2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练6 阅读强化训练(六) Word版含解析


2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十四) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十四) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十四)(建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解I’ve seen countless patients arrive complaining about gut (肠道) problems. Once we fixed their diets and solved their gut problems, their seasonal allergies (过敏) also disappeared!One patient struggled with allergies. She nearly died twice from allergies. She arrived at my office on 42 different pills; yet, she still felt awful. It turned out that she had leaky gut (肠漏症). We healed her leaky gut and calmed down her allergies. Thankfully, after six weeks, she was able to stop the 42 pills she used daily. For her and countless other patients, a key solution involves getting your gut healthy. To do that and remove seasonal allergies, I’ve found these four ways really helpful.Replace bad with good. A healthy diet becomes the first step for a healthy gut. Take out the bad and put in the good. Remove wheat, corn, dairy, soy and alcohol.Eat a high-fiber diet. Avoid anything that has sugar or trans fats (反式脂肪). Focus on eating healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, and omega-3 fats like those found in small fish.Use powerful gut-healing nutrients, including probiotics (益生菌). Other gut-healing nutrients include fish oil.Manage stress. A mind-body disconnection can mean being stressed out and tired, and your gut can be vitiated and your seasonal allergies will become worse as a result. Do some exercise that can help you relax like yoga every day.Get enough sleep. Enough sleep is important for gut health and overall health. Research shows a lack of sleep shortens your lifespan and increases inflammation (炎症), which can lead to long-term diseases. A lack of sleep can also increase your risk of diabetes, leading to obesity. Aim for at least eight hours of good sleep every night.If you follow the ways listed above, surely you’ll have healthier guts, reducing the chance of suffering seasonal allergies as a result.【解题导语】季节性过敏跟肠胃健康有关,健康的肠道可以帮助减少季节性过敏的几率。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十六) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十六) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十六)(建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解Julia Morgan was born in San Francisco on January 20, 1872 and raised in Oakland.Julia attended Oakland High School, graduating in 1890.With a strong mathematical interest she attended U.C.Berkeley, studying in the College of Engineering.In her senior year, Bernard Maybeck, a professor at U.C.Berkeley, taught descriptive geometry(画法几何) and he started a series of informal architectural seminars(研讨会) for his favorite students.He became a positive influence on Julia and others, encouraging them to study at the famous École des Beaux-Arts in Paris which he had attended ten years earlier.Julia went to Paris in 1896, learned French, and passed her entrance exams in the fall of 1898, becoming the first woman ever admitted to the architectural department within the École.After three years’ hard work Julia earned her diploma in February 1902.Morgan returned to Oakland in 1902 and worked for Architect John Galen Howard at U.C.Berkeley, assisting him on the construction of the Greek Theater.But her ambition(抱负) was to open her own practice.She took the State licensing exam and was allowed to practice as an architect in her own right in 1904.She opened her first office at 456 Montgomery, a building destroyed in the earthquake of 1906.In 1907 she moved into the Merchants Exchange Building firstly with Ira Wilson Hoover as a junior partner, but from 1910 she was listed simply as Julia Morgan, Architect.Her first major project after the April 18,1906 earthquake was the reconstruction of the badly damaged Fairmont Hotel.Morgan supervised(监督) its repair so that it reopened on the first anniversary(周年纪念) of the earthquake.Morgan designed over 700 buildings in her 50-year career.She was highly regarded, especially by women.She also designed a surprising number of homes and apartments in San Francisco.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十一) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(十一) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十一)(建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解I love fresh, local food that doesn’t travel for days before it gets to me. I’ve turned this interest into healthy baking business that’s expanded and grown in popularity. I discovered a love for baking and cooking when I was 8. Around that time, my mom was found to have a wheat allergy, which means she can’t eat the type of flour(面粉) most people eat.Because she was missing many of her favorite foods, I started experimenting with spelt flour to see if I could make some of the things she was missing. Spelt flour has a different type of protein that is easier to digest, so it’s a great choice for people who are allergic to wheat.Soon I was making many of the meals and all the baked food for my family. I started working with Martin Ruiz, who had a bakery at the market. A few months later, one day I saw a notice saying that a national healthy grocery chain was looking for local vendors(供应商). This opportunity fit my pl ans to provide fresh­baked, snack­sized spelt products for people who can’t eat wheat. I made an application and about a month later the notice came that I had been accepted! Over the next few months, things started moving fast. I had to make decisions on labels, packaging, and which products to market first.Running the business is part of my education now. I’m learning management skills: my dad delivers products since I don’t have a license yet; my mom helps with lots of details, including driving me to my kitchen 20 miles away;my two brothers help me with packaging and dishes.My philosophy(哲学)of healthy eating is:“Go local! Eat freshly. Try new things. And support local business and companies.”