
英语国家概况自考题-2(总分100,考试时间90分钟)PART ONEⅠ.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefullyFor each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked are given. Choose the one that you think **pletes the statement or answers the question.1. At present, there are ______ member countries within the Commonwealth(1991).A. 50 B.45 C. 55 D. 402. The Anglo-Saxons brought ______ religion to Britain.A. Druidism B. Roman Catholic C. Teutonic D. Christian3. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ______.A. 1086 B. 1066 C. 1035 D. 13814. Which of the following is not true about "Domesday Book"?A. It **piled to discover how much to be called upon to pay by taxes. B. It was so called because it seemed to the English like the Book of Doom used on Judgment Day. C. It **pleted as the result of a general survey of England. D. It is kept in the public library in London.5. According to Magna Carta no tax should be made without the approval of ______.A. the witan B. the King C. the Grand Council D. the Commons6. The Hundred Years' War between England and France was caused by ______.A. racial struggles B. territorial and economic disputes C. colonial expansions D. struggle for new territories7. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______.A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family8. The religious reform in England in the 16th century was to ______ and to make ______ Church of England.A. cut connections with the Pope, an independent B. establish connections with the Pope, a Catholic C. establish new relations with the Pope, a Royal D. alter theology in everyway, revolutionary9. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabeth age. Which of the four is the exception?A. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with parliament. B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith. C. This was the age of literature which Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed. D. This was the beginning of trade and colonization.10. The First Civil War in England began in ______ and ended in ______.A. 1640, 1642 B. 1620, 1640 C. 1607, 1620 D. 1642, 164611. In Britain the Nonconformists were originally called the ______.A. Puritans B. Levelers C. Catholics D. Cavaliers12. In Britain, the Tories were the forerunners of ______, which still bears the nickname today.A. the Labor Party B. the Conservative Party. C. the Liberal Party D. the Social Democratic Party13. After ______ between Britain and France, Canada was ceded to Britain by the 1763 Treaty of Paris.A. the Six Years' War B. the Quebec War C. the Canadian War D. the Seven Years' War14. The Reform Act of 1832 was also called ______ which abolished "rotten boroughs".A. the Election Act of 1832 B. the Greater Charter of 1832 C. the petition of Right D. the Anti-Corruption Act15. The first woman prime minister in Britain was ______ who came to power in ______.A. Margaret Thatcher, 1979 B. Elizabeth Ⅰ, 1979 C. Edward Heath, 1973 D. Harold Macmillan, 195016. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal?A. All hereditary peers and peeresses of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom(but not peers of Ireland). B. Life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties. C. Senior bishops of the Church of England. D. All other life peers.17. Which of the following is not involved in the British judicial responsibilities?A. Attorney General. B. Ministry of Justice. C. The Lord Chancellor. D. The Home Secretary.18. Police forces are allowed to join some organizations except ______.A. a club B. a trade union C. a political D. the army19. Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?A. Every person in Britain may change his religion, but with difficulty. B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance. C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from **munity or the State. D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property andpropagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.20. Which statement about the British universities is not true?A. They enjoy academic freedom. B. They cannot appoint their own staff. C. They are governed by royal charters. D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.21. Which of the following is not quality newspaper in Britain?A. Financial Times. B. The Sun. C. The Guardian. D. The Times.22. The home of golf is ______ where the game has been played since the ______ century.A. Scotland, 17th B. England, 17th C. England, 18th D. Scotland, 18th23. ______ remain the most significant feature of Irish landscape.A. Lakes B. Low ridges C. Cliffs D. Bogs24. Which of the following statements about Ireland's history is true?A. Ireland was invaded only by Celtic tribes. B. The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 432 was perhaps the most important event in Irish history. C. At the early of the 8th century the Viking invasions began. D. In 1170, the Anglo-Saxons invaded Ireland and from then on, the conflict between the English and the Irish went on for almost 600 years.25. Ireland declared itself a republic in ______.A. 1921 B. 1945 C. 1917 D. 194926. Christopher Columbus was ______ navigator who was supported by the ______.A. a Spanish, Spanish queen B. an Italian, Spanish queen C. an English, English queen D. a portuguese, portuguese king27. The Constitution was first ratified by ______ in December 1787.A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Georgia D. Delaware28. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery issue became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because ______.A. whether the future states formed as a result of the westward movement should be free or slave world affect the balance of power in the Senate B. the south insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territories C. the north refused to let slavery spread into new territories D. the north wanted to put an end to slavery29. With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in the early 20th century in the USA, there appeared ______.A. a rapid growth of cities B. an influx of foreign goods C. an increase of urban ghettos D. a great increase in the number of farms30. Which of the following does not account for President Theodore Roosevelt's contributions?A. The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects. B. The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trustAct. C. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906. D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.31. ______ was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S.A. The bankruptcy of banksB. Serious unemployment C. The stock market crash D. Farm foreclosures32. Which of the following that are concerned with President Franklin D. Roosevelt is not true?A. the New Deal. B. the Teheran Conference. C. the Yalta Conference. D. the Potsdam Conference.33. Which of the following is not true about McCarthyism?A. It was the reflection of anti-Communism on the American society. B. It refers to the anti-Communist hysteria in the United States. C. The court played a role in approving the lawfulness of anti-Communist activities. D. It frightened a large number of Americans who felt it would be more dangerous to conform than to disagree with the majority.34. ______ was elected president because in the late 1970s, the American society turned conservative.A. Ronald Reagan B. Jimmy Carter C. Richard M. Nixon D. George Bush35. ______, the Pacific Coast's largest and **mercial city and the second largest city in population in the United States, is located in the heart of a rich agriculture and oil-producing region. A. San Francisco B. Los Angeles C. New York D. New Orleans36. The president cannot veto a law if Congress passes it by a ______ vote at the second time.A. one-third B. half C. two-thirds D. three-fourths37. ______ must **e from the House of representation.A. Legislative bills B. Commercial bills C. Revenue bills D. Budget bills38. According to the U.S. Constitution, education is a function of the ______.A. state B. federal government C. church D. voters39. Junior colleges include the following colleges except ______.A. Bible B. community C. junior D. technical40. Mummers Parade held in ______ is one of the most popular New Year's Day activities.A. New York City B. Washington D.C. C. Philadelphia D. pasadena41. ______ is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.A. Independence Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. Christmas Day D. New Year's Day42. It was ______ who established the settlement in Canada in 1608.A. Henry Hudson B. John Cabot C. Jacques Carder D. Samuel de Champlain43. According to the new federal Immigration Act (1978), the following are the fundamental objectives of Canadian immigration law except ______.A. family reunion B. concern for refugees C. promotion of the economic development of the country D. preservation of British culture44. Australia is the world's ______ continent with an area of about ______ million square kilometres.A. second largest, 8.7 B. smallest, 7.7 C. third largest, 6.7 D. fourth, 6.245. 80% of Australians live in ______.A. the west B. the north C. the south and east D. the central46. New South Wales was the first colony set up by Britain in ______, so it is the oldest of the Australian states.A. 1776 B. 1778 C. 1788 D. 178947. Queensland is also called ______.A. the garden state B. the sunshine state C. the premier state D. the state of excitement48. ______ is also called the garden city because of its beautiful layout.A. Tasmania B. Canberra C. Victoria D. South Australia49. New Zealand consists of two main islands: ______.A. North Island and South Island B. Steward Island and Long Island C. West Island and East Island D. Victorian Island and Tasman Island50. The climate in New Zealand is generally ______.A. hot B. cold C. dry D. temperatePART TWOⅡ.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions1. How did the Anglo-Saxons invade England?2. What is the main spirit of the Great Charter?3. What was Puritanism noted for?4. What was the goal of the London Working Men's Association in its struggle?5. What are Established churches in Britain?6. What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?7. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?8. What are the three giants in the American automobile industry?.9. Why is education very important to Americans?10. Where is the name "Canada" believed to **e from?Ⅲ.Explain each of the following terms in English1. William the Conqueror2. the Industrial Revolution3. the Bill of Rights4. Two-Party System of USA。

