
华南理工大学自学考试本科毕业生申请学士学位实施细则专业:电子商务专业、会计电算化申请条件1. 申请者必须拥护中国共产党领导,拥护社会主义制度,坚持四项基本原则,愿意为社会主义建设服务,能自觉维护社会主义民主与法制,品行端正。
2 .完成课程教学计划,成绩良好(十门以上主干课程考试平均70 分以上),毕业论文(设计)成绩良好(含良好)以上,能按期毕业并获得本科毕业证书。
3 .通过学位课程水平统一考试(外国语、高等数学或专业基础课、专业课)。
凡有下列情况之一者,不授予学士学位:⑴.在读期间犯过严重错误,受过记过(含记过)以上处分者;⑵. 在校期间曾有三门以上(含三门)课程补考者;⑶.在校期间严重违反考试纪律或剽窃他人学术成果者。

类型序号课程代号课程名称学分类型考试方式001 03708 中国近现代纲要 2 必考笔试
002 03709 马克思主义基本原
4 必考笔试
003 00840 第二外语(日语) 6 必考笔试004 00600 高级英语12 必考笔试005 00602 口译与听力 6 必考实践考核006 05355 商务英语翻译 4 必考笔试007 00603 英语写作 4 必考笔试008 00096 外刊经贸知识选读 6 必考笔试009 00090 国际贸易实务(一) 6 必考笔试010 00094 外贸函电 4 必考笔试011 05844 国际商务英语 6 必考笔试012 06999 毕业论文不计学分必考实践考核201 05439 商务英语阅读 4 加考笔试
202 05440 商务英语写作 4 加考
203 01314 商务英语口语10 加考
204 01315 商务英语听力10 加考
C050201 英语专业

C050201 英语(本科段)2015-01-07 10:30:03 | 作者: cheng | 来源: 广东省自学考试报考必读专业代码:C050201专业名称:英语(本科段)主考学校:广东外语外贸大学类型序号课程代号课程名称学分类型考试方式00103708中国近现代史纲要2必考笔试00203709马克思主义基本原理概论4必考笔试00300600高级英语12必考笔试00400602口译与听力6必考实践考核00500087英汉翻译6必考笔试00600840第二外语(日语)6必考笔试00700603英语写作4必考笔试00800604英美文学选读6必考笔试00900832英语词汇学4必考笔试01011417毕业水平考试8必考实践考核20100593听力8加考实践考核20200594口语8加考实践考核20300795综合英语(二)10加考笔试23100024普通逻辑4加考笔试课程设置:必考课10门58学分;加考课4门30学分。


二、课程设置专业代码:A050226 专业名称:商务英语三、学费收取1、总学费7680元,培训至拿证为止,不含书本,报考费。
注:专科030开头12位卡片准考证可同时报公共课、选考课和专业课报考费用:专业课、公共课、选考课 39元/科2、根据国家政策开考,本专业一年有三次考试,分别在1、4、10月进行。
具体报考时间及流程请留意教务公告, 以免错过报考。

