原书是为了专门帮助美国文化水平较低的成年人(尤其是外国移民)提高他们的英语基本语言技能而编写的教材,编者多是有多年教学 经验的教师。全书所涉及的技能有:1)语言文字技能:听、说、读、写语言技能;基本语法和发音技能以及运用和演算数字的技能;2)处理日常生活的语言技能:涉及消费、环境保护、家庭和子女养育、政府和社区、合作、利用资源和服务、健康和营养、人际交往、学习策略、安全保卫、电话通讯、时间和货币、交通和 旅行等诸多方面;3)劳动就业语言技能:涉及应用技术、保持就业、求职等诸多方面。
《新剑桥生活与商务英语365》学生用书共由30个小单元和2个复习单元组成。按照表达与练习语言技能与交际技巧的需要,将30 个小单元划分为3种类型,每3个 单元组成一个小循环:紫色单元主要包含听力、语法与发音;蓝色单元包含听力、工作中的词汇、交流技巧;绿色单元包含社交技巧、阅读、休闲生活中的词汇。每 一单元都附有口语表达练习,每一单元后面还附有一张活页练习题。学生用书主要是用于课堂教学,与本书配套使用的还有用于课 堂活动的听力磁带与CD。
该套教程分为四个级别,每级别含学生用书(附Self-study Audio CD/CD-ROM光盘)、练习册、教师用书、Video活动用书、配套课堂听力光盘和Video DVD光盘等,全面覆盖英语初级到中高级水平的教学需求。
英语学习网站和APP考生可以通过英语学习网站和APP,如Duolingo、BBC Learning English等,提高自己的英语水平。
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该系列教材是在培生教育出版集团出版的Market Leader 和powerhouse 系列教材的基础上改编的,由《综合教程》、《听说教程》、《同步练习》、《教师用书》和配套的录音、录像资料等组成。
Market Leader()注重于应用,尤其是每个单元的案例分析十分有利于体验式教学。
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= 大家记得保留好自己的准考证,以及BEC差成绩的网站:https:///Members/Login.aspx 【个人基本情况】大三在读,旅游管理专业女生;四级611,六级579;复习时间:一个半月,直接考的高级;总分:73,Grade C。
剑桥商务英语考试教材(指定教材+辅导教材)学习资料(指定教材、辅导教材、真题集)1.指定教材:BEC初级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Student book)(第二版)》,定价:40.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:45.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
BEC 中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Student book)(第二版)》,定价:43.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:38.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
BEC高级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Student book)(第二版)》,定价:40.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher T eacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:50.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
bec大学英语教材答案BE C大学英语教材答案Unit 1: Getting StartedSection 1: Warm-up ExercisesExercise 1:1. b) Well, let me think.2. c) Sorry, I forgot.3. a) I'm not sure, but I think it's...4. c) Can you repeat that, please?5. a) Could you speak more slowly, please?6. b) I'm sorry, I don't understand.Exercise 2:1. Am I right?2. Are you sure about that?3. Do you have any idea?4. Have you heard about it?5. Can anyone help me out?6. Could you explain it to me?Section 2: ListeningExercise 1:1. C2. A3. BExercise 2:1. documentary2. commercials3. weather report4. interview5. music showSection 3: SpeakingExercise 1:1. It was interesting.2. I found it boring.3. Yes, it was quite amusing.4. No, I thought it was confusing.5. I couldn't follow the plot.6. I really enjoyed it.Exercise 2:1. I agree with you.2. I disagree.3. I have a different opinion.4. That's a good point.5. I've never thought about it that way.6. I think we should consider both sides. Unit 2: Everyday EnglishSection 1: VocabularyExercise 1:1. a) delicious2. c) comfortable3. b) important4. c) interesting5. a) difficult6. b) noisy7. c) beautifulExercise 2:1. tasty2. cozy3. significant4. fascinating5. challenging6. loud7. gorgeousSection 2: GrammarExercise 1:1. She wants to become a doctor.2. We need to buy some groceries.3. He likes to play basketball.4. They don't want to go home yet.5. I need to finish my homework.6. She enjoys singing and dancing. Exercise 2:1. Do you like to swim?2. Does he enjoy reading books?3. Are they going to the party tomorrow?4. Did you eat lunch already?5. Have they seen that movie before?6. Has she finished her work yet?Section 3: ConversationExercise 1:1. Can you help me with this?2. I'm sorry, I can't right now.3. Sure, no problem.4. What do you need help with?5. Thank you, you're so kind.Exercise 2:1. What's your favorite hobby?2. How often do you go swimming?3. Where do you usually spend your weekends?4. Why do you like playing guitar?5. Who taught you how to cook?Unit 3: TravelSection 1: ReadingExercise 1:1. a) adventure2. b) explore3. c) landmarks4. a) accommodations5. c) attractionsExercise 2:1. It means to go to different places and experience new things.2. She enjoys visiting famous sights and trying local food.3. Yes, she does. She wants to learn about different cultures.4. She finds the architecture and history fascinating.5. She always takes lots of photos to remember her trips. Section 2: WritingExercise 1:Write a 100-word description of your dream vacation destination. Exercise 2:Write a 150-word travel guide for a city you have visited.Unit 4: TechnologySection 1: VocabularyExercise 1:1. b) browse2. c) download3. a) upload4. c) streaming5. b) updateExercise 2:1. search engine2. social