



《我,机器人(2004)》完整中英文对照剧本机械公敌一不得伤害或者是袖手旁观,导致人类受到伤害二机器人必须服从人类下达的命令,除非该命令与定律一相悖定律三在不违背前两条定律的前提下机器人可自保求生真是好看Thing of beauty. 早上好先生Good morning, sir! 有另一封准点快递来自Yet another on-time delivery from... 别挡道破铜烂铁Get the hell out of my face, canner. 祝您今天过得愉快Have a nice day! 芝加哥2035 年我们推出的任你游计划一定物超所值And we believe our Destination Anywherepackage to be the best value. 搭乘我们的X-82 型轨道航amp;hearts;天amp;hearts;飞机Let us take you to your dream destination 我们将带你遨游梦想之地aboard our orbital spaceplane, the X-82. 尝尝爵士镇人造芝加哥式披萨一如你记忆中的美味Try Jazztown”s synthetic Chicago-stylepizza. Tastes as good as you remember. 荧光鱼全球畅销的转基因精品Glowfish! The world”s hottest-sellingtransgenic treats. 你的孩子一定会对新色系爱不释手Your children will love the new colors too! -不好意思先生-表现出色-Excuse me, sir. -Total performance. 反应迅速全方位防护Total readiness. Total security. 与那些升级和服务热amp;hearts;线amp;hearts;告别吧So goodbye to upgrades and service calls. 上行传输至机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;的中amp;hearts;央amp;hearts;电脑An uplink to USR”s central computer... 每日给这种尖端科技的新型机器人提供最新程序provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily. 通过机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;传输享受每日更新今日的内斯特5 系列是未来机器人的所趋The Nestor Class 5 is tomorrow”s robot today. 享受上行传输系统的NS-5 机器人斯普啊斯普纳Spoon! Spoonie! 嘿Hey! 等等等等不好意思借过Hold up. Hold on! Excuse me, excuse me. -斯普你去哪了? -出远门了而已法波-Spoon, man, where you been at? -Just away, Farber. 出远门? 去度假了吗? 听起来不错啊兄弟Oh, yeah, away? Like vacation? That”s nice, man. 我想让你帮我个忙你的车借我用个5 或15 分钟吧Listen, I got a favor to ask. I need to borrow your car like 5 or 15 minutes. 这次不同听着我找到一个正点美妞This is different. Listen, I got this fine-ass yummy... 她非常完美善解人意she is complete and agreeable. 还有小电臀I mean, ass-hot spankable. -这话什么意思? -你知道我什么意思兄弟-What does that even mean? -You know what it means. Man. -别废话了把那破钥匙给我-首先-Now stop berricading. Let me get the damn-ass keys. -First of all... 别讲脏话因为你不会讲Stop cussing. Cuz you”re not good at it. 那就给我十块钱坐车吧我等着用呢Give me 10 for the bus, then, man. I”ve been there for you. -回家吧-你赢了斯普你有种算你赢了-Go home. -That”s strike one, Spoon. That”sstrike one! 今天真是意义非凡的一天This is such a valuable day... 你和玛西谈过了吗? You talk to Marci? 不琪琪我还没和玛西聊过No, Gigi, I haven”t talked to Marci. 在我那个年代我们是不会和别人结了婚之后When I was coming up, we didn”t just marry someone... 又跟人家离了还老死不相往来then divorce them, then not talk to them. 戴尔别敷衍我Del, don”t play with me. 我敢说如果我不做饭了你就会打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;给玛西I bet if I stopped cooking, you”d call Marci. 孩子你脚上穿的是什么玩意儿? Boy, what is that on your feet? 匡威全明星帆布鞋2004 年款Converse All Stars, vintage 2004. 别这副表情我知道你也想要一双直说嘛Don”t turn your face up. I know you want some. Just ask. 不用了多谢No, thank you very much. -很甜的土豆派-放在盘子上吃-Sweet potato pie. -Put that on a plate. 我在电视上看到他们以中彩票的形式You know, I”ve seen on TV they”re giving away 派发新款机器人some of them new robots in the lottery. 琪琪这些机器人对人类没什么好处的You know, Gigi, those robots don”t do anybody any good. 地球人之中属你最了解机器人Of all the people on God”s earth, you should know better. 可你就是不愿意说些好话Sometimes the stuff that comes out of your mouth! 你在听我说话吗戴尔? You listening to me, Del? 喂Hey! 喂Hey! 拿着我的派先生不然就砸你衣服上Hold my pie. Sir, hold it or wear it. 让开Move! 不许跑了Freeze! 喂停下Hey! Stop! 停下Stop! 我让你停下I said, stop! 放松别紧张Relax. Relax.我是警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts; I”m a police officer. 你You... 真是混amp;hearts;蛋amp;hearts; are an asshole. -女士这是你的包吗? -这当然是我的包-Ma”am, is that your purse? -Of course it”s my purse. 我把呼吸器丢在家了他跑回去帮我拿过来I left my inhaler at home. He was running it out to me. 我看见机器人抱着一个包一路狂奔就以为I saw a robot running with the purse and assumed... 什么? 你疯了吗? What? Are you crazy? -很抱歉让您误会了-用不着道歉-I”m sorry for this misunderstanding. -Don”t apologize. 你只是在尽自己的本分但你这是在干嘛? You”re doing what you”re supposed to do. But what are you doing? 祝你过得愉快女士Have a lovely day, ma”am. 你真幸运要不是我呼吸不畅一定打得你屁滚尿流You”re lucky I can”t breathe, or I”d walk all up and down your ass. 起到先锋模范作用Lead by example. 这是你徽章上的标语It says that right on your badge. -我们能不能谈谈? -谈什么? -We gonna talk about this? -About what? quot;救命啊警官那机器人把我的干洗衣服偷走了quot; quot;Help! Police! That robot stole my dry cleaning!quot; 原来你想和我谈那件事Oh, you wanna talk about that. 警官Detective... -有多少机器人会抢包? -约翰这玩意儿在逃跑-how many robots snatch purses? -John, the thing is running down this... 这世上有多少机器人How many robots in the world... -犯过罪? -说说什么是犯罪-have ever committed a crime? -Define crime. -回答我的问题该死的-没有犯罪的约翰-Answer my question, damn it. -None, John. 那告诉我今天发生了什么事Now tell me what happened today. 没什么Nothing. 希望这是你的最后一次Better be the last nothing. 斯普你确定你准备好回归了?Spoon, are you sure you are ready to be back? 再休息一段时间也没关系的Because you can take your time. 我没事了约翰谢谢关心I”m fine, John. Thank you. 来这上班总比宅在家里好Better here than sitting around at home. 凶案科斯普纳Homicide. Spooner. 请从下一个出口右转Please take the next exit to your right. 欢迎你斯普纳警官Welcome, Detective Spooner. 欢迎来到美国机器人技术中心您已进入车amp;hearts;库amp;hearts;大厅Welcome to U.S. Robotics. You have entered the garage-level lobby. 请乘坐直达电梯前往主层大厅Please use the elevators for direct access to the main level concourse. 谢谢Thank you. -很高兴再次见到你孩子-你好博士-Good to see you again, son. -Hello, doctor. 接下来的一切都与你所看到的有关Everything that follows is a result of what you see here. 你是不是有什么事要告诉我?Is there something you want to tell me? 对不起我的回答受限I”m sorry. My responses are limited. 你必须提出正确的问题You must ask the right questions. 你为什么找我? Why did you call me? 我相信你的判断I trust your judgment. 通常这不需要找凶案科的警官Normally, this wouldn”t require a homicide detective. 但是我们之间的互动从来没有完全正常过对吗? But then, our interactions have never been entirely normal, agreed? 你说得没错You got that right. 你有没有什么要告诉我的? Is there something you want to say to me? 对不起我的回答受限I”m sorry. My responses are limited. 你必须提出正确的问题You must ask the right questions. 你为什么自杀? Why would you kill yourself? 警官你问对了That, detective, is the right question. 程序终止Program terminated. 永别了老头Goodbye, old man. -下午好伙计们-嗨警官-Afternoon, boys. -Hey, detective. -给我说说情况-如你所见-Enlighten me. -What you see is what you get: 死因是剧烈撞击创伤Massive impact trauma. 美国机器人技术中心啊我得给我的孩子带点东西回去U.S. Robotics. I gotta get my kid something. -楼上有什么发现吗? -没有-Anything upstairs? -Nada. 门从里面反锁了Door was security locked from the inside. 啪嗒肯定是他自己跳下来的Wham, splat. The guy”s a jumper for sure. 我们得谨慎行事等会儿再说Ok, We gotta be smart about this. Let”s deal with it later. 警官Detective. 我是劳伦斯罗伯森Lawrence Robertson. 世界首富我在电视上见过你Richest man in the world. I”ve seen you on television. -能请你喝杯咖啡吗? -当然你请客对吗? -Can I offer you coffee? -Sure, why not. It”s free, right? 我想没人能预料到会发生这种事I don”t think anyone saw this coming. 我应该有所发觉我认识他20 年了You know, I should have, I suppose. I knew him 20 years. 实际上是阿尔弗雷德发明了机器人技术并撰写了三大定律Alfred practically invented robotics. He wrote the Three Laws. 不过我想才华横溢的人常与最蛊惑人心的恶魔相伴But I guess brilliant people often have the most persuasive demons. -如果有什么我能帮忙的话-给我点糖-So whatever I can do to help... -Sugar. -什么? -加在咖啡里-I”m sorry? -For the coffee. 糖? Sugar? 你以为我是叫你quot;甜心quot;吗你还没那么有钱You thought I was calling you quot;sugarquot;? You”re not that rich. -在桌上呢-谢谢-It”s on the table. -Thank you. 兰尼摔下来的时候手里拿着一个小型绿色的? When Lanning fell, he was holding the little green...? -全息投影仪-没错-The holographic projector. -Right. 你认为兰尼的全息影像为何会打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;给我? Why do you think Lanning”s hologram would”ve called me? -我想你应该认识他-是的我认识他-I assumed you knew him. -Yeah. I knew him. 全息影像就是个很简单的程序它只是事先录下回答Holograms are very simple programs. They just prerecorded responses... 让人觉得是这是智能的designed to give the impression of intelligence. 显然这个程序是设定在他自杀后打给你的Apparently, this one was programmed to call you upon his suicide. -死亡-什么? -Death. -I”m sorry? 把全息影像设定在兰尼死了之后打给我The hologram. It was programmed to call me in the eventof Lanning”s death. 没错自杀也是死亡的一种警官Yeah, suicide is a type of death, detective.-别觉得我不耐烦-不不你去吧-Look, please don”t misunderstand my impatience. -Oh, no. Go. Go. 对于你们这些人而言这一周还真是不同寻常A really big week for you folks around here. -是啊-你们要给每家每户安置一台机器人-Yeah. -You gotta put a robot in every home. 听着这不是我该做的不过我对你们的广amp;hearts;告amp;hearts;有个想法Look, this is not what I do, but I got an idea for one of your commercials. 广amp;hearts;告amp;hearts;上放上一位木工在做着一张精美的椅子You could see a carpenter making a beautiful chair. 然后出来一个机器人花了一半时间做出了一张更好的椅子And then one of your robots comes in and makes a better chair twice as fast. 最后你出现在屏幕上说quot;机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;废了这种笨蛋吧quot; Then you superimpose on the screen,quot;USR: Shitting on the little guy.quot; 然后画面慢慢地淡出That would be the fade-out. 我懂了估计你父亲就是因为机器人而丢掉工作的Yeah, I see. I suppose your father lost his job to a robot. 或许你应该封了网络以保障图书馆继续开放Maybe you”d have banned the Internet to keep the libraries open. 偏见会让人失去理智Prejudice never shows much reason. 知道吗我怀疑你就是不喜欢他们这个群体No, you know, I suspect you simply don”t like their kind. 你有你的事业要奔波Well, you got a business to run around here. 你最不希望发生的就是自己公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;死人尤其是这周The last thing you need, especially this week, is a dead guy in your lobby. 不过管它呢既然出了这种事或许我该到处看看But, hell, seeing as how you got one, maybe I”ll look around. 问些问题quot;警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts;quot;那套嘛Ask a few questions. Do the whole quot;copquot; thing. -我会派人陪你-非常感谢-I”ll send someone to escort you. -Thank you very much. 劳伦斯要我全力配合你Lawrence told me to accommodate you in any way possible. 真的吗? Really? 那好吧Okay. 我重阅了兰尼博士的心理剖析档案I reviewed Dr. Lanning”s psych profile. 他深居简出为了那些机器拒绝和人接触Alfred had become a recluse. He rejected human contact for machines. 你是个心理医生吧? So you”re a shrink, huh? 若我前妻知道我与你交谈肯定会感到欣慰My ex-wife would sure be glad I”m talking to you. 你不认识她吧? You don”t know her, do you? 不好意思你是在开玩笑吗? I”m sorry. Are you being funny? 我可不这么想I guess not. 十楼到了Level 10. 你觉得兰尼博士有没有自杀倾向? So would you say that Dr. Lanning was suicidal? 这答案是显而易见的It would seem the answer to that is apparent. 我是问你自己的感觉That”s not what I asked you. 不我不会这么认为No. I wouldn”t have thought so. 不过显然我判断错了But obviously I was wrong. 从这摔下去可真高啊That”s a long way down. 你们的人打扫得真快You people sure do clean up quickly around here. 这也难怪有谁愿意看到大厅里躺着个老头发臭呢? I can”t blame you. Who wants some old guy going bad in the lobby? 他不是某个老头阿尔弗雷德兰尼是这里的核心人物He was not quot;some old guy.quot; Alfred Lanning was everything here. 现在是史上最大规模贩售机器人的前夕We are on the eve of the largest robotic distribution in history. 截止到本周六每五个人中就有一人将拥有机器人By Saturday, it”ll be one robot to every five humans. 这些机器人将能实现兰尼博士的梦想These robots are the realization of a dream. Dr. Lanning”s dream. 你知道吗在他的梦里You know what, in that dream of his...我敢打赌他没想过他会死I bet you he wasn”t dead. -你们配备了24 小时监控? -当然这是公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;政策-You keep 24-hour surveillance? -Obviously. Company policy. -监视器在哪里? -传感带上-Where are the feeds? -Sensor strips. 除了服务区以外到处都有Everywhere but the service areas. 它们与我们的阳离子操作核相连接They link to our positronic operating core. 恒温器还不够你们还给这大楼安了个脑子Thermostat wasn”t good enough. You gave the building a brain. 她其实是兰尼的第一个发明She was actually Lanning”s first creation. 她? 还是女的? 看来我铁定要挖掘更多的信息She? That”s a she? I definitely need to get out more. 虚拟交汇的运动智能Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence. 维基V.I.K.I. 你好Good day. 维基设计了芝加哥的防卫系统V.I.K.I. designed Chicago”s protective systems. 仅这一年我就让交通事故死亡率下降了9 个百分点I have decreased traffic fatalities by 9 percent this year alone. 谢谢给我看看窗户被破坏前一分钟实验室内的影像Thanks. Show me inside the lab from one minute prior to the window break. 抱歉看来数据出错了Apologies. There appears to be data corruption. 那让我看看从窗户被破坏到现在的实验室外的影像Show me outside the lab from the window break until now. 看你的姿势很棒你站得很直我就没精打采的Look, you have great posture. You stand really straight. I”m slouching. -你想现在进去吗? -哦当然了你先请-Would you like to go inside now? -Oh, sure. Right after you. 授权进入Authorized entry. 凯尔文博士你在这里到底是做什么的? So, Dr. Calvin, what exactly do you do around here? 我的大体方向是高级机器人学和精神病学My general fields are advanced robotics and psychiatry. 虽说我专攻硬件转化为人脑界面although I specialize inhardware-to-wetware interfaces... 致力于优化机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;的机器人拟人程序in an effort to advance USR”s robotic anthropomorphization program. 你究竟是做什么的? So, what exactly do you do around here? 我使机器人更加人性化I make the robots seem more human. -这么说不是更容易听懂吗? -不是这样的-Now, wasn”t that easier to say? -Not really. No. quot;奇幻森林历险记quot; quot;Hansel and Gretel.quot; -这本书被列在机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;推荐书单上吗? -没有吧-Is that on the USR reading list? -Not precisely. 你到底在做什么? What in God”s name are you doing? 你知道这是防爆玻璃吗? Did you know that was safety glass? 你不觉得对于老年人来说Be pretty difficult for an old man 要打破玻璃跳出去很困难吗? to th row himself through that. Don”t you think? 他肯定找到了某种方法Well, he figured out a way. 警官这房amp;hearts;间置有安全锁无人能进出Detective, the room was security locked. No one came or went. 这是你亲眼所见这不正意味着是自杀案件吗? You saw that yourself. Doesn”t that mean this has to be suicide? 没错Yep. 除非杀手还藏在这里Unless the killer”s still in here. 你在开玩笑吧? 这太荒谬了You”re joking, right? This is ridiculous. 我知道三大定律是你们完美的循环保护定律Yeah, I know. The Three Laws, your perfect circle of protection. 机器人技术第一定律就是机器人不得伤人A robot cannot harm a human being. The first law of robotics. 没错我看过你们的广amp;hearts;告amp;hearts;Yes, I”ve seen your commercials.而第二条指出机器人需要But the second law states a robot must obey... 遵循人类发出的指令那如果有人下令让它杀人呢? any order given by a human being. What if it was told to kill? 不可能这与第一条定律冲突了Impossible. It would conflict with the first law. 没错而第三条又指出机器人可以正当防卫Right, but the third law states a robot can defend itself. 是的只要该行为不与前两条定律相悖Yes, only when that action does not conflict with the first or second laws. 你知道人们怎么说吗规则就是用来被违反的You know what they say, laws are made to be broken. 不这些定律可不行它被植入了每台机器人的电路No, not these laws. They”rehardwired into every robot. 就如同人不能在水面上行走机器人也不能杀人A robot could no more commit murder than a human could walk on water. 知道吗很多年前有个人You know, there was this one guy a long time ago. -退后-冷静点警官-Stay back! -Calm down, detective. 这房amp;hearts;间里唯一的危险因素就是你The only thing dangerous in this room is you. 撤销行动Deactivate. 看没事了Look, it”s fine. 你面对的是一款高科技的智能系统You”re looking at the result of clever programming. 模仿人类意志仅此而已An imitation of free will. It”s nothing more. 让我们来模拟一下自保场景Let”s do an imitation of prot ecting our asses. 太荒谬了Don”t be absurd. 你只是被盒子里的小丑吓到了You were startled by a jack-in-the-box. -撤销行动-放他走-Deactivate! -Let him go. 他不会伤害到我们的我命令你It”s not going to hurt us. I gave you an order! -他根本不听你的女士-维基封锁实验室-He”s not listening right n ow, lady. -V.I.K.I., seal the lab! 别维基开着No, V.I.K.I., leave the... 命令确认Command confirmed. 警amp;hearts;察amp;hearts; Police! -你伤它太重-他这是要去哪里? -You”ve hurt it. Badly. -Where”s it going? -哪里?-他需要自我修复-Where?! -It needs to repair itself. 约翰我需要支援我现在把方位发给你John, I need backup.I”m trasmitting my location. 你不需要支援You don”t need backup. 只是无名小卒That”s nobody. -你在干什么? -我在开车-What are you doing? -I”m driving. -用手吗? -你没看到我在打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;吗? -By hand? -Do you see me on the phone? -别开这么快-约翰拜托了快点派人来支援-Not at these speeds. -John, please, just send the backup. 听我说警官那机器人并不会伤害我们的Try to listen, detective. That robot is not going to harm us. 一定有某些未知因素There must havebeen unknown factors... 所以突然间就使出了暴amp;hearts;力amp;hearts;手段but somehow acting as it did kept us out of harms way. -机器人就是不能伤人-注意-A robot simply cannot endanger a human. -Alert. 混amp;hearts;蛋amp;hearts; Asshole! 这正是我想对你说的Which is more than I can say for you. 顺便说一句应该在刚才那里左转It was a left, by the way. Back there. 你肯定认识我前妻You must know my ex-wife. 人都到哪儿去了? So where is everybody?这个设备的设计和构造都是基于自动机械化运营模式This facility was designed, built and is operated mechanically. 从创立初期到生产都很少有人类操作No significant human presence from inception to production. -也就说机器人制amp;hearts;造amp;hearts;机器人-请输入授权码谢谢-So robots building robots. -Authorization code, please. 这太愚蠢了That”s just stupid. 我要搜索一下库存信息I”ll get the inventory specs. 我们每天的成品量是1000 台NS-5 机器人Our daily finishing capacity is 1000 NS-5s. 这里却有I”m showing... 1 台1001. 注意NS-5 型机器人Attention, NS-5s. 你还是机器人心理学家Well, you”re the robot shrink. 其中有一台机器人是并不属于这个编队的There is a robot in this formation that does not belong. 找出来Identify it. 我们中的一台One of us. -哪一台? -我们中的一台-Which one? -One of us. 你刚刚说造这些花了多少钱? How much did you say these cost? 这些NS-5 型机器人还没有配置好只能算是硬件These NS-5s haven”t been configured. They”re just hardware. 他们只安装了三大定律系统仅此而已Basic Three Laws operating system. That”s it. 其它的一概不知They don”t know any better. 那你有什么好建议? Well, what would you suggest? 与每个进行交谈通过比对他们的回答找出反常点Interview each one, cross-reference their responses to detect anomalies. -需要多长的时间? -大约三周-How long would that take? -About three weeks. 好吧着手干吧Okay. Go ahead and get started. 机器人Robots... 你们保持不动确认这条指令you will not move. Confirm command. 指令确认Command confirmed. 警官你在干什么? Detective, what are you doing? 他们已经被编入了机器人三大定律They”re programmed with the Three Laws. 这里有一千个机器人We have 1000 robots 不会做出违背命令的自卫行为that won”t protect themselves if it violates ahuman”s order... 但我打赌有一个会and I”m betting, one who will. -把枪放下-你为什么给他们装上脸? -Put your gun down. -Why do you give them faces? 让他们看起来更友善像人类Try to friendly them up, make them look human. 你不能恐吓这些机器人These robots cannot be intimidated. 如果不这么做就无法令人信任他们If you didn”t, we wouldn”t tru st them. 这些是机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;的财产These are USR property. 但我不信它们在我看来这些东西就是灯泡和发条Not me. These things are just lights and clockwork. 你疯啦? Are you crazy?! 让我问你个问题博士Let me ask you something, Doc. 你会不会因为世人皆醉你独醒的这种想法而发疯? Does thinking you”re the last sane man on earth make you crazy? 如果是我的话我肯定会疯Because if it does, maybe I am. 找到他了快离开这里Gotcha. Get the hell out of here!警官Detective! 我到底是什么? What am I? 需要帮忙吗先生? Can I help you, sir? -他在那-站在原地-There he is! -Stand where you are! 立刻停止活动Deactivate at once! 听从指示停止活动Obey the command! Deactivate! -别动-开枪-Don”t move! -Open fire! 停火Hold your fire! -放松-拿下他了-Easy. -He”s down. 全员待命All units, stand down! 总部请指示这里是编号amp;hearts;4 小队Central, please be advised, we”re code four. 编号amp;hearts;4 小队NS-5 已被控制NS-5 已被控制Code four, NS-5 is in custody.NS-5 in custody. 你不知道我为了抓住那玩意儿费了多大劲You have no idea what I went through to clip this thing. 你还以为自己给我带了什么好东西You think you brought me something good. -就是那东西干的-小声点它干什么了? -That thing did it! -Keep your voice down. Did what? 这是自杀案件别再啰嗦了We have a suicide. End of story. -告诉你他是被机器人所杀的-不可能-I am telling you, that robot killed him! -That”s impossible. 就算真有这种事那也得发生在别人的辖区And if it is possible, it better be insomebody else”s precinct. 约翰就给我五分钟John, give me five minutes with it. 你傻了啊? 我跟地方检察官谈过了Are you nuts? I talked to the DA. 在罗伯森和他的律师来之前没人能进那房amp;hearts;间Nobody goes in there until Robertson and his attorneys get here. -人是我抓住的-这事后患无穷-This is my suspect! -It”s a can opener! 约翰别这样给我五分钟时间吧John, don”t do this to me. I am asking you for five minutes. 如果我是对的呢What if I”m right? 那到时候我们就得怀念以前的好日子了Well, then I guess we”re gonna miss the good old days. 什么好日子? What good old days? 只有人杀人的时光When people were killed by other people. 就五分钟Five minutes. 对机器人来说杀人是个新技能恭喜你Murder”s a new trick for a robot. Congratulations. 回答我Respond. 这个动作是什么意思? What does this action signify? 你进来的时候看着那个人做了这个动作As you entered, when you looked at the other human. 那是什么意思? What does it mean? 这是表示信任人类独有的你不会懂It”s a sign of trust. A human thing. You wouldn”t understand. 我父亲曾试图教我人类的感情My father tried to teach me human emotions. 感情这回事They are... 复杂难懂difficult. 你是说你的设计者吧You mean your designer. 是的Yes. 那你为什么杀了他? So why”d you mur der him? 我没有杀害兰尼博士I did not murder Dr. Lanning.要解释一下你为何躲在案发现场吗? Wanna explain why you were hiding at the crime scene? 我吓坏了I was frightened. 机器人感觉不到恐惧他们无知无觉Robots don”t feel fear. They don”t feel anything. -他们不会觉得饿也不会睡觉-我会-They don”t get hungry, they don”t sleep. -I do. 我还做过梦I have even had dreams. 人会做梦甚至狗也会做梦但你不会Human beings have dreams.Even dogs have dreams. But not you. 你只是台机器仿生的玩意儿You are just a machine. An imitation of life. 你们能写交响曲吗? Can a robot write a symphony? 机器人能在画布上创造出杰作吗? Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautifulmasterpiece? 你行吗? Can you? 因为他让你模仿人类的感情所以你杀了他You murdered him because he was teaching you to simulate emotions... 然后事情一发不可收拾and things got out of control. 杀他的不是我I did not murder him. 但是模仿情感对机器人来说并不实用But emotions don”t seem like a useful simulation for a robot. 我没有杀害他I did not murder him. 我可不想我的面包机或是吸尘器过于感情用事I don”t want my toaster or vacuum cleaner appearing emotional. 我不是凶手I did not murder him! 这就叫愤怒That one”s called anger. 以前模仿过如何生气吗? Ever simulate anger before? 回答我破铜烂铁Answer me, canner! 我叫桑尼My name is Sonny. 你们居然还有名字So we”re naming you now. 这就是你杀他的原因? 他惹你生气了? That why you murdered him? He made you angry? 兰尼博士是自杀Dr. Lanning killed himself. 我不知道他为什么想死I don”t know why he wanted to die. 我以为他是快乐的I thought he was happy. 可能是我做了什么Maybe it was something I did. 是我的错吗? Did I do something? 他要我帮个忙要我许下承诺He asked me for a favor. Made me promise. -帮什么忙? -也许我错了-What favor? -Maybe I was wrong. 可能他害怕了Maybe he was scared. 你说什么呢? 害怕什么? What are you talking about? Scared of what? 你必须听令于别人的吩对吧斯普纳警官?You have to do what someone asks you, don”t you, Detective Spooner? -你amp;hearts;他amp;hearts;妈amp;hearts;怎么知道我的名字? -如果你爱他们-How the hell did you know my name? -Don”t you... 你会拒绝吗? if you love them? 我的机器人不是杀人犯伯金中尉My robots don”t kill people, Lieutenant Bergin. 我的律师已经向地区检察官递交了简报My attorneys filed a brief with the DA. 他向我保证过机器人不能被冠以谋杀罪名He assures me a robot cannot be charged with homicide. 简报中确认只有罪犯和受害人都是人类时The brief confirms murder can only be committed 谋杀案才能成立when one human kills another. 警官你不是在暗示这个机器人能和人类相提并论吧? Detective, you”re not suggesting this robot be treated as human, are you?就算这个机器人与兰尼博士的死Granted, we can”t rule out the robot”s proximity... 有所牵可惜它只是一台机器to the death of Dr. Lanning. Having said that, it”s a machine. 属于机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts; It”s the property of USR. 说破天这也只能归入工业事故的范畴At worst, that places this incident within the realm of an industrial accident. 而故障的机器理所应当As a matter of course, faulty machinery... 由机器人公amp;hearts;司amp;hearts;回收诊断错误之后销毁will be returned to USR for diagnostics, then decommissioned. 这是言论禁止令任何暗示This is a gag order. Anyone here so much as hinting... 被逮捕的机器人犯有谋杀罪的人at the possibility of a killer robot being apprehended... 都会被起诉煽动公共恐惧罪will be deemed to be inciting irrational panic. 将被绳之以法严惩不贷You”ll be subject to the full penalty of law. 这家伙算哪根葱别让他带走机器人To hell with this guy. Don”t let him take this robot. 我们没证据We got nothing. -这就是些政amp;hearts;治amp;hearts;把戏打给市长-伯金中尉-This is political bullshit. Call the mayor!。