三、论文选题:Translation related topics:1.The Influence of Cultural Factors on Translation of idioms in Business English试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响2.Lexical Features of Business Contract English and Its Translation经贸合同英语的词法特征及其翻译3.The Characteristics of Foreign Trade English Translation经贸英语的翻译特点4.Influence of Contextual factors on Business English Translation经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用5.On the Translation Criteria of Business English 试论经贸英语翻译的标准6.Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in BusinessEnglish Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译7.On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象8.On the Characteristics of Business English Vocabulary经贸英语的词汇特点9.Diction in Economy and Trade Translation经贸翻译的词义选择10.Multi-discipline motivations of the Business English Vocabulary论商务英语词汇的多学科性11.On the linguistic/ cultural Features of Business English E-mails浅谈商务英语电子邮件的写作特点12.Analysis of the Stylistic Features of the Contract English浅析合同英语的文体特点13.Translation of English Advertisement in Cross-cultural communication跨文化背景中的广告英语翻译14.Translation of Dates, Amount and Numbers in the Business English Contracts浅析商务合同中日期、金额和数字的翻译15.On Translating Strategies of Modern Business English现代商务英语的翻译策略16.On the Principle of Faithfulness in C-E Business Translation浅谈商务英语英汉翻译的"信"原则17.Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则18.The Linguistic Characteristics and Translation Strategies of EnglishAdvertisement广告英语的语言特点及翻译策略Linguistic aspects:19.A Study of the syntactic features in English Business Contracts 试谈英语经贸合同的句法特点20.On the Accuracy of Business English Translation浅析商务英语翻译的准确性21.On the Rhetorical Features and Translation strategies of Advertising English浅析广告英语的修辞特点及翻译方法22.Translation of Metaphor in Business English 浅谈商务英语中的隐喻翻译23.On "Faithfulness" and "Innovation" in Business English Translation外贸英语翻译的"忠实"与"变通"24.The Strategies of Domestication and Dissimulation on Advertising EnglishTranslation广告英语翻译的"归化"和""异化"策略25.Cross-cultural Factors i n Advertising English Translation广告英语翻译中的跨文化因素26.On the Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法27.The Function of Fuzzy Language in Business English Writing论模糊语言在商务英语写作中的作用28.The Application of Polite Principles in Business English Writing 礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用29.On the Preciseness of Business English Contracts论商务英语合同语言的严谨性30.How to Achieve Consideration in Business E-mails如何实现商务电子邮件中的“consideration”31.An Analysis of the Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English广告英语的修辞方法探析32.On the Translation Principles of Trademarks in Business English浅析商务英语中的商标翻译33.On Functions of Business English Abbreviations 浅析商务英语中缩略语的功能34.Influence of Cultural differences on the Translation of Business English文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响35.On the Writing Features of Business English Letters 浅析商务英语信函的写作特点36.On Linguistic features of Business English Correspondence 商务英语信函的语言特征Culture related topics:37.The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of idioms in BusinessEnglish 浅析文化因素对商务英语习语翻译的影响38.A Pragmatic Analysis of Long Sentences in Business English Contracts商务英语合同中的长句语用分析39.The Lexical Features of E-commerce English 电子商务英语的词汇特征分析40.A Study of the Cross-cultural Factors in Business Negotiation 商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究41.Functions of Non-verbal Communication in Business Negotiation 非语言交际在商务谈判中的功能研究42.A Study of Cultural Factors in Sino-American Business Negotiation中美商务谈判中的文化因素研究Business English teaching related topics:43.The Application of Case Study in Business English Teaching案例教学法在商务英语教学中的应用44.The Application of Situated Teaching Theory in Business English Teaching 情境教学理论在商务英语教学中的运用45.On Fostering Communicative Competence in Business English Teaching 试论商务英语教学中语言交际能力的培养46.The Application of Task-based Teaching in Business English Teaching 任务教学法在商务英语教学中的应用47.Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication competence in BusinessEnglish Teaching 商务英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养温馨提示:如《英语教育》专业本次以新专业《英语》申请学位,请参考旧专业《英语教育》论文选题。

附件3广东省自学考试《商务英语》(课程代码:00796)课程考试大纲目录一、课程性质与设置目的二、课程内容和考核目标第1章个人信息及职业信息1.1 World of work 工作种种1.2 Personal and professional details 个人信息及职业信息第2章工作安排2.1 Work in progress 工作进展2.2 Making arrangements工作安排第3章公司简介及业绩3.1 Company biography 公司简介3.2 Company performance 公司业绩第4章国际企业4.1 International business国际企业4.2 Business communications 商业联系第5章职业选择及计划5.1 Career choices职业选择5.2 Achievements and plans 业务成果与计划第6章商业旅行及安排6.1 Business travel 商业旅行6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排第7章产品与服务7.1 Products and services产品和服务7.2 Orders and contracts订单及合同第8章生产过程8.1 Manufacturing processes生产过程8.2 Problems and solutions问题及解决方案第9章未来9.1 The future未来9.2 Meetings会议第10章职业发展10.1 Career development职业发展10.2 Organizing a conference组织会议第11章健康与安全11.1 Health and safety健康及安全11.2 Reporting accidents事故报告第12章就业市场12.1 The job market就业市场12.2 Job applications 工作申请三、关于大纲的说明与考核实施要求附录:题型举例一、课程性质与设置目的(一)课程的性质与特点《商务英语》是广东省高等教育自学考试中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业的必修课。

广外商务英语实践课程考试实施细则1、口译与听力广东省高等教育自学考试实践考核广东外语外贸大学与高职高专教育相沟通考场口译与听力(课程代码:00602)听力部分试室考试操作指令1. 13:20—13:40主监考领取试卷及监考材料并签到。
3. 13:50主监考宣读《考场规则》, 然后当众验封、拆启试卷袋,检查与试卷袋上表明的课程名称、课程代码是否相符,清点试卷的份数、页码是否有缺少。

