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1. global company : 跨国公司

an organization, that than the home country. (维基百科)

2. joint venture : 合资企业

--a partnership that is formed by two or more parties cooperating in some special biz activities.

--a business or project in which two or more companies or individuals have invested, with the intention of working together. (柯林斯词典)

3. merger & acquisition : 并购

--combining of two or more entities through the direct acquisition by the net assets of the other.

--transactions in which the ownership of companies, other business organizations or their operating units are transferred or combined.

4. distribution channel: 分销渠道;销售渠道

--all the organizations and people involved in the physical movement of goods and services from producer to consumer.

5. listed company : 上市公司

company, or public corporation is a corporation whose ownership is dispersed among the general public in many shares of stock which are freely traded on a stock exchange or in over the counter markets场外交易市场. (维基百科)

6. Industrial complex : 工业生产基地

--a manufacturing area that consists of many different factories turning out different products.

7. brand recognition : 品牌认知(度);品牌识别

--a product or products that has or have been recognized and appreciated by local consumers.

8. specialty shop : 专卖店

--an outlet that deals in or sells a particular line of products.

9. household name 家喻户晓的名字

-- a brand, person, company, etc. that is known to all or very popular in a place.

10. loss-maker : 亏损企业

--a biz that continually makes no profit.

11. home country : 祖国,母国

--the country on which a multinational corporation’s HQs is based.

12. quota : 配额,定额,限额

--a restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular product that a country impose.

13. market economy : 市场经济

--an economy in which the market is used to determine resource allocation, prices, and investments.

14. new economy : 新经济

--a different form of economy that is mainly supported by IT sector and characterized by knowledge-based economy instead of manufacturing.

-- an economic system that is based on computers and modern technology, and is therefore dependent on educated workers. (朗文词典)

15. labor force : 劳动力

--all of the people in a country or in a region that are employed or are likely to be employed in the future.

16. bubble economy :

--an economy that primarily depends on banking, financial market and other transient短暂的operation.

17.venture capital : 风险资本

--funds that are invested in new plants or hi-tech startups open to large risk of loss. --Venture capital is capital that is invested in projects that have a high risk of failure, but that will bring large profits if they are successful.(柯林斯词典)

18. biz cycle : 商业周期

--A period of time that a biz goes through consists of four stages---boom繁荣, recession衰退, depression萧条, recovery复苏.

19. stock market : 股票交易;证券市场,股票市场

--a stock exchange that deals in stocks and shares.

-- the business of buying and selling stocks and shares.

-- a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold. (朗文词典)

20. product life cycle : 产品生命周期

--a theory stating that certain kinds of products go through a cycle consisting of four
