












”案例二; “全球水电工业公司”案件。







2020高考语文作文素材 唐骏演讲被“踢馆”引发热议

2020高考语文作文素材 唐骏演讲被“踢馆”引发热议




















“西太平洋大学(dàxué)效劳(xiào láo)〞记录(jìlù)部门工作人员阿伦·贝克,在美国当地时间13日就唐骏“学历门〞事件(shìjiàn)向晨报记者发来了一封长信。



































心 也曾发现 ,因教育机 构乱发文凭造成 的假 文凭 占
了六至七成 以上……假 文凭大多来 自一些 未经教育 部批准 的高校 二级学院或 民办学校 ,或 是个别 民办 院校 开设 的 自学辅导班 。
二 是 “ 的真 文 凭 ” 假 。即 由具 有 颁 发 文 凭 资 质 的
育文凭 的信任危机 ,进而危害着高等 教育与社会发
广, 从政府官员到寺院住持均在其列 。 人们熟悉的文 学 作品 《 围城 》中, 个花钱 买博士 文凭 的方鸿渐 , 那 购买 的就是野鸡大学克莱登大学 的文凭 。 0 4 1 20 年 0 月, 中组部 等 四部 委经过 两年清 查, 发现 6 7万县 处 级 以上干 部中,每 4 人就有 一人的文凭有 问题 , 0 许 多人是伪造 印刷 的假文 凭。广 东省学历文凭 认证 中
府官员、 企业 高 管 等 没 有 受 到 应 有 的 惩 罚 。 汉 理 工 武
国防部长古滕 贝格 , 以及 自民党 女政 治家、 欧洲议会
大学 “ 廊坊班 ” 授予的真 的假文凭 , 也未见教育主管
议员 、 欧洲 自由与 民主党联盟副主席 梅林 , 因博士 均
论文抄袭而辞职, 结束 了政 治生涯 。 诸如此类 真的假 文凭乱象层出不穷。
凭 。 比如 :0 0年 7月 , 舟 子 在 微 博 上 指 证 唐 骏 的 21 方
高校 , 通过相关 既定程序颁 发的文凭 。 尽管形式合乎
规定,但 文凭获得者没 有相应 的学业经 历和知识含 量 。比如 :不用通过严 格的学 习与考试 而取得 的文 凭; 通过 论文抄袭而获得 的文凭 。2 1 年 5月 1日, 02 媒体 爆料 ,清 华大 学 出现 了从未 上课 的 “ 文博 论 士 ” 0 2 4月 1 。2 1 年 9日 《 新快报》 报道: 1 年来 , 近 0 武汉理工大学向百余名无资格入学 的学生授予 了真 实硕士学位 ,并通过 了教育主管部 门的复查复审环 节 。02 2 1 2 1 年 月 5日 《 三湘都 市报 》 道: 报 狄克森 州 立大 学有 数 百名不 具 备入 学 资格 的外 国学生 被录 取, 并且在没有完成课程 的情况下被授 予学位 , 不合 格学生 中约 9% 自中国。诸如此类被人戏称 为 “ 5来 不 用通过 国家统一考试 ”“ 不用上课 ”“ 不用 做作业 ”






















































2002年唐骏在美国加州创建了软件娱乐公司Intertex Company。



















田春女威尔特科技发展有限公司总经理助理陈亦佳女中国文联公务员陈慧凯男监察部干部杨贵生男北京市惠诚律师事务所张钧男清华同方企划主管鲁志红女北京城建五建设工程有限公司技术邱景文男西门子(中国)有限公司商务赵梅女西门子商务陈思男北京诺华制药有限公司杜倩女北京中北商标专利事务所王正男北京中北商标专利事务所李伦哲男金靓女广州南新制药有限公司注册经理吴阳女亚商在线政府关系专员陈茂良男国防科技信息中心宋芳女武桔女张索鑫女北京钟表工业专营公司文员安江南男中国航天科技集团何雅琼女北京盛世恒丰贸易有限公司郭柳燕女高弘轶男焦志亮男吕岩女中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会秘书刘传芳女朝阳区豆各庄乡人民政府科员刘勇男海军装备研究院翻译吴莎莎女北大国际医院投资管理有限公司董事长秘书吴艳云女北京电力公司经理办主任曹斌男北京市公安局东城分局科员尚徽男北京市公安局东城分局民警白保玉男北京市民政局科员熊晓颖女天睿律师事务所律师助理陶涛男中国建筑设计研究院工程师包瓴瓴女全国人大信息中心欧欢欢女骆宇男大兴区地方税务局科员孙雅楠女北京市司法局科员于庆华女尹凌女汪爱君男北京市尚公律所律师李燕霞女中国银行丰台芳星园支行彭鹏男中国民用航空总局科员杨琳琳女Motorola张凤女中国水利电力物资有限公司职员张燕云女北京市计算机工业学校教师黎人凤女黄伟男北京国体世纪体育用品认证公司审核员马宏涛男卢欣男工行北京分行副科长李晓芳女北京市商标专利事务所律师蔡正平女北京市公证员协会职员王晓涛男中国经济导报社编辑董珅女北京世纪安泰建筑工程设计有限公司经营部经理谷川男北京市外地罪犯遣送处科员斯然女北京市热力集团热源分公司刘伟宁男卫生部保健局主任科员宋红辉女中国劳动关系学院教师黄一谷男华农财产保险股分有限公司钟民男史运德男北京市门头沟区司法局赵楠男农业银行宣武支行成事吉分理处刘静女北京市朝阳区人民检察院李强男中关村建设奥运篮球馆总承包部喻小玲女张薇女中建二局王鹏女张楠女石慧杰男北京长安律师事务所律师贾濛女胡海涛男北京市版权局姜涛男北京中创律师事务所律师毕敏女朱晓波男侯韩芳女中国标准化研究院吕建波男马宪女李鹏女壳牌(中国)有限公司董事会秘书郄俊珺女张昕女北京政法管理干部学院采编苑芳女中华女子学院法律系寇向卉女北京尚公律师事务所律师张发靖男法律出版社经理陈吴阳子女普天太力郭琳女中华女子学院法律系办公室教学秘书李岩男最高人民法院王振泉男山东兰田集团法律部高岩女武云溥男新浪网编辑林信成男北京作家协会艺术家作家陈爱如女王博男专利局科员郑丽珍女张晖女中国航天科工集团谢芳女宋宇男张建新女默沙东中国有限公司行政主任马红科女北京金色窠间房地产经纪公司副总游涛男邱祎杰女中关村知识产权促进局职员柳金辉男执行董事黄惠女北京市宝鼎律师务所律师李会征男北京市药品监督管理房山分局科员张祖瑜女崇文法院科员李佳新女中伦金通律所法助何睿男北京市民政局殡葬管理处科员赵彦波男亚宝集团北京办事处职员陈明刚男总经理杨华女天则经济研究所助理刘宜萍女中国原子能研究院北京埃索特公司陈凯男中凯律师事务所律师张婧房芳女蔡概还男银监会胡晓燕女新世纪国际租赁有限公司项目经理陈贝贝女中央电视台编导王宇女联美投资有限公司董秘罗曈女北京亚格南科贸有限公司经理助理张海遥通州法院助理审判员原海涛通州法院法官林岚程艳红女对外经济贸易大学杨迪女工商宣武分局科员曹慧明女李佩芫女环球之旅杂志社记者郝爱群女张帆女首都心科研究所李晓红女北京市逢时律师事务所律师王珊珊女中北商标专利事务所张琴女中证副总经理商靓女国家商务部科员李琦女北京银龙知识产权代理有限公司王芳女北京市政府采购中心付晓辉男中国贸促会刘玉梅女北京市民政局副科长王昕女中央电视台编导刘康男中共中央对外宣传小组办公室干事杨兴惠女三月风律师事务所律师张林鹏男国药集团中国医疗器械公司职员岳雷男林扬女北京市地方税务局稽查庄越明女律师邓旭男中国日出集团总裁刘毅男北京大学医学部副研究员朱容男安盛药业有限公司北京办经理野永东男中国电信系统集成公司副总经理王臣男钢铁研究总院副院长徐若钢男钢铁研究总院院长助理李正大男利是集团董事长王坚男北京首都旅游股份公司董事副总裁杨成功男北京中交星网宽频网络服务有限公司首席执行官张勇男江苏省电子商务公司总裁李瑛女深圳法制报社秘书长刘如玲男北京和敬商社总经理肖斌男北京大开明经济贸易发展中心总经理蓝海男中国国旅贸易有限公司董事长陈海燕男中国少年儿童新闻出版总社总经理禹晋永男北京凯爱投资有限公司董事长薛英女北京星豹广告有限公司董事长叶丹女上海美恩生物技术有限公司董事长时彪男辽宁卫星生物制品研究所(有限公司)董事长王景京男味元饲料有限公司总经理冯晶男北京安盟投资策划有限公司董事长杨建伟男中国北海宇丰经济实业发展公司副总经理赵然男北京迪玛科技有限公司董事长郭志伟男北京信捷通移动通信技术有限责任公司常务副总张永全男北京普贤德隆投资顾问有限公司总经理邵佩民男中国国旅贸易有限公司副总裁王德忠男吉林天三奇实业集团副总经理武红女中国科学院科技物资中心财务主任周世锋男北京正平律师所律师李群先男北京远大创世国际贸易有限责任公司副总经理王京文女北京远大创世国际贸易有限责任公司总经理张金澎男北京宾阳建筑集团第三建筑工程公司总经理姜涛男连云港石港高压电瓷有限公司副总经理刘青男全国科技名词委员会办公室主任蔡明男罗旭华女北京旅游学院系主任邓海靖男天同证券有限责任公司副总王彦权男吉林省烟草专卖局高级经济师王力工男志阳汽车电气有限公司总经理王新文男河南北方通讯工程公司董事长王京城男美国ExperExchange.Inc 副总裁吴刚男沈阳东大迪克化工药业有限公司董事长胡志超男济南天一印务有限公司总经理杜淑英女青海三江源集团四宁建筑装潢有限公司总经理于炼男中机电集团董事长包天华男重庆良华房地产董事长崔长青男北京化学工业集团进出口公司经理叶军男北京招润投资公司总经理李枫秋女清华大学CIMS中心咨询顾问濮春干男天津梅塞尔凯德气体系统总经理蒋实刚男盘锦正和有限公司总经理郭津迎女北京工商管理学院院办主任。