广东外语外贸大学自考商务英语新计划课程全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1New Business English Program in Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesGuangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) has recently launched a new program for self-taught Business English learners. This new program aims to provide students with advanced skills in English language proficiency, especially in the context of international trade and business communication.The new curriculum includes a variety of courses designed to enhance students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in English. These courses cover topics such as business vocabulary, negotiation skills, cross-cultural communication, and business writing. In addition, students will also have the opportunity to participate in simulated business scenarios to practice their language skills in real-world situations.One of the key features of this program is the emphasis on practical skills development. Students will have access to a wide range of resources, including online learning materials,interactive exercises, and one-on-one tutoring sessions. They will also be given the chance to interact with industry professionals through guest lectures and networking events.Furthermore, the program will be taught by experienced instructors who have a strong background in both English language teaching and business. These instructors will provide personalized feedback and guidance to help students improve their language proficiency and achieve their academic goals.Overall, the new Business English program at GDUFS promises to offer students a comprehensive and dynamic learning experience. By equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the global business environment, this program will undoubtedly help them advance their careers and achieve their professional ambitions.篇2New Plan of Business English Self-Study Courses at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and TradeIntroductionIn response to the increasing demand for high-quality business English education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Trade (GUFS) has designed a new plan for self-studybusiness English courses. These courses aim to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the global business environment. The new plan encompasses a wide range of topics, including business communication, marketing, finance, and international trade. In addition, GUFS offers a flexible schedule, online resources, and personalized learning support to help students achieve their academic and professional goals.Course StructureThe new plan consists of three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each level covers a variety of topics related to business English, such as writing emails, giving presentations, negotiating contracts, and conducting market research. Students can choose to enroll in one level at a time or complete all three levels to earn a certificate in business English. In addition, GUFS offers elective courses that focus on specific areas of business, such as entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and cross-cultural communication.Flexible ScheduleGUFS understands that many students have busy work and family commitments. As a result, the new plan offers a flexible schedule that allows students to study at their own pace. Students can access course materials online and completeassignments at any time that is convenient for them. In addition, GUFS provides personalized support to help students stay on track and succeed in their studies. Whether you are a full-time working professional or a stay-at-home parent, GUFS has a program that can fit your schedule.Online ResourcesTo enhance the learning experience, GUFS provides a variety of online resources, including interactive quizzes, video lectures, and virtual study groups. These resources allow students to practice their English skills in a fun and engaging way. In addition, GUFS offers a writing center where students can receive feedback on their assignments and improve their writing skills. By utilizing these online resources, students can gain a deeper understanding of the course material and achieve better results in their studies.Personalized Learning SupportAt GUFS, we believe that every student is unique and has different learning needs. That is why we offer personalized learning support to help students succeed in their studies. Our dedicated team of academic advisors, tutors, and mentors are available to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer feedback on assignments. Whether you are struggling with aparticular topic or need help developing your study skills, GUFS is here to support you every step of the way. With our personalized learning support, you can achieve your academic and professional goals with confidence.ConclusionThe new plan of business English self-study courses at GUFS provides students with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the global business environment. With a comprehensive curriculum, flexible schedule, online resources, and personalized learning support, students can develop their English skills and enhance their career opportunities. Whether you are a student looking to improve your job prospects or a working professional seeking to advance in your career, GUFS has a program that can help you achieve your goals. Enroll in our business English self-study courses today and unlock your potential for success.篇3GDUFS Self-Study Business English New Program CoursesIntroductionGuangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) has recently introduced a new program for self-study businessEnglish courses. These courses are designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the competitive world of business. The program offers a wide range of courses covering various aspects of business English, including communication skills, business writing, and negotiation techniques.Course StructureThe self-study business English program consists of a series of courses that are designed to help students develop their English language skills in a business context. The courses are divided into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each level consists of several modules that cover different topics related to business English.The beginner level focuses on basic communication skills, such as greetings, introductions, and small talk. Students will also learn how to write emails, reports, and business letters. In addition, they will be introduced to basic business vocabulary and grammar.The intermediate level builds on the skills learned in the beginner level and covers more advanced topics, such as presentations, meetings, and negotiations. Students will alsolearn how to analyze and interpret business texts, as well as how to give and receive feedback in a business setting.The advanced level is designed for students who already have a strong foundation in business English. This level covers advanced topics such as business ethics, cross-cultural communication, and global marketing strategies. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in simulated business scenarios to practice their skills in a real-world setting.Course DeliveryThe self-study business English courses are delivered online through GDUFS's learning management system. Students can access course materials, lectures, and assignments at their own pace and convenience. Each module consists of video lectures, reading materials, quizzes, and assignments that students can complete on their own time.In addition to online resources, students will also have the opportunity to participate in live webinars and discussion forums with instructors and fellow students. This interactive component of the courses allows students to engage with the material in a more dynamic and collaborative way.Assessment and CertificationAt the end of each level, students will be required to take a final exam to assess their understanding of the course material. The exams are designed to test students' language proficiency, comprehension, and application of business English skills. Upon successful completion of all levels, students will receive a certificate of completion from GDUFS.Benefits of the ProgramThe self-study business English program offers several benefits to students who are looking to improve their language skills in a business context. Some of the key benefits include:- Flexibility: Students can study at their own pace and convenience, allowing them to balance their studies with other commitments.- Real-world relevance: The courses are designed to teach practical business English skills that can be applied in a professional setting.- Interaction: Students have the opportunity to engage with instructors and peers through online discussions and webinars.- Certification: Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a certificate that can enhance their resume and career prospects.ConclusionThe self-study business English program at GDUFS is an exciting opportunity for students to enhance their language skills and advance their careers in the field of business. With a comprehensive curriculum, flexible delivery, and interactive components, the program provides students with the tools they need to succeed in a global business environment. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, the program offers something for everyone. Enroll today and take your business English skills to the next level!。