media3. email4. online shopping5. video callsSection 2: GrammarExercise 1:1. Have you ever been to Japan?2. She has already finished her homework.3. They haven't watched that movie yet.4. Have you started learning French?5. He has just bought a new car.6. I haven't seen him in a long time. Exercise 2:1. Did you use your phone to take pictures?2. Have you ever tried virtual reality?3. Is she going to attend the conference?4. Will they finish the project on time?5. Have you sent the email yet?6. Did they find a solution to the problem?Section 3: DiscussionExercise 1:1. What is your favorite app and why?2. Do you think technology has made our lives easier or more complicated? Why?3. How often do you use social media? What do you use it for?4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?5. Would you consider a career in technology? Why or why not?。
Page 6 and 73Answers1 retire2 joined3 reward4 laid off5 trained6 leave7 recruits8 flexible9 temporary10 day off5Answers1 employment (also employer, employee)2 promotion (also promoter)3 retirement (also retiree)4 resignation5 training (also trainer, trainee)6 recruitment (also recruiter)7 application (also applicant)8 dismissal9 pay (also payment)10 reward9Answers1 not interested in working hard2 people in their twenties3 getting what you want as soon as you demand it4 parents and colleges who overprotect and spoil young people5 your generation gave us everything we wanted6 to work very hard for you7 to sit quietly in a little officePage 8 and 91Answers+ gerund (-ing) + to + infinitive (to do)be good at plan/intend/aimbe worth failhave trouble/difficulty be reluctantsucceed in hope/expectthink about/consider manageenjoy decideavoid haveinvolve be willing/preparedbe used to/accustomed to2Possible answers1 to take up a new sport.2 persuading people to do things.3 researching the company.4 solving technical problems.5 understanding native speakers.6 to answer all my emails.7 renting a caravan in France.8 to take on more responsibility.9 doing things as others want them done.10 to do their own job properly.5AnswersTask One1 E2 F3 B4 G5 ATask Two6 A7 B8 D9 E 10 GPage 10 and 111Answers1 employee2 applicant3 interviewee4 job seeker5 participant6 graduate2Possible answers1 This applicant is very confident, perhaps over confident and his/her claims are not backed up by evidence.2 This applicant seems to have the appropriate skills and experience, but what happened to his/her own company? If he/she is so successful why is he/she looking for work in another company? Did he/she go bankrupt? What type of company was it?3 This candidate appears to be well qualified and seems modest, but reliable.3Possible answers (these are subjective and open to discussion)Necessary:1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17Optional:5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 185Answers1 with2 would (should or must also possible)3 all4 not5 that6 against/tackling/onPage 12 and 131Answers1 The ship made for port because of severe weather conditions but hit some rocks near the coast.2 Three including this one.3 Suggested answer: Reasonable well. He explains the cause clearly and tries to put the accident in context.2Answers1 So, can you tell me2 is it?3 what are you intending4 Do you think that5 isn’t it?4Answers1 where you have worked before2 (that) you are an ambitious person?3 (that)you’ve gone as far as you can in your present job?4 who our main customers are?5Answers1 You’re married, are n’t you?2 You can’t start tomorrow, can you?3 You’ve only worked for smaller companies, haven’t you?4 You managed to find our offices easily, didn’t you?5 This is your first real job, isn’t it?6 You’d be able to work part-time, wouldn’t you?Page 14 and 152Answers1 C2 C3 E4 A5 B6 D7 A8 EPage 16 and 172AnswersLondon-subsidiaryLille-main plantSt Denis-R&D divisionCompiegne-warehousesParis-headquartersNantes, Lyon, Toulouse-sales officesFrankfurt, Milan, Madrid-sales offices3Answers1 A sales office is part of the company’s main sales department, but located in another town or country. A subsidiary operates as an independent company even though it is mainly or wholly owned by the parent company.2 A warehouse is a building where goods or raw materials are stored and from which they are distributed. A plant is a place of production (either manufacturing, assembly or packing).3 The headquarters are the main offices of