西太平洋博士西太平洋博士 4小时前近日与一名古屋大学毕业的朋友聊起他们著名的唐骏校友的学历门,以及人家唐先生将快要到手的名大博士文凭抛弃毅然前往美国,朋友听后摆摆手,摇摇头,笑了笑。













I I 己

那 么 ,既然 唐 骏从 微 软 出来看 上 去 已经 很 成 功 , 为 什 么 反 而 开 始 造 假 呢 ? 一 个 可 以 推 测 的 理 由 是 ,他
下 的 “ 员” ,他 们就 不 可避 免 地会 因为考 虑 个人 形 演
象 以 及 大 众 的 看 法 , 而 去 迁 就 甚 至 迎 合 外 界 的 各 种 不
假 问 题 ,成 为 各 大 新 闻 媒 体 以 及 坊 间 议 论 的 焦 点 。 首
个 社 会 如 果 不 重 视 诚 信 、 缺 乏 诚 信 ,这 个 社 会 早 晚
先是 爆 出唐骏 自称获 得 的名 古屋 大学 博 士学位 ,以及 加州 理 工大 学博 士学位 ,全部 都是 子 虚 乌有 i接 着 又 爆 出唐骏 实际 获得 的不 过 是属 于 “ 野鸡 大 学 ”的西 太 平 洋大 学 的博 士学位 ;进而 又 有资 料表 明 ,唐骏 自称
恰 当的 需求 。 想想 深 圳华 为 技术 有 限公 司 的总 裁任 正
非 , 尽 管 他 所 领 导 的 企 业 快 速 成 长 ,备 受 各 界 关 注 ,
但 是 他本 人 多 年来 却 非 常低 调 ,一直 刻 意躲 开 媒体 ,
不 做 明 星 , 恐 怕 也 正 是 出 于 这 方 面 的 考 虑 。 如 果 唐 骏
国开始 出名 的时候 。
说 谎 有错 ,但 是人 家毕 竟 成功 了 ,人 家成 功靠 的不 是
学 历 ,而 他 之 所 以说 谎 ,都 是 中 国 人 的 “ 凭 情 结 ” 文
惹 的祸 ,所 以唐 骏不 过是 被 “ 良为 娼 ”而 已。 笔者 逼 不想 过 多地 对唐骏 的 对 与错进 行 讨论 ,只 是 简单 地亮
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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GAO United States General Accounting OfficeTestimonyBefore the Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S.SenateDIPLOMA MILLSFor Release on DeliveryExpected at 10:00a.m. EDTTuesday, May 11, 2004Federal Employees HaveObtained Degrees fromDiploma Mills and OtherUnaccredited Schools,Some at GovernmentExpenseStatement of Robert J. Cramer,Managing Director Office of Special InvestigationsaMadam Chairman and Members of the Committee:I am pleased to be here today to discuss issues related to degrees from “diploma mills” and other unaccredited postsecondary schools. As you requested, we conducted an investigation to determine whether the federal government has paid for degrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited postsecondary schools. Section 4107 of title 5, U. S. Code, only permits the federal government to pay for the cost of academic degree training provided by a college or university that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting body. You also asked us to determine whether federal employees who hold senior-level positions have degrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited schools. My testimony today summarizes our investigative findings.We conducted our investigation from July 2003 through February 2004, in accordance with quality standards for investigations as set forth by the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency. We searched the Internet for nontraditional, unaccredited, postsecondary schools that offer degrees for a relatively low flat fee, promote the award of academic credits based on life experience, and do not require any classroom instruction. We requested that four such schools provide information on the number of current and former students identified in their records as federal employees and payment of fees for such federal employees by the federal government. In addition, posing as a prospective student who is employed by a federal agency, our investigator contacted three unaccredited schools to obtain information on how he might have a federal agency pay for a degree.Additionally, we requested that eight federal agencies—the Departments of Education (ED), Energy (DOE), Health and Human Services (HHS), Homeland Security (DHS), Transportation (DOT), and Veterans Affairs (VA); the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)—provide us with a list of senior employees, level GS-15 (or equivalent) or higher, and the names of any postsecondary institutions from which such employees had reported receiving degrees. We compared the names of the schools on the lists