参加;加入3、 dance [dɑːns] v.跳舞;舞蹈4、 swim [swɪm] v.游泳5、 sing [sɪŋ] v.唱;唱歌6、 chess [tʃes] n.国际象棋7、 paint [peɪnt] v.画画8、 speakspiːk] v.说;说话9、 piano [pɪ'ænəʊ] n.钢琴10、drum [drʌm] n.喇叭11、violin [vaɪə'lɪn] n.小提琴12、or [ɔː] conj.或者13、musician [mjuː'zɪʃ(ə)n] n.音乐家14、show [ʃəʊ] n.演出;表演 v.展示;15、draw [drɔː] v.画16、story ['stɔːrɪ] n.故事;小说17、tell [tel] v. n.讲述;告诉18、write [raɪt] v.写作,写字19、talk [tɔːk] v. n.说话;谈话20、also ['ɔːlsəʊ] ad. v.也;而且21、people ['piːp(ə)l] n..人; 人们22、center['sentə] n(=cen.tre)中心,中央23、home [həʊm] n. 家,活动本部.ad. v..到家,在家24、today [tə'deɪ] ad. v.在今天25、make [meɪk] v.使或为;制造26、weekend. [wiːk'end] n.周末27、teach [tiːtʃ] v.教,讲授Unit 2 What time do you go to school1、 usually ['juʒuəli] ad. v.通常2、 up [ʌp] ad. v. 向上3、 dressed ['dresɪd] adj.穿着衣服4、 forty ['fɔːtɪ] n.um四十5、 fifty ['fɪftɪ] n.um五十6、 never ['nevə] adv.从来;决不7、 early ['ɜːlɪ] adv.adj.早的8、 station ['steɪʃ(ə)n] n.电视台;车站9、 funny ['fʌnɪ] adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的10、exercise ['eksəsaɪz] v.n.锻炼;练习11、group [gruːp] n.组群12、shower ['ʃaʊə] n. v.淋浴;淋浴器(间)13、take a shower淋浴;洗澡14、o'clock (=of the clock) ad. v点钟(只用于正点)15、work [wɜːk] n.& v.工作16、brush [brʌʃ] v.刷17、teeth [tiːθ] n.(tooth的复数形式)牙齿18、job [dʒɒb] n.工作;零工;任务;职位19、best [best] adj.& ad. v.(good, well的比较级)最好的(地)20、half [hɑːf] 一半,半数21、past [pɑːst] 过去,往事22、quarter ['kwɔːtə] n.一刻钟; 四分之一23、homework ['həʊmwɜːk] n.家庭作业24、run [rʌn] v. 跑;奔25、walk [wɔːk] 行走;步行26、clean. [kliːn] v.打扫;弄干净;adj.干净的27、quickly ['kwɪklɪ] ad.v.很快的28、either ['aɪðə] ad. v.或者;也29、lot [lɒt] pron.. 大量;许多30、taste [teɪst] v.有…的味道;品尝n..味道;31、life [laɪf] n. 生活,生存Unit 3 How do you get to school1、 train [treɪn] 火车2、 bus 公交车3、 subway ['sʌbweɪ] 地铁4、ride[raɪd]v.骑n.旅rode.[rəʊd]ridden.['rɪdn.]5、 bike [baɪk] 自行车6、 sixty ['sɪkstɪ] 六十7、 seventy ['sev (ə)ntɪ] 七十8、 eighty ['eɪtɪ] 八十9、 ninety ['naɪntɪ] 九十10、hundred ['hʌndrəd] 一百11、far[fɑː] 很12、minute ['mɪnɪt] 分钟13、kilometer ['kɪlə,mitɚ]公里14、new [njuː] 新的15、every ['evrɪ] 每一个16、by [baɪ] 通过,被17、drive [draɪv] 开车18、live [lɪv] 活的,生动的19、stop [stɒp] 停止20、cross [krɔs] 交叉21、river ['rɪvə] 河,江22、many ['menɪ]许多23、village [' vɪlɪdʒ] 村庄,村民24、between [bɪ'twiːn] 介于…之间25、bridge [brɪdʒ] 桥26、boat [bəʊt] 小船27、ropeway ['rop,we] n. 索道空中缆索28、year [jɪə] n. 年;年度;岁29、afraid [ə'freɪd] 害怕;惧怕30、like [laɪk] 像;怎么样(介词)31、leave [liː v] 离开;left (lea ve的过去式)32、dream [driːm] 梦想;睡梦33、true[truː] 真的;符合实际的Unit 4 Don’t eat in class1、 rule[ruːl] 规则;规章2、 arrive [ə'raɪv] 到达3、 hallway ['hɔːlweɪ] 走廊;过道4、 hall [hɔːl]大万礼堂5、 listen ['lɪs(ə)n]听;倾听6、 fight [faɪt] 打架;战斗7、 sorry ['sɒrɪ]抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的8、 outside [aʊt'saɪd] ad. v.在外面adj.外面的9、 wear [weə] 穿;戴10、important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] 重要的11、bring [brɪŋ] 带来;取来12、player ['pleɪə]播放机;运动员13、uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm] 校服;制服14、quiet ['kwaɪət] 安静的15、out [aʊt] 外出16、dish [dɪʃ] 碟;盘dishes17、night [naɪt] 晚上18、before [bɪ'fɔː]prep.conj在…以前ad v.以前19、dirty ['dɜːtɪ] 脏的20、kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] 厨房21、more [mɔː] 更多的22、noisy ['nɒɪzɪ] 吵闹的23、relax [rɪ'læks] 放松;休息24、read [riːd] 读;阅读25、terrible['terɪb(ə)l] 非常讨厌的;可怕的26、feel [fiːl] 感受;觉的27、strict [strɪkt] 严格的;严厉的28、remember [rɪ'membə] 记住; 记起29、follow ['fɒləʊ] 遵循;跟随30、luck [lʌk] 幸运;运气31、keep [kiːp] 保持;保留32、hair [heə] 头发;毛发33、learn [lɜːn] 学习;学会人教版初一下册英语单词表5-8单元Unit 5 What do you like pandas1、 tiger ['taɪgə] n.老虎2、 elephan.t ['elɪf(ə)n.t] n. 大象3、 koala [kəʊ'ɑːlə] n. 树袋熊4、 panda ['pændə] n. 熊猫5、 lion ['laɪən] n.狮子6、 giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿7、 cute [kjuːt] adj可爱的;机灵的8、 lazy ['leɪzɪ] 懒散的;懒惰的9、 smart [smɑːt] adj 聪明的10、beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl] adj 美丽的;美好的11、scary ['skeərɪ] adj吓人的;恐怖的12、kind [kaɪn.d] n. 种类13、Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] n. 澳大利亚14、south [saʊθ] adj 南方的n. 南; 南方15、Africa ['æfrɪkə] n.非洲16、pet [pet] n. 宠物17、leg [leg] n. 腿18、cat [kæt] n. 猫19、sleep [sliːp] n.睡觉20、animal ['ænɪm(ə)l] n. 动物21、friendly ['fren(d)lɪ] adj 友好的22、shy [ʃaɪ] adj 羞怯的;腼腆的23、save [seɪv] v. 救;救助24、symbol ['sɪmb(ə)l] n.象征25、flag [flæg]n. 旗;旗帜26、forget [fə'get] v.忘记;旗杆27、place [pleɪs] n. 地点;位置28、water ['wɔːtə] n.水29、danger ['deɪn(d)ʒə] n. 危险30、cut [kʌt] v. 砍;切31、down [daʊn] ad. v.(坐躺倒)下32、tree [triː] n. 树33、kill [kɪl] v.杀死;弄死34、ivory ['aɪv(ə)rɪ] n.象牙35、over ['əʊvə] prep. 超过;多于在… 上方36、zoo [zuː] n.动物园Unit6 I’m watching TV1、 newspaper ['n.juːzpeɪpə] n.报纸2、 use [juːz] v.使用;运用3、 soup [suːp] n.汤4、 wash [wɒʃ] v.洗5、 movie ['muːvɪ] n.电影6、 just [dʒʌst] adv. 只是;恰好7、 house [haʊs] n.房子8、 drin.k [drɪŋk] v.喝 n..饮料9、 tea [tiː] n.茶;茶叶10、tomorrow [tə'mɒrəʊ] ad. v.在明天11、pool [puːl] n.(复数pools) 游泳池12、shop [ʃɒp] v.购物13、supermarket ['suːpəmɑːkɪt] n. 超市14、man [mæn] n.男人;人15、host [həʊst] n.主人;东道主16、study ['stʌdɪ] v. n.学习;研究17、state [steɪt] n. 洲18、the United States [ði juˈnaɪtɪ d stets]美国;美利坚合众国19、American adj美国的;美洲的n.美国人;美洲人20、dragon ['dræg(ə)n] n.龙21、young [jʌŋ] 幼小的,年轻的22、race [reɪs] 竞赛23、any ['enɪ] 任何一个.任一的24、other ['ʌðə] adj另外的25、children ['tʃɪldrən] n. 儿童26、miss [mɪs] 怀念.思念27、wish [wɪʃ] v. 希望28、delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] adj 可口的.美味的29、still [stɪl] ad. v. 还.仍然30、living room ['lɪvɪŋ ru:m] 客厅Unit 7 It's raining!1、 rain [reɪn] 下雨;雨水2、 windy ['wɪndɪ] 多风的3、 cloudy ['klaʊdɪ] 多云的4、 sunny ['sʌnɪ] 晴朗的5、 snow [snəʊ]下雪;雪Snow6、 weather ['weðə] 天气7、 cook [kʊk] 做饭8、 bad [bæd] 坏的;糟的9、 park [pɑːk] 公园10、message ['mesɪdʒ]信息;消息11、take a message捎个口信;传话12、him他(he的宾格)13、could[kʊd] 能;可以14、back [bæk] 回来;回原处15、call(sb)back回电话16、problem ['prɒbləm] 困难;难题17、again [ə'gen; ə'geɪn] 再一次;又一次18、dry [draɪ]干燥的19、cold [kəʊld] 寒冷的;冷的20、hot [hɒt] 热的21、warm [wɔːm] 温暖的22、visit ['vɪzɪt] 拜访;参观23、Canada ['kænədə]加拿大24、summer ['sʌmə] 夏天;夏季25、sit [sɪt] 坐26、juice [dʒuːs] 果汁;饮料27、soon [suːn] 不久;很快28、vacation [və'keɪʃ(ə)n] 假期29、on (a) vacation 度假30、hard [hɑːd]努力地;困难的31、Europe ['jʊrəp] 欧洲32、mountain ['maʊntɪn] 高山33、country ['kʌntrɪ] 国;国家34、skate [skeɪt] 滑冰35、snowy ['snəʊɪ] 下雪的36、winter ['wɪntə] 冬天;冬季37、Russian ['rʌʃ(ə)n]俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语38、snowman ['snəʊmæn]雪人39、rainy ['reɪnɪ] 阴雨的;多雨的40、Joe [dʒəʊ] 乔41、Jeff [dʒef] 杰夫42、Moscow ['mɔskəʊ] 莫斯科43、Toronto [tə'rɑnto] n. 多伦多44、Boston ['bɔstən] 波士顿Unit 8 Is there a post office n.ear here?1、 post [pəʊst] 邮政2、 office['ɒfɪs] 办公室3、 post office邮局4、 police [pə'liːs] 警察5、 police station ['steɪʃən] 警察局6、 hotel [həʊ'tel] 旅店;酒店7、 restaurant ['restrɒnt] 餐馆8、 bank [bæŋk] 银行9、 hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l]医院10、street [striːt] 大街11、pay [peɪ] 付费12、payphone ['peifəun] 付费电话13、near[nɪə] 在……附近14、across [ə'krɒs] 过;穿过15、across from在……对面16、front [frʌnt] 前面17、in front of在……前面18、behind [bɪ'haɪnd] 在……后面19、town [taʊn]镇;市镇20、around [ə'raʊnd] 到处;大约21、north [nɔːθ] 北;北方;北方的22、along [ə'lɒŋ] 沿着23、go along沿着(这条街)走24、turn [tɜːn]转向;翻25、right [raɪt] 向右边;右边26、left [left] 向左边;左边27、rurn right向右、左转28、crossing ['krɒsɪŋ] 十字路口29、neighborhood ['neɪbə,hʊd] 街区;街坊30、spend [spend] 花(时间、钱等)31、spend time花时间32、climb [klaɪm]爬33、road [rəʊd] 路34、often ['ɒf(tə)n] 时常;常常35、air [eə] 空气36、sun shine阳光37、free [friː]免费的38、enjoy [ɪn'dʒɒɪ] 享受;喜爱39、enjoy reading['riːdɪŋ] 喜欢阅读40、easily ['iːzɪlɪ] 容易地41、money ['mʌnɪ] 钱。