the company where the top management and general administration work. A division is a branch of a company responsible for one particular business activity (eg a motor manufacturer might have an automobile division and a truck division).4Answers1 took over2 expand3 set up4 go public5 went out of business6 made…redundant7 shut down8 sold off5Answers1 People are laid off for economic reasons, ie the company doesn’t have enough work for them. People are fired because their work or behaviour is unsatisfactory.2 Often the difference can be academic, but a take over is what happens when a larger company buys a smaller company and a merger is when two similar sized companies join together.3 Organic growth refers to natural expansion through the growth of sales; non-organic generally refers to growth by acquisition.6Answers1 F2 E3 G4 B5 A6 C7Possible answersOracle has chosen to expand by making acquisitions, sometimes of big companies with quite different skills.SAP grows mare organically and when it makes acquisitions they are smaller and more closely related to what they already do.SAP’S long-term strategy is to increase sales to medium-sized companies and to develop a platform for all its applications.Page 18 and 191Answers1 past continuous-used to describe a background event to a more important event, eg I was working at my desk when my boss came in to the room.2 simple past (passive)-used to describe events in the past: either single events or events in sequence, egThere was a knock at the door. I called ‘come in’ but no one replied.3 present perfect-used to describe either very recent past actions with a strong impact on the present or things which started in the past and are continuing now.4 past perfect-used to refer to a time earlier in the past than the main sequence of events or, as in the example here, in reported speech.5 used to (+ infinitive)-describes habits or routines that are no longer true now.6 past simple2Answers1 came2 was working3 was4 returned (or used to return, would return)5 used to hack (or hack if used to return used in 4)6 had hacked7 received8 opened9 was10 wanted11 saw12 was13 has employed14 have helped15 was taking/had taken16 gave5Answers1 He thinks that some will find opportunities in the newly merged company, some will leave, others will find it difficult to adapt.2 He is resigned. He repeats several times how sad he is, but says although he tried his best to find a ‘different conclusion’ it was not possible.Page 20 and 211AnswersOracle is a more stressful company to work in, but people can earn a lot of money. PeopleSoft was a more caring company, but people had a lot of responsibility put on them. Also they didn’t earn much money until they had established themselves.2Answers1 B2 A3 A4 C5 A6 B4Answers1 stockbrokers2 restaurants3 banks4 oil companiesPage 22 and 231Answers1 a large toy retailer (listed on the Stock Exchange)2 sales are flat and the share price has fallen by 2%2Answers1 not going to achieve the 20% growth target2 share price will fall as a result3 grow sales by an acquisition instead4 look for a medium-sized, well-established business; not necessarily toys, but in the leisure retail sector; report back in a monthPage 24 and 251Answers1 H2 D3 B4 C5 E6 A7 F8 GPage 26 and 272AnswersVerbs which should be deleted:1 do2 put up3 make4 tell5 carry out6 run7 put out8 publish9 make5Answers1 E2 D3 E4 B5 C6 C7 B8 APage 28 and 292Possible answers1 Make a speech/presentation at a farewell party2 Run a big TV and press advertising campaign3 Circulate a memo and publish a newsletter4 Run advertisements in the press5 Issue a press release and hold a news conference6 Post information about the job on relevant Internet sites, eg University websites, place an advertisement in the local/national press3Answers1 request2 reminder3 proposal4 announcement5 apology6 demand4Answers1 to work2 creating3 Correct4 meeting/that we meet5 to give6 tell you7 Correct8 of keeping9 to give10 that there would be11 for trying12 Correct5AnswersPersuade + someone + to doUrgeConvincePromise + to dothreatenundertakeadmit + doingdenycriticize + someone + for doingpraiseblamesuggest + doing/ + that someone should doproposerecommend6Possible answers1 that we send/sending2 about having to wait so long/about the food3 changing the colour of the walls4 to promote her/to give her a pay rise5 to finish it6 to check the orders7 of misleading peoplePage 