1.第1题A great moment for the civil rights movement was the March on Washington on August, 1963 when President Kennedy gave the famous " I Have a Dream" speech.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题It is not very difficult to generalize about the American way of life.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题The most exciting moment in baseball game is a homerun.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题According the First Amendament to the Constitution of the United States, there would be a state-supported religion.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题In the US, scientific and economic advance and rising material progress have been accompanied by a decline in religious observance.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第6题When people outside the UK talk about England,they mistake it as Britain sometimes.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.07.第7题Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is a large city.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.08.第8题Free press has the function of keeping an eye on the government, and therefore it is called the watchdog of parliamentary democracy.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.09.第9题In Britain, class and educational differences are reflected in the newspaper people read.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.010.第10题The world' s oldest daily newspaper is The Observer.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011.第11题Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.012.第12题Under a Constitutional Amendament passed in 1951, a president can be elected to only one term.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.013.第13题The 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government are called the Bill of Rights.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.014.第14题Super Bowl will decide the champion baseball team of the year in the US.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015.第15题Ireland is part of Great Britain您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.016.第16题Sinn Fein is a legal political party in Northern Ireland.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.017.第17题Northern Ireland today is governed by separate juristictions: that of Republic of Ireland and that of Great Britain.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.018.第18题Critics of the affirmative action programs are of the opinion that this results in reverse discrimination.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019.第19题Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020.第20题" We Shall Overcome!" is a very famous song during the 1960s.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.021.第21题The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US now is the blacks, or Afro-Americans.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022.第22题George Washington, Banjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founing fathers of the USA.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.023.第23题Drug abuse in the US has come to be regarded asone of the most challenging social problems facing the nation.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.024.第24题Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the US.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.025.第25题John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected as the US president.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.026.第26题The theory of poltiics of the American Revolution came from John Locke, a French philosopher in the 17th century.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.027.第27题Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.028.第28题It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029.第29题Queen Elizabeth II is both the head of the state and the head of government in the UK.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030.第30题Secrecy is an important part of the voting process.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.031.第31题The Labour Party is the oldest party in the UK.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第32题The Conservative Party is the party that spent most time in power.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第33题The first English permanent settlement was founded in California.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第34题The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.035.第35题Public schools in the UK are part of the national education system and funded by the government.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第36题You must have the A-level qualification to enter British university.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第37题Britain is no longer an imperial country.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第38题Scotland was never conquered by the Romans.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第39题The tradition of having Sunday off derived from the Christian Church.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第40题Segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1954.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.041.第41题The US was founded on the principle of human equality, and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.042.第42题In the early 20th century, those dominating American life were mostly WASPs.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.043.第43题In 1863, President Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation which together with the 13th Amendament to the Constitution legally abolished the slavery.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.044.第44题There are more Catholics thatn Protestants in the US.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.045.第45题The Commonwealth of Nations includes all European countries.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.046.第46题Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called " Gaelic" .您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.047.第47题The title of Prince of Wales is held by a Welsh according to tradition.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.048.第48题The British media play an important role in shaping a national culture.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.049.第49题To advertise in a British newspaper, the only thing you have to worry about is the cost.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.050.第50题The game of golf was invented by the Scottish.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.051.第51题Horse racing is the true royal sport.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.052.第52题The president has the authority to appointfederal judges, and all such court appointment are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.053.第53题There is more violence in the US than in other industrialized countries.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.054.第54题The state of Hawaii is a big island in the central Pacific Ocean.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.055.第55题Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.056.第56题The Good Friday Agreement was approved on 10 April 1998.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.057.第57题According to the textbook, larger American universities are always better, and more desirable universities are always more expensive.您的答案:错误此题得分:1.058.第58题American university students have always liked to get degrees that are aimed at preparing them specifically for certain professions.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.059.第59题The anti-war teach-in by white students in Berkeley began the civil rights movement in the 1960s.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.060.第60题When the civil rights movement began,non-violent, direct action tactics like "sit-ins" and boycotts were he chief vehicle for social protest.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.061.第61题President Nixon' s administration was toppled because of the Watergate Affair.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.062.第62题In the 1960s, three groups - Afro-Americans, Asia Americans and women - were dissatisfied with their lives.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.063.第63题Hollywood films give the wrong impressions that all Americans are rich.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.064.第64题Thre are more than 100 Protestants sects in the US today.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.065.第65题Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.066.第66题It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involved the sport of boxing.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.067.第67题Britain has a written constitution like most countries.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.068.第68题In Britain, the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revoltuion, in contrast to France and the US.您的答案:正确此题得分:1.069.第69题In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.070.第70题According to the textbook, there are two major political parties in the UK.您的答案:错误题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.071.第71题Aristrocracy as a class no longer exists in the UK.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.072.第72题Northern Ireland is often called " Ulster" after an ancient Irish kingdom once existed in this area.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.073.第73题By the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Europe.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.074.第74题The British state actively interferes with the decision of when, where, how and what children are taught.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.075.第75题All secondary schools in Britain are run and supervised by the government.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.076.第76题The Open Univeristy uses many non-traditional ways to teach students, such as TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, and a network of study centers.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.077.第77题The stereotype of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.078.第78题Scotland was unified with England through violent means.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.079.第79题One of the things that decides whether an applicant can be accepted by a college in the USis his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.080.第80题It takes at least four years to get a bachelor' s degree from an institution of higher education in the US.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:99.0。
余志远《英语国家概况》(2015年版)教材的配套题库(第十章 美国人口Population)【圣才出

第十章美国人口PopulationⅠ.Multiple Choice.1.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Hispanic population in the U.S.?(北京交大2007研)A.They all speak Spanish.B.They are Catholics.C.Most of them are poor.D.They are all migrant workers.【答案】D【解析】拉美裔美国人是指来自美国本土以外讲西班牙语的移民;他们信仰天主教;失学率高,在劳动力市场上占劣势,因此大多数面临贫困问题。
Migrant Workers移民工人是指在某国工作但并非该国公民的人,选项D与事实不符,为正确答案。
2.The first blacks were brought to North America as_____.A.servantsB.slavesC.farmersD.teachers【答案】B【解析】黑人最初是作为奴隶被带到北美的。
3.Which of the following was not a true description of southern blacks’situation after the Civil War?(中山大学2008研)A.They were provided separate but equal facilities and services.B.They were second-class citizens.C.They were terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan.D.Their freedom was restricted by“black codes”.【答案】A【解析】美国内战后,黑人名义上获得了平等,但事实上地位依然很低,权利也得不到保障;他们还受到三K党的暴力威胁;从19世纪70年代开始,美国南部各州制定了《黑人法典》,对黑人实行种族隔离或种族歧视。

I.MULTIPLE CHOICERead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each)1. There are three dicisions on the island of Great Britain:Englan,Scotland and Wales.2. , among the British monarchs,was regarded as “the father of the British navy.”ⅡⅧthe Great the Conqueror3. The Celtic tribes are NOT ancestors of the .Scots4. The Romans remained in control of Britain for about years.5. One particular feafure of the feudal system of England was that all landowners took oath of allegiance for the land they held .their immediate lord,but not to the kingthe king, but not to their immediate lordto their immediate lord nor to the kingonly to their immediate lord but also to the kingMagna Carta had altogether 63 clauses,of which the most important ones were the following EXCEPT that .tax should be made without the approval of the Grand CouncilChurch should possess all its righs together with freedom of electionsand other towns should give up their ancient rights and privilegesfreeman should be arrested,imprisoned,or deprived of his property except by the law of the landname of the Hundred Years’War(1337-1453) is given to the intermittent war between . and England and Englanand England and England8. The Peasant Uprising of 1381 in Britain .brutally suppresseda great success in English historythe development of capitalismlittle significance in English history9. treated 5 questions-her religion,her marriage,her foreign policy,her succession to the throne,and her finance-as personal and private.ⅠⅡStuart Tudor10. The lasted intermittently for 30 years.War World WarC. Wars of the Roes World War11. was responsible for the English Reformation in British history.ⅠⅧthe Great the Conqueror12. The most famous literary work written by John Miton in the late 17th century was . lost Caesar’s progressBill of Rights (1689)was finally accepted by thus marking the beginning of the age constitutional monarchy.ⅠⅡⅡand Marychanges in the late 18th century Britain were caused by the following Except.enclosure ActsBakewell’s selective breedingfarms cultivated on the “open-field”agricultural machinery invented by Jethro Tull15. The two events which most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century were .Enlightenment and Frence RevolutionIndustrial Revotution and French RevolutionAmerican War of Independence and French RevolutionHundred Years’ War a nd the American War of Independencethe First World War,the Allies included .,Italy and Turkey,France and Russiaand Austria-Hungary,Germany and Austriap-Hungarythe oldest British institution ,the has lasted for more than 1000 years.Concil’s Metropol itan Police Force is directly under the control of .Chancellor of JusticeHome Secretary Attorney General19. A who practices with 7000 patients or more in England may apply for fundholding status.practitionerto the textbook,the British public reads more than virtually any other country in the world.essays21. According to the textbook,the five most populous cities in the United States are . York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Miami and DetroitYork, Chicago,Los Angeles,Pittsburgh and PhiladelphiaYork,Los Angeles,Chicago,New Orleans and PhiladelphiaYork,Los Angeles,Chicago,San Francisco and Philadelphia22. lived on the land by hunting,gathering,fishing and farming even before the discovery of the New World.Puritans IndiansPilgrims black slavesresult of the War with Mexico was that .was added to the UnionUnited States paid 10 million dollars to Mexicoagreed to give Louisiana to the United StatesD. Mexico was forced to agree to give Califormia and NewMexico to the United States American Civil War ended in and cost American 618,000 lives.25. was NOT among the contents of President Roosevelt’s New Deal.of federal labor lawssocial security systemsthe recovery of industry and agriculturegovernment regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systemsleaders of the United States,the Soviet Union and met three times during the Second World War.an executive order in 1947 started the violation of the Bill of Rights and widespread persecution of Communists and progressive people.Truman McCarthyMarshall Kennangreat impacts of the Vietnam War on American society included the following EXCEPT that .was great unity within the ruling circleimage of the United States was discreditedUnited States was weakened because of the long warwere divided in their attitudes towards American society29. was the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam.surrender in 1945outbreak of the Korean WarFrench invasion of Indochina’s decision to send military aid to Vietnam to support the French30. Which statement about the is NOT true?is both an economic and technological giant.by far the biggest industrial country in the world.is first in such advanced fields as computers, space,nuclear energy and electronics.produces a major portion of the world’s industri al products and its share is growing rapidly. 31. In the . produce about 85% of the total output of goods and services.enterisesenterprisesin independent professional practiceprivately owned and operated businessesinvolvement in the economy increased dramatically during the .Depression of prosperityWorld War Movementstatement about the is NOT true?Constitution is the supreme law of the land.American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world.Constitution was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in the same year.Constitution has provided the basis for its political stability,economic growth and social progress. order to make sure than the new government would not misuse its powers,the writers of the Constitution set up a system of in the form of separation of powers.supervisonand balances supervision,the number of presidential electors in the . is the number of Senators and Representatives each state has in Congress.to thanthan % more thanis a certain degree of similarity in the . elementary school curriculun,which mainly consists of mastery of the “basics”,such as .,writing and arithmetic ,visual arts and grammar,history and music ,writing and musicthe early 1900s,the kind of two-year colleges that emerged to meet the immediate need of the economic expansion and rapid in immigrants of the times was the .arts college collegeuniversity university38. is a historical,national and religious holiday that began with the Pilgrims.day DayYea r’s Day ’s Day39. is regarded as Mark Twain’s master work.Gilded Ageon the MississippiAdventures of Tom SawyerAdventures of Huckleberry Finn40. was the spokesman for the “Lost Generation’.Hemingway Dreiser Wrightbecame a major port in Canada because it is .to Ottawato the city of Quebecthe province of Quebecan island in the River42. According to the textbook,Canada is a country with a population of 26,300,000. large largesmall small43. In 1885,the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed and the country was linked .north to south coast to coastthe United States South Americais official language(s) in Ireland.1948,Ireland voted itself the commonweath and on April 18,1949 declared itself a republic.ofpart of member of’s Eastern Highlands are better known as .Dividing Range Great BarrierGreat Dividing Range Great Barrier Range47. In 1996,Australia’s population is about 18 million or about people to the square kilometer.B. threerecent years Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to and this policy is called multiculturalism.their culturestheir own culturesfrom other culturesup their own culturesare all over Newzealand.Day is New Zealand’s .Day DayYear’s Day Day非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家不包括以下哪一个?A. 美国B. 英国C. 澳大利亚D. 法国答案:D2. 英语起源于哪个国家?A. 法国B. 德国C. 丹麦D. 英格兰答案:D3. 以下哪个国家不是英语国家?A. 加拿大B. 新西兰C. 爱尔兰D. 巴西答案:D4. 英语国家的人口总数大约是多少?A. 1亿B. 3亿C. 5亿D. 10亿答案:C5. 英语国家中,哪个国家的官方语言除了英语还有法语?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 新西兰答案:B6. 英语国家中,哪个国家是君主立宪制?A. 美国B. 英国C. 澳大利亚D. 新西兰答案:B7. 英语国家中,哪个国家是联邦制?A. 英国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 新西兰答案:B8. 英语国家中,哪个国家有“长白云之乡”的美誉?A. 美国B. 英国C. 新西兰D. 澳大利亚答案:C9. 英语国家中,哪个国家的首都不是以英语命名的?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚答案:A10. 英语国家中,哪个国家是世界最大的钻石生产国?A. 英国B. 加拿大C. 澳大利亚D. 博茨瓦纳答案:D(虽然博茨瓦纳不是英语国家,但此题考察的是钻石生产国)二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语国家中,______(加拿大)的官方语言除了英语还有法语。
2. 英语起源于______(英格兰)。
3. 英语国家中,______(澳大利亚)被称为“骑在羊背上的国家”。
4. 英语国家中,______(新西兰)被称为“长白云之乡”。
5. 英语国家中,______(美国)是世界最大的经济体。
6. 英语国家中,______(英国)拥有世界上最古老的君主制。
7. 英语国家中,______(加拿大)是世界上面积第二大的国家。
8. 英语国家中,______(澳大利亚)是世界上唯一一个占据整个大陆的国家。
9. 英语国家中,______(美国)的首都华盛顿特区是以美国第一任总统的名字命名的。