2011 届毕业生共有101 人,其中男生13 人,女生88 人。
本专业101 人参加全国英语专业四级考试,合格率为99.01%。
(2)方向课程:会计学原理、微观经济学、宏观经济学、国际经济学、中国对外贸易概论、国际贸易实务、国际金融、WTO 概论、国际结算、国际商法等。
2011 届毕业生共有77 人,其中男生18 人,女生59 人。
本专业77 人参加全国英语专业四级考试,合格率为100%。

-Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful ,nor is it a way to make a social evaporate.砸镜子并不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。
I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍了。
If, whether during the execution of works or after their completion and whether before or after the repudiation or other termination of contract ,between the employer and the contractor arises any dispute in connection with ,or arising out of ,the contract or the execution of the works, including any disagreement by either party with any action ,inaction opinion ,instruction ,determination ,certificate or valuation of the engineer ,the master shall ,in the first place ,be referred to the Disputes Review Board.无论是在工程执行过程中,还是工程完成以后,也无论是在放弃合同或其他终止合同之前或者之后,如果业主与承包商之间出现任何与合同或许工程执行有关的或因合同或工程执行而引发的争端,包括任何一方对工程师的任何行动,不行动,意见,指示,决定,证书或许评价所产生的异议,那么争端应首先提交争端审核委员会。

广东外语外贸大学(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies),简称广外,坐落于有“花城”美称的广州市,学校入选“2011计划”、“亚洲大学学生交流集体行动计划”(亚洲校园计划),是向联合国提供高端翻译人才的全球19所大学之一、全国国际经济与贸易学科的创始单位之一、国际大学翻译学院联合会成员,是华南地区国际化人才培养和外国语言文化、对外经济贸易、国际战略研究的广东省属重点大学。
序号课程代号课程名称学分类型考试方式001 03708 中国近现代史纲要 2 必考笔试002 03709 马克思主义基本原理概论 4 必考笔试003 00840 第二外语[日语] 6 必考笔试004 00600 高级英语12 必考笔试005 00602 口译与听力 6 必考实践考核006 05355 商务英语翻译 4 必考笔试007 00603 英语写作 4 必考笔试008 00096 外刊经贸知识选读 6 必考笔试009 00090 国际贸易实务(一) 6 必考笔试010 00094 外贸函电 4 必考笔试011 05844 国际商务英语 6 必考笔试012 06999 毕业论文不计学分必考实践考核201 05439 商务英语阅读 4 加考笔试202 05440 商务英语写作 4 加考笔试203 01314 商务英语口语10 加考实践考核204 01315 商务英语听力10 加考实践考核【课程设置】: 必考课12门60学分;加考课4门28学分。
【说明】:1.商务英语专业和国际贸易专业专科毕业生可直接报考本专业,其他专业专科(或以上)毕业生报考本专业须加考201、202、203、204 四门课程,已取得相同名称课程考试成绩合格者可申请免考。

二.考试依据教材:指定教材: 1. 口译部分:《高级汉英/英汉口译教程》(上、下册)王桂珍主编华南理工大学出版社( 2001年8月第一版)2. 听力部分:《高级英语听力教程》何勇斌主编广州外语音像出版社(2005年8月第一版)参考教材:VOA, BBC等英语电台正常语速节目三.命题原则:每份试卷包括两大部分:第一部分考核听力,占总分的50%;第二部分考核口译,占总分的50%。