英语七下1~12单元单词Unit 1guitar [gɪ'tɑː] n.吉他join. [dʒɒɪn] v.参加;加入dance [dɑːns] v.跳舞;舞蹈swim [swɪm] v.游泳sing [sɪŋ] v.唱;唱歌chess [tʃes] n.国际象棋paint [peɪnt] v.画画speak spiːk] v.说;说话piano [pɪ'ænəʊ] n.钢琴drum [drʌm] n.喇叭violin [vaɪə'lɪn] n.小提琴or [ɔː] conj.或者musician [mjuː'zɪʃ(ə)n] n.音乐家show [ʃəʊ] n.演出;表演 v.展示draw [drɔː] v.画story ['stɔːrɪ] n.故事;小说tell [tel] v. n.讲述;告诉write [raɪt] v.写作,写字talk [tɔːk] v. n.说话;谈话also ['ɔːlsəʊ] adv.也;而且people ['piːp(ə)l] n.人;人们center(=centre) ['sentə] n中心,中央home [həʊm] n. 家,活动本部.adv.到家,在家today [tə'deɪ] adv.在今天make [meɪk] v.使或为;制造weekend. [wiːk'end] n.周末teach [tiːtʃ] v.教,讲授Unit 2usually ['juʒuəli] adv.通常up [ʌp] adv. 向上dressed ['dresɪd] adj.穿着衣服forty ['fɔːtɪ] num四十fifty ['fɪftɪ] num五十never ['nevə] adv.从来;决不early ['ɜːlɪ] adj.早的station ['steɪʃ(ə)n] n.电视台;车站funny ['fʌnɪ] adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的exercise ['eksəsaɪz] n.锻炼;练习group [gruːp] n.组群shower ['ʃaʊə] v.淋浴;淋浴器(间)take a shower 淋浴;洗澡o'clock (=of the clock) adv.点钟(只用于正点)work [wɜːk] n.& v.工作brush [brʌʃ] v.刷teeth [tiːθ] n.(tooth的复数形式)牙齿job [dʒɒb] n.工作;零工;任务;职位best [best] adj.& adv. (good, well的比较级) 最好的(地) half [hɑːf] 一半,半数past [pɑːst] 过去,往事quarter ['kwɔːtə] n.一刻钟;四分之一homework ['həʊmwɜːk] n.家庭作业run [rʌn] v. 跑;奔walk [wɔːk] 行走;步行clean. [kliːn] v.打扫;弄干净;adj.干净的quickly ['kwɪklɪ] adv.很快的either ['aɪðə] adv.或者;也lot [lɒt] pron. 大量;许多taste [teɪst] v.有……的味道;品尝n.味道life [laɪf] n. 生活,生存Unit 3train [treɪn] 火车bus 公交车subway ['sʌbweɪ] 地铁ride [raɪd]v.骑n.旅行(过去式:rode [rəʊd] 过去分词:ridden.['rɪdn.])bike [baɪk] 自行车sixty ['sɪkstɪ] 六十seventy ['sev (ə)ntɪ] 七十eighty ['eɪtɪ] 八十ninety ['naɪntɪ] 九十hundred ['hʌndrəd] 一百far [fɑː] 很minute ['mɪnɪt] 分钟kilometer ['kɪlə,mitɚ] 公里new [njuː] 新的every ['evrɪ] 每一个by [baɪ] 通过,被drive [draɪv] 开车live [lɪv] 活的,生动的stop [stɒp] 停止cross [krɔs] 交叉river ['rɪvə] 河,江many ['menɪ] 许多village [' vɪlɪdʒ] 村庄,村民between [bɪ'twiːn] 介于……之间bridge [brɪdʒ] 桥boat [bəʊt] 小船ropeway ['rop,we] n. 索道空中缆索year [jɪə] n. 年;年度;岁afraid [ə'freɪd] 害怕;惧怕like [laɪk] 像;怎么样(介词)leave [liː v] 离开;left (leave的过去式) dream [driːm] 梦想;睡梦true [truː] 真的;符合实际的Unit 4rule [ruːl] 规则;规章arrive [ə'raɪv] 到达hallway ['hɔːlweɪ] 走廊;过道hall [hɔːl] 大万礼堂listen ['lɪs(ə)n] 听;倾听fight [faɪt] 打架;战斗sorry ['sɒrɪ] 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的outside [aʊt'saɪd] adv.在外面adj.外面的wear [weə] 穿;戴important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] 重要的bring [brɪŋ] 带来;取来player ['pleɪə] 播放机;运动员uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm] 校服;制服quiet ['kwaɪət] 安静的out [aʊt] 外出dish [dɪʃ] 碟;盘(复数dishes)night [naɪt] 晚上before [bɪ'fɔː] prep./conj.在……以前adv.以前dirty ['dɜːtɪ] 脏的kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] 厨房more [mɔː] 更多的noisy ['nɒɪzɪ] 吵闹的relax [rɪ'læks] 放松;休息read [riːd] 读;阅读terrible ['terɪb(ə)l] 非常讨厌的;可怕的feel [fiːl] 感受;觉的strict [strɪkt] 严格的;严厉的remember [rɪ'membə] 记住;记起follow ['fɒləʊ] 遵循;跟随luck [lʌk] 幸运;运气keep [kiːp] 保持;保留hair [heə] 头发;毛发learn [lɜːn] 学习;学会Unit 5tiger ['taɪgə] n. 老虎elephan.t ['elɪf(ə)n.t] n. 大象koala [kəʊ'ɑːlə] n. 树袋熊panda ['pændə] n. 熊猫lion ['laɪən] n. 狮子giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿cute [kjuːt] adj可爱的;机灵的lazy ['leɪzɪ] 懒散的;懒惰的smart [smɑːt] adj. 聪明的beautiful ['bjuːtɪfʊl] adj. 美丽的;美好的scary ['skeərɪ] adj吓人的;恐怖的kind [kaɪn.d] n. 种类Australia [ɒ'streɪlɪə] n. 澳大利亚south [saʊθ] adj 南方的n. 南;南方Africa ['æfrɪkə] n. 非洲pet [pet] n. 宠物leg [leg] n. 腿cat [kæt] n. 猫sleep [sliːp] n.睡觉animal ['ænɪm(ə)l] n. 动物friendly ['fren(d)lɪ] adj. 友好的shy [ʃaɪ] adj 羞怯的;腼腆的save [seɪv] v. 救;救助symbol ['sɪmb(ə)l] n.象征flag [flæg]n. 旗;旗帜forget [fə'get] v.忘记;旗杆place [pleɪs] n. 地点;位置water ['wɔːtə] n.水danger ['deɪn(d)ʒə] n. 危险cut [kʌt] v. 砍;切down [daʊn] adv.(坐躺倒)下tree [triː] n. 树kill [kɪl] v.杀死;弄死ivory ['aɪv(ə)rɪ] n.象牙over ['əʊvə] prep. 超过;多于在……上方zoo [zuː] n.动物园Unit 6newspaper ['n.juːzpeɪpə] n.报纸use [juːz] v.使用;运用soup [suːp] n.汤wash [wɒʃ] v.洗movie ['muːvɪ] n.电影just [dʒʌst] adv. 只是;恰好house [haʊs] n.房子drin.k [drɪŋk] v.喝 n.饮料tea [tiː] n.茶;茶叶tomorrow [tə'mɒrəʊ] adv.在明天pool [puːl] n.(复数pools) 游泳池shop [ʃɒp] v.购物supermarket ['suːpəmɑːkɪt] n. 超市man [mæn] n.男人;人host [həʊst] n.主人;东道主study ['stʌdɪ] v. 学习;研究state [steɪt] n. 洲the United States [ði juˈnaɪtɪd stets] 美国;美利坚合众国American adj美国的;美洲的n.美国人;美洲人dragon ['dræg(ə)n] n.龙young [jʌŋ] 幼小的,年轻的race [reɪs] 竞赛any ['enɪ] 任何一个;任一的other ['ʌðə] adj. 另外的children ['tʃɪldrən] n. 儿童miss [mɪs] 怀念,思念wish [wɪʃ] v. 希望delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] adj 可口的;美味的still [stɪl] adv. 还,仍然living room ['lɪvɪŋ ru:m] 客厅Unit 7rain [reɪn] 下雨;雨水windy ['wɪndɪ] 多风的cloudy ['klaʊdɪ] 多云的sunny ['sʌnɪ] 晴朗的snow [snəʊ]下雪;雪(Snow)weather ['weðə] 天气cook [kʊk] 做饭bad [bæd] 坏的;糟的park [pɑːk] 公园message ['mesɪdʒ]信息;消息take a message 捎个口信;传话him 他(he的宾格)could [kʊd] 能;可以back [bæk] 回来;回原处call (sb) back 回电话problem ['prɒbləm] 困难;难题again [ə'gen;ə'geɪn] 再一次;又一次dry [draɪ] 干燥的cold [kəʊld] 寒冷的;冷的hot [hɒt] 热的warm [wɔːm] 温暖的visit ['vɪzɪt] 拜访;参观Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大summer ['sʌmə] 夏天;夏季sit [sɪt] 坐juice [dʒuːs] 果汁;饮料soon [suːn] 不久;很快vacation [və'keɪʃ(ə)n] 假期on (a) vacation 度假hard [hɑːd] 努力地;困难的Europe ['jʊrəp] 欧洲mountain ['maʊntɪn] 高山country ['kʌntrɪ] 国;国家skate [skeɪt] 滑冰snowy ['snəʊɪ] 下雪的winter ['wɪntə] 冬天;冬季Russian ['rʌʃ(ə)n] 俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语snowman ['snəʊmæn] 雪人rainy ['reɪnɪ] 阴雨的;多雨的Joe [dʒəʊ] 乔Jeff [dʒef] 杰夫Moscow ['mɔskəʊ] 莫斯科Toronto [tə'rɑnto] n. 多伦多Boston ['bɔstən] 波士顿Unit 8post [pəʊst] 邮政office ['ɒfɪs] 办公室post office 邮局police [pə'liːs] 警察police station ['steɪʃən] 警察局hotel [həʊ'tel] 旅店;酒店restaurant ['restrɒnt] 餐馆bank [bæŋk] 银行hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l] 医院street [striːt] 大街pay [peɪ] 付费payphone ['peifəun] 付费电话near[nɪə] 在……附近across [ə'krɒs] 过;穿过across from 在……对面front [frʌnt] 前面in front of 在……前面behind [bɪ'haɪnd] 在……后面town [taʊn]镇;市镇around [ə'raʊnd] 到处;大约north [nɔːθ] 北;北方;北方的along [ə'lɒŋ] 沿着go along 沿着(这条街)走turn [tɜːn] 转向;翻right [raɪt] 向右边;右边left [left] 向左边;左边run right 向右转crossing ['krɒsɪŋ] 十字路口neighborhood ['neɪbə,hʊd] 街区;街坊spend [spend] 花(时间、钱等)spend time 花时间climb [klaɪm] 爬road [rəʊd] 路often ['ɒf(tə)n] 时常;常常air [eə] 空气sun shine 阳光free [friː] 免费的enjoy [ɪn'dʒɒɪ] 享受;喜爱enjoy reading ['riːdɪŋ] 喜欢阅读easily ['iːzɪlɪ] 容易地money ['mʌnɪ] 钱Unit 9curly ['kɜːlɪ] 卷曲的straight [streɪt] 直的tall [tɔːl] 高的medium ['miːdɪəm] 中等的height [haɪt] 身高;高度of medium height 中等身高thin [θɪn] 瘦的heavy ['hevɪ] 重的build [bɪld] 身材of medium build 中等身材tonight [tə'naɪt] 今夜little ['lɪt(ə)l] 小的a little 一点,少量cinema ['sɪnɪmə] 电影院glasses ['glɑːsɪz] 眼镜later ['leɪtə] 以后handsome ['hæns(ə)m] 英俊的actor ['æktə] 演员actress ['æktrɪs] 女演员person ['pɜːs(ə)n] 人nose [nəʊz] 鼻子blonde [blɒnd] adj. 金黄色的mouth [maʊθ] 嘴round [raʊnd] 圆形的face [feɪs] 脸eye [aɪ] 眼睛singer ['sɪŋə(r)] 歌手artist ['ɑːtɪst] 艺术家crime [kraɪm] 犯罪活动criminal ['krɪmɪn(ə)l] 犯罪put [pʊt] 放each [iːtʃ] 每个,各自way [weɪ] 方式,路线describe [dɪ'skraɪb] 描述differently ['dɪfərəntlɪ] 不同的another[ə'nʌðə] 另一,又一end [end] 结尾,尽头in the end 最后real [riːl] 真正的jeans [dʒinz] 牛仔裤Johnny ['dʒɒnɪ] 约翰尼Dean [din] 迪安Tina ['tinə] 蒂娜Jackson ['dʒæksn] 杰克逊Unit 10noodle ['nuːd(ə)l] 面条mutton ['mʌt(ə)n] 羊肉beef [biːf] 牛肉cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] 卷心菜;洋白菜potato [pə'teɪtəʊ] 土豆;马铃薯special ['speʃ(ə)l] 特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的would [wʊd; wəd] (表示意愿)愿意would like 愿意;喜欢yet (常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然large [lɑːdʒ] 大号的;大的order ['ɔːdə] 点菜;命令take one's order点菜size [saɪz] 大小;尺码bowl [bəʊl] 碗one(large)bowl of 一(大)碗tofu ['təʊfuː] 豆腐meat [miːt] (可食用的)肉dumpling ['dʌmplɪŋ] 饺子porridge ['pɒrɪdʒ] 粥;面糊onion ['ʌnjən] 洋葱fish [fɪʃ] 鱼;鱼肉pancake ['pænkeɪk] 烙饼;薄饼world [wɜːld] 世界around [ə'raʊnd] the world 世界各地answer ['ɑːnsə] 答案;回答different ['dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt] 不同的cake [keɪk] 蛋糕candle ['kænd(ə)l] 蜡烛age [eɪdʒ] 年龄make a wish [wɪʃ] 许愿blow [bləʊ] 吹blow out 吹灭if 如果will [wɪl] 会the UK(=the United Kingdom) 英国candy ['kændɪ] 糖果lucky幸运的popular 受欢迎的;普遍的get popular 受欢迎;流行cut up 切碎idea [aɪ'dɪə] 想法;主意bring good luck[lʌk] to…给……带来好运Unit 11milk [mɪlk] 挤奶cow[kaʊ] n. 奶牛,母牛milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶horse [hɔːs] 马ride [raɪd] a horse 骑马feed [fiːd] 喂养;饲养feed chickens ['tʃɪkɪns] 喂鸡farmer ['fɑːmə] 农民;农场主quite [kwaɪt] 相当;安全quite a lot (of…) 许多anything ['enɪθɪŋ] (常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物grow [grəʊ] 种植;生长;发育farm [fɑːm] 农场;务农;种田pick [pɪk] 采;摘excellent ['eks(ə)l(ə)nt] 极好的;优秀的countryside ['kʌntrɪsaɪd] 乡村;农村in the countryside 在乡下;在农村yesterday ['jestədeɪ;-dɪ] 昨天flower ['flaʊə] 花worry ['wʌrɪ] 担心;担忧luckily ['lʌkɪlɪ] 幸运地;好运地sun [sʌn] 太阳museum [mjuː'zɪəm] 博物馆fire ['faɪə] 火灾fire station ['steɪʃ(ə)n] 消防站painting ['peɪntɪŋ] 油画;绘画exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ;ek-] 使人兴奋的;令人激动的lovely ['lʌvlɪ] 可爱的expensive [ɪk'spensɪv;ek-] 昂贵的cheap [tʃiːp] 廉价的;便宜的slow [sləʊ] 缓慢的;迟缓的fast [fɑːst] 快地(的)robot ['rəʊbɒt] 机器人guide [gaɪd] 导游;向导gift [gɪft] 礼物;赠品all in all 总的说来everything ['evrɪθɪŋ] 一切;所有事物interested ['ɪnt(ə)rɪstɪd] 感兴趣的be interested in 对……感兴趣dark [dɑːk] 黑暗的;昏暗的hear(heard) [hɪə] 听到;听见Carol ['kær(ə)l] 卡罗尔Unit 12camp [kæmp] 扎营lake [leɪk] 湖,湖泊beach [biːtʃ] 海滩,沙滩badminton ['bædmɪnt(ə)n] 羽毛球运动sheep [ʃiːp] 羊,绵羊as [æz;əz] 作为,当做natural['nætʃ(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 自然的butterfly 蝴蝶tired [taɪəd] 疲倦的stay [steɪ] 停留stay up late深夜不留away [ə'weɪ] 离开run away 跑开mouse [maʊs] 老鼠baby ['beɪbɪ] 幼小的shout [ʃaʊt] 呼叫,喊叫shout at…冲……大声叫嚷woof [wʊf] (狗叫声)汪汪language ['læŋgwɪdʒ] 语言fly [flaɪ] 飞kite [kaɪt] 风筝fly a kite 放风筝high [haɪ] 高的(地)high school中学ago [ə'gəʊ] 以前India ['ɪndɪə] 印度tent [tent] 帐篷put up 搭起,举起moon 月亮surprise [sə'praɪz] 惊奇,惊讶get a surprise 吃惊snake [sneɪk] 蛇scared [skeəd] 惊慌的move [muːv] 移动shout to…对……大声喊叫start [stɑːt] 开始,着手jump [dʒʌmp] 跳跃up and down 上上下下wake [weɪk] 弄醒,醒into ['ɪntʊ; 'ɪntə] 到……里面forest ['fɒrɪst] 森林ear [ɪə] 耳朵Lucy ['lusi] 露西。