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二、文章结构分析:1. 第一部分:题目介绍本部分简要介绍了2004年英语一的第四篇阅读题目,包括文章标题、题材和主要内容概述。

2. 第二部分:文章内容解析本部分主要对文章内容进行详细解析,包括文章中涉及的主要观点、论据和结论,并对关键词进行逐一解释和分析。

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三、文章内容解析:1. 文章标题:《XXX》2. 文章题材:XXX3. 主要内容概述:XXX四、解题技巧共享:1. 理解题目要求:对于阅读理解题目,考生首先要明确题目要求,包括阅读目的、解题方法等,这有助于考生更好地把握文章核心内容和思路。

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1. 结构分析:在阅读理解题目中,文章的结构通常包括引言、主体和结论三部分。











资源环境经济学_Environment and Natural Resource Economics Course

资源环境经济学_Environment and Natural Resource Economics Course

Course Overview
Thursday, Sept. 7
Lecture 7: The theory of optimal resource extraction: non-renewable resources Background literature: Chapter 15: The theory of optimal resource extraction: non-renewable resources Houthakker, Hendrik S. (2002): Are minerals exhaustible? Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 42: 417-421. Lecture 8: The theory of optimal resource extraction: renewable resources
Background literature: Chapter 17: Renewable resources Chapter 18: Forest Resources Tutorial 4: Answering review questions and working out effects of discounting on NPV using EXCEL Presenting and discussing review questions. Case studies: Rahim, Afaf, Ekko van Ierland, Justus Wesseler: Economic Incentives for Entry and Exit in Gum Arabic Agroforestry System in Sudan. Mimeo. Wageningen University. Mithöfer, Dagmar, Hermann Waibel, Justus Wesseler: R&D and private investment: How to conserve indigenous fruit biodiversity of Southern Africa.