【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(六) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(六) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(六)(建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解Robert Frost, popular for his rural life poetry, was born in San Francisco, California on March 26, 1874.Frost published several poems in his high school magazine, and he sold his first poem called My Butterfly:An Elegy for D|S15 in 1894. It was published in the Ne w York Independent edition on November 8,1894. He then went on a journey to Virginia. He studied at Harvard University for two years. Although he was a very good student at Harvard, he left it to support his family.Just before dying, his grandfather bought a farm for him and his wife. Frost worked on the farm for nine years, writing early in the mornings. During this time, Frost had written several poems which became popular later on. Eventually, his farming failed, which drove Frost back to the education field from which he had started. From 1906 to 1911, he served as an English teacher at New Hampshire’s Pinkerton Academy and afterwards at the New Hampshire Normal School in Plymouth, New Hampshire.In 1912, Frost with his family moved to Great Britain, and lived at first in Glasgow. Later, he settled in Beaconsfield outside London. His first poetry book titled A Boy’s Will was published the very next year. In England, Frost became friends with some important people like Edward Thomas, a member of the group known as the Dymock Poets, T.E. Hulme, and Ezra Pound. Being surrounded by these friends, Frost published some great works in England. In 1915, after World War Ⅰ started, he returned to America and bought a farm in Franconia, New Hampshire. There he built a career in writing, teaching and lecturing. This family habitat served as his summer home until 1938. The house is now kept as the Frost Place, a museum and poetry conference site.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练13 阅读强化训练(十三) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练13 阅读强化训练(十三) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十三)[学生用书P169(单独成册)](建议用时:15分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解A new report has concluded that advertising managers arebecoming increasingly interested in children. Studies show thatchildren influence about 50 percent of things that families buy, sothey’re an attractive target for advertisers.John Taylor, the author of the report, says:“Advertisers canreach their target in many ways. They can, for example, show an ad many times during school holidays, they can make the TV advertisements a little louder than the programmes to attract attention, or they can sponsor programmes and show their advertisements just before the programme begins.”Most advertisements aimed at children are short, imaginative and often in the form of animated cartoons(动画片).“Children love the ads and watch them in the same way as any entertainment programme,”Taylor says.There’re concerns about advertising aimed at young people. The concerns are shared by Sarah Durham, a writer and journalist specialising in media analysis.“The most worrying thing is that children don’t think carefully when the y see television advertisements. They’re less critical than adults and don’t usually realise the advertisement has a persuasive message, to encourage them or their parents to spend as much money as possible on the product or service,”she says.There’re also concerns over the vast sums of money that junk food producers spend on advertising to persuade children to buy their food products. Many advertisements, argues Durham, sell food that is a lot higher in fat, salt and sugar than healthier alternatives. “Many companies target children with offers of free toys, models of cartoon characters and gimmicky(耍花招的) packaging.”Government approaches to controlling advertising to children vary. In Sweden, one of the strictest countries where advertising is concerned, TV advertising to children under the age of 12 is banned. Greece bans television advertisements for children’s toys between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Denmark and the Netherlands also have legal controls whereas France, Britain and Germany prefer self­regulation(自动调节).Some countries are not as certain as the Swedes that advertising to children is harmful. The French argue that children need to see many advertisements so that they can develop their ability to think as they grow up. The belief is that advertising will help children to be more aware of its persuasive power.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(二) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(二) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(二)(建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解From a young age,I would climb up and down for fun.My first introduction to gymnastics(体操) was through my older sister Arielle,who used to be a gymnast.She taught me how to do my first cartwheel(侧手翻).By the end of the week,I was teaching myself one-armed cartwheels and my sister said to my mom,“You need to put this kid in gymnastics.”At about age 9,I realized that I wanted to pursue the Olympic path.I was used to the public eye,but the Olympic stage was different.The Games teach you to act in a certain way and to be disciplined(守纪律的).They teach you to be a mature young lady,and you grow up fast.When I started this journey,I never knew what it actually took to get to the Olympics.I thought it was:training.I had to give up a normal kind of life for gymnastics,but I didn’t mind.I moved from Virginia Beach to Iowa to get a different coach.I sacrificed my privacy.Gymnastics was what I was going to eat,breathe and sleep.It takes a lot to be an Olympic athlete.You may have a talent,but the people who work harder than you will surpass(超过) you.Throughout my career,a lot of people have doubted me.When someone tells you that you can’t do it,especially when there are many people,you start to believe it.It took me years to figure out how great I was at gymnastics.Fear held me back when I hurt my leg in 2011,but I told myself that I had a talent and that I was going to use it.I went to the world championships and got a team gold.I won three gold medals at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games and helped Team U.S.A. win gold at the 2011 and 2015 world championships.My mom used to say,“Inspire a generation.”It’s one thing when you say it,but I never thought that I would be a pioneer and that people would draw inspiration from my story.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者走上体操道路的过程以及通过拼搏获得成功的励志故事。



