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热处理常用词汇中英文对照 indication 缺陷 test specimen 试样

bar 棒材

stock 原料

billet 方钢,钢方坯

bloom 钢坯,钢锭

section 型材

steel ingot 钢锭

blank 坯料,半成品

cast steel 铸钢

nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁

ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁

bronze 青铜

brass 黄铜

copper 合金

stainless steel不锈钢

decarburization 脱碳

scale 氧化皮

anneal 退火

process anneal 进行退火

quenching 淬火

normalizing 正火

Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验

fatigue 疲劳

tensile testing 拉伸试验

solution 固溶处理

aging 时效处理

Vickers hardness维氏硬度

Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度

Brinell hardness 布氏硬度

hardness tester硬度计

descale 除污,除氧化皮等

ferrite 铁素体

austenite 奥氏体


cementite 渗碳体

iron carbide 渗碳体

solid solution 固溶体

sorbite 索氏体

bainite 贝氏体

pearlite 珠光体

nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体

black oxide coating 发黑

grain 晶粒

chromium 铬

cadmium 镉

tungsten 钨

molybdenum 钼

manganese 锰

vanadium 钒

molybdenum 钼

silicon 硅

sulfer/sulphur 硫

phosphor/ phosphorus 磷

nitrided 氮化的

case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬

air cooling 空冷

furnace cooling 炉冷

oil cooling 油冷

electrocladding /plating 电镀

brittleness 脆性

strength 强度

rigidity 刚性,刚度

creep 蠕变

deflection 挠度

elongation 延伸率

yield strength 屈服强度

elastoplasticity 弹塑性

metallographic structure 金相组织

metallographic test 金相试验

carbon content 含碳量

induction hardening 感应淬火

impedance matching 感应淬火

hardening and tempering 调质

crack 裂纹

shrinkage 缩孔,疏松

forging 锻(件)

casting 铸(件)

rolling 轧(件)

drawing 拉(件)

shot blasting 喷丸(处理)

grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)

sand blasting 喷砂(处理)

carburizing 渗碳

nitriding 渗氮

ageing/aging 时效

grain size 晶粒度

pore 气孔

sonim 夹砂

cinder inclusion 夹渣


abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性 spectrum analysis光谱分析

heat/thermal treatment 热处理

inclusion 夹杂物

segregation 偏析

picking 酸洗,酸浸

residual stress 残余应力

remaining stress 残余应力

relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力

stress relief 应力释放


械类常用英语:常用加工机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床boring machine 搪孔机

cnc milling machine CNC铣床contouring machine 轮廓锯床

copy grinding machine 仿形磨床copy lathe 仿形车床

copy milling machine 仿形铣床copy shaping machine 仿形刨床

cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床die spotting machine 合模机

drilling machine ?孔机engraving machine 雕刻机

engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机form grinding machine 成形磨床

graphite machine 石墨加工机horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床

jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机jig grinding machine 冶具磨床

lap machine 研磨机machine center 加工制造中心

multi model miller 靠磨铣床NC drilling machine NC钻床

NC grinding machine NC磨床NC lathe NC车床

NC programming system NC程式制作系统planer 龙门刨床

profile grinding machine 投影磨床projection grinder 投影磨床

radial drilling machine 旋臂?床shaper 牛头刨床

surface grinder 平面磨床try machine 试模机

turret lathe 转塔车床universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床

vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机


Bending: 挠曲

witness test订货人在场的试验

Welding: 焊接

Threading: 车缧纹


color identification 彩色识别


check against 检查, 核对