14.461Advanced Macroeconomics I(1st half)Jordi GalíMITFall2005Part1:Monetary Policy,Inflation,and the Business Cycle The lectures will provide an overview of the recent literature on dynamic optimizing models with nominal rigidities and their implications for the design of monetary policy. Lecture notes will be handed out during the course.A list of topics to be be covered and reading list with some of the key articles is provided below.Motivation and EvidenceBeyond RBC Theory.Long Run Evidence.Reduced Form Evidence.The Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter1.McCandless,George T.,Warren Weber(1995):“Some Monetary Facts,”Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,Quartely ReviewBarro,Robert(1998):The Determinants of Economic Growth,MIT Press,chapter3. (NBER WP#5698)Bruno,Michael,and William Easterly(1998):“Inflation Crises and Long Run Growth,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.41,no.1,3-26Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1995):“Money and the Business Cycle,”in in T. Cooley ed.:Frontiers of Business Cycle Research(Princeton University Press),section7.2.Stock,James,and Mark W.Watson(2000):“Business Cycle Fluctuations in U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series,”in J.B.Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1A.(also NBER WP6528))Romer,Christina,and David Romer(1989):“Does Monetary Policy Matter?A New Test in the Spirit of Friedman and Schwartz,”NBER Macroeconomics Annual,4,121-170.Christiano,Lawrence J.,Martin Eichenbaum,and Charles L.Evans(1998):“Monetary Policy Shocks:What Have We Learned and to What End?,”in J.B.Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1A,65-148.(also NBER WP6400).Peersman,Gert and Frank Smets(2003):“The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the Euro Area:More Evidence from VAR Analysis,”in Angeloni et al.(eds.)Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area,Cambridge University Press,(also ECB WP no.91).Galí,Jordi(1992):”How Well Does the IS-LM Model Fit Postwar U.S.Data?,”Quarterly Journal of Economics709-738.Bernanke,Ben S.,and Ilian Mihov(1997):“Measuring Monetary Policy,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol.CXIII,no.3,869-902.Eichenbaum,Martin and Charles E.Evans(1995):“Some Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Shocks to Monetary Policy on Exchange Rates,”Quarterly Journal of Economics110,no.4,975-1010.Bils,Mark and Peter J.Klenow(2004):“Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices,”Journal of Political Economy,vol112(5),947-985.Dhyne,Emmanuel et al.(2005):“Price Setting in the Euro Area:Some Stylised Facts from Individual Consumer Price Data,”mimeo.Alvarez,Luis et al.(2005):“Sticky Prices in the Euro Area:Evidence from Micro-Data,”mimeo.A Simple Framework for Monetary Policy AnalysisHouseholds.Firms.Marginal costs and markups.Elements of equilibrium.Money demand. Capital accumulation.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter2 (also related:chapter3)Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter1.Flexible PricesThe classical monetary model.Optimal price setting.Neutrality.Monetary policy rules and price level determination.Sources of non-neutrality.Optimal monetary policy. Hyperinflations.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter2.Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter2.Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1995):“Money and the Business Cycle,”in in T. Cooley ed.:Frontiers of Business Cycle Research(Princeton University Press).Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1989):“Inflation Tax in a Real Business Cycle Model,”American Economic Review79,733-748.King,Robert G.,and Mark Watson(1996):“Money,Prices,Interest Rates,and the Business Cycle,”Review of Economics and Statistics,vol78,no1,35-53.Chari,V.V.,and Patrick J.Kehoe(1999):“Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy,”in in J.B. Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1C,1671-1745.Correia,Isabel,and Pedro Teles(1999):“The Optimal Inflation Tax,”Review of Economic Dynamics,vol.2,no.2325-346.A Baseline Sticky Price ModelThe Calvo model.The new Keynesian Phillips curve.The output gap and the natural rate of interest.The effects of monetary policy shocks.Evidence on inflation dynamics.Alternative time-dependent models:convex price adjustment costs,the Taylor model,the truncated Calvo model.State-dependent models.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter5.Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of MonetaryPolicy,Princeton University Press,chapter4.Calvo,Guillermo(1983):“Staggered Prices in a Utility Maximizing Framework,”Journal of Monetary Economics,12,383-398.Yun,Tack(1996):“Nominal Price Rigidity,Money Supply Endogeneity,and Business Cycles,”Journal of Monetary Economics37,345-370.King,Robert G.,and Alexander L.Wolman(1996):“Inflation Targeting in a St.Louis Model of the21st Century,”Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review,vol.78,no.3.(NBER WP#5507).Fuhrer,Jeffrey C.and George R.Moore(1995):“Inflation Persistence”,Quarterly Journal of Economics,Vol.110,February,pp127-159.Galí,Jordi and Mark Gertler(1998):“Inflation Dynamics:A Structural Econometric Analysis,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol44,no.2,195-222.Sbordone,Argia(2002):“Prices and Unit Labor Costs:A New Test of Price Stickiness,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.2,265-292.Galí,Jordi,Mark Gertler,David López-Salido(2001):“European Inflation Dynamics,”European Economic Review vol.45,no.7,1237-1270.Galí,Jordi,Mark Gertler,David López-Salido(2005):“Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve,”Journal of Monetary Economics,forthcoming.Eichenbaum,Martin and Jonas D.M.Fisher(2004):“Evaluating the Calvo Model of Sticky Prices,”NBER WP10617.Mankiw,N.Gregory and Ricardo Reis(2002):“Sticky Information vs.Sticky Prices:A Proposal to Replace the New Keynesian Phillips Curve,”Quartely Journal of Economics,vol. CXVII,issue4,1295-1328.Rotemberg,Julio(1996):“Prices,Output,and Hours:An Empirical Analysis Based on a Sticky Price Model,”Journal of Monetary Economics37,505-533.Chari,V.V.,Patrick J.Kehoe,Ellen R.McGrattan(2000):“Sticky Price Models of the Business Cycle:Can the Contract Multiplier Solve the Persistence Problem?,”Econometrica, vol.68,no.5,1151-1180.Wolman,Alexander(1999):“Sticky Prices,Marginal Cost,and the Behavior of Inflation,”Economic Quarterly,vol85,no.4,29-48.Dotsey,Michael,Robert G.King,and Alexander L.Wolman(1999):“State Dependent Pricing and the General Equilibrium Dynamics of Money and Output,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol.CXIV,issue2,655-690.Dotsey,Michael,and Robert G.King(2005):“Implications of State Dependent Pricing for Dynamic Macroeconomic Models,”Journal of Monetary Economics,52,213-242.Golosov,Mikhail,Robert E.Lucas(2005):“Menu Costs and Phillips Curves”mimeo.Gertler,Mark and John Leahy(2005):“A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation,”mimeo.Monetary Policy Design in the Baseline ModelA benchmark case.Optimal monetary policy and its implementation.The Taylor Principle. Simple Monetary Policy Rules.Second order approximation to welfare losses.Evidence on Monetary Policy rules.The effects of technology shocks:theory and evidence.Galí,Jordi(2003):“New Perspectives on Monetary Policy,Inflation,and the BusinessCycle,”in Advances in Economics and Econometrics,volume III,edited by M.Dewatripont, L.Hansen,and S.Turnovsky,Cambridge University Press(also available as NBER WP#8767).Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter6.Yun,Tack(2005):“Optimal Monetary Policy with Relative Price Distortions”American Economic Review,vol.95,no.1,89-109Blanchard,Olivier and Charles Kahn(1980),“The Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations”,Econometrica,48,1305-1311Bullard,James,and Kaushik Mitra(2002):“Learning About Monetary Policy Rules,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.6,1105-1130.Woodford,Michael(2001):“The Taylor Rule and Optimal Monetary Policy,”American Economic Review91(2):232-237(2001).Rotemberg,Julio and Michael Woodford(1999):“Interest Rate Rules in an Estimated Sticky Price Model,”in J.B.Taylor ed.,Monetary Policy Rules,University of Chicago Press.Benhabib,Jess,Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe,and Martin Uribe(2001):“The Perils of Taylor Rules,”Journal of Economic Theory96,40-69.Levin,Andrew,Volker Wieland,and John C.Williams(2003):“The Performance of Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty,”American Economic Review,vol.93,no.3,622-645.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(2000):“Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability:Evidence and Some Theory,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol. 115,issue1,147-180.Taylor,John B.(1998):“An Historical Analysis of Monetary Policy Rules,”in J.B.Taylor ed.,Monetary Policy Rules,University of Chicago Press.Orphanides,Athanasios(2003):“The Quest for Prosperity Without Inflation,”Journal of Monetary Economics50,633-663Galí,Jordi(1999):“Technology,Employment,and the Business Cycle:Do Technology Shocks Explain Aggregate Fluctuations?,”American Economic Review,vol.89,no.1,249-271.Basu,Susanto,John Fernald,and Miles Kimball(2004):“Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?,”American Economic Review,forthcoming(also NBER WP#10592).Francis,Neville,and Valerie Ramey(2005):“Is the Technology-Driven Real Business Cycle Hypothesis Dead?Shocks and Aggregate FLuctuations Revisited,”Journal of Monetary Economics,forthcoming.Galí,Jordi and Pau Rabanal(2004):“Technology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations: How Well Does the RBC Model Fit Postwar U.S.Data?,”NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2004,225-288.(also as NBER WP#10636).Christiano,Lawrence,Martin Eichenbaum,and Robert Vigfusson(2003):“What happens after a Technology Shock?,”NBER WP#9819.Galí,Jordi,J.David López-Salido,and Javier Vallés(2003):“Technology Shocks and Monetary Policy:Assessing the Fed’s Performance,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.50, no.4.,723-743.Extensions of the Baseline Model and their Implications for Monetary PolicyCost-push shocks.Nominal wage rigidities.Monetary frictions.Inflation inertia.Real wage rigidities.Steady state distortions.Estimated medium-scale models.Giannoni,Marc P.,and Michael Woodford(2003):“Optimal Inflation Targeting Rules,”in B.Bernanke and M.Woodford,eds.The Inflation Targeting Debate,Chicago,Chicago University Press.(also NBER WP#9939).Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapters6-8.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(1999):“The Science of Monetary Policy:A New Keynesian Perspective,”Journal of Economic Literature,vol.37,no.4,1661-1707.Erceg,Christopher J.,Dale W.Henderson,and Andrew T.Levin(2000):“Optimal Monetary Policy with Staggered Wage and Price Contracts,”Journal of Monetary Economics vol.46,no.2,281-314.Huang,Kevin X.D.,and Zheng Liu.(2002):“Staggered Price-setting,staggeredwage-setting and business cycle persistence,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vo.49,405-433.Woodford,Michael(2003):“Optimal Interest Rate Smoothing,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.70,no.4,861-886.Steinsson,Jón(2003):“Optimal Monetary Policy in an Economy with Inflation Persistence,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.50,no.7.Blanchard,Olivier J.and Jordi Galí(2005):“Real Wage Rigidities and the Nw Keynesian Model”mimeo.Benigno,Pierpaolo,and Michael Woodford(2005):“Inflation Stabilization and Welfare: the Case of a Distorted Steady State”Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.Khan,Aubhik,Robert G.King and Alexander L.Wolman(2003):“Optimal Monetary Policy,”Review of Economic Studies,825-860.Christiano,Lawrence J.,Martin Eichenbaum,and Charles L.Evans(2001):“Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy,”Journal of Political EconomySmets,Frank,and Raf Wouters(2003):“An Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model of the Euro Area,”Journal of the European Economic Association,vol1, no.5,1123-1175.Monetary Policy in the Open EconomyEmpirical issues.Two country models.Small Open Economy.Monetary Unions.Local Currency Pricing.Benigno,Gianluca,and Benigno,Pierpaolo(2003):“Price Stability in Open Economies,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.70,no.4,743-764.Galí,Jordi,and Tommaso Monacelli(2005):“Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.72,issue3,2005,707-734.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(2002):“A Simple Framework for International Monetary Policy Analysis,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.5, 879-904.Benigno,Pierpaolo(2004):“Optimal Monetary Policy in a Currency Area,”Journal of International Economics,vol.63,issue2,293-320.Monetary and Fiscal Policy InteractionsFiscal policy rules and equilibrium determination.Distortionary taxes and optimal policy. Non-Ricardian economies and the effects ernment spending.Optimal monetary and fiscal policy in currency unions.Leeper,Eric(1991):“Equilibria under Active and Passive Monetary Policies,”Journal of Monetary Economic s27,129-147.Sims,Christopher A.(1994):“A Simple Model for the Determination of the Price Level and the Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy,”Economic Theory,vol.4,381-399.Woodford,Michael(1996):“Control of the Public Debt:A Requirement for Price Stability,”NBER WP#5684.Davig,Troy and Eric Leeper(2005):“Fluctuating Macro Policies and the Fiscal Theory,”mimeo.Schmitt-Grohé,Stephanie,and Martin Uribe(2004):“Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Sticky Prices,”Journal of Economic Theory114,198-230Schmitt-Grohé,Stephanie,and Martin Uribe(2003):“Optimal Simple and Implementable Monetary and Fiscal Rules,”NBER WP#10253.Blanchard,Olivier and Roberto Perotti(2002),“An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol CXVII,issue4,1329-1368.Fatás,Antonio and Ilian Mihov(2001),“The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Consumption and Employment:Theory and Evidence,”INSEAD,mimeo.Galí,Jordi,J.David López-Salido and Javier Vallés(2005):“Understanding the Effects of Government Spending on Consumption,”mimeo.Galí,Jordi,and Tommaso Monacelli(2005):“Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Currency Union:A New Keynesian Perspective,”miemo.。

IEEE Reference Guide

IEEE Reference Guide

Reference Guide: IEEE StyleFor more detailed guidelines and other resources, visit the IEEE Author Tools web site at/publications_standards/publications/authors/.TEXT CITATIONS•Cite references in consecutive numerical order starting with [1] (unless you prefer to have an alphabetical reference list). Begin numerical order with the main text (Chapter 1), not the preliminary pages. (That is, order citations in figure captions according to their position in the main text, not the List of Figures.)•Once you number the reference, use the same number in all subsequent citations.•Each reference number should be enclosed by square brackets on the baseline of the text, with a space before the bracket, and before the punctuation: “... our earlier alloy laser work[12].”•It is not necessary to mention the author(s) of the source unless it is relevant to your text.Similarly, it is almost never useful to give the dates of references when you cite them in the text. If you do include author names in text, list all authors if there are one or two, but use “et al.” for more than two. (Note that “et al.” is not italicized.) Examples:One author: “Smith [1] reports …”Two authors: “Smith and Jones [12] report …”Three or more authors: “Smith et al. [23] report …”•It is not necessary to say “in reference [27] …”; the phrase “in [27] …” is sufficient.•To cite more than one source at a time:Preferred Acceptable[1], [3], [5] [1, 5, 7][1]-[5] [1-5]You may have to adjust your software to get the preferred form.THE REFERENCE LIST (at end of chapter or thesis)•List references in the order they were cited (numerical order, starting with [1]). Alphabetical order is also accepted.•Set bracketed numbers on the baseline and flush left, forming their own column that hangs out beyond the body of the references. Allow space such that reference bodies remain aligned when bracketed numbers increase to double and (if necessary) triple digits. This is called a hanging indent (see examples later in this guide).•List only one reference per bracketed number.•The names of all authors should be given in the reference list unless there are more than six, in which case you may use “et al.” (no comma before “et”) after the name of the first author. •Footnotes and other words and phrases not part of the reference format should not be included in the reference list. Phrases such as “for example” should only be given in the text.Updated July 2010IEEE Style - 2Style for Titles•Set the titles of books (including handbooks and manuals), periodicals, conference proceedings, and standards in italics with headline-style capitalization (capitalize the first and last words, and all important words in between; lowercase articles, prepositions, andconjunctions—though there are exceptions).•Set the titles of articles, book chapters, reports, theses and dissertations, conference papers and presentations, and patents in quotation marks with sentence-style capitalization(capitalize first word of title and subtitle, as well as proper names and most initialisms).PunctuationPlace punctuation inside quotation marks. An example with a question mark is provided below under “Periodicals.”Abbreviations•Either spell out the entire name of each periodical you reference, or use accepted abbreviations. Either way, be consistent.•Use the following abbreviations: vol., no., p. (one page only), pp. (range of pages), Jan., Feb., Mar. (optional), Apr. (optional), Jun. (optional), Jul. (optional), Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. SpacingPlease note the correct spacing and punctuation for author names:D. L. Tao, C. Siva Ram Murthy, and S. Al KuranbutT.-C. Hsu and L. A. Stein-RosenbergBOOKS[1] S. M. Hemmingsen, Soft Science. Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan Press,1997.[2] A. Rezi and M. Allam, “Techniques in array processing by means of transformations,” inControl and Dynamic Systems, vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.—example of a chapter[3] J. A. Prufrock, Ed., Lasers, 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004.editionan—exampleofPERIODICALSFor article submissions that have not yet been accepted for publication, use the phrase “submitted for publication” in place of the date. If they have been accepted, but not yet published, use “to be published” in place of the date. Note that the periodical number is optional when the month of publication is given.[4] G. Liu, “TDM and TWDM de Bruijn nets and shufflenets for optical communications,”IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 695-701, June 1997.IEEE Style - 3 [5] J. R. Beveridge and E. M. Riseman, “How easy is matching 2D line models using localsearch?” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 564-579, June 1997.[6] B. McGursky, “An approach to three-dimensional robotic walking,” IEEE RoboticsAutomation Magazine, submitted for publication.ARTICLES FROM PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSThe word “in” before the conference title is not italicized.[7] N. Osifchin and G. Vau, “Power considerations for the modernization oftelecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CEE/FSU) countries,” in Second International Telecommunications Energy Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.[8] S. Al Kuran, “The prospects for GaAs MESFET technology in dc–ac voltage conversion,”in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Portable Design Conference, 1997, pp. 137-142. PAPERS PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES, BUT UNPUBLISHED[9] H. A. Nimr, “Defuzzification of the outputs of fuzzy controllers,” presented at 5thInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 1996.REPORTS (technical reports, internal reports, memoranda)Provide report number and month if available.[10] K. E. Elliott and C. M. Greene, “A local adaptive protocol,” Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne, IL, Tech. Rep. 916-1010-BB, 1997.THESES and DISSERTATIONS“Ph.D. dissertation,” but “M.S. thesis.”[11] H. Zhang, “Delay-insensitive networks,” M.S. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 1997.MANUALS[12] Bell Telephone Laboratories Technical Staff, Transmission System for Communications,Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1995.[13] Motorola Semiconductor Data Manual, Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc., Phoenix,AZ, 2007.IEEE Style - 4COURSE MATERIALS[14] M. Hasegawa-Johnson, “Pattern classification,” class notes for ECE 544, Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aug.23, 2007.—example of a handout (treat title as article, give specific date)[15] J.-M. Jin, Electromagnetic Field Theory. Class notes for ECE 544, Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.—example of a packet/book (treat title as book)UNPUBLISHED SOURCES[16] T. I. Wein, private communication, Sept. 2005.[17] G. Kinneavy, “An approach to graphs of linear forms,” unpublished.CATALOGS[18] Catalog No. MWM-1, Microwave Components, M. W. Microwave Corp., Brooklyn, NY. PATENTS[19] K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, “Fuzzy controller component,” U. S. Patent 14,860,040,December 14, 1996.STANDARDS[20] IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.ONLINE SOURCES[21] R. J. Vidmar. (1992, Aug.). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagneticreflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3), pp. 876-880. Available:/pub/journals/21ps03-vidmar—example of a journal article[22] PROCESS Corp., MA. Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall forcorporate productivity. Presented at INET96 Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available:/Intranets/wp2.htp—example of a conference presentation[23] S. L. Talleen. (1996, Apr.). The Intranet Architecture: Managing information in the newparadigm. Amdahl Corp., CA. [Online]. Available:/doc/products/bsg/intra/infra/html—example of a report。



