
牛津上海版小学英语一年级下册全册教案目录Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 Look and see》 (2)Module1 Using my five senses《Unit2 Listen and hear》 (7)Module1 Using my five senses《Unit3 Taste and smell》 (14)Module2 My favourite things《Unit1 Toys I like》 (18)Module2 My favourite things《Unit2 Food I like》 (23)Module2 My favourite things《Unit3 Drinks I like》 (28)Module3 Things around us《Unit1 Seasons》 (32)Module3 Things around us《Unit2 Weather》 (36)Module3 Things around us《Unit3 Clothes》 (43)Module4 Things we do《Unit1 Activities》 (47)Module4 Things we do《Unit2 New Year’s Day》 (52)Project 2《Things I like》 (57)Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 Look and see》1教学目标为了更好地提高学生学习的兴趣,也有效结合单元主题,添加了<功夫熊猫> (Kung Fu Panda) 电影中的部分卡通人物,从而达成以下教学目标:1.通过图片和情境,初步学习如下单词:frog, rabbit, bee, bird等,感受其音、形、义;2.通过图片和情境,能尝试运用I’m… / I’m a…等句型进行角色扮演和自我介绍;3.通过故事学习,学会观察周遭世界,能关注生活中小动物的特点。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit3 Colours教案 沪教牛津版

U n i t3C o l o u r s【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、本单元是围绕“颜色”这个主题展开的,以“看看招招”为活动主线,引导学生寻找身边的颜色,感受多姿多彩的大自然。
3、句型方面(1)学习What colour is ist? Is it…?句型来询问事物的颜色。
(2)用It’s…It’s a/an…句型来表达事物的颜色特征。
4、结合本单元“颜色”的主题,学习Pick out the blue kite. Colour the kite red. Make eight kites等指令。
二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、用正确的语音语调正确表达所见到的red,blue,yellow,green,pink,purple,brown,orange等颜色。
2、能够通过正确使用What colour is ist? Is it…?来询问事物的颜色,并根据实际情况,用It’s…It’s a/an…正确表达事物的颜色特征。
4、在一年级第一学期的基础上,正确使用7-10数字表达年龄,并能用How many…?来询问事物的数量,能正确表达10以内的数量。
三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support)♦录音机♦电脑♦实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids)♦图片♦实物3、学习材料(Materials)♦学生用书♦配套练习册教学参考书四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION)U n i t3C o l o u r s第一课时(1ST PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn--- red, blue, yellow, greenLet’s play--- What colour is it? --- It’s...二、学习目标(Objectives)1、联系学生生活实际,可以从小动物、家人、学习用品角度引入“颜色”的主题。
☆小学英语一年级 上海版牛津英语1b教案全册

Unit 1 New Year第一课时(1ST PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn---uncle, auntLet’s talk--- How are you? I am fine, thank you./ Very well, and you?二、学习目标(Objectives)情感目标:1、通过在“新年”的主题中,习得拜年、串门、招待客人时可以使用的相互简单问候,让学生开始形成在日常生活中良好的语言习惯和待人接物时落落大方的态度、有问有答的礼貌。
2、在“新年到,家人、亲朋好友相互拜访”的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出uncle, aunt两个新授词汇;能够根据家庭成员的关系在口语中正确表达uncle, aunt的称谓。
功能目标:1. 在一年级第一学期的学习基础上,能熟练运用How are you? Fine, thank you./ I am fine, thank you./ Very well, and you?等简单语句进行相互问候。
2.根据二期课改新课标的要求,在确保完成基本教学目标的基础上,可以结合学生的学习能力和语言的实际使用对教材呈现的教学内容进行拓展,所以在口语导入Just so-so. Not bad.等等生活中同样常用、表达意思不同的多种简单回答,有助于学生在实际生活中对语言的理解和表达更为准确和真实。
猜而直接提示:This is father’s sister. 引入aunt把语音和语义同时输入给学生。
Unit 1 New Year第二课时(2nd PERIOD) 一.要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn---grandmother, grandfather Let’s talk----Happy New Year!二.主要目标(Objectives)情感目标:1.通过“新年”这个主题,使学生学会用新年特定的问候语Happy NewYear与家人或客人相互问候,让学生在日常生活中养成良好的语言习惯及文明习惯。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit 6 Famer and fisherman教案 沪教牛津版

Let’s actLanguage focus:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructionEg. Say Hello to AliceListening: Locate specific information in response to simpleinstructions.Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.Materials: Cassette 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.RhymeLook at the doctorReading a bookAbout a nurseAnd a cookThe doctor and the bookThe nurse and the cookOh look. All very oldⅡ. Pre-task preparationPlay a game of “Simon says”Open your mouthSay “Ah”Ⅲ. While-task procedure1.Say “Hello” to the classT:Hello, XXT:Hello, XXS:Hello, miss ping.2.Ask a pair of students to come to the front.T:(Pat on the shoulder of one pupil.)Say hell to XXS:Hello3.Invite the her two pupils.T:Say Hello to XXS:HelloT:What’s the Chinese