2015年4月全国高等教育自学考试试题英语(一)试卷本试卷共8 页,满分100 分;考试时间150 分钟。
第一部分:阅读判断(第1〜10题,每题1分,共10分)下面的短文后列出了10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A ;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。
The Greatest GiftOne day, I was telling my mother about a new girl in school. Suddenly she asked, "Who are your two best friends, Helen?""Jill and Jaime.""Well, what about Karen and Cindy?""I don't know who their best friends are.""No,"she said."I mean, why aren't they your best friends?"She seemed upset and hurt."But they're my sisters.""Yes, but they can still be your best friends. Friends may come and go, but your sisters will always be there for you."At the time, the idea of my sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me.We used to fight over toys, food, attention and what to watch on television. But my mother never let the three of us forget it:sisters are lifelong friends. Her wish was to give us something that she had never had. When she gave birth to three daughters, the fulfillmen(t 实现)of her dream had only just begun. She had given us each a gi—ft our sisters—and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted.She would frequently tell us how lucky we were, constantly take us to places together so we grew closer, and would even punish us equally, giving us yet another bonding (亲密关系)experienee.It was somewhere in between Mom's lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories that we realized that Mom was right. Today I share things with my sisters that I share with noone else. My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side by side, holding hands when erossing the finishing line. When Karen got married, I was her maid of honor.The three of us trust eaeh other with our greatest seerets.It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friendswere.Today she doesn't have t. She already knows.1. 【题干】One day, one of Hele's sisters asked her to be her best friend.【选项】A.TrueB .FalseC.NotGiven【答案】B【解析】由文章开头妈妈和Helen的对话可知,妈妈告诉Hele n,她的两个姐姐应成为她最好的朋友,而并不是Helen的一个姐姐让Helen成为她最好的朋友。

2015年4月全国自考《英语国家概况》真题及详解课程代码:00522选择题部分I. MULTIPLE CHOICERead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET. (50 points, 1 point each)1. There are three _____ divisions on the island of Great Britain: England,Scotland and Wales.A. socialB. culturalC. religiousD. political【答案】D【解析】大不颠岛有三大政治区:英格兰(England)、苏格兰(Scotland)、威尔士(Wales),其中人口最多、面积最大的是英格兰(England)。
2. _____ among the British monarchs, was regarded as “the father of theBritishA. Henry IIB. Henry VIIIC. Alfred the GreatD. William the Conqueror【答案】C【解析】阿尔弗雷德大帝(Alfred the Great)是韦塞克斯(英国历史上一个王国的名称)国王,他成立了一支强大的舰队,先是打败了丹麦侵略者,后又保护海岸并促进贸易,因此被称为“英国海军之父”。

00522⾃考英语国家概况-试卷(答案全⾯)⾃考课程综合测验英语国家概况试卷(课程代码 00522 )⼀、单项选择题(每⼩题2分,共40分) 1. is the largest island in Europe.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. IrelandD. Great Britain 2. The UK is bordered on the south by . A. the North Sea B. the English Channel C. the Irish Sea D. the Atlantic Ocean 3. The capital of the UK is .A. EdinburghB. LondonC. LiverpoolD. Birmingham 4. The longest rivers in Britain are the Thames and .A. the MerseyB. the River HumberC. the SevernD. the Tyne River 5. The first known settlers of Britain were the .A. CeltsB. Anglo-SaxonsC. RomansD. Iberians 6. It is that brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain.A. the RomansB. the CeltsC. the Anglo-SaxonsD. the Viking and Danish Invasions 7. Among the following groups of people, the came to Britain first. A. Jutes B. Angles C. Saxons D. Normans8. The Conquest in 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. A. Roman B. Viking C. Anglo-Saxon D. Norman9. Under , the feudal system in England was completely established. A. Edward I B. Henry II C. King Alfred D. William the Conqueror 10. The Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between .A. the Crown and the BaronsB. the king and the parliamentC. the aristocrats and the middle classD. the monarch and the working people 11. The name of the Hundr ed Years’ War is given to the intermittent war between .A. France and EnglandB. Spain and EnglandC. Germany and EnglandD. America and England12. in the 14th century was the modern name given to the plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas.A. Brid FluB. Black DeathC. Yellow FeverD. Scarlet Fever 13. was above all responsible for the religious reform in England.A. Alfred the GreatB. Edward IC. Henry VIIID. William the Conqueror 14. declared that he, and not the Pope, was the Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.A. James IB. Charles IC. James IID. Henry VIII 15. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was Elizabeth I ’s . A. sister B. daughter C. cousin D. half-sister 16. The English Renaissance was largely .A. literaryB. politicalC. religiousD. philosophical 17. The Chartist movement was the first nationwide movement.A. working classB. lower middle classC. upper middle classD. upper class18. The Seven Years’ War was fought between Britain and for the colonization in North America. A. Spain B. Russia C. Holland D. France19. During the late 18th and early 19th centuries the system ended when the Enclosure Acts were introduced. A. tenant B. feudal C. open-field D. enclosed field 20. modified and improved the design of the steam engine in 1765.A. James WattB. Abraham DarbyC. Richard ArkwrightD. Henry Court⼆、论述题(15分)Describe the geographical position of the UK.三、论述题(15分)What do you know about King Alfred? What makes him worthy of the title of “Alfred the Great?年级班级准考证号姓名四、论述题(15分)What were the contents and the significance of the Great Charter?五、论述题(15分)What do you know about land enclosures in Britain?答案:。

2015年4月自考00015英语(二) 复习资料/试题真题/历年真题/报名时间/辅导资料第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题。
1回答1-10题React to DifficultiesIn life you will constantly befacing challenges, times when it’s tough to feel confident aboutwhat will happen in the future.Times like these will have different degrees of intensity and duration.The greater the degree and thelonger the duration, the greaterthe fear and sense of uncertaintywill be.As many of you know, theeconomy seems to be in adownward spiral right now. Today alone, trillions of dollars are beingwiped out in a matter of days. People’s retirement funds arebeing cut in double digit percentages. Many are facing job losses in a time when they needincome the most. In times likethese,it’s a real challenge to have any optimism and confidence that things are going to be better inthe near future.I read an article where afinancial expert stated if he wentall in with his money today, he’ll be better off six months fromtoday since markets will always rebound, but added he will have many restless nights and will be constantly wondering "what if this time it’s different?"It’s sometimes difficult to stay positive and motivated to work on your goals especially when all around you there are people so pessimistic about, well, everythingin general. People are cutting back on everything. Conversationsaround the dinner table and watercooler are increasingly about thestate of the economy.Ok, enough negative talk. If you notice, you have some peoplereacting negatively while othersare acting positively. Here’s what makes the difference. You getwhat you focus on. You can either think about how bad you have itand feel like a victim,or you canuse these challenges as a reasonto step up and grow from them.Yes, things look like economywill get worse. The reality,however, really depends on howyou look at it and react to this situation.Like any challenge in life it’s not what actually happens that will determine the outcome it’s what you decide to do about it.In life people are alwaystroubled with challenges.( ) A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given2The fear and sense of uncertainty will be independent of the degree and the duration of difficult times. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given3Because of the current economic situations, trillions of dollars are being wiped out in a few days. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given4People’s retirement funds are being cut in 20%. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given5During the economic recession, it’s hard for people to have confidence in the future. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given6People are reducing theirexpenses to save money.( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Giveia7People’s views about the future vary from person to persorn ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given8Difficulties are bound to make people become victims. ( ) A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given9The writer mainly talks about the national economy. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given10The key to dealing withchallenges lies in your attitudes towardswhat has happened. ( )A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given第二部分:阅读选择(第11~15题,每题2分。