30 and 313Answers1 The engineer hasn’t turned up to repair the customer’s line at his office.2 The engineer can come at 6 o’clock this evening or tomorrow morning at 9am (the operator also suggests that if it is tomorrow morning, incoming calls can be diverted to the customer’s mobile phone in the meantime).3 The customer accepts the second option.4Answers1 do apologise to2 ’ll look into it3 come straight back4 Would that be5 quite…that case6 ’ll see…bear with me7 acceptable to you8 ’d like toPage 32 and 332Answers1 I will2 I would like3 I will not know4 I cannot help…I am afraid5 It’s been…I’ve seen6 I’d have…I’d known7 I shouldn’t be…they’re late8 You mustn’t doAnswers1 however-but2 nevertheless-still’3 consequently-so4 owing to-because of5 moreover-what’s more6 following-after7 since-because8 besides-anywayPage 34 and 351AnswersAccept any answer that falls into the following categories:1 a date, eg 19822 a government department, eg Trade3 a certain group of people, eg graduates4 qualifications, eg previous experience5 do/have something, eg work as part of a team, have knowledge of selling6 to someone, eg the recruitment officer7 a date, eg 4th July2Answers1 20042 (any) government funding3 professionalise the industry4 one day5 personal lives6 (to) achieve their goals7 forward8 past mistakes9 job satisfaction10 £70 per hour11 considerable experience12 by text messagePage 36 and 373Answers1 unique2 competitive3 emotional4 added5 after-sales6 maker7 prospective4Possible answers1 ‘That’s OK. We can arrange credit finance.’2 ‘We can order a black one, but there is a lot of demand so you will need to pay a 10% deposit.’3 ‘After a couple of months you will wonder how you ever lived without them.’4 ‘I think I should at least reserve it in your name in case anyone else tries to buy it.’5 ‘I think you are the sort of person who imposes their image on the car, not the other way round.’7Answers1 First speaker (Sarah): financial softwareSecond speaker (Dale): cosmetics or bathroomProducts (‘deodorants’)2 First speaker (Sarah): uses a technique called ‘relationship selling’, ie develops relationship slowly, is cooperative, honest, not pushySecond speaker (Dale): direct, persuasive, tells jokes and anecdotes, goes straight to the decision maker3 First speaker (Sarah): builds trust, people know what they are buying BUT takes time and sometimes no saleSecond speaker (Dale): gets results and is efficient BUT for some it could be too pushy8Answers1 strong, reliability2 technique3 prospect’s4 suited5 hard-sell6 perceived7 sustain8 buyer9 average10 move11 favourablePage 38 and 393Answers1 B2 C3 A4 A5 C6 B7 APage 40 and 411Answers1 present perfect (could be continuous or simple)2 past simple3 present continuous4 future perfect5 simple present6 present perfect (could be continuous or simple)7 will (future simple or continuous)8 past simple9 will (future simple or continuous)Answers1 Over the past ten years2 Up to now3 A few years ago (also possible During the 80s)4 During the 1980s (also possible A few year ago)5 Sooner or latter (also possible In the next five years)6 By the year 20507 Nowadays4Answers1 raise2 risen3 fallen4 reduce5Answers1 increase, put up2 increased, gone up, soared3 gone down, decreased, dropped, collapsed4 cut, decrease, lower (drop also possible)Page 42 and 432Answers1 fluctuating (varying)2 recovered (bounced back)3 peak4 because of (as a result of, down to, owing to)5 it meant (had the effect)6 During (In)7 levelled off8 slightly (marginally)9 as much as10 led to (meant)11 decreased (declined, dropped, went down)4Answers1 average growth in sales over the last two years and the relatively stable state of the market2 the launch of the new slow-release version of the drug3 Bayer having distribution problem4 just a seasonal factor5 the launch campaign of the new version of the drugPage 44 and 451AnswersStudents should pick out these main facts:Over the period 1980 to 2020 there is a steady rise in the number of cars from about 10 cars per 100 people to 16 cars per 100 people.The population in the same period more or less doubles to nearly 8 billion.The probable consequences are a lot more congestion and pollution3Answers1 It has three paragraphs:The first paragraph is an introduction (saying what the graph represents and what period it relates to).The second describes the development and trends.The third offers some general conclusions that