meany?4.Do group withSay Hello to XX5.T:Come with me. (To a student)T:What’s the Chinese meaning.6.T:Now pleas open your books.Listen & read after it.7.Listen it again.Have students repeat the senterces with the appropriate yes turesⅣ. Post-task activityPlay a match: Who is the qaickest to respond?Let’s talkLanguage focus:1. Using formulaic expressions to identify peopleEg. You are a farmer.2. Askky yes/no questions to identify people.particular thingEg. Are you a teacher?Listening: Locate specific information in response to simple questions. Speaking: Use modeled sentences to commicate with other learners. Materials: Wallchart 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.TrainSay Hello to AliceCome with meⅡ. Pre-task preparation1.Revise the expression “Hello, I’m ……”T(go to a student)S:Hello, I’m a XXT:You are XX2.Invite pairs of students to come to the front and stand facing each other. T:You can use “You are XXYou are XX”Ⅲ. While-task procedure1.T:(hold up the “farmer” cards.)Farmer.(Get the students repeat)farmer2.Repeat the process with “fisherman”3.Press two students up as a farmer and a fisherman.T:(Point to the “farmer”)You are a fisherman.Yes or No.4.Repeat the precess with “fisherman”.5.T:(Look at the pictures)Farmer. You are a farmer.Fisherman.Your are a fisherman.6.T:(Point to myself)I am a teacher.I am an English teacher.T:(Point to a student)Are you a teacher?T:No, you are a student.7.T:Give the pointer to the studentsAre you a teacherT &S:Yes, I am.(Do it with other students again)8.T:Open your book P28Listen & FollowⅣ. Post-task activities1.Invite four students to stand in the front.Hold an object that tepresents a jobJave the rest of the class point to them one by one and say.You are a ……2.Group 1 act as a farmerGroup 2 act as a fishermanGroup 3 act as a teacherGroup 4 act as a doctor.(1) G 1:Are you a fisherman?G 2:Yes,Are you a teacher?G 3:Yes, Are you a doctor?G 4:Yes, Are you a farner?(2) G 1:Are you a fisherman?G 2:No, I’m a fisherman.Are you a fishman.3.Selsct graps to act out the dialogre.ConsolisationP19:Listen and hang only the correct pictures onto the books.Let’s learnLanguage focus:1. Using nouns to identify people.Eg. Farmer.2. Using adjectives to describe peopleeg. thinListening: locate specific information in response to simple questions. Speaking: 1. Use modellde phrases and sentences to communicate with other learners.2. Proumee words properlyMaterials: Word and Picture Cards 1bTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.TrainI am a ……(teacher, pupil)Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation1.Put up the picture and word cards for Unit 4&5 on the boaed.T:Who will came to the front?Put away the word.T:teacherS:(Put awey the word “teacher”) pupil, doctor, nu rse, cook, policeman, postman, driver, milkman, fireman2.Ask three students to act as a teacher, aformer and a fisherman.T:Who are you?S:You’re a teacher.(Point it one by one)3.Ask one sturent come to the front.T (teacher)The student act as a teacherS:Are you a teacher?S:Yes, I am.Ⅲ、 While-task properties1.Hold the picture cards for “farmer” “fisher enar” and “teacher” in the hanrds.T:XX, select are.Put it up on the board.Revise the word together.2.Write the words or the blackboard.Match the word & picture.3.Erase themT:(Pick out the correct word cards on the desk)4.Invit 2 pupil “for” “thin”T:FatT:thin5.T:fat, thin(With the hand gestures)6.T:Open your books. Turn to P29.Listen & Repeat.Ⅳ、 Post-task activityHhide any of the word cards at you backT:Wich word?