2015年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语<二>试题<代码:00015 19日下午考>本试卷分两部分,满分100分,考试时间150分钟.1.第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在"答题卡〞的选择题答题区按要求填涂作答;2.第二部分为非选择题,应考者必须在"答题卡〞的非选择题答题区作答,不能答在试卷上;3.全部题目必须用英文作答;4.本试卷使用专用答题卡〔答题卡上已标注课程代码、课程名称、题序号〕作答,请按照试卷的题号顺序在相应的答题区域内作答.第一部分选择题〔共20分〕一、阅读判断题〔第1-10题,每题1分,共10分〕下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确的信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提与,选择C.在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑.Using Music to Change Your MoodEveryone knows that listening to music when feeling bad can provide a relief. Music can also reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax.All the benefits of music can only be got if the listener enjoys the music he is listening to. If the listener dislikes the music or finds it boring, it will have a negative effect on him instead of a positive one.Now let’s examine what most of us do when it comes to listening to music. We usually just listen to a play list and allow a program to randomly 〔任意地〕select the songs we are going to listen to.This is where the problem lies. What if you liked the first song but found the second one boring? What if the third one was a motivating song while the fourth didn’t suit your emotions? What do you think the result will be?What you’ll have is an emotional mess! The first song will lift your mood a little. The second will make you a little bored. The third will motivate you and then the fourth will put you down. In the end you’ll end up feeling worse than before.I strongly recommend dividing your play list into different small lists. For example, a list for relaxation, a list for motivation and so on. Another very important thing you must do is to get rid of the old music that you are bored of. Besides, don’t listen to songs with negative words or messages.The music you listen to can delay your recovery from breakups〔分手〕by months and months! People who listen to romantic songs after breakups recover 10 times slower than those who don’t. So be careful with your play list if you want to recover faster.1.Music is believed to have a comforting effect.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given2.One can benefit from all kinds of music.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given3.People tend to listen to music selectively.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given4. People generally prefer motivating songs.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given5. You should listen to songs that suit your emotions.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given6. It’s advisable to have different lists of songs.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given7. You should remove all of the old music from your list.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given8. People should listen to songs with positive words.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given9. Romantic songs help people recover from breakups faster.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given10. Many people like romantic songs.A.TrueB. FalseC. Not Given二、阅读选择〔第11-15题,每题2分,共10分〕阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项〔A、B、C、D〕中选出1个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑.Just Introduce YourselfIt’s so easy to walk into your first job and feel like a stranger in a strange hand. But you don’t have to stay that way, and you shouldn’t.You have to remind yourself to kick your shyness away and introduce yourself. Just a handshake will do. Ask the supervisor who hired you to introduce you around a bit. That’s the best way to make contacts. Then you’ll know what to do and say when you meet these people again.Don’t do what my friend Sue did at her first job at Entertainment Weekly. "That is one of my biggest regrets; I hardly talked to anyone at all when I was there. I was scared and just thought people would talk to me first. For a long time, I was hung up on the thought that if someone was older, I respected them automatically. And even if someone started on Monday, and I started Tuesday, I just felt they had more experience. In the area I worked for four months. I hardly spoke to these people, 〞she said."Of course, now I realize that was the most stupid thing. If I could do that again, I’d remember that it’s so important not to feel shy about introducing yourself. It’s not like you have to be very bold, ready to take over the place. Just introduce yourself and ask if there is anything you can do for them. That breaks the ice.〞Sue believes that if she had introduced herself around a bit, there would be just no telling what other opportunities or what other acquaintances she might have now. Not that she regrets where she is now at all. But had she talked to more people at her first job, "maybe it would have helped me get somewhere sooner,〞she said.11. How do people usually feel when meeting people at their first job?A. CuriousB. ExcitedC. ShyD. Puzzled12. When Sue started her first job, she ____.A. shook hands with colleaguesB. waited for others to talk to herC. introduced herself aroundD. asked her supervisor for help13. "I was hung up on the thought〞in Paragraph 3 probably means " I____.〞A. learnedB. admittedC. believedD. guessed14. What did Sue suggest we do at our first job?A. Make active contacts with others.B. Stay humble before the older staff.C. Seize every possible opportunity.D. Get ready to take over the place.15. In talking about her first job experience, Sue expressed a sense of ____.A. failureB. longingC. reliefD. regret第二部分非选择题〔共80分〕三、概括段落大意和补全句子〔第16-25题,每题1分,共10分〕阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:〔1〕从第16-20题后所给的6个选项中为第❶-❺段每段选择1个正确的小标题;〔2〕从第21-25题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子.将正确选项写到答题卡相应位置上.The Woman behind the BrooklynBridge❶John Rocbling planned to build the BrooklynBridge before 1867. But he never really got started. In 1869, he died of an accident. The job fell to his son Washington, a master of construction. In 1872, Washington was injured in building the bridge. He could not walk any longer. He could only see the building of the bridge from his window. But his mind was still fresh. How could he get his ideas down to the workers?❷That’s where Emily came in. Emily and Washington married in 1865. At that time John was planning the bridge. He sent his son around the world to study bridges. Emily went along with her husband and learnt much about bridge building. When John died and Washington became the boss, she taught herself more about bridge building. She wanted to help her husband with his new job.❸Emily regularly came to the building site. She gave Washington’s instructions to the workers. And then she took questions back to him. However, as time went on, her role started to change. Soon, workers saw her as the new boss. As she had more and more knowledge, she became the chief engineer. She met with officials, discussed with other engineers, and instructed the workers.❹Emily also helped to solve problems outside the building site. Some people once questioned her husband’s ability to head the bridge building. And the American Society of Civil Engineers would think about replacing him. Emily went to meet the group. She gave a speech in defense of her husband. The group finally decided to keep him on the job.❺It took up 14 years to build the bridge. For 11 of those years, Emily was the one in charge. The bridge finally opened on May 24, 1883. She was one of the first people to cross the bridge. Emily never planned on becoming an engineer, but she turned out to be a great one.Task 2 21. After his father died, ____. 22. Accompanied by Emily, ____. 23. As time went on, ____. 24. Emily gave a speech____.25. It took fourteen years ____.四、填句补文〔第26-30题,每题2分,共10分〕下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有的位置,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写到答题卡相应位置上.Playing Games—Not Only FunFor many people, playing games is a way to have some fun. __26__It is a great way to keep your mental health in check. Actually, anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep your brain healthy.You may say that this sounds great but you just don’t have the time to do it. If you want to improve your mental health, you will make time for it. __27__You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your family is still in bed. This can greatly change your attitude for the rest of the day.Turn the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing games alone or with a family member. __28__Try a variety of new games, too. This way, you don’t get bored playing the same one all the time.Most games offer several different levels. To get the most exercise for your brain, start out with the easy stuff.__29__As your level of skill improves, go on to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game.Find the games that you really enjoy playing. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is really going to pay off for you in many ways. __30__You will find that you have less stress and that it is easier to make decisions. You will also find that your memory is improving.五、填词补文〔第31-40题,每题1.5分,共15分〕下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中10个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有的位置,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写在答题卡相应位置上.Have you ever failed? If not, it is __31__that you never taken a __32__on trying anything new, or else you are lying.There is nothing __33__ with failing, as long as you learn from your mistakes, modify your approach and try again. In fact, the more often you fail, the sooner it will be that you __34__succeed, provided that you do learn and keep trying.You can __35__ only from experience and you get experience only from having a go at something. It may be more __36__to succeed, but you can __37__learn more from failing. This is only if you are observant and take __38__of what you are doing and which things have worked and which haven’t. You then need to __39__ what has happened, alter your __40__ and move on.下面的短文有10处空白,每处空白后的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.Voice and Text ChattingV oice chat and text chat are quickly <quick> becoming preferred ways of communicating with others online. For language __41__ <learner> , these forms of communication __42__ <able> them to share ideas about themselves and the world in almost real time. They can establish friendships with people from around the globe. Thus, it can be an easy way to learn languages and world __43__ <culture>.However, care and consideration should be __44__<give> when you are looking for friends on the Internet because you __45__ <real> don’t know who the person is at the other end. Thus, never give out personal information __46__ <include> your name, age, where you live, and the name of the school you attend. Also, be __47__ <care> about meeting online acquaintances in person, and if you do so, make sure it is in a public place and go with a friend or a family member. __48__ <final>, contact local authorities if you feel you are in danger. Again, chatting with others can be an enjoyable and __49__ <education> activity if you use care when __50__ <do> so.七、短文写作〔第51题,30分〕请根据所提供材料中的要求完成一篇100词左右的英文写作任务.将你的答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.51.答案1. A2. B3.B4.C5.A6.A7.B8.A9.B 10.C11. C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D16.D 17.C 18.F 19B 20.A 21.E 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.F26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.F31.C.32.H 33.K 34.F 35.J 36.B 37.D 38 L 39A 40.E41.learners 42. enable 43.cultures 44. given45.really46.including 47.careful48.Finally cational 50.doing。

英语国家概况自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家数量是:A. 5个B. 6个C. 7个D. 8个答案:C2. 美国的首都是:A. 纽约B. 华盛顿特区C. 洛杉矶D. 芝加哥答案:B3. 英国的货币单位是:A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:B4. 澳大利亚的国庆日是哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 1月26日答案:D5. 加拿大的官方语言包括:A. 英语和法语B. 英语和西班牙语C. 法语和德语D. 英语和德语答案:A6. 新西兰的首都是:A. 奥克兰B. 惠灵顿C. 基督城D. 但尼丁答案:B7. 英语中“Thanksgiving Day”指的是:A. 感恩节B. 圣诞节C. 万圣节D. 复活节答案:A8. 英国的哪个城市被称为“大学城”?A. 牛津B. 剑桥C. 爱丁堡D. 曼彻斯特答案:A9. 美国独立日是哪一天?A. 7月4日B. 7月14日C. 4月17日D. 10月12日答案:A10. 英语中“Big Ben”是指:A. 一个著名的运动员B. 伦敦的一座钟楼C. 一个著名的电影D. 一个著名的乐队答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 英语中“Black Friday”通常指的是感恩节之后的_________天,这一天标志着圣诞购物季的开始。
答案:第二天12. 英语中“Red Cross”是指国际性的志愿援助组织,其标志为_________十字。
答案:红13. 英语国家中,_________是唯一一个以英语为主要语言的亚洲国家。
答案:菲律宾14. 美国的自由女神像位于_________市。
答案:纽约15. 英语中“Easter”指的是_________节,是基督教的重要节日之一。
答案:复活16. 英语中“St. Patrick's Day”是_________的国庆日。
答案:爱尔兰17. 英语中“Commonwealth”指的是英联邦,它是一个由_________国家组成的国际组织。