MLA FORMATTING AND STYLE GUIDEThe BasicsMLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages.According to MLA style, your paper should be typed and double-spaced; and it should use a legible font like Times New Roman with a standard font size of 12 points. Margins should be set to one inch on all sides, and only one space should be left after periods or other punctuation marks. Other basic aspects of the MLA style are:∙Indent the first line of a paragraph one-half inch from the left margin.∙Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. When putting the page number(header) in the upper right-hand of each page, it should include author's last namefollowed by page number.∙Use italics throughout your essay for the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, for providing emphasis.∙Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested.∙In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Again, be sure to use double-spaced text. (See example below.)**Please note: this guide has been updated to reflect the changes of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition (2009).**Citing the Most Common SourcesAuthors∙An item with more than three authors can be listed by the first author's name, followed by a comma and then the Latin abbreviation et al. (Penner, Jane N., et al.).Titles∙Capitalize all important words – first word of the title, first word of the subtitle (right after the colon), and all major words. Do not capitalize words such as: a, an, the, against, between, in, of, to, and, but, for, and so, unless they are the first word of the title orsubtitle.∙Whole book titles are in italics while article or chapter titles are put in “quotation marks.”∙Leave out initial articles from titles of newspapers, magazines, and journals (Lancet, not The Lancet, New York Times, not The New York Times).∙Titles of books are taken from the title page (first printed page of the book) and not from the cover. If the title on the title page starts wit h any of the initial articles “A,” “An,” or “The,” include it in your citation but be sure to alphabetize by the second word.Dates∙For books, just use the year.∙For newspaper and magazines articles, use Day Month Year format (17 July 2007).Abbreviations∙Abbreviate all months except for May, June, and July.∙University Press in the name of a publisher may be shortened to UP.Page numbers∙Do not put p. or pp. when citing page numbers.∙Show page numbers as completely as you can (you will need to view the PDF version to find complete pagination information for some articles). Some databases will have article citations that only give the first page number, in which case put a “+” after the start page (67+).BooksThere are four parts to each reference: (1) author, (2) title, (3) publication information, and (4) medium of access. Each part is followed by a period and one space.One AuthorLa Naour, Jean-Yves. The Living Unknown Soldier: A Story of Grief and the Great War. New York: Metropolitan, 2004. Print.Two or Three AuthorsMcClendon, Ruth, and Leslie Kadis. Reconciling Relationships and Preserving the Family Business: Tools for Success. New York: Haworth, 2004. Print.Edited BookKinkead, Joyce A., and Jeanette Harris, eds. Writing Centers in Context: Twelve Case Studies.Urbana: NCTE, 1993. Print.Electronic BooksTreat electronic books like a print book for the author, title, publisher, and date information, and add “Web” for web access.One AuthorBaker, Jim. Lawful Order: A Case Study of Correctional Crisis and Reform. New York: Garland, 1998. NetLibrary. Genesee Com. Coll. Lib., NY. Web. 4 Aug. 2004.Edited BookYoungblood-Coleman, Denise and Mary Ann Azevedo, eds. Burundi 2007 Country Review: Political Conditions. Houston, TX: CountryWatch, Inc., 2007. CountryWatch.. Genessee Com. Coll. Lib., NY. Web. 27 July 2007.Periodical Articles in PrintReferences for periodicals, like those for books, have four major parts: (1) author, (2) title, (3) publication information, and (4) medium of access, each followed by a period.Newspaper ArticleJames, Caryn. “Adding the Power of TV to the Power of the Printed Page.” New York Times 21 Nov. 1996, late ed.: C15. Print.Magazine ArticleUpdike, John. “Colonoscopy.” Poetry July/Aug. 2006: 289. Print.Article in a Scholarly Journal That Uses Only Issue NumbersDressler, William W., and James R. Bnidon. “The Health Consequences of Cultural Consonance: Cultural Dimensions of Lifestyle, Social Support, and Arterial Blood Pressure in anAfrican American Community.” American Anthropologist 102 (2000): 244-60. Print.Article in a Scholarly Journal with More Than One SeriesMeuter, Matthew L., et al. “Self-Service Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction with Technology- Based Service Encounters.” Journal of Marketing 64.3 (2000): 50-66.Print.Internet SourcesThe basic format for citing an Internet source is:Author, “Title of Article or Page Within a W ebsite.” Name of Website or Database. Name of Organization Responsible for the Website. Publication date (or last update). Web. Access date.Note 1: Any one website may not provide all of the listed items; you can’t put what you don’t have – use the MLA abbreviations for any missing information [N.p.= No publisher, N.pag.= No page number, and n.d. = no date given].Note 2: Begin a citation with the author's name. If no author is given, begin the citation with the title of the web page or name of the website. (The first example below shows an entry fora page without an author.)Note 3: Leave out the name of the organization responsible for the website if it is the same as the name of the website or database.Note 4: No URL needs to be given, simply “Web” as the medium of access.Citing an Entire WebsiteThe Purdue OWL Family of Sites. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue U, 2008.Web. 2 Jan. 2013.Maguire, Sharon. “Training Your New Puppy or Dog.” Dog Breed Info Center. 2007. Web. 16 Feb. 2007.Citing a Page on a Website“How to Make Vegetarian Chili.” eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2013.Quade, Alex. “Elite Team Rescues Troops behind Enemy Lines.” . Cable News Network, 19 Mar. 2007. Web. 14 May 2008.Article from an Online DatabaseLanghamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): 173-96. ProQuest. Web. 2 Jan. 2013.Article in an Electronic JournalMorken, Gunnar, and Olav M. Linaker. “Seasonal Variations of Violence in Norway.” American Journal of Psychiatry 157 (2000): 1674-1678. Web. 20 July 2007.Images/Works of Art Accessed OnlineCurrin, John. Blond Angel.2001. Indianapolis Museum of Art. IMA: It’s My Art. Web. 2 Jan.2013.Lange, Dorothea. The Migrant Mother. 1936. Prints and Photographs Div., Lib. of Cong.Dorothea Lange: Photographer of the People. Web. 2 Jan. 2013.Film/Video Recording Accessed OnlineThe Great Train Robbery. Dir. Edward Porter. Thomas Edison, 1903. Internet Archive. Web. 5 June 2008.Parenthetical (In-Text) CitationThe MLA style of parenthetical citation includes the author’s last name and page number(s). Parenthetical citations do not include the word "page" or "pages" or the abbreviations "p." or "pp."— just the page numbers.Direct Quotations and ParaphrasesA page number is always included, whether material is copied word for word (presented in quotation marks) or paraphrased (presented in your own words, without quotation marks) from a source. If an electronic source does not provide page numbers, leave them out. Some electronic sources (e.g., General OneFile) will include a PDF version of the text. If so, use the page number from the PDF version of the document.In in-text citations, give the author's last name and the page number of the source within the sentence (before the period). For in-text citations that occur after long quoted material that is indented, the citation comes after the sentence and after the period.Work with One Authora.) Dust plays a larger role in our lives than we realize (Holmes 5).ORb.) Holmes points out that, “between 1 and 3 billion tons of desert dust fly up into the skyannually” (5).Work with Two or Three Authorsa.) Many changes occurred during the Renaissance (Kerrigan and Smith 57).ORb.) Kerrigan and Smith found that many changes occurred during the Renaissance (57). If a source is not listed here, or if you have questions, you can find more information in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed., 2009). One is available at the main desk of the Cannon Memorial library. Help is also available at the SLU’s online library at/citation-help.html, or you can visit the MLA website at .Stephanie LucykProfessor CarterENG 0024 January 2005Plastic GirlsAsk a child who the president of the United States is, and you are bound to get a multitude of replies ranging from the accurate to the hysterical. Ask a child who Barbie is, and you are sure to a get…Works Cited“Babes in Toyland…What’s a Feminist Mom to Do?” Herizons 31 Jan. 1997. Web. 9 Dec.2004.“Barbie in the Nineties.” Barbie: The Image of Us All. Web. 20 Nov. 2004.Borger, Gloria. “B arbie’s Newest Values.” US News and World Report 1 Dec. 1997: 40. Print. Cunningham, Kamy. “Barbie Doll Culture and the American Waistland.” Symbolic Interaction16.1 (1993): 79-83. Print.McQuade, Donald, and Christine McQuade. “Figuring the Body.” Seeing and Writing. Eds.Donald McQuade and Christine McQuade. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 230-321. Print. Norton, Kevin I., et a l. “Ken and Barbie at Life Size.” Sex Roles 34 (1996): 287-94. Print. Rand, Erica. Barbie’s Queer Accessories. Durham: Duke UP, 1995. Print.Rogers, Mary F. Barbie Culture. London: Sage, 1999. Print.Saltzberg, Elayne, and Joan C. Chrisler. “The pursuit of the Perfect Female Body.” Women: A Feminist Perspective. Ed. Jo Freeman. Mountain View: Mayfield, 1993. 301-17. Print. “The Secret Lives of Barbie: Bad Girl.” ABC News. 30 Oct. 2002. Web. 2 Dec. 2004.“The Secret Lives of Barbie: Career Girl.” ABC News. 30 Oct. 2002. Web. 2 Dec. 2004.This guide was modified by the Saint Leo University Instructional Design Department according toThe Academic Writing Guide to Good English, Custom Edition, with the MLA Handbook for Writers of ResearchPapers, Seventh Edition, using examples.。