Ⅴ、 Consolidationwork book page 20Listen & colourWork book page 21Tick the correct box.Let’s playLanguage focus:1.Using formulaic expressiong to identify peopleEg. You are a ……2.Using formulaic expressions to conform and dery things.Eg. Yes/NoSpeaking: 1. Open an interaction by eliciting a response.2. Maintain an interaction by using formulaic expressions to acknowlgdge, agree or disagree.Materials: Picture cards 1BMarks with pictures of people.Teaching ladders:Ⅰ. Pre-task preparation1.Pick up the picture and word cards for “famer, fisherman, teacher.Match it.2.Read the word one by one.Farmer, fisherman, teacher.Ⅱ. While-task procedure.1.Invite 6 students to arme to the front.T:Who will act as a doctor?nurse?policeman?postman?farmer?fisherman?teacher?T:Let’s point it & say.You are a ……2.Use a handkerchief to cover a volunteer’s eyesT:Come to the front & catch them & Guess “You one……”(1) Inivite a pupil of Group 1. 2. 3. 4(2) The rest of the class should tell him “Yes. No”3.Continve the game with other students.Let all the students have a chance to playⅢ、 Post-task activities1.Write the six adjective words “tall” “short” “fat” “thin” “young” and “old” on the board. Have students draw a person that fits each descriptin. 2.Play hide and seek after dass.Ⅳ、 CondolidationWork book page 21Can you find the word in the pnzzle?Colour the boxes.Let’s enjoyLanguage focus: Using adecties to decrile thingsEg. Thin pig.Fat pig.Speaking: Pronunce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress.Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress. Materials: Pictures , cards 1BTeaching ladders:Ⅰ. Warming up1.Greeting2.RhymeLooking at the doctor.Reading a book.About a nurse and a cook.The doctor and the book.The nurse and the cook.Oh, look.All very old.Ⅱ. Pre-task preparation1.Put the words cards for this armt on the board.T:Who takes care of animals?Who is it?2.Make enlarged photocopies of the two pigs from St udent’s. book page 31T:Which is fat?Which is thin?S:It is fat. It is thin.Ⅲ. While-task procedure1.T:Listen to the tape.Follow it.2.T:(Use hand gestures)Up, Dowm(Repeat for studeny to copy you)Up, Down.3.T:(Use body language)Thin, fat4.Show fingers for “One and two”Put hand on ehest for “I”Point to students for “you”Point to ceiling for “up”Point to floor for “down”Draw cirdes in the air for “round and round”5.Encourage students to read the rhyme.6.Let students do actions while reading out the rhyme7.Invite individual students to act out the rhyme to the class. Students vote for the best one.Ⅳ. Post-task activitieshave each group act out 1h rhyme.。

一年级英语下册 1B Unit1 New Year(2)教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 1 New Year第二课时(2nd PERIOD)一.要新授内容(new contents)Let’s learn---grandmother, grandfatherLet’s talk----Happy New Year!二.主要目标(Objectives)1.通过“新年”这个主题,使学生学会用新年特定的问候语Happy New Year与家人或客人相互问候,让学生在日常生活中养成良好的语言习惯及文明习惯。
2.通过“向家人拜年”的语言环境,让学生用正确的语音语调说出grandmother, grandfather两个新授词汇。
3.在完成基础教学目标的基础上,结合学生的实际能力对教学内容进行拓展,导入Have some sweets. Have sometea.等生活中常用的句型,使学生的交际语言更丰富,更贴近生活。
三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Activity 1(Rhyme)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(1B-U1-3)2)屏幕Steps Contents Methods Purpose1.Question andanswer 大屏幕展示小女孩一家开门迎接叔叔和姑姑的情境,老师问:Look, whois coming? 学生脱口而出:uncleaunt通过情境展示使学生自然回顾上一课时所学的单词2.RhymeMy uncle iscoming…My aunt iscoming…男女生分别朗读上课时编的儿歌。
Activity 2(Look and say)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)图片2) 头饰2.活动过程(Process)Steps Contents Methods Purpose1.Look and sayuncleaunt教师出示uncle, aunt的图片,学生齐读通过整齐的朗读,巩固上一课时所学单词2.Listen andrespondHow are you? I amfine, thankyou./Fine,thank you./ Verywell, andyou?/Just soso…教师请几位男生和几名女生分别戴上头饰扮演uncle and aunt,与不同的同学进行对话练习。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit1 New Year(4)教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 1 New Year第四课时(4th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Let’s play---Draw. Write. Fold.Happy New Year, Miss Li.二.主要目标(Objectives)1.让学生通过制作和赠送贺卡,学会用语言和行动表达对同学,老师或家人的关爱,同时也感受到周围的人对自己的关心。