2015年4月全国自考英语国家概况模拟试卷(一)一、Multiple Choice Questions. (50 points, 1 point for each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are 50 unfinished statements or questions. For each of the unfinished statements or questions, four第1题Britain’s geographical features can be described in the following words:____.A. the north and west are mainly highlandsB. the central part is a plainC. the south and east are mainly highlandsD. the central part is a highland zone【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第2题 The capital of Wales is ____.A. DublinB. CardiffC. LondonD. Manchester【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第3题 Natural calamities in Britain include____.A. drought and hurricanesB. heavy snow and sandstormsC. fog and frostD. earthquake and hurricanes【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第4题 The Celtis religion was____ .A. ChristianityB. GodC. DruidismD. Sun【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第5题 The Celts came to Britain ____ from about 600 BC till the Romans came.A. in three main wavesB. continuously without interruptionC. in as many as six wavesD. in a process lasting about 100 years【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第6题 John Wyclif’s followers who went about preaching the equality of men be fore God were known as____ .A. Wyclif’s brothersB. God’s followersC. new rebelsD. the Lollards【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第7题Henry Ⅶ started the practice of appointing ____ and gave them full power over law and administration in the provinces.A. lawyers of the provincesB. local administratorsC. local policemenD. Justices of the Peace【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第8题The religious reform in England in the 16th century ____ of Parliament becau se of its active participation in the reform.A. reduced the sizeB. increased the sizeC. increased the importanceD. reduced the importance【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第9题 The First Civil War in England began in ____ and ended in ____.A. 1640,1642B. 1620,1640C. 1607,1620D. 1642,1646【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第10题 The English Civil War is also called____ .A. the Revolutionary WarB. the Puritan RevolutionC. the ReformationD. the Renaissance【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第11题 Under the traditional English open field system____ was cultivated at a ny time.A. all the landB. only 2/3 of the landC. half of the landD. only 1/3 of the land本题分数1分第12题 Commons and wastelands in England were used by ____ before the 18th century.A. urban people to build housesB. villagers to build housesC. villagers to hold public meetingsD. villagers to graze livestock【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第13题The People’s Charter was drawn up by ____ as their demands.A. the London Working Men’s AssociationB. the LudditesC. the activists in the Chartist MovementD. Trade Unions【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第14题 Votes were granted to English women in te same terms as men after____.A. World War ⅠB. World War ⅡC. the Seven Years’ WarD. the United States won its independence【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第15题 In the First World War Britain joined ____in fighting against the____ .A. Central Powers, AlliesB. Allies, Central PowersC. United Front, AxisD. Axis, Alliance本题分数1分第16题 The new economic policy adopted by Mrs. Thatcher and Conservative government after the 1979 election was known as ____.A. the New DealB. the New FrontierC. KeynesianismD. Medium?tern Financial Strategy【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第17题____has Europe’s largest collection of foreign?owned chip factories.A. WalesB. ScotlandC. EnglandD. Ireland【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第18题 In Britain only ____ of the population are farmers but they manage____ of the land area.A. 3%,70%B. 20%,50%C. 15%,60%D. 30%,80%【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第19题 There are mainly six farming types in Britain. ____ emphasizes crop prod uction and occurs on the more fertile soils.A. Dairy farmingB. Stock farmingC. Arable farmingD. Market gardening【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第20题 In terms of invisible receipts, Britain ____.A. has surpassed the United statesB. is the fifth largest in the worldC. is second only to the United StatesD. is second to Japan【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第21题 The United Kingdom is a____ .A. confederacyB. a constitutional monarchyC. an absolute monarchyD. a Union【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第22题 In Britain it is the ____ that formally summons and dissolves Parliament.A. Prime MinisterB. Party leaderC. CabinetD. sovereign【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第23题 In Britain a full range of medical services for every resident is provided by____ .A. jobs exchange centreB. employment centresC. private hospitalsD. the National Health Service【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第24题 Geographically, Ireland has been compared to a ____ with coastal highlands.A. basinB. plateauC. plainD. mountain【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第25题“Father of Waters” and “old man river” both refer to the____ river in America.A. MississippiB. MissouriC. OhioD. Potomac【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第26题 The natural boundary between Mexico and the United States is the____ Riv er.A. ColumbiaB. ColoradoC. Rio GrandeD. Missouri【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第27题 The leading grain market of the United States is____ .A. New YorkB. KansasC. ChicagoD. San Francisco【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第28题 About four fifths of the work in the Construction of the railroad from California to Ogden was done by____ .A. black peopleB. white peopleC. Chinese labourersD. black slaves【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第29题 The American War of Independence began at____.A. BostonB. New YorkC. LexingtonD. Plymouth【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第30题 In the 1830s in America, the antislavery reformers were called ____.A. revolutionariesB. DemocratsC. abolitionistsD. Republicans【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第31题President Wilson’s reform program wan known as ____.A. New DealB. ReformationC. New FreedomD. Antitrust Act【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第32题 After the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan, the United States was formally in war with____ .A. the Axis powersB. the central powersC. the AlliesD. the Alliance【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第33题 Soon after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan ____.A. Relations ActB. Defence ActC. Independence ActD. Mutual Act【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第34题 In 1962, a group of radical students met in Port Huron, Michigan to form the ____.A. Students AllianceB. Students’ UnionC. Students FederationD. Students for a Democratic Society【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第35题 President Nixon was forced to resign because of____ .A. the Watergate ScandalB. Vietnam WarC. the Free Speech MovementD. Congress【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第36题 Ronald Reagan was brought into the White House by the trend of____ .A. demand for reformB. radicalismC. conservatismD. liberalism【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第37题 Monetarist policies under the Reagan Administration sought to fight inflat ion by____A. increasing wages and reducing productionB. reducing wages and investmentC. increasing supply and reducing demandD. expanding social welfare program【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第38题 In the field of electrical supply in the United States, ____controls a major share of the business.A. Chrysler CorpB. General MotorsC. General DynamicsD. General Electric【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第39题 The U.S. Supreme Court may cancel any law passed by Congress if it decides that the law ______.A. is not goodB. goes against the constitutionC. favours the rich onlyD. does not serve the rich【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第40题 The electors of all 50 states and the District of Columbia comprise what is known as the ______.A. electors’ mee tingB. Electoral CollegeC. electors’ conventionD. Electoral Congress【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第41题 The U.S. Constitution provides for a national ______ years.A. election each 5B. census each 4C. census every 10D. census every 8【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第42题 The most central function of the U.S. Congress is ______.A. the passage of lawsB. discussion of lawsC. the execution of lawsD. judicial work【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第43题 Higher education in the United States began with the founding of ______ in 1636.A. Harvard CollegeB. Stanford UniversityC. Yale UniversityD. Massachusetts Institute of Technology【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第44题 The largest city in Canada is ______.A. MontrealB. TorontoC. VancouverD. Maine【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第45题 When John Cabot discovered Newfoundland and the east coast of Canada in 1497, he thought he had reached ______.A. IndiaB. northeast ChinaC. MexicoD. east China【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第46题The centre of Canada’s rich wheat belt is _______.A. Eastern CanadaB. the Canadian Pacific castC. Northern CanadaD. the Canadian Prairie【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第47题Today (1996) Australia’s popu lation is about ______ million, or about ______ people to the square kilometre.A. 22, threeB. 32, fiveC. 28, fourD. 18, two【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第48题 The climate in New Zealand is generally ______.A. hotB. coldC. dryD. temperate【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第49题 New Zealand National Day is also known as ______ Day.A. the Great HolidayB. IndependenceC. the Queen’sD. Waitangi【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第50题New Zealand was the world’s first country to ______ in 1893.A. establish trade unionsB. give women the voteC. start compulsory educationD. provide free medical service【正确答案】 B二、Answer the Questions. (30 points, 3 points for each) Directions: Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.第1题 Who invaded England in the mid?5th century?【正确答案】 The Jutes, Angles and Saxons invaded England in the mid?5thcentury.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第2题 What were the contents of the Bill of Rights passed by the English Parliament in 1689?【正确答案】 It excluded any Roman Catholics from the succession to the Englishthrone. It confirmed the supreme power of the Parliament and guaranteed freespeech within the Parliament.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第3题How has Britain’s trade pattern changed in recent years?【正确答案】 Britain has traditionally been an exporter of manufactured goods and an importer of food and basic materials. But recently this has changed, with the share of manufactures falling and that of fuels rising, while manufactures have accounted for a rising proportion of imports.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第4题 What are the geographical features of Ireland?【正确答案】 Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a Limestone pleateauis rimmed by coastal highlands.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第5题What is Ireland’s economy like?【正确答案】 Ireland is a free market economy with a dominant private sector.The mainstay of the economy is manufacturing. Agriculture is also very important for the country.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第6题 What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?【正确答案】 It was a law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1882 which stopped Chinese immigration for 10 years.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第7题 What was the policy of the British government for the 13 clonies in North America?【正确答案】 The policy of the British government for the 13 American colonieswas to bring their development under control and to collect more taxes from thecolonies.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第8题 American high schools can be divided into several kinds. What are they?【正确答案】 American high schools can be divided into comprehensive,academic, vocational and technical schools.【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第9题What are the three principal functions of the higher education in the United States?【正确答案】(P321)The three principal functions are teaching, research and public service. 【你的答案】本题分数3分你的得分修改分数第10题 How many main islands does New Zealand have?【正确答案】 New Zealand has two main islands: North Island and South Island.【你的答案】三、Term Explanation. (20 points, 5 points for each) Directions: Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet in around 40 words.第1题 crusades【正确答案】 The three great crusades were between 1096 and 1272. They were warsstarted by European Christian Church against the Islamic Empire of the Turks inorder to gain possession of the Christian holy city of Jerusalem.【你的答案】本题分数5分你的得分修改分数第2题 Benefit of clergy【正确答案】 Benefit of Clergy referred to the privilege given to clerks in English history. At that time clerks charged with criminal offences were tried in the Bishop’s courts instead of in the king’s court, and the Bishop’s court did not inflict corporal punishment.【你的答案】本题分数5分你的得分修改分数第3题 Constitutional monarchy【正确答案】 Constitutional monarchy is a system. Under this system the King or Quean is head of the state, but their power is limited by Parliament or the law.【你的答案】本题分数5分你的得分修改分数第4题 Counterculture【正确答案】 Counter culture was a movement of revolt against the moral values, the aesthetic standards, the personal behaviour and the social relations of conventional society. 【你的答案】。