广州大学外语院2020年秋季期英语专业《商务英语》专业期末试卷及答案一、单选题(共30题,60分)1、It's time we _____________ business.A、got down forB、getting down forC、get down toD、got down to正确答案:D解析:【分析】句意:是时候开始我们的正事了。
get down to固定短语,“开始”,it's time that的从句需用一般过去时或者should do,表示虚拟语气,结合选项,故选D。
【点评】考查虚拟语气,本题涉及固定句式it's time that和固定短语get down to。
2、We require the thief _______________ into prison.A、refers to being putB、referred to be putC、refer to being putD、referred should be put正确答案:B解析:【分析】句意:我们要求所提到的那个小偷应该被投到监狱里去。
B选项中的be put 是require后的宾语从句中的谓语动词,在be 前省略了should, 而B选项中referred to 则是过去分词短语作定语,修饰空前面的the thief,,故选B。
3、If he ________ his teacher's suggestion, he would have won the English Speech Contest.A、had followedB、should followC、was to followD、followed正确答案:A解析:【分析】句意:如果他听从了老师的建议,他就会赢得英语演讲比赛了。

广外成人学士学位商务英语答辩自我介绍全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Certainly! Here's a 2000-word self-introduction for an adult degree thesis defense at the Guangwai Business English program, written in a childlike tone:Hello everyone! My name is [Your Name] and I'm [Your Age] years old. I'm so excited to be here today to talk about my journey in the Guangwai Business English program. I've been learning so many new things, and I can't wait to share them with you!Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I grew up in [Your Hometown], which is a [describe your hometown] place. My family is [describe your family], and they've always been super supportive of me going to school and learning new things.When I was younger, I really loved [Your Childhood Interests/Hobbies]. I would spend hours [describe how you engaged in those interests/hobbies]. Those experiences taught me [Lessons/Values learned from childhood interests/hobbies] which have been really helpful in my studies.I first became interested in learning English when [Describe what sparked your interest in English]. From that moment on, I was hooked! I loved how [Positive aspects of learning English]. It felt like a whole new world was opening up to me.However, learning English wasn't always easy. Sometimes, I would get frustrated when [Challenges you faced learning English]. But my teachers and classmates were always there to encourage me and help me keep going. They taught me that [Lessons/Values learned from overcoming challenges].One of the things I love most about the Guangwai Business English program is [Positive aspects of the program]. The classes are so much fun, and I've learned so many useful things that I can use in the real world. My favorite class is [Your Favorite Class] because [Reasons why it's your favorite].Outside of class, I also [Extracurricular activities/Hobbies related to the program]. These activities have helped me [Benefits of extracurricular activities/Hobbies]. They've also allowed me to make lots of new friends who share my love for [Common Interest].Now, as I'm nearing the end of my studies, I can't help but feel a little bit sad that this chapter of my life is coming to a close. But I'm also really excited for what's to come! After I graduate, Iplan to [Your Future Plans/Goals]. I know that the skills and knowledge I've gained from the Guangwai Business English program will be invaluable as I pursue these dreams.Before I wrap up, I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have supported me along the way. To my family, thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to chase my dreams. To my teachers, thank you for your patience, guidance, and wisdom. And to my classmates, thank you for being such wonderful friends and study buddies.Well, that's my story! I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here today, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. Thank you all for listening!篇2Hi everyone! My name is [Your Name] and I'm so excited to tell you all about myself today for my big grown-up thesis thingy! I'm [Age] years old and I've been studying really really hard to get my bachelor's degree in Business English. It's been a long journey full of big words, numbers, and lots of homework, but I made it to the end! Yay!I grew up in [Hometown] which is a [Description: small town, big city, etc.] not too far from here. My family is super cool - I have [Number] siblings named [Sibling Names] and we always have a blast playing games, telling jokes, and making a big mess together. Oops, I probably shouldn't admit that last part! My mom is [Mom's profession] and my dad is [Dad's profession]. They've always encouraged me to work hard, be kind, and chase my dreams no matter what.Speaking of dreams, ever since I was a tiny tot I've wanted to be [Dream career] when I grow up. I was obsessed with [Related interest] from a very young age. I would [Specific example of childhood interest]. My friends and family always thought it was pretty funny how into [Interest] I was, but I just couldn't get enough of it!That's a big reason why I decided to study Business English. I figured if I could get really good at speaking and understanding the English language, plus learn all about how businesses work, I'd be extra prepared to make my [Dream career] dream a reality someday. It hasn't been easy though - wow, university classes are no joke![2-3 specific challenging courses/concepts and how you overcame them in a childlike way]There were times when I felt like giving up or switching majors to something easier. But my [family, friends, professors, etc.] wouldn't let me quit. They gave me pep talks, helped me study, and reminded me why this degree was so important to me. With their support, I buckled down and made it through even the toughest tests and assignments.Now here I am, about to graduate and become a Business English bachelor! I'm not going to lie, I'm already looking forward to summer break filled with [kid-friendly summer activity ideas]. But once that's over, I'll be more than ready to[post-graduation goal/plan]. My dream career is [brief summary of dream career] and my Business English skills are going to help me a ton.[Key skills/knowledge you've gained and how they'll help]I may be just a kid, but I've got big grown-up plans for my future! Thanks to this program, I've learned so much about [recap key points]. I'm proud of myself for sticking with it and earning my degree. Shout out to [people to thank] for everything - I couldn't have done this without you!Well, I think that's about it. Did I cover everything I was supposed to? If you have any other questions, just ask and I'll do my best to explain. A bachelor's degree is a huge milestone andI'm feeling all kinds of emotions - excited, accomplished, maybe a little scared of the real world. But I know wherever life takes me next, my Business English skills will help me shine! Thanks for listening, everyone!