阅读强化训练(七)[学生用书P163(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解Shelton Murray has been playing the didgeridoo sincehe was five years old. Now 22, the musician will betravelling to the United States with the Australian ChamberOrchestra for the first time.Mr. Murray comes from an Aboriginal(土著的) community and said his love of the didgeridoo had grown out of his culture. He was taught by his father Lazarus Murray from a young age, but said he was also inspired by his grandfather Peter Apaak Jupurrula Miller. “My father learnt from David Blanasi. Then he taught me what he learnt from David,” he said.As the youngest member of a Tiwi Islander band called B2M (Bathurst to Melville) in the Northern Territory, Mr. Murray played the didgeridoo for the opening act of the Tina Arena Darwin concert in 2014. Now his didgeridoo skills have caught the attention of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, where he was invited to perform in the show The Reef Revisited, which will be touring the U.S. next week.“It’s exciting for me to be travelling over to America,” he said. Mr. Murray said there were challenges for young Aboriginal artists to break into the industry but said it is all about having the right attitude.Richard Tognetti, artistic director of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, said the team was excited to have Mr. Murray join the 25-person orchestra. “He’s bringing a really traditional approach. We respect the sound that he brings into the orche stra. We’re used to the sound of a didgeridoo but playing it in LA, New York and Richmond Virginia will be interesting for the audience,” he said.Another member of the orchestra, Aboriginal musician Steve Pigram, said he was proud of Mr. Murr ay’s achievement at such a young age. “He’s coming through that thing of performing in a reggae (popular music in the West Indies) rock band, same as what I did. But he’s got to this kind of level a little quicker. Well it’s taken me 40 years,” he said.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练15 阅读强化训练(十五) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练15 阅读强化训练(十五) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十五)[学生用书P171(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解In a small home garden, about 1.5 meters wide and 3 meterslong, a robotic device called the Farm Robot is busy plantingvegetable seeds. The Farm Robot will control the soil’s moisture(水分), water the seeds and plants,and take out any wild plants orweeds.Rory Aronson is the inventor of the Farm Robot and CEO of the company that produces it. But who would find the device helpful?“Our target customer is somebody who would like to grow his own food but doesn’t have time.”Aronson says he has been testing the Farm Robot in his garden. “We had peppers, spinach and tomatoes. We also had broccoli and cucumber. We had 65 plants in total and this was a big number.”To survive in extreme weather, the Farm Robot is made of stainless steel(不锈钢) and 3D printed plastic.The tools are designed to plant, water and care for each vegetable. They are attached to a long, thin stick that moves up and down the garden. Aronson says putting the Farm Robot together takes about a few hours. “If you can use a screwdriver(螺丝刀) and follow instructions, you should be able to put the Farm Robot together by yourself.” The Farm Robot works with Internet programs and can design a garden based on each person’s needs. Its software is open source. That means the computer program that makes it work can be freely used, changed and shared by anyone.Hundreds of people have already ordered the Farm Robot online. They can expect to receive their devices soon. The cost of the Farm Robot is $3,100. For now, it is only one size. But the company is planning to make bigger Farm Robots for commercial gardening.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练10 阅读强化训练(十) Word版含