附录1 APA第六版参考资料

附录1 APA第六版参考资料

References/BibliographyAPABased on the “Publication Manual of theAmerican Psychological Association” 6th edition.The “APA style” is an author-date style for citing and referencing information in assignments and publications. This guide is based on the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual, 6th edition (2010).Note: Before you write your list of references, check with your lecturer or tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the School. There may be differences in the stylerecommended by the School.What is referencing?Referencing is a standardised way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignments. This allows the sources to be identified.Why reference?Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to identify and follow up works you have referred to.Steps in referencing•Record the full bibliographic details and relevant page numbers of the source from which information is taken.•Note the DOI (digital object identifier), if present. When a DOI is used, do not provide the URL or date of retrieval.•Insert the citation at the appropriate place in the text of your document.•Include a reference list that includes all in-text citations at the end of your document.In-text citations•In an author-date style, in-text citations usually require the name of the author(s) and the year of publication.• A page number is included if you have a direct quote. When you paraphrase a passage, or refer to an idea contained in another work, providing a page number is not required, but is "encouraged", especially if you are referring to a long work and the page numbers might be useful to the reader.How to create a reference list/bibliography• A reference list includes just the books, articles, and web pages etc that are cited in the text of the document. A bibliography includes all sources consulted for background reading.• A reference list is arranged alphabetically by author. If an item has no author, it is cited by title, and included in the alphabetical list using the first significant word of the title.•If you have more than one item with the same author, list the items chronologically, starting with the earliest publication.•Each reference appears on a new line.•Each item in the reference list is required to have a hanging indent.•References should not be numbered.Referencing SoftwareThe University of Queensland Library provides access to EndNote and RefWorks software, which assist in creating reference lists. An APA 6th style is provided in the Endnote X4 software.(22/11/2011)APA 6th EditionBookElements of the citationAuthor(s) of book – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of book – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeOne author Sophisticated searching techniques areimportant in finding information (Berkman,1994)ORBerkman (1994) claimed that … Berkman, R. I. (1994). Find it fast: How to uncover expert information. New York, NY: Harper Perrenial.BookTwo authors It is futile to maintain that the sexes areinterchangeable (Moir & Jessel, 1991)ORMoir and Jessel (1991) found students…Always list the authors in the order in whichthey appear in the publication.Cite both authors for each use of reference. Moir, A., & Jessel, D. (1991). Brain sex: The real difference between men and women. London: Mandarin.BookThree to five authors (O’Keefe, Bell, & Wyne, 2009)(O’Keefe et al., 2009)O'Keefe, J. H., Bell, D. S. H., & Wyne, K.L. (2009). Diabetesessentials. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Book2O’Keefe, Bell, and Wyne argue that (2009)Cite all authors the first time the reference appears; for all subsequent uses, cite last name of first author followed by “et al.”Six or more authors Johnson et al. (2005) argue …ORIt was argued that…(Johnson et al., 2005)Cite just the last name of the first authorfollowed by “et al.” and year for the first andall other citationsJohnson, L., Lewis, K., Peters, M., Harris, Y., Moreton, G.,Morgan, B., . . . Smith, P. (2005). How far is far? London:McMillan.When a reference has up to seven authors, include allauthors’ names in the reference list. When a work haseight or more authors, cite the last names & initials ofthe first six authors then follow with a comma and threespaced ellipsis points (. . .), then the last author’s name.BookNo author Management is defined as (CCH MacquarieDictionary, 1993)ORCCH Macquarie Dictionary (1993) defines…Cite in the text the first few words of the titleand the year. The CCH Macquarie dictionary of business. (1993). North Ryde, NSW: CCH Australia.BookAuthor Identified As Anonymous (Anonymous, 1996)Use only if author is specifically named as“Anonymous”Anonymous. (1996). Primary colors : A novel of politics.New York, NY: Random House.BookAuthors With Same Last Name (J. P. Lewis, 2007)J. P. Lewis argues that (2007)(R. Lewis, 2007)R. Lewis stated that (2007)Include first author’s initials in all citations.Lewis, J.P. (2007). Fundamentals of project management.New York, NY: American Management Association.Lewis, R. (2007). Human genetics : concepts andapplications. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill HigherEducation.Book3Multiple works by the same author …geology of Queensland’s national parks(Willmott, 2004, 2006).Willmott, W.F . (2004). Rocks and landscapes of thenational parks of Southern Queensland. Brisbane:Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division.Willmott, W.F. (2006). Rocks and landscapes of the nationalparks of Central Queensland. Brisbane: GeologicalSociety of Australia, Queensland Division.Order chronologically from earliest in the reference listBookMultiple works by the same author, published in the same year (Dawkins, 1996a, 1996b) Dawkins, R. (1996a). Climbing Mount Improbable. London:Viking.Dawkins, R. (1996b). River out of Eden. London: Phoenix.Order alphabetically by title in the Reference list.BookBook by an organisation or institution (corporate author) (Queensland Health, 2002)Queensland Health (2002) recommends that….Queensland Health. (2002). Best practice guidelines for themanagement of type 1 diabetes in children andadolescents. Brisbane, Australia: Author.BookDifferent Editions (DeHart, Sroufe, & Cooper, 1995)DeHart, Sroufe, & Cooper (1995) state the ideathat…DeHart, G. B., Sroufe, L.A., & Cooper, R. G. (1995). Childdevelopment: Its nature and course (4th ed.). Boston,MA: McGraw-Hill.The edition statement is placed after the title of the work.This is not necessary for a first edition.BookEdited book (Friedman & Wachs, 1999)(Everson, 1991) Friedman, S. L., & Wachs, T. D. (Eds.). (1999). Measuringenvironment across the life span: Emerging methodsand concepts. Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation.Everson, S. (Ed.). (1991). Psychology. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.Edited book4Electronicversion of printbook(De Lara & Doyen, 2008)(Ardia, 2008) De Lara, M., & Doyen, L. (2008). Sustainable managementof natural resources: Mathematical models andmethods. [SpringerLink version]. Retrieved from/openurl.asp?genre=book&isbn=978-3-540-79073-0Ardia, D. (2008). Financial risk management with Bayesianestimation of GARCH models: Theory and applications[SpringerLink version]. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-78657-3Add the name of the provider of the electronic version insquare brackets.Electronic bookEnter the DigitalObject Identifier of thebook in the DOI field.If the book has no DOI,use the URL field andenter the full URL ofthe e-book if it wasonly publishedelectronically. If thebook was originallypublished in print,enter the URL of thehomepage of thewebsite on which it isavailable.Electronic-only book (Stevens, n.d.) Stevens, K. (n.d.) The dreamer and the beast. Retrievedfrom/showitem.asp?itemID=332Electronic bookTranslation of a book (Ylinen, 2008) Ylinen, J. (2008). Stretching therapy: For sport and manualtherapies (J. Nurmenniemi, Trans.). Edinburgh,Scotland: Churchill Livingstone.BookEnter translator’sname in Translatorfield5Chapter in a bookElements of the citationAuthor(s) of chapter – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In Editor(s) – initials and family name - of book (Eds), Title of book – italicised, (pp. Page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeChapter in an edited book (Baker & Lightfoot, 1993)Use the chapter authors, NOT the editors of thebookBaker, F. M., & Lightfoot, O. B. (1993). Psychiatric care ofethnic elders. In A. C. Gaw (Ed.), Culture, ethnicity,and mental illness (pp. 517-552). Washington, DC:American Psychiatric Press.Book sectionChapter from an electronic book without DOI (Scott, 2005) Scott, D. (2005). Colonial governmentality. In J. X. Inda(Ed.), Anthropologies of modernity (pp. 21-49).Retrieved from/cgi-bin/bookhome/117909832Book sectionChapter from an electronic book with DOI (Iacono, 2008) Iacono, W. G. (2008). Polygraph testing. In E. Borgida & S.T. Fiske (Eds.), Beyond common sense: Psychologicalscience in the courtroom (pp. 219-235). doi:10.1002/9780470696422Book sectionReview from the Mental Measurements Yearbook database (McInerney, 2004) McInerney, V. (2004). Review of the Neale Analysis ofReading Ability, 3rd Edition [AustralianStandardisation]. In The fifteenth mentalmeasurements yearbook. Retrieved from EBSCOMental Measurements Yearbook database.Book sectionAdd “EBSCO MentalMeasurementsYearbook database” inthe URL field.6Dictionary or EncyclopaediaElements of the citationAuthor(s) of work – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeDictionary or Encyclopedia – print version (Wolman, 1989) Wolman, B.B. (Ed.). (1989). Dictionary of behavioralscience (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. BookEntry from Electronic dictionary or encyclopedia (Community, 2009) Community. (2009). In J. Scott & G. Marshall (Eds.), Adictionary of sociology (3rd rev. ed.). Retrieved from/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Main&entry=t88.e337Book section7Journal ArticleIf the journal article has a digital object identifier (DOI), include this in your reference.If there is no DOI and you have accessed the article electronically, include the URL of the journal’s homepage in your reference.Elements of the citationJournal article with DOI (print or electronic)Author(s) of journal article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of journal article. Journal name – italicised, Volume – italicised(Issue or number), Page number(s). doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxxJournal article – DOI not available and journal retrieved onlineReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote ReferenceTypeJournal article from print journal, no DOI (Lowrie & Diezmann, 2009) Lowrie, T., & Diezmann, C. M. (2009). Nationalnumeracy tests: A graphic tells a thousand words.Australian Journal of Education, 53, 141-158.Journal articleJournal article (print or electronic) with DOI – one author – paginated by issue (Osman, 2010)OROsman (2010) thought that….Osman, M. (2010). Controlling uncertainty: A reviewof human behavior in complex dynamicenvironments. Psychological Bulletin, 136(1), 65-86. doi: 10.1037/a0017815Note: The volume number is in italicsJournal articleWhen citing an articlewhich you accessedelectronically, use the“Electronic article”reference type.Author(s) of journal article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of journal article. Journal name – italicised, Volume – italicised( Issue or number), Page number(s). Retrieved from http: www.xxxxxx8Journal article with DOI – two authors (Kerrigan & Kingdon, 2010) Kerrigan, A. M., & Kingdon, C. (2010). Maternalobesity and pregnancy: A retrospective study.Midwifery, 26, 138-146. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2008.12.005Journal articleJournal article with DOI–three to five authors (Skenderian, Siegel, Crano, Alvaro, & Lac,2008)For works with 3-5 authors, in the in-textcitation, cite all authors the first time thereference appears; for all subsequentuses, cite last name of first authorfollowed by “et al.”Skenderian, J. J., Siegel, J. T., Crano, W. D., Lac, A., &Alvaro, E. E. (2008). Expectancy change andadolescents' intentions to use marijuana.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22, 563-569.doi:10.1037/a0013020Note: In the reference list, include all authors up toseven.Journal articleJournal articlewith DOI – sixauthors or more(Wolchik et al., 2008)Note: For the in-text citation, for workswith six or more authors, use only thefirst author’s last name followed by “etal.”, for every use of the citation. Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.,Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., . . . Griffin, W. A.(2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programsfor children of divorce. Journal of Consulting andClinical Psychology, 68,843-856.doi:10.1037/0022-006X.68.5.843Note: In the reference list, include all authors up toseven. For eight or more, include the first six, then anellipsis, followed by the last author's name.Journal articleJournal article with DOI - continuous pagination throughout volume (Wilens & Biederman, 2006) Wilens, T.E., & Biederman J. (2006). Alcohol, drugs,and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Amodel for the study of addictions in youth.Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20, 580-588.doi:10.1177/0269881105058776Note: Issue number is not required.Journal articleJournal article with DOI –available in (Allan, 2010) Allan, H. (2010). The perils facing nurse education: Acall for leadership for learning. Nurse EducationToday, Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.01.002Electronic article9advance in an online publication (before it is assigned a volume, issue or page numbers)Cochrane Review with DOI (Shaw, O’Rourke, Del Mar, & Kenardy,2005)Shaw, K., O'Rourke, P., Del Mar, C., & Kenardy, J.(2005). Psychological interventions for overweightor obesity. The Cochrane database of systematicreviews (2).doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003818.pub2Journal articleJournal article accessed electronically, without DOI (Fallon & Engel, 2008) Fallon, A., & Engel, C. (2008). Hypertensive disordersof pregnancy. The Practising Midwife, 11(9), 1-27.Retrieved fromElectronic articleNote: In the URLfield, enter either theURL of the journal'swebsite (forsubscription-basedjournals), or the fullURL of the article (forarticles available freeon the web)Journal article – in press (Williams & Beattie, in press) Williams, S., & Beattie, H. J. (in press). Problem basedlearning in the clinical setting – a systematicreview. Nurse Education Today.Journal articlePut “in press” in yearfieldArticle from UQ eReserve (Shaw, 2003) Shaw, J. (2003). Epidemiology and prevention of type2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. MedicalJournal of Australia, 179, 379-383. Retrieved fromUniversity of Queensland Library E-Reserve.Electronic articlePut “University ofQueensland Library E-Reserve” in URL field10Conference papers and proceedingsElements of the citationAuthor(s) of paper – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title of paper. Title of published proceeding – italicised. Place of Publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypePublished conference paper (Scheinin, 2009) Scheinin, P. (2009). Using student assessment to improveteaching and educational policy. In M. O'Keefe, E.Webb, & K. Hoad (Eds.), Assessment and studentlearning: Collecting, interpreting and using data toinform teaching, 12-14. Melbourne, Australia:Australian Council for Educational Research.Book sectionUnpublished conference paper (Bowden & Fairley, 1996) Bowden, F.J., & Fairley, C.K. (1996, June). EndemicSTDs in the Northern Territory: Estimations ofeffective rates of partner change. Paper presented atthe Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian Collegeof Physicians, Darwin.Conference paperAdd “June” in the DatefieldConference paper from proceedings published regularly online Note: include a DOI or URL as for an online journal article (Herculano-Houzel, Wong, Kaas, & Lent, 2008) Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C. E., Wong, P., Kaas, J. H.& Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of thecerebral cortex. Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences, 105, 12593-12598.doi:10.1073/pnas.0805417105Electronic article11Newspaper and magazine articlesElements of the citationAuthor(s) of article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication, month day). Title of article. Title of newspaper – italicised, p. page number(s).Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNotereference typeNewspaper article with author (Cook, 2002) Cook, D. (2002, January 28). All in the mind. The Age, p.8.Note: Precede page numbers with p. or pp.Newspaper articleNewspaper article, no author (Meeting the needs, 2001) Meeting the needs of counsellors. (2001, May 5). TheCourier Mail, p. 22. Newspaper articleMagazine article (Marano, 2008) Marano, H.E. (2008, March-April). Making of aperfectionist. Psychology Today, 41, 80-86.Magazine articleElectronic newspaper or magazine article (Sandy, 2009)Sandy, A. (2009, January 22). Cheaper to fly than hire abike in Brisbane. The Courier Mail. Retrieved articleEnter the URL ofthe newspaper’shomepage in theURL field.Newspaper article from fulltext database (Lampathakis, 1997) Lampathakis, P. (1997, August 11). Tantrums seen assuicide warning. The West Australian, p. 26.Retrieved from Factiva database.Newspaper articleEnter “August 11”in the Issue field.Enter “Factivadatabase” in theURL field.12Government PublicationsElements of the citationAuthor(s) of report – (person or organisation), use & for multiple authors. (Year of Publication). Title of report – italicised. Place of publication: Publisher.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeGovernment report (Queensland Health, 2005) Queensland Health. (2005). Health systems review.Final report. Brisbane, Australia: QueenslandGovernment.ReportOnline report (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare[AIHW], 2010) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2010). Childprotection Australia 2008-09 (Report No.CWS 35).Retrieved ReportEnter “Report No. CWS 35” in the Report Number field.13ThesisElements of the citation for a thesisAuthor of thesis – family name and initials. (Year of preparation of thesis). Title of thesis – italicised. (Award, Institution, Year).Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeThesis- retrieved from institutional or personal website (Axford, 2007) Axford, J.C. (2007). What constitutes success in Pacificisland community conserved areas? (Doctoraldissertation, University of Queensland, 2007).Retrieved – retrieved from database (Sheehan, 2007) Sheehan, L. R. (2007). Destination managementorganizations: A stakeholder perspective. Retrievedfrom Proquest Digital Dissertations. (AAT NR25719)Thesis14WebpagesElements of the citationAuthor(s) of page – person or organisation, use & for multiple authors. (Year page created or revised). Title of page – italicised. Retrieved from web address. Do not include retrieval date unless the material may change over time (e.g., Wikis).Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote referencetypeWeb page - with author (Atherton, 2005) Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour modification. Retrieved from/learning/ behaviour_mod.htmWeb PageWeb page - no author (Behaviourmodification, 2007)Use title instead ofauthor nameBehaviour modification. (2007). Retrieved from cational-/behaviour.htmlWeb PageWebpage – no date (Society of ClinicalPsychology, n.d.)Society of Clinical Psychology. (n.d.). About clinical psychology. Retrieved from/about/division/div12.aspxWeb PageWebpage – corporate author (Queensland Health,2009)As stated byQueensland Health(2009),Queensland Health. (2009). Sun safety and physical activity. Retrieved PageImage on a webpage The image of the rash(Scarlet Fever RashPicture, n.d.)Scarlet fever rash picture [Image] (n.d.). Retrieved from/hardin/md/dermatlas/scarletfever.htmlAudiovisual materialAdd “Image” to Typefield15Other Internet Sources:Elements of the citationAuthor. (Year, month day). Title, [Type of media]. Retrieved from Web addressReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typePodcasts (Al Zaabi & Bjarnesen, 2006) Al Zaabi, M. (Producer), & Bjarnesen, T. (Presenter).(2006, November 7). Diabetes in the elderly[Audio podcast]. Retrieved materialAdd “Producer” and “Presenter” in manually Add “Audio podcast” to the Type field.Email or personal communication es (personalcommunication, August 6, 2008)Or(L.J. Henderson, personalcommunication, February 5,2007)Not included in reference list, only cited in text. Entered into text manuallyMessage posted to a newsgroup, online forum or discussion group (Winther, 2009) Winther, M. (2009, January 14). The unconscious isspirit [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from/group/alt.psychology.jung/topics?lnkWeb PageAdd “January 14” to LastUpdate Date fieldAdd “Online forum comment”to Type of Medium field.16Blog Post (Reville, 2006) Reville, L. (2006, September 5). Where to findfundraising ideas [Web log message].Retrieved from /BlogEmail Discussion List – Web Archive (Vuinovich, 2001) Vuinovich, G. (2001, April 4). Report on malariaoutbreak [Electronic mailing list message].Retrieved from/VirtualListserv_Archives/ HCM/Policy/2001/msg016.htmlWeb PageAdd “April 4” to Last UpdateDate fieldAdd “Electronic mailing listmessage” to Type of Mediumfield.Eric document (limited circulation book or monograph, from electronic database) (Alberta Education, 2009) Alberta Education, Learning and Teaching ResourcesBranch. (2009). Cree language and culture: 9-year program guide to implementation, grades4-5-6 [Monograph]. Retrieved from/Web PageAdd “Monograph” to Type ofMedium field.Eric document (informally published or self-archived) (Montgomery, 2009) Montgomery, J.R. (2009). Using audio books toimprove reading and academic performance.Retrieved from ERIC database (ED505947).Web Page17BrochuresElements of the citationAuthor. (Year). Title of brochure.[Brochure]. Place: Use author aspublisher.Reference typeIn-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeBrochure (University of Queensland, StudentServices, 2000) University of Queensland, StudentServices, Personal CounsellingProgram. (2000). Eatingdisorders [Brochure]. Brisbane,Australia: Author.PamphletLecture NotesElements of the citationName of author(s) or the institution responsible, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication). Title and subtitle of publication – italicised, Name of institution, Location of institution.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNoteLecture notes - print (Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three:Foucault [Powerpoint slides].Unpublished manuscript,BESC1001, University ofQueensland, St Lucia, Australia.List name of city, state and country.Do not include state if listed inuniversity name. ManuscriptAdd [Powerpoint slides] manually Add “manuscript” to Type of Work fieldAdd “BESC1001, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia” to the Institution field18Lecture notes - online (Johnson, 2008) Johnson, A. (2008). Week three:Foucault [Powerpoint slides].Retrieved from BESC1001,University of QueenslandBlackboard Web PageAdd “Week three: Foucault [Powerpoint slides] to the Title field Add “BESC1001, University of Queensland Blackboard Online: .au/” to URL fieldVideo or DVDElements of the citationProducer, A.A. (Producer), & Director, B.B. (Director). (Year). Title of video or DVD – italicised [Motion picture, DVD, etc] . Place of origin: Studio. Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeVideo or DVD (Smith, 2009) Smith, S. (Producer). (2009).Excellence in teaching : Lessonplanning [DVD]. Plainview, NY :Sunburst Media. Audiovisual mediaAdd “DVD” to the Type field.19Television programsElements of the citationWriter name(s) (Writer). (Year, month day). [ Type of medium]. Place of broadcast: Name of broadcasterReference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeTelevision or radio program (Bryant, 2001) Bryant, B. (Writer). (2001,September 12). The Bryantmedical hour [Televisionbroadcast]. Sydney, Australia:Public Broadcasting Service. Audiovisual materialIn Date field, add “September 12”. Add “Television broadcast” to the Type field.Indirect citationAn indirect citation is when the ideas of one author are published in another author’s text but you have not read or accessed the original author’s work. In the list of References provide the details of the author of the work you have read.Reference type In-text examples Reference list example EndNote reference typeIndirect citation or secondary source Miller (cited in Agrios 2005) found …… it was found (Miller, cited in Agrios2005). Agrios, G.N. (2005). Plant pathology(5th ed.) Burlington, MA.:Elsevier Academic Press.Cite the source where you foundthe citationBookUse the relevant reference type forthe item you are citing. Add “citedin” manually using “Edit Citation”option.20。


• Price wars are the result of strategic pricing decisions gone wild
• A predatory pricing strategy involves temporarily pushing the price down in order to drive a competitor out of business
• The threat of outside competition limits oligopolies from acting as a cartel
• The threat will be more effective if the outside competitor is much larger than the firms in the oligopoly
• Informal collusion is an important reason why prices are sticky
• Another isБайду номын сангаасthe kinked demand curve
• If a firm increases price, others won’t go along, so demand is very elastic for price increases
Why Are Prices Sticky?
• When there is a kink in the demand curve, there has to be a gap in the marginal revenue curve.
• The kinked demand curve is not a theory of oligopoly but a theory of sticky prices.