can be drown from the information presented.2 The developments are not described in year-by-year or month-by-month detail, but in more general terms.Page 46 and 472Answers1 owe2 lend3 invoiced4 bet5 invest6 withdraw7 do8 save9 do10 repay3Answers1 You earn money from your work; you win money in a game, eg in a lottery; you make money from any kind of business deal or investment.2 Lend and borrow are like give and take.3 Wasting money is spending it in an unprofitable or unnecessary way.4 You can say How much does it cost? when something is for sale; when you say How much is it worth?, it is a question about an item’s value (ie it is not for sale).Possible answers1 a noun phrase/something2 date/historical event3 a noun phrase/something/’education’4 a noun phrase/something5 adjective6 adverb or’ to some one’7 a noun phrase/something8 clause with subject and verb9 verb in infinitive form10 number or adjective11 a noun phrase/something12 adverb or prepositional phrase7Answers1 credit and dept2 the Great Depression3 college4 mortgage5 low6 irresponsibly7 down-payment8 economic growth continues9 save (their) money10 $12 trillion/twelve trillion dollars11 a time-bomb12 indefinitely9Answers1 to borrow more money against the value of your house when you have already done so once2 to put a deposit or first instalment on something before paying the full amount3 the value of people’s properties will fall suddenly4 when your debts are greater than your assets5 64,000,000,000,000 (one million million) dollarsPage 48 and 491Answers1 more comfortable…than2 the biggest…(in)3 not as expensive as4 the same…as5 different…to (note that from is also possible with different)6 similar to7 less…than8 twice as much…as2Answers1 much/far more comfortable…than2 by far the biggest…(in)3 not nearly as expensive as4 exactly the same…as5 completely different…to6 very similar to7 much/far less…than8 over twice as much…as4Answers1 by2 not3 than4 far/much5 nearly/almost6 exactly/practically/precisely7 at8 mostPage 50 and 512Answers1 income and expenditure2 assets and liabilities3 gross and net4 current and long-term (eg debt)5 profit and loss6 dividends and retained profit7 creditor and debtor8 accounts payable and receivable9 profitable and unprofitableAnswers1 assets2 liabilities3 fixed4 debtors5 payable6 loss7 expenditure8 profitable9 net10 dividends4Answers1 the first place you should go to2 literally a photograph, in other words, just a picture of a company’s finances at a particular point in time3 in a particular length of time4 what ultimately matters or is most important, ie in business, the bottom line is the profit5 make some basic calculations5Answers1 the turnover = total revenue (39,454.00)2 the profit made after tax = net income (1570.00)3 the value of the company = total equity (= total assets less total liabilities) (9,380.00)4 the cash still available after other investments = net change in cash (181.00)Page 52 and 531Answers1 sugar2 telephone3 vehicle insurance4 heating5 production workers6 lab equipment7 free samples8 bank chargesAnswers1 labour costs (the wage bill), material costs, advertising expenditure, administrative costs, overheads (energy bill)2 labour costs3Answers1 I’d recommend2 see, What about3 Instead of, could4 (I have thought about this a lot and) for me5 advantage, would6 I hear, mightPage 54 and 552AnswersB politician3AnswersC …if we just hold on a bit, then sooner or later another solution will present itself.4AnswersTask One1 B2 E3 H4 G5 DTask Two6 F7 G8 D9 A 10 Bpages 56 and 574Answers1 He paid very quickly.2 The item was well protected in the packaging it was posted in and its condition was as new.3 The transaction was done without wasting time or money and the item was delivered quickly.4 The seller didn’t send the item immediately.5 The transaction took place without any problem.6 Not to be trusted or depended upon. The items did not fit the description.7 The item had some surface damage.8 The goods were damaged in the post.9 Be careful / Warning. Seller didn’t have the camera ready to send.6Possible answers1 b2 Mainly a, but also b if the hospital’s budget is tight.3 Mainly a – reliability is the most important factor.4 b –there will be a lot of other suppliers competing on price for this business.5 a – reliability / quality is the most important factor.7AnswersMostly A:You want to co-operate at all times with your suppliers. But be careful: not everyone in business is as nice and trusting as you are.Mostly B:You are a principled person who looks for the win-win situation in deals.Mostly C:You’re a tough customer! There are no such things as friends for you in business, especially among your suppliers.pages 58 and 593Answers1 out2 their3 that4 which5 than6 into7 as8 such9 this10 may / might4Possible answers- The government could legislate to fix payment terms between suppliers and the supermarkets.