篇3Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. Today I'm going to tell you all about myself for my oral defense thingy for the business English degree I'm getting from GDUFS. Pretty cool, right?I was born in Guangzhou in 2015. My mom and dad are really nice. We live in a big apartment building right near the zoo.I love going to look at all the animals! My favorite is the elephant because it's so huge and has that long trunk. One time I even got to feed a baby elephant some peanuts. He ate them right out of my hand!In my family it's me, my mom and dad, and my little sister Huihui who is 5. She's really annoying sometimes but I still love her. We like to play together and have fun. Our parents are always telling us not to make too much noise though. Huihui screams a lot when we play.At school, my best friends are Dingding and Xiaoxiao. We've known each other since we were tiny babies. Our moms are best friends too! We love playing basketball and seeing who can shoot the most baskets. I'm the best though, obviously. The three of us also collect Pokémon cards. I have over 200 cards! My favorites are Charizard and Pikachu.My favorite subjects in school are math and art. I'm really good at adding and subtracting big numbers in my head. My math teacher always gives me a gold star when I get it right. For art, I love drawing superhero characters and painting pictures of my family. I want to be an artist when I grow up and draw comic books!On the weekends, my parents always take me and Huihui out to do fun things. Sometimes we go to the park and have a picnic lunch. Other times we go shopping and get new toys or clothes. My mom likes buying me cool shirts with my favorite characters on them. But my favorite weekend activity is going to the movies! We love watching action movies and comedies and eating lots of popcorn.During summer vacation, we always go on a trip somewhere exciting. Last year, we went to Hainan Island and stayed at this big resort right on the beach. I had so much fun swimming in theocean and building sandcastles. We also went on a banana boat ride which was crazy! The driver made the boat go super fast and we got all wet from the waves crashing over us. So fun!For Chinese New Year, the whole family gets together at my grandma and grandpa's house in the countryside. All my aunts, uncles and cousins come too. We have the biggest feast with so many amazing dishes! My grandma's dumplings are the tastiest. After we eat, we watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and the adults give us kids little red pouches with money inside. Then we set off tons of firecrackers and fireworks outside. The fireworks are my favorite part - they're so pretty lighting up the night sky!That's a little bit about my life. I have the best family and friends and we're always having fun together. I try my hardest at school too, especially in math and art class. Business English has been a bit strange to learn because I'm just a kid and don't really know much about business. But I did my best and am proud that I'm getting my bachelor's degree today! Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on. Any questions?篇4Hi everybody! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm 8 years old. I go to Bright Future Elementary School and I'm in 3rd grade. TodayI'm going to tell you all about myself for my business English defense at GDUFS.I was born right here in Guangzhou on a sunny day in July. My mom says I was the cutest little baby she had ever seen, with chubby red cheeks and a smile that could light up a room. I don't remember much from when I was really little, but my parents love telling stories about the funny things I did as a toddler.Like the time I stuck a whole handful of Mom's lipstick in my mouth because I thought it was a yummy snack! My lips and teeth were bright red for days. Or when I tried to give our dog Buddy a haircut with the kitchen scissors. Poor Buddy had a couple bald spots for a while after that. Oops!My family is pretty small, it's just me, my mom and dad, and my grandma who lives with us. But we're a tight crew and we do everything together. My grandma is my best friend - she teaches me awesome games, tells the funniest stories, and bakes the most delicious cookies. She'sFromXinjiang originally and she's taught me all about the cool culture and traditions from her hometown.Speaking of traditions, celebrating holidays is one of my favorite things to do with my family. We go all out for Chinese New Year - my dad puts up the most beautiful red decorationsand we do the whole nine yards with the dumplings, firecrackers, red envelopes and everything. For Mid-Autumn Festival, we have a huge family picnic under the full moon and eat lots of delicious mooncakes.My parents both work really hard at their jobs in international trade. My mom is a business consultant who helps companies negotiate deals and sell their products overseas. My dad works at a shipping company exporting goods all around the world. They've taught me a ton about different countries, cultures and languages from a very young age.I can introduce myself in English, Spanish, Japanese, French and even a few phrases in Russian! I'm fascinated by how many languages there are in the world. My parents speak amazing English from doing so much international business, and they're making sure I become just as fluent. That's why I'm here defending my business English degree today!At school, my favorite subjects are English, math, and art. I love learning new vocabulary words and reading stories in English. Math comes pretty easily to me and I can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division like a pro. Art class is fun because I get to let my creative side out and make masterpieces with paint, crayons, clay and more.I'm a pretty good student and I work hard, but I still find time to play and have fun every day! After school, my best friends Peter, Emma and I always go to the park near my house. We ride our scooters, play on the swings and monkey bars, and have races to see who's the fastest runner. In the summers, we caught butterflies and looked for cool bugs under rocks. We're kind of like a modern day combination of the Boxcar Children and the Baby-Sitters Club, always going on little adventures together.On the weekends, my parents like to take me on fun outings around Guangzhou. We'll go to museums, cultural parks, or shopping at the jade markets. Sometimes we'll just wander around one of the historic neighborhoods, exploring all the winding alleyways and checking out the beautiful architecture. There's always something new and exciting to discover in this city!My biggest hobby is collecting stuffed animals. I've been obsessed with them since I was really little - I sleep cuddled up with at least 5 or 6 of them every night! My room at home is like a plushie paradise, with shelves and bins overflowing with my fuzzy friends. My favorite is Teddy, the classic brown bear I've had since I was a baby. Teddy goes everywhere with me. I also love my giant panda bear, my zebra, my llama, and basically anystuffed animal that's super soft and cuddly. My dream is to one day visit a real panda sanctuary and see the pandas in person!Well, I think that's about it when it comes to introducing myself! I've talked about my family, my life at school, my hobbies, my love for languages and cultures, and my goals for the future. Thank you all for listening - I hope you enjoyed getting to know me today. Feel free to ask me any other questions, I'm an open book! Let's make this business English defense a fun one.