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练10 阅读强化训练(十) Word版含

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(十)[学生用书P150(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)错误!阅读理解With exams just around the corner,now is a good time to exploresome of UCL’s lesser。

known(鲜为人知的)study spaces and get down tosome revision.Here are some good choices for you:UCL Senate House HubUCL Senate House Hub opened in 2015 and provides 144 study spaces。

What's more,you can check how many spaces are available online before you head to the place.Located on the 3rd floor of the South Block of Senate House,the center has room for individual(供一人用的)and group study in traditional library spaces,as well as armchairs and computers.UCL Eastman Dental LibraryThe newly­redecorated UCL Eastman Dental Library is located halfway along Gray's Inn Road and is open from Monday to Friday,9 am to 8 pm.The library has 72 study spaces and many IT facilities(设备).The library also has a study room for meetings and a computer room with a whiteboard.UCL Language & Speech Science LibraryUCL Language & Speech Science Library(LaSS)has disabled access and has recently been redecorated to add extra study spaces.With only 49 spaces,LaSS is smaller than most UCL libraries and tends to fill up quickly,so get there early to avoid disappointment.Senate House LibraryThis one may be cheating as Senate House Library is not technically a UCL library.However,all UCL students and staff can register(注册)for free membership online。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练8 阅读强化训练(八) Word版含解

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练8 阅读强化训练(八) Word版含解

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(八)[学生用书P164(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)错误!阅读理解The most wonderful time of t he year isn’t all that wonderful for those who hate opening presents in front of other people.Imagine it’s the Christmas morning. Your large family are looking at you because it's your turn to open a present. You try to make a response that will seem both grateful and genuine。

Instead, it comes across as awkward—even when you really like the present.According to the study by Professor Stefan Hofmann and Professor Mark Leary, this is a sign of ordinary social anxiety. Let’s explain some of the reasons why opening presents in front of others can make the gift opener so anxious.Some people just don’t like being the center of attention。

“Being the focus of everyone's attention puts pressure on people to be ‘perfect’ or follow social norms(规范). Everyone is more on their guard when lots of other people are watching,”Leary said。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练13 阅读强化训练(十三) Word版

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练13 阅读强化训练(十三) Word版

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(十三)[学生用书P153(单独成册)](建议用时:15分钟)错误!阅读理解One of the most unusual flowering plants in the world,the Snowdonia hawkweed(斯诺登水兰),grows only in Snowdonia National Park in northern Wales.The area is rocky and mountainous,and the air is cool and wet。

The Snowdonia hawkweed prefers this areA.In fact,it grows nowhere else in the world.It is even picky about where it grows in the park。

The Snowdonia hawkweed is about two inches tall with bright yellow flowers.It may not be the most beautiful plant in the world,but it is a favorite snack of sheep。