provided by these agencies with those that are accredited by accrediting bodies recognized by the Department of Education. We also requested that the agencies examine their financial records to determine if they had paid for degrees from unaccredited schools, and we interviewed six federal employees who have obtained degrees from unaccredited schools.Summary In summary, 3 of the 4 unaccredited schools responded to our requests forinformation and provided records that identified 463 students employed bythe federal government. Two of the four schools provided records thatfederal agencies paid them $150,387.80 for the fees of federal employeestudents. In addition, DOE and DOT advised us of separate paymentstotaling $19,082.94 for expenses associated with degrees from these twoschools, for total federal payments of $169,470.74 to them. However, forthe reasons explained below, the records provided by the schools andagencies likely understate the extent of federal payments for degrees atdiploma mills and other unaccredited schools.Data provided by 8 agencies indicated that 28 senior-level employees havedegrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited schools. In our follow-up interviews with six of these employees and their managers, we weretold that experience, rather than educational credentials, was considered inhiring and promotion decisions concerning these employees. Again,however, for reasons set forth below, this number is believed to be anunderstatement of the actual number of employees at these 8 agencies whohave degrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited schools.Background The Homeland Security Act amended section 4107 of title 5, U. S. Code, byallowing federal reimbursement for degrees only from accreditedinstitutions. Specifically, section 4107 states that an agency may “pay orreimburse the costs of academic degree training … if such training … isaccredited and is provided by a college or university that is accredited by anationally recognized body.” (Emphasis supplied). For purposes of thisprovision, a “nationally recognized body” is a regional, national, orinternational accrediting organization recognized by the Department ofEducation.1 Because the law governs only academic degree training, itdoes not preclude an agency from paying for the costs of individual trainingcourses offered by unaccredited institutions. Prior to the enactment of theHomeland Security Act, federal agencies were not authorized to pay foremployee academic degree training unless the head of the agencydetermined that it was necessary to assist in recruitment or retention of15 C.F.R. § 410.308(b).employees in occupations in which the government had a shortage of qualified personnel.2Accreditation of degree-granting institutions in the United States is a voluntary process. Unaccredited schools, and the quality of education they offer, vary significantly. At one end of the spectrum are schools that offer standard curricula traditionally found at accredited universities. Other schools, commonly referred to as diploma mills, sell academic degrees based upon life experience or substandard or negligible academic work. Some diploma mills require no academic work at all and merely sell degrees for a fee, such as those we discussed in our November 2002 report.3Records Produced by Agencies and Schools Understate Federal Payments for Degrees from Unaccredited Schools Several factors make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine the extent of unauthorized federal payments for degrees issued by unaccredited schools. First, the data we received from both schools and federal agencies understate the extent to which the federal government