篇5Hello everyone! My name is Xiaoming, and I am a big boy now because I am already 10 years old! I am so excited to be here today to tell you all about myself and my journey to get this really cool degree in Business English.I still remember when I was just a tiny little kid, maybe around 5 or 6 years old, my mom and dad would always speak to me in English at home. At first, I thought it was super weird and didn't really understand why they were talking to me in a funny language. But then, they explained to me that English is a really important language used by people all over the world, and that learning it would open up so many doors for me in the future.So, even though it was a bit tricky at first, I started picking up English words and phrases little by little. My parents would read me bedtime stories in English, and they would also teach me simple songs and nursery rhymes. It was like learning a secret language that only cool kids knew!When I turned 7, my parents enrolled me in an English language school. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous on the first day because I didn't know anyone else there. But you know what? Everyone was just as new as me, and we all became friends really quickly! We would play games, sing songs, and even put on little plays – all in English, of course!As I got older, I started to realize how much I loved learning English. It was like unlocking a whole new world of books, movies, and people from different cultures. I would watch English cartoons and try to pick up new words and phrases. My favorite part was definitely learning all the funny idioms and expressions that English speakers use, like "raining cats and dogs" or "let the cat out of the bag." I thought they were hilarious!When it was time for me to go to middle school, my parents encouraged me to apply for a special program at Guangwai University that offered a Bachelor's degree in Business English. Iwas a little bit scared at first because it sounded like a really big deal. But my parents reassured me that with my love for English and my hard work, I could do it!And you know what? They were right! I got accepted into the program, and it has been the most amazing experience ever. The classes are challenging, but I love learning about all the different aspects of business and how to communicate effectively in English in a professional setting.We've learned about things like marketing, finance, negotiation skills, and even how to give presentations in English. It's been so much fun, and I've made so many great friends from all over the world who are also in the program.One of my favorite parts of the program was when we got to do an internship at a big international company. I was a little bit nervous at first, but my classmates and I all supported each other. It was such a valuable experience to see how English is used in the real business world, and it really helped me to put all the things I've learned into practice.Now, here I am, about to graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Business English! I can't believe how far I've come from that little kid who thought English was just a funny language.Now, I know that it's so much more than that – it's a key that has opened up a world of opportunities for me.I'm so grateful to my parents for encouraging me to learn English from such a young age, and for supporting me every step of the way. I'm also thankful to all of my amazing teachers at Guangwai University who have been so patient and inspiring.As for the future, I'm not entirely sure what's in store for me yet. Maybe I'll work for an international company, or perhaps I'll start my own business one day. But one thing is for certain – no matter where life takes me, my English skills will be a valuable asset that will help me to navigate the global business world with confidence.So, there you have it – that's my story of how a little kid who thought English was just a funny language ended up falling in love with it and earning a Bachelor's degree in Business English. It's been an incredible journey, and I can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead!Thank you all for listening, and remember – if a silly little kid like me can learn English and achieve big things, then anyone can do it too! Just believe in yourself, work hard, and never stop learning!篇6Hello everyone! I'm so excited to be here today to tell you all about myself and why I deserve to receive a Bachelor's degree in Business English from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. My name is [Your Name], and I feel like a little superstar standing in front of you all!First of all, let me tell you a bit about my journey. Just like many of you, I started my studies at Guangdong University as an adult learner. It wasn't easy, but I never gave up. I worked really hard to balance my studies, work, and family responsibilities. Sometimes, it felt like juggling plates!I chose to study Business English because I have always been fascinated by the world of commerce and communication. I believe that language is a powerful tool that can bridge gaps and open doors to endless opportunities. With a Business English degree, I can become a bridge between different cultures and help businesses thrive in the global marketplace.During my time at Guangdong University, I have learned so much. From understanding the principles of marketing to analyzing financial statements, I have gained a solid foundation in business knowledge. I have also honed my English languageskills, both written and spoken, to effectively communicate with people from diverse backgrounds.One of the highlights of my studies was the opportunity to participate in an internship with a multinational company. This hands-on experience allowed me to apply my classroom knowledge to real-world situations. It was an eye-opening experience that reinforced my passion for business and motivated me to work even harder.In addition to my academic achievements, I have also actively participated in extracurricular activities. I was a member of the university's Business English Club, where we organized events and workshops to enhance our language skills and foster a supportive community. I also volunteered as a tutor, helping my peers improve their English proficiency.I believe that my dedication, perseverance, and passion for business English make me a deserving candidate for this degree.I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my time at Guangdong University have prepared me well for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the professors, mentors, and friends who have supported me throughout this journey. Without your guidance andencouragement, I would not be standing here today. Thank you for believing in me and pushing me to reach my full potential.In conclusion, receiving a Bachelor's degree in Business English from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies would be a dream come true for me. I am ready to take on the world and make a positive impact in the business field. With your support, I know I can achieve great things.Thank you for listening to my little speech. I hope it brought a smile to your faces, just like it did to mine. Let's celebrate this special day together and embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Thank you!。