(完整版)最新人教版七年级(初一)下册英语单词表一、A部分1. a few 几个2. a little 有一点儿3. ability 能力4. able 有能力的5. about 大约;关于6. above 在上面7. accept 接受8. accident 事故9. across 横过10. act 表演11. action 行动12. active 积极的13. activity 活动14. actor 男演员15. actress 女演员16. add 添加17. address 地址18. advertisement 广告19. affect 影响20. afford 担负得起二、B部分1. ba 婴儿2. back 背部;后面3. background 背景4. bad 坏的5. bag 包6. ball 球7. balloon 气球8. bamboo 竹子9. banana 香蕉10. bank 银行11. base 基础12. baseball 棒球13. basketball 篮球14. be 是15. beach 海滩16. bear 熊17. beat 打败18. beautiful 美丽的19. beauty 美丽20. because 因为三、C部分1. beach 海滩2. bear 承受;熊3. beat 打败;跳动4. beautiful 漂亮的5. beauty 美丽6. because 因为8. bed 床9. bedroom 卧室10. bee 蜜蜂11. beef 牛肉12. before 在…之前13. begin 开始14. beginning 开始15. behavior 行为16. behind 在…后面17. believe 相信18. bell 钟19. belong 属于20. below 在…下面四、D部分1. bird 鸟2. birthday 生日3. bit 少量4. black 黑色的5. blackboard 黑板6. blank 空白的7. blind 盲的8. block 堵塞9. blood 血液10. blow 吹11. blue 蓝色的12. board 木板13. boat 船14. body 身体15. book 书16. bookcase 书架17. bored 无聊的18. born 出生19. both 两个都20. bowl 碗五、E部分1. box 盒子2. boy 男孩3. brain 脑4. brake 刹车5. branch 分支6. brave 勇敢的7. bread 面包8. break 打破9. breakfast 早餐10. bridge 桥11. bright 明亮的12. bring 带来13. broom 扫帚14. brother 兄弟15. brown 棕色的16. brush 刷子17. build 建造18. building 建筑19. business 生意20. busy 忙碌的(本单词表持续更新,帮助同学们更好地掌握英语词汇。