- The suppliers could form an alliance and threaten not to supply the supermarkets until they improve their payment terms.- Suppliers and consumer associations could generate bad publicity for the supermarkets about this situation.5Answers1 People wanting to use small local shops…2 The supermarkets accused of unfair competition…3 The companies dominating the market…4 The money spent at Tesco…5 Suppliers not accepting these terms…6 The goods bought by consumers…7 Suppliers unable to wait a long time for payment…6Possible answers- availability of the products- price- delivery time- quality of the products- frequency at which new products or product lines are added to the range- payment terms7Answers1 C The Klik laminate flooring has been going really well here… Customers really love it.2 A what would really help is more seasonal discounting.3 A it’s very difficult for us to have a policy with you that’s different from all our other customer.4 B It’s quite often the case that you don’t have exactly what we want in stock.5 C It’s not really a problem of our own making. It’s a result of shortages in raw material and delays further up the supply chain.6 B it’s a sensitive product to transport and store7 C If they cant’ get what they want exactly when they want it, they’ll go elsewhere.pages 60 and 611Answers1 D2 E3 G4 A5 B6 I7 F2Answers1 have been2 promises3 was4 seemed5 broke6 had got (also possible must have got)7 have tried8 will be9 am keeping10 have I wantedpages 62 and 632Answers1 ’ll call back2 ’ll just get a pen3 ’ll put you4 ’ll get back to you5 ’ll make sure she gets6 ’ll just check7 ’ll see if she’s8 ’ll look forward3Answers1 supplier2 supplier3 customer4 supplier5 customer6 customer7 supplierpage 651Answers1 sincerely2 for3 in4 Following / Regarding6 of7 order8 it9 grateful10 hesitate11 againpage 676AnswersTask one1 C he takes on too much.. he spreads himself very thin, when he could hand more work out to others2 H Cheryl’s not particularly brilliant3 G he can be rude and too direct4 D he doesn’t take on board what you are saying; he… takes it for granted that everyone has reached the same point in their thinking that he has5 B … sh e’s a maverick, a kind of a loner; she’s difficult to get on with and doesn’t have the company’s interests at heartTask Two6 F he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty7 H is very good at getting everyone working in the most efficient way8 B you can’t deny that he gets the most out of his staff9 C he’s… clever, and he has lots of great ideas and vision10 G She gives us a lot of praise; we get... 100% loyalty and encouragement7Answers1 He will do more menial jobs if they need to be done.2 Likes to be in control of every little detail (almost to the point of obsession); cannot delegate easily.3 Tries to do too many things at the same time.4 Challenges you (verbally).5 Doesn’t take account of the arguments or suggestions you present.6 To have a good relationship with.7 The company’s interests are not her principal concern.pages 68 and 691Answers1 Too involved with the detail to be able to see the wider picture.Answers1 Triple Bottom Line2 environmental3 strongly linked4 government5 pressure6 reducing pollution7 on the workforce8 walk the talk9 stakeholders10 audits11 their actions12 financial results4Answers1 to make2 breaking3 crying4 doing, doing5 to be6 to be7 criticising8 to learn9 to walk10 digging7Possible answersAll these expressions take to + the gerund. Note that the structure to get used to + gerund is used to mean ‘become accustomed to’.1 to supporting local community projects.2 to taking off your shoes when you enter someone’s house.3 to going on holiday.4 to paying such a high price.pages 82 and 831Answers1 what is in the document which lists the points to be discussed at the meeting2 taking notes on what is said3 take a break4 in charge of / running5 summarise6 interrupt (quite informal)7 go to he next point8 has more