3.联系生活实际,对赠卡对象的称呼及不同节日的不同问候做一定拓展,导入Mr… Merry Christmas. Happy birthday…使学生在实际生活中有更广的表达空间,体会语言学习的乐趣。
三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)这个阶段,学生通过唱歌感受节日的快乐气氛,通过观赏同龄人制作的贺卡,产生自制卡片的强烈愿望。
Activity 1(Looking and saying)1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 电脑(1B-U1-6)2)屏幕Activity 2(Song)1、教学辅助(Aids)录音机2.活动过程(Process)2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)通过机械性操练让学生正确掌握单词fold 及Miss的语音语义,并且能正确区分Miss与Mr运用。
Activity 1 (Repeation)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)白色画纸2)水彩笔Activity 2 (Rhyme)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)图片2)录音机Activity 3 ( Listening and speaking)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)图片2)录音机Activity 4 (Repeation)1、教学辅助(Aids)图片经过机械性操练,学生已掌握制作贺卡步骤的表述方式,在接下来的意义性操练中教师除了引导学生做综合性操练,还可对其它的节日问候方式做一定的拓展,使学生的表达面更广。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit9 Revision1教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 9 Revision【单元分析 ( UNIT ANALYSIS ) 】一、教材地位 ( UNIT POSITION )1.本单元是一个复习的内容,即把一年级所学到的知识进行系统的复习并加以梳理,使学生对知识有了一个比较完整的认识和整合。
2.词汇方面: A.复习家人和职业类的单词,同时贯串描述人的外形特征。
例:“father , mother , uncle , aunt , brother, sister, grandmother,grandfather”等“teacher, cook, policeman, postman, doctor , farmer , fisherman ,nurse, fireman , milkman , driver”等“tall, short , old , young, fat, thin”B. 色彩、动物和其他。
例: brown, yellow, orange, purple, pink, red, blue,green, butterfly, rabbit, bird, frog, bee, kite, leaf ,balloon, ball,doll, bicycle, slide, swing, tree, flower ,dress, shoes等。
例:sweet, jelly, fish, cake, ice-cream, apple,mooncake, peach, orange, pear, lemon, book, ruler, pencil,rubber, bag等。
3.句型方面: A. 复习to be 句型B.I see….How many…?C.复习like句型。
二.学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1.通过“新年”相互拜年这一语言使用环境,使学生能正确地用语言来表述家庭成员的关系及其各自的职业,同时贯穿描述人的外形特征。

上海牛津版小学英语一年级下册(1B)全册教案教学设计Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 教学内容: Look and say What do you see? I see… Look and learn frog/rabbit/bee/bird Ask and answer What do you see? I see… What colour is it? It’s… Play a game What do you see? Listen and enjoy A rhyme 教时安排: 1st period Look and learn Listen and enjoy 2nd period Look and say Play a game Ask and answer教学内容: 认知内容: 能听懂会说frog/rabbit/bee/bird,掌握句型:What do you see? I see… 能力要求:会向他人询问所看见的东西,能在生活中运用学到的英语。
the first period 教学过程: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation Revision 1.Great each other: T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, teacher.2.sing the song : Good morning 通过师生互相问候,巩固问候语句型。
hile-task procedure post-taskactivity Assignment Review the words: panda/bear/tigerl/monkey 1. Presentation 2. Practice Learn the new words frog/rabbit/bee/bird Game A rhyme : Presentation Review the rhyme Let the students play a guessing game. T: It’s fat.It’s black and white.what is it? 1. Say after the teacher 2. Say together 3. ask and answer in pairs. 4. say and act in pairs. T:We have many new friends, let’s see what are they? 1. Read after the teacher 2. read it one by one. 3. read it in high voice in low voice. 4. Who can be little teacher?Play a guessing game. Hold the word cards on the teacher’s hand. The students can’t see the words. Then get them guess. If he is right, he can get a gift. One,two,three, I am a bee. Four,five, I am a bird. Six,seven,eight, I am a rabbit Nine,ten, I am a frog. Ask the students to say after the teacher. 1. ask the students to say and act it in pairs. 2. ask some students to say and act in front of the class.Listen to the type Read the new words Recite the new rhyme. 通过做“猜一猜”的游戏,使得学生复习上学期所学的有关动物的单词。

B Look and read
(3)会唱歌曲What`s your name?
T:(手拿图片)Now, let’s ask again.
Ss: What’s your name?
T: My name is Mimi.(给图片配音)
Read after me.
B Practice and consolidation
T: I need five students to come to the front and wear these. Now all the other students ask together.