人教版七年级下册英语单词表(含音标)1. guitar[ɡɪtɑːr]n.吉他2. join [dʒɔɪn]v.参加;加入3. dance [dɑːns][dæns]v.跳舞;舞蹈4. swim[swɪm]v.游泳5. sing [sɪŋ]v.唱;唱歌6. chess[tʃes]n.国际象棋7. paint [peint][pent] v.画画8. speak [spi:k][spik] v.说;说话9. piano [pjɑːnəʊ]n.钢琴10. drum [drʌm]n.喇叭11. violin [ˌvaɪəlɪn]n.小提琴12. or [ɔːr]conj.或者13. musician [mjuzɪʃn]n.音乐家14. show [ʃəʊ]n.演出;表演 v.展示;给..看15.draw [drɔː]v.画16.story [stɔːri]故事、事迹、17.tell [tel]v.告诉;讲述18.write [rait] v.书写19.talk [tɔːk]谈话、谈论20.also [ɔːlsəʊ]也;亦;而且adv.21.people [piːpl]人;人民n.22.center [sɛntɚ]、中心23.home [həʊm]adv.家24.today [tədeɪ]n.wiːkend]n.周末;星期六和星期日 27teach [tiːtʃ]教、讲授28 club [klʌb]社团;俱乐部 n.29 show [ʃəʊ]n.演出;表演 v.展示;给..看Ut 2 What time do you go to school?1up [ʌp] prep.向上2dressed [drest] adj.打扮好的;穿着衣服的动词dress的过去式和过去分词.3brush[brʌʃ]v.刷4showe[ʃaʊə(r)]v.淋浴;淋浴器5usually [juːʒuəli]adv.通常6forty [fɔːrti]num.四十7never [nevə(r)]adv.永不;绝不;从不;未曾8early [ɜːli]adv.早 adj.早9fifty[fɪfti]num.五十10job [dʒɑːb]n.工作;零工;任务;职位13oclock(=of the clock) adv.…点钟(只用于正点) 14.station [steɪʃn] n.电视台;车站15.funny [fʌ] adj奇怪的滑稽好笑的16.exercise [eksərsaɪz] v.n锻炼;练习17.group [ɡruːp] n.组群18.take a shower淋浴;洗澡19.work [wɜːrk]n.kwɔːtə(r)] n.一刻钟;四分之一25.homework [həʊmwɜːk] n.家庭作业26.run [rʌn] v 跑;奔27.walk [wɔːk]v.行走;步行28.clean [kliːn] v打扫;弄干净;adj干净的29.uickly [kwɪkli] adv很快的30.either [aɪðər] adv或者;也31.lot lɒt] pron大量;许多32.taste [teɪst] v.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味33.life [laɪf] n.生活ut 3 How do you get to school1.train [treɪn]n.火车2.bus [bʌs]n.公交车3.subway[sʌbweɪ]n.地铁4.ride [raɪd] v骑n旅行rode.ridden5.bike[baɪk]n.6.sixty [sɪksti]num.六十7.seventy [sevnti]num.七十8.eighty[eɪti]num.八十y [naɪnti]num.九十10.hundred [hʌndrəd]num.一百11.far [fɑːr]adv.很12.minute [mɪt]n.分钟13.kilometer [kɪləˌmiːtə]n.公里14.new [njuː]adj.新的15.every [evri]adj.每一个16.by [baɪ]prep.通过,被17.drive [draɪv]v.开车18.live [lɪv]v.活的,生动的19.stop[stɒp]v.停止20.cross [krɔːs]v.交叉21.river [rɪvə(r)]n.河,江22.many [me]adj.许多23.village [vɪlɪdʒ]n.村庄,村民24.between [bɪtwiːn]prep.介于…之间25.bridge [brɪdʒ]n.桥26.boat [bəʊt] n.小船27.ropeway [rəʊpweɪ]n.索道;空中缆索28.year [jɪə(r)]n.年;岁29.afraid [əfreɪd]v.害怕;惧怕30.like [laɪk]prep.像;怎么样(介词)31.lee [liːv]v.离开left32.dream [driːm]nraɪv]v.到达3.hallway [hɔːlweɪ]n.走廊;过道4.hall [hɔːl] n.大厅;礼堂6.fight [faɪt]v.打架;战斗7rry [sɑːri]adj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的8.outside [ˌaʊtsaɪd] adv.在外面adj外面的9.wear[weə(r)]v.穿;戴10.imrtant [ɪmpɔːrtnt]adj.重要的11.bring [brɪŋ]v.带来;取来12.player [pleɪə(r)]n.播放机;运动员13.uform [juːfɔːm]n.校服;14.uiet [kwaɪət]adj.安静的15.out [aʊt]adv.外出16.dish[dɪʃ]n.碟;盘dishes17.ght [naɪt]n.晚上18.before [bɪfɔː(r)] mj在…以前adv以前19.dirty [dɜːti]adj.脏的20.khen [kɪtʃɪn]n.厨房21.re [mɔː(r)]pron.更多的22.noisy [nɔɪzi]adj.吵闹的23.relax [rɪlæks]v.放松;休息24.read [riːd]v.读;阅读25.terrible[terəbl]adj.非常讨厌的;可怕的26.feel [fiːl]v.感受;觉的27.strict [strɪkt]adj.严格的;严厉的28.remember [rɪmembə(r)]v.记住;记起29.follow [fɒləʊ]v.遵循;跟随30.luck [lʌk]n.幸运;运气31.keep [kiːp]v.保持;保留32.hair [heə(r)]n.头发;毛发33.learn [lɜːn]v.学习;学会Ut 5 What do you like pandas?1.tiger [taɪɡə(r)] n老虎2.elephant [elɪfənt] n 大象3.koala [kəʊɑːlə] n 树袋熊4.panda [pændə] n 熊猫5.lion [laɪən] n狮子6.giraffe [dʒərɑːf] n 长颈鹿7.cute [kjuːt] adj可爱的;机灵的zy[leɪzi] 懒散的;懒惰的9.art [ɑːt] adj 聪明的10.beautiful [bjuːtɪfl] adj 美丽的;美好的11.scary [skeəri] adj吓人的;恐怖的12.kind [kaɪnd] n 种类13.Australia [ɔstreljə] n14uth [saʊθ] adj 南方的n 南;南方15.Africa [æfrɪkə] n非洲16.pet [pet] n 宠物17.leg [leɡ] n 腿18.cat [kæt] n 猫19.sleep [sliːp] n睡觉20.amal [æml] n 动物21.friendly [frendli] adj 友好的22.shy [ʃaɪ] adj 羞怯的;腼腆的23.se [seɪv] v 救;救助24.symbol [sɪmbl] n象征25.flag [flæɡ] n 旗;旗帜26.forget [fəɡet] v忘记;旗杆27.place [pleɪs] n 地点;位置28.water [wɔːtə(r)] n水29.danger [deɪndʒə(r)] n 危险30.cut [kʌt] v 砍;切31.down [daʊn] adv(坐躺倒)下32.tree [triː] n 树33.kill [kɪl] v杀死;弄死34.ivory [aɪvəri] n象牙35.over [əʊvə(r)] prep 超过;多于在…上方36.zoo [zuː] n动物园Ut6. I’m watching TV1.newspaper [njuːzpeɪpə(r)] ne [juːs] v使用;运用3up [suːp] n汤4.wash [wɒʃ [wɑːʃ]] v洗5.vie [muːvi] n6.just [dʒʌst] adv 只是;恰好7.house [haʊs] n房子8.drink [drɪŋk] v喝n饮料9.tea [tiː] n茶;茶叶10.torrow [təmɒrəʊ] adv在明天11.ol [puːl] n(复数ols)12shop [ʃɒp] n.商店13supermarket [suːpəmɑːkɪt] n.超级市场14man [mæn] n.男人;人15race [reɪs] n.赛跑;竞争16study [stʌdi] v.研究;学习;读书17state [steɪt] n.;州18American [əmerɪkən] n.人19any [e] adj.任何的20other [ʌðə(r)] adj.其他的;另外的21young [jʌŋ] adj.年轻的22child [tʃaɪld] n.小孩23miss [mɪs] vt.想念 vt.错过;漏掉24wish [wɪʃ] v.希望;想要25delicious [dɪlɪʃəs] adj.美味的;可口的26still [stɪl] adv.更;仍然Ut 7 its raing!1rain [reɪn] n.雨;雨水v.下雨;(雨点般)落下 2windy [wɪndi] adj.有风的;多风的3cloudy [klaʊdi] adj.多云的;阴天的4sunny [sʌ] adj.阳光充足的;睛朗的5snow [snəʊ] n.雪6weather [weðə(r)] n.天气7cook [kʊk] v.烹调;烧煮8bad [bæd] adj.坏的;不好的;差的9park [pɑːk] n.公园10message [mesɪdʒ] n.;信息11him [hɪm] pron.他(he的宾格)12could [kəd aux.可以;能;可能;can的过去式13back [bæk] n.后面adj.向后的;后面的14problem [prɒbləm] n.问题;难题15again [əɡen] adv.再;又16dry [draɪ] adj.干的;干燥的17cold [kəʊld] adj.冷的;寒冷的18hot [hɒt] adj.热的;辣的19warm [wɔːm] adj.温暖的;暖和的20visit [vɪzɪt] v.拜访;参观21Canada [kænədə] n.加拿大22summer [sʌmə(r)] n.夏天;夏季23sit [sɪt] v.坐24juice [dʒuːs] n.果汁25soon [suːn] adv.不久;很快26vacation [vəkeɪʃn] n.假期;休假27hard [hɑːd] adj.硬的;困难的28Europe [jʊərəp] n.;欧盟29untain [maʊntən] n..山;山脉;高山30country [kʌntri] n.;乡村31skate [skeɪt] v.溜冰;滑冰32snowy [snəʊi] adj.多雪的33winter [wɪntə(r)] n.冬季;冬天34Russian [rʌʃn] adj.的;人的;俄语的 35snowman [snəʊmæn] n.雪人36rainy [reɪ] adj.多雨的;下雨的Ut 8 is there a st office r here?1st [pəʊst] n.邮件2office [ɔːfɪs] n.办公室3hotel [həʊtel] n.旅馆;饭店4restaurant [restrɒnt] n.餐馆;饭店5bank [bæŋk] n.银行6hospital [hɒspɪtl] n.医院7street [striːt] n.街道;马路8pay [peɪ] v.支付9r [ə(r)] adv.在附近prep.附近;接近 10across [əkrɒs] adv.横过;穿过11front [frʌnt] adj.前面的12behind prep.在之后13town [taʊn] n.城市;城镇14around [əraʊnd] prep.到处;在附近15north [nɔːθ] adj.北方的;北的16along [əlɔːŋ] prep.沿着;顺着17turn [tɜːn] v.翻转;旋转18right [raɪt] adj.右边的19left [left] adj.左边的20spend [spend] v.花费;浪费21climb [klaɪm] v.攀登;爬;上升22road [rəʊd] n.路;道路;途径;方法 23often [ɔːfn] adv.经常;时常24air [eə(r)] n.空气;天空25free [friː] adj.自由的;免费的26enjoy [ɪndʒɔɪ] v.享受;喜欢27easily [iːzəli] adv.容易地;无疑地 28ney [mʌ] n.财产;钱;货币Ut 9 What does he look like?1straight [streɪt]adj.直的2tall [tɔːl] adj.高的3height [haɪt] n.高度;高处;顶点4thin [θɪn] adj.薄的;瘦的;稀的5hey [hevi] adj.重的6build [bɪld] v.建造;开发;7toght [tənaɪt] n.今晚8little[lɪtl] adj.小的9cinema [sɪnəmə] n.院10gses [glɑːsɪz] n.眼镜11later [leɪtə(r)] adv.后来;稍后12handsome [hænsəm] adj.英俊的13actor [æktə(r)] n.演员;行动者14actress [æktrəs] n.15person [pɜːsn] n.人16nose [nəʊz] n.鼻子17round [raʊnd] adj.圆的18face [feɪs] n.脸19uth [maʊð] n.嘴20eye [aɪ] n.眼睛21singer [sɪŋə(r)]n.歌手22artist [ɑːtɪst] n.艺术家2ut [pʊt] v.放;安置24each [iːtʃ] pron.每个;个人;个自 25way [weɪ] n.路;路线26describe [dɪskraɪb] vt.描述27differently [dɪfrəntli] adv.不同地 29end [end] n.结束30real [rɪəl] adj.真实的;真的Ut 10 Id like some noodles.1noodle [nuːdl] n.面条2beef [biːf] n.牛肉otato [pəteɪtəʊ] n.马铃薯;土豆4special [speʃl] adj.特别的;特殊的5would [wʊd] aux.将;可能6yet [jet] adv.还;已经;仍然7large [lɑːdʒ] adj.大的;大量的8order [ɔːdə(r)]n.订单v.点餐;预定9size [saɪz] n.大小10bowl [bəʊl] n.碗11meat [miːt] n.肉12dumpling [dʌmplɪŋ] n.饺子13fish [fɪʃ] n.鱼;鱼肉14pancake [pænkeɪk] n.薄煎饼15world [wɜːld] n.世界;地球16answer [ɑːnsə(r)][ænsər] n.答案;回答 17different [dɪfrənt] adj.不同的18cake [keɪk] n.蛋糕19candle [kændl] n.蜡烛20age [eɪdʒ] n.年龄21blow [bləʊ] v.吹22if [ɪf] conj.是否;如果23will [wɪl] aux.将;愿意24UK abbr.(=Uted Kingdom)25candy [kændi] n.糖果26lucky [lʌki] adj.幸运的27pular [pɒpjələ(r)] adj.受欢迎的28idea [aɪdɪə] n.主意;想法Ut 11 How was your school trip?1milk [mɪlk]n.奶;牛奶2cow [kaʊ] n.母牛3horse [hɔːs] n.马4feed [fiːd] vt.喂养;饲养5farmer [fɑːmə(r)] n.农夫;农民6uite [kwaɪt] adv.相当;完全7anything [eθɪŋ] pron.任何事;任何西8grow [ɡrəʊ] v.增加;生长9farm [fɑːm] n.XXXX农场10pick [pɪk] v.拾;捡;挑选11excelent [eksələnt] adj.杰出的;优秀的12countryside [kʌntrɪd] n.乡下;农村13yesterday [jestədeɪ] n.昨天;近来14flower [flaʊə(r)] n.花15worry [wʌri] vt使烦恼n.担心;烦恼16luckily [lʌkɪli] adv.幸运地;幸亏地17sun [sʌn] n.太阳18museum [mjuziːəm] n.博物馆;展览馆19fire [faɪə(r)] n.火20exciting [ɪksaɪtɪŋ] adj.令人兴奋的;使人激动的 21lovely [lʌvli] adj.可爱的;令人愉快的;好看的 22expensive [ɪkspensɪv] adj.昂贵的;高价的23cheap [tʃiːp] adj.便宜的;廉价的24slow [sləʊ] adj.慢的25fast [fɑːst] adj.快的;迅速的26robot [rəʊbɒt] n.机器人27guide [ɡaɪd] n.向导;导游28gift [ɡɪft] n.礼物;赠品29everything [evriθɪŋ] pron.一切;所有事物30interested [ɪntrəstɪd] adj.感兴趣的31dark [dɑːk] adj.黑暗的;深色的32hear [hɪə(r)] v.倾听Ut 12 What did you do t weekend?1camp2lake3beach4sheep5natural6visitor7tired8stay9away10use11baby12shout13language14flye15kit16high17ago18on19surpise20snake21ve22start 23jump 24wake 25into 26forest 27ear。