has made such payments. Additionally, the way in which some agencies maintain records of payments for employee education makes such information inaccessible. For example, HHS responded to our request for records of employee education payments by informing us that it could not produce them because it maintains a large volume of such records in five different accounting systems, has no way to differentiate academic degree training from other training, and does not know whether payments for training made through credit cards are captured in its training payment records.Moreover, diploma mills and other unaccredited schools modify their billing practices so students can obtain payments for degrees by the federal government. Purporting to be a prospective student, our investigator placed telephone calls to three schools that award academic credits based on life experience and require no classroom instruction: Barrington University (Mobile, Alabama); Lacrosse University (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi); and Pacific Western University (Los Angeles, California). These schools each charge a flat fee for a degree. For example, fees for25 U.S.C. 4107(a) and (b).3U.S. General Accounting Office, Purchases of Degrees from Diploma Mills, GAO-03-269R (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 21, 2002).degrees for domestic students at Pacific Western University are as follows: Bachelor of Science ($2,295); Master’s Degree in Business Administration ($2,395); and PhD ($2,595). School representatives emphasized to our undercover investigator that they are not in the business of providing, and do not permit students to enroll for, individual courses or training. Instead, the schools market and require payment for degrees on a flat-fee basis. However, representatives of each school told our undercover investigator that they would structure their charges in order to facilitate payment by the federal government. Each agreed to divide the degree fee by the number of courses a student was required to take, thereby creating a series of payments as if a per course fee were charged. All of the school representatives stated that students at their respective schools had secured payment for their degrees by the federal government.Information we obtained from two unaccredited schools confirms that the federal government has paid for degrees at those schools. We asked four such schools that charge a flat fee for degrees to provide records of federal payments for student fees: California Coast University (Santa Ana, California); Hamilton University (Evanston, Wyoming); Pacific Western University (Los Angeles, California); and Kennedy-Western University (Thousand Oaks, California). Hamilton University failed to respond to our request. Pacific Western University reported that it could not locate any records indicating that federal payments were made, although this claim directly contradicts representations made to our undercover investigator by a school representative that federal agencies had paid for degrees obtained by Pacific Western University students.Pacific Western University, California Coast University, and Kennedy-Western University provided data indicating that 463 of their students were federal employees. California Coast University and Kennedy-Western University provided records indicating that they had received $150,387.80 from federal agencies for 14 California Coast University students and 50 Kennedy-Western University students. The information is summarized in table 1.Table 1: Federal Employees and Payments Associated with Unaccredited Schools Source: GAO analysis of data received from Kennedy-Western University, California