课题:Unit 1 What's your name ?第一课时
(1)能根据所听到的名字,正确辨认本单元中出现Nancy,David,Su Yand和Liu Tao四个人形象,能看图说出这四个人物的名字,发音正确。

(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1教学内容:教时安排:教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说frograbbitbeebird,掌握句型:What do you see? I see…能力要求:会向他人询问所看见的东西,能在生活中运用学到的英语。
the first period教学过程:Module 1 Unit 2 Listen and you dog cat●Text types: song, game, conversation, storyII. 课时安排●Period 1: a. Look and learn: sheep dog catListen and say: What do you you dog catSkills: What do you hear? I hear…IV. 能力要求学生学会用句型What do you hear?进行讯问。
会用I hear..来回答V. 情感态度学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并通过游戏和表演来巩固新知识,创设良好的活动氛围, 让学生带着愉快的心情去迎接新的挑战.VI. Teaching Process( Period 1)VII. Teaching Process(Period 2)Module1 Using my five sensesUnit 3 Taste and smell教学内容:教时安排:The first period教学内容:认知内容:1. 能听懂并会说rice,soup,egg,noodles2.能够用祈使句来请别人闻一闻,尝一尝能力要求:能够在食物方面表达自己的喜好情感态度:培养学生在生活中运用英语的能力教学过程:The second period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 熟练使用祈使句:stand up, touch your nose.Smell the flower.2. 能认读listen and enjoy能力要求:能够背诵儿歌,并能熟练运用祈使句情感态度:能用How many..?的句型问答身边事物的数量教学过程:Module 1 Unit 3 Taste and smell (一)教学目标(二)划分课时第一课时(1st PERIOD)Teaching aids: students book, workbook, media, picturesHomework: 1. read SB P10, 13.2. Tell your parents which foods or fruits smell nice, or taste yummy.第二课时(2nd PERIOD)Teaching aids: students book, workbook, media, picturesHomework: 1. read SB P11,12.2. students practice the dialogue in groups after class.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Toys I like教学内容:教时安排:the first period教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说balldollbicyclekite; 掌握句型I like the …What do you like? I like…能力要求:会用英语与他人交流彼此的喜好情感态度:玩具是孩子们的好朋友, 注意引导孩子爱护玩具,懂得与朋友分享教学过程:the second period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 能听懂会说supernice等形容词2. 正确理解I like the…和I like my …句型3. 掌握What do you like? I like …句型能力要求: 1. 会用简单的英语与营业员交流2. 会表达自己的喜好并简单说明原因情感态度:鼓励孩子用英语在公共场合与他人进行交流, 如商店等。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit2 Small animals(4)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

Unit 2 Small animals第四课时(4th PERIOD)一、主要新授内容(new contents)Let’s act-- Rhyme ( I am a ______.)二、学习目标(Objectives)1、在一年级第一学期的基础上,进一步学习10以内的数字的表达。
3、结合本课的主题――小动物,创设语言使用环境,在模仿小动物动作的过程中,学会用I am a _______来表达。
三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task Preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。
Activity 1 Rhyme1、教学辅助(Aids)1) 单词卡片2)录音机Activity 2 Look and say1、教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑(1B-U2-15)2)屏幕Activity 3 (Quick response)1、教学辅助(Aids)1)录音机2、任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)While-task Procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。

本学期采用的教材为牛津英语(上海版)一年级第一学期1B.全册教材共有三个主题九个单元,分别为:Theme 1: SpringUnit 1: New YearUnit 2: Small animalsUnit 3: ColoursTheme 2: People who help usUnit 4: Postman and policemanUnit 5: Doctor and nurseUnit 6: Farmer and fishermanTheme 3: Food and drinkUnit 7: Birthday partyUnit 8: DinnerUnit 9: Revision教学目标:在这个学期中要求学生达到的也就是本学期的教学的总的目标是:1.要求学生很扎实的掌握好书本的各个知识点。
备课人:Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1教学内容:教时安排:教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说frog/rabbit/bee/bird,掌握句型:What do you see? I see...能力耍求:会向他人询问所看见的东四,能在生活中运用学到的英语。
the first period教学过程:hile-task procedure Review the words: panda/bear/tigerl/m on key1.Prese ntation2.PracticeLearn the new wordsfrog/rabbit/bee/birdGameLet the students play aguessing game・T: It's fat.It's black andwhite.what is it?1.Say after the teacher2.Say together3.ask and answer in pairs.4.say and act in pairs.T:We have many newfriends, let's see what arethey?1.Read after the teacher2.read it one by one.3.read it in high voice inlow voice.4.Who can be littleteacher?Play a guessing game.Hold the word cards onthe teacher's hand.The students can% seethe words.The n get them guess.If he is right, he canget a gift.On e,two,three,1 am a bee. Four,five,1 am a bird.Six,seven,eight,1 am a rabbit Nine,ten,1 am a frog.通过做〃猜一猜〃的游戏,使得学生复习上学期所学的有关动物的单词。