七年级英语单词表(上下册)一、上册单词表1. apple 苹果2. banana 香蕉3. orange 橙子4. pear 梨5. watermelon 西瓜6. peach 桃子7. grape 葡萄8. strawberry 草莓9. pineapple 菠萝10. mango 芒果二、下册单词表1. book 书2. pen 钢笔3. pencil 铅笔4. eraser 橡皮5. ruler 尺子6. backpack 书包7. schoolbag 书包8. notebook 笔记本9. dictionary 字典10. calculator 计算器三、上册单词表(续)1. cat 猫2. dog 狗3. bird 鸟4. fish 鱼5. elephant 象6. tiger 虎7. lion 狮子8. monkey 猴子9. bear 熊10. panda 熊猫四、下册单词表(续)1. car 汽车2. bus 公共汽车3. bike 自行车4. train 火车5. plane 飞机6. ship 轮船7. boat 小船8. truck 卡车9. motorcycle 摩托车10. helicopter 直升机五、上册单词表(续)1. red 红色2. yellow 黄色3. blue 蓝色4. green 绿色5. white 白色6. black 黑色7. purple 紫色8. orange 橙色9. pink 粉红色10. brown 棕色六、下册单词表(续)1. one 一2. two 二3. three 三4. four 四5. five 五6. six 六7. seven 七8. eight 八9. nine 九10. ten 十七、上册单词表(续)1. happy 快乐的2. sad 悲伤的3. angry 生气的4. tired 疲劳的5. excited 兴奋的6. surprised 惊讶的7. scared 害怕的8. bored 无聊的9. hot 热的10. cold 冷的八、下册单词表(续)1. eat 吃2. drink 喝3. sleep 睡觉4. read 阅读5. write 写6. listen 听7. speak 说8. run 跑9. jump 跳10. dance 跳舞九、上册单词表(续)1. I 我2. you 你/你们3. he 他4. she 她5. it 它6. we 我们7. they 他们/她们/它们8. my 我的9. your 你的/你们的10. his 他的十、下册单词表(续)1. and 和2. but 但是3. or 或者4. because 因为5. so 所以6. if 如果7. when 什么时候8. where 哪里9. who 谁10. how 怎么样十一、上册单词表(续)1. this 这个2. that 那个3. these 这些4. those 那些5. here 这里6. there 那里7. then 然后8. now 现在9. after 之后10. before 之前十二、下册单词表(续)1. go 去3. get 得到4. give 给5. see 看见6. look 看7. find 找到8. make 制作9. do 做10. have 有十三、上册单词表(续)1. family 家庭2. friend 朋友3. teacher 教师4. student 学生5. parent 父母6. brother 兄弟7. sister 姐妹8. uncle 叔叔9. aunt 阿姨10. cousin 表亲十四、下册单词表(续)1. school 学校2. class 班级3. room 房间4. desk 课桌5. chair 椅子6. table 桌子7. bed 床8. door 门9. window 窗户10. floor 地板十五、上册单词表(续)1. morning 早上2. afternoon 下午3. evening 晚上4. night 夜晚5. today 今天6. yesterday 昨天7. tomorrow 明天8. week 周9. month 月10. year 年十六、下册单词表(续)1. big 大的2. small 小的3. tall 高的4. short 矮的5. long 长的6. short 短的7. heavy 重的8. light 轻的9. thin 瘦的10. fat 胖的十七、上册单词表(续)1. like 喜欢2. love 爱3. want 想要4. need 需要5. can 能够6. can't 不能7. must 必须8. may 可以9. might 也许10. will 将会十八、下册单词表(续)1. there is 有2. there are 有3. have 有4. has 有5. do 做6. does 做7. did 做8. doing 做9. did 做10. done 做十九、上册单词表(续)1. schoolbag 书包2. pencil 铅笔3. book 书4. eraser 橡皮5. ruler 尺子6. pen 钢笔7. notebook 笔记本8. dictionary 字典9. calculator 计算器10. backpack 书包二十、下册单词表(续)1. car 汽车2. bus 公共汽车3. bike 自行车4. train 火车5. plane 飞机6. ship 轮船7. boat 小船8. truck 卡车9. motorcycle 摩托车10. helicopter 直升机二十一、上册单词表(续)1. zoo 动物园2. park 公园3. museum 博物馆4. library 图书馆5. cinema 电影院6. theater 剧院7. stadium 体育场8. beach 海滩9. mountain 山10. river 河流二十二、下册单词表(续)1. hot 热的2. cold 冷的3. warm 暖和的4. cool 凉爽的5. dry 干燥的6. wet 湿的7. windy 有风的8. sunny 晴朗的9. cloudy 多云的10. rainy 下雨的二十三、上册单词表(续)2. bad 坏的3. ugly 丑陋的4. beautiful 美丽的5. delicious 美味的6. sweet 甜的7. sour 酸的8. salty 咸的9. bitter 苦的10. spicy 辣的二十四、下册单词表(续)1. easy 容易的2. hard 困难的3. interesting 有趣的4. boring 无聊的5. happy 快乐的6. sad 悲伤的7. angry 生气的8. tired 疲劳的9. excited 兴奋的10. surprised 惊讶的二十五、上册单词表(续)1. apple 苹果2. banana 香蕉3. orange 橙子4. pear 梨5. watermelon 西瓜6. peach 桃子7. grape 葡萄8. strawberry 草莓9. pineapple 菠萝10. mango 芒果二十六、下册单词表(续)1. one 一2. two 二3. three 三4. four 四5. five 五6. six 六7. seven 七8. eight 八9. nine 九10. ten 十二十七、上册单词表(续)1. cat 猫2. dog 狗3. bird 鸟4. fish 鱼5. elephant 象6. tiger 虎7. lion 狮子8. monkey 猴子9. bear 熊10. panda 熊猫二十八、下册单词表(续)1. car 汽车2. bus 公共汽车3. bike 自行车4. train 火车5. plane 飞机6. ship 轮船7. boat 小船8. truck 卡车9. motorcycle 摩托车10. helicopter 直升机二十九、上册单词表(续)1. red 红色2. yellow 黄色3. blue 蓝色4. green 绿色5. white 白色6. black 黑色7. purple 紫色8. orange 橙色9. pink 粉红色10. brown 棕色三十、下册单词表(续)1. big 大的2. small 小的3. tall 高的4. short 矮的5. long 长的6. short 短的7. heavy 重的8. light 轻的9. thin 瘦的10. fat 胖的二十九、上册单词表(续)1. family 家庭2. friend 朋友3. teacher 教师4. student 学生5. parent 父母6. brother 兄弟7. sister 姐妹8. uncle 叔叔9. aunt 阿姨10. cousin 表亲三十、下册单词表(续)1. school 学校2. class 班级3. room 房间4. desk 课桌5. chair 椅子6. table 桌子7. bed 床8. door 门9. window 窗户10. floor 地板三十一、上册单词表(续)1. morning 早上2. afternoon 下午3. evening 晚上4. night 夜晚5. today 今天6. yesterday 昨天7. tomorrow 明天8. week 周9. month 月10. year 年三十二、下册单词表(续)1. big 大的2. small 小的3. tall 高的4. short 矮的5. long 长的6. short 短的7. heavy 重的8. light 轻的9. thin 瘦的10. fat 胖的三十三、上册单词表(续)1. like 喜欢2. love 爱3. want 想要4. need 需要5. can 能够6. can't 不能7. must 必须8. may 可以9. might 也许10. will 将会三十四、下册单词表(续)1. there is 有2. there are 有3. have 有4. has 有5. do 做6. does 做7. did 做8. doing 做9. did 做10. done 做三十五、上册单词表(续)1. schoolbag 书包2. pencil 铅笔3. book 书4. eraser 橡皮5. ruler 尺子6. pen 钢笔7. notebook 笔记本8. dictionary 字典9. calculator 计算器10. backpack 书包三十六、下册单词表(续)1. car 汽车2. bus 公共汽车3. bike 自行车4. train 火车5. plane 飞机6. ship 轮船7. boat 小船8. truck 卡车9. motorcycle 摩托车10. helicopter 直升机七年级英语单词表(上下册)一、上册单词表1. apple 苹果2. banana 香蕉3. orange 橙子4. pear 梨5. watermelon 西瓜6. peach 桃子7. grape 葡萄8. strawberry 草莓9. pineapple 菠萝10. mango 芒果二、下册单词表1. book 书2. pen 钢笔3. pencil 铅笔4. eraser 橡皮5. ruler 尺子6. pencil case 铅笔盒7. backpack 书包8. schoolbag 书包9. notebook 笔记本10. textbook 教科书七年级英语单词表(上下册)一、上册单词表11. cat 猫12. dog 狗13. bird 鸟14. fish 鱼15. elephant 象16. tiger 老虎17. lion 狮子18. monkey 猴子19. panda 熊猫20. zebra 斑马二、下册单词表21. teacher 教师22. student 学生23. classmate 同学24. friend 朋友25. family 家庭26. father 父亲27. mother 母亲28. brother 兄弟29. sister 姐妹30. grandfather 祖父七年级英语单词表(上下册)一、上册单词表31. school 学校32. classroom 教室33. blackboard 黑板34. chair 椅子35. desk 课桌37. library 图书馆38. playground 操场39. cafeteria 食堂40. bathroom 洗手间二、下册单词表41. morning 早晨42. afternoon 下午43. evening 晚上44. night 夜晚45. week 星期46. month 月份47. year 年48. season 季节49. holiday 假日50. weekend 周末。