expertise on this subject2Answers1 participant2 chairperson3 chairperson4 participant5 chairperson6 participant7 chairperson8 participant3Answers1 C2 B or A*3 D4 E5 A6 B or A*7 E4Answersbribery 3insider dealing 4breach of confidence 7theft 5misselling 6pages 84 and 851C is the correct answer21 B account –It’s the only word that takes the preposition for. Explain fits in meaning, but not grammatically (it is not followed by a preposition. How do we explain the large…).2 D held –This is just a question of collocation. The expression is to be held responsible. The expression with take is to take responsibility for.3 A scale –In this case it is the preposition before the noun which determinesthe answer, ie on a large scale. With extent and degree the preposition would be to– ie to such an extent, to such a degree.3Answers1 B2 A3 D4 A5 D6 B7 D8 D9 A10 Apages 86 and 872AnswersSimilar quality Negative quality1 practical impractical (also bulky)2 clever unwieldy3 state-of-the-art old-fashioned4 inexpensive over-priced5 dependable erratic6 efficient poor7 innovative unoriginal8 fast time-consuming9 up-market basic10 small bulky6Answers1 at2 of3 in4 at5 to6 with7 in8 on9Answers1 C I’d rather be selling a neat solution to an unsolved problem.2 B He was on holiday for two weeks and had no-one… he felt he could ask to look after his plants.3 B it allows you…to deliver exactly the amount of water indicated in the plant care instructions.4 A This is a product that will appeal to everyone…Plant-carer is…aimed at the mass market5 C It has the capability to transform this companypages 88 and 893Answers1 D creating an innovative product… is not sufficient. It’s sustaining that difference that is really the key2 C This doesn’t necessarily mean product innovation.3 A Managers who think that innovation is a passport to greater market share…are fooling themselves.4 E Your innovation is only a good one if customers respond to it and take it up.5 D all to often they lack the courage to see them through… you do need to be incredibly bold.6 A there is no correlation between the amount…spent on R&D and the innovative success of an organization.7 B The real driver of innovation is growing market competition8 B If that comes about by a 1% investment of revenue in R&D, then good luck to the company. If it takes 10%... that is fine, too.4Answers1 B2 D3 A4 C5 Epages 90 and 912Answers1 stumbling (a stumbling block)2 scratch (to start from scratch)3 wheel (to reinvent the wheel)4 plain (to be plain sailing)5 spiralled (to spiral out of control)6 teething (to have teething problems)7 ground (to find some middle ground)8 shaped (to go pear-shaped)3AnswersThe meanings of the phrases are as follows1 an obstacle2 begin at the very beginning3 create something that has already been created4 progressing without any difficulties5 gone up and up without apparent limits6 inevitable problems that you get when you implement something new (ie you expect these problems –they’re normal)7 compromise8 goes wrong5Possible answers1 We would be prepared to move a little on (the) price if you (could) increase your order.2 Would you be able to delver 1,000 units to us as soon as possible?3 We would have difficulty agreeing to those terms as they are.4 We would ask you to consider it from our point of view.5 Manufacturing only 100 wouldn’t really be viable.6 I’d like a little time to think about that, (if you don’t mind).7 And how would this benefit our company (exactly)? / What benefit would there be for our company (exactly)?page 923Possible answerC I think that’s a fair request and I’ll see what we can 94 and 953Point out to students that the wrong options are often referred to as ‘distractors’because they deliberately try to distract the reader from the correct answer; the key words in them often appear in the text, but what is being expressed is not accurate. Stress that students therefore need to read the options and text very carefully indeed so as not to be ‘caught out’.。
bec中级 教材
1. 《新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级》,由经济科学出版社出版,是剑桥商务英语证书中级考试官方指定教材。
2. 《BEC中级全真模拟试题及详解》,由中国人民大学出版社出版,包含8套完整的BEC中级全真模拟试题以及试题详解,帮助考生熟悉考试形式,提高应试能力。
3. 《BEC中级考试宝典》,由电子工业出版社出版,是一本集BEC中级考试知识、考试技巧、考试经验和真题于一体的考试宝典。
人民大2024新编大学英语跨文化交际教程(高级实用英语系列教材)教学课件Unit 3-A East
2. place:
3. beliefs: 4. had the right to enjoy the beauty of their life, but also had the ability to perfect themselves and perform wonders.