牛津上海版|牛津版小学一年级英语下册1b全册的教案Learning skills:Students can sing and act the song freely.Students know the word: littleLearning materials:Tape recorder, cards, a paper rabbit, …Learning course:Pre-task preparation:1. Free talk.How are you?How old are you?I see a …What can you see?Happy New Year!2. You did a good job. Now let’s listen and act, ok?Show me your …Clap one, clap two…While-task procedure:1. Can you count from one to ten? Let the students count from one to ten.2. Teacher acts a bird, a rabbit. Then draw a big rabbit on the blackboard, point and say a big rabbit. Then draw a little rabbit, ask the students:”isit big? No, it’s a little rabbit.Repeat a little rabbit for several times. Today will learn a song about the little rabbit.ok?3. let the students sing the song follow the teacher sentence by sentence, then paragraph by paragraph with the actions.4. Play the tape and get the students listen carefully, then teacher act and sing the song with the students.Post-task activities:1. Let the students sing the song with actions together.2. Have a competition within the groups. To see which group is the best one.Consolidation:1. Sing the song with actions together.2. invite some students to sing.Homework:Listen and sing the song five times.Unit 3 coloursLearning targets:1. Students can read and say the words: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple, brown and orange2. Students can use: how many … to ask questions.3. Using imperatives to give simple instructions:E.g. colour the kites.Pick out the read kite.4. Students can say the rhyme fluently.Learning materials:Tape recorder, pictures, wall chart…Lesson 1 3.24Learning skills:1. students can use imperatives to give simple instructions:make eight kites.Colour the kites.Pick out the red kite.Learning materials:Some colour pencils, paper, cards, tape recorderLearning course:Pre-task preparation:1. Free talkHow are you?I see a … what do you see?2. Let’s sing, ok? Let’s sing the little rabbit.While-task procedure:1. it’s spring now, do you like flying kites. Today, let’s make a kite, ok? Let the students read the phrase: make a kite several times. Invite some students to read.2. Now, first please take out your paper, and draw a kite. Then ask the students what should we do now?Yes, we must colour the kites. Get the students read “colour the kites” several times. Invite some students to read.3. Teacher collects some kites, then ask the students: what colour is it?Let the students pick out the red kite.Post-task activities:1.let the students read follow the tape, sentence by sentence. Then read follow the teacher.2.have a competition.To see which group reads best.Consolidation:Invite some students to read.Homework:Listen and read this page five times.Lesson 2 3.28Learning skills:Students can use adjectives to identify and pronounce the colours: red, blue…Learning materials:Some colours, tape recorder, …Learning course:Pre-task preparation:1. Free talkI see a …what do you see?How are you?2. Invite some students to read the sentences on page 12. read these sentences together.While-task procedure:1. Show a red apple. Look, I have an apple, what colour is it? It’s red.2. Show more colours, ask the students what colour are they, if they don’t know, say it without sound, let the students look at the teacher’s mouth to identify the word’s pronounce.3.put the pictures on the blackboard, let the students read follow the teacher, the read together.4. Have a competition.A, Invite one student each group, then to see who is the best reader.B, have a competition within the groups, then to see感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

2、词汇方面:A 复习家人和职业类的单词,同时贯串描述人的外形特征。
B 色彩、动物和其他。
c 食物及学习用品。
3、句型方面:A 复习tobe句型B Isee….Howmany…?c 复习like句型。
2019-2020年一年级英语下册 1B Unit1 New Year教案 沪教牛津版

2019-2020年一年级英语下册 1B Unit1 New Year教案沪教牛津版一、教学目标1.知识目标:用祈使句Show me your present. Try your new shoes.给出简单指令。
二、教学重点:present, shoes 的识记教学难点:try 的发音三、教具准备: 1.cassette 1B and a cassette player2.a present四、教学过程:The Second PeriodLet’s talk一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会 Happy New Year 问候新年好。
学会问候语 How are you? 及两种不同回答:I am fine. Thank you; Very well, and you?2.能力目标:能熟练运用这些句子交流自如。
二、教学重点:How are you 及 Happy New Year 问候语。
三、教学难点:Very well 的正确发音。
四、教具准备:Cassette 1 B and Cassette player, Wallcharts 1 B and a puppet.五、教学过程:The Third PeriodLet’s learn一、教学目标:1.知识目标:会用uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather 称呼人。
三、教具准备:cassette 1B and cassette player, wallchart, word cardsThe Fourth PeriodLet’s play一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会用draw, write, fold 说出制作贺卡过程。
上海版牛津英语小学一年级下册1b Revision全册3课时表格式教学设计