七年级下册英语单词大全apple - 苹果book - 书cat - 猫dog - 狗elephant - 大象fish - 鱼girl - 女孩hat - 帽子ice cream - 冰淇淋juice - 果汁key - 钥匙lion - 狮子monkey - 猴子nose - 鼻子orange - 橙子pencil - 铅笔queen - 女王rabbit - 兔子sun - 太阳table - 桌子umbrella - 雨伞van - 货车water - 水xylophone - 木琴yogurt - 酸奶zebra - 斑马bag - 袋子car - 汽车desk - 书桌egg - 鸡蛋flower - 花guitar - 吉他house - 房子insect - 昆虫jacket - 夹克kite - 风筝lemon - 柠檬mouse - 鼠标notebook - 笔记本owl - 猫头鹰pen - 钢笔queen - 女王ruler - 尺子tiger - 老虎uniform - 制服violin - 小提琴watch - 手表xylophone - 木琴yogurt - 酸奶zoo - 动物园apple - 苹果book - 书cat - 猫dog - 狗elephant - 大象fish - 鱼girl - 女孩hat - 帽子ice cream - 冰淇淋juice - 果汁key - 钥匙lion - 狮子monkey - 猴子nose - 鼻子orange - 橙子pencil - 铅笔queen - 女王rabbit - 兔子sun - 太阳table - 桌子umbrella - 雨伞van - 货车water - 水xylophone - 木琴yogurt - 酸奶zebra - 斑马bag - 袋子car - 汽车desk - 书桌egg - 鸡蛋flower - 花guitar - 吉他house - 房子insect - 昆虫jacket - 夹克kite - 风筝mouse - 鼠标notebook - 笔记本owl - 猫头鹰pen - 钢笔queen - 女王ruler - 尺子snake - 蛇tiger - 老虎uniform - 制服violin - 小提琴watch - 手表xylophone - 木琴。



七年级下册英语单词Unit 1: My weekend•chore (n.): a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean (家务活)•homework (n.): work that a student at school is asked to do at home (家庭作业)•relax (v.): to rest and do things that you enjoy, especially after you have been working (放松)•exercise (n.): physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy (锻炼)•swim (v.): to move through water by moving your body along or through it (游泳)•friends (n.): people who you know well and like, and who you spend time with (朋友)•movie (n.): a story told with moving pictures shown on a screen, usually in a cinema (电影)•go shopping (phrase): to go to shops and stores to look at and buy things (购物)•chill (v.): to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you (放松,冷静)Unit 2: Vacation time•vacation (n.): a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want (假期)•beach (n.): an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake, often used by people for pleasure and entertainment (海滩)•mountain (n.): a large natural elevation of the Earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level;a large steep hill (山)•hike (v.): to go for a long walk, especially in the countryside (徒步旅行)•camp (v.): to put up a tent and live in it for a short time (露营)•explore (v.): to travel to a new place to learn about it or to find out what is there (探索)•relaxation (n.): the state of being relaxed; the process of becoming relaxed (放松)•sightseeing (n.): the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist (观光)Unit 3: Food and health•healthy (adj.): strong and well (健康的)•junk food (n.): food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat (垃圾食品)•vegetable (n.): a plant that is eaten as food, especially one that is not a fruit (蔬菜)•fruit (n.): the soft part containing seeds that is produced by a plant; it usually contains a lot of water and is suitable to eat (水果)•balanced diet (n.): a combination of different types of food in the right amounts to get all the necessary nutrients (均衡饮食)•protein (n.): one of the most important nutrients that your body needs to grow and be strong (蛋白质)•carbohydrate (n.): a substance such as sugar or starch that provides the body with energy, esp. [U] bread, rice, potatoes, etc, which are based on these substances (碳水化合物)•vitamin (n.): any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health of the body (维生素)Unit 4: Hobbies•hobby (n.): an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time (爱好)•play chess (phrase): to take part in a game for two people, using different pieces that are moved across the board (下棋)•draw (v.): to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen (画)•sing (v.): to make musical sounds with the voice, usually a tune with words (唱歌)•dance (v.): to move your body and feet in a way that follows a rhythm, usually in time to music (跳舞)•paint (v.): to make a picture of something or someone using paint (绘画)•collect (v.): to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby (收集)•play the guitar (phrase): to make music using a guitar by moving your fingers over the strings and making a series of musical notes (弹吉他)Unit 5: Daily routines•routine (n.): a usual or fixed way of doing things (日常工作,常规)•wake up (phrase): stop sleeping and become conscious (醒来)•get up (phrase): to leave your bed after sleeping (起床)•brush teeth (phrase): to clean your teeth using a toothbrush and toothpaste (刷牙)•have breakfast (phrase): to eat the first meal of the day in the morning (吃早餐)•go to school (phrase): to attend classes at a school (上学)•have lunch (phrase): to eat the meal in the middle of the day (吃午餐)•do homework (phrase): to complete school work that needs to be done at home (做家庭作业)•go to bed (phrase): to lie down, rest, or sleep (上床睡觉)Unit 6: Transportation•transportation (n.): a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, or the vehicles used in such a system (交通)•car (n.): a vehicle with four wheels that carries people or goods and is powered by an engine (汽车)•bus (n.): a large vehicle that is used for carrying passengers by road, usually along a fixed route (公共汽车)•train (n.): a long vehicle with many carriages, traveling on metal tracks and usually pulled by a locomotive (火车)•bike (n.): a bicycle or motorcycle (自行车)•subway (n.): a railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels below ground (地铁)•plane (n.): a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings (飞机)•boat (n.): a vehicle for traveling on water (船)Unit 7: Weather and seasons•weather (n.): the conditions in the air above the Earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area (天气)•sunny (adj.): bright because of light from the sun (晴朗的)•windy (adj.): with a lot of wind (有风的)•cloudy (adj.): with a lot of clouds in the sky (多云的)•rainy (adj.): having a lot of rain (下雨的)•snowy (adj.): covered with snow (下雪的)•spring (n.): the season of the year between winter and summer (春季)•summer (n.): the season of the year between spring and fall (夏季)•autumn/fall (n.): the season of the year between summer and winter (秋季)•winter (n.): the season of the year between fall and spring (冬季)这些是七年级下册英语教材中常见的单词,了解这些单词能够帮助学生更好地理解课文内容,并在学习和交流中更加流利地使用英语。