In 1953,the Snowdonia hawkweed disappeared.People feared that the plant was gone forever。

They believed that the sheep there had eaten the last few plants。

So,the people who ran the park took the sheep away from the area,hoping that the hawkweed might return。

In 2002,almost 50 years after it was thought to be extinct,a group of plant scientists found the yellow flowers in the park-exactly where it had last been seen,and where it had been searched for without success.The hawkweed had returned!To try to prevent the plant from disappearing again,scientists collected seeds (种子) from the plant。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练5 阅读强化训练(五) Word版含答案

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练5 阅读强化训练(五) Word版含答案

阅读强化训练(五)[学生用书P145(单独成册)](建议用时:15分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解As the father of a student,I have experienced first hand what a greatteacher is.My son was in the 4th grade last year,and he had a teachercalled Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely lookback on her as the best teacher he has ever had.My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn.She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result,he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching,she would have them close their textbooks,stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again.Besides,she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.When my son went to the 5th grade this year,we happened to pass her classroom.When she saw my son,her face lit up and she came out and hugged him.She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows.I can only pray that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.【解题导语】作者在本文中主要介绍了自己的儿子有注意力缺损症,幸运的是他遇到了一位好老师,这位老师用一种很巧妙的方法可以让儿子集中注意力。



阅读强化训练(六)[学生用书P162(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解In this day and age, knowing exactly what and how muchyou’re eating is necessary. You’ve probably used caloriecalculators(计算器) on your smartphones before. Forexample, a calculator will tell you the average number ofcalories in a hamburger. However, it acts only as a guide, and it can’t tell you exactly how many calories are in the hamburger at your favorite fast food joint. Now Panasonic’s new device, CaloRieco, can actually give you accurate information on exactly what is on your plate in a few seconds.Showcased at the CEATEC 2017 tech show, CaloRieco is a high-tech device that uses light reflection technology to offer accurate and expeditious calorie information so as to determine the nutritional values of any food. All you have to do is place your plate in the box-shaped device and wait between 10 and 20 seconds for it to analyze all the food there.Once it’s done analyzing the various foods in your meal, CaloRieco displays the number of calories, as well as the nutritional content on an LED display. According to Panasonic, the device is able to recognize the vast majority of foods, except soups and similar food. CaloRieco can also connect to your smartphone via an app, and send all the data about analyzed foods to your Personal Digital Assistant, so you can access it whenever you need.Panasonic said that its invention is aimed at people going on a diet and diabetes(糖尿病) sufferers, both of whom make up a sizable market. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get your hands on your very own CaloRieco, as the device presented at CEATEC is just a model. It’s scheduled to hit the market sometime in the next few years, but the price remains a mystery.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款可以快速准确提供食物热量信息的最新设备。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练6 阅读强化训练(六) Word版含答

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修一新素养同步阅读强化训练6 阅读强化训练(六) Word版含答

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(六)[学生用书P146(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)错误!阅读理解Emilio Guzman,77,began taking adult education classes a few yearsago.He took classes twice a day and spent long hours studying atst year,he passed four of the five tests needed for a high schooldiploma(文凭).But on the math part,he wasn’t even close.As his failures increased,Guzman began to feel he was letting his teachers down。

But the difficulty also made his drive stronger.Guzman needed an eight to pass,but on the first three tries never got higher than three。