Coast University, and Pacific Western University.a These numbers represent information provided by three schools—Kennedy-Western University, California Coast University, and Pacific Western University.Department or agency Number of students identifiedas federal employees aNumber of federal employees for whom tuition payments were made b Total tuition payments made by federal agencies b Energy 353$13,505.00Transportation 17Homeland Security 12Health and Human Services 114$8,175.00Veterans Affairs 135$12,535.00Office of Personnel Management 1Education 2Defense 25728$68,248.05US Postal Service 298$24,970.00Agriculture 51$1,500.00US Courts 2US Agency for Int’l. Development 1Treasury 81$2,050.00State 3Peace Corps 1National Aeronautics & Space Admin. 92$2,131.25General Services Admin.31$600.00Federal Reserve Bank 1Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.2Federal Communications Commission 1Environmental Protection Agency 92$5,538.00Labor 11$2,437.50Justice 135$5,458.00Interior 6Commerce 4Unspecified 173$3,240.00Total 46364$150,387.80b These payments represent limited information provided from two schools—Kennedy-Western University and California Coast University.After identifying federal agencies that made payments to Kennedy-Western and California Coast, we requested that DOE, HHS, and DOT provide records of their education-related payments to schools for employees during the last 5 years. As previously discussed, HHS advised us that it could not provide the data. DOE and DOT provided data that identified payments of $19,082.94, which were in addition to those reflected in table 1, for expenses associated with Kennedy-Western. Thus, we found a total of $169,470.74 in federal payments to these two unaccredited schools. However, a comparison of the data received from the schools with the information provided by DOE and DOT shows that the schools and the agencies have likely understated federal payments. For example, Kennedy-Western reported total payments of $13,505 from DOE for three students, while DOE reported total payments of $14,532 to Kennedy-Western for three different students. Thus, DOE made payments of at least $28,037 to Kennedy-Western. Additionally, DOT reported payments of $4,550 to Kennedy-Western for one student, but Kennedy-Western did not report receiving any money from DOT for that student.4Senior-Level Federal Employees Have Degrees from Unaccredited Schools On the basis of the information we obtained from eight agencies, we determined that some senior-level employees obtained degrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited schools. Specifically, we requested that eight agencies review the personnel folders of GS-15 (or equivalent) and above employees and provide us with the names of the postsecondary institutions from which such employees reported receiving academic degrees. The eight agencies were: ED, DOE, HHS, DHS, DOT, VA, SBA, and OPM. The agencies informed us that their examination of personnel records revealed that 28 employees listed degrees from unaccredited schools; and 1 employee received tuition reimbursement of $1,787.44 in connection with a degree from such a school.However, we believe that this number understates the number of federal employees at these agencies who have such degrees. The agencies’ ability to identify degrees from unaccredited schools is limited by a number of4Our investigation was limited to direct federal payments to schools and did not include federal reimbursements of school fees to employees.factors. First, diploma mills frequently use names similar to those used by accredited schools, which often allows the diploma mills to be mistaken for accredited schools. For