7年级下册英语书单词Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?guitar [ɡɪˈtɑː(r)] n. 吉他。

sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱歌。

swim [swɪm] v. & n. 游泳。

dance [dɑːns] v. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈。

draw [drɔː] v. 画。

chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋。

play chess 下国际象棋。

speak [spiːk] v. 说(某种语言);说话。

speak English 说英语。

join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加;加入。

club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;社团。

be good at…擅长于……tell [tel] v. 讲述;告诉。

story [ˈstɔːri] n. 故事;小说。

write [raɪt] v. 写作;写字。

show [ʃəʊ] n. 演出;节目;v. 给……看;展示。

or [ɔː(r)] conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句)talk [tɔːk] v. & n. 说话;交谈。

talk to…跟……说。

kung fu [ˌkʌŋˈfuː] n. (中国)功夫。

drum [drʌm] n. 鼓。

play the drums 敲鼓。

piano [piˈænəʊ] n. 钢琴。

play the piano 弹钢琴。

violin [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn] n. 小提琴。

play the violin 拉小提琴。

also [ˈɔːlsəʊ] adv. 也;而且。

people [ˈpiːpl] n. 人;人们。

home [həʊm] n. 家;活动本部;adv. 到家;在家。

be good with…善于应付……的;对……有办法。

make [meɪk] v. 使成为;制造。

make friends 结交朋友。

today [təˈdeɪ] adv. 在今天。

help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人)center [ˈsentə(r)] n. (=centre)中心;中央。



(完整版)最新人教版七年级(初一)下册英语单词表一、A部分1. able 能够2. about 关于3. above 在上面4. accept 接受5. accident 事故6. act 行动7. add 添加8. admit 承认9. adult 成年人10. advance 提前11. advice 建议12. afraid 害怕13. after 在……之后14. again 再一次15. against 反对二、B部分16. age 年龄17. ago 以前18. agree 同意19. air 空气20. all 所有21. allow 允许22. almost 几乎23. alone 独自24. along 一起25. already 已经26. also 也27. although 尽管28. always 总是29. among 在……之中三、C部分30. and 和31. animal 动物32. another 另一个33. answer 答案34. any 任何35. anybody 任何人36. anymore 再也不37. anyone 任何人38. anything 任何事物39. anywhere 任何地方40. appear 出现41. area 地区42. argue 争论43. arm 手臂44. army 军队45. around 围绕四、D部分46. arrive 到达47. art 艺术48. artist 艺术家49. as 作为50. ask 询问51. asleep 睡着的52. assistant53. at 在54. attack 攻击55. attempt 尝试56. attention 注意57. attitude 态度58. attract 吸引59. audience 观众60. august 八月61. aunt 姨母62. author 作者63. automatic 自动的64. autumn 秋天65. away 远离五、E部分66. ba 婴儿67. back 后背68. background 背景69. bad 坏的70. bag 包71. bake 烘焙72. balance 平衡73. ball 球74. banana 香蕉75. bank 银行76. bar 条,棒77. base 基础78. baseball 棒球79. basic 基本的80. basket 篮子81. basketball 篮球82. bath 洗澡83. bathroom 浴室84. battery 电池85. be 是六、F部分. beach 海滩87. bear 承受,熊88. beat 打败89. beautiful 美丽的90. because 因为92. bed 床93. bedroom 卧室94. before 在……之前95. begin 开始96. behind 在……后面97. believe 相信98. below 在……下面99. belt 皮带100. bend 弯曲(文档持续更新中,敬请期待后续内容。



2024七年级下册英语单词crayon 蜡笔eraser 橡皮glove 手套wallet 钱包watch 表,(通常指)手表whose 谁的first of all 首先,第一lose 失去find 发现,找到lost and found box 失物招领箱mine 我的yours 你(们)的tape 录音带,磁带purple 紫色的hers 她的careful 仔细的,认真的,小心的be careful with 小心(对待)on 从某时刻起from now on 从现在开始here is / are (用于刚找到某人或某物时)在这儿camera 照相机phone 电话,电话机mobile phone 移动电话,手机lost and found office 失物招领处in a hurry 匆匆忙忙leave (left/ left )丢下,遗忘plane 飞机taxi 出租车why 为什么airport 机场,航空港hundred 百hundreds of 几百,成败上千look for 寻找thousand 千strange 奇怪的boat 船duck 鸭子pig 猪sausage 香肠,腊肠Module 2play 演奏,弹奏tennis 网球piano 钢琴ride 骑,乘club 俱乐部term 学期board 布告板would like 想要,希望all 所有的,全部的that’s all 仅此而已worry 担心,焦虑worry about 担心teach (taught)教,讲授then 那么,就monitor 班长,监督员start 开始,开端get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽ready 乐意的ready to do sth 乐于做某事promise 承诺,保证fast adj 快的,快速的adv . 快地,快速地fit 健康的,强健的just 就,正好ball 球,球类游戏game 运动项目team 队伍,球队best 最好的score 得分,成绩tidy adj 整齐的,整洁的,爱整洁的,爱整齐的sure 确信的,有把握的everybody 每个人just like 正如,就像beautiful 美的,美丽的fly (flew)放飞(风筝)飞行,乘飞机kite 风筝swim (swam)游泳Module 3go over 复习,练习picnic 野餐housework 家务劳动on 在……时候else 其他,另外nobody 没有人at 在……点钟nothing 没有什么,没有东西silly 愚蠢的,傻气的fantastic 极好的forward 面向未来的,向前look forward to 盼望fan 迷,支持者make friends 交朋友shirt 球衣,(男式)衬衫cheer 为……喝彩player 运动员,选手hope 希望win (won)赢,获胜enjoy oneself 过得愉快myself 我自己during 在……期间May 5月May Day 五一劳动节late adj 迟的,晚的adv 迟,晚walk 步行,走take a walk 散步country 向下,农村second 第二collect 收集litter 垃圾fun 娱乐,乐趣summer holiday 暑假camp 营地,帐篷Australian 澳大利亚的sightseeing 观光,游览go sightseeing 观光beach 海滨,海滩early adj 早的adv 早,提前Module 4chalk 粉笔ruler 直尺carry 拿,带change 改变,变化everything 每样事物,每件事,所有事物future 将来,未来in the future 在将来life 生活,生命need 需要will 将,将要,将会maybe也许ask 询问,问question 问题by 用靠,乘坐(交通工具)level 水平able 能够……的be able to 能够做……more adv 更加,更adj 更多的not ……any more 不再free (时间)空闲的,空余的air 天空,空中,空气land 陆地machine 机器rain n 雨,雨水v 下雨robot 机器人sea 海,海洋space 太空,空间traffic 交通jam 堵塞,拥挤traffic jam 交通堵塞wind 风true 真的,真实的come true (希望,梦想等)实现,成真here is / are (用于介绍某人或某物)下面bike 自行车car 汽车,轿车cheap 便宜的everywhere 到处,处处not only ……but also 不但,而且into 进入到……里面long 长的,长时间的heavy 繁重的,沉的light 轻的,轻松的easy 容易的working (有关)工作的hour 小时short 短的,短暂的,矮的rise (rose)升起,上升as well 和,又,也Module 5market 市场supermarket 超市biscuit 饼干lemon 柠檬strawberry 草莓Mother’s Day 母亲节size 尺码号take (took)穿某尺寸的衣服或鞋子may/ might 可以可能try 尝试,试穿,品尝try on 试穿certainly 当然,行wait a minute 别急,稍等一会sale 降价出售price 价格look 看起来,显得fresh 新鲜的advantage 有利条件,优势anyone 任何人anything 任何东西,任何事情anywhere 在任何地方,往任何地方compare 比较pay 支付,付钱post 邮寄product 产品receive 收到接到safe 安全的several 几个,一些online 在线的shopping 购物way 方式,道路one of ……之一almost 几乎,差不多something 某事物,某种东西later后来,以后open 营业的,开放的out 外出,离开go out 外出,游玩over 通过,超过one day 总有一天one (同一群人或物中的)一个Module 6bank 银行museum 博物馆along 沿着across prep 越过cross v 穿过opposite 在……的对面tourist 游客excuse 原谅,谅解excuse me 劳驾,对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)street 街道turn 换方向third 第三guidebook 导游手册,旅行指南bookshop 书店right 好了(用于变换话题或者活动)是的,好why not 为什么不呢could 可以,能underground 地铁take 搭乘,乘坐,固定使用把(某人)带往,使某人到square 广场middle n . 中部,中间adj 中等的,中部的famous 著名的painting 油画,绘画from 从……出发metre 米above 在……上方,在……之上river 河,江clear (天气)晴朗的bridge 桥railway 铁路past 路过(某物或某地)church 教堂finish 结束,完成high 高的post office 邮政局up 沿着……而去down 沿着stop车站Module 7born (动词bear的过去分词)出生strict 严格的,严厉的friendly 友好的primary 初等的,初级的primary school 小学town 城镇,市镇US 美国village 村庄nice 友好的,亲切的good 乖的,守规矩的difficult 难对付的bathroom 浴室bedroom 卧室garden 花园living room 起居室,客厅east adj 东面的,东部的n 东方coast 海岸ago 以前store 商店movie theater电影院bored 厌烦的,厌倦的president 总统comfortable 舒适的,舒服的lake 湖last (星期,月份等)最近过去的,紧接现在前面的yesterday 昨天Module 8hair 头发gold 金色,黄金,金牌forest 森林once 一次,一回upon 在……上,到……上once upon a time 从前decide 决定go for a walk 散步basket 篮子notice 注意到all alone 独自一人的dark 黑暗的pick 采摘pick up 拿起,举起soon 立刻,不久lost 迷路的around 环绕的,围绕little 小的towards 往,向朝……方向knock 敲door 门answer 应门,回答push 推enter 进入bowl 碗hungry 感到饿的,饥饿的right 合适的,恰当的finish 吃完,喝完,用尽either 也(不)piece 部件,碎片,一件/个/张in pieces 破碎asleep 睡着的return 返回,归还cry哭,喊叫at first 起初,首先point 指向,指point at 指着……shout 高声说,大声喊jump 跳without 无,没有part 部分,地区,地方Module 9March 3 月April 4 月June 6 月Women’s Day 妇女节National Day 国庆节Children’s Day 儿童节July 7月August 8 月September 9 月October 10月November 11 月December 12 月writer 作家find out 发现,查明,弄清real 真实的,真正的at the age of 在……岁时newspaper 报纸exact 准确的date 日期become 成为in the 1860s 在19世纪60年代play 剧本,戏剧poem 诗歌marry 结婚successful 成功的work 作品,著作build 建造fire 火,火灾die 死,去世rich 富有的language 语言around the world 世界各地young 年轻的Module 10Pacific 太平洋的so 那么(尤指用于引出新话题)这么,那么(用于强调质量,数量或感觉)guess 猜猜测excited 激动的,兴奋的arrive 到达relax 放松world-famous举世闻名的French adj 法国的,法语的n 法国人,法语sell 卖,出售top 顶端till 直到……为止light 电灯on 在使用中,开着的wonderful 绝妙的,了不起的palace 宫殿Module 11bow 鞠躬,弯腰kiss 吻,亲吻shake (shook)摇晃shake hands 握手smile 微笑British 英国的,英国人的German 德国人,德语adj 德国的,德国人的,德语的Japanese n 日本人,日语adj 日本的,日语的,日本人的Russian n 俄罗斯人,俄语adj 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,俄语的visitor 游客,观光者Russia 俄罗斯what 什么(表示惊奇)nod 点(头)head 头,头部hug 拥抱each 各个,每个each other 互相,彼此India 印度together 一起,共同Maori 毛利人的touch 触摸,接触nose 鼻子finger 手指foot 脚,足knee 膝盖leg 腿mouth 嘴,口body 身体,躯干foreign 外国的North American 北美人personal 个人的arm 手臂arm in arm 臂挽臂的South American 南美人hold (held)握着,使不动move 移动Britain 不列颠,英国not at all 一点也不polite 礼貌的somewhere 某处,某个地方wave 挥手,招手摆手fact 事实,细节in fact 事实上rude 粗鲁的,无礼的bring (brought)带来Module 12lively 活泼的,轻快的modern 现代的noisy 吵闹的pop 流行的,受欢迎的rock 摇滚乐sound 声音violin 小提琴Western 西方的by 由……创作through 穿过both 两者,两个opera 歌剧voice 声音drum 鼓believe 相信musician 乐手,音乐家centre 中心European 欧洲的classical 经典的,古典的century 世纪composer 作曲家elder 年长的waltz 华尔兹舞(曲)dance music 舞曲another 又一个,再一个piece (写作,音乐或艺术的)作品poor 贫穷的perfect 完美的sad 令人悲伤的,令人难过的Revision module Bslow 慢的fell (felt) 感觉,觉得ship 船。