The concept of values
• Values are ideas about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, proper and improper. It also includes the assumptions, the unquestioned givens, about people, life, and the way things are.
The highest excellence is like that of water. (林语堂译)
The Origin of Western Values: Renaissance
Originated from:
1. time :
1. 14th-17th centuries 2. from Italy to England to the whole
social values
1) maintenance of an orderly society
2) harmony 3) respect for authority
(differences from the West)
4) accountability of public officials
5) openness to new ideas 6) freedom of expression
不了解BEC?BEC常识一网打尽,“外企通行证”没你想得那么难拿!BEC是什么:BEC是剑桥大学商务英语证书考试,英文全称Business English Certificates,1993年进入中国,素有“外企通行证”的美誉。
1. 听力:听力是BEC考试中最难得部分,一般不好拉分,这部分很多人考试都不及格,我觉得一个很重要的原因就是BEC的听力跟我们中国考试中的听力有很大的不同。
以下是对主要剑桥英语课程的简介:剑桥少儿英语(Cambridge English: Young Learners):1.包括三个级别:Starters(预备级)、Movers(一级)和Flyers(二级),适合4-12岁的儿童。
剑桥英语入门系列(Cambridge English: Key, Preliminary and First):1.剑桥英语入门系列包括Key English Test(KET)、PreliminaryEnglish Test(PET)以及First Certificate in English(FCE)。
剑桥BEC商务英语证书(Cambridge English: Business Certificates (BEC):1.专为商务环境设计的英语资格证书,分为BEC Preliminary(BEC初级)、BEC Vantage(BEC中级)和BEC Higher(BEC高级),适用于职场人士提升专业英语能力。
剑桥英语高级证书系列(Cambridge English: Advanced CAE & Proficiency CPE):1.高级英语证书(CAE)和精通英语证书(CPE)代表了较高的英语水平,能够证明学习者具备流利运用英语的能力,满足高等教育、职业发展及移民目的等高要求。
剑桥全球英语(Cambridge Global English):1.是一套面向小学生的综合英语教材,根据CEFR欧洲共同语言参考标准设计,提供丰富的跨学科内容和互动性学习体验。
bec商务英语 教材
1. 《新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)学生用书》(中级)
2. 《新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)学生用书》(高级)
3. 《新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)教师用书》(中级)
4. 《新编剑桥商务英语(BEC)教师用书》(高级)
5. 《BEC中级考试宝典》
6. 《BEC高级考试宝典》
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BEC中级 450元/人
BEC高级 580元/人
BEC初级 写作指南 定价:22元
BEC 中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Student book)(第二版)》,定价:43.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:38.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(中级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
考试答题卡由教育部考试中心海外考试处汇集后寄英国剑桥大学考试委员会评卷。评出成绩后(BEC初级分Pass with merit, Pass, A2, Fail 四等;BEC中级分A,B,C,D,E 五等;BEC高级分A,B,C,D,E五等),打印成绩通知单(包括不及格的D,E,Fail)和成绩证书,寄至教育部考试中心后寄发各考点向考生颁发。
阅读指南 定价:24元
听说指南 中级 写作指南 定价:22元
阅读指南 定价:24元
听说指南 定价:54元(含三盒磁带)
BEC高级 写作指南 定价:22元
阅读指南 定价:24元
报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,任何人均可持本人身份证件到当地考点报名。欲了解考试收费标准请咨询当地考点,或直接登录教育部考试中心的网站 查询最新考试收费标准。
BEC高级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Student book)(第二版)》,定价:40.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:50.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(高级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Higher Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
BEC初级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Student book)(第二版)》,定价:40.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary)(第二版)》,定价:15.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Teacher’s Guide)(第二版)》,定价:45.00元;《新编剑桥商务英语练习册(初级)(Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary Workbook)(第二版)》,定价:20.00元。
听说指南 定价:54元(含三盒磁带)
BEC剑桥商务英语词汇手册 定价:15元