In September,he broke through with a six.His goal suddenly seemed within reach,and he dug in for a final push.Guzman is no stranger to hard work.Growing up,he walked several miles each way to school,playing soccer with stones along the way when his shoes wore out,his father made him a new pair by hand.“He told me,‘When you want to do something,you do it,'”Guzman recalled。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(一) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修六新素养同步阅读强化训练(一) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(一)(建议用时:15分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解Shortly after World War Ⅱ,a Dutch art dealer was arrested(逮捕) for secretly selling paintings by Vermeer (1632-1675) to the Nazis who invaded Holland during the war. Because Vermeer is considered to be one of Holland’s best painters, the dealer was charged with selling national treasures to the enemy. To avoid the punishment for this serious crime, he admitted that the paintings were forgeries(伪造品), or fakes—he had painted them himself and fooled the art world and the Nazis. Today, experts agree that the forgeries do not look like Vermeer’s other works. Why, then, did the art world accept the fakes as real?One reason why they were accepted was that the forgeries actually looked different than Vermeer’s other works. The dealer had claimed(声称) that the forgeries were from an unknown period early in Vermeer’s art career. Because painters’ styles often change throughout their careers, art historians at the time did n ot expect the “new discoveries” to look exactly like the known works of Vermeer. In fact, because they did not look similar to the known works, experts did not bother to look at them carefully. This is because experts expect a forger to copy famous paintings as closely as possible. Once the art dealer’s first forgeries were accepted as real, he was free to make more. The others closely matched the first paintings in style, so they were also accepted as real Vermeer paintings from the same early period.Ano ther reason experts were fooled is what some historians call The Emperor’s New Clothes effect. In Hans Christian Andersen’s story, The Emperor’s Ne w Clothes, two criminals convince an emperor that he is wearing beautiful clothes, when he is actually naked(赤裸的). No one in the empire wants to admit that they cannot see the clothes because they believe the clothes are magic and that only good people can see them. Similarly, the art world was influenced by a famous art historian, Wilhelm von Bode, who said the forgeries were some of Vermeer’s best works. Because von Bode was highly respected, other experts began praising the “new discoveries”.At the time, this made it difficult to criticize(批评) the paintings or suggest that they were fakes.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(七)牛津译林版选修6

2019-2020学年高中英语 阅读强化训练(七)牛津译林版选修6

阅读强化训练(七)(建议用时:25分钟)错误!阅读理解As dusk was approaching, we made our way down to the beach, as did everyone else. Some people had even brought along a picnic, a family day out. As it got darker, people became quiet and talked less, keeping an eye out on the beach.Suddenly there was movement at the edge(边缘) of the surf and all heads turned as one。

There, standing by the edge of the water was the smallest penguin we had ever seen. He looked left, then right, as if he was considering crossing a busy road and then he ran quickly across to the sand and the penguin burrows(洞穴).He must have been the scout,__because after him, there came groups of penguins: some consisted of two or three penguins and some had about ten or fifteen, but they all made that same mad dash across the sand into the burrows,as if they couldn’t get there fast enough. The crowd of penguin watchers was quiet,except for the occasional “oohs" and “ahs” from adults as well as children. The groups started to become fewer in number and finally no more penguins came from the sea。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练14 阅读强化训练(十四) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练14 阅读强化训练(十四) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十四)[学生用书P170(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解The science of happiness has turned up evidence that food can make you happy. However, a lack of certain foods or at least some of their essential ingredients can actually make you sad.A fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)is the most plentiful fat found in the brain.It’s an essential ingredient for brain structure. It’s also easy to get; two major sources of DHA are fish and shellfish. A study by the National Institutes of Health(NIH)uncovered a link between lack of DHA and an increase in the prevalence(患病率) of depression in the United States.Other studies support the link the NIH found. One study turned up the fact that North American and European countries that don’t eat a lot of fis h have 10 times the prevalence of depression in their populations than does Taiwan, where fish is a main course of the popular diet.Strangely, while some foods have been shown to improve mood in the human brain, researchers have found that putting a limit on food intake can have an even more obvious effect on happiness. A hormone called ghrelin within the stomach heads over to the brain and tells it that it’s time to eat. When ghrelin is produced, you feel hungry. After you take food into the body, ghrelin production stops. When you don’t eat, however, ghrelin production continues and the hormone builds up in the brain. While the increased ghrelin will make your hunger last longer, researchers have found that the hormone also acts as a natural antidepressant(抗抑郁剂).Whether it’s psychological or physiological, it’s clear that foods have a powerful effect on our moods. It would appear that eating only nutrient­packed(富含营养的) foods that affect brain chemistry might be the best way to achieve happiness. But the occasional indulgence(放纵) should make you just as happy. Perhaps a healthy balance of nutritious foods and snacks can help keep the balance in a person’s mood best of all.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修二新素养同步阅读强化训练1 阅读强化训练(一) Word版含解