example, Hamilton University of Evanston, Wyoming, which is not accredited by an accrediting body recognized by ED, has a name similar to Hamilton College, a fully accredited school in Clinton, New York. Moreover, federal agencies told us that employee records may contain incomplete or misspelled school names without addresses. Thus, an employee’s records may reflect a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton, but the records do not indicate whether the degree is from Hamilton University, the unaccredited school, or Hamilton College, the accredited institution. Further, we learned that there are no uniform verification practices throughout the government whereby agencies can obtain information and conduct effective queries on schools and their accreditation status. Additionally, some agencies provided information about only the most recent degrees that employees reported receiving. We interviewed several federal employees who had reported receiving degrees from unaccredited schools. These employees included three management-level DOE employees who have emergency operations responsibilities at the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and security clearances. We also found one employee in the Senior Executive Service at DOT and another at DHS who received degrees from unaccredited schools for negligible work. Additional details of their interviews are provided below.Employees #1, #2, and #3 are managers in the Office of Emergency Operations at NNSA and have “Q” level security clearances. Employee #1, who was hired at NNSA in 2002, paid $5,000 for a masters degree in 1996 from LaSalle University, an unaccredited school that has been found to have made false claims of accreditation.5 This individual obtained the degree in 1996 while in the Air Force in order to advance his career. He informed us that while serving as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force, he was told that he would need a master’s degree in order to be considered for promotion to colonel. He contacted LaSalle University and obtained a degree based on life experience, courses he had taken previously in the military, and courses for which he read books and wrote papers. Employee #1 told us that he did not attend classes or take any tests, his master’s5Four individuals were convicted in the Eastern District of Louisiana for mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering in connection with their operation of LaSalle University.degree from LaSalle was a “joke,” and he received it after paying approximately $5,000.Employee #2, hired at NNSA in 2000, received a bachelor’s degree in 1992 from Chadwick University, an unaccredited school. Employee #2 never attended classes but obtained the degree based on 30 credits for life experience, several college level examination program tests, and nine correspondence courses. The employee reported reading a book, writing a paper, and taking a final exam for each of the nine courses. This is the only postsecondary education this employee has obtained. Although agency personnel records indicate that this individual is a candidate for a master’s degree program at an unaccredited foreign school, Employee #2 has never completed any courses for such a degree.Employee #3, hired at NNSA in 2000, received a PhD in engineering administration in 1985 from Columbia Pacific University, an unaccredited school. He performed course work required for a PhD at George Washington University, a fully accredited school, but did not complete a dissertation. Employee #3 claims to have completed a dissertation for Columbia Pacific but did not attend classes or complete any coursework at that school. In December 1999, the