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B) (



A. C.

B. E.

4. 5.






_______ 2. 3.


)6. Where does Kate 'family usually have dinner at the weekend? A.

At her gran dpare nts ' home. B. At her own home.

)7. How many less ons does David have every day?

A. 3.

B. 4.

)8. What colour is Jim ' s bike?

A. Red.

B. Gree n.

)9. Whose CD is on the table?

A. Mike 's.

B. Dan iel 's.

)10. What does Jack want to do first?

A. He wants to play computer games first.

B. He wants to play football with Susan first.

C. He wants to do his homework first.


)11. What time does Mrs. Gree n usually get up on Saturday morning?

A. At 6:00.

B. At 7:00.

)12. What does she do at 8:30?

A. She has breakfast.

B. She does some wash ing.

C. She does some running.

)13. What does she ofte n do after breakfast?

A. She does housework.

B. She goes shopp ing.

)14. How does she go to the supermarket?

A. On foot.

B. By bike.

)15. How are the workers in the supermarket?

A. Lazy.

B. Pretty.



)16. Breakfast

the day.

A. a; The

is importa nt meal.

B. an; The

C. the; A

C. I n the restaura


C. 7.

C. White.

C. Daniel ' teacher'.

C. At 8:00.

C. She watches TV .

C. By bus.

C. Busy.

meal gives us energy for

D. an; An


)17. --- Hi, Betty and Kate, are you good friends? --- Yes, _______ . A. you are B. we are C. I am D. they are (

)18. --- _______ do you celebrate Easter ( 复活节)in America? ---We usually have chocolate eggs and a big dinner. A. What B. When C. Why D. How (

)19. --- The light blue trousers look nice. Could I _______ ? --- Sure. A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them (

)20. --- Can I help you? ---We want to buy two _______ and three ________ , please. A. take B.spend C. cost D. pay

( )22. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _____________ f ast food ( 快餐).

A. more

B. much

C. few

D. less

)23. In the following words, which has the pronunciation ( 发音)/i:/ ? A. sit B. he C. leg

)24. It ' 14:00 now. It 'time _______ us _________ l essons.

A. for; hav ing

B. to; to have

C. for; to have

)25. --- Can I borrow _______ c omputer books from you?

---Sorry, I don 'have__________ . You can ask Amy.

A. some; some

B. some; any

C. any; an y

)26. --- Does your father often play with you?

( )27. --- Here ______ two photos of my family. --- Let me have a look!

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. has

( )28. The supermarket _______ at 9 a.m. and it ________ f or 8 hours a day.

A. is ope n; ope ns

B. ope ns; is ope n

C. is ope ning; is ope n

D. ope ns; is ope ning

( )29. People can _______ the wonderful lion dance during the Spring Festival.

A. watch

B. look

C. read

D. speak

( )30. The boy says “ _________ ” tcphiirents when he goes to bed every night.

A. Good eve ning

B. Best wishes

C. Goodbye

D. Good ni ght



Every country has its own traditional( 传统)clothes. Do you know the traditional

clothes of Korea (韩国)? People 31 it Hanbok. Hanbok has a long history in Korea. Most Korean people have more than one hanbok. But now, more Korean people wear 32 clothes in everyday life. Hanbok 33 outdated (落伍的) and people wear it very 34 . They only wear hanboks on traditional holidays.

Sometimes, they wear them for the weddi ng days or the 100 th day for 35 . There are different kinds of hanboks for people of different ages. Babies wear hanboks 36 from adults '(成人). 37 hanboks are very lovely. Women like to wear han boks best 38 they look beautiful in them. It 's very comfortable to wear 39 han boks in summer. And in win ter, cott on han boks make people feel very 40 . In 1996, people make the first Saturday of every month “he day to wear hanbok ”.

A. kilo of rice; cartons of orange C. kilos of rice; cartons of orange )21. --- How much does the shirt ________

B. kilo of rices; cartons of oran ges D. kiloes of rice; cartons of oran ges Tom? --- About 100 yua n.


( ( ( D. elepha nt D. to; hav ing D. any; some A. Yes, he is B. No, he does C. Yes, he doesn 'D. No, never