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修二新素养同步阅读强化训练1 阅读强化训练(一) Word版含解

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(一)(建议用时:15分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解A group of scientists in the Netherlands recently used high-tech methods to examine a secret hidden inside an ancient Chinese statue(雕像). It was sent to the Drents Museum in the northeastern Netherlands as part of an exhibit。

But while working on the statue, researchers took the chance to study the body of a Buddhist monk(佛僧) inside it。

The statue was shipped to a medical center for CT scans, which are tests that produce X-ray pictures. Scientists used the technology to find out the statue’s hidden secrets。

The body of the monk was sitting on top of a roll of cloth marked with Chinese characters(字). The cloth shows that the monk was named Liu Quan and lived around the year 1100。

“On the outside, it looked like a large statue of Buddha," said Vincent van Vilsteren from the Drents Museum。

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修三新素养同步阅读强化训练(七) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语必修三新素养同步阅读强化训练(七) Word版含解析

姓名,年级:时间:阅读强化训练(七)[学生用书P147(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)错误!阅读理解Living a healthy lifestyle lies in forming the right eating habits。

Here are some of the good habits you can develop when it comes to healthy eating。

Drink plenty of water。

You must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day。

You may need even more water if you are in a hot environment or if you are exercising.Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day。

A recent study has shown that those who eat breakfast will consume an average of 100 calories less during the day than their colleagues(同事) who skip breakfast. They will also be able to concentrate better.Don’t skip lunch. If you do so, your blood sugar level will drop and your metabolism(新陈代谢) will slow down. When you get home you are starving and eat everything you can find。

We all need to snack from time to time, but please choose your snacks carefully. In fact, it's a good idea to eat two healthy snacks besides your three main meals. Choose healthy snacks like fruits, low fat yogurt, cottage cheese with apple sauce。

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练16 阅读强化训练(十六) Word版含解析

2019-2020学年译林版英语选修七新素养同步阅读强化训练16 阅读强化训练(十六) Word版含解析

阅读强化训练(十六)[学生用书P172(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解Become a volunteer and help those who need your help in your community! V olunteer work includes helping the poor, helping the families whose houses were destroyed by national disasters or creating green spaces for neighborhood families. Whichever service activity you choose, you have the “power of one”to make a difference and create a real change in the community!Our holiday volunteer jobs are open to all Americans. You don’t need any special skills to join and there are no age limits. With Biosphere Expedition(生物探险), you can be a wildlife and environmental volunteer for anywhere from two weeks to two months. You’ll work with local scientists, and the leaders from Biosphere Expedition will be by your side.We need students at the age of 16 and up who study at school and want a chance to use their talents, skills and knowledge to help the little kids. Most of them have enough patience and are warmhearted. Join the V olunteer Service Center today! V olunteers are the greatest people in the world. Let’s work together to make the world a better place.【解题导语】本文主要目的是招募义工,用来帮助社区中需要帮助的人,和科学家一起进行探险以及有耐心地帮助小孩子们,每项活动对于招募义工的要求都有所不同。