Marin County Superior Court ordered Columbia Pacific University to cease operations within California. The court determined that Columbia Pacific failed to meet various requirements for issuing PhD degrees, awarded excessive credit based on life experience, and failed to employ duly qualified staff.Employee #4 is a Senior Executive Service official at DOT. Employee #4 received a Bachelor of Science degree within 6 to 8 months from Kent College, an unaccredited school. Kent waived some credits while Employee #4 completed three research papers and paid $3,500 for the degree. In 1992, Employee #4 listed the degree from Kent College on his application for a master’s degree program at an accredited school. Officials at the school to which he applied did not identify Kent as an unaccredited school with a history of awarding degrees based on negligible work. The accredited school accepted Employee #4 into its master’s program, and he completed it.Employee #5 was an employee in the Senior Executive Service at DHS at the time of our interview but has since resigned. This employee received a series of degrees based on negligible work from unaccredited Hamilton University while working at the Department of Labor (DOL) in various senior capacities. Between March and June 2000, this individual received abachelor’s and a master’s degree based on prior training and other life andwork experience. Subsequently, in March 2001, Employee #5 received aPhD in computer information systems from Hamilton. This individual leftDOL and began working at DHS in a Senior Executive Service position inApril 2003. A security clearance update, initiated while the employee wasstill at DOL but completed after the employee joined DHS, led to thediscovery of the degrees from Hamilton.Concluding Remarks In conclusion, the records that we obtained from schools and agencieslikely understate the extent to which the federal government has paid fordegrees from diploma mills and other unaccredited schools. Manyagencies have difficulty in providing reliable data because they do not havesystems in place to properly verify academic degrees or to detect fees fordegrees that are masked as fees for training courses. Additionally, theagency data we obtained likely do not reflect the true extent to whichsenior-level federal employees have diploma mill degrees. This is becausethe agencies do not sufficiently verify the degrees that employees claim tohave or the schools that issued the degrees, which is necessary to avoidconfusion caused by the similarity between the names of accreditedschools and the names assumed by diploma mills. Finally, we found thatthere are no uniform verification practices throughout the governmentwhereby agencies can obtain information and conduct effective queries onschools and their accreditation status.Madam Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I would be happyto respond to any questions that you or Members of the Committee mayhave.Contacts and Staff Acknowledgments For further information about this testimony, please contact Robert J. Cramer at (202) 512-7227; Andrew O’Connell at (202) 512-7449; or Paul Desaulniers at (202) 512-7435.GAO’s Mission The General Accounting Office, the audit, evaluation and investigative arm ofCongress, exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilitiesand to help improve the performance and accountability of the federal governmentfor the American people. GAO examines the use of public funds; evaluates federalprograms and policies; and provides analyses, recommendations, and otherassistance to help Congress make informed oversight, policy, and fundingdecisions. 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