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初一英语书下册单词初一英语书下册单词:定语从句:(一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,练习 1.I like cities___________are quiet and clean. 2.I prefer students _________are hard-working. 3.I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boring.4.The music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot.5.The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy.6.Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen.7.The books ____________ are written by Lu Xun are worth reading.8.The town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.The book ___ he bought is very interesting.(二)特例:只用that的情况1先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用that, 2.被修饰的先行词为________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用that. 3.先行词被_____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用that,而不用which。

4.先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room. 5. 以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that.如:Who is the girl that is crying?练习1. I am interested in everything___ is about the 2006 World Cup. 2. Is there anything___I can do for you? 3. This is the very bike ______I lost 4.To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need. 5.This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used. 6. He was the first person _______passed the exam.7.He talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly.(三)whose 1. The student ______father works in the factory is sitting there. 2. I like the rooms ______windows face south.3. This is the desk ______legs were broken.4The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about it.5.Here comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best .6The banana __skin is green cant be eaten.7That tall tree _ leaves are yellow is very old.(四)从句谓语单复数由先行词确定,时态由从句时间状语决定,不必跟主句保持一致。

1-He is one of the boys who ____ (doesnt, dont) finish doing homework.2-I like films which ____(be) exciting and interesting.3-Children who often ____(eat) junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy.4-That boy who _____(run) fastest is from our class.5Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be)6The trees which _____ (be) watered yesterday belong to them. 7The man who ____ over there is ourteacher.(stand) 8Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be)9Mr. Brown is one of the foreign experts _______ _________ (work) in China.10Im one of the boys ______ ________(like) English best.(五)介词+关系代词注意:介词的选用要考虑: A.与先行词的搭配关系1)I will never forget the day __________ I joined the army.2) I will never forget the days ______ I worked here.3) I will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college. B. 与谓语动词的搭配习惯1)Have you found the book ________I paid 29 dollars?2)Have you found the book ________I spent 29 dollars?3) Have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?4) Have you found the book _______she often talks?关系副词的用法练习:1. It must be a good place ________________we can do a lot of exercise. 2.This is the village _________________we visited last week. 3.The house _______ we live in is very big./ The house _______ we live is very big 4. The woman ___________ talked to you just now is a doctor. The woman ______ you talked to is my sister.The woman to ___________ you talked is my sister. 5. This is the hospital ____________ I was born in.This is the hospital in _________I was born. This is the hospital____________ I was born.综合练习一. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空 1. The boy ______ is wearing the black jacket is very clever. 2. This is the present ____he gave me for my birthday.3.The man _______ talked to you just now is an engineer. 4. He talked about the teachers and schools _______ he had visited. 5. There is nothing in the world ______can frighten him.6. We visited a factory _______makes toys for children.7. Is this the place _______ your father once lived 8. Ill never forget the days _______ I joined the League.9The car______my father bought last month is beautiful.10The man______hair is white is his grandfather.二( )1.Rosa likes music ___ is quiet and gentle. A. when B. that C. where D. who ( )2.--Is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose( )3 Yao Ming is a famous basketball star ___ is playing in the NBA. A. whose B. who C. what D. which( )4. The doctor ___I am waiting for is Mr. Smith. A. which B. whom C. whose D. why( )5. --- Do you know Hong Zhanhui? ---Yes. Hes the college student ____ has moved Chinese people a lot. A. who B. which C. what D. whom( )6. In my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate. A. which B. who C. whom D. she( )7. This is the place ____ the old man lived last year. A.when B. where C. that D.which( ) 8. The song ___ Jay Zhou sings are popular with students. A. why B. whom C. what D. which( )9. The farmer was very thankful to the doctor ___ treated his son. A. what B. which C. who D. whose( )10.I like to live in a house__ is big and bright. A. that B. who C. how D. why( )11. The young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher. A. what B. whose C. whom D. which( )12. --Can you introduce the town to me? --OK. This is the town in __ I was born. A. that B. who C. which( )13. Miss green is the only person __ can help you with your English. A. she B. whom C. which D. who ( )14. I like the second football match ___was held last week. A. which B. who C. that D. /( )15. Is there anything ____ to you?A. that is belongedB. that belongsC. that belongD. which belongs ( )16. I hate people ___ dont help others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. they( )17. This is the only book ___I am looking for. A. that B. which C. who D. whom( )18 Her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of English. A. whom B. that is C. which D. who is( )19 The book__is sold out at the moment.A.you need Bwhat you need C.which you need it D that you need it ( )20 Im one of the boys ______never late for school. A. that isB. who areC. who amD. who is( )21.__cleans the classroom can gohome first. A. Anyone B. Those who C. However D. The one who ( )22. The old man __yesterday is a scientist.A.I spoke B. I spoke to C. whom I spoke D. that I spoke to him中考定语从句真题演练1.---Is the girl __ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend? --Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose 2. Do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? A. who B. what C. that D. whom 3. ---Who is your new English teacher? ---Elena, the woman ____ is wearing a red T-shirt over there. A. 不填 B. whom C. whose D. who 4. Is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A. whose B. which C. when D. who 5. ---What are you looking for? ---Im looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday. A. who B. which C. whose 6. This is the novel_____ written by Guo Jingming. A. who B. what C. that D. /7. We should be ready to help the people ____ are in trouble. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who8. Two years has passed, but Chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games. A. that B. who C. when 9. The magician _____ played magic tricks in 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala is Liu Qian. He is popular in China now. A. whose B. who C. which10. July likes music very much. She likes music ____ shecan dance to. A. what B. who C. that11. At school, you should do the things _____ are allowed by the teachers. A. that B. when C. what12. Thought is the key _____ opens the doors of the world. A. why B. where C. which D. who13. The gentlemen ___ are coming to my office tomorrow are my classmates many years ago. A. whom B. who C. those D. which 14. Thats the man _____ house was destroyed in the storm. A. that B. whose C. who D. which15. The girl ____ I just talked with is Bens sister. A. whom B. which C. she16. I love people ____ are friendly to others. A. which B. whose C. what D. who 17. Its time to say goodbye to my school. Ill always remember the people _____ have helped me. A. who B. what C. which D. where 18. I like the teacher ____ classes are very interesting and creative. A. which B. who C. what D. whose19. Do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to Peter? ---Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his ____ birthday. A. who, ninth B. that, nineth C. /, nineth D. which, ninth20.ShaolinTemple__lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroad.A.where B.which C.who二宾语从句1宾语从句的学习要注意三个方面第一:语序:在宾语从句中,一律用___________。