Revision ISchool: Zhoupu No.2 Primary School Grad e: 1 I. Teaching Contents: Unit 1—Unit 3II. Teaching Aims: 1、能听说和辨认单词2、能运用已学句型进行对话交流III. Difficult Points: 1、单词的认读2、句型:I see .How many ?Is it (colour) ?IV. Teaching Aids: some pictures, word cards, tape recorder, OHPV. Teaching Procedure:一、Warming up1.Sing a song <Ten little paper rabbits>2.Read a rhyme P16 one, two…二、Daily talk1. T & P What do you like? Do you like…?What do you see? I see .How many ?Is it ?2. P & P Happy New Year!三、Revision1.words:⑴Show the word cards. Then ask the students to read the words.Invite some students to match the words and pictures on the board.⑵Ask the student to make some phrases.eg. green frog2.Have a rest.T: Let’s act. Ask the students to say and act.eg. One, two, three, I am a bee.3.Sentences⑴T & PThe students look at the OHP. Ask and answereg. T: What do you see?P1: I see .⑵Ask the students to be a little teacher. Ask some questions.P1: How many ?P2: .P1: What colour is it?P2: It’s .⑶The students make a short dialogue according to the OHP.⑷Invite some students to act it out.四、HomeworkAsk the students to introduce something they see in the family.Revision IISchool: Zhoupu No.2 Primary School Grad e: 1I. Teaching Contents: Unit 4—Unit 6II. Teaching Aims: 1、正确认读单词2、掌握to be句型:He/She is .的肯定句和一般疑问句3、能听懂Let’s act的句型,能做出快速反应III. Difficult Points: 1、单词的辨认和读音认读2、Is he/she ?一般疑问句和肯定句区别Are you ?IV. Teaching Aids: some pictures, word cards, tape recorder, OHP,masksV. Teaching Procedure:一、Warming up1.Sing a song <He is a postman, a postman>2.Read a rhyme P26 Look at the doctor二、Let’s actAsk the students to be a little teacher and say some orders. Ask the other students to act out.三、Revision1.引出单词T: Look! I am a teacher. I’m tall. I’m old. I’m thin. (Stick the word on the board) She’s a nurse. She’s short. She’s young. She’s fat.2.Look at the picture and talk about it. (根据老师的模式看图说话,说到职业的单词,把它出来)3.Read these words together.4.H ave a rest: Read a rhyme P31 Thin pig, fat pig…5.Look at the OHP. Ask and answer (Pair work)eg. Is he/she…?6.Have a contest(看谁说得多,赢者来主持下面的游戏)7.Play a gameAsk the students to put the masks on their heads and make a circle or some circles. Ask one student to close his/her eyes and touch one classmate. Then guess: Are you…?四、HomeworkTell a story to your friends.Revision IIISchool: Zhoupu No.2 Primary School Grad e: 1 I. Teaching Contents: Unit 7,8II. Teaching Aims: 1、能正确认读单词2、掌握句型I like…. I don’t like….Do you like…? 及回答III. Difficult Points: 1、已学的事物中,哪些用drink…,哪些用eat…2、I like 句型中,可数名词和不可数名词的正确运用。
一年级英语下册 1B Unit9 Revision3教案 沪教牛津版

Unit 9 Revision第三课时(THE 3rd PERIOD)一、主要内容(Main contents)Let’s revise ----- “sweet, kite, jelly, dress, shoes, fish, cake, ice-cream, apple,mooncake, peach, orange, pear, lemon, book, ruler, pencil,rubber, bag”Let’s revise- ---- 复习like句型。
二、学习目标(Learning objectives)1“生日”主题中,通过一些简单的口语招呼的方式,使学生在日常生活中形成良好的语言习惯,养成良好的礼貌行为。
三、教学建议(Teaching suggestion)1 任务前期准备阶段(Pre-task preparation section)Pre-task preparation 是指我们在进入语言知识之前,让学生获得对语言材料的第一次感知,创设一定的情境,让学生进入到语言状态的前期准备阶段。
Activity 11.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑,屏幕(Wendy生日的场景)---1B-U9-12)录音机,小布偶(Wendy)2.活动过程(Process)Activity 21.教学辅助(Aids)1)电脑,屏幕---1B-U9-22)一个装满礼物的大盒子2 任务中期实施阶段(While-task procedure section)While-task Procedure是指语言技能的习得过程。
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上海版牛津英语一年级下册(1B)全册教案Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 Look and seeUnit 2 Listen and hearUnit 3 Taste and smellModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Toys I likeUnit 2 Food I likeUnit 3 Drinks I likeModule 3 Things around usUnit 1 SeasonsUnit 2 WeatherUnit 3 ClothesModule 4 Things we doUnit 1 ActivitiesUnit 2 New Year's DayUnit 3 Story timeModule 2 My favourite thingsTask in this unit:●Begin an interaction by expressing one’s preferences●Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:●Using nouns to identify toys: ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Using adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.●Using the definite article to indicate particular things: the ball,the doll ●Using formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you?●Using formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.●Using formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.Language skills:Listening:●Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciation:ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Understand the key p attern: I like…●Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here youare.●Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I helpyou?Speaking:●Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly:ball,doll,bicycle,kite●Use formula ic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…●Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.●Use formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.●Use adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.●Use formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Scheme of work:Module2 / Unit 1 / Period 1Aims:1. Words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2. Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 2Aims:1. Use formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.e formulaic expressions to express thanks: Thank you.e adjectivesto describe things: It’s super.e formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Language focus:1. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people things: Here you are.2. Understand formulaic expressions to offer people help: Can I help you? Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 / Unit 1 /Period 3Aims:1. Review the words: ball,doll,bicycle,kite2. Review the sentences: I like …3. Drills: I like the ….Language focus:Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like the…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 Food I likeTasks in this unit1.Begin an interaction by introducing one’s preferences2.End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions3.Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus1. Using nouns to identify foodeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuiting formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g. I like ice cream.3. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.ing formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.Learning skills:Listening5.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Identify specific information in response to questionse.g. Do you like sweets? No.3. Understand formulaic expressions indicating preferencese.g. I like ice cream.Speaking1.Identify the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciationeg. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2. Using formulaic expressions to indicate preferencese.g. I like …3. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?4. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.5. Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.The first PeriodAims:1. Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit6.Function: Use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences: I like…Language focus:1. Pronounce the words, phrases and sentences correctlye.g. jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Understand the key pattern: I like…Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.E:StepsThe second PeriodAims:1.Words: jelly, ice, cream, sweet, biscuit2.Sentences: Do you like …? Yes./No.One for you and one for me.Function:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.Language focus:1. Asking yes/no questions to find out one’s preferencese.g. Do you like,…?2. Using formulaic expressions to confirm or denye.g. Yes./No.Aids: Pictures, Radio, tape.E:StepsThe third periodA:Contents :Sentence: One for you and one for you.B:Teaching Aims :Using formulaic expressions to offer people thingse.g. One for you.C:Teaching aids :Recorder and workbook ,picture cardsD:StepsModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 3 Drinks I likeTasks in this unit:●Begin an interaction by introducing one’s preferences●End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions ●Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseLanguage focus:●Using nouns to identify drinks: cola,juice,milk,water●Using the indefinite determiner some to show quantity: Drink somewater,Mum.●Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person:What do you like?●Using the simple present tense to express preferences: I like water.●Using formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday:Happy Birthday,Eddie.Language skills:Listening:●Identify specific information in simple instructions: Drink somemilk,Sam.●Identify the key words by hearing the pronunciation:cola,juice,milk,water●Identify specific information in response to simple questions: Whatdo you like?I like water.●Understand formulaic expressions wishing someone a happy birthday:Happy Birthday,Eddie.Speaking:●Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly:cola,juice,milk,water●Asking wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person:What do you like?●Use the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.●Use adjectivesto describe thin gs: It’s super.●Use formulaic expressions to wish someone a happy birthday: HappyBirthday,Eddie.Scheme of work:Drinks I likeThe First PeriodAims:1.Words: cola,juice,milk,water2.Function: Use specific information in response to simple questions: Whatdo you like? I like…Language focus:1.Pronounce the words,phrases and sentences correctly2.Identify specific information in response to simple questions: What doyou like? I like…Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.Drinks I likeThe Second PeriodAims:e imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Ask wh-questions to find out one’s preferences: What do you like?e the key pattern to express preferences: I like water.Language focus:ing imperatives to give simple instructions: Drink some milk,Sam.2.Asking wh-questions to find out one’s preferences: What do you like?ing the verb like to indicate preferences: I like water.Aids: Pictures, Realia, tape.。