全国2018年4月自学考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points,1 point for each)1.___________of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history, in which William,the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his followers.A. The Roman ConquestB. The Anglo-Saxon ConquestC. The Norman ConquestD. The Celt Conquest2.As a result of the Black Death,___________.A. all land was left untendedB. no labor was required any longerC. 1and owners tended to change from arable to sheep-farmingD. surviving peasants were not able to bargain about their wages3.Which of the following statements about Elizabeth I(1 55 8-1 603)is true?A. Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne.B. Elizabeth remained single.C. Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament.D. Her reign was a time of diminishing English nationalism.4. ___________ was not in the“Allies”in the First World War.A. BritainB. FranceC. RussiaD. Turkey5.The English Civil War is also called ___________ .A. the Revolutionary WarB. the Puritan RevolutionC. the ReformationD. the Renaissance6.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The head of State is a king or a queen .In1practice,___________.A. Parliament rules the countryB. the Sovereign reigns but does not ruleC. the Sovereign rules but does not reignD. the Prime Minister rules and reigns7.In January,1973,Britain finally became a full member of the___________,which was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.A. Organization of Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentB. Organization of European DevelopmentC. European Economic CommunityD. European Union8.The___________refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.A. UrbanizationB. Economic BoomC. Glorious RevolutionD. Industrial Revolution9.The major Christian festivals in Britain are___________ .A. Christmas, Easter and Mother’s DayB. Christmas, Easter and Whit SundayC. Christmas,Guy Fawkes Day and St. Patrick’s DayD. Christmas,Whit Sunday and St. George’s Day10.The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. At present there are ___________ countries within the Commonwealth (1991).A. 30B. 40C. 50D. 6011.Among the three tribes of the Celts coming to Britain, the most industrious and vigorous of the Celtic tribes was the ___________ .A. GaelsB. BrythonsC. BelgaeD. Vikings12.Political change in England came mainly through___________.2A. gradual reformB. revolutionC. people’s uprisingsD. working class movement13.The two parties that have held power in Britain since 1945 are ___________ .A. the Democratic Party and the Republican PartyB. the Conservative Party and the Labor PartyC. the Labor Party and the Social Democratic PartyD. the Labor Party and the Democratic Party14.___________’s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts. in exploration and in battle.A. MaryB. Henry VIIIC. E1izabeth ID. Charles II15.After the Restoration,Parliament passed a series of severe laws called ____________against the Puritans,now known as Nonconformists.A. Agreement of the PeopleB. the Petition of the RightC. the Clarendon CodeD. the Act of Supremacy16.Which statement about the“Wars of Roses”is NOT true?A. The king’s power now became supreme.B. Ordinary people were seriously affected.C. The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years.D. From these wars feudalism received its death blow.1 7.The finest exponents of Elizabethan drama in the English Renaissance were ___________ .A. Ben Johnson,Christopher Marlowe and Charles DickensB. Edmund Spenser, Charles Dickens and William ShakespeareC. William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson and Charles DickensD. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson18.The Chartist movement was the first nationwide ___________ movement.A. working classB. lower middle classC. upper middle classD. upper class19.______________led the U.K. to final victory in the Second World War.A. Winston ChurchillB. Neville Chamberlain3C. Tony BlairD. William Gladstone20.Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?A. Every person in Britain may change his religion,but with difficulty.B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching,worship and observance.C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State.D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property and propagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.21.In the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus,a(n)___________navigator, led his men to sail across the vast ocean and reached some small islands in the now West Indies.A. FrenchB. SpanishC. ItalianD. English22.American troops defeated the British at___________ in Northern New York. This was a great turning point of the American War of Independence,leading directly to an alliance between the U.S. and France.A. SaratogaB. TrentonC. LexingtonD. Yorktown23.In 1787,delegates from the states held a meeting in Philadelphia to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. The meeting came to be called the ___________ .A. First Continental CongressB. Second Continental CongressC. Constitutional ConventionD. Independent Convention24.Which of the following is NOT among President Theodore Roosevelt’s contributions?A. The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act.B. The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects.C. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.25.___________Was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S. in 1929.A. Business bankruptcyB. Serious unemploymentC. The stock market crashD. Foreclosures26.During the Second World War, American wartime objectives were the total destruction4of___________ powers and the establishment of a world order.A. AxisB. AsianC. AlliedD. European27.In 1932,in the depth of the depression,the American people chose ___________ as their next president who promised to get the U.S. out of the depression.A. Theodore RooseveltB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert C. Hoovercation was made a function of the state under the ___________Amendment to the US Constitution.A. TenthB. EleventhC. TwelfthD. Thirteenth29.McCarthyism was a full-scale ___________hysteria in the United States in the 1950s.A. pro-NaziB. anti-FascistC. pro-CommunistD. anti-Communist30.On June 5,1947,___________suggested that the US should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George KennanB. George MarshallC. Dwight EisenhowerD. James F. Byrnes31.A decision to set up a world organization,the United Nations,was made at___________.A. Yalta ConferenceB. Potsdam ConferenceC. Teheran ConferenceD. Paris Conference32.The safeguards against abuse of powers in the United States come in the form of___________.A. separation of powersB. executive ordersC. presidential electionsD. judicial reviews33.___________Was meant to guarantee the blacks and others the right to vote.A. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863B. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964D. The V oting Rights Act of 196534.Woman obtained voting right from the___________ Amendment to the Constitution.5A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th35.Of the four kinds of high schools,___________ones only aim to prepare students for college.A. comprehensiveB. academicC. vocationalD. technical36.There have been__________ periods in the development of American political parties inthe United States.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five37.The 1920s in the United States has been described by many historians as a period of___________.A. material failureB. spiritual frustrationC. political setbacksD. welfare reform38.___________is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly 30%of the total.A. CanadaB. MexicoC. JapanD. European Union39.Mark Twain’s masterwork was ___________ .A. The Scarlet LetterB. Leaves of GrassC. The Sketch BookD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn40.In the early part of the 19th century,___________was the center of American writing.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. ChicagoD. New York City41.Tourist trade is important in economy in ___________with rich green mountains and valleys.A. British ColumbiaB. Atlantic provincesC. the Canadian-ShieldD. St. Lawrence-Great Lakes provinces42.Which of the following about Canada in World War I is NOT true?A. It founded its navy to enter World War I.B. It took a seat as a member of the League of Nations.C. It won the right to sign the Peace Treaty of 1919 in its own name.6D. It has found its place among the nations of the world since World War I.43.Generally speaking,Canada can be divided into___________ geographical regions.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six44.Which of the following statements about Australia is true?A. It is the world’s fifth largest country and is surrounded by sea.B. It is the smallest and the only continent that contains only one country.C. It is a continent that contains only Australia and New Zealand.D. It is the world’s smallest continent and the world’s fourth largest country.45.The first Australian colony, established by Britain in 1788 and called the premier state,is ___________ .A. VictoriaB. TasmaniaC. QueenslandD. New South Wales46.The Australian political division borders are drawn___________.A. along straight lines of latitude and longitudeB. along rivers and forestsC. along mountain rangesD. along natural features47.The only native mammals in New Zealand are___________.A. rabbitsB. batsC. opossumsD. goats48.A chain of mountains runs almost the whole length of South Island in New Zealand. The highest peak is___________.A. Mt RuapehuB. Mt CookC. Mt NgaurohoeD. Mt Tongariro49.One of the four unusual demographic features of Ireland is___________.A. an early marriage ageB. an excess of males in the populationC. a low proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all ages7D. a high birthrate compounded by a century of emigration50.Migration in Ireland declined sharply___________.A. during WWIB. in recent yearsC. in the early decades of the 20th centuryD. after the establishment of the Irish Free StateII.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(30 points,3 points for each)51.What is the Magna Carta also known as?52.Who has the power to declare war and make peace in the U.K.?53.What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?54.When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?55.What foreign policy did the American government pursue in the early 1930s?56.What are Conglomerates in the USA?57.Where is the name“Canada”believed to have come from?58.Why does Great Britain have the greatest influence upon Australia?59.What is Maoritanga?60.What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?III.Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words.(20 points,5 points for each)61.the House of Commons62.English feudal system63.the U.S. two-party system64.the New Deal8。

英语国家概况试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英语作为官方语言的国家不包括以下哪一个?A. 美国B. 英国C. 法国D. 加拿大2. 以下哪个国家不是英语国家?A. 澳大利亚B. 新西兰C. 印度D. 巴西3. 英语的发源地是:A. 美国B. 英国C. 澳大利亚D. 加拿大4. 英语中“Hello”一词的意思是:A. 再见B. 你好C. 谢谢D. 对不起5. 英语国家中,哪个国家有“枫叶国”之称?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚6. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是君主立宪制?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚7. 英语国家中,哪个国家是联邦制国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚8. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是双语国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚9. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是英联邦成员国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 所有选项10. 英语国家中,以下哪个国家是联合国安全理事会常任理事国?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 澳大利亚二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的亚洲国家。
2. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的南美国家。
3. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的非洲国家。
4. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的大洋洲国家。
5. 英语国家中,______是唯一一个以英语为官方语言的欧洲国家。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述英语国家中,英国的地理位置及其主要特点。
2. 请简述英语国家中,美国的国家体制及其主要特点。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述英语国家中,加拿大的多元文化政策及其对世界的影响。
2. 论述英语国家中,澳大利亚的自然环境和经济发展。
五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:“English is the most widely spoken second language in the world.”2. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文:“英语是世界使用最广泛的第二语言。

高等教育自学考试英语国家概况试题高等教育自学考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points, 1 point for each)1._______ is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain.A. IrelandB. WalesC. EnglandD. Scotland2._______ , King of Wess ex, is known as “the father of British Navy” who founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea.A. AlfredB. HenryC. EdwardD. William3. The _______ Conquest in 1066 is perhaps the best known event in English history.A. RomanB. VikingC. Anglo-SaxonD. Norman4. _______was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas in the 14th century.A. CholeraB. MalariaC. Black DeathD. Yellow Fever5. The name Wars of Roses was, in fact, coined by the great 19th century novelist_______.A. Walter ScottB. Ben JohnsonC. Francis BaconD. Edmund Spenser6. Winston Churchill was heavily defeated at the general election of 1945 because _______.A. he did not act as a great war leaderB. he failed to lead his country to victoryC. people wanted Britain to return to the politics of the 1920s and 30sD. the Conservative Party’s traditional principles seemed old-fashioned7._______ overthrew the feudal system in England and is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.A. Puritan RevolutionB. The War of RosesC. The English Civil WarD. The Glorious Revolution8. The British Monarchy has been in existence for more than 1,000 years going back to at least the _______ century.A. 8thB. 9thC. 10thD. 11th9. In the line of succession to the throne, _______ have precedence over other candidates (heirs).A. the monarch’s sonsB. the queen’s sistersC. the monarch’s brothersD. the queen’s daughters10._______ is NOT a constitutional part of the British Parliament.A. The CabinetB. The SovereignC. The House of LordsD. The House of Commons11. Each session of the British Parliament usually lasts for_______.A. one yearB. two years。