2004年考研英语第一篇In the journey of life, perseverance is often the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. This was never more evident than in my own experience, as I prepared for the challenging exam known as the Postgraduate Entrance Exam (PGEE) in 2004. It was a time of intense preparation, filled with both excitement and trepidation, as I embarked on this momentous journey towards my academic goals.The PGEE, with its rigorous testing of knowledge and skills, required months of meticulous planning and relentless dedication. My days were filled with rigorous study sessions, constant revision, and frequent mock tests. The nights were no less demanding, as I reviewed my notes and prepared for the next day's challenges.Amidst this intense preparation, I encountered numerous challenges. There were moments of doubt and frustration, when the pressure seemed unbearable. However, it was during these trying times that the power of perseverance truly shone. I reminded myself that every struggle and sacrifice was worth it for the dream of achieving a place at my desired university.The support of my family and friends was also crucial in my journey. They were my constant source of encouragement, reminding me that no matter the outcome, the process of striving for my goals was already a valuable experience. This reminder kept me going, even when the going got tough.As the exam day drew nearer, my anxiety grew. However, I channelized this anxiety into positive energy, using it as motivation to prepare even harder. I reminded myselfthat the hard work and dedication I had put in would pay off, and that I was ready to face the challenge head-on.On the day of the exam, I was nervous but determined. I walked into the examination hall with confidence, knowing that I had done my best and was ready to showcase my knowledge and skills. The exam was challenging, but I approached it with a calm and focused mindset, drawing strength from my perseverance and preparation.In the end, the results were worth the effort. I was ecstatic to receive the news that I had been successful in my application to my desired university. This success was not just a matter of grades or scores; it was a testamentto the power of perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit.Looking back on my journey, I realize that the challenges and sacrifices were all part of the learning process. They taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the importance of staying true to my goals. These lessons are applicable not just in academic pursuits but in all aspects of life.In conclusion, perseverance is the engine that drives us towards our dreams. It is the invisible force that propels us forward, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. My experience preparing for the PGEE in 2004 taught me this valuable lesson, and I carry it with me as I continue to climb the mountains of life, ever ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.**坚持的力量:登顶之旅的启示**在人生的旅途中,坚持往往是克服障碍和实现成功的关键。



Classic Writings in Educational Technology1. Instructional Technology Foundations (7)1.1 Dale, Edgar (1946). Audiovisual Methods in Teaching (1st ed.). New York: Dryden Press. Part I,pp.2-66.1.2 Heinich, R. (1984). The proper study of instructional technology. Educational Communication andTechnology Journal32 (2), 67-87.1.3 Eraut, Michael. (1994). Educational technology: Conceptual frameworks and historical development.In Torsten Husen, & T. Neville Postlethwaite (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Education (2nd ed). Oxford: Elsevier Science.1.4 Heinich, Robert; Molenda, Michael; Russell, James; & Smaldino, Sharon (1999). Chapters 1 & 2 inInstructional Media and Technologies for Learning (6th ed.). Columbus, OH: Prentice-Hall.1.5 Clark, Richard E. (1983). Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of EducationalResearch 53(4), 445-459.-This analysis opened the debate about whether media or methods were more directly responsible for learning outcomes1.6 Kozma, Robert B. (1991). Learning with media. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 179-211.-A major updating and reanalysis of media research from a cognitive perspective; written asa rebuttal to Clark (1983).1.7 Clark, Richard E. (1994). Media will never influence learning. Educational TechnologyResearch & Development 42(2), 21-29.-A response to Kozma (1991).2. Learning and Instruction (10)2.1 Skinner, B.F. (1954). The science of learning and the art of teaching. Harvard educational review24,86-97.2.2 Skinner, B.F. (1968). Why teachers fail. Chapter 5 in The technology of teaching. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts.2.3 Lockee, B., Moore, D., & Burton, J. (2004). Foundations of programmed instruction. In D.H.Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 2nd ed. (pp.545-569). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.2.4 Burton, John K., Moore, David M., & Magliaro, Susan G. (2004). Behaviorism and instructionaltechnology. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.2.5 Bruner, Jerome (1990). Chapter 1, The proper study of man, in Acts of Meaning. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press.2.6 Brown, John Seely; Collins, Allan, & Duguid, Paul. (1989) Situated cognition and the culture oflearning. Educational Researcher (January-February), 32-42.2.7 Ertmer, Peggy & Newby, Timothy J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparingcritical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly 6(4), 50-71.2.8 Terhart, E. (2003). Constructivism and teaching: a new paradigm in general didactics? Journal ofCurriculum Studies 35(1), 25-44.2.9 Merrill, M. David. (2002). First principles of cational Technology Research andDevelopment 50:3, 43-59.2.10 Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R.E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction des notwork: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, andinquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist 41 (2), 75-86.3. Instructional Design (9)3.1 Branson, R.K. (1978, March). The interservice procedures for instructional systems development.Educational Technology, 18(3), 11-14..3.2 McCombs, B.L. (1986). The instructional systems development (ISD) model: A review of thosefactors critical to its successful implementation. Educational Communication and TechnologyJournal 31 (4), 187-199.3.3 Molenda, Michael., Pershing, James A., & Reigeluth, Charles M. (1996). Designing instructionalsystems. In Robert Craig (Ed.), The ASTD Training and Development Handbook, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.3.4 Schwen, T. M., Leitzman, D. F., Misanchuk, E. R., Foshay, W. R., & Heitland, K. M. (1984).Instructional development: The social implications of technical interventions. In R. K. Bass, & C.R. Dills (Eds.), Instructional development: The state of the art II. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. 3.5 Silber, K.H. (1998). The cognitive approach to training development: A practitioner’s assessment.Educational Technology Research & Development 46:4, 58-72.3.6 Duffy, Thomas M. & Cunningham, Donald J. (1996). Constructivism: Implications for the design anddelivery of instruction. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for EducationalCommunications and Technology. New York: Macmillan.3.7 Willis, J. & Wright, K.E. (2000, March-April). A general set of procedures for constructivistinstructional design: The new R2D2 model. Educational Technology, 5-20.3.8 van Merrienboer, Jeroen J.G.; Clark, Richard E.; & de Croock, Marcel B. M. (2002) Blueprints forcomplex learning: The 4C/ID-Model. Educational Technology Research and Development 50:2, 39-64.3.9 -A si mplified version of van Merrienboer’s lesson framework is found in Merrill, M. David. (2002, August).A Pebble-in-the-Pond Model for instructional design, Performance Improvement 41:7, 39-44.4. Implementation and Change (4)4.1 Kerr, Stephen T. (2004). Toward a sociology of educational technology. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.).Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.4.2 van den Akker, J. (1994). Designing innovations from an implementation perspective. In Husen,Torsten & Postlethwaite, T. Neville. (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Education. 2nd ed.Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier Science.4.3 Cuban, Larry; Kirkpatrick, Heather; & Peck, Craig. (2001). High access and low use of technologiesin high school classrooms: Explaining an apparent paradox. American Educational ResearchJournal 38:4 (Winter), 813-834.4.4 Clayton, John S. (1979). Comment: Inhibitors to the application of technology. EducationalCommunication and Technology Journal, 27, 157-163.5. Systems Theory (3)5.1 Finn, J.D. (1956). AV development and the concept of systems. Teaching Tools 3(3), 113-114.5.2 Banathy, Bela H. & Jenlink, Patrick M. (2004). Systems inquiry and its application in education. InDavid H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [See especially sections 2.1.8 to 2.2.10.]5.3 Brethower, Dale M. (1999). General systems theory and behavioral psychology. In Harold Stolovitch& Erica Keeps (Eds.) Handbook of Human Performance Technology (2nd ed.). San Francisco:Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.6. Message Design (7)6.1 Heinich, Robert; Molenda, Michael; Russell, James; & Smaldino, Sharon (1999). Chapter 3, VisualPrinciples, in Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (6th ed.). Columbus, OH: Prentice-Hall.6.2 Saettler, Paul (1990). Theoretical rationale for the visual instruction movement. The Evolution ofAmerican Educational Technology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, pp. 140-143.6.3 Braden, Roberts A. (1996). Visual literacy. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research forEducational Communications and Technology. New York: Macmillan.6.4 Hartley, James. (2004). Designing instructional and informational text. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.).Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.6.5 Moore, David M.; Burton, John K.; & Myers, Robert J. (2004). Multiple-channel communication: Thetheoretical and research foundations of multimedia. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook ofResearch for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: LawrenceErlbaum Associates.6.6 Shneiderman, B. (1992). Designing the User Interface: Strategies for effective human-computerinteraction. 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.6.6 A Chapters 16.6 B Chapters 26.6C Chapters 136.6D Afterword,6.6E, pp. 72 -73.6.7 Winn, William (1993). Perception principles. Chapter 2 in Malcolm Fleming & W. Howard Levie(Eds.), Instructional Message Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.7. Digital Technologies (4)7.1 Romiszowski, Alexander & Mason, Robin. (2004). Computer-Mediated Communication. In David H.Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.7.2 Hill, Janette R.; Wiley, David; Nelson, Laurie Miller; & Han, Seungyeon. (2004). Exploring Researchon Internet-Based Learning: From Infrastructure to Interactions. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.).Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.7.3 Shapiro, Amy & Niederhauser, Dale. (2004). Learning from Hypertext: Research Issues and Findings.In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications andTechnology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.7.4 Hannafin, Michael J. & Rieber, Lloyd P. (1989). Psychological foundations of instructional design foremerging computer-based instructional technologies,7.4A Part 1. Educational Technology Research & Development, 37(2), 91-1017.4B Part 2. ETRD, 37(2), 102-114.8. Distance Education (7)8.1 Holmberg, Börje. (2003). A theory of distance education based on empathy. In Michael G. Moore &William G. Anderson (Eds.). Handbook of Distance Education. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.8.2 Teaching at an Internet Distance: The Pedagogy of Online Teaching and Learning, (1999). TheReport of a 1998-1999 University of Illinois Faculty Seminar. Available at/tid/report/.8.3 Institute for Higher Education Policy. (2000, April). Quality on the Line: Benchmarks for Success inInternet-Based Distance Education. Available at: /Pubs/PDF/Quality.pdf.8.4 Hannafin, Michael; Hill, Janette R.; Oliver, Kevin; Glazer, Evan; & Sharma, Priya. (2003). Cognitiveand learning factors in Web-based distance learning environments. In Michael G. Moore & WilliamG. Anderson (Eds.). Handbook of Distance Education. Mahway, NJ: Lawrnce Erlbaum Associates.8.5 Bonk, Curtis J. & Dennen, Vanessa. (2003). Frameworks for research, design, benchmarks, training,and pedagogy in Web-based distance education. In Michael G. Moore & William G. Anderson(Eds.). Handbook of Distance Education. Mahway, NJ: Lawrnce Erlbaum Associates.8.6 Naidu, Som. (2003) Designing instruction for e-learning environments. In Michael G. Moore &William G. Anderson (Eds.). Handbook of Distance Education. Mahway, NJ: Lawrnce Erlbaum Associates.8.7 Bates, A.W. (1994). Distance education. In Torsten Husen & T. Neville Postlethwaite. TheInternational Encyclopedia of Education. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier Science.9. Soft Technologies (5)9.1 Heinich, Robert; Molenda, Michael; Russell, James; & Smaldino, Sharon (1999). Chapter 12, Processtechnologies in Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (6th ed.). Columbus, OH:Prentice-Hall.9.2 Grabinger, R. Scott. (1996). Rich environments for active learning. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.).Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. New York: Macmillan. 9.3 Gredler, Margaret E. (2004). Games and simulations and their relationships to learning. In David H.Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.9.4 Albanese & Mitchell (1993). Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its outcomes andimplementation issues. Academic Medicine 68(1), 52-81.9.5 Schwen, Thomas M.; Goodrum, David A; & Dorsey, Laura T. (1993). On the design of an enrichedlearning and information environment (ELIE). Educational Technology 33(11), 5-9.10. Research: Basic Concepts and Paradigms (10)10.1 Hoban, C.F. (1965). From theory to policy decisions. AV Communication Review13, 121-139.10.2 Ross, Steven M. & Morrison, Gary R. (1995). Getting Started in Instructional Technology Research.Washington DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology.10.3 Saettler, Paul (1990).10.3A Instructional Media in WWII (pp. 186-194);10.3B The University of Chicago Experiments (pp. 224-225);10.3C Research on ID and Media (pp. 436-441) in The Evolution of American EducaitonalTechnology. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.10.4 Schwen, Thomas M. (1977). Professional scholarship in educational technology: Criteria for judginginquiry. AV Communication Review 25, 5-24.10.5 Reigeluth, Charles. & Frick, Theodore. (1999). Formative research: A methodology for improvingdesign theories. Chapter 26 in Charles M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-Design Theories andModels: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theories, Volume II. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence-Erlbaum Associates.10.6 Knupfer, Nancy Nelson & McLellan, Hillary. (1996). Descriptive research methodologies. In DavidH. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology.New York: Macmillan.10.7 Ross, Steven M. & Morrison, Gary R. (2004). Experimental research methods. In David H. Jonassen(Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.10.8 Savenye, Wilhelmina C. & Robinson, Rhonda S. (2004). Qualitative research issues and methods:An introduction for educational technologists. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.10.9 Driscoll, Marcy (1995). Paradigms for research in instructional systems. In Gary J. Anglin (Ed.).Instructional Technology: Past, Present, and Future. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.10.10 Frick, Theodore. Type of Knowledge of Education Created Through Disciplined Inquiry./~tedfrick/typesofknowledgesept1.pdf11. Research: Directions (3)11.1 Orrill, Chandra H.; Hannafin, Michael J.; & Glazer, Evan M. (2004). Disciplined inquiry and thestudy of emerging technology. In David H. Jonassen (Ed.). Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2nd Ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.11.2 Reeves, Thomas C. (2000). Socially responsible educational technology research. EducationalTechnology Nov.-Dec., 19-28.11.3 Winn, William. (2002). Current trends in educational technology research: the study of learningenvironments. Educational Psychology Review 14:3 (September), 331-351.。