2023年广外商务英语050262学位申请条件一、学历要求1. 申请者须具有高中毕业证书或者同等学历证明,且成绩优秀。
2. 申请者须具备良好的英语听、说、读、写能力,需提供相关英语水平考试成绩单,满足学校规定的最低英语水平要求。
二、课程要求1. 申请者须修完相关商务英语课程,包括商务英语口语、商务英语写作、商务英语听力等。
2. 申请者须修完与商务相关的课程,包括国际贸易、国际市场营销、商务礼仪等。
三、实习要求1. 申请者需完成指定的实习课程,提供实习证明并获得导师满意的评价。
2. 申请者需在实习过程中积累一定的商务实践经验,能够熟练运用所学知识解决实际问题。
四、论文要求1. 申请者需完成一定的学术论文,包括文献综述、调研方法、数据分析、实证结果等。
2. 论文须在导师指导下进行并达到学校要求的学术水平。
五、综合素质要求1. 申请者需具备良好的综合素质,包括良好的沟通能力、团队合作能力、创新能力。
2. 申请者需具备一定的国际视野,了解国际商务环境及国际商务规则。
六、其他要求1. 申请者需遵守学校相关规定,无违纪记录,有良好的品行和表现。
2. 申请者需提交个人简历、推荐信等相关材料,经过学校审核后方可获得申请资格。

•专业名称:商务英语(管理方向)•大学:广东外语外贸大学(绯闻好多)•专业介绍:英语+商科•课程设置:英语专业会有的课程+ 选修的专业课包括国际贸易实务,管理学,组织行为学,经济学原理,国际金融,商务概论,市场营销等等,全英授课•你专业中你觉得有趣的事情?一半商,一半英,让别人听起来很牛的样子。

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