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阅读强化训练(六)[学生用书P162(单独成册)](建议用时:25分钟)Ⅰ阅读理解In this day and age, knowing exactly what and how much you’re eating is necessary. You’ve probably used calorie calculators(计算器) on your smartphones before. For example, a calculator willtell you the average number of calories in a hamburger. However, itacts only as a guide, and it can’t tell you exactly how many calories are in the hamburger at your favorite fast food joint. Now Panasonic’s new device, CaloRieco, can actually give you accurate information on exactly what is on your plate in a few seconds.Showcased at the CEATEC 2017 tech show, CaloRieco is a high-tech device that uses light reflection technology to offer accurate and expeditious calorie information so as to determine the nutritional values of any food. All you have to do is place your plate in the box-shaped device and wait between 10 and 20 seconds for it to analyze all the food there.Once it’s done analyzing the various foods in your meal, CaloRieco displays the number of calories, as well as the nutritional content on an LED display. According to Panasonic, the device is able to recognize the vast majority of foods, except soups and similar food. CaloRieco can also connect to your smartphone via an app, and send all the data about analyzed foods to your Personal Digital Assistant, so you can access it whenever you need.Panasonic said that its invention is aimed at people going on a diet and diabetes(糖尿病) sufferers, both of whom make up a sizable market. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get your hands on your very own CaloRieco, as the device presented at CEATEC is just a model. It’s scheduled to hit the market sometime in the next few years, but the price remains a mystery.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款可以快速准确提供食物热量信息的最新设备。

1.What’s special about the new CaloRieco?A.It can be linked to our smartphones.B.It can act as a guide on healthy food.C.It can tell you the average calories in food.D.It can provide accurate calorie information on food.D解析:细节理解题。

根据第一段CaloRieco, can actually give you accurate information on exactly what is on your plate可知,该设备可以准确计算食物的热量。

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “expeditious”in Paragraph 2?A.Simple. B.Quick.C.Normal. D.Satisfying.B解析:词义猜测题。

根据第二段All you have to do is place your plate...seconds for it to analyze all the food there.可知,该设备可以准确迅速地提供热量信息,由此可推测expeditious意为“迅速的”。

3.What’s the disadvantage of CaloRieco?A.It is difficult to operate.B.It couldn’t be used outdoors.C.It cannot work without an app.D.It functions poorly with liquid food.D解析:细节理解题。

根据第三段the device is able to recognize...except soups and similar food可知,该设备不能识别流质食物。

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.We can get CaloRieco at a cheap price.B.CaloRieco is not suitable for healthy people.C.CaloRieco is not available to consumers at present.D.The invention of CaloRieco is proved to be a success.C解析:推理判断题。

根据最后一段末句It’s scheduled to hit the market sometime in the next few years...可推断,CaloRieco目前还不能购买。

Ⅱ完形填空There’s a tiny town called Waterford in Eastern Ohio. Every other year something very __1__ happens there—a __2__ that turns an entire town into one big __3__. These days, apple butter is still cooked on-site in the __4__ method, stirred for hours in huge kettles over open fires.Making a pple butter isn’t __5__,but it has to be done right. The fire can’t be too hot, or too cool. You can’t stir too fast, or too slow. And above all, the stir stick can never __6__. It’s all about getting people together. Strangers are __7__ and passers-by are waved over to the stir for a __8__.Young, a fifth-grade teacher __9__ times when Apple Butter Weekend was just her, her mother, and her grandmother. These days they’ll __10__ forty people or more, cooking up 100 pints(品脱) at a time. Most gets divided up among the family, but plenty __11__ in fridges acrossWaterford and beyond.“We don’t __12__ it,”said Young. “But,”she said, “if you ask, you’re going to get it.”The family has faced many challenges over the years, __13__ 13 times during the 1960s. But wherever they’ve lived, her parents always made friends the __14__ way they make apple butter: by doing the little things the right way, paying attention at every moment.“They’ve done everything in __15__ steps.” Young said. “I always say, my mom and dad have huge ears. They just __16__. They aren’t quick to judge, and they aren’t quick to __17__ anythi ng. They’ve made a life of working on __18__.”So Apple Butter Weekend in Waterford isn’t just about the apple butter. __19__,the weekend is about community: teaching the youngsters, learning from the elders, making new friends and passing on unchanging __20__ even as the world changes.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。