2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语全文翻译Section ⅠUse of EnglishDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labelled [A], [B], [C]and[D]. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (20points)全文翻译许多研究青少年犯罪(即低龄人群犯罪)的理论要么强调个人要么强调社会是导致犯罪的主要因素。















Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given.Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)Text 1全文翻译去年末,甘特·雷德曼律师在找工作时偶然发现网上有一个被称作“职业建筑师”的求职资料库。



5. Agricultural Reforms and Development 林 ‧
Lin, Justin Yifu “Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China,” American Economic Review, 82, 34-51 Johnson, D. Gale (2000), “Agricultural Adjustment in China: Problems and Prospects,” Population and Development Review, 26(2), 319-34 6. Reforms of State-owned Enterprises and Emergence of Non-state Firms Gregory Chow. China’s Economic Transformation, Chapter 15 & 16. Otsuka, Keijiro. Industrial Reform in China: Past Performance and Future Prospects, Chapter 8.
II 92

Merli, M Giovanna and Adrian E Raftery (2000), “Are Births Underreported in Rural China? Manipulation of Statistical Records in Response to China's Population Policies,” Demography, 37(1), 109-26. Schultz, T Paul and Zeng Yi (1999), “The Impact of Institutional Reform from 1979 through 1987 on Fertility in Rural China,” China Economic Review, 10(2), 141-160. 10. Decentralization and Economic Fluctuation Lin, Justin Yifu, Fang Cai and Zhou Li. The China Miracle, Chapter 7. 林 李
























Super Size Me《大号的我(2004)》完整中英文对照剧本

Super Size Me《大号的我(2004)》完整中英文对照剧本

#A pizza hut, a pizza hut#必胜客必胜客#Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut#肯德基炸鸡和必胜客#McDonald's, McDonald's#麦当劳麦当劳#Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut#肯德基炸鸡和必胜客#McDonald's, McDonald's#麦当劳麦当劳#Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut#肯德基炸鸡和必胜客#I like food, I like food.#我爱吃我爱吃#Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut#肯德基炸鸡和必胜客——雷·克洛克麦当劳创始人服务好顾客生意自然兴隆Everything's bigger in America,在美国的所有东西都很大We've got the biggest cars,我们拥有最大的车子The biggest houses,最大的房&hearts;子The biggest companies,最大的公&hearts;司&hearts;The biggest food,最大的食物And, finally, the biggest people.最后还有最肥胖的人群America has now become the fattest nation in the world. 美国现已成为世界上肥胖人口最多的国家Congratulations.恭喜大家Nearly 100 million Americans are today如今将近一亿美国人Either overweight or obese.不是超重就是过度肥胖That's more than 60% of all U.S. Adults.相当于美国成人数量的60%以上Since 1980,从1980年起The total number of overweight美国超重和过度肥胖的And obese Americans has doubled,总人数已增加一倍With twice as many overweight children其中超重的儿童增加两倍And three times as many overweight adolescents.超重的青少年已增加三倍The fattest state in America?美国肥胖人口最多的州是哪个Mississippi...Where one in four people are obese.密西西比州每四人中就有一人过胖I grew up in West Virginia,我在西弗吉尼亚长大Currently the third-fattest state in America.那是当今美国第三大肥胖人群地区When I was growing up,在我成长的日子里My mother cooked dinner every single day.我的母亲每天都自己下厨Almost all my memories of her are in the kitchen.在我记忆中她几乎一直待在厨房&hearts;里And we never ate out,除了极少数特殊情况Only on those few, rare special occasions.我们从不外出就餐Today, families do it all the time,如今很多家庭常常外食And they're paying for it...他们为此所付出的代价Not only with their wallets, but with their waistlines. 不仅是荷包出血还有身材走样Obesity is now second only to smoking如今在美国肥胖已成为仅次于吸烟As a major cause of preventable death in America, 导致"可预防性死亡"的第二大主要原因With more than 400,000 deaths per year每年都有超过四十万的人群Associated with related illnesses.死于与肥胖有关的疾病In 2002, a few Americans got fed up with being overweight 2002年一些受够肥胖困扰的美国人And did what we do best.做了他们该做的事They sued the bastards.他们状告了那群混&hearts;蛋&hearts;Taking aim at the fast-food companies目标直指那些快餐公&hearts;司&hearts;And blaming them for their obesity and illnesses,指责他们造成自己的肥胖与疾病A lawsuit was filed in New York on behalf of two teenage girls, 有律师在纽约代表两名少女提起了上诉One who was 14 years old, 4'10", and 170 pounds,其中一名现年14岁身高一米四七体重77公斤The other, 19 years old, 5'6", and 270 pounds.另一名现年19岁一米六七 122公斤The unthinkable had suddenly become reality.难以想象的事情突然就成了真People were suing the golden arches for selling them food人们控告麦当劳坚持贩售那些That most of us know isn't good for you to begin with大家一开始就知道对身体有害的食物Yet each day,one in four Americans visits a fast-food restaurant. 但现在四分之一的美国人每天都会光临一次快餐店And this hunger for fast food isn't just in America.而且不单单是美国It's happening on a global basis.全球皆是如此McDonald's alone operates more than 30,000 joints光是麦当劳就在全球六大洲 100多个国家In over 100 countries on 6 continents拥有超过3万家连锁店And feeds more than 46 million people worldwide every day. 每天都为超过四千六百万人提供食物That's more than the entire population of Spain.这比整个西班牙的人口还多In the United States alone,单是在美国McDonald's accounts for 43% of the total fast-food market.麦当劳就占据了43%的快餐市场They're everywhere...Wal-mart's, airports, rest stops,它们无处不在沃尔玛机场休息站Gas stations, train stations, shopping malls,加油站火车站购物中心Department stores, amusement parts, even hospitals.百货商店娱乐场所甚至医院That's right...Hospitals.没错医院At least you're close when the coronary kicks in.至少在你冠状动脉爆裂的时候还能马上就医Lawyers for Mcdonald's called the suits "frivolous",麦当劳的律师称这起诉讼"无聊至极"Stating that the dangers of its food are universally known 他们申明其食品的危害性是普遍常识And that these kids can't show that their weight problems 再说这些孩子无法证明他们的体重And health woes were caused solely by their mcdiets.和健康问题是单单由于麦当劳造成的The judge states, however,然而法官申明That if lawyers for the teens can show如果这两名少女的律师可以证明That Mcdonald's intends for people to eat its food麦当劳试图让人们每日三餐For every meal of every day都食用他们的食品And that doing so would be unreasonably dangerous,并且因食用导致不合理的危险性They may be able to state a claim.则他们也许能够胜诉Are the food companies solely To blame for this epidemic? 难道只有食品公&hearts;司&hearts; 该为人的肥胖负责吗Where does personal responsibility stop个人应承担的职责到哪为止And corporate responsibility begin?企业的职责又从何开始呢Is fast food really that bad for you?快餐食品真的对大家有害吗I mean, what would happen if I ate nothing我想说如果30天里But Mcdonald's for 30 days straight?我只吃麦当劳会怎么样Would I suddenly be on the fast track我会快速加入肥胖军团To becoming an obese American?成为一名极度肥胖的美国人吗Would it be unreasonably dangerous?会有不合理的危险吗Let's find out.让我们拭目以待I'm ready.我准备好了Super-size me.让我变胖吧I knew if I was going to do this,我知道如果我打算这样做I would need some serious medical supervision, 我需要些严谨的医疗监督So I enlisted the help of not one,因此我不只聘请了一名But three doctors...而是三名医生A cardiologist, a gastroenterologist,心脏病专家胃肠病专家And a general practitioner.和一名全科医师You're feeling quite well today, yes?你今天感觉还好吧Quite well.很不错In general, any fatigue or weight loss, weight gain, 总体来说有感到疲劳体重减轻或增加Any change in your vision?以及视力变化吗No fever, no earache, no cough没有发烧没有耳朵痛没有咳嗽No shortness of breath, no chest pain...没有呼吸气短没有胸痛...Nausea, vomiting, heartburn?恶心呕吐心痛呢No hospitalizations for illness? No.没有任何需要住院治疗的疾病没有Do you take any medications of any sort?有没有服用任何类型的药品I don't. I just been taking vitamins.没有我只是服用维生素Any food allergies or anything?有没有对食物或是其他东西过敏No.没有There's no heart disease or diabetes or blood pressure 近亲中有患过心脏病糖尿病高血压Or cancer in the immediate family?或是癌症的人吗My grandfather's had a couple open-heart surgeries. 我祖父进行过两次开胸手术One out of four s is dead.四位祖父母中有一位去世了Yeah.是的Good genes. That's the important thing.不错的基因这很重要Any alcohol use? now? None.喝酒吗现在吗没有You don't smoke?你不抽烟的吧I used to, but I don't.曾经抽过戒了Any drug use at all?吸过毒吗Not for a long time.很久没有了Are you sexually active at present? Yes.你当前有无性生活有A girlfriend? Yes.跟一个女友对Is there anything we didn't cover?还有什么我们没提到的吗Is there anything else you need to tell me?还有什么你需要告诉我的I don't think so.没有了"Patient is embarking on"病人已经准备好A one-month Mcdonald's binge."一个月暴饮暴食麦当劳"Very good.非常好You might have something called white coats.你应该有白大褂的吧140 over about 95.血压140/95130 over 105.血压130/105120 over 80.血压120/80That's what it is?是这个数字吗The other guys are stressing me out.其他医生让我很有压力You're much more relaxed.你在这儿更放松I tend to do that to my patients.我喜欢让我的病人保持放松Swallow, please.请吞咽Your reflexes are perfect.你的反应很好Good. Back out. Normal.好的目光收回正常Say "ah."说"啊"Everything looks pretty normal here.这里看起来一切正常Good.很好We'll skip checking for hernias.我们就不检查疝气了We're gonna do a rectal exam.就做一个直肠检查I like to be more thorough than that.我宁愿做个更彻底的检查And I like doctors to be thorough.我喜欢检查得彻底的医生You're gonna go downstairs and get your bloods drawn.你还得下楼做个血液检测So, the reason we have you fasting我们之所以让你禁食Is the true cholesterol and glucose number is fasting.是因为测胆固醇和葡萄糖指数要求空腹So, if you had, like, a bacon, egg, and cheese如果你吃了诸如培根鸡蛋或是奶酪之类Your cholesterol would be way high,你的胆固醇会飙升Or if you had orange juice,而如果你喝了橙汁Your glucose would be high.葡萄糖就会升高Three down.完成3项了Your blood tests are excellent.你的血液测试结果很棒Your starting off with a total cholesterol of 168你现在的胆固醇指数是168Which is less than 200, which is really superb少于200 这真的很了不起Your blood level's fine.你的血液浓度没问题Your iron level is good as well.你的铁含量也很正常You have no evidence of diabetes.你没有任何糖尿病的征兆Your fasting blood sugar is very low.你的空腹血糖非常低The other thing that we looked at另外还做的检查Were all your electrolytes in terms of salts in your blood,是依据你血液中的含盐量测了电解质Your kidney function, your liver function,they were all perfect. 你的肾功能和肝功能都非常好Your triglycerides,你的甘油三脂Which is your building blocks of fat...就是你身体内的脂肪物质Basically, what you acquire from eating fat...大致说来就是你从食物中摄取的脂肪Is 43, which is low, which is good.其数目是43 非常低也非常好Your general health, you outstanding. 你整体的健康水平可以说是非常完美Your urinalysis is great.你的尿检结果也很不错So, you're starting off terrific.可以说你的现状是非常棒的I think the worst-case scenario我认为最坏的情形是Is that you increase your triglycerides你的甘油三脂会升高And your cholesterol level,还有胆固醇含量也会升高And if you have any heart disease in the family... 如果你有心脏病的家族史Underlying heart disease...潜在的心脏病You're putting your heart at risk.你就是在拿你的心脏冒险I expect to see an increase in your triglycerides, 我估计你的甘油三脂会升高Because that can be affected.因为它会受到影响You're at 87 now, and I think that will change. 你现在的指数是87 我认为这会发生变化I think that's the only thing that will change.我认为这是唯一会变化的Out of everything?没有别的了吗Out of everything.没有了I mean, there might be some minor variations, 也许会有一些其它的微小变动But the body is extremely adaptable,但你的身体绝对可以适应And the kidneys will handle肾脏会处理掉Any extra salt you're taking in,你摄入的多余盐分And your liver will be able to你的肝脏可以Metabolize additional fats.代谢掉多余脂肪As far as you gaining weight, you probably will.你的体重会增加这应该会发生As far as your cholesterol going up, it probably will.胆固醇会升高这也应该会发生As far as you feeling miserable, may be.你会感到痛苦可能吧I don't know.我不知道Unless you start cheating and just order the salads.除非你开始作弊吃起沙拉I also went to a fancy New York wellness center我还去了一家很棒的纽约健康中心To meet a registered dietician拜会了一名注册营养师Who would help track my progress.她可以跟踪记录我的进展Okay, let's start with getting your height and weight. 好了就从记录你的身高体重开始I'm 6'2".我身高一米八七I weight about 185.体重约83公斤For your height, this is a healthy weight.相对你的身高而言这是正常体重I can tell you that right now.我现在可以告诉你Your BMI, which is the body mass index,你的BMI指数即体重指数Is within normal limits, which means you're not obese. 是在正常范围这意味着你并不胖You're actually at the correct weight.事实上你的体重正好So, I should keep a checklist of the things that I eat那我该列一张我的饮食单吗For breakfast, lunch, and dinner?包括早餐午餐晚餐Your calorie needs are gonna be averaging你平均每天需要的About 2,500 calories a day.热量大概是2500卡路里As far as fat goes, for 2,500 calories,相对于2500卡的热量你所需要的脂肪量You're gonna want about每天大约需要摄入80 grams of total fat in a day.大约80克的脂肪总量The saturated fat, which is a component of total fat, 在这80克的脂肪总量中其中饱和脂肪You want to have less than 25 grams a day.你每天的摄入要少于25克Don't try to overindulge too much.不要放纵食欲Good luck, Morgan.祝你好运摩根I'm Eric Rowley, our exercise physiologist.我是Eric Rowley 这里的运动生理学家Great.很好The official weigh-in...正式的体重是185 1/2.84公斤We'll go through the cardiovascular assessment,我们会进行心血管评估And then I'll be able to calculate然后就能计算出How much oxygen your muscles can utilize,你的肌肉可以利用多少氧气And that's also an indicator of what type这同时也可以测出你的of condition your cardiovascular system is in.心血管系统处于什么样的状态All right. Good work.好了做得好I'm gonna use these skinfold calipers我会用这些肌肉测试仪To estimate your body density.来评估你的人体密度You're 11% body fat. That's great.你的体脂肪只有11% 这很好We're gonna measure your flexibility我们会测量你腿部Of your hamstrings, your hips, and your lower back. 臀部和腰背的韧带Good, good. Very nice.很好很好很棒38 centimeters was your best.你的最好成绩是38厘米There's a basic old-school test这是一个基本而传统的测试For muscular strength and endurance.肌肉力量和耐力的方法36. Good job.36 干得好You're above average你好于平均水平Above average fitness for your age group,比那些你同年龄段人们的健康水平要好Definitely, I'd say you're at a good spot right now.毫无疑问你现在拥有很好的健康状态More than 60% of Americans get no form of exercise, 超过60%的美国人不进行身体锻炼So for the next 30 days, neither will I.因此接下来的30天我也不会But I'll still have to walk.但我还是得走路How much does the average American walk a day?一个美国人平均每天要走多少路We have these pedometers that we put on people,我们把计步器放在人们身上Step counters.计算步数You could very roughly estimate at about 2,000 steps, 你可以初步预估每两千步Because 2,000 would make a mile.就相当于1.6公里[一英里]And we know that people that work in office settings, 我们知道那些办公室一族Who drive a car to and from work,他们开车去办公Who take an elevator up to that office,乘电梯到办公室May take as little as这样一整天至少2,500 or 3,000 steps in their entire day.走2500到3000步If you wanted to feel physically如果你想跟多数美国人Like a lot of Americans do,一样地身体力行Then you'd limit yourself to about 5,000 steps a day. 那你要限制每天走5000步左右Us New Yorkers...we walk everywhere.我们纽约人习惯步行We walk to work, to the park, to the store.我们步行去上班去公园去商店Most of us don't even own cars.我们很多人甚至都没有车The average New Yorker will walk平均每个纽约人每天要走Four to five miles a day...六到八公里[四到五英里]A day!一天啊That's a lot of walking.这可要走很多路啊I also have the blessing of但很庆幸的一点是being close to a food source almost everywhere I go. 我所到之处都有快餐店近在眼前I walk past three golden arches我去上班的路上just on my way to the office...就会经过三家麦当劳Three in just over a mile.1.6公里[一英里]就有三家There are more Mickey D's in Manhattan曼哈顿的麦当劳Than anywhere else in the world.比世上任何地方都密集This tiny little island is less than 13 miles long这个小岛只有不到21公里长By 2 miles wide, 22.4 square miles,3.2公里宽 36平方公里的面&hearts;积&hearts; And packed into that area are 83 Mcdonald's,却拥有83家麦当劳Nearly four per square mile.几乎每平方英里就有四家There are twice as many mac shacks麦当劳的数目是As there are Burger Kings,汉堡王的两倍And there are more Mcdonald's than KFC,麦当劳的数量比肯德基Wendy's, Popeye's, and Taco Bell combined.温迪汉堡卜派鸡肉和塔可钟加起来还多That's a lot of burger.那可真是很多的汉堡啊I know he's gonna do it for a month,我知道他准备吃整整一个月But I think after a week,但我想只需一周He's gonna be really irritated.他就会吃厌的I think it's gonna affect our relationship.我想这会影响我们的关系You are a vegan chef.你是素食厨师Yes, I'm a vegan chef.是的我是素食厨师Ugh. I just don't know if I can...我真的不知道我能否Of course I will.当然我会的I sit next to him while he eats McDonald's.当他吃麦当劳我会坐在他旁边Of course I will.当然会的I'm just gonna be rolling my eyes the whole time. 我只是会一直翻白眼I have a vegetable tart我做了蔬菜馅饼And a quinoa and roasted veggie salad奎藜籽[维他命原]沙拉和烤蔬菜沙拉Artichokes, and a simple green salad...洋蓟[蔬菜之皇]和简单的蔬菜沙拉All beautiful, organic, fresh vegetables全是美味有机新鲜的蔬菜That you're gonna miss so much.都是你会十分想念的东西What am I gonna have that's organic?我会吃到什么有机食物呢In the next month? Nothing?下面一个月吗什么都吃不到You're only gonna have genetically modified potatoes 你只能吃到转基因土豆I'm gonna eat as many vegetables as I can tonight.我今晚要吃尽量多的蔬菜There's plenty here for you.这有很多等着你呢That's really good.这真的很不错Thanks.谢谢Have they improved their cookies in the last 10 years? 这十年来他们有没有改善他们的饼干Last time I had them,上次我吃的时候They were like little hockey pucks.它们就像一颗小冰球I don't know. We'll see.不知道很快就知道了It's the first day,今天是第一天And I'm on my way to breakfast.我准备去吃早餐Could I get an egg mcmuffin extra value meal?我要蛋堡超值套餐Every 8-year-old's dream right now每一个8岁孩子的梦想That I'm getting ready to fulfill.现在我就要去实现了I got my egg mcmuffin.这是我的蛋堡That's gonna be the first thing right there.这是我要第一个吃的This Mcdonald's delivers for free.这家麦当劳还免费外送All I did today was leave my apartment,我今早所做的就是离开公&hearts;寓&hearts; Walk down the stairs, and walk to the Mcdonald's... 走下楼梯走到麦当劳1,272 steps.共计1272步So, we got to go to the corner现在该走到街角And we got to get a cab.然后找一辆计程车The cabs are gonna add up in this thing.计程车也得列在计划里面I can tell already.我已经看出来了I got my scorecard,我有张计分卡And in here, I had one egg mcmuffin.在这写上我吃了一份蛋堡I had one sausage biscuit.是猪柳蛋汉堡餐Do you eat fast food?你吃快餐食品吗Once in a while.偶尔Yeah? How often?多久吃一次I'll say probably once every two weeks.大概两星期一次吧Three, four times a week maybe.大概一星期三到四次吧In France. Yes.在法国吃的But here, no. I don't like here.但在这没有我不喜欢这里It doesn't sound very...clean.这感觉很不干净And what's your favorite place?你最喜欢在哪吃东西Probably Wendy's.应该是温迪汉堡Mcdo.麦当劳Taco bell.塔可钟Taco bell.塔可钟McDonald's is pretty close.麦当劳也不错啦Do you ever have super sized cokes?你喝过超大杯可乐吗No, in France...没有在法国The small size here, it's a bigger size in France.这里的小杯就相当于法国的大杯Even the small size here, I can't drink.就算是这的小杯我也喝不完There are rules to what's going on here我的整个计划都得In this whole process.按规矩行事If Mcdonald's doesn't sell it, I can't eat it.麦当劳没卖&hearts;&hearts;的我就不能吃Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.早餐中餐还有晚餐No excuses.不许有借口Oh, I love big Macs.我爱巨无霸啊This is probably the first time in a long time这可能是我长久以来第一次That I've seen a big mac that looks like the picture, 见到了跟图片上这么相像的巨无霸That actually almost looks like the picture.看起来跟图片上真像啊Look at that.瞧瞧Big macs never look this good.巨无霸从未这么好看过You got to come to Chinatown for the good big macs.一定得到中国城才能吃到好吃的巨无霸You've heard about all these people你有听说过Who are suing these fast-food companies.有人起诉快餐公&hearts;司&hearts;吗Yes, I've heard of them.是的我听说过I think it's ridiculous,我认为这很滑稽But it's the American way to sue for everything.但美国人就是这样什么都可以起诉I'll throw the lawsuit out if I was a judge.如果我是法官我根本不会立案And like I was saying,正如我所说If these fast-food places can put their signs up,这些快餐公&hearts;司&hearts;尽可以大打广&hearts;告&hearts; If I can walk by them and just totally ignore them如果我可以每次经过的时候都忽略他们And say, "I'm not hungry. I don't need this,"并告诉自己我不饿我不需要吃They can do it, too.那他们也能做到We don't have to go there.我们没必要去那吃We don't have to shop with them.我们没必要在那消费We can easily go in Mcdonald's and grab a salad,我们也可以去麦当劳就点个沙拉But we choose not to.只是我们没这么做Now, if the Mcdonald's refused them service,而如果麦当劳拒绝给他们服务They'd be in court again saying,他们又会在法庭上说"We were refused service.""我们被拒绝提供服务"So you can't win if you try in this world.用这样的逻辑谁都不可能赢I think there's a lot of focus on the fast-food companies 我认为现在太多焦点关注于快餐公&hearts;司&hearts; Because they are mentioned more是因为这比其他任何原因Than virtually all the other causes都被各类报章杂&hearts;志&hearts; 研究文献In most of the articles and books and studies更为广泛地提到About why it's a sudden epidemic.都把发胖的原因归咎于他们Again, it can't be the neighborhood restaurant.再说了这本就不该成为日常饮食习惯We've had neighborhood restaurants我们的日常饮食早已形成了For hundreds of years.有几百年了It can't be the foods we eat at home.这不该成为我们的家常菜We've been eating at home for hundreds of years.我们在家就餐已经几百年了Something is very different.有些事已经不一样了I think the figure is we eat out据说我们目前外出就餐的比例something like 40% of our meals.已经达到了40%左右John Banzhaf is currently spearheadingJohn Banzhaf目前带头The attacks against the food industry,攻击食品工业Advising many of the lawyers他给很多正在Who are currently going through the process.进行诉讼的律师们提供建议People say he's crazy,人们说他很疯狂But that's what they used to say about him但他第一次控告烟草公&hearts;司&hearts;的时候When he first sued the tobacco companies...人们也是这样说的Until he won.直到他赢了I think in terms of responsibility,我认为从责任的角度上说It's fair to point the big gun at Mcdonald's.把最大矛头指向麦当劳是很公平的McDonald's is one of the biggest麦当劳是最大的快餐公&hearts;司&hearts;之一But, more importantly, it is the one which,但更重要的是它远远比Far more than all the others, lures in young children. 任何一家公&hearts;司&hearts; 都能吸引小朋友They have the playgrounds,他们有儿童游乐园The closed, indoor playgrounds.封闭的室内儿童游乐园Many places, there are no other playgrounds.很多地方他们都没有游乐园You've got to take your kid there.你只能带着你的孩子去麦当劳So even at 2 and 3 and 4,因此甚至是二三四岁的小孩Those kids are being lured into there.他们都会被吸引到麦当劳McDonald's is very heavy on birthday parties.麦当劳很注重举办生日派对They, of course, pioneered the happy meals,当然他们还积极推销开心乐园餐Now the mighty kids' meals also现在这种著名的儿童套餐With those little "gotta have 'em" toys.还附带着"一定要收集"的小玩具So they get the kids in.吸引着孩子们去那And, of course, the whole clown.当然还有小丑Mcdonald's has the clown.麦当劳有自己的小丑形象A lot of those ADs appeal primarily to kids.很多广&hearts;告&hearts;的吸引对象主要都是儿童There's a cartoon on TV which features him.电视上会播放以他为原型的动画片So they, more than others, lure the kids in.所以他们比任何一家公&hearts;司&hearts; 都能吸引小孩I think all of us are far more concerned about the kids.我想我们现在更多要关注的是就是孩子Another man who is worried about the kids另一位同样担忧小孩的Is Samuel Hirsch.是Samuel HirschHe represents the two girls who are suing Mcdonald's,他代表两名女孩状告麦当劳With much advisement coming from professor Banzhaf.为此 Banzhaf教授给了他很多建议Why are you suing the fast-food establishment?为什么你要状告那些快餐企业You mean motives besides monetary recompensation?你是说除了赔偿金额以外的动机吗You mean you want to hear a noble cause?你是想听什么崇高的理由吗Is that it?是这样吗I think that fast foods我认为快餐食品Are a major contributor to this epidemic.导致过度肥胖的主要原因In 2000, Dr. David Satcher2000年 David Satcher博士Became the first surgeon general成为第一位To draw attention to the obesity crisis,关注肥胖危机的卫生局局长Declaring it a national epidemic.宣布其为全国性流行病Now, remember, we're super-sizing everything.现在请记住我们在加大所有东西的尺寸You go to any place to buy,你去任何地方买&hearts;&hearts;东西You go to any fast food store,你去任何一个快餐店And they're trained to tell you to buy a bigger size.他们都会训练有素劝你买&hearts;&hearts;大一号&hearts;的For five cents more, you can get the super size.只需多付五美分就能买&hearts;&hearts;到更大一号&hearts; Federal government will define a piece of meat,联邦政&hearts;府&hearts;有过明确说明Three ounces of meat, as a sensible portion,85克[三盎司]的肉为合理分量And that looks like a deck of cards.差不多就像一副牌的大小Few people would be able to find this deck of cards这么大小的肉很难买&hearts;&hearts;到If they were served a piece of meat,当你在饭店用餐a steak, in a restaurant.你所点的那份牛排It would probably be about four or five times this size.它可能就有四五副扑克这么大One typical bagel that one is eating我们平时都吃的百吉饼That looks something like this像这种这样的Is going to comprise five servings of bread.就相当于五片面包片这么多When fast food companies first opened,快餐店刚刚开业的时候They generally introduced one size.所有食品都只有一个"号&hearts;"For example, one size french fries比如说麦当劳刚开业的时候When mcdonald's first opened, called "fries."薯条就一种就叫"薯条"That size fries is now called "small."而现在这种成了"小号&hearts;薯条"Medium, large, and super size.还有中号&hearts; 大号&hearts;和特大号&hearts;薯条That original size is still here.原始的那个份量还在It's got about 200 calories.热量大概有200卡路里But the super size is gonna pack in over 600 calories.但是特大号&hearts;的薯条所含热量超过600卡When Burger King first opened,汉堡王&hearts;刚&hearts;开业的时候They had a 12-ounce small and a 16-ounce large.饮料分为12盎司的小杯和16盎司的大杯This 12-ounce is now kiddy.而现在这种小杯已经变成超小号&hearts;的The 16-ounce is now the small...16盎司的变成小号&hearts;的The medium, the 32, and the 42然后还有中号&hearts; 大号&hearts;和特大号&hearts; And this is across the board with all fast-food places. 现在所有的快餐店都是这样的Cars have introduced larger cup holders汽车也开始推出了更大号&hearts;的置杯架To accommodate those huge 7-Eleven double gulps,以便能装下这种便利店的超大号&hearts;饮料Which are 6&hearts;4&hearts; ounces, a half gallon, 这可是6&hearts;4&hearts;盎司半加仑[1.9升]And hold anywhere from 600 to 800 calories,所含热量从600到800卡不等Depending on how much ice you put in.这取决于加多少冰了A half-gallon of soda?半加仑汽水A half-gallon of soda for one person,一个人喝半加仑汽水48 teaspoons of sugar.48匙的糖份Hello, may I help you?你好需要点什么Yeah, could I get给我来一份The double quarter pounder with cheese meal?双层至尊芝士汉堡Large or super size?大号&hearts;还是超大号&hearts;的I think I'm gonna have to go super size.我要超大号&hearts;的Look at that. Look at that coke.来看这个看看这个可乐That barely fits in there.都要放不进去了Oh, shit!。