2015年4月自考英语二真题试卷及答案一、阅读判断Using Music to Change Your Mood Everyone knows that listening to music when feeling bad can provide a relief. Music can also reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax. All the benefits of music can only be got if the listener enjoys the music he is listening to. If the listener dislikes the music or finds it boring, it will have a negative effect on him instead of a positive one. Now let's examine what most of us do when it comes to listening to music. We usually just listen to a play list and allow a program to randomly (任意地) select the songs we are going to listen to. This is where the problem lies. What if you liked the first song but found the second one boring? What if the third one was a motivating song while the fourth didn't suit your emotions? What do you think the result will be? What you'll have is an emotional mess'. The first song will lift your mood a little. The second will make you a little bored. The third will motivate you and then the fourth will put you down. In the end you'll end up feeling worse than before. I strongly recommend dividing your play list into different small lists. For example, a list for relaxation, a list for motivation and so on. Another very important thing you must do is to get rid of all of the old music that you are bored of. Besides, don't listen to songs with negative words or messages. The music you listen to can delay your recovery from breakups (分手) by months and months! People who listen to romantic songs after breakups recover 10 times slower than those who don't. So be careful with your play list if you want to recover faster.1.Music is believed to have a comforting effect.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given2.One can benefit from all kinds of music.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given3.People tend to listen to music selectively.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given4.People generally prefer motivating songs.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given5.You should listen to songs that suit your emotions.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given6.It's advisable to have different lists of songs.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given7.You should remove all of the old music from your list. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given8.People should listen to songs with positive words.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given9.Romantic songs help people recover from breakups faster. (A)True(B)False(C)Not Given10.Many people like romantic songs.(A)True(B)False(C)Not Given阅读选择---为题目类型Just Introduce Yourself It s so easy to walk into your first job and feel like a stranger in a strange land. But you don't have to stay that way, and you shouldn't. You have to remind yourself to kick your shyness away and introduce yourself. Just a handshake will do. Ask the supervisor who hired you to introduce you around a bit. That's the best way to make contacts. Then you'll know what to do and say when you meet these people again. Don't do what my friend Sue did at her first job at Entertainment Weekly. "That is one of my biggest regrets: I hardly talked to anyone at all when I was there. I was scared and just thought people would talk to me first. For a long time, I was hung up on the thought that if someone was older, I respected them automatically. And even if someone started on Monday, and I started Tuesday, I just felt they had more experience. In the area I worked for four months, I hardly spoke to these people," she said. "Of course, now I realize that was the most stupid thing. If I could do that again, I'd remember that it's so important not to feel shy about introducing yourself. It's not like you have to be very bold, ready to take over the place. Just introduce yourself and ask if there is anything you can do for them. That breaks the ice. " Sue believes that if she had introduced herself around a bit, there would be just no telling what other opportunities or what other acquaintances she might have now. Not that she regrets where she is now at all. But had she talked to more people at her first job, maybe it would have helped me get somewhere sooner," she said.11.How do people usually feel when meeting people at their first job?(A)Shy.(B)Puzzled.(C)Curious.(D)Excited.12.When Sue started her first job, she______.(A)introduced herself around(B)asked her supervisor for help(C)shook hands with colleagues(D)waited for others to talk to her13."I was hung up on the thought" in Paragraph 3 probably means "I______".(A)believed(B)guessed(C)learned(D)admitted14.What did Sue suggest we do at our first job?(A)Seize every possible opportunity.(B)Get ready to take over the place.(C)Make active contacts with others.(D)Stay humble before the older staff.15.In talking about her first job experience, Sue expressed a sense of______.(A)relief(B)regret(C)failure(D)longing二、概括段落大意和补全句子The Woman behind the Brooklyn Bridge 1 John Roebling planned to build the Brooklyn Bridge before 1867. But he never really got started. In 1869, he died of an accident. The job fell to his son Washington, a master of construction. In 1872, Washington was injured in building the bridge. He could not walk any longer. He could only see the building of the bridge from his window. But his mind was still fresh. How could he get his ideas down to the workers? 2 That's where Emily came in. Emily and Washington married in 1865. At that time John was planning the bridge. He sent his son around the world to study bridges. Emily went along with her husband and learnt much about bridge building. When John died and Washington became the boss, she taught herself more about bridge building. She wanted to help her husband with his new job. 3 Emily regularly came to the building site. She gave Washington's instructions to the workers. And then she took questions back to him. However, as time went on, her role started to change. Soon, workers saw her as the new boss. As she had more and more knowledge, she became the chief engineer. She met with officials, discussed with other engineers, and instructed the workers. 4 Emily also helped to solve problems outside the building site. Some people once questioned her husband's ability to head the bridge building. And the American Society of CivilEngineers would think about replacing him. Emily went to meet the group. She gave a speech in defense of her husband. The group finally decided to keep him on the job. 5 It took up 14 years to build the bridge. For 11 of those years, Emily was the one in charge. The bridge finally opened on May 24,1883. She was one of the first people to cross the bridge. Emily never planned on becoming an engineer, but she turned out to be a great one. A. How did Emily pick up bridge building? B. What happened to John and Washington? C. How did Emily feel about her work? D. What role did Emily play in building the bridge? E. How long did it take to build the bridge? F. Why did Emily give a speech?16.Paragraph 117.Paragraph 218.Paragraph 319.Paragraph 420.Paragraph 5A. Washington went to study bridgesB. to express her thanksC. Washington took over the jobD. to build the bridgeE. Emily began to play a bigger roleF. to defend her husband21.After his father died,______.22.Accompanied by Emily,______.23.As time went on,______.24.Emily gave a speech______.25.It took fourteen years______.填句补文---为题目类型Playing Games—Not Only Fun For many people, playing games is a way to have some fun.【T1】______It is a great way to keep your mental health in check. Actually, anything that requires you to do some thinking will help you keep your brain healthy. You may say that this sounds great but you just don't have the time to do it. If you want to improve your mental health, you will make time for it.【T2】______You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your family is still in bed. This can greatly change your attitude for the rest of the day. Turn the TV off in the evening and spend some time playing games alone or with a family member.【T3】______Try a variety of new games, too. This way, you don't get bored playing the same one all the time. Most games offer several different levels. To get the most exercise for yourbrain, start out with the easy stuff.【T4】______As your level of skill improves, go on to challenge your brain by moving into more advanced levels of the game. Find the games that you really enjoy playing. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is really going to pay off for you in many ways.【T5】______You will find that you have less stress and that it is easier to make decisions. You will also find that your memory is improving. A. Set aside about 30 minutes a day when you can play games. B. This is especially true if you are new to a game. C. Playing games can help you make new friends. D. You will be surprised at how much it improves your life. E. However, it can also help you exercise your brain. F. You can also invite friends over to play games with you.26.【T1】27.【T2】28.【T3】29.【T4】30.【T5】填词补文---为题目类型Learn from Your Failures Have you ever failed? If not, it is【B1】______ that you have never taken a【B2】______ on trying anything new, or else you are lying. There is nothing【B3】______ with failing, as long as you learn from your mistakes, modify your approach and try again. In fact, the more often you fail, the sooner it will be that you【B4】______ succeed, provided that you do learn and keep trying. You can【B5】______ only from experience and you get experience only from having a go at something. It may be more【B6】______ to succeed, but you can【B7】______ learn more from failing. This is only if you are observant and take【B8】______ of what you are doing and which things have worked and which haven't. You then need to【B9】______ what has happened, alter your【B10】______ and move on. So go for it! You will eventually get there—unless you stop trying. A. probable B. actually C. directionD. finallyE. startF. chanceG. specialH. growI. wrongJ. noteK. analyzeL. pleasant31.【B1】32.【B2】33.【B3】35.【B5】36.【B6】37.【B7】38.【B8】39.【B9】40.【B10】完形补文---为题目类型Voice and Text Chatting Voice chat and text chat are quickly (quick) becoming preferred ways of communicating with others online. For language【C1】______(learner), these forms of communication【C2】______(able) them to share ideas about themselves and the world in almost real time. They can establish friendships with people from around the globe. Thus, it can be an easy way to learn languages and world【C3】______(culture). However, care and consideration should be【C4】______(give) when you are looking for friends on the Internet because you【C5】______(real) don' t know who the person is at the other end. Thus, never give out personal information【C6】______(include) your name, age, where you live, and the name of the school you attend. Also, be【C7】______(care) about meeting online acquaintances in person, and if you do so, make sure it is in a public place and go with a friend or a family member.【C8】______(final) , contact local authorities if you feel you are in danger. Again, chatting with others can be an enjoyable and【C9】______(education) activity if you use care when【C10】______(do) so.41.【C1】42.【C2】43.【C3】44.【C4】45.【C5】46.【C6】47.【C7】48.【C8】50.【C10】短文写作---为题目类型51、英文报社正在举办题为“I Like Playing Sports”的征文活动。

山东省2015年4月高等教育自学考试英语(二)试卷[14学分] (课程代码:0015 考试时间:150分钟)本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题;选择题50分,非选择题50分,满分100分;考试时间150分钟。
I.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each time)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
I.Vocabulary and structure (10points ,1point for cach item)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。
1.Other____one sister,she has no close relatives.A.Than B.But C.to D.For2.He required that he____to the front.A.was sent B.sent C.be sent D.to send3.She____her husband by ten years.A.deserted B.Displayed C.pursued D.Survived4.Have you any____to mark upon my article?A .comments B.images C.memories D.orders5.A few children are able to keep this curiosity and their mental independence alive____the educational system of their country.A.however B.in spite C.despite D.instead6.There may be a college of liberal arts____humanities,social science,and mathematics are taught.A.which B.where C.that D.what7.Adios telephones, and telephones are ______ by which man has extended the range of his senses of hearing and speech.A.ways B.means C.accesses D.what8.In Chain, nearly all young mothers are employed outside the home, with their numbers ______ as they approach middle age.A.decreased B.decreases C.decrease D.decreasing9.It seemed that she was born to succeed and was ______ willing to sacrifice herself in the name of achievement.A.more than B.other than C.rather than D.less than10.If time management were the answer, surely the sheer abundance of good ideas ______ make a bg difference now.A.have had B.had C.have D.would haveII.Close (10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