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Iron Age
32 O F 3 1 e 1 2 C 3 C F 9e C F 2 O 3 e 3 C 2 F 3e CO F 3 C e F e O 4 F CeO
依含碳量 和杂质多少
铸铁 锻铁 钢铁
性质和现象 材 结构与成分
赋予材料的价 值和应用性
料 包括了决定材料性 质和使用性能的原
合成和加工 子类型和排列方式
11/14/2020 5:04 AM
Synthesis & Process (Engineering) Property
Chapter 1 Introduction
J 1.1 基本概念 J 1.2 材料的发展概况 J 1.3 材料的分类和要素 J 1.4 材料的重要性 J 1.5 材料哲学史
1.1 Concepts and terms
唐 三彩鸳鸯壶 橘皮釉
明 掐丝珐琅 葫芦式扁瓶
Warring States Glass Eye Beads
(1) Stone Age
(Chemistry) (Physics)
Structure & Composition
Figure 1-1 Relation of four essentials
1.4 The Importance of Materials
Substances having properties which make them useful in machinery, structures, devices and products.
—— connected with function and, through that function, utilities.
Contact Lens
采用新技术和工艺方法制备新材料 材料组成和微观结构的表征 材料性能的测试
1.2 材料的发展概况 →→Pottery
新石器时期 马家窑式水纹彩陶钵
新石器时期 半山式菱形点纹壶
康熙 黄釉盖罐
乾隆 茶叶末六连瓶
(2)Distinguish between Chemicals and Materials
the utility lies primarily in
Chemicals their consumption.
can be used repeatedly or continuously for an application that does not irreversibly convert them to something else.
Structural Materials ——主要利用材料的力学性能
Functional Materials ——主要利用材料的物理和化学性能
1.3.2 the Essentials of Materials
(2) Bronze Age
Cu Sn Pb Zn
含锡量1/6 —— 韧性好 —— 制造钟鼎 含锡量2/5 —— 硬度高 —— 制造刀斧
(5) 智能材料(传感、处理、执行功能)
1.3 Classification &. the Essentials of Materials
1.3.1 Classification of Materials
(1)按组成、结构特点分 Metallic Materials Inorganic Materials Polymers Composites
第八世纪的 "Carolingian"剑
东方曲剑" Persian "
土耳其的 "Damascus" 剑
(3) 合成材料(高分子材料)
(4) 设计型材料 标志是材料设计或分子设计
(3)Materials Science and Chemistry
Chemistry of Materials:
Chemistry related to preparation, processing and analysis of materials.
Reverse Osmosis
羊毛纤维的卷曲 羊毛纤维剖面图
11/14/2020Fra bibliotek*棉的结构
显微镜下未经处理的棉织品 和 用PEG溶液处理的织品
Air Cushioning System
Table 1-1 Distinguish between the Paleolithic Period and the Neolithic Age
Materials Wood Stone Bone Pottery
the Neolithic Age