2015年4月自考英语二真题及答案Directions:choices in the list more than once. Mike:Hello!Is that you,Tom?Tom:Yes,________________. M ike:Mike:I can’t believe I_____________you at last.And what have you been doing?I’ve had a lot of work and social engagement. Tom: Yeah, I h aven’thaven’t been home a lot lately. And Oh,Mike,____________to London?Mike:I just came back about a week ago,I___________by phone several times,but you werenot in.Tom:Sorry,sorry.Did you have a nice holiday,then?Mike:Lovely,I went to Scotland and traveled around.Tom:_____________!I need a holiday indeed.Mike:well.I suppose so.Tom:oh,somebody’s at the door,I have to go.And I have to say“good-bye”.Nice talking toyou.Mike:Same here,bye-bye.A. when did you get back B. what a surprise I got C.how I admireD.I am tomE.got hold ofF. got through G.this is tom.H.tried to contact youIII.Reading Comprehension(45points)Section A (30 points)Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and DYou arerequired to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement.Mark the correspondi ng letteron theAnswer Sheetwith a single line through the center.Passage1Questions 16--20 are based on the following passage.Manyvisitors find the fast pace at which American people move very troubling.One’s firstimpression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.City people always appear tobe hurrying toget where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.At first,this may seem unfriendly to you.Drivers will rush you;storekeepers will be in a hurry asthey serve you;people will push past you as they walk along the street.You will miss smiles,brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not think that beca Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly.Often life is much slower outside the big cities,as is true in other countries as well.Americans who live in cities such as New York,Chicago,or Los Angeles,often think thateveryone is equally in a hurry to get things done;they expect others to“push back”,just as citypeople do in Tokyo,Singapore or Paris,for example.But when they discover that you are astranger,most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. Many ofthem first came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be.Ifyou need help or want to ask a question,choose a friendly-looking person and say,”I am astranger here.Can you help me?”Most people will stop,smile at you,and help you find your way,or answer your que stions.Butyou must let them know that you need help.Otherwise they are likely to pass you by,notnoticing that you are new to the city and in need of help.Occasionally,you may find someonetoo busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid.If this happens,do not be discoura ged:just asksomeone else.Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.16.Many people who first visit the United States will find that_____________. A.American is a highly developed country.B.American city people seem to be always in a rush.C.the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble.D.Americans are important and unfriendly people.17.When the author says“you willmiss smiles”in the second paragraph,he means__________A. you will fail to notice that American are pleasant and happy. B.you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you.C.you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly.D.you will findthat Americans don’t have much sense of humor.18.in the author’s opinion,_______________.A.it is true that life in New York is much faster than that in any other city. B.people living outside big cities are lazy and miserableC.most Americans people enjoy living in the suburbs of big citiesD.those who are busy are not necessary unfriendly19.The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo,Singapore and Paris___________. A.to show that city people all over the world have a lot in common.B.to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world’s biggest cities C.to illustrate their difference from American citiesD.because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most20.If you say to an American that you are a stranger there,most probably he will_ _____A.offer his helpB.stop smiling at youC. help you find the way D.reply that he is pleased to meet youPassage2Questions21-25are based on the following passage.Every morning,kids from a local high school are working hard.They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee café.They are also a lot of money.These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day.They are selling their special coffee to airport passengers.After the students get paid,the rest of the money goes tohelping a local youth project.These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport.it is usually very crowed.many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.One cus tomerthinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it.Most customers are pleasant butsome are unhappy.They do not like it if the café’is not open for business.The students earn $6.10an hour plus tips.They also get school credit while they learnhow to run a business.Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some ti me tolearn how to do it.They have to learn how to steam milk,load the pots,and add fla vor.Ittakes some skills and sometimes mistakes are made.The most common mistake is forg ettingto add the coffee.21.Based on the passage,it seems that the purpose of the caféis to_______.A.learn a skillB.help a youth projectC.do businessD.earn school credit22.Many of the students__________the work although it took some time to learn ho w to doit.A.enjoyB.have to doC.hateD.ignore23.By selling special coffee at special coffee,the students are_____________. A.learning a lot of experienceB.making a lot of moneyC.having a lot of troubleD.learning a lot of knowledge24.According to the passage,the most frequent mistake the students make is_____. A.to take more skillsB.to load the potsC.to forget to add the coffeeD.to add flavor25.The best title for the passage could be_______ A.Earning MoneyB.Students’LifeC.Little BusinessD.Kid’s Café。

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I.MULTIPLE CHOICERead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspondingspace on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each)1. There are three dicisions on the island of Great Britain:Englan,Scotland and Wales. A.social B.culturalC.religiousD.political2. , among the British monarchs,was regarded as “the father of the British navy.”A.Henry ⅡB.Henry ⅧC.Alfred the Great C.William the Conqueror3. The Celtic tribes are NOT ancestors of the .A.IrishB.WelshC.EnglishD.Highland Scots4. The Romans remained in control of Britain for about years.A.100B.200C.300D.4005. One particular feafure of the feudal system ofEngland was that all landowners took oath of allegiance for the land they held .A.to their immediate lord,but not to the kingB.to the king, but not to their immediate lordC.neither to their immediate lord nor to the kingD.not only to their immediate lord but also to the king6.The Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses,of which the most important ones were the following EXCEPT that .A.no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand CouncilB.the Church should possess all its righs together with freedom of electionsC.London and other towns should give up their ancient rights and privilegesD.no freeman should be arrested,imprisoned,or deprived of his property except by the law of the land7.The name of the Hundred Years’War(1337-1453) is given to theintermittent war between .A.France and EnglandB.Spain and EnglanC.Germany and EnglandD.America and England8. The Peasant Uprising of 1381 in Britain .A.was brutally suppressedB.was a great success in English historyC.hindered the development of capitalismD.had little significance in English history9. treated 5 questions-her religion,her marriage,her foreign policy,her succession to the throne,and her finance-as personal and private.A.ElizabethⅠB.ElizabethⅡC.Mary StuartD.Mary Tudor10. The lasted intermittently for 30 years.A.Civil WarB.First World WarC. Wars of the RoesC.Second World War11. was responsible for the English Reformation in British history.A.Elizabeth ⅠB.Henry ⅧC.Alfred the GreatD.William the Conqueror12. The most famous literary work written by John Miton in the late 17th century was .A.Paradise lostB.Julius CaesarB.Dr.FaustusD.Pilgrim’s progress13.The Bill of Rights (1689)was finally accepted by thus marking the beginning of the age constitutional monarchy.A.JamesⅠB.James ⅡC.Charles ⅡD.William and Mary14.Agricultural changes in the late 18th century Britain were caused by the following Except.A.the enclosure ActsB.Robert Bakewell’s selective breedingC.small farms cultivated on the “open-field”D.new agricultural machinery invented by Jethro Tull15. The two events which most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century were .A.the Enlightenment and Frence RevolutionB.the Industrial Revotution and French RevolutionC.the American War of Independence and French RevolutionD.the Hundred Years’War and the American War of Independence16.During the First World War,the Allies included .A.France,Italy and TurkeyB.Britain,France and RussiaC.Germany and Austria-HungaryD.Britain,Germany and Austriap-Hungary17.As the oldest British institution ,the has lasted for more than 1000 years.A.CabinetB.MonarchyC.ParliamentD.Privy Concil18.London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of .A.Lord ChancellorB.Ministry of JusticeC.the Home SecretaryD.the Attorney General19. A who practices with 7000 patients or more in England may apply for fundholding status.A.barristerB.professorC.magistrateD.general practitioner20.According to the textbook,the British public reads more than virtually any other country in the world.A.novelsB.magazinesC.newspapersD.scientific essays21. According to the textbook,the five most populous cities in the United States are .A.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Miami and DetroitB.New York, Chicago,Los Angeles,Pittsburgh and PhiladelphiaC.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,New Orleans and PhiladelphiaD.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,San Francisco and Philadelphia22. lived on the land by hunting,gathering,fishing and farming even before the discovery of the New World.A.The PuritansB.The IndiansC.The PilgrimsD.The black slaves23.The result of the War with Mexico was that .A.Texas was added to the UnionB.the United States paid 10 million dollars to MexicoC.Mexico agreed to give Louisiana to the United StatesD. Mexico was forced to agree to give Califormia and New Mexico to the United States24.The American Civil War ended in and cost American 618,000 lives.A.1861B.1863C.1865D.187325. was NOT among the contents of President Roosevelt’s New Deal.A.Cancellation of federal labor lawsB.Establishing social security systemsC.Stimulating the recovery of industry and agricultureD.Strengthening government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems26.The leaders of the United States,the Soviet Union and met three times during the Second World War.A.FranceB.BritainC.JapanD.Germany27.Through an executive order in 1947 started the violation of the Bill of Rights andwidespread persecution of Communists and progressive people.A.President TrumanB.Senator McCarthyC.General MarshallD.George Kennan28.The great impacts of the Vietnam War on American society included the following EXCEPT that .A.there was great unity within the ruling circleB.the image of the United States was discreditedC.the United States was weakened because of the long warD.people were divided in their attitudes towards American society29. was the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam.A.Japanese surrender in 1945B.The outbreak of the Korean WarC.The French invasion of IndochinaD.Truman’s decision to send military aid to Vietnam to support the FrenchNOT true?A.It is both an economic and technological giant.B.The U.S.is by far the biggest industrial country in the world.C.It is first in such advanced fields as computers, space,nuclear energy and electronics.D.It produces a major portion of the world’s industrial products and its share is growing rapidly.31. In the U.S. produce about 85% of the total output of goods and services.A.stare-run enterisesernment enterprisesC.people in independent professional practiceD.the privately owned and operated businesseserment involvement in the economy increased dramatically during the .A.Great DepressionB.period of prosperityC.Second World WarD.Progressive Movementis NOT true?A.The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.B.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world.C.The Constitution was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in the same year.D.The Constitution has provided the basis for its political stability,economic growth and social progress.34.In order to make sure than the new government would not misuse its powers,the writers of the Constitution set up a system of in the form of separation of powers.A.winner-take-allB.mutual supervisonC.checks and balancesD.voluntary supervision35.Generally,the number of presidential electors in the U.S. is the number of Senators and Representatives each state has inCongress.A.equal toB.less thanC.more thanD.10% more than36.There is a certain degree of similarity in the U.S. elementary school curriculun,which mainly consists of mastery of the “basics”,such as .A.reading,writing and arithmeticB.science,visual arts and grammarC.science,history and musicD.reading,writing and music37.In the early 1900s,the kind of two-year colleges that emerged to meet the immediate need of the economic expansion and rapid in immigrants of the times was the .A.liberal arts collegemunity collegeC.research universityD.doctoral university38. is a historical,national and religious holiday that began with the Pilgrims.A.Christmas dayB.Thanksgiving DayC.New Year’s DayD.Valentine’s Day39. is regarded as Mark Twain’s master work.A.The Gilded AgeB.Life on the MississippiC.The Adventures of Tom SawyerD.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn40. was the spokesman for the “Lost Generation’.A.Ernest HemingwayB.T.S.EliotC.Theodore DreiserD.Richard Wright41.Montreal became a major port in Canada because it is .A.next to OttawaB.next to the city of QuebecC.in the province of QuebecD.on an island in the wremce River42. According to the textbook,Canada is acountry with a population of 26,300,000.rge/largeB.small/largerge/smallD.small/small43. In 1885,the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed and the country was linked .A.from north to southB.from coast to coastC.with the United StatesD.with South America44.There is official language(s) in Ireland.A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four45.In 1948,Ireland voted itself the commonweath and on April 18,1949 declared itself a republic.A.intoB.out ofC.a part ofD.a member of46.Australia ’s Eastern Highlands are better known as .A.the Dividing RangeB.the Great BarrierC.the Great Dividing RangeD.the Great Barrier Range47. In 1996,Australia’s population is about 18 million or about people to the square kilometer.A.twoB. threeC.fourD.five48.In recent years Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to and this policy is called multiculturalism.A.change their culturesB.keep their own culturesC.learn from other culturesD.give up their own cultures49.There are all over Newzealand.A.bogsB.desertsC.wetlandsD.mountains50.Waitangi Day is New Zealand’s .bor DayB.National DayC.